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Appendix to MA: DC:



1. Purpose

The purpose of this appendix is to describe when and how Work at Home agent (WAHA)
functionality can be used under this agreement, regarding the delivery of outsourced
customer service, telemarketing or switchboard attendant services which is described in
the Delivery Contract.

2. Prerequisites for WAHA

Under normal circumstances, work where agents have access to personal data
will be performed at the Supplier’s premises. The main reason for this is that the
Supplier has a better capability to protect the personal data with technical and
administrative measures in their own premises.
Work at Home for agents with access to personal data can be used under special
circumstances, as part of a business continuity plan in case of incidents where
the premises is not recommended to be used for operations, and only per written
approval with Buyer.
Before an agent can start working from home, he or she must be introduced by
Supplier in the specific instructions and preparations for work at home
(paragraph 4 in this appendix) and also sign an instruction as proof that they have
understood the instructions. Digital signature is preferred. The signed documents
shall be saved and presented by Supplier to Buyer if needed.
Supplier is responsible for setting up remote alternatives to the coaching and
follow up that is done.
Supplier is responsible for immediately reporting any suspicions on security and
personal data breaches connected with work at home agents to Buyer.

3. Master agreement and Delivery contract

All requirements in the Master agreement and Delivery contract are valid for the
WAHA operations, apart from the location and the technical setup. If the Supplier
finds that more measures are necessary in order to fulfil The Security Directives
and the Contractual obligations, the Supplier should immediately present a
solution to Buyer and the Parties shall agree in writing on such measures.

4. Work at home agreement for agents (template)

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Appendix to MA: DC:


Agent Name Employment number Employer

Sindre Ramskjell
Date of signature Period when WAHA is approved Manager
28.10.2020 28.10.2020 Malin Baum
Work at home address Holterveien 2B, 1448 Drøbak

Work at Home for Telia’s customer channels is used to ensure our customers are served with
high quality, efficiency and that their personal data is protected, also when we cannot use
our normal working premises Work at home is only allowed if your manager has explicitly
agreed with you to do so and you have signed this Work at Home Agreement. We thank you
for supporting us in our business continuity for our customers!

Please ensure this:

• No paper documentation concerning the work performed at home is allowed. All data
and notes must be stored on your Telia computer or designated application. If you
don´t have a Telia Computer, all data and notes outside of designated applications
must be stored in a by Telia designated Cloud solution.
• You are only allowed to look up customer information related to the customer case
you are working with, and during scheduled work hours. Be aware that your work is
logged and misuse of the systems is ground for disciplinary actions.
• Just as at the office where you normally work, it is of course not allowed to use own
equipment to document the customer data.
• Your computer must be placed in a room with a possibility to close off your work area
with a door or a screen.
• You are only allowed to work from your own home, not in a public place or anybody
else’s home.
• No unauthorized people can be present and see/hear your work with a customer.
• Monitors must be positioned so they are not facing a window.
• Disable smart home equipment and security cameras which can risk recording any
interactions connected to your work.
If you detect a security threat/incident or any data breach incidents, you should report it
immediately to your manager.

Signed by: Buyer Supplier

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