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a) Write down the essential elements of a contract and explain with examples. 1.5

b) What happens to the status of the original offer if the offeree makes a counter-offer? 1

c) Can an offer be accepted with conditions? If so, why? If not, why not? 1

d) In a commercial relationship, do the parties intend on creating legal relations? Why? 1.5


a) What are the three criteria upon which the success of negotiation is judged? 2

b) What is mediation ? Explain with example. Write down the essential elements of arbitration?

3. (3)

a) Define Law and The Rule of Law and discuss the importance of their existence in the society. 1.5

b) Why is it that you are punished when you breach law, but not punished when you breach a social
rule? 1.5

4. (4)

a) What is the maximum number of hours an adult worker can work in a day without being paid
overtime? 1

b) Discuss the main differences between discharge and dismissal. 1.5

c) Define ‘Child’ in terms of The Bangladesh Labour Act, 2006 and explain the main differences between
an Adolescent and a Child as to their legal capacity regarding employability. 1.5


Jasmine offered to purchase 100 grams of cocaine, which is an illegal product, from Sandra for $10,000.
They mutually agree that Jasmine would pay the $10,000 as lump sum upon delivery of the 100 grams of
cocaine. However, when Jasmine receives the cocaine, he refuses to pay Sandra. Sandra, the aggrieved
party, decides to formally launch a complaint against Jasmine to recover the money.
Is Sasha legally allowed to pursue litigation against Jasmine? If so, how would the court rule? If Sandra is
not allowed to pursue litigation against Jasmine , why not? (3)


On Monday, Beatles Books Ltd. (BB) offers to sell 1000 copies of newly published book, ‘Blood’ by
author Mark Middleton to Sapphire Stationaries Ltd. (SS) at £8 per book. The offer to SS is sent by fax
and includes the following statement: “Please send an acceptance by 12pm today. Delivery will occur on
Wednesday”. SS sends back an acceptance by fax at 11am. The fax is printed out instantly at BB’s office
but accidentally discarded by an administrative assistant at BB before it is passed on to BB’s
management. Meanwhile, SS enters into a contract with Star Pen Ltd. To produce new ballpoint pens
with ‘Blood’ embedded on their body that can be sold with the books.

Advice SS with reference to case law, whether there is a binding contract with BB? (3)


Afra wrote to Noor asking him if he was interested in buying his car. In his letter, which arrived on
Tuesday, Afra asked Noor to ‘let him know by next Saturday’. On Thursday Noor replied accepting the
proposal through post but at 6pm on Friday he changed his mind and telephoned Afra. Afra wasn’t there
but his telephone answering machine recorded Noor’s message stating that he wished to withdraw his

On Monday Afra opened Noor’s letter, which arrived that morning, and then played back the message
on the machine.

Advice Afra if he has a binding contract with Noor? (3)

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