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I Made Edwin Aditya Syahputra



Table of Content

Cover ..........................................................................................................................i

Table of Content .........................................................................................................ii

Introduction ................................................................................................................1

1. Background of The Study .................................................................................1

2. Problem Identification ......................................................................................3
3. Limitation of The Study ...................................................................................4
4. Research Question ............................................................................................4
5. Objective of The Study .....................................................................................4
6. Significance of The Study ................................................................................4

Review of Related Study ............................................................................................6

1. Theoretical Review ...........................................................................................6

2. Empirical Review .............................................................................................10

Research Method ....................................................................................................... 12

1. Research Design ...............................................................................................12

2. The Setting of The Study ..................................................................................12
3. The Subject of The Research ............................................................................12
4. The Object of The Research .............................................................................12
5. Research instrument..........................................................................................13
6. Procedure of Collecting Data............................................................................14
7. Method and Technique of Data Analysis. ........................................................14


1. Background of The Study
Since 2020, almost all sectors of human life have undergone impact due to the
spread of Corona virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). Due to the emergence of a hazardous
virus known as COVID-19, different polemics and problems have arisen in the lives of
good people, including economic, social, political, religious, and educational issues
(Destianingsih & Satria, 2020 as cited in Nakhriyah & Muzakky, 2021). Then, according
to Efriana, (2021), COVID-19 has expanded rapidly to practically all countries which are
affecting all aspects of life. In this case, the government tries to stop the spread of the
Corona virus by developing new policies, as mentioned by Efriana (2021), several
institutions have developed a new policy to break the chain of COVID-19's
dissemination. Especially in Indonesia, In order to limit the spread of the diseases, the
government has proclaimed COVID-19 a global pandemic and has placed stringent
restrictions on community mobilization (Melvina et al., 2021)

There is an impact on the education sector in Indonesia because of The COVID-

19 outbreak. Based on Melvina et al. (2021), during the COVID-19 outbreak, teachers
and students were encouraged to use online learning or conduct online lessons from
home. In line with Amin & Sundari (2020), teachers and students are being pressured to
switch from an offline face-to-face teaching method in the classroom to online learning.
Even if teachers and students do not interact directly at school, the learning process
continues (Efriana, 2021). In this case, Teachers and students can still offer instructional
materials and receive lessons without having to leave their homes(Efriana, 2021). It can
be assumed that everything in the teaching process is done by online learning, including
giving tasks, doing presentations, and assessments.

Furthermore, online learning is a type of distance education that incorporates

electronic and internet-based technology (ICT) into the learning process (Efriana, 2021).
Then, during the pandemic, online learning is defined as when teachers and students do
not go to school and instead teach and study from home using online platform (Rahayu &
Wirza, 2020). On the other hand, Anderson (2008 as cited in Rahayu & Wirza, 2020)
describes online learning as a subset of education that has been concerned with offering

access to a more flexible educational experience in terms of time. According to Efriana
(2021), WhatsApp, Telegram, Zoom Meeting, Google Meet, Google Classroom, and
Edmodo are some platforms that can be used by teachers and students in implementing
online learning activities. Efriana (2021) also mentioned to supporting this online
learning, the main device needed is a computer or android connected to the internet
network. According to Agung et al. (2020 as cited in Nakhriyah & Muzakky, 2021), the
use of online learning has grown increasingly popular as a way to improve education
technology during the pandemic. Unfortunately, for teachers and students who are not
used to conducting this type of implementation, especially teachers, the implementation
of teaching-learning online is unusual (Nakhriyah & Muzakky, 2021).
Some of the previous researches have been discussed the teachers’ and students'
experiences in implementing online learning during the COVID-19 outbreak. Karaeng &
Simanjuntak (2021), has conducted a study that aims to explore the experience that EFL
teachers in Jayapura faced when implementing online learning during the COVID-19
Pandemic. The researcher collected the data through semi-structured interviews and used
the qualitative method. The study's result revealed there are two emerging themes on
teachers' experience in implementing e-learning, the themes are facilitating student
learning and outcomes and self-regulated learning. The other research is collected by
Mahyoob (2020), the aims of the study are to analyze the efficacy of online learning
approaches and to evaluate the learners' new experiences in online education. The study
uses a descriptive statistical method to test the validation of the study. The results of the
study demonstrate that the majority of EFL students are dissatisfied with their online
learning since they are not making the expected progress in language learning.

The results of previous research conducted by several researchers, there are

different experiences and challenges in implementing online learning with face-to-face
learning. In face-to-face learning, teachers and students no longer need to prepare online
media to carry out learning. While in online learning, the teacher must be ready to use the
online media. However, the COVID-19 pandemic requires that teachers and students be
able to use and be familiar with the use of online media in the learning process.

When the researchers conducted observations at SDN 3 Banjar Jawa, there were
several challenges that were found by teachers and students when implementing online
learning in the learning process. Teachers have faced the difficulties in accessing and
choosing the right online media due to lack of knowledge about the use of online
platforms. Then, students have difficulty in understanding the English material given
because of the limitations of the learning media provided by the teacher.

Based on the situation above, the present research novelty lies on the teachers' and
students’ experiences in English online learning implementations at sd Negeri 3 Banjar
Jawa. This research is conducted because the researcher realized that the pandemic
COVID-19 it is been almost more than 1 year running in Indonesia. But, the
implementation of online learning still being implemented by teachers and students, even
make it a new obligation in learning process on this current situation. Additionally, this
research will analyze teachers' and students' experiences in English online learning
implementations, the challenges, and how they deal it.

2. Problem Identification

Online learning is nothing new in the education sector. The emergence of the
COVID-19 virus has made the Indonesian Government Issue a policy to shift face-to-face
learning to online-based learning. In implementing online learning cannot run as well as
face-to-face learning. This is because teachers face challenges in choosing and using
online platforms due to lack of knowledge about using online platforms. Then, the
teacher has difficulty in teaching, especially English lessons because even in face-to-face
learning it is still difficult for elementary school students to understand English material.
Elementary school students also experience difficulties in using online learning media
and also have difficulty in receiving and understanding the material provided by the
teacher. Therefore, the implementations of English online learning in learning process
quite challenging for elementary school teacher and students.

3. Limitation of the Study
Researcher limits to the study which only the teachers’ and students’ experience
in English online implementations during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study is takes
place at SDN 3 Banjar Jawa, Singaraja, Bali in the English subject.
4. Research Question
1. How do teachers’ and students’ experience in English online implementations
during COVID-19 pandemic at SDN 3 Banjar Jawa?
2. What are the challenges which have coated by teachers and students in English
online learning implementation during COVID-19 pandemic at SDN 3 Banjar
3. How do teachers and students deal it with the challenges in English online
learning implementations during COVID-19 pandemic at SDN 3 Banjar Jawa?
5. Objective of the study
1. To analyze teachers’ and students’ experience in English online implementations
during COVID-19 pandemic at SDN 3 Banjar Jawa.
2. To find out the challenges which have coated by teachers and students in English
online learning implementation during COVID-19 pandemic at SDN 3 Banjar
3. To identify the heandling of teachers and students in dealing the challenges of
English online implementation at SDN 3 Banjar Jawa.
6. Significance of the Study

This research is expected to give positive contribution in the theoretical and

practical significance.

1. Theoretical significance.
The study is expected to provide information about teachers and students
experience in English online learning implementations during COVID-19 pandemic.
Additionally, the study also expected to give information about the challenges in
English online implementations and how they deal it.

2. Practical Significance.
a) For teachers and students
` The result of this study could help teachers and students to the
development of knowledge in online learning. Then, the research could help
teachers and students to specify the way to implementing English online
b) For another researcher,
This study could help in conducting future study about teachers and
students experience in English online learning implementations. This study
also could help other researcher to find suitable reference.

Review of Related Study

1. Theoretical Review
1.1 Learning Experience
According to (Dange, 2015), experience is the consequence of direct engagement
in events or activities in the acquisition of knowledge or skill, the content of direct
observation or involvement in an event, and something directly lived through or
encountered. (Dange, 2015) also mentioned, there are 17 different experiences in the
steps of the learning experience, they are:
1) Verbal Symbols: Verbal symbols are designations that bear no similarity to
the objects or concepts they represent. it is the first part of the Learning
Experiences Model.
2) Olfactory Experience: It's also known as the Aroma Experience. It is a form of
learning experience in which the learner can get a concrete idea of an abstract
concept by using their sense of smell.
3) Gustatory Experience: It is a kind of Experience in which the students can
gain a concrete understanding of a thing, object, or concept through the sense
of taste.
4) Tactile-kinesthetic Experience: It is a form of experience in which the student
can have a sense of the thing or item by touch and feel; it is a hands-on
method to learning in which learners will be physically involved.
5) Visual symbols: A visual symbol can be an image or a shape with a specific
meaning or that reflects a specific procedure or idea.
6) Still Pictures, Radio, and Recordings: This stage comprises a number of
gadgets that may be categorized as "one dimensional aids" because they only
use one sense organ, either the eye (seeing) or the ear (hearing).
7) Motion pictures, Television and computers: Unlike a field trip, the motion
picture and television experience unfolds in a compressed time and space.
8) Exhibits: It could be a sequence of images or a combination of images,
models, and charts. It is may be series of photographs or of photographs

mixed with models and charts. Then, it may also include the use of a slide
projector, motion picture, computer, or television to demonstrate experiments
or science apparatus.
9) Field-trip (Educational Excursion): It is a trip by the students to gain firsthand
knowledge away from the classroom as to a museum, factory, geological area,
or environment of certain plants and animals
10) Demonstrations: A demonstration is another way for students to see how
certain things are done.
11) Dramatization: Because most of the intelligences are used in learning
activities, dramatization has the potential to promote realistic learning
12) Contrived Experiences (Artificial Experience): A contrived experience is a
reworking of reality that makes the reality more understandable.
13) Online learning experience (Near experience): Online learning experience is a
combination of teaching and learning resources meant to enhance a student's
learning experience by incorporating computers and the Internet into the
learning process
14) Four-Dimensional Experiences: Four-Dimensional Experiences is a term used
to describe a presentation system that combines a three-dimensional film with
physical effects in the theater that are timed to the film.
15) Ubiquitous learning Experience: A ubiquitous learning experience is a setting
of the environment in which students can become completely engaged in the
learning process.
16) Direct Real Experience: Direct real experience provides pupils with more
learning experience than online or contrived experiences.
17) Direct Purposeful Experience: Direct Purposeful Experience is the foundation
of the stage learning experiences, which depicts direct reality as we
experience it firsthand.
1.2 Online Learning
Teaching and learning in all grades of education in Indonesia are done by
online learning because of the spread of coronavirus disease (Covid-19) (Rahayu

& Wirza, 2020). According to Marín Díaz et al. (2013), online learning often
known as electronic learning or e-learning, it is the training offered electronically
utilizing computer-based media. It is strengthened by Efriana (2021), the usage of
internet-based technology characteristics, which are primarily dependent on the
availability of information technology is referred to online learning. Then, Kim
(2020) said that online learning is a type of distance education that takes place
over the Internet. Other definition is stated by Atmojo & Nugroho (2020), online
learning is referred as a set of learning activities in a subject offered over a
network providing access and knowledge exchange. Online learning refers to an
access to online learning/teaching resources through the use of information and
communication technologies (Malik & Rana, 2020). In conclusion, online
learning is a learning activity that is carried out online by utilizing various
technology media in implementing it.
1.2.1 The Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Learning
Mahyoob (2020) mentioned that there are some advantages of online
learning such as; the accessibility of online education globally, saving time,
money, and efforts. Further, Malik & Rana (2020) the following are some of
the benefits that the adoption of online learning in education has yielded based
on a review of the literature:
a) Online learning is adaptable the time and location constraints are
b) Online learning improves the efficacy of knowledge and
c) Through the use of discussion boards, online learning can
facilitate the formation of relationships between students.
d) Students do not need to travel to participate in learning, which
saves money.
e) Individual learner peculiarities are usually taken into account in
online learning.

f) Online learning can help substitute for a lack of academic staff,
such as instructors or teachers, facilitators, lab technicians, and so
g) Online learning allows each student to study at his or her own
pace and speed, whether it is slow or fast.

Additionally, there is one of the disadvantages of online learning is not all

learners and teachers have good internet connectivity (Mahyoob, 2020).
Hereinafter, based on Malik & Rana (2020) stated that there are several
disadvantages of online learning, they are:

a) Learners who use online learning as a means of education

experience reflection, isolation, and a lack of engagement or
b) The online learning method may be less effective than traditional
learning methods in term of offer of explanations and
c) Online learning as a method may have a negative impact on
learners' communication skills.
d) Because e-learning evaluations may be conducted via proxy, it
will be difficult, if not impossible to control or regulate
inappropriate behavior such as cheating.
e) Inadequate selection abilities, as well as the simplicity with which
one can copy and paste, may lead to piracy and plagiarism in
online learning.
f) Online learning has the potential to damage institutions'
socialization roles, as well as teachers' roles as educational
process administrators.
g) The online learning methodology in education is not applicable to
all fields or disciplines.
h) Online learning may cause some websites to become
overburdened or overused.

2. Empirical Review
There are several studies about the experiences in online learning implementation
has been conducted in a recent year. Karaeng & Simanjuntak (2021) conducted a study
which entitled “Exploration of EFL teachers’ experience toward the implementation of e-
learning amidst the covid-19 pandemic: a qualitative interview study”. The aims of the
study to explore the EFL teacher experience in Jayapura about the implementation of e-
learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic. The data were collected through semi-
structured interviews and used qualitative method. The result of this study revealed two
main themes in instructors' experiences with e-learning implementation: promoting
student learning and outcomes and self-regulated learning.
The next study is conducted by (van der Spoel et al., 2020). The title of the study
is “Teachers’ online teaching expectations and experiences during the Covid19-pandemic
in the Netherlands” the study compares teachers' perceptions of their online learning
expectation and experience. the result of the study provide implication for the
professional of teachers, like characteristics of teacher and intension to implement
technology in teaching, and also experienced positive and negative aspect of online
Kim (2020) conducted a study which entitled “Learning and Teaching Online
during Covid-19: Experiences of Student Teachers in an Early Childhood Education
Practicum”. This research shows how a pre-service teacher education course in early
childhood education was adapted to allow student teachers to learn and teach online. The
study reports experiences and refection from a practicum course offered in the Spring
Semester of 2020, in the USA.
The study “Teachers' Experiences in Online Professional Development
Environment” is conducted by (Baran & Cagiltay, 2006). The aim of the study is to learn
about instructors' perspectives on traditional professional development (PD) courses and
their online course experiences. The data was gathered through a focus group discussion
and individual interviews.
(Woodcock et al., 2015)“The Learning Experience: Training Teachers Using
Online Synchronous Environments”. This study examined the effectiveness of an online
synchronous platform used for training pre-service teachers. This study examined the

effectiveness of an online synchronous platform used for training preservice teachers. the
study used Qualitative interview and quantitative survey to collect the data. The findings
demonstrate that using synchronous e-learning technology to improve preservice
teachers' e-learning competency in subject matter and information communication
technology abilities.
The study which entitled “Student Experiences in Online Courses a Qualitative
Research Synthesis” is conducted by (Blackmon & Major, 2012). The aim of the study is
to explored students’ experiences with online learning. There are five findings themes in
this study, such as; student experiences from each study include ability to balance school
and life, time management skills, acceptance of personal responsibility, instructor
accessibility, and connection with peers.
Almusharraf & Khahro (2020) conducted a study which entitled “Students’
Satisfaction with Online Learning Experiences during the COVID-19 Pandemic”. This
research aims to evaluate the level of postsecondary student satisfaction with online
learning platforms and learning experiences during the novel coronavirus COVID-19
pandemic in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). The study is used quantitative
research. These data were analyzed using SPSS. Students are satisfied with university
staff and faculty members who agreed on certain online platforms to utilize, grading
systems, assessment alternatives, training workshops, online technical help, and more,
according to the research findings.
After analyzing the studies related with the experience toward the implementation
of online learning. There are some experiences that experienced by the teacher and
students in online learning implementation. There is a significance difference between
those seven studies with the current study. The current research is focused on the analysis
of the students' and teacher experience in English online implementation during COVID-
19 pandemic. The study also explores the challenges in English online learning
implementation and the effort that teachers and students do to deal with it.

Research Method

1. Research Design

This study is using the descriptive qualitative design. Aspers & Corte ( 2019) define qualitative
research as an iterative process in which the scientific community gains a better grasp of the phenomenon
researched by making new meaningful distinctions as a result of getting closer to the phenomena.
Creswell (2012) also said that a qualitative design is a study that investigates a phenomenon in order to
gain a clear knowledge of it. Then, according to Aspers & Corte (2019), Qualitative research is multi-
method in nature and takes an interpretative, naturalistic approach to its topic. It can be concluded that
qualitative researchers investigate phenomena in their natural environments, aiming to understand or
interpret occurrences in terms of the meanings individuals assign to them. This design is used to describe
descriptively the phenomenon of the teachers’ and students’ experiences in English online learning
experience during COVID-19 pandemic at SDN 3 Banjar Jawa, the challenges that faced by the teachers
and students and how they deal with it.

2. The Setting of The Study

The study will be conducted in primary school which has English online learning implementation
during COVID-19. SD Negeri 3 Banjar Jawa is selected because has an English online learning
implementation during the pandemic.

3. The Subject of the Research

The subject of the research is the primary school teachers and students who implements English
online during COVID-19 pandemic. The subjects are selected based on the primary school that has
English online learning implementation during COVID-19 pandemic.

4. The Object of The Research

The object of this research is the teachers and students experience in English online
learning implementation during the covid-19 pandemic.

5. Research instrument
In this study, there are three method is used in collecting the data, namely;
1) Researcher
The researcher will conduct the observation and interview. The researcher also
determines the subject of the study and manages administration needed for the study
2) Questionnaire
A questionnaire is used in quantitative research. According to Roopa & Rani
(2012), a questionnaire is a set of questions that are asked to people in order to gather
statistically meaningful information about a specific issue. the questionnaire of this
study is done by giving a question related with the implementation of English online
learning during the Covid-19 pandemic.
3) Observation
Observation is a technique for gathering information about people, processes, and
cultures (Mirhosseini, 2020). Researcher observes teachers and students experience
toward the implementation of English online learning. The observation of this study
is done by observe the implementation of English online learning situation at the
school during the pandemic.
4) Interview Guide
According to Creswell (2012), an interview is a process in which the researcher
asks the participants a question and the participants respond. In this stage, the
researcher prepared several questions related to the teachers and students experience
in English online learning implementation during COVID-19 pandemic. Firstly, the
researcher interviews the headmaster about the teachers and students experience in
English online learning implementation during COVID-19 pandemic. Secondly, the
researcher interviews the teachers and students to know the challenges that they are
faced in implementing English online learning and to know the effort they do to deal
5) Document Analysis
The researcher also use the data from school, it is to support the questionnaire and
interview. The data which gained from the schools is use to complete the data from
the questionnaire and interview. .

6. Procedure of Collecting Data

The following are some steps that the researcher does in conducting the research.
Those steps are:
1) Asking permission to the Head Master of SD Negeri 3 Banjar Jawa
2) Do observation at school’s that implementing english online learning
3) Selecting participants for questionnaire and interview
4) Giving questionnaire
5) Conducting the interview
6) Analyzing the data
7) Concluding the result of the research
7. Data Analysis.
Data collection in this study was done in three ways, questionnaire, observation
and interview. The first, researcher will observe the situation at school. Then, giving a
questionnaire and do interviews. Then, the data is minimized by removing information
that the researcher does not require. Next, the information is presented in the form of a
table and text. The last, researcher make a conclusion based on the questionnaire and


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