Snakebites - Rifleman

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The sniper and the buffalo hunter may be satisfied
with sitting still and taking a deliberate shot at an

flamboyance. A marksman who strives to become a
famous Rifleman wants his reputation to extend as
unsuspecting target from long range, but not the far as the eye can shoot, so he practices night and
Rifleman. Having experienced the vagaries of war day with his chosen longarm, until he can fire it with
(such as the sudden wild charge of cavalry or the style and elan at any range. Rapid fire speed, pinpoint
nighttime sneak attack of bushwhackers), the accuracy and the ability to wield his long range
Rifleman knows that what once was a battle of weapon in close quarters are the unique brand of the
distance can suddenly be up close and personal, and Rifleman.
the weapon good for dealing death from afar can
quickly become a hindrance spelling the wielder’s Requirements
doom. Rather than give up the weapon he loves, by
To qualify to become a Rifleman, a character must
necessity the Rifleman has learned how to use his
fulfill the following criteria.
longarm to pump lead quickly and accurately into any Base Attack Bonus: +3.
enemy, whether close up or far away. Skills: Sleight of Hand 3 ranks.
Becoming so skilled at wielding his favorite Feats: Far Shot, Gunplay, Personal Firearms
longarm, the Rifleman makes every move with such Proficiency.
flair and flamboyance that it elicits awe and wonder
from onlookers, and more than a little trepidation
from enemies. The marksman who wants to become Rifleman Vitals
The following information pertains to the Rifleman
famous as a great Rifleman knows that his reputation
advanced class.
must extend as far as the eye can shoot. Therefore, he
practices night and day with his chosen longarm, Hit Die: A Rifleman gains 1d10 hit points per
level. The character’s Constitution modifier applies.
until he can fire it with style and elan at any target,
at any range. Rapid-fire speed, pinpoint accuracy, Action Points: A Rifleman gains a number of
and the ability to wield his normally long range action points equal to 6 + one-half his character level,
weapon with equal skill at close quarters, is the rounded down, every time he attains a new level in
unique brand of the Rifleman. this class.
The Rifleman can’t be satisfied with just taking aClass Skills: The Rifleman’s class skills are as
follows: Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Hide (Dex),
few pot shots at long range, he is trained to pump a
Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (current
barrel full of lead into his enemies, near and far. More
events, popular culture, tactics) (Int), Listen (Wis),
important than volume and range, however, is style.
Profession (Wis), Read/Write Language (none), Ride
He learns to wield his favorite longarm with flair and
(Dex), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Speak
Language (none), Spot (Wis), and Swim
Table: The Rifleman (Str).
Level BAB Fort Ref Will Features Defense Reputation Skill Points at Each Level: 5 + Int
1st +0 +1 +1 +0 Powder Burns +1 +0 modifier.
2nd +1 +2 +2 +0 Weapon Focus +1 +0
3rd +2 +2 +2 +1 Bonus feat +2 +0
4th +3 +2 +2 +1 Steel Grip +2 +0
Class Features
5th +3 +3 +3 +1 Clear Line +3 +1 The following features pertain to the
6th +4 +3 +3 +2 Bonus feat +3 +1 Rifleman advanced class.
7th +5 +4 +4 +2 Rifle Spin +4 +1
8th +6 +4 +4 +2 Dead Eye +4 +1 Powder Burns
9th +6 +4 +4 +3 Bonus feat +5 +2 At 1st level a Rifleman becomes quite
10th +7 +5 +5 +3 Improved Steel Grip +5 +2 adept at firing a longarm in close combat.


“I’ll never forget that day. These two
soldiers from back east—Pennsylvania to be
exact—came into a Black Hills saloon and
showed everyone present what a trained
sharpshooter could do. They didn’t look like
mountain men or buffalo hunters, despite the fact
that they carried two Henry repeaters each. The
bigger of the two had both of his strung across his
back; while the other, a little squinty-eyed fellow,
always kept one of them repeaters in his right
hand and a shortened one on his back. They
looked like they might feel right naked without
their Rifles.
Someone said these two Riflemen were called
the Bucktail Brothers. They didn’t look like
brothers. I always figured they were more like
partners in crime, so to speak. Speaking of
speaking, these men didn’t say much, but the
squinty-eyed one always seemed to make people
nervous, no matter where those two stopped for
rest and vittles. The way he tended to hold the
butt of that Henry against his hip as he sat and
drank whiskey with his free hand just made
people like to hate him or fear him.
Well, sure enough, that day in them Black
Hills a young fool—who came into town while
guarding the stage—got a little edgy sittin’ near
the Bucktails. He took that little Bucktail’s
posture a bit personal. That is, the young man
said, in a whisper that would have made a New
York actor proud, that he didn’t like being stared
The Rifleman does not provoke attacks of opportunity at by another man, especially one holdin’ a gun.
for firing a longarm in melee, nor does the Rifleman That Bucktail kept right on starin’. Seein as that
suffer from the –4 penalty to attack rolls against didn’t get no rise out of them, that durned fool,
adjacent opponents when firing a longarm. with more whisky-courage than common sense,
marched right up to the Riflemen’s table, leaning
over close to an arm’s length. He didn’t know it
Weapon Focus then, but he crossed the line when he opened his
At 2nd level, a Rifleman gains the Weapon Focus mouth.
class feature, providing the benefit of the feat with the “You must be stupid anyway,” he said,
“thinking you can use that rifle in a little hole in
same name. The Rifleman chooses a specific long arm the wall like this.”
such as a Henry 61 or a Winchester 73 that hasn’t That Bucktail swiveled, aimed and fired that
already been selected through the Weapon Focus feat. right hand rifle out from under the table before
The Rifleman adds +1 to all attack rolls made using anyone even breathed. The young man grabbed
the selected weapon. his leg and then evacuated hisself as the barrel of
the second rifle, in the now standing Bucktail’s
left hand, pressed against his temple. The fool fell
Bonus Feats to the floor, gasping and holding his bleeding
At 3rd, 6th, and 9th level, the Rifleman gets a thigh. As the brothers calmly backed out the
bonus feat. The bonus feat must be selected from the saloon, the bigger one tossed a double eagle onto

the bar and yelled, “Some of that money’s for the
following list, and the Rifleman must meet all
Doc who has to treat that idiot.”
prerequisites of the feat to select it.
Adept Loading, Advanced Two-Weapon Fighting,
Blind-Fight, Dead Aim, Dodge, Improved Dead Aim,
Improved Initiative, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting,
Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Quick Reload, Shot on
the Run, Sidestep, Two-Weapon Fighting and Weapon (via the class feature or feat) in one hand as though it
Focus. was a medium-sized weapon. However, when doing so
the Rifleman receives a –2 penalty to all attack rolls.
If the Rifleman fights with a weapon in each hand, the
Steel Grip weapon in his off hand must be small or tiny and all
The Rifleman has a strong grip and is able to wield normal penalties and restrictions for fighting with two
a weapon in one hand that is larger than the normal weapons apply.
man can manage. A Rifleman of 4th level can wield
any longarm with which he possesses Weapon Focus


Clear Line
Riflemen are masterful at placing their shots. At
5th level, if the Rifleman uses a longarm to attack a
target protected by one-quarter or better cover, the
Rifleman receives a +2 bonus to his attack roll.

Rifle Spin
At 7th level the Rifleman has become so adept and
lightning fast at performing the rifle spin maneuver
(see the feat Gunplay in Chapter 4) that he can
always take 10 as a free action. Lever-action rifles
usually need two hands to cock as a free action.

Dead Eye
Anytime the Rifleman inflicts a critical hit with a
longarm with which he has Weapon Focus (via the
feat or class ability), he can spend an action point to
do an additional die of damage in addition to any
extra dice for the critical hit.

Improved Steel Grip

A Rifleman of 10th level has perfected firing his
longarm in one hand to such a degree that he can
now wield a longarm in each hand as if they were
medium-sized weapons. This ability may only be used
with longarms that the Rifleman has selected with
Weapon Focus from either the class feature or the
feat. When using improved steel grip, all of the
Rifleman’s attack rolls receive a -4 penalty in addition License, the Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, non-
exclusive license with the exact terms of this License to Use, the Open Game
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