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Name: ___________________________Grade & Section: _________________ Subject: T.L.

E 7_
Teacher: _________________________________________________________Score:_________

Lesson : Quarter 2 Week 7 LAS 1

Activity Title : Observe Personal Hygiene
Learning Target : Knowing personal hygiene and good grooming.
Reference(s) : SLM TLE 7, MELC
LAS Writer : Renz M. Ruina

GMP Requirements on Personal Hygiene

Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) – potable water refers to drinkable water.
1. Health Status. People known, or suspected, to be suffering from, or to be a carrier of a disease
should not be allowed to enter any food handling area. It is a likely that they could contaminate food.
Any person so affected should immediately report illness or symptoms of illness to the management.
2.. Illnesses and Injuries. The following conditions should be reported to the management so that
any afflicted persons need to subject themselves to medical examination and be excluded from
handling food. (see attachment)
3. Personal Cleanliness. Food handlers should maintain a high degree of personal cleanliness.
They should wear suitable protective clothing, head covering, gloves, facial masks, and footwear.
Suitable waterproof dressing should cover cuts and wounds, wherein personnel are permitted to
continue working.


Directions: Write if the statement is correct for the proper hygiene and if it’s not.
_____1. Apron, Hairnet, Hand Towels & Gloves is part of Personal Hygiene.
_____2. GMP means “Good Manufacturing Process”.
_____3. If a person is in ill state or in symptoms you should report to the management.
_____4. A person suffering from salmonellosis for example, may shed as many as 10 cells per gram.
_____5. If you have rashes, you should seek to the management.
_____6. They should wear suitable protective clothing, head covering, gloves and facial masks.
_____7. its not likely easily to contaminate foods when they are sick.
_____8. Physical examination is necessary if you want to work at food plant.
_____9. Food handlers should maintain a high degree of personal cleanliness. This space is
for the QR
_____10. You should wear a proper equipment when you process foods. Code

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