s2 A Chatbot

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A chatbot (also known as talkbot, chatterbot, bot, IM bot, interactive

agent or artificial conversational entity) is a computer program that

conducts a conversation through auditory or textual methods. Such
programs are often designed to convincingly simulate how a human
would behave as a conversation partner, thus passing the Turing test.
Chatbots are generally used in dialogue systems for various practical
purposes, including customer service or information acquisition.
Some chatterbots use sophisticated natural language processing
systems, but many simpler systems scan for keywords within the
entry, and then get an answer with the most matching keywords, or
the most similar writing pattern, from a base of data.

The term "ChatterBot" was originally coined by Michael Mauldin

(creator of the first Verbot, Julia) in 1994 to describe these
conversational programs. Today, chatbots are part of virtual
assistants such as Google Assistant, and they are accessed through
the applications of many organizations. websites, and on instant
messaging platforms like all of them. Non-attending applications
include chatbots used for entertainment purposes, for research and
social bots that promote a particular product, candidate or problem.

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