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City of Malolos, Bulacan



A Paper submitted
in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements
for the course ELE 906



November 2018

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course manifest the development of communicative competence in English with
emphasis on effective reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills. It is designed to develop language learning
strategies, effective communication techniques, and academic study. Lessons and activities involve development of oral
and written communication skills in different context, reading skills enhancement, and effective use of reference and

 Mark effective skills in communication to convey ideas effectively

 Identify various concepts in the field of computers via ESP-based lessons
 Analyze certain points in the English language to form and produce meaningful expressions
 Apply learned skills in actual communication
 Communicate responsibly and express oneself properly while observing courtesy and respect


1 GADGETS Communication Process • identify, analyze and apply the concept
Punctuation Marks of communication process
• recognize proper usage of punctuation
• evaluate effects of present-day
technology society
2 COMPUTER Reading Strategies • apply the different reading strategies in
GAMES (Skimming And Scanning) a certain text
Phrases, Clauses, Sentences  Identify phrases, clauses, and sentences in
a software

3 COMPUTER Elements Of Writing • identify elements and concepts in

HARDWARE Fragments Run-ons writing effective paragraphs
• apply guidelines in proper paragraph
writing the steps for computer maintenance
• distinguish between sentence
fragments and run-ons
• identify several reasons why memes
are created
4 MULTIMEDIA Effective Note Taking • identify techniques in gathering and
EDITOR Subject Verb Agreement arranging information
SOFTWARES • exercise proper listening skills for
successful note taking
• identify some rules of subject verb
5 OPERATING Jargons • familiarize with the different jargons
SYSTEMS Synonyms And Antonyms used online
• interpret jargons and other acronyms
used in online communication and in operating
• distinguish meanings of certain terms
through identifying context clues
• identify synonyms and antonyms
6 ELECTRONICS Giving Instructions • provide clear accurate instructions in
(Designing Transitional Words performing certain actions
Circuits, Diodes, • chronologically arrange details of
Types of IC, etc) given events
• apply sequential transitions
7 JAVA Facts And Opinion • distinguish facts and opinions
PROGRAMMING Modals • analyze details from the information
read, and provide feedback in a certain
program made by Java
• identify modals
8 WEB Cause And Effect • predict outcomes by analyzing causes
PROGRAMMING Predicting Outcomes of events
(HTML, JQuery, • express perceived effects of certain
AJAX) events through writing
• identify transition words used in
determining causes, effect, condition, purpose
and consequence
9 C Language Narrative And Descriptive Types • recognize the narrative and descriptive
Programming Of Discourse types of discourse
Avoiding Errors In Comparison • identify common errors committed in
doing comparison, as well as how to avoid
• provide clear details in narrating and
describing a report in information technology

10 NETWORKING Expository And Persuasive • recognize the expository and

Discourse persuasive types of discourse
• analyze details from the information
read and heard, and provide feedback
• express experiences and opinions
regarding social media


Total 100%

At the end of the topic, learners will be able to:

 Identify and analyze the concept of communication process
 Recognize the proper usage of Punctuation Marks
 Use Punctuation Marks in writing
 Create a letter using correct punctuation


a. Topics: Communication Process, Punctuation Marks, and Gadgets
b. Materials: Hand-outs, Powerpoint Presentation
c. References:

d. Time Frame: 3 Hours

a. Preliminary Activities
i. Daily Routine
1. Prayer
2. Classroom Cleanliness
3. Checking of Attendance
b. Motivation
i. Roll Questioning
1. Learners will say what is the best cellphone and they will tell why.
c. Vocabulary
i. Identify the meaning of the underlined words. Select your answer on the given words on the
1. The mobile market is substantially penetrated globally with approximately 6 billion mobile
subscribers or 87% of the world’s population.
2. Mobile applications continue to proliferate.
3. We are in the early innings of a mobile revolution engenderedfor increasingly faster, more
affordable mobile internet access on global basis.
4. The rapid proliferation of smartphones and tablets is profoundly changing the way that we
behave consume content and conduct commerce.
5. The ubiquity of wireless connectivity combined with increasing functionality and speed of
connected devices and mobile networks will further drive consumer demand for media.

Presence Deeply Cause Grow Significantly

Inappropriate Hidden Slightly Obscene

d. Lesson Proper
i. Read and Focus!

Role of Gadgets in our Life

In today’s life we try to maximize our tasks within an allotted time. Without the use of modern gadgets it is not
possible to accomplish our daily tasks and we are also not able to do our work with efficiency. We cannot even dare to
imagine our life without laptop, smart phones, cell phones, notebooks, microwaves and so on. Obviously many questions
will peer into the mind like how will I keep in touch with my friend sand colleagues? How will I text my relatives and
friends? Today’s gadgets are the only way we can make our life comfortable and easier.
Gadgets for our daily communication
Communication gadgets are a category of gadget which control almost the most of our life but it is not the only
gadgets that can increase the efficiency. Just think of the morning when you start using the gadgets. From the very first in
the morning you need to use the alarm clock to wake you up until you want to gate late. Then you make your coffee using
a coffee maker followed by watching of television to catch the latest news and stock market. Similarly throughout the day
you are using many more gadgets that we cannot even remember. Today we are not controlling gadgets instead the
gadgets are controlling our life. It has influenced our lives to such an extent that we cannot think a day without them.
Starting from the early morning till the time we reach the bed we are making use of some of other gadgets in various
Again gadgets not only increased the flexibility and efficiency in our daily life but it also helps us to increase our
life expectancy. With the advancement in the technology new sophisticated machines is coming up that enable in
surgeries and diagnostic thus preventing people from frequent deaths. In earlier times due to lack of medical development
usually people die before the time but recently medical science has developed so much that people can now get medicines
for every disease and illness. Even for minor things like measuring blood pressure, sugar level and other there are various
kinds of machines. You no longer have to wait for monthly check up or rolled down to the hospital and wait for hours to
measure your blood sugar. Today you can get everything at the tip of your finger.
Using the sophisticated devices crime investigation has also become very easy. With GPS tracking, CCTV
camera, surveillance devices lives have become much safer and secured. Gadgets have also helped to bring joy and
entertainment to our lives. It brings joy to the family and now no one have to stay apart from each other and feel the pain
of separation. With the advent of gadgets like computer, mobile phone, camera you can now contact with everyone
whenever you want and that too at the most reasonable prices. It also enable in our small works because many gadgets
come in compact form like knife, spoon, tweezers, bottle opener and fork in a single gadget.
Benefits of gadgets
Gadgets have made our life pleasurable like the use of AC during the summer season followed by a room heater
during the cold chilly winter seasons. Fans, dryers, washers, sewing machine, air purifiers are all gadgets. Wherever you
look you will able to see a gadget. Even for taking care of our hair we need gadgets like hair dryer, hair straightener and
so on. Gadgets are also beneficial for disabled people. Take electronic eyes for the blinds. It can help them to detect the
zebra crossing and thus ensure safety to cross the roads. Similarly there are many other gadgets like Braille PDA`s,
electronic arm etc.
Gadgets can also help in saving a lot of space. Earlier while using a telephone you need to sit at a single place to
talk with the other person but now you can travel anywhere with your Smartphone and talk sitting wherever you want.
Nowadays Develop Android Apps have come to bring a revolution in the world of gadget. Again the facility of internet,
camera eliminates the need of purchasing a desktop or a camera separately. Gadgets are also meant for fun, for example
iPod, MP3, video system, DVD and not the least our favorite “idiot box” – TV. All these are possible only because of the
advent in technology. These gadgets can bring the family together and also a smile on your face. These gadgets have
become very essential in life and they also help to remove boredom and loneliness in our daily life.
Gadgets make our life comfortable and also save our time and money. Just think when you can get everything
stuffed in a single item then what is the need to spend separately. If you can get internet, email, songs, video, camera, and
every feature like that of a computer into a mobile phone then why will you go for purchasing, a notebook, video recorder,
music system separately?
Brain Installation
1. What makes life easier according to the selection?
2. Give the benefits of gadgets to people.
3. What will be the future of gadgets?

The Communication Process

The goal of communication is to convey information—and the understanding of that information—from one
person or group to another person or group. This communication process is divided into three basic components: A sender
transmits a message through a channel to the receiver. (Figure shows a more elaborate model.) The sender first develops
an idea, which is composed into a message and then transmitted to the other party, who interprets the message and
receives meaning. Information theorists have added somewhat more complicated language. Developing a message is
known as encoding. Interpreting the message is referred to as decoding.

The other important feature is the feedback cycle. When two people interact, communication is rarely one ‐way
only. When a person receives a message, she responds to it by giving a reply. The feedback cycle is the same as the
sender‐receiver feedback noted in Figure . Otherwise, the sender can't know whether the other parties properly interpreted
the message or how they reacted to it. Feedback is especially significant in management because a supervisor has to know
how subordinates respond to directives and plans. The manager also needs to know how work is progressing and how
employees feel about the general work situation.
The critical factor in measuring the effectiveness of communication is common understanding. Understanding
exists when all parties involved have a mutual agreement as to not only the information, but also the meaning of the
information. Effective communication, therefore, occurs when the intended message of the sender and the interpreted
message of the receiver are one and the same. Although this should be the goal in any communication, it is not always
The most efficient communication occurs at a minimum cost in terms of resources expended. Time, in particular,
is an important resource in the communication process. For example, it would be virtually impossible for an instructor to
take the time to communicate individually with each student in a class about every specific topic covered. Even if it were
possible, it would be costly. This is why managers often leave voice mail messages and interact by e ‐mail rather than visit
their subordinates personally.
However, efficient time‐saving communications are not always effective. A low‐cost approach such as an e‐mail
note to a distribution list may save time, but it does not always result in everyone getting the same meaning from the
message. Without opportunities to ask questions and clarify the message, erroneous interpretations are possible. In
addition to a poor choice of communication method, other barriers to effective communication include noise and other
physical distractions, language problems, and failure to recognize nonverbal signals.
Sometimes communication is effective, but not efficient. A work team leader visiting each team member
individually to explain a new change in procedures may guarantee that everyone truly understands the change, but this
method may be very costly on the leader's time. A team meeting would be more efficient. In these and other ways,
potential tradeoffs between effectiveness and efficiency occur.
Activity (Message Relay)
Direction: Divide the class into 4 groups. Each group has needed to pass the message given by the teacher. The
message should be correct and accurate up to the last learner.
1. Gadgets make our life comfortable.
2. Gadgets are also meant for fun.
3. Crime become very easy with CCTV camera.
Punctuation - Signs and Symbols
Punctuation is the system of signs or symbols given to a reader to show how a sentence is constructed and how it
should be read.
Sentences are the building blocks used to construct written accounts. They are complete statements. Punctuation
shows how the sentence should be read and makes the meaning clear.
Every sentence should include at least a capital letter at the start, and a full stop, exclamation mark or question
mark at the end. This basic system indicates that the sentence is complete.
The Comma (,)
The comma is useful in a sentence when the writer wishes to:

 pause before proceeding

 add a phrase that does not contain any new subject
 separate items on a list
 use more than one adjective (a describing word, like beautiful)

For example, in the following sentence the phrase or clause between the commas gives us more information
behind the actions of the subject:
At the time, I had no clue that what I was doing was considered hacking.
Commas are also used to separate items in a list.
For example:
These are the popular examples of business applications that are commonly used by organizations:
Enterprise Resource Planning, Customer Relationship Management, Project Management Software, Business
Process Management Software, Word Processor, Spreadsheet, Database, and Resource Management Software.
Commas are used to separate adjectives.
For example:
The boy was happy, eager and full of anticipation at the start of his journey about programming.
Period/Full Stop (.)
A full stop should always be used to end a sentence. The full stop indicates that a point has been made and that
you are about to move on to further explanations or a related point.
A single full stop may also be used to indicate the abbreviation of commonly used words as in the following
/. = Slashdot
Pages = pp.
Exclamation Mark (!)
An exclamation mark indicates strong feeling within a sentence, such as fear, anger or love. It is also used to
accentuate feeling within the written spoken word.
For example:
“Help!My data is now lost!”
In this way, it can also be used to indicate a sharp instruction
“Stop!There’s virus!”
or to indicate humour
“Ha! Ha! Ha!”
The exclamation mark at the end of a sentence means that you do not need a full stop.
Exclamation marks are a poor way of emphasising what you think are important points in your written
assignments; the importance of the point will emphasise itself without a sequence of !!!in the text. An exclamation mark
should only be used when absolutely essential, or when taken from a direct quote.
The exclamation mark should be used sparingly in formal and semi-formal writing.
Question Mark (?)
The question mark simply indicates that a sentence is asking a question. It always comes at the end of a sentence:
For example:
What is a Digital Nomad?
Note that the question mark also serves as a full stop.
Semi-colon (;)
The semi-colon is perhaps the most difficult sign of punctuation to use accurately. If in doubt, avoid using it and
convert the added material into a new sentence.
As a general rule, the semi-colon is used in the following ways:
When joining two connected sentences.
For example:
We actually make the data publicly available; we don’t make any claims that our data will be secure.
Assertive behaviour concerns being able to express feelings, wants and desires appropriately; passive behaviour
means complying with the wishes of others.
The semi-colon can also be used to assemble detailed lists.
For example:
The conference about virus protection was attended by delegates from Paris, France; Paris, Texas;
London, UK; Stockholm, Sweden; Colombo, Sri Lanka; and Mumbai, India.
Colon (:)
The colon within a sentence makes a very pointed pause between two phrases. There are two main uses of the
It is most commonly used when listing.
For example:
10 Most Destructive Computer Viruses: ILOVEYOU, Code Red, Melissa, Sasser, Zeus, Conficker, Stuxnet,
Mydoom, CryptoLocker, and Flashback.
Or it can be used within a heading, or descriptive title.
For example:
Human Resource Management: Guidelines for Data Advisers
Apostrophe (’)
The apostrophe, sometimes called an inverted comma has two main uses.
The apostrophe indicates possession or ownership.
For example:
The girl's software was green, (girl is in the singular).
This shows the reader that the hardware belongs to the girl.
The girls' softwarewere green. (girls in this instance are plural, i.e. more than one girl, more than one hat).
This indicates that the software belong to the girls.
Another use of the apostrophe is to indicate where a letter is omitted:
For example:
We're going to do this web designing. (We are going to do this web designing.)
Isn’t this a fine example of punctuation? (Is not this a fine example of punctuation?)
The time is now 7 o’ clock. (The time is now 7 of the clock)
Note that a common mistake is to confuse its with it’s.
It’s indicates to the reader that a letter has been omitted.
For example:
It’s a lovely day is an abbreviated way of saying: It is a lovely day.
Note that in most formal writing, the practice of using abbreviated words is inappropriate.
See also: Common Mistakes in Writing for more on using apostrophes correctly.
Quotation or Speech Marks (“….”)
Quotation or speech marks are used to:
To mark out speech
When quoting someone else's speech. For example:
My prof said, "Share yourcodes with your friends."
"George, don't do that!"
"Will you get your books out please?” said Mrs Jones, the teacher, “and quieten down!
It is worth noting that to report an event back does not require speech or quotation marks. For example:
Mrs. Jones told the pupils to take out their books and to quiet down.
Hyphen (-)
The hyphen is used to link words together. For example:
eighteenth-century people
second-class post
The hyphen is also used when a word is split between two lines. The hyphen should be placed between syllables
at the end of the upper line and indicates to the reader that the word will be completed on the next line.
Computer applications such as Word Processors can be set to automatically hyphenate words for you, although it
is more common to use extra spacing to avoid hyphenation.
Supply the proper Punctuation Mark in the following sentences.
1. My first computer class was Fortran programming
2. Because I was having so much fun in the Fortran class I went to the head of the Computer Science Department
3. Coincidentally in 1975 Fred Brooks published The Mythical Man-Month Essays on Software Engineering
4. He listed the five reasons why programming is fun the sheer joy of making things the pleasure of making things
that are useful to other people the fascination of fashioning complex puzzle-like objects of interlocking moving parts the
joy of always learning and the delight of working in a tractable medium.
5. A favorite programming moment is when I get to fix a bug in code that already has a good unit test. Such work
is often akin to putting golf balls into a neutron star's gravity well; I get this can't-go-wrong feeling - from Kristofer Skaug
e. Generalization
i. Ask the class what they have learned in the discussion
IV. Evaluation
a. Write a letter w ith your Manager about software needed in your office. Observe proper punctuation marks.
V. Assignment
a. Study reading strategies.

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