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 Also known as ‘Generation Y’ or the ‘Net Generation’

 1970s to early 1980s as starting birth years and mid 1990s to early 2000s as ending birth years


 Term used to denote the Filipino Millennials

 Filipino Millennial Generation

Currently, there are four generations working in the same work place:


 Those born from 1900-1945. The generation that lived through two world wars. Their formative
years were that of survival.


 Those born from 1946-1964. They are called “Baby boomers” because of the significant increase
of population in their generation.


 Those born from 1965-1980. The generation born in the era of video games and computers.


 Those born from 1981-2000. They are also called the “digital natives”. They grew up in the
digital age rather than acquiring familiarity of it. As an adult the generation born in the internet


 is the fifth classification. There are those who were born in 2001 up to the present. They are the
generation born in an era of individualized mobile technologies (smartphones, tablets, iPad,
iPhone, etc.)

1. They value authenticity

 Hard selling your brand and product is just about the best way to lose a filinnial customer. They
avoid brands that scream how great an item is or how a product is such a steal. Filinnials want to
make the purchasing decision themselves and they want authenticity from brands.
2. They want to be rewarded for their loyalty
 Older generations are loyal to brands for the sake of loyalty but this is not the case for
millennials. Filinnials want to make sure that the brands they are loyal to are also loyal to them.
3. They favor word-of-mouth recommendation
 Filinnials don’t merely rely on ads and copies. They trust reviews from friends, family, and even
strangers. Before ordering food or visiting a restaurant, they will first check reviews on Zomato.
When planning trips, they will browse TripAdvisor first before booking a flight or hotel.
4. They are tech-savvy
 Millennials spend 5 to 10 hours a day consuming numerous online content and that’s a modest
estimate. As digital natives, they are a highly mobile generation who rely on technology to help
them perform their jobs better. With smartphones, laptops, tablets, and other gadgets,
millennials are often plugged in and online ready for communication, shopping, entertainment,
and everything in-between.
5. They will pay for experience
 Millennials want to experience life the best way possible with their friends and they are willing
to pay for it. They like travelling and even view it as a necessity rather than a luxury. They would
rather attend the actual concert than to buy the band’s merchandise. They always crave new
adventures and discoveries and want to put thrill in the mundanity of every day.
6. They are socially conscious
 For 76% of millennials, it is important that the brands and stores they purchase from are doing
some good for the local community. Furthermore, 44% of millennial parents claim to shop only
from brands that reflect their social and/or political values.
7. They carefully consider prices
 According to Goldman Sachs[xiii], 57% of millennials compare prices in stores. That doesn’t
mean they won’t consider buying more expensive goods, though. Your brand can be a pricier
option and millennials will still make the purchase, as long as they are confident in the quality of
your product. Consistently good quality is one of the factors that make millennials loyal to a
8. They love good content
 Filinnials like witty and thought-provoking content. They are just as likely to share a branded
post[xiv] as they are to share a photo from a friend. They just have to find in it a story they can
relate to or even simply find funny.
9. They have a selective attention span
 In a study conducted by Kelton Research, millennial business professionals reported that they
had increased attention span. However, they became more selective in the content they pay
attention to. When selecting content to consume, millennials consider a solid narrative and the
story behind the content. Video and animated visuals also help in keeping them engaged.
10. They go at their own pace
 Millennials live by their own terms. They solve problems and make decisions through processes
they made for themselves, and don’t like anything that hinders their creativity.

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