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Social Network as Link between Business and Political Sphere


A Research Outline Presented to Davao Doctors College, Inc.
Bachelor of Science in Psychology
Gen. Malvar Street, Davao City

In Partial Fulfillment for the

Requirements of the Subject Ethics (GE-HUMS 102)

Albia, Dezza Mari

Macabalang, Omar Kaliff

APRIL 2021
Social Network as Link between Business and Political Sphere

More than a decade ago, information and communication technologies
dramatically changed the world. For instance, new media and technology have changed
the interpersonal interaction, communication patterns, political and business
discussions. Media and communication scholars, political scientists, sociologists, and
international relations scholars have conducted hundreds of studies on various aspects
of social media usage (Golan, Arceneaux, & Soule, 2019). The Internet is playing a
significant role in providing information to the public on political and business events,
engaging its users and encouraging them to get involved in offline political and business
activities. The Internet has become vital for political discussions and business
participation. In the beginning, the Internet was used as a one-way communication tool
for political and business parties to inform the public through their websites. However,
new media and technology have changed communication patterns in two-way
communication (Emruli & Baca, 2011). Millennials are the most active users of the
Internet and social media. Online activities related to politics are useful and encourage
youth to participate in political events (Quintelier & Vissers, 2008). Internet use, political
knowledge, and political participation are associated with one another. 

The use of social media among millennials is not only popular in the developed
world but also in developing countries. In the Philippines, political parties and individual
politicians have very active social media accounts to disseminate information for social
media users and voters (Michaelsen, 2011). New technology and social media have an
impact on political communication in both developed and developing countries, although
developed countries experience larger impact because of proliferation of the Internet
(Riaz, 2010). Social networking sites (SNS) have significant influence on the social and
political learning of netizens, especially youth (Khan & Shahbaz, 2015). A recent study
revealed that SNS have a powerful political impact on individuals in Pakistan (Karamat
& Farooq, 2016). Students actively use new media for political information such as
sharing opinions and discussing issues around politics with fellow community members
(Arshad & Hassan, 2014).

Objectives of the Study

This study aims to offer critical reflection on the way in which the concept of
social networking for business and political has been used. There are clear signs that
organizations are implementing social networks as a tool to improve internal
communications and to deepen customer relationships.
Review of Related Literature

This section contains related literature that presents the previous studies that are
related to the current study about Social Network as Link between Business and
Political Sphere.

Social networking in a world of business. Before the arrival of the internet,

when there is no such thing called social media like Facebook, Twitter, Wikipedia.
People used to use diaries for punch cards with appointment details and engagement
times. But even then the business world moved through these unfavorable situations.
With the arrival of the internet several radical changes took place in the business. (The
social media manual, 2007). This elevated the capabilities of the business people in
managing their resources available for maximum benefit. The advent of social media
like Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, blogs enhanced business people to exploit
the popularity of Social media. As the applications are being developed on Facebook
and YouTube, twitter the business people got to know how to address the business
challenges through social media and they made business issues to be worked out with
great precision and fun. There are millions of users worldwide for the internet. (RJ
Metrics, 2010) Their number increases from time to time as the technology advances
from day to day and the availability and the reach of the technology is advancing at a
fast pace. The main intention of the social networking websites is to facilitate the
communication between users who are well acquainted with each other and friends.
Later with the greater reach of the social networking websites like Facebook, Twitter the
business community got an innovative idea to use the social media for business like
propagating their business through fan pages providing information about their products
uploading videos and knowing the feedback from the people and making new contacts
etc. (Schnofeld, Eric, 2009).

New Media and Political Efficacy. The Internet and social media provide an
opportunity to the young population for political discussion through various online
groups, pages, and accounts. (Bimber & Copeland, 2011) emphasized on the role of
new media for providing the platform for political participation and changing their
political efficacy. (Schulz’s, 2005) study suggested that new media users are active in
politics and political discourse. The Internet has developed the interests toward politics
of its users and improved the political efficacy of the respondents which create their
online and offline political engagements. (Jiang, 2016) examined the effects of the
Internet on online and offline political participation. He also investigated the Internet’s
role in molding citizens’ perceptions of politics. This strong relationship creates political
efficacy and election interest among Internet users and increases their political
involvement (Jiang, 2016). The use of the Internet has become the main source of
political efficacy and political participation, enhancing awareness about voting and
campaigning. New media also increases the ratio of voters’ turnout among users. It
develops the approach which helps in voting and donating campaigns for politics
(Larson, 2004). Users’ efficacy helps them to understand the political affairs in a better
way through the acquisition of political information from new media. (Kahne, Middaugh,
& Allen, 2014) investigated the youth, new media, and the rise of participatory politics
and concluded that new media has given a platform to individuals for information and
communication with large audiences and a means to participate in political activities.
The above-mentioned studies have been conducted in developed countries and shared
similar findings. However, marginalized and rural areas youth have been excluded and
neglected in the research domain. Our study focuses on rural active youth in the
political process through social media.
Connecting with today’s customer through social networking. Social media
creates a common platform for meeting people from different 30 backgrounds and
cultures and countries. If any Business needs to globalize their market and products
then it requires a globalized platform for promoting their products. Social media is an
appropriate platform for globalized marketing. (Schnofeld, Eric, 2009) Because social
media is not regulated by any state rules it is easy to gain people’s attention across the
globe. As social media are having a variety of platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn
etc. Each can be used in a variety of ways for gaining promotion for the business
products. As Twitter allows the comments up to 140 characters, the positive comments
can be used as testimonials for the product and can promote the products. The negative
comments can be used as feedback for better improvement of the product. (Kim, S,
2008). In various business processes recruitment of employees at various stages is
crucial. By using social media these recruitments can be undertaken like LinkedIn. By
following the Personal traits and qualifications and Experience, the recruiters can easily
find their employees through Social media. Another Important Business Process is
Customer support. Through Blogs and creating fan pages and discussion forms the
people can be readily in contact with customers for supporting them in their problems or
needs regarding their products. (Blog Cyclope-Series, 2013) As social media is readily
accessible by various groups simultaneously all around the world the customers can get
instant support through social media. Usage of social media for business is a new and
worthwhile concept. As these platforms for promoting their products are absolutely free
business people can easily adapt to this new trend through which they can gain
promotion all over the world.
Building a brand. For promoting a product through social media it’s always a
good idea not to stick to any single channel for promoting business through social
media rather promoting the product through various means of social media under a
brand name. So people will be recognizing your brand. Looking into a product
advertised for several times creates an impact on the subconscious mind of the
customer. This can help in building a brand that gets into people faster than any other
This chapter discusses the different methodologies used in data collection and
interpretation that are applicable to the study. 
There are different ways used for data collection in our research, we used
questionnaires and interviews as tools for data collection procedure. 
The following steps are considered while designing a questionnaire. 
1. Defining the objectives: The objectives should be defined clearly and properly
by the Researcher. 
2. Select the sample group: Selecting the target group is also an important task
in the setting of the questionnaire. 
3. Writing the questionnaire: Prepare the questionnaire based on the objectives
of your research. 
4. Analyzing the responses: Analyze the responses that are given by the people
who are participating in the questionnaire survey. 
5. Interpretation of responses: Finally comparing all answers for arriving to the
final results. Based on this we will be addressing questions like, why social
media impacts the business processes and how it’s affecting.
This is the second step of our data collection procedure. In this step we are going
to interview the people in depth according to the answers they were given to the
questionnaires. In the step we are going to do deep analysis on the data that is
collected in the first step and important data is collected which is helpful for research.
Expected Output of the study
The expected output of the study is to show how the social media, which is
available in quite a different set of ways, creates its impact on the business and political
processes that are now being employed by organizations. 
1. Understand the relationship between social media and the realms of politics and
2. How social media is used to persuade citizens to believe what they are told in
industry and politics.
3. To learn about the dark side of business and politics via social media.
4. For us to see how deceiving social media can be and how far it can go in terms
of politics and business.
5. Truly comprehend the importance of social networks in business and politics.
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54- of-companies-ban-social-networksat-work/ [ACCESSED 2013]

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