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Kapila Khandvala College of Education

Santacruz (West)
Academic Year 2019-2021
Semester IV

Name: Salome George Tavares

Roll No: 47
Subject: Understanding the self (AC1)
Topic: Conflict Resolution
As it is always said – Life is too short and none of us want to waste our
time fighting with our loved ones. But it is normal that we often get in
conflict with the ones we love the most. And this happened in one of my

Step 1: Defining the conflict

Friends are the most important part of our life; without them we can’t
even imagine life. There was one friend of mine with whom I used to
share everything and there arises a problem... The conflict was regarding
a small misunderstanding regarding trust issues. It was like we had
started liking each other and one of his friends told him that I am
misusing him and trying to cheat him. From there all the conflict started
taking place and it went on increasing more and more as it went up to
breaking up the friendship and never to talk again….

Step 2: Clarifying the background of the conflict (Assumptions)

His assumptions were:

I broke his trust

Never kept faith on him

Whatever I said/told was a lie

Kept on cheating

Step 3: Creating Options (Strategies)

The option/strategy which was used to resolve the conflict was

‘Problem solving strategy’. As for both of us this friendship was
important. So, as I told earlier the conflict had reached till extreme
level... so both took the decision of talking to each other and solve the
issue. This took almost many days to solve but at last the issue – the
misunderstanding got solved. It was a very happy moment for both of
us at that time. Now also whenever I think about that moment it brings
smile on my face.
Step 4: Making an agreement and setting goals

As for both of us our friendship was important, our goal was

To make the misunderstanding clear.

To make the friendship stronger than before.

To make the bond, trust and faith stronger.

We did not make any type of agreement but yes, we started

believing each other.

And lastly, we began with a fresh start by forgetting what had

happened. Because of this conflict we became closer. Now almost
many months have passed and the bond has been so strong that now no
one can break it.

Small Reflection

While doing this assignment it took me back to that period all the memories
were flashbacked as if it was happening now. There were also little tears when
I was writing the conflict part but as I was proceeding further there was a smile
on my face. Thank you so much ma'am for giving us the opportunity to write
our experience to express our feelings. I am a type of person who keeps
everything in heart and never shares or expresses it with anyone. But because of
this opportunity I got a chance to share it with you.

Thank you once again.

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