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A. Research result
In this section, the researcher will report the results of the
study using three stages, namely observation, interview, and
documentation. It will be explained below.

1. Observation
Madrasah Tsanawiyah Swasta (MTsS) Nurul Iman was

founded in 1993 until now, this school is located in Cot Girek, North

Aceh Regency. This school is a religious school or what is commonly

called a Madrasa, this school is a private school. There are students

who stay overnight like in Islamic boarding schools or other religious

schools. In this madrasa, it is required to speak English and Arabic

like other religious schools in general.

After a long time the establishment of Madrasah Tsanawiyah

Private (MTsS) Nurul Iman, the current principal position is led by

Ratna Ningsih, S.Pd, and the previous principal named Nur Yamin,


This school also has facilities, the number of students who

indeed continue to increase every year and achievements from as

well as good as in other schools that are at the same level as the

MTSs Nurul Iman school, the following table shows the table of

facilities and infrastructure, the number of students and their

achievements achieved from the MTSs Nurul Iman school in Cot

Girek school:

Table 1
Types of Facilities and Pre-facilities

Types of Facilities and amoun

Infrastructure t
Computer lab 1
Language laboratory 1
Principal's office 1
Administration room and teacher's 1
Sports field 1


Table 2

Total students

No Class amount

1 I 19
2 II 15
3 III 15
d.Student activities

School Achievement

No. Achievement
1 District level PMR
2 National Level Calligraphy
3 National level Scouts

e.Madrasa Vision Mission Misi

1. Madrasa vision:

"to give birth to a generation that has good character, excels in

the language of science and technology"

2. Mission of the madrasa:

Improving the quality of learning ulumul qur'an

Organizing an intensive Qur'anic personal coaching program

Improving Arabic and English language development and

habituation programs Implementing effective and fun learning

Growing a safe, comfortable and Islamic educational


f. Activities in the classroom

In this study, the activities carried out by teachers and students

in the classroom are as follows:

1. Teacher

a) preliminary

1) Conditioning class

" observations that I made to the teacher In class activities

the teacher conditions the class with a score of 2 (good


2) Delivering learning materials and objectives

" the observations that I made to the teacher in the activity

of delivering the material and learning objectives with the

result of a score of 3 (good)".

b) core activities

1) Form a study group

" observations that I made to the teacher in the activity of

Forming a study group with a score of 3

( good )".

2) Presenting material with the extensive reading learning


" observations that I made to the teacher in the activity of

presenting material with the extensive reading learning
method with the result of a score of 4 (very good)”.
3) Guiding study groups
" observations that I made to the teacher in the activity of
guiding study groups with the results of a score of 3

4) Provide opportunities for students to present the results of

extensive reading discussions

" observations that I made to the teacher in the activity of

providing opportunities for students to convey the results
of extensive reading discussions with a score of 3

5) Provide opportunities for students for question and

answer sessions

" observations that I made to the teacher in the activity of

providing opportunities for students for a question and
answer session with a score of 2 (good enough)".

6) Provide an opportunity to convey the results of the


" observations that I made to the teacher In the activity of

providing an opportunity to convey the results of the
discussion with the result of a score of 2 (good enough)".

7) Guiding students to draw conclusions and convey their

conclusions from each study group

" observations that I made to the teacher in guiding

students to draw conclusions and convey their
conclusions from each study group with a score of 3

c) Closing

1) Summarizing study material

" the observations that I made to the teacher in the

activity of summarizing the learning material with the
result of a score of 3 (good)".

2) Opening a question and answer session between students

and teachers

" observations that I made to the teacher In the activity of

opening a question and answer session between students
and teachers with a score of 3 (good)".

3) Give assignments and lesson materials for the next day

" observations that I made to the teacher in the activity of

giving assignments and subject matter the next day with a
score of 3 (good)".

2. Student

a) Observed aspects

1) The interest of students in the learning process uses the

extensive reading method.
"The results of observations made by researchers on the
interest of students in the learning process using the
extensive reading method with 3 (good) results".

2) The activeness of students in participating in the

discussion process

"The results of observations made by researchers on the

activity of students in following the discussion process
with the results not being carried out".

3) Collaboration of students with fellow students and

teachers during the learning takes place.

"The results of observations made by researchers on the

cooperation of fellow students and teachers during the
learning process. with a result of 2 (pretty good)”.

4) The interaction of each student in the learning process

"The results of the observations that the researchers made

on the interaction of each student in the learning process
with the results of 2 (good enough)".

5) The level of students' understanding of the material in the

learning process

"The results of observations made by researchers on the

level of students' understanding of the material in the
learning process with results of 3 (good)".
2 . Interview

a) Teacher

The results of the researcher's interview with the teacher with

the first question "How is the teaching and learning process
of students using the extensive reading method?" with the
results of the answer "extensive reading is often used by
students in English lessons, reading is also applied when
students learn vocabulary in a text, but if there are obstacles
or difficulties in finding vocabulary in a text, students have
the right to ask the teacher"

The results of the researcher's interview with the teacher with

the second question "What are the obstacles in the student's
environment in learning English subjects? ” with the answer
“the problem is that the students do not master vocabulary,
do not memorize vocabulary, and are lazy to carry a

The results of the researcher's interview with the teacher with

the third question "From the obstacles that occur in the
teaching and learning process, is there a solution from the
teacher to overcome these obstacles or is there another
method?" with the answer "in addition to the extensive
reading method applied, there is also a scientific approach
method by learning to use the scientific approach method,
students are more interested in group learning than individual
The results of the researcher's interview with the teacher with
the fourth question "After the application of student learning
using the extensive reading method, do students become
more understanding and increase student interest in
learning?" with the results of the answer "the teacher said
that with the reading method not all students can understand
and have interest".

The results of the researcher's interview with the teacher with

the fifth question "What learning methods have been applied
and how is the progress?" with the result of the answer "in
addition to the extensive reading method the teacher also uses
the scientific approach method".

The results of the researcher's interview with the teacher with

the sixth question "In your opinion, how important is learning
English in everyday life?" with the results of the answer "it is
very important even in learning English everyday students
are required to memorize 5 vocabularies in every day in order
to increase the vocabulary that is known by students, with the
daily demands of at least 5 vocabularies, students will
indirectly open a dictionary. to find new vocabulary to

The results of the researcher's interview with the teacher with

the seventh question "How is the implementation of learning
English from students in their daily lives? Is English often
used?” with the results of the answer "Basically in
dormitories students are also required to communicate using
English so that the activities carried out, each student is
required to memorize a minimum of 5 vocabulary words that
are needed".

3. Documentation

At this stage the researchers do the documentation by:

At the first meeting, the researcher took an action which was the
implementation of continuous silent reading for 15 minutes. The
researcher provided 3 books with different titles, each title
having the same 5 books and different sources, namely:

1) Lord of the Flies – William Golding

This book is also a classic story that is often used by schools

in countries where English is the main language. Tells the
story of a group of teenagers who are stranded on a desert
island and build a civilization based on their abilities and
experiences as teenagers. The author, William Golding, uses
a dramatic and poetic style of language, which makes the
reader feel as if they are in the book.

2) Thirteen Reasons Why – Jay Asher

This story is set in the present, so the writing only uses

simple grammar. Almost all of them use short sentences and
easy vocabulary. The catchy grammar and short paragraphs
make it interesting for those who are learning English. In
addition, this book is also included in the list of best books
version of the NY times and won several awards, so it is
worth reading.
3) The Giver – Lois Lowry

The Giver tells the story of a boy named Jonas and an

environment where there is no freedom, individual rights,
and choices. Lois Lowry wrote this story using short
sentences and simple grammar but still easy to read and not
confusing. Many say that this story caught the attention of its
readers right from the start. Although the number of pages is
quite large, this book is not difficult to read and complete.

After the students read the book, the researcher gave time for
the students to tell what they had read, and that way the
researcher could see the extent of the students' abilities.

It can be concluded that of the 15 students who can

understand and tell the contents of the books they have read
about 8 students


A. Conclusion

Extended reading is often used by students in English lessons,

reading is also applied when students learn vocabulary in a text,

but if there are obstacles or difficulties in finding vocabulary in a

text, students have the right to ask the teacher.

The problem is that the students do not master vocabulary, do

not memorize vocabulary, and are lazy to carry a dictionary. In

addition to the extensive reading method applied, there is also a

scientific approach method by learning to use the scientific

approach method, students are more interested in group learning

than individual learning.

The application of extensive reading is divided into three types,

which include:

a) reading surveys (survey reading)

b) ) skimming.
c) superficial reading.

B. Suggestion
1. It is hoped that teachers as teaching staff will be more firm in

giving sanctions to students who do not memorize according to

the established teaching and learning methods.

2. Special tutoring is opened for students who are lagging behind

in speaking English.

3. It is expected that students who are already able to speak

English have a lot of vocabulary that has been understood so

that they can help other students.

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