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Plant Soil (2009) 324:1–30

DOI 10.1007/s11104-009-0159-y


Desirable plant root traits for protecting natural

and engineered slopes against landslides
Alexia Stokes & Claire Atger &
Anthony Glyn Bengough & Thierry Fourcaud &
Roy C. Sidle

Received: 26 February 2009 / Accepted: 26 August 2009 / Published online: 23 September 2009
# Springer Science + Business Media B.V. 2009

Abstract Slope stability models traditionally use position of these thick roots determines the arrange-
simple indicators of root system structure and strength ment of the associated thin roots. Thin roots act in
when vegetation is included as a factor. However, tension during failure on slopes and if they traverse the
additional root system traits should be considered when potential shear zone, provide a major contribution in
managing vegetated slopes to avoid shallow substrate protecting against landslides. We discuss how root
mass movement. Traits including root distribution, traits change depending on ontogeny and climate, how
length, orientation and diameter are recognized as traits are affected by the local soil environment and the
influencing soil fixation, but do not consider the spatial types of plastic responses expressed by the plant. How
and temporal dimensions of roots within a system. a landslide engineer can use this information when
Thick roots act like soil nails on slopes and the spatial considering slope stability and management strategies
is discussed, along with perspectives for future
research. This review encompasses many ideas, data
and concepts presented at the Second International
Responsible Editor: Yongguan Zhu.
Conference ‘Ground Bio- and Eco-engineering: The
A. Stokes (*) Use of Vegetation to Improve Slope Stability—
INRA, UMR AMAP, ICGBE2’ held at Beijing, China, 14–18 July 2008.
34398 Montpellier Cedex 5, France
Several papers from this conference are published in
this edition of Plant and Soil.
C. Atger
Pousse Conseil, Domaine de Fitzgerald, Le Mas Rouge, Keywords Soil cohesion . Root architecture .
Chemin du Mas Rouge,
Slope stability . Soil mass wasting . Suction
34970 Lattes, France

A. G. Bengough
Scottish Crop Research Institute, What is a trait?
Dundee DD2 5DA, UK

T. Fourcaud A trait is defined as a distinct, quantitative property of

CIRAD, UMR AMAP, organisms, usually measured at the individual level
34398 Montpellier Cedex 5, France and used comparatively across species. A functional
trait is one that strongly influences organismal
R. C. Sidle
Appalachian State University, Department of Geology, performance (McGill et al. 2006). Plant quantitative
P.O. Box 32067, Boone, NC 28608, USA traits are extremely important for understanding the
2 Plant Soil (2009) 324:1–30

local ecology of any site. Plant height, architecture, ging may increase pore water pressures during
root depth, wood density, leaf size and leaf nitrogen moderate-sized winter storms, but for the large storms
concentration control ecosystem processes and define in which landslides generally occur, differences in
habitat for other taxa (Westoby and Wright 2006). An pore water pressure due to logging were difficult to
engineer conjecturing as to how plant traits may detect (Dhakal and Sidle 2004a). However, evapo-
directly influence physical processes occurring on transpiration facilitated by trees could extend the
sloping land needs to consider how, for example, “window of susceptibility” for shallow landslides and
canopy architecture and litter properties influence the debris flows if a large storm occurred near the
partitioning of rainfall among interception loss, beginning or end of the rainy season (Megahan
infiltration and runoff. Plant traits not only influence 1983; Sidle et al. 1985). Also, when large and high
abiotic processes occurring at a site, but also the intensity storms occur during drier conditions, evapo-
habitat for animals and invertebrates. Depending on transpiration may reduce the potential of shallow
the goal of a landslide engineer or restoration landslides (Sidle and Ochiai 2006).
ecologist, the immediate and long-term effects of A much more significant contribution of woody
plant traits in an environment must be considered if a vegetation to the stability of shallow soils on steep
site is to remain viable and ecologically successful. To slopes is the additional soil strength or cohesion
stabilise a slope against shallow landslides, vegetation attributed to root systems. In shallow soils, tree roots
can be used, as plant root systems fix soil against may penetrate the entire soil mantle and anchor the
slippage (Schiechtl 1980; Coppin and Richards 1990; soil into more stable substrate (e.g., Wu et al. 1979)
Norris et al. 2008). Although root systems are (Fig. 1a). Dense lateral root systems in the upper soil
designed to anchor the plant to the soil and provide horizons form a membrane that stabilizes the soil
access to nutrients and water, an understanding of the (e.g., Schmidt et al. 2001) (Fig. 1a), and larger tree
interactions between root traits and soil physical roots can provide reinforcement across planes of
processes would enable the landslide engineer to weakness along the flanks of potential slope failures
better manage an unstable slope. (Sidle et al. 1985). Past research suggests that while
woody roots significantly reduce shallow (<1 to 2 m
deep) landslide potential on steep slopes, deeper soil
What types of mass wasting processes mantles (>5 m) benefit little from such reinforcement,
can be stabilized by plant roots? as root density decreases dramatically with depth and
few large roots are able to anchor across the basal
Woody vegetation, particularly trees, can help prevent failure plane. The only benefit of root strength to the
shallow landslides in two ways: (1) modifying the soil stabilization of deep-seated landslides, e.g., earth-
moisture regime via evapotranspiration; and (2) flows and slumps, is when very large lateral woody
providing root reinforcement within the soil mantle roots cross planes of weakness along the flanks of
(Fig. 1). The first factor is generally not very potential failures (Sidle and Ochiai 2006). However,
important for shallow landslides and debris flows that such reinforcement would only benefit small deep-
occur during an extended rainy season, except seated landslides whereas lateral roots also offer
possibly in the tropics and sub-tropics where evapo- protection against most shallow landslides (Swanston
transpiration is high throughout the year; deeper- and Swanson 1976) (Fig. 1a). Basal woody vegetation
seated landslides, such as earthflows, may experience cover, organic matter, and dense, shallow root mats
slightly prolonged activity due to higher moisture also prevent surface mass wasting, e.g. dry gravel on
contents after vegetation is removed (Sidle and Ochiai steep slopes (Mersereau and Dyrness 1972).
2006). In most temperate regions, soils are nearly
saturated and evapotranspiration is low during autumn
and winter rainstorms when shallow slope failures What information is used by engineers
typically occur, thus, soil water content is only when modelling slope stability?
minimally affected by the small water losses attribut-
ed to evapotranspiration (Sidle et al. 1985). In Investigating the stability of vegetated slopes implies
Canada, reduced evapotranspiration following log- taking into consideration the interaction among three
Plant Soil (2009) 324:1–30 3

Fig. 1 a Conceptual illustration of a potential slip plane at the branching pattern, the same volume of soil is not exploited
soil—bedrock interface of a hillslope, dynamic shallow equally, even when root volume and magnitude is the same in
groundwater table (landslide triggering mechanism), and both cases. Dashed lines indicate the potential shear zone, the
stabilizing components of root systems (lateral reinforcement thickness of which can be influenced by the number of roots
within the upper soil and anchoring of shallow soil mantle to crossing through it, root length and branching angle. The
bedrock). b A herringbone root system with one main axis on circled area illustrates how root proliferation in e.g. a nutrient
which are borne first order lateral roots. c A dichotomous root rich patch can influence root system architecture near a slip
system with two external root tips borne on every lateral. 2nd surface. In b), initiation and emergence of a lateral root on the
and 3rd order lateral roots are present. Magnitude is defined as upper side of the mother root can occur if the latter encounters
the number of root tips (n=16 in both cases), and altitude the an obstacle
longest path from root base to a root tip. Depending on the
4 Plant Soil (2009) 324:1–30

physical or biological systems, i.e. soil, water and thin roots, which behave like cable elements, i.e. with
plants, through a multi-disciplinary approach (Coppin a very low bending stiffness, and structural roots that
and Richards 1990). However, there are very few are similar to beams, developing longitudinal shear
models that implement all these aspects as a whole, stresses (Fournier et al. 2006; Reubens et al. 2007).
and even fewer which consider the time evolution of The orientation of structural roots near the slip surface
these interactions. cannot be estimated using a simple geometrical rule,
as performed by Wu et al. (1979), due to flexural
Modelling the mechanical reinforcement of soil rigidity that limits their deformations. Woody roots
by roots play an important role in tree anchorage and their
mechanical interactions with the soil medium have
The effect of roots on soil fixation has been reported been previously investigated using finite element
by several authors, but quantifying the gain in soil models (FEM). These models take into account root
shear strength is difficult to achieve. Pioneering architecture and structural roots have been considered
modelling work by Wu (1976) and Waldron (1977) as individual beam elements (Dupuy et al. 2005a, b;
have introduced the root mechanical contribution as Dupuy et al. 2007; Fourcaud et al. 2008). Few
additive soil cohesion in the Coulomb’s failure criteria numerical analyses have been carried out at a local
using a simple mechanistic model. The additional scale to quantify the effect of such root element
cohesion at the slip surface was defined by two inclusions on soil shear strength (Wu 2007). Nor has
variables: the average root tensile strength and root stiffness of structural roots been introduced in slope
area ratio (RAR, or the fraction of a plane of soil stability models so far, except for the notable
occupied by roots). It was assumed that roots are exceptions of models developed by Nakamura et al.
initially perpendicular to the slip surface and bend (2007) and Tosi (2007).
according to the relative displacement of soil on both In addition to root tensile strength, the pull-out
sides of the shear zone (see Fan and Su 2009). The resistance of roots (Table 1) has been incorporated as
tangential component of root tensile force thus a criterion in slope stability models (Waldron 1977;
directly contributes to the increase in soil shear van Beek et al. 2005; Pollen-Bankhead and Simon
strength, whilst the normal component augments the 2009). The maximum force required to pull-out a root
confining pressure. These first models of soil rein- is usually correlated with root diameter at the clamp
forcement have been shown to overestimate the position, root length and/or total root biomass
additional cohesion due to roots in tension, as all including lateral ramification. However, pull-out tests
roots are assumed to break at the same time (Bischetti do not allow the root-soil interface behaviour to be
et al. 2009a; Loades et al. 2009). A significant rigorously calibrated due to the difficulty in separat-
improvement of this approach has been proposed by ing the effect of lateral root branching. Bond
Pollen and Simon (2005) and Pollen-Bankhead and resistance of a single root is defined by the product
Simon (2009) who applied a Fibre Bundle Model to between the root-soil interface shear strength and the
rooted soils. This model considers that the root total root surface (Ennos 1990). The interface shear
network breaks progressively from the weakest to strength can be approximated theoretically consider-
the strongest roots, and that stresses of broken roots ing that shear resistance of the root-soil interface is
are redistributed to the remaining elements. More proportional to soil shear strength. The influence of
recent papers also pointed out the limitation of branching patterns on pull-out resistance in different
assuming that roots are initially oriented perpendicu- soil types has been investigated using numerical
lar to the slip surface, and propose using root (Dupuy et al. 2005a) and experimental (Stokes et al.
architectural models as an improvement in slope 1996; Mickovski et al. 2007) approaches. These
stability analyses (Reubens et al. 2007; Danjon et al. studies have shown that root topology, branching
2008). angle and branching density can significantly change
In most models, roots are considered as very the distribution of stresses and plastic strains within
flexible elements, thus limiting their application to the soil medium, thus modifying resistance to pull-
the finest roots. However, from a mechanical point of out, but these aspects are not yet directly considered
view, a distinction must be made between fine and in soil reinforcement models.
Table 1 Ranges (or means) of pull-out resistance for roots of different diameters and lengths

Species Soil type Range (mean) of root Range (mean) of Pull-out force range Range (mean) of equivalent References
diameter at clamp root length (mm) (mean) (N) failure stress at clamp
position or at breaking position or at position of
point (*) (mm) root failure (*) (MPa)

Picea sitchensis Bong. Carr. Brown earth (8.8) (351) (465) Anderson et al. 1989
Plant Soil (2009) 324:1–30

Picea sitchensis Bong. Carr. Peat (8.4) (359) (517) Anderson et al. 1989
Casuarina glauca Sieb. Brown loams and 0.56–17.23 (4.49) 150–200 9–2,148 3.34–81.68 (22.43) Docker and Hubble 2008
sandy loams
Eucalyptus amplifolia Naud. Brown loams and 0.45–16.43 (5.00) 150–200 9–2,482 8.88–130.65 (27.33) Docker and Hubble 2008
sandy loams
Eucalyptus elata Dehn. Brown loams and 0.21–15.93 (4.85) 150–200 2–2,357 8.57–198.06 (31.49) Docker and Hubble 2008
sandy loams
Acacia floribunda (Vent.) Willd. Brown loams and 0.31–13.33 (4.09) 150–200 10–2,969 11.19–217.89 (58.09) Docker and Hubble 2008
sandy loams
Triticum aestivum L. Sandy clay loam (1.38) (4.8) Easson et al. 1995
Triticum aestivum L. Sandy loam (1.38) (3.9) Easson et al. 1995
Helianthus annuus L. Sandy loam (1.8) 25–160 0.5–1.7 Ennos 1989
Allium porrum L. Dry sandy loam 0.35–0.45 3–40 0.02–0.28 Ennos 1990
Allium porrum L. Wet sandy loam 0.35–0.45 5–40 0.02–0.22 Ennos 1990
Alnus incana L. Sand and gravel 2.42–3.19 (2.76) * 250–357 (299) 23.5–39.2 (30.4)* Karrenberg et al. 2003
Populus nigra L. Sand and gravel 3.25–4.07 (3.64) * 436–517 (475) 26.4–37.3 (31.4)* Karrenberg et al. 2003
Salix elaeagnos Scop. Sand and gravel 3.33–3.97 (3.62)* 578–705 (638) 43.3–57.8 (50.1)* Karrenberg et al. 2003
Vetiveria zizanioides L. Silt 0.30–1.45 (1.02) 110–275 (219)a 190–620 (470) Mickovski et al. 2005
Crataegus monogyna Jacq. Brown sandy clay 7–62 (21.6) (1,290) 300–12,000 (2,880) 3–15 (8) Norris 2005
Quercus robur L. Brown sandy clay 2–9 (5.4) (360) 30–440 (150) 2–14 (7) Norris 2005
Pinus halepensis Silt 1–11 – – 3–24 (9) Van Beek et al. 2005
Rooting depth, as the whole plant was pulled-out
6 Plant Soil (2009) 324:1–30

Integration of root reinforcement models in slope and preventing uprooting. The spatial position of
stability models these roots will determine the position of the
fine and thin roots in the soil, and thus influence
Root reinforcement models are used to determine the indirectly nutrient and water uptake.
contribution of vegetation to the factor of safety
(FOS) of a particular slope. The FOS is defined as the The first root (radical) which emerges from a seed
ratio of the actual soil strength to the minimum shear grows downwards and in some species, becomes the
strength required for equilibrium. To calculate the taproot (Figs. 1b, c, 2) along which are borne lateral
FOS of a vegetated slope, 2D or 3D numerical roots of different orders (Fig. 1b, c). Even if this
techniques exist which couple soil mechanics, soil taproot is removed through, e.g. injury, a new vertical
hydrology and plant growth (Stokes et al. 2008), e.g. root will emerge or an existing lateral root will grow
limit equilibrium (Greenwood 2006), finite difference downwards to replace the taproot, thus ensuring that
(Wilkinson et al. 2002; van Beek et al. 2005) and finite the functional role of the taproot is maintained
element (Kokutse et al. 2006) models. Vegetation must (Champagnat et al. 1974; Amin et al. 1987; Khuder
be taken into account as reinforcement elements and et al. 2007). In other species, the radical dies shortly
elements that modify the hydrological regime of the after germination and is never replaced. Roots are
slope (Simon and Collison 2002; Wilkinson et al. borne on the root collar, or stem base (Fig. 2). In this
2002; Dhakal and Sidle 2004b). paper we shall refer to the first lateral roots emerging
from the taproot or root collar as first order roots,
lateral roots emerging from the first order roots as
What are the traits useful for reinforcing soil second order roots and so on (Fig. 1b, c).
on slopes? With regard to soil fixation by plant roots, the most
important trait to consider initially is rooting depth.
Although the plant root traits most commonly used by To stabilize a slope against a shallow landslide, roots
engineers when modelling slope stability are tensile must cross the shear surface (Fig. 1) which can be up
strength and RAR, several other important traits to 2 m deep in the middle of the slope (Cammeraat et
(Burylo et al. 2009) should also be considered al. 2005; van Beek et al. 2005; Norris et al. 2008).
(Table 2). First however, the type of root must be Rooting depth is species dependent when soil
defined. Therefore, to better understand the different conditions are not limiting and root development
processes governing soil fixation by roots, three classes changes significantly with depth, although in general,
of roots will be referred to in this paper, depending on >80% of biomass is in the top 0.4–0.5 m of soil. The
their diameter (although these classes do not necessar- number and orientation of roots that the shear surface
ily reflect the developmental stage of a root, as the intersects will change significantly with rooting depth
diameter of roots at different ages of maturity will for the same plant, even for distances of only several
depend on species): cm (Fig. 1b, c). Roots vertically aligned to the
potential slip surface will be mobilised throughout
– Fine roots (>0.0–2.0 mm). A major function of their length whereas those with a larger angle will be
these roots is to take up water and nutrients. If more likely to slip before failure in tension occurs. A
roots are young and not yet woody, root hairs greater number of roots and diversity of branching
may be present which aid uptake. The turnover of angles will increase the thickness of the shear zone
fine roots is relatively rapid. (Abe and Ziemer 1991a; Mickovski et al. 2007).
Although the true angle of roots in the shear zone is
– Thin roots (>2.0–10.0 mm). In woody species
often ignored, and assumed to be between 40° and
most roots in this class will be lignified. Turnover
70°, Greenway (1987) and Danjon et al. (2008)
is not known because some roots will become
showed that such assumptions lead to an overesti-
thicker, depending on a certain number of
mation of the shear resistance contributed by roots.
external and internal processes.
Even for the same root, the angle at which it grows
– Thick roots (>10.0 mm). These roots are with regard to the vertical can change several times
important for anchoring the plant to the soil along its length. Due to the physiology of roots, a
Plant Soil (2009) 324:1–30 7

Table 2 Definitions and desirability of root traits useful to a landslide engineer

Trait Description How can the trait be desirable for landslide


Root area ratio (RAR) The fraction of a plane of soil occupied by The greater the RAR, the more soil shear
roots strength will be increased (Fig. 5b)
Tensile strength Resistance to breaking in tension A higher resistance will enable a root to
mobilise its full strength during pull-out and
increase soil shear strength. Therefore, for a
given RAR, many small roots are more
desirable than a few thick roots
Root thickness Diameter of root Thin roots are relatively stronger in tension.
Thickness is an indicator of root longevity
(thicker roots live longer), bending stiffness
and the ability to penetrate soil
Shallow/deep rooting Inherent rooting depth If deeper growing roots cross the potential
soil shear surface, slope stability is
enhanced. Anchorage of roots to bedrock
will improve substrate fixation, but root
growth into cracks may cause cracks to
enlarge and result in substrate failure
Root length density (RLD) Defined as either root length per unit volume Increasing root length augments the pull-out
of soil or root length per unit surface of a resistance up to a critical length, from which
soil roots will break in tension instead of slipping
out of the soil. The water uptake rate from a
given horizon will increase with RLD. Along
with evapotranspiration rate, slope stability is
affected by soil water content, particularly in
tropical regions, therefore higher RLD is
desirable, especially in deeper horizons
Specific root length (SRL) Root length per unit root dry mass High SRL implies more numerous thinner
roots and low SRL means less but thicker
roots (see ‘Tensile strength’ above). Is a
useful descriptor for herbs and perennials
where a high SRL is desirable
Root angle Angle between mother and daughter root in Soils containing roots with a range of
vertical or horizontal plane orientations develop wider shear zones and
can slowly mobilise reinforcement from
roots via their tensile strength even at large
shear displacements
Production of adventitious roots Roots initiated from the base of the stem, with Adventitious roots can grow into soil and
later roots emerging higher up the stem debris deposited on the upslope side of a
plant, thus fixing shallow soil layers
Topology Physical organisation of root branching Root topology influences resource uptake and
efficiency and can significantly change the
distribution of stresses and plastic strains
within the soil medium, thus modifying root
resistance to pull-out. Dichotomous systems
are better anchored than herringbone sys-
Forking Forks appear when the growth potential of Production of forks will anchor more
one lateral root changes as a shift occurs in superficial roots to the soil, especially if
the mother root’s functioning forks grow vertically downwards
Root clustering Proliferation of roots within a given volume If roots are clumped within cracks and
of soil biopores in the soil, the time required for
total water extraction increases because of
the greater distance that water must flow
8 Plant Soil (2009) 324:1–30

Table 2 (continued)

Trait Description How can the trait be desirable for landslide


through the soil structural unit to the roots.

But if clusters of roots occur in resource-
rich patches, water uptake is faster around
the cluster compared to a zone without
roots, thus preferential water extraction
occurs from specific parts of the soil. A
homogenous distribution of roots within the
soil is more desirable
Root response to soil stresses Effect of adverse physical, chemical, or Physical—large variation in plant responses
biological conditions on root growth to soil compaction, drought and
Chemical—certain genotypes may overcome
nutrient deficiencies or grow in presence of
toxic compounds
Biological—species dependent susceptibility
and resistance to disease
Root decay rate Rate of dry mass loss per unit dry mass Roots which decay slowly fix soil for a longer
initially present period. Root decay may create preferential
flow pathways in soil. Root decay rates vary
greatly according to root diameter, chemical
composition and species
Resprouting ability The ability of a plant to produce a new shoot Usually in perennials only. If a plant can
from a root or stem if part of the plant’s resprout, from either the shoot or root
biomass has been removed system, it will be able to survive in a newly
disturbed environment e.g. in a landslide
deposition zone, even if above-ground
biomass is destroyed
Mycorrhizal interaction Symbiotic association between a fungus and Mycorrhizal infection usually enhances root
plant roots. Arbuscular mycorrhizas hyphae branching density. Tree species
enter into the root cells and ectomycorrhizas predominately forming ectomycorrhiza can
consist of a hyphal sheath covering the root have a higher branching intensity than
tip and a hartig net of hyphae surrounding those forming arbuscular mycorrhiza.
cells within the root cortex Ectomycorrhizal infected roots have been
found to have a higher tensile strength.
Mycorrhizal inoculation may be desirable
on degraded soil

root branch can be initiated at any point along a tension during failure on slopes and if they cross the
parent root, but not necessarily emerge fully from the slip surface, provide a major contribution to slope
parent root. Emergence is largely controlled by auxin stability (Fig. 1, Waldron and Dakessian 1982). Root
fluxes and the bending of a root around an obstacle thickness is thus an important trait to consider, and is
or as it grows through the soil can trigger the also an indicator of root longevity (thicker roots live
initiation and emergence of a lateral root (Fig. 1b, longer), bending stiffness and the ability to penetrate
Lucas et al. 2008). soil (Clark et al. 2008) as well as to store and
Thick roots act like soil nails on slopes, reinforcing transport water (Roumet et al. 2006). For the landslide
soil in the same way that concrete is reinforced with engineer, one of the first considerations with regard to
steel rods (Fig. 1a). The spatial position of these thick root thickness will be how tensile strength changes
roots also has an indirect effect on soil fixation in that with diameter. Although thicker roots require more
the location of thin and fine roots will depend on the force to be pulled out of the soil, when root strength is
arrangement of thick roots. Thin and fine roots act in calculated (force/root cross-sectional area), thinner
Plant Soil (2009) 324:1–30 9

a) b) thicker roots). A higher SRL would therefore be

desirable, particularly at greater soil depths. Annual
species usually have a higher SRL than perennials,
possibly associated to a faster relative growth rate (RGR)
and metabolic activity (Roumet et al. 2006). The RGR
of a plant organ is calculated as the instantaneous rate
of dry mass increase per unit dry mass already present
(Wright and Westoby 1999). For a landslide engineer,
how fast a plant grows will be of particular importance
when a gap has occurred on a site after, e.g. tree fall,
thinning of a plantation or clear-felling (Sidle 1992).
The roots of plants remaining around the newly-created
gap, or those of naturally generated or planted nursery
seedlings, need to grow quickly to colonize the new
patch of soil if soil slippage is to be prevented on a
Fig. 2 Depending on the strategy type, root systems develop
fragile slope. The inherent RGR of a species depends
differently for given species. In a short-lived and perennial largely on its life form and ecological niche: in
lateral roots are borne on the taproot (black) and in b directly optimum conditions, plants from fertile habitats grow
on the stem (shaded). Arrows show the direction in which the faster than plants from nutrient poor or stressful habitats
root system develops
and annuals grow faster than perennials. Although not a
trait in itself, RGR can be correlated with various traits,
roots are significantly stronger than thick roots, due to e.g. SRL, although results from studies are conflicting.
changes in cellulose content (cellulose is highly Wright and Westoby (1999) found that in seedlings of
resistant in tension) (Genet et al. 2005). Tensile 33 species growing down a rainfall gradient in
strength values can vary from 20 to 730 MPa for Australia, SRL decreased due mainly to an increase in
roots in a diameter range of 0.15–4.5 mm (Bischetti et root diameter (a larger proportion of thicker roots was
al. 2005), this surprisingly high latter value for Fagus present in lower rainfall areas) and was highly
sylvatica L. being stronger than that for steel (400– correlated with RGR. Such a strategy could indicate
700 MPa). A list of tensile strength values for 67 selection for increased efficiency of water uptake
species is available in Stokes et al. (2008), but in a during seedling establishment in low rainfall habitat
model of slope stability, Danjon et al. (2008) used a or possibly a greater diameter might confer an
generic power equation of root tensile strength versus enhanced ability to penetrate dry soil (Wright and
diameter for several broadleaf and conifer species Westoby 1999). However, Poorter and Remkes (1990)
(equation from Genet et al. 2005): found no relationship between SRL and RGR in 24
Tensile strength ¼ 28:97x0:52 species. If the investment of resources in fast and slow-
growing roots does depend on inherent RGR, one can
Genet et al. (2009) suggested that differences in suppose that these differences may be reflected in root
tensile strength among tree species have little influ- tensile strength.
ence on the calculation of a slope’s FOS and that root Although traits such as root diameter and SRL are
distribution within the soil will affect slope stability useful indicators of plant structure, they are only simple
much more. descriptors of how a root system is configured. These
Root length is one of the most studied traits in root traits will also change depending on the root order
systems and in herbaceous species is usually studied in (Fig. 1), development stage and position within the
conjunction with biomass, resulting in a parameter branched hierarchy of the root system (Eissenstat et al.
called specific root length (SRL). SRL is thus calculated 2000). To better understand how root systems occupy
as the root length per unit root dry mass. This ratio will soil over time and space, a landslide engineer needs to
provide information about the proportion of thin and consider the 3D root architecture of any given species.
thick roots within a root system (high SRL implies more This task is not easy, nevertheless, certain general-
numerous thinner roots and low SRL means fewer but izations can be made, based on developmental obser-
10 Plant Soil (2009) 324:1–30

vations and a knowledge of plant ontogenetic processes (Kutschera and Lichtenegger 1997). In the
(the history of an organism from birth to death). juvenile developmental stages of plants exhibiting
this strategy type, even if the taproot is
removed through e.g. an injury, a new vertical
Root system architecture root will emerge or an existing lateral root will
grow downwards to replace the taproot, thus
The architecture of a plant depends on the nature and ensuring that the functional role of the taproot
the relative arrangement of each of its parts (see is maintained (Khuder et al. 2007).
Barthélémy and Caraglio 2007). From germination to – In the second strategy type (Fig. 2), the radical
death, various well-ordered and definite develop- stops growing or aborts soon after the seed
mental stages can be characterized taking into germinates (Jourdan et al. 1995; Charles-
account the developmental and functional features Dominique et al. 2009). The adult root system is
and the relative arrangement of the different parts. entirely adventitious1 and made up of many
Until fairly recently, quantitative data on root homologous roots initiated in an upward order
architecture has been scanty not only due to the at the base of the stem (Fig. 2). The best
difficulty in accessing roots, but also because the illustration of such a rooting habit is that present
morphological analysis of the root system is not as in cereals or bulbs, but tropical arborescent palms
efficient as that of its aerial counterpart. Root or ferns are also concerned (Hallé and Oldeman
systems do not bear morphological markers of 1970; Jenik 1978; Bell 1991).
growth rhythms e.g. leaf nodes, bud-scales or even
well-defined annual growth rings, therefore temporal These two main strategies define very early on the
changes cannot be dated with hindsight. way in which the root system will colonize the soil
The main differences between plant root architec- and thus reinforce unstable soil, because they greatly
tural types are those which can be highlighted by influence root angle, relative horizontal versus verti-
comparing woody with non woody species. By cal root spread and root density. In particular, in the
assessing the initial rooting development, which is first rooting strategy type, the spreading of horizontal
largely under genetic control in the first stages roots away from the stem can result in large gaps in
(Hermann 1977; Zobel 1996), two main rooting the soil with no roots present (Figs. 3, 4), whereas, in
strategies can be seen depending on the development the second strategy type, many roots are continuously
of the radical (Fig. 2): renewed from the base of the stem over a long period
during plant development. On a slope where loose soil
– In the first strategy type (Fig. 2) the whole root and debris can collect upslope of a plant, adventitious
system is derived by the growth and lateral roots can therefore grow into this material, stabilising it
branching of the seedling radical borne opposite better than deeper growing roots could.
to the stem in the embryo. This primary root
grows downwards and branches in a given
orderly sequence, building up all the lateral Roots of herbaceous plants
woody root system of the plant (Kahn 1983; Bell
1991). During the branching process, the tap- Root systems of herbaceous plants are usually more
root is responsible for the gravitropic response diffuse, or fibrous than those of woody plants,
and for the morphological and functional although bulbs, tuberous and storage roots are
differentiation of lateral roots borne on the common. Fibrous root systems generally possess
taproot (Dyanat Nejad and Neville 1972;
Champagnat et al. 1974). The best illustration 1
Adventitious root development can be encountered in the first
of such a rooting habit is shown in woody rooting type. Many tropical trees exhibit a very large cone of
seedlings which possess a taproot, regardless of adventitious roots at the base of the trunk which reinforces the
original primary root system. This type can be seen as a mixed
the taproot’s growth in the ensuing stages of
type. In temperate species the adventitious development of root
plant development. Many dicotyledonous herbs is often less spectacular because only the few first centimetres
and shrubs also exhibit such a rooting strategy of the trunk base are concerned.
Plant Soil (2009) 324:1–30 11

Fig. 3 a–d Development of

a root system at different a) b) c)
stages of ontogeny. Large
central roots build up the
framework of the root sys-
tem (1, 2). The taproot (1)
bears the woody laterals (2)
which spread the thinner
roots (3) away from the base
of the trunk in order to
explore the soil. These col- Taproot (1) Taproot (1), Taproot (1), thin (3),
onisation roots branch to and fine (5) exploitation (4) exploitation (4) and fine
develop thin woody ephem- roots and fine roots (5) roots (5)
eral exploitation roots (4).
All the woody roots branch 4
into non woody laterals
which are usually the fine 5
absorbing roots (5) 3


All root types present

more fine and thin roots than those found in woody useful alternative to slower growing shrubs and trees.
species. Tensile root strength can be similar to that of However, shallow mats of homogenously distributed
roots from woody species, whereas RAR can be fibrous roots can easily tear away from the subsoil in
higher (Mattia et al. 2005; De Baets et al. 2008; humid alpine conditions (Tasser et al. 2003). While
Loades et al. 2009), therefore, if shallow reinforce- such shallow root systems may provide protection
ment of soil is required, fast-growing herbs can be a against shallow surface erosion, they exert little to no
protection against shallow or deep-seated landslides
(Rice and Foggin 1971; Gabet and Dunne 2002).
At a more detailed level, topological indices have
been used frequently to describe root systems of
herbaceous species (Fitter et al. 1991) as well as
young tree roots and the root systems of juvenile trees
(Stokes et al. 1995; Tsakaldimi et al. 2009). The
topology of a root system largely determines how
roots occupy a given unit of soil and plays an
important role in resource uptake and anchorage
efficiency. Fitter (1985) classed herbaceous root
branching patterns into three types, depending on
Fig. 4 Forks occur in the lateral root branches of woody
species. This branching pattern allows the root system to radiate magnitude (the number of branch tips), altitude (the
widely along the soil surface number of links, or distance between two branches, in
12 Plant Soil (2009) 324:1–30

the longest path from the base to the tip) and the Generally, trees develop large conical-shaped
relationships between these two parameters. Herring- woody central roots which are perennial and build
bone root systems are composed of a single main root up the framework of the root system (Fig. 3). The
and one order of lateral roots (Fig. 1b) whereas in central and vertical taproot ensures the anchorage of
dichotomous systems, a mother root always possesses the plant and bears all the woody laterals (Atger and
two daughter branches (Fig. 1c). Most branching Edelin 1994a). Near the collar, the biggest woody
patterns lie between these two extreme types and are laterals spread the thinner roots away from the base of
called ‘random’ patterns. All three different types of the trunk in order to explore the soil (Figs. 3, 4). This
topology can be found within the same root system, framework develops laterally into two types of woody
depending on root age and nutrient heterogeneity. In roots that are usually shorter and thinner (cylindrically
trees, shrubs and herbs, very young roots may need to shaped) and rarely live for a long time. These
explore nutrient rich patches, therefore send out colonisation roots occupy briefly the soil around the
‘foraging’ herringbone roots which proliferate into skeleton roots as they are spread away from the tree
random or dichotomous systems once a pocket of stem, before branching to develop thin woody
nutrients has been found. The branching pattern can ephemeral exploitation roots (Fig. 3). Woody roots
affect the resistance to uprooting of a plant and for an branch into non woody laterals which are usually the
equal root volume, dichotomous systems are signifi- fine absorbing roots (Fig. 3) and which are more or
cantly better anchored than herringbone systems if less branched, depending on species. For a landslide
roots are rigid. This change in anchorage is because engineer, it is important to remember that a slope is
during uprooting, the total amount of soil mobilised stabilised by the whole community of plants, and not
during uprooting increases as it is carried upwards on individual root systems in isolation. The concept of
the forks of lateral root branches (Stokes et al. 1996; root occupancy is useful here, representing the sum of
Dupuy et al. 2005a, b). Similarly, in sand, the pullout the reinforcement due to new root material, plus the
resistance of model roots depends on the number and remaining root reinforcement of any residual decay-
depth of lateral roots. The deeper the laterals, the greater ing root systems (Watson et al. 1999). Watson et al.
the resistance to pullout due to the increase in stresses (1999) viewed the root system of a tree as an
acting in the sand at depth, due to the overburden of expanding circle, finding a rate of lateral root
sand above (Mickovski et al. 2007). The Coulomb expansion of 0.44 m year−1 for radiata pine (Pinus
friction law also predicts that if soil moves in a radiata D. Don), as compared with 0.25 m year−1 for
horizontal plane around the root, above a critical depth, kanuka (Kunzea ericoides A. Rich), on clear-felled
the soil is lifted upwards. Below this critical depth, less slopes in New Zealand. However, as the natural stand
energy is required to compress the soil and to move it density of trees for kanuka (16,000 stems ha−1) is
horizontally around the soil (McKyes 1985). much greater than for radiata pine (typically 400 to
1,250 stems ha−1), the kanuka site reached its target
root occupancy in only half the time taken by the
Roots of woody plants densest stand of radiata pine. (In such studies
however, it is always necessary to consider the plant’s
Woody plants generally develop two main classes of developmental stage, as root extension rates of young
roots, long roots (called woody, coarse, skeleton, trees are greater than those of mature trees).
anchoring roots or macrorhizae) and short roots Tree root systems have traditionally been classed
(called non woody, fine, feeding, absorbing roots or into three types, depending on their overall shape:
brachyrhizae). The long roots can become a perma- plate, heart and tap (Köstler et al. 1968). Plate root
nent part of the root system acting as a framework and systems have large lateral roots and vertical sinker
for anchorage. More ephemeral short roots emerge as roots, heart systems possess many horizontal, oblique
lateral branches that do not undergo secondary thicken- and vertical roots and tap systems one large central
ing, and so are thinner than long roots. Discrimination root and smaller lateral roots (species list available in
between these two classes of root is usually on the basis Stokes et al. 2008). This classification is over-
of root diameter within the range 1 to 10 mm (Hermann, simplified however, as many species have a mixture
1977), as defined previously in this paper. of root system types. In particular, a ‘sinker’ root
Plant Soil (2009) 324:1–30 13

system type is frequently encountered and is com- soil and so increasing the effective stress on potential
posed of lateral roots from which descend vertical shear surfaces (Fig. 5a). Root systems extract water
sinker roots (Danjon et al. 2005). With regard to tree from deeper in the soil than would occur for
overturning during storms, trees possessing heart and evaporation from the bare soil surface, and calcu-
taproot systems have been classified as being the most lations based on the Penman-Monteith Equation for
resistant to uprooting and plate systems the least evapotranspiration suggest that this phenomenon may
resistant (Dupuy et al. 2005b; Norris et al. 2008). For significantly strengthen slopes against shallow fail-
stabilizing a slope, the type of root system could play a ures (Tarantino et al. 2002; Sidle and Ochiai 2006).
role in species choice, with deeper taprooted systems However, evapotranspiration is often small during
planted in the middle of a slope and plate rooted extended rainy seasons, especially in temperate
systems at the top of the slope (Danjon et al. 2008). regions and, as mentioned previously, slopes often
fail when saturated by heavy rainfall. In Malaysia,
where evapotranspiration is high throughout the year,
Root traits and their interaction with soil stable slopes were associated with large root length
properties densities (RLD) and relatively dry water contents,
whereas unstable slopes tended to be relatively wet
Roots reinforce slopes by the direct mechanical and unrooted (Osman and Barakbah 2006). RLD is a
reinforcement of their roots, but also by drying the trait defined as either root length per unit volume of
soil (i.e. root length distribution with depth) or root
250 length per unit surface of a soil (i.e. the amount of
(a) Fladbury
Alluvial gley roots per unit ground surface or crack surface)
200 (Miyazaki 2006). However, simple water balance
Shear stress (kPa)

simulations in Peninsular Malaysia suggest that

150 tropical forest removal would only moderately in-
crease the period of movement of deep-seated failures
100 and would have little effect on landslides in shallow
soils (Sidle and Ochiai 2006).

0 Root traits and the soil water dynamics of slopes

0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Soil matric potential (-kPa)
Root extraction of soil water
Shear strength increase (kPa)

Willow (sandy loam)

Alfalfa (clay loam)
Alfalfa (chalk)
The shear strength of a soil depends on the balance of
40 Pistacia (chalk)
Rosemary (chalk)
forces operating on a potential shear plane. The matric
suction associated with unsaturated soil tends to
increase the resistance to shear as soil dries, by
increasing the effective stress between particles in the
soil matrix (Fig. 5). Plant roots act as small suction
pumps, drawing water from the soil at matric
potentials as negative as −1.5 MPa. Individual root
tips may continue to grow at matric potentials as dry
0.000 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005 0.006
as −2.3 MPa, and even to −4 MPa if the rest of the
Root area ratio plant is adequately supplied with water (Portas and
Taylor 1976; Sharp et al. 2004).
Fig. 5 a Shear strength as a function of soil matric potential for The rate of water extraction achieved from a soil
three clay soils (data from Spoor and Godwin 1979) and b
increase in shear strength as a function of root area ratio (RAR)
layer depends on the RLD in a particular zone of soil
for clay loam and chalk (data from Operstein and Frydman and the uptake rate per root length. If the root system
2000), and from sandy loam (data from Mickovski et al. 2009) is uniformly distributed in a volume of soil, a RLD as
14 Plant Soil (2009) 324:1–30

small as 0.1 cm cm−3 should be adequate to extract

the water from that soil volume in a few days
(Passioura 1991). However, if roots are clumped
within cracks and biopores in the soil, the time
required for water extraction may increase by an
order of magnitude or more (Passioura 1991). This
phenomenon is because of the greater distance that
water must flow through the soil structural unit to the
roots—several roots clustered within a single biopore
may only be marginally more effective than an
individual root in the same pore. Such clustering
occurs particularly within the subsoil where the
strength of the soil may be relatively large and restrict
growth to continuous channels and planes of weak-
ness or, e.g. if new roots grow preferentially along
decomposing root channels. Little is known about the
relative ability of roots to exploit biopores, though
Fig. Illustration of
Fig. 66 Illustration of how
how aa decayedly root
the channel formeda
can initiate
methods are being developed that might allow decayed root
preferential flowchannel can in soil.byThe
path (PFP) thedark
coloured area ligni-
screening for this trait in crop plants (McKenzie et initiate a preferential flow fied tissue of a
the Bt horizon indicates where dye has flowed preferentiallyroot, stained
al. 2009). There are at least indications that species path (PFP)
along in soil. formed
the channel The dark black. (Reprinted
by the decomposing fromtissue
lignified Per-
may differ substantially in their ability to extract coloured area in the Bt illo et al. (1999),
of a root, stained black. (Reprinted from Perillo et al. (1999),with per-
with indicates
permission from where
Elsevier) mission from Elsevier)
water from the subsoil, even if the distribution of dye has flowed preferential-
RLD is similar (Bremner et al. 1986; Passioura 1988).
There are large species and varietal differences in of these preferential flow paths increases with rainfall
the distribution of root length with depth (Jackson et intensity and soil water content (Tsuboyama et al.
al. 1996), and so it should be possible to choose 1994; Perillo et al. 1999), and may result in relatively
vegetation for slopes that extract water from greater rapid transport of water through the surface horizons
depths. In terms of the total amount of water extracted to less permeable horizons or to bedrock (Fig. 6). In
from a slope, generally the larger the biomass the gently sloping terrain preferential flow paths generally
larger the potential evapotranspiration rate. Water serve to facilitate vertical transport of water and
extraction by the root system must be viewed in the solutes; however, in steep topography, especially
wider context of the water balance of the whole slope. during high rainfall, these preferred flow networks
can rapidly transport water downslope potentially
Effects of roots on preferential flow pathways increasing pore water pressure at the soil-bedrock
in the soil interface or within the soil when hydrologic disconti-
nuities are encountered (Sidle and Ochiai 2006).
Preferential flow paths are regions of the soil where It is likely that differences exist in the preferential
relatively rapid transport of water and solutes may flow pathways associated with root systems of
occur under heavy rain or flooding (Perillo et al. different species, although this is not well docu-
1999). Rapid macropore flow paths may be difficult mented. Root systems with relatively rapid root
to locate or predict using core-sampling techniques, turnover rates will presumably result in more decay-
and may only become apparent at large lysimeter or ing root channels than plants with slow turnover.
hillslope scales (Deeks et al. 2008). Macropores Whilst the thick structural roots of trees may persist
formed by plant root channels comprised at least for many years, finer roots belonging to the same root
55% of all macropores in a Japanese forest soil system e.g. <2 mm tree roots, may be born and die
(Noguchi et al. 1997), whilst 60% of all preferential within a period of weeks or months (Eissenstat et al.
flow paths under recently tilled alfalfa (Medicago 2000; Block et al. 2006). Even within a single root
sativa L.) plots were associated with roots or decom- system, there can be very large differences in root
posed root channels (Perillo et al. 1999). The length lifespan related to root diameter—for example, fine
Plant Soil (2009) 324:1–30 15

tree roots turnover relatively rapidly (e.g. 30 to 300 d heterogeneous soil, when a stressed root reaches a
for fine poplar roots; Block et al. 2006), as compared zone with conditions ideal for growth, any inhibition
with much thicker structural tree roots that can persist of branching can be followed by a proportional
for many years. This temporal nature of fine root stimulation of lateral root development. Therefore,
dynamics needs to be reflected in models (Abe and when one part of a root or a root system has been
Ziemer 1991b). suppressed, the remainder can react and exhibit what
Roots play a major role in the formation of soil has been called compensatory growth (Drew et al.
structure by providing a source of carbon, via root 1973). Studying the competitive effects of neighbours
turnover and exudation, and by subjecting the on lateral root spread in a Creosote bush (Larrea
rhizosphere to alternating wet-dry cycles that bind tridentata Sesse and Moc. ex DC.) population,
rhizosphere particles together with mucilage (Watt et Brisson and Reynolds (1994) demonstrated that the
al. 1993). The interaction of the root system with soil occurrence of such compensatory growth induced a
type influences the nature of structure formation. For sharply asymmetrical distribution of horizontal roots.
example, grass root systems often have RLD of As the asymmetrical formation of root systems is
20 cm cm−3 or more in the surface 0.1 m of soil, frequently encountered on mountain slopes (see
with relatively rapid turnover rates. This gives rise to below), studies of plant growth on slopes must be
the typical crumb-like soil structure found under grass analyzed carefully, taking into account this potentially
swards. The presence of the grass roots and their compensatory root growth. Nevertheless, not all
associated fungal and bacterial communities rapidly species can exhibit compensatory growth to avoid
binds the soil together and decreases erosion from neighbours e.g. Platanus sp. and the west African
establishing newly engineered slopes. The average species Aucoumea klaineana Pierre. Such species
depth of most grass root systems is usually <1.0 m have roots which can fuse and graft with each other
and so the effect is confined to the surface horizons (both within the same tree and between individuals),
and has little affect on landslides as previously noted. thus allowing sap exchange between individuals
(Norris et al. 2008). The fused root systems can act
as a network, holding soil and stones in place and
Soil constraints on root system morphology interlocking with rocks and coarse fragments in the
soil, enhancing the lateral membrane strength of the
Root system form varies not only between species but soil-root complex (Fig. 1). Nevertheless, many tree
also within a species. The first stages of root species demonstrate compensatory growth which
development are genetically driven and shape is not results in the whole form of the root system changing
highly variable. As a plant matures, the morphology so that, e.g. a taprooted or heart rooted system can be
of its root system and the distribution of roots in the transformed into a plate root system when influenced
soil are greatly affected by the immediate soil by local soil conditions, such as the presence of a hard
environment as well as aboveground influences. pan or a seasonal water table (Fig. 1a, Danjon et al.
However, for a given soil constraint, e.g. mineral 2005; Norris et al. 2008). The expression of these
deficiency, plant responses can be significantly different forms is known as plasticity.
different depending on species and the part of the
root system considered. Even the response of a single
root to any one stress will vary according to the root Shallow and deep root endemics
type and its branching order (Drew 1975; Thaler and
Pagès 2000). Schenk and Jackson (2002) collated a database of
When analysing the consequences of environmen- rooting depth for 1,300 plants from water-limited
tal constraints on root development, roots which (arid to sub-humid) environments. These authors
undergo many of the common stresses often respond found that plant rooting depths in water-limited
by first reducing and then by arresting lateral root environments are highly correlated with infiltration
growth. Therefore, a mother root inhibits lateral root depth. Perennial herbs and forbs had average rooting
emergence before restricting its own growth (May et depths of approximately 0.75 m whereas the rooting
al. 1965, 1967; Hackett 1972; Drew et al. 1973). In depth of annuals was usually <0.5 m, although these
16 Plant Soil (2009) 324:1–30

depths could reach several metres. Shrubs and trees However, it is now recognized that this ability to
on deep soils have a mean rooting depth of 2.2 m change, termed phenotypic plasticity, is central to
whereas shrubs and trees growing on shallow soils plant ecological development (Bradshaw 2006).
over bedrock have a mean rooting depth of 7.9 m. Under genetic control, plasticity enables sessile plants
What is happening in this latter case is that roots of to adjust to spatial and temporal heterogeneity, thus
woody plants on shallow soils tend to grow along minimizing stress (Fourcaud et al. 2008). Plasticity
fractures deep into the underlying bedrock (Fig. 1a). has been found in relation to nutrient supply (Drew
Schenk (2008) therefore asks the question—how do 1975), water availability, and soil strength (Bingham
roots at the boundary between soil and bedrock locate and Bengough 2003).
rock fractures that are large enough for them to grow
in? Poot and Lambers (2008) studied six species of Heterogeneity in resource supply
Hakea, two of which are endemic to shallow soils
over ironstone and four are commonly found on When plant fine roots encounter a nutrient rich patch,
deeper soils in the same region. When grown in they usually proliferate, or cluster, within it (Fig. 1b),
containers, the shallow soil endemics explored the where proliferation is the increase in initiation of new
bottom of the containers more efficiently than the laterals (Hodge 2004). Lateral root length can also
deep soil endemics. This superior foraging capacity increase (Drew 1975), but by producing more
will allow roots to locate cracks in the underlying branches, a given unit volume of soil will be
bedrock, leading in turn to possible supplies of exploited more efficiently. Total root system biomass
nutrient and water rich pockets. Therefore, the does not necessarily change because an increase in
shallow soil endemic will be able to better tolerate root mass within a nutrient patch can occur to the
water and nutrient stress, but the disadvantages of detriment of the root system growth outside the patch
occupying this particular ecological niche include (Drew 1975). Within a patch, roots can be longer and
higher energy costs for constructing deeper roots, the thinner (Farley and Fitter 1999) and the trait root
possibility of oxygen deficiency and lower water and tissue density (RTD) may differ in the proliferated
nutrient availability (Schenk 2008). For the landslide roots (Eissenstat 1991). Lignified roots are not
engineer, the ability of vertical roots to grow into sensitive to changes in nutrient supply whereas in
cracks in the bedrock is of extreme but conflicting fine roots, changes in physiological plasticity can also
interest. If plants on shallow soils are able to grow occur so that ion uptake is increased, which might in
through the soil and anchor the plant to the underlying turn act as a feedback mechanism, triggering the
bedrock, soil on a slope would be better fixed production of new lateral roots (Hodge 2004). A trait
(Fig. 1a). However, the roots of many species, e.g. describing lateral root spread may be useful for
Pinus pinaster Ait., are not able to penetrate the estimates of the area over which plants anchor the
bedrock and grow along the surface of the rock, surface soil (Fig. 1). In shrubs and trees, lateral spread
resulting in an unstable shallow root plate (Fig. 1a; was found to be typically between 2 and 16 m in
Danjon et al. 2005). In some species, e.g. eucalyptus radius (Stone and Kalisz 1991; Schenk and Jackson
(see Stone and Kalisz 1991), roots can grow as deep as 2002) but only 0.10–0.60 m for herbaceous plants,
60 m, often being found in subterranean or aquatic with semi-shrubs and stem succulents intermediate.
caves (Hubble et al. 2009). However, in plants where Most (95%) herbaceous perennials have lateral root
roots are anchored to the bedrock, root growth through spreads of <1.5 m, and 95% of all shrubs have been
cracks could enlarge them over time, thus destabilising found to possess lateral root spreads of <15 m
the rock and causing it to fracture, leading in turn to (Schenk and Jackson 2002).
slope failure (Sati and Sundriyal 2007). Added to the complexity of understanding root
plastic responses to soil nutrient status is the
consideration of microbial communities. Mycorrhizal
Plasticity in root traits fungi colonise roots of a host plant, and benefit from
this mutual symbiosis by having direct access to
The ability of a genotype to change its phenotype carbohydrates produced by the plant. In return, the
was originally thought to be an unstable process. plant can access a larger surface area of soil via the
Plant Soil (2009) 324:1–30 17

mycelial network of the mycorrhiza and take advan- Soil texture and compaction
tage of the mycorrhiza’s ability to ‘scavenge’ or
‘mine’ phosphate in the soil (Lambers et al. 2008). Soil texture and compaction have major implications
Mycorrhizas can also proliferate in nutrient rich for the physical stresses that roots will experience (da
patches, and increase root production and alter RLD Silva et al. 1994; Bengough et al. 2006). Sandy soils
(Cui and Caldwell 1996; Hodge et al. 2000). In 25 will store less plant-available water (water held
North American tree species, species predominately between field capacity and wilting point) than clays,
forming ectomycorrhiza were found to have a higher and so will be more susceptible to drought. Clay soils
branching intensity than those forming arbuscular hold more available water, but they may have
mycorrhiza (Comas and Eissenstat 2009). Root tensile insufficient air-filled porosity, limiting root growth
strength increases in ectomycorrhizal-infected roots by hypoxia under wet conditions.
(Ba 2008) but this response appears to be species and Mechanical impedance is often the major limitation
site dependent. In a growing literature on the subject, associated with soil compaction. The elongation rates
mycorrhizas are seen as useful tools in the restoration of both main axes and lateral roots may be decreased,
of degraded soil, but again, species and site are unless small pores in the soil allow fine lateral roots to
important factors to consider before undertaking any proliferate (Goss 1977). Due to the slower elongation
restoration project using mycorrhizas (e.g. Palenzuela rate of the main root axes, the number of lateral roots
et al. 2002; Estaun et al. 2007). In certain conditions, per unit length of the main axis will tend to increase in
the introduction of mycorrhizas at a site may even compacted soils. Roots thicken and follow a more
be detrimental to plant establishment (see Walker tortuous path in more compacted soils (Konopka et al.
et al. 2009). 2009). Root depth is often restricted on former-mining
Root response to zones of increased water avail- sites, and operations such as deep ripping may be
ability are less clear. Lateral soil moisture heteroge- required to enable tree roots to penetrate deeper into
neity can result from variations in topography, water dry profiles to obtain sufficient water (Szota et al.
infiltration, differential root competition and agricul- 2007). Species differences exist in the extent to which
tural irrigation whereas vertical heterogeneity, e.g. trees can root into compacted soils, with Corsican Pine
waterlogging, is often seasonal and predictable (Pinus nigra Arnold.) showing superior rooting than
(Bauerle et al. 2008). Root growth is usually reduced Italian alder (Alnus cordata Loisel.), Japanese larch
in dry soils and within dry patches; resource alloca- (Larix kaempferi Lindl.) and birch (Betula pendula
tion is also reduced so that outside the dry patch, Roth.; Sinnett et al. 2008). Plants may exhibit
preferential root growth occurs (Coutts 1982). Differ- compensatory growth as they respond plastically to
ent species have different strategies to water supply; localised areas of compaction, this response varying
cacti may produce low-cost, short-lived fine roots in between species (Bingham and Bengough 2003).
response to periods of precipitation (Schenk and Physical limitations to root growth can be thought of
Jackson 2002; Snyman 2006), whereas Eissenstat in terms of the Least Limiting Water Range (Bengough
(1991) showed that Citrus sp maintain roots in dry et al. 2006; da Silva et al. 1994), which defines critical
soil and increase root growth only slightly in wetter values whereby root growth will be significantly
soil. Bauerle et al. (2008) demonstrated that morpho- limited if exceeded. For matric potential, soils drier
logical plasticity in root systems of fast growing vines than −1.5 MPa will severely limit root growth and in
(Vitis vinifera cv. Merlot) was greater than that in such dry soils mechanical impedance will also limit
slow-growing vines, but that the tolerance to moisture root growth. The limit chosen for mechanical imped-
stress was similar in both types. Plastic changes will ance is a penetrometer resistance of 2 MPa whilst
influence how the plant extracts water from the soil, aeration is likely to be limiting if there is less than
with some root morphologies being more efficient 0.1 cm3 cm−3 air filled porosity in a region of soil.
than others (Tsutsumi et al. 2003). When clusters of
roots occur in resource-rich patches, water uptake is Root growth on hillslopes
faster around the cluster compared to non-rooted
zones, thus preferential water extraction occurs from Landslide engineers are particularly interested in how
specific regions of soil (Kazda and Schmid 2008). plants grow on slopes. Several studies have been
18 Plant Soil (2009) 324:1–30

carried out on the direction of root growth of plants horizontally into weathered joints of bedrock and
growing on sloping terrain. Chiatante et al. (2003) can attain great lengths. Nutrient and water availabil-
argue that in Quercus cerris L., preferential root ity also play a major role: Pierret et al. (2007) found
growth occurs either up- or downslope, thus enhanc- that in fields on sloping terrain in Laos, both crop
ing anchorage along the axis of static mechanical (rice—Oryza sativa L. and Job’s tear—Coix lacryma-
loading. Mullen et al. (2005) also showed that in jobi L.) and fallow vegetation (15 native herbaceous
Arabidopsis seedlings inclined at different angles, species) developed more shallow root length per unit
lateral root growth was strongly controlled by gravity; soil volume when growing in gentle than steep slopes.
although roots emerged on the upper side of the In conclusion, it is not possible to say that roots grow
taproot, their direction of growth was quickly altered preferentially up- or downslope; the combined effects
and they curved downwards, towards the lower side of all interacting factors must be taken into account.
of the taproot, resulting in a significantly higher Few studies have been carried out on how root
number of lateral roots downslope. However, in other traits change with altitude, and this topic is of much
species, it has been found that preferential growth of interest to landslide engineers. In the few studies
lateral roots occurred upslope or even perpendicular existing, high altitude grasses in New Zealand were
to the slope direction (Nicoll et al. 2006; Khuder et al. found to have thicker roots and smaller SRL than
2006; Khuder 2007). Nevertheless, although lateral plants at low altitude (Craine and Lee 2003).
roots of seedlings might grow preferentially in a given However, Körner and Renhardt (1987) found that
direction, as they elongate they become less sensitive SRL was greater in herbaceous dicots at higher
to gravity (Kiss et al. 2002). At the tissue level, elevations. An investigation into the spatial arrange-
differences have also been observed. In 8 month old ment of roots within the root system, and how their
Spartium junceum L., a significantly higher lignin distribution affects resource uptake, may help explain
content was found in root systems growing on slopes these differences in results. Soethe et al. (2006)
compared to those growing on flat ground (Scippa et examined root architecture of several tree species
al. 2006). As lignin and cellulose content are usually growing at two different altitudes in Ecuador. At the
inversely proportional, more lignin means less cellu- higher altitude, soil depth was restricted and root
lose. Lignin is resistant in compression, and it is not extension significantly greater, resulting in a wide-
known why it should be present in higher quantities spreading but shallow root-soil plate. The increase in
in roots growing on slopes. Differences in root tissue root plate width would help compensate for the
structure will influence tensile strength (Genet et al. shallowness of the root system, thereby maintaining
2005) and in trees growing on slopes, tensile strength anchorage ability. Genet et al. (2006) found that root
was found to be greater in upslope roots compared tensile strength decreased at very high altitudes in
with downslope and horizontal lateral roots (Schiechtl Abies georgii var. smithii., although the functional
1980), although similar studies have shown no significance of this decrease is not yet clear. It could
differences between roots from young Robinia be that there is less investment in roots at high
pseudoacacia L. grown on a slope in controlled altitudes, which have been found to have a faster
glasshouse conditions (Khuder 2007). turnover rate (Graefe et al. 2008).
The diversity of root responses to slope angle Plasticity in root traits can therefore be highly
observed thus probably depends on several factors diverse, and to add to their complexity, responses may
including species, experimental conditions and plant be quite different depending on whether a plant is
age. For example, Di Iorio et al. (2008) found that in grown individually, as a monoculture, or with a
S. junceum, soil type had a greater influence than mixture of species (Huber-Sannwald et al. 1996,
slope angle on the distribution of surface roots. 1997). Not only do traits change over time because
Surface roots were more numerous in clay than in of their inherent genetic expression (Barthélémy and
loam soil, independent of the slope angle, and grew Caraglio 2007), but depending on the frequency and
upslope in clay soil only. Stone and Kalisz (1991) intensity of temporal signals, e.g. nutrient availability
suggest that upslope laterals grow obliquely or and rainfall events, morphological and physiological
Plant Soil (2009) 324:1–30 19

responses will differ within a plant root system production in models of landslide risk. Fine root
(Hodge 2004). production reflects the annual changes that can occur
belowground and how a system responds to distur-
bance (Vogt et al. 1996). Usually, only roots <3 mm
How do plant root traits change with time? in diameter are considered, which are those having
the highest tensile strength (Bischetti et al. 2005,
At the beginning of this paper, we said that a trait is 2009a; Genet et al. 2005), and thus of great interest to
defined as a distinct, quantitative property of organisms. landslide engineers. The biomass of thick roots is less
However, it must not be forgotten that traits are not static affected by environmental change and so is fairly
properties and that they evolve over time as the plant static over the short-term.
matures (Barthélémy and Caraglio 2007). The nature of Hendricks et al. (2006) showed that the method by
a trait will thus depend on endogenous growth which fine root production is estimated is of upmost
processes and be influenced by exogenous constraints. importance. Fine root biomass was measured using
nitrogen and carbon budget techniques, standard soil
Developmental stages in woody root systems cores, ingrowth cores (soil cores are removed and the
soil replaced with root-free soil into which new roots
From germination to death, successive developmental can grow) and minirhizotrons (a transparent cylindri-
stages can be defined according to the nature and cal tube inserted into the soil and down which a
topology of the different root categories developed in camera is inserted). By comparing the different
the branched system (Fig. 3). Tree species have methods in three forest types, Hendricks et al.
complex rooting forms and can undergo reiterative (2006) demonstrated that annual fine root biomass
branching processes which influence root distribution values ranged from 0 to 4,618 kg ha−1 year−1 when
and interactions with the local environment. One such production was measured from soil cores and by
process leads to the formation of forks (Fig. 4) which using minirhizotrons, respectively. The minirhizotron
pin more superficial roots to the underlying soil technique provided the most reliable data and this
substrate. Forks appear when the growth potential of study underlines the shortcomings in the various root
one lateral root changes as a shift occurs in the mother sampling techniques. As discussed earlier, root archi-
root’s functioning. Horizontal perennial roots can tecture is highly variable and plastic responses are
build up two kinds of forks; those near the taproot many. Soil cores therefore need to be large and
are often made up of one or two homologous numerous enough to capture the heterogeneity in fine
horizontal, perennial roots and one vertical tap root root production across a slope (Genet et al. 2008).
which branches from the lower surface of the fork, Nevertheless, temporal changes in dynamics through-
away from the trunk. Forks give rise only to out a year will only be achieved by regular sampling
horizontal roots, no vertical members can develop. or through using minirhizotrons or large scale
This branching pattern allows the root system to rhizotrons. The latter consist of panes of glass pressed
radiate widely along the soil surface (Fig. 4, Atger against the soil surface in a trench dug into the slope
and Edelin 1994a, b; Edelin and Atger 1994). A (e.g. Thongo M’bou et al. 2008). Root initiation,
second type of reiterative branching pattern can occur, elongation rates and mortality can thus be observed as
which involves the outgrowth of a new lateral root frequently as desired. In a study of Eucalyptus clones
(neoformation) or the activation of a dormant lateral in Congo, seasonal dynamics were observed in such a
root on an old part of the root system, e.g. after rhizotron and it was found that fine roots grew
wounding or pruning. continuously throughout the year, but that a signifi-
cant decrease in elongation rates occurred at the end
Fine root dynamics of the dry season (Thongo M’bou et al. 2008). These
authors could also follow root growth dynamics with
Although many data are available on the subject, regard to depth and correlate elongation rates with
engineers rarely consider the dynamics of fine root water variation in the soil profile.
20 Plant Soil (2009) 324:1–30

Integrating information for the management regeneration, although higher species diversity has
of mountain slopes been shown to improve soil aggregate stability (Pohl
et al. 2009). Genet et al. (2009) showed that in the
Natural regeneration or planting mixtures? first phase of succession in naturally regenerated
slopes in the Sichuan, China, when big node bamboo
Surprisingly, the distribution of trees, and hence their (Phyllostachys nidularia Munro.) was the dominant
root systems, in forests prone to landslides has been species, there was no contribution of vegetation to the
studied little (Schmidt et al. 2001; Sakals and Sidle FOS due to the shallow rhizomatous rooting nature of
2004; Kokutse et al. 2006; Danjon et al. 2008; Genet big node bamboo. The FOS did increase over time, as
et al. 2008, 2009) and yet is of major importance as deeper rooting deciduous tree species colonised the
landslides tend to occur in areas of reduced root sites studied. Similarly, Roering et al. (2003) observed
distribution (Roering et al. 2003), where gaps occur that where gaps occurred in a naturally regenerated,
between trees. Genet et al. (2008) studied root temperate forest, sword fern (Polystichum munitum
reinforcement in plantations of Cryptomeria japonica Kaulf.) was present and always found in the vicinity
D. Don. of three different ages and spatial densities. It of the landslide scarp. Schmidt et al. (2001) discuss
was found that in older plantations, where trees had the possibility of planting conifer seedlings immedi-
been thinned and large gaps occurred between trees, ately after clear-felling, to reduce the window of
the greater the number of trees in given transects and landslide hazard which occurs due to subsequent root
the smaller the average distance between groups of decay and hydrologic response. The duration of this
trees, the higher the FOS. No relationships between window varies from 15 to 25 years and is highly site
FOS and stand structure were observed in the and species specific (Ziemer 1981; Watson et al.
youngest plantation, due to the high stand density 1999). For example, Cammeraat et al. (2005) showed
and low spacing between trees, resulting in a more that in abandoned bench terraced slopes at different
homogeneous structure. Sakals and Sidle (2004) phases of vegetation succession, mass wasting pro-
proposed that model simulations of root cohesion cesses increase after abandonment, due to the limited
over time and space would allow foresters to contribution of anchorage by roots at potential slip
determine how gap formation between trees would planes and the fast transfer of rainfall to the potential
affect slope stability. Similarly, Danjon et al. (2008) slip plane. It took up to 40 years for mass wasting
suggested using maps of root cohesion in forest process to decline. If natural regeneration is the
stands to establish appropriate types of planting, e.g. choice of the landslide engineer, rather than restora-
rows or staggered lines of trees, depending on the tion or prevention of landslides through plantations,
FOS of the slope. Simulating changes in root then promotion of the recovery of self-sustaining
architecture using plant growth models (Jourdan et communities is feasible by stabilization with native
al. 1995; Dupuy et al. 2005c; Drouet and Pagès 2007) ground cover, applications of nutrient amendments
could in the future be combined with slope stability and facilitation of dispersal to overcome establish-
models (Kokutse et al. 2006) and is an area where ment bottlenecks (Walker et al. 2009).
much promising research could be carried out.
Once e.g. a clear-felling or a fire has occurred on a Regeneration strategies
slope, the site will be relatively fragile until new
vegetation colonizes the soil. Although the roots The ability of a plant to resprout after a disturbance is
remaining in the soil provide a certain amount of an important consideration to be made in the
strength for the early years (e.g. Watson et al. 1999; management or restoration process. Resprouting is
Sidle et al. 2006; Jackson and Roering 2009), a the ability of a plant to produce a new shoot from a
forester has to decide how best to manage the site root or stem if part of the plant’s biomass has been
depending on the long-term goal. If not under the removed through a disturbance event such as grazing,
obligation to plant fast-growing monocultures of fire, windstorms, avalanche etc (Bond and Midgeley
timber species, natural regeneration of the local 2001). Not all species possess this ability. Annual
vegetation may be a solution. Very little information species usually cannot resprout as resources need to
exists on the slope failure risk associated with natural be allocated and stocked in storage organs. As
Plant Soil (2009) 324:1–30 21

construction costs are higher for such organs, these container seedlings, the landslide engineer should use
costs need to be weighed against the benefit that a the best quality planting stock available, to avoid
plant will gain after a disturbance. If a plant can seedling mortality and poor growth when plants are
resprout, it will be able to survive in the newly planted out. To promote lateral root growth in
disturbed environment, even when above-ground bio- container seedlings, different types of pots exist, e.g.
mass is destroyed (Stokes et al. 2007). Very few slitwall containers have open slits down the sides of
studies have been carried out on the influence of the container so that roots can grow through the slits
edaphic factors on resprouting ability (Sakai et al. (Rune 2003). Ribwall containers have solid ribbed
1997). Guerrero-Campo et al. (2006) carried out a walls along which roots grow, thus avoiding root
study of 123 commonly occurring plant species found spiralling, but root area is less in these pots and
on eroded land in north-east Spain. These authors spiralling more frequent than in slitwall containers
found that species with coarse and deep tap-roots (Rune 2003). Root spiralling occurs when lateral root
tended to be root-sprouting and those with fine, growth is restricted by the pot size and roots grow
fasciculate and long main roots (which generally around the pot walls, forming a root ball. A
spread laterally), tended to be shoot-rooting. Landslide symmetrical root system shape with unrestricted
engineers can find information about such traits useful lateral and vertical roots would fix soil earlier and
when deciding on management strategies with regard more efficiently than seedlings with root balls.
to coppicing. However, Sati and Sundriyal (2007) Container-grown trees can also have a significantly
suggested that Alnus nepalensis D. Don can promote different root architecture to naturally regenerated
landslide activity after resprouting. If the roots of this seedlings, due largely to the availability of nutrient
species are exposed through soil loss, resprouting and water resources in nursery conditions, e.g.
occurs which initially reduces soil erosion. The roots naturally regenerated Quercus ilex were found to
of several individuals then form an interlocking matrix possess herringbone-like root systems whereas con-
which acts as a single unit. As the plants mature, the tainer seedlings had more randomly branched root
weight of this root-soil matrix increases and can result systems (Tsakaldimi et al. 2009). Many different
in a downward movement of the integrated soil mass. techniques exist to manipulate root systems during
A similar phenomenon has also been observed in the the juvenile stage of growth, e.g. by root pruning
rhizomatous big node bamboo, which resprouts from before transplanting, thus changing the shape of the
the running rhizomes located just underneath the soil existing root system and affecting the subsequent
surface (Stokes et al. 2007). Vogt et al. (2006) showed branching pattern when roots regenerate from the
that abandoned stands of coppiced Sweet chestnut pruned areas (Girouard 1995). Cuttings can also have
(Castanea sativa Mill.) became more likely to uproot a significantly different root architecture to seedlings.
as trees became taller and more mechanically unstable, Seedlings generally possess their original taproot
particularly when growing in pits or steep depressions. whereas cuttings do not necessarily, and only adven-
On steep slopes, uprooted trees are likely to fall titious roots can be present, depending on the parent
downslope, transporting sediment attached to the root material of the cutting (Charrier 1969: Sasse and
plate and even resulting in soil mass movement Sands 1997). Live pole cuttings are often used to
(Norman et al. 1995). After clear-felling of a coppiced stabilize slopes and river banks (Norris et al. 2008)
stand, it is not known if root decay occurs, thus and also develop an adventitious root system with
reducing soil reinforcement, and should be further the mechanical function of the pole analogous to a
investigated. A careful management of coppiced stands large taproot. It was found that not only does root
is therefore required to meet the balance between the system development depend on soil type, but the
protection of surface soil through erosion and a deeper anchorage of adult Populus sp grown from live poles
reinforcement of the slope. depends on whether soil is frictional (sandy) or
cohesive (clayey), with anchorage improved in the
Choice of planting stock latter (Dupuy et al. 2007).
The engineer must therefore carefully select plant-
If seeding or natural regeneration of vegetation at a ing stock, as seedlings grown in ideal nursery
site is not an option and a site is to be planted with conditions and a particular soil type may not be
22 Plant Soil (2009) 324:1–30

adapted to stressful field conditions. In such cases, How root systems interlock with rocks and coarse
root growth of healthy seedlings can be arrested when fragments in the soil is not quantified, but is a
substrate conditions change drastically. Before plant- character which could be manipulated by the land-
ing out therefore, it would thus be wise to determine slide engineer to enhance the lateral membrane
how the most limiting factors to growth at the given strength of the soil matrix component (Fig. 1a). We
site affect root traits. A list of desirable root traits for also need more information on the properties of the
the landslide engineer is given in Table 2. interface zone between roots and soil and how this
changes friction along the root surface. Roots have
rough surfaces due to the presence of bark, roots hairs
Perspectives for future research and exudates (Mickovski et al. 2007). The latter can
influence soil aggregate and rhizosheath formation
One of the current areas where more information is which is also an important aspect for the landslide
needed is the development of a simple yet elegant engineer to consider (Pohl et al. 2009). How root
slope stability model which takes into account the tensile strength changes along a root, within a root
impact of vegetation. User-friendly softwares, e.g. system, with plant and root age and how it is
Slip4ex (Greenwood 2006), exist which calculate the influenced by the soil environment, needs to be
FOS of a slope, but rely on data from Wu’s (1976) elucidated along with its interaction with other traits
and Waldron’s (1977) models of additional cohesion, and plant form and history.
which overestimate the cohesion provided by roots. It is particularly important that we develop better
The FBM (Pollen and Simon 2005; Pollen 2007; ways of measuring root distribution with depth. If
Pollen-Bankhead and Simon 2009) is highly promis- root traits could be predicted from aboveground
ing but requires further development with regard to measurements or characteristics, it would be possible
the spatial arrangement of roots in soil along with to map the contribution of vegetation to slope stability
their mechanical properties. It is unlikely that a simple and thus highlight zones of potential failure (Roering
model can consider 3D root architecture, therefore et al. 2003; Preti et al. 2009). This type of mapping
parallel studies using techniques like FEM need to be could also consider species diversity and the effect of
carried out to determine how the position of roots in a different species mixtures on slope stability. How root
block of soil influence its shear strength, taking into systems grow when planted individually or in
account root size, mechanical properties and soil competition with other species differs, and soil
physical properties. exploration and exploitation can be highly influenced
Most of the existing slope stability models which by a diversity of root forms (Fig. 7). More work needs
consider vegetation are of a static nature (but see carrying out therefore on plant diversity with regard
Pollen 2007), i.e. they just consider the distribution of to slope stability, as well as how to plant and manage
roots at a given time, nevertheless, such models are along a slope, taking into account local variations in
still useful for estimating landslide risk for a given topography and ecology (Genet et al. 2009). To this
slope configuration. Exploring the effect of reforesta- end, the development of expert systems and species
tion scenarios or more generally the impact of slope databases would be very useful, especially open
management can be performed making assumptions source systems where data can be added freely by
on the expected rooting patterns and using the end-users and researchers (Norris et al. 2008).
previously mentioned static models (see Dhakal and With regard to slope stability in a changing
Sidle 2003 as an example of considering root decay climate, the impacts of potential climate change
and regrowth after harvesting). However, coupling scenarios outlined in the recent Fourth Assessment
growth models, in particular based on structural- Report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
functional notions (Fourcaud et al. 2008), with soil, Change (Cruz et al. 2007) on landslide and severe
climate and hydrological models is an exciting surface erosion are mixed. For slow, deep-seated
challenge to answer the question of the consequences landslides, the likelihood that future climate change
of climate change on substrate mass movement. Such will decrease susceptibility or movement rates is
models can also take into account the temporal nature actually greater than cases where rates would increase
of root dynamics and trait expression. (Sidle and Burt 2009). Shallow landslides are likely to
Plant Soil (2009) 324:1–30 23

Fig. 7 Illustration of rooting types and depths for seven ally or as a monoculture, e.g. the root system of K. arvensis
herbaceous species growing at 470 m altitude, Klagenfurt, exploits soil horizontally beneath the root systems of its
Austria. From left to right, Dactylis glomerata L., Knautia neighbours. By increasing the diversity of root forms, the
arvensis L., Arrhenatherum elatius L., Pastinaca sativa L., occupation of soil will be increased, and hence the overall
Bromus hordeaceus L., Carum carvi L., Holcus lanatus L. and fixation of soil along a slope (reprinted with permission from
Crepis biennis L.. Where species’ mixtures are diverse, plant the publisher; see Kutschera and Lichtenegger 1997)
root systems occupy space differently than if grown individu-

increase in a warmer climate if the local frequency of temperature and changes in precipitation patterns will
intense storms increases. Since such landslides are affect root growth dynamics. Therefore, we need
more influenced by rooting strength, modification of more understanding of how the expression of traits
vegetation cover and harvesting methods in steep, and their interactions are affected by the local
managed forests may be required to ensure stable environment, in particular soil temperature and
slopes in a changing climate. However, before such precipitation. At the moment it is not possible to say
expensive measures are implemented on a widespread with any certainty how traits will be affected because
basis, better predictions of the spatial changes in responses of soil to changes in climate will be
rainfall response are needed than are currently localized. One thing is certain though, once a
available from climate change models. For landslides landslide has occurred through either land use
and severe surface erosion, more focus needs to be mismanagement or the consequences of climate
placed on sustainable anthropogenic practices, which change, the replacement of soil on the denuded slope
are much more manageable in the context of current can take up to thousands of years through natural
knowledge and practical policy-making decisions, processes. In a world where the population is
than the uncertain impacts of global warming. expected to reach 9 billion by 2040 (http://www.
Climate change can also affect the expression of, agri-
root traits; the increased carbon gain under elevated cultural soil is precious and hillslope stability should
CO2 may augment RLD and mycorrhizal coloniza- be a priority for governments needing to feed rapidly
tion, whilst at the same time decreasing tissue increasing populations.
nitrogen concentrations (Eissenstat et al. 2000). Tree In conclusion, it is clear that biologists and
wood strength may increase but genetic variation is landslide engineers need to work together to develop
great (Beismann et al. 2002). Increases in soil long-term strategies for the ecological management of
24 Plant Soil (2009) 324:1–30

steep slopes (Norris et al. 2008). We have included Atger C, Edelin C (1994b) Stratégies d’occupation du milieu
many ideas, data and concepts presented at the souterrain par les systèmes racinaires des arbres. Rev Ecol
(Terre Vie) 49:343–356
Second International Conference ‘Ground Bio- and Ba M (2008) Etude des propriétés biomécaniques et de la
Eco-engineering: The Use of Vegetation to Improve capacité de vie symbiotique des racines d’arbres adultes
Slope Stability—ICGBE2’ held at Beijing, China, d’Acacia senegal Cand et de Prosopis juliflora Willd. PhD
14–18 July 2008. Several papers from this conference Thesis, Université Bordeaux I, France
Barthelemy D, Caraglio Y (2007) Plant architecture: a dynamic,
are published in this edition of Plant and Soil multilevel and comprehensive approach to plant form,
(Bischetti et al. 2009a; Fan and Su 2009; Mickovski structure and ontogeny. Ann Bot 99:375–407
and van Beek 2009; Pohl et al. 2009; Reubens et al. Bathurst JC, Bovoloa CI, Cisnerosb F (2009) Modelling the
2009; Stangl et al. 2009; Tsakaldimi et al. 2009; effect of forest cover on shallow landslides at the river
basin scale. Ecol Eng (in press). doi:10.1016/j.ecoleng.
Walker et al. 2009) and several more are published in 2009.05.001
a special edition of Ecological Engineering (Bathurst Bauerle TL, Smart DR, Bauerle WL, Stockert C, Eissenstat DM
et al. 2009; Bischetti et al. 2009b; Genet et al. 2009; (2008) Root foraging in response to heterogeneous soil
Hubble et al. 2009; Loades et al. 2009; Preti et al. moisture in two grapevines that differ in potential growth
rate. New Phytol 179:857–866
2009; Schwarz et al. 2009; Stokes et al. 2009 Beismann H, Schweingruber F, Speck T, Körner C (2002)
submitted; Wang et al. 2009; Zhang and Dong Mechanical properties of spruce and beech wood grown in
2009). The third conference in this series will be held elevated CO2. Trees: Struct Func 16:511–518
in Vancouver, Canada, 2012 and the first author of Bell A (1991) Plant form. An illustrated guide to flowering
plant morphology. Oxford University Press, New York
this paper can be contacted for further details. Bengough AG, Bransby MF, Hans J, McKenna SJ, Roberts TJ,
Valentine TA (2006) Root responses to soil physical
Acknowledgements Funding for AS, CA and TF was conditions; growth dynamics from field to cell. J Exp
received from INRA (Jeune Equipe), CNRS (EcoPente project) Bot 57:437–447
and Agropolis Fondation, Montpellier. AMAP (Botany and Bingham IJ, Bengough AG (2003) Morphological plasticity of
Computational Plant Architecture) is a joint research unit which wheat and barley roots in response to spatial variation in
associates CIRAD (UMR51), CNRS (UMR5120), INRA soil strength. Plant Soil 250:273–282
(UMR931), IRD (2M123), and Montpellier 2 University Bischetti GB, Chiaradia EA, Simonato T, Speziali B, Vitali B,
(UM27). The Scottish Crop Research Institute receives grant- Vullo P, Zocco A (2005) Root strength and root area of
in-aid support from the Scottish Government Rural and forest species in Lombardy. Plant Soil 278:11–22
Environment Research and Analysis Directorate. Thanks are Bischetti GB, Chiaradia EA, Epis T, Morlotti E (2009a) Root
due to the Chinese Academy of Sciences and LIAMA, in cohesion of forest species in the Italian Alps. Plant Soil (in
particular B. Hong and X. Zhang, for their help in the press). doi:10.1007/s11104-009-9941-0
organisation of the ICGBE2 conference. Bischetti GB, Chiaradia EA, D’Agostino V, Simonato T
(2009b) Quantifying the effect of brush layering on slope
stability. Ecol Eng (in press). doi:10.1016/j.ecoleng.
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