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Short copy email $350

One short email, up to 500 words, designed to drive readers to a sales, landing, or product page
where they can order the product. Email equivalent of a ½ to 1 page sales letter.

Long copy email $625

One longer email, up to 1,000 words, designed to sell a product by driving readers to a landing
page. Email equivalent of a 1-3 page sales letter.

Really long copy email

One short novel adapted for email, 1,000+ words, designed to sell a product entirely by email
with link to order page. Email equivalent of a 3+ page sales letter. Final price set on a per
project basis.


Weekly email copy $1,275

One direct response email per week, sent to current email list subscribers, designed to move
readers to take a specific action ($318.75/effort).

Bi-weekly email copy $2,050

Two direct response emails per week, sent to current email list subscribers, designed to move
readers to take a specific action ($306.25/effort).

Tri-weekly email copy $3,475

Three direct response emails per week, sent to current email list subscribers, designed to move
readers to take a specific action ($289.58/effort).

DAILY email copy $6,975

Seven direct response emails per week, sent to current email list subscribers, designed to move
readers to take a specific action ($249.11/effort).


Email conversion series $650 /effort

A series of follow-up emails sent via autoresponder, designed to convert new email sign-ups
into paying customers.
Email conversion series package (RECOMMENDED)
A series of five follow-up emails sent via autoresponder, most efficient way to convert new email
sign-ups into paying customers ($325 discount). Inquire about custom conversion series.

Email conversion series package + ongoing optimization $2,925 + $1,250

The above package + continuous optimization of autoresponder sequence. Includes addition of
standalone emails, A/B testing, and list segmentation. Ensures autoresponder is consistently
converting new email sign-ups into paying customers at highest rate possible.


Online lead generation copy $85

Written copy for any and all email lead generation prompts on website, social media, etc.
Words designed to turn cold traffic into email list subscribers.

Online lead generation copy + design $85

The above package + done-for-you design of lead generation prompts. Email lead gen copy and
design formatted and sent to webmaster for implementation (additional charges may apply if
design work is outsourced).

Online lead gen copy + design + implementation consulting $90

The above packages + consulting on how to best implement lead gen prompts to maximize
email sign-ups + collaboration with webmaster to ensure effective implementation.


Custom copywriting package $975+

Create a custom package of copywriting services from the options above based on your specific
needs and objectives; written copy only, does not include consultancy. Price set on a per
project(s) basis. Inquire about additional services.

Custom copywriting consultancy $1,025+ /month

Create a custom copywriting + consulting package based on your specific needs and objectives;
copywriting services + ongoing consultancy. Monthly retainer set on a per client basis. Inquire
about additional services.

* Additional fees may apply

* Prices are estimates, specific charges vary by project

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