TINGKAHAN - Comprehensive Paper LegTech

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TINGKAHAN, Rizal Daujr U.

J.D. - !
Legal Technique and Logic

1. Case of vaccination

a. The act in which congress by its Police Power can enact a law mandating the
requirement by the people to take COVID-19 Vaccinations.

In the state which the Philippines is currently in, our situation is how to deal with
the current pandemic. Vaccination is the key for the decline of cases being projected by
DOH from infected people. vaccinations for COVID-19 as study shows that several
vaccinations being introduced by the World Health Organization (WHO) has shown
significant decrease in people being infected with the virus. Claiming the drug works to a
certain degree to prevent further spreading the infection. As more and more vaccines are
being produce. There are some people who do not think that it is necessary to take the
drug. By this the Government of the Philippines being that it promotes the well-being and
safety of the nation and its citizens. As Congress being the lawmaking body of the state
has the inherent power of which to exercise in mandating the need for vaccinations.

Congress may enact a law that mandate the use of vaccines to push for the decline
of infection from COVID-19. Since the right and duty of the government is to protect the
state and citizen from any danger that is imposed upon it. In connection to this, Cavite
Rep. Elpidio Barzaga Jr. proposed a House Bill No. 9252, which seeks to amend the
COVID-19 Vaccination Program Act of 2021 in making mandatory the inoculation of
individuals. As proposed by Congress in dealing with the issue of certain individuals who
are not willing to be vaccinated. This was proposed in assessing also the health of

Regarding also, Art. II, Sec. 15 of the 1987 Constitution that: “the state shall
protect and promote the right to health of the people and instill health consciousness
among them. citing the provision in the constitution which makes the government move
the right of the state and its citizen for a healthier ecology.

The governments duty is for the people without exercising is power in aid of the
health of the people. the government will be on a stand still. Without any precaution to
satisfy the states own delusion of how to handle the situation. Even though there are still
many who are not vaccinated. The Philippine Government mas exhaust all means to
protect its people.

2. Case against vaccination

a. Encroaches the right of the people in taking into consideration people’s decision not
taking the vaccination, because of it, still under development and clinical trials due to
constant variants of the virus still happening.
As COVID-19 become more and more apparent, private, and public health
corporations are trying to cope up with the demand of effective vaccines that are effective
and safe to use. However, because of this emergency less people are prone to use
vaccinations to combat such disease. This is due to the act that vaccines are not well
finish products that are still within the stage of development. Also, government wants to
mandate o the need for COVID-19 Vaccinations by individual. This however encroaches
upon the right of an individual to refuse to use such vaccination. Due to some side
effects depending on what kind of branded vaccine it is making a healthy person feel sick
and weak rather than the latter.

Let’s talk about its vaccines still under clinical trials. Clinical trials are made to
address the effectivity of certain drugs being made; in this case it is COVID-19 vaccines.
The World Health Organization thru its connection with private and public health
corporations, conduct a series of test for the drug to be effective against the virus. During
the pandemic many health workers like, scientist and medical experts conducted series of
investigation in studying the pandemic. During those time it observes that the virus had
mutations, creating different variants that try to resist of be effective in infecting a person.
Medical scientists are trying to create a faster way in analyzing the structure of the virus.
Creating variants for vaccines, however this will take time, prolonging the making of an
effective vaccine that counter acts every variant of the disease as it mutates into a new
variant of itself.

Encroachment of the rights of individuals in refusing to take the vaccine, because

of side effects that comes with the vaccine. By now companies have disclosed to the
public all side effects that come with the vaccine. This is to ensure the public what will
happens since this drug were made out of the emergency due to the pandemic. However it
gives notion to the public the harmful means of the vaccine, sure it may not kill an
individual yet, but the fact remains that it will render one who is health succumb to
illness from the drug. It instills fear among individuals to hear such drug can have effect
when its purpose is to cure or prevent the disease rather than giving it to the people.

In my opinion about the current events during the pandemic. I would rather have
the vaccination and making it so a mandatory act that people would resort to require the
need for vaccination. This is because as what the world is facing. We should have the
necessary intuition in securing our health rather than taking fear from what will
eventually happen to us. Based on the reports made by our own government we must
support the action of having a vaccination. To lessen the spread of the infection and
lessen the cases of COVID-19. Curving the spectrum and reverting back to normal life.

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