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1.1. Background of Study

The communication tool which is vital for human life is language. Through
language, someone's thoughts, feelings or information can be easily
communicated to others orally or in writing, Sulistianingtyas, (2015: 2). Not only
old age and adult age, language has also been applied to adolescents, children, and
even toddlers. Language is an important part of child development. By using
language, it can provide opportunities to learn, communicate and build
relationships with others, and allow children to understand the world around them,
Brock & Rankin in Simsek & Erdogan, (2015: 754).

Currently, the State of Indonesia has designated English as a second language

after Indonesian. This is because as English is an international language. Learning
English in Indonesia is currently being implemented in many institutions. Many of
these agencies provide language classes from adult, adolescent, and even children
(elementary school) levels. Children to adolescents are considered the golden hour
in learning various languages, including English. Therefore, learning English at
the age of children or elementary school level, is expected to help students to be
able to use language as a means of interaction and communication. Moreover,
mastery of English at the elementary school level is highly recommended, with
the hope that students will later become individuals who are reliable and ready to
face global competition.

Learning is a self-actualizing process. SoThus, currently a teacher is required

to be able to create a self-actualization process and develop the potential of
students holistically with attractive learning packaging. This can be done by using
active, innovative and creative learning methods and media. There are four
aspects of language skills taught in English, namely reading, writing, listening and
speaking, Kusuma et al., (2017: 254). These four language skills have become the
basis for teachers to focus on improving language in schools, of course, by using
the right methods, models and media.

Basic age children's cognitive development is divided into two stages, namely
the special operation stage (7-11 years) and 11-12 years. Elementary school
students are generally included in the stage (7-11 years), at this stage, children can
play their own minds and do logical, rational and objective thinking, but they
must be specific, Bujuri, (2018: 37). At the elementary school level, the
development of cognitive abilities is a very comprehensive development, which is
related to thinking skills, such as reasoning skills, memory skills, practical
problem solving skills, ideas and creativity. Cognitive development affects
children's psychological and emotional development as well as language skills. In
this case, teachers must pay attention to many factors when teaching face-to-face
or online (online class) which is what we are doing today. Both the methods,
media, models, and tools used to support the success of the teaching and learning
process. It is intended that the learning process is not monotonous so that students
do not feel bored when the learning process takes place.

Based on the observations made by the author in the online class, there were
many problems in the process of improving English in elementary school
children. One of them is reading or reading material. It can be seen from the
student assessment data in reading lessons in class, which is about 60% of the 10
students at MI Asy-Syifa Balikpapan, which are still below the minimum
completeness standard. This can be due to the fact that the English learning
strategy is still monotonous. They quickly get bored when given long English
reading texts due to the lack of English vocabulary they can master. They often do
not pay attention to the teacher when teaching, some student are sleepy, show a lot
of movement, and even leave the class online. As a result, many of their English
scores do not reach the KKM (Minimum Completeness Criteria) and are less
confident when using English in the classroom. Inappropriate learning strategies
will become obstacles that hinder the smooth learning process Fauziah, (2018:
41). Therefore, there needs to be a change in the English learning strategy; so that
class activities are not monotonous and the students are enthusiastic in
participating in learning process, especially in reading subjects.

In the development of education, currently there are many interesting and

innovative learning models, one of which is the Dialogic Reading (DiaRe)
learning model. The DiaRe Learning Model is an interactive learning strategy that
is applied by the teacher through reading practice using picture books,
Setyaningrum et al, (Dialogic Reading: 1). In practice, there are steps in
formulating questions that must be applied by the teacher, namely CROWD.
CROWD stands for C - Completion Questions, R - Recall Questions, O - Open
Ended Questions, W - WH-Questions), and D - Distancing Questions,
Setyaningrum et al, (Dialogic Reading: 9). These question steps need to be
applied so that students can understand the contents of the story in the English
picture book as a whole.

The results of previous research regarding learning media applied to students

were written in research (Setyaningrum, (2019: 368), namely about "Designing
Reading Strategy Guidline" Dialogic reading "for Extracurricular Activities in
Primary School", which in this study aims at designing Dialogic Reading learning
model for teaching English to elementary school (SD) children based on the 2013
curriculum. This research was conducted through face-to-face study at SD
Muhammadiyah 4 Malang and SDN Bunulrejo 2 Malang.

Based on the above background, the author wants to conduct a substantive and
comprehensive analysis with the title "Using the Dialogic Reading (DiaRe)
Learning Model in teaching English vocabulary on grade 4 MI Asy-Syifa
Balikpapan”. This research was conducted online or online class, because at the
time of this research, Indonesia was experiencing the 2019 Pandemic Corona
Virus Disease or better known as the Pandemic Covid 19.

1.2. Statement of Study

Based on the background of the problem, the problem formulations in this

study are:

1. How is the application of the Dialogic Reading (DiaRe) learning model in

teaching English Vocabulary on grade 4 MI Asy-Syifa Balikapapan?
2. Is the application of the Dialogic Reading (DiaRe) learning model
effective in improving students' English vocabulary?

1.3. Purposes of Study

The objectives to be achieved in this research include:

1. To find out how to apply the Dialogic Reading (DiaRe) learning model in
teaching English Vocabulary on grade 4 MI Asy-Syifa Balikapapan.
2. To find out whether the application of the Dialogic Reading (DiaRe)
learning model is effective in improving students' English vocabulary.

1.4. Significance of Study

Through this study, it is hoped that it can provide several benefits, including:

1. The theoretical benefit

The results of this study are expected to contribute to improving the
quality of education in Indonesia; namely by using an active and
innovative learning model in the learning process.
2. Practical benefits
a. For students : The results of this study are expected to improve
students' ability to use English.
b. For Teachers : The results of this study are expected to help
improve teacher creativity in maximizing the use of English
learning models, methods and media.
c. For schools : The results of this study are expected to serve as
inspiration for other schools in the use of active and innovative
models, media, and learning methods.
d. For further researchers : The results of this study are expected to be
used as material for consideration and reference for relevant

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