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Physical, Emotional, Mental, and Spiritual

The human brain is a highly volatile and explosive
substance. There are 4 major centres in the brain –
intellect, emotions, sex, and movement centre. One of the
major reasons for our plight and sorry state of personal
affairs is the imbalance of these 4 centres.

Sri S. N. Tavaria (pictured) has compressed ancient secret

Yogic asanas, pranayamas, and other higher practices into
a few simple exercises and practices, which, when done
diligently and dedicatedly, delivers nothing short of TOTAL
HEALTH – Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual. Sri S. N. Tavaria

Mr. Rajen Vakil, a disciple of Sri Tavariaji, shares Sri Tavariaji’s teachings – mainly THREE

3 Step Rhythmic Breathing, or Yogic Breathing, is the correct form of breathing. We breathe
through the chest and the stomach, in a rhythm, and exactly 12 breaths a minute. This is
nature’s breath and once achieved, 3SRB releases vital energies into a person’s body,
enabling a better health and a clearer cognitive process.

Refining Exercises helps tone up the nerves, correct respiration and speech, give strength
and energy, improve circulation and digestion, remove tensions and reduce joint pains. This
in turn helps one to practice 3SRB for longer periods of time with greater diligence. To read
more, visit

Mr. Rajen Vakil Refining Exercise session in progress


Sri Ram Yoga Mandir is a not-for-profit charitable trust that conducts regular training
sessions and lectures on the teachings of Sri S. N. Tavaria. We attempt to spread the
message, teachings, and practices of Sri S. N. Tavaria, in addition to teaching on the
expositions of the complex human-body-soul system.

Sri Ram Yoga Mandir Trust is led in spirit by Mr. Rajen Vakil, disciple of Sri S. N. Tavaria.

The trust conducts all classes, sessions, lectures without any commercial charge.
Sri Tavariaji was a master of many disciplines, notably among those was his insights in the study of
yoga, the human body, and spirituality, as a whole.

He has written ‘The expositions of Yoga Sutra’, ‘The Purpose of Birth and Death’, and has also
provided his interpretation of the ‘Bhagvada Geeta’, as we should be living it. He shared his insights
with innumerable people by way of lectures and personal one-to-one discourses.

He emphasized that the essence of life and his teachings were in correct breathing - the term 3 Step
Rhythmic Breathing. He also introduced a simple breathing exercise routine in the form of ‘Refining
Exercises’ – the purpose of which was to refine the body-brain system and upgrade awareness.

In addition to sharing these practices as large, Sri Tavariaji also had a group of students with whom
he shared the deepest throes of his knowledge and awareness. Among a few such privileged
disciples of his is Mr. Rajen Vakil.

Mr. Rajen Vakil is an arts graduate from the Bombay University. He came in contact with spirituality
at an early age and has studied under enlightened beings such as Osho, Swami Brahmavedantji,
Swami Ram Dulare Baapu, Didi Vimala Thakar and finally found his spiritual journey leading him to
Sri Tavariaji.

As a part of his spiritual journey, he has in his own right, like Sri Tavariaji, mastered many sciences,
such as Yoga, the readings of Gurdjieff, and has acquired a deep understanding of the Bhagavada
Geeta as well.

Mr. Rajen Vakil leads a balanced life as a spiritual teacher and as the head of his family, comprising
of a wife, a son, and a daughter.

He has provided regular discourses on a wide host of topics. To name a few,

 The Essential Nature  Events in Life: Cause and Effect

 Achieving Conscious Death  Yoga Sutra
 Vishaad Yoga: interpretation of the  Self-Observation and the beginning
Bhagavad Geeta of Spiritual Journey
 Many Is, False Personality  Conscious Sleep
 Refining and 3 Step Rhythmic  Theories and Practices for upgrading
Breathing Practices of awareness
 The Laws of the Pendulum  Astrology

Mr. Rajen Vakil writes every week for the ASIAN VOICE – articles titled “MAHABHARATA – IN
DIVINE LIGHT”. You can find all published articles (till date) at:

The purpose of his visit to the UK is to meet accomplices, and share with us the vast pool of
knowledge he possesses.

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