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Earthquake data is collected by specialized units called "Geophysical Services" in the form of 2D / 3D research conducted
by the ONGC team / vessels / in‐house equipment ﴾indoors﴿ and by contracting research contracts. The same procedure
applies to cutting earthquake / cable holes with a different arm called "Logging services".

Geophysical Services conducts 2D, 3D, and VSP earthquake research activities on land and in water through departmental
sector teams / contract workers. The processing, maintenance and processing of the data obtained is mostly done in the
region, e.g. The Vadodara region operates throughout the Geophysical West India region, the Dehradun region covers
North and Central India, Jorhat to the North East, Mumbai for all maritime needs, etc. Data on the earthquake data is being
processed at regional computer centers ﴾RCCs﴿ including GEOPIC. Currently, 2D, 3D and VSP offshore data acquisition
operations are performed on task extraction. All field workers, RCCs and RELs are accredited with an ISO certificate.

Geophysical Services, in order to keep up with the latest developments in Geosciences and testing, is constantly replacing
and upgrading its equipment, laboratory equipment and computers and its equipment. Recently, it acquired 3 new VSP
data acquisition systems and Units Processing Processing ﴾10 FPUs﴿. Advanced software modules such as the Earth Study
ES‐360 and additional modules namely MPFI ﴾5D interpolation﴿ and GSMP ﴾De Multiple﴿ OMEGA software were purchased
from SPIC, Mumbai.

Login is known as the “Eye” of the E&P Industry which enables geo scientists to visualize the shape and characteristics of
lakes. Logging services are responsible for the efficient operation of the logging platform which includes many techniques
for measuring the parameters of geological petrophysical formations entered by drill bit. Data is collected and processed in
the form of logs ﴾Petrophysical parameters vs. depth﴿ .Data is then translated to find hydrocarbon energy parameters, flow
characteristics etc.

All Log Data is stored on an EPINET platform that is accessible to the entire organization for timely and effective decision‐
making. Dedicated R&D Service Logging Service Center ‘‘ Center for Excellence in Well Logging ’﴾CEWELL﴿ operates in
Vadodara which specializes in specialized research and Reservoir Characterization issues for goods and vessels. Very few
companies in the world have the ability to enter homes. Today the ONGC Logging Services is the largest national effort of
its kind with robust functionality, Editing, Data Translation and R&D strength.

Currently, 28 Logging Units ﴾24 in the Onshore area and four units in Mumbai Offshore﴿ and 65 Agreement units have
been submitted.
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ONGC is in the process of installing 23 state‐of‐the‐art logging units, 19 coastal units and four western and maritime units.
Two new logging bases will be developed from Agartala and Bokaro in 2 units each. With this replacement, all cutting
vessels will have the latest features that will improve technical skills and operational efficiency.

Recently, a number of efforts have been made to improve the safety of logging activities, including the installation of
speed controls and GPS for the movement of the Login Units. The step of CCTV access to Logging location during logging
for better monitoring and operational safety is guaranteed in all areas.

To date, 26 sedimentary bowls have been identified and divided into four categories based on their level of exposure to
DGH. ONGC is conducting an oil exploration in India, its sites run in the Nomination kingdom and NELP in 13 basins
designed to lubricate oil and natural gas reserves. The identified mountain lakes include Assam Shelf, Assam and the
Assam‐Arakan Fold Belt, Cambay ﴾including offshore﴿, Cauvery ﴾including offshore﴿, Krishna‐Godavari ﴾including the sea﴿,
Mumbai Offshore, Rajasthan ﴾Jaisalmer﴿, Koch Offshore, Mahanadi Offshore, Saurashtra Offshore, Himalayan Foreland,
Bangal and Vindhyan Basins are spread across the provinces of Assam, Mizoram, Tripura, Gujarat, Tamil Nadu, Andhra
Pradesh, Rajasthan, Himachal Pradesh, West Bengal and East Bengal and in the west of the country. .

FY 2016‐17 has been one of the most successful years in oil and gas testing with a strong focus on additional exploration
activities during the year. As one of the leading oil and gas exploration companies, ONGC met the 2D & 3D Seismic Survey
targets by 122% and 105% respectively. 263 LK of 2D earthquake data was obtained with a correction of 215 LK and 3D
seismic acquisition of 7408 SKM was completed compared to 7060 SKM. 100 exploration sources were mined which is
8.7% higher compared to 92 excavations in the previous 2015‐16 year. Of these sources, 43 were identified as
hydrocarbons with a success rate of 43%.

ONGC has acquired 23 new acquisitions in FY'17, a 35% increase in annual acquisition number, from 17 acquisitions made
last year, cementing its position in the industry. Of the 23 new discoveries, 12 are new prospects ﴾hope is considered a new
source of hydrocarbons﴿ while 11 are new pools ﴾a pool is a collection of hydrocarbons in a known place on the new
horizon﴿. Thirteen new discoveries have been made in the country and 10 in overseas sources.

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Title: About ONGC.docx | Petroleum | Business | Free 30‐day Trial ...
Data is collected and processed in the form of logs ﴾Petrophysical parameters vs. depth﴿.The data is then interpreted to
obtain the parameters for hydrocarbon potential, flow characteristics etc. of the well.‐ONGC‐docx

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