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Name Courses IELTS DeadLine Apply via Fees CGPA Remarks University Link

University of Potsdam Data Science 6.5-7.5 1-Jun Uni-Assist none not mention though competition
Trier University Data Science 6 31-May University none 2.5 to 2.9 good chances
Leuphana University L neburg Management & Data Science 5.5 1-Jun Uni-Assist None not mention degree not match 100% but should apply
University of Hildesheim Foundation Data Analytics 6 30 June winter, 15 december University None not mention Good Option
Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg Data & Knowledge Engineering 6.5-7.5 15 May winter,25 Novemeber Uni-Assist None atleast 2.7 Good Option
University of Koblenz-Landau Web and Data Science 6.5 15 May winter,15 Novemeber Uni-Assist None not mention good option
University of Mannheim Data Science 6 or certificate 31 May winter,15 Novemeber University 1700 per Year not mention Only 25 students per year is selected seems to be a tough competition
Mittweida University of Applied Sciences Applied Mathematics for Network and Data Sciences 6 or certificate 15-May Uni-Assist None not mention good option
Saarland University Data Science and Artificial Intelligence 6.5-7.5 15 May winter,15 Novemeber University None not mention low chances but apply
Brandenburg University of Technology Cyber Security 6 1-May Uni-Assist None not mention Good Option
University of Bayreuth Computer Science 6.5 15 july winter,15 january sum Uni-Assist none not mention
University of Konstanz Computer and Information Science 6 15 Dec summer,15 May Winter University none not mention good chances
Technische Universität Kaiserslautern Computer Science 6 30 April winter,31 oct summer University none not mention
Paderborn University Computer Science 6.5 31 May winter,30 Novemeber Uni-Assist none not mention
University of Siegen Computer Science 5 bands 17 April 2020 at midnight University none not mention Good Option
Deggendorf Institute of Technology Applied Computer Science 6 15 April winter,15Nov summer University none not mention
University of Passau Computer Science 5.5 or certificat 15 june winter ,15 October University none 2.3 good chances
University of Freiburg Computer Science 7 31 May winter,15 Dec summer University none not mention
Computer Science
University of Kiel 6 15 january summer,15 july Uni-Assist none not mention
University of Applied Sciences Schmalkalden Applied Computer Science bands not men 15 june winter University none not mention good chances
TH Köln (University of Applied Sciences) Computer Science - Specialisation in Information Systems 6 or certificate not mention University none not mention good chances
University of Augsburg Software Engineering 6.5 or certificat 1-May University none not mention good chances
University of Göttingen Applied Computer Science 6 or certificate 15 April winter,15 Oct University none not mention Best Chance
Saarland University Computer Science IELTS bands no15 May winter ,15 Nov summer University none not mention Best Chance
University of Stuttgart Computer Science 7 or certificate 15 january winter,15 july summer University 1500 not mention Good Option
Paderborn University Computer Science 6.5 31 May winter,30 Novemeber Uni-Assist none not mention
Offenburg University of Applied Sciences Master of Science in Enterprise and IT Security 5 31 March winter University 1500 appro not mention a little bit out from computer science field
Saarland University Visual Computing band not menti 15 May winter ,15 Nov summer University none not mention Best Chance
RWTH Aachen University Computer Engineering 5.5 1 March winter,1 sep summer University none not mention good
University of Tübingen Machine Learning 7 30 April winter university 1500 appro at least 2.7 selection on the basis of your work related to machine learning, avera
Universität Hamburg Intelligent Adaptive Systems 6.5 31-Mar University none not mention
RWTH Aachen University Software Systems Engineering 5.5 1 March winter,1 sep summer University none not mention good
Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf Artificial Intelligence and Data Science 6 15-Jul University none 2.5 above Best Chance
FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg Data Science 5.5 15 july winter,31 may University none atleast 2.5
OWL University of Applied Sciences and Arts Information Technology 6.5 1 Dec summer,1 June winter Uni-Assist none atleast 2.5
Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences Information Technology 6 15-Apr Uni-Assist none not mention
University of Stuttgart Information Technology IELTS band no not mention University 1500 appro 2.5
FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg Information and Communication Technology 5.5 15 january summer,15 july University none not mention
University of Bremen Communication & Information Technology TOEFL 15 October (every year) University none not mention
Hamburg University of Technology Information and Communication Systems 6.5 1-Mar University none not mention
Chemnitz University of Technology Information and Communication Systems 5.5 15-Jul University none not mention
University of Münster Information Systems 6.5 1 May winter,1 Nov summer University none 2.9
Bauhaus-Universität Weimar Computer Science for Digital Media at least 6 15 july winter, 15 january summer Uni-Assist none not mention
Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences Sensor Systems Technology TOEFL Mid- Nov University none not mention
Freie Universität Berlin Data Science 6 31-May Uni-Assist none not mention Good chances
Technische Universität Kaiserslautern Embedded Systems 6 31 oct winter,30 April summer University none not mention
Saarland University Embedded Systems IELTS band no 15 May winter, 15 Nov sumer University none not mention
University of Mannheim Business Informatics 6.0 and Certific31 May winter, 15 November University 1500 appro not mention May be a good option
Bauhaus-Universität Weimar Digital Engineering 6.5 15 july winter, 15 january summer Uni-Assist none 2.7
University of Bremen Digital Media 6.5 31-May University none not mention
Bauhaus-Universität Weimar Computer Science for Digital Media 6.5 15 july winter, 15 january summer Uni-Assist none not mention

Compiled By: Rizwan Ahmed

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