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Louise de Marillac College of Bogo

Sor D. Rubio St., Bogo City, Cebu
High School Department
Summative assessment 1st semester IN 21st century LITERATURE from
The Philippines and the world 12
S.Y. 2020-2021

Name:____Jinky Aguipo______ Track:__11 HUMSS_______ Date:_1/6/2021_______ Score:______________

I. Encircle the letter of the BEST answer.

1. Who is the author of “The Revolution According to Raymundo Mata?”
a) Carlos Bulosan
b) Danton Remoto
c) Gina Apostol
d) Sandra Nicole Roldan
2. What mainly was the expression of the narrator in the excerpt of The Revolution According to Raymundo
a) Calm and jubilant
b) Sensitive and tense
c) Happy and merry
d) Madness and jealousy
3. How does the narrator of the Revolution According to Raymundo Mata described his emotion of
enlightenment upon reading the novel of Rizal?
a) It was a bolt–a thunder bolt
b) A rain of bricks, a lightning zap
c) An earthquake
d) All the statements are correct
4. According to the narrator, what was the greatest triumph of Rizal through his novels?
a) That he brought upon the political enlightenment to the Filipinos
b) That he had laid up a trail for each one of us to follow
c) That his novels brought out the revolution
d) None of the statements is correct
5. What was the curse that the novels of Rizal left us?
a) Art is a reproach to those who received it
b) Filipinos have become tardy ingrates after him
c) His influence was beyond someone’s attainment
d) The Philippines will never have the same character and valor as him
6. Where did the story take place?
a) Luneta
b) Cavite
c) Binondo
d) Nueva Vizcaya
7. What was the name of the priest or father that was mentioned by the narrator in the excerpt?
a) Father Benigno
b) Father Gaspar
c) Father Agapita
d) Father Fauna
8. When the narrator says that the act of reading was a historic act, what did he mean?
a) Reading brings us back to the events in our past and roots of origins leading us to our present
b) Reading marks an event in which we become part and one with what we are reading
c) Reading is essentially been an important part of our daily lives
d) Both a and b
9. Why did the Noli Me Tangere have such a big impression on the narrator?
a) Looking back how everyone put up and stood tall to regain freedom, the narrator sees it as
something far from possible looking on how he view the people are living now
b) The narrator felt a sense of envy on ow Rizal sacrifice and did everything in his capacity to help the
people of the Philippines gain what was rightfully theirs
c) The narrator felt sad as to how much the people who finally gained the freedom Rizal fought really
hard for are living now
d) Both a and b
10. Given the excerpt, what do you think is the importance of literature to society?
a) Literature transpires from generation thus it is a treasure that reminds us what we fought for to
bring us this far
b) Literature gives us characters and morals worthy to emulate
c) Literature connects us to our past, helps us understands the present, and excites us with our future
d) None of the above
11. Who wrote the poem “Padre Fauna Witnesses the Execution of Rizal?


a) Gina Apostol
b) Dante Remoto
c) Carlos Bulosan
d) None of the above
12. Around what time or season that the persona in the poem was telling narrative poem?
a) Summer Season
b) Spring Season
c) Winter Season
d) Fall Season
13. Where does the persona in the poem standing when he was telling his story?
a) At the comfort of his home
b) In front of Rizal’s tomb
c) In his classroom
d) At the rooftop of Ateneo Municipal
14. Where did the persona and Pepe have their conversation about purgatory?
a) In the observatory
b) In the university campus
c) In the classroom discussion
d) It wasn’t mentioned in the poem
15. What did Padre Fauna expect them to talk about when Pepe came to him?
a) About Science and Medicine as Pepe’s field of interest
b) About the Spaniards and there political and societal abuse
c) About the stars and the world outside the world we’re living
d) None of the choices
16. What did the line “a sting in my eyes” mean?”
a) Sadness and pain
b) Tears of joy and happiness
c) A dust that got inside the eyes
d) A sudden blinding light that causes a sting in the eyes
17. Why does Pepe ask the person about purgatory?
a) It was something he’d been meaning to know about
b) He suddenly felt an interest to talk about it
c) He felt that his end is not far from reach
d) It just an out of the blue topic
18. What was the greatest role of Padre Fauna in the life of Pepe in the story?
a) A Companion
b) A Professor
c) An Adviser
d) A friend
19. What do you think the persona felt for Rizal?
a) Pity and sadness
b) Pride and Honor
c) Dignified and Respect
d) All of the above
20. Given the poem, what does this lines mean figuratively?
Still shimmering
Even if millions of miles away,
The star itself
Is already dead
a) That even if someone is no longer present physically with their influence and contribution they will
forever be remembered and look up to
b) Stars will never lose its shine it will continue to give lights and mesmerize us with its mystery and
c) That the stars will forever shed light as those people important to us
d) Both b and c
21. Who among the following Assistant Professor at the Department of English and Comparative Literature,
University of the Philippines-Diliman and the author of The Safe House?
a) Carlos Bulosan
b) Dante Remoto
c) Gina Apostol
d) Sandra Nicole Roldan
22. What year did the narration of the story first take place?
a) 1962
b) 1968
c) 1982
d) 1998


23. What is the closest dictionary meaning of the “safe house?”
a) A place for secret engagements
b) A go-to place during emergency
c) A place of refuge
d) Both b and c
24. Why did the narrator feel unsafe?
a) She can sense that the adults that gather around their houses are having some suspicious
conversations every time
b) She just felt like there’s no one looking out to her and everyone are occupied with their
c) She feels like she’s alone with her Mom who left her and her Dad who always have people coming
by at their house
d) She doesn’t like being around with people she doesn’t even know
25. The story was focus on whose point of view?
a) Mom
b) Child
c) Dad
d) Uncles and Aunts
26. Why did the man in the story have band aids instead of nails?
a) The man had a disease that causes his nails to come off
b) The man was a victim of torture
c) The man had undergone operation
d) The man had an accident
27. In the story “Safe House,” why did the mother leave?
a) The mother and the father had an argument that the mother decided to leave
b) The mother no longer feel secured inside that house
c) The mother found a job abroad so she had to leave
d) The mother was forced out of the house
28. Why does the narrator have a different point of view than that from his father?
a) She was too young, innocent, and naïve to understand what the adults were advocating
b) She didn’t agree on their ways seeing it as a useless plight
c) She was brought up with a different principles
d) None of the above
29. Why was it necessary for the author to tell us that she locks the door against the visitors nowadays?
a) For the readers to understand how she felt all throughout the story, thus, her feelings towards
those people who keep coming on their home
b) She finally realized how to avoid and feel the need to look after herself when no adults can so
she thought of that
c) It was her way of coping up with fear that by locking the door against the visitors was her way
of feeling safe
d) All of the above
30. Why did people see Martial Law as the Age of Darkness in the Philippines?
a) Philippines that time was growing being called as the Tiger Economy of Asia under the rule of
Marcos that foreigners starts to take interest and advantage
b) People was being tied and almost everything from media are being controlled and watch by the
c) Abuse of power and authority was so dominant that time that a lot of people went missing and
were killed.
d) Both b and c

II. Modified True or False: Write TRUE if the statement is true and if false correct the terms/phrases
that makes the statement False.
__ Gina Apostol_________ 1. Sandra Nicol Roldan is the author of “The Revolution According to Raymundo Mata.”
_ Jose duke bagulaya___________ 2. Gina Apostol is an Assistant Professor at the Department of English and
Comparative Literature, University of the Philippines-Diliman.
__1982______________ 3. It was stated around 1968 that the “Safe House” was narrated.
____True____________ 4. Closing the door against the guests symbolizes of understanding and enlightenment to
the child.
_____True___________ 5. The story Safe House was inspired from the real events that happened during the Martial
____True_____________ 6. Pepe in the poem of Padre Fauna Witnesses the Execution of Rizal was Rizal himself.
___True______________ 7. Purgatory was used as a metaphor by the author to relate it to the coming end of life.
_____He felt guilty__________ 8. The narrator in the excerpt the Revolution according to Raymundo Mata gave the
book to his
friend Benigno because he felt upset about Rizal’s death in the end.
_____No return___________ 9. The mother of the child left the house leaving a promise of return to her child.
_____True_____________ 10. Rizal was considered legendary mainly because of his novels.



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