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A number of applications make use of simple data handling techniques.

We will consider how data is handled in the following areas using databases:
1. Survey
2. Address list
3. Clubs and society records
4. School reports
5. School Libraries

 For a business to find out information about the buying habits of a number of
 A paper questionnaire can be designed and handed out to people to answer and return
it or
 A digital questionnaire can be posted on a website to be filled in online.
 Paper questionnaires allow people to select correct responses by
1) Ticking in boxes
2) Shading in boxes
3) Connecting two points with a line
4) Shading in ellipsis or circles
 Responses on a paper-based questionnaire are transferred to a database by scanning
with OMR or OCR methods.
 Advantages of scanning with OMR/OCR rather than checking each questionnaire by
o Fewer errors are made
o Easier to do statistical analysis
o Less expensive (fewer people needed)
o Faster to get survey results
 Online questionnaires usually make use of radio buttons (quick and easier for gathering
 An advantage of using online questionnaire rather than paper-based questionnaire is
that no data preparation is needed at all, the responses would be sent directly to a
database for analysis
Address list

 Address list or address book is used to store information on PCs, tablets, phones.
 Examples of information stored; home addresses, phone numbers, email addresses,
date of birth.
 Address book applications have features that allow the user to organize their records
into various groups (i.e. Family, friends, work colleagues).
 Records can be searched by name, group, address etc.
 Address books also allow device synchronization so it is possible to change data on one
device but ensure all devices are kept up to date.

Steps: creating a database
1) Open the database application
2) Create a blank database file and name it
3) Create Address_Book table
4) Open the AddressBook table in Design View
5) Create the required Fields for the table
Field Data Type
ID : Auto
FirstName: Text
LastName: Text
Gender: Text
Address: Text
Mobile: Text
Email: Text
Birthday: Text
6) Save the table
7) Generate a Report for male and female students
8) Show the table in Datasheet view and enter records of all students in Year 8 class.
9) Save the database.

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