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A computer is an electronic device for storing and processing data, typically in binary form,
according to instructions given to it in a variable program.

 What are the uses and importance of computer?

 To store, access, manipulate, calculate, analyze data and information we use hardware devices
and software applications. All our daily life activities are based on such online services and
products. The computer changed our life 2 decades ago and now it is a necessity to use a
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What are the 10 characteristics of computer?

What are the Characteristics of Computer?

 • Speed.
 • Accuracy.
 • Diligence.
 • Versatility.
 • Reliability.
 • Consistency.
 • Memory.
 • Storage Capacity.
Computers increase your productivity and, with a good understanding of the software running on them,
you become more productive at everything you do. For example, once you have a basic understanding
of using a word processor, you can create, store, edit, share, and print documents and letters.
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Are You Pregnant?
Signs & Symptoms

Knowing the Early Signs and Symptoms of

Robin Elise Weiss, PhD, MPH
Medically reviewed by
Brian Levine, MD, MS, FACOG
Updated on April 29, 2021

Illustration by Joshua Seong. © Verywell, 2018.

While many people assume that a missed period is the first sign of pregnancy, there are a number
of other symptoms you can look for. From morning sickness to acne and sore breasts to mood
swings, it's different for each person and with each pregnancy.

Early Pregnancy Symptoms

The only way to confirm whether or not you're pregnant is through a pregnancy test or
ultrasound, but there are also some common early signs to watch for.

You may notice them as early as one week after conception or a few weeks after your last
menstrual period. Some experience none at all, while others have only temporary symptoms that
are mistaken for their menstrual cycle.1

The vast majority of people who do not show these usual signs still have a perfectly healthy
pregnancy. If your lack of symptoms worries you, be sure to ask your healthcare provider if
you're doing well and what you can expect.

You should also bring any and all questions you have to your next prenatal visit. Don't panic if
you wonder if every little twinge is something wrong—that's normal. Your doctor will be able to
analyze what's going on, reassure you that everything is okay, and find solutions if anything is

Stay Calm Mom: Episode 1

Watch all episodes of our Stay Calm Mom video series and follow along as our host Tiffany
Small talks to a diverse group of women and top doctors to get real answers to the biggest
pregnancy questions.

Am I Pregnant? Real Women Share Their Early Signs

Missed or Strange Period

A missed period is probably one of the most reliable signs of pregnancy.1 However, pregnancy
isn't always the reason for a missed period. This is why you are asked for the first day of your
last normal menstrual period (LMP). That date will also help determine your due date if you are
indeed pregnant.

Although some people will experience implantation bleeding around the time that their period is
due, it is usually just spotting and lighter or shorter than their normal period. Although rare,
a few people may continue to cycle throughout their pregnancy.

It may be harder to note a missed or strange period if you typically experience irregular cycles.
In this case, a pregnancy test followed by a pelvic exam may be necessary. If your doctor rules
out pregnancy as the cause for your missed period, they will take steps to rule out other possible

Increased Basal Body Temperature

Basal body temperature (BBT) is your temperature as soon as you wake up and is influenced by
hormones. An elevated BBT can be the first indication of pregnancy, even before your
pregnancy test result is positive.

Some people continuously track their BBT for fertility purposes. It is a good indicator that
someone is pregnant if the temperature does not fall back down to or below the cover line
temperatures on a BBT chart.

BBT Charting and Pregnancy

Morning Sickness
About half of pregnancies will include morning sickness, although the severity can vary greatly.
Some people are sick only at night, some are sick all day, and others feel ill on and off with a
unique pattern. Vomiting may or may not be present.1

The ill feeling occurs with the rapid rise of estrogen, which is produced by the fetus and
placenta. Since a person's sense of smell also becomes heightened during pregnancy, the odors
from foods, fragrances, and smoke can trigger morning sickness.

It is most common to begin experiencing this between four and eight weeks of pregnancy, but it
can occur as early as two weeks after conception.
Some people may have a severe form of morning sickness called hyperemesis gravidarum. This
can lead to dehydration and other problems. Your doctor can help you find solutions.

Breast Soreness
Having sore breasts is usually one of the first physical signs of pregnancy and it often goes
away during the second trimester. Once again, it's a symptom caused by hormones. As the
breasts prepare for breastfeeding, estrogen and progesterone rise and cause the tenderness.2

Frequent Urination
If you are going to the bathroom more than usual, that may be a sign that you're pregnant.
Frequent urination is common fairly early on in the first trimester, and then again in the third
trimester because of the growing uterus.2

There isn't a lot that you can do about this except to know where all the bathrooms are. You'll
also want to stay hydrated.

Not being able to keep your eyes open or needing a nap regularly is a pregnancy symptom as
well. Fatigue sets in very early for some parents-to-be, as their bodies undergo multiple changes
in preparation for carrying a baby. Additionally, extra progesterone, which is a central nervous
system depressant, contributes to the sleepiness.2

If you find that you are really sleepy, try learning to power nap to get through the day.

Feeling Dizzy
Expanding blood volume and blood vessels may cause vertigo in pregnant people.1 You might
feel dizzy on occasion, but this is usually only in the first trimester. If it becomes a concern or
happens later in your pregnancy, it's certainly something to talk to your doctor about.

Cramping may be something you associate with your impending period rather than an early
pregnancy symptom. Some people experience early cramping in the uterus as it begins to stretch
and changes occur.

Anything severe should be reported to your doctor immediately. The same is true if the cramping
is accompanied by bleeding.3

An increase in acne and other skin changes can also be a pregnancy symptom. Be careful what
medications you use to treat it, though. Some medications like Accutane and those that are high
in vitamin A can cause birth defects. It's best to talk to your doctor about how to battle bad skin
while you're pregnant.4

Headaches are rather common in pregnancy due to hormonal changes. This may be a pregnancy
symptom, but it is not necessarily a sign. There are many things that could be causing your
headaches, including stress.2

This symptom can occur at any point in pregnancy but is most common during the first trimester.
If the pain is too much to handle, talk to your doctor about which medications (including over-
the-counter pain relievers) are safe for your baby.

Vaginal Discharge
Vaginal discharge, without itching or burning, may be a sign of pregnancy and can occur in the
very beginning. The cervix is building a mucous plug to block the opening of the cervix and help
protect your baby from infections. During this transition, you might notice a slight increase in
vaginal secretions.

Vaginal discharge shouldn't smell, burn, or itch. These would be signs of infection that would
require proper medical treatment.

Strange pregnancy cravings are something you hear a lot about. In reality, you may have
cravings or aversions to certain foods, particularly stronger smelling or unhealthier ones, early on
and throughout your pregnancy.

Bloating and an Enlarging Belly

Early pregnancy is not when you will begin to show, but some people report an enlarging belly
as a pregnancy symptom. This is typically caused by bloating as opposed to the baby.

Weight gain in the first trimester is generally not very noticeable—usually only a pound or two.
In fact, you may even lose weight from a combination of not feeling well, food aversions, and a
better diet as you make lifestyle changes.

Mood Swings
Once again, hormones are to blame for varying feelings and moods. Don't be surprised or upset
if you're suddenly bursting into tears or experiencing intense emotions.1
Progesterone in the body impacts multiple processes, including food digestion. Increased levels
of this hormone cause slower digestion and, in turn, constipation.

If you experience this symptom after you've confirmed your pregnancy, exercise and increased
fiber can help. Also, once you begin to take prenatal vitamins, the iron in them can exacerbate
constipation. You may have to try a few in order to find one that works well for you.

Pregnant vs. PMS

Many people confuse the symptoms of pregnancy with premenstrual syndrome (PMS). It is even
more likely that the changes are so slight that you completely miss them.

Feeling a bit bloated? That's easy to pass off as normal since many people experience this around
the time of their period. The same goes for things like a backache and cramping.

The only way to confirm your pregnancy is to take a pregnancy test or make an appointment
with your doctor. Doing this will also alleviate any worries you have.

If you are pregnant, keep in mind that most of these symptoms are normal. They're typically only
an issue when they are so severe that they interfere with your daily life or health or if you have
pregnancy symptoms that completely disappear, seemingly overnight.

When to Take a Pregnancy Test

If you suspect that you're pregnant, take a pregnancy test. These urine tests measure the level of
human chorionic gonadotropin, or hCG, a hormone secreted when you're pregnant. The amount
of hormone detectable by each test can vary widely. Every person also secretes a little more or
less of the hormone, so the tests are not completely accurate.

The better tests on the market will measure 25 to 50 mIU/mL (milli-international units per
milliliter) of hCG. This is usually the amount found in urine between the fourth and fifth weeks
of gestation. The levels of hCG in your urine will be different from those in your blood.

First-morning urine will always contain the highest concentration of hCG. However, most tests
do not require that you use first-morning urine. You can increase your chances of having enough
hCG in your urine by waiting four hours after you last urinated to take the test. This allows the
hCG to build up.

A negative result that is later revealed to be wrong is usually because the test was performed too
early. A false positive, on the other hand, may indicate a very early miscarriage.

Talk to your practitioner if you have questions about your pregnancy tests. You can also call the
toll-free number provided by the test manufacturer.
Blood tests are the most accurate and can be performed seven to 10 days post-ovulation. They
may also be used to help predict the health of a pregnancy at various points. You'll need to visit
your doctor to get one.

When to Call the Doctor or Midwife

If you have questions, it's important that you call your doctor or midwife. Even if you don't have
an appointment, they can address your concerns and make sure everything is okay.

They understand that you have a lot of questions and are willing to give you the answers, but you
have to call. Many practitioners have someone available who just answers patients' questions all
day long.

It's not unusual for the answers to lead to more questions. It is appropriate to ask clarifying
questions—do not feel like you are taking up too much of your doctor's time. They are there to

A Word From Verywell

Remember, pregnancy symptoms can start very early in pregnancy, but some take a while to
develop. It can also be perfectly normal not to feel anything.

If you think you might be pregnant, take a pregnancy test. If you're pregnant or unsure of your
results, check in with your doctor or midwife.

Was this page helpful?

Article Sources
Related Articles

This Is the Best Time to Take a Pregnancy Test

When Does Implantation Occur in Pregnancy?

What Happens After You Get a Positive Pregnancy Test?

Signs to Watch for If You're Pregnant With More Than One Baby

Week 4 of Your Pregnancy

Week 5 of Your Pregnancy

The Common Discomforts of Pregnancy

What Is Morning Sickness?

Week 8 of Your Pregnancy

How to Know if You're Having Twins

Normal hCG Doubling Times in Early Pregnancy

Week 7 of Your Pregnancy

The 8 Best Pregnancy Tests of 2021

Find Out Why Your Mouth Tastes Metallic When You're Pregnant

Week 6 of Your Pregnancy

What Moms Can Do to Deal With Frequent Urination During Pregnancy

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More in Are You Pregnant?

 Signs & Symptoms

 Pregnancy Tests


 Ovulation Calculator
 Pregnancy Due Date Calculator
 How to Talk About Postpartum Depression

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Ⓒ 2021 About, Inc. (Dotdash) — All rights reserved

Are You Pregnant?
Signs & Symptoms

Knowing the Early Signs and Symptoms of

Robin Elise Weiss, PhD, MPH
Medically reviewed by
Brian Levine, MD, MS, FACOG
Updated on April 29, 2021

Illustration by Joshua Seong. © Verywell, 2018.

While many people assume that a missed period is the first sign of pregnancy, there are a number
of other symptoms you can look for. From morning sickness to acne and sore breasts to mood
swings, it's different for each person and with each pregnancy.

Early Pregnancy Symptoms

The only way to confirm whether or not you're pregnant is through a pregnancy test or
ultrasound, but there are also some common early signs to watch for.

You may notice them as early as one week after conception or a few weeks after your last
menstrual period. Some experience none at all, while others have only temporary symptoms that
are mistaken for their menstrual cycle.1

The vast majority of people who do not show these usual signs still have a perfectly healthy
pregnancy. If your lack of symptoms worries you, be sure to ask your healthcare provider if
you're doing well and what you can expect.

You should also bring any and all questions you have to your next prenatal visit. Don't panic if
you wonder if every little twinge is something wrong—that's normal. Your doctor will be able to
analyze what's going on, reassure you that everything is okay, and find solutions if anything is

Stay Calm Mom: Episode 1

Watch all episodes of our Stay Calm Mom video series and follow along as our host Tiffany
Small talks to a diverse group of women and top doctors to get real answers to the biggest
pregnancy questions.


Am I Pregnant? Real Women Share Their Early Signs

Missed or Strange Period

A missed period is probably one of the most reliable signs of pregnancy.1 However, pregnancy
isn't always the reason for a missed period. This is why you are asked for the first day of your
last normal menstrual period (LMP). That date will also help determine your due date if you are
indeed pregnant.

Although some people will experience implantation bleeding around the time that their period is
due, it is usually just spotting and lighter or shorter than their normal period. Although rare,
a few people may continue to cycle throughout their pregnancy.

It may be harder to note a missed or strange period if you typically experience irregular cycles.
In this case, a pregnancy test followed by a pelvic exam may be necessary. If your doctor rules
out pregnancy as the cause for your missed period, they will take steps to rule out other possible

Increased Basal Body Temperature

Basal body temperature (BBT) is your temperature as soon as you wake up and is influenced by
hormones. An elevated BBT can be the first indication of pregnancy, even before your
pregnancy test result is positive.

Some people continuously track their BBT for fertility purposes. It is a good indicator that
someone is pregnant if the temperature does not fall back down to or below the cover line
temperatures on a BBT chart.

BBT Charting and Pregnancy

Morning Sickness
About half of pregnancies will include morning sickness, although the severity can vary greatly.
Some people are sick only at night, some are sick all day, and others feel ill on and off with a
unique pattern. Vomiting may or may not be present.1

The ill feeling occurs with the rapid rise of estrogen, which is produced by the fetus and
placenta. Since a person's sense of smell also becomes heightened during pregnancy, the odors
from foods, fragrances, and smoke can trigger morning sickness.

It is most common to begin experiencing this between four and eight weeks of pregnancy, but it
can occur as early as two weeks after conception.

Some people may have a severe form of morning sickness called hyperemesis gravidarum. This
can lead to dehydration and other problems. Your doctor can help you find solutions.

Breast Soreness
Having sore breasts is usually one of the first physical signs of pregnancy and it often goes
away during the second trimester. Once again, it's a symptom caused by hormones. As the
breasts prepare for breastfeeding, estrogen and progesterone rise and cause the tenderness.2

Frequent Urination
If you are going to the bathroom more than usual, that may be a sign that you're pregnant.
Frequent urination is common fairly early on in the first trimester, and then again in the third
trimester because of the growing uterus.2
There isn't a lot that you can do about this except to know where all the bathrooms are. You'll
also want to stay hydrated.

Not being able to keep your eyes open or needing a nap regularly is a pregnancy symptom as
well. Fatigue sets in very early for some parents-to-be, as their bodies undergo multiple changes
in preparation for carrying a baby. Additionally, extra progesterone, which is a central nervous
system depressant, contributes to the sleepiness.2

If you find that you are really sleepy, try learning to power nap to get through the day.

Feeling Dizzy
Expanding blood volume and blood vessels may cause vertigo in pregnant people.1 You might
feel dizzy on occasion, but this is usually only in the first trimester. If it becomes a concern or
happens later in your pregnancy, it's certainly something to talk to your doctor about.

Cramping may be something you associate with your impending period rather than an early
pregnancy symptom. Some people experience early cramping in the uterus as it begins to stretch
and changes occur.

Anything severe should be reported to your doctor immediately. The same is true if the cramping
is accompanied by bleeding.3

An increase in acne and other skin changes can also be a pregnancy symptom. Be careful what
medications you use to treat it, though. Some medications like Accutane and those that are high
in vitamin A can cause birth defects. It's best to talk to your doctor about how to battle bad skin
while you're pregnant.4

Headaches are rather common in pregnancy due to hormonal changes. This may be a pregnancy
symptom, but it is not necessarily a sign. There are many things that could be causing your
headaches, including stress.2

This symptom can occur at any point in pregnancy but is most common during the first trimester.
If the pain is too much to handle, talk to your doctor about which medications (including over-
the-counter pain relievers) are safe for your baby.
Vaginal Discharge
Vaginal discharge, without itching or burning, may be a sign of pregnancy and can occur in the
very beginning. The cervix is building a mucous plug to block the opening of the cervix and help
protect your baby from infections. During this transition, you might notice a slight increase in
vaginal secretions.

Vaginal discharge shouldn't smell, burn, or itch. These would be signs of infection that would
require proper medical treatment.

Strange pregnancy cravings are something you hear a lot about. In reality, you may have
cravings or aversions to certain foods, particularly stronger smelling or unhealthier ones, early on
and throughout your pregnancy.

Bloating and an Enlarging Belly

Early pregnancy is not when you will begin to show, but some people report an enlarging belly
as a pregnancy symptom. This is typically caused by bloating as opposed to the baby.

Weight gain in the first trimester is generally not very noticeable—usually only a pound or two.
In fact, you may even lose weight from a combination of not feeling well, food aversions, and a
better diet as you make lifestyle changes.

Mood Swings
Once again, hormones are to blame for varying feelings and moods. Don't be surprised or upset
if you're suddenly bursting into tears or experiencing intense emotions.1

Progesterone in the body impacts multiple processes, including food digestion. Increased levels
of this hormone cause slower digestion and, in turn, constipation.

If you experience this symptom after you've confirmed your pregnancy, exercise and increased
fiber can help. Also, once you begin to take prenatal vitamins, the iron in them can exacerbate
constipation. You may have to try a few in order to find one that works well for you.

Pregnant vs. PMS

Many people confuse the symptoms of pregnancy with premenstrual syndrome (PMS). It is even
more likely that the changes are so slight that you completely miss them.
Feeling a bit bloated? That's easy to pass off as normal since many people experience this around
the time of their period. The same goes for things like a backache and cramping.

The only way to confirm your pregnancy is to take a pregnancy test or make an appointment
with your doctor. Doing this will also alleviate any worries you have.

If you are pregnant, keep in mind that most of these symptoms are normal. They're typically only
an issue when they are so severe that they interfere with your daily life or health or if you have
pregnancy symptoms that completely disappear, seemingly overnight.

When to Take a Pregnancy Test

If you suspect that you're pregnant, take a pregnancy test. These urine tests measure the level of
human chorionic gonadotropin, or hCG, a hormone secreted when you're pregnant. The amount
of hormone detectable by each test can vary widely. Every person also secretes a little more or
less of the hormone, so the tests are not completely accurate.

The better tests on the market will measure 25 to 50 mIU/mL (milli-international units per
milliliter) of hCG. This is usually the amount found in urine between the fourth and fifth weeks
of gestation. The levels of hCG in your urine will be different from those in your blood.

First-morning urine will always contain the highest concentration of hCG. However, most tests
do not require that you use first-morning urine. You can increase your chances of having enough
hCG in your urine by waiting four hours after you last urinated to take the test. This allows the
hCG to build up.

A negative result that is later revealed to be wrong is usually because the test was performed too
early. A false positive, on the other hand, may indicate a very early miscarriage.

Talk to your practitioner if you have questions about your pregnancy tests. You can also call the
toll-free number provided by the test manufacturer.

Blood tests are the most accurate and can be performed seven to 10 days post-ovulation. They
may also be used to help predict the health of a pregnancy at various points. You'll need to visit
your doctor to get one.

When to Call the Doctor or Midwife

If you have questions, it's important that you call your doctor or midwife. Even if you don't have
an appointment, they can address your concerns and make sure everything is okay.

They understand that you have a lot of questions and are willing to give you the answers, but you
have to call. Many practitioners have someone available who just answers patients' questions all
day long.
It's not unusual for the answers to lead to more questions. It is appropriate to ask clarifying
questions—do not feel like you are taking up too much of your doctor's time. They are there to

A Word From Verywell

Remember, pregnancy symptoms can start very early in pregnancy, but some take a while to
develop. It can also be perfectly normal not to feel anything.

If you think you might be pregnant, take a pregnancy test. If you're pregnant or unsure of your
results, check in with your doctor or midwife.

Was this page helpful?

Article Sources
Related Articles

This Is the Best Time to Take a Pregnancy Test

When Does Implantation Occur in Pregnancy?

What Happens After You Get a Positive Pregnancy Test?

Signs to Watch for If You're Pregnant With More Than One Baby

Week 4 of Your Pregnancy

Week 5 of Your Pregnancy

The Common Discomforts of Pregnancy

What Is Morning Sickness?

Week 8 of Your Pregnancy

How to Know if You're Having Twins

Normal hCG Doubling Times in Early Pregnancy

Week 7 of Your Pregnancy

The 8 Best Pregnancy Tests of 2021

Find Out Why Your Mouth Tastes Metallic When You're Pregnant

Week 6 of Your Pregnancy

What Moms Can Do to Deal With Frequent Urination During Pregnancy

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Verywell Family's content is for informational and educational purposes only. Our website is not
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Ⓒ 2021 About, Inc. (Dotdash) — All rights reserved

Verywell Family is part of the Dotdash publishing family.

This report covers all the activities carried out and skills attained from the industrial training carried out
with Ambitious Construction Company, particularity during the construction of class room blocks at
UTC Lira in the period from 19th April 2021 to25th juune,2021.

Chapter one introduces industrial training, its objectives, the trainee’s expectations from the training; it
also gives a brief description from the company, its profile, mission, vision, core values, the various
activities it is engaged with, and some of the finished projects. It also gives a brief description of the
project at which the trainee was placed.

Chapter two covers the description of activities carried out during the trainee’s time with Ambitious
Construction Limited, the procedures, equipment used and illustrations of the activities.

Chapter three entails the knowledge and skills attained and a comparison between the expectation of the
trainee and what actually transpired during the training. Also, it covers an overall judgment of the

Chapter four is comprised of conclusions and recommendations and is there after followed by a list of
references and some extra illustrations of work during the trainee’s time on site


AMBITIOUS is currently offering employment to a total of 1500 individuals including the managing director,
executive administrative staff, civil/mechanical/ electrical/ plumbing engineers, joinery specialists, quantity
surveyors, pre-cast concrete section and block yard and casual laborers.

The head office of AMBITIOUS is located at Nalukolongo industrial area, Kampala city; the physical address being
as follows:

Plot 130,

6th street industrial area,


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