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Chapter 5

Hadith 1:
“Religion is sincerity. ‘We said: ‘The Prophet said: ‘To Allah, His Book, His Messenger,

the leaders of the Muslims and to their common people.’

(A) Teachings of the Hadith:

This Hadith of the holy prophet(P.B.U.H) highlights the importance of sincerity and
purity in the faith and actions. This Hadith of the holy Prophet(P.B.U.H) teaches us to
follow the faith of Islam with complete devotion. This hadith motivates a Muslim to
fulfill the rights of Allah and His people to create a balance between the religious and
the social life.The prophet(P.B.U.H) tells us that we must be sincere in beliefs and in
actions, and we must live our lives according to the commands of Allah, His Book Quran
, the sunnah of the Prophet(P.B.U.H) and to the leaders of the Muslim community .We
all should be very loyal and righteous members of the community. As the Holy Quran
states, ‘Obey Allah , obey His messenger and obey all those leaders ,who are incharge
among yourself’.(4:59) .Islam lays a lot of significance to sincerity and loyalty which is
led by good intention and the pure intention is the basis of all good deeds.

(B) Implementation of the teachings of Hadith in Muslim’s life

Muslims must be sincere in all their actions and beliefs. They must believe in the
Commandments of Allah (Quran) and the Sunnah of the Prophet and express their belief
in their actions for a sincere desire to please Allah and show their loyalty towards his
Messenger.They should follow the example of the Prophet and the companions who
bore all the hardships but remained loyal to the divine faith .His companions showed
utmost sincerity and obedience to Allah and their leader ,the Prophet. We Muslims
should learn from these examples and also be respectful towards the elders and leaders
of our time no matter how powerful we get. if we act upon the teachings of this
Hadith ,we will be successful to please our Lord by following all Quranic commands and
the actions of prophet and by being supportive to the Muslim leaderit will also
guarantee a true peaceful, just, considerate and trustworthy Islamic society .
Hadith 2:
‘None of you believes until he wants for his brother what he wants for himself. ‘

(A):Teachings of the Hadith:

This Hadith teaches highlights the importance of Islamic communal life and the
brotherhood. Muslims should consider the needs and rights of other Muslims as their
own and try to support them morally, physically and the financially as much as possible .
Islam requires Muslims to have care and concern for the welfare of other Muslims, as
the holy Prophet said,’The best among people is the one who is a source of benefit to
the people’.(Agreed) If they ignore and neglect this ,their faith is considered as
imperfect. All believers are bonded together with a common faith in Islam as the holy
Quran states, ‘Believers are but a single brotherhood’.(49:10)

(b)Implementation of the teachings of Hadith in Muslim’s life

Muslims should fulfill the rights of others in the same way as their own if they are to
acquire religious perfection. The Holy Prophet always preferred the needs of other
believers over himself .The Prophet(P.B.U.H) established the Islamic brotherhood
between Ansars and the emigrants in Madina. Muslims should follow the examples of
the Prophet(P.B.U.H) and they should make sure that their fellow Muslims should be
supported to get the basic necessities of life. They should work for the welfare of all
individuals and the community to have a peaceful, united and balanced Muslim society .
in 2005, when the earthquake struck the northern regions of Pakistan, Everyone
responded with donations large or small sometimes even at their own loss. All the
Muslim’s should try to be so generous in times of hardship of their spiritual brothers and
must support them morally, physically and financially to establish the real brotherhood.

Hadith 3:
‘Let him who believes in Allah and the Last Day either speak good or keep silent, and
let him who believes in Allah and the Last Day be generous to his neighbor, and let
him who believes in Allah and the Last Day be generous to his guest.’

(A) Teachings of the Hadith:

Islam gives a lot of importance to its social and moral system .This Hadith highlights the
importance of good speech and refers it as a duty for every true Muslim who believes in
Allah and the Hereafter. It teaches Muslims to use their tongue in a decent, pleasing
and positive way for others , not for evil purpose .Islam lays a great importance to good
conversation, the Prophet(P.B.U.H) said, ’It is a charity to utter a good word’(Bukhari)

It also teaches Muslims to show goodness,generosity and kindness towards their

neighbors and guests as much as possible. Islam lays a lot of stress upon the rights of
neighbors. The Prophet(P.B.U.H) said,’Jibrael kept recommending me to treat
neighbors with kindness until I thought he would fix for them a share in inheritance’.

(B) Implementation of the teachings of Hadith in Muslim’s life

This Hadith teaches us to be good ,polite and respectful in speech with everyone. The
Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) always respected his guests and made sure that his guests were
comfortable. He (PBUH) was also tortured by a neighbor who threw filth on his
doorstep but he never cursed or ridiculed her in return. The Muslims should learn from
this example of the Holy Prophet(P.B.U.H) and should speak and treat everyone in a
way that is just, kind and beneficial for them .We should not harm or disturb our
neighbors and should welcome our guests warmly and must take a good care of them.
This is a distinction of Muslim society which promote mutual love and care for each

Hadith 4:
‘A man asked the Messenger of Allah (May Allah bless him and give him peace): Do
you think that if I perform the obligatory prayers, fast in Ramadan, treat as lawful that
which is lawful and treat as forbidden that which is forbidden, and do nothing further,
I shall enter paradise? He said: Yes.’

(A) Teachings of the Hadith:

The prayer and the fasting are the basic pillars of Islam on which the building of Islam
stands. This Hadith clearly tells us that the performance of obligatory religious duties
like praying and fasting ,and application of lawful acts in life will be rewarded with
Paradise. Observing Prayer and fast lead us to the ultimate success in both the worlds,
the Prophet(P.B.U.H) said ,’Observe your prayers five times a day and fast during the
month of Ramadan…you will enter your Lord’s Paradise’.(Bukhari) These teachings
bring a Muslim closer to Allah and refrain him from evil and turn him a righteous and
pious man as Quran says, ’O’ people! Eat of what is good on earth .Do not follow
devil’s footsteps, surely he is your open enemy.’These pillars of Islam are actually the
training sessions for a muslim to become a true believer or the practitioner,which leads
him to Paradise.

(B): Implementation of the teachings of Hadith in Muslim’s life

Muslims are encouraged and motivated to follow the pillars of Islam and all of the other
Islamic observances. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) strictly observed these pillars and always
differentiated the right from wrong and chose the right. The Muslims should learn from
his example and also be regular and punctual in observance of prayer and fasting and
always strive to act upon the lawful and avoid from unlawful in their everyday life. In
fact the observances mentioned in this Hadith establish a strong bond between Allah
and the believer,which makes a Muslim follow all the commands of Islam in his life and
he fulfills his duties towards Allah and His people which surely results his enterance in

Hadith 5:

Every person’s every joint must perform a charity every day the sun comes up: to act
justly between two people is a charity; to help a man with his mount, lifting him onto
it or hoisting up his belongings onto it is a charity ; every step you take to prayers is a
charity; every kind word is a charity and removing a harmful thing from the road is a

a)Teachings of the Hadith:

This hadith highlights the importance of good deeds and charity for Muslim community.
This hadith includes every beneficial step and act of kindness for the welfare of fellow
beings as a charity not only the financial support or the Zakat. The teachings of this
hadith encourage its believers to help others in time of need, utter kind and nice words,
remove any hardship from the life of muslim brothers and eradicate any evil from the
society on regular basis to show their gratitude towards Allah.The holy Prophet
said,”Charity takes the Lord’s anger …”(Sunan Tirmidhi)

b)Implementation of the teachings of Hadith:

This Hadith encourages Muslims to perform kind and good acts to show gratitude to
Allah for His blessings.The holy prophet spent his entire life ,performing acts for the
welfare of his fellow beings .He widened the term of charity and remained polite, gentle
and soft in his words and actions and inspired many of the people to embrace Islam and
also made every effort to remove the hardship from their life. We Muslims should
follow his example in our life and should become humble ,kind and sympathetic towards
all human beings in all aspects of life.They should not consider charity only a financial
assistance or spending the material wealth in the way of Allah but it covers every minor
deed for the well beings of community.If we act upon the teachings of this Hadith ,it will
establish an environment of kindness, love and care for each other .The believers will
extend their hands to support and help their religious brothers and will value every little
good deed in this regard.

Hadith 6:
‘Whosoever of you sees an evil action, let him change it with his hand, and if he is not
able to do so then with his tongue, and if he is not able to do so then with his heart,
and that is the weakest of faith.’

(A) Teachings of the Hadith:

This Hadith clearly explains the different levels of Jihad to eradicate evil and
corruption from the Muslim society. Islam imposes this duty on every individual
muslim according to his capacity. If a Muslim sees evil he should physically stop it or
critise it verbally, or at least reject it at heart. The Muslim’s action and struggle
against evil is an expression of his faith .The holy prophet(P.B.U.H) appreciated the
fight against evil practices from the society, he said,”The best type of Jihad is
speaking a true word in the presence of a tyrant ruler.”(Bukhari) The Quran
mentions the distinction of Muslims as ,’You are the best of the people ,raised for
mankind, enjoining what is right , forbidding what is wrong and believing in Allah’,

(B) Implementation of the teachings of Hadith in Muslim’s life

This Hadith teaches us to end any evil present in the Muslim community. The Holy
Prophet(P.B.U.H)spent his entire life in eradicating evil, this can be judged by the battles
fought by him against the evil pagans in Madina and his verbal Jihad in Makkah. We
should learn from this example of the Holy Prophet(P.B.U.H) that firm action is required
against evil to prevent its growth. Hazrat Abu Bakar (RA) took strict actions against the
false prophets and the ones who refused to pay Zakat. When we are in power, our
preference should be physical opposition to evil and only if that is not possible we
should fight against it verbally or reject it silently. Our complete negligence of evil at
every possible level is the sign of our weak faith. Muslims all around the world are acting
upon the teachings of this hadith by performing the intellectual jihad through Dawa and
the physical jihad in Syria, Palestine, Captured Kashmir and Afghanistan to eradicate evil
from the Muslim community.

Hadith 7:
‘It was said: O Messenger of Allah, who is the most excellent of men? The Messenger
of Allah (may Allah bless him and give him peace) said: ‘The believer who strives hard
in the way of Allah with his person and his property.’

(A) Teachings of the Hadith:

This Hadith of the holy prophet highlights the importance of Jihad. Islam emphasizes
upon the need of taking the practical steps against evil with all human and material
resources. According to this Hadith the person who uses all his resources and himself in
the way of Allah and performs Jihad is the best of men .The Quran says,’.They strive for
Allah’s sake with their wealth and their persons .Such are the truthful ones.’(49:50)

This hadith encourages the believers to make every effort in the way of Allah by using
his wealth, body, property, intelligence and physical strength. The holy prophet(P.B.U.H)
said, ”Spending a day on the frontier in Allah’s way is better than one thousand days
in any other place.”(Bukhari) .Every personal sacrifice with all human and material
resources is well appreciated to stop terror , oppression , mischief and wickedness in

(B): Implementation of the teachings of Hadith in Muslim’s life

The Hadith teaches us the importance of performing Jihad. The Holy Prophet (PBUH)
always performed Jihad and never hesitated to spend all his belongings and sacrifice
himself in the way of Allah which can be seen in the battles he fought in Allah’s way as
Badar, Uhad, Trench, Tabuk. We Muslims should learn from his example and should be
ready to perform Jihad at any level and should utilise our wealth, energy and resources
against evil either in the battlefield, the intellectual or the financial. This is the only way
that to be included among the “best” of the both worlds as Jihad wins us the honor of
this world and the ultimate success in the next.
Hadith 8:
‘The Messenger of Allah (May Allah bless him and give him peace) said: “Whom do
you count to be a martyr among you?’ They said: O Messenger of Allah, whoever is
killed in the way of Allah is a martyr. He said: ‘In that case the martyrs of my
community will be very few! He who is killed in the way of Allah is a martyr, he who
dies a natural death in the way of Allah is a martyr, he who dies in the plague in the
way of Allah is a martyr, he who dies of cholera in the way of Allah is a martyr.’

(A) Teachings of the Hadith:

This Hadith of the prophet highlights the types of a martyr .The Prophet (P.B.U.H)
included all those Muslims who are struggling in Allah’s Path in one way or the other are
declared as a martyr .The entire life of a muslim is spent in the performance of different
levels of jihad such as the spiritual , mental , physical or financial jihad. It is the deepest
desire of a muslim to die as a martyr in the way of Allah to win this great honor.The holy
prophet(P.B.U.H) mentions in another hadith,” The Muslim who dies while defending
his property ,life , faith and his family as a martyr.”(Agreed) This Hadith motivates
every believer to live his life according to the designed path of Allah to die as a
martyr.The teachings of this hadith encourage Muslims to bear the hardships of life,
tests and disease and keep them calm, firm and patient in any of the difficult situation
and remain steadfast in the way of Allah.

b) Implementation of the teachings of Hadith in Muslim’s life

In the light of this Hadith ,the death of a muslim is martyrdom provided that he spends
his life according to the divine guidance. The holy prophet(P.B.U.H) lived his entire life in
performing different types of Jihad, spiritual and mental during his Makki phase and the
physical, mental and financial jihad in his Madni phase of life to achieve the status of a
mujahid all the time. We Muslims should learn from his example and must live our life
as a Mujahid not only in the battlefield but in every walk of life. We should lead a life of
purity, sincerity and devotion to the cause of Islam, whether trading in the market or
performing duties in the offices or at home .The diseases and calamities are only to test
his patience and faith ,if he is successful in leading a pure and righteous life, he is a
Mujahid and every Mujahid is a martyr if he dies in the way of Allah.

Hadith 9:
‘No one eats better food than that which he eats out of the work of his

(A) Teachings of the Hadith:

Islam lays a lot of stress on its economical teachings and the lawful earning.
This Hadith teaches us the importance of honest earning through hard work
which is a virtue as well as a duty. It encourages Muslims to earn their
livelihood with honesty and negates the earning through unfair means such
as bribery, gambling, thieving, usury etc. In fact, every honest income is
through hard work. it shows the high status of the working class in Islam.
The Prophet(P.B.U.H) appreciated this honest effort to please Allah as he
said,’Allah is pleased with a person who goes to sleep at night tired from
the struggle to earn lawful bread’.

However, the Holy Prophet (PBUH) also has warned about Allah’s
displeasure for those who earn unlawfully .The prophet(P.B.U.H) also
highlighted the importance of lawful earning by saying ,”One who earns his
livelihood by the sweat of his brow is a friend of Allah”.(Sahih Bukhari)

(B): Implementation of the teachings of Hadith in Muslim’s life

This Hadith teaches us Muslim to earn our living through honest means
without any hesitation. The Holy prophet (PBUH) never avoided hard,
physical labour, rather he took active part in the construction of Masjid-e-
Nabwi and the digging of the Trench. He worked as a shepherd and a very
fair and honest trader. Therefore we Muslims should also never avoid
physical labour for honest and lawful earning and refrain from unfair
sources of income such thieving, gambling, bribe, interest and also should
avoid depending on others for income such as begging , these are
condemned as Haram in Islam. If we act upon the teachings of this Hadith
,every honest worker will be honored and all unlawful means of income will
be rejected in the Islamic society, which will definitely eradicate the financial
corruption and the greed of wealth from the society.

Hadith 10:
‘One who manages the affairs of the widow and the poor man is like the one who
exerts himself in the way of Allah, or the one who stands for prayer in the night or
fasts in the day.’

(A) Teachings of the Hadith:

Islam gives a great importance to the social system and the rights of the fellow
beings. Salat, Fasting and Jihad although essential parts of Islam but are acts
between Allah and His Servants. Islam also requires that Muslims must show
concern for other fellow beings in which the foremost are the weak and helpless
members such as widows, poor and the needy. The holy Prophet(P.B.U.H)
said,’The best among you is the one who is a source of benefit to the people’.
(Sahih Bukhari)

The special concern and efforts for the welfare of such needy people is well appreciated
in Islam.The holy prophet(P.B.U.H) has appreciated the kind and merciful treatment to
the creation of Allah and said,”Treat kindly the dwellers of earth,He who dwells in the
Heavens will treat you kindly.”(Sahih Bukhari) This is the reason that the Holy Prophet
(PBUH) declares such charitable acts as worship and Jihad.

(B): Implementation of the teachings of Hadith in Muslim’s life

This Hadith teaches us Muslims to be caring and considerate towards the poor, widows
and the weak members of the society. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) himself practically
demonstrated this.He married the widows to give them the shelter and respect. He
always helped the poor and the needy. Therefore we Muslims must also make
communal as well as individual efforts to help the needy and to bring relief to them.
Such acts of charity and generosity are the expressions of true faith. There are many
organization in Pakistan like SOS ,Edhi Trust ,Ansar and Al Khidmat Trust, which are
working for the welfare of orphans, widows and the needy.If we act upon the teachings
of this hadith it benefits Muslims individually as they earn Allah’s pleasure as well as to
the community as these needy are provided with their necessities ,so they don’t indulge
into criminal activities and become beneficial members of the Muslim society.
Hadith 11:

“I and the man who brings up an orphan will be in paradise like this.’ And he pointed
with his two fingers, the index finger and the middle finger.

(A) Teachings of the Hadith:

This Hadith highlights the importance of Islamic moral and social system and encourage
the believers to care for the welfare of orphans. This Hadith declares the exalted status
at Maqam-e-Mehmood in paradise with the Prophet in the hereafter ,of the person who
supports the orphans. In other words this Hadith teaches us the importance of taking
care of those who are in need especially orphans. Orphans are the duty of the entire
community not just of their relatives as they have none to care for them ,therefore,the
holy prophet(P.B.U.H) announced the glad tidings of entering into Paradise for a person
who helps an orphan and said,”A person who takes care of an orphan and shares his
food and drink with him, Allah will allow him to enter Paradise”(Sharh-us-Sunnah) The
good treatment with an orphan wins Allah’s blessings, the Prophet(P.B.U.H) said,’The
best Muslim house is that in which an orphan is well treated and the worst Muslim
house is that in which an orphan is ill treated.’(Ibn-e-Maja)

(B): Implementation of the teachings of Hadith in Muslim’s life

This Hadith teaches us to take care of orphans and through them of other needy people.
Our Holy prophet (PBUH) set exceptional examples in his treatment of orphans. Once he
found an orphan child crying, who had no one to look after him. The Holy Prophet
(PBUH) said to the Child: “Would you like that Muhammad be your father and Ayesha
be your mother?” We Muslims should also adopt such conduct towards orphans and
other distress people as well. We should treat them as our family and try to make sure
that they get the basic necessities of life and the due respect. We should support them
financially, morally and physically .Many institutions like SOS village, Eidhi and Al
Khidmat are working for the welfare of needy specially the orphans and take full
responsibility of their residence, food, clothes, medicine and the education.This will
result in the formation of a blissful society, prevent the loss of individuals who could
become its productive members and also ensure the Prophet’s (PBUH) companionship
in the Hereafter.
Hadith 12:
‘The Messenger of Allah (May Allah bless him and give him peace) sent Abu Musa and
Mu’adh ibn Jabal to Yaman, and he sent each of them to govern a part. Then he said:
“Be gentle and do not be hard, and cause rejoicing and do not alienate.’

(A) Teachings of the Hadith:

This Hadith highlights the base for Muslim rulers and the political system of Islam. This
teaching includes all authoritative people in different capacities such as teachers,
parents, employers etc. It instructs Muslim rulers to be gentle, polite and friendly with
the subordinates or the common people as they are given the position only by Allah and
they have no authority to exercise unjust punishment or arrogance towards their
juniors.The prophet(P.B.U.H) commanded the rulers,” Make things easy and do not
make them hard, and cheer people, do not repel them,”(Agreed)The teachings of this
hadith are the foundations of a peaceful Islamic state. The holy Prophet(P.B.U.H)
said,’The best rulers are those whom you love and they love you’.(Sahih Muslim)

(B) Implementation of the teachings of Hadith in Muslim’s life

This hadith sets certain rules for the leaders to ensure good leadership, the support of
his subjects and the pleasure of Allah. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) was a remarkable
leader. He always treated his subjects with as much kindness, respect and sympathy
,which is evident by his successful and peaceful rule in Madinah. This holds a deep
lesson for all the Muslim leaders to follow him. They should never insult, burden and
disrespect his subjects which will result in mutual trust between them. They should
treat them justly and never punish them unnecessarily to avoid protests and the unrest
in the community. A Muslim ruler should impose the divine laws, treat people with
kindness and mercy, and must be a source of love and hope for them, this will lead to a
trustworthy society where the rulers and the subjects both have trust and confidence in
each other to work for the progress of the state mutually.

Hadith 13:
‘He who studies the Qur’an is like the owner of tethered camels. If he attends to them
he will keep hold of them, but if he lets them loose they will go away.’

(A) Teachings of the Hadith:

This Hadith highlights the importance of the constant and regular revision and recitation
of Quran. The Quranic commands can be availed only if it is regularly studied and then
acted upon. If it is memorized once and not revised regularly, eventually get forgotten
and its guidance discontinues. The Quran is our Holy Book , a complete code of life and a
source of divine guidance in every walk of life. .Allah protects its reader from the devil
as Quran states ,”So, whenever you recite the holy Quran, seek Allah’s refuge against
the devil”(16:98). The regular recitation of Quran keeps the reader close to Allah,as the
Prophet(P.B.U.H) said, ’The best amongst you is the one who studies the Quran and
teaches it.’ (Bukhari)

(B): Implementation of the teachings of Hadith in Muslim’s life

This Hadith demands us to constantly revise and study the Quran. The Holy Prophet
(PBUH) used to recite the Holy Quran regularly and every year Hazrat Jibrael (AS) would
listen the entire Quran’s recitation orally. This inspires Muslims that we should also keep
the Quran fresh in our memories and constantly revise it and act upon its teachings so
that we remember it and seek its guidance in every walk of our life. Nowadays, there
are many institutes that impart the Knowledge of Quran in Muslims at a very young age.
Muslim should make sure that their children get the proper education of Quran and
have a constant contact with its text to live their life according to the commands of
Allah.If a believer does not seek guidance from the Quran on a regular basis ,he is
unable to live his religious, social, political, economical and family life according to the
designed path of Allah and will lose the straight way.

Hadith 14:
‘May God show mercy to a man who is kindly when he sells, when he buys, and when
he demands his money back.’

(A) Teachings of the Hadith:

Islam is a complete code of life which is considerate for the welfare of mankind. This
Hadith teaches us the importance of good business conduct to gain the pleasure of
Allah. This will show the degree of faith of a Muslim as a true believer, who not only
performs acts of worship but also behaves humanely in all worldly situations and the
business dealings. This Hadith protects the rights of the seller, buyer ,borrower and the
lenders and lay the foundation of a just and fair financial system of Islam.The Quran
says,’Give full measure whenever you measure, and weigh with the straight balance
that is better and fairest.’(17:35)

The Prophet(P.B.U.H) also said, ’Be compassionate to those on earth and He who is in
the heavens will be compassionate to you.’(Sahih Bukhari)

(B) Implementation of the teachings of Hadith in Muslim’s life

This Hadith highlights the importance of good business conduct. It teaches us to be

honest and fair in his all business dealings.The holy prophet remained very honest inall
his financial dealings and brought great profit for Hazrat Khadija from Syria.It impressed
her much that she herself proposed him for marriage .We Muslim should also be
honest, logical, just, polite and reasonable in all our business transaction such as buying,
selling or giving or taking loans. They should not cheat and harm the customers. The
element of kindness and mercy is appreciated in these dealings. The buyer should pay
the due payment of the commodity and must treat the seller with respect. The seller
should not cheat the customer for the quality and the quantity of the commodity and
should not charge them unrealistically. The lenders should be considerate for the
borrower and should try to facilitate him. Such treatment will result in the betterment
of the economic and trade conditions of the Muslim state and will also promote a
healthy , caring and supportive commercial environment.

Hadith 15:
‘God will not show mercy to him who does not show mercy to others.’

(A) Teachings of the Hadith:

Mercy is one of the most important attribute of Allah . According to this Hadith, Allah’s
mercy is only for those who show mercy to Allah’s Creations including humans, animals,
plants etc. This is because Allah loves His creatures and does not tolerate unjust and
cruelty towards them . An arrogant and short temper person is disliked by Allah as he
destroys the peace of the family and the society. The Prophet(P.B.U.H) said,’A rude
and ill tempered person will not enter Paradise.’(Sunan Abu Dawood)

b)Implementation of the teachings of Hadith in Muslim’s life

This Haidth encourages Muslims to be merciful. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) is the best
example for us to follow in this regard. He forgave even his worst enemies at the time of
the Conquest of Makkah.The holy Quran says that he was sent as a mercy for the
worlds. We Muslims should also adopt similar manners in our dealings with others. If we
desire Allah’s Mercy then we should be merciful to all His Creations, which include not
just people but all living things. We should not even show cruelty to someone in revenge
or if he has committed a serious error but try to win him over with love, compassion
and kindness. We should also not beat animals or cut trees unnecessarily as the Holy
Prophet (PBUH) was against such practices and forbade them to develop a merciful,
caring and considerate society.

Hadith 16:
‘The believers are like a single man; if his eye is affected he is affected, and if his head
is affected he is all affected.’

(A) Teachings of the Hadith:

This Hadith highlights the importance of Muslim brotherhood and unity. Islamic
teachings condemn the racial, social and linguistic barriers and discriminations. All the
Muslims are bonded together with the common faith that makes them a single
fraternity.It is binding upon them to be kind, co-operative and helpful to their brother-
in-Islam. They feel and share the pains and joys of each other just like their blood
brothers. The holy Quran says, ’Muslims are but a single brotherhood.’(49:10) The
prophet(P.B.U.H) also instructed Muslims to be united and said,”One Muslim is like a
building brick to the other, one part strengthens the other.” (Sahih Bukhari)

(B): Implementation of the teachings of Hadith in Muslim’s life

This Hadith narrates the importance of Muslim brotherhood. The holy prophet
demonstrated it by establishing the brotherhood between Ansar and Muhjireen on his
arrival in Madina. Each Ansari divided his entire belongings in half and gave it to his
Muhajir brother. Muslims should follow this example and must support their religious
brothers in the time of need morally ,physically or financially and share their joyous
moments. Such a modern example is how the Muslims all over the world responded to
support their Muslim brothers in Pakistan who had been affected from the earthquake
in 2005 ,which shows the strong ties between Muslims is spite of their political and
geographical disparities.This positive behavior of Muslims towards their Islamic brothers
will lead to unity and strength of Muslim Ummah.
Hadith 17:
‘Modesty produces nothing but good. ‘

(A) Teachings of the Hadith:

Modesty is an important teaching of Islam. Modesty prevents a believer from immoral,

vulgar and obscene acts towards others. It is the most important component of the
moral teachings of Islam as it reflects the state of moral piety of a believer and plays a
significant role in his character building. It embraces the virtues of simplicity, humility
and charity ,which creates a balance in his attitude, behavior ,dress and the language. It
is observed not only towards fellow beings but also towards Allah. The Prophet(P.B.U.H)
said, ’Every religion has a distinctive quality and the distinctive quality of Islam is
modesty. (Ibn-e-Maja).’Immodesty leads to indecency which in turn leads to the
shameful deeds.

(B) Implementation of the teachings of Hadith in Muslim’s life

This Hadith teaches the importance of modesty. The Holy Prophet (PBUH)
demonstrated modesty and remained humble and polite in front of others and always
advised both genders to practice modesty towards each other. We Muslims should learn
from his example and also be modest with everyone else by behaving in a decent and
acceptable way and keeping control of our heart and mind. We should lower our gazes
and refrain from immoral acts. We must also be modest to Allah by appearing before
Him in prayer humbly and decently and obeying all His Commandments .We should be
modest in our behavior, clothing, language and character. In the absence of modesty
none can practice even his faith and can’t follow the right path ,rather he follows only
the way of devil and practices the evil. The teachings and observance of this Hadith will
result to establish a true and pure Islamic society.

‘He who has in his heart as much faith as a grain of mustard seed will not enter hell
and he who has in his heart as much pride as a grain of mustard seed will not enter
paradise. ‘

(A) Teachings of the Hadith:

This Hadith highlights the importance of the purity of faith and rejection of arrogance.
The teaching of this hadith clearly tells us that pride and faith cannot stay together. It
says that a person with the least amount of faith in his heart will go to Paradise, because
even the least amount of faith requires the complete absence of pride as faith creates a
spirit of humility and submission to Allah whereas pride creates an attitude of
superiority and arrogance which invites the annoyance of Allah. Allah rejects pride and
arrogance because a person rejects oneness of Allah only if he possess such evil and
negative attributes, the Quran declares it clearly,”..Whoever rejects faith , his labor will
go to waste, and he will be among the losers in the hereafter…”(5:5)T he Quran further
says, ’Allah loves not him who is arrogant and boastful.’(4:36)

(B) Implementation of the teachings of Hadith in Muslim’s life

This Hadith teaches us to reject pride and arrogance to become faithful to Allah. We
should not be proud of our achievements or powers; rather we should be humble and
aware of our limits and thanks Allah for giving us the success. The Holy Prophet (PBUH)
was an excellent example of humility and gratitude towards Allah as at the time of the
entry in Makkah as a Conqueror, his head was bowed and he was constantly thanking
Allah for giving him that great success. He showed the highest degree of humility and
submission before the Lord and forgave the bitterest enemies. He did not show off for
his victory and never looked down upon Makkans. We Muslims should learn from his
example and try to be humble and modest about our abilities or achievements if we
want to win the respect of others . if a Muslim student attains good grade in a test or
blessed with a position in student council, then he should not brag about them in front
of less fortunate students rather he should be humble and thankful towards Allah for his
success .This attitude and behavior will make them win respect in this world and the
entry into Paradise in the hereafter.

Hadith 19:
‘The world is the believer’s person and the unbeliever’s paradise.’

(A) Teachings of the Hadith:

This Hadith highlights the difference of attitude of a believer and a non-believer

towards this temperory world and teaches that this world is like a prison for a believer
and paradise for an unbeliever. Believers lives are regulated according to the restrictions
of Islam imposed by Allah.They are not free to live according to their desires rather
follow certain rules and regulations , they are eager to go to the Next World just as a
prisoner is eager to leave his prison. On the other hand an unbeliever does not believe
in anything beyond this world and lives the life in this world in a luxurious and
unchecked manner .The Quran says,’…Enjoyment of this world is short, and hereafter
is better for pious..’(4:77)

This Hadith in other words classifies a believer and an unbeliever according to their
attitude towards this world. Another Hadith says: “Be indifferent to this world and
Allah will love you.”(Bukhari) This shows us that the only way to earn the love of Allah
is to focus on the supreme, eternal victory in the Hereafter rather than strive for
temporary, worldly aims. The faithful Muslims consider this world a test for the next
world as the Prophet(P.B.U.H) said, ’This world is the cultivating ground for the
hereafter.’(Sahih Bukhari)

(B) Implementation of the teachings of Hadith in Muslim’s life

A true believer lives a life with an aim to succeed in the Hereafter, which is eternal
rather than to gather materialistic possessions in this world, which is temporary. He
should never get attached to the comforts of this world as this is the unbelievers’
characteristic. The Holy Prophet (PBHU) was a model for a true believer’s life. He led a
simple life away from the luxuries and pleasures of this World . He used to sleep on a
hard reed mat, eat very simple food and possessed no property . He strictly followed the
rules and regulations ,imposed by Allah on a believer just like a prisoner follows every
command of the authorities .He spent his entire life in following the commands of
Allah ,no matter how hard and difficult but he tried his best to please His Lord. We
Muslims should follow his example by remolding our extravagant and luxurious life
styles according to the life of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) by leading a simple and modest
life.This attitude of believers towards this world will free their hearts from love of
materialistic resources and the greed of wealth which will ultimate eradicate evil from
the society.

‘God does not regard your appearance and your possessions, but he regard your
hearts and your actions.’

(A) Teachings of the Hadith:

This Hadith highlights the importance of the pure intention and action of a believer.It
teaches us that Allah’s favor is not granted on the basis of race ,colour, gender, status or
wealth .There is no disparity between rich or poor or white or black in the eyes of Allah
and he judges them according to their intentions only, as Allah says,’..Surely the noblest
among you in Allah’s sight is the most pious of you…’(49:13). An action is worthless in
front of Allah if it lacks the sincere desire to please Allah, Who knows all that is apparent
and hidden .Allah judges and rewards on the basis of our motives and pure
intentions.The Prophet said,’Actions are judged on intentions.’(Bukhari)

(B) Implementation of the teachings of Hadith in Muslim’s life

This Hadith teaches that actions are judged by intentions in front of Allah. The Holy
Prophet’s (PHUH) every action was intended to please Allah. He honored Bilal with the
rank of the first Mauzen of Islam although he was a black slave. He loved and cared Zaid
bin Harith as his son who was a negro slave. He never preferred people on the basis of
their appearance, wealth and social status but only because of their purity of heart and
the righteousness .We Muslims should follow his example in our life and we must treat
people on the basis of their goodness and closeness to Allah rather than their positions
or wealth. This will result in equality and will bring unity and mutual respect for each
class of the Muslim society.
QUESTION 1; Choose any two of the following Hadiths, and : (8 marks)

a)describe their teachings about what Muslims believe; {4}

b)explain how Muslims can put these teachings into action. {4}

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