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Main Editorial Panel

D. J . Littler, BSc, PhD, A R C S , CPhys, FInstP, CEag, FIEE (Chairman)

Professor E. J . D a v i e s ri^^". PhD, CEng, FIEE
F. K i r k b y , BSc, CEng, M i M e c h E , A M i E E
H. E. J o h n s o n
P. B. M y e r s c o u g h , CEng, FIMechE, FINucE
W . W r i g h t , M S c , ARCST, CEng, FIEE, FIMechE, FInstE, F B I M

Volume Consulting Editor

^ Professor E. J . D a v i e s , D S c , PhD, CEng, FIEE

Volume Advisory Editor

F. B e a c h , BSc(Eng), A C G I , DIC, CEng, FIEE, M I M e c h E

Chapter 1 A. E. C l e g g , CEng, FIEE
E. C. A d a m s , DipEE, A M I E E
R. A. Colley, DipEE, CEng, MIEE
J . E. D u r r a n t , BSc(Hons), CDipAF, CEng, MIEE
T. Lepojevic, DiplNG(Belgrade), A M I E E
J . E. S i m p s o n , BSc(Hons), CEng, MIEE
P. J . S i m p s o n , CEng, MIEE

Chapter 2 J . N. D o d d , CEng, MIEE

F. J . W . P r e e c e , BSc, M S c , CEng, MIEE
G . T. W i l l i a m s , DipEE, CEng, MIEE

Chapter 3 M . J . H e a t h c o t e , BEng, CEng, MIEE

Chapter 4 L. T. S m i t h , BSc(Hons), CEng, MIEE

Chapter 5 D. F. O l d f i e l d , CEng, MIEE

Chapter 6 Ń F. P a r t r i d g e , BSc, CEng, MIEE

F. B e a c h , BSc(Eng), A C G I , D I C , CEng, FIEE, M I M e c h E
B. R. H i l l , BSc, CEng, MIEE
C. W . Poole, BSc(Hons), D i p M S , CEng, MIEE
D. L. T h r e l f a l l , BSc, CEng, MIEE

Chapter 7 B. Barker, CEng, MIEE

Chapter 8 E. C. F i t z G e r a l d , CEng, MIEE

F. A s h u r s t , MIEE

Chapter 9 C. H. S p e a r , BSc(Eng), CEng, FIEE

Chapter 10 M . Baliinger, MIEEIE

Chapter 11 J . G . H a d w i c k , BEng, MIEE

W . M o r g a n , BSc, CEng, MIEE

Chapter 12 B. R. H i l l , BSc, CEng, MIEE

Series Production
Managing Editor P. M . Reynolds
Production Editor H. E. Johnson
Resources and T. A . Dolling
Co-ordination J. R. Jackson
Third Edition

Incorporating Modern Power System Practc


British Electricity International, London

Volume D
Electrical S y s t e m s a n d E q u i p m e n t

U.K. Pergamon Press pic, Headlngton Hill Hall,
Oxford 0X3 OBW, England
USA Pergamon Press, Inc., 395, Saw Mill River Road,
Elmsford, New York 10523, U.S.A,
KOREA Pergamon Press Korea, KPO Box 315, Seoul 110-603,
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Copyright © 1992 British Electricity International Ltd
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In any form or by any means: electronic, electrostatic,
magnetic tape, mechanical, photocopying, recording or
otherwise, without permission In writing from the copy­
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First edition 1963
Second edition 1971
Third edition 1992
library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
Modern power station practice: incorporating modem
power system practice/British Electricity International.--
3rd ed. p, cm.
Includes index.
1. Electric power-plants. L British Electricity Inter­
TK1191.M49 1990 62.31'21 — dc20 90-43748
British Library Cataloguing In Publication Data
British Electricity International
Modern power station practice.-^ 3rd. ed.
1. Electric power-plants. Design and construction
I. Title II. Central Electricity Generating Board
ISBN 0-08-040510-X (12 Volume Set)
ISBN 0-08-040514-2 (Volume D)

Printed in the Republic of Singapore

by Singapore National Printers Ltd
Colour Plates
(between pp 496 and 497)

FIG. 3.11 Large core being built (GEC Alsthom)

FIG. 3.12 Completed core, showing frame bolts (GEC Alsthom)

FIG. 3.58 Core and windings of single-phase CEGB generator transformer (GEC Alsthom)

FIG. 3.60 800 MVA generator transformer bank at Drax power station (GEC Alsthom)

FIG. 3.64 Cast-resin transformers for installation in 415 V switchgear (GEC Alsthom)

FIG. 5.11 Two poles (of a three-phase group) of a forced-air cooled generator circuit-breaker installed at Dinorwig
pumped-storage power station (British Brown-Boveri Ltd)

FIG. 5.12 One pole of a forced-air cooled generator circuit-breaker, with side covers and the connection to generator
busbar removed (British Brown-Boveri Ltd)

FIG. 5.13 Three-phase water cooled generator circuit-breaker showing connection into the generator phase-isolated
busbar system (British Brown-Boveri Ltd)

FIG. 5.14 Generator circuit-breaker control panel (British Brown-Boveri Ltd)

FIG. 5.15 Cooling water plant (British Brown-Boveri Ltd)

FIG. 5.18 Air plant control panel (British Brown-Boveri Ltd)

FIG. 5.29 Typical 3.3 kV switchboard of Reyrolle manufacture

FIG. 5.48 3.3 kV switchboard of Reyrolle manufacture. The three left hand units are *fused equipment Class S14A'
and the three right hand units are *air circuit-breakers Class S A \

FIG. 5.49 Typical 415 V switchboard of GEC manufacture

FIG. 5.51 Typical 415 V switchboard of Electro-Mechanical Manufacturing Co manufacture

FIG. 5.69 Switchboard formation of control gear featuring vacuum interrupters in association with HBC fuse
protection for 3.3 kV service (GEC Industrial Controls Ltd)

FIG. 5.70 Example of control gear featuring vacuum interrupters in association with HBC fuse protection — for
3.3 kV service, showing the demonstration of the circuit earthing switch (GEC Industrial Controls Ltd)

G. A. W . Blackman, CBE, FEng
Chairman, Central Electricity Generating Board
and Chairman, British Electricity International Ltd

F O R OVER THIRTY YEARS, since its formation in 1958, the Central Electricity Generating
Board (CEGB) has been at the forefront of technological advances in the design,
construction, operation, and maintenance of power plant and transmission systems. During
this time capacity increased almost fivefold, involving the introduction of thermal and
nuclear generating units of 500 M W and 660 M W , to supply one of the largest integrated
power systems in the world. In fulfilling its statutory responsibility to ensure continuity of a
safe and economic supply of electricity, the C E G B built u p a powerful engineering a n d
scientific capability, and accumulated a wealth of experience in the operation and
maintenance of power plant and systems. With the privatisation of the C E G B this
experience and capability is being carried forward by its four successor companies —
National Power, PowerGen, Nuclear Electric and National Grid.
At the heart of the CEGB's success has been an awareness of the need t o sustain a n d
improve the skills and knowledge of its engineering and technical staff. This was achieved
through formal and on-job training, aided by a series of textbooks covering the theory
a n d practice for the whole range of technology to be found on a modern power station. A
second edition of the series, known as M o d e r n Power Station Practice, was produced in
the early 1970s, and it was sold throughout the world to provide electricity undertakings,
engineers and students with an account of the CEGB's practices and hard-won experience.
The edition had substantial worldwide sales and achieved recognition as the authoritative
reference work o n power generation.
A completely revised and enlarged (third) edition has now been produced which updates
the relevant information in the earlier edition together with a comprehensive account of
the solutions to the many engineering and environmental challenges encountered, and which
puts on record the achievements of the C E G B during its lifetime as one of the world's
leading public electricity utilities.
In producing this third edition, the opportunity has been taken to restructure the
information in the original eight volumes to provide a more logical and detailed exposition
of the technical content. T h e series has also been extended t o include three new volumes o n
'Station Commissioning', ¸ Ç Ő Transmission' and 'System Operation'. Each of the eleven
subject volumes had an Advisory Editor for the technical validation of the m a n y
contributions by individual authors, all of w h o m are recognised as authorities in their
particular field of technology.
All subject volumes carry their own index and a twelfth volume provides a consolidated
index for the series overall. Particular attention has been paid to the production of draft
material, with text refined through a number of technical and language editorial stages and
complemented by a large number of high quality illustrations. T h e result is a high standard
of presentation designed to appeal to a wide international readership.
It is with much pleasure therefore that I introduce this new series, which has been
attributed t o British Electricity International o n behalf of the C E G B a n d its successor
companies. I have been closely associated with its production and have n o d o u b t that it will
be invaluable to engineers worldwide who are engaged in the design, construction,
commissioning, operation and maintenance of m o d e r n power stations and systems.

March 1990


The review of the original M o d e r n Power Station Practice series carried out a few years
ago revealed large gaps in its treatment of electro technology within power stations. Not
unnaturally much of the content was also badly out of date. It was clear that a straight­
forward revision of the previous book would not suffice and that a totally new work was
required. It was therefore with much enthusiasm that the team of authors of Volume D
set out to write it since we all felt it was very timely to d o so.
The re-organisation of power station design and construction within the C E G B in 1971
created the Generation Development and Construction Division ( G D C D ) . The Division set
up an Electrical Branch which pulled together previously dispersed skills a n d experience
in all aspects of power station electrical engineering covering power systems and plant as
well as control, communications, data and instrumentation systems and equipment. T\vo
of the volumes of M P S P , Volumes D and F, are largely based o n the work d o n e over many
years by G D C D Electrical Branch. Volume D deals with the work of some 50 electrical
design specialists in the power engineering field while Volume F covers a similar level of
activity in the C and I field.
One of the major tasks of the Electrical Branch has been to rationalise electrical system
and plant design and development, and produce designs which meet operational needs in
the most economic way and with the required level of reliability and performance. As the
H e a d of the branch for many years I have felt privileged to edit Volume D. T h e twelve
chapters describe in appropriate detail the design philosophies and techniques which have
underlain the work of the Branch. They describe the solutions to the large number of design
problems which have been identified and the plant which has been chosen and developed
to equip electrical systems b o t h within the different types of new power station which have
been built as well as for replacement and modification tasks at existing stations.
Since the formation of G D C D , C E G B projects have included most types of generating
plant including A G R and P W R nuclear stations, fossil-fired stations (both oil a n d coal),
gas turbine and diesel driven generators and a major hydro plant at Dinorwig. While most
of the electrical equipment for these different sorts of power station is similar, the electrical
system needs vary widely. The designs described in Volume D therefore deal with the
requirements for all types of power station electrical plant and systems.
Furthermore, while the rate of change of electrical power plant technology is not as
fast as that in the light current area, there has nevertheless been considerable equipment
development a n d a n even greater change in design techniques a n d methodology. This is
especially true in the analysis of electrical system design and performance and in some areas
of plant development such as cable system design.
Since the Electrical Branch has also been responsible for control, instrumentation,
communication and data systems it has been possible to ensure co-ordinated complemen­
tary development of both heavy and light current systems. The many interfaces, e.g.,
cabling, power supplies, instrumentation, protection and metering have been engineered
with a coherent systems approach. T h e light current technology in the control, instrumenta­
tion and data systems area is described in Volume F. The Advisory Editor for that volume,
Mr M.W. Jervis, and I, as colleagues in Electrical Branch, have always striven to maintain
a close co-operation on all aspects of electrical systems design. We h o p e that this integration
of design effort will be apparent to the readers of Volumes D and F.
I would like to record my most sincere thanks to my many colleagues who have produced
Volume D and also Volume F. They have undertaken the work in parallel with their day
to day responsibilities a n d have seen the task as a n opportunity to p u t in writing a review
of the results of their work for CEGB. I also wish to express my gratitude to Professor


J o h n Davies and Mr. Peter Reynolds for the great help and support which they have
given me in the preparation of the volume.
I believe that Volume D stands as a record of many years of high quality electrical design
activity and that it will remain relevant as an exposition of the science for a long time.


Advisory Editor — Volume D

Contents of All Volumes

V o l u m e A — S t a t i o n P l a n n i n g a n d Design
Power station siting and site layout
Station design and layout
Civil engineering and building works

V o l u m e  — Boilers a n d Ancillary P l a n t
Furnace design, gas side characteristics and combustion equipment
Boiler unit — thermal and pressure parts design
Ancillary plant and fittings
Dust extraction, draught systems and flue gas desulphurisation

Volume C — Turbines, Generators and Associated Plant

The steam turbine
Turbine plant systems
Feedwater heating systems
Condensers, pumps and cooling water systems
Hydraulic turbines
The generator

V o l u m e D — Electrical Systems a n d E q u i p m e n t
Electrical system design
Electrical system analysis
Generator main connections
Switchgear and controlgear
Emergency supply equipment
Mechanical plant electrical services

Volume Ĺ — Chemistry and Metallurgy

Fuel and oil
Corrosion: feed and boiler water
Water treatment plant and coohng water systems
Plant cleaning and inspection
Introduction to metallurgy
Materials behaviour
Non-ferrous metals and alloys
Non-metalhc materials
Materials selection

Contents of All V o l u m e s

Welding processes
Non-destructive testing
Defect analysis and life assessment
Environmental effects

Volume F — Control and Instrumentation

Automatic control
Automation, protection and interlocks and manual controls
Boiler and turbine instrumentation and actuators
Electrical instruments and metering
Central control rooms
On-line computer systems
Control and instrumentation system considerations

V o l u m e G — Station O p e r a t i o n a n d M a i n t e n a n c e
Power plant operation
Performance and operation of generators
The planning and management of work
Power plant maintenance
Plant performance and performance monitoring

Volume Ç — Station Commissioning

Principles of commissioning
C o m m o n equipment and station plant commissioning
Boiler pre-steam to set commissioning
Turbine-generator/feedheating systems pre-steam to set commissioning
Unit commissioning and post-commissioning activities

Volume J — Nuclear Power Generation

Nuclear physics and basic technology
Nuclear power station design
Nuclear power station operation
Nuclear safety

Volume Ę — E H V Transmission
Transmission planning and development
Transmission network design
Overhead line design
Cable design
Switching station design and equipment
Transformer and reactor design
Reactive compensation plant
H V D C transmission plant design
Insulation co-ordination and surge protection
Power system protection and automatic switching
Telecommunications for power system management
Transmission operation and maintenance

C o n t e n t s of All V o l u m e s

Volume L — System O p e r a t i o n
System operation in England and Wales
Operational planning ^ demand and generation
Operational planning — power system
Operational procedures — philosophy, principles and outline contents
Control in real time
System control structure, facilities, supporting services and staffing

Volume Ě — Index
Complete contents o f all volumes
Cumulative index

Evan John Davies
Emeritus Professor of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
at Aston University in Birmingham, died on 14 April 1991.

John was an engineer, an intellectual and a respected author

in his own right. It was this rare combination of talents that
he brought to Modern Power Station Practice as Consulting
Editor of seven volumes and, in so doing, bequeathed a
legacy from which practising and future engineers will
continue to benefit for many years.

C H A P T E R 1

Electrical system design

1 Introduction 5.5.3 Other safety interlocking

5.5.4 Nuclear safety
2 System needs
5.6 Quality assurance
2.1 Station operating criteria 5.6.1 Design quality
2.2 Grid system operation criteria 5.6.2 Product quality
2.3 Plant and personnel safety needs
2.4 Nuclear hazard needs Uninterruptable power supply (UPS) systems
6.1 Introduction
3 System descriptions 6.2 Earlier UPS and GIS schemes
3.1 Main generator and station systems 6.2.1 Motor-generator (MG) set schemes
3.1.1 Main generators 6.2.2 Static inverter schemes
3.1.2 Generator transformers 6.3 Development of UPS systems
3.2 Electrical auxiliaries systems 6.3.1 Littlebrook D power station schemes
3.2.1 Auxiliaries system transformers 6.3.2 Drax power station schemes
3.2.2 Interconnection 6.3.3 Heysham 2 power station
3.2.3 Essential systems 6.4 System configuration and method of operation
3.2.4 Emergency generation 6.5 System considerations and components
3.3 Types of stations 6.5.1 Voltage regulation
3.3.1 Fossil-fired power stations 6.5.2 UPS system loads
3.3.2 Magnox nuclear power stations 6.5.3 Step-down transformers
3.3.3 AGR nuclear power stations 6.5.4 Standby and spares philosophy
3.3.4 PWR nuclear power stations 6.6 UPS equipment specification
3.3.5 Hydro and miscellaneous 6.7 UPS equipment performance requirements
4 System performance DC systems
4.1 Station and unit start-up 7.1 Introduction
4.1.1 Plant required 7.2 DC system duties
4.1.2 Synchronising to the grid 7.3 DC system design
4.1.3 Synchronising unit to station 7.3.1 250 V DC systems
4.2 Shutdown and power trip 7.3.2 220 V DC systems
4.2.1 Controlled shutdown 7.3.3 110 V DC systems
4.2.2 Power trip 7.3.4 48 V DC systems
4.3 The effects of loss of grid supplies 7.3.5 250 V, 220 V and 110 V DC circuit earthing
4.4 Station plant outages and faults 7.4 DC system analysis
7.5 Battery chargers and batteries
5 System choice
5.1 Operational requirements Electrical system monitoring and interlocking schemes
5.2 Reliability of main and standby plant 8.1 Introduction
5.3 Economics 8.2 Operational interlocking, monitoring and indications
5.4 Plant limitations 8.3 Relay systems
5.4.1 Switchgear current rating 8.3.1 Switchgear auxiliary contacts
5.4.2 Switchgear short-circuit rating 8.3.2 Application of interlock schemes
5.4.3 Large electric motors 8.4 Computer-based systems
5.4.4 System performance calculations 8.5 Maintenance interlocking equipment
5.5 Maintenance and safety 8.5.1 Key exchange boxes
5.5.1 Operational 8.5.2 Scheme application
5.5.2 Maintenance 8.6 Other safety interlocking

1 Introduction boundaries. T h e total electrical systems therefore inter­

face with the whole of the power station installation.
The various electrical systems within a power station
include those associated with the connection of the The systems can be summarised as follows:
generating plant to the grid system a n d the very much • Generator primary system a n d grid, typically 23.5 kV
larger number which are provided to distribute power (660 M W ) or 26 kV (900 M W ) for units with grid
supplies around the auxiliary plant within the station voltages of 275 kV a n d 400 kV.

Electrical system design Chapter 1

• Station board system from grid, typically 11 kV cluding standard electrical loading, rating and duty
derived from 132 kV, 275 kV or 400 kV. schedules in all the plant enquiry specifications, thereby
committing tenderers to identify their design loads.
• Station and unit auxiliaries systems, typically at 11
It also assists in forming a comparison between com­
kV, 3.3 kV and 415 V.
petitive tenders and should be followed u p with more
• Emergency power supplies systems, typically gas- accurate and detailed information at defined stages
turbine/diesel-driven generators connected at 11 kV, of the contract by the chosen contractors. By this
3.3 kV, 415 V. means, the electrical system loadings can progressively
be assembled and refined, enabling design ratings of
• DC systems, typically at 250 V, 220 V, 110 V, 48 V.
transformers, switchgear, cables, etc., to be established
• Uninterruptable power supply systems (UPS), typi­ for comparison of the various possible alternative
cally at 415 V single and 3 phase, 110 V single-phase. electrical systems.
The system designer would always present a recom­
mended scheme by comparing the alternatives on a
The security required of the electrical supplies is deter­
basis of first and lifetime costs and suitabiHty for
mined by the importance of the power station plant
duty. Until this stage is reached, the electrical plant
or equipment. For example, auxiliaries associated with
specialists cannot seriously begin to specify their re­
the main unit which if lost would immediately cause
quirements. It is possible, however, that the system
loss of unit output, clearly require more secure supplies
designer has already taken account of the commercially
than services such as sump pumps used occasionally.
available equipment, which will make the specifying
The nature of the supplies also requires careful con­
of electrical components more straightforward.
sideration by way of voltage and frequency limits,
This chapter explains the approach and criteria used
susceptibility to transients caused by faults or switch­
in determining the most suitable electrical systems for
ing operations and the consequences of short breaks
the various duties required at nuclear, fossil-fired and
in supplies. As a matter of course, most items of
hydro power stations. There is a brief reference to
plant and equipment are specified and tested for com­
other forms of generation, generally referred to as
pliance with known standards. This will include their
alternative sources of energy.
electrical performance. If the need for new types of
equipment is identified then performance limits should
be defined at the outset of any development work,
where standards cannot be quoted. The degree of 2 System needs
security must also be taken into account since parts
of nuclear power stations will warrant a much higher
2.1 Station operating criteria
level than, say, a small hydro station.
It is necessary then, to recognise from the outset In c o m m o n with all other areas of design in power
the importance of each item of plant when determining stations, the electrical system designers must have a
the nature and degree of security of electrical supplies clear definition of what operating criteria need to be
it requires. The sources for auxiliaries supplies range achieved. In the case of the C E G B , station development
from the grid-derived A C supplies, through to battery- particulars are formulated at the early planning stages
backed A C and D C supplies and the 'short break' which incorporate the Station Technical Particulars
supplies. (STPs). The STPs contain the requirements for the main
plant availability, operating flexibility and the control
The bulk of the electrical auxiliaries load is nor­
of units. In addition, they will include the technical
mally arranged to be taken from the grid-derived
requirements for the generator transformers, the plant
A C suppHes. This will mean that the outHne design
auxiliaries supplies and the station protection arrange­
of the electrical auxiliaries system can benefit from
ments. Various appendices will detail the specifications
previous knowledge and experience when considering
to be met and the finite limits to be achieved. From
alternative supply arrangements to a certain level at
these, it will be apparent what minimum features need
an early planning stage of a project. The alternatives
to be built into the electrical systems to achieve the
will include, for example, unit and station transformer
station output while at the same time ensuring the safety
schemes, generator voltage switchgear schemes and
of personnel and plant, a more onerous requirement on
HV switch isolator schemes. Detailed descriptions of
nuclear power stations. Further documentation is pre­
these and other schemes are given later in this chapter.
pared for nuclear power stations to cover the safety
The timely and accurate design of electrical systems aspects in the form of a Prehminary Safety Report.
is always easiest if at the outset, and at appropriate The interpretation of the STPs into electrical require­
stages of the project, full details of electrical loading, ments becomes the designer's check list and generally
rating and duty information can be established from will incorporate the following as typical:
the plant specialists, particularly for the major items,
e.g., reactor, boiler, turbine-generator and operational (a) Station rated output is required over a supply
ancillary plant. One way of achieving this is by in­ frequency range of 4 9 . 5 - 5 0 . 5 Hz, with pro-rata
S y s t e m needs

decrease in the range 4 9 . 5 - 4 7 H z . Operation below in perspective, outside the range of 50.5 Hz, it is
48.8 Hz will be very infrequent and for periods generally expected at the following estimated rates:
not longer than 15 minutes.
• Greater t h a n 50.5 H z , 1 incident per year.
(b) A fault, including a fire, in any section of any
• Greater than 52 Hz, 0.2 incidents per year.
auxiliaries system shall not cause more than one
main generator to trip under all normal operating
conditions. In addition to the frequency ranges above, the aux­
iliaries system will be required to accommodate the
(c) The plant auxiliaries systems shall remain stable
network voltage variations. The 400 kV supergrid
for three-phase faults of duration u p to 200 ms
system voltage will normally remain within the range
on *close-up' sections of the supergrid and grid
400 kV ± 5 % . The m a x i m u m voltage which can arise
busbars and the adjacent system, over a specified
is 440 kV, but this condition would not be permitted
range of operating conditions.
to last longer than 15 minutes. The 132 kV system
(d) The plant auxiliaries supply arrangements shall voltage can vary between the limits of 132 kV ± 1 0 % .
be designed to meet all the operating flexibility Internally generated switching or other transient
requirements, e.g., two-shifting, part-loading and overvoltages on the auxiliaries system were mentioned
load rejection. above, but added to these will be any transferred surges
from the grid system. The ampHtude of step changes
(e) The plant auxiliaries system shall satisfactorily with­
of voltage on the 400 kV system are not expected to
stand any internally generated switching or other
exceed ± 6 % .
transient overvoltages.
The effects of total or partial loss of the grid con­
(f) The plant auxiUaries system shall accommodate the nections to power stations vary depending on the
generator operating with a terminal voltage in the type of station, the most significant effects being on
range of 9 5 % to 105% of the rated value. nuclear power stations. It is essential to re-estabUsh
A C supplies within known timescales in these instances
In addition to the needs that the auxiliaries electrical to maintain nuclear safety. This is described more
system must meet as requirements of the S T P s , the fully in Section 2.4 of this chapter. In the case of
designer may incorporate system features to improve conventional power stations, the safety of plant and
availability by supplementing those required by the personnel is normally taken care of by the D C systems
STPs. For example, the incorporation of alternative if A C supplies are lost. Re-estabHshing the A C suppHes
supplies to selected switchboards could reduce outage does not usually require the same emphasis other than
time and consequently lost revenue from a main for returning the main generators to service.
generator following an electrical fault; such a design
feature will be subjected by the designer to economic
justification. This and other 'additional requirements'
2.3 Plant and personnel safety needs
will be explained in more detail in Section 4 of this It will be appreciated that maximising the output from
chapter. power stations must be achieved within recognised
standards, codes of practice and rules to ensure the
safety of the power station plant and personnel. In
2.2 Grid system operation criteria electrical system design terms, adequate safeguards
While the power station has specified operating criteria, must be incorporated to meet the statutory require­
the grid system into which it generates also has such ments of the Electricity Regulations and the Health
criteria defined for it. The significant ones are those and Safety at W o r k Act, relating these to safety
associated with frequency, voltage and total or partial rules. The C E G B Safety Rules set out the mandatory
loss of the grid connections in the vicinity of the power requirements for estabhshing the safety of persons
station. at work. The electrical systems must build-in means
The frequency ranges have been outlined in Section of achieving operational and maintenance regimes to
2.1 of this chapter. In addition however, looking comply with all necessary safety requirements.
from the grid into the power station, it must be Operationally, the major considerations are to ensure
remembered that below 47 H z the auxiliaries system that the normal and a b n o r m a l duties and prospec­
may be protected by an automatic trip, although an tive fault capabilities for circuits and system configu­
excursion of this sort has a very low probability. There rations are not exceeded. The circuits must be rated
are also the onerous transient frequency excursions for required voltage and for normal and fault currents
as a result of full-load rejection and possibly periods calculated during the design, and in the case of the
of steady high frequency u p to 52 H z , which the switchgear must be capable of making and breaking
auxiliaries system will be expected to withstand with­ current during normal and fault operations. Interlock­
out tripping for periods not exceeding 15 minutes. ing or monitoring schemes need to be incorporated to
To put the Hkelihood of local frequency excursions ensure that ratings are not exceeded due to operator
Electrical system design Chapter 1

error. Descriptions of such schemes are contained which each has been utilised is described later in
later in this chapter. For maintenance of plant and Section 3 of this chapter.
equipment there is a C E G B mandatory requirement
to isolate and earth all circuits at voltage levels of 3.3
kV and above before work can commence. At 415 V 3 System descriptions
and below, proof of isolation must be established.
The generating units of each power station deliver
Details of these features are described later in this
their electrical output to the National Grid via con­
nections at 400 kV or 275 kV, although at some older
Protection of the plant must be arranged to prevent
generating stations the generators are connected to
damage without resulting in an increased loss of avail­
the grid at 132 kV. As part of the design of new power
ability. For example, should a turbine-generator trip
stations, dependent on the network and capacity re­
as a result of loss of A C supplies or trip and cause
quirements of the transmission system in the area,
loss of A C supplies, the lubricating oil systems are
consideration may be given to building a new 400 kV
maintained by means of D C motor-driven p u m p s .
substation at locations where existing generating plant
Other means of maintaining the safety of plant will
is connected at lower voltages, i.e., 275 kV or 132 kV.
be described later in this chapter when considering
The present policy is to use SF6 insulated metalclad
what safeguards need to be incorporated into the
400 kV switchgear, often mounted indoors, particularly
on coastal or polluted sites. If extensions to existing
substations is the economic method of connecting
2.4 Nuclear hazard needs new generators, then Open' busbar design would be
employed using SF6 circuit-breakers.
The electrical systems provided at nuclear power The stations require supplies to be available at all
stations must relate to the plant and equipment re­ times for supplying ^station' auxiliaries and depend­
quired to prevent the release ultimately of radioactivity
ing on the system design, for providing a supply to
to the atmosphere. Initially the favoured source of
the 'unit' auxiliaries for starting up and shutting down
electrical supplies to these safety systems would be
of the units as shown in Fig 1.1. In the cases where
derived from the grid network. This network has finite
generators are connected to the grid via a generator
limits of its own, the voltage and frequency limits
voltage switch, the units are normally started and
having been described in Section 2.2 of this chapter.
shutdown via the generator/unit transformer route,
However, when these limits are exceeded they can,
though a separate source for 'station' supplies would
particularly in the case of nuclear power stations, be
still be provided for the station auxiliaries and for
regarded as being the equivalent to a total loss of grid
standby to the unit transformer as illustrated in Fig 1.2.
supplies. The likelihood of this *total loss' must be
If available, this would normally be derived from a
considered in relation to the time factors associated with
132 kV source since, for the rating of 500 M V A a n d
maintaining nuclear safety. For example, in the case of
below, the transformers are well proven, economic
the Sizewell Β pressurised water reactor (PWR) station
time bands of 0 to 2 hours, 2 to 12 hours and greater and the switchgear is cheaper. If however, 132 kV
than 12 hours have been considered. The probability is not available on the site, to create a 132 kV sub­
can be related to the required stage by stage availability station might require long cable routes or overhead
of the plant needed to meet the safety case. lines and possibly provide additional intergrid rein­
forcement. This may be more costly than considering
Consideration of the needs of the safety related
station transformers connected at 400 kV.
plant to the probabilities of losing grid supplies in­
variably leads to the provision of a supplementary
A C source of supply by means of on-site generation.
3.1 Main generator and station systems
In most cases this has been provided by either gas-
turbine or diesel-driven generators. The choice between
the two will depend on several factors including the 3.1.1 Main generators
rating and availability of the auxiliary generation Generators of 660 M W (776 MVA) rating having a
required. For example, the C E G B have utilised gas- nominal output voltage of 23.5 kV. The output of the
turbine generators of 17.5 M W rating on earlier machine to the generator transformer is via phase
A G R nuclear power stations. For the later Hey sham isolated connections, naturally air cooled and rated
2 A G R power station, diesel generators u p to 8 M W at 20000 A , either directly connected or switched by
rating have been installed. A significant factor re­ purpose built generator voltage switchgear, depending
garding the Heysham 2 diesel generators was the on the auxiliaries system design. Details of the gen­
need for a fast start-up/loading requirement. This erator main connections and generator voltage switch-
influenced the generator parameters, e.g., a low sub- gear are given in Chapters 4 and 5 respectively.
transient reactance value was chosen to achieve fast At present these are the largest generating sets
start-up while still containing the prospective fault installed in the UK. Designs are being developed for
contribution to an acceptable level. The manner in generators rated at 900 M W , in which case the gen-
S y s t e m descriptions

400kV 132/275/400kV






11kV UNIT D R I V E S ( M ) ( M ) (M)




3.3kV UNIT /j*N


CM) (M)

f f
FIG. 1.1 Typical unit station system for a 660 MW generator

erator terminal voltage will probably increase to 26 kV. u p of 3 single-phase units. The intention of the re­
The present style of main generator connection ar­ gistered design is to achieve a high level of reliabi-
rangements will be capable of carrying the increased Hty by avoiding all but essential change to proven
output current, although forced cooling by either air systems in detail design, materials or components (see
or water may be required. The Umiting factor for Chapter 3).
naturally cooled connections would be accommodation The 800 M V A rating is based on taking the main
of the greatly increased size, particularly within the generator 776 M V A rating plus the possible 44 M V A
generator terminal centres. This is fully described in output from a gas-turbine generator, contributing from
Chapter 4. the 11 kV level via a unit transformer, less a minimum
unit auxiliaries load of 20 M V A . For the generating
units being considered at 900 M W (nominal) rating, a
3.1.2 Generator transformers
generator transformer rated at 1145 M V A , also in 3
Each generator is connected to the grid system via single-phase tanks, is being developed, taking into
a generator transformer with the appropriate voltage account an overload capability from the main unit. As
ratio. The C E G B fit on-load t a p changers to accom­ with the 800 M V A rating, on-load tapchangers will be
modate the grid voltage variations and the voltage fitted for the same reasons.
operating range of the generator. It has established a There have been instances on nuclear power sta­
'registered design' of generator transformer for the tions using generator voltage switchgear, where the
660 M W generating units rated at 800 M V A and made on-load tapchanger has been arranged with an auto-
Electrical system design Chapter 1






(Μ) ® (M)



FIG. 1.2 Typical generator voltage switch system for a 6 6 0 M W generator

matic feature. This has been done to deal with the starting and running the unit at C M R output are
problem that arises when a generator trip results in connected to the unit electrical system. This must be
the opening of the generator voltage switch but retains designed such that one fault including a fire, does not
the grid connection. Under these circumstances, the lose the output of more than one generating unit.
11 kV switchboard voltage could fall to a level such Similarly, plant which does not have an immediate
that the direct on line starting of a boiler feed p u m p effect on the running of the unit, will be connected to
may not be achieved. The auto-tap facility raises the the station electrical system. It is required that a fault
voltage in a timescale and to a level capable of achiev­ on this plant will not immediately propagate into the
ing a p u m p start thus securing an initial boiler feed unit electrical system and affect unit output.
without relying on the emergency feed p u m p s . Should T o achieve this, the electrical and mechanical plant,
this scheme not achieve boiler throughput, the emer­ switchgear and cabling is segregated between the units,
gency pumps connected to the 3.3 kV system will still and between the two halves of the station system,
ensure reactor safety. (normally known as ^station A ' and 'station B'). Se­
gregation is not normally provided between the unit
and station systems.
3.2 Electrical auxiliaries systems Standard voltage levels of 11 kV, 3.3 kV and 415 V
These systems provide the power for the station have been selected to accommodate the very wide range
auxiliaries and are nowadays almost always designed on of plant drives and equipment.
the unitised principle. In the past, in some cases, In the case of the 11 kV unit system, a major
particularly early magnox and A G R stations, this constraint is the thermal current rating of the largest
principle was not strictly followed, the former consortia circuit-breaker commercially available and approved
who built the stations having used criteria different for use on C E G B systems. The present nominal rat­
from present day practice. ing is 3150 A which, when calculated in relation to
The general arrangements for electrical auxiliaries the transformer standard BS171 requirements, relates
systems are described below, and in their design due to an incoming transformer rating of approximately
cognisance is taken of the limits and constraints im­ 60 M V A . Therefore, if the unit load is in excess of
posed by the equipment commercially available which this, two unit transformers are required. The fault
is or could be type approved for the particular interrupting capability of the switchgear also adds a
application. constraint, which is discussed under 'system choice'
In the unit principle, all auxiliaries associated with in Section 5 of this chapter.
S y s t e m descriptions

Supplies to the unit board are derived from a unit methods, each transformer feeding the switchboards
transformer on the basis of one per switchboard, the must be rated to include the standby requirement of
primary of which is teed-off the generator voltage main the other transformer.
connections system. Those auxiHaries which are c o m m o n to two or more
All auxiliaries requiring electrical motor drives, whose units or are not necessary to maintain unit output, are
combined operation is necessary to keep the unit connected to a 'station' electrical system, i.e., not
generating, are connected to the unit system. Large specifically associated with any one unit.
motors rated at 1500 kW and above are generally The 11 kV station system has several duties, and the
connected to the 11 kV system, e.g., electrical boiler rating chosen will reflect the duty it is called on to
feed pumps, circulating water p u m p s , gas circulators perform. It does however share the same constraints
at nuclear power stations and boiler fans at fossil-fired as the 11 kV unit system brought about by the circuit-
power stations. breaker ratings.
In the case of nuclear power stations, particularly The station system may be required to provide a
early AGRs (and some magnox), the 11 kV unit systems source of supply to large 11 kV 'unit' drives, directly
form part of the nuclear safety case. This is because in some system arrangements or in a standby mode in
the 11 kV provides a preferred source of supply to the others to cater for a unit transformer outage. The
essential system, and in some cases feeds essential plant station transformer rating must be chosen accordingly.
directly, e.g., gas circulators. In this context, essential The different duties expected of station transformers
plant is that which is required following a reactor trip are outhned in Section 3.2.1 of this chapter.
to shut down the reactor safely and remove post-trip Feeds from the 11 kV station system are provided to
decay heat. Back-up emergency generating facilities are a station 3.3 kV system via 11/3.3 kV station auxiUary
provided at the appropriate voltage level should the transformers. C o m m o n station services, such as coal
grid connection fail. If the emergency drive is greater handling plant at fossil-fired power stations, would be
than 1500 kW and therefore requires connecting to supplied at this voltage level. The rating of motors at
the 11 kV system, emergency generation at 11 kV is 3.3 kV would be on the same basis as the unit system.
provided. This is described in more detail later in this Station supplies at 415 V are derived from the 3.3 kV
section. switchboards via 3.3/0.415 kV services transformers,
The 11 kV unit switchboard as well as supplying usually of the ' A N ' type, m o u n t e d in the switchboards
large motors also provides a feed to the 3.3 kV unit and located in switchrooms as near to the load centre
system via 11/3.3 kV oil-filled unit auxiharies trans­ as layout permits.
formers located outdoors. For nuclear stations there On some nuclear power stations while the station
is, in addition, an 'essential system' which normally system is not required ultimately in the safe shutdown
derives supplies from 11/3.3 kV 'essential transformers'. case, in many cases it may provide grid derived sup­
If grid derived supplies are not available, the essential plies to nuclear plant and relieve the demands on the
system is suppHed by on-site generation (gas turbines essential system. For example, at Heysham 2 A G R ,
or dieseis). The thermal current limits applicable to the 132 kV grid derived supplies can be made available
unit transformer incoming circuit-breakers apply equal­ from the station system to the main gas circulator
ly to the auxiliaries and essential transformers, which motors via converters following a reactor trip. As such
are limited by the largest approved circuit-breaker at it would be required to be engineered with this duty
3.3 kV, rated at 2400 A , giving the largest practical in mind.
size of transformer rating of a r o u n d 14.5 M V A .
Unit related auxiHaries in the range 150-1500 kW 3.2.1 Auxiliaries system transformers
are connected at 3.3 kV, although motors outside this
range may be connected for special cases.
Unit transformers
The 3.3 kV system also provides feeds to the 415 V
unit system via 3.3/0.415 kV unit services transformers. As mentioned above, the supply to the 11 kV unit
These transformers are normally naturally air cooled board is via a dedicated 23.5 k V / 1 1 kV unit trans­
'AN' type and mounted in the switchboards. The 415 V former, with a rating chosen to match the unit load,
system is distributed around the power station, with but limited to 60 M V A due to the largest approved
switchboards located in switchrooms as close to the rating of 11 kV circuit-breaker. Another consideration
load as possible. Motors up to approximately 150 k W the designer must take into account is the choice
are connected to this system although motors above of transformer impedance. A unit transformer has a
this rating may be considered in special cases. T o typical impedance of approximately 1 5 % on rating.
maintain a high availability of electrical supplies to When this value is used in the analysis of the station's
auxiliaries, duplicate feeds are supplied to each switch­ electrical auxiHaries system, it may require alteration.
board. This may be achieved by two incoming supplies For example, the electrical system regulation may be too
and a bus section switch, or by one incoming supply high, making the starting of large 11 kV squirrel-cage
and a cabled interconnector to another switchboard induction motors direct-on-line (DOL) difficult. The
which has its own incoming supply. For both these maximum rating suitable for D O L starting at 11 kV
Electrical system design Chapter 1

is about 11 M W . Also, unacceptable voltage conditions The station transformers' duties may be summarised
may be experienced at the lower voltage levels. In as follows:
this case the impedance may need to be reduced. In
• Supply the total 'station' load (due to outage of the
conflict with this, too low an impedance may give
other station transformer) as well as supplying the
rise to unacceptable fault levels on the 11 kV system,
starting load of a unit.
especially when unit and station supplies are paralleled
during station start-up and shutdown procedures. The • Supply its proportion of the station load and the
subject of parallel operation is discussed more fully C M R unit load when acting as replacement for a
in Section 4 of this chapter. unit transformer.
Solutions to this conflict are seldom easy and almost
always cause complications and additional expenditure. It should be noted that to accommodate the single
The options are: fault criteria (that one fault should not lose all station
• Use assisted starting techniques, i.e., 'soft' starting, supplies), a minimum of two station transformers will
for the largest motors by utilising static or rotary be required for the station. The above duties become
converters. This may also be combined with wound- more complex when more than two station transformers
rotor motors, rather than squirrel-cage. are used on multi-unit stations. However, the above
principles remain the same.
• Use automatic fast transfer systems when switch­ Similar to the principles outlined in the section on
ing between unit and station supplies to reduce the unit transformers, the impedance of the station
transfer time to one or two cycles. This permits break transformer must be chosen to enable paralleling with
before make without allowing the speed of running the unit transformer, for start-up and shutdown and
motors to drop below recovery times. If make before to allow the largest electric m o t o r (normally the feed
break is ever regarded as an acceptable option, it pump) to be started. As mentioned above, the use of
would limit the time during which prospective fault higher rated sets may preclude paralleling and alter­
levels exceed ratings. native methods may be required to achieve successful
• Use generator voltage switchgear to provide start-up methods of changeover for start-up and shutdown
supplies via the generator and unit transformer. supplies.
It should be noted that the above criteria are a
• Use HV connected unit transformers, with HV dis­
general guide, and each proposed electrical system is
connection of the generator/generator transformer
designed with the particular requirements of the station
addressed specifically. More information is given in
• Increase the system voltage to say 15 kV thereby the following sections.
increasing the possible transformer rating. This is
not being pursued in present designs, mainly because 3.2.2 Interconnection
it would mean either creating a 15 kV system with
a separate unit transformer for the very large drives T o enable flexibility of operation and to cater for
only or raising the voltage for all the motors catered planned or forced outages, interconnection between
for at 11 kV, e.g., induced and forced draught fans, different switchboards at the same voltage levels is
CW pumps. normally provided. These are usually cabled inter­
connections with circuit-breakers at each end. The
associated circuit-breakers are arranged such that one
These problems have become more pronounced with
is normally closed. This energises the cable perma­
the proposed introduction of larger generating sets,
nently, so that any cable fault is detected and cleared
e.g., 900 M W , without steam-turbine-driven boiler
by the protection immediately, rather than when the
feed pumps and relying on large full duty electric feed
circuit is energised just prior to being required. Inter­
pumps in a 3 X 5 0 % configuration each rated at
connection may be one of two distinct types:
13.5 M W . It should be noted that past practice has
been to design systems whereby unit and station systems • Where the two supplies may be paralleled, thereby
are capable of being paralleled for start-up/shutdown giving continuity of supply.
a n d / o r standby duty without exceeding fault levels
• Where an alternative supply is required but the
(see Section 4 of this chapter).
two sources may not be paralleled due to a paral­
leled fault level in excess of the switchgear certified
Station transformers rating.
The supply for the 11 kV station boards is via a
132 kV, 275 kV or 400 kV/11 kV station transformer, Where interconnection is provided between supplies
the rating of which is chosen to provide a starting facih- which may be paralleled (as there is no fault level
ty for the unit, and standby capacity to the unit restriction) but may be out of phase and frequency,
transformer in the case of its being unavailable, due to check synchronising facilities will be provided at the
an outage. normally open circuit-breaker. Where interconnection

S y s t e m descriptions

would produce unacceptable fault levels at the switch­ • T o provide an independent supply to the auxiliaries
board, an indication or interlocking system is provided of the main steam units in the event of unacceptably
to ensure that the circuit-breaker is not closed. Indi­ low frequency on the Grid system.
cation and interlocking systems are discussed further
• Use as output plant capacity to meet system require­
in Section 8 of this chapter.
ments. In this m o d e of operation the gas turbines
will normally be used for T e a k generation' purposes,
3.2.3 Essential systems and will also act as 'hot standby'.
All power stations require essential systems, but a • Ability to start-up a station without external Grid
fundamental difference exists between fossil and nu­ supply.
clear plant.
Fossil plant only requires essential electrical systems • T o provide an independent supply in order to ensure
to maintain unit output and to protect plant from the operation of essential drives, such as the main
damage following a loss of supply. The consideration bearing lubricating oil, in the event of loss of nor­
of these systems only needs to examine economic and mal supplies. This duty is, in effect, a back-up to
personnel safety issues, and the systems are designed to the D C battery system.
achieve these objectives.
Nuclear plant requirements are much more onerous, On-site generation for nuclear power stations assumes
due to the fission product decay heat which requires a more important role as it becomes part of the
removal to avoid an unacceptable risk of a radiological nuclear safety case. All plant required to safely shut
hazard and expensive plant damage. down and cool the reactor is normally supplied from
Essential systems for all the power stations are an essential system, which derives its preferred supply
based on additional on-site prime movers, either diesel from the grid supply. Failure of the off-site connection
generators or gas-turbines, together with batteries and requires the on-site generation to connect, usually auto­
chargers providing no-break supphes. Present designs matically, to the essential system. The large quantities
also use uninterruptable power supplies (UPS) to pro­ of decay heat in the reactor core/boiler system cause
vide instrumentation and power supply requirements prolonged requirements for feedwater, steam dumping
which are battery-backed. These systems are also used and reactor core cooling after the turbine-generator has
in normal operation since they provide a stable voltage been tripped.
and frequency supply 'isolated' from the transients
experienced by the main auxiliaries system. They are
based on centralised schemes of static or rotary in­ 3.3 Types of stations
verters, with a battery backing for a timescale in the The C E G B have a wide variety of power stations from
region of 30 minutes to cater for loss of the battery base load coal-fired and nuclear power stations to
charger or its A C supplies. For more details on U P S oil-fired, hydro, pumped-storage and gas turbine types,
see Section 6 of this chapter. and gas-fired and wind power pilot installations. The
The D C system voltage levels are chosen for se­ bulk of the demand is of course met by the base
lected duties such as emergency drives and emergency load stations which this section will concentrate on.
lighting at 250 V, switchgear with the higher current The present design policy to take the C E G B into the
closing solenoids at 220 V, protection, direct control twenty-first century is to have both large coal-fired
and switchgear tripping at 110 V and telecommunica­ stations and nuclear stations of the P W R design. Com­
tions, remote control and indications at 48 V. The bined cycle gas-turbine (CCGT) installations are also
batteries are usually of the lead-acid Plante type. a future possibility.
The D C systems are described later in Section 7 The coal-fired stations will be at the 2 χ 900 M W
of this chapter, and the batteries and chargers in size and the first P W R will be at Sizewell Β with
Chapter 9. a single reactor and 2 χ 660 M W turbine-generator
With the increasing concern for controlHng the
3.2.4 Emergency generation
emissions from coal-fired stations, retrofitting of Flue
As mentioned previously, on-site generation is pro­ Gas Desulphurisation (FGD) plant is taking place at
vided for emergency supplies to the auxiliaries system selected existing coal-fired stations and included at
on all power stations. There are many differing types, the design stage for the new 2 χ 900 M W designs.
dependent on the type of station and the needs which The additional loading imposed by F G D on the aux­
have to be met. Generators may be powered by gas iliaries system is very significant, resulting in the
turbines, or dieseis and may be at voltages of 11 kV designers assessing different schemes for meeting the
or 3.3 kV. various methods of providing F G D plant. F G D is an
On-site generation for large fossil-fired stations since international problem being tackled in various ways,
the early 1960s has been provided by gas turbines at but initially the C E G B are employing the limestone/
11 kV, and has satisfied the following needs: gypsum method. The additional auxiliaries system load-
Electrical system design Chapter 1

ing for this process at a 2 χ 900 M W station is of justify providing facilities beyond what could be pro­
the order of 45 M W for the entire plant. vided to meet only the S T P requirements.
Considering now the auxiliaries systems for the Each 3.3 kV unit auxiliaries board is supplied by
various types of stations, this section describes the duplicate 8 M V A transformer feeders, each capable
different aspects associated with each. of supplying the 3.3 kV auxiliaries load and thereby
providing standby to each other. The transformer
impedance was chosen to enable both transformers to
3.3.1 Fossil-fired power stations
be in service at the same time. There was n o need
The majority of existing C E G B fossil-fired plant is therefore to provide any unit/station interconnection at
fuelled by coal or residual oil with a small number the 3.3 kV level.
capable of being fired by either. There are a few gas At the 415 V level, a sectionalised unit services/
turbine stations with units of about 70 M W using station services switchboard was introduced, each sec­
distillate fuel, and H a m s Hall C power station which is tion fed from its respective 3.3 kV auxiliaries b o a r d .
dual-fired, using coal or natural gas. The latter example This provides a better utilisation of transformer capa­
using natural gas was a pilot conversion scheme to city at this level than having separate unit and station
assess its feasibility. 415 V boards with duplicate supplies for each from the
Basically for a given location and station output, respective 3.3 kV unit or station auxiliaries system;
the electrical auxiliaries system for a coal-fired or thus reducing the cost, space and maintenance require­
oil-fired station would differ only in respect of the ments. Transfer of loads from one transformer to its
loads associated with the fuel handling and combustion standby is carried out off-load since the prospective
plant. For a coal-fired station, this plant consists of fault level at 415 V does not permit carrying this out
the unitised draught plant (induced draught, forced on-load.
draught and primary air fans), coal mills and feeders For the fossil-fired stations, slightly different aux­
and the precipitators together with the c o m m o n services iliaries systems have evolved as the C E G B moved from
associated with coal handling, dust handling and ash the 500 M W unit period to the 660 M W units of the
disposal systems. For a 2000 M W coal-fired station of late 1960s. All systems used the unit/station principle.
4 X 500 M W units, operating at C M R , the auxiliaries Most of the stations with 500 M W units had four units
load is typically 31 M V A per unit plus a station load each with two station transformers, typically shown in
of 20 M V A . The comparative figures for a similar Fig 1.5.
sized oil-fired station are 20 M V A and 13 M V A re­ Drax power station was designed as a 6 x 660 M W
spectively since the unit load will not have the P A unit station, with three units initially installed, followed
fans, precipitators and coal mills and the station loads in the early 1980s with the three remaining units. The
will not have the coal, ash and dust handling systems. station auxiliaries system catered for the six units from
The fuel oil system does not make the same load the outset by providing four station transformers.
demands as the coal fuel systems. Despite the long time interval between the construction
Take as an example, the electrical auxiliaries system of the first and second halves of the station, there was
provided for the 2000 M W (3 χ 660 M W ) Littlebrook great emphasis placed on replication wherever possible
D oil-fired station. The outline of the auxiliaries sys­ for the completion phase to ensure the operational
tem is shown in Figs 1.3 and 1.4. An important and maintenance convenience of the station as a whole.
consideration in the adoption of the most economic The outline of the auxiliaries system for the six-unit
station supplies arrangement was the availabihty of station (to 11 kV level) is shown in Fig 1.6.
an existing 132 kV substation on the site. The auxiliaries systems for the present 900 M W unit
One of the STP requirements was for the output coal-fired station designs are being assessed as for past
from the three gas turbines, for system reasons, to stations against their S T P requirements and economics.
be available to the grid independent of the operation The alternative systems considered include using gen­
of the main units. Each gas turbine generator rating erator voltage switchgear, which the C E G B first used
is 35 M W , which required three station transformers, at Hartlepool and Heysham A G R stations, but which
since one transformer circuit (maximum rating 60 MVA) to date has not been used at fossil-fired stations.
could not accommodate more than one gas turbine All generator voltage switchgear used by the C E G B
generator for thermal reasons nor could the auxiliaries on their modern large units has been the 3 χ single-
system for prospective fault level reasons. The use of phase airblast type, designed and manufactured by
three station transformers however does lend itself Brown Boveri. A description of the design, construction
to a simpler and more flexible system configuration and performance of the types used by the C E G B is
than is possible with the more general two station given in Chapter 5.
transformers scheme. At the 11 kV level, the station/ It has not been a requirement at fossil-fired stations
station interconnections maximise the availability of to make grid supplies available via the generator
the station transformers across all three units and their transformer, and generator voltage switchgear has not
gas turbines. These interconnections are an example been economically justifiable compared with a u n i t /
of how an auxiliaries system design can economically station transformer scheme.

S y s t e m descriptions

400kV 400kV 400kV



FIG. 1.3 Littlebrook D electrical system

The introduction of F G D plant follows the C E G B be seen that the F G D plant electrical supplies have
policy decision to reduce the overall sulphur emission been derived from the unit/station electrical systems.
from its power stations. T o achieve this, it is pro­ All voltage levels of 11 kV, 3.3 kV and 415 V are
posed in the first instance to retrofit F G D equipment required t o a c c o m m o d a t e the loads, including large
to existing coal-fired stations starting with Drax. In booster fans fed at 11 kV.
addition, the C E G B will be providing F G D equipment Cabling system design is m a d e m o r e complex with
on all their new coal-fired stations. For a 2000 M W this arrangement since the unit/station system is deter­
station burning 2 % sulphur content coal, the load mined by the layout of the generator, station and unit
consumption of the F G D plant using the limestone/ transformers and major switchboards. These are lo­
gypsum process is of the order of 53 M V A . When cated at the opposite end of the station to the F G D
compared with a nominal station load of 51 M V A , this auxiliaries and plant.
represents 104% additional auxiliary power required, Alternatively, the F G D plant can be considered
which constitutes a significant increase in capital and as a separate entity, giving rise to the provision of
through-life costs for the station. The electrical aux­ a dedicated F G D electrical auxiliaries system centred
iliaries system currently proposed for a 2 χ 900 M W on a location adjacent to the F G D plant and with its
subcritical coal-fired station design, which includes own Grid connections. The comparison between the
the F G D plant, is shown in Figs 1.7 and 1.8. It will two approaches is mainly one of economics. For new

Electrical system design Chapter 1

3 5 5
^ 4 0 0 / 2 3 S>V eOO ^

7 Τ Τ — R - - ^ ^ Γ - - -R 1 — I — - " R — Τ — Τ — ®
i> "
{^?400 φΐ?00^^|]'200 φ ' 2 0 0 φ ΐ 2 0 0 φ ΐ 2>. φ ) 2 0 0 φ ΐ 2 0 0 - φΐ200 φΐ?00 φΐ200 ¡^2*00 [^2400 φΐ200
-""S φ2400 φΐ200 φΐ200 φΐ200 • ΐ 2 0 0 φΐ200 φι200

$ 1 Sí


J 1
Ii ñ Ii

^ » II

φΐ600 φ.0, φΐ600

•i • I BOARD I
7 ! Γ^Τ Τ ! Τ Τ — γ Γ Τ — Τ — Τ — ! — Τ — Τ — Τ — Τ — Τ — R
φ β Ο θ φ 5 0 φ 5 0 φ 5 0 φ β Ο φ s D [^SD φ 5 0 φ s D
φβοο φβοο φβοο
ί φβΟθφ50 φ50 φ50 φ50 φ50 φ50 φβΟΟ φ 5 0 [^SO φ50 φ50 φβΟ φ50 φ50 QsO



Ι 25
i si


ί oí
2 9 f
ι- J > II . 2 i
is §¿ 3| Δ Ii


r iftOC V
" Τ — Γ Τ—Τ—τ—I—r
¿so φ50 0SO C^so ¿-SO ¿SO φβοο ¿«oo¿SD ¿SO φso ¿so φίο ¿so


4 í1»i Sí
φ ¡l
! i
I i Y I l
I ^ I I α I I
i i. as <í a 5' *
5 t
i α
5 o

i i' α α
5 i is S I i 18 :i ii
— (6)
i i

FiG. 1.4 Littlebrook D electrical auxiliaries system

projects the most economic approach utilises the u n i t / eved differently for each station and differently from
station electrical system, although the separate electrical those which would be adopted today. However the
system has clear benefits for retrofit F G D schemes. fundamentals for reactor safety remain the same. They

3.3.2 Magnox nuclear power stations • T o ensure a main coolant flow over the reactor
internals, so cooling the reactor core and fuel.
The C E G B has eight magnox reactor nuclear power
stations. These stations were commissioned over a • T o ensure a flow of feedwater to extract the heat
period spanning eleven years, from Bradwell in 1962, developed in the reactor, and hence provide steam
to Wylfa in 1973. The stations were built by different to power the main turbine-generators.
consortia as 'turnkey' contracts, and hence have many
• To provide reactor auxiliaries and services, e.g.,
differences in terms of output and design. The design
pressure vessel cooling water flow.
measures which ensure reactor safety, which is the
most onerous requirement on system design, are achi­ • T o provide controls and indications for the above.

System descriptions

l3;kV IBUSBAR I 400I.V I BUSBAR 3) l3a>V(BU5BAB 2)


(!>T<-0: Τ τ Ύ f
f Τ- T-
φΐ200 φ 2 4 0 0 φίΣΟΟ φ ΐ 2 0 0 φΐ200 φΐ200 φΐ200 φΐ200 φΐ200 „ Φ·200 φ ΐ 2 0 0 φΐ200 φ 2 4 0 0 φί400 φ ΐ 2 0 0
ΠΐίΟΟ ΠΐίΟΟ ¿]I200 ¿ ] a 4 0 0 ¿ ] 2 4 0 0 [ J I 2 0 0

!8 -
i - t;t;«I
I i i SSE
Í | í ?zs
>L >r_


—I—X—i—i—l ' l l "1" i—Τ—I—J—Γ . . Τ—τ—τ—τ—5Τ^Τ—Τ—Τ—I—I—I—ι—Γ
5ΦΒOOΦSO φ $ 0 φ 5 0 φ s O φ δ Ο φ & 0 φ β O o φ s O φ 5 0 φ 5 0 φ s O φ 5 0 φsO nsO ñ s D φβ00φβ00φβ00φl600φβ00φsD [|]SD {^SD \^SD φ $ 0 φ 5 0 φ » φ $ 0


I % -5 ! 5$

ii t
^ í

h L i
8 ?S Ii í¡


φ·ΟθφβΟθηβΟθφΐ6ΟθφβΟθφ$0 QiD φ $ 0 φ β Ο φ s O φ $ 0 φ 5 0 φ $ 0 NSD NSD φ50

υ Ι υ υ I í y υ 1.2: Τ υ υ υ y > y > y ü ! v υ




I il
ίί hí%\ iei.ii

F i g . 1.4 (cont'd) Littlebrook D electrical auxiliaries system

These requirements apply t o a reactor whether it is operated at full or part output with the best possible
operational, or in the initial period of shutdown, when efficiency a n d operational flexibility. T o achieve all
fission product decay heating occurs, during the post- of the above objectives, t h e electrical system is struc-
trip cooHng period. tured into t w o parts:
Adequate post-trip cooling must be available for
(a) T h e main electrical system.
all credible faults a n d accidents that can be sustained
by the reactor, a n d sufficient redundancy a n d diver- (b) T h e essential electrical system.
sity of mechanical plant a n d systems ensures this.
Clearly, electrical equipment, where required as t h e T h e main electrical systems of all magnox stations are
power source for the mechanical plant a n d systems, based on the unit a n d station system principle. This
must also be capable of meeting the redundancy a n d has already been described in Section 3 of this chapter.
diversity requirements. In the case of the m a g n o x stations however, different
Having satisfied the demands of reactor safety, the voltage levels (e.g., 6.6 kV) a n d sometimes discrete
electrical system must also enable the station t o be systems for a particular purpose (e.g., gas circulator

Electrical system design Chapter 1

FIG. 1.5 Typical electrical system for 4 χ 5 0 0 MW coal-fired units

supplies) are used. Although the details of the design can operate independently of it.
are different in each case, the objectives are the same, The safety of the reactor is dependent on the es­
viz safe and economic operation of the power station sential electrical system as all items of plant necessary
as a whole. for post-trip cooling are connected to this system, e.g.,
The essential electrical system is an integral part of emergency boiler feed p u m p s , pony motors for gas
the main electrical system, but is designed so that it circulators, necessary auxiliaries, etc.

S y s t e m descriptions

• D -
τ τ Ν

50 MVA-
(MIN) \


' 750MVA

• TO UNIT No 3

• TO UNIT No 4



>o< 10 8MVA

. _ » 3.3kV
• χ

i i i X

t- Η ι- r
i i I
CM CO ir
i i i

O p ρ


L-rJ «-rJ l-H --r-

y i i
3 5 5

OJ CD it
i i έ




FIG. 1.5 (cont'd) Typical electrical system for 4 χ 5 0 0 MW coal-fired units

The main electrical system provides the preferred diesel generators are used for this purpose.
supply to the essential electrical system, via unit or There are certain items of plant which can tolerate a
station auxihary transformers. If there is a loss of short interruption of supplies, and these will be
grid causing loss of supplies to the essential electrical connected to A C switchboards supplied by the on-site
system, then on-site generation will provide supplies generation. The short break in suppHes due to the
to the essential system only. Usually, gas turbine or starting period of the on-site generation is acceptable

Electrical system design Chapter 1

- O


( J ( } T R A N S F O R M E R 1A T R A N S F O R M E R 2A (Γ)


@βΒ (^5B © 4 Β ® 3 B ® 2 B @ , B




FIG. 1.6 Drax power station electrical system to 11 kV level

from reactor safety considerations. Plant items which and provide supplies in the same way on a unit and
cannot tolerate any break in suppHes (e.g., instru­ station basis. Although the electrical auxiliaries system
mentation, controls and indications) are connected to is a single integrated design, it has two major con­
suppHes derived from a D C system, i.e., battery- stituent parts namely the main electrical system and
backed. Normally the D C supplies are provided from the essential electrical system.
the essential system A C switchboards via rectifier units, The most recent of the C E G B A G R stations is at
the battery being maintained in a fully charged state. Heysham 2 and its design has followed C E G B design
Following a loss of supplies to the essential system, philosophies evolved over the period since the first
the battery maintains supplies to the plant items con­ A G R s were designed. Heysham 2 as described repre­
nected to the no-break system during the short period sents the latest design aspects of the A G R s . The main
of time while the on-site generation is starting u p . When electrical system function is primarily to operate the
the on-site generation is fully available, the D C supplies station in producing its output, while the essential
are again provided from this source, and the battery system is to ensure that the C E G B meets the required
is recharged to a fully charged state. safety criteria in supplying safety related reactor aux­
The main and essential electrical systems thus pro­ iliaries plant both following a reactor trip and in the
vide supplies for both reactor and plant safety, and general longer term. Heysham 2 (2 χ 660 M W ) is the
economic operation of the station when supplying largest auxiliaries power system for a two-unit station
power to the National Grid. installed by the C E G B . Considering first the main
electrical system, the auxiliaries power system for the
two units, numbered 7 and 8, are illustrated in Figs 1.9
3.3.3 AGR nuclear power stations and 1.10.
The choice and ratings for the auxiliaries systems for Unlike Heysham 7, the grid connections have been
the A G R stations are similar to the fossil-fired stations made to both the 400 kV and 132 kV grid substations.

S y s t e m descriptions

τ τ

- a -


1145MVA 1145MVA

900MW 900 M W








FIG. 1.7 Electrical system for 2 χ 9 0 0 M W coal-fired units

This enabled t h e setting u p of an electrical system lation a n d t h e Y system t o feed water into t h e main
which matched the reactor quadrant concept a n d pro­ boilers, after a trip. The 415 V system continues with
vided higher integrity grid connections. Each r e a c t o r / X and Y systems.
generator has four 11 kV switchboards; A , B, C and D . In addition, at 3.3 kV there are auxiliaries asso­
Station boards A a n d Β deriving supplies from t h e ciated with t h e turbine-generator for which the elec­
132 kV system and unit boards C a n d D from t h e 400 trical needs are similar t o most 660 M W units, a n d
kV system. a unit auxiliary a n d station auxiliary system has been
In this way, there is an 11 kV switchboard asso­ created by deriving supplies from the appropriate 11 kV
ciated with each reactor quadrant a n d it is at this level (D a n d B). This follows through t o t h e 415 V
level that the four-trained electrical system starts a n d level a n d in addition provides supplies for t h e reactor
is continued t o t h e lower voUages. services auxiliaries.
The auxiliaries associated with each quadrant all Each generator output at 23.5 kV passes t o the grid
derive supplies down through the various voltage levels via a generator switch a n d a generator transformer
from the same 11 kV source. The lower voltage levels to 400 kV. The generator also feeds its auxiliaries via
are 3.3 kV a n d 415 V. T h e drives connected at each two unit transformers (23.5/11 k V ) .
voltage level a r e : Each unit transformer normally suppUes o n e 11 kV
board b u t it is rated (60 M V A ) t o b e capable of sup­
• 415 V u p t o a n d including 150 k W .
plying t h e normal loads of two 11 kV b o a r d s , via t h e
• 3.3 kV u p t o a n d including 1500 k W . 11 kV interconnectors. It can be seen that each unit
• 11 kV above 1500 k W . b o a r d is interconnected t o a station b o a r d , i.e., D t o A
and C t o B . This makes possible either a 400 kV or
The gas circulators (5220 k W ) , C W pumps (1700 kW) 132 kV derived source. Likewise the two station trans­
and emergency boiler feed p u m p s (10 500 k W ) a r e former secondaries are each rated t o supply the normal
therefore supplied at 11 kV. load of a unit/station b o a r d .
At the 3.3 kV level, t w o systems are established, The t w o station transformers are also intercon­
the X system for cooling the reactor by forced circu­ nected at 11 kV. Again each secondary winding is rated

Electrical system design Chapter 1


-<n>- -ΟΙΟ­
) 900MW

Ι 1kV U N I T B O A R D 1 A 11kV U N I T B O A R D I B


(Μ) ® (Μ) (ά) (Μ) (Μ) (Μ)


3.3kV r h FGD
i Λ 3.3kV FGD

6 ώ ό ό6 6 6ά ó 6 ά άά ó ώ ó ώ

5 Τ

¿ ® (M) ¿ 4 é
x6 V

415V FGD 415V FGD


i .
4 1 5 V MILL
415V FAN
415V FAN
4 1 5 V MILL



FIG. 1.8 Electrical auxiliaries system for 2 χ 9 0 0 M W units including F G D plant supplies

to supply the normal loading of t w o 11 kV station The decision t o have a total of eight diesel generators
boards. Two conditions need t o be considered here: for the two reactors was taken o n cost grounds. T h e
initial proposal had been for sixteen, which allowed one
• A station transformer can only act as standby t o
to be associated with each X a n d Y system b u t could
the other station transformer if its o w n reactor is
not be economically justified. The restriction t o eight
diesel generators caused connection design problems
• A station transformer can only act as standby t o both for operation and for cabling as each is connected
one unit transformer at any o n e time o n t h e basis and rated to supply the post-trip needs of corresponding
that generating with more than o n e normal 11 kV XoT Y systems of both reactors. This fixed the X diesel
source unavailable is n o t permitted. generator rating at 5.2 M W and the y diesel generator
rating at 6.735 M W . Y is the larger rating because the
This leads t o the three-winding station transformer emergency feed p u m p s a r e much larger than a n y X
having t w o secondary windings rated at 60 M V A , system drive.
whereas the primary is rated at only 90 M V A . The X system diesel generators, as well as supplying
The essential electrical system is a n integral part 3.3 kV and below, supply the main gas circulators via
of the main system and is centred o n the 3.3 kV level. converters with variable frequency output, 1 H z t o 50
The diesel generators are the ultimate back-up for the H z , u p t o a voltage of 3000 V.
provision of electrical supplies. They are connected The diesel generator supplies are regarded as short
at 3.3 kV since the critical safety auxiliaries are at this break supplies, i.e., loading of them cannot take place
level a n d below. for approximately 26 s. There is however, a need for

S y s t e m descriptions

TRAN¡roRMER 1 ( ψ ) 120/60/60MVA





(M) ®


5" ϊΊ^ΕΓϊ
6FGDJ£ÜARV¿ ώώώώύύίιύύύύ PLANT BOARD 1








I 415V OIL




FIG. 1.8 (coni*d) Electrical auxiliaries system for 2 χ 9 0 0 M W units including F G D plant supplies

supplies to some loads which do not suffer a break, The unit and station D C system design needs to
i.e., an uninterruptable power supply system (UPS). have in addition, a 250 V D C system for emergency
The U P S supplies at Heysham 2 are derived from lighting and turbine-generator emergency drives.
battery-backed static inverters. The X system has a
large U P S load requirement, including 3-phase drives.
3.3.4 PWR nuclear power stations
To maintain the 'trained' design concept, each X and
each Y system has an appropriately rated U P S system; The C E G B has embarked on a series of nuclear power
at 100 kVA, 3-phase 415 V output for each X system stations of the P W R type and have based the station
and 6.3 kVA single-phase 110 V output for each Y design on the American S N U P P S system. The lead
system. Additionally, each unit has unit and station station is at Sizewell Β in Suffolk, where there is
U P S systems of 200 kVA, single-phase 415 V output an existing magnox station. The electrical auxiliaries
for other than essential loads, e.g., unit guaranteed system, however, accommodates a UK design evolved
instruments and unit computer. a r o u n d a twin-generator/single-reactor system, whereas
As at all other stations, D C systems are provided the S N U P P S design has a single generator. The
both for normal usage and also for those situations electrical system chosen provided a grid connection
when D C is absolutely essential, such as switchgear at 400 kV for each generator and a similar 400 kV grid
operation. For this reason all X and Y systems have connection for each of the two station transformers.
discrete closing (220 V) and opening (110 V) batteries. Although the grid connections are to a c o m m o n
In fact, the closing batteries are solely dedicated to that substation, each connection can be electrically segre­
duty. gated from the other by means of isolators and circuit-

Electrical system design Chapter 1
UJ 2 oo
(ΛΟ - , <

"> >-·
<B>>| !
Γ»-0 _ Q 1-5 OC^
if P i l i
"u- in DC ><Λ _iL
- > 0 ο.υ >
in DC
In rú ?i I f " Β
>J Si ät
o" So
S y s t e m descriptions


Electrical system design Chapter 1

breakers. This is important since any fault on the grid grid connection for transmitting the station output.
system or on one of the units should not jeopardise However, the most recent hydro station designed and
the single reactor operation or affect the output of built by the C E G B is a p u m p e d storage scheme at
the healthy unit. The electrical system is illustrated Dinorwig. This is an 1800 M W station consisting of
in Figs 1.11, 1.12 and 1.13. 6 X 300 M W generator-motor sets.
The 11 kV system is arranged into four 11 kV All six sets are capable of generating full output
sections, each fed by one of the four off-site (grid) using water stored in a high level lake which is dis­
connections. Each unit and station pair of 11 kV charged into a lower lake at about station level. The
sections is normally run paralleled through an inductor machines can also act as motors running in the op­
(to Umit the fault current), so that the loss of one posite rotational direction to p u m p water from the
connection does not cause a total loss of 11 kV for b o t t o m lake back into the top reservoir at a time when
that unit. The generator is connected to the generator the grid system is lightly loaded.
transformer via a generator voltage switch, across which The electrical system design principles at Dinor­
the generator is automatically synchronised. The loss wig took account of the following specific design as­
of any of the reactor coolant pumps causes a reactor pects. The station is sited at a location where no grid
trip which is a prime reason for running the unit and substation existed previously and therefore a new
station boards in parallel. 400 kV substation was required for connection of the
Each of the four 11 kV switchboard sections provides generator-motor sets. Each generator-motor has its
a supply to one of the four functionally independent own three-phase, 340 M V A transformer. The H V
essential electrical 'trains', and is the normal and pre­ windings of these transformers are connected in pairs
ferred source of supply. Each 'train' includes a 3.3 kV to the 400 kV switchhouse. This consists of two section
switchboard normally supplied from an 11 kV switch­ circuit-breakers between the three generator-motor
board section via a 11/3.3 kV essential transformer. transformer circuits, and two hne circuit-breakers for
A diesel generator is connected to each 'train' 3.3 kV the two 400 kV connections to the Pentir substation
switchboard, and is started and connected to it in the some 11 km distant from the power station. For
event of failure of the preferred electrical supply from environmental reasons these connections use 400 kV
11 kV. All the plant required to remove post-trip decay oil-filled cable. The outline of the station electrical
heat is connected to the essential system at 3.3 kV system is illustrated in Fig 1.14. T o run the sets up
and 415 V. as p u m p s , starting supplies are derived from either
It is considered a credible fault sequence that all of two dedicated starting transformers and associated
four dieseis may fail to start on demand following a variable frequency sets, with a c o m m o n starting busbar.
complete loss of A C power from the Grid. The defence The starting transformers derive their supplies from
against this occurrence must ensure that the P W R is the 400 kV grid via two of the generator-motor
maintained in a safe condition, post-trip, by producing transformers. The busbar is sectionaHsed however so
the following: that any faults can be isolated. Each of the two start­
u p equipments is rated to start-up one machine at a
• Feedwater to the steam generators via the auxiliary time. There is also an alternative means of starting-up
feed system. a set as a p u m p by back-to-back connection to another
• A supply of water to the reactor coolant p u m p (RCP) machine running as a generator.
seal to maintain the integrity of the primary circuit. Machine excitation is derived from an excitation
transformer. The excitation supply must be available
The manner in which this is achieved is described in prior to starting the machine in the pumping m o d e ,
Section 4 of this chapter. whether using the starting equipment or the back-
to-back alternative it should not be subject to phase
reversal. Each machine therefore has its own ex­
3.3.5 Hydro and miscellaneous citation transformer connected to the H V side of the
Hydro stations are not c o m m o n in the C E G B , al­ generator-motor transformer. In the absence of grid
though the Scottish Boards have a number of smaller supplies, a machine can be run-up as a generator
stations. The advantage of the hydro station is that by deriving excitation from the 240 V station D C sys­
a very fast response in station output is achieved to tem until it becomes self-excited via the excitation
meet sudden load demands on the grid network, e.g., transformer.
due to the loss of a generating set elsewhere. The Each generator-motor is connected to its trans­
output of a traditional hydro station is determined former via an air-blast circuit-breaker and reversing
by the replacement of the stored water in the top isolators incorporated into the 18 kV busbar connec­
reservoir by natural means. Its value is therefore finite tions system. The circuit-breaker is necessary to allow
and dependent on how readily the stored water can be disconnection of the machine for phase reversal or
replenished. The electrical system for this type of shutdown, while still keeping the generator-motor trans­
station is relatively straightforward and met by pro­ former in service to maintain the electrical supplies to
viding a small station supplies system and appropriate the station.

S y s t e m descriptions

132 KV 132 KV


1 400KV

'I ( ( {

GENERATORQ—00— 23.5KV V - 0 0 — 6 ^ GENERATOR

31 ^ ^ 32

0 32

}}}}}) Ϊ)—hni w U
\ ^ — c m

3.3KV I ^ I J_ _[ Í Í 3.3KV

y '/ ' / AUXILIARIES '/



Γ 1 .


1—Γ- - 1 — r


FIG. 1.11 PWR electrical system showing inter-relationship with off-site systems

Earthing of the generator system is achieved in T h e number a n d rating of t h e unit auxiliaries led t o
the normal manner using generator neutral earthing the adoption of 415 V as the unit system voltage. O n
modules. T o cater for the period when t h e generator the station system however, because of some larger
circuit-breaker is open, system earthing, i.e., o n the motors (up t o about 850 k W ) , a station system voltage
generator transformer side of t h e disconnector, is level of 3.3 kV was chosen.
achieved by earthing the unit transformer H V winding The system design incorporates three station trans­
rather than using a dedicated earthing transformer or formers, each rated at 10 M V A a n d teed off t h e 18 kV
a system earthing module connected to the 18 kV main connections t o three of the six machines. In this
system. way, station transformer capacity is available such that

Electrical system design Chapter 1

23.5/11 kV UNIT


U 415V



FIG. 1 . 1 2 PWR unit/station electrical auxiliaries system


the total station services requirements can be met, cable cooling plant.
even with a 3.3 kV tail works feeder outage, using T o meet the requirements of the STPs, diesel gen-
only two transformers and leaving the third trans- erators are provided in order that the station can be
former to act as a standby. Each is therefore rated started in the generating m o d e in the absence of grid
to meet the simultaneous duties of supplying half supplies. In addition, the diesel generators maintain
the cavern 3.3 kV and 415 V station services, the essential services in the cavern such as lighting, heating
headworks and tailworks services and, when the nor- and ventilation plant to the personnel areas, battery
mal Area Board supply is unavailable, the 400 kV chargers and normal drainage.

S y s t e m descriptions


23.5/11kV UNIT

FIG. 1 . 1 2 (cont'd) P W R unit/station electrical auxiliaries system

The electrical system design has to recognise the machine availability.

function of the pumped-storage scheme to provide Considering the miscellaneous forms of power gen­
very rapid response to extra load demand. The start-up eration, the C E G B has considered several renewable
supplies are arranged such that a fault on any machine energy sources. Of these sources, the most cost effec­
being started will not affect a unit which is operating tive being pursued is wind turbine-generators (WTGs).
in a generating or pumping m o d e by the provision These are mostly located in very remote locations and
of section isolators. This also enables starting busbar as such are generally u n m a n n e d . The C E G B has tried
maintenance to be carried out with minimum affect on several sites, including the Orkneys, C a r m a r t h e n Bay

Electrical system design Chapter 1

FROM 11 kV FROM 11 kV



ϊ Λ

φ lb [] É φ [] [] φ φ

o o BOARD 2


b ge
uj (fíZ u.

Γ "









FIG. 1.13 PWR essential electrical AC systems

S y s t e m descriptions

FROM 1 1 kV FROM 1 1 kV




i i i 1 i 1 i Γ Τ Τ Τ Τ Τ Τ Τ
ΰ I 1 ώ iti É dl
• φ

f f ( f {








FIG. 1.13 (cont'd) PWR essential electrical AC systems

Electrical system design Chapter 1

(é) • • •

^ -

é 3

400/18kV \ 400/18kV
' 3 4 0 MVA ^3^^
18 kV

(X) IBkV/llkV

18kV/3.3kV 18kV/415V
1.6 MVA

1728 kVA



1M3G 2M3PP \ 2M3G



1M0 2M7\ 2M0

t — - ο Λ ^ - ^ MOTOR 2
I 2M1 " MOTOR 2
1S4> 2S4>

FIG. 1.14 Dinorwig electrical system

S y s t e m performance

and Richborough. In all these sites, the wind turbines the range of the approved check synchronising equip­
have had ratings of between 1 and 3 M W . Present ment (see Chapter 12). In addition, large phase angle
thinking is to develop 'wind parks', each wind park differences cause large circulating currents when the
will have about 1 5 - 2 0 machines feeding into the Area unit and station systems are paralleled. This will be
Board system at 33 kV and 66 kV. reflected in a short time requirement for a high rating
The 'needs' for an electrical system for such gen­ of the unit transformer which may well lead to un­
erators are very much less onerous than for a conven­ acceptable constraints. Phase angle differences of about
tional power station, especially as they are intended 10° are considered acceptable.
to be u n m a n n e d . The machines will be self-starting Whichever primary voltage levels are chosen, start­
and will synchronise themselves onto the Area Board u p power is usually supplied to the power station
network automatically. A simple switching system is via station transformers. However, where, generators
envisaged, with tee-off connections to supply 'unit' are connected to the system via generator voltage
services, if required. Battery capacity will be installed switchgear, start-up power may also be provided via
in a limited form to provide essential lighting, heating the generator transformer/unit transformer route. Al­
and any control suppUes which may be required. though stations have been built with generator voUage
The main W T G is mounted on t o p of a cylindrical switchgear and n o station transformers, it is not a
steel pole which, at the b o t t o m , houses the switch- practice which would be recommended today. This is
gear, etc. Power is transmitted to the wind park dis­ because a complete loss of supplies to half the station
tribution network from the machine via a 'twisting' could occur following the tripping of a generator
cable, necessary as the rotor and machine assembly H V circuit-breaker as a result of a major fault in
follows the wind a r o u n d . the zone protected by the overall unit protection (see
Chapter 11 on Protection), causing immediate and
longer term operational restrictions.
If a station requires start-up power when external
4 System performance
grid supplies are not available, i.e., black start, it will
be necessary to provide power sources at the 11 kV
4.1 Station and unit start-up voltage level by means of on-site generation of suffi­
For all types of power stations, start-up can only be cient capacity dieseis or gas-turbines, or off-site genera­
achieved if there is sufficient electrical power avail­ tion, e.g., gas-turbines at another adjacent generating
able from either a grid connection or a large on-site station with local interconnection. It -should be noted
power source such as a gas-turbine generator. that GTs may have other duties such as 'peak lopping'
Grid connections will be either 132 kV, 275 kV or or 'frequency support' or emergency generation. This
400 kV depending on the availability at the site. 132 kV is discussed m o r e fully in Section 6.1 of this chapter.
would be preferred, due to the cost savings in switch- For start-up conditions, the station electrical system
gear cables and transformers. However this decision, is interconnected to the unit electrical system usually
made at the planning stage, must take into account at 11 kV t o provide power from the station trans­
factors such as: former t o the unit system. T h e generator transformer
H V circuit-breaker and unit transformer LV circuit-
• Is 132 kV available at the proposed site? breakers are open at this time. This arrangement is
• Will the 132 kV system need to be reinforced to shown in Fig 1.15.
supply the power station requirements? The method of achieving this differs from station
t o station, but the principle is the same. Most fossil-
• If present, is it intended to be kept for the life of fired stations have unit boards interconnected by cable,
the new station (due for example to Area Board bulk but nuclear stations have a variety of arrangements.
supply requirements)? Early magnox and A G R s differed widely in the meth­
• Is the 132 kV in the correct geographical location od of achieving start-up supplies, but A G R s such
on the proposed site to avoid long and compHcated as Hartlepool and Heysham 1 and 2 introduced a
cable runs? generator voltage switch, allowing the generator/unit
transformer combination t o provide starting power
• Are there sufficient spare circuit-breakers or bays (see Fig 1.10).
available or the capacity for extension to feed the A n electrical auxiliaries system arrangement for
station requirements? start-up with a generator voltage switch is shown on
Fig 1.16.
Another consideration is the phase angle difference
between the 132 kV system and the 400 kV system, since
4.1.1 Plant required
the unit system will be connected to 400 kV via the
generator transformer and there may be some electrical All power stations require at least one C W p u m p and
distance between the two voltage levels. In some cases one SO^Q electric boiler feed p u m p available and
this can be quite excessive and may well be outside running to start u p a unit. In addition, fossil plant

Electrical system design Chapter 1







FIG. 1.15 Arrangement for station start-up (direct connected generator)




11kV . 11kV STATION


^ V '


FIG. 1.16 Arrangement for station start-up (generator connected by a generator voltage switch)

requires either coal mills or oil pumps and draught iliaries to be available during the run-up stages, the
plant, e.g., F D and ID fans, P A fans, etc. Gas-cooled poor quality steam being d u m p e d until the correct
nuclear plant requires gas circulators running on main quality is achieved.
motors or pony motors at approximately 1 5 % speed, When steam of correct quality is being produced,
whereas water reactors require reactor coolant p u m p s . the turbine-generator will be run u p to speed with
Both nuclear types require various supporting aux­ all the unit supporting auxiliaries being powered from

S y s t e m performance

the station transformers via the unit/station inter- control of which is located in the main control r o o m .
connectors. However, the turbine automatic run-up equipment
could well contain an automatic synchroniser and in
this case the synchronising equipment mentioned above
4.1.2 Synchronising to the grid
would n o longer be required. M a n u a l check synchro­
When the turbine-generator is run u p to the correct nising may be achieved using portable check synchro­
speed, it is synchronised to the grid via the generator nising trolleys in the main control r o o m .
transformer H V circuit-breaker (see Fig 1.17) if the
generator is directly connected t o the generator
4.1.3 Synchronising unit to station
transformer, or at the generator voltage switch if one
is provided (see Fig 1.18). This is normally achieved W h e n the generator is synchronised to the grid and
using dedicated automatic synchronising equipment, lightly loaded, it is appropriate to transfer the unit





11kV 11kV





FIG. 1.17 Synchronising points for a direct connected generator


~ r





FIG. 1.18 Synchronising points for a generator connected via a generator voltage switch

Electrical system design Chapter 1

loads to the unit transformer. This is achieved by (a) Grid fault disturbances on the national grid sys­
paralleHng the unit and station boards for a short tem may cause a loss of connection to a single
time via the 11 kV interconnector. Check synchro­ generating unit, or all power station connections.
nising facilities, by means of control r o o m located This is discussed in more detail in Section 4.3 of
synchronising trolleys, will be necessary, as the two this chapter. A n electrical fault may occur which
sources may be out of phase and frequency. The check requires the power station to grid substation circuit-
synchronising relay has limits of ± 2 0 ° within which breaker to open.
successful paralleling will be achieved.
(b) Generator system electrical faults in the generator
For stations with generator voltage switchgear, the
unit zone, i.e., the generator, unit transformers
unit transformer usually provides start-up supplies.
and the main connections, will require both the
However, the station transformer still supplies the
generator H V and unit transformer LV circuit-
station loads and the unit to station interconnection
breakers to open instantaneously.
at 11 kV can provide a standby facility to the unit
transformer (if it is out of service). Again, check (c) Generator mechanical faults on the generator or
synchronising facilities will be required to enable the turbine such as loss of lubricating oil or control
supplies to be transferred without interruption. Details fluid, loss of condenser vacuum, require shutdown
of the synchronising equipment are described in of the unit, but not necessarily instantaneous elec­
Chapter 12. trical disconnection. Indeed some benefit can be
gained in limiting turbine-generator overspeed if
the generator is left connected to the off-site power
4.2 Shutdown and power trip system for a short time.
There are basically two types of shutdown: (d) Electrical auxiliaries system faults on the electrical
• A controlled shutdown, due to a request for a re­ system at 11 kV or lower, may cause an unaccept­
duction in generation or prior to an outage. able reduction in the plant necessary to continue
running the unit. It should be noted here that the
• An emergency shutdown, following an internal or
design philosophy is such that one fault should
external fault requiring disconnection of the unit
not cause the loss of more than one unit.
from the grid.
(e) Consequential trip due to loss of steam generation,
4.2.1 Controlled shutdown i.e., failure of the steam raising plant will require
the unit to be tripped.
A controlled shutdown is basically the reverse of a
start-up sequence. The unit power output is reduced to
Faults in group (a) above, normally subject the gen­
a level appropriate to the design, when the unit and
erator to 100% load rejection. The turbine-generator
station supplies may be paralleled and all unit aux­
unit will accelerate due to the excess of input energy
iliaries transferred to a station transformer source. In
over demand. The steam (governor) and excitation
the case of a generator voltage switch arrangement,
(AVR) control mechanisms are designed to cope with
the supplies do not need to be transferred, providing
this situation but some overspeed will occur, depending
a grid connection is maintained. Section 4.3 of this
largely on the inertia constant of the unit and the speed
chapter describes what is the expected sequence of
of the control systems. Back-up overspeed protection,
events following a loss of grid supplies.
in the form of centrifugal force-driven bolts, is provided
The A G R nuclear plant is arranged to have one
to trip the steam valves, should the control systems
generating unit associated with one reactor. The P W R
fail to control the unit below about 10% overspeed.
differs in as much as present UK designs have two
Faults in groups (c) above, leave the generator elec­
generators with one reactor. All nuclear plant requires
trically connected to the grid and the unit load, so
post-trip cooling to remove the fission product decay
that the overspeed due to entrained steam is Hmited.
heat, but due to differing reactor/turbine configura­
Completion of unit trip by disconnection from the
tions, the functional requirements will vary from sta­
electrical system is achieved by a power measurement
tion to station. As post-trip cooling forms part of the
relay detecting low forward power, see Chapter 11.
safety function, it is quite normal to arrange for the
In certain of the fault trip cases considered here,
emergency or essential system prime-movers to start
the auxiliaries system will be subjected to voltage and
for every reactor trip whether accompanied by loss of
frequency transients. The safeguards are designed such
grid or not.
that the mechanical systems are not subjected to tran­
sients outside their design codes.
4.2.2 Power trip For stations with direct connected generators, faults
There are a number of types of trip which may be in groups (a)-(e) will generally cause a loss of supply
experienced on power station plant. These are discussed to the whole unit electrical system. Essential plant is
briefly below and a more exhaustive treatment is given supplied from battery-backed systems or by local
in Chapter 11: generation using diesel generators or gas turbines.

S y s t e m performance

For stations with generator voltage switchgear, some also trip the generating unit. Designs for A G R sta­
faults in the above groups may allow the unit electrical tions have specified that a *run through' capability be
system to remain connected to the grid system. provided. This means that on opening the generator
Steam raising plant to generating plant intertrips transformer H V circuit-breaker only, thus disconnec­
are simple to design for steam generation/turbine ting the generator from the grid, the generating unit
units, as a trip of the steam raising plant will trip the will r a m p down to house load. If the grid becomes
generator and vice versa. For stations where c o m m o n available after a short time, the generator can then be
steam raising plant feeds more than one generating re-synchronised without having to suffer the lengthy
unit, logic must be introduced to detect that only one down times necessary t o run u p a machine after a hot
generating unit has tripped if the design allows the or cold shutdown. This is of particular benefit since
steam raising plant to r a m p down to 5 0 % load. This restarting is always a lengthy process due to Xenon
applies to the present design of P W R . poisoning in the reactor. In practice this operating
regime has been difficult to achieve, mainly due to
limitations in the very rapid control of mechanical
4.3 The effects of loss of grid supplies plant a n d / o r the reactor at low power levels. Intended
Loss of grid supplies is a generic term which covers *run through' periods of approximately 10 minutes
events from the loss of a single generator connec­ have been aimed at with subsequent shutdown should
tion, to the total collapse of the local grid network. grid supplies not be available after that time.
Grid disturbances, which cause the voltage a n d / o r T o achieve this feature, it is necessary to arrange
frequency to go outside their operating limits, must the electrical protection such that faults which need
also be considered in this category. The following only trip the generator transformer HV circuit-breaker
sections examine the various mechanisms which lead to isolate the fault, will not trip the unit or its con­
to grid disconnections. nection to the electrical auxiliaries system.
A power station connected to the National Grid will Certain grid disturbances local to power station sites
experience all the voltage and frequency transients in relatively weak grid areas, could cause the generators
which occur on the surrounding grid system from time connected at the time of the fault to go outside their
to time. F r o m a system operation point of view, it stability margin. This is because during the clearance
is desirable to keep generation connected through­ time of the fault, the system voltage is depressed and
out these disturbances to support the system and its n o power export is possible. The excess energy is stored
stability. However, the design and operation of gen­ in the machine as an increase in rotor angle and may,
erating plant will be specified to limits of voltage and dependent on the clearance time of the fault, cause
frequency in the station technical particulars. These the rotor angle to increase beyond its stability limit,
limits (as detailed in Section 5.1.(d) of this chapter) resulting in pole slipping. Although the plant can be
are those which are expected during normal operation. protected against this condition, the effect on the grid
For conditions which may be considered a b n o r m a l , system from the consequent loss of generation is de­
which will probably be outside the specified limits, the trimental to its continued stability.
power station designer must consider deliberate dis­ Therefore consideration must be given to taking
connection of the station from the abnormal grid. This certain measures which will improve the transient
action is necessary to avoid possible overstressing of stability of the generators in areas of weak grid con­
the electrical auxiharies system or subjecting the me­ nections. Several methods have been considered for
chanical plant to conditions outside its specified limits. adoption and basically fall into two groups:
This is of particular importance in nuclear plant which
(a) Those which may be implemented on the turbine-
is nuclear safety-related, but is also of importance
generator unit.
from an economic standpoint on conventional plant as
repairs and outage time are very costly. (b) Those which may be implemented on the grid
In present nuclear stations, specific voltage/fre­ system.
quency detecting equipment is installed normally at
the 11 kV voltage level, but may also interface with Methods in group (a) include fast-acting AVRs and
the essential system which may have its own specific possibly faster closure of the turbine stop valves, al­
dedicated monitoring equipment. Should the power though this latter technique has not been proven on
station electrical auxiliaries experience conditions out­ UK plant.
side the preset Hmits for more than the specified time, Methods in group (b) include the addition of switched
automatic disconnection is carried out, the station is shunt reactors at 400 kV, automatic VAr compensa­
shut down and power is supplied from the essential tion and static compensation.
supplies generator sets. A new technique being investigated by the C E G B ,
Earlier C E G B power stations have their electrical is the addition of braking resistors connected at gen­
protection arrangements designed such that faults which erator voltage. This is a method in group (a) where
open the generator transformer HV circuit-breaker will the resistors would be connected in the power station.

Electrical system design Chapter 1

In this method, a large resistive load (approximately In the case of the P W R , a predominant contributor
300 M W ) is connected across the generator terminals to the overall frequency of degraded core was the
for a very short period of time immediately following fault group l o s s of all 11 k V . The value of frequency
the fault clearance and hence voltage recovery. This for this fault group was found to be dominated by
gives the effect of absorbing the excess kinetic energy the frequency of loss of off-site power (LOSP), and
stored in the generator rotor, avoiding the power swings detailed analyses were undertaken to determine the
which would otherwise occur. There is a need to figure for L O S P frequency for the selected sites.
identify the point at which the braking resistor is The P W R safety case is m a d e on the basis of,
to be appHed and the length of application. It is also interalia, the estimated value of L O S P frequency.
necessary to use a switching device which is fast The frequency of L O S P is therefore a major consi­
enough to be compatible with the detection method. deration in assessing the reliability requirements for
The control scheme envisaged is based on an energy the on-site generation provided to meet the essential
measurement system which constantly monitors the electrical system duties. The reliabihty assessment must
generator, and calculates in 10 ms time periods the consider the starting and continued running capabi­
energy and compares this against a preset value. The lities of the auxiliary generation to cater for the L O S P
time at which the braking resistor is required and the time bands such as those outlined in Section 2.4 of
length of application is calculated and the resistor this chapter.
switch is signalled to close. Typically a fault dura­
tion time of 85 ms would cause a braking resistor
application in the region of 100 to 150 ms. 4.4 Station plant outages and faults
A prototype has been designed and constructed for There are two types of outage which have to be
trial at Pembroke Power Station at a relatively weakly considered in the design of the power station auxiliaries
connected part of the grid. Preliminary indications are system. These are:
that this method will be more effective than shunt
reactors for improving the generator's response to • Planned outage The C E G B has a policy of regular
transient instability conditions. maintenance for all power station plant. Although
The loss of grid connection normally means the loss regular maintenance is normally carried out when
of electrical supplies to the unit (and possibly station) the unit is shut down, there is often a requirement
auxiliaries. Certain auxiliaries are required to continue to maintain a supply to an associated piece of plant.
in operation after unit trip to achieve a safe shut down This is particularly so when considering nuclear
state. For conventional power stations, the post-trip stations. Also some equipment may require main­
requirements are less onerous than for nuclear power tenance more regularly than the unit outage period.
stations. T o reflect these needs the design will normally in­
For conventional stations, battery-backed suppHes corporate sufficient diverse and redundant plant to
or small diesel generators may suffice. The duty will a level necessary to maintain supplies to essential
include maintaining supplies to drives such as generator plant.
seal oil pumps or barring gear motors.
• Forced outage Despite the regular maintenance
Nuclear plant however, because of the decay heat
poHcy, plant will occasionally become unavailable
due to fission products, requires more and larger drives
for example due to a fault. The repair of faulted
to be maintained for longer periods of time. The post-
equipment is known as 'breakdown' or 'urgent'
trip requirements for most nuclear plant last for days
maintenance. The defence against this occurrence,
rather than hours, and hence there is a need for a
where it would compromise nuclear or plant safety,
much more robust essential electrical system. As post-
is to design the system with sufficient redundant
trip cooHng is also claimed as part of the nuclear safety
items and supply routes to maintain essential sup­
case, redundant plant is provided.
plies and enable equipment to continue operating.
A more detailed description of the post-trip require­
This is especially important for essential nuclear
ments for AGRs and P W R s is included in Sections
3.3.3 and 3.3.4 of this chapter respectively.
Previous nuclear stations based their safety cases
on the ability to provide post-trip cooling without a The design principles to achieve the necessary level of
grid connection being available. The various fault security require plant systems to be provided as main
sequences were examined on a deterministic basis, and and standby, separated or segregated from each other.
the case was made by demonstrating that there was Similarly, the electrical supply routes must be run
sufficient redundant plant available to achieve the separately or segregated, with the electrical supply, as
necessary safe shutdown state. far as practical, derived from independent sources.
The later A G R s and the P W R designs were examined For the nuclear station essential systems, the level
using probabihstic analysis techniques using assigned of redundancy required is much greater than for fossil-
values of component and system reliability to analyse fired plant. The present approach is to segregate plant,
various fault sequences against an overall target figure. supply routes and sources, into functionally independ-

S y s t e m choice

ent groups or 'trains', each train having its own es­ the loss of more than one generating unit. This
sential system generators. These are normally diesel reflects the need to limit the generation loss to the
driven generators connected at 3.3 kV, dieseis being system due to single faults. The connections to the
chosen for their high starting and operational relia­ grid site must also be examined to ensure that a
bility. For the P W R design, for example, a four train single System or substation fault will not cause
system has been chosen. Each train has a separation more generation loss than the System can tolerate.
group allocated to it and all associated plant is physi­ This is of particular concern in situations where
cally separated from other train equipment. more than one station is connected t o a c o m m o n
Auxiliary generator sets may be installed at a power substation.
station for the reasons given in Section 3.2.4 of this
chapter. (c) Power plant designed and installed in the early
1960s assumed that grid loss could be tolerated
To meet the requirements for auxiliaries frequency
and that the transmission system would not totally
support, *peak lopping' and 'black start', auxiliary gen­
collapse. Subsequent events showed that a condi­
erators are fitted to the unit a n d / o r station switch­
tion could occur which caused 'cascade tripping',
boards at 11 kV. Due to the ratings required to start
up modern plant, they are likely to be gas-turbine i.e., power stations being tripped in an attempt to
generators. supply loads in excess of rating. This led to power
plant being specified which could be started up in
For the essential duty, due to the smaller load
the absence of external grid supplies.
demands and more onerous response time and relia­
bility required, diesel generators are nowadays used For the 500 M W units, a twin Avon ( 2 5 - 2 8 MW)
at 3.3 kV although gas-turbine generators have in the gas-turbine generating set was used, but this was
past been used to meet essential duties. superseded at the later stations having 660 M W
As mentioned in Section 3.2.3 of this chapter, the units by twin Olympus (35 M W ) sets because of the
essential system for the Sizewell Β P W R , for example, need for a larger rating. The generator output volt­
has been chosen on the basis of four functionally age in all cases was nominally 11 kV and the gas
independent trains, with a diesel generator connected turbines were connected to the 11 kV unit boards.
to a 3.3 kV board on each 'train'. Each train is Gas-turbine generators were installed for duties
segregated from the others by fire barriers, and also summarised as follows:
all the equipment and cabling is segregated similarly. • Black station starting The gas turbine is run-up
and closed o n t o a dead busbar. Synchronising
is only required for regular testing in parallel
5 System choice with the grid derived suppHes. Gas turbines
would normally be connected t o the unit board.
5.1 Operational requirements • Peak lopping As the gas-turbine generators
All power stations operated by the C E G B have their have to be paralleled with the grid, automatic
operational requirements set down by the CEGB's synchronising is provided. GTs would normally
System Planning Department in the Station Develop­ be connected to the unit b o a r d when the asso­
ment Particulars (SDPs). ciated main unit is generating or via the u n i t /
The choice of electrical system will be influenced station b o a r d interconnector to the station trans­
by these requirements, the major aspects of which are former when the main unit is shutdown.
discussed below: • Frequency support The gas-turbine generator
(a) Most nuclear fuelled plant is operated in a 'base responds to falling frequency, starts, and is
load' regime especially as the output c o s t / k W from closed onto the busbar; this is specified to oc­
nuclear plant is cheaper than most fossil-fuelled cur at frequencies down to 40 Hz and auto
plant. Coal-fired plant is, however, more adapt­ synchronising is required.
able to following the load demand curve. Clearly
• Supplies to essential equipment Supplies to
the electrical system must facilitate the operational
essential drives such as generator seal oil, barring
flexibility where this is required. In nuclear power
gear and, if a nuclear plant, electrical supplies to
plant the overriding consideration is one of nu­
the post-trip cooling equipment.
clear safety, and this is always uppermost in the
designer's mind. The system chosen for nuclear
plant must have an inherent ability to be con­ The choice of rating, the number of gas turbines
figured in the most appropriate form for post-trip and their connection t o the auxiharies system, are
cooling, bearing in mind the alternative supply all influenced by the duty required of them. Con­
choices available. sideration must be given in the duty definition to
the requirements for manual a n d / o r automatic
(b) The electrical system is required by the SDPs to start, a u t o a n d / o r m a n u a l synchronising, and for
be designed such that a single fault will not cause the inclusion of centralised control.

Electrical system design Chapter 1

The first A G R nuclear stations were fitted with For nuclear power stations, the mechanical and
single Olympus gas turbines at 17.5 M W rating electrical plant may well require segregation, and will
but these were for nuclear safety needs primarily, ultimately be segregated into independent functional
and were not intended for black start purposes, 'trains'. This approach has proved to be the most
although some peak lopping duties were performed. robust system of providing defence against the whole
range of credible faults, verified by probalistic analysis
(d) The plant must be designed to meet the voltage techniques.
and frequency limits set by the system. Typically The use of diverse equipment in independent
these are as follows: functional trains also benefits by reducing the impact
• All electrical plant must be capable of main­ of c o m m o n m o d e and c o m m o n cause failures. These
taining full C M R output within the range 4 9 . 5 - techniques can be employed to provide the level of
51 H z . From 49.5 to 47 Hz the output may be reliability required for the systems which are associated
prorata with frequency, but operation below with nuclear plant.
48 Hz will not be for longer than 15 minutes. The reliability of a system will be analysed by the
use of probaHstic analysis techniques. T o obtain a
• Frequency excursions between 5 1 - 5 2 . 5 Hz may meaningful answer, the component reliability must be
be experienced, but these will only be for short assessed. This is not always easy from a historical point
periods. of view, when components may have been in use only
• The HV system voltage to which the power for a few years. However, by using equipment which
station is connected is nominally 400 kV or 275 has been rigorously and systematically tested, a cer­
kV, with typical limits of: tain degree of confidence may be obtained from the
attributed component failure rate. Using a degree of
400 kV, ±5% pessimism in the calculations also expands the confi­
dence factor of the figures used. C o m p o n e n t failure
lis kV, ± 1 0 % rates are considered not only for normal conditions
but also for abnormal conditions both natural and
The electrical auxiliaries system must be designed following major plant disruptions. This includes seis­
to recognise these variations, as well as taking into mic events and extremes of pressure, temperature and
account the drop in voltage throughout the system radiation levels, and also missile impact. Equipment
due to varying load and running conditions. Most is classified into items which are required to withstand
modern conventional power plants have three main seismic and environmental conditions and those which
nominal voltage levels viz, 11 kV, 3.3 kV and 415 are not. Again verification is achieved by subjective
V. The design Hmits of these voltage levels are testing.
typically from 4 - 6 % to - 1 0 % with - 2 0 % under
The choice of system will depend on the relia­
motor starting conditions. The voltage at all no­
bility required of it and the availability of suitable
minal levels is maintained by means of optimising
the transformer tap positions, such that the 415 V
The use of proven equipment, which has demon­
drive most remote from the primary (11 kV) busbar
strated a satisfactory performance under varying condi­
is subjected to a voltage within the tolerance under
tions, will also support the predicted rehability of the
the worst condition, e.g., when starting. A check
system. New designs of equipment should be avoided
of the voltage profile under light load conditions
in essential systems, unless they have been developed
is also made to ensure that the system is not
and tested to demonstrate standards of technical re­
o ver stressed.
quirement at least as high as those claimed in the system
The design stage voltage profile is verified by design.
system studies which model the system using inter­ The reliability of electrical systems is also enhanced
active computer programs. by ensuring that designs follow the design principles
These studies will of course need updating at a as outlined in the introduction to Section 3 of this
later date when all the manufacturers' data is chapter.
known. This is described more fully in Chapter 2.

5.3 Economics
5.2 Reliability of nnain and standby plant
The choice of electrical system for a particular power
The design of the electrical system should, in general, station project will be influenced by several economic
reflect the requirements of the mechanical plant and factors, the main aspects of which are discussed below.
should not reduce its reliability. Where important
mechanical systems are provided with redundancy, the
Capital cost
electrical supplies should also be redundant. Therefore
main and standby plant should be supphed electrically The initial capital cost of an electrical scheme can be
from independent sources, via segregated supply routes. estimated from a cost analysis of the various com-

S y s t e m choice

ponents proposed. This can be achieved using data urations will be examined to arrive at the most cost
from many sources, for example: effective scheme. Some of the options which are likely
to require examination are as follows:
• Contract prices of similar equipment on other (pre­
ferably recent) projects. • Grid system voltage It is a policy to connect all
m o d e r n new generating plant t o the 4 0 0 kV system.
• Budget prices from possible suppliers or manufac­
The facilities available at the substation will deter­
mine whether a new 4 0 0 kV substation would be
• Standard cost estimating databases. required or the existing equipment extended. It is
also a policy to construct new 4 0 0 kV substations
To enable a true comparitive estimate to be m a d e , with metalclad gas-insulated (SFÓ) equipment, and if
at coastal or polluted sites to enclose them within a
all prices and costs must be related to a c o m m o n
price basis date. Any adjustment must be m a d e using
standard factors. Where designs are not finalised, a • Station transformer primary voltage The station
judgement must be made and an estimated cost at­ transformers may be connected at 1 3 2 kV, 2 7 5 kV
tributed to it in the form of provisional sums, to or 4 0 0 kV. The choice depends on several factors as
allow for any variation from the base design. discussed in Section 3 of this chapter. The most
The C E G B employs a standard capital cost break­ economic option will normally be a 1 3 2 kV connec­
down method for estimating new projects, where costs tion. T h e electrical load o n the station transformers
are allocated to particular coded plant areas. These imposed by modern power plant is considerable, it
costs are reviewed on a regular basis (usually annually) may therefore be necessary to uprate the 1 3 2 kV
and updated as and when more firm information be­ substation by the addition of an extra supergrid
comes available, e.g., tender prices or contract sums. ( 4 0 0 / 1 3 2 kV) transformer to support the capacity
In this way, close cost control can be applied to ensure required. This reinforcement of the 1 3 2 kV system,
that the project remains within the budget. if required only to meet the new power station
In the early stages of a project, when designs are load, may m a k e this scheme economically less at­
still subject to change, it is difficult to finalise the tractive. Also the position of the 1 3 2 kV substation
final electrical system due to the lack of confirmed may require very long cable connections, again ad­
information regarding the mechanical plant it is re­ versely affecting the scheme economics.
quired to supply. However, by use of the estimating
techniques mentioned above, it is possible to compare Cost analyses showing these considerations will de­
one proposed scheme with another for a particular duty monstrate which is the most economic proposal, but
so that the most cost effective scheme may be chosen. the final decision will be based on a combination of
economic, technical and operational considerations.
Transformer losses
Transformers associated with modern power stations Development
are of ratings up to 6 0 M V A for unit and station Whilst the C E G B poHcy is to use proven and tested
transformers, and u p to 1 1 5 0 M V A for 9 0 0 M W unit plant, development work is often required to meet a
generator transformers. Although designs are avail­ need which has hitherto not been identified. The
able which minimise the losses, they are still significant cost of this development work may be borne by the
when taken over the Hfe of the station. It is there­ project and in that case a capital sum is included in
fore present practice to include an estimate of the the project estimates. The choice of system design may
capitalised losses over the station life in the station be influenced by the need to develop a particular
cost estimates. Due regard to this element must be piece of plant rather than use an existing alternative.
exercised in the choice of electrical system. In this case, a justification would have t o be m a d e to
demonstrate the technical superiority compared with
Consequential costs (connection to the National Grid) the cost of the development work.
Sometimes development work is required because
To connect the power station into the National Grid
the previous equipment is no longer available, or is
will require extra circuits to be used or provided at
no longer manufactured, and there is n o suitable alter­
the transmission substation adjacent to the proposed
native on the market. This situation often is not at­
site. In general, most substations have been in existence
tributable to a particular project and would be funded
for some time and it is rarely a simple j o b to connect
from a general development budget.
new generating plant to the existing system. The cost
of the generation circuits, associated circuit-breakers,
isolators, busbars and civil costs are attributed t o Decommissioning
the power station capital estimates. The costs for the At the end of a power station's life, it will require
remaining E H V equipment are attributed to the trans­ decommissioning or dismantUng and the site prepared
mission account but, nevertheless, alternative config­ for other usage.

Electrical system design Chapter 1

For fossil-fired plant, this is a fairly straightforward Transformer rating = V3 X 11 kV circuit-breaker

exercise. For nuclear stations, however, the j o b is current rating χ open-circuit
much more complex and protracted involving removal voltage of the transformer
of fuel from the reactor, placing it into the cooling secondary winding.
pond and finally removing it from site for processing.
The costs of this work must recognise the need for Assuming a typical open-circuit secondary winding
an integrity and security of supply during fuel removal, voltage of 11.5 kV and 3150 A , 11 kV circuit-breaker
as well as additional monitoring of the reactor struc­ rating:
tures whilst removing contaminated material after fuel
Transformer rating = V3xll.5xl0^x3150x
removal. These costs will also be included in the
station's capital estimates.
= 62.57 M V A

It is obvious that this r a d n g is notional as the

5.4 Plant limitations transformer cannot provide open-circuit voltage when
The electrical auxiliaries system must be designed to on load. Hence the actual transformer capability is
meet the needs of the mechanical plant, i.e., the closer to the value obtained by using the transformer
starting, operational and protection needs of all the nominal secondary winding rating, i.e.,
electrically-driven items. The problem the electrical
system designer is faced with is twofold, firstly, the Rating = V3 χ 3150 x 11 χ 10^ χ
electrical system can only be finalised when all the 10-6
parameters of the mechanical plant are known, and = 60 M V A
secondly, electrical plant itself has technical limitations
Similar constraints are imposed at other voltage levels
which must be borne in mind. The following sections
by the limit of switchgear current rating, restricting
describe some of the major limitations which confront
the maximum transformer sizes accommodated by the
the system designer on modern power station plant.
It is assumed that the major mechanical drives are
known, at least in principle, and that a fair estimate
of their load demand is available. 5.4.2 Switchgear short-circuit rating
Normal start-up arrangements are such that the unit
5.4.1 Switchgear current rating s t a r t - u p supplies a r e derived f r o m t h e s t a t i o n
transformer and these are transferred to the unit
As mentioned in Section 3 of this chapter, the primary transformer after the unit has been synchronised to the
auxiliaries system voltage is largely determined by the grid and part loaded. This requires paralleling of unit
largest electrical drive, normally the electric boiler feed and station sources at 11 kV. Also, at lower voltage
p u m p . In the past, steam turbine feed pumps have levels, paralleling may be required to changeover from
been used, but the new coal-fired designs proposed one supply source to another should supplies need to
for the 1990s are specifying full duty electrically-driven be maintained to the connected plant. Paralleling at
feed pumps in a 3 χ 5 0 % combination without turbine- lower voltage levels, however, is not normally part of
driven pumps. For a subcritical pressure design of boiler start-up procedures.
the rating of each 5 0 % p u m p m o t o r is 13.5 M W . The fault level at a switchboard is predominantly
The decision to fit flue gas desulphurisation (FGD) Hmited by the impedance of the supply transformer,
on all new coal-fired plant and to retrofit it to some although connecting cables also add to the source
existing stations has meant a considerable increase in impedance, but not significantly. Whilst fed from a
unit and station electrical load. single source, the fault levels normally experienced are
The C E G B approved ranges of 11 kV switchgear have well within the rating of the switchgear. This however
a maximum current rating of 3150 A. This leads to a is not always the case when two sources are paral­
maximum 11 kV transformer output of approximately leled, but by adjusting the transformer impedances
60 M V A . For stadon and unit loads in excess of this, appropriately, the designer is normally able to arrange
consideration must be given to using more than one for parallel o p e r a d o n , especially at 11 kV. There are
2-winding transformer or, alternatively, the use of however other limidng factors, notably, the starting
3-winding transformers, i.e., transformers having two of large induction motors direct-on-line and the re­
secondary windings. This will increase the number of quired system voltage profile. In extreme cases con­
switchboards at the primary voltage level, leading to sideration must be given to the addition of inductors
more complex start-up/shutdown arrangements. An between switchboards, when parallel operation is re­
example of a calculation for maximum unit or station quired, to Hmit the prospective fault levels. These in­
transformer rating is shown below. ductors may have to be designed such that they can
BS 171 defines the method of rating calculation for be shorted out to avoid voltage d r o p problems under
standby operation.
transformers as:

S y s t e m choice

For situations requiring additional generation such when laying out the plant and the additional civil costs
as for the emergency provision of essential power (by borne in mind.
either gas-turbine generators or diesel generators), fault Another benefit of assisted starting of large motors
level problems may also occur. If the additional power is that the fault level contribution under 'making'
generator is connected in parallel with the grid or conditions should be limited and may be negligible.
another source of supply, care must be taken in the If the design is near the switchgear rating limit, static
design of the electrical system to ensure that switchgear conversion equipment will assist in reducing the fault
fault levels are not exceeded. Such paralleling may be level. A further benefit is the possibility of variable
required, for example, under peak lopping, frequency speed which may be of use for plant operation.
support, or testing conditions. An example of fault
level calculations is shown in Section 5.4.4 of this
Generator main connections
The largest generating unit connected to the grid system
in the UK is 660 M W . The new coal-fired plant will
5.4.3 Large electric motors
introduce larger units of about 900 M W rating.
As mentioned in Section 5.4.1 of this chapter, the The present 660 M W generator vokage is 23.5 kV,
new coal-fired designs will have 13.5 M W boiler feed with a full load current of 19 100 amperes. The pro­
pumps. Motors of this size are difficult to start direct- posal for the 900 M W design is to raise the generator
on-Hne, due to the starting current experienced caus­ voltage to 26 kV. The temperature rise allowed on the
ing unacceptable voltage drops in the lower voltage phase isolated busbars will Hmit the current rating on
systems. The designer is then faced with the conflict the present designs which, although they are rated at
that the transformer impedances must be high enough voltages in excess of 23.5 kV (voltage rating being 33
to allow parallel operation while limiting prospective kV), are at the practical limit of current capacity with
fault levels, but low enough to start large electric motors natural air cooHng. The use of forced cooHng methods
without serious voltage regulation problems. will need to be considered, with sufficient redundancy
If no satisfactory compromise can be estabhshed, to attain the necessary reliability.
other solutions must be considered. The most likely It is not u n c o m m o n to have to design the layout
avenue is to employ alternative starting methods for the and fixing details of the generator end of the main
large motors, or to achieve transfer of supplies without connections to accommodate the particular wishes of
paralleling. the generator manufacturer. It is outside the scope of
this section to discuss this in detail, but if the machine
Fast transfer terminals do not have sufficient clearance to accom­
m o d a t e air-cooled phase isolated connections consi­
In this method the unit and station supplies are trans­
deration must be given to the use of water cooled
ferred, but are not paralleled. The interruption time
connections at least in part (see Chapter 4 on generator
is sufficiently small that the motors do not slow down
main connections).
enough to be affected by re-energisation a few milli­
All these considerations have effects on the surround­
seconds after supply interruption. The use of presently
ing plant, e.g., the generator transformer will need to
approved air break circuit-breakers does not, however,
give any confidence that consistent successful change- be developed to a suitably increased rating. This will
overs will be achieved with any degree of reliability. affect the registered design concept which will need
This is due to the relatively slow and inconsistent review (see Chapter 3 on generator transformers).
operating times of air break circuit-breakers. The use
of vacuum circuit-breakers having much shorter op­
5.4.4 System performance calculations
erating times will overcome this difficulty and are now
being introduced into power stations. In order to assess an electrical system's performance
fully, studies must be carried out using the interactive
computer analysis programs described in Chapter 2
Assisted motor starting
of this volume. These require a considerable amount
With the introduction of thyristor-based equipment, of data to be gathered, which may be actual, typical
the speed control of motors has become very precise or estimated values, but may not be available in the
and many manufacturers offer standard systems. With early stages of the electrical system design. The designer
motors of the size envisaged for the new coal-fired must check his provisional design by traditional hand
plant, static conversion equipment may require de­ calculations. A typical system is shown on Fig 1.19 and
velopment, but there do not seem to be any technical the typical calculations used to check the design are
limitations and this course would appear to be the shown below.
most promising method of current-control starting of The unit system and station system may be con­
large motors. The additional space required for the sidered as two separate systems for the purposes of
static conversion equipment must be taken into account fauh level calculations.

Electrical system design Chapter 1

400kV OR 132kV





(M) (M) ® (M) ® @


F D FAN (2.3MW)
I D FAN(3.3MW)
C W PUMP{3.75MW)




FIG. 1 . 1 9 Typical electrical system parameters for a 9 0 0 M W unit

Unit system
The unit system may be represented by a simple GRID

impedance diagram as shown in Fig 1.20, with the

generator and grid being considered as two sources.
This equates to the impedance diagram shown in
Fig 1.21.
The values of impedance are calculated as follows
using a 100 M V A base:
Zgrid Assuming the maximum fault infeed is equi­
valent to the switch gear rating, viz 35 000
MVA, then the p . u . impedance on a 1000
M V A base is
therefore Zgrid = 0.0029 p . u .
35 000
Zgen Generator subtransient reactance is assumed to
be 0.20 p . u . on a rating of 660 M W , therefore:
Impedance on a 100 M V A base =
0.20 X X 0.95 = 0.0245
(where rating = M V A = 776 M V A and allow-
ing a 5 % negative tolerance)
FIG. 1 . 2 0 Impedance diagram for unit system
Zgen = 0.0245 p . u .

S y s t e m choice


Zgrid 0.0029

Zgen 0.0245

Zgent 0.018

FAULT Impedances in p.u. on 100 MVA Base

FIG. 1.21 Equivalent impedance diagram for Fig 1.20 FIG. 1.22 Typical impedance values for a 900 MW unit

Zgent Assuming the generator transformer to have SOURCE

an impedance of 16% on a rating of 800 M V A :
16 100
Zgent = X 0.9 = 0.018 p . u .
100 800
(where a 10% negative tolerance is assumed)
therefore Zgent = 0.018 p . u .

Zut Assuming a unit transformer impedance of

17.5% on a rating of 60 M V A : 0.0245 0.0209

17.5 100
Zut X 0.9 = 0.263 p . u .
100 60
where a 10% negative tolerance is assumed,
therefore Zut = 0.263 p . u .

Substituting these values into the impedance diagram

shown in Fig 1.22. This simplifies to the impedance
diagram shown in Fig 1.23. The equivalent impedance
to the parallel branch is:

0.0245 X 0.0209
(0.0245 + 0.0209)
= 0.0092 p . u . FIG. 1.23 Simplified impedance diagram for Fig 1.22

Electrical system design Chapter 1

Equivalent source impedance is (0.0092 4- 0.263) p . u . 12.5 M V A transformer impedance on 100 M V A

= 0.272 p . u . base
12.5 100
= X p.u.
The equivalent fault contribution for a fault on the
100 12.5
unit board 11 kV where the circuit-breaker interrupts
the fault is: = 0.96 p . u .
MVA Therefore, total 3.3 kV to 11 kV impedance
0.272 = 3.03 + 0.96 p . u .
= 3.99 p . u .
The 11 kV unit system fault contribution = 367 MVA
(1.1) 3.3 kV m o t o r contribution = MVA
Additionally, if a circuit-breaker closes on to a fault, 3.3 kV motor backfeed contribution = 25 M V A
then the contribution from the motors and 3.3 kV (1.3)
system backfeed must be taken into account. This
contribution is calculated as below.
The resultant fault level at the 11 kV unit board being
considered is 529 M V A . This value is a symmetrical
11 kV motor contribution The contributing M V A of making duty that the switchgear must accommodate.
a motor for hand calculations is assumed to be the It should be understood that the switchgear is rated
ratio of the starting M V A to the M W rating and hence on a making first loop current peak which assumes a
the value is obtained from the motor rating and the value of 121 k A . The equivalent R M S symmetrical
multiplication factor specified for motor starting in figure (expressed in M V A for convenience) is calculated
BS4999. For the purposes of the following calculation, as follows:
a figure of 5.5-times for motors u p to 10 M W and
5-times for motors greater than 10 M W is assumed. 121 k A peak is equivalent to k A R M S , but
Typical figures for a 660 M W coal-fired unit would 2V2
be: to calculate the R M S value of the absolute peak of
current at the instant of initiating a short-circuit, a
FD fan contribution = 2.3 X 5.5 = 12.7 MVA further factor of 0.9 is applied.
ID fan contribution = 3.3 X 5.5 = 18.15 MVA
Symmetrical R M S equivalent is — kA
PA fan contribution = 1.0 X 5.5 = 5.5 MVA 0.9 X 2V2
CW pump contribution = 3.75 X 5.5 = 20.6 MVA = 47.54 k A
Boiler feed pump contribution = 9.0 X 5.5 = 49.5 MVA
This equates to an equivalent M V A value of
The 11 kV m o t o r contribution is therefore calculated V 3 X 11 X 10^ X 47.54 x 10^ = 905 M V A
by considering the number of motors connected at the
time of the fault. For this example it is assumed that
the following drives are connected A value of 900 M V A is chosen for calculation purposes
as a notional M V A value. The figure of initial peak
current values are unUkely to be seen in practice due
2 ID fans + 2 F D fans + C W p u m p + B F P + P A fan
to the relatively slow operation of the switchgear and
(36.3 + 25.4 + 20.6 + 49.5 + 5.5) = 137.3 M V A
the fact that the fault current will decay during the
switch operating period. Also the voltage is depressed
at the time of the fault and the notional value is unHkely
3.3 kV motor contribution In addition, the contribu­ to be achieved.
tion backfed from the 3.3 kV Unit Auxihary Boards
must be taken into account.
Station transformer system
Assuming that a typical 3.3 kV unit load is 6 M W
fed through a 12.5 M V A 1 2 % , 11/3.3 kV transformer: The station transformer fault contribution is calculated
in a similar m a n n e r to the unit system. The station
3.3 kV starting M V A = 6 χ 5.5 (assuming a starting system may be represented by the simple impedance
M V A / M W ratio of 5.5) diagram shown in Fig 1.24.
= 33 M V A Zgrid may be assumed to be the same value as used
for the unit calculation, viz 0.0029 p . u . This assumes
100 that the station transformer is connected at 400 kV.
on a 100 M V A base, equivalent impedance =
33 However, Zgrid for the 132 kV system when combined
= 3.03 p.u. with the station transformer impedance will result in

S y s t e m choice

39.4 k A with an enhanced making capability of 121 kA

first peak. These values equate to 750 M V A break
GRID and 900 M V A m a k e , symmetrical, but will be tested

Θ to the current value. The combination of power sources

which may be paralleled is limited by these ratings.
The system must be examined for the proposed operat­
ing conditions and the fault contributions determined.
A n example of one of the most onerous operating
conditions is when the unit b o a r d is paralleled with
the station b o a r d during start-up and shutdown. For
Zst this condition the infeeds from contributions (1.1)
to (1.5) (inclusive) are summated and may be shown
diagrammatically as in Fig 1.25.



FIG. 1.24 Impedance diagram for a station system

1367 1366

a lower fault contribution. Therefore choosing 400 kV

37 125 122
will give the worst case.
Station transformer impedance (Zst) — assumed to 7
be 18% on rating of 60 M V A : 11kV

18 100
Zst = X X 0.9 (assuming 10% negative
100 60 133 T27
= 0.27 p . u .
3.3kV 3.3kV
Total impedance = 0.27 + 0.0029 p . u .
= 0.273 p . u .
FIG. 1.25 Fault contributions from various sources
Fault contribution from station transformer in MVA

= 366 M V A (1.4)
0.273 'Breaking' fault level = 367 -H 366 M V A
= 733
3,3 kVmotor contribution Assuming a station load of
5 M V A on the 3.3 kV system, starting M V A (assuming
'Making' fault level = 733 -h 137 -h 25 -h 22
a starting M V A / M W rating ratio of 5.5) = 5 x 5.5
= 917 M V A
M V A = 27.5 M V A
Assuming a 12.5 M V A unit auxiliary transformer This ' m a k e ' fault level figure is in excess of the sym­
feed to the station auxiliaries load (at 12% on rating), metrical fault level rating of 900 M V A . A significant
the 3.3 kV station auxiliaries m o t o r fault contribution contribution is m a d e by the m o t o r infeeds which are
is: based on pessimistic values.
100 In reality the values used have not taken account of
MVA the initial decrement caused by the X / R ratios during
12 100 100 the first half cycle which have a modifying effect by a
100 12.5 27.5 factor of the order 0.9. Also, n o allowance has been
m a d e for the additional impedance presented by the
21.7 M V A (1.5) connecting cables. This again would justify a reduction
by a factor of 0.95. Therefore the m o t o r contribution
The resultant fault level of the 11 kV board being value is m o r e realistically:
considered is 388 M V A .
(137 + 25 -F 22) X 0.9 χ 0.95 = 157 M V A
Calculation of fault infeed for various conditions
The total ' m a k e ' fault level therefore becomes:
The maximum symmetrical fault level rating of 11 kV
switchgear approved for use on the C E G B system is (157 + 733) = 890 M V A

Electrical system design Chapter 1

This value is very close to the maximum switchgear 100

rating and would require corroboration by computer Fault contribution = MVA
system studies as described previously.
When carrying out the initial hand calculations, 566 M V A
if it is found that the fault levels are considerably
greater than the capabilities of the system components,
Therefore, there is no problem in paralleHng the
then a review of the influencing parameters should
auxiliary generator with the grid when restoring the
be carried out. Amongst these are the transformer
system to grid-fed station transformers.
impedances and tolerances applied. This may result
in specifying closer impedance tolerances when pur­
chasing the transformers.
5.5 Maintenance and safety
Safety of plant and personnel, which assumes prime
Auxiliary generation importance in power stations, may be considered under
Auxiliary generation may be required, for example, two plant states, i.e., operational and maintenance.
to start up the station without external suppHes, i.e., Section 8 of this chapter describes in more detail the
'black start'. methods adopted to achieve the objectives, but the
In this case, the auxiliary generator is assumed to be considerations can be outlined as follows.
connected to the station 11 kV board. The impedance
diagram is therefore as shown in Fig 1.26. 5.5.1 Operational
The main concerns under this m o d e of activity are:

• Avoiding damage to the plant. This can be caused

GRID by putting the plant into a state whereby continued

operation or the response to a fault condition would
cause permanent damage to the plant. A n example of

Θ this would be the paralleling of two electrical suppHes
which would subject the switchgear to short-circuit
conditions outside its rating, were it asked to clear
0.5 a fault.

• Avoiding hazards to personnel. In the example

quoted above, there is also a danger to personnel
operating the plant and hence another fundamental
.11kV reason for protecting against it.

Protection is primarily afforded by interlocking, gen­
erally referred to as operational interlocking, and is
achieved by either an electrical relay scheme or a com­
puter based scheme.
FIG. 1 . 2 6 Impedance diagram for an auxiliary
The choice is largely based on the complexity of the
generator connected to the station board
system being interlocked, as the electrical relay based
scheme becomes extremely ponderous and difficult to
design when there are a large number of possible op­
Assume auxiliary generator (GT) having a rating of
erational configurations to consider.
30 M V A at 1 5 % sub transient reactance:

100 5.5.2 Maintenance

ZGT X 0.15 p . u .
30 The concern under this m o d e is essentially personnel
safety. Plant damage is of course possible and must be
= 0.5 p . u . considered, but less likely due to the plant being non-
operational during maintenance.
Zgrid = 0.0029 (from previous)
Essentially, the objective is to aHow safe access for
Zst = 0.27 (from previous) maintenance purposes to electrical equipment, which
is normally alive. Access is controUed by a rigid set of
0.2729 X 0.5 safety rules specifically drawn u p and controlled by
Total impedance p.u. the C E G B , under a formal 'Permit for W o r k ' system.
(0.2729 -F 0.5)
T o ensure that access is denied until all electrical ap­
= 0.176 p . u . paratus has been switched off, isolated and earthed.

S y s t e m choice

it is normal to apply a coded key system designed for to t h e m . Fossil fuel plant design will be covered in a
each appHcation. similar m a n n e r , but to an appropriate and less rigorous
5.5.3 Other safety interlocking
The design process
During normal operation it is imperative that all
equipment which contains live metal must be designed The essence of controlling the design process is to
such that access is denied at all times whilst the equip­ ensure that:
ment is energised. Typical examples of this are switch- • All specialist and interface departments have an
gear cubicles where internal access is prevented when opportunity to input to the design where their
the isolator is O N ' , done by ensuring that the iso­ discipHnes are involved.
lator interlocks with the door opening mechanism.
Although these requirements are written in the equip­ • The design proceeds in accordance with the laid
ment specification, there are several ways they may down design strategy.
be achieved. The choice must be one of a balanced
• The design can be completed within the project
design while ensuring safety allows equipment opera­
tion without undue restriction.
• T h e design selected is economically justified.

5.5.4 Nuclear safety • All aspects of the design process are documented
and m a d e available for the Hfe of the station.
Although the above requirements apply equally well
to nuclear plant, the systems which have nuclear safety
connotations will be designed with a higher integrity T o achieve the above, it is necessary that for each
than their fossil equivalents. In many cases, however, topic a design strategy is in place, so that each designer
this does not lead to the scheme being more complex, has a c o m m o n design base from which to proceed. At
as the simplest and most cost effective way of achiev­ each stage of the design, the design statement, be it
ing the operational and personnel safety requirements document or drawing, will need t o be verified. This
will often prove to be robust enough to withstand a will be achieved by the Verification process'.
higher analysis standard. Verification is achieved by initially circulating a
*plan' of who will be required to review the document
or drawing. The plan will be created at an early stage
5.6 Quality assurance and will be with the document or drawing throughout
the whole life of the design. The document or drawing
Quality assurance (QA) may be considered in two parts, is circulated t o each reviewer identified o n the plan.
there being design quality and product quality. C o m m e n t s received from reviewers must be considered
by the originator, w h o must agree with the reviewer
5.6.1 Design quality how to resolve the c o m m e n t . Each document or draw­
ing will have a 'Fitness for P u r p o s e ' reviewer, who
Quality assurance structure has the j o b of ensuring that the document or drawing
fulfils the intended purpose and follows the laid down
The CEGB has always taken great care in the design of
project strategy. Each document or drawing will have
its power stations, with due regard for the specified
a record sheet indicating the reviewers involved who
requirement of a 30 year life from the plant. This is
will sign the sheet after agreement is reached. In this
based on the cost of ensuring high reliability and
way each stage of the design is reviewed, with any
availability, compared with the economic penalty of a
issues which are unresolved being identified clearly at
high merit unit outage. More importantly, the design
each stage.
of nuclear plant has been given even more rigorous
Periodically the Q A of each section of the project
scrutiny in order to attain the high standards required
will be audited to identify whether the procedure is
to satisfy the Nuclear Installations Inspectorate ( N i l ) .
being violated and point out any corrective measures
In order to improve further the quality of the design,
the C E G B has adopted the requirements of BS5882
Independent design audits will be carried out at
(Nuclear) and BS5750 (Conventional) to formalise its
regular intervals t o ensure that the design is proceed­
approach to quahty assurance.
ing at the required standard. Any corrective measures
T o manage the design process on the current nuclear
would be suggested at this point.
projects (e.g., P W R ) , a set of auditable project p r o ­
cedures have been written to cover all the activities
of the project team and any design/supply support Coding and numbering
required from outside the team. Each person involved The development of modern computer databases has
in a particular activity will be issued with the relevant led to much more flexible data handling systems being
procedures relating to it and will be required to work available. The large number of items of plant, docu-

Electrical system design Chapter 1

ments and drawings associated with modern power • Those which because of stringent supply require­
plant has led to a need for quick and accurate identi­ ments would not give an adequate level of reliability
fication of plant and documents. A system is therefore if operated from the electrical auxiliary system only.
required which will uniquely 'number' and also 'identify'
• Those which are required for the main unit shut­
the plant/documentation. Identification of plant items
down. D C supplies are preferred for this purpose
will use system based codes, with additional coding to
because they offer better reHability.
identify function, location, separation group, etc.
Several numbering/coding systems are used both in • Those which are essential for 'black start', i.e., in
Europe and the USA. The C E G B is developing a 'next the absence of normal A C suppHes.
generation' system which will employ the best features
of the existing systems, with due regard to the power
of the computer systems available. 6.2 Earlier UPS and GIS schemes
Before 1978 both battery-backed motor-generator sets
5.6.2 Product quality and static inverters were used at various power stations
to provide the U P S systems. Both types of system were
The quality of the manufactured product suppHed by
generally unreliable and the various problems experienc­
C E G B contractors for many years has been very high.
ed can be summarised as foHows.
This is ensured by constantly monitoring the perfor­
mance of contractors, the use of an 'approved list of
tenderers' and, where appropriate, developing designs 6.2.1 Motor-generator (MG) set schemes
and specifications jointly with prospective tenderers. A typical motor-generator scheme is shown in Fig
New products, if being considered, are assessed by 1.27. The disadvantages which emerged in service were:
the C E G B on a technical and commercial basis as are
the manufacturers concerned. All vendor assessments of • Frequent maintenance required, e.g., shutdown and
this nature are strictly confidential to the C E G B . inspection every 3 m o n t h s .
The quahty of the product is largely dependent on • Excessive brush wear.
the quality of the technical specification and the ability
of the manufacturer to adhere to it. The C E G B operates • Parallel operation difficult at low loading.
a very comprehensive product inspection procedure • Unreliable frequency locking to the station master
during manufacture which ensures that the product clock.
quality is satisfactory.
The technical specification will call for all necessary • T o o many components used, resulting in high failure
routine and type testing of equipment to ensure that rates (MTBF of 2 years for a single M G set).
it meets the technical requirements. Standard technical
clauses have been developed by the C E G B to ensure 6.2.2 Static inverter schemes
that the product quality is repeatable, whichever con­ Static inverters have been in use for over 17 years on
tractor is chosen for a particular piece of plant. large C E G B power stations for supplying power to
instrumentation, controls, computers, alarms, etc.
The subsequent developments of schemes used before
6 Uninterruptable power supply (UPS) 1978 were based on the shortcomings which appeared
systems during their operational years, namely:

• T o o many components used, resulting in high failure

rates (MTBF of 2 months for a single inverter).
6.1 Introduction
The U P S systems, formerly known as guaranteed • Ferro-resonance problems when switching trans­
instrument suppHes (GIS) or no-break suppHes, are formers onto inverters.
designed to provide battery-backed A C supplies of • Load sharing difficulties as well as single inverter
better quality and continuity of service compared with failure caused tripping of all inverters and a total
the supplies available from the electrical auxiliary loss of instrument supplies.
system. They are provided for essential instruments,
controls and computers, which are associated with the • Excessive component temperature rise leading to
safe and reliable operation of the plant under aU normal premature failures.
and abnormal operating conditions. The following • P o o r short-circuit capability.
loads are usually supplied from the U P S systems:

• Those which are required for post-incident monitor­ Each of these early schemes, iHustrated in Figs 1.28
ing and recordings foHowing a main unit trip and to 1.32, is described briefly as follows with details of
loss of station A C suppHes. shortcomings:

U n i n t e r r u p t a b l e p o w e r supply ( U P S ) systems


- δ



110V DC




\ iΪ i
ί [ ]

[I [] []


FIG. 1.27 Motor generator scheme — single line diagram of connections

(a) One inverter per 500 MW generating unit The ing solenoids, etc.
load was normally supplied from the unit electrical
(b) Two inverters per 500 MW generating unit One
auxiliary system via a step-down 415 V / 1 1 0 V
inverter supplied the load with the other on 'cold'
single-phase transformer shown in Fig 1.28. In the
standby as shown in Fig 1.29.
event of mains failure the load was transferred t o
The D C system was dedicated t o the inverters.
the inverter. The scheme did not prove reliable due
In the event of mains failure the load was fed from
to inverter failures.
the inverter, which was suppHed from the battery.
The 240 V D C supply was derived from the If the inverter failed, the changeover contactors
240 V D C station system used t o supply emergency transferred the load t o an alternative supply derived
D C drives, emergency lighting, switchgear a n d clos­ from the electrical auxiliary system.

Electrical system design Chapter 1



FIG. 1.28 Static inverter scheme (one inverter per main unit)

The scheme proved reasonably reliable, but inverter to the alternative supply and vice versa.
over-elaborate and consequently more expensive
• O n transfer from the alternative supply to the
compared with present practice.
inverter large inrush currents occur on the load
(c) Four inverters per 660 MW generating unit Three side. Low inrush transformers were subsequent­
inverters operate normally in parallel and one on ly fitted to avoid the problem, i.e., to prevent
standby as shown in Fig 1.30. The scheme was inverter ferro-resonance and trips.
designed such that two inverters could supply the
total load. • The scheme rehability was not adequate.
The D C system was dedicated to inverters and (e) One inverter per 500 MW generating unit A DC
was on a per unit basis. system was dedicated to it as shown in Fig 1.32.
The inverters proved very unreliable and the The scheme offered considerably improved re­
design did not achieve inverter redundancy, i.e., liability compared with the previous scheme (Fig
on failure of one inverter the other inverters could 1.31), because a static switch was provided to
trip. The standby suppUes derived from the elec­ transfer the load without interruption on inverter
trical auxiliary system had to be used on many failure; also on re-transfer from the alternative
occasions due to tripping of all inverters. supply to the inverter.
The equipment was eventually disconnected and A number of inverter trips occurred during grid
a new development single U P S installed. disturbances. However, the present version of this
(d) One inverter per 660 MW generating unit A DC type of equipment has given very Httle trouble.
system was dedicated to it as shown in Fig 1.31.
In the event of inverter failure the load was
transferred to an alternative supply using change­ 6.3 Developnnent of UPS systenns
over contactors. The main disadvantages of this In order to overcome the previous service difficulties
scheme were: a 30 kVA, 415 V single-phase development static U P S
• Interruption of supply on transfer from the system (Fig 1.28) was commissioned in May 1978 at

Uninterruptable p o w e r supply ( U P S ) systems

415V 50Hz 415V 50Hz

m .



110V 50Hz

FIG. 1.29 Static inverter scheme (two inverters per main unit)

Drax Power Station together with low inrush (5- T h e step-down transformers have the following basic
times full load current) 8 kVA, 415/110 V distribution parameters:
• Impedance 2 % .
The system has proved entirely satisfactory. Further
identical U P S systems have been commissioned at • Flux density of approximately 0.75 T.
Littlebrook D and Drax power stations and similar
• Inrush current when energised from mains of ap­
3-phase and single-phase systems have been commis­
proximately 100 A peak at 415 V, decaying t o full
sioned at Heysham 2 .
load current in 1 0 - 1 2 cycles. The inrush current was
For the Littlebrook D and Drax systems, the inverter
obtained using a point-on-wave static switch.
alone is capable of clearing a short-circuit fault of a
415 V branch circuit protected by a 25 A fuselink to
BS8802, Class Q l , within 4 - 5 cycles. A high performance lead-acid Plante battery is rated for
The static switch is double-pole and is rated at 30 minutes' standby duty at 15°C ambient temperature.
1000 A R M S for five cycles. With assistance from the
bypass supply, the above fuselink can be operated in 6.3.1 Littlebrook D power station schemes
less than 5 ms when clearing a branch short-circuit.
The rotary maintenance bypass switch is solenoid
Unit GIS system
bolt-interlocked to prevent out of synchronous transfer.
The complete equipment was type tested; the tests There are three 660 M W oil-fired units at this station.
included vibration tests, dry heat, d a m p heat and low Each unit has an inverter system including a lead-acid
temperature tests, followed by a 200 hours Jong term battery, 415 V unit G I S switchboard and a distribution
stability test o n full load. network as indicated o n Fig 1.33. Only the unit loads

Electrical system design Chapter 1

415V 50Hz

FIG. 1.30 Static inverter scheme (four inverters per main unit)

are connected to this system. (In order to minimise from the 415 V unit switchboard B. Under normal
discharging the battery, the charger is normally suppHed operating conditions the power flow to the loads con­
from the essential/station system on more recent nected to the GIS switchboards is as follows:
• 415 V unit switchboard A .
Each inverter system has the following m a i n
components: • Charger.

• Charger. • Inverter.
• Battery (rated for a 30 min standby duty). • 415 V unit GIS switchboard.
• Inverter. • Step-down transformer.
• Static switch. • Changeover contactor.
• Maintenance bypass switch as shown on Fig 1.34.
In the event of failure of the charger supply, the load
The charger supply is derived from the 415 V unit continues to be supplied by the battery. If the supply
switchboard A . The inverter bypass supply is derived to the charger is not restored within approximately

Uninterruptable p o w e r supply ( U P S ) systems

415V 50Hz 415V 50Hz 415V 50Hz 415V 50Hz


Hihli ^IIOV

415V 50Hz
110V 50Hz

(o)415V/11 ov

FIG. 1 . 3 2 Static inverter scheme with regulating
[1 transformer

FIG. 1 . 3 1 Static inverter scheme with an Local distribution units are provided for each 110 V
electromechanical changeover switch single-phase supply point, each comprising two single-
phase main and standby transformers, changeover con-
tactors, switches a n d distribution switchboard as in-
half an hour, the inverter system is arranged to transfer dicated on Fig 1.35. These are located a r o u n d the
the load to the inverter bypass supply automatically station, in the control block, etc., at suitable load centre
and without interruption u p o n detection of the low positions.
battery voltage. Each 110 V A C GIS switchboard has an automati-
The load is also transferred automatically from the cally connected standby supply arranged via changeover
inverter to the bypass supply under any of the following contactors.
conditions, providing the inverter is synchronised in
Changeover contactor units comprise two adjacent
both phase and frequency t o the bypass supply:
circuits, arranged to give the highest practicable inter-
• Inverter failure or output voltage outside the set circuit segregation to permit work in safety on one
tolerances. circuit whilst the other remains live. The contactors
are capable of picking u p a n d sealing h o m e with any
• Excessive inverter overload or load inrush current.
incoming supply voltage between 7 5 % and 110% of
• Short-circuit on the load side. the rated value. T h e voltage limits apply over a fre-
quency range between 47 H z and 51 H z . Breaks in
A break in the supply is expected when transfer is supply of u p to 10 milliseconds should not cause the
caused by a fault on any of the outgoing feeders. T h e contactors to drop-out.
GIS system is designed to minimise the break (less than The two contactors are interlocked to give either a
10 ms), except on the rare occasions when changeover 'main' supply or a 'standby' supply, i.e., avoid parallel
contactors are used at the load centres. operation of the two supplies. Transfer from the 'main'
Under normal operating conditions the inverter is supply to the 'standby' supply is initiated and com-
synchronised in both phase and frequency to the bypass pleted automatically for 'main' supply voltages below
supply to enable an interruption-free transfer to take 8 0 % of the setting value. A n undervoltage relay is
place. provided for each load centre for this purpose and its

Electrical system design Chapter 1




415V 50Hz


110V 50Hz 110V 50Hz

! φ φ φ φ φ φ φ φ I
FIG. 1 . 3 3 Litdebrook D power station — unit G I S

operating characteristics are such that the minimum only if a prolonged outage of the incoming 415 V unit
operating time at zero voltage is not less than 10 m s . GIS is expected.
The voltage setting range is adjustable in seven equal The system is designed to give acceptable security
steps between 4 0 % and 8 0 % of the nominal voltage. even during the inverter outage for repair, i.e., two
On complete loss of the 'main' supply for longer diverse A C supplies are normally available. The com­
than 10 milHseconds, the transfer to the 'standby' supply puter system is not designed to tolerate 100 ms breaks,
takes place such that the total voltage break time on but it is not essential for unit operation. All other
the load side does not exceed 100 ms. loads are either designed to tolerate a 100 ms break
Transfer from the 'standby' back to the 'main' sup­ in supply or have duplicate A C inputs and power
ply is manually initiated following the 'main' supply packs to achieve the high level of reliabihty required.
restoration. The initiation is from the 415 V unit GIS The GIS system is designed to achieve a reliability
switchboard location and is made in stages to avoid target of no more than one main generating unit trip in
excessive inverter overload, which may arise due t o 30 years of operation.
inrush current of the step-down transformers. The Only one inverter system is provided on each unit
total voltage break time on the load side does not exceed GIS system, but in the event of inverter failure auto­
100 ms. matic transfer to another A C supply occurs, i.e., a
The standby supply is derived from the 415 V standby redundancy is provided. The standby supply is
station switchboard. This supply is also used for those not battery-backed.
unit loads which require two A C inputs from diverse The outage time for an inverter is small and it was
sources combining them within the equipment in D C not considered necessary to provide a second inverter
form. to cover for the small outage times involved. These are
The 415 V bus section switch is intended to be closed based on pessimistic figures of the mean repair time

Uninterruptable p o w e r supply ( U P S ) systems






I TO 415V

FIG. 1.34 Littlebrook D power station — unit GIS illustrating maintenance by-pass switch

being 48 hours. In order to minimise time to repair Either of the two inverter systems is capable of
a faulty inverter system a spare set of inverter system supplying the total n o r m a l station load and each bat­
components is provided. tery is rated for a 30 min standby duty. This makes
it possible to operate with one out of service if
Station GIS system necessary. Under n o r m a l operating conditions the load
is shared as equally as possible between the two inverter
The station GIS system has two inverter systems, each systems.
including an associated lead-acid battery, 415 V station Transfer of the load from one inverter to another is
GIS switchboard a n d a distribution network as only possible with a break of u p to 100 ms, using the
indicated on Fig 1.36. changeover contactors o n the local distribution units.

Electrical system design Chapter 1




FIG. 1 . 3 5 Unit G I S distribution switchboard

Local distribution units are provided for each 110 V distribution units affected are then transferred back to
single-phase supply point, each comprising two single- the 'main' supply in stages.
phase main and standby transformers, changeover
contactors, switches and distribution switchboard as 6.3.2 Drax power station schemes
indicated on Fig 1.37. These are located around the
station at suitable load centre positions. There are six 660 M W coal-fired units at this station,
Each 110 V A C GIS switchboard has an automa­ also six 35 M W gas-turbine generators.
tically connected standby supply arranged via change­
over contactors. Unit GIS system Following the problems experienced
The changeover scheme is almost identical to that with the original scheme fitted to the first three units
previously described in the unit GIS section, except (Fig 1.30), a 30 k V A development inverter was installed
that a supply priority selector switch is provided. on Unit 2 in 1978. The inverter system is identical to the
Following a loss of supply from an inverter and its Littlebrook D power station type.
associated bypass supply, the 415 V interconnector can The unit system for the first 3 units is basically
be closed if a prolonged outage is expected. The load identical to the Littlebrook D power station unit sys-

Uninterruptable p o w e r supply ( U P S ) systems

415V 50Hz 415V 50Hz 415V 50Hz


30kVA 30kVA iSYNCh

415V 50Hz


110V 50Hz

[I [] [] []

FIG. 1.36 Littlebrook D power station — station GIS

tern. Units 4, 5 and 6 have two separate inverter • Essential U P S systems, i.e., those required for nor­
systems per unit, one for the computer and the second mal reactor operation and those which are neces­
for all other loads. The total unit load was estimated sary for post-trip cooling of the reactor.
to be in excess of one 30 kVA inverter already de­
veloped and proved on Unit 2, hence the reason for • Non-essential U P S systems, i.e., those which are
two systems per unit. not safety related. These are described in the sec­
tion o n unit a n d station U P S systems later in this
Station GIS system This is similar t o the scheme
previously described for the Littlebrook D station GIS
in Section 6.3.1. Each reactor is arranged into q u a d r a n t s , each quad­
rant having two diverse modes of reactor cooling called
X and y . Consequently each q u a d r a n t has four in­
Gas turbine inverters Each gas turbine has a separate
dependent U P S systems. T h e U P S system associated
single-phase inverter of less t h a n 5 k V A with 110 V
with one q u a d r a n t is shown o n Fig 1.38.
output and 110 V D C input. These supplies are required
to enable the gas turbines to start in the absence of
normal A C supplies. 415 V essential UPS system X The U P S system rating
is 100 k V A and the o u t p u t is 415 V, 3-phase and
neutral, 50 H z (nominal). Only essential loads are con­
6.3.3 Heysham 2 power station
nected to this system. These are mainly control and
This is an advanced gas cooled reactor station with instrumentation loads and various motors and valves.
two reactors and two 660 M W generating units. The T h e previous advanced gas cooled reactors used motor-
U P S systems can be broadly divided into two groups: generator sets for this duty.

Electrical system design Chapter 1


- •


FIG. 1 . 3 7 Station GIS distribution switchboard

The system has been fully type tested to very strin­ or 110 V D C loads of the X train. This equipment
gent requirements, including seismic tests and II k W is also seismically qualified and in order to minimise
motor direct-on-hne starts. the c o m m o n - m o d e failure probability diverse equip­
The U P S battery is capable of supplying the full ment is provided for the X and Y U P S systems.
U P S load for considerably longer than the 30 minutes
specified. Non-essential UPS systems Unit and station U P S
systems which consist of four 150 kVA, 415 V, 50 H z
110 V essential UPS system Y This system is designed single-phase U P S systems are provided at this station.
to provide both 110 V A C and 110 V D C supplies. Each is made u p of 3 χ 50 kVA inverters, a 600 A ,
The inverter is rated at 6.3 kVA, 110 V, 50 H z and 360 V D C battery charger and a 200 kVA static switch.
D C output is rated at 50 A continuous load. The The system can be expanded to 200 kVA by adding
loads are mainly various control and instrumentation another 50 kVA inverter and another battery bank for
supplies. which the stands are already installed.
A standby battery and charger are provided, which Inverters operate in a redundant m o d e of operation
can supply the inverter and D C loads of the Y 'train' providing that the load does not exceed 100 kVA limit

Uninterruptable p o w e r supply ( U P S ) systems




415V 50Hz
3 PHASE L _ _
100 KVA i

415V 50Hz
6.3 KVA -{sm}





FIG. 1 . 3 8 Heysham 2 power station — essential X and Y U P S systems

(or 150 kVA when up-rated to 200 kVA). The scheme T h e equipment u p o n which the reactor safety case
is illustrated on Fig 1.39. depends is not connected to this system.
Local distribution units are provided for each 110 V
single-phase supply point, each comprising two single-
Unit UPS system Each unit has an U P S , 415 V,
phase main and standby transformers, changeover con­
50 Hz, double-pole unit U P S switchboard and a dis­
tactors, switches and distribution switchboard.
tribution network. The m a x i m u m step-down trans­
These are located a r o u n d the station, in the control
former rating is 16 k V A and the loads are switched-in
block, etc., at suitable load centre positions. This type
sequentially to avoid excessive inrush current and
of distribution unit is mainly used for loads which
undesirable transfer to the bypass supply.
require a single supply of high availability.
The following loads are supplied from this system:
Loads which require two battery-backed supplies,
• Those which are required for post-incident moni­ e.g., microprocessor systems with plant input and out­
toring and recordings following a main unit trip. put, derive one supply from the unit U P S system and
• Those which because of stringent supply require­ the other from the station U P S system via step-down
ments would not have adequate reliability if op­ transformers.
erated from the electrical auxiliary system only.

• Those which are required for the main unit shut­ Station UPS system This comprises two U P S systems,
down. two 415 V, 50 H z , double-pole station U P S boards

Electrical system design Chapter 1

Uninterruptable p o w e r supply ( U P S ) systems

and a distribution network. Either of the two U P S • Inverter failure.

systems is capable of supplying the following loads:
• Output voltage outside the set Umits.
• Total station load.
• Excessive inverter overload or load inrush current.
• Standby computer for one unit.
• Short-circuit on the load side.
• Standby supply to loads of one unit which require
two battery-backed supplies, e.g., microprocessor If the inverter is not in phase with the bypass supply
system with plant input and output. under the above a b n o r m a l conditions, then the load
is transferred automatically from the inverter to the
Under normal operating conditions the station load is bypass supply with a break of at least 60 ms and less
shared as equally as possible between the two U P S than 100 m s .
systems. Transfer of the station loads from one U P S The load re-transfer, back to the inverter, is com­
system to another is off-load at the 110 V load centres. pleted automatically without interruption in the voltage
An interlock is provided using coded keys to prevent waveform when the inverter has returned to normal
parallel operation of the supplies derived from the two and maintained a stable output for approximately 5
station U P S systems. Only the following C and I station to 10 seconds.
loads are connected to the station U P S Boards:

• Those which are required for post-incident moni­ Static switch redundancy
toring and recordings following loss of station A C Means are provided within the static switch to parallel
suppUes. automatically the bypass power semiconductors, fol­
• Those which because of stringent supply require­ lowing a transfer from the inverter to the bypass
ments would not give adequate standards of reliabi- supply, using a contactor or circuit-breaker. The con­
Uty if operated from the electrical auxiliary system trol and power circuits are arranged to achieve a
only. matching level of redundancy between the static and
electromechanical portions of the static switch. In the
• Those which are required for shutdown of any com­ event of the static portion failing to operate, the
m o n services. electromechanical portion operates to transfer the load
automatically a n d / o r manually from the inverter to
the bypass supply with a voltage break of at least
6.4 System configuration and method of 60 ms and less than 100 m s . Following a transfer to
operation the bypass supply, both static and electromechanical
Each U P S has the foUowing main components (see portions usually continue to operate to achieve maxi­
Fig 1.34): m u m redundancy. Both portions are fully rated.

• Battery charger.

• Battery. 6.5 System considerations and components

• Inverter.
6.5.1 Voltage regulation
• Static switch.
With the inverter in service the voltage at the terminals
• Maintenance bypass switches. of any instruments, control equipment and computers
is maintained within + 6 % to - 6 % of nominal (steady
The charger and bypass A C supplies operate normally state) voltage. This is achieved as follows for 415 V
with identical frequency. Under adverse system condi­ U P S systems:
tions the suppUes could operate at different frequencies.
Regulation Voltage
Under normal operating conditions the U P S is in
service and the load is normally supplied from the
Inverter ±2% 95-105%
inverter. The battery charger maintains the battery on
float charge. 415 V cable between
In the event of failure of the charger supply the inverter and load
load continues to be supplied by the battery/inverter. centre 2%
The load is transferred automatically from the inverter
to the bypass supply without interruption in the volt­ 415/115 V transformer 2% 100% ± 5 %
age waveform under any of the following abnormal
110 V cable between
conditions, providing the inverter is synchronised in
load centre a n d 2%
both phase and frequency to the bypass supply:
instrument or computer
• Inverter input D C voltage too low. terminals

Electrical system design Chapter 1

Output voltage and number of phases — 1 lOV, 50 Hz Each transformer is provided with a facility for
single-phase output is usually used for ratings up to off-load tapchanging on the 415 V primary winding.
10 kVA and where distribution cables are relatively Voltage variations of ± 5 % in 2 . 5 % voltage steps. The
short. One pole of the output is connected to earth and method of tapchanging is by means of bolted links.
a 415/110 V bypass transformer is included. The nominal flux density at rated voltage and fre­
A 415 V, 50 Hz single-phase output is used for ratings quency and with the transformer connected on the
above 10 kVA, particularly where distribution cables principal tapping is specified not to exceed 1.0 tesla.
are long. The largest single module used today is 50 The impedance voltage at rated current and frequency
kVA. The inverter output is not earthed, but is con­ does not exceed 2 % of the rated voltage on any tapping.
tinuously monitored with an insulation monitor. The transformers are capable of operating with non-
A 415 V, 50 Hz 3-phase output is used in exceptional Hnear loads having relative current harmonic content
cases where load requires 3-phases, e.g., motors. The of up to 5 0 % .
largest rating used at present is 100 kVA. The basic transformer parameters are given in
Table 1.1.
6.5.2 UPS system loads
6.5.4 Standby and spares philosophy
In order to specify a U P S system it is necessary to
define the load in detail as follows: In the event of inverter failure, automatic transfer to
mains supply occurs. The quality of the mains supply
• Load profile versus time.
is acceptable for the U P S outage time, which does not
• Loads requiring or generating harmonic (especially therefore justify the provision of a standby U P S system.
even) currents. In order to minimise time to repair, a spare set of
inverter system components is kept at each station.
• Loads requiring the circulation of a D C current.

• Load steps.
6.6 UPS equipment specification
At existing installations, a survey of available loads As part of the development work on U P S systems,
is undertaken where access is possible. Measurements detailed technical requirements and documents for pur­
are taken using a two-channel digital oscilloscope with chasing U P S equipment have been written to ensure
magnetic storage. The analysis of the waveforms ob­ that identified problems are overcome.
tained is carried out using a portable computer and The following are brief details of the main technical
a ' H A R M D ' program developed by the C E G B . A requirements:
typical waveform and harmonic analysis are shown
• Battery capacity The system should be capable of
in Fig 1.40.
maintaining specified conditions for 30 minutes fol­
lowing complete failure of all incoming A C supplies.
6.5.3 Step-down transformers
• Environmental conditions The equipment should
These have been developed to minimise the inrush meet environmental class B3 requirements of spe­
currents and the associated voltage drops on the sys­ cification CEGB-EES (1980). The ambient tempera­
tem, up to a rating of 16 kV. N o ferro-resonance pro­ ture range should be taken to be + 5 ° C to 40°C
blems have been experienced with these transformers with air temperature not exceeding 35°C average in
when switching them onto inverters. any one day and not exceeding 20°C average in any
The transformers are of the naturally air cooled one year.
single-phase double-wound type and are suitable for The equipment enclosure shall provide a degree
operation on a nominal 415 V, 50 Hz supply derived of protection to Code IP31 of BS5490.
from a single-phase inverter or from two phases of
• Life of equipment All equipment should have a
the 415 V, 3-phase, 4-wire, 50 Hz (nominal), solidly
designed operating life of 30 years.
earthed system with a maximum symmetrical short-
circuit fault level of 31 M V A . • Reliability A high degree of reliability and avail­
The transformers comply generally with BS 171, ability is required and the following reliability targets
BS3535 and BEBS T2 (1966) Section 5 where applicable. are specified:
The winding insulation is Class F to BS2757 and is UPS UPS
3-phase output 1-phase output
non-hygroscopic, but the design is such that the
MTBF (years) MTBF (years)
temperature rise Hmits given in BS3535, Table 2D are
not exceeded for Class Ε materials. The use of asbestos- Charger 10 10
Inverter 2 3
based materials is not permitted. Static switch 10 15
A metallic screen is provided between the windings,
one end of which is brought out and connected to the Reliability calculations are based on mean time to
earth terminal of the transformer. repair a U P S system of 48 h o u r s .

Uninterruptable p o w e r supply ( U P S ) systems




Harmonic Analysis using Program HARMD

Number of points for analysis 1024 Highest harmonic order: 255

Number of cycles averaged 4
Fundamental Frequency (Hz) 50.03 Voltage Current
Total RMS 236.21V 7.31 A
Peak value 319.29V 16.01 A
Peak/RMS ratio 1.35 2.19
Maximum harmonic component (RMS) 236.05V 6.19A
DC level removed -4.28V -0.40A
Relative fundamental content 99.9% 84.7%
Relative harmonic content 3.7% 53.2%
High frequency content >2 k Hz) 0.3% 0.6%
Total apparent power 1.727kVA
Total active power 1 383kW
Power factor 0 801

Voltage Current
Harmonic litude Phase angle Magnitude Phase angle
order .) (deg.) (deg.)
1 100.0 -4.4 100.0 -20.4
2 0.1 -55.3 0.6 -50.2
3 1.8 7.1 54.2 157.2
4 0.0 -70.6 0.4 142.7
5 3.1 177.0 29.6 -50.7
7 1.0 -37.8 7.7 83.4
8 0.0 -156.9 0.4 -104.1
9 0.2 71.3 5.5 146.9
10 0.0 -76.5 0.4 58.0
11 0.3 149.4 5.2 -85.7
13 0.2 -64.3 2.8 48.4
15 0.1 85.8 1.0 170.8
17 0.1 -175.4 0.6 -159.5
19 0.1 -67.0 1.1 -14.2
21 0.1 50.8 0.9 165.4
23 0.1 -171.0 0.6 2.4
27 0.1 37.5 0.5 158.3
29 0.1 176.4 0.7 -39.0
31 0.1 -96.6 0.4 102.2
33 0.1 10.7 0.3 159.4
35 0.1 128.7 0.6 -80.9
37 0.1 -140.0 0.5 51.6
41 0.0 80.5 0.3 -121.2
43 0.0 177.8 0.4 13.2
DC components are excluded from all other parameters

FIG. 1.40 Typical voltage and current waveform analysis

Electrical system design Chapter 1

Step-down transformers

BS power rating, kVA 16 10 8 6.3 4 2.5 1.6

Number of phases 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Frequency (nominal), Hz 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

Rated primary voltage, V 415 415 415 415 415 415 415

Rated secondary voltage, V 115 115 115 115 115 115 115

Voltage ratio at no-load 415/ 415/ 415/ 415/ 415/ 415/ 415/
on the principal tapping 115 115 115 115 115 115 115

Maximum impedance on any tapping, % 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Fuse links current 50 32 25 20 15 10 6

rating at 415 V
(to BS88-2, 1975, Class Ql), A

Maximum inrush magnetising current (peak), A 272 170 136 107 68 43 27

• Maintenance and repair The equipment, excluding (c) Static switch inhibited
batteries, should not require maintenance more fre­
(d) Inverter on battery.
quently than once annually. The mean time to repair
the equipment should not exceed two hours.
6.7 UPS equipment performance
• Transformers and inductors These should have
non-hygroscopic insulation with the temperature rise requirements
necessary to give the specified life at rated output.
Charger output voltage
• Power semiconductor devices The temperature rise The charger output voltage should be automatically
at the device reference point (case) shall not exceed maintained within ± 1 % of the voltage setting when
50°C at the rated output. The maximum permissible operating under any combination of the following
temperature rise should not exceed 70°C under any conditions:
operating conditions. For fan cooling this should
• Load between 0 to 100% of the rated output.
apply with any single fan out of service.
• Nominal input A C voltage ± 1 0 % .
• Remote alarms and indications All locally indi­
cated faults should be grouped into the following • Frequency 50 Hz ± 5 % .
remote alarms or indications:
• Specified environmental conditions.
(a) U P S system failure
Inverter output voltage tolerance (steady state)
(b) Inverter in service
The output voltage should be maintained within ± 2 %
(c) Inverter on battery of the voltage setting when operating under any com­
bination of the following conditions:
(d) Battery in service
• Load between 0 to 100% of the rated output over the
(e) Static switch inhibited.
entire inverter input voltage range.
• Reliability monitoring A non-resetting counter and
• Specified environmental conditions.
elapsed time indicator should be provided on U P S
systems above 10 kVA rating for each of the fol­ • Load power factor between 0.7 lag to unity.
lowing operating conditions:
Output voltage adjustment
(a) Inverter in service
The output voltage and adjustment shall be stepless over
(b) Bypass in service the range of ± 5 % of nominal voltage.

Uninterruptable p o w e r supply ( U P S ) systems

Output frequency side the limits of 50 H z + 0 . 1 H z . Recent practice has

been for the inverter t o be free-running with a much
In order t o permit operation of the static switch, the
improved accuracy within Hmits of 50 H z ± 0 . 0 1 % by
inverter should normally be synchronised, both in phase
means of a built-in quartz-controlled oscillator.
and frequency, t o the bypass supply over the tracking
When the bypass supply frequency returns within
range of 49.5 H z t o 50.5 H z . The bypass supply
the tracking range, the inverter system output should
frequency should be continuously monitored a n d if it
be automatically re-synchronised t o it, both in phase
goes outside the tracking range, the inverter should
and frequency.
not follow the frequency of the bypass supply. T h e
resulting loss of synchronism should inhibit the static The transition from one synchronising source to
switch and initiate an alarm. another should be performed at a rate-of-change of
frequency (slew rate) n o t exceeding one hertz per
While the bypass supply frequency is outside the
tracking range, the inverter system frequency should
preferably remain at the appropriate tracking range
limit or return t o the inverter natural frequency. Dynamic output voltage effects
In the event of failure of the bypass supply, the For definitions refer t o l E C pubhcation 686: *StabiHsed
earher approach was to synchronise to the charger power suppUes, A C output'.
input supply. There was a risk that if the inverter was The output voltage should not exceed the hmits
left free-running, its output frequency would drift out­ shown in Tables 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4.


Load effect

Maximum voltage Recovery Voltage tolerance

Load step referred overshoot amplitude time, limit % of set
to the rated output % of set value ms value

500/0 to 100<ϊ^ο -15 40 5

100% to 50% + 15 40 5


Source voltage effect

Charger input
Maximum voltage Recovery Voltage tolerance
voltage steps referred
overshoot amplitude time, limit % of set
to the set voltage
% of set value ms value
(battery in service)

(a) Loss of short- -10 40 5

circuit of mains
(b) Mains return + 10 40 5


Bypass supply to inverter transfer and vice versa

Inverter output Maximum

Bypass Voltage
voltage before load voltage Recovery
supply tolerance
transfer (battery and overshoot time,
voltage limit
charger in service) amplitude ms
% of nominal % nominal % of nominal <Vo of nominal

100 110 ±10 40 5

100 100 ±10 40 5
100 90 ±10 40 5

Electrical system design Chapter 1

Output voltage waveform distortion After the 30 minutes' overload duty the inverter should
be capable of carrying the rated output continuously.
For definition refer to l E C Publication 1 4 6 - 2 .
The inverter should also be capable of carrying 150%
of the rated output for 5 minutes after carrying the
Linear loads rated output continuously. After the 5 minutes' over­
load duty the inverter should be capable of carrying
The relative harmonic content of the output voltage
the rated output continuously.
should not exceed 5 % when operating under any com­
bination of the following conditions:
Static switch surge capability and protection
• Load between 0 to 100<7o of the rated output over
the entire inverter input range. The load-to-bypass branch of the static switch should
have a sufficient surge capabihty to withstand at least
• Specified environmental conditions. 10-times the rated output current for 5 cycles and
should be protected by a fuse hnk. The fuse link should
• Load power factor between 0.7 lag to unity.
have a total operating I^t below the pre-arcing I^t of
the bypass feeder fuse, which is rated at twice the rated
The maximum individual harmonic component should load current.
not exceed 3^o of fundamental. With assistance from the bypass supply, the U P S
should be capable of clearing a sohd short-circuit fault
Non-linear loads on an outgoing feeder protected by a fuse such that
the interrupting time does not exceed 5 m s . Interrupt­
The relative harmonic content of the output voltage
ing time is defined as the time during which the output
should not exceed 7 % with a d u m m y load arranged to
voltage is below 8 0 % of the instantaneous value of
represent the service load as closely as possible.
the corresponding portion of the previously undisturbed
The maximum permitted harmonic components should
be in accordance with Fig 2 of l E C Pubhcation 1 4 6 -
2 (1974).

7 DC systems
Periodic output voltage modulation
The periodic variation of output voltage amplitude is 7.1 Introduction
defined as:
The D C supply systems are battery-backed and are
designed to provide acceptably secure power supplies
Vmaxpeak "~ V m i n p e a k / ^ n o m p e a k
both with regard to continuity and quality under all
and should not exceed 1% including operation with normal and abnormal operating conditions.
the dummy non-linear load.

7.2 DC system duties

Rated short-circuit current capability
The following specific duties apply to the D C systems:
The inverter alone (bypass supply out of service) shall
be capable of clearing a fault on an outgoing feeder • T o supply equipment which requires a D C supply
protected by a fuse hnk to BS88, 1975, Class Q l during normal conditions and which also is required
in less than 80 ms. The fuse link rating is specified to operate when A C supphes have been lost, e.g.,
at approximately 3 0 % of the inverter output current essential instruments, control, switchgear closing and
rating. tripping, telecommunications, protection, interlocks,

Overload capability • T o supply standby equipment required to operate

The inverter should be capable of carrying 120% of only when A C supphes have been lost, e.g., emer­
the rated output for 30 minutes after carrying the rated gency lighting, emergency oil p u m p s .
output continuously. The output voltage should be • T o supply the starters of starting engine-driven
maintained within ± 3 % of the voUage setting when equipment, e.g., gas turbines or diesel generators.
operating under any combination of the following
Under some circumstances, determined by duty, project
• Over the entire inverter input voltage range. needs and particular equipment supply requirements,
selected instrumentation and telecommunications sys­
• Specified environmental conditions.
tems may be connected t o the U P S systems which are
• Load power factor 0.8 lag. described in Section 6 of this chapter.

D C systems

7.3 DC system design At each voltage level the system is designed on a

per unit basis. Separate systems are provided for es­
The systems are designed t o operate from batteries
sential loads, i.e., those u p o n which the reactor safety
for at least 30 minutes following complete failure of
case depends on nuclear power stations. Each essential
all incoming A C supplies. Sufficient standby capacity
'train' has a separate D C system, which is not inter­
or standby batteries are normally provided to achieve
connected to any other *train'.
this period during outages for repair or maintenance,
Each unit has a battery and charger. A standby
or boost charging. The main reasons for Hmiting the
battery and charger are provided and can be made
period to 30 minutes are:
available to either unit when necessary. Each charger
• It is generally more cost effective to invest in im­ is rated to supply the total load of all D C emergency
proving restoration time of the essential A C supplies, auxiliary drives of one unit, plus 2 5 % initial spare
rather than use larger batteries. capacity to cover for u n k n o w n loads, future load
additions and the battery finishing rate of one battery
• The 30 minute period is sufficient to shutdown a (approximately 7 % of the A h of 10 hour discharge
unit safely in the absence of normal A C suppHes. rate in amperes). This means that the battery can be
recharged on 'float' within 10 hours following on emer­
• There are a number of D C back-up auxiliaries to the gency discharge duty. Each battery is rated to supply
normal A C loads, e.g., turbine barring gear m o t o r s , the following loads for 30 minutes:
which are required for protracted periods following
the 30 minute period. • Total load of all D C emergency auxiHary drives of
one unit.
The D C systems are generally provided at four voltage • Two-thirds of total station emergency lighting load,
levels of 48, 110, 220 and 250 V D C nominal. excluding remote plant buildings, e.g., C W p u m p -
7.3.1 250 V DC systems • 2 5 % initial spare capacity to cover for unknown
The principal duty of this system is to provide secure loads and future load additions.
D C supplies for the foUowing loads:
T h e m i n i m u m discharge voltage at the end of 30
• Emergency lighting (DC luminaires), except for re­
minutes' duty is approximately 210 V at the battery
mote plant buildings.
terminals. This is to ensure that voltage at the equip­
• Emergency auxiHary drives, e.g., lubricating oil ment terminals is not less than 200 V D C (80% of
pumps for main turbines. nominal). The m a x i m u m voltage d r o p in cables of 10
V gives sufficient scope for an economical cabling
• Emergency valve operation. design.
The 'float' charge voltage is set at 281.3 V, i.e.,
• Fire sirens. 2.25 V/ceH for 125 lead-acid ceUs.

The stations designed before 1980 used 240 V D C as

a nominal voltage, this has been replaced by 250 V D C 7.3.2 220 V DC systems
to line-up with the revised BS and l E C standard The switchgear within C E G B power stations uses
Voltages. closing mechanisms which are either solenoid driven or
If the battery capacity selected for a given load spring operated, the springs being m o t o r wound.
permits, the unit systems are interconnected to cover The 11 kV switchgear of one air break type, with
for a battery or charger outage. A typical scheme is 900 M V A m a k e duty and 750 M V A break duty, uses
illustrated on Fig 1.41, used for the Littlebrook D solenoids rated u p to 47 k W . The voltage Hmits of such
power station, which has three 660 M W oil-fired units. switchgear are much tighter (H- 5 % , - 15%), than those
The maximum battery rating applicable to the high applicable to motors (-1-10%, - 2 0 % ) . If the whole D C
performance Planté cells is approximately 2000 A h at system is designed a r o u n d the closing solenoids, then
10 hour discharge rate and 15°C. the battery capacity is considerably higher, typically
Operation of more than two 2000 Ah batteries in twice the capacity without the closing solenoids. It
paraHel would exceed the switchgear short-circuit rating is, therefore, generally more economical to provide
of 40 k A . A coded-key type mechanical interlock is dedicated batteries and chargers for switchgear closing
normally provided in such cases to prevent parallel solenoids of this rating. There is also an added advan­
operation of more than two batteries. tage with respect to 'black-start' capability, i.e., the
The Heysham 2 power station scheme is illustrated switchgear can be operated many hours or even for
on Fig 1.42. This is an advanced gas cooled reactor several days following a loss of A C supplies to the
station with two reactors and two 660 M W generating chargers. This is possible because there are no other
units. standing loads connected to the battery. The capabiHty

Electrical system design Chapter 1





Jr 240V DC

FIG. 1.41 Littlebrook D power station — 240 V DC station system






FIG. 1.42 Heysham 2 power station — 250 V DC system

D C systems

to operate switchgear for many hours following a battery terminals, to ensure that voltage of the equip­
loss of A C supplies is considered important, because ment terminals is not less than 96 V for switchgear and
it is not possible to operate it manually as can be control gear and 94 V for aH other equipment.
done with the spring-closed type of switchgear. 110 V The 'float' charge voltage is set at 121.5 V, i.e., 2.25
D C (nominal) is normally used for the spring charge V/cell for a 54-cell battery.
mechanisms. Separate batteries and chargers are normally pro­
To match tolerances stipulated by the switchgear vided for remote plant houses; also 120 V D C is used
standards, 105 lead-acid cells are required for the 220 V for gas turbine (35 M W ) starting purposes.
D C nominal voltage.
A typical 220 V D C system for the non-essential part 7.3.4 48 V DC systems
of Heysham 2 power station is illustrated on Fig 1.43.
Each battery/charger system is designed to meet the The principal duty of these systems is to provide
following criteria: secure D C suppHes for the foHowing unit and station
• With the battery on 'float' up to two circuit-breakers
can be closed simultaneously. • Sequence equipment.

• Alarm and indication.

• With the battery on 'float' up to 100 circuit-breakers
can be closed each day; also it should not be ne­ • Remote control.
cessary to boost charge the battery to meet this duty.

• Following a loss of A C suppHes to the charger, the T h e arrangement for the Heysham 2 , 48 V D C system
battery is capable of supplying the current of the is illustrated in Fig 1.45. T o reduce cabling cost,
highest solenoid rating continuously for 30 seconds. separate systems are normally provided for unit and
Each solenoid is normally energised for u p to 500 ms station equipment in locations most suited to the loads
and it is therefore possible to close many circuit- being suppHed.
breakers consecutively. The minimum discharge volt­ Each charger is rated to carry the normal full inter­
age at the end of discharge duty is usually specified connected switchboard load plus the recommended
as 199 V at the battery terminals to ensure that 'float' charge rate of both batteries.
voltage at the switchboard terminals is not less Each battery is rated to supply the total intercon­
than 190 V. The maximum voltage drop in cables nected switchboard emergency load plus 2 5 % initial
of 9 V gives sufficient margin for design purposes. spare capacity. The minimum discharge voltage at the
end of 30 minutes' duty is approximately 46 V at the
battery terminals and 43 V at the load terminals.
The 'float' charge voltage is set at 237 V, which results
The 'float' charge voltage is set at 54 V for a
in the vokage per cell of 2.26 V.
24-cell battery. Separate batteries, rated for 6 or more
hours, and chargers are provided for telecommunica­
7.3.3 110 V DC systems tions purposes.

The principal duty of these systems is to provide

secure D C suppHes for the following unit and station 7.3.5 250 V , 220 V and 110 V DC circuit earthing
loads: A n earth leakage detection system incorporating centre-
tapped resistors and a detection relay is normally pro­
• Switchgear and control gear tripping.
vided in each charger. All 48 V D C systems have their
• Switchgear closing if spring mechanisms are used. positive poles earthed.

• Interlocks and protection.

7.4 DC system analysis
• Control equipment.
A computer p r o g r a m ('GIDEAN') has been developed
jointly by the C E G B and the University of Manchester
The arrangement for Heysham 2 unit and station
Institute of Science and Technology. The program
system is illustrated in Fig 1.44. contains comprehensive models for batteries, motors,
Each charger is rated to carry the normal full inter­ static loads, battery chargers and r a n d o m momentary
connected switchboard load plus the recommended loads as well as reHable and efficient algorithms for
'float' charge rate of both batteries. the analysis of the system. Facilities include the quasi-
Each battery is rated to supply the total intercon­ steady state calculation of the energy evolution in the
nected switchboard emergency load plus 2 5 % initial battery and voltage profile of the D C network under
spare capacity to cover for u n k n o w n loads and future the conditions defined by the duty cycle.
load additions. The minimum discharge voltage at the The G I D E A N package provides facilities for the
end of 30 minutes' duty is approximately 102 V at the entry of diagrammatic and numerical data of D C net-

Electrical system design Chapter 1


— Γ —


CELLS 300 Ah,-


20A 20A
237V 237V


283V LOAD) 283V LOAD)


[] II II 11 11 II [1 II

t7 <7 X7 V V V V

TO 415V TO 415V

1 Í

C Oi

11 [] [] [1 SOL



FIG. 1 . 4 3 Heysham 2 power station - 2 2 0 V D C station system

D C systems


160A 160 A 160A 160A

121.5V 121.5V 121.5V 121.5V
146V 146V 146V

N O T E S : 1. B L O C K I N G D I O D E S A R E

2. A L L 4 1 5 V E S S E N T I A L

^ O-y O / O /

(I Id
T Y P I C A L 110V D C U N I T 7 F U S E B O A R D T Y P I C A L 110V D C S T A T I O N S E R V I C E S F U S E B O A R D S T Y P I C A L 110V D C U N I T 8 F U S E B O A R D

FIG. 1 . 4 4 Heysham 2 power station — 1 1 0 V D C unit and station system

works; the storage, retrieval and modifications of these The charger output voltage is automatically main­
networks and the ability to analyse them under a variety tained within ± 1 % of the voltage setting when operat­
of loadings and outage conditions. ing under any combination of the following conditions:
The program helps to minimise the design margins
by optimising battery, charger and cable ratings. This • L o a d between 0 to 100%.
is achieved by repeating a study with different battery, • ± 1 0 % nominal input voltage.
charger and cable parameters until a satisfactory D C
voltage is arrived at. • ± 5 % nominal input frequency.

• Between -h5°C and -h40°C ambient.

7.5 Battery chargers and batteries

The equipment enclosure provides a degree of protec­
The battery chargers are generally of the thyristor tion to BS5490 for code I P 3 1 .
controlled type with a 3-phase input at 415 V, 50 H z . Boost charging is carried out off-load to maintain
The typical ratings used are from 20 A to approxi­ the load voltage within acceptable limits. A coded-key
mately 1000 A . A six-pulse rectifier configuration is type mechanical interlock is provided t o prevent boost
generally used and a two-winding transformer is in­ charging of the battery in service.
corporated into each battery charger. The equipment The batteries used are generally of the high per­
is designed for an operating life of 30 years and any formance Planté type and the ratings are based on an
critical components, e.g., semiconductors and capaci­ ambient temperature of 15°C, except that batteries
tors, are derated as appropriate to achieve this. in remote plant houses are sometimes based on 10°C

Electrical system design Chapter 1





FIG. 1 . 4 5 Heysham 2 power station — 4 8 V D C system

ambient temperature. Batteries are located in dedicated the C E G B Safety Rules. These rules and procedures
rooms as close as possible to the associated charger/ are fully considered in the design of the electrical plant
distribution switchboard r o o m s . All battery rooms and systems. In addition, interlocking, monitoring and
are provided with suitable thermostatically controlled indication facilities are included in designs to achieve
heating to maintain the design temperature. Adequate the following:
ventilation is provided in all battery rooms to keep
(a) Minimise the probability of h u m a n error faults oc­
the concentration of hydrogen gas within safe limits.
curring. This is an aid to operators and maintenance
Details of the equipment are given in Chapter 9.
personnel in carrying out their duties to meet the
operating and maintenance rules and procedures.

8 Electrical system monitoring and (b) Safeguard plant and equipment where it is con­
interlocking schemes sidered necessary to provide interlocking for this

8.1 Introduction This section describes the interlocking, monitoring and

The safety of personnel when using or maintaining indication facilities installed at 11 kV, 3.3 kV and 415
electrical equipment and systems is at all times covered V to meet items (a) and (b). These facihties are divided
by rules and administrative procedures, in particular into two categories:

Electrical system monitoring and interlocking schemes

• Operational interlocking, fault level monitoring and • Ensure that only those circuit-breakers provided
indication equipment. with synchronising equipment are used to connect
different sources of generation.
• Maintenance interlocking equipment.

Figure 1.47 shows a scheme to allow only 3 out of 4

8.2 Operational interlocking, monitoring and interlocked circuit-breakers to be closed as shown in
Fig 1.46. Figure 1.48 shows how to achieve the cabled
indications interconnector electrical interlock and the transformer
In deciding the type of facihty required, the following electrical interlock, as illustrated in Fig 1.46.
guidelines are used:

• In systems where on-load parallel operation of a 8.3 Relay systems

number of circuits is the normal method of opera­
An operational interlocking scheme is required t o :
tion, and where the switchgear is not overstressed
when a number of circuits are in parallel, then n o • Prevent switching activities which could cause the
interlocks should be provided. Administrative rules design fault levels of the systems switchgear to be
and procedures are adequate to cover this method exceeded.
of operation.
• Ensure the correct sequence of circuit-breaker op­
• In systems where on-load parallel operation of cir­ erations for achieving check synchronising.
cuits would cause the m a x i m u m specified fault level
limits of the switchgear to be exceeded, operational Interlocking is normally accomplished by directly wiring
interlocking or monitoring and indication equipment together various combinations of switchgear auxiliary
can be installed to prevent the limits from being contacts into the operating circuits of other switch-
exceeded. gear. Thus a particular item of switchgear may only
be operated if the auxiliary contacts of other switches
Both relay logic and computer logic schemes have been are in such a configuration as to allow completion of
used. The choice is largely based on the complexity of the operating circuit of the switch in question.
the scheme, as the electrical relay logic scheme becomes The switchgear contacts used in the interlocking
difficult to design when there are a large number of schemes are generally wired into an interlock box,
possible interconnections to consider. In such a case, containing repeat relays and the interlocking logic, the
the number of relays and quantity of cabling between box being mounted close to the switchboard to be
cubicles of switchgear becomes prohibitive and veri­ interlocked. Connections from the switchgear to the
fication of the logic is difficult t o achieve. In addition, interlocking box are m a d e via marshalhng cubicles, with
changes are extremely difficult to incorporate. An all the cables being muUicore cables having 2.5 mm^
alternative is to use a computer-based scheme which conductors.
continually monitors circuit-breaker states, and calcu­ Interlock schemes should be designed to be 'fail
lates if the next circuit to close will cause an unaccept­ safe', i.e., the relays have to operate and positively
able operating condition. A computer-based scheme drive the interlocks to allow the switchgear to be op­
can be either indicative only, or indicative and preven­ erated. The equipment is operated from a 110 V D C
tive; and can be programmed to model the whole battery source and able to operate within the D C
electrical system, providing full flexibility in switching systems specified variations and fluctuations of supply
operations. voltage level. Supply supervision relays are provided
Relay schemes use circuit-breaker auxiliary contacts to monitor all fuses, and a clean pair of contacts from
and relay contacts, with any additional relays mounted this relay is provided per suite of cubicles to initiate
or interconnections m a d e , in purpose built boxes a remote alarm. Local indication identifying the failed
mounted adjacent to the switchboard concerned. fuse is provided, arranged to be visible without opening
Examples of interlocking schemes used are shown in the cubicle.
Figs 1.46, 1.47 and 1.48.
The example shown in Fig 1.46 illustrates some 8.3.1 Switchgear auxiliary contacts
of the electrical operational schemes used. They are
provided t o : The open or closed state of each item of switchgear
is determined from an arrangement of switchgear aux­
• Prevent the two transformer sources being connected iliary contacts. A n index of these auxihary contacts
together at 3.3 kV, as this would cause fault level used in interlocking schemes is shown on Fig 1.49.
limits to be exceeded. This drawing shows the latest computer aided drafting
symbols, alongside the old symbols used until recent­
• Allow the diesel generator to be connected to either ly, for each type of contact and defines their operating
transformer when testing the diesel generators. philosophy.

Electrical system design Chapter 1

• 11kV • 11kV


é Θ


Υ [CBT]^1s|[cB2] [CB3]^ [CB4] ID [cfe] m

3.3kV- \ / •3.3kV
\ /
\ /
\ /
\ /
\ /


Circuit breaker fitted with Cabled Interconnector Electrical Interlock.

autornatic synchronising facilities The circuit breaker without synchronising
facilities cannot be closed if the
r - i Circuit breaker fitted with manual remote breaker with check
[SJ synchronising facilities synchronising is closed first. See Fig. 1.50
Indicates electrical
.El Interlocks between a circuit-breaker
group. The figure in the left hand
corner denotes the number of breakers
in that group permitted to be closed Transformer Electrical Interlock.
at any one time. The figure in the right hand The H.V. circuit breaker may only
corner denotes the total 'number' of be closed if the L V . circuit
circuit-breakers in the group breaker is open. See Fig. 1.50

FIG. 1.46 Example system to illustrate the logic of electrical operational interlocking schemes

8.3.2 Application of interlock schemes depending u p o n the number of marshaUing cubicles

involved and also the distances between b o a r d s . These
variations are covered by loop diagrams which sup­
Definition of interlock types
port the circuit diagrams. Where synchronising inter­
The various interlocks that are used to manage different locking facilities are required on a circuit-breaker
interlocking schemes are depicted by unique symbols already involved in a separate interlocking scheme,
which can be added to system diagrams. These different the synchronising interlocks are incorporated into the
interlock symbols are shown in Fig 1.50. more complex overall interlocking scheme, where they
then form part of that scheme. For more details of
synchronising, see Chapter 12.
General interlocking schemes
Considering some of the more typical configurations
Certain interlocking requirements on different plant shown in Fig 1.51 in detail:
systems have resulted in c o m m o n interlock schemes
being developed. These common interlock schemes have • Transformers and interconnectors As a general
been refined and incorporated into an index of basic rule, transformers are introduced into the system by
schemes, and are shown in Fig 1.51. When developing first closing the H V circuit-breaker, thus energising
a scheme for a particular application, two or more both the H V and LV windings, and then closing the
of these general interlocking schemes may be combined LV circuit-breaker after synchronising checks have
to produce an overall scheme that will provide the been carried out. T o ensure that this procedure is
necessary interlock requirements for the correct and followed in the correct sequence, an operational
safe operation of the plant. Variations in the cabHng interlock is fitted which prevents the H V circuit-
requirements can occur for these same basic interlocks, breaker from closing if the LV circuit-breaker is

Electrical system monitoring a n d interlocking schemes





-® » « a 1R

D « ®-

6 « Ä-


4R-1 JRC-2

-» 5
-ÖÖ δ

^ ^ R - 1 J ^ C ^


FIG. 1 . 4 7 Circuit diagram showing *3 out of 4 ' interlocked circuit-breakers

already closed. Check synchronising interlock faci- W h e n the above interlock scheme has to operate
hties are fitted to the LV circuit-breaker which between local and remote circuit-breakers of such
prevents it closing if unacceptable voltage mismatch separation that direct wiring between the plant pro­
or phase differences exist. tection interlocks would cause excessive voU drop
Interconnectors, especially cable interconnectors, in the circuit-breakers control circuits, then circuit-
when not in service are usually left energised, from breaker repeat relays are used.
one end only, so as to monitor the integrity of the
• One out of two Operational electrical interlocks are
circuit continually. Bringing the interconnector into
fitted to the circuit-breakers of both feeder circuits
service, however, must always be accomplished via
connected to the board. These interlocks prevent both
the circuit-breaker fitted with the check synchronis­
feeder circuit-breakers being closed at the same time,
ing facilities.
which would otherwise result in unacceptable paral-
To ensure that this procedure is always followed,
lehng of the supphes. Either of the two feeders may
operational electrical interlocks are fitted which pre­
be selected for duty and closed onto the b o a r d , but
vent the circuit-breaker w i t h o u t synchronising
having accomplished this the interlocks then prevent
facilities being closed if the circuit-breaker with the
the remaining feeder circuit-breaker being closed. No
check synchronising is already closed. Check syn­
synchronising facilities are required as the above
chronising interlock facihties operate as described
interlock prevents the two supphes being connected
together. This scheme is shown in Figs 1.53 and 1.54.
The circuit and loop diagrams for the transformer
or interconnector arrangement are shown in Figs 1.48 • Two out of three This interlock scheme is designed
and 1.52 respectively. to prevent the paralleling of supplies without in-

Electrical system design Chapter 1

gear in a correct and predetermined sequence with

I l k V , 3.3kV AND 415V
all out-of-sequence operations inhibited.
BOARD 1 BOARD 2 If sequence interlocks are specified on the trans­
former and interconnector circuits, their application
must be developed and incorporated into the opera­

•I tional interlocking scheme as shown in Fig 1.57. It

should be noted that the sequence interlock does not
inhibit the operation of circuit-breaker N o 2 in any
7V1 .1.
way, and it is not therefore an alternative to an
operational interlock.

1 8.4 Computer-based systems

As mentioned above, an alternative and more flexi­
ble arrangement for system monitoring is to utilise
a computer-based scheme. The most recent of these
I installed by the C E G B has been at Heysham 2, F r o m
I 11/3.3kV
TRANSFORMER the description of the electrical auxiliaries system in
Section 3.2 of this chapter, it will be apparent that a
relay logic scheme for achieving interlocking could
have proved to be cumbersome and possibly restrictive

LvVHs in the connections available to the operators. The
decision was therefore made to develop and install a
computer-based monitoring system. The block diagram
for a computer-based fault level monitoring and indi­
cation equipment which has been installed is shown
This equipment does not prevent any circuit-breaker
CB HV PLANT PROTECTION from closing. The equipment advises the operator when
it is unsafe to close a circuit-breaker by an indication
at the point of switchgear control. Dual computer
VOLT DROP systems operating in a main and standby mode are
provided for main unit failure or routine maintenance.
J1 The equipment is designed for mean time between
failure (MTBF) of 10 years. The computer system
allows changes to be m a d e to the number of circuit-
CB HV PLANT PROTECTION breakers being monitored and the plant data used in the
-» »- computer model without the need to modify the
FIG. 1.48 Circuit diagram showing cabled inter­ The fault level calculation and graphical display
connector and transformer electrical interlock
software for the system is based on the U M I S T IPSA
package (see Chapter 2) with modifications to enable
the software to run in real-time, providing colour
hibiting the operational flexibility of the system. O p ­
displays acceptable for use in a central control r o o m
erational interlocks are fitted to the circuit-breakers
(CCR) and switchgear safety status information (LED
of both feeder circuits and on the bus section circuit-
breaker of the board. The system may be operated
As the software has been specified to be flexible
with both feeders closed onto their respective halves
and allow circuits and switchboards to be added and
of the board (as long as the bus section circuit-
removed, it follows that it can be used on future or
breaker is open), or if maintenance is to be carried
existing power stations.
out on one of the feeder circuits, both halves of the
A monitor in the C C R can display the connections
board can be coupled together via the bus section
and switchgear for any of the switchboards included
circuit-breaker and the board fed from the remaining
in the system. The display identifies any switchgear
feeder. No synchronising facilities are required as
which cannot be closed safely at any instant in time
the interlock prevents any paralleling of supplies.
and gives the potential increase in fault level if this
This scheme is shown in Figs 1.55 and 1.56.
were to be done. Each switchgear control switch in
• Sequence operational interlocks Sequence inter­ the C C R is also provided with a red L E D , which is
locks, if required, are to ensure the closure of switch- illuminated if it is unsafe to close the circuit. A times

Electrical system monitoring a n d interlocking schemes

Old Symbol New Symbol Component description

Withdrawable metalclad switchgear

Circuit-breaker general symbol

Circuit-breaker with HBC tripping fuse

t Off-load Disconnector

Fuses: (LH) general symbol

(RH) with supply side shown by thick line

Relay coil

Relay Contact: normally closed in de-energised state

Relay Contact: normally open in de-energised state

FIG. 1.49 Index of component symbols, old and new

record is also provided for each switchgear change of trical auxiliaries system remote control. The C E G B
state, for confirmation of operation and post-incident are investigating several options to this end which, in
analysis. the case of the remote control feature, would super­
The information provided by the computer will be sede the need for the full mimic panel in the C C R
used as an advisory aid by the operator. Although with discrepancy switch control used at present.
a computerised interlocking system has been installed
at the Drax coal-fired power station, it was decided
not to provide full interlocking at the Heysham 2
8.5 Maintenance interlocking equipment
nuclear power station. This decision was taken so
that the operators would not be inhibited from re- Maintenance interlocking is concerned essentially with
estabhshing vital electrical supplies under controlled personnel safety while maintenance is being performed
emergency conditions to ensure reactor safety. on electrical equipment. Plant damage must also be
The natural progression of the computer-based sys­ considered, but is less likely due to the plant being non-
tems is towards full interlocking schemes and elec­ operational during maintenance.

Electrical system design Chapter 1

isolated and in the case of H V , earthed. T o assist

the operators in implementing the Safety Rules it
Indicates electrical interlocks between a circuit-
breaker group. is normal to apply a discrete coded-key procedure
El The figure in the LH corner denotes the total number designed for each system. This procedure only allows
3\ / 4 of circuit-breakers in the group permitted to be closed
at any one time. The figure in the RH corner denotes access to the next stage, after the previous operation
the total number of breakers in the group.
has released a coded-key which in turn has to satis­
fy the next set of criteria. Following the system ensures
Indicates electrical interlocks between a circuit-
breaker group. that all the necessary isolation and earthing has been
The figure in the LH corner denotes that a maximum achieved in accordance with the Safety Rules prior to
of 3 out of the 5 circuit-breakers with this symbol may
be closed at any one time. The exception to this would allowing m a n access to plant.
be when a selected circuit-breaker is open, i.e., the
bus section, under this condition the interlock allows The choice of a maintenance interlocking scheme
the remaining 4 breakers to be closed. is largely dependent on the perceived maintenance
requirement and complexity of the plant concerned.
Transformer electrical interlock. The mechanical interlocking will be based on coded-
This circuit-breaker, (HV) can only be closed if the
remote circuit-breaker, (LV) is open. keys and key exchange boxes.
The following type of mechanical interlock key
Interconnector electrical interlock. facilities are available to be used:
This circuit-breaker can only be closed if
the remote circuit-breaker is open.

Symbol Type Function

ιs Circuit-breaker fitted with synchronising facilities.
Can only be closed if supplies are synchronised. \ Proof of earthing key

• A key free only when the circuit-

Ρ­ Ί Automatic synchronising breaker or earthing switch or
I A Circuit-breaker fitted with auto-synchronising
facilities. Once this function has been selected the switching device where appHcable

is breaker will auto close when supplies are

synchronised is closed in either the busbar
or circuit side earthing location.
Transformer electrical interlock.
Removal of the key shall lock
E / \ l This circuit-breaker (LV) can only be closed if the the circuit-breaker or earthing
Τ remote circuit breaker (HV) is closed, and supplies
are synchronised. switch or switching device in the
earthing location. (Key type *ΑΓ
Interconnector electrical interlock. — circuit earthing. Type Ά 2 '
This circuit-breaker can only be closed if the remote — busbar earthing.)
circuit breaker is closed, and supplies are
Note: Although 3.3 kV circuit-
breakers are provided with circuit
FIG. 1.50 Definition of symbols for types of interlock earthing and, where specified,
busbar earthing facilities; 3.3 kV
fused switching devices are p r o ­
Although the C E G B Safety Rules do not require vided with facilities for circuit
mechanical interlocking, it is current policy to provide earthing only.
a system of coded-key interlocks to assist the operator
in applying the Safety Rule requirements. The inter­ • Alternatively, a key made avail­
locking system is based on the following sequence: able by an Authorised Person
after the satisfactory application
• Isolation at all points of supply.
of portable earths.
• Proof of isolation.

• Earthing all items of equipment.

O Β Permissive close key

• Proof of earthing. A key which, when inserted, per­

mits the circuit-breaker or switching
• Issue of T e r m i t for Work'. device to be closed and is free
only when the circuit-breaker or
The objective is to allow safe access to electrical switching device is open. Attempted
equipment for maintenance purposes. Access is con­ removal of the key when the circuit-
trolled by a rigid set of Safety Rules specifically drawn breaker or switching device is closed
up and controlled by the C E G B , under a formal T e r m i t shall not cause tripping of the
for W o r k ' system. These ensure that access is denied circuit-breaker or switching device.
until all electrical apparatus has been switched off. Alternatively for a disconnector, a

Electrical system monitoring a n d interlocking schemes

4 is
1¿ 11 kV 3.3kV&415V



/ \
/ \
/ \
/ \
/ \
/ \

Ϊ. ; II Υ Υ

IlkV 3.3kV&415V 11kV3.3kV& 415V


t- 1
ν El ;



γ i 1 1Χ.
11kV3.3kV& 415V 11kV3.3kV&415V
IlkV 3.3kV&415V



A 1 A" ΓΑ Λ

1 11kV3
.3kV& 415V

FIG, 1.51 Index of basic operational interlock schemes

Electrical system design Chapter 1



«—h-» «—
201 101

202 102
U 1
203 RRA-1



FIG. 1.52 Loop diagram of operational interlocks for transformer or interconnector

Symbol Type Function

key which, when inserted, permits
the disconnector to be closed and
is free only in the 'disconnected'

It shall not be possible to close
the disconnector with the key re­
moved. Attempted removal of the
key when the disconnector is closed
shall have no effect. (Key type

Permissive earthing key

55- A key which, when inserted, per­
mits the circuit-breaker or earthing
switch or switching device where
applicable, to be closed in either
the busbar or circuit side earthing
location and is free only when the
INTERLOCKS CB1 circuit-breaker or earthing switch
or switching device is open. At­
tempted removal of the key when
t h e c i r c u i t - b r e a k e r or e a r t h i n g
FIG. 1.53 1 out of 2 circuit-breaker operational switch or switching device is closed
interlock circuit diagram shall not cause tripping of the

Electrical system monitoring a n d interlocking schemes





FiG. 1.54 1 out of 2 circuit-breaker operational interlock loop diagram


1 i
^ C ^ P O ^

-5? »- 5 »-


-ÖÖ » - HS
-» »- ^
CB2 >
-» »-
no J R C ^



FIG. 1.55 2 out of 3 circuit-breaker operational interlock circuit diagram

Electrical system design Chapter 1





u rn


213 IRC-3

PPI 214


201 J^MR-1

FAIL 202




FIG. 1 . 5 6 2 out of 3 circuit-breaker operational interlock loop diagram

Symbol Type Function Symbol Type Function

circuit-breaker or earthing switch
or switching device. (Key type ' C T
O ^ and operate the circuit-breaker
or switching device in either t h e
— circuit earthing, type *C2' — earthing o r isolated locations and
busbar earthing.) to insert and operate the earthing
Although 3.3 kV circuit-breakers switch where applicable in the
are provided with circuit earth­ earthing locations.
ing a n d , where specified, busbar Release of a key type Ό Γ
earthing facihties; 3.3 kV switching must n o t inhibit subsequent cir­
devices are provided with facilities cuit earthing a n d , similarly, re­
for circuit earthing only. lease of a key type *D2' must
not inhibit subsequent b u s b a r
O D Proof of isolation key

• A key free only when t h e cir­ • Alternatively, a key free only

cuit-breaker o r switching d e ­ when t h e fixed circuit-breaker,
vice is removed from the service disconnector or earth switch is
location. fully open. Removal of the key
It shall n o t be possible t o shall lock t h e equipment in t h e
insert t h e c i r c u i t - b r e a k e r o r fully open position.
switching device into t h e service
location with the key removed, • Alternatively, a key made avail­
but it shall be possible t o insert able by the Charge Engineer after

Electrical system monitoring a n d interlocking schemes

Symbol Type Function

BOARD ' 11kV3.3kVS415V BOARD 2

• key is trapped until the original

(cont'd) position or m o d e of operation is

HV\ 1

A key that is normally in a key

A exchange box and is released only
when all the permission keys have
been inserted.

v>-- 6 This indicates, on a drawing, the

normal location of the key when
the circuit is in service.

Subscript C H , a key normally in

CH the possession of an Authorised
CUBICLE CB2 0 R C B HV Person released only after satis­
factory completion of the specified

Subscript X , a released key in the
INTERLOCKS secure possession of an Authorised
Person to enable the Permit for
W o r k to be issued.

Subscript R, a key associated with

the red phase of the equipment
FIG. 1 . 5 7 Transformer and interconnector sequence for use in local key exchange
interlock scheme — circuit diagram schemes.

Subscript Y, a key associated with

Symbol Type Function
the yellow phase of the equipment
for use in local key exchange
satisfactory mechanical isolation
^ {cont'd) of the main turbine-generator or
diesel generator.

Subscript B, a key associated with
the blue phase of the equipment
Disconnector position key
for use in local key exchange
A key which, when inserted, permits systems.
the disconnector to be closed or
disconnected and is free in both
8.5.1 Key exchange boxes
'closed' and 'disconnected' posi­
tions. Removal of the key shall The Isolation Earthing Key Exchange Boxes operate
lock the disconnector in the 'closed' by receiving one key from each specified item of equip­
position. Removal of the key in ment and then releasing one key for each specified
the 'disconnected' position shall item of equipment to be earthed.
not prevent complete withdrawal Certain items of equipment will require local key
of the carriage nor access for exchange boxes as each phase of the equipment has
maintenance. an individual interlock key system.

I I Η Operation facility key 8.5.2 Scheme application

A key which, when inserted, per­ A typical example of applying a coded-key interlocking
mits the desired position or m o d e scheme is illustrated o n Fig 1.59 and the associated
of operation to be selected. The procedure is as follows.

Electrical system design Chapter 1







I 3



FIG. 1.58 Block diagram for computer-based fault level monitoring and indication equipment

3,3 kV Chlorination plant board 7(8) (c) A key exchange b o x will be provided t o accept the
above three keys. When all keys are inserted t w o
The following system permits work o n all circuits on
Type C2 keys will be released.
the above switchboard except the circuit spouts of
transformers a n d interconnectors:
(d) T h e t w o Type C2 keys will then be inserted into
any two of the circuit-breakers through which it is
(a) Isolate all points of supply from which the bus­
possible t o feed (including backfeed) the switch­
bars can be made ahve, releasing keys as detailed
b o a r d . T h e busbars are then earthed through these
two circuit-breakers at t w o circuit positions.
• Type D l key from 3.3 kV Interconnector t o
Chlorination Plant Board 8(7), the key being o b ­ (e) When each circuit-breaker is closed o n t o earth, a
tained from the remote circuit-breaker in the iso­ Type A 2 key will be released.
lated position.
(f) T h e Type A 2 keys will be held by a n Authorised
• Type D l key from 3.3/0.415 kV Chlorination Person a n d locked away t o enable 'Permits for
Plant Transformer 7(8), the key being obtained W o r k ' t o be issued.
from the 415 V circuit-breaker in the isolated
position. (g) T o allow access t o the busbar spouts of one of
the circuit-breakers used for earthing the busbars,
• Type D l key from 11/3.3 kV Chlorination Plant the Authorised Person will release one of the Type
Transformer 7(8), the key being obtained from A 2 keys, permitting the earth t o be removed a n d
the 11 kV circuit-breaker in the isolated position. the withdrawable portion removed.
It will not be possible t o maintain both circuit-
(b) All vohage transformer isolation must be carried breakers used for earthing the busbars simulta­
out and checked (no interlocks are provided). neously. T h e Authorised Person will have t o retain

Electrical system monitoring a n d interlocking schemes




1 .




FIG. 1.59 Typical coded-key maintenance interlocking scheme

at least one of the Type A2 keys to satisfy equipment which contains live metal must be designed
the Safety Rule earthing requirements. such that access is denied at all times whilst the
equipment is energised. Typical examples of this are
(h) Reinstatement of supplies will be established in
switchgear cubicles where internal access is not possible
the reverse order.
when the isolator is *on', which is done by ensuring
Note: It has been assumed that the Chlorination that in this position the door cannot be opened. Al­
Plant Electrolysers are 'dead end feeders' in the above though these requirements are written in the equipment
procedure. specification, there are several ways t o achieve the
objective. T h e choice must be one of a balanced design,
preventing defeat from the unintentional act but at the
8.6 Other safety interlocking same time not building in complications which makes
During normal operation it is imperative that all normal operation more difficult.

C H A P T E R 2

Electrical system analysis

1 Principles of electrical system analysis 2.5.2 Component and branch numbering

2.5.3 Branch definition
1.1 Introduction
2.5.4 Criteria of failure
1.2 System design assessments
2.5.5 Analysis control procedures
1.3 Analysis program developments
2.5.6 Deduction of minimal paths
1.4 Analysis techniques
2.5.7 Deduction of minimal cut sets
1.4.1 Reliability evaluation
2.5.8 Types of failure/restoration event
1.4.2 Power system performance analysis
2.5.9 Switching effects of component active failure
1.5 Quality assurance of analysis programs
2.5.10 Markov state-space models
2 Reliability evaluation of power systems 2.5.11 Evaluation techniques (busbar indices)
2.5.12 Evaluation techniques (system indices)
2.1 Introduction
2.5.13 Presentation of results
2.2 Quantitative reliability evaluation
2.6 Quality assurance
2.2. 1 Choice of numerical indices
2.7 Typical applications
2.2. 2 Scope of reliability evaluation assessments
2.7.1 Example of the calculation and use of busbar indices
2.3 Computer programs for reliability evaluation
2.7.2 Example of the calculation and use of system indices
2.3. 1 Batch program — RELAPSE
2.3. 2 Interactive program — GRASP (Version 1) 3 Power system performance analysis
2.3.,3 Interactive program - GRASP (Version 2)
3.1 Load flow analysis
2.4 Data requirements
3.1.1 Introduction
2.4,,1 Active failure rate
3.1.2 Program construction [4,5]
2.4,,2 Passive failure rate
3.1.3 Use of programs
2.4,.3 Total failure rate
3.2 Fault level analysis
2.4 .4 Average repair time
3.2.1 Introduction
2.4 .5 Switching time
3.2.2 Program construction
2.4 .6 Maintenance rate
3.2.3 Use of programs
2.4 .7 Maintenance time
3.3 Stability analysis
2.4 .8 Stuck probability
3.3.1 Introduction
2.4 .9 Time limit of a limited energy source
3.3.2 Analytical and programming considerations
2.4 .10 Common mode failure rate
3.3.3 Use of programs
2.5 Techniques employed
3.4 Future developments of electrical analysis programs
2.5 .1 Graphical representation of the station electrical
system 4 References

1 Principles of electrical system analysis works comply with specified operating performance
and safety criteria.

• Evaluate the comparative performance and cost

1.1 Introduction
effectiveness of alternative plant designs and system
The assessment and vaHdation of electrical power configurations.
systems in terms of their predicted performance and
• Determine and optimise plant and system parameters
comparative levels of reliability and availability are
for technical performance specification purposes.
essential tasks in the early design phases for all major
projects. This is particularly important in respect of • Provide the electrical characteristics necessary for
those aspects of the design and performance necessary the design of electrical protection systems.
for ensuring the safe and satisfactory integration of
various types of power station into the C E G B grid • Define system and plant constraints for operational
supply system. and maintenance procedural purposes.
Broadly, the primary functional design objectives of
electrical system analysis are t o : System and plant parameters are currently fully repre­
• Ensure that the designs for plant and system net­ sented by mathematical models in the design process

Principles of electrical system analysis

and, with the evolution of digital computer aided design • Data tables are generated automatically from the
facilities over the past fifteen years, the scope and diagram information for each of the plant com­
detailed representation of power system simulation ponents and system connections.
studies has increased significantly in comparison with
• Self-explanatory help and option menus are dis­
earlier analysis techniques. Also, with the increasing
played on the screen and, where necessary, specific
involvement of computers, there are continuing pos­
error messages or warnings are displayed.
sibilities for the development and enhancement of the
computer programs described later in this chapter. • Display options allow key resuks to be displayed
either directly on the network diagram or in tabular
and graphical form.
1.2 System design assessments
The design and operation of power systems require The p r o g r a m s ' 'user-friendly' operating procedures
comprehensive analysis in order to evaluate the per­ are particularly enhanced by the extensive apphcation
formance under normal and abnormal conditions of of computer graphics for the input of system and
operation, whilst recognising the defined system per­ plant data, results output and control functions. Typi­
formance and safety criteria discussed in Chapter 1. cal examples of system network diagrammatic and
In this regard, both power system performance and graphical output displays that are capable of being
reliabihty evaluation analysis play equally important copied by means of a hard copy unit directly from
roles in achieving a high standard of overall power the computer terminal screen are shown in Figs 2.1
system integrity and ensuring the optimal utilisation of and 2.2.
capital investment in power station plant and systems. Experience in the collaborative development of com­
System integrity is particularly important for nuclear puter aided system analysis programs, has demonstrated
power stations, for which nuclear safety and district that the final quality is particularly influenced by how
hazard assessments have to be made in support of the well the design concepts, needs objectives, and organ­
application for an operating licence. isational and responsibility arrangements are jointly
established at the inception of the development project.
The design assessments must necessarily involve the
Particular emphasis is therefore placed on the design
rehability evaluation and power system performance
concepts and objectives being formulated on a sound
analysis of the interface connections between the grid
technical basis, while ensuring that associated important
system and the power station, together with the station
design functions, such as program structure, controls,
electrical systems which provide electrical power to the
mathematical models, calculation routines, data-base
boiler/reactor, turbine-generator auxiUaries and station
management, etc., are clearly defined. T o assist further
services plant. The station electrical systems comprise
in the definition and understanding of the overall
many supply systems of the radial type, including
p r o g r a m logic, flow charts (typically as depicted in
transformers, switchgear, m o t o r s , gas turbine and diesel
Fig 2.3) are produced at the commencement of each
generators, cables and connections.
development project. The chart displays all the activities
which need to be considered in the development of a
new program and provides the starting point for the
1.3 Analysis program developments computer software p r o g r a m designer.
Power system analysis involves some very complex The further development of computer aided analysis
numerical processes which, together with the entry of programs is an ongoing task in order to keep abreast
system data and the extraction of essential results, with the rapid technological advances being made in
constitute a very substantial workload on the design plant and system designs, e.g., the introduction of
engineer in making assessments of system performance. m o d e r n electronic speed and vohage controllers for
It is important, therefore, that aspects of computing governors and automatic vohage regulators (AVRs),
organisation such as operating procedures and com­ thyristor drive controllers, vacuum switches, fast op­
mands are removed, as far as practicable, from the erating electronic protection equipment, etc.
design engineer's tasks to enable him to concentrate
on the quality of the system design and performance.
T o this end, separate suites of batch m o d e and 1.4 Analysis techniques
interactive computer programs have been specifically
Prior to the development of the computer analysis
developed to incorporate the following *user-friendly'
facilities described in the previous section, h a n d calcula­
tions formed the main method of analytical solution;
• System networks are drawn on the computer ter­ these were supported, whenever possible, by A C and
minal screens in diagrammatic form, thereby p r o ­ D C analyser facilities for system load flows, fault levels
viding a familiar framework for the engineer t o and transient fault performance.
identify the correctness of the system for analysis Such analysis techniques were inherently time con­
purposes. suming and permitted only simplified representations

Electrical system analysis Chapter 2


I 40ΘΚυ υ
'^gf . 1 ΒΘ8
1 .88d
1 .ΘΘ5
233^ —
1 .089



J13 J14
8.999 Β6Β^3^ 1.886 1.011 1.886
, : B 6 C 3.3KV


1.886 1 .018 3.3KV

0.998 J

415Ufl 41&UB 415V

t .838 Λ 1 . » 3 5
8.5 8.7
IPSfl84H 15:23:36 on 08 FEB 1989

FIG. 2.1 Load flow results for a power station electrical auxiliary system and grid supply system interface connections.
The load flows are expressed in terms of MVA loadings with system voltage profile levels in pu values.

of electrical auxiliary systems and associated plant. short term transient condition of 5 seconds, but they
They involved network reduction techniques, with many can of course be submitted for analysis during computer
design performance approximations and assumptions; off-peak periods at night times a n d weekends.
sensitivity and iterative studies, invoking permissible Interactive on-line computing, by comparison, al­
system and plant design tolerances, were necessarily of lows the design engineer t o interface with, a n d directly
an extremely constrained nature. control, the analysis process from a computer terminal
With present day computer programs a n d computing in respect of the network representation, type of study
facilities, the analysis techniques are vastly more com­ required, system parameters, corrective actions and
prehensive, efficient and precise than older methods. output result displays. While interactive computing is
Batch m o d e a n d interactive analysis programs enable highly user orientated a n d consequently more time
the predictive performance of station electrical system demanding at the terminal for the design engineer,
designs t o be optimised o n an iterative basis, with it is much faster than batch m o d e analysis systems in
much more detail and a higher degree of accuracy than the overall turn r o u n d time of producing results,
previously, in an extremely short time. especially for steady state power system studies.
Batch mode computing systems are capable of ana­ The availability of separate suites of batch m o d e
lysing the performance of m o r e than one power system a n d interactive computer programs, when coupled with
at a time and are primarily suitable for processing the their respective databases, enables a series of specific
extensive amounts of information and results asso­ power system performance or reliability evaluation ana­
ciated with the dynamic transient analysis of large lysis studies t o be undertaken in a uniform m a n n e r ,
systems. Such studies m a y , for example, involve a by varying the system parameters a n d the type of study.
computational time of about 10 minutes for a single As a consequence of the ability t o control the type

Principles of electrical system analysis

7H 1.10 1.0 Η

6 H 1.05 Η
1.06 0.8 Η
1.04 1.00 Η

1.02 0.6 Η
4 H 0.95 Η
0.7H 1.00

3H 0.90 Η
0.98 0.4 Η

2H 0.85 Η
0.94 0.2 Η

H 0A-\ 0.80-U

Ο-" 0.3-1 0.90 0.0 -Ό.75


- GENERATOR SPEED (PU ON 50 Hz - 1000 r/min)

FIG. 2.2 Gas circulator pony motor speed change study

of Study and sequence of studies from within a suite interface connection arrangements between the grid
of programs, the efficiency and speed of response in system, the turbine-generator units and the associated
producing assessments of large complex systems has station electrical supply systems. T h e extent of the
increased significantly. system evaluation undertaken, using interactive com­
For example, having entered all the system and plant puting p r o g r a m s , incorporates the following analysis
data, the design engineer is able to produce the results features:
of a power system steady state analysis or reliabihty
• Failure rates.
evaluation study within a matter of seconds for a
complete power station electrical system, including the • Outage durations.
grid interface connections. It is also a relatively simple
• Outage times.
exercise to undertake sensitivity studies to identify the
system components and parameters having a critical • C o m m o n m o d e failures.
impact on the overall system performance. • Limited energy sources.
One should not, however, overlook the considerable
• Time dependent reliability.
design effort and time that is involved in setting u p
the system networks and the collation, checking and
entry of the system plant and connection data for The basic techniques required to analyse and evaluate
modelhng and simulating complete station electrical the reliability of the systems include the simulation
systems fully. This may a m o u n t to something in excess of realistic failure events, restoration procedures,
of eight m a n weeks for a large power system. switching actions, maintenance events and operational
1.4.1 Reliability evaluation For multiple turbine-generator power stations with
identical unit a n d station systems, it is more efficient
A rehability evaluation study forms the n o r m a l starting t o divide the systems into subsystems. This technique,
point for comparing the effectiveness of alternative as explained in detail later, is not only efficient and

Electrical system analysis Chapter 2










FIG. 2 . 3 Time dependent reliability analysis program — flow chart

precise but reduces the design engineering effort in­ • Transient fault stability performance of systems and
volved in the preparation and input of system com­ motors.
ponent data. • Fast transient switching of systems and m o t o r s .

• Transient recovery voltage levels.

1.4.2 Power system performance analysis
• Controller modelHng of A V R s , governors and prime
Batch mode and interactive computing programs are
used to assess the performance of integrated and
isolated power systems in respect of: • Power system protection co-ordination of relays and
• Load flows, voltage regulation and transformer
tapchanger optimisation.
Power system performance analysis is largely based on
• Short-circuit (symmetrical and asymmetrical) fault load flow, short-circuit and transient stability studies.
levels. The analysis, using nominal plant parameters, com­
mences with the calculation of the steady state power
• Dynamic m o t o r starting performance.

Reliability evaluation of p o w e r systems

flows, voltage distributions and short-circuit fault levels possible standard of quality by instituting rigorous
throughout the system during no load, minimum load, verification and vaUdation testing disciplines from the
start-up and C M R sequence loading (block loading) inception of a p r o g r a m up to the stage when it is for­
conditions of the turbine-generator unit operation. Dur­ mally released in a production status version. Test
ing this stage of the analysis, transformer tap changer systems, representative of the wide spectrum of the
positions are adjusted, as appropriate, to achieve the electrical systems encountered within power stations,
optimum system voltage profiles for these conditions are used for the quality assurance of all program ver­
of operation. Dynamic m o t o r starting and system tran­ sions and enhancements.
sient fault stability performance evaluation studies are Each development and production version of a
also introduced during this process for the optimisation program is identified with a unique identification re­
of system and plant parameters. ference, which is displayed on the V D U during analysis
Further steady state, dynamic response and transient and is subsequently printed automatically on the system
fauh stability sensitivity analyses are then performed, input, network diagrams, graphical and output data
selectively invoking permissible plant manufacturing sheets.
tolerances, defined system operating ranges of voltage At an early period in the development process,
and frequency, and credible system and plant outage an appropriate level of verification and vaHdation
operating conditions. Calculation of system dynamic testing is initiated and formally recorded with respect
responses uses a step-by-step approach, starting from to program source codes, models, calculations and
a specified balanced steady state operating condition control routines. Verification activities are progres­
produced by a load flow study. sively increased during the development, involving ex­
Analysis programs contain a number of models for tensive testing and comparison of the source codes with
the representation of synchronous machines and induc­ the mathematical models by the specialist software
tion motors; they automatically select the most suitable programmer.
model, according to the a m o u n t of data provided by The verification and vaHdation tasks are the re­
the user in terms of the machine model parameters. sponsibility of the design engineer, who undertakes a
The most detailed models of a synchronous machine comprehensive comparison of the mathematical models
include the transient and sub-transient and saturation and p r o g r a m results with manual calculations, field
function parameters, together with the excitation and measurements of plant and system performance tests
speed governor controller model block diagram transfer and, whenever applicable, with earHer versions of the
function elements. Other loads are represented as fixed program and alternative validated analysis programs.
impedances, while the transformers, transmission and The widespread utilisation of a program by many de­
cable connections are represented by their equivalent sign engineers for the analysis of various types of
circuit parameters. integrated and isolated power systems is an additional
Inclusion of the effects of instantaneous voltage and important contribution to the verification and valida­
frequency deviations into the calculations, produces a tion process.
more reaUstic assessment of system behaviour under Notwithstanding the procedures and disciplines out-
transient conditions. The widely used diesel or gas- Hned it is recognised that the verification, validation and
turbine generator supported essential supply systems in modification of computer programs may continue for
nuclear power stations are examples of such operating m a n y years foHowing their formal introduction at a
situations and a special purpose transient analysis pro­ production status level. Rigid quality control disciplines
gram has been developed for assessing their dynamic must continue to be exercised in this regard in accor­
performance. This program recalculates the plant and dance with the procedures outHned.
system parameters throughout the transient variations
of instantaneous voltage and frequency, thereby enabl­
ing the systems and plant to be designed and operated
closer to their Hmits, coupled with the abihty to define 2 Reliability evaluation of power systems
the settings of the associated protective devices m o r e
2.1 Introduction
Detailed descriptions of power system reliabihty
evaluation and performance analysis are given in the The reliability of larger turbine-generator units (500
following Sections 2 and 3 respectively. These descrip­ M W and above) in modern power stations is assuming
tions are comprehensively illustrated by authentic com­ increasing significance in terms of system security and
puter printouts generated by the software programs the economics of supply, since they are used in the main
under discussion, i.e., they have not been subjected to to meet the base load requirements of the grid system.
any form of artistic licence. It follows that all the supporting auxiliary plant
and systems within each station must have a similar
high degree of reHability, in order to minimise the
1.5 Quality assurance of analysis progranns impact of their failure on the overall reliability of the
Particular emphasis is placed on achieving the highest main units.

Electrical system analysis Chapter 2

The Station Electrical System (SES) is an example culated and used as a measure of the 'goodness' of
of one such internal system: it can be considered to a SES. The following are typical examples of suitable
have three constituent parts: indices:
• The M A I N system, the principal function of which FR Failure /?ate, the expected average
is to distribute a sufficient supply of electrical power number of failures in a specified period
of the required quality to all the drives and aux­
iliary plant associated with the boilers/reactors and MTBF The M e a n Time between Failures
turbine-generators. Failure of all or even part of this MTTR The M e a n Time Γο i?epair
system could have a direct impact on the availability
AOD The /Iverage Outage D u r a t i o n or average
of a main generator, causing either the total loss or
down time
reduction of output from the generator to the grid
system. O T or O D The total Outage Time or total Outage
£)owntime in a specified period
• The G U A R A N T E E D system which supplies power
of guaranteed quality to computers, instruments, LOG The total Loss Of Generation in a spe­
etc., necessary for the operational control and moni­ cified period due to system unreliability
toring of the power station. Sometimes this is
LOR The total Loss Of /Revenue in a specified
referred to as the No-break system and is required
period due to system unreliability
to continue to function during large system distur­
bances, unit start, shutdown, etc. ER The e n c o u n t e r i?ate for operation in
various derated states (see (b) below).
• The E S S E N T I A L system which comprises standby
generators and associated electrical connections and
drives (some of which are common with the M A I N The interactive computer programs developed speci­
system). This is sometimes called the Short-break fically for the quantitative reliability evaluation of
system and is generally used (with or without the power station electrical systems (described in Section
standby generators) to supply power to all those 2.3 of this chapter) calculate, hst a n d / o r display the
auxiliaries necessary for the safe operation and post- reliability indices. The following indices have been
trip cooling requirements of nuclear stations and selected as the most useful and appropriate in the
for black starting of fossil-fired stations. iterative process of system design:

(a) For a particular load point or node of a SES:

It is important, therefore, that a reliability assessment
of ah three parts of the SES is performed during, FR Expected average number of failures of
and as an integral part of, the design process and supply to the load point in a year (fail­
should cover all the system operating configurations ures/year)
and station running modes. AOD Average outage duration or downtime —
Reliabihty assessment, as such, is not a new require­ average time for which n o supply is avail­
ment. Engineers have always striven to design systems able at the load point (hours)
that will continue to operate in a safe and reliable
manner. In the past, this reliability has generally been AOT Total annual outage time — total time in
achieved by drawing on the experience of design and a year when n o supply is available at the
operational staff and using purely engineering and qua­ load point — (hours/year).
litative criteria. Quantitative assessment, due mainly to (b) For the SES as a whole:
the sheer tedium of the calculations involved, tended
to be limited to the evaluation of relatively small ER Expected frequency of operation of the
systems (comprised of few components). power station or main generator unit in
various derated states in a year (occasions/
2.2 Quantitative reliability evaluation AD Average duration of operation in each of
It is clear that a quantitative evaluation of the SES the derated states (hours)
reliability is of considerable help in decision making
AOT Total time of operation in each of the
during the design phases of any power station project.
derated states in a year (hours/year)
It consists of the calculation of a set of numerical
indices which provides a measure of the 'goodness' of LOG Expected loss of generation in a year due
the system and can be used during the design phase to to the unrehability of the SES (MWh/year).
compare one system with another.
2.2.2 Scope of reliability evaluation assessments
2.2.1 Choice of numerical indices The availability of very powerful modern mainframe
There are many reliability indices that could be cal- computers led to the development of efficient computer

Reliability evaluation of p o w e r systems

programs containing algorithms which facilitate the 2.3.1 Batch program — RELAPSE
probabilistic assessment of the rehability of very large
During the first development project, the techniques,
electrical systems (systems containing a very large num­
which are described in more detail in Section 2.5 of
ber of components). With such computing facilities,
this chapter, were incorporated into a computer pro­
the system design engineer is provided with a very
gram designed to run in batch m o d e but capable of
powerful design aid.
analysing only small systems (containing u p to about
Such assessments facilitate the following design 15 load point busbars or nodes).
activities: This first batch p r o g r a m (called R E L A P S E —
• The comparison of alternative designs of SES with Reliability Evaluation of Electrical Systems) was not
regard to the reliabihty of supply to corresponding very 'user friendly'. The data preparation stage was
nodes or load point busbars in each system to which extremely laborious, requiring the completion of nu­
merous data sheets from which sets of punched cards
it is proposed to connect certain critical plant.
were produced. It was necessary for these t o be checked
• Indication of how a system may fail, assessing the thoroughly for accuracy and arranged in the correct
consequences of such failures and providing suffi­ order in a deck suitable for computer input via a card
cient information to enable the quahty of a system reader. The t u r n a r o u n d for each study took anything
to be related to agreed reliabihty standards or tar­ u p to three days.
gets. Where the agreed standards/targets are not
achieved, sensitivity calculations can be undertaken 2.3.2 Interactive program — GRASP (Version 1)
during the design phase to enable the design engineer
to decide what improvements to the system should The main objective of the next development project
be made and whether the capital cost of such im­ was an interactive version of the R E L A P S E program,
provements (if any) is acceptable. suitable for running under a time sharing system (TSO)
from a remote graphics terminal. Briefly, this work
• Quantitative assessments of the loss of generation entailed the improvement of the R E L A P S E algorithms
(in M W h / y e a r ) resulting from the unrehability of to m a k e them m o r e efficient and the development of
the SES. The unreliability of the SES can thus be new algorithms for the graphics drawing routines,
expressed in financial terms by applying the current data entry and editing, file storing and retrieval, etc.,
figure for the marginal cost of replacement genera­ all of which were designed to m a k e the program more
tion (running alternative plant which is more ex­ 'user friendly'.
pensive in terms of cost per unit output). With this interactive program (called G R A S P —
Graphic/interactive Reliability of Auxiliary Systems
• Checking that, for a nuclear station, the proposals of Power stations), once having set u p the system to
for the provision of local (on-site) standby generation be evaluated and entered the appropriate data, fuU
and the methods of connecting this to the SES, 'on-the-spot' control of the analysis study is available
ensures that the contribution of the SES to the total to the user. N o t only can the basic assessment of the
probability of a degraded core does not exceed the system be undertaken but, due to the flexibility built
agreed design target. into the p r o g r a m , a whole range of sensitivity studies
can very easily and quickly be undertaken by changing
• Inclusion of the effects of c o m m o n m o d e failure the system topology a n d / o r data and re-running the
(CMF) in an assessment of the SES (if suitable data study to obtain instant resuUs. Various options are
is available) when the proposed physical disposition buiU into the p r o g r a m , which can be exercised by the
of the various components is known. Alternative­ user to control both the precision and objectives of
ly (even without such C M F data), the sensitivity each study.
of the system reliabihty indices to the C M F of cer­ P a r t of this development also included increasing
tain groups or sets of system components can be the array dimensions within the program to enable
examined. much larger systems (containing u p t o about 50 nodes)
to be evaluated a n d inserting full protection against
malfunctioning of the p r o g r a m , together with appro­
2.3 Computer programs for reliability priate error message displays.
evaluation The interactive drawing routines developed for the
G R A S P p r o g r a m are very similar (as perceived by the
The C E G B has undertaken, over many years, the user) to those of the /nteractive P o w e r Systems /Inalysis
development of computer analysis programs specifi­ (IPSA) programs described elsewhere in this chapter.
cally for power system rehability evaluation, by adapt­
ing and enhancing any techniques that can be applied
to the numerical evaluation of reliability and incor­ 2.3.3 Interactive program — GRASP (Version 2)
porating these techniques in computer programs for During the development and use of G R A S P 1, it
use in system design. was recognised that the scope and efficiency of re-

Electrical system analysis Chapter 2

liability assessments could be significantly enhanced Limited energy sources

by the introduction of subsystem concepts, c o m m o n
Although the techniques developed and incorporated
mode failure evaluation and limited energy sources
within the R E L A P S E and G R A S P 1 programs included
restoration modes which made use of local standby
generators, no account was taken of the fact that such
Subsystem concepts standby plant may only be capable of supplying the
required system power for a limited time. Under cir­
Due to the fact that, for a reHability evaluation, the
cumstances where, for example, a time Hmit was im­
graphical input of a system had to be performed on a
posed by the size of on-site fuel storage tanks, the
component-by-component basis, it became apparent
assessment of the SES reHability would not be correct,
that this was now the most tedious part of the work
if the restoration m o d e involved the use of the standby
required of the user of the interactive program.
Recognising that, in general, the SES for a typical
New algorithms were therefore developed for the
power station could be broken down into four or five
G R A S P 2 program to take account of this time limit
broadly similar subsystems, the next development pro­
and thereby permit a more realistic representation and
ject included (amongst other things) the provision of
assessment of the real system.
an improved graphics drawing system. The system de­
veloped is known as the Subsystem Drawing Routine,
With this system, implemented in the G R A S P 2 inter­ 2.4 Data requirements
active computer program, it is only necessary to input
The methods of reliability evaluation used within the
the system and data for, say, the SES associated with
G R A S P interactive computer programs require a selec­
one generator unit of a four-unit station and then use
tion of the following component reliability data, ac­
the computer to reproduce this three times and store as
cording to the purpose and wider objectives of each
separate subsystems. It is possible, of course, to retrieve
each of the individual subsystems and make minor
changes in the normal way. For a complete representa­
tion and subsequent analysis of the complete SES for 2.4.1 Active failure rate
a four-unit station, it is then necessary to draw the The average number of times per year that a component
remainder of the SES, i.e., the Station System, separate­ fails actively.
ly as the fifth subsystem and use the Interconnector A component active failure is defined as one which
Drawing Facility to interconnect all five subsystems, as results in the operation of protective devices to isolate
necessary. the entire zone a r o u n d the failed component auto­
The result of this development is to reduce to about matically, e.g., a short-circuit.
one-third, the effort required of the user to input a
large system, compared with that previously required 2.4.2 Passive failure rate
with G R A S P 1. The average number of times per year (failures/year)
that a component fails passively.
Common mode failure evaluation A component passive failure is defined as one which
does not result in the operation of any protective de­
The batch computer program R E L A P S E and the
vice but would nevertheless cause loss of supply to the
first interactive program G R A S P 1 only included over­
busbar under consideration, e.g., an open-circuit or
lapping independent failure events and maintenance
the false opening of a circuit-breaker.
It is a requirement in laying out a power station
that segregation is maintained between the components 2.4.3 Total failure rate
of each power system, and those of all other systems. The average of the total number of failures per year
This is not easily achievable due to space limitations, (for which records are available) that require the
and can be very costly. The close proximity of compo­ removal of the component from service for repair due
nents, such as can occur within cable tunnels, switch- to either of its failure modes (active and passive).
rooms, etc., suggests that certain groups of components
are susceptible to c o m m o n m o d e failure. 2.4.4 Average repair time
To add more precision to the assessment of the
The average time (hours/failure) taken to repair all
reHability of a SES, this development included the
failures (active and passive), for each component.
extension of the algorithms, drawing routines and
models and equations within the G R A S P 2 interactive
program, so that events involving the c o m m o n m o d e 2.4.5 Switching time
failure of certain user specified groups/sets of com­ Following a component active failure, the average
ponents could be included in the evaluation. time (hours) taken to isolate manually the failed com-

Reliability evaluation of p o w e r systems

ponent and restore all possible healthy components evaluation of a SES is therefore to input the system
to service. to the computer using interactive graphic techniques.
The system is drawn on the V D U display, component
by component. The symbols used are those normally
2.4.6 Maintenance rate
recognised by engineers as representing the components
The average number of occasions per year (outages/ of a SES, for example, two interlocking circles to re­
year) that a component is taken out of service for present a transformer; a filled in rectangle to represent
preventive or scheduled maintenance. a busbar, etc.
The drawing routine has been deliberately developed
2.4.7 Maintenance time to ahow fuU flexibility and freedom to construct and
display the system in the most presentable manner
The average duration (hours/outage) of all scheduled
(naturally, it has to be electrically correct to represent
maintenance outages for each component.
the exact system that is to be evaluated). Full control
can be exercised in respect of the order in which the
2.4.8 Stuck probability components are drawn and their position on the screen.
The probability (expressed as a decimal fraction) that Mnemonic codes are used to call for the appropriate
a circuit-breaker or switch will fail to open/close when symbol to be drawn at the required position on the
called u p o n to operate. Also, the probability that a screen (selected with cross-hair cursors). A hst of these
standby generator or limited energy source will fail to mnemonic codes is shown in Fig 2.4.
start on demand. Whilst the full rules to be followed for the graphical
input of a system are provided (together with step by
step illustrations) in the program Users M a n u a l , it is
2.4.9 Time limit of a limited energy source appropriate at this point to hst the salient features of
The average time (hours) for which a limited energy the drawing routine.
source can supply the energy requirements of the • The system is drawn component by component,
system. branch by branch.
A limited energy source (LES) is a standby energy
source which can only supply the system energy re­ • Mistakes in drawing can easily be rectified by use of
quirements for a limited period. the 'Delete' a n d / o r 'Forget' c o m m a n d s .
• A facility exists to enable the presentation of the
2.4.10 Common mode failure rate complete diagram to be improved at any stage of
the drawing process by moving components around
The average number of times per year (failures/year)
on the screen (the associated connections linking
that the particular group or set of components fail
the component to the adjacent components are auto­
in common mode.
matically re-routed).
A common mode failure (CMF) is defined as the
simultaneous failure of several components due to a • Further changes to a completed diagram can be
single external cause. The multiple failure effects must m a d e by adding complete branches or by deleting
not be consequences of each other. components or branches. If an individual component
is deleted, a connection is automatically drawn to
link its preceding and succeeding components within
2.5 Techniques employed the branch.
The techniques employed within the interactive com­ • A system, once drawn, can be permanently stored,
puter programs are described in this section. The together with its associated component reliability
various stages in the process of evaluating a SES are data for subsequent retrieval and use.
described in roughly chronological order.
• A system can be re-centred on the screen a n d / o r
A n explanation is given of the objectives of each
re-scaled to allow additions to the diagram at any
stage and the methods employed for their achievement.
time. O n subsequent storing of the system, the new
It is not intended to provide here, detailed instruc­
scale factor or centre co-ordinates are also stored.
tion in the use of the computer program. For this,
the reader is referred to the User's Manual for the • Branches are designated as either unidirectional
G R A S P 2 computer program [1]. or bidirectional, according to whether power flow
through the branch can be in one direction only or in
either direction as an acceptable operating condition.
2.5.1 Graphical representation of the station
electrical system
An engineer traditionally likes to represent any engi­ 2.5.2 Component and branch numbering
neering task in which he is engaged in diagrammatic As mentioned earlier, the interactive computer pro­
form. The first stage in the quantitative reliability gram (GRASP2) is based largely on digital (number

Electrical system analysis Chapter 2















FIG. 2.4 List of component codes and symbols

manipulation) techniques. There are many internal arranged that the numbering is automatically carried
number systems used in the program which are not out by the program. The component numbers can be
displayed to the user. displayed at any stage of the drawing process, the num­
There are, however, two important number systems, bering sequence being continually updated as drawing
namely component and branch numbering, which are proceeds.
displayed and provide the user interface. They are both The individual component number consists of a pre­
automatically applied to the system and can (at the fix which, in general, is the mnemonic code used to
user's option) be included in the graphic display on the draw the component (see Fig 2.4), followed by a number
VDU. representing the order in which components of that
particular type were drawn. Figure 2.5 is an example
of a small system as it would appear on the V D U ,
Component numbering
complete with its component and branch numbering.
A component numbering system is used to identify
every component of the SES uniquely. As well as
Branch numbering
providing a user interface, the component numbering
system provides the interface with the component In addition to providing a user interface (branch
reliability database in which is stored the reliability data numbers can be displayed in the same way as com­
to be used in the evaluation. ponent numbers), the branch numbering system plays
Since numbering of all components by the user a part in improving the efficiency of the p r o g r a m .
would be a very tedious task (there can be upwards Certain types of component are defined within the
of 300 components in a single system), it has been program as being ^branch terminators', as follows:

Reliability evaluation of p o w e r systems



CRASP-2 THU« Θ2 JUN 1988 1

FIG. 2.5 Example of a computer printout of a small SES system complete with component codes and
branch numbering

• Source — a start component. 2.5.3 Branch definition

• Generator — a start component. A branch is a g r o u p of c o m p o n e n t s electrically
connected in series between any pair of terminating
• Limited energy source (LES) — a start component.
components, as listed in the previous section.
• Busbar or node — a start or finish component. Branches which are terminated at one end with either
• Three-winding transformer — a start or finish a source, a generator, or an LES symbol are referred
component. to as source branches.
Branches which are terminated at one end with
• Induction motor — a finish component. an induction m o t o r symbol are referred to as load
According to the network topology, components elec­ A unidirectional branch is one through which, as an
trically positioned between two terminating compo­ acceptable operating condition, the flow of power is
nents are automatically assigned branch numbers. The normally in one direction only. By definition, a source
branch numbers are shown in parentheses in Fig 2.5. branch is unidirectional F R O M the source and a load
Branches are numbered upwards from (1). The lower branch is unidirectional T O the load.
order numbers in the sequence are assigned to the A bidirectional branch is one through which the
unidirectional branches (in the order they were drawn), flow of power can be in either direction as an acceptable
followed by the bidirectional branches (in the order system operating condition.
they were drawn). A definition of unidirectional and With a knowledge of the system and its normal and
bidirectional branches is given in the following section. a b n o r m a l operating configurations, the engineer defines

Electrical system analysis Chapter 2

each branch of the system as uni or bidirectional as the SES would have on the output of the associated
part of the system drawing routine. generator unit or station.
On the graphic display unidirectional branches are
distinguished by a smaU arrow just before the branch
2.5.6 Deduction of minimal paths
termination (finish) component. Bidirectional branches
have no special symbohc notation. In Fig 2.5, branches The initial stage of the topological part of the analy­
(1) and (2), are unidirectional. sis consists of the deduction of the minimal paths
associated with each load point to be included in the
2.5.4 Criteria of failure
Digital techniques are used to deduce all the minimal
In performing a rehability analysis of a SES in terms paths between each load point being analysed and all
of its load point busbar indices, the criterion of failure sources of supply to the SES. All paths are deduced
is regarded as the complete loss of supply to each load and, when displayed on the VDU screen or listed in a
point being evaluated. A Failure event for a particular printed output, the normally closed (NC) and normally
load point busbar, is any event that leads to loss of open (NO) paths are listed separately.
continuity between the busbar and any source of sup­ Each minimal path is hsted first in terms of node
ply. The failure events are therefore identified from the and secondly in terms of branch numbers, commencing
Minimal Cut Sets (MCS) associated with the Minimal at the load point being considered and working back
Paths between the load point and all sources of supply towards the source or input node.
(sources, generators or LESs): It should be noted that the designation (with due
regard to any system operational constraints) of cer­
• A Path is a set of components that connects any tain branches as unidirectional leads to greater effi­
input node to the load point being considered. ciency of the path deduction process. Paths containing
• A Minimal Path is a path in which no node or branch branches where the direction of power flow would be
is included more than once. opposite to that specified by the engineer during the
system drawing stages are ignored or excluded. This,
• A Cut Set is a set of components that, when failed, in turn, leads to reduced data storage requirements
causes loss of supply to the load point under con­ within the p r o g r a m . Smaller arrays are set u p and
sideration. manipulated, which result in enhanced execution time.
• A Minimal Cut Set is a cut set that causes failure of Alternatively, the designation of some branches as
supply to the load point but, when any one com­ unidirectional can be regarded as a means of allowing
ponent of the set has not failed, does not cause larger SESs to be evaluated within the existing set
failure of supply to the load point. program array dimensions.
As an illustration of the path deduction process.
Fig 2.7 shows the hst of minimal paths for the small
2.5.5 Analysis control procedures
system of Fig 2.5. It should be noted that all loop
In performing a quantitative reliabihty analysis of a paths, and also paths involving the flow of power in
SES the engineer, in addition to ensuring that the the reverse direction through a unidirectional branch,
SES has been correctly modelled from a topological have been ehminated.
viewpoint, has to ensure that the subsequent reliability By answering Y (yes) to the sixth control parameter
calculations reflect any operational constraints and question (Fig 2.6), it is possible to specify sets of in­
will be performed with the required precision. compatible components and thereby preclude the
This optional control of the analysis is achieved deduction of unreahstic or impractical paths.
through engineer/program interaction in the form of
a series of questions put to the engineer by the pro­
2.5.7 Deduction of minimal cut sets
gram at the point where calculation of load point
(nodal) or system indices is about to commence. The next stage of the topological part of the analysis
A basic set of control questions is displayed in is the deduction of the minimal cut sets for each load
respect of both load point and system indices calcula­ point under consideration.
tion. These, together with the default (most commonly A full treatment of the minimal cut set theory as
used) answers, are illustrated in Fig 2.6. applied in the reliability assessment of general electrical
For calculation of the system indices, it is necessary networks is provided in [2].
for the engineer, from his knowledge of the system, A minimal cut set of order 'n' is a set consisting of
to provide supplementary data prior to commence­ η components. As the order increases, its significance
ment of the calculation stage. These data relate to the with regard to its contribution to the load point or
continuous maximum rating of the turbine-generator system reliability indices decreases. Using cut set ana­
unit or station (according to the basis on which it is lysis techniques, it is possible to deduce minimal cut
desired to calculate the system indices) and the impact sets of any order but the algorithm developed for,
that the loss of supply to each load point busbar in and implemented in, the G R A S P computer programs

Reliability evaluation of p o w e r systems





5-RETURN TUE, 13 DEC 1988 15:34:17

FIG. 2 . 6 V D U display of a basic set of control questions

only considers cut sets u p t o and including third Step 4 Deduce the second order cut sets by consider­
order. ing all combinations of t w o branches. If any
For a particular study, the order of cut sets included, of these combinations is found t o break all
and hence the precision t o which the reliability indices minimal p a t h s , the combination is a second
are calculated, is controlled by entering a 1, 2, or 3 order cut set.
against the control parameter ^Maximum Number of
Overlapping Outages' in Fig 2.6.
Step 5 Expand each branch of each combination
The algorithm for the deduction of minimal cut
that is found t o be a second order cut set into
sets from the (NC) minimal paths for each load point
its constituent components t o determine the
works as follows:
second order cut sets in terms of pairs of
Step 1 Deduce the first order cut sets by considering
every branch one at a time, checking whether
Step 6 Eliminate any duplicated second order cut sets.
it belongs t o every (NC) path. If it does, then
it is a first order cut set.
Step 7 Deduce the third order cut sets in the same
way, by repeating Steps 4 t o 6 and considering
Step 2 Expand the branches into their constituent
all combinations of three branches.
components t o determine all the first order cut
sets in terms of components.
Figure 2.8 lists the cut sets u p t o second order deduced
Step 3 Eliminate any duplicated first order cut sets. for the system of Fig 2 . 5 . There is only one first order

Electrical system analysis Chapter 2




S3/1 Sl/l 82/1 M2/1 2 I 4
5 3 / 1 S 4 / 1 S 2 / 1 U2/1 6 5 4
S3/1 Sl/1 Ul/1 2 3
S3/1 34/1 S2/i W2/1 7 5 4

THU, 02 JUN 1988 1

FIG. 2.7 Minimal paths for the system illustrated in Fig 2.5

cut set (the l o a d point busbar i t s e l O and 60 second tected by an algorithm within the program or be
order cut sets. specified by the engineer, using his knowledge of
Figure 2.9 lists the cut sets up to third order f o r the actual system protection arrangements.
the same system. It can now be seen that, in addition
(c) Forced outages due to component (independent and
to the 61 first and second order cut sets, there are
c o m m o n mode) failures overlapping a maintenance
60 third order cut sets.
Whilst the contribution of an individual cut set of
order greater than one to the overall reHability indices (d) Forced outages due to component active failures
may be insignificant, the total effect of all higher order (independent and c o m m o n mode) overlapping the
cut sets cannot be ignored. malfunction of primary protection equipment
It can be shown that for power station electrical (stuck breakers). The back-up protection zones are
systems in general, a very large number of higher detected automatically by the program.
order cut sets are deduced and second order cut sets
contribute significantly to the overall indices. The G R A S P program has been developed to simulate
The simulation of realistic failure events during the five basic types of failure/restoration event. They are
calculation stage requires that failure events where categorised according to the component failure mode
recovery is from standby or alternative sources, via and the procedure adopted for the restoration of supply
(NO) paths, are separately identified. to the load point being evaluated:

2.5.8 Types of failure/restoration event TYPE 1 A cut set where all components of the set
The following realistic failure/restoration events are are outaged or failed in passive m o d e , e.g.,
included in the evaluation as appropriate to the system for maintenance or repair. Supply can only
topology and the operational effects to be considered: be restored to the load point being evaluated
by returning to service at least one of the
(a) Overlapping forced outages due to component components of the cut set.
(independent and c o m m o n mode) failures involving
repair or replacement.
TYPE 2 A cut set with the same component failure
(b) Forced outages due to component active failure mode as for T Y P E 1, but with at least one
(independent and c o m m o n modes) and their switch­ normally open path available which can be
ing effects on healthy components. The primary used to restore supply to the load point being
protection zones can either be automatically de- evaluated.

Reliability evaluation of p o w e r systems





1 S3/1
2 Sl/1 82/1
3 81/Ί H2/1
4 81/1 B3/1
9 Sl/l T2/1
6 Sl/1 B4/1
7 Sl/l 84/1
θ Sl/1 B9/1
9 81/1 R2/1
1Θ Sl/1 Β1Θ/1
1 1 Sl/1 01/1
12 S2/1 B7/1
13 S2/1 02/1
14 S2/1 B8/1
15 82/1 Ml/1
16 82/1 Bl/1
17 82/1 Tl/1
18 82/1 B2/1
19 U2/1 B7/1
2Θ U2/1 02/1
21 H2/1 B8/1
22 H2/1 Ul/1
23 U2/1 Bl/1
24 M2/1 Tl/1
25 U2/1 B2/1
26 B7/1 B3/1
27 B7/1 T2/1
28 B7/1 B4/1
29 02/1 B3/1
38 02/1 T2/1
31 02/1 B4/1
32 B8/1 B3/1
33 B8/1 T2/1
34 B8/1 B4/1
35 B7/1 84/1
36 02/1 84/1
37 B8/1 84/1
38 B7/1 B9/1
39 B7/1 R2/1
48 B7/1 Β1Θ/1
41 02/1 B9/1
42 02/1 R2/1
43 0 2 / 1 Β 18/1
CRA8P-2 THU. Θ2 JUN 1988 1

44 BB/l B9/1
45 Ββ/1 R2/1
46 Β Θ / 1 θ 18/1
47 B7/1 01/1
48 02/1 01/1
49 B8/1 01/1
58 B3/1 Hl/l
51 T2/1 Hl/1
52 B4/1 Ul/1
53 B3/1 Bl/1
54 B3/1 Tl/1
55 B3/1 B2/1
56 T2/1 Bl/1
57 T2/1 Tl/1
58 T2/1 B2/1
59 B4/1 Bl/1
6Θ B4/1 Tl/l
61 B4/1 B2/1


8 4
9 4
18 4
38 4
39 4
48 4
41 4
42 4
43 4
44 4
45 4

46 4

GRA8P-2 THU« 82 JUN 1988

FIG. 2.8 Minimal cut sets for the system illustrated in Fig 2,5

Electrical system analysis Chapter 2





1 S3/1
2 Sl/1 S2/1
3 Sl/1 U2/1
4 Sl/l 83/1
5 Sl/1 T2/1
6 Sl/1 84/1
7 Sl/1 S4/1
8 Sl/1 B9/1
9 Sl/1 R2/1
10 Sl/1 818/1
1 1 Sl/1 01/1
12 S2/1 B7/1
13 S2/1 Q2/1
14 S2/1 88/1
IS S2/1 Ul/1
16 S2/1 Bl/1
17 S2/1 Tl/1
18 S2/1 82/1
19 H2/1 87/1
28 U2/1 02/1
21 H2/1 B8/1
22 W2/1 Hl/1
23 M2/1 Bl/1
24 U2/1 Tl/1
25 W2/1 B2/1
26 87/1 B3/1
27 87/1 T2/1
28 87/1 84/1
29 02/1 B3/1
30 Q2/1 T2/1
31 Q2/1 84/1
32 88/1 B3/1
33 88/1 T2/1
34 ΒΘ/1 84/1
35 B7/1 S4/1
36 02/1 S4/1
37 88/1 S4/1
38 87/1 89/1
39 87/1 R2/1
40 87/1 818/1
41 Q2/1 89/1
42 02/1 R2/1
43 Q2/1 Β 18/1

CR6SP-2 THU, 82 JUN 1988 1

FIG. 2.9 Minimal cut sets (up to third order) for the system illustrated in Fig 2.5

TYPE 3 A cut set where supply is lost to the load order minimal cut sets, 73 are of T Y P E 1 and 48 are
point being evaluated due to one component of T Y P E 2.
actively failing whilst the remaining com­ One or more of the following restoration proce­
ponents of the set are out of service. Supply dures are included in the calculation of the A O T index
is restored by isolating the actively failed for the load point being evaluated. The selection of
component and closing the circuit-breakers the appropriate restoration mode(s), from those avail­
that were opened due to the active fault. able, is on the basis of shortest time for restoration of
supply to the load point from a normal (unlimited
TYPE 4 A cut set similar to T Y P E 3, but including energy) source. Only where an alternative path leading
one stuck (NC) circuit-breaker in the pro­ to an unlimited energy source is not available is re­
tection zone of the actively failed component storation from an LES considered.
(i.e., faihng to operate on demand). These restoration procedures are:
• Repair.
TYPE 5 A cut set with the same component failure • Replacement.
modes as for T Y P E 1, but where the supply
• Switching or isolation.
is restored to the load point being evaluated
from an L E S , via a (NO) path. • Reclosing of circuit-breakers.
• Closing of (NO) circuit-breakers to provide an alter­
Figures 2.8 and 2.9 provide separate lists of cut sets native source of supply, which may include standby
on which failure events of T Y P E 2 are based. It can plant.
be seen that, of the total of 61 first and second order
minimal cut sets, 49 are of T Y P E 1 and 12 are of The alternative (NO) paths may subsequently be
T Y P E 2. Of the total of 121 first, second and third considered to fail, or not to fail, according to the

Reliability evaluation of p o w e r systems

44 B8/1 B9/1
45 B8/1 R2/1
48 B8/1 Β18/I
47 Β7/Ί Ol/l
48 02/1 01/1
49 B8/1 Ol/l
58 B3/1 Ul/1
51 T2/1 Hl/1
52 B4/1 Ul/1
53 B3/1 Bl/1
54 B3/1 Tl/1
55 B3/1 B2/1
96 T2/1 Bl/1
57 T2/1 Tl/1
98 T2/1 B2/1
59 B4/1 Bl/1
68 B4/1 Tl/l
61 B4/1 B2/1
62 B9/1 84/1 Ul/l
63 Rl/1 84/1 Hl/l
64 B6/1 S4/1 Ul/l
65 B9/1 84/1 Bl/1
66 B9/1 84/1 Tl/l
67 B9/1 84/1 82/1
68 Rl/1 84/1 Bl/1
69 Rl/1 84/1 Tl/l
7Θ Rl/1 84/1 B2/1
71 Θ6/1 84/1 Bl/1
72 B6/1 84/1 Tl/l
73 B6/1 84/1 82/1
74 B9/1 B9/1 Ul/l
75 B9/1 R2/1 Ul/l
76 B9/1 Β 18/I Ul/l
77 Rl/1 B9/1 Ul/l
78 Rl/1 R2/1 Ul/l
79 Rl/1 Β I 8/1 H l / l
88 B6/1 B9/1 Ul/l
81 B6/1 R2/1 Ul/l
82 B6/1 Β 10/1 Ul/l
83 B5/1 B9/1 Bl/l
84 B5/1 B9/1 Tl/l
85 Ββ/1 B9/1 B2/1
86 B5/1 R2/1 Bl/l
87 85/1 R2/1 Tl/l
88 B5/1 R2/1 B2/1
89 B5/1 Β I 8/1 B l / l
9Θ B5/1 Β1Θ/1 Tl/l
91 B5/1 Β I 0/1 B 2 / 1
92 Rl/1 B9/1 Bl/l
93 Rl/1 B9/1 Tl/l
94 Rl/1 B9/1 B2/1
95 Rl/1 R2/1 Bl/l
96 Rl/1 R2/1 Tl/l
97 Rl/1 R2/1 82/1
98 Rl/1 Β1Θ/1 Bl/1
99 Rl/1 Β 18/1 T l / l
1ΘΘ Rl/l ΒΙΘ/Ι 82/1
181 B6/1 B9/1 Bl/l
182 B6/1 B9/1 Tl/l

CRASP-2 THU, 82 JUN 1988 I

FIG. 2.9 (cont'd) Minimal cut sets (up to third order) for the system illustrated in Fig 2.5

requirements of the engineer or the purpose of the Since this facility would obviously not be appro­
evaluation. priate for all the different designs of SES and their
associated protection arrangements, a facility is pro­
vided whereby the protective circuit-breakers to trip
2.5.9 Switching effects of component active
on active failure of each component can be specified
failure manually. For large systems, this can be a very tedious
The evaluation of T Y P E 3 and T Y P E 4 failure events operation.
requires the determination of the switching effects of The choice of m a n u a l or automatic specification of
component active failures (see Section 2.4.1 of this 'breakers which trip' is controlled by the answer to
chapter). question number 7 of Fig 2.6.
T o calculate the effect of the active failure of each On selection of the manual facility, the engineer
component that can actively fail on the indices of the is presented with a display on the V D U , as shown in
load point of interest, it is first necessary to determine Fig 2.10. H e then specifies the appropriate component
the extent of the network outage that would be a numbers of the 'breakers which trip' against each
consequence of each component active failure. actively failed component listed.
There is an algorithm in the G R A S P 2 computer The automatic deduction of 'breakers that trip'
results in the hsting shown in Fig 2.11 for the system
program which, by the use of digital search techniques,
of Fig 2.5. This listing is optionally available for
identifies and provides a listing of the protective circuit-
viewing on the V D U or for printing with the full study
breakers that would trip for active failure of each
resuks output (see Section 2.5.13 of this chapter).
system component that has been specified as likely to
suffer an active failure. The algorithm is based on the
assumption that the nearest (NC) circuit-breakers in 2.5.10 Markov state-space models
all branches adjacent to the actively failed component A state-space model is a diagrammatic representation
would trip to clear the fault. of:

Electrical system analysis Chapter 2

B6/1 B9/1 B2/1

R2/1 Bl/1
B6/1 R2/1 Tl/1
Ββ/Ι R2/1 B2/1
B6/1 Β 1 8 / 1 Bl/1
B6/1 Β 18/1 Tl/1
B6/1 Β1Θ/1 B2/1
B5/1 Ql/1 Hl/1
Rl/1 Ql/1 Ul/1
B6/1 Ql/1 Hl/1
B5/1 01/1 Bl/1
B5/1 Ql/1 Tl/1
BB/l 01/1 B2/1
Ki/l Ql/1 Bl/1
Rl/l 01/1 Tl/1
Rl/l Ql/1 B2/1
B6/1 01/1 Bl/1
se/i Ql/1 Tl/1
ee/i Ql/1 82/1



CRASP-2 THU, 82 JUN 1988 1

FIG. 2.9 (cont'd) Minimal cut sets (up to third order) for the system illustrated in Fig 2.5

Reliability evaluation of p o w e r systems


SI 1
S2 1
S3 1
S^ 1
Tl 1
T2 1
Bl 1
B2 1
B3 1
Bl 1
B5 1
B6 1
BT 1
B8 1
B9 1
PI 1
Wl 1
W2 1
Rl 1



FIG. 2.10 Manual specification of ^breakers which trip'

• The discrete states in which the components of a cludes a second order C M F . Figure 2.13 represents a
system can reside. two-component, two-state system, including mainte­
nance outages overlapping a forced outage:
• The transition paths between the various states.
• R E P A I R R A T E ( μ ) for a component is the reci­
Events TYPES 1 and 2 procal of its repair time.

Failure events T Y P E S 1 and 2, involving only c o m p o ­ • M A I N T E N A N C E T R A N S I T I O N R A T E for a com­

nent passive failures, are represented by relatively ponent is the reciprocal of its maintenance duration.
simple two state models.
In the modeUing of c o m m o n m o d e failures in the • F O R C E D O U T A G E is any outage which is un­
analysis of SESs, the assumption is made that, where expected.
sets of components fail in c o m m o n m o d e , they are
returned to service independently after repair. The A two-state model for a three-component system which
repair process on all failed components (independent includes transitions due to two-component (second
and common mode) is conducted simultaneously and order) C M F s is shown in Fig 2.14.
each is returned separately to service as soon as it has A similar two-state model for a three-component
been repaired. system with third order C M F transition is shown in
Two state models for single and two component Fig 2.15.
systems (components represented by i and j) are shown A M a r k o v model for a three-component system,
in Fig 2.12, where (u) represents *up', the normal including C M F and maintenance outages, is shown
operating state, and (d) 'down', the failed state during in Fig 2.16. Since the analysis techniques used for
repair. The two-component model (Fig 2.12 (b)) in­ SESs are limited to events u p to and including third

Electrical system analysis Chapter 2



s 1 β 7 2
s 2 5 4 9
s 3 8 10
s 4 9 5 4
τ 1 1 2
τ 2 3 4
Β 1 2
Β 2 1 6 7
Β 3 4
Β 4 3 5 9
Β 5 β 4 9
Β 6 5 7 2
Β 7 8 6 2
Β 8 7 10
Β 9 10 5 4
Β 10 9 8
W 1 1
W 2 3
Ρ 1 8 10 9
R 1 5 6
R 2 9 10
Q 1 5 4 9
Q 2 7 8

FIG. 2.11 Automatic deduction of ^breakers that trip'

order, it will be noticed that only third order events • The probability of two simultaneous active faults
which include two commonly failed components can occurring during switching is negligible. This as­
include a failure due to a maintenance outage over­ sumption is justified because the component switch­
lapping a C M F . ing times are relatively small. Hence the exposure
In developing all these Markov models to represent time of the system to a second active failure is
a SES, it is assumed that a maintenance operation small and the probability of two overlapping active
on any component of a minimal cut set would not be failures during switching is negligible.
commenced if one or more components of the same
• The probability of two simultaneously stuck breakers
set are on forced outage or have actively failed. It is
in the system is also negligible. This is justifiable
also assumed that only one component of each minimal
since the individual stuck breaker probability is
cut set is on maintenance at any one time.
normally very smah, of the order 1 0 " ^ .

Events TYPES 3 and 4

For failure events involving component active failures Such states as ^.^^^ in Fig 2.17 are thus excluded from
(TYPES 3 and 4) a three-state model is used. ah three-state Markov models used in the analysis.
Three-state models for single and two component A three-state M a r k o v model for three-component
systems are shown in Fig 2.17, where (u) represents the systems is shown in Fig 2.18. The model represents
normal operating state, (s) the state after an active an active failure of component 1 and overlapping forced
failure but before switching (switching state) and (r) outages of components 2 and 3 due to independent
the state after switching but during repair. and c o m m o n mode failures. Similar models can be
It can be seen that a small increase in the number drawn for active failure of component 2 overlapping
of system components gives rise to a significant increase forced outages of components 1 and 3, and for active
in the number of system states, particularly for three- failure of component 3 overlapping forced outages of
state models. The Markov models become very in­ components 1 and 2.
volved, particularly when second and third order C M F s
are included.
Event TYPE 5
To reduce the number of possible combinations of
component failures leading to state (s), the foUowing The Markov model for second order T Y P E 5 events,
simplifying assumptions are made: including overlapping forced outages (independent and

Reliability evaluation of p o w e r systems

system. Failure/restoration events of T Y P E 1

and T Y P E 2 are assessed.

Part 2 Analysis considering only active failure and

active failures overlapping passive failures.
A three-state model of the system is used and
simulation of active failures and active failures
in conjunction with a stuck breaker condition
are performed for each component, the system
configuration being changed for each simu­
lation according to the deduced switching
effects. Failure/restoration events of T Y P E 3
(a) Two-state, one component and T Y P E 4 are assessed.

For failure events T Y P E S 1 and 2, the reliability indices

of the load point are obtained by reducing all second
and third order minimal cut sets to an equivalent first
order cut set. All real and equivalent first order mini­
mal cuts are then combined 'in series' to give the
overall load point indices.
Greater precision in the evaluation of the busbar
indices can be achieved if the probability of failure of
the (NO) paths available as the means of restoring
supply to the load point being evaluated (i.e., T Y P E 2
events), during the period they are required to function,
is taken into consideration.
The G R A S P 2 computer program can include this
facility by the use of study control parameters 1 and 4
(see Fig 2.6).
Inclusion of the failure probability of the (NO) paths
requires the calculation of auxiliary indices involving
the simulation of failure events associated with the
(b) Two-state, two components (NO) paths u p to the order specified in the study
control parameters. These auxiliary results are then
combined with the main indices for the associated
\ = PASSIVE FAILURE RATE COMPONENT i T Y P E 2 failure event, using the appropriate minimal
\ = PASSIVE FAILURE RATE COMPONENT] cut set equations.
= REPAIR RATE COMPONENT] The method of deriving the equations for each event
λ = CMF RATE FOR COMPONENTS i AND j type is fully discussed in [2].

(u) = up Second order failure events (TYPE 1 and TYPE 2)

(d) = down
There are three failure sequences for a second order

(a) Failure or maintenance outage of component 1 fol­

FIG. 2.12 Two-state models for single and two
component systems lowed by the independent failure of component 2.

(b) Failure or maintenance outage of component 2 fol­

common mode) and maintenance outages overlapping lowed by the independent failure of component 1.
forced outages, is shown in Fig 2.19. (c) A c o m m o n m o d e failure of components 1 and 2.

2.5.11 Evaluation techniques (busbar indices)

The equations for the evaluation of T Y P E 1 and T Y P E
Since passive and active failures are independent fail­ 2 failure events are shown in Tables 2.1 and 2.2.
ures, the analysis of a system is divided into the fol­ Events (a) and (b) involve sequential independent
lowing parts: failures of each component and (c) refers t o c o m m o n
failure of both components in the minimal cut set.
Part 1 Analysis considering only overlapping passive The equations for T Y P E 2 assume that supply can
failures and using a two-state model of the be restored by either closing a (NO) path in a time tc

Electrical system analysis Chapter 2

(u) = up
(d) = down
(m) = maintenance


FIG. 2.13 Markov state-space diagram of two components, including maintenance


(d) = down

FIG. 2.14 Markov diagram for third order events of TYPE 1 (components 2 and 3 CMF)

Reliability evaluation of p o w e r systems

(u) up
(d) down



FIG. 2.15 Markov diagram for third order events of TYPE 1 (components 1, 2 and 3 CMF)

or by completing a repair process that has already the independent failure of component 1, followed by
commenced. A repair process will n o t be started in C M F of components 2 a n d 3 . Event (h) refers t o C M F
preference to closing a (NO) p a t h . This is a realistic of components 2 a n d 3 , followed by the independent
assumption for t w o reasons. First, the greatest effort failure of component 1, a n d event (i) refers t o C M F of
will be placed o n recovering supply by the easiest all three components.
achievable means, which is normally by switching. Equations for the evaluation of third order T Y P E 1
Secondly, repair times are generally much greater than and T Y P E 2 failure events involving overlapping
switching times. Consequently, the outage time of maintenance outages are shown in Tables 2.5 a n d 2.6.
sequence (a) for T Y P E 2 is t h e overlapping time Only second order component C M F s can be involved in
between repair of component 1 (already started) a n d these events.
the switching time of the (NO) path, whereas that of
sequence (c) is only the switching time. Second order failure events (TYPE 3)
The equations for the evaluation of second order T Y P E
Third order failure events (TYPE 1 and TYPE 2)
3 failure events, involving component active failures
The equations for evaluating third order T Y P E 1 a n d overlapping with forced outages, are shown in Table
T Y P E 2 failure events which include second a n d third 2.7. There are obviously n o events involving component
order CMFs are hsted in Tables 2.3 a n d 2.4. They are CMFs.
based on the Markov model of Fig 2.14, where it is Since it is assumed that a maintenance outage would
assumed that components 2 a n d 3 can fail in c o m m o n not be commenced if o n e or m o r e of t h e components
mode, and o n the Markov model of Fig 2.15, where of a minimum cut set have already actively failed, there
it is assumed that all three components can fail in are only t w o event sequences involving maintenance
common m o d e . that need be considered. T h e necessary equations are
Events (a) t o (f) involve sequential independent shown in Table 2.8. Again, there are n o events involving
failures of components 1, 2 a n d 3. Event (g) involves component C M F .

Electrical system analysis Chapter 2

(u) = up
(d) = down
(m) = maintenance


FIG. 2.16 Markov diagram for third order events of TYPE 1 (forced outage overlapping maintenance)

Third order failure events (TYPE 3) Failure events (TYPE 4)

A third order event of T Y P E 3 involves the outage The equations t o evaluate T Y P E 4 failure events are
of one component due to active failure overlapping not tabulated. They are basically similar t o those for
with the forced outage of the other two components T Y P E 3 (for first, second a n d third order), with the
of each minimal cut set. T h e forced outage of the other active F R of the actively failed component of each mini-
two components can include a second order component mal cut set multipUed by the stuck probability of one
C M F , if applicable. Equations for the evaluation of of the circuit-breakers protecting the actively failed
these events are shown in Table 2.9 and are based on component.
the Markov diagram of Fig 2.18.
Similar equations can be written for T Y P E 3 events
Failure event TYPE 5
involving active failure of component 2, and also of
component 3, overlapping forced outages. Standby plant is, by definition, always connected t o
The equations shown in Table 2.10 are for third order the SES through a (NO) circuit-breaker. This applies
T Y P E 3 events involving active failure of component 1 so far as reliability evaluation is concerned, even if
overlapping with maintenance a n d / o r forced outages the standby system comprises, for example, a battery
of components 2 a n d 3 . There can be n o component or inverter source, continuously float charged a n d con-
CMFs included in these events. nected to the system via a (NC) circuit-breaker (some-
Similar equations can be written in respect of active times referred t o as a *No-break' supply system). T o
failure of component 2 overlapping with maintenance model the latter with the G R A S P 2 computer program,
a n d / o r forced outages of components 1 a n d 3 , a n d also the (NC) circuit-breaker would be represented as a
for active failure of component 3 overlapping with (NO) circuit-breaker with a zero switching time.
maintenance a n d / o r forced outages of components 1 If the standby plant can be considered as having
and 2. an unHmited capacity t o supply energy to the system.

Reliability evaluation of p o w e r systems

• C o m p o n e n t repair rates are exponentially distributed

with time.

The equations for second order T Y P E 5 events are

shown in Tables 2.11 and 2.12 and are based on the
M a r k o v diagram of Fig 2.19.
Table 2.11 contains the equations for overlapping
forced outages, which can include component C M F s ,
if applicable. Table 2.12 contains the equations for
(a) Three states, one component maintenance outages overlapping with forced outages;
there can be n o component C M F s in this case.
Equations for third order events of T Y P E 5 are
derived in a similar way: those in Table 2.13 are for
three independent overlapping forced outages, together
with c o m m o n m o d e failure of components 2 and 3.
For third order events involving three independent over­
lapping forced outages, combined with a third order
component C M F , the relevant equations are shown
in Table 2.14.
Consideration of forced outages overlapping with
maintenance outages results in the set of equations in
Table 2.15, in which C M F of components 2 and 3 has
been included.

2.5.12 Evaluation techniques (system indices)

Evaluation of the reliability of a SES in terms of the
reliability of supply at its individual load point busbars
(b) Three states, two components I SYSTEM UP/HEALTHY STATE is just one of the analysis techniques available.
λ, = FAILURE RATE OF COMPONENT i I SYSTEM DOWN/UNHEALTHY STATE If the emphasis is placed more on the overaU per­
μ, = REPAIR RATE OF COMPONENT i formance of the SES, and it is required to determine
the effect of its reliability on the availabihty of the
FIG. 2 . 1 7 Three-state models for single and two associated boiler/turbine-generator unit, the use of
component systems busbar indices to compare different designs of SES
objectively is not appropriate. Objective comparison
becomes difficult, since the various busbars have dif­
for example, a standby generator having an unlimited ferent importances so far as the output of the unit
fuel supply or a battery having a storage capacity is concerned and m a n y failure events are c o m m o n to
sufficiently large to meet the load requirements of the more t h a n one busbar.
system for a duration greater than the longest compo­ T o overcome these difficulties, an overall system
nent repair time, it would be modelled as such by the approach is used. The independent failure events of
engineer and events of T Y P E 2 would apply. the system busbars are considered as a set of events
If, however, the standby source has a hmited energy that include the unit independent failure events. There­
capacity (see the definition of an LES in Section 2.3.3 fore this set of events represents the unit cut sets from
of this chapter), the failure events to be considered are which the unit minimal cut sets must be obtained.
of T Y P E 5. The procedure is quite complicated because cut
A conditional probability approach has been used sets of different types have to be compared. Also,
in the development of the equations for T Y P E 5 events. the simultaneous loss of two busbars may cause a
The method is fully described in [3]. derated state of operation of the associated unit which
The following assumptions have been made: is different from the effect caused by the loss of each
busbar separately. All these features must be taken
• The standby source (LES) is the only (NO) path into consideration.
available for supply restoration and it does not fail T o calculate the indices of each derated state of
when required to operate. the unit due to the unreliability of the SES, the loss
• The failure modes involve either forced outages of each busbar is considered to cause one of the fol­
(independent and c o m m o n mode) or forced outages lowing states:
overlapping with maintenance outages. • Total loss of the unit.
The LES time limit (t) is measured in hours. · N o influence on the output of the unit.

Electrical system analysis Chapter 2




FIG. 2.18 Failure event of TYPE 3 (component 1 actively fails) third order (components 2 and 3 CMF)

• A loss of x % of the output of the unit, where χ may as for the calculation of busbar indices, outlined in
have any value and may be different for each busbar the previous section. Here, however, every busbar of
or combination of busbars. the system that is known to affect the output capa­
bility of the associated unit must be included in the
Generally, the loss of two busbars is assumed to create
Having deduced all the feasible failure events for
a derated state that may or may not be equal to the
each busbar of the system, the following additional data
derated states caused by loss of the busbars individ­
is provided by the engineer from his detailed know­
ually. It is assumed that the loss of three busbars causes
ledge of the system and its operational characteristics:
total loss of the unit.
The algorithm developed for the evaluation of sys­ • The consequences on the output power capability
tem indices and implemented in the G R A S P inter­ of the associated unit of losing the supply to each
active computer programs is described in [3]. It is busbar.
based on the assumption that the independent failure • The consequences of simultaneously losing the sup­
events of each busbar are already known. The initial ply to all combinations of two busbars, both of
part of the reliability evaluation to calculate the system which separately lead to a derated state of the
indices therefore follows basically the same procedure associated unit.

Reliability evaluation of p o w e r systems


(u)= up
(d)= down
(m)= maintenance

- ( μ, ^ μ η/

FIG. 2 . 1 9 State-space diagram of two components, including maintenance — T Y P E 5 . Component repair rates are
exponentially distributed with time

The algorithm uses these data to calculate the average (c) Annual outage time (AOT) for each load point
rate of occurrence or encounter (ER), the average out­ busbar evaluated, displayed on a diagram of the
age duration (AOD) and the average annual outage selected subsystem alongside the appropriate busbar
time (AOT) of each feasible derated state. The overall (Fig 2.22).
loss of generation (LOG) in terms of M W h / y e a r of
operation, due to the unreliability of the SES, is also (d) A full Hst of the input data for the selected sub­
calculated. system (Figs 2.23 and 2.24).

(e) A full list of the minimal paths (NC and N O ) , in

2.5.13 Presentation of results the selected subsystem deduced for each load point
The results of a reHability evaluation study are ini­ busbar evaluated (Fig 2.25).
tially presented as VDU displays selected from the
following: (f) A full list of minimal cuts, in the selected sub­
system, deduced for each load point busbar eval­
(a) Failure rate (FR) for each load point busbar uated (Fig 2.26).
evaluated, displayed on a diagram of the selected
subsystem alongside the appropriate busbar (Fig (g) A full list of nodal failure events (with calculated
2.20). indices) in the selected subsystem, for each load
point evaluated. A sample from such a list is shown
(b) Average outage duration (AOD) for each load in Fig 2.27.
point busbar evaluated, displayed on a diagram of
the selected subsystem alongside the appropriate (h) A full list of the calculated busbar indices in the
busbar (Fig 2.21). selected subsystem, for each load point evaluated.

Electrical system analysis Chapter 2

TABLE 2 . 1

Second order overlapping forced outages (TYPE 1 and TYPE 2)

Event Failure rate Residence time

sequence λ r


(a) 1, 2 λ ι λ 2 Γ ΐ rir2/(ri + i i )

(b) 2, 1 λ2λΐΓ2 rir2/(ri +ΐ ι )

(c) (1 + 2 ) λΐ2 ΓΐΓ2/(Γΐ + r2)


(a) 1, 2 λΐλ2Γΐ ritc/(ri + tc)

(b) 2, 1 λ2λΐΓ2 r 2 t c / ( r 2 + tc)

(c) (1 + 2) λΐ2 tc

Where: λη = Failure rate of component η

Γη = Repair time of component η

te = Switching time of alternative (NO) path

Indices for TYPE 1 and TYPE 2 events are:

c c
λι = Σλ, Ui = LXr, ri = UiAi
a a
c c
λ 2 = Σλ, U 2 = LXr, r 2 = U 2 / X 2
a a

The hst shows separately the contribution due to extensive for a larger system. The hst of failure events
each of the event types (Fig 2.28). is extremely lengthy, particularly for studies involving
events u p to third order. In practice, therefore, the
(i) A full list of the system failure events. A sample most commonly used form of results output consists
from such a hst is shown in Fig 2.29. of hard copies of each of the busbar indices displayed
(j) A full list of system indices (Fig 2.30). on the system diagram, together with hard copies of
the input component rehability data, the study control
parameters, and the summary of busbar a n d / o r system
Figures 2.20 to 2.30 are typical results displays for the
indices (results (h) and (j) above).
small system of Fig 2.5 in respect of:
For important rehability evaluation work, for ex­
• Evaluation of busbar indices for load point S3. ample, the assessment of the SESs for nuclear power
stations, where there is a need for long term storage of
• Overall system indices, assuming that the system
results, it is normal practice to obtain a paper listing
is associated with a 660 M W unit and that each
of the full detailed results, which is then microfilmed
busbar/combination of busbars has the effects shown
and archived.
in Fig 2.29.

After selective viewing of the results on the V D U , hard

2.6 Quality assurance
copies of the required pages can be taken for use in
reports, etc. It is fairly straightforward to check by inspection of
Alternatively, full paper printed o u t p u t , which the system diagram that, for a small system such as
includes the results described in (d) to (j) above, can that shown in Fig 2.5, the minimal paths and minimal
be obtained. cut sets of the appropriate order are correctly deduced
Obviously, the full results hsting is much more by the interactive computer p r o g r a m .

Reliability evaluation of p o w e r systems


Second order — maintenance outage overlapping forced outage (TYPE 1 and TYPE 2)

Event Failure rate Residence time

sequence λ r


(a) 1", 2 ri'r2/(r|' + Y2)

(b) 2", 1 X^ir^' r^'ri/(r2 + ri)


(a) 1", 2 λ;·λ2Γ;· r|'tc/(r¡' + tc)

(b) 2", 1 X^Xir^ r^tc/(r2 -f tc)

Where: λη = Failure rate of component *n'

Γη = Repair time of component *n'

tc = Switching time of alternative (NO) path

Components out on maintenance denoted thus (")

Indices for TYPE 1 and TYPE 2 events are:

\\ = Σλ", U¡' = Σ\"τ\ τ'Ι = UJ'AJ'

a a
c c
λ2 = Σλ", = Σλ"r^ rj = ^ ' A ^

For larger systems, due to the greatly increased n u m ­ The higher voltage levels (down to 3.3 kV) of the
ber of components and branches, to do so manually SES shown in Fig 2.31 was the initial design proposal.
would be very tedious and time consuming. However, It was put forward as part of an overall exercise to
part of the validation process for each version of the evolve a standard design of SES a n d grid connection
program, involves checking by inspection that the interface arrangement, which would possibly be suit­
minimal path and cut set deduction is functioning able for future nuclear power stations.
correctly for at least one fairly large system. Depending on the exact siting of the power station,
Verification of the numerical algorithms is carried there can be a considerable variation in the reHability
out during the program development by undertaking of the available grid connections.
manual calculations, using the appropriate equations T h e frequency of L O S P (loss of off-site power)
from Section 2.5.11 of this chapter, of busbar and contributes to the overaH summated frequency of de­
system indices for a small system, and comparing the graded core and hence forms part of the safety case.
results with those obtained from using the computer T h e question raised was 'to what extent could the
program on the same system with the same component provision of additional on-site generation compensate
reHability data. for poor grid reliability?'
T h e procedure adopted was t o assume a figure of
0.075 failures/year for the frequency of loss of aH grid
2.7 Typical applications suppHes for an average duration of 2 hours and to
calculate the busbar indices for the 11 kV and 3.3 kV
2.7.1 Example of the calculation and use of
busbar indices (a) For the basic system of Fig 2 . 3 1 , which only has
standby generators at the 3.3 kV level, designed to
This section contains a specific example of the busbar
back u p the SES.
indices evaluation techniques as they were used to
answer a specific question relating the design of SESs (b) For the basic system, with additional standby
for future nuclear power stations. generators on the 11 kV station b o a r d s .

Electrical system analysis Chapter 2


Third order overlapping forced outages (TYPE 1)

E v e n t Failure rate Residence time

sequence λ r

T Y P E 1

(a) 1 , 2, 3 λΐλ2Πλ3ΓΐΓ2/(Γΐ + rí) Γ1Γ2Γ3/(Γ1Γ2 + r2r3 + r s r i )

(b) 1 , 3, 2 XlX3riX2rir3/(ri + r s ) Γ Ι Γ 2 Γ 3 / ( Γ Κ 2 -f r 2 r 3 + r3ri)

(c) 2, 3, 1 λ2λ3Γ2λΐΓ2Γ3/(Γ2 + r i r 2 r 3 / ( r i r 2 + r2r3 + r3ri)

(d) 3, 2, 1 \2,\lr^\\r^r2/iτ^ + vi) Γ1Γ2Γ3/(ΓΚ2 + r2r3 + r3ri)

(e) 2, 1 , 3 λ2ΧΐΓ2λ3Γ2Γΐ/(Γ2 + Π ) Γ1Γ2Γ3/(Γ1Γ2 + r2r3 + r3ri)

(f) 3, 1 , 2 λ3λΐΓ3λ2Γ3Γΐ/(Γ3 + r i ) Γ1Γ2Γ3/(Γ1Γ2 + r2r3 + r 3 r i )

(g) 1 (2 & 3 ) Χ ΐ λ 2 3 Γ ΐ r i r 2 r 3 / ( r i r 2 + r2r3 4- r 3 r i )

(h) (2 & 3 ) , 1 λ 2 3 λ ΐ Γ 2 Γ 3 / ( Γ 2 + Γ 3 ) r i r 2 r 3 / ( r i r 2 + r 2 r 3 4- r 3 r i )

(i) ( 1 & 2 & 3) λ 123 r i r 2 r 3 / ( r i r 2 + r2r3 + r3ri)

W h e r e : λη = I n d e p e n d e n t failure r a t e o fc o m p o n e n t * n '

λ 23 = C M F r a t e f o rc o m p o n e n t s 2 a n d3

λ 123 = C M F r a t e f o rc o m p o n e n t s 1 ,2 a n d 3

rn = Repair time o fc o m p o n e n t * n '

Indices f o rT Y P E 1 events are:

c c
λ ι = Σ λ , U i = Σ λ r , r i = U i A i

(c) For the basic system, with additional standby 57 and S14 — Unit 11 kV switchboards
generators on the 11 kV station and unit boards.
58 and SI5 — Unit 3.3 kV switchboards

The following assumptions were made: SIO and S12 — Station 3.3 kV switchboards.

• The additional on-site generators provided at the Note that the actual method of producing the systems
11 kV level would be standby generators and not run and data for each of the cases studied was to draw the
complete system only for case (c) and complete the
• As normal practice in respect of the safety case, n o reliabihty data entry. Case studies (a) and (b) were then
claim is made for on-site generation from the main undertaken as sensitivity studies, using the 'outage'
units. facility of the G R A S P 2 computer p r o g r a m . The plant
outaged for each particular case study is shown by
Description of computer produced system diagrams dotted lines on the appropriate results diagrams.

In all diagrams, the following busbar identification

appHes: Results

SI — A d u m m y busbar to represent the Only two of the busbar indices are of interest to
c o m m o n failure r a t e / r e s t o r a t i o n permit a comparison to be m a d e between the system
times for all the grid hues (irrespec­ with n o additional on-site generation (case (a)) and the
tive number) other two systems (cases (b) and (c)):

S2, S3, S4 — Individual sections of 400 kV busbar • The average failure rate (FR) is of interest, since
and S5 every loss of supply to any of the four 11 kV bus­
S6 and S13 — Generator main connections bars leads to a reactor trip.

Reliability evaluation of p o w e r systems

Third order overlapping forced outages (TYPE 2)

Event Failure rate Residence time

sequence λ r


(a) 1, 2, 3 XiX2riX3rir2/(ri + r 2 ) ΓΐΓ2ίς/(ΓΐΓ2 + r2tc + tcri)

(b) 1, 3, 2 XiX3riX2rir3/(ri -I- r a ) ritcr3/(ritc + tcr3 + r3ri)

(c) 2, 3, 1 λ2Χ3Γ2λΐΓ2Γ3/(Γ2 + Γ3) ίςΓ2Γ3/αςΓ2 + r 2 r 3 + r3tc)

(d) 3, 2, 1 λ3λ2Γ3λΐΓ3Γ2/(Γ3 + Γ2) tcr2r3/(tcr2 + r2r3 + r3tc)

(e) 2, 1, 3 λ2λΐΓ2Χ3Γ2Γΐ/(Γ2 + Γΐ) rir2tc/(rir2 + r2tc + tcri)

(f) 3, 1, 2 λ 3 λ ΐ Γ 3 λ 2 Γ 3 Γ ΐ / ( Γ 3 + ri) ritcr3/(ritc + tcr3 + r3ri)

(g) 1 (2 & 3) λΐλ23Γΐ ritc/(ri + t c )

(h) (2 & 3), 1 λ23λΐΓ2Γ3/(Γ2 + Γ3) tcr2r3/(tcr2 + r2r3 + rate)

(i) (1 & 2 & 3) λ 123 tc

Where: λη = Independent failure rate of component *n'

λ2 3 = CMF rate for components 2 and 3

λ123 = CMF rate for components 1, 2 and 3

rn = Repair time of component *n'

tc = Switching time of alternative (NO) path

Indices for TYPE 2 events are:

c c
λ 2 = Σλ, U 2 = Σλr, r 2 = U 2 A 2
a a

• Average outage time (AOT) is of interest, since it 11 kV and 3.3 kV b o a r d s , whilst only showing a
gives an indication of the availabihty levels required marginal reduction in the corresponding average outage
of the SES to cater for the reactor post-trip (initiated durations. A similar increase is shown in the ( 0 - 2 h)
by the electrical system) period. average failure rate.
Both these effects are predictable, since they are
The average failure rate for those events initiated by due mainly to the addition of the active failure rates
failures within the electrical system which cannot be of the 11 kV (NO) circuit-breaker associated with
recovered within 2 hours is also of interest. For the the additional standby generators, and these events are
safety case, this indicates the improvement in the recoverable within the ( 0 - 2 h) period by switching/
immediate reactor post-trip period that would be gained isolation and the use of alternative sources of supply.
from providing the additional on-site generation.
The diagrammatic results for A O T and FR for case
2.7.2 Example of the calculation and use of
(a) are shown in Figs 2.32 and 2.33 respectively. Those
system indices
for cases (b) and (c) are shown in Figs 2.34 to 2.37.
Table 2.16 summarises both busbar indices and the This section contains a specific example of the evalua­
( 0 - 2 h) FR for each busbar for all three cases. tion techniques for system indices as they were used to
The ( 0 - 2 h) FR figures were obtained by manually compare the performance of two alternative proposals
sorting the list of failure events and combining only for the design of a SES for the Coal-Fired Reference
those events which had A O T s greater than 2 h o u r s . Design in terms of the availability of the main boiler/
It can be seen from Table 2.16 that the effect of turbine-generator unit.
adding auxiliary standby generators at the 11 kV level It was also required to assess the cost of lost gen­
would be to increase the average failure rates of the eration caused by failures within the SES over the

Electrical system analysis Chapter 2


Third order — maintenance outage overlapping forced outage (TYPE 1)

Event Failure rate Residence time

sequence λ r

T Y P E 1

(a) 1", 2 , 3 X ; ' X 2 r ¡ ' X 3 r ¡ ' r 2 / ( r ¡ ' + Γ2) r í r 2 r 3 / ( r ¡ ' r 2 + Γ2Γ3 + r3r¡')

(b) 1", 3 , 2 X;'X3r¡'X2rir3/(r¡' + r3) ΓΓΓ2Γ3/(ΓίΓ2 + r 2 r 3 + r3r¡')

(c) 2", 3 , 1 X2X3r^Xir2r3/(r2 + r3) rir2r3/(rir2 + r2r3 + r3ri)

(d) 3", 2 , 1 X ^ ' X 2 r ^ ' X i r ^ ' r 2 / ( r ^ ' + Γ2) rir2r^7(rir2 + r2r3 + r^'ri)

(e) 2", 1, 3 X2Xiri;X3r^ri/(r2 + r i ) Γ1Γ2Γ3/(Γ1Γ^' + r^r3 + r3ri)

(0 3", 1, 2 λ 3 λ ΐ Γ 3 Χ 2 Γ 3 Π / ( Γ 3 + r i ) rir2r^7(rir2 + r3r3 + r^'ri)

(g) 1" (2 & 3 ) rir2r3/(rj'r2 + r2r3 + r3r;')

W h e r e : Xn = Independent failure rate o f c o m p o n e n t 'n*

X23 = C M F rate for c o m p o n e n t s 2 a n d 3

Γη = R e p a i r t i m e o fc o m p o n e n t 'n'

C o m p o n e n t s o u t o n m a i n t e n a n c e d e n o t e d thus (")

Indices for T Y P E 1 events are:

c c
X¡' = ΣΧ", U¡' = ΣΧ"Γ", r f = UJVXJ'
a a

designed life of the station for use in the cost benefit One complete unit system (Unit 1 Trains A and B)
exercise to assess whether the capital cost of providing and half of the station system (Station Train 1) were
the interconnection could be justified. represented in the computer model.
The basic design of SES proposed, is shown in Figures 2.39 a n d 2.40 show the computer-produced
Fig 2.38 with two variants: diagrams for the radial system and Figs 2.41 to 2.43
show those for the interconnected system.
• A system that is purely radial top-to-bottom, with
Table 2.17 shows the correlation between the com­
no switchboard interconnections at any voltage level.
puter-generated busbar numbering system and the in­
• A system as shown in Fig 2.38, but having normally dividual system board names.
open interconnectors between corresponding switch­ A grid failure rate of 0.039 failures/year was used
boards of each train at each level within the unit for the 400 kV and 132 kV systems a n d failure rate
system and also at the 11 kV level between each unit data accumulated for generators of 500 M W and above
and station switchboard. were used for the 900 M W unit.
It was recognised that plant maintenance policy
would play an important role in this assessment and a
System conditions
logical maintenance scheme was assumed, which in­
Since the exercise was of a comparative nature, all cluded a certain a m o u n t of in-line maintenance.
cables (except those used to interconnect boards in the T o calculate the system indices, a derating factor was
one system) were excluded from the studies t o simplify applied to each of the main unit boards (i.e., those at
the analysis. 3.3 kV and above) of each system. For example, it was
It was assumed for the purpose of the study that the assumed that loss of supply t o 11 kV Unit Board l A l
station was in the C M R condition. Thus, for example, would result in a reduction in output power from the
all coal mills and fans were modelled as being in opera­ main generator of 50<^ο. In addition, combinations of
tion, whereas only one sootblower and two oil pumps various unit boards were considered; for example, loss
were included, the remaining sootblower and oil p u m p of both 3.3 kV mill boards was assumed to result in
being on standby. 100% loss of unit output, whereas loss of 3.3 kV mill

P o w e r system performance analysis

T A B L E 2.6

Third order — maintenance outage overlapping forced outage (TYPE 2)

Event Failure rate Residence time

sequence λ r

T Y P E 2

(a) 1", 2, 3 XrX2r;'X3r¡'r2/(r¡' + Τ2) ri'r2tc/(r¡'r2 + r2tc + tcr¡')

(b) 1", 3 , 2 λί'λ3Γί'λ2Γί'Γ3/(Γί' + Γ 3 ) rj'r3tc/(r;'r3 + rj'tc + r3tc)

(c) 2", 3, 1 M^3r2Xir^'r3/(r^ + r 3 ) r^r3tc/(r^'r3 + r ^ ' t c+ r3tc)

(d) 3", 2, 1 >^¡>^2r'i\\T¡T2/ÍT¡ + r 2 ) r3r2tc/(r3r2 + t^Íq + r2tc)

(e) 2", 3, 1 X¿'Xir^X3r^'ri/(r¿' + r i ) r^ritc/(r¿'ri + r ^ ' t c + rite)

(f) 3", 1, 2 X3Xir^'X2r3ri/(r^' + r i ) rs'ritcAr^'ri + r ^ ' t c + r ^ c )

(g) 1" ( 2 & 3 ) λΓλ23Γί r¡'tc/(r¡' + t c )

Where: λ η = Independent failure rate of component *n*

λ23 = CMF rate for components 2 and 3

rn = Repair time of component *n'

tc = Switching time of alternative (NO) path

Components out on maintenance denoted thus (")

Indices for T Y P E 2 events are:

c c
λ2 = Σλ", U2 = Σλ"r", r^ = V^/\2

board l A a n d 11 kV fan board I B would result in a replacement generation costs assessed at £25 per M W h ,
loss of 5 0 % output. there would b e a saving of £625 000 per unit per year
Loss of output d u e t o maintenance of t h e main or £37.5 milHon for a two-unit station over a 30 year
generator was n o t included in the system indices cal­ Hfe if the interconnected design of SES is used.
culation, since this is usually a planned outage a n d is
common t o any auxiHary system. F o r the purpose of
this analysis, loss of supply t o unit boards at the 415 V
3 Power system performance analysis
level was not considered t o cause loss (total or partial)
of output, due t o t h e difficulty of handling t h e large
number of such boards a n d combinations of them with 3.1 Load flow analysis
the G R A S P computer p r o g r a m . However, since t h e
analysis was comparative a n d the omission was made in
both systems, the effects of the omission are negHgible. 3.1.1 Introduction
L o a d flow analysis is used t o assist in planning, design­
ing a n d operating power networks. T h e network or
system is modelled in its steady state operating modes,
The system indices calculated for the radial system E R then t h e voltage at each busbar or b o a r d a n d the power
and L O G are shown in Fig 2.44 a n d those for the inter­ flow in each branch or circuit is calculated.
connected system are shown in Fig 2.45. Particular attention is being paid here t o t h e analysis
The indices show that, although t h e frequency of of power station electrical systems. If a SES fails t o
encounter E R of the derated states is fractionally higher provide sufficient power t o m o t o r drives or other equip­
for the interconnected SES than for t h e radial system ment, then generating output may be lost completely or
(0.28 encounters/year at 100% a n d 0.37 at 5 0 % against be significantly reduced. There are economic penalties
0.27 a n d 0.33, respectively), t h e loss of generation associated with the loss of generation and there may be
(LOG) is lower by approximately 25 G W h / y e a r . With a hazard t o plant safety. T h u s , it is essential t o have

Electrical system analysis Chapter 2

Active failure overlapping with forced outages — second order (TYPE 3)

Event Failure rate Residence time

sequence λ r


(a) la, 2 sir2/(si + r2)

(b) 2, la λ2λ^2 Sir2/(si + r2)

Where: λη = Independent failure rate of component 'n'

λη = Active failure rate of component 'n'

Γη Repair time of component 'n'

Sn Switching/isolating time of component *n'

Indices for TYPE 3 events are:

b b
λ3 = Σλ, Us = ΣλΓ, r3 = UBAB
a a

TABLE 2 . 8
Maintenance outage overlapping active failure — second order (TYPE 3)

Event Failure rate Residence time

sequence λ r


(a) 2", la ΧμΪΓ2 sir^/(si + r^)

(b) 1", 2 a r¡'s2/(r¡' + S2)

Where: λη = Independent failure rate of component 'n*

λη = Active failure rate of component *n'

rn = Repair time of component *n'

Sn = Switching/isolating time of component *n'

Component on maintenance indicated thus (")

Indices for TYPE 3 events are:

b b

Power system performance analysis


Active failure overlapping forced outages — third order (TYPE 3)

Event Failure rate Residence time

sequence λ r


(a) l a , 2, 3 XfX2SiX3Sir2/(si + r 2 ) Sir2r3/(sir2+r2r3+r3si)

(b) l a , 3, 2 XfX3SiX2r3/(si+r3) Sir2r3/(sir2+r2r3+r3si)

(c) 2, 3, l a λ2λ3Γ2λ?Γ2Γ3/(Γ2 + Γ3) Sir2r3/(sir2+r2r3+r3si)

(d) 3, 2, l a λ3λ2Γ3λ?Γ3Γ2/(Γ3+Γ2) Sir2r3/(sir2+r2r3+r3si)

(e) 2, l a , 3 λ2λ?Γ2λ3Γ2δΐ/(Γ2+8ι) Sir2r3/(sir2+r2r3+r3Si)

(0 3, l a , 2 X3Xfr3X2r3Si/(r3+si) Sir2r3/(sir2+r2r3+r3si)

(g) l a (2 & 3) XfX23Si Sir2r3/(sir2-f-r2r3+r3si)

(h) (2 & 3), l a λ23λ?Γ2Γ3/(Γ2+Γ3) Sir2r3/(sir2 + r2r3+r3si)

Where: λ η = Independent failure rate of component *n'

\\ = Active failure rate of component 1

λ23 = CMF rate for components 2 and 3

rn = Repair time of component *n*

si = Switching/isolating time of component 1

TABLE 2.10

Maintenance outage overlapping with active failure and forced outage — third order (TYPE 3)

Event Failure rate Residence time

sequence λ r


(a) 2\ 3, l a X^3r2Xfr^r3/(r;^+r3) Sir2r3/(sir^+sir3+r;jr3)

(b) 2", l a , 3 X^f r^3r;^si/(r;^+si) Sir2r3/(sir2+sir3+r2r3)

(c) 3", 2, 1 X3X2r3Xf r3r2/(r3 + r 2 ) Sir3r2/(sir5 +Sir2+r5r2)

(d) 3", l a , 2 XgXf r 5 X 2 r 3 S i / ( r 5 +si) Sir3r2/(sir5 + S i r 2 + r 5 r 2 )

Where: λ η = Independent failure rate of component *n'

\\ = Active failure rate of component 1

rn = Repair time of component *n'

si = Switching/isolating time of component 1

Component on maintenance indicated thus (")

Electrical system analysis Chapter 2

TABLE 2.11
Overlapping forced outages — second order (TYPE 5)

Residence time (TYPE 5)

Event Failure Repair Restoration by Restoration

rate rate component from LES

(a) 1, 2 λ ι λ 2 Γ ΐ /Al + n 2 \ /μ ritc/(ri +tc)

(b) 2, 1 λ 2 λ ΐ Γ 2 μΊ + n 2 \ /μ r2tc/(r2+tc)

(c) (1+2) λ ΐ 2 -»-n2 \ /μ tc

For each event: Average repair time r = rAP + rß ( 1 - P )

Where: Ρ = e'^^^
λ η = Failure rate of component *n'
Γη = Repair time of component 'n'
tc = Switching and start-up time of LES
tL = Time limit of LES

Indices for TYPE 5 events are:

λ = Xa + Xb + Xc

U = Xa Ta + Xb Tb + ^c
τ = U/X

well designed power station electrical systems, so their There are many ways of describing an electrical
operating voltage and frequency limits are defined; if network or power system mathematically: all must
the auxiHary plant is specified to be supplied within satisfy Kirchoffs voltage and current laws. Nodal ana­
these defined voltage and frequency limits, then its lysis has emerged as the method best suited to digital
performance will be acceptable. computation.
Assuming a balanced three-phase network it is suf­
ficient to use the positive phase sequence impedances
3.1.2 Program construction [4,5]
(and hence admittances) of circuit components such as
transmission Hues and cables, transformers, series and
General remarks shunt capacitors. These are usually represented in per-
The equations defining load flow in a power network unit (p.u.) notation as lumped linear complex imped­
can be stated and digital computation then used to ances at rated system frequency. Transmission circuits
solve them. A great deal of research has gone into may be represented by their equivalent 7 r - n e t w o r k s .
finding the best methods of doing this. Special In nodal analysis an electrical system comprising
numerical techniques are used, the most popular being transformers, lines, cables, inductors, series capaci­
based on nodal methods of network analysis, using tors, shunt capacitors and loads is translated into a
Newton-Raphson based algorithms to solve the network set of 'branches' expressed as impedances or admit­
equations. Gauss-Seidel based algorithms and Z-matrix tances. Admittance values are normally used, because
methods have also been developed. These methods are there are considerable advantages during computation
discussed in detail in [6]. in using admittance instead of impedance values for
A set of complex simultaneous equations is set up network branches. The busbars a n d switchboards are
relating currents and voltages within the network. separately translated into a set of 'nodes' which serve
Although the basic equations are linear, non-linearities as link points for the branches. All voltage sources
arise for various reasons. Hence the need for an iterative (generators) are replaced by current injection at the
numerical solution. appropriate node.

P o w e r system performance analysis

TABLE 2.12

Maintenance outage overlapping forced outages — second order (TYPE 5)

Residence time (TYPE 5)

Event Failure Repair Restoration by Restoration

rate rate component from LES
λ" 'I

(a) 1", 2 1/^" rJ'tcArJ' + tc)

(b) 2". 1 1/μ" r^tc/(ri' + tc)

For each event: average repair time Γ" = r^P" + ΓΒ(1-Ρ")

Where: P" = e-'^''^^

λη = Failure rate of component *n'

rn = Repair time of component *n'

tc = Switching and start-up time of LES

tL = Time limit of LES

Component out on maintenance indicated thus (")

Indices for TYPE 5 events are:

λ" = + λί

Υ" = X'Á r^ + λ bκ Γ^ b

= UVX"

These techniques are employed to reduce the a m o u n t and at least one node is connected to ground (three
of computation needed to obtain the solution to the nodes are connected to ground, in this example).
load flow problem. Using Kirchoffs first law at each node, we have the
foUowing equations:
Nodal analysis
Figure 2.46 illustrates how a voltage source may be Yl (Va - Vb) + Y4 Va = ia

replaced by an equivalent current source. Y2 (vb - Ve) - Yl(Va - Vb) + Y5 Vb = ib

In Fig 2.46 (a) we have vohage source Ε with admit­
tance Y connected to node 1 having voltage to ground Y3 (vc - Vd) - Y2(vb - Vc) = ic

of V. It follows that V = Ε - I / Y and I = Y ( E - V ) ,

Y6 Vd - Y 3 (Vc - Vd) = id
as shown in Fig 2.46 (b). If we define Ii = YE and I 2
= YV, this is shown in Fig 2.46 (c) and the voltage
source has been replaced by a current source. expressing the admittance coefficients in matrix form,
In Fig 2.46 (d), we have a vohage source Ε and an the voltages as a vector and the currents as a vector
admittance Y between nodes 1 and 2, then V 2 - Vi = gives:
Ε - i/Y. If now we define Ii = - E Y a n d h = + E Y ,
this is shown in Fig 2.46 (e), and the vohage source has
been replaced by two current sources. Yl + Y4 - Y l 0 0 Va
To illustrate the formation of the basic equations
used in nodal analysis, consider the simple network - Y l Y1 + Y24-Y5 - Y 2 0 Vb lb

shown in Fig 2.47. Figure 2.47 (a) illustrates a simple

0 - Y 2 Y2 + Y3 - Y 3 Vc
power system which translates to the Fig 2.47 (b)
network. 0 0 - Y 3 Y3 + Y6 Vd
The network has a current injected into each node,
each node is connected to at least one other node, or, i n short f o r m Y V - 1

Electrical system analysis Chapter 2

TABLE 2.13
Overlapping forced outages — third order (TYPE 5)

Residence time (TYPE 5)

Event Failure rate Restoration by Restoration

component f r o m LES

(a) 1, 2, 3 X l X 2 r i X 3 r i r 2 / ( r i + r 2 ) \ /μ rir2tc/(rir2 + r ^ c + r2tc)

(b) 1, 3, 2 XlX3nX2rir3/(ri + r 3 ) \ /μ rir3tc/(rir3 + rite + r3te)

(c) 2, 3, 1 Χ2λ3Γ2λΐΓ2Γ3/(Γ2 + Γ3) ι /μ Γ2Γ3ΐε/(Γ2Γ3 + r2te + r3tc)

(d) 3, 2, 1 λ3λ2Γ3ΧΐΓ2Γ3/(Γ2 + Γ3) \ /μ Γ2Γ3ΐο/(Γ2Γ3 + n^c + r3tc)

(e) 2, 1, 3 λ2λΐΓ2λ3Γ2Γΐ/(Γ2 + Π ) \ /μ ΓΐΓ2ίς/(ΓΐΓ2 + rite + r2te)

(0 3, 1, 2 λ3λΐΓ3λ2Γ3Γΐ/(Γ3 + Γΐ) ι /μ r3rite/(r3ri + r3te + r ^ c )

(g) 1, 2 + 3 λ ΐ λ 2 3 Γ ι /μ rite/(ri + t e )

(h) 2 -f 3, 1 λ23λΐΓ2Γ3/(Γ2 + Γ3) ι /μ r2r3tc/(r2r3 + r2tc + r3tc)

For each event: average repair time Γ = Γ Α Ρ + Γ Β ( 1 - Ρ )

Where: μ = MI + / a 2 + / a 3

Ρ e - ^ t L

λ η Failure rate of component 'n'

λ23 CMF rate for components 2 and 3

Γη Repair time of component *n*

tc Switching and startup time of LES

tL Time limit of LES

Indices for TYPE 5 events are:

h h
\S = Σ λ , Us = Σ λ Γ , TS = UsAs

It will be seen that nodal admittance matrix Y can be • Each off-diagonal element Yik is the negative of the
written by inspection and that, for larger networks, the branch admittance between nodes i and k.
matrix will he highly sparse (i.e., contains a high
proportion of zero elements). The properties of the • In large networks, many off-diagonal elements will
matrix are: be zero, i.e., the matrix is sparse.

• It is a square of order (n χ n), where η is the number The matrix equation YV = I defines the injected
of nodes in the network. currents in terms of network admittances and voltages.
Mathematically speaking, the set of equations YV = I
• It is symmetrical (Yik = Yki, general element i^^
may or may not have a solution, depending on the
row, k^^ column).
characteristics of matrix Y. N o solution is possible if
• It is complex, i.e., it may contain conductance and matrix Y is singular and thus has no inverse. This
susceptance terms. happens if the system has no ground connections. If
matrix Y is not singular, the ease of solution depends
• Each diagonal element Ykk is the sum of the admit­ on whether the matrix is well conditioned; if it is,
tances connected to node k, including the branches computational rounding errors will not accumulate
to ground. during the numerical process. Fortunately, the admit-

P o w e r system performance analysis

TABLE 2.14

Overlapping forced outages — third order (TYPE 5), with third order CMF

R e s i d e n c e t i m e ( T Y P E 5 )

E v e n t Failure rate Restoration b y Restoration

c o m p o n e n t f r o m L E S


(a) 1, 2 , 3 X l X 2 r i X 3 r i r 2 / ( r i + r 2 ) ι /μ r i r 2 t c / ( r i r 2 + r ^ c+ r2tc)

(b) 1, 3 , 2 Χ ΐ Χ 3 Γ ΐ Χ 2 Γ ΐ Γ 3 / ( Γ ΐ + Γ 3 ) ι /μ r i r 3 t c / ( r i r 3 + r ^ c+ r3tc)

(c) 2, 3, 1 Χ2Χ3Γ2ΧΙΓ2Γ3/(Γ2 + Γ 3 ) ι /μ Γ2Γ3ΐς/(Γ2Γ3 + r2tc + r^ic)

(d) 3, 2, 1 Χ 3 Χ 2 Γ 3 Χ ΐ Γ 3 Γ 2 / ( Γ 3 + η ) ι /μ Γ3Γ2ΐς/(Γ3Γ2 + r3tc + r2tc)

(e) 2 , 1, 3 Χ 2 Χ ΐ Γ 2 Χ 3 Γ 2 Γ ΐ / ( Γ 2 + Γ ι ) ι /μ Γ2Γΐίς/(Γ2Γΐ + r2tc + rite)

(0 3 , 1, 2 Χ 3 Χ ΐ Γ 3 Χ 2 Γ 3 Γ ΐ / ( Γ 3 + Γ ΐ ) ι /μ Γ3Γΐίο/(Γ3Γΐ + r3tc + rite)

(g) 1, 2 + 3 Χ123 ι /μ tc

For each event: average repair time r = r A Ρ + rß (1 - Ρ )

Where: μ = μι + M 2+ M 3

Ρ = Q-t'^L

λη = failure rate of component *n'

X123 = CMF rate for components 1, 2 and 3

rn = Repair time of component *n'

tc = Switching and start-up time of LES

tL = Time limit of LES

Indices f o rT Y P E 5 events are:

g g
λ 5 = Σ λ , Us = Σ λ Γ , rs = UsAs
a a

tance matrices derived from power station electrical Busbar type definitions
systems are well conditioned, also one or more volt­
There are three basic types of busbar defined in load
ages on the system are specified, usually the super-
flow analysis:
grid a n d / o r grid voltage. These factors remove the
problems associated with ill-conditioned admittance • PQ busbar, where net active (real and reactive power)
matrices. are specified; i.e., the watts and VARs supphed from
The specified voltage can now be eliminated from generation sources, minus those consumed by loads
the nodal equations. Assuming for convenience that at that busbar. This is normally a busbar where only
the first node voltage is known, and considering the load is connected.
equation I = YV, the new equations become:
• Ρ V busbar, where net active power and voltage mag­
nitude are specified. Net reactive power is not
Ik - Yki Vi = E YkiVi for k = 2 to k = η specified and its value for the busbar emerges as
i = 2
part of the load flow solution. Typically, this is a
busbar where generating plant or synchronous com­
The set of equations can then be solved using one of the pensation is connected a n d the voUage magnitude is
available techniques, some of which will be briefly controlled by regulating the reactive power output
described later. of the generator.

Electrical system analysis Chapter 2

TABLE 2.15

Forced outages overlapping maintenance — third order (TYPE 5)

Residence time (TYPE 5)

Event Failure rate Restoration by Restoration

component from LES

(a) 1", 2, 3 Xi\2r;'X3r¡'r2/(r¡' + Γ2) ι/μ" r¡'r2tc/{r¡'r2 + r,"tc + Γ2ΐς)

(b) 1", 3, 2 X¡'X3r¡'X2r¡'r3/(r¡' + r3) ι/μ" r|'r3tc/(r;'r3 + r,"tc + rate)

(c) 2", 3, 1 X¿'X3r^Xir^'r3/(r2' + r3) ι/μ" rjrstcAr^rs + r^tc + rate)

(d) 3", 2, 1 λ3λ2Γ3λΐΓ^'Γ2/(Γ3 + Γ2) ι/μ" r3"r2tc/(r3r2 + r"^tc + r2tc)

(e) 2", 1, 3 X¿'Xiri;X3r^ri/(ri' + ri) ι/μ" rjritc/irjri + r^tc + rjtc)

(0 3", 1, 2 X3'Xir^'X2r3ri/(r^' + n ) ι/μ" rj'ntcAr^ri + r^'tc + r i t e )

(g) 1", 2 + 3 λί'λ23 ι/μ" rl'tcAr," + tc)

For each event: average repair time r" = r ; P + r¿ ( 1 - P )

Where: μ" - μ{ + M2 + μ3 or μ\ + μ2 + M3 or μ\ + μι + μi

Ρ ^

λη = Failure rate of component *n'

λ23 • CMF rate for components 2 and 3

Γη Repair time of component *n*

tc = Switching and start-up time of LES

tL • Time limit of LES

Component out on maintenance indicated thus (")

Indices for TYPE 5 events are:

g g
\l = Σλ", U; = Σλ'ϊ",
a a

• Slack busbar. This is a busbar nominated by the defined by the linear nodal equations I = YV a n d the
analyst from the P V busbars for analysis purposes busbar constraints, as follows:
only. There is only one slack busbar on each system.
(a) At a PQ busbar
Voltage magnitude is specified, but the net active
power is designated as u n k n o w n . This is because, VI * = (net active power) + j (net reactive power)
prior to solving the network equations, the system = (net active generated power χ net active
losses are unknown and it is not possible to specify power supplied t o loads) Η- j (net reactive
the total generated power exactly. During analysis, generated power - net reactive power
these losses are assumed t o be taken from the system supplied t o loads) at that busbar.
at this busbar. T h e busbar with the greatest a m o u n t (b) At a PV busbar
of generating capacity connected is usually chosen t o
be the slack busbar. Re VI * = net active power (Re = real part of)
= (net active generated power - net
active power supplied to loads) at the
Complex variables — definitions busbar.
The complex variables in load flow analysis are the and IVI = voltage specified at that busbar (| V |
voltage and current at each busbar or node. These are = modulus of V).

Power system performance analysis




GRASP-2 FRI, 03 JUN 1988 1

FIG. 2.20 Reliability analysis of failure rate (FR) — presentation of results

(c) At the slack busbar • Vohage magnitude at slack and P V busbars.

V = voltage specified at that busbar • Net active power input at P V and P Q busbars.
• Net reactive power input at P Q busbars.
Footnote: • The impedances of network branches. (Circuits or
transmission hues, transformers, series and shunt
Complex power S = Ρ + jQ, and V = |V| eJ^ and I = | l | eJ^' reactors, static capacitors. Transmission circuits with
I* is defined as | l | e~J^ and called the complex conjugate of I significant charging currents are represented by a
The product VI* = S because VI* = |V| e^^ χ |I| e'J^^ pi network, i.e., a series impedance and two shunt
= IVlllleJ('^-i^)
capacitances, one at each end of the circuit.)
= |V||I|eJ^
= |V||I|cos0+j|V||I| ύηφ The data outputs are:
= Ρ + jQ • Voltage magnitude and angle at P Q busbars.
similarly V* I can be shown to equal Ρ - jQ .
• Voltage angle at P V busbars.
• Active power generation at the slack busbar.

Simplified system representation data requirements and • Reactive power generation at the slack and PV
outputs busbars.
• Power flows at both ends of each network branch.
A simplified system representation has the following
data input requirements for analysis purposes: • Losses in each branch and total system losses.

Electrical system analysis Chapter 2


GRASP-2 F R I , D3 JUN 1 9 8 8 1

FIG. 2.21 Reliability analysis of average outage duration ( A O D ) — presentation of results

Solution of network equations Assuming for the m o m e n t that ah busbars other than
the slack busbar are the P Q type, for a P Q busbar:
As mentioned earlier, the solution of the network
equations in matrix form developed from the nodal
Ii = ( Ρ Γ - ]Qf)/y* (Superscript SP =
representation of the power system is done by computer
specified value)
programs, using one of several methods. These include
the Gauss-Seidel method, the Newton-Raphson method and substituting for Ij in the above:
and the fast-decoupled method. These are now briefly
described. V? =

(P^-JO?^) (i-i> ^
Gauss-Seidel method - ^ - ^ - ^ - Yii V i - Σ Yik VP - Σ Yik v P - /Yii
Vf k=2 k = (i+l)
This is one of the easiest methods to p r o g r a m . It is
for k = 2 t o k = η (2.1)
adapted from the Gauss-Seidel iterative method of
solving simultaneous linear differential equations.
This algorithm can be applied iteratively until con­
Nominating the slack busbar as number 1, purely for
vergence is reached.
presentation purposes, the algorithm is:
If there is a P V busbar present, it is necessary t o
calculate Qf^ before the above algorithm can be used.
V? =
(i-l) This is done by calculating:
(Ii - Yi, V i - Σ Yik V P - Σ Yik V P - ^ ) / Y i i
k=2 k = (i + l)
= Σ Yik Vl (Superscript Ρ = the last
where ρ is the iteration number. k=l calculated value(s))

P o w e r system p e r f o r m a n c e analysis

ñ N N U ñ L OUTAGE T I M E ( H / Y R )

CRASP-2 FRI, 03 JUN 1988 1

FiG. 2.22 Reliability analysis of annual outage time (AOT) — presentation of results

and Q P - ^ = Im [V?"* χ If"^*] of iterations is reached. In that case, a message is

displayed to the user informing him that the maximum
(Im = Imaginary part of and superscript Ρ - 1 = the
number of iterations has been reached without the
last but one calculated value) and Qi can be used in
solution converging. (The user then seeks the reasons
Equation (2.1).
for this.)
Finally, for PV busbars, the calculated value of V?
T o reduce computation time, an acceleration method
is reduced to its original specified value without chang­
can be inserted into the p r o g r a m in conjunction with
ing its angle.
the process described. One method is to project each
A logic flow diagram for the Gauss-Seidel method
voltage variable linearly in the direction the solution
is given in Fig 2.48. The diagram illustrates the suc­
is seen to be moving. This may require additional
cessive stages in the computation. Once the initial data
storage and care must be taken not to Over project'
are read into the computer and the iteration counter
the variables, otherwise n o solution will emerge.
set to zero, the program calculates the voltage at each
node in t u r n . It then compares the set of voltages
just calculated with the preceding set of calculated Newton-Raphson method
voltages. If the two sets of values are within a pre­ This method is based on the Newton-Raphson general
defined tolerance, then the solution is said to have algorithm for the solution of a set of simultaneous non­
converged. If convergence does not occur, a further linear equations. F(X) = 0, where F is a vector of
iteration takes place and comparison between the two functions fi to fη in variables x i , to X n .
most recent sets of voltages is m a d e . At some stage At each iteration of this method, the non-linear
either convergence is achieved, and the results of the problem is approximated by a linear matrix and solved
analysis are displayed, or the preset maximum number for Δ Χ .

Electrical system analysis Chapter 2





1 < l> S2/1 Sl/1 B5/1 Rl/1 B6/1

2 < 2) Sl/1 S3/1 87/1 Q2/1 B8/1
3 < 3) Wl/1 Sl/1 Bl/l Tl/l B2/1
4 < 4> U2/ 1 S2/1 B3/1 T2/1 B4/1
5 < 5) S2/1 S4/1 Ql/1
6 < 6> S4/1 S3/1 B9/1 R2/1 ΒΙΘ/
7 < 7> S3/1 S4/1 Pl/1



H I U 2



s 1 6 7 2
s 2 5 4 9
s 3 8 10
s 4 9 5 4
τ 1 1 2
τ 2 3 4
Β 1 2
Β 2 1 6 7
Β 3 4
Β 4 3 5 9
Β 5 6 4 9
Β 6 5 7 2
Β 7 8 β 2
Β 8 7 10
Β 9 10 5 4
θ 10 9 8
Μ 1 1
Μ 2 3
Ρ ι 8 10 9
R 1 5 6
R 2 9 10
Q 1 5 4 9
Q 2 7 8


Ρ 1

FRI, 03 JUN 1988 1

FIG. 2 . 2 3 Input data to calculate paths and cuts, and the switching effects of component active failures

Ρ(χΡ-ΐ) = - J(XP-l) X Δ Χ Ρ and columns are written is changed, and only non-zero
elements of the Jacobian matrix are stored and operated
i.e., ΔΧΡ = -[J(XP-^)]-^ Ρ ( χ Ρ - 0 on. This is difficult to program but improvement in
solution efficiency makes it worthwhile.
X is then updated by X ^ = X ^ - ^ + Δ χ Ρ

Fast decoupled method

The square matrix J is the Jacobian matrix of F(X). This
contains partial derivatives and has general element. Based on the Newton-Raphson method, this solution
takes advantage of two practical characteristics of
power systems:
for i^^ row, k^^ column
5 x k • That active (watt) power flow between nodes is
strongly dependent on the difference in phase angle
There are several ways to write the load flow equations;
between nodes.
one popular way is to substitute for Ii, obtained from
I = YV, into the P Q and PV busbar equations given • T h a t reactive (VAr) power flow between nodes is
earher. strongly dependent on the difference in voltage
The Newton-Raphson method is widely used and is between nodes.
efficient in solving large networks. Convergence is rapid
when approaching correct values. Efficient solution is If Newton-Raphson is formulated as:
very dependent on accurate calculation of the elements
in the Jacobian matrix. This matrix is sparse, and this ΔΡ
property is exploited by use of sparsity-programmed = [J] Δν
ordered ehmination. This means the way in which rows

Power system performance analysis



S l Θ. Θ Θ 3 Θ 0.0030 48 0000 1.0000 8.0000 0. 5 0 0 0

S 2 θ. 0 0 3 0 0.0030 48 0000 1.0000 8.0000 0.5000
S 3 θ. 0 0 3 0 0.0030 48 0000 1.0000 8.0000 0.5000
S 4 0.0030 0.0030 48 0000 1.0000 8.0000 0.5000
Τ 1 0. 0 2 0 0 0.0140 120 0000 1.0000 72.0000 1. 0 0 0 0
Τ 2 0.0200 0.0140 120 0000 1.0000 7 2.00 00 1.0000
Β 1 0. 0 1 2 0 0.0050 48 0000 4.0000 0.0010 24.0000 1.0000
Β 2 θ. 0 1 2 0 0.0050 36 0000 1.0000 0.0010 24.ΘΘΟΘ 1. 0 0 0 0
Β 3 0. 0 1 2 0 0.0050 48 0000 4.0000 0.0010 24.0000 1.0000
Β 4 0. 0 1 2 0 0.0050 36 0000 1.0000 0.0010 24.0000 1. 0 0 0 0
Β 5 0.0120 0.0050 36 0000 1.0000 0.0010 24.0000 1.0000
Β 6 0.0120 0.0050 36 0000 1.0000 0. 0 0 1 0 24.0000 1. 0 0 0 0
Β 7 0. 0 1 2 0 0.0050 36 0000 1 .0 0 0 0 0.0010 24.0000 1.0000
Β θ 0. 0 1 2 0 0.0050 36 0000 1.0000 0.0010 24.0000 1. 0 0 0 0
8 9 0. 0 1 2 0 0.0050 36 0000 1 .0 0 0 0 0.0010 24.0000 1. 0 0 0 0
Β 1Θ 0.0120 0.0050 36 0000 1.0000 0.0010 24.0000 1.0000
U i 0. 0 7 5 0 0.0300 2 0000 4.0000 30.0000 1.0000
Μ 2 0.0750 0.0300 2 0000 4.0000 30.0000 1.0000
Ρ 1 0.0120 0.0050 36 0000 1 .0000 0.0010 24.0000 1. 0 0 0 0
R 1 0.0200 0.0140 120 0000 1.0000 72.0000 1.0000
R 2 0. 0 2 0 0 0.0140 120 0000 1,0000 72.0000 1. 0 0 0 0
Q 1 0.0040 0.0040 24 0000 1.0000 0.0000 0. 0 0 0 0
Q 2 0.0040 0.0040 24 0000 1.0000 θ.0000 0. 0 0 0 0






DO N / 0 P A T H S FAIL W H E N R E Q U I R E D TO O P E R A T E ? .


GRASP-2 F R I , 03 JUN 1988 1

FIG. 2.24 Reliability and C M F input data




S3/1 S l / 1 S 2 / 1 W2/1 2 1 4
S3/1 S4/i S2/1 U2/1 6 5 4
S3/1 S l / 1 Wl/1 2 3
S3/1 S4/1 S 2 / 1 W2/1 7 5 4

THU, 02 JUN 1988 1

FIG. 2.25 List of system minimal paths

Electrical system analysis Chapter 2





1 S3/1
2 S l / 1 S2/1
3 S l / 1 W2/l
4 S l / 1 B3/1
5 Sl/1 T2/1
6 S l / 1 B4/1
? S l / 1 S4/1
8 Sl/1 89/1
9 S l / 1 R2/1
10 S l / 1 Β 1 0/ 1
1 1 Sl/1 Ql/1
12 S2/1 B7/1
13 S2/1 Q2/1
14 S2/1 B8/1
15 S2/1 Wl/1
16 S2/1 Bl/l
17 S2/1 T l / l
18 S2/1 B2/1
1 9 W2/1 B7/1
20 W2/1 Q2/1
21 W2/1 88/1
22 W2/1 Wl/1
23 W2/1 B l / l
24 W2/1 T l / l
25 W2/1 82/1
26 87/1 83/1
27 B7/1 T2/1
28 B7/1 84/1
29 02/1 83/1
30 Q2/1 T2/1
31 02/1 84/1
32 B8/1 83/1
33 B8/1 T2/1
34 B8/1 B4/1
35 B7/1 S4/1
36 Q2/1 S4/1
37 B8/1 S4/1
38 B7/1 B9/1
39 B7/1 R2/1
40 B7/1 Β 10/1
4 1 02/ 1 B9/1
42 02/1 R2/1
43 Q2/1 Β 10/1

THÜ, G2 JUN 1988

44 B8/1 89/1
45 88/1 R2/1
46 88/1 Β 10/1
47 87/1 Ql/1
48 Q2/1 Ql/1
49 88/1 Ql/1
50 83/1 Wl/1
51 T2/1 Wl/1
52 84/1 Wl/1
53 B3/1 81/1
54 83/1 T l / l
55 83/1 82/1
56 T2/1 Bl/l
57 Τ2/ 1 T l / l
58 T2/1 82/1
59 84/1 81/1
60 84/1 T l / l
61 84/1 82/1


8 4
9 4
IG 4
38 4
39 4
40 4
4 1 4
42 4
43 4
44 4
45 4
46 4

THU, 02 JUN 1988 1

FIG. 2.26 List of minimal cuts

P o w e r system p e r f o r m a n c e analysis

**********REL1ABILITY RESULTS**•·*••**•



83/1 FAILED 0.3Θ0ΘΘΕ-Θ2 Θ.48ΘΘΘΕ 02 0. 14400E 0

Sl/l S2/1 Θ.9863ΘΕ-Θ7 Θ.24ΘΘΘΕ 02 0.23671Ε-Θ
OUT 0.27397E^85 Θ.68571E 01 0.18787Ε-Θ4
Sl/1 M2/1 0.12842Ε-Θ5 0. 19200E 01 0.24658Ε-Θ
OUT Θ.44521Ε-Θ4 Θ. 5 4 9 1 IE 01 0. 2 4 4 4 7 E - 0 3
Sl/1 B3/1 8.39452Ε-Θ6 Θ.24ΘΘΘΕ 02 0.94685Ε-Θ
OUT 8. 1 3 6 9 9 Ε - Θ 4 8. 1 2 3 4 3 E 02 0. 1 6 9 Θ 8 Ε - 0 3
Sl/1 T2/1 0.115Θ7Ε-Θ5 0.34286E 02 0.39452E-0
OUT 0.3379ΘΕ-Θ4 0. 2 3 Θ 4 3 Ε 02 0. 7 7 8 6 3 Ε - Θ 3
Sl/1 B4/1 0.34521Ε-Θ6 Θ.2Θ571Ε 02 0.71O14E-0
OUT 0. 1 3 6 9 9 Ε - Θ 4 Θ. 1 2 2 1 8 E 02 0. 1 6 7 3 7 Ε - Θ 3
Sl/1 S4/1 0.9863ΘΕ-07 Θ.24ΘΘ0Ε 02 0.23671E-0
OUT 0.27397Ε-Θ5 0.68571E 01 0. 1 8 7 8 7 E - 0 4
Sl/1 B9/1 OUT 0.34521E-06 0.97676E 00 0.33718E-0
N/0 ΡΛΤΗ CLOSED 0. 1 3 6 9 9 Ε - Θ 4 0.93156E 00 0. 1 2 7 6 1 E - 0 4
Sl/1 R2/1 OUT 0. 1 1 5 O 7 E - 0 5 0.98827E 00 0. 1 1 3 7 2 Ε - Θ
N/O PATH CLOSED 0.33790Ε-Θ4 0. 9 5 9 9 7 E 00 0.32437E-04
Sl/1 Β1Θ/1 OUT Θ.34521Ε-Θ6 0.97676E 00 0.33718Ε-Θ
N/O PATH CLOSED 0. 1 3 6 9 9 Ε - Θ 4 0. 9 3 1 5 6 E 00 0.12761E-04
Sl/1 Ql/1 0.9863ΘΕ-07 0. 1 6 Θ Ο 0 Ε 02 0. 1 5 7 8 1 E - 0
OUT 0.18265E-05 0.60000Ε 01 0. 1 0 9 5 9 E - 0 4
S2/1 B7/1 0.34521Ε-0β 0.2O571E 02 0.71014E-O
OUT 0. 1 3 6 9 9 E - 0 4 0. 1 2 2 1 8 E 02 0.16737E-03
S2/1 Q2/1 0.9Θ63ΘΕ-07 0. 160O0E 02 0. 1 5 7 8 1 E - 0
OUT 0. 1 8 2 6 5 E - 0 5 0. 6 0 O O O E 01 0.10959E-O4
S2/1 B8/1 0.34521E-06 0.20571E 02 0.71014E-0
OUT 0. 1 3 6 9 9 Ε - Θ 4 0. 1 2 2 1 8 E 02 0.16737E-03
S2/1 Wl/1 θ.12842E-05 0. 1 9 2 0 0 E 01 0.24658E-0
OUT 0.44521Ε-Θ4 0. 5 4 9 1 IE 01 0.24447E-03
S2/1 Bl/1 0.39452E-06 O.240OOE 02 0.94685E-0
OUT 0. 1 3 6 9 9 Ε - Θ 4 0.12343E 02 0. 1 6 9 O 8 E - 0 3
S2/1 Tl/1 0. 1 1 5 0 7 E - 0 5 0.34286E 02 0.39452E-0
OUT 0.3379ΘΕ-04 0.23043E 02 0. 7 7 8 6 3 E - 0 3
S2/1 B2/1 0.34521E-06 0.2O571E 02 0.71014E-O
OUT 0. 1 3 6 9 9 E - 0 4 0. 1 2 2 1 8 E 02 0. 1 6 7 3 7 E - 0 3
U2/1 B7/1 0.39041E-O5 0. 1 8 9 4 7 E 01 0.73973E-0
OUT O.24658E-03 0. 4 2 6 5 7 E 01 0. 1 0 5 1 8 E - 0 2
U2/1 Q2/1 0.89O41E-06 0. 1 8 4 6 2 E 01 0. 1 6 4 3 8 E - 0
OUT 0. 1 3 6 9 9 E - 0 4 0.13333E 02 0. 1 8 2 6 5 E - 0 3
W2/1 B8/1 0.39041E-05 0. 18947E 01 0.73973E-0
OUT 0.24658E-03 0.42657E 01 0. 1 O 5 1 8 E - 0 2
CRASP-2 FRI, 03 JUN 1988 1

FIG. 2.27 List of nodal failure events

and Jacobian matrix J is partitioned Representation of transformer with off-load taps

A transformer having nominal tap setting is, for nodal
A Β aik = - a A P i / a O k bik = - V k - a A P i / d V k analysis purposes, represented as a simple lumped
J = impedance.
C D cik = - a A Q i / a O k dik = - V k - a A Q i / a v k
However, in power systems, transformer taps are
often set to an off-nominal value. This requires some
then it is sections A and D which strongly influence modification to the nodal analysis techniques pre­
the solution. If sections Β and C are approximated viously described.
to zero, there are now two separate equations: The vast majority of tappings used are in-phase, but
occasionally phase-shifting tappings are used. In-phase
ΔΡ = ΑΔΘ and AQ = DAV/V. tappings can be accommodated by simple changes in
This is known as decoupling. equivalent circuits. Phase-shifts are more difficult. The
admittance matrix Y is n o longer symmetrical and ma­
j o r changes must be m a d e to the analytical processes.
The fast-decoupled method has some advantages over
One method of accommodating off-nominal tappings
is to incorporate the off-nominal tap representation
• N o recalculation of the Jacobian matrix is necessary. directly into the admittance matrix. This is done as
• Speed is some 5 times greater.
Consider the general case of a transformer with an
• Higher initial convergence in most cases. arbitary complex t a p ratio a' + j b ' between two bus­
bars (or nodes) i and k (Fig 2.49 (a)).
One disadvantage is worse convergence close to the Replace this by an ideal transformer with nominal
solution. admittance Y i k , inverting the turns ratio for analytical

Electrical system analysis Chapter 2



Θ.88546Ε ΘΙ (HOURS)










FFR - 0.313OOE-O2 FFR - G.17096E-04 FFR • 0.15G14E-01 FFR - 0.28O19E-04

ΓΟΑΟ - Θ.46645Ε 02 FOAO - 0.98221E 00 FOAD - 0.99997E 00 FOAD - 0.99998E 00
FOT/Y- 0.14600E 00 FOT/Y- 0.16792E-04 FOT/Y- 0.15O14E-01 FOT/Y- 0.28019E-04

MFR - 0.55G59E-02 MFR - 0.68584E-G3 MFR - 0.55023E-03 MFR - 0.76712E-06

MOAD - 0.11316E 02 MOAD · Θ.96769Ε 00 MOAD - 0.97245E 00 MOAD - 0.97103E 00
MOT/Y- 0.62303E-GI MOT/Y- 0.66368E-G3 MOT/Y- 0.53507E-03 MOT/Y- 0.74490E-0G

TFR - 0.8636GE-02 TFR • G.70294E-03 TFR - O.15564E-01 TFR - O.28787E-04

AOT - 0.24120E 02 AOT - 0.968G4E 00 AOT - 0.999OGE 00 AOT - 0.99921E 00
TOT/Y- 0.20830E GO TOT/Y- 0.68047E-03 TOT/Y- 0.15549E-G1 TOT/Y- 0.28764E-O4

FRI, 03 JUN 1988 1

FIG. 2.28 List of calculated busbar indices

convenience, Fig 2.49 (b). Suppose the transformer is on Equations (2.4) and (2.5) showing the general case,
nominal t a p . The ideal transformer is ehminated and can be compared with Equations (2.2) and (2.3) showing
the nodal equations for the network branch are: a transformer with nominal t a p setting.
Thus, in the case of a transformer with nominal tap
lik = Yik (Vi - Vk) setting, the nodal matrix is constructed by adding Yik
= Yik Vi - Yik Vk (2.2) to each diagonal term YÜ and Ykk, and inserting - Yik
in the off-diagonal terms Yik and Yki. Similarly, for
Iki = - Y i k (Vi - Vk)
the general case with off-nominal taps,
= - Y i k Vi + Yik Vk (2.3)
and lik = -Iki (a^ + b^) Yik is added to diagonal term YÜ
Yik is added to diagonal term Ykk
In the general case, let the voltage on the k side of the - (a - jb) Yik is inserted in off-diagonal term Yik
ideal transformer be Vt, a n d - (a + jb) Yik is inserted in off-diagonal term Yki

then Vt = (a + jb) Vi It can be seen here that, when b ^ 0, the nodal matrix
and Vilfk = -Vtlk*i is no longer symmetrical.
lik = - ( a - jb) Iki In most cases, the off-nominal taps are in phase (i.e.,
b = 0) and the simple π circuit shown in Fig 2.50 can
and Iki = Yik (Vk - Vt) be deduced from Equations (2.4) and (2.5).
A second approach to representing off-nominal
Eliminating Vt transformer taps is to ignore the off-nominal taps in
constructing the nodal matrix and to introduce their
lik = (a2 + b2) Yik Vi - (a - jb) Yik Vk (2.4) effects by modifying the nodal injected currents Ii
Iki = Yik Vk - (a + jb) Yik Vi (2.5) and Ik by amounts Ali and Δ Ik, as in Fig 2.51.

P o w e r system p e r f o r m a n c e analysis



Sl/l 1ΘΘ.8/
S2/1 88. 8/
S3/1 58.8/
S4/1 38. 8/
S2/1 S3/1 188.9/
S2/1 S4/1 89.9/
S3/1 S4/1 69.9/







S l / l Sl/l Θ.39Θ9ΘΕ-92 9.48999E 92 9. 1 4 4 9 Θ Ε 99 189

S í / l -] H2/1 Wl/l 9.51627E-93 9.18796E 91 9.96575E-93 188
S l / l -1 W2/1 Bl/l G.25171E-93 8.456Θ4Ε 91 0. 1 1 4 7 9 E - 9 2 199
Sl/1 _] W2/1 Tl/l 9.7θ5β2Ε-θ3 Θ.40867Ε 91 9.28845Ε-Θ2 188
Sl/1 _] W2/1 B2/1 Θ.25948Ε-Θ3 9.422Θ8Ε 81 9. 1 9 5 9 2 Ε - Θ 2 199
S l / l _; B5/1 Wl/1 8.2594ΘΕ-Θ3 9.42288E 91 0. 1 0 5 9 2 Ε - Θ 2 189
Sl/1 -1 Rl/l Wl/1 9.7Θ582Ε-93 0.4ΘΘ67Ε 91 0.28845E-02 100
S l / l -: B6/1 Wl/l 0.25948Ε-Θ3 9.4228ΘΕ 91 9. 1 0 5 9 2 E - 8 2 199
Sl/l B5/1 Bl/l 0.67134E-94 9.1531ΘΕ 92 0. 1 0 2 7 9 Ε - Θ 2 109
Sl/l B5/1 T l / l 9. 1 5 7 7 9 E - 9 3 9.22710E 02 0.35814E-92 100
Sl/l _ 85/1 82/1 0.6β937Ε-04 0.14464E 02 0.9e815E-03 100
S l / l R l / l Bl/l 0. 1 5 8 0 3 E - 0 3 0.25908E 02 0.4O942E-02 100
S l / l _ Rl/l T l / l 0.33973E-03 0.45484E 92 0. 1 5 4 5 2 E - 0 1 100
Sl/l - R l / l 82/1 0. 15770E-03 0. 22710E 02 0.35814E-02 100
GRASP-2 FRI, 03 JUN 1988 I

FIG. 2.29 List of system failure events



8.64849Ε-Θ1 0.11922E 92 9.7147βΕ 89 199

9.79362E-92 9.11274E 91 9.Θ4962Ε-92 89
9.57299E-92 9.9952ΘΕ 90 9.56935E-92 59
Θ.22663Ε-94 9.12979E 92 9.27353E-93 69
0.119ΘΘΕ-93 9.96141E 99 0.11517E-93


* *
* 478.253 MWHR *

GRASP-2 FRI, 03 JUN 198

FIG. 2.30 List of system indices

Electrical system analysis Chapter 2


" " 8

B27 R2 Β2Θ
B23 Rl B24
,<22> I

CRASP-2 TUE, 13 DEC 1988 1

FIG. 2.31 Station electrical system network used for evaluating busbar indices for future nuclear power stations

In this approach, Al\ and Δ Ι ^ have to be recalcu­ ference voltage is within the range 9 9 % to 1 0 1 % of its
lated at each iteration, but the nodal matrix is easier setting.
to formulate and remains symmetrical, even in the case T o represent on-load tapchanging transformers with­
of out-of-phase taps, because it contains n o turns-ratio in the load flow solution program, it is necessary to
terms. provide logic to compare target voltage with calcu­
lated voltage, then to alter t a p position to correct the
voltage. It is also necessary to check that the trans­
Representation of transformers with on-load
former tapping range is not violated during this process.
This can be done between iterations until the solution
On-load tapchangers are provided to regulate voltage converges.
or, sometimes, reactive power flow. Practical experience has shown it is best to leave tap
When used for voltage regulation, it is usual for adjustments until towards the end of the solution pro­
the voltage at the lower voltage side of a transformer cess. During early iterations, voltage levels can oscil­
to be monitored and compared with a reference or late and vary considerably. T a p changing at this stage
target setting. A n error signal is then used to acti­ does not speed convergence, especially with slowly con­
vate a change in the transformer tap position to re­ verging algorithms, such as Gauss-Seidel. Because the
store the monitored voltage to the reference setting. Gauss-Seidel algorithm converges slowly, intuitively it
Because tappings are discrete steps, it is not possible suggests that tap changes should also be made small.
to match the reference setting exactly, so a tolerance A n algorithm of the form anew = aoid ± α ( V f ^ -
is applied to the reference setting. For example, if V f ) can be used, where a is a small constant, typi­
tappings are in 2% steps, a tolerance of ±1% is used cally 0.05 and aoid is the transformer turns ratio at
and no automatic tap change takes place if the re­ iteration p .

Power system performance analysis



S2 S4
.Θ.1ΘΘΕ Θ2 1ΘΘΕ Θ2


11 ^ S14
^ η Θ . 7 9 4 Ε Θ1 794E Θ1 ^ Θ . 794Ε Θ1

IΘ.134E ei

CRnSP-2 TUE. 13 DEC 1988 1

FIG. 2 . 3 2 Reliability analysis of average outage duration ( A O D ) for case (a)

In the Newton-Raphson method, convergence is limit of operation. The solution then continues until
rapid at later stages and a higher value of α can be convergence at a feasible result is reached.
used, or a different algorithm. When calculated from Experience shows that checking of VAr output being
the above expression, a n e w requires adjusting to match outside the designated range is best left until rough
the nearest discrete t a p , and needs checking to ensure convergence is reached.
that the tapping range is not violated.
General analytical considerations
Representation of reactive power limitation on
There are many methods of solving a set of simul­
synchronous plant taneous linear differential equations by numerical meth­
Generators have defined M V A r output hmits for a ods (Reference [7] is recommended to the reader who
given M W output. The upper limit is imposed by heat wishes to pursue this topic). The efficiency of these
dissipation or exciter capability and the lower limit methods varies and a method which may be acceptable
by stability considerations. A synchronous compensator in solving one type of problem may be inefficient in
has maximum and minimum VAr output ratings. solving a different type.
When a generator or group of generators is set The physical structure of the problem is very im­
to control voltage at a busbar during a load flow p o r t a n t . The set of equations describing an electrical
solution, the busbar is designated a P V busbar. A check power system network produces an admittance matrix
is made during the solution that the VAr output Umits which is highly sparse. Typically, the matrix associated
of the plant have not been violated. If the Umits are with a network having 100 nodes will have about 3 %
exceeded, the busbar is redesignated as a P Q busbar of its coefficients non-zero. T o process the other 9 7 %
and the generating plant VAr output is fixed at its is very inefficient and a method which only stores.

Electrical system analysis Chapter 2



Θ. 1 4 2 E ΘΘ

CRASP-2 TUE, 13 DEC 1988 1

FIG. 2.33 Reliability analysis of failure rate ( F R ) for case (a)

identifies and processes the non-zero terms has clear analysis diagram of the SES in an advanced gas-cooled
advantages. reactor nuclear power station.
Use is also made of methods of transforming an Unless there are differences between generating units
original set of data into a set of related equations and their respective electrical auxiliary systems within
which may be easier to solve. Triangular decomposition a power station, it is sufficient to represent one Unit
of matrices — the coefficient matrix is factorised with its supply systems.
into a set of upper and lower triangular matrices — The diagram is drawn by the analyst onto a com­
can speed the solution process and is used in many puter terminal screen. T o avoid unnecessary detail and
programs (Reference [8] provides an introduction to to limit the size of the diagram, the analyst decides
matrix manipulation). Ordered elimination — to keep what plant he wants to represent prior to drawing the
calculation processes to near minimum — is also used network. He will include any plant which has a signi­
extensively, and advantage is taken of the symmetry ficant effect on system performance; for example, he
of the coefficient matrix. Reference [9] provides further will represent all 11 kV m o t o r drives as separate m o t o r s ,
reading on power system modelling. but only represent a limited number of 415 V motor
drives as separate motors. The remainder will be lumped
together for analysis purposes.
3.1.3 Use of programs
A convenient starting point in drawing the analysis
diagram is the high voltage busbar to which the power
Typical electrical auxiliary supply systems station is connected. In Fig 2.52 this busbar is named
Figure 2.52 shows an analysis diagram of the SES '400 k V . Later, it will be nominated as the 'slack'
in an oil-fired power station and Fig 2.53 shows an busbar. A 'reference' or 'source' generator is then drawn

Power system performance analysis



GRnSP-2 TUE, 13 DEC 1988 1

FIG. 2 . 3 4 Reliability analysis of average outage duration (AOD) for case (b)

connected to this busbar. This nominal generator, for step changes in vohage of 6 % at 132 kV grid supply
present purposes, represents a tie to the grid system points.
to be used as a power source or power sink. A station electrical system is normally designed to have
The power station system voltages are 11 kV, 3.3 kV an upper voltage hmit of 1.06 per-unit and a lower volt­
and 415 V in both examples (Figs 2.52 and 2.53). The age hmit of 0.94 per-unit during steady state operation.
choice of voltages is based on engineering needs, When a m o t o r starts, the transient voltage dip at
economic grounds and consideration of the hardware the m o t o r terminals should not fall to less than 0.80
available at the time of ordering plant. per-unit and the remainder of the electrical system
must remain stable and recover from the transient dip
in voltage.
Design operating limits
The station electrical systems are designed to with­
The normal voltage operating range of the 400 kV stand the effects of electrical faults, internal and exter­
supergrid is 0.95 per-unit (380 kV) to 1.05 per-unit nal. The worst credible disturbance normally considered
(420 kV), with a short term (15 minutes) upper limit is that produced by a transient fault having a clearance
of 1.10 per-unit (440 kV). The normal voltage op­ time of 0.2 second.
erating range of the 132 kV grid is 0.90 per-unit Except for some special applications, such as P W R
(119 kV) to 1.10 per-unit (145 kV). Frequency, nomi­ power station essential systems, the motors are speci­
nally 50 Hz, is normally regulated between 49.9 Hz fied to run at any load within rating over the voUage
and 50.1 H z . System faults may give rise to varia­ range 0.94 per-unit to 1.06 per-unit, to operate for
tion between 49.5 Hz and 51 Hz, with exceptional five minutes at 0.75 per-unit voltage and be capable
variation between 47 Hz and 52 Hz for a period not of running u p to speed from a transient starting volt­
exceeding 15 minutes. System faults can also lead to age dip as low as 0.80 per-unit.

Electrical system analysis Chapter 2




<S) ® Φ

^ Θ . 1Θ6Ε ΘΘ ^

θ . 142Ε ΘΘ

CRnSP-2 TUE, 13 DEC 1988 1

FIG. 2.35 Reliability analysis of failure rate (FR) for case (b)

All other A C electrical and electronic equipment • Unit post-trip.

must be capable of operating continuously under such
actual steady state and transient service conditions
The system is also examined with designed plant out­
without malfunctioning or suffering damage.
The effects of starting large motors are important
Design operation mode — transformer outages and strongly influence the design of the system. The
The SES is designed to permit any one transformer large starting current drawn by an induction motor
except the generator transformer to be out of service, when it is switched on, causes a sharp reduction in
yet maintaining full station output within voltage design voltage at its terminals and at its supplying board. The
operating limits. vohage continues to fall for a short period as other
m o t o r s , fed from the same supply, draw more current
Load flow analysis of the power station electrical to maintain their outputs at the reduced voltage. The
system switched-in m o t o r must run u p successfully; this means
the electrical torque produced must always exceed the
Having set the voltage limits in which the SES is to
mechanical torque of the drive. It is particularly im­
operate, the system is examined in its normal steady
portant in nuclear stations that some specific motors
state operating modes, and during the transition
must (also) run up within a specified time after a re­
between modes. These modes are:
actor trip. The other motors subject to the lowered
• Unit shut down. vohage must be able to remain stable and maintain
• Unit generating its rated output at any power factor their outputs until the switched-in motors run u p and
between maximum rated lag and maximum rated lead. the vohage rises.

Power system performance analysis



CRASP-2 TUE, 13 DEC 1988 1

FiG. 2.36 Reliability analysis of average outage duration (AOD) for case (c)

The magnitude of the voltage drop is a function • The load on the transformer.
of the current taken at the supplying b o a r d , and the
impedance between that b o a r d and its effective supply It follows that, where 11 k V / 3 . 3 kV transformers have
source. Table 2.18 shows typical impedances and other off-load tapchangers a n d 3.3 kV/415 V transformers
data of transformers feeding and within a SES. C o l u m n also have off-load tapchangers, the voltages at the 415 V
5 of Table 2.18 shows that the transformer closest boards of the SES are operationally determined by:
to any motor drive being considered, has a much higher
• The voltages at the 11 kV b o a r d s .
impedance than that of the (larger) transformers nearer
to the effective supply source. It follows that the • The loads on the transformers between the 11 kV,
impedance of this transformer strongly influences the 3.3 kV and 415 V b o a r d s .
voltage drop at the m o t o r terminals, and must be
chosen with this in mind. W h e n a power station is shut d o w n , the load on the
SES is usually at its m i n i m u m . This provides a con-
venient starting point in deciding which t a p positions
Optimisation of transformer off-load tapchanger tap
to adopt on transformers with off-load tapchanging
arrangements. The system is modelled with its elec-
Once a transformer tap is set to a specific position, the trical load at m i n i m u m value, and 11 kV b o a r d s ' volt-
voltage range at the transformer LV terminals is deter- ages set to nominal value (1.00 per-unit). The off-
mined by: load taps of the transformers are then set, within the
model, such that the 415 V (and 3.3 kV) b o a r d volt-
• The voltage at the transformer HV terminals.
ages are close t o , but d o not exceed, the maximum
• The transformer impedance. permitted voltage (usually 1.06 per-unit).

Electrical system analysis Chapter 2



GRASP-2 TUE, 13 DEC 1988 1

FIG. 2.37 Reliability analysis of failure rate (FR) for case (c)

Using these off-load tap settings, the system is then power station reactors. Supplies to motors providing
modelled at its predicted maximum load condition. reactor cooling are normally derived from the grid
Any permitted outage, or combination of outages, is system. In the event of grid failure, gas turbines or
also modelled and the supply system voltage must diesel generators provide power for these motors. Ana­
remain within the permitted voltage range under steady lysis is performed to demonstrate that a SES functions
state and transient (motor start or fault) condkions. correctly in this isolated m o d e . A small, isolated sys­
The steady state and transient voltage conditions must tem like this does not have the built in inertia of the
both be attainable with the voltages at the 11 kV boards grid system. This is not important in load flow studies
set to nominal value (1.00 per-unit). but is a very important consideration in transient
If it is shown that the system is inadequate to sup­ stability analysis.
ply plant within design criteria, then it is necessary to Figure 2.56 shows a network voltage profile with a
identify the cause and correct this by changing system 3.3 kV diesel generator supplying an isolated part of an
and plant parameters. electrical supply system.
Analysis of a SES will identify the relative strengths
and weaknesses of the system. Reactor and turbine start sequence — voltage profile
Figures 2.54 and 2.55 show vohage profiles of an
oil-fired power station electrical system at minimum
and maximum loads, without plant outages. Figures 2.57 to 2.64 show a series of load flow/voltage
profile studies for an A G R nuclear power station si­
mulating a reactor and turbine start sequence.
Loss of grid supplies On the network diagram, only one reactor unit is
It is essential to maintain cooling supphes to nuclear represented. ΒI is a 400 kV busbar and B3 a 132 kV

Power system performance analysis

TABLE 2.16
Summary of results for busbar indices and failure rates

Average FR Average O T 0 - 2 hour FR

(failures/year) (hours)

Basic system — no additional 11 kV standby generators

11 kV Unit board 0.101 7.94 0.095
11 kV Station board 0.101 7.94 0.095
3.3 kV Essential board 2 0.142 1.34 0.139
3.3 kV Essential board 1 0.142 1.34 0.142

System with additional standby generators on each 11 kV Station board

11 kV Unit board 0.101 6.19 0.095
11 kV Station board 0.106 5.88 0.101
3.3 kV Essential board 2 0.142 1.22 0.139
3.3 kV Essential board 1 0.147 1.18 0.144

System with additional standby generators on each 11 kV Station and Unit board
11 kV Unit board 0.106 5.88 0.101
11 kV Station 0.106 5.88 0.101
3.3 kV Essential board 2 0.147 1.18 0.144
3.3 kV Essential board 1 0.147 1.18 0.144

busbar. The main generator U is connected to B4 (23.5 voltage at any other b o a r d is 0.876 per-unit and the
kV). B5A, B5B, B5C and B5D are 11 kV b o a r d s . B6* highest at any b o a r d is 1.034 per-unit.
are 3.3 kV boards and B7* are 415 V boards (where * The next study in the sequence. Fig 2.60, shows the
represents alphanumeric symbol(s)). The 132 k V / 1 1 starting/standby feed p u m p u p to speed and running
kV/11 kV station transformer is a three-winding at full load. The minimum voltage at any board is
transformer. This is represented by three separate 0.975 per-unit. Physically, the next event in bringing
transformers connected to a c o m m o n point, shown as the generator and reactor to power is to synchronise
3W on the diagram. and load the generator, and increase the gas circulator
Figure 2.57 shows the turbine and reactor off-load. loads to full power. T h e next study in the start se­
Figure 2.58 shows load flows and voltage profiles at quence, shown in Fig 2 . 6 1 , shows the main generator
the next stage in the start sequence. The generator is in service delivering 264 M W (40% of its 660 M W full
off-load and the gas circulators at 5 6 % of their full load rating). The voltage profile is satisfactory. Figure
load power (corresponding to 7 5 % gas flow in the 2.62 shows the 11 kV starting/standby feed p u m p on
reactor). All the remaining loads, except the standby the unit b o a r d (B5C) being started and Fig 2.63 shows
feed pumps, are assumed to be running at the generator this p u m p u p to speed and running at full load.
continuous maximum rating (CMR) condition. Figure 2.64 is the last in this sequence of studies.
The next study, shown in Fig 2.59, illustrates the It shows the voltage profile and load flows with the
11 kV starting/standby feed p u m p on the station b o a r d unit at C M R delivering m a x i m u m lagging VAr, gas
(B5A) being started. In these load flow studies, the circulators at full power rating and the turbine boiler
standby feed p u m p is represented by a shunt. The shunt feed p u m p running instead of the station and unit
impedance is set equal to the effective impedance of starting/standby electric boiler feed p u m p s .
the motor at its start. The voltage profile shown is Similar sequences of studies are performed with
the lowest during the motor run-up; the increased plant outages, e.g., a station transformer outage, to
current drawn by other motors is taken into account show that the system functions correctly under outage
during the load flow algorithm solution. This study conditions.
also identifies any induction motor instability — the
load flow algorithm solution will not converge if the
Network drawing and data entry
mechanical torque required by a motor drive exceeds
the electrical torque available. M o d e r n analysis programs are interactive in design
In practice, the results given by this study would be and allow the user to represent power system network
considered satisfactory. Voltage at the board where diagrams on a screen. Mnemonic codes are available
the motor is being started is 0.867 per-unit, the lowest to draw and modify network diagrams. Examples are:

Electrical system analysis Chapter 2
Power system performance analysis


<SÜBSYSTEM NO. 1 > c . τ.7 z.a

<l9)v f <4)





Í21 \ B22 βζ^ B24 yé2 627 \ B2B

<26>X <27>v <28>vk9> >t29>vL <3Θ> J<ie)^l31>vL <32)X <33>v

<^ /r\ /v\ /TS

Τ 2 , 7 6W vyzs Z9
^4 \ \
Ν it?
Μ ^1

CRhSP-3B MON, Θ6 JUN 1988 10:53:37

FIG. 2.39 Network diagram for radial subsystem 1

Β draws a busbar at the cursor position. permit detailed selection of the further options existing
within that sub-menu.
G draws a generator at cursor location and connects
A n initial menu, giving the main options, may be:
it to the last drawn busbar.
• Construct a new network.
C draws a circuit from the last drawn busbar to the
cursor position. • Retrieve a network from file.
• File the present network.
Τ draws a circuit, which includes an in-hne trans­
former symbol, from the last drawn busbar t o • Modify the present network diagram.
the cursor position.
• Edit the present network data.
• L o a d flow calculation.
The diagram may be recentred or rescaled. Codes are
available to delete unwanted network items, move • Fault level calculation.
network hems to new locations, name busbars, and to • Transient stabihty calculation.
erase the screen and redraw the diagram.
• Controller design facihty.
Figure 2.65 shows an example of a SES drawn in
this way. The drawing is of an isolated system consisting • Exit from the p r o g r a m .
of an auxiliary generator supplying six gas circulators.
Programs are structured through a series of menus Options are selected by positioning the horizontal
which list the options open to the user at each stage cursor of the computer terminal screen over the option
of the analysis. The initial menu displays the b r o a d required a n d pressing any key; alternatively, a mne­
options available; sub-menus are then offered which monic code may be used.

Electrical system analysis Chapter 2


Ul U4 W2

*1 <26>


11 ^



Z3 Z6 Ζ12
\ \ Μ Μκ Μκ \
\ SM

CRnSP-3B HON, 06 JUN 1 9 8 8 10:55:45

FIG. 2.40 Network diagram for radial subsystem 2

When the program user has drawn (and filed) the the program calculates the m o t o r VAr requirement. The
electrical system to be analysed, data is then entered value calculated in this way is voltage dependent and
to define each component. This is done either by therefore may provide a more accurate solution than
copying data from an existing data bank, or by direct that obtained by using static load representation.
specifications. A n even more accurate prediction of system per­
formance can be made once plant is manufactured,
Data requirements when test or measured values of plant parameters be­
come available. Comprehensive data sets can be entered
An analyst may wish to make a preliminary assessment into programs.
of an electrical system without having full detailed T o achieve greater accuracy in calculation, additional
information about component circuits and connected data can be processed by programs. The complete hst
plant. Programs are flexible enough to allow this. Basic of data which can be used is as follows:
data requirements for load flow analysis were given
earlier in the section headed Simplified system repre­ Busbar data
sentation data requirements and outputs. These, with Busbar load, M W
transformer tapping information, are sufficient for Busbar load, MVAr
prehminary load flow calculations. Circuit data
Induction motor loads may be represented as part Positive sequence resistance
of the net active and net reactive load at busbars. An Positive sequence reactance
alternative, sometimes better, representation uses the Positive sequence shunt susceptance
equivalent circuit parameters of the induction motors Rating (used to flag overload conditions)
if these are available. For a given motor and M W load. Circuit state (in or out of service)

Power system performance analysis

<SUBSYSTEM NO. 1> „ η Z2

^ ^ ^ ^
MON, 98i 10:§|¿35

FIG. 2.41 Network diagram for interconnected subsystem 1

Transformer data Induction m o t o r data

Initial tap position Mechanical power output
Minimum tap position Friction and windage losses
Maximum tap position Magnetising reactance
Tapchanger increment Stator resistance — start (cold)
Target voltage (at sending or receiving busbar) Stator reactance — start (cold)
Rating Stator resistance — run (hot)
Voltage monitoring relay bandwidth Stator reactance — run (hot)
Change of reactance with tap position Rotor resistance — start
Compensating resistance Rotor reactance — start
Compensating reactance Rotor resistance — run
Rotor reactance — run
Generator data
Rotor inner cage resistance and reactance
Machine busbar voltage magnitude
Rotor outer cage resistance and reactance
Generated power, M W
Status (indicates whether machine is included in
Generated reactive power, M V A r
Status (indicates whether machine is included in
studies) Load torque/speed characteristic
M o t o r contactor drop-off voltage
Automatic voltage regulator (AVR) data Underspeed trip setting
Not required

Governor and turbine data There are several ways of entering the above data,
Not required depending on the analysis program being used. Values

Electrical system analysis Chapter 2


H16 WIS U17

Φ Φ φ


Τ: Β3

Τ. Φ Ρ . , ΊΤΊΦ
13 14 15

6 Β24 Β26
Ó ó ο ο


Ι2? \ 831 33 \ Β35

<2β>ν^ <^^^Λ^ <28>ν^ ^ ^ ' ^ Χ <3Θ>.^ <31
Η 1 $ Τ 4 H2JLT5 Wsí Τ6 Μ 4 Χ 17 H S Í T B W6

Φ..Μ Φ ρ β Φ ρ β φ


CRASP-3B Μ Ο Ν , BS JUN 1988 11:08:47

FIG. 2.42 Network diagram for interconnected subsystem 2


^ S U B l ^

< 3 -


FIG. 2.43 Subsystem interconnectors

Power system performance analysis

TABLE 2.17 • Nominated slack busbar.

Correlation between computer generated busbar numbering
and individual system board names • Maximum number of iterations in load flow solution
Symbol System component • Reference machine busbar n a m e .
• Reference machine identifier.
Subsystem 1
SI 400 kV busbar • Printout option details.
S2,3 11 kV Unit boards l A l , IBl
84,7 11 kV FGD boards lA, IB Examples of data entry are given in Figs 2.66 to 2.69.
S5,6 11 kV Fan boards lA, IB
S8,ll 3.3 kV FGD auxiliaries boards lA, IB Transformer data entry
89,10 3.3 kV Mill auxiliaries boards lA, IB
Transformers in power systems usually have variable
812,23 415V FGD services boards lA, IB
tappings, with the tapchange mechanism being de­
813,22 415V Precipitator boards lA, IB
signed for on-load or off-load operation. On distribu­
814,21 415V Turbine boards lA, IB
tion transformers in station electrical systems, off-load
815,20 415V Fan services boards lA, IB tapchangers are specified where the load does not vary
816,19 415V Mill services boards lA, IB sufficiently to cause unacceptable voltage regulation.
817,18 415V Boiler auxiliaries boards lA, IB On-load tapchangers are specified when design studies
show that these are necessary to maintain system volt­
Subsystem 2
age within design Hmits. On-load tapchanging is ini­
81,2 11 kV Station boards lA, IB tiated by an automatic voltage regulator or by operator
83 3.3 kV Coal plant auxiliaries board 1 action.
84 415V Bunker board 1 Generator transformers have on-load tapchangers
85 415 V Coal plant services board 1 which are normally manually controlled. T h e generator
86 3.3 kV Ash and Dust plant auxiliary board 1 A V R is usually in service and set to keep generator
87 415 V Ash plant services board 1 terminal voltage at (or near to) 1.00 per-unit by ad­
88 415V Dust plant services board 1 justing the generator VAr o u t p u t . Supergrid or grid
89 3.3 kV Station auxiliary board 1 voltage is then regulated by varying the generator trans­
810 415 V General services board 1 former tapping manually.
811 415 V Lighting and small power board 1 In analysis programs transformer resistance and
812 415V Transmission services board 1 reactance are usually entered in the associated ^circuit
813 415V CW pump board 1 data'. In practice, transformer reactance may vary over
814 415V Administration Block board 1 the tapping range; the variation can be linear; or it
815 415V Water Treatment board 1 may fall to a minimum, then rise; or rise to a maximum,
816 415V Deaerator Heater board 1 then fall. The variation is determined by the winding
817 415V Oil Pump board 1 configuration. Linear variations of reactance with tap
position can be entered in analysis programs. Facilities
are not available at present for other variations, so
W Energy Source (Grid, Supergrid or Station the analyst must decide the best data to use. Where a
Train 2) transformer operates with a fixed tapping (off-load
Ρ Normally-open circuit-breaker operation or n o tapchange available), this tapping ratio
Β Normally-closed circuit-breaker is entered into the transformer data. When on-load
Q Interconnecting cable tapping facilities are used, it is necessary to enter the
τ Transformer m a x i m u m , minimum and starting t a p settings and the
ζ Isolator t a p step. The target voltage is entered, and whether it
is the voltage at the sending busbar or receiving busbar
that is to be controlled. Taps are assumed to be at the
of resistance and reactance may be entered as per-unit sending end of the transformer. Automatic voltage
values or per-cent values, based on machine rating regulator relay bandwidth may be specified, as can any
or referred to a standard base (usually 100 M V A ) . resistance and reactance compensator. Compensating
Sometimes the facility exists to enter these values as resistance and compensating reactance are not applied
ohms. Voltages are usually entered as per-cent or per- in power station networks but are often used in distri­
unit, occasionally as volts. bution networks.
In addition to the plant data listed earlier, other
information is required to control program runs. This Power station/grid system interface
A station electrical system is normally connected to the
Loadflow convergence accuracy. grid a n d / o r the supergrid. The interface, for analysis

Electrical system analysis Chapter 2



0. R A T E < 0 / ' Y E A R >


Θ.26ΘΘΘΕ ΘΘ Θ.91491Ε Θ2 0.24S09E 02

Θ.326ΘΘΕ ΘΘ Θ.454Θ5Ε Θ2 0.14828E 02


* 28730.465 NUHR


CRASP-3B TUE, 13 DEC 1988 14:18:28

FIG. 2.44 Radial system indices

purposes, is at the H V connections of the generator The frequency of the whole of the SES is, of course,
transformer and at the HV connections of the station the same as the grid frequency, neglecting transient
transformer. effects.
Variations of vohage and frequency on the grid It foUows from the above that the performance of
system are transmitted to the power station electrical the grid system is a major influence on the perform­
systems. ance of a station electrical system. Adverse voltage re­
Station transformer fed supplies are not protected gulation due to grid and internal causes can be additive
from step or rapid changes in vohage on the grid and influence the choice between installing transformers
system, and their voltage profile closely follows that of having on-load tapchangers and transformers having
the grid. In the longer term, the station transformer tap off-load tapchangers within the station electrical system.
setting is adjusted manually to regulate the voltage of The SESs are therefore examined with supergrid
the systems supphed from it. and grid vohages set to their extremes. This ensures
Supply systems derived from the Unit transformer that the tapping ranges on station and generator trans­
are shielded from short term grid voltage variations formers are adequate.
by the action of the generator AVR, which adjusts
the generator VAr output to maintain generator ter­
minal voltage at an almost constant value, provided 3.2 Fault level analysis
that upper and lower VAr output hmits are not ex­
ceeded. In the longer term, the generator transformer 3.2.1 Introduction
tap setting may be adjusted to match the generator
output to the supergrid/grid voltage, or to contribute In the event of a fault occurring on a power station
to regulating supergrid/grid voltage. electrical system, energy wiU be released at the point

Power system performance analysis




Θ.27ΘΘΘΕ 00 Θ.6Θ46ΘΕ Θ1 Θ.ΙβθΟβΕ 01 100

Θ.366ΘΘΕ 00 Θ.12Θ9ΘΕ 02 Θ.442Θ0Ε 01 50

• Φ
• 9505.313 MWHR *


CRASP-3B TUE, 13 DEC 19ΘΘ 14:59:37

FIG. 2.45 Interconnected system indices

I = YE


I = Y (E - V)

////////// /////////
(A) (b) (c)

I = -EY L = +EY

TO I = I -EY

77777 77777^ / 7 7 7 7 7
(D) (E)

FIG. 2.46 Replacement of a voltage source by an equivalent current source

Electrical system analysis Chapter 2






Y1 Y2 Υ3

Y4 Y5 Y6


FIG. 2.47 A simple power system and equivalent network diagram developed for use in nodal analysis

of the fauh. Currents greatly in excess of normal any postulated fault does not exceed the capability of
may flow and considerable damage result. Synchro­ the circuit-breaker which must clear that fault.
nous machines and induction machines possess kinetic Power station electrical systems are so designed that
energy and magnetic field energy, and so contribute the fault levels are often well below permitted maxi­
to the fauh current. Both types of machine supply m u m s during normal operating modes. Higher fault
a current which decreases with time. The induction levels occur when paralleling two normally separate
machine current decays to a small value comparatively paths, possibly to take plant out of service or, more
quickly, because it has no D C supplied field winding. often, when running up and shutting down main gen­
A synchronous machine fault current decreases to a erating plant. Higher fault levels also occur when aux­
steady state value in roughly 0 . 5 - 1 . 5 s. The steady iliary gas turbines or diesel-driven generators are run
state value may be about 0.6 χ full-load rating of in parallel with the main system.
the machine. Precise values of decay time, initial fault The usual way to limit three-phase fault current in
current and final fault current depend on the design power station electrical systems at the design stage is
of the particular machine. Figure 2.70 shows how the to modify transformer reactance. Increasing a trans­
fault current of a synchronous machine varies with former reactance reduces the fault levels on the boards
time. it feeds, but at the same time increases voltage regu­
It is essential to detect faults and to isolate faulty lation (the voltage d r o p produced by load current) at
equipment, so protection schemes are designed to detect these b o a r d s . The designer must balance these con­
abnormal conditions in the shortest possible time and flicting requirements — low transformer impedance
initiate operation of switchgear to electrically isolate for good system regulation, i.e., low voltage d r o p ,
the fauky equipment. The speed of disconnection is against high transformer impedance to reduce fault
important since the extent of damage also depends on current — and produce a satisfactory compromise.
the time for which fault current flows. Furthermore, There are other ways of reducing fault levels, e.g.,
fast fault clearance makes system recovery easier. auxiliary generator reactances can be increased. On
All switchgear has specified fault current make and the power station electrical systems considered here,
break ratings. Electrical supply systems are designed gas-turbine generators and diesel generators may have
such that the prospective fault current resulting from their reactances increased to some extent, but stability

Power system performance analysis

Read in initial voltages a* + jb' . 1

busbar data and
form nodal Y matrix


ITER = 0 I


a + jb

i=i+ 1 FIG. 2.49 Method of accommodating off-nominal

transformer tappings by incorporating off-nominal tap
representation into the admittance matrix

PQ* /



FIG. 2.50 Simple ττ circuit deduced when off-nominal

taps are in phase
i = n? η = NUMBER

CONVERGED? " \ ^ ^ 5 - - H Ö Ü P ^

-<^A)ÖIMUM ITERATIONS^ FIG. 2.51 Alternative method of representing
off-nominal transformer taps

FIG. 2.48 Logic flow diagram for the

Gauss-Seidel method 3.2.2 Program construction

and regulation are adversely affected and must be General remarks

taken into account if this is done. Inductors can be Most of a power station electrical system is designed
used to reduce system fault levels — again stability on the basis of complete phase symmetry. In other
and regulation must be taken into account. Converter/ words, the loads on each phase are the same and the
inverter supplied motors m a k e n o fault current con­ voltages (and currents) are equal in magnitude and
tribution and because of this are a major advantage phase, displaced by 120° and 240°.
in containing system fault levels. However, they also A t lower vohages, there is some unbalance where
generate harmonics, so analysis is needed to show single phase supplies are provided but at higher volt­
whether the levels produced are acceptable. They have ages, where supphes are almost exclusively t o induction
a higher initial cost t h a n ordinary induction m o t o r s , m o t o r s and other three-phase loads, symmetry can be
but this is offset by high efficiency at part load, so assumed during normal operation.
overaU hfetime cost analysis is necessary in considering
In analysis terms, this means that knowledge of the
their use.
voltage and current in one phase implies knowledge of

Electrical system analysis Chapter 2




FIG. 2.52 Analysis diagram of a SES in an oil-fired power station

it y j a/^^^ i oir\O i D/«O

B6AX ^ T m U B6BY
B6CX f p j ^ D Y B»X

— J60X


^ ' ^ B 7 A X " ^ B T B Y ^ B T B X H . V ^ T C Y ^^BTCX ^ B T O Y


7^^ Λ 7 ^ ^ 7^ r -

FIG. 2.53 Analysis diagram of a SES in an AGR nuclear power station

Power system performance analysis
O g Os ^ ^ On
so CX) 00 00
.Ξ ^
I I o so so I I
r3 3 3 3
ö d d
• 1
1 Η 2
+ a ι I +1
' I Ii ζ
ο m Os 00
ίί Ο
00 00
en m
d d

o i >
ι d
C .5 c
cd -ti
ε o
i T3
i •c
> > > > > >
<0 00 8i 8
cd 8i
Electrical system analysis Chapter 2

L O A D F L O W R E S U L T S - B U S B A R PU V O L T S &LINE M V / U ^ O A D I N G

^ 400KV


1 i
1.058 1 046 1.060 1.044 1.044 1.048 1.042 1.047 1.044 1.047 1.058


1.040 1.037 1.053

ΙΡ8Αβ6Κ 29 Jun 1988 08:34:34

FIG. 2.54 Voltage profile of an oil-fired power station electrical system at minimum load



1- i i i
1.004 1.015 1.023
1.025 1.013 1.028 1.009 1.009 1.016


1.000 0.994 1.015 1.013

IPSA86K 29 Jun 1988 08:29:35

FIG. 2.55 Voltage profile of an oil-fired power station electrical system at maximum load

Power system performance analysis



Θ Θ Θ Θ ®

FIG. 2 . 5 6 Voltage profile of a network with a 3 . 3 kV diesel generator supplying an isolated part of a S E S



0.2ÍB7AY 0.2

IPSASSK 29Jun1988 16:56O4

FIG. 2 . 5 7 Voltage profile with turbine and reactor off-load

Electrical system analysis Chapter 2


I7D2 M^7D3
1.037 Τ 1.028 1 1.0
1.002 1.000 1 1013 J 1.010 1 009 1.009 Τ 1 005 Τ 1.005 TnCl984 I


1.012 0.994 ^ς 0.994

o.^r^ 0 · ^ · ^

IPSA86K 29 Jun 1988 17:35:50

FIG. 2.58 Voltage profile with generator off-load and gas circulators at 56% full-load



I 1.009 Τ 1.005 Τ 1.005 Τ n0^984 ( |o.rr~o.rjr— o.s^r— 1 .rjr


0.γ 0.9^jr^ 0.9^ °-^J-

IPSA86K 29 Jun 1988 17:39:09

FIG. 2.59 Voltage profile with the first 11 kV starting/standby feedpump being started

Power system performance analysis


ΰΤΒΙ Cpfe7B2 r7B7B3 Ό^7Β4

I 0.998 Τ 0.995 Τ 1 008 _ Γ ΐ · 0 0 6


1.004 1.006

(& 0.5 1.006
1.006 0.6


^ Υ ΐ . 0 3 1 ο . 2 ^ ^ Υ ΐ .035 1.034
0.3J. ι.οΊΓ
0 . 6 ^ • / 0 . 3 ^ / 0 . 6 ^
IPSA86K 29Jun 1988 1 7:41:24

FIG. 2.60 Voltage profile with the first 11 kV starting/standby feedpump at speed and full load


. 1.019 .
0 . ^ — 0 — ^ 1.030 1.027 1.027 1.026 Τ 1.022 Τ 1.023 Τη%002
La. . 0.2


'024 1.025 . I 1.025 1.031 .„
1.031 1.013
0 ^
1.031 1.2

CrB7AX \ f ^ ^ B 7 B Y
Τ ΐ . 0 5 2 0 . 2 ^ Τ 1.059
J 1.056
fe Ψ ΒΧΧ



1 1.θΤ^
ΙΡβΑββΚ 01 Jul 1988 15:51:11

FIG. 2.61 Voltage profile with main generator at 40% full load and gas circulators at full load

Electrical system analysis Chapter 2


F^B7AX \^CrB7BY C T Β }7DX

I 1 052 0 . 2 ^ Τ 1 059 Ti 1.016
¿T o J l 1.0L

IPSA86K 01 JuM9ee 15:52:10

FiG. 2.62 Voltage profile with second 11 kV starting/standby feedpump being started


r Τ 1 030 Τ 1.027 τ 1.027 Τ 1 026 Τ 1 022 J 1.023 Tn%Q02


1.015 .015 1012 i¿ 1.012
1.024 1.025 ης

0 ^ 0.2
1.014 1.2

I7CY B7CX Ν Β70Υ Β70Υ1

1.031 1.036
?θ7^ ° V o . 3 ^ °7θ7^ IPSA86K 01 Jul 1988 15:53:19

FIG. 2.63 Voltage profile with second 11 kV starting/standby feedpump at speed and full load

Power system performance analysis



B6CX (
1.015 ης 1.015 1.031 1.031

0.5 0 ^ 1.0 Ο.β

' 0 ^ 0 ^ ^
0.5 1.015 0.6 1.015 • 1.031 1.031
1.0 0.9

ιΤβμΫ ο·ι>Τ o i / T ο.ιΤ"ΠΓ Άΐ 0.9 1 0 . ^ 0.3 1 Ι.ΟΤ^

/ 1.057 ^ 0 . 6 ^ - ^ 0 . 3 ^ / 0 . 6 ^
IPSA86K 01 Jul 1988 16ΌΘ:50

FIG. 2.64 Voltage profile with the unit at full load


T Y P E Ή ' IF Y O U N E E D A N Y H E L P

© Θ Θ Θ Θ Θ

FIG. 2.65 Example of computer generated draughting

Electrical system analysis Chapter 2

L I N E D A T A 1 P A G E 1 O F 3


4 00KV GEN32 0.00040 0 02000

T-32 GEN32 0.00010 0 00010
400KV GEN 3 1 0.00040 0 .02000
T-31 GEN31 0.00010 0 00010
GEN31 11U31 0.01389 0 .26913
4 00KV 11S31 0.01240 0 23425
4 00KV 11S32 0.01217 0 23382
GEN32 nu32 0.01389 0 26913
11U31 Jl 0.09829 0 88600
Jl 3.3E2 0.03604 0 04500
11U31 3.3U31A 0.09201 0 87958
11S31 3.3U31B 0.09475 0 88303
11S31 J3 0.09243 0 87976
J3 3.3E1 0.01839 0 02296
11S31 3.3S31 0.09475 0 88303
11U31 11S31 0.01746 0 32534
11S32 11U32 0.01746 0 32534
11S32 3.3332 0.09475 0 88303
11S32 J4 0.09871 0 88645
J4 3.3E4 0.00368 0 00459
11S32 3.3U32B 0.09516 0 88348
11U32 3.3U32A 0.09516 0 88348
11U32 J2 0.09369 0 88109
J2 3.3E3 0.03972 0 04959
3.3U31A TH31A 1.03471 4 09726
3.3U31B TH31B 1.03471 4 09726
3.3U31B CWP31 1.17079 4 25695
3.3S31 FUELl 1.44329 5 34695
3.3S31 AXBLl 0.91302 0 34175
3.3S31 RADl 1.20756 4 30011

O P T I O N S :
R E D I S P L A Y S Y S T E M B A S E MVA= 1 0 0 . 0

IPSA86K 01 J u l 1988 16:22:24

FIG. 2.66 Example of line data entry



11U31 5 . 970 92 994 0 0930 1.8146 0 1558 1 3146

11U31 5.970 92 994 0 0930 1.8146 0 1558 1 3146
11U31 7.000 79 628 0 0596 1.8504 0 1095 1 0512
11U31 7.000 79 628 0 0596 1.8504 0 1095 1 0512
11U31 1.480 182 2 2 0 0 3155 7.7047 0 5014 7 7047
11S31 7.000 79 628 0 0596 1.8504 0 1095 1 0512
11S31 1.480 182 2 2 0 0 3155 7.7047 0 5014 7 7047
11U32 5.970 92 994 0 0930 1.8146 0 1558 1 3146
11U32 7.000 79 628 0 0596 1.8504 0 1095 1 0512
J5 1.480 182 2 2 0 0 3155 7.7047 0 5014 7 7047
J7 7.000 79 628 0 0596 1 .8504 0 1095 1 0512
J6 5 . 970 92 994 0 0930 1.8146 0 1558 1 3146
3.3U31A 1.750 1 3 1 214 0 3195 5.5015 0 2520 3 8280
3.3U31A 1.000 2 2 9 620 0 5592 9.6277 0 4413 10 9916
3.3U31B 0.950 2 4 1 710 0 5886 10.1344 0 4640 11 5 7 0 0
3.3U31B 1.000 2 2 9 620 0 5592 9.6277 0 4413 10 9916
3.3U32B 0.950 241 710 0 5886 10.1344 0 4640 11 5 7 0 0
3.3U32B 1.000 229 620 0 5592 9.6277 0 4413 10 9916
J8 1.750 1 3 1 214 0 3195 5.5015 0 2520 3 8280
J9 1.000 2 2 9 620 0 5592 9.6277 0 4413 10 9916
3.3E2 1.050 252 525 0 8999 12.3049 1 0836 7 8053
3.3E2 1.390 214 700 0 8258 7.9275 0 8258 6 2429
3.3E1 1.050 252 525 0 8999 12.3049 1 0836 7 8053
3.3E1 2.950 86 2 8 7 0 3486 3.4515 0 3661 3 0505
3.3E4 1.050 252 525 0 8999 12.3049 1 0836 7 8053
3.3E4 2.950 86 2 8 7 0 3486 3.4515 0 3661 3 0505
JIO 1.390 214 700 0 8258 7.9275 0 8258 6 2429
Jll 1.050 252 5 2 5 0 8999 12.3049 1 0836 7 8053
J14 7.000 79 628 0 0596 1.8504 0 1095 1 0512
J13 1.480 182.220 0 3155 7.7047 0 5014 7 7047

O P T I O N S :
R E D I S P L A Y S Y S T E M B A S E MVA= 1 0 0 . 0

IPSA86K 01 J u l 1988 16:22:44

FIG. 2.67 Example of induction motor data entry

Power system performance analysis



4 00KV GEN32 8.00 -6 40 1 20 15.20

4 00KV GEN31 8.00 -6 40 1 20 15.20
GEN31 11U31 -4.45 -13 77 2 33 0.21
4 00KV 11S31 - 2 . 62 -16 14 1 04 2.58
4 00KV 11S32 - 2 . 62 -16 14 1 04 2.58
GEN32 11U32 -4.45 -13 77 2 33 0.21
11U31 Jl -4.35 -4 35 0 01
11U31 3.3U31A -4.35 -4 35 0 01
11S31 3.3U31B -4 .35 -4 35 0 01
11S31 J3 -4.35 -4 35 0 01
11S31 3.3S31 -4.35 -4 35 0 01
11S32 3.3S32 -4 .35 -4 35 0 01
11S32 J4 -4.35 -4 35 0 01
11S32 3.3U32B -4.35 -4 35 0 01
11U32 3.3Ü32A -4.35 -4 35 0 01
11U32 J2 -4.35 -4 35 0 01
3.3U31A TH31A -4.16 -4 16 0 01
3.3U31B TH31B -4.16 -4 16 0 01
3.3U31B CWP31 -4.16 -4 16 0 01
3.3S31 FUELl -4.16 -4 16 0 01
3.3S31 AXBLl -4.16 -4 16 0 01
3.3S31 RADl -4.16 -4 16 0 01
3.3S32 PHEAT -4.16 -4 16 0 01
3.3S32 RAD2 -4.16 -4 16 0 01
3.3S32 AXBL2 -4.16 -4 16 0 01
3.3S32 FUEL2 -4.16 -4 16 0 01
3.3U32B CWP32 -4.16 -4 16 0 01
3.3U32B TH32B -4.16 -4 16 0 01
3.3U32A TH32A -4.16 -4 16 0 01
3.3E3 E3 -4.16 -4 16 0 01


IPSA86K 01 J u l 1988 1 6 : 2 2 : 5 6

FIG. 2.68 Example of transformer data entry



FAULT T I M E 0.100


IPSA86K 01 J u l 1988 1 6 : 2 3 : 0 4

FIG. 2.69 Example of analysis parameters

Electrical system analysis Chapter 2

phase sequence (a, c, b) — this is indicated by the

SUB-TRANSIENT phase rotation coefficients a and — and is called
^PERIOD the negative phase sequence component of voltage.
C o m p o n e n t Vo has no phase displacement between

phases a, b and c — there are no phase rotation coeffi­
cients present — and is called the zero phase sequence
X'd PERIOD component of voltage.
DC C O M P O N E N T z . The total power in an unbalanced system is the sum
' Xd
of the symmetrical component powers.
0.5 The reason for the symmetrical component trans­
formation being so useful in analysis is that, for most
types of equipment used in power systems, their posi­
FIG. 2 . 7 0 Transient short-circuit of a synchronous
machine — only one phase envelope shown tive, negative and zero sequence components are inde­
pendent of each other, or ^decoupled'. This means
the associated matrices used during analysis are dia­
voltage and current in the other two phases. How­ gonal and, in consequence, are easily manipulated
ever, when a network has unbalanced loading between mathematically.
phases, or is subject to an electrical fault involving one The values of the various sequence component im­
or two phases only, then phase symmetry is destroyed. pedances for generators, overhead Hues, cables, trans­
formers, and other electrical apparatus can be obtained
Method of symmetrical components by test or from analysis. Positive and negative phase
sequence component impedances are identical for static
The method of symmetrical components [10] was de­ apparatus. Zero sequence impedance is associated with
veloped to reduce the complexity of unbalanced fault earth return paths and may be greater or less than the
analysis and is widely used in computer programs. This positive sequence impedance.
method represents an unbalanced system of voltages Driving voltage is only associated with the positive
and currents by the superposition of two symmetrical phase sequence component network. It follows that
three-phase systems of opposite phase sequence and negative and zero sequence component currents can
a zero phase sequence system, i.e., a single-phase alter­ flow only when their networks are connected to the
nating system. positive phase sequence component network. The con­
Three components are defined: nections between the various networks under fault
conditions and the associated equations are given on
Va = Vo + V, + V2 Fig 2.71.
Vb = Vo + a^Vi + aVi This assumes neghgible impedance at the point of
fault but this is not always so. In practice, fault im­
Vc = Vo + aVi + a^Y2
pedance is sometimes considered in single line to earth
or faults and this requires an impedance of 3 χ fault
impedance to be inserted in the zero sequence net­
Vo = 1/3 (Va + Vb + Vc)
work. However, design analysis is usually concentrated
Vi = 1/3 (Va + aVb + a^Yc) on worst conditions and this means setting fault imped­
V2 = 1/3 (Va + a^Vb + aVc) ances to zero. If fault impedance (Zf) is to be taken
into account, for single-line to earth faults, 3Zf is
inserted in the zero sequence network. For a double-
V a , V b , V c are network voltages in phases a, b , c hne to earth fault, the impedance between phases (Zp)
Vi = positive sequence component voltage is inserted in each phase network and 3Zf in the zero
sequence network. For a three-phase to earth fault Zp
V 2 = negative sequence component voltage
is inserted in each phase network, 3Zg in the zero
Vo = zero sequence component voltage sequence network (Zg is the impedance to ground) and
α is a phase rotation of 120° = exp j 27Γ/3 an additional parallel path is introduced having an
is a phase rotation of 240° = exp j 47Γ/3
impedance of (Zf - Z p ) / 3 (Fig 2.72).

(α M s a phase rotation of 360° = exp j 27Γ = 1)

or 0° Generator representation
Programs are written to calculate generator fault cur­
Similar equations can be written for network currents. rent contribution according to the a m o u n t of machine
The component Vi is the normal value of the phase data entered by the analyst. For complete representa­
voltage for a balanced system with normal phase se­ tion of fault current decrement with time, synchro­
quence (a, b , c) and is called the positive phase sequence nous, transient a n d subtransient data must be entered.
component of voltage. Component V 2 has the opposite If only one value of machine reactance is entered, the

P o w e r system performance analysis





l,^l, = 0 l, = 0

V. = V, = V„

V, = V,= 0


FIG. 2.71 Network connections under fault conditions

L-L-L-G A suitable basis for calculating a generator fault

with Fault
Impedance current is

Zp '-=[χ)Λ'^
/E\ /E' E\
- - j e x p - t / T ' ^


3Zg account is taken of reactance between generator and

fault point by making
X = Xe + Xd
X' = Xe + Xd
FIG. 2.72 Three-phase to earth with fault impedance
X" = Xe + Xd

fault current calculated for the machine will not be where X g is equivalent system reactance; X d , X d , X'd
time dependent. are generator synchronous, transient and subtransient

Electrical system analysis Chapter 2

reactances (direct axis); Τ ' , Τ" are transient and sub- Consider a network with η nodes, the i^^ node of
transient short circuit time constants; and E, E ' and which the impedance to ground reference is to be
E" are the generator voltages behind synchronous, found. If a current of 1 per-unit is injected into the
transient and subtransient reactances, respectively. network at node i, then looking at the matrix and two
vectors in general terms we have:
Also, Ydc = (1/Xn) e x p ( - t / T )
.-1 V
where Xn = 2(X'¿ Χ'^)/(Χϊ, + X ^ ) + Xe
and Τ = Xn/MRa + Re)]

X n is generator negative sequence impedance, X ^ is
generator subtransient reactance (quadrature axis) and
R a generator stator resistance.

Induction motor representation

Data for induction motor performance and analysis Vi
are frequently in terms of starting and running values
of stator and rotor equivalent resistance and reactance.
If so, a suitable method of calculating fault current
is based on:

Yac = ( 1 / X " ) exp t/T"

and Ydc = ( 1 / X " ) exp t / T a
where T" = XVωRr

Ta = X V M R s + Re)]

X" = Xe + Xs + XrstXm/(Xrst + Xm)

and it is seen that
Re + JXe = system impedance between
m o t o r and fault point Vi = Y i 7 i . 0 + Y i 2 ^ - 0 + . . . + Y i 7 i . 1 + ... + Y i ñ ^ - 0
Rr, Rs = rotor resistance, stator
X s , X m , Xrst = stator reactance, magnetising Similarly, it can be shown that, with the same unit
reactance, rotor reactance at current injected at node i, V j = Y i J ^
start. Thus the impedance to ground reference at node i
is given by element Y j Y ^ and the fault currents can
Alternatively, a method similar to that used for syn­ be determined by knowledge of the element Y i 7 ^ the
chronous machines may be used. voltage at the node prior to the fault V i , and the type
of fault.
Further, it can be seen that only one row or column,
Evaluation of fault currents and voltages
the i o f the Y " ^ matrix is required in the calculation
Once the data for the network to be analysed have been of V j . The inverses of the admittance matrices for
assembled, the nodal admittance matrix Y is formed, as positive, negative and zero sequence networks can be
described earUer, and we have: obtained and the fault current calculated.
If, for example, the fault is a Hne t o ground fault, the
YV = I three sequence impedances will be connected in series
with the value of the fault resistance (if any) inserted.
remembering that, in a system with η nodes, Let the summed network impedance be Z , having real
and imaginary parts of R and j X , and the node voltage
Y is an η χ η matrix V be Vreal + J V imag ·

V is an η χ 1 vector Then the positive sequence real current, Ireai, can be

calculated from:
and I is an η X 1 vector,
leading to Υ - ^ Ι = V Ireal = [Vreal X (R + V imag) X X ] / ( R 2
Vimag + X^)

The impedance to ground reference at any node can and the positive sequence imaginary current limag from:
be found from Y ~ ^ the inverse of the admittance
matrix. limag — [Vimag X (R - Vreal) X X]/(R^ + X^)

Power system performance analysis

In this example, a single line to ground fault, the branches can be determined. The fault current in a
negative and zero sequence currents will equal the branch is the product of the branch admittance and
positive sequence values due to the series connection the voltage difference between the ends of the branch.
between the networks. In general, the fault current For branch i - j , the current flowing in phase *a' is
in each sequence network can be obtained from the given by:
solution of the symmetrical components network inter­
connected according to Table 2.19. Ifij(i) = Yij(i)[Vfi(i) - Vfj(i)]
Once the fault currents If(i), If(2) and lf(0) have been Ifij(2) = Yij(2)[Vfi(2) - Vfj(2)]
obtained, the phase *a' voltage under fauh conditions
for all busbars can be evaluated by the appHcation Ifij(O) = Yij(0)[Vfi(0) - Vfi(o)]
of the superposition theorem. For a short-circuit fault
on busbar i the *a' phase fauh voltages at busbar j where Yij(i), Yij(2), Yij(O) are the sequence admittances
are: of branch i - j .

Vjf(i) Vj(p) YiT(i) lif(i) For a transformer branch, the sending end current
is evaluated. A correction for t a p is then applied to
Vjf(2) 0 YiT(2) Iif(2) positive and negative sequence currents.
and Vjf(O) 0 YiT(0) ^m) The fault voltages for positive, negative and zero
sequence networks can then be calculated.
where Y^m^ ^ij(2)» Yij(0) are the elements in the i^^ Using Thevenin's T h e o r e m ,
row and j^^ column of the inverses of the sequence
admittance matrices. Vi(i) = Vi(P) - YH(1) li(i)
Vi(2) = 0 - Υ ΰ ά Ii(2)
Fault current in network branches
Vi(o) = 0 - Yi7¿) li(0)
Having established the voltage distribution in the
faulted network, the fault currents in the network where Vi(p) is the voUage prior to the fault.

TABLE 2.19
Fault currents for different types of fault

FAULT if(i) If(2) lf(0)

L-G If(l) If(l)
Yíi(l) + Yií(2) + Yíi(0) + 3Zf

-1 -if(i)
ii(2) + Zf

Vi(p) -Yii(0)i^^f(i) -Yii(2)lxlf(l)

-1 -1 -1
Y' αη\
ii(2) 1 Y ii(0)^
{iík\ 1 Yi7^1
' ii(2) + Y;T.Än1
ii(0)' ΥΙΤΛΐ
ii(2) + Yi7rA^l
+ Yíí(l)l
ii(2) ii(0)^

L-L-L-G V Í ( P ) / Y H ( 1 ) + Zf

where Y i 7 ( } ) , Y i 7 ¿ ^ ^ii(O) diagonal elements in row and column i of the inverse sequence
admittance matrices, Zf is the short-circuit fault impedance, and subscripts (1), (2), (3) denote
positive, negative and zero sequence values, respectively.

^ii(i)^ - Υΰ(1) + 0·5 Zf

r-l -1
' ii(2)
= YiTa
ii(2) + o-5Zf
Yü(0)l = Yr -ül ( ¿ ) + 0 . 5 Z f + 3 Z g

and Vi(p) is the voltage prior to the fault.

Electrical system analysis Chapter 2

Generator and motor fault current contributions Figure 2.74 shows fault levels after operation (a), the
first unit/station 11 kV interconnector B5A to B5D,
These can be calculated from knowledge of the gen­
closed. T h e fault levels on the newly interconnected
erator and motor equivalent admittances, the faulted
11 kV boards are now much higher than those in
network voltages and the generator and motor current
Fig 2.73. Fault levels also rise to a lesser extent at
contributions fed to the system prior to the fault.
other boards. All fault levels are within switchgear
ratings — if this were not so, the switching operation
Iif(l)G = Ii(p)G - Yi(l)G V f ( i ) would not be permitted. Figure 2.75 shows fault levels
at the next stage in the switching sequence, after the
Iif(2)G = - Yi(2)G Vf(2)
first station transformer 11 kV circuit-breaker (J5A1
Iif(0)G = - Yi(0)G Vf(0) to B5A) is opened. Comparing this figure with the
base case (Fig 2.73), note a moderate increase in fault
level at the 11 kV unit b o a r d , B5D. This is due to
where Y Í G is the value of the generator equivalent the additional induction m o t o r contribution, via the
admittance. The subject of fault current contribution unit/station 11 kV interconnector, from the station
from loaded synchronous machines is discussed in boards. Figures 2.76 and 2.77 show fault levels for the
references [11] and [12]. next two stages of switching. Switching the station
transformer out of service will not affect fault levels,
hence fault levels after stage (e) are the same as after
3.2.3 Use of programs
stage (d).
The 'Unit at full load' condition provides a convenient Because the 11 kV switchgear has different m a k e
base example for fault analysis of a station electrical and break ratings and the studies show m a k e fault
system. All plant is assumed to be in service and levels greater than 750 M V A , the above sequence is
normal running arrangements adopted. Figure 2.73 repeated to determine break values. Break values are
shows such a study. The system is for an advanced always less than m a k e values because the fault current
gas-cooled reactor (AGR) nuclear power station. It from synchronous machines (assuming constant ex­
provides a convenient starting point or reference for citation) and induction machines decreases with time.
further fault studies having different switching arrange­ The break value is calculated at the shortest time post-
ments. Switchgear ratings for this station are: fault that the switches can be activated to break the
fault current. This depends on the speed of the sensing
At 11 kV 900 MVA make, (47.2 kA and 39.4 kA transducers, relays and the circuit-breaker operating
750 MVA break RMS sym)
time. A n example of a break fault level calculation is
At 3.3 kV 250 MVA make and break (43.7 kA RMS sym) shown in Fig 2.78. This is a repeat of the study shown
At 415 V 31 MVA make and break (43.1 kA RMS sym) in Fig 2.76, with current decrements from contributing
machines taken into account. A value of 0.07 s is used
On the diagram, B5* are 11 kV boards, B6* are 3.3 kV here for the post-fault time interval before the circuit-
boards and B7* are 415 V boards (* = alpha­ breakers start to open. Fault levels at 11 kV boards are
numeric symbol(s)) less than the break switchgear rating, 750 M V A .
Figure 2.73 shows that all fault levels are well within If the SES is designed to allow 3.3 kV parallel opera­
switchgear ratings. tion, checks must be m a d e to ensure that closing the
Suppose now that the 132 k V / 1 1 k V / 1 1 kV station 3.3 kV interconnector does not raise fault levels to
transformer is to be taken out of service. This trans­ greater than switchgear ratings. Figure 2.79 shows an
former has three windings; each of the two 11 kV se­ example of this; starting with the reference Fig 2.73, a
condary windings feeds an 11 kV station b o a r d . It is 3.3 kV interconnector is added between boards B6AX
shown on Fig 2.73 as three separate transformers and B6BX. Because 11 kV b o a r d fault levels are all
bounded by B3, J5A1 and J 5 B 1 . The procedure to less than 750 M V A , it is not necessary to repeat this
take the transformer out of service is: study to determine break values.
(a) Switch the first unit/station 11 kV interconnector Figure 2.80 shows a 3.3 kV auxihary diesel genera­
on-load. Check that it picks u p load. tor connected to b o a r d B6AY running in parallel with
the main system. T h e associated 3.3 kV boards have
(b) Open the associated station transformer 11 kV fault levels significantly higher than those in reference
circuit-breaker. Fig 2.73, but are less than the switchgear rating of 250
(c) Switch the second unit/station 11 kV interconnector MVA.
on-load. Check that it picks u p load. So far, the examples of fault levels on station elec­
trical systems (Figs 2.73 to 2.80) have shown sym­
(d) Open the associated station transformer 11 kV
metrical R M S values. These are satisfactory for initial
investigations a n d yield much useful information; how­
(e) Check that there is n o load o n the station ever, the D C component is not included a n d , of course,
transformer 132 kV circuit-breaker. If so, open it. the values of real interest are the actual peak current

Power system performance analysis

T H R E E P H A S E F A U L T L E V E L (MVA) F O R E A C H B U S B A R A T T= lO.OmS



FIG. 2 . 7 3 Example of a SES network used for fault analysis

T H R E E P H A S E F A U L T L E V E L (MVA) F O R E A C H B U S B A R A T T= lO.OmS ^

α —


Τ 20 Τ 20 Τ 20 Τ 20

-Γ J - 7^

FIG. 2 . 7 4 Fault levels after the first unit/station 1 1 kV interconnector is switched on-load

Electrical system analysis Chapter 2


. 20 Τ 20 Τ 21

7^ 7^ 7 ^ 7 ^ 7 ^ 7 ^ 7^ 7^ 7^

S7 7
ΒβΑΧχΜχ^ B6BY vv^ B6CX^(m\ ΒβΡΥ^,ΒβΡΧ

7 7
95 90


y ^@^B7AY ^@^B7AX ^O^BTBY Q^l Β7ΒΧ |§^7CY O ^ B T C X 'ÍS) (§^B7DY B7DY1

20 Y 19 Y 20 ^ Y 20 12
0 1 2

0 1 2 0

7" 7"
1 2 0

7 - 7 - y ^ r -

FiG. 2.75 Fault levels after opening the first 11 kV circuit-breaker on the station transformer



Y 19 Y 19 Y 20 Y 20

/- 7^ 7" 7"

FIG. 2.76 Fault levels after the second unit/station 11 kV interconnector is switched on-load

P o w e r system performance analysis

T H R E E P H A S E F A U L T L E V E L ( M V A ) F O R E A C H B U S B A R A TT = 10.0 m S ^

7^ 7^ 7
B6AX1®L B6BY j¡U»r B 6 C X ^ ^ B6DY « J Í^. B 6 0 X

7 J6AXR' J6BY 7 J6CY 7\ J6CX 7

Ü^B7AY CrB7AX CTBTBY ϋ^Β7Β) |§^7CY lR^B7CX '(S) i§^B7DY B7C
¡ 2 0 T 2 0 ¡ 2 0 Ύ 20 Τ 20 Τ 20 >|Υ 2 0 1 2

7~ r - y - r - 7

FIG. 2.77 Fault levels after opening the second 11 kV circuit-breaker on the station transformer

T H R E E P H A S E F A U L T L E V E L ( M V A ) F O R E A C H B U S B A R A TT =70.0mS ^

CrB7AY Ü^B7AX O^B7BY P h g^TCY (T^BTCX ® ) i§^B70Y B7C
Y 19 Y 20 19 12

7^" r-" 7^° 7-

FIG. 2 . 7 8 Example of a break fault level calculation

Electrical system analysis Chapter 2

T H R E E PHASE F A U L T L E V E L (MVA) F O R E A C H B U S B A R A T T = 10.0 m S ^

^ ^ ^ ^ |§^7CY iR^BTCX S ^ B T O Y B7[ I7DX

Τ 19 Τ 20 > Τ 19 12 19
Ρ^87ΑΥ (3^B7AX φ^Β7ΒΥ

FIG. 2.79 Example of fault analysis for a SES designed to allow 3.3 kV parallel operation



© ϋ^Β7ΑΥ ^@^B7AX Q^BTBY i§^7CY i § ^ B 7 C X ' ( S ) Ίπ^Β70Υ B 7 D Y 1

Τ 19 Y 20 19 12

FIG. 2.80 Fault analysis of a SES with a 3.3 kV diesel generator connected in parallel

Power system performance analysis

that the circuit-breaker has to interrupt, and the maxi­ 2.83 shows a trace of fault current adjacent to a
m u m prospective current, if closed onto earthed equip­ generator circuit-breaker and illustrates the relationship
ment. Thus the symmetrical R M S value of current has between D C a n d A C current components.
to be increased by two factors, the D C offset and the Values of fault current against time are also taken
relation between A C peak a n d R M S values which is at various locations in a supply system a n d are used
V2. This was illustrated in Fig 2.70. The D C offset to confirm that equipment thermal specifications are
depends on its initial value, determined by the value of adequate. Here, the value of interest is the total energy
the circuit vohage when the fauh occurs; subsequently released before fauh clearance, assuming pessimistic
the rate of decay of the D C component depends on the design fault clearance time.
relative values of resistance a n d reactance between the Sometimes phase-to-earth fault current can exceed
current sources and the fault. Figure 2.81 is similar to three-phase fault current. This occurs where the zero
reference Fig 2.73, but peak asymmetric make fault sequence impedance of a network is less than the
levels are shown at each b o a r d . Figure 2.82 shows R M S positive a n d negative sequence impedances. High phase-
asymmetric break fauh levels at each b o a r d . In both to-earth fault currents are not expected in power sta­
Figs 2.81 and 2.82, maximum initial asymmetry is tion electrical systems at voUages where earth fault
assumed. current is deliberately restricted by neutral earthing
When a switch interrupts fault current, the process resistors. Checks can be m a d e of prospective phase-
of starting and maintaining arc extinction depends on to-earth fault current with the neutral earthing resistor
current zeros occurring when the switch contacts start in service, or with the neutral earthing resistor short-
to open. For current zeros to occur, the peak A C circuited (which might happen through error or flash-
component of current must exceed the D C offset at over). Similar checks can be m a d e at generator voltages,
the post-fauU time considered. T h e X : R ratio of where earthing arrangements use a distribution type
transformers and associated circuits in power station transformer.
electrical systems is generally low enough t o m a k e the System m i n i m u m fault levels are also required for
D C component decay rapidly; however, problems can protection setting purposes. These are obtained by re­
occur where components have high X : R ratios. T h e ducing grid infeed to its minimum value, disconnecting
most Hkely place to look for this is at the generator local generation and disconnecting the induction motors
circuit-breaker (used in some nuclear stations). Figure which run only when plant is loaded.

T H R E E PHASE F A U L T L E V E L ( M V A ) F O R E A C H B U S B A R - A S Y M M E T R ^, P E A K V A L U E ATT=10.0mS
o - • 3375β

56 54 25

7-^ Τ-^ Τ-^ J - 7 ~ 7

FIG. 2.81 The SES of Fig 2.73 showing peak asymmetric make fauh levels

Electrical system analysis Chapter 2

T H R E E P H A S E F A U L T L E V E L (MVA) F O R E A C H B U S B A R - A S Y M M E T R :] ^ R M S V A L U E A T T = 7 0 . 0 m S


© Ö^B^AY ^R^B7AX ^@^B7BY ^R^B/B) i ^ T C Y i R ^ B 7 C X TSMR^BTDY B7DY1 iM^7DX

D T 3 4 T 3 4 T 3 4 T 3 4

7^ 7- 7^ 7-
FIG. 2.82 The SES of Fig 2.73 showing RMS asymmetric break fault levels

T H R E E P H A S E F A U L T A T B4 -W I T H M A X I M U M A S Y M M E T R Y I N ' R ' P H A S E


Τ msec

FIG. 2.83 Trace of a generator circuit-breaker fault current illustrating the relationship of DC and AC components

Power system performance analysis

The impedance values of system components used two transmission circuits and two b u s b a r s / d e m a n d
in fault level studies are biased by applying a negative supply points loaded as in Fig 2.84.
tolerance during initial stages of design. This allows
for manufacturing variation and produces analysis
results which are pessimistic, i.e., higher than the
expected true values. Once plant is manufactured,
impedance values are measured and these measured 2=0.01+J0.1 per unit

values without tolerance are entered as program data.

A Hst of data which can be processed in load flow
analysis has been given earlier. A Hst of additional BUS 1 BUS 2

data required for fault level studies is given below: V=1.02 per unit V = 0.99 per unit

Circuit data
z=0.01+j0.1 per unit
Zero sequence resistance
Zero sequence reactance

Generator data
Armature resistance
Direct axis synchronous reactance
Zero sequence resistance FIG. 2 . 8 4 Basic A C power system for stability analysis
Zero sequence reactance
Direct axis transient reactance
Direct axis subtransient reactance The results of a load flow calculation on the above
Direct axis transient open-circuit (or short-circuit) system are given in Fig 2.85, and a full hst of the
time constant load flow analysis results o n Fig 2.86. T h e generator
Direct axis subtransient open-circuit (or short-circuit) at Bus 2 has to provide 321 M V A r to maintain Bus 2
time constant voltage at 0.99 per-unit. At Bus 1, generator 1 provides
the remainder of the system load plus system power
Program run control data losses, in total 608 M W . It also provides 161 M V A r to
System base (MVA) maintain Bus 1 voltage at 1.02 per-unit. Each line has
Fault time a loss of 4 M W and 41 M V A r . Bus 2 voltage angle is
System frequency 11.5° behind Bus 1.
Suppose one of the transmission circuits is switched
out. The system will settle to a new operating state.
3.3 Stability analysis This is shown in Fig 2.87 and a full hst of the load
flow analysis results on data sheet Fig 2.88. The system
3.3.1 Introduction demand remains the same but the results show that
the generation requirements have changed significant­
General ly. The generator at Bus 2 now has to provide 397
Stabihty analysis is used to prove that a power system M V A r to maintain Bus 2 voltage at 0.99 per-unit.
is able to withstand the effects of credible faults. This At Bus 1, generator 1 provides 617 M W and 176
means that when faulty equipment has been discon­ M V A r . The hne loss is 17 M W and 173 M V A r . Bus 2
nected from the power system, frequency and voltage vohage angle is 23.9° behind Bus 1. A consumer taking
will return to near their pre-fault values on the remain­ supplies from Bus 1 or Bus 2 would be unaware of
ing healthy part of the system within a few seconds, and the location of the generators supplying his power, or
generators, motors and static plant will continue to what transmission circuits are in service. H e would not
operate normally (i.e., as prior to the fault). know whether he was being supplied from the system
shown in Fig 2.85 or from the system shown in Fig
The capability of a power system to withstand the
2.87 because, in b o t h cases, his supply voltage and
effects of a fault depends on:
frequency are the same. However, it has already been
(a) The severity of the fault, i.e., its type, voltage and shown that there are important differences between the
duration. two networks.

(b) The configuration of the system itself. In Fig 2.85, when a transmission line is switched
out, the power transfer between Bus 1 and Bus 2 is
(c) The robustness (in an electrical sense) of plant maintained by the second transmission hne. There is
within the system. an increase in VAr generation on both generators; this
is required t o maintain the voltage levels at Bus 1 and
Items (b) and (c) can be illustrated by considering a Bus 2 at 1.02 per-unit and 0.99 per-unit, respectively,
basic A C power system consisting of two generators. with the increased transmission circuit VAr loss.

Electrical system analysis Chapter 2

FIG. 2.85 Results of a load flow calculation on the system in Fig 2.84







BUSl BUS2 204.095 30.408 206.348 200.003 -10.518 200.279 4.093 40.926
BUSl BUS2 204.095 30.408 206.348 200.003 -10.518 200.279 4.093 40.926

8.185 81.852







BUSl 1.0200 0.000 608.191 160.816 200.000 100.000

BUS 2 0.9900 -11.485 600.000 321.036 1000.000 300.000 0.005

1208.191 481.852 1200.000 400.000 0.005 0.000


FIG. 2.86 Full list of load flow analysis results for the system in Fig 2.84

Power system performance analysis


1.020 0.990
417 -23.9

a .-AO

FIG. 2.87 Results of load flow calculation with one transmission circuit switched out of service






BUSl BUS2 417.400 75.762 424.220 400.102 -97.212 411.743 17.297 172.974
BUSl BUS2 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

17.297 172.974






BUSl SLK 617.400 175.762 200.000 100.000

BUS2 PV 600.000 397.212 1000.000 300.000 0.102

1217.400 572.974 1200.000 400.000 0.102

• 0.102 MW 0.000 MVAR

FIG. 2.88 Full list of load flow analysis results for the modified system

Electrical system analysis Chapter 2

A small increase in watt generation is also required imposed waves may lead to overvoltages. The time for
to supply the increased transmission circuit real power such disturbances is a few miUiseconds. Due to their
loss. The busbar phase angles move further apart but short duration, they d o not affect power system sta­
the consumer sees no change. bility, except when they cause short-circuits.
In Fig 2.87, there is only one transmission circuit Short-circuit disturbances usually last u p to about
between Bus 1 and Bus 2. If this is switched out, there 0.15 s and are limited by protection detection and
is no interconnection between the two buses. At Bus operating time, and by circuit-breaker fault clearance
1, prior to switching out the transmission circuit, gen­ time. They result from a variety of causes, such as, the
eration exceeds demand. Provided governor and auto­ overvoltages described above, h u m a n error (e.g., not
matic voltage regulator action is effective in reducing removing earths from equipment after maintenance),
generator 1 output to match consumer demand at Bus pollution of line insulator surfaces, or mechanical
1, 200 M W + 100 MVAr, and maintain voltage and causes (e.g., accidental damage to a buried cable dur­
frequency at pre-switching values, consumers' suppHes ing site excavation). One, two or three phases may
will be unaffected. At Bus 2, only if the generator be affected and voltage is depressed to some degree
can produce 1000 M W and 300 MVAr is it possible to throughout the electrical power system. At generator
continue to supply full consumer demand. terminals, this reduction in voltage causes an imbalance
For this reason, the system shown in Fig 2.87 is between power output and input. This is because
less secure than the system shown in Fig 2.85. This mechanical power input remains constant until changed
weakness manifests itself in another way. If both by governor action, while the electrical power output
systems are subjected to the same disturbance or fault, (V3 VI cos</)) changes as V changes and approaches
we find that the stronger system shown in Fig 2.85 has zero as V nears zero. The reduction in voltage also
better post-fault recovery characteristics. This is causes a reduction in the transmission capacity of lines
illustrated in Fig 2.89 and Fig 2.90, which show voltage because the m a x i m u m power transmitted is propor­
recovery following a three phase fault at Bus 1 cleared tional to the voltage. Further, induction motors may
in 0.12 s. Figure 2.89 shows voltage recovery with two be unable to draw sufficient electrical power input to
transmission circuits in service and Fig 2.90 with one. match their mechanical power output, and slow down.
Note that in the period of time from 0.3 to 0.6 s, the The fault current will probably be high and may cause
period following fault clearance, voltages in Fig 2.89 thermal and mechanical damage to plant.
are significantly higher than those in Fig 2.90. Figure Often related to short-circuit disturbances, but longer
2.91 shows the rotor angles of the generators with two in timescale, are disturbances involving mechanical os­
transmission circuits in service and Fig 2.92 with one. cillations of synchronous machine rotors. They occur as
The oscillations in Fig 2.91 are smaller in magnitude a result of system faults, being severe when the faulted
than those in Fig 2.92. Both characteristics point to equipment is not disconnected quickly, and also occur
the system shown in Fig 2.85 as being better able to when system switching causes a major redistribution of
withstand faults and other system disturbances. power flows. If these disturbances are not contained,
We have seen that disturbances, when they occur, i.e., the mechanical oscillations are allowed to increase,
affect a power system by changing its voltage levels a major power system breakdown will occur. The power
and voltage angles. Power flows between the synchro­ system is referred to as ^unstable'. Generators will pole-
nous generators, and this usually restores a system to slip, voltage will fluctuate from zero to high levels, and
a steady operating state. In a strong stable system, distance protection operates to disconnect transmission
a steady operating state is restored quickly, the syn­ lines. Induction motors within power station electrical
chronous machines initially oscillate about their new systems may be unable to sustain their mechanical
stable positions within the power system and their loads, leading to substantial loss of generation output.
oscillations are rapidly damped out.
A weak power system, although initially stable, may
Minimising power system instability
be made unstable by a large disturbance. Here, the
initial power transfers between the synchronous gen­ Obviously a power system designer seeks to minimise
erators are insufficient to restore a steady operating the possibility of power system instability. For this, he
state. The generators are no longer cohesive in an requires primarily:
electrical sense, voltages vary widely and may change
• Generators able to provide and absorb substantial
rapidly from small to high values.
synchronising power, i.e., having low transient re­
System transients and disturbances
• Generators with high inertia.
The fastest significant disturbances on power systems
• P o w e r transmission a n d d i s t r i b u t i o n networks
are caused by switching operations. Travelling voltage
matched to demand requirements.
waves result: these are reflected from circuit termina­
tions or circuit impedance changes, for example, where • Fast acting protection and switching to disconnect
a line is connected to a transformer. These super­ faulty plant.

Power system performance analysis



FIG. 2.89 Voltage recovery with two transmission circuits in service



FIG. 2.90 Voltage recovery with one transmission circuit in service

Electrical system analysis Chapter 2

FIG. 2.91 Rotor angles for two generators with two transmission circuits in service


Graph 1 : SM ANGLE


/ /


0.5 1.0

FIG. 2.92 Rotor angles for two generators with one transmission circuit in service

Power system performance analysis

• Fast acting generator automatic voltage regulators. 84.3°. This is shown in Fig 2.93 (a), note the relative
positions of vectors V s , I and V f .
• Fast acting generator governors and valving.
Now let the angle δ be increased by 5 0 % , but the
• Automatic switching to restore transmission lines magnitude of V s and V r remain unchanged. This is
after transient faults. shown in Fig 2.93 (b). V s - V r increases by nearly
5 0 % and, in consequence, the circuit current I increases
• Automatic load disconnection schemes to back-up
by nearly 5 0 % . I maintains its position between V s and
the above. V r ; at the sending end I lags behind V s , i.e., power is
being exported at a lagging power factor, and at the
Power flows in large systems receiving end of the circuit I is leading V r , i.e., power
is being imported at a leading power factor.
Basic theory tells us power will only flow along a
Now let V s o n Fig 2.93 (a) be increased by 5 % and
transmission line when there is a voltage difference
δ remain unchanged (Fig 2.93 (c)). The position of
between the ends of the line. On A C systems, voltage
vector V s - V r is now changed and consequently I
is measured in both magnitude and phase angle.
changes its position t o o . V s and V r b o t h now lead I
On the British supergrid and other large power and it can be seen that increasing V s has changed the
systems the resistance of transmission lines is much VAr flow on the circuit with only a corresponding
less than the reactance. Transformer resistance is also minor change in watt flow.
much less than reactance. This means that the difference In practice, the British supergrid voltage is main­
in phase angle between line ends, not the difference tained close to 400 kV or 275 kV throughout the
between voltage moduli, is dominant in determining network but, when power transfers are high, there will
the watt flow on a transmission Hne. This is illustrated be considerable differences in voltage angles between
in Fig 2.93. busbars. A m a x i m u m difference of 40° between the
Similarly, the difference in absolute value of voltage extremes of the network would not be unusual.
between line ends, not the difference between phase
angles, is dominant in determining the VAr flow on a
transmission line. 3.3.2 Analytical and programming
Suppose a transmission circuit has a nominal X : R considerations
ratio of 10:1, and the voltage at the sending end of the
circuit ( V s ) is equal in magnitude to the voltage at the General
receiving end of the circuit ( V r ) , and V g leads V r by an In mathematical terms, power system stability analysis
angle δ ° . is the progressive solution of sets of non-linear dif­
Then the voltage difference between the circuit ends ferential equations. The computation requirements are
is V s - V r , and the circuit current I, will lag behind much greater than for load flow or fauh analysis, hence
the voltage difference by an angle determined by the efficient solution methods and data i n p u t / o u t p u t
X:R ratio of the circuit; here, the angle is t a n " ^ 10 = routines are very desirable.

1 . 0 5 X V,

V - V

V - V
(b) (c)

FIG. 2.93 Criteria determining power flow in large systems

Electrical system analysis Chapter 2

Consider the basic operation of a turbine-generator. reports setting out general representations of the AVRs
In its steady state, the mechanical power input is bal­ then in use. T w o of these models are reproduced in
anced by its electrical power output plus losses, and Figs 2.94 (a) and (b). These models are usually available
the generator runs at constant synchronous speed. If a in transient stability programs and are used extensively.
difference exists (say the mechanical input exceeds the Figure 2.95 shows a simple rate and position hmited
electrical output plus losses), the surplus energy is used integrator controller used to simulate automatic voltage
to change the kinetic energy of the turbine-generator regulators. It is used in several analysis programs
rotor, and to overcome damping torque developed in developed by the C E G B .
the damper windings of the generator. (Damper wind­ A composite s t e a m / h y d r o governor model is shown
ings are fitted to absorb cychc disturbing torques.) in Fig 2.96. This simple model is adequate only if
Unless the energy change is very slow, the equations the functions it represents are dominant in the time-
used in the load flow solution can no longer be used. scale considered. Other more complex models are avail­
Let the voltage at the terminals of a generator be able which simulate boiler/turbine reheat cycles and
reduced due t o , say, a short-circuit fault on the system. the associated valving. The data requirements for these
This means the stator currents will change. This current more complex models are given later.
change is much greater than that brought about by a The analyst will always wish to use a standard model
gradual change in voltage. It is computed using the for his analysis if he can. However, because modern
generator transient and subtransient reactances, while controller design varies so much it is often difficult
the slower changes are computed using the generator to match the characteristics of a particular controller
synchronous reactance. to those of a standard model. T o overcome this,
T o compute these changes, assumptions are made generalised methods of modelhng controllers have been
that the generator can be represented by E M F s behind developed, both inside and outside the C E G B . The
synchronous, transient and subtransient reactances. controller under consideration is modelled in t e r m :
Transient and subtransient time constants are then of its block diagram. It is then used with synchronous
used to link the reactance effects. machines in transient stability studies. Facilities also
Various methods exist to solve the coupled non-linear exist in some programs to test the controller by itself
differential equations. An approach often used, is to in open loop simulation. The elements used to form
linearise the equations over a very small range and to a controller are of two types. The first type, opera­
compute the machine voltage angles in this way over tional elements, contain the integral operator S, and
a small time increment. This time increment, or step are phase lag, differential lag, lead-lag and quadratic
length, can be made as small as required, but obviously lag. The second type, non-linear elements, include
an unnecessarily small step length increases the number Umiters, deadbands, saturation functions, switches, ad­
of calculations, increasing the cost of computation ders, junctions and user defined functions. Inputs to
and the time taken. It is vital to predict post-fault controllers can be taken from any point in the system
rotor swings accurately. The success of this depends under consideration but usually are in the form of
on the accuracy of the model used and the accuracy electrical power, frequency, terminal voltage, a refer­
of the data entered into the program. ence (set according to initial conditions) and a constant
The speed of movement of individual generator value. Output from the controller can be fed to any
rotors relative to each other is usually very small point in the system, but usually is set to mechanical
compared with their basic 50 Hz angular velocity. For power for a governor and to field voltage for an
this reason, static components of the power system automatic voltage regulator.
(transmission Hues, cable circuits and transformers) are
modelled with constant 50 Hz characteristics. Some
Data requirements
programs are, however, designed to accommodate
changes in system frequency by recalculating compo­ The data which can be processed for load flow and fault
nent parameters, where they are frequency dependent. level analysis have been listed earlier. Additional data
which may be processed for transient stability analysis
Machine controllers (governors and A VRs) are given below. Some data are essential, e.g., generator
inertia, motor inertia:
There are many types of controller in use. It is not
necessary to model controller actions in load flow and
Circuit data
most fauh level studies because controller action does
Any specified switching operation
not influence the solution.
For transient stability calculations, it is essential to Generator data
model the behaviour of machine controllers accurately Inertia
and include them in the simulation because these con­ Damping factor
trollers have a strong influence in this case. Potier reactance
An IEEE committee [13] set up to standardise com­ Saturation factor
puter representation of excitation systems, produced Quadrature axis synchronous reactance

Power system performance analysis

ν, 1
^max /
Ka 1

1+ ηρ 1+



(1 + Τ, ρ)

(a) AVR model, IEEE Type 1

V /— ^max/
1 max/
1+ τ ρ 1 + T^P



(1-^LP) (1 + T , P )


(b) AVR model, IEEE Type 2










FIG. 2.94 AVR models

Electrical system analysis Chapter 2

1 '






FIG. 2.95 Simplified block diagram of a rate and position limited integrator

1'ωο 1/R 1 +T,p

I' 1 +T,p

1 +T,p 1 + T 3 P 1 +T,p













FIG. 2.96 Composite steam/hydro speed governor model

Power system performance analysis

Quadrature axis transient reactance of fault, duration of fault, and any post-fault switching
Quadrature axis subtransient reactance (e.g., removal of faulted transmission circuits, busbar,
Quadrature axis transient open-circuit time constant transformer, generator).
Quadrature axis subtransient axis open-circuit time Three-phase-to-earth faults cause more disturbance
constant than phase-to-phase-to-earth, phase-to-phase, or phase-
to-earth faults. For this reason they are the type of
Automatic voltage regulator (AVR) data fault specified most often.
Identification of model used The fault duration may be set in accordance with
Name of busbar controlled by A V R the expected fault clearance time of the faulted equip­
Forward gain ment — this depends on the operating time of the
Forward time constant equipment protection plus associated switchgear op­
Feedback gain erating time, including tolerances, or to a value derived
Feedback time constant from general design considerations. The shorter the
Maximum regulator voltage limit fault duration, the less the power system is disturbed.
Minimum regulator voltage limit In practice, fault clearance time is often a critical factor
Rate of change of regulator voltage (rising/falling) in determining whether a system remains stable in the
Input filter time constant post fault period.
Exciter gain The fault location can be at any point on the system.
Exciter time constant Usually the locations giving rise t o the most severe
Exciter ceiling voltage disturbances are chosen — this is a matter of experi­
Exciter minimum voltage ence. If deemed credible, simultaneous fauh locations
Regulator amplifier time constant can be specified, e.g., a double-circuit transmission
Exciter saturation specification line fault. A fault is simulated by specifying a shunt of
low impedance to be switched in at, or close t o , the
Governor and turbine data chosen fault location, and to remain connected for the
Speed governor loop regulation duration of the fault. The low impedance shunt is then
Interceptor loop regulation switched out.
Maximum turbine power
At the time of removing the fault (low impedance
Speed at which interceptor valve starts to close
shunt), other switching necessary to remove the fault
Constant relating output of high pressure and other
from the network is simulated, i.e., switching out the
faulted circuit.
High pressure throttle valve time constant
The stability study is run until the power system
Interceptor valve time constant
is shown to reach a new state of equilibrium, or to
Reheater time constant
become unstable. In practice, values between one and
High pressure mains loop pipe time constant
five seconds are generally sufficient.
High pressure governor valve upper position limit,
All programs are designed to produce comprehen­
upper and lower velocity rates
sive data o u t p u t . This may be in graphical form, or
Interceptor valve upper position limit, upper and
as tabulated data. Usually the change in rotor angles
lower velocity rates
of the synchronous generators, and busbar voltage
Boiler/turbine pipework resistance coefficient levels are of prime interest but, within power station
Ratio of reheater to high pressure cylinder inlet electrical systems, the decrease in induction motor
pressure at full load speed is also vitally i m p o r t a n t . This reduction in motor
speed can lead to a situation where the voltage at some
Induction motor data
boards remains depressed and motors continue to run
Any specified switching operations
down, although the remainder of the system recovers.
This is because induction m o t o r s , when running at
Drop-off to pick-up time delay
speeds substantially below normal rating, take a cur­
Lockout time
rent well in excess of their full load rating. If several
Data to control program runs motors fed from one transformer lose speed at the
Study duration time same time, the combined increase in current may over­
Study step length load the transformer and be enough to lower motor
Swing angle limit terminal voltage, such that the motors are unable to
draw sufficient power t o accelerate back to normal
running speed.
3.3.3 Use of programs
A n example of the graphical output of a stabihty
study following a fault is given in Figs 2.97 to 2.99.
System stability following faults
The system configuration prior to the fault has been
In preparing a stabihty study the analyst specifies sys­ shown earlier in Fig 2.64 but, for analysis purposes,
tem configuration prior to the postulated fault, type the boiler feed p u m p s are assumed running. This is

Electrical system analysis Chapter 2



1.016 1.013 1^ J.013

I 1.035 0.2 V M J 1..039
o.rj^ o.rjr o.y.

FIG. 2.97 System configuration for stability analysis following faults

shown in Fig 2.97. A three-phase-to-earth fault having • Induction m o t o r electrical input, mechanical output,
a duration of 0.2 s, applied at 11 kV board B5A, is slip and losses.
simulated. T o avoid repetition of the study, the fault
• Governor parameters.
is assumed to be cleared without the disconnection
of any (faulted) plant. This has the effect of making • A V R parameters.
the post-fault results pessimistic, i.e., *safe'. The volt­
ages of greatest interest in the analysis of a SES are
A n example of tabulated data output for the above
those at the faulted board, at the busbar supplying the
study is given in Fig 2.100, which gives comprehensive
faulted board and at the boards fed from the faulted
information about the system state at any specified
board. The speeds (or slips) of the induction motors fed
time; in this example, 0.18 s after fault clearance.
from these boards are also important. A plot of voltage
against time at these boards is shown in Fig 2.98 and
a plot of induction motor sHp against time is shown Single fed generator systems
in Fig 2.99. For ease of analysis, the fault is applied
In the event of a breakdown in grid supplies, power
0.1 s after the study start, and removed 0.2 s later.
station auxiharies are sometimes suppHed by a standby
The voltage reductions at the time of the fault and
generator, usually a gas turbine or diesel-driven alter­
subsequent recovery are typical of electrical supply
nator. At some magnox type nuclear power stations, the
system behaviour. Induction motor speed change is
gas circulators are fed by an auxiliary steam turbine-
inversely proportional to drive inertia and will vary
generator running isolated from the grid system.
Analysis procedures for these single generator sys­
The tabulated data output for a stability study tems are similar to the procedures for multi-generator
includes: systems. However, load increments, relative to total
• Busbar voltages and phase angles. generator capacity, are often greater on single gen­
erator fed systems t h a n on multi-generator systems.
• Synchronous generator electrical output and Because of this, frequency deviations from nominal
mechanical input. values tend to be greater on single generator fed sys­
• Synchronous generator rotor angle, field current and tems. Depending on the frequency variation, it may be
field voltage. desirable to use a stability program which recalculates

Power system performance analysis


» ese

FIG. 2.98 Voltage/time relationship at affected switchboard

—Graph 4 : IMSLP

FIG. 2.99 Induction motor slip

Electrical system analysis Chapter 2




JU4 U 61.30 0 0.0000 660.141 662.327 385.938 0.995 7.708 2.827 2.824 0.8640
Bl J* -13.43* 0 0.0000 -528.645 -527.103 -139.999 0.993 5.490 0.954 0.944 -.9665




JU4 U 0. 995 0. 995 3,550

Bl J 0.993 0.993 1,037




JU4 U 0.0000 -.750 -.889 660,000

Bl J 0,0000 -4.977 -5.293 529.829




B5A G 5.0808 4 500 8 769 12 735 0.836 0.185 4.7404 8.5143 0.5671
B5A G 5.0808 4 500 8 769 12 735 0,836 0.185 4,7404 8.5143 0.5671
B5B G 0.9676 5 610 5 854 4 310 0.948 0,077 5.6644 5.8102 0.8053
B5B G 0.9676 5 610 5 854 4 310 0,948 0.077 5,6644 5.8102 0.8053
638 5
s 730
BSD G 0.8445 5 639 5 726 3 534 0,999 0.067 5.6865 5.6920 0.8510
BSD G 0.8445 5 639 5 726 3 534 0.999 0.067 5.6865 5.6920 0.8510
B6AY R 9.1860 0 089 0 161 0 34 6 0.822 0.005 0.0983 0.1453 0.4208
B5B C 1.2468 1 4 98 1 545 1 580 0.948 0.023 1.5173 1.5180 0.6993
BSD C 1.0814 1 509 1 548 1 532 0.999 0.022 1.5254 1.5238 0.7107
B5A Β S.6154 7 707 14 423 18 318 0.836 0.279 8.1656 14.0166 0.6186
BSC Β 1.1964 9 763 9 966 4 255 0.999 0.108 9.8815 9.9049 0.9197
B6AY Ε 100.0000 0 000 0 000 0 000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0000 0.0000
B7AX Ε 9.7885 0 342 0 686 1 128 0.790 0.017 0.3793 0.5996 0.5198
B7BY Ε 1.5367 0 240 0 256 0 127 0.990 0.003 0.2437 0.2499 0.8954


B7BX Ε 1.5246 0,507 0 541 0.270 0.987 0.006 0.5144 0. 5285 0.8951
B6B Β 1.0638 0.429 0 455 0.282 0.929 0.006 0.4334 0. 4483 0.8496
B6B R 1.3565 0.301 0 323 0.205 0.929 0.004 0.3050 0. 3166 0.8450
B6D C 0.6279 1.521 1 550 0.988 1.016 0.018 1.5311 1. 5375 0.8432
B6D A 0.9657 0.198 0 203 0.177 1.016 0.003 0.1998 0. 2001 0.7536
B6D Μ 1.1742 0.172 0 179 0.105 1.016 0.002 0.1745 0. 1748 0.8626
M4 Ε 13.5207 0.232 0 479 0.921 0.721 0.014 0.2678 0. 4042 0.4612
B7B3 Ε 1.6708 0.189 0 203 0.103 0.959 0.002 0.1920 0. 1975 0.8914
B7B4 Ε 1.6921 0,323 0 347 0.177 0.956 0.004 0.3286 0. 3381 0.8906
B7B8 Ε 1.7240 0.488 0 524 0.269 0.950 0.006 0,4961 0. 5106 0.8896
B7B9 Ε 1.8816 0.955 1 029 0.548 0.925 0.013 0.9729 1. 0006 0.8827
B7B6 Ε 1.6985 0,399 0 428 0.219 0.954 0.005 0.4059 0. 4176 0.8905
B6AX D 100.0000 0.000 0 000 0.000 0.000 0,000 0.0000 0. 0000 0,0000
M3 Ρ 1.7365 0.150 0 162 0.083 0.952 0.002 0,1527 0. 1576 0.8898


B3 0 981 -2 17 3W 0 .992 -2 .52 J5B1 0.949 -5 .53 J5A1 0 839 -8 24
Bl 0 993 04 B5B 0 .948 -5 ,55 B5A 0,836 -8 .27 B4 0 994 7 55
BSD 0 999 4 56 B5C 0 .999 3 .92 J5C1 1.001 3 .98 J5D1 1 001 4 60
J5B2 0 946 - 5 58 J5D2 0 999 4 .55 B6AX 0.822 -9 .20 Β 7 AX 0 790 -11 16
B6AY 0 822 -9 19 Β 7 AY 0 .800 -10 .86 B6BX 0.962 -6 ,10 B6CX 1 009 3 26
B6DX 1 007 3 68 B6DY 1 006 3 .68 B6CY 1.009 3 .26 B6BY 0 962 -6 10
B7BY 0 990 -7 15 B7BX 0 .987 -7 .41 B7CX 1.031 1 .86 B7CY 1 026 1 81
B7DY 1 020 1 79 B7B1 0 951 -9 .44 B7B2 0.949 -9 .55 B7B3 0 959 -9 11
B7B4 0 956 -9 36 B7B5 0 958 -8 .97 B7B6 0.954 -9 .57 Jl 0 929 -8 41
J2 0 929 -8 41 J3 0 92 9 -8 ,41 J4 0.929 -8 .41 J5 0 929 -8 40
J6 0 929 -8 41 J6AE 0 823 -9 .20 J6BE 0.962 -6 .09 J6CE 1 010 3 27
J6AY 0 821 -9 19 J6AX 0 821 -9 19 J6BY 0.962 -6 .10 J6BX 0 962 -6 10
J6CY 1 009 3 26 J6CX 1 009 3 .26 J6DY 1.006 3 .68 J6DX 1 006 3 68
JU4 0 995 7 55 J5CE 0 999 3 92 J5AE 0.836 -8 .27 J5BE 0 948 -5 55
J5DE 0 999 4 56 J6DE 1 007 3 .70 B7B7 0,953 -9 .16 B7B8 0 950 -9 80
B7B9 0 925 -11 39 B7B91 0 92 5 --11 39 B7D4 1.024 0 .87 J13 1 016 2 76
B7D3 1 043 1 85 J12 1 016 2 76 B7D2 1,042 1 ,85 Jll 1 016 2 76
B7D1 1 050 2 34 JIO 1 016 2 76 B6D 1,016 2 .76 B7DY1 1 000 1 56
B7DX 1 021 2 10 J7 0 929 -8 .40 J8 0.929 -8 .41 J9 0 923 -8 50
B6B 0 929 -8 40 M4 0 721 -7 56 M3 0, 952 -7 .34



FIG. 2.100 Example of data output for a stability study

Power system performance analysis

these system component parameters which are fre­ The system modelled has been shown earher in Fig 2.65;
quency dependent. it represents a single steam generator supplying six
Examples of the output from a dynamic stability gas circulators. T h e postulated fault is a three-phase-
study of an isolated system are shown in Fig 2.101. to-earth fauU at the cable b o x (J2) of one of the


1.025 Η

1.020 Η

1.015 Η


1.005 Η

1.000 J0.4H

0.995 0.2Jlf-2H

^ 2 jij^E.s ^





10H 4H

8 H


4 H


0-· -o.ioJo-i

FIG. 2.101 Example of the output from a dynamic stability study on an isolated system

Electrical system analysis Chapter 2

gas circulators. It is, for analysis purposes, assumed cuit between G C . B D a n d J 2 , 0.125 s after the appH-
to be of 0.125 s duration and is cleared by opening the cation of the fault.
associated circuit-breaker at the main board (GC.BD). Figure 2.102 is included here t o demonstrate the
This is simulated in the analysis by removing the cir­ unacceptable effects of slow fault clearance, in this


1.025 Η
1.020 Η


1.005 Η

1.000·J 0.41










4H -0.05H


^ TIME,s
• MOTOR 5 SLIP (%)

FIG. 2.102 Unacceptable effects of slow fault clearance

Power system performance analysis

example on a single generator system. The postulated • The run-up time of the m o t o r .
fault is similar to that shown in Fig 2.101, except that
• The effect of the m o t o r on the system, especially by
its duration is increased from 0.125 s to 0.18 s, and
how much b o a r d voltages are reduced.
we have an example where this power system has
become unstable. Voltage remains depressed in the • The effects of these voUage reductions on other
post-fauU period and the remaining induction motors motors.
are unable to accelerate to their normal speed. In • The recovery time of voltages at all system levels.
practice, the system condition simulated here would
not occur because electrical protection is provided to
The results of the m o t o r run-up study are shown in
disconnect the generator in the event of sustained gen­ graphical form in Figs 2.103 (b) and (c). Figure 2.103
erator overload or sustained system voltage depression. (b) shows the voltages at boards which are electrically
close to the m o t o r being started and Fig 2.103 (c)
Motor run-up shows the m o t o r run-up curve (slip against time) and
the slips of other motors which may be affected by
The time taken by an induction motor to run-up from the reduced voltage. The figures show this particular
standstill to normal running speed can be calculated m o t o r running u p to speed in 10 s and that the other
using transient stabihty analysis programs. This run-up motors are able to continue supplying their mechani­
time can be important; for example, when a boiler feed cal loads while voltages are depressed during the motor
p u m p fails and the water input to the boiler becomes run-up periods. It should be remembered that motor
insufficient to match the boiler steam output. Gen­ run-up times are strongly influenced by the voltage
erating output will need to be reduced unless a standby at the m o t o r terminals during r u n - u p . The voltage
p u m p can be substituted quickly for the failed p u m p curves are those expected; after the initial fall in volt­
to dehver adequate water supplies to the boiler. age there is a gradual slight recovery as the motor
To simulate induction motor performance over its gains speed and takes less reactive power. Finally, there
whole speed range, it is necessary to provide m o t o r is a sharp rise in voltage as the m o t o r passes its peak
resistance and reactance values, both at the normal torque, and watt and VAr input reduce simuUaneously.
motor running speed and when the motor is at stand­ These results would be considered satisfactory, because
still. These values are not the same. It is also neces­ voltages remain within design hmits and the motor
sary to specify how the mechanical load on the m o t o r run-up time is acceptable.
varies while the motor is running u p ; for example, Detailed system performance data are available
the mechanical load may be assumed to be constant, throughout the study period. A n example is given in
or to be proportional to the motor speed. Other func­ Fig 2.103 (d), at 2 s after the m o t o r start. It shows
tions relating motor speed with mechanical load can be that m o t o r A at 11 kV SBl has a slip of 60.99% and
defined, as required. a power input of 4.33 M W and 33.55 M V A r , with a
The motor start and run-up is simulated by simply terminal vohage of 0.843 per-unit at this instant.
specifying one switching operation during the tran­
sient stability study, that of switching in the m o t o r .
An example from a direct-on-line motor start and run­ 3.4 Future developments of electrical
up study is given in Figs 2.103 (a) to (d). Referring analysis programs
to Fig 2.54, one of the boiler feed p u m p motors
Further developments of the electrical analysis pro­
connected to 11 kV SBl is assumed to be shutdown
grams that are currently in hand include the following:
and is redesignated as motor A . One change in t a p
position on the station transformer is necessary to • H a r m o n i c analysis of a power system.
reduce the 11 kV station board voltage to 1.014 per-
• Modelling of converter equipment as part of a user
unit. The resulting system condition is shown in Fig
defined modelling facility.
2.103 (a).
The results of most interest to the analyst are: • Transient recovery voltages.

Electrical system analysis Chapter 2








FIG. 2 . 1 0 3 Example of motor start and run-up study

Power system performance analysis

•Β· 11kVSB1
•S' 3.3SB1





400KV -8.10* 0 . 0000 573.448 -574.530 -49.675 0.991 5.819 0.986 0.988 -.9963
23KVG S 63.17 0 - .0000 661.247 660.403 260.042 0.991 7.163 2.620 2.626 0.9305
llKVUBl G 0.00 0 0 . 0000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0000



llKVUBl F 1.1594 2.588 2 633 1.463 0.999 0.030 2.6185 2.6116 0.8742
llKVUBl F 1.1594 2.588 2 633 1.463 0.999 0.030 2.6185 2.6116 0.8742
llKVUBl I 1.0305 2.978 3 015 1.767 0.999 0.035 3.0093 2.9941 0.8627
llKVUBl I 1.0305 2.978 3 015 1.767 0.999 0.035 3.0093 2.9941 0.8627
llKVUBl C 1.1035 2.908 2 959 1.787 0.999 0.035 2.9401 2.9400 0.8560
llKVSBl A 60.9954 -.104 4 326 33.548 0.843 0.401 -.2657 3.8581 0.1279
llKVSBl Β 1.2687 9.885 10 066 5.531 0.843 0.136 10.0119 10.0123 0.8764
3.3UB1 X 1.0429 0.999 1 032 0.830 1.006 0.013 1.0099 1.0102 0.7793
3.3UB1 X 100.0000 0.000 0 000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
3.3UB1 ζ 0.7664 2.999 3 081 3.030 1.006 0.043 3.0218 3.0237 0.7129
3.3SB1 S 1.1598 1.283 1 315 0.783 0.837 0.018 1.2976 1.2977 0.8592
3.3SB1 A 2.1981 0.195 0 205 0.111 0.837 0.003 0.1996 0.1996 0.8806
3.3F01 ζ 100.0000 0.000 0 000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
3.3F01 F 1.6974 0.531 0 527 0.282 0.844 0.007 0.5401 0.5209 0.8815
3.3F01 ζ 1.4667 1.873 1 860 0.989 0.844 0.025 1.9007 1.8402 0.8829


400KV 0.991 -.58 132KV 0.958 -3.59 llKVUBl 0.999 2.71 llKVSBl 0.843 -7.42
3.3UB1 1. 006 0.53 3.3SB1 0.837 -11.38 3.3F01 0.844 -10.95 FOS 0.852 -11.57
TS 0. 846 -11.82 CWPH 0.842 -12.02 BHX 0.846 -11.74 WTP 0.837 -12.44
GTH 0. 847 -11.76 C+A 0.841 -12.17 SSIA 0.841 -12.24 UTSl 1.018 0.09
SSIB 0. 845 -11.93 UBSl 1.015 -.04 23KVG 0.991 7.18 HVWS 0.834 -12.13
FPH 0. 829 -12.63 BHSl 0.846 -11.75 HYD 0.831 -12.28 CHL 0.838 -12.07
J 0. 852 -11.57 JETTY 0.843 -11.44


FIG. 2 . 1 0 3 ^cont'd) Example of motor start and run-up study

Electrical system analysis Chapter 2

4 References Analysis: McGraw-Hill: 1971

[7] Ralston: A First Course in Numerical Analysis: McGraw-Hill:
[1] Allan, R. N. and Avouris, N. M.: Users Manual for GRASP2
(Graphic/Interactive Reliability of Electrical Auxiliary Systems
of Power Stations): University of Manchester Institute of Science [8] Pettofrezzo: Matrices and Transformations: Prentice Hall:
and Technology: April 1983 1966 (out of print)
[2] Allan, R. N. and Billington, R.: Reliability Evaluation of [9] Arrillaga, Arnold and Harker,: Computer Modelling of
Engineering Systems: Pitmans: 1987 Electrical Power Systems: John Wiley: 1983
[31 Avouris, N. M.: Interactive Reliability Analysis of Electrical [10] Wagner and Evans: Symmetrical Components: McGraw-Hill:
Auxiliary Systems (PhD Thesis): University of Manchester 1933 (out of print)
Institute of Science and Technology: January 1983 [11] Charles Concordia: Synchronous Machines: John Wiley: (out
[4] Stott, B.: Power System Load Flow (MSc Lecture notes): Uni­ of print)
versity of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology: 1973 [12] Stevenson: Elements of Power System Analysis: McGraw-Hill:
[5] Brameller, Α.: Analysis of Linear Network Systems (MSc 1982 (out of print)
Lecture notes): University of Manchester Institute of Science and [13] IEEE Report on Computer Representation of Excitation
Technology: 1973 Systems Paper 31TP 67-424: IEEE Summer Power Meeting:
[6] Stagg and El-Abiad: Computer Methods in Power System Portland, Oregon July 9-14, 1967

C H A P T E R 3


Introduction 1.7.3 Processing and dry-out

1.7.4 Final testing
1 General design and construction
1.7.5 Power frequency overvoltage tests
1.1 Types of transformer 1.7.6 Impulse tests
1.1.1 Phase relationships — phasor groups 1.7.7 Switching-surge tests
1.1.2 Star/star connected transformers 1.7.8 Load runs
1.1.3 The interconnected star connection 1.7.9 Short-circuit testing
1.2 Basic materials 1.8 Transport, installation and commissioning
1.2.1 Dielectrics 1.8.1 Transport
1.2.2 Basic materials — copper, iron and insulation 1.8.2 Installation and site erection
1.3 Transformer characteristics 1.8.3 Site commissioning
1.3.1 Basic theory
1.3.2 Leakage reactance Special design features
1.3.3 Core loss 2.1 Generator transformers
1.3.4 Load losses 2.1.1 Required characteristics
1.4 Transformer construction 2.1.2 General design features
1.4.1 Core construction 2.1.3 Single-phase generator transformers
1.4.2 Transformer windings 2.1.4 Performance and reliability
1.4.3 Winding conductors 2.1.5 Economics of operation
1.4.4 Low voltage windings 2.2 Station transformers
1.4.5 Transpositions 2.2.1 Station transformer characteristics
1.4.6 Continuously-transposed strip 2.2.2 General design features
1.4.7 High voltage windings 2.3 Unit transformers
1.4.8 Tapping windings 2.3.1 Unit transformer characteristics
1.4.9 Disposition of windings 2.3.2 General design features
1.4.10 Impulse strength 2.4 Auxiliary transformers
1.4.11 Thermal considerations 2.4.1 General design features
1.4.12 Performance under short-circuit 2.4.2 Auxiliary transformer insulation systems
1.5 Tappings and tapchangers 2.4.3 Design features of dry-type transformers
1.5.1 Uses of tapchangers 2.4.4 Special transformers
1.5.2 Impedance variation 2.4.5 Foil windings
1.5.3 Tapchanger mechanisms 2.5 Neutral earthing
1.5.4 Single compartment tapchangers 2.5.1 Generator earthing transformers — basic principles
1.5.5 In-tank tapchangers 2.5.2 Generator neutral earthing transformers — general
1.5.6 Off-circuit tapchangers design features
1.6 Tanks, connections and auxiliary plant
2.5.3 Practical arrangement
1.6.1 Transformer tanks
2.5.4 Loading resistor
1.6.2 Oil preservation equipment — conservators
2.5.5 Generator busbar system earthing
1.6.3 Bushing connections
2.5.6 Harmonic suppressors
1.6.4 SFe connections
2.6 Series reactors
1.6.5 Cable box connections 2.6.1 General design features
1.6.6 Tank-mounted coolers 2.6.2 Testing of series reactors
1.6.7 Separate cooler banks 2.7 Instrument transformers
1.6.8 Water cooling 2.7.1 Voltage transformers
1.6.9 Cooler control 2.7.2 Generator voltage transformers
1.6.10 Layout of transformer compounds 2.7.3 Current transformers
1.7 Quality assurance and testing 2.7.4 Current transformer construction
1.7.1 Quality assurance (QA)
1.7.2 Tests during manufacture 3 References

Introduction system, with power stations often located many miles

from the centres of electrical load. Before that, in the
The invention of the power transformer in the latter early days of public electricity supplies, these were D C
part of the nineteenth century m a d e possible the de­ systems with the source of generation, of necessity,
velopment of the modern constant voltage A C supply close to the point of loading.

Transformers Chapter 3

The power transformer, not only permitted the

development of large central power stations but, in RED

addition, made a significant contribution to the de­

velopment of the power station itself.
The amount of auxihary plant needing an electri­
cal supply in a power station is so great that it is
necessary to provide an electrical system similar in
magnitude and complexity to that of a small town. As
a result, there is a need, in a 2000 M W station, for
five or possibly six different voltage level systems,
requiring 60 or more power transformers to provide
the interconnections. These range from the largest, the BLUE C, B2 YELLOW

generator transformer, which steps u p the generator

output voltage for connection to the transmission
system, to the many very much smaller auxiliary trans­
formers which provide suppHes at several voltages down
to 415 V. In addition, there is an almost countless
number of transformers providing suppHes at 110 V
and lower, for control and instrumentation equipment.

1 General design and construction

The transformer interconnects and transfers power
between systems at different voltages. It does this with (a)
very high efficiency, usually 9 9 % or better, and even
the imperfection which results from the incomplete
magnetic coupHng of primary and secondary, i.e.,
leakage reactance, is a feature which can be used to
advantage by the system designer to reduce system fault
levels and the consequent rupturing capability of the
system switchgear.

1.1 Types of transformer

Transformers in power stations are generaUy three-
phase and almost invariably double-wound, i.e., they
have electrically separate primary and secondary wind­
ings. A u t o transformers are not used.
Since in a power station each three-phase system
requires an earth, it is convenient if one of these
windings can be star connected and thereby provide a
neutral for connecting to earth either soHdly or via a
fault current Hmiting resistor. It is also desirable that
a three-phase system should have a delta to provide a
low impedance path for third harmonic currents in
order to eliminate or reduce third harmonic voltages
in the waveform. This requirement is most easily met
by connecting the other winding in delta.

1.1.1 Phase relationships — phasor groups

If a two winding three-phase transformer has one
winding star connected and the other in delta, there
will be a phase shift produced by the transformer, as
can be seen by reference to Fig 3 . 1 . In the example
shown in the diagram, this phase shift is 30° before
twelve o'clock (assuming clockwise rotation) which FIG. 3.1 Winding connections, phasor and
is referred to as the 'eleven o'clock' position. The polarity diagram

General design and construction

secondary delta could also have been made by con­ and the simplest way of doing this is to utihse a star/
necting ai b 2 , bi C2 and C i a2 which would produce star transformer. Such an arrangement ensures that
a phase displacement of 30° clockwise to the *one both 400 and 11 kV systems are provided with a neutral
o'clock' position. It has also been assumed that the for connection to earth, but fails to meet the require­
primary and secondary windings of the transformer ment that the transformer should have one winding
in Fig 3.1 (b) have been wound in the same sense, connected in delta in order to eliminate third harmonic
so that the induced voUages appear in the same sense. voltages. It is possible, and it may indeed be neces­
This produces a transformer with subtractive polarity, sary, to provide a delta connected tertiary winding in
since, if the hne terminals of a corresponding primary order to meet this requirement. However, in recent
and secondary phase are connected together, the volt­ years it has been the practice to dispense with a delta
ages will subtract, as can be seen in Fig 3.1 (c). If the tertiary winding and the advantages and disadvantages
secondary winding is wound in the opposite sense to of this are discussed more fully in Section 2.2.2 of
the primary, additive polarhy will resuk. this chapter.
The full range of phase relationships available by
varying primary and secondary connections can be 1.1.3 The interconnected star connection
found in BS171 (lEC 76)[1].
The interconnected star connection is obtained by
subdividing the transformer windings into halves and
1.1.2 Star/star connected transformers then interconnecting these between phases. One possi­
In addition to the considerations discussed above, ble arrangement is shown in Fig 3.3 (a), producing
when selecting the connection necessary for a three- the phasor diagram of Fig 3.3 (b). There is a phase
phase transformer, it is also necessary to consider the displacement of 30° and, by varying the interconnec­
phase displacement of the associated systems. That tions and sense of the windings, a number of alter­
is, in transforming to a given voltage level the re- natives can be produced. While the interconnected
suUant phase displacement must be the same by star arrangement has little application on a power
whatever route the transformation is arrived at. For station auxiliary system, it is used to provide a neutral
example, a generator transformer connecting the 400 kV for connection to earth on a system which would not
and 23.5 kV systems would probably be connected otherwise have one, and for details of this application
star/delta, with the 23.5 kV phasor at one o'clock; reference should be m a d e to Chapter 11 of this volume
that is Y d l . The 23.5/11 kV unit transformer would deahng with power system protection. The intercon­
be connected delta/star, with its 11 kV phasor at the nected star arrangement also has an application when
eleven o'clock position; that is D y l l . This means that it is necessary to introduce diverse phase relationships
the 11 kV system has zero phase shift compared with into the connections of equipment which can produce
the 400 kV system. This will be made clearer by high levels of harmonics. Its use can assist the reduc­
reference to Fig 3.2. If, at the same power station, tion of the level of harmonics at the point of common
it is also required to install a station transformer coupling to the system. This wih be discussed further
stepping down directly from 400 to 11 kV, then that in Section 2.4 of this chapter deahng with auxihary
transformer must produce zero phase displacement transformers.



0.3. 5kV SYSTEM



Λ / Λ


FIG. 3 . 2 Phase shifts of power station auxiliary system

Transformers Chapter 3

thick, which make up the core or magnetic circuit, and

copper or, more precisely, hard-drawn high-conductivity
copper, from which the windings are formed. In most
transformers, winding turns are insulated by paper sup­
plemented in some cases by enamel, whilst the major
insulation, insulating winding from winding and wind­
ings from core, is almost entirely paper or cotton-fibre
based board or laminated board, with small amounts
of wood or wood laminates used where high mechanical
strength is demanded. The properties of these basic
materials will be dealt with in further detail in the sec­
tions dealing with core and windings.

1.3 Transfornner characteristics

For a detailed treatment of basic transformer theory,
the reader is referred to a standard text book [2].
However, it is necessary to carry out a brief review of
the basic theory in order to obtain an understanding
of how the characteristics demanded in power stations
affect the design, how these interact with each other
and what performance might reasonably be expected
from a given transformer design.
FIG. 3.3 Interconnected star winding arrangement

1.3.1 Basic theory

1.2 Basic materials A transformer usually consists of two coils linking an
iron core. An alternating voltage applied to one of
1.2.1 Dielectrics these coils produces an alternating flux within the core.
The majority of transformers installed at power station This, in turn, induces an alternating voltage within
sites are oil-filled, using a mineral oil which in the each turn linking the flux, which, in accordance with
UK comphes with BS 148. This serves the dual purpose Lenz's law, has such a polarity as to oppose that flux
of providing insulation and as a cooling medium to if current is allowed to flow.
conduct away the losses which are produced in the This is normally expressed in the form
transformer in the form of heat.
Mineral oil is, of course, combustible — it has a fire Ε = - N(d</)/dt)
point of 170°C — and transformer fires do some­
times occur. It is usual, therefore, to locate these out but, for the practical transformer, it can be shown
of doors where a fire is more easily dealt with and that the voltage induced per turn is
consequentially the risks are less. It is necessary to
consider the need for segregation from other plant and E / N = Κφ (3.1)
incorporate measures to restrict the spread of fire.
Because of the fire hazard associated with mineral where φ is the total flux linking that turn and Κ is
oil, it has been the practice to use designs for smaller a constant which depends on the supply frequency and
auxiliary transformers which do not contain any oil. the units in which φ is measured.
These may be entirely dry, air insulated; or they may For a 50 Hz supply, R M S voltage, and total flux
contain non-flammable or reduced flammable liquid; measured in Webers, Κ is equal to 4.44.
they have the advantage that they may be located inside This expression is a measure of the voltage induced
buildings in close proximity to the associated switch- per turn regardless of which winding a particular turn
gear. More will be said about this type of transformer might be associated with. If the transformer had only
in Section 2.4 of this chapter. one winding this induced voltage, or back E M F , would
balance the supply voltage and an equilibrium would
be estabhshed with the ^transformer' taking a very small
1.2.2 Basic materials — copper, iron and current, the magnetising current, sufficient to establish
insulation flux within the core. Any other winding would thus
The other basic materials which go to make a trans­ develop a voltage proportional to the number of turns
former are iron, nowadays almost exclusively cold-rolled and, for a two winding transformer, the famihar re­
grain-oriented in the form of laminations 0.28-0.30 m m lationship exists that

General design and construction

EiNi = E2N2 (3.2)

where Ei and Ni are the voltage and turns, respec­

tively, of the primary winding and E 2 and N 2 those
of the secondary winding.
If a current were then allowed to flow in a se­
condary winding, by connecting some external load,
this current would itself produce a flux, the sense of
which would be the same as that of the back E M F
and it would thus neutralise the back E M F developed
in the primary winding, thereby allowing current to
be drawn from the supply applied to the primary
winding. The flux produced by this primary current is
such as to balance the neutralising flux created by the
secondary current and equilibrium is established once
more. Primary and secondary currents are in inverse
proportion to the turns ratio, since I i N i = I 2 N 2 . (a) Single phase core-type transformer
The transformer has thus accomplished the neces­
sary transformation of voltage levels and ^reflects' into
the primary circuit those events which occur in the
The transformation is, however, not perfect. Not
all the flux produced by the primary winding links
with the secondary for example, so that events as seen
from the primary are not a total reflection of those
occurring on the secondary, i.e., the transformer has
leakage reactance. As already mentioned, establishing
flux in the core involves the drawing of a magnetising
current. Associated with this flux there are hysteresis
losses and eddy current losses in the core. When load
current flows there are resistive losses and eddy current
losses in the windings. There are also eddy current
losses in the tank and the core frame.
(b) 3 - phase core-type transformer

1.3.2 Leakage reactance

As explained above, the leakage reactance of a trans­
former arises from the fact that all the flux produced
by one winding does not link with the other winding.
As would be expected, therefore, the magnitude of
AXIAL mitb
this leakage flux is a function of the geometry and LENGTH mit a
construction of the transformer. Although there are
other forms of construction, the majority of trans­
formers and certainly all power station transformers
produced in the UK are of the core-type construction,
as shown in Figs 3.4 (a) and 3.4 (b), consisting of a
central core surrounded by two or more concentric
windings. This central wound section is known as the (c) mit = MEAN LENGTH OF TURN
leg, or limb, and the iron circuit is completed by a
return section or yoke. Figure 3.4 (c) shows a part- FIG. 3.4 Arrangement of windings on single-phase and
section of a core-type transformer taken axially through three-phase cores
the centre of the wound limb and cutting the primary
and secondary windings. The principal dimensions are b the radial depth of the winding next to the core
marked in the figure, as follows:
c the radial depth of the outer winding

1 is axial length of windings (assumed the same for

If mit is then the mean length of turn of the winding
primary and secondary)
indicated by the appropriate subscript, mltb for the
a is the radial spacing between windings inner winding, mite for the outer winding and mita

Transformers Chapter 3

for a hypothetical winding occupying the space between increase as the transformer rating increases. This is
inner and outer windings, then the leakage reactance of Httle consequence in most transformers, as almost
in percent is given by the expression any required reactance can normally be obtained by
appropriate adjustment of the physical dimensions,
% X = KF(3amha + b m h b + cmhc)/01 (3.3) but it does become very significant for large generator
transformers, as permissible limits of dimensions are
where Κ is a constant of value dependent on the reached.
system of units used
F is equal to the ampere-turns of primary or 1.3.3 Core loss
secondary winding, i.e., M M F per h m b
The purpose of a transformer core is to provide a
φ is the total flux in the core low reluctance path for the magnetic flux hnking pri­
mary and secondary windings.
Equations (3.1), (3.2) and (3.3) determine the basic In doing so, the core experiences iron losses due to
parameters which fix the design of the transformer. hysteresis and eddy currents flowing within it which, in
The M M F is related to the M V A rating of the trans­ turn, show themselves as heating of the core material.
former and the total flux, φ, is the product of flux Hysteresis loss can be reduced by increasing silicon
density and core cross-sectional area. Flux density is content but, since this also makes the material brittle
determined by the choice of core material and the and hard, there is a practical limit if the material
duty of the transformer. The transformer designer can, is to remain sufficiently workable to permit reason­
therefore, select a combination of φ and 1 to provide ably straightforward core manufacture. This limit is
the value of reactance required by the customer. A about 4Y2 % silicon for steel produced by the hot rolling
larger core cross-section, usually referred to as the process.
frame size, and a longer 1 will reduce reactance and, Orienting the grain structure by cold rolling so that
conversely, reducing frame size and winding length the magnetic domains are uniformly aligned rather than
will increase reactance. Unfortunately, the designer's r a n d o m also reduces hysteresis and, in fact, can p r o ­
task is not quite as simple as that since variation of duce such an improvement that the silicon content can
any of the principal parameters affects the others be reduced whilst still permitting the use of higher flux
which will then also affect the reactance. For example, densities than the non-oriented steel.
increasing φ not only reduces reactance, because of its Reducing the silicon content (a figure of about 3 %
appearance in the denominator of Equation (3.3), but is used for cold rolled steel) also reduces resistivity, so
it also reduces the number of turns, as can be seen by there is a tendency for eddy current loss to be increased.
reference to Equation (3.1), which will thus reduce This is countered by a reduction in plate thickness.
reactance still further. The value of 1 can be used This is the basis of the development of cold-rohed
to adjust the reactance since it mainly affects the grain-oriented steel, 0.28 m m thick, which has been
denominator of Equation (3.3). Nevertheless, if 1 is current in the UK since the 1950s.
reduced, say, to increase reactance, this shortening of Specific loss for cold rolled steel is very dependent
the winding length resuhs in an increase in the radial on internal stress and increases sharply for any com­
depth (b and c) of each winding, in order that the pressive stress in the material. It is therefore necessary
same number of turns can be accommodated in the to anneal frequently during the rolhng process. In
shorter axial length of winding. This tends to increase order to prevent fusion between adjacent layers of the
the reactance further. Another means of fine tuning coiled strip, it is given a coating of magnesium oxide
of the reactance is by variation of the winding radial in the rolling mill. This is usually supplemented by an
separation, the value 'a' in Equation (3.3). This is additional phosphate coating during the final anneal.
more sensitive than changes in b and c since it is These coatings also serve as the insulation between
multiplied by the factor three, and the designer has laminations to restrict eddy loss in the completed core.
more scope to effect changes since the dimension *a' As cores get larger, and core plates wider, higher
is purely the dimension of a 'space'. Changes in the voltages are induced and the duty of the interlaminar
value of 'a' also have less knock-on effect although insulation becomes more onerous, so that in practice,
they will, of course, affect 'mhc'. For a given trans­ for cores greater than about 640 m m in diameter,
former 'a' will have a minimum value, determined by phosphate/magnesia coated plates are usually given an
the vohage class of the windings and the insulation additional coat of insulation, china clay or varnish, by
necessary between them. In addition, the designer will the core manufacturer.
not wish to artificially increase 'a' by more than a This additional insulation also makes good any dam­
small a m o u n t since this is wasteful of space within the
age to the phosphate coating brought about by the
core window.
grinding off of cutting burrs produced when the strip,
It should be noted that since the kVA or M V A initially about one metre wide by several hundred metres
factor appears in the numerator of the expression long, is cut into individual plates perhaps only 300 m m
for percent reactance, the value of reactance tends to wide by 2 - 3 m long.

General design and construction

For a given grade of material, hysteresis loss ( W h ) Beff = flux density corresponding to the RMS
is proportional to the area of the hysteresis loop, the value of the applied voltage.
maximum flux density and the frequency:
In the UK, the supply frequency is 50 Hz and the
Wh = ki f BS,ax X weight Watts (3.4) thickness of the material is determined by the steel
manufacturer, so the only variables are B m a x and B e f f .
where η varies from about 1.6 to 2.5 depending on The steel manufacturer normally quotes the specific
the material. loss, in W / k g , at a stated working flux density, usually
Eddy current loss ( W e ) depends on square of 1.5 tesla, and provides a curve giving specific loss at
frequency and on the thickness of the steel, so that other flux densities. A typical curve is reproduced in Fig
3.5. Specific loss is obtained by cutting samples of the
We = k2 f^t^ (Beff)^ X weight Watts (3.5) material 25 m m wide by 250 m m in length along the
rolling direction and building these into a square *core'
k i , k2 = constants with overlapped corner joints, called an Epstein Square,
and measuring the loss on this.
f = frequency, Hz
The total loss of a built u p core is then theoreti­
t = thickness of material, m m cally equal to this specific loss value multipUed by
Bmax = maximum flux density, Τ the total weight. In practice, the measured loss ex-


1.0 1.5 2.0


FIG. 3.5 Typical specific loss curve for cold-rolled grain-oriented steel (28M4)

Transformers Chapter 3

ceeds this figure by 15-25% and this is known as manufacturer will wish to hmit the total number of
the building factor of the core. Its precise value depends strands in parallel. Also, the extra insulation resuUing
on the type of core and the form of construction. on the increased number of strands results in a poorer
More win be said on this subject in Section 1.4.1 of winding space-factor.
this chapter which deals with core construction. As explained above, eddy currents in winding con­
ductors are the resuU of leakage flux, so a reduction
in leakage flux results in smaller eddy currents. It
1.3.4 Load losses
can be seen (Fig 3.6) that a tall slim winding produces
The load loss of a transformer is that proportion of less leakage flux than a short squat winding. This
the losses generated by the flow of load current and can be proved by flux plots and is also evident from
which varies as the square of the load. This falls into Equation (3.3) in that the greater the value of 1, the
three categories: less the leakage reactance, so there is also a minimum
acceptable value of 1 if the eddy current losses are
• Resistive loss within the winding copper and leads.
to be restricted to a reasonable level. In practice,
• Eddy current loss in the winding copper. manufacturers aim to limit eddy current loss to a value
about 25% of that of the resistive loss.
• Eddy current loss in the tanks and structural In terms of the total load losses, the stray losses in
steelwork. the transformer tanks and other structural steelwork,
such as core frames only constitute a small propor­
Resistive loss can be reduced by dropping the number tion. However, they can produce significant amounts
of winding turns, by increasing the cross-sectional area of heating in areas of the tank surface a n d , particu­
of the turn conductor, or by a combination of both. larly, in heavy-section flanges which, as well as at­
Reducing the number of turns requires an increase tracting large amounts of leakage flux, tend to have
in Φ, i.e., an increase in core cross-section {frame size),
which increases iron weight and iron loss. So load loss
can be traded against iron loss and vice versa. Increased
frame size requires reduced winding length to com­
pensate in Equation (3.3) and thus retain the same
impedance, although as already explained there will
be a reduction in number of turns (which was the
object of the exercise) by way of partial compensation.
Reduction of the winding axial length means that the
core leg length is reduced, which also offsets the
increase in core weight resulting from the increased
frame size to some extent. There is thus a band of one
or two frame sizes for which the loss variation is not
too great, so that optimum frame size can be chosen
to satisfy other factors, such as ratio of fixed to load
losses or transport height.
The paths of eddy currents in winding conductors
are complex. The effect of leakage flux within the
(a) Leakage flux paths in single phase core
transformer windings results in the presence of radial
and axial flux changes at any given point in space and
any moment in time. These induce voltages which cause
currents to flow at right angles to the changing fluxes.
The magnitude of these currents can be reduced by
increasing the resistance of the path through which
they flow, and this can be effected by reducing the
total cross-sectional area of the winding conductor or
by subdividing this conductor into a large number of
strands insulated from each other. The former alter­
native increases the overall winding resistance and
thereby the resistive losses. Conversely, if the overall
conductor cross-section is increased with the object
of reducing resistive losses, one of the results is to
increase eddy current losses. This can only be offset (b) Leakage flux in squat core
by a reduction of strand cross-section and an increase
in the total number of strands. It is costly to wind
a large number of conductors in parallel and so a FIG. 3.6 Leakage flux paths in tall and squat windings

General design and construction

large cross-sectional areas and hence low resistance

to the circulation of eddy currents. Local overheating
of flanges can cause rapid deterioration of gaskets
and consequent serious leakage of oil. The oil itself
suffers rapid degradation if it remains in contact with
metal at temperatures much above 130°C. Even if
the overheating is not severe enough to give rise to
either of these problems, there is still the hazard faced
by operating staff making accidental contact with the
overheated tank surface. For this reason, it is usual
to specify that the tank temperature should not exceed 1 — [
80°C u p to a height of 2.8 m above plinth level. A
temperature of up to 100°C is usually permitted above
this height. The transformer designer may comply with
these requirements by careful design of the core and FOR PROTECTION AGAINST FLUX FROM WINDINGS

by routing of heavy-current leads within the tank well

clear of the sides and of large-section flanges in par­
ticular. If these measures are insufficient, then it might
be necessary to provide packets of core steel to act as
flux shunts between the source M M F and the tank
side. A typical arrangement of flux shunts is shown
in Fig 3.7.

1.4 Transformer construction FOR PROTECTION FROM FLUX


1.4.1 Core construction

FIG. 3.7 Arrangement of shunts for leakage flux
Laminations are built u p to form a limb or leg having
as near as possible a circular cross-section (Fig 3.8)
in order to obtain optimum use of space within the lisation is probably slightly less t h a n this since the
cylindrical windings. The stepped cross-section ap­ manufacturer aims to standardise on a range of plate
proximates to a circular shape depending only on widths to cover all sizes of cores, and will therefore
how many different widths of strip a manufacturer is be unlikely to have available widths which would give
prepared to cut and build. For the smaller cores of the ideal cross-section for every size of core. Manu­
power station auxiliary transformers, this can be as facturers normally denote frame size by quoting the
few as seven. In the larger station and generator trans­ width of the widest plate, starting at about 200 m m for
formers, the number is eleven or m o r e . Theoretically, small auxiliary transformers and increasing in 25 m m
these fill from just over 9 3 % to over 9 5 % , respectively, steps u p to about one metre for the largest generator
of the available core circle. In reality, the actual uti- transformers.

FIG. 3.8 Cross-section of core leg

Transformers Chapter 3

The cyHndrical wound Hmb forms the c o m m o n fea­ shown in Fig 3.9; of these, by far the most c o m m o n
ture for all power station transformer cores. The form is the three-phase, three-Umb core. Since, at all times
of the complete core will be one of the arrangements the phasor sum of the three fluxes produced by a





FIG. 3.9 Typical core forms for single- and three-phase transformers

General design and construction

balanced three-phase system of voltages is zero, n o clamping can be applied to the windings to compress
return limb is necessary in a three-phase core and limbs them down to their correct length.
and yokes can have equal cross-sections. In order t o These principles will apply to the cores of all the
limit the extent to which the flux path cuts across the core-type transformers shown in Fig 3.9. Single-phase
grain of the oriented material, corners of laminations cores may have windings on both limbs, in which case
are usually cut on a 45° mitre. Plates at these mitred Hmbs and yokes will probably have the same cross-
corners must be overlapped so that the flux can transfer sectional area. Alternatively these may have one wound
to the adjacent face rather than cross the airgap which central limb, with t w o , three or four return yokes. The
is directly in its p a t h . The overlaps are formed by alter­ first arrangement tends to result in the lowest iron loss
nating different lengths of plates in successive lays (Fig for a given rating but, since the number of windings
3.10). is doubled, their cost is increased. The use of a number
of return yokes, as in the other arrangements, means
that the required cross-section can be achieved with
a smaller yoke depth, thus reducing the height for
transport. T h e three-phase equivalent of this is the
five-Hmb core which can be used to reduce the travel­
ling height of a three-phase unit at the expense of
iron losses. It should be noted that, provided transport
weight and height limitations permit, the yoke depth
can be increased to give a greater cross-section, and
hence reduced flux density, compared with the legs.
This results in a reduction in specific core loss in the
yokes which is greater t h a n the proportional increase
in yoke weight, hence in a net reduction in total core
FIG. 3 . 1 0 Arrangement of mitred joints in core loss. This is economic if the saving in the cost of the
iron loss over the Hfetime of the transformer is greater
t h a n the cost of the extra material.
The core is built horizontally by stacking lamina­ Before concluding the description of core construc­
tions, usually two or three per lay, on a jig or stilläge. tion, mention should be m a d e of the subject of core
Figure 3.11 shows a large core being built in the earthing. A n y conducting metal parts of a transformer,
manufacturer's works. Clamping frames for top and unless sohdly b o n d e d to earth, will acquire a potential
bottom yoke will be incorporated into this stilläge in operation which depends on their location relative
but it must also provide support and rigidity for the to the electric field within which they He. In theory, the
limbs until the core has been lifted into the vertical designer could insulate them from earthed metal but,
position for the fitting of the windings. Holes through in practice, it is easier and more convenient to b o n d
the laminations of cold-rolled grain-oriented material them to earth. However, in adopting this alternative,
cause deviations in the flux path and increase losses. there are two important requirements:
Punching of these holes also creates local stress con­
centrations which increase losses so that, although b o h s • The bonding must ensure good electrical contact and
through punched holes were the standard means of remain secure t h r o u g h o u t the transformer Hfe.
providing clamping for cores buih of hot-rolled steel,
it is now practice to minimise bolt holes or, if possi­ • N o conducting loops must be formed, otherwise
ble, to ehminate them entirely. Bolts securing t o p and circulating currents will result, creating increased
bottom frames will be designed to pass a r o u n d the losses a n d / o r locaHsed overheating.
yokes rather than through them, as shown in Fig 3.12.
Without clamping bolts the legs have n o rigidity at all Metalwork which becomes inadequately bonded,
until the windings have been fitted. This fitting requires possibly due to movement from shrinkage or vibration,
the removal of the top yoke which will usually have creates arcing which will cause breakdown of insula­
been placed in position during building to provide tion oil and will produce gases which may lead to
rigidity and alignment for the core. The legs are normal­ Buchholz relay operation (see Section 1.6.2 of this
ly clamped as tightly as possible by steel b a n d s , which chapter), and can thus be very troublesome in service.
are stripped off, starting from the top of the leg, as The core and its framework represent the largest
the windings are lowered into place. Once in place bulk of metalwork requiring to be bonded to earth.
these windings, which are built o n t o a hard synthetic O n generator transformers, connections to core and
resin bonded paper (SRBP) tube, ensure that the leg frames are individually brought outside the tank via
remains rigid. The top yoke can then be replaced, 3.3 kV bushings and are then connected to earth ex­
suitably interlaced into the projecting ends of the leg ternally. This enables the earth connection to be dis­
laminations, followed by the top core frames. Once connected during maintenance so that core insulation
these have been fitted, together with any tie bars, axial resistance checks can be carried out.

Transformers Chapter 3
W α
Ο ex
i t
^ o
öO ex
^ §
-Η -3
General design and construction
0 Λ
1 S
s i
if »> o
g o
δ ^
^ o
1 8
:2 Ja
Transformers Chapter 3

1.4.2 Transformer windings some manufacturers attempted some experimental use

of aluminium, but its higher resistivity greatly comph-
In describing the basic principles of a two-winding
cates the designer's problems. It necessitates a greater
transformer, it has been assumed that the windings
cross-section of conductor and a larger number of
comprise a discrete primary and secondary, each being
coohng ducts; these in turn cause a large increase in
a cylinder concentric with the wound limb of the core
winding size, which increases the size of the core. In
which provides the low reluctance path for the inter­
addition, the increased winding size increases imped­
linking flux. Whether of single-phase or three-phase
ance, requiring a further increase in frame size to
construction, the core provides a return flux path and
counteract this (Section 1.3.2 of this chapter) so the
must, therefore, enclose the winding, as shown in Fig
iron losses are increased stih further, risking a run­
3.13. As well as dictating the size of the transformer
away situation. Unlike other areas of power station
in total, the size of the windings thus dictates the size
plant (e.g., cables) it is exceedingly unlikely that alu­
of the window that the core must provide, and hence
minium will ever become a serious rival to copper for
the dimensions of the core and the iron losses are
determined. The designer must aim for as compact
Winding conductors are normally rectangular in
a winding arrangement as possible. Militating against
section (Figs 3.14 and 3.15). They have a far better
this are the needs to provide space for cooling ducts
winding space factor compared with circular conduc­
and insulation, and also to obtain as large a copper
tors and are used exclusively, except for the very small
cross-section as possible in order to minimise load
transformers where both circular conductors and, on
occasions, foil windings are used. These wih be dis­
cussed further in Section 2.4 of this chapter which deals
with auxihary transformers.
Winding strands must be insulated from each other
within a winding conductor and, of course, each con­
ductor must be insulated from its neighbour. This is
achieved by wrapping the strands helically with paper
strip, and at least two layers are used, so that the outer
layer overlaps the butt joints in the layer below. The
edges of the copper strip are radiused in order to
assist in paper covering. This also ensures that, where
strands are required to cross each other at an angle,
there will be less 'scissor action' tending to cut into
the insulation. Where conditions demand it, many
layers of conductor insulation can be apphed and the
limit to this is determined by the need to maintain
a covered cross-section which can be built u p into a
stable winding. This demands that, particularly when
they are to have a thick covering of insulation, winding
conductors should have a fairly flat section, so that
CORE WINDOW each can be stably wound on top of the conductor
below. This usually means that the axial dimension of
the strand must be at least twice, and preferably two
FIG. 3 . 1 3 Arrangement of windings within and a half times, the radial dimension.
core window

1.4.4 Low voltage windings

The following sections will aim to describe how to Although the precise details of the winding arrange­
achieve the best compromise between these conflicting ments vary according to the rating of the transformer,
objectives in practice. the general principles remain the same throughout
most of the range of power station transformers and
it is therefore convenient when describing these wind­
1.4.3 Winding conductors ings to consider specific cases. It is also useful to the
Before discussing the details of transformer windings reader to be able to relate the descriptions given to
further it is necessary to look in some detail at winding practical situations.
conductors. Generally, a power station transformer is rated to
Power station transformers use copper windings match the associated low voUage switchgear. At 11 kV,
almost exclusively and the detailed requirements for 3.3 kV and 415 V, swUchgear ratings extend up to
them are set down in BS1432[3]. During the late 1960s, about 3000 A . For the low voUage (LV) winding of
there was a very sharp rise in the price of copper and most transformers, therefore, this is the order of the

General design and construction









FIG. 3.14 Section of I V and HV windings showing radial and axial cooling ducts

nitude lower t h a n this, say, u p to about 300 A . In most

oil-filled transformers, the current density is between
HV HV DISC COILS about 2 and 4 A / m m ^ , so that the conductor section
on the LV winding is of the order of, say, 50 m m χ
20 m m and that on the H V winding, say, 12 m m χ 8
LV m m . As explained in Section 1.3.1 of this chapter, the
volts per turn in the transformer is dependent on the
cross-sectional area of the core or core frame size. The
frame size used depends on the rating of the trans­
LV COIL former but, since, as the rating increases the voltage
class also tends to increase, the volts per turn usually
give an LV winding with a hundred or so turns and a
CORE H V winding with a thousand or m o r e . In practice, the
actual conductor sizes and the numbers of turns used
depend on a good m a n y factors and may therefore
differ widely from the above values. They are quoted
as an indication of the differing problems in designing
LV and H V windings. In the former, a small number
of turns of a large-section conductor are required; in
FIG. 3.15 Transverse section of core and windings,
showing axial cooling ducts the other, a very much larger number of turns but of
a much m o r e manageable cross-section are involved,
and it is these factors which determine the types of
current involved. (There are transformers outside this windings used.
range, of course; for a 600 M V A generator transformer, The LV winding is usually positioned nearest to
the LV current is of the order of 15 000 A.) the core, unless the transformer has a tertiary winding
The voltage ratio is usually such that the current (which are normally of lower vohage) in which case
in the high voltage (HV) winding is an order of mag­ the tertiary will occupy this position:

Transformers Chapter 3

• The LV winding has the lower test voltage and hence

is more easily insulated from the earthed core. INNER STRAND MOVES TO OUTSIDE,
• Any tappings on the transformer are most hkely ONE POSITION

to be on the HV winding (see below), so that the

LV windings will only have leads at the start and
finish and these can be easily accommodated at the
top and bottom of the leg.

The LV winding is normally wound on a tube of

insulation material and this is almost invariably of
synthetic-resin-bonded paper (SRBP). This material
has high mechanical strength and is capable of with­
standing the high loading that it experiences during
the winding of the large copper-section coils used for
FIG. 3.16 Developed section of an eight-strand
LV windings. Electrically, it will probably have suf­ conductor showing transposition of strands
ficient dielectric strength to withstand the relatively
modest test vohage appHed to the LV winding without
any additional insulation. below the other seven, which then each move radially
The hundred or so turns of the LV winding are inwards by an a m o u n t equal to their thickness, and
wound in a simple helix, using the tube as a former, finally the displaced inner conductor would be bent
so that the total turns occupy the total winding length, outwards to the outer radial level and then moved to
although occasionally, for example, if this winding the outside of the stack.
is to be connected in interstar, the turns might be
arranged in two helical layers so that two sets of wind­
1.4.6 Continuously-transposed strip
ing ends are accessible at the top and bottom of the
leg. Even with an arrangement of transpositions of the
Between the winding base tube and the winding type described above and using many subconductors,
conductor, axial insulation-board strips are placed so eddy currents in very high current windings cannot
as to form a duct for the flow of coohng oil. These be limited in magnitude t o , say, 2 5 % of the resistive
strips are usually of a dovetail cross-section (Fig 3.15) losses as suggested in Section 1.3.4 of this chapter.
so that spacers between winding turns can be threaded In addition, transpositions of the type described above
onto them during the course of the winding. Axial take up a significant a m o u n t of space within the wind­
strips are usually a minimum of 8 m m thick and the ing. As a result, in the early 1950s, manufacturers
radial spacers 4 m m . The radial cooling ducts formed introduced a type of continuously-transposed conduc­
by the spacers are arranged to occur between each tor. This enables a far greater number of transposi­
turn or every two turns, or even, on occasions, sub­ tions to be carried out. In fact, as the name suggests,
dividing each turn into half-turns. these occur almost continuously in the conductor itself
before it is formed into the winding. Although the
'continuous' transpositions result in some loss of space
1.4.5 Transpositions within the conductor group, this a m o u n t s to less space
It has already been explained that the winding con­ within the winding than that required for conventional
ductor of a LV winding having a large copper cross- transposkions, so that there is a net improvement in
section, is subdivided into a number of sub-conductors, space factor as well as improved uniformity of ampere­
or strands, to reduce eddy current loss. The eddy cur­ conductor distribution. Figure 3.17 shows how the
rents were said to result from the radial differences continuously-transposed conductor is made u p . It has
in leakage flux between the inside and the outside of an odd number of strands flat formation insulated
the windings. The induced E M F s causing circulation from each other by enamel only and these are in two
of these eddy currents can best be equalised and the stacks side by side axially on the erected winding.
eddy currents reduced if each conductor occupies all Transpositions are effected by the top strip of one
possible positions equally in its true length. It is there­ stack moving over to the adjacent stack as the bottom
fore necessary to transpose the winding conductors strip moves over in the opposite direction. The con­
periodically throughout the length of the winding. ductor is moved sideways approximately every 50 m m
There are various methods of forming conductor along its length. In addition to the enamel covering
transpositions, but typically these might be arranged on the individual strands, there is a single vertical
as shown in Fig 3.16. If the winding conductor has, paper separator between the stacks and the complete
say, eight sub-conductors, then eight transpositions conductor is wrapped overall with at least two helical
are needed over the winding length. These are carried layers of paper in the same manner as a rectangular
out by moving the inner conductor sideways from section conductor. Manufacture of the continuously-

General design and construction

1.4.7 High voltage windings

Mention has already been m a d e of the fact that the
high voUage (HV) winding might have ten times as
many turns as the low voltage (LV) winding, although
the conductor size is considerably less. It is desirable
that both windings should be as nearly as possible the
same axial length and, assuming the LV winding oc­
cupied a single layer wound in a simple helix, the H V
winding might require ten such layers. A multilayer
helical winding of this type would be somewhat lacking
in mechanical strength, however, as well as tending to
have a high voltage between winding layers. (In a ten
layer winding, this would be one-tenth of the hne
voUage.) H V windings are therefore usually wound as
'disc windings'. In a disc winding, the turns are wound
FIG. 3.17 Continuously transposed conductor
radially outwards one on t o p of the other starting at the
surface of the former. If a pair of discs are wound in
this way b o t h 'finishes' appear at the outer surface of
transposed conductor involves considerable mechani­
the respective discs and the crossover between discs
cal manipulation of the strands in order to form the
takes place at the inside of the discs. A series of disc­
transpositions and was made possible by the develop­
pairs can be wound in this way and then connected
ment of enamels which are sufficiently tough and
together at their ends to form a complete winding. Such
resilient to withstand this.
an arrangement requires a large number of joints be­
The introduction of continuously-transposed strip tween sections and so has been largely superseded by
has been beneficial t o the design of large transformers, the 'continuous disc winding'. This has the same con­
which must be capable of carrying large currents, but figuration when completed as a sectional disc winding
its use is not without some disadvantages of which but is wound in such a way as to avoid the need for
the following are most significant: it to be m a d e in separate disc-pairs. When the 'finish'
• A stack which might be up t o , say, twelve strands of a disc appears at the outside radius, it is taken down
high, wrapped overall with paper, tends to behave to the mandrel surface using a tapered curved former.
something like a cart spring in that it becomes very F r o m the surface of the mandrel, a disc is then built
difficult to wind round a cylindrical former. This u p by winding radially as previously. When the com­
problem can be limited by the use of such strip only plete disc has been formed, the tension is taken off
for large diameter windings. It is usual to restrict the winding conductor, the taper former removed and
its use to windings which have a minimum radius the turns laid out loosely over the surface of the
of thirty times the radial depth of the covered mandrel. These turns are then reassembled in the re­
conductor. verse order so that the 'start' is the crossover from the
adjacent disc and the 'finish' is in the centre at the
• When the covered conductor, which will of necessity mandrel surface. T h e next disc can then be built
have significant depth in the radial dimension, is upwards in the normal way. A section of continuous
bent into a circle, the paper covering has a tendency disc winding is shown in Fig 3.18.
to wrinkle. This feature has been termed 'bagging'.
The bagging, or bulging, paper covering can restrict
coohng ducts. This problem can be controlled by
restricting the bending radius, as described above,
and also by the use of an outer layer of paper cover­
ing which has a degree of 'stretch' which will contain
the bagging. Also an allowance can be m a d e by
slightly increasing the size of the ducts.

• Because of the large number of strands, joints in

continuously-transposed strip become very cumber­

• A high degree of quality control of the manufac­

ture is necessary to ensure that defects in the en­
amel insulation of the individual strands or metallic
particle inclusions d o not cause strand-to-strand
faults. FIG. 3.18 Arrangement of continuous disc winding

Transformers Chapter 3

The HV winding requires space for coohng-oil flow sulation levels and to examine the effects of these on
in the same way as described for the LV winding. This the disposition of the windings.
is provided using dovetail strips against the inner face Transformer windings may either be fully insulated
of the discs and radial spacers interlocking with these. or they can have graded insulation. In a fully insulated
Radial cooling ducts may be formed either between winding, the entire winding is insulated to the same
disc pairs or between individual discs. level, dictated by the voltage to which the entire wind­
ing is to be raised on test.
Graded insulation allows a more economical ap­
1.4.8 Tapping windings
proach to be made to the design of the insulation struc­
U p to now, it has been assumed that power trans­ ture of a very high voltage winding. With this system,
formers have simply a primary and secondary winding. recognition is made of the fact that such windings will
However, all power station transformers have some be star-connected and that the star point will be so­
form of tapping arrangement to allow both for varia­ lidly earthed. The insulation of the earthy end of the
tions of the appHed voltage and for their own internal winding thus need only be designed for a very nominal
regulation. The range of these tappings goes from ± 5 % level.
variation, adjustable only off-circuit on the smallest BS171 requires that all windings up to 66 kV working
transformers, to ± 1 0 % , or more, on the larger trans­ level should he fully insulated. Above this, which in
formers, selectable by means of on-load tapchangers. the UK means 132, 275 and 400 kV, graded insulation
More will be said later about the subject of tappings is used. Since in UK power station systems there is
and tapchangers. However, it is convenient at this no voltage class between 23.5 kV (which is treated as
stage to describe the tap windings themselves. a 33 kV system) and 132 kV, then the former is the
In power station transformers the tappings are highest class of power station transformer winding to
invariably connected in the HV winding. The reasons be fully insulated.
for this are twofold. First, it is convenient to assume Power station transformers therefore either have
that the purpose of the tappings is to compensate for both LV and H V fully insulated or the LV fully in­
variations in the applied voltage which, for all trans­ sulated and the H V insulation graded. There are no
formers except the generator transformer, will be to transformers at power stations (unlike on the grid
the HV winding. (The generator transformer is a special system) for which both windings can be graded.
case and will be discussed more fully in Section 2 of Figure 3 . 1 9 ( a ) shows the arrangement of a trans­
this chapter.) As the apphed voltage increases, more former in which both windings are fully insulated.
tapping winding turns are added to the HV winding by This might be a unit transformer, 23.5/11 kV and
the tapchanger so that the volts/turn remain constant, perhaps around 4 0 - 5 0 M V A . The LV winding must
as does the LV winding output voltage. From the withstand an applied voltage test which will raise the
transformer design point of view, the important aspect entire winding to 38 kV above earth. The winding
of this is that, since the volts/turn remain constant, insulation must therefore withstand this voltage be­
so does the flux density. Hence the design flux density tween all parts and earthed metalwork, including the
can be set at a reasonably high economic level without core. Along the length of the winding this test voltage
the danger of the transformer being driven into satura­ appears across the dovetail strips plus the thickness
tion due to supply voltage excursions. of the SRBP tube. At the ends, these strips and the
The second reason for locating tappings on the tube are subjected to surface creepage stress, so that
HV side is that, since this winding carries the smaller the end-insulation distance to the top and bottom yokes
current, then the physical size of tapping leads is greatly must be somewhat greater.
reduced and the tapchanger itself carries less current. The 23.5 kV H V winding is tested at 70 kV above
Since the tappings are part of the HV winding, fre­ earth. The radial separation between LV and H V must
quently these can be arranged simply by bringing out be large enough to withstand this with, say, a single
the tapping leads at the appropriate point of the wind­ pressboard wrap with spacing strips inside and out­
ing. This must, of course, coincide with the outer turn side (Fig 3.19). The end insulation will be subjected
of a disc, but this can usually be arranged without to creepage stress and so the distance to the yoke
undue difficulty. must be somewhat greater than the H V / L V distance.
In the largest transformers, the tappings have to be Between the transformer limbs, the HV windings of
accommodated in a separate tapping winding, but more adjacent phases come into close proximity.
will be said about this in Section 2 of this chapter. To withstand the 70 kV test voltage between phases,
it is necessary to have a clearance similar to that be­
tween H V / L V windings with, say, a single pressboard
1.4.9 Disposition of windings
barrier in the middle of this distance, as shown in
Mention has already been made of the fact that the Fig 3 . 1 9 ( b ) .
LV winding is placed next to the core because it has The LV winding leads are taken out at the top and
the lower insulation level. It is now necessary to look bottom of the leg, which means that they must of ne­
in further detail at the subject of insulation and in­ cessity pass close to the core framework. Since they are

General design and construction

1 Γ






(a) Axial part-section through one phase of a (b) Elevation of fully insulated 3-phase
fully insulated transformer showing transformer showing interphase
disposition of major insulation barrier








A, (N)


(c) Typical arrangement of LV winding ends (d) Section of transformer with HV winding
having graded insulation

FIG. 3 . 1 9 Arrangements of windings and leads for fully insulated and graded insulation

Transformers Chapter 3

at relatively low voltage, it is probable that the neces­ in a separate winding located outside the HV winding.
sary clearance can be obtained by bending these away This winding is shorter than the H V and LV windings
from the core as close to the winding end as possible and split into upper and lower halves, with an un­
and by suitably shaping the core frame (Fig 3.19 (c)). wound area in the middle through which the HV line
The HV winding leads also emerge from the top lead can emerge.
and bottom of the leg but these are taken on the The centre of the HV winding must be insulated
opposite side of the coils from the LV leads. Being from the LV winding by an a m o u n t capable of with­
at a greater radial distance from the core frame than standing the full HV overpotential test voltage. This
those of the LV winding, as well as having the relatively requires a radial distance somewhat greater than that
modest test vohage of 70 kV, these require little more in the 23.5/11 kV transformer and the distance is taken
insulation than those of the LV winding. up by a series of pressboard wraps interspersed by
It is usually convenient to group the tapping sections strips to allow oil circulation and penetration. Aher-
in the centre of the HV windings. This means that when natively, it is possible that the innermost wrap could
all the taps are not in circuit, any effective 'gap' in be replaced by a SRBP tube which would then provide
the winding is at the centre, so that the winding remains the base on which to wind the HV winding.
electromagnetically balanced. More will be said about The voltage appearing on test between the line end
this aspect below. The tapping leads are thus taken from of the HV winding and the neutral-end taps is similar
the face of the HV winding, usually on the same side to that between H V and LV winding so it is necessary
of the transformer as the LV leads. to place a similar series of wraps between the HV and
Figure 3.19 (d) shows the arrangement of a trans­ tapping windings. These wraps must be broken to allow
former in which the LV winding is fully insulated and the central H V line lead to emerge; an arrangement of
the HV winding has graded insulation. This could be a petalling or formed collars is normally used to allow
station transformer, say, 132/11 kV, possibly 60 M V A . this to take place without reducing the insulation
If this transformer had a tertiary winding, this too strength (Fig 3.20).
would probably be at 11 kV and would be placed nearest
to the core. The test levels would be the same as for
1.4.10 Impulse strength
the 11 kV LV winding of the u n k transformer and so
the insulation arrangement would be similar to that The previous section examined the disposkion of wind­
described above. The 11 kV LV winding would be ings as determined by the need to meet the power
placed over the tertiary and the tertiary-to-LV gap frequency tests which are applied to the windings.
would require radial and end insulation of a design Nowadays it is the practice to apply an impulse test to
similar to that between tertiary and core. The 132 kV power station transformers, as well as the dielectric
HV winding is placed outside the LV winding and it is tests at 50 Hz. Impulse testing arose from the need to
here that advantage is taken of the graded insulation. simulate the effect on the transformer of steep-fronted
For 132 kV class graded insulation, the applied volt­ waves of the kind resulting from hghtning strikes on
age test is only 45 kV above earth, although when the the connecting transmission lines: these were of much
overpotential test is carried out 230 kV is induced greater voltage than the power frequency tests but also
between the line terminal and earth. Consequently the of very much shorter duration. The standard impulse
neutral end needs insulating only to a level similar to wave defined in BS171 and specified by the C E G B for
that of the LV winding. However, the line end must be power station transformers has a wavefront time of
insulated for a very much higher voltage. It is logical, 1.2 /IS and a time to decay to half peak of 50 μ$
therefore, to locate the line end as far as possible from (these times wih be more fully defined in Section 1.7.6
the core and for this reason it is arranged to emerge of this chapter which deals with impulse testing of
from a point halfway up the leg. The HV thus has two transformers). When struck by such a steep wavefront,
half-windings in parallel, with the neutrals at the top a transformer winding does not behave as an electro­
and bottom and the line ends brought together at the magnetic impedance, as it would to power frequency
centre. If, with such an arrangement, the H V taps are voltages, but as a string of capacitors. Each turn has a
at the starred neutral end of the winding, the neutral capacitance to the succeeding turn C s and a capaci­
point can thus be conveniently made within the tap­ tance to earth C g (Fig 3.21 (a)). It is a fairly simple
changer and the voltage for which the tapchanger must matter to show that when a high voltage is applied to
be insulated is as low as possible. Unfortunately, it is such a string, the distribution of this voltage is given
not possible to locate these tapping coils physically in by a curve of the type shown in Fig 3.21 (b) and the
the body of the HV winding since, being at the neutral initial slope of the curve, which represents the voltage
end, when these were not in circuit there would be a gradient at the point of apphcatíon, is proportional to
large difference in length between the H V and LV the ratio C g / C s . In a winding in which no special mea­
windings. This would greatly increase leakage flux, sures had been taken to reduce this voltage gradient,
stray losses and variation of impedance with t a p posi­ this would be many times that which would appear
tion as well as creating large unbalanced forces on under power frequency conditions. If additional in­
short circuit. It is therefore necessary to place the taps sulation were placed between the winding turns, this

General design and construction




FIG. 3.20 Arrangement of HV line lead with outer HV tapping winding

would increase the spacing between them and thus re­ out the winding. In view of the high cost of interleaving,
duce the series capacitance C s . Cg would be effectively the designer aims to minimise this and, where possible,
unchanged, so that the ratio C g / C s would increase and to restrict it to the end sections of the winding.
the voltage gradient become greater still. The most A further problem can occur at the neutral end of
effective method of controlHng the increased stress at the winding, since it is possible for reflections of the
the Hne end is clearly to increase the series capacitance impulse wave to be produced which can give rise to
of the winding, since reducing the capacitance to earth oscillatory conditions which, depending on their mag­
is not very practicable*. Figure 3.22 shows several nitude and phase relationships, can produce compara­
methods by which the series capacitance can be in­ ble stresses to those which occur at the Hne end. In
creased. The first (Fig 3.22 (a)) uses an electrostatic addition, if some of the tapping winding is not in
shield connected to the line end and inserted between circuit, which happens whenever the transformer is
the two HV discs nearest to the Hne end. The second on other than m a x i m u m t a p , the tapping winding will
(Fig 3.22 (b)) winds in a d u m m y strand connected to then have an overhang which can experience a high
the Hne lead but terminating in the first disc. Both of voltage at its remote end. The magnitude of the impulse
these arrangements effectively bring more of the wind­ voltage appearing both across the neutral end sections
ing turns closer physically to the Hne end. Thirdly, a and within the tapping winding overhang will be at a
system of interleaving (Fig 3.22 (c)) can be used, where­ minimum when the initial distribution is linear, as can
by the winding turns can be taken from the line end be seen from Fig 3.21 (c), and this is usually assisted
further into the body of the winding rather than simply by a further interleaved section at the neutral end.
winding in series. This usually involves winding two T o some extent, the magnitude of the impulse voltage
or more strands in parallel and then reconnecting the seen by the tapping winding due to overhang effects
ends after winding to give the interleaving arrangement is dependent on the size of the tapping range, so this
required. It has the advantage over the first two meth­ must be borne in mind when deciding the tapping
ods that it does not waste any space, since every turn range required.
remains active. However, the cost of winding is greatly
increased by the large number of joints. It is possible
by adjustment of the degree of interleaving, to achieve 1.4.11 Thermal considerations
a nearly linear distribution of impulse voltage through- When the resistive and other losses are generated in
the transformer windings heat is produced. This heat
* Footnote: A short squat winding tends to have a lower capaci­ must be transferred into, and taken away by, the trans­
tance to ground than a tall slim winding, so such an arrangement former oil. The winding copper retains its mechanical
would have a better intrinsic impulse strength. There are, however, strength up to several hundred degrees Celsius. Trans­
so many other constraints tending to dictate winding geometry that
manufacturers are seldom able to use this as a practical means of former oil does not degrade below about 140°C, but
obtaining the required impulse strength. paper insulation deteriorates with greatly increasing

Transformers Chapter 3


(a) Electrostatic shield


I I I I I I 1 11
(b) Dummy Strand




(c) Interleaving of 2 strands

over 4 discs

FIG. 3.22 Types of winding stress control

is to decide what temperature the hot spot should
be allowed to reach. Various researchers have con­
FIG. 3.21 Distribution of impulse voltage within
sidered this problem and all of them tend to agree
that the rate of deterioration or ageing of paper ra­
pidly increases with increasing temperature. In 1930,
rapidity if its temperature rises above about 90°C. Montsinger [4] suggested that the hfe of insulation
The coohng-oil flow, therefore, must ensure that in­ would be halved for every 8°C increase between 90
sulation temperature is kept below this figure as far and 110°C and this rate has been generally accepted,
as possible. although some authorities now consider that a value
The temperature at which no deterioration of paper of 6 ° C is more appropriate for present-day insulation
insulation occurs is about 80°C. It is usually not eco­ materials.
nomic or practical, however, to limit the insulation It must be recognised that there is n o generally
temperature to this level at all times. Insulation hfe accepted temperature at which insulation may be al­
would greatly exceed transformer design hfe and, since lowed to operate, nor is there agreement between trans­
ambient temperatures and applied loads vary, a maxi­ former designers as to the precise hot spot temperature
m u m temperature of 80°C would mean that on many that should be accepted in normal operation. In fact,
occasions the insulation would be much cooler than it is now recognised that there are other factors affect­
this. Thus, the critical factor in determining the hfe ing insulation hfe, such as the moisture content, acidity
of a transformer is the working temperature of the and oxygen content of the oil, all of which tend to be
insulation or, more precisely, the temperature of the dependent upon the system of breathing employed.
hottest part of the insulation or hot spot. The problem Nevertheless BS171 and other international specifica-

General design and construction

tions set down limits for permissible temperature rise

which aim at a life of about thirty years for the
transformer. Such documents assume that a lifetime
of this magnitude would be obtained with a hot spot
temperature of about 98°C.
It must also be recognised that the specified tem­
perature rise can only be that value which can be
measured, and that there will usually be, within the
transformer, a hot spot which is hotter than the tem­
perature that can be measured and which will really
determine the Hfe of the transformer.
Study of the permitted temperature rises given in
BS171 shows that a number of different values are
permitted and that these are dependent on the method
of oil circulation. The reason for this is that the likely
difference between the value that can be measured and
the hot spot, which cannot be measured, tends to vary
according to the method of oil circulation. Those listed (a) Non-directed flow
in BS171 are:
• Natural.
• Forced, but non-directed.
• Forced and directed. to
Natural circulation utilises the thermal head produced
by the heating of the oil which rises through the wind­
ings as it is heated and falls as it is cooled in passing
through the radiators. •T

With forced circulation, oil is pumped from the
radiators and admitted to the bottom of the windings
to pass through the vertical ducts formed by the strips
laid *above' and 'below' the conductors. In referring •T
to axial ducts within windings, the expressions 'below'
and 'above' mean 'nearer to the core' and 'further from
the core', than the winding turns respectively. Radial
ducts are those which connect these. In a non-directed
design, flow through the horizontal ducts which connect
the axial ducts above and below is dependent entirely
on thermal and turbulence effects and the rate of flow
through these is very much less than in the axial ducts
(b) Directed flow
(Fig 3.23 (a)).
With a forced and directed circulation, oil flow FIG. 3 . 2 3 Directed and non-directed oil flow
washers are inserted into the windings which alternately
close off the axial ducts above and below the conduc­
tors, so that the oil in passing through the winding on two faces, whilst the remainder are cooled only
must also weave its way through the horizontal ducts. on one. Further, unless the oil flow is forced and
This arrangement is illustrated in Fig 3.23 (b). directed, not only will the heat transfer via the hori­
The average temperature rise of the winding is zontal surfaces be poorer, due to the poor oil flow-rate,
measured by its change in resistance compared with but this oil could well be hotter than the general mass
that at a known ambient temperature. Since some of of oil in the vertical ducts.
the winding at the bottom of the leg is in cool oil and The temperature of the winding hot spot is thus the
some at the top is in the hottest oil, there will be a sum of the following:
difference from the average at either extreme by an
• Ambient.
amount equal to half the difference in temperature of
the inlet and outlet oil. In addition all the conductors • Measured (specified) rise by resistance.
may not be equally exposed to the oil. In the diagram
• Half difference between inlet and outlet oil.
of Fig 3.24, which represents a group of conductors
surrounded by vertical and horizontal cooling ducts, • Difference between average and maximum winding/
the four conductors at the corners are cooled directly oil temperature gradient.

Transformers Chapter 3

explained in BS Code of Practice C P 1010[5], which

CONDUCTOR COOLED ON ONE SURFACE deals with the subject of loading of power trans­
formers. The system works well in practice since very
few transformers are operated continuously at rated
load. Even in power stations where loads tend to be
more constant than for many other applications, loads
DUCTS<^ COOLED vary as the unit load is varied or as the unit is started
up and shut down, and ambient temperatures vary
There is one exception to this loading pattern. This
is the generator transformer of a large base-load unit.
Ideally, this operates at near to its designed rating
continuously, apart from its periodic maintenance shut­
DUCTS down. This will be discussed further in Section 2 of
this chapter deahng with the subject of generator
FIG. 3.24 Winding hot spots transformers.

1.4.12 Performance under short-circuit

Typical values are:
The effects of short-circuit currents on transformers,
Type of cooling OFAF ONAN as on most other items of electrical plant, fall into
Forced & directed Natural non- two categories:
oil flow directed oil
• Thermal.
(a) Ambient (BS171) 30 30
(b) Rise by resistance (BS171) 70 65 • Mechanical forces.
(c) Half (outlet-inlet) oil 12
(d) Maximum gradient —
It is a fairly simple matter to deal with the thermal
average gradient
effects of a short-circuit. This is deemed to persist for
110 110 a known period of time, usually 3 or 5 s, aHowing for
clearance of the fault by back-up protection. During
this brief time, it is safe to assume that all the heat
It must be stressed that since items (c) and (d) cannot generated remains in the copper. Therefore knowing
be covered by specification, they are typical values the mass of the copper, its initial temperature, and
only and actual values will differ between manufac­ the heat input, the temperature which it can reach can
turers and so, therefore, will the value of hot spot be easily calculated. It simply remains to ensure that
temperature. It will be noted also, that the hot spot this is below a permitted maximum which for oil-
temperatures derived significantly exceed the figure of immersed windings is taken to be 250°C, in accord­
98°C quoted above as being the temperature which ance with Table III of BS171: P a r t 5: 1978.
corresponds to normal ageing. It will also be seen that Mechanical short-circuit forces are more complex.
the figure used for ambient temperature is not the First, there is a radial force which is a mutual repul­
maximum recognised in BS171, which permits an am­ sion between LV and HV windings. This tends to crush
bient temperature of 40°C, giving a hot spot tem­ the LV winding inwards and burst the HV winding
perature of 120°C. Such temperatures are permissible outwards. Resisting the crushing of the LV winding is
because the maximum ambient temperature occurs relatively easy since the core lies immediately beneath
only occasionally and for a short time. and it is only necessary to ensure that there is ample
When a transformer is operated at a hot spot support, in the form of the number and width of axial
temperature above that which produces normal ageing strips, to transmit the force to the core. The outwards
due to increase either in ambient or loading, then in­ bursting force on the H V winding is resisted by the
sulation Hfe is used up at an increased rate. This must tension in the copper, coupled with the friction force
then be offset by a period with a hot spot temperature produced by the large number of H V turns which
at or below that for normal ageing, so that the total resists their slackening off. This is usually known as
use of Hfe over this period equates to the n o r m . This the 'capstan effect'. Since the tensile strength of the
is best illustrated by an example: if two hours are copper is quite adequate in these circumstances, the
spent at a temperature which produces twice the nor­ outward bursting force on the H V winding does not
mal rate of ageing then four hours of Hfe are used in normally represent a problem either. A n exception is
this period. For the balance of those four hours (i.e., any outer winding having a small number of turns,
4 - 2 = 2) the hot spot temperature must be such as particularly if these are wound in a simple helix. This
to use up no Hfe, i.e., below 80°C, so that in total can be the case with an outer tapping winding or
four hours of life are used u p . This principle is fully sometimes the HV winding of a unit transformer which.

General design and construction

having a voUage very httle higher than that of the leakage flux which will be in one direction at the
LV, might well be a helical winding (Section L 4 . 4 of top of the leg and the other direction at the b o t t o m .
this chapter). In these situations, it is important to Since the current is in the same direction at both top
ensure that adequate measures are taken to resist the and b o t t o m it produces a force in opposite directions
outward bursting forces under short-circuit. These which is, in fact, compressive. The second component
might involve fitting a tube of insulation material over of axial force is due to magnetic unbalance between
the winding or simply securing the ends by means of primary and secondary windings, i.e., the axial displace­
taping, not forgetting the ends of tapping sections, if ment between their magnetic centres (Fig 3.26 (b)). In
included. Another alternative is to provide 'keeper very large transformers, the designer aims to achieve
sticks' over the surface of the coil which are threaded as close a balance as possible between the windings,
through the interturn spacers. Such an arrangement but this cannot be achieved entirely for a number of
is shown in Fig 3.25 in which keeper sticks are used reasons. One is the problem of tappings. Putting these
over the hehcal winding of a large reactor. Secondly, in a separate layer so that there are no gaps left in
there is also usually a very substantial axial force under the main body of the H V winding when taps are not
short-circuit; this has two components. The first results in circuit, helps to some extent. However, there wih
from the fact that two conductors running in parallel be some unbalance unless each tap occupies the full
and carrying current in the same direction are drawn winding length in the separate layer. One way of doing
together, producing a compressive force. Alternatively, this would be to use a multistart helical tapping-wind­
as will be seen by reference to Fig 3.26 (a), it may ing but, as mentioned above, simple helical windings
be seen as an effect of the radial component of the placed outside the H V winding would be very difficult

FIG. 3 . 2 5 Part of a winding of a saturated reactor showing detail of external bracing ( G E C Alsthom)

Transformers Chapter 3

throughout the winding. It thus produces a force which

is upwards on one winding and downwards on the
other (Fig 3.26 (b)).
RADIAL COMPONENT Axial forces under short-circuit are resisted by trans­
mitting them to the core. The top and bottom core
frames incorporate pads which bear on the ends of
the windings, these pads distributing the load by means
of heavy-section pressboard or compressed laminated-
wood platforms. The top and b o t t o m core frames, in
PATH OF LEAKAGE FLUX turn, are linked together by steel tie-bars which have
(a) the dual function of resisting axial short-circuit forces
and ensuring that when the core and coils are lifted
via the top core frames on assembly, the load is
SMALL RADIAL COMPONENT supported from the lower frames. These tie-bars can
be seen in Fig 3.12 which shows a completed core
before fitting of the windings. Since the precise mag­
nitude of these forces depends much upon leakage flux,
and the leakage flux pattern also determines the value
of reactance, manufacturers nowadays have computer
programmes for accurate determination of leakage
flux which also, therefore, enable them to assess short-
circuit forces and accurately design for them.
LARGE RADIAL COMPONENT 1.5 Tappings and tapchangers
Almost all power station transformers incorporate some
FIG. 3.26 Forces within windings means of adjusting their voltage ratio by means of the
addition or removal of tapping turns. This adjustment
may be made on-load, as is usual in generator and
to brace against the outward bursting forces. In station transformers, or by means of an off-circuit
addition, spreading the tapping turns throughout the switch, or by the selection of bolted hnk positions with
fuh length of the layer would create problems in taking the transformer totally isolated. The degree of sophis­
the HV hne-lead away from the centre of the winding. tication of the system of tap selection depends on the
Another factor which makes it difficuh to obtain frequency with which it is required to change taps.
complete magnetic balance is the dimensional accuracy
and stability of the materials used. Paper insulation
and pressboard in a large winding shrink axially by 1.5.1 Uses of tapchangers
several centimetres during dry-out and assembly of the It is first necessary to examine the purposes of tap­
windings. Although the manufacturer can assess the changers and the way in which they are used. A more
degree of shrinkage expected fairly accurately, and will complete discussion of this subject will be found in
attempt to ensure that it is evenly distributed, it is Chapter 1 of this volume dealing with design and op­
difficult to do this with sufficient precision to ensure eration of the connections to the grid system and the
complete balance. auxiliary transformers forming the electrical auxiliary
Furthermore, shrinkage of insulation continues to system, but the transformer engineer must know what
occur in service and, although the design of the is required of the plant and why.
transformer should ensure that the windings remain in Dealing first with the electrical auxilary system, the
compression, it is even more difficult to ensure that design of a suitable supply system for auxiHary plant
such shrinkage will be uniform. With careful design the must cater for ah operating conditions, for example,
degree of unbalance will be small. Nevertheless it unit start-up, full-load and emergency operation, and
must be remembered that short-circuit forces are pro­ the outage of supply equipment. It must also optimise
portional to (current)^ and that the current in question the various component impedances to achieve a suh-
is the peak asymmetrical current and not the R M S ably economical compromise between the conflicting
value. Consequently, for a generator transformer, requirements of fault-level limitation and acceptable
having an impedance of 1 6 % , the magnitude of the voltage regulation.
force might be 116 times that occurring under normal This design task is greatly assisted by the use of
fuh-load conditions, i.e., (6 χ full load current) χ off-circmt taps on the 11/3.3 kV and 3.3/0.415 kV
asymmetry factor of 2.55. The effect of magnetic auxiliary transformers, especially when precise infor­
unbalance is to produce an additional component mation regarding loads and operating conditions cannot
of radial leakage flux which acts in the same sense be established during the design period.

General design and construction

Supplies to the HV side of the station transformer and a resulting change of impedance. The auxiliary
at 132, 275 or 400 kV may be varied by ± 1 0 % to system designer would, of course, prefer to be able to
suit system loading conditions, under the direction of change the voltage ratio without affecting impedance
Grid Control and beyond the control of the power but the best the transformer designer can d o is to
station operating staff. If the 11 kV station voltage is aim to minimise the variation or possibly achieve an
to be maintained sensibly constant, therefore, an on­ impedance characteristic which is acceptable to the
load tapchanger on the station transformer must be system designer rather than one which might aggravate
available to the station operators. It should be noted his problems. Any special measures which the trans­
that if the station operator uses this tapchanger simply former designer is required to take is likely to increase
to maintain the station 11 kV system voltage constant cost and must therefore be totally justified by system
as the system voltage varies, then the station trans­ needs.
former flux density remains constant. If, however, the Figure 3.27 represents a series of sections through
operator also endeavours to compensate for regulation the windings of a two-winding transformer having
on the 11 kV station system, as he may need to d o , the tappings in the body of the H V winding. In all
then this will require an increase in the volts/turn and three cases the H V winding is slightly shorter than the
hence an increase in the flux density. The design flux LV winding in order to allow for the extra end insula­
density of the station transformer must take this op­ tion of the former. In Fig 3.27 (a) all tappings are in-
erating condition into account. circuit. Fig 3.27 (b) shows the effective disposition of
The unit transformer HV terminals are connected the windings on the principal tapping and Fig 3.27 (c)
to those of the generator whose voltage is maintained
within ± 5 % of nominal by the action of the generator
AVR. With such close control of its primary voltage,
therefore, an on-load tapchanger is not necessary on 1 X = DISPLACEMENT OF CENTRE
the unit transformer. It is a wise precaution, however, LINES OF HALF WINDINGS
to provide off-circuit taps so that some adjustment
of the voltage ratio may be made should this be found
to be necessary for the reasons outlined above with
reference to auxihary transformers.
The generator transformer is used to connect the
generator whose voltage is maintained within ± 5 % of
nominal, to a 400 kV system which normally may vary
by ± 1 0 % . This cannot be achieved without the ability (a) Maximum tap
to change taps on load. However, in addition to the
requirement of the generator to produce megawatts,
there may also be a requirement to generate or absorb
VArs, according to the system conditions, which will
vary due to several factors, for example, time of day,
system conditions and required power transfer. Gen­
eration of VArs will be effected by tapping-up on the
generator transformer, that is, increasing the number
of HV turns for a given 400 kV system voltage. Absorp­
tion of VArs will occur if the transformer is tapped
down. As with the station transformer, this mode of
operation also leads to variation in flux density which (b) Principal tap
must be taken into account when designing the trans­
former. The subject is more complex than for the
station transformer however, and will be described in
more detail in Section 2 of this chapter which deals
specifically with the generator transformer.

1.5.2 Impedance variation

In discussion of the subject of leakage flux and short-
circuit forces, mention has already been made of the
unbalance effect created by the provision of tappings.
As tappings are added or removed from one of the
(c) Minimum tap
windings without any compensating change on the
other winding, there will be a change in the degree of
Out of balance', a change in the leakage flux pattern FIG. 3.27 Effects of tappings within windings

Transformers Chapter 3

when ah tappings are out-of-circuit. It can be seen obtained. This is usually the curve which gives minimum
that, aUhough ah the arrangements are symmetrical overall variation.
about the winding centreline and therefore have overall From this, it will be apparent also that the varia­
axial balance, the top and bottom halves are only tion wiU be reduced if the space which the taps occu­
balanced in the condition represented by Fig 3.27 (b). py can be reduced to a minimum. While this can be
This condition will therefore have the minimum leakage achieved by increasing the current density in the tap­
flux and hence the minimum impedance. Addition or ping turns, the extent to which this can be done is
removal of tappings increases the unbalance and thus hmited by the need to ensure that the temperature rise
increases the impedance. It can also be seen that the in this section does not greatly exceed that of the body
degree of unbalance is greatest in Fig 3.27 (c), so that of the winding, since this would then create a hot spot.
this is the condition corresponding to maximum im­ If it is necessary to insert extra radial cooling ducts in
pedance. A plot of impedance against tap position order to limit the temperature rise, then the space taken
would thus tend to be of the form shown in Fig 3.28 (a). up by these offsets some of the space savings gained
It can be seen that the tap position for which the from the increased current density. The designer's
unbalance is minimum can be varied by the insertion control of temperature rise in the taps tends to be less
of gaps in the untapped winding so that the plot is than that which can be achieved in the body of the
reversed (Fig 3.28 (b)) and, by careful manipulation winding, where the designer can vary the number of
of the gaps at the centre of the untapped winding and sections by adjusting the number of turns per section,
the ends of the tapped winding, a more or less sym­ with a radial cooling duct every one or two sections.
metrical curve about the mean tap position can be In the taps, the turns per section are dictated by the
need to ensure that the tapping leads appear at the
appropriate position on the outside of a section, hence
one tap must span an even number of sections, with a
minimum of t w o .
With the tappings contained in a separate layer,
external to the HV winding, the degree of impedance
variation throughout the tapping range tends to be
2 less than for taps in the body of the HV winding. It can
be seen from Fig 3.29 that the highest degree of bal-

10% NORMAL -10%


(a) No gap in untapped winding

(a) Maximum Tap - All taps in 'boost'


• 10% NORMAL -10%

(b) Principal Tap (no taps in circuit)
(b) Gap in untapped winding
(c) Minimum Tap condition as (a) but all taps in 'buck'

FIG. 3 . 2 8 V a r i a t i o n o f impedance w i t h tap position FIG. 3 . 2 9 B u c k / b o o s t tap arrangement

General design and construction

anee will be achieved when there are no tapping turns

in circuit, provided that the LV and HV winding are O LINE TERMINAL
of the same length. But, as explained in Section 1.4.9
of this chapter, one of the occasions when it is necessary
to provide a separate tapping layer is when the H V
winding is star-connected and has graded insulation,
and with this arrangement both HV and LV windings
will have similar applied voltage test levels so that it
is logical that they should have the same a m o u n t of
end insulation and thus be of the same length. Further­
more, the physical size of the tapping winding is mini­
mised and the minimum impedance will coincide with
the mean tap position if it is arranged that the tapping
winding is connected in a *buck' and *boost' arrange­
ment. In this arrangement instead of all taps being
additive to the minimum HV turns, at one extreme of
the tapping range all taps are in circuit but of such a
polarity as to subtract from the voltage induced in the
main HV winding and at the other end of the range all
are connected in the opposite sense, i.e., additive. This
arrangement is frequently used on larger transformers,
where the saving in space occupied by the tapping
winding more than offsets the extra complexity of
the on-load tapchanger required to provide b u c k / b o o s t
switching, and the reduced impedance variation is an
added benefit.

1.5.3 Tapchanger mechanisms

The principal of on-load tapchanging was developed
in the late 1920s and requires a mechanism which will
meet the following two conditions:

• The load current must not be interrupted during a


• No section of the transformer winding may be short- NEUTRAL

circuited during a tapchange. TERMINAL

FIG. 3 . 3 0 Resistor transition on-load tapchanger

Early on-load tapchangers made use of reactors to
achieve these ends but in modern on-load tapchangers
these have been replaced by transition resistors which clarified by considering an actual tap change, say from
have many advantages. (In fact, the first resistor- t a p 3 to t a p 4 in the diagram. With t a p 3 selected, the
transition tapchanger made its appearance in 1929, diverter switch is m a d e to the right hand set of main
but the system was not generally adopted in the UK and transition contacts M l and T l . In order t o change
until the 1950s. In the USA, the change to resistors to tap 4, the selector switch of bank S2 must first move
is only now taking place in the 1980s.) The principle to contact 4. The diverter switch then starts to move
of all resistor-transition on-load tapchangers may be to the left and, as it does so, contact M l opens first,
seen by reference to Fig 3.30. Alternate tapping con­ putting resistor R l in circuit. Further movement of the
nections are brought out from the tapping winding to diverter switch bridges transition contacts T l and T 2 ,
two banks of selector switches SI and S2. The load so that load current commences to flow from t a p 4,
current connection, which is usually the neutral in the and the section of the tapping winding between taps 3
case of neutral-end tapping windings of star-connected and 4 will be circulating current through resistors R l
station or generator transformer H V windings, is taken and R2. As the di verter switch contact T l separates,
from these selector switches via a diverter switch which all the load current is transferred to t a p 4, and flows via
is arranged so that it connects to each bank of se­ R2 until, finally, contact M 2 is m a d e , thus taking all
lector switches in turn, either solidly when the required current and shorting out R2. Should the tapchanger
tap has been selected, or via a transition resistor (or be required to return to t a p 3, the sequence followed
resistors) at the instant of changeover. This will be would be the reverse of the above. However, if the

Transformers Chapter 3

next tapchange is to t a p 5, the selector switch its predecessor, coupled with the objective of reduc­
mechanism must be driven to the next contact 5 of ing the cost of the smaller units, led to the further
bank SI before changing over the diverter swhch. development of the resistor transhion principle to
This is achieved by incorporating *lost motion' into produce small single compartment tapchangers —
the drive train so that the initial output from the both selector and diverter switch located in the same
drive motor operates the selector switches only. For a compartment — for smaller transformers.
fuller description of operating mechanisms the reader The following description of the operation of a
should consult a manufacturer's operation and main­ smah single compartment tapchanger is based on that
tenance manual. of the Ferranti DS Series shown diagrammatically in
The resistor-transition tapchangers described above Fig 3.31 and pictorially in Fig 3.32. Speed of operation
brought great advantages to on-load tapchanging. By has been increased, compared with the separate com­
using a resistor to bridge the transformer taps, the partment types, by the use of a single transition re­
currents to be switched are made to be in phase with sistor and by the combination of selector and diverter
the respective voltages across the diverter switch switches into a single assembly which achieves the
contacts, with the result that the arc extinguishes at necessary changeover with the minimum of movement.
current and voltage zero and the restrike vohage across The stored energy device consists of a faihng weight
the contacts does not build up to a maximum for a and tensioned spring wound up by a drive motor so
further quarter of a cycle. In addition, the diverter that, when released, the weight faUs very rapidly aided
switch mechanism is made of the stored energy pat­ by the spring. The main current carrying contact (C)
tern, i.e., the drive motor winds up a spring which is is shown (Fig 3.31 (a)) connecting tap contact T l to
then released when fully charged to change over the the neutral point of the transformer winding, with the
switch. The mechanism is thus highly reliable in that main auxiliary arcing contact a also in contact with T l
any drive failure before the spring is fully charged The switching sequence of changeover to tap contact
simply results in the tapchange not taking place and, T2 is as foUows:
once released, the spring ensures that the di verter switch
changes over and the transformer remains in a safe • When the stored energy mechanism operates and
condition regardless of any subsequent failure of the the moving contact assembly commences to travel,
drive train. the main current carrying contact C opens and the
circuit is maintained via the main auxiliary arcing
Current transfer in these modern tapchangers takes
contact a,
about 4 0 - 7 0 ms. This rapid operation, coupled with
the resistive switching, ensures that contact erosion is • Transitional contact / then makes contact with T2
minimised and reduces arc products which contaminate and the bridging resistor R is then connected between
the oil, with the result that maintenance intervals can tap contacts T l and T2 (Fig 3.31 (b)).
be increased and maintenance, when it is required, is
simphfied. • The main auxiliary contact a now breaks contact
with T l leaving resistor R momentarily in circuit to
carry the load current.
1.5.4 Single compartment tapchangers
• Contact a then makes contact w k h T2 whilst transi­
Although the quantity of arc products and extent of oil
tional contact t rolls round tap contact T 2 . (Fig
contamination produced by the diverter switches of
3.31 (c)). The bridging resistor R is thereby shorted
a high speed resistor transition tapchanger are very
much reduced as compared with reactor transhion out and the circuit is made via the main auxiliary
tapchangers, it is nevertheless practice to mount these arcing contact a.
in a separate compartment from the banks of selector • Transitional contact t breaks from T 2 .
contacts. This may be partly due to the fact that these
tapchangers were developed from reactor gear in which • Finally, as the moving-contact assembly reaches the
the physical size of the changeover contacts and the end of hs travel, the main current carrying contact
extent of maintenance required necessitates a separate C closes on tap contact T2 (Fig 3.31 (d)).
compartment, but it has the advantage that it reduces
the quantity of oil which may have to be processed The main current carrying contact C does not make
regularly and also makes access to diverter switches or break current and should, therefore, last the life­
easier. On a large transformer having a large tap­ time of the transformer.
changer, this arrangement adds little, if anything, to
the overall cost. On small auxiliary transformers how­
ever, mounting di verter swhches and their resistors 1.5.5 In-tank tapchangers
separately not only adds greatly to costs but also to Both the separate compartment and single compart­
physical size, with consequent extra indirect costs. ment tapchangers have been contained separately from
The fact that the resistor transition diverter switch the core and windings so that even the selector switches,
arrangement was inherently quicker and cleaner than which do not break current, are not operating in the

General design and construction

(a) Running position tap 1 (b) Transitional position A

(c) Transitional position Β (d) Running position tap 2

FIG. 3.31 Single compartment tapchanger

same oil as that which is providing cooHng and insu­ been developed since the early 1960s which need very
lation for the transformer. The operating mechanism little maintenance and cause very little oil contamina­
for the selector switch contacts and the contacts tion as a proportion of total quantity of oil in the
themselves suffer wear and require maintenance, main tank. These tapchangers have been designed for
contact pressures have to be checked, minute metaUic use in the oil in the main tank, an arrangement which
particles are produced and will contaminate the oil. the manufacturers claim is cheaper, although the eco­
However, modern selector switch mechanisms have nomic argument is a complex one.

Transformers Chapter 3








FIG. 3.32 Ferranti DS series tapchanger

They have the advantage that all tapping leads can a difficult fitting task, requiring the tapping leads to
be formed and connected to the appropriate selector be made up and run to a d u m m y selector switch base
switch contacts before the transformer is installed in during erection of the transformer and then discon­
the tank. With the separate compartment pattern, the nected from this before tanking. Once the windings are
usual practice is for selector switch contacts to be within the tank, access for connection of the tapping
mounted on a base board of insulating material which leads is restricted and it is also difficult to ensure that
is part of the main tank and forms the barrier be­ the necessary electrical clearances between leads are
tween the oil in the main tank and that in the selector maintained. With in-tank tapchangers it is still neces­
switch compartment. The tapping leads thus cannot sary to keep the diverter switch oil separate from the
be connected to the selector contacts until the core main-tank oil. This is usually achieved by housing the
and windings have been installed in the tank. This is diverter switches within a cyhnder of glass-reinforced

General design and construction

resin mounted above the selector switch assembly. 1.5.6 Off-Circuit tapchangers
When the transformer is installed within the tank,
As explained in Section 1.4.1 of this chapter, the
removal of the inspection cover which forms the top
off-circuit tapping switch enables accurate electrical
plate of this cylinder provides access to the diverter
auxiliary system voltage levels to be set when the power
switches. These are usually removable via the top of
station comes into operation. Once selected, the trans­
the cylinder for maintenance and contact inspection.
former may remain at that setting for the remainder
Such an arrangement is employed on the Reinhausen
of its operating life. Most off-circuit tapping switches
type Μ series which is a German design, manufactured
use an arrangement similar to the selector switch me­
in the UK under licence by Associated T a p Changers
chanism of the on-load tapchanger, employing similar
Limited. It is illustrated in Fig 3.33 and has been
components, but if these selector contacts are not
used on the generator transformers of the Riband
operated occasionally a build u p of pyrolytic carbon
Power Station in India.
can occur at the contact faces. This increases contact
resistance which can lead to contact arcing and, in
turn, produces m o r e carbon. Ultimately a runaway
situation is reached and the transformer will probably
trip on Buchholz protection. T o avoid the formation of
pyrolytic carbon on off-circuit tapchangers, it is vital
that the switch has adequate contact pressure and that
it is operated through its complete range once per
year to wipe the contact faces clean. Because of these
problems, the C E G B has in recent years specified that
ratio adjustments on unit transformers and other aux­
iliary transformers, which would, hitherto, have had
DIVERTER off-circuit tapping switches, should be carried out by
means of links under oil within the transformer tank.
The Hnks must be located at the t o p of the tank so
that access can be obtained with the minimum removal
of oil, but provided this is specified, tapchanging is
relatively simple and reliability is greatly improved.
In fact, the greatest inconvenience from this arrange­
ment occurs during works testing, when the manufac­
turer has to plan his test sequence carefully in order
to minimise the number of occasions when it is neces­
sary to change taps. M o r e tapchanges will probably
be m a d e at this time than throughout the remainder
of the transformer lifetime.

1.6 Tanks, connections and auxiliary plant

1.6.1 Transformer tanlcs

The transformer tank provides the containment for the
core and windings and for the dielectric fluid. It must
withstand the forces imposed on it during transport.
On larger transformers, it usually also provides sup­
port for the core during transport. All but the smallest
transformers, are impregnated with oil under vacuum:
the tank acts as the vacuum vessel for this operation.
Transformer tanks are almost invariably constructed
of welded boiler plate t o BS4630. The tank must have
a removable cover so that access can be obtained for
the installation and future removal, if necessary, of
core and coils. The cover is fastened by a bolted flange
a r o u n d the tank at a high level so that it can be
removed for inspection of core and coils, if required,
without draining all the oil. The cover is normally the
simplest of fabrications, often no more than a stiffened
FIG. 3.33 Reinhausen type Μ tapchanger flat plate. It should be inclined to the horizontal at

Transformers Chapter 3

about 1°, so that it will not collect rainwater: any Transformer tanks also have a device to allow the
stiffeners should also be arranged so that they will relief of any sudden internal pressure rise, such as
not collect water, either by the provision of drain holes that resulting from an internal fault. Until a few years
or by forming them from channel sections with the ago, this device was usually a bursting diaphragm.
open face downwards. This had the disadvantage that, once it had burst, it
The tank is provided with an adequate number of allowed an indefinite a m o u n t of oil to be released,
removable covers, allowing access to bushing connec­ which might aggravate any fire associated with the
tions and to core earthing links, off-circuit tapping fault, and also it left the windings open to the atmos­
links and the rear of tapping selector switches. Usually phere. The bursting diaphragm has been superseded by
the need for the manufacturer to have access to these a spring-operated self-resealing device which only re­
items in the works ensures that adequate provision is leases the volume of oil necessary to relieve the excess
made. All gasketed joints on the tank represent a poten­ pressure before resealing the tank. As shown in Fig
tial source of oil leakage, so these should be kept to a 3.34, it is essentially a spring-loaded valve providing
minimum. The main tank cover flange usually repre­ instantaneous ampHfication of the actuation force.
sents the greatest oil leakage threat, since, being of
large cross-section, it tends to provide a path for leak­
age flux, with the resultant eddy current heating leading
to degradation of gaskets. Removable covers, whilst
being large enough to provide adequate safe access
should also be small and Hght enough to enable them
to be lifted safely by maintenance personnel on site.
Occasionally the tanks of larger transformers may
be provided with deep covers, so that the headroom
necessary to lift core and coils from the tank is re­
duced. This arrangement should be avoided, if pos­
sible, since a greater quantity of oil needs to be removed
should it be necessary to lift the cover and it requires
a more complex cover fabrication.
Mention has been made of the need to avoid, or
reduce, the likelihood of oil leaks. The welding of
transformer tanks does not demand any sophisticated GASKET

processes but it is nevertheless important to ensure

that they are given an adequate test for oil tightness
during manufacture. C E G B practice is to apply a
pressure of 700 mbar, or the normal pressure plus
350 mbar, whichever is the greater, for 24 hours. This
must be contained without any leakage. FIG. 3 . 3 4 Qualitrol pressure relief device
The tank must carry the means of making the elec­
trical connections. There are cable boxes for all volt­
ages ^ 11 kV. Above this voltage air bushings are The unit is mounted on a transformer by lugs on
normally used, although increasing use is now being the flange and sealed by a mounting gasket. A spring-
made of S F 6 - f i l l e d connections between transformer loaded valve disc is sealed against inner and outer
and switchgear at 132 kV and above. gasket rings by the springs. The valve operates when
Tanks must be provided with valves for filling and the oil pressure acting on the area inside the inner
draining. These also enable the oil to be circulated gasket ring exceeds the opening force estabhshed by
through external filtration and drying equipment prior the springs. As the disc moves upwards slightly from
to initial energisation on site, or during service when the inner gasket ring, the oil pressure quickly becomes
oil has been replaced after obtaining access to the exposed to the disc area over the diameter of the outer
core and windings. Lifting lugs or, on smaller units, gasket ring, resulting in a greatly increased force, and
lifting eyes must be provided, as well as jacking pads causing immediate full opening of the valve correspond­
and haulage holes to enable the transformer to be ing to the closed height of the springs. The transformer
manoeuvred on site. A n oil sampling valve must also pressure is rapidly reduced to normal and the springs
be provided to enable a sample of the oil to be taken then return the valve disc to the closed position. A
for analysis with the minimum of disturbance or minute bleed-port to the outside atmosphere from the
turbulence, which might cause changes to the dissolved volume entrapped between the gasket rings prevents
gas content of the sample and thereby lead to errone­ inadvertent valve opening if foreign particles on the
ous diagnosis. The sampHng valve is normally located inner gasket ring prevent a perfect ring-to-disc seal.
about one metre above the tank base in order to obtain A mechanical indicator pin in the cover, although
as representative a sample as possible. not fastened to the valve disc, moves with it during

General design and construction

operation and is held in the operated position by an transformers below 132 kV, this space is vented through
O-ring in the pin bushing. This remains clearly visible, a device containing a drying agent (usually silica gel,
indicating that the valve has operated. impregnated with c o b a h chloride) over which the air
No pressure relief device can provide complete pro­ entering the conservator is passed. When the moisture
tection against all internal pressure transients. On the content of the silica gel becomes excessive, as indicated
largest tanks, two such devices at opposite ends of by the change in colour of the cobalt chloride from
the tank improve the protection. It is usual to place blue to pink, its ability to extract further moisture is
the pressure relief device as high on the tank as pos­ reduced and it must be replaced by a further charge of
sible. This minimises the static head apphed to the dry material. The saturated gel can be reactivated by
spring, thus reducing the hkelihood of spurious o p ­ drying it in an oven.
eration in the event of a 'normal' pressure transient, The effectiveness of this type of breather depends
for example, the starting of an oil p u m p . u p o n a number of factors; the dryness of the gel,
However, with the pressure rehef device located at the moisture in the incoming air and the ambient
high level, there is the risk that operation might drench temperature being the most significant.
an operator with hot oil; to prevent this, an enclosure If optimum performance is to be obtained from a
is provided around the device to contain and direct transformer having a H V winding of 132 kV and above
the oil safely down to phnth level. Such enclosure or, indeed, any generator transformer operating at
must not, of course, create any significant back pres­ high load factor, then it is desirable to maintain a
sure which would prevent the rehef device from per­ high degree of dryness of the oil, typically less than
forming its function properly: a minimum cross-section 10 parts per milUon by volume at 2 0 ° C . Although oil
for any ducting of 300 cm^ is usually specified. treatment on initial filling can achieve these levels,
T o complete the list of fittings on the transformer moisture levels tend to increase over and above any
tank, it is usual to provide a pocket, or pockets, in moisture which is taken in through breathing, since
the cover to take a thermometer for measurement of water is a product of normal insulation degradation,
top oil temperature, a diagram/nameplate to provide and this is taking place all the time that the trans­
information of transformer details, and an earthing former is on load. It is desirable, therefore, to main­
terminal for the main tank earth connection. tain something akin to a continuous treatment to
extract moisture from the oil. This is the principle
employed in the refrigeration type of breather,
1.6.2 Oil preservation equipment —
illustrated in Fig 3.35. Incoming air is passed through
conservators a low temperature chamber which causes any water
Although it is now c o m m o n for many of the smaller vapour present to be collected on the chamber walls.
distribution transformers to dispense with a conser­ The chamber is cooled by means of thermoelectric
vator (see, for example, ESI Standard 35.1), all oil- modules in which a temperature difference is generated
filled transformers associated with power station aux­ by the passage of an electric current (the Peltier effect).
iliary systems have conservators, as do the unit, station Periodically the current is reversed; the accumulated
and generator transformers. ice mehs and drains away. In addition to the drying
The use of a conservator allows the main tank to of the incoming air, this type of breather can be ar­
be filled to the cover, thus permitting cover-mounted ranged such that the thermosyphon action created
bushings, where required, and it also makes possible between the air in the cooled duct and that in the air
the use of a Buchholz relay (see below). The conser­ space of the conservator creates a continuous circula­
vator reduces the area of the interface between air tion and, therefore, a continuous drying action. As
and oil. This reduces the oxidisation of the oil and the air space in the conservator becomes increasingly
also reduces the level of dissolved oxygen, which would dried, the equilibrium level of moisture in the oil for
otherwise tend to shorten insulation hfe. the pressure and temperature conditions prevailing will
Recent investigation, for example that of Shroff and be reduced so that water will be driven off and this,
Stannett (1985) [6], has highhghted the part played in turn, causes moisture to migrate from the insulation
by dissolved oxygen in accelerating insulation ageing. to the oil, so that a continuous drying process takes
Although, to date, no special measures have been place.
implemented in C E G B power stations beyond the use The conservator is provided with a sump by ar­
of conservators, it is possible that in the near future ranging that the pipe connecting with the transformer
some arrangement might be introduced to reduce projects into the b o t t o m by about 750 m m . This cohects
further the degree of contact between oil and air; for any sludge which might be formed over a period of
example, this could be simply achieved by the use of years by oxidation of the oil. One end is usually made
a parallel-sided conservator having a 'float' covering removable so that, if necessary, the internals may be
the surface of the oil. cleaned out. One end-face usually incorporates a pris­
It is also necessary to exclude moisture from the matic oil level gauge: this should be angled downwards
air space above the conservator oil level, in order by some 1 0 - 1 5 ° , so that it can be easily viewed from
to maintain the dryness of the transformer oil. For plinth level.

Transformers Chapter 3

As mentioned above, the provision of a conser­

vator also permits the installation of a Buchholz relay
(sometimes termed a *gas and oil operated relay'). This
INLET is installed in the run of pipe connecting the conservator
to the main tank. In this location, the relay collects
any gas produced by a fauh inside the tank. The
presence of this gas causes a float to be depressed which
is then arranged to operate a pair of contacts which
can be set to *alarm', or *trip', or both, dependent
upon the rate of gas production. A detailed description
of this device can be found in most transformer
textbooks, for example, the J and Ρ Transformer Book
[7]. In order to ensure that any gas evolved in the
tank is vented to the conservator it is necessary to
vent every high point on the tank cover, for example,
each bushing turret, and to connect these to the con­
servator feed pipe on the tank side of the Buchholz
relay, normally using about 20 m m bore pipework.
The main connecting pipe between tank and conser­
vator is 75 or 100 m m bore, depending upon the size
of the transformer.

1.6.3 Bushing connections

A bushing is a means of bringing an electrical connec­
tion from the inside to the outside of the tank. It
provides the necessary insulation between the connec­
tion and the earth potential of the tank, and forms
a pressure-tight barrier enabling the necessary vacuum
to be drawn for the purpose of oil impregnation of the
windings. It must ensure freedom from leaks during
the operating hfetime of the transformer. The bushing
must also, of course, provide the required current carry­
CONSERVATOR ing path with an acceptable temperature rise. Varying
degrees of sophistication are necessary to meet these
requirements, depending on the vohage a n d / o r current
TRAP ICE-SEALED rating of the bushing. Figure 3.36 shows an 11 kV
OPEN DURING bushing with a current rating of about 1000 A. This
DEFROST has a central current carrying stem, usually of copper,
and the insulation is provided by a combination of
COOLING AIR the porcelain shell and the transformer oil. Under oil,
the porcelain surface creepage strength is very much
greater than in air, so that the *below oil' portion of
the bushing has a plain porcelain surface. The *air'
portion has the famihar shedded profile in order to
provide a very much longer creepage p a t h , a proportion
of which is 'protected' so that it remains dry in rainy
At 33 kV and above, it is necessary to provide
additional stress control between the central high volt­
age lead and the external, 'earthy' flange. This can
take the form either of a synthetic-resin-bonded paper
muhifoil capachor or of an oil-impregnated paper
CONDUCTION capacitor of similar construction. Figure 3.37 shows a
LEADS 400 kV oil-impregnated paper bushing in part-section.
The radial electrical stress is graded through the in-
sulant by means of the concentric capacitor foils and
the axial stress is controlled by the graded lengths
FIG. 3.35 Refrigeration breather of these. The capachor is housed between an inner

General design and construction







FIG. 3.36 11 kV bushing

Transformers Chapter 3

ever, is only taken just inside the re-entrant end of

TERMINAL PALM the bushing. With this arrangement, an inverted coni­
cal section gas-bubble deflector must be fitted beneath
the re-entrant end of the bushing to ensure that any
OIL CONSERVATOR gas evolved within the transformer tank is directed
to the Buchholz relay and not allowed to collect within
the central stem of the bushing.
In this bushing, the designer's main difficulty is to
GAUGE provide an insulation system capable of withstanding
the high working voltage. The low voltage bushings
OIL-IMPREGNATED of a large generator transformer present a different
problem. Here, the electrical stress is modest but the
difficulty is in providing a current rating of a r o u n d
PORCELAIN SHELL 14 000 A , the phase current of an 800 M V A unit.
Figure 3.38 shows a bushing rated at 33 kV, 14 000 A .
The current is carried by the large central copper cyl­
inder, each end of which carries a palm assembly to
provide the heavy current connections to the bushing.
The superior cooling capability provided by the trans­
former oil at the 'under-oil' end of the bushing means
that only two parallel palms are required. At the air
end of the bushing, it is necessary to provide a very
much larger palm surface area and to adopt a con­
figuration which ensures a uniform distribution of
the current. It has been found that an arrangement
approximating to a circular cross-section — here,
octagonal — achieves this better than one having
plain parallel palms. These palms may be silver-plated
to improve their electrical contact with the external
connectors, but in fact recent C E G B experience has
CT ACCOMMODATION shown that a better connection can be made to plain
copper palms, provided that the joint is made cor­
rectly; for more information on this aspect, the reader
is referred to Chapter 4 which deals with generator
main connections.
Insulation is provided by a synthetic-resin-bonded
paper and foil condenser bushing and, as can be seen
from the diagram, this also provides the means of
mounting the flange. External weather protection for
the air end is provided by the conventional shedded
FIG. 3.37 400 kV oil-impregnated-paper bushing
porcelain housing. A n air-release plug on the upper-end
flange allows air to be bled from the inside of the
assembly, so that it can be filled with oil under the
conducting tube and the outer porcelain casing. The head of the conservator.
interspace is oil-filled and the bushing head, or 'helmet',
provides oil-expansion space and is fitted with a sight
1.6.4 SFe connections
glass to give indication of oil level. Clearly, this type
of bushing is designed for installation at, or near, the With the advent of 400 kV SF6-insulated metalclad
vertical position. The bushing illustrated is of the switchgear in the 1970s, the benefits of making a direct
so-called 're-entrant' pattern in that the connection connection between the switchgear and transformer
to the line-lead is housed within the lower end of were quickly recognised. At Dinorwig power station,
the bushing. This has the effect of foreshortening the for example, transformers and 400 kV switchgear are
under-oil end of the bushing but requires a more all accommodated underground. The transformer hall
complex lower porcelain section, which adds consi­ is immediately below the 400 kV switchgear gallery
derably to the cost. In order to make the electrical and 400 kV metalclad connections pass directly through
connection to the bushing, the HV lead terminates the floor of this to connect t o the transformers be­
in a flexible pigtail which is threaded through the neath. Even where transformers and switchgear cannot
central tube and connected inside the head of the be quite so completely integrated, there are space
bushing. The heavy insulation on the line-lead, how­ saving benefits if 400 kV connections can be m a d e to

General design and construction




o O O
o O O

o O O
o O O
o O
O o
o o




FIG. 3.38 Simplified cross-section of a 33 kV 14 000 A bushing

the transformer, totally enclosed within S F 6 trunking. m a d e to the bushing by means of plain rectangular
Figure 3.39 (a) shows the arrangement employed at bolted palms at either end.
Heysham 2 . The 400 kV cable which connects to the
400 kV substation is terminated with an SFe sealing-
1.6.5 Cable box connections
end. SF6 trunking houses Hne isolator, earth switch
and surge di verter. By mounting the SFÓ/oil-bushing Cable boxes are the preferred means of making con­
horizontally, the overall height of the cable sealing-end nections at 11 kV, 3.3 kV and 415 V, as in other power
structure can be reduced. station auxiliary electrical plant. Cabling principles are
The construction of the SF6/oil-bushing is similar dealt with more fully in Chapter 6 of this volume
to that of the air/oil bushing described previously in but the following section reviews them insofar as they
that stress control is achieved by means of an oil- affect the power transformer terminations.
impregnated paper capacitor, oil-immersed but housed M o d e r n polymeric-insulated cables can be housed
within a cast resin rather t h a n a porcelain shell. T h e in air-insulated boxes. Such connections can be broken
'under oil' end is 'conventional', i.e., it is not re­ with relative simplicity and it is not therefore neces­
entrant and, since there is n o need for the lengthy air- sary to provide the separate disconnecting chamber
creepage path used in an oil/air bushing, the SF6 needed for a compound-filled cable box with a paper-
end is very much shorter than the air equivalent. insulated cable. LV currents of u p t o 3000 A, the
Oil expansion and contraction is accommodated by switchgear limit, are used for auxiliary power trans­
means of a smaH pressurised conservator. Loss of oil formers and with cable current ratings of 6 0 0 - 8 0 0 A ,
is detected by means of a pressure-low switch which as m a n y as five cables per phase can be necessary for
can be arranged to initiate an alarm. Since the SF6 the LV connections of the largest unit and station
trunking operates at a pressure of about 3 bar, leakage transformers. For the smaHest transformers of 1 M V A
of SF6 gas into the bushing must be regarded as a or less, one cable per phase is sufficient. Since the
real possibility and so this, t o o , is alarmed by means very rapid price rise of copper which took place in
of a pressure-high switch. Electrical connections are the 1960s, power cables are m a d e almost exclusively

Transformers Chapter 3




FIG. 3.39 Simplified arrangement of 400 kV SFÖ connection to generator transformer


of aluminium. These tend to be bulkier and stiffer
than their copper counterparts and this has to be
taken into account in the cable box design. Each cable
has its own individual glandplate so that the jointer BUSHING ASSEMBLY &
can gland the cable and then manoeuvre it into posi­
tion in order to connect it to the terminal. Both cable
core and bushing will have palm-type terminations
which are connected with a single bolt. Again, in APERTURE & FLANGE ON
order to give the jointer some flexibility and to pro­
vide the necessary tolerances, it is desirable that the
glandplate-to-bushing terminal separation should be
at least 320 m m .
For cable ratings of up to 400 A , non-magnetic
glandplates should be used. For ratings above 400 A , 2500A three or four gland entry enclosure

the entire box should be constructed of non-magnetic

material in order to reduce stray losses within the
shell which would otherwise increase its temperature
FIG. 3.40 3.3 kV cable box
rise, with the possible risk of overheating the cable
insulation. To enable the box to breath and to avoid
the build-up of internal condensation, a small drain
hole, say 12 m m in diameter, is provided in one conductive screens: the inner screen, the cable conduc­
glandplate. tor connector and the outer provides continuity for
Figure 3.40 shows a 3.3 kV air-insulated cable-box the cable outer screen, so that this encloses the entire
having a rating of about 2400 A with 4 χ 400 mm^ termination. The external screen is bonded to earth
aluminium cables per bushing. by connection to the external lug shown in the figure.
At 11 kV, some stress control is required in an The joint is assembled by fitting the socket connector
air-insulated box, so bushing and cable terminations over the mating bushing and then screwing the insu­
are designed as an integrated assembly, as shown in lating plug, containing a metal threaded insert, onto
Fig 3.41 (a). the end of the bushing stem. This is tightened by
Figure 3.41 (b) shows a cross-section of the moulded- means of a spanner applied to the hexagonal-nut insert
rubber socket connector which is fitted to the end of in the outer end of this plug. This insert also serves
the 11 kV cable. This has internal and external semi- as a capacitative voltage test point. After making the

General design and construction

restricted access. However, it is C E G B practice to

enclose the termination within a non-magnetic sheet
steel box to provide protection and phase isolation.
Should a fauh occur, this must be contained by the
box which ensures that it remains a phase-to-earth
fault, normally hmited by a resistor at the system neu­
tral point, rather than developing into an unrestricted
phase-to-phase f a u h .

1.6.6 Tank-mounted coolers

T a n k - m o u n t e d radiators represent the simplest option
for coohng smaller power station transformers. These
are suitable for all auxiliary transformers from the
smallest in c o m m o n use (about 0.8 MVA), to the
largest, which are usually 12.5 M V A , 11/3.3 kV. They
are available in various patterns but all consist basi­
cally of a number of flat 'passes' of edge-welded plates
connecting a t o p and b o t t o m header. Oil flows in
and out of the radiators via the headers and is cooled
as it flows downwards through the thin sheet-steel
POWER SUPPLY passes. The arrangement is generally considered to be
suitable only for transformers having natural oil and
natural air circulation, i.e., O N A N coohng, as defined
(a) I l k V cable box in BS171.
It would be possible to suspend a fan below the
radiators to provide a forced draught, O N A F arrange­
ment. At best this might enable the transformer rating
FOR MATING to be increased some 1 0 - 1 5 % , but only at the extra
cost and complexity of control gear and cabling for,
say, two fans. Achievement of this modest uprating
would require that the radiators be grouped in such a
way as to obtain o p t i m u m coverage by the fans. With
small transformers of this class, much of the tank
PLUG SCREEN surface is normally taken u p with cable boxes, so that
very little flexibihty remains for location of radiators.
In addition, to provide space below the radiator for
installation of a fan requires that the length of the
radiator must be reduced, so that the area for self-
cooling is reduced.
It is frequently a problem to accommodate tank-
m o u n t e d radiators whilst leaving adequate space for
access to cable boxes, the pressure relief vent pipe and
the like. The cooling-surface area can be increased by
increasing the number of passes on the radiators, but
(b) 11kV elastimold elbow there is a limit to the extent to which this can be done,
dictated by the weight which can be hung from the
FIG. 3 . 4 1 11 kV cable box and section of 11 kV t o p and b o t t o m headers. It is possible to make the
elastimold elbow termination
radiators slightly higher than the tank so that the top
header has a swan-necked shape: this has the added
benefit that it also improves the oil circulation by
joint, this is finahy covered by the semiconducting increasing the thermal head developed in the radiator.
moulded-rubber cap. However, this arrangement also increases the overhung
Since the external semi-conductive coating of this weight and has the disadvantage that a swan-necked
type of connector is bonded to earth, there would be header is not as rigid as a straight header, so that the
no electrical hazard resuhing from hs use without any weight-bearing hmit is probably reached sooner. The
external enclosure and, indeed, it is c o m m o n practice permissible overhang on the radiators can be increased
for a connector of this type to be used in this way in by providing a small stool at the o u t b o a r d end, so that
many European countries provided that the area has a proportion of the weight bears directly onto the

Transformers Chapter 3

transformer plinth; however, since this support is not • Access to the transformer tank and to the radiators
available during transport, one of the major benefits themselves for maintenance/painting is extremely
from tank-mounted radiators, namely, the ability to difficult.
transport the transformer full of oil and fully-assem­
• A noise-attenuating enclosure cannot be fitted to
bled, is lost.
the tank.
Each radiator should be provided with isolating
valves in the top and bottom headers as well as drain
and venting plugs, so that it can be isolated, drained If these advantages are examined more closely, it
and removed should it leak. The valves may be of the becomes apparent that these may be less real than at
cam-operated butterfly pattern and, if the radiator is first sight. Although the transformer itself might well
not replaced immediately, should be backed u p by be more compact, if it is to achieve any significant
fitting of blanking plates with gaskets. increase in rating from forced cooling, a large number
Radiator leakage can arise from corrosion of the thin of fans will be required, and a considerable space must
sheet steel, and measures should be taken to protect be left around the unit to ensure a free airflow without
against this. Because of their construction, it is very the danger of recirculation. In addition, since the use
difficult to prepare adequately and to apply paint pro­ of forced and directed oil allows a very much more
tection to radiators under site conditions, so that if the efficient forced cooled design to be produced, the ap­
original paint finish has been allowed to deteriorate, parent saving in pipework and cooler structure can be
either due to weather conditions or from damage in easily offset. Looking at the disadvantages, the inability
transit, it can become a major problem to make this to fit a noise-attenuating enclosure can be a serious
good. This is particularly so at seaside sites. The C E G B , problem for larger transformers, i.e., station and gen­
therefore, now specifies that plate-type radiators for erator transformers especially since, in order to allow
power station transformers must be hot-dip galvanised free access for cooling air, these must be located in an
in the manufacturer's works prior to receiving an etch- open situation.
prime, followed by the usual paint treatment in the The protagonists of tank-mounted radiators tend to
works. use bushings mounted on the tank cover for both HV
and LV connections, thus leaving the tank side almost
entirely free for radiators.
1.6.7 Separate cooler banks
Having stated the arguments in favour of free­
As already indicated, one of the problems with tank- standing cooler b a n k s , it is appropriate to consider the
mounted radiators is that a stage is reached when it merits and disadvantages of forced as against natural
becomes difficult to accommodate all the required ra­ cooling for power station use.
diators on the tank surface, particularly if a significant Adopting O F A F cooling for say, a 60 M V A station
proportion of this is taken up with cable boxes. In ad­ transformer, incurs the operating cost of pumps and
dition, with the radiators mounted on the tank, the only fans, as well as their additional first cost and that
straightforward option for forced cooling is the use of of the necessary control gear and cabling. Also, there
forced draught or induced draught fans, and, as was is slightly-poorer reliabihty in a transformer which
indicated in Section 1.4.11 of this chapter, the greater relies on other auxihary equipment, compared with an
benefits are gained by forcing and directing the oil flow. O N A N transformer having no electrically-driven aux­
However, many utilities, particularly in the USA, iliaries. On the credit side, there is a considerable re­
do make use of tank-mounted radiators for very large duction in the plan area of the cooler bank, resulting
transformers and it might, therefore, be worthwhile in significant space saving of the overall layout. Such
considering the merits and disadvantages of these in an OFAF-cooled station transformer is rated to dehver
relation to the separate free-standing cooler arrange­ full output for the start-up of a unit during an outage
ment favoured by the C E G B . on the second station transformer, so that for most
of its Ufe the loading will be n o more than its 30 M V A
Advantages O N A N rating. Under these circumstances, it is rea­
sonable to accept the theoretical reduction in reliability
• More compact arrangement saves space on site. and the occasional cooler equipment losses as a fair
• Can be transported as a single entity, which con­ price for the saving in space. On the other hand, a unit
siderably reduces site-erection work. transformer is required to operate at or near to full
output whenever its associated generator is on load,
• Allegedly cheaper due to saving of pipework and
so reliance on other ancillary equipment is less de­
headers and frame/support structure.
sirable and, if at all possible, it is preferable to find
space in the layout to enable it to be totally naturally-
Disadvantages cooled.
• Forced-cooling must usually be restricted to fans If a transformer is provided with a separate free­
only, due to the complication involved in providing standing cooler b a n k , it then becomes possible to raise
a pumped system. the level of the radiators to a height which will create

General design and construction

an adequate thermal head to ensure optimum natural supply appears to be low cost compared with the cost
circulation. The longest available radiators can be of running and providing fans, so that water cooling
used to minimise the plan area of the b a n k , consistent often appears to be more economical.
with maintaining a sufficient area to allow the required The precise cost of cooling water depends on the
number of fans to be fitted. It is usual to specify that source, but it is often p u m p e d from river or sea and
full forced-cooled output can be obtained with one when the cost of this is taken into consideration, the
fan out of action. Similarly, p u m p failure should be economics of water cooling become far less certain. In
catered for by the provision of two p u m p s , each capable the early 1970s, after a number of major generator
of dehvering fuh flow. If these are installed in parahel transformer failures attributable to water entering the
branches of cooler pipework, then it is necessary to oil through cooler leaks, the C E G B reassessed the
ensure that the non-running p u m p branch cannot pro­ philosophy of water coohng. The high cost of these
vide a return path for the oil, thus allowing this to failures, both in terms of increased generating costs
by-pass the transformer tank. Normally this would be due to the need to operate lower-merit plant and the
achieved by incorporating a non-return valve in each repair costs, as well as pumping costs, resulted in a
branch. However, such a valve would create too much decision to adopt a forced-air cooled arrangement for
head loss to allow the natural circulation necessary to the Littlebrook D generator transformers and this has
provide an O N A N rating. The solution is to use a flap- since become the standard, whenever practicable.
valve of the type shown in Fig 3.42, which provides The risk of water entering the transformer tank
the same function when a p u m p is running but will due to a cooler leak has long been recognised and is
take up a central position with minimal head loss for normally avoided by ensuring that the oil pressure is
thermaUy-induced natural circulation. at all times greater than that of the water, so that
leakage will always be in the direction of oil into
water. It is difficult to ensure that this pressure dif­
1.6.8 Water cooling
ference is maintained under all possible conditions of
In the past, water was a c o m m o n choice of coolant operation and malfunction. Under normal conditions,
medium for many power station transformers, includ­ the height of the transformer conservator tank can
ing practically all generator transformers and most be arranged such that the minimum oil-head will always
station and unit transformers. This was logical, since be above that of the water. However, it is difficult to
there is an ample source of cooling water available m a k e allowance for operational errors, for example,
in the vicinity of these transformers and oil/water the wrong valve being closed, so that maximum p u m p
heat exchangers are compact and thermally efficient. discharge pressure is applied to an oil/water interface,
Such an arrangement does not provide for a self-cooled or for equipment faults, such as a pressure reducing
rating, since the head loss in oil/water heat exchangers valve which sticks open at full pressure.
precludes natural oil circulation, but (as explained In the past, it was the practice to use devices such
above) a self-cooled rating is only sensible for the sta­ as pressure reducing valves or orifice plates to reduce
tion transformer. The provision of a cooling water the waterside pressures. However, no matter how re­
liable a pressure reducing valve might be, the time
WIN come when it will fail, and an orifice plate will
only produce a pressure reduction with water flowing
through it, so that should a fault occur which prevents
the flow, full pressure will be applied to the system.
F r o m the above arguments, it has become pohcy
to avoid water coohng as far as practicable. When it is
considered essential, special measures are taken to pro­
vide an installation of the appropriate integrity. One
recent example is the Dinorwig pumped-storage power
station where the generator transformers are located
underground, making air coohng impracticable on
grounds of space and noise. Figure 3.43 shows a dia­
grammatic arrangement of the coohng adopted for the
Dinorwig generator transformers. This uses a two-stage
arrangement having oil/towns-water heat exchangers
as the first stage, with second-stage water/water heat
exchangers having high pressure lake water cooling the
intermediate towns water. The use of the intermediate
FLOW DIRECTION stage with recirculating towns water enables the pres­
sure of this water to be closely controlled and, being
towns water, waterside corrosion/erosion of the oil/
FIG. 3 . 4 2 Oil flap-valve water heat exchangers — the most likely cause of

Transformers Chapter 3
CN O O <
Η- ü O I
General design and construction

cooler leaks — is also kept very much under control. A fan and its control equipment can operate con­
Pressure control is ensured by the use of a header tank tinuously or under automatic control for periods of
maintained at atmospheric pressure. The level in this two years or more, and maintenance usually means
tank is topped up via the ball valve and a very gener­ n o more than greasing bearings and inspection of
ously-sized overflow is provided so that, if this valve contactor contacts. By contrast, to ensure maximum
should stick open, the header tank will not become pres­ freedom from leaks, most operators of oil/water heat
surised. The position of the water p u m p in the circuit exchangers within the C E G B routinely strip them down
and the direction of flow is such that should the water annually to inspect tubes, tubeplates and water boxes.
outlet valve of the oil/water heat exchanger be inad­ Each tube is then non-destructively tested for wall
vertently closed, this t o o would not cause pressurisation thickness and freedom from defects, using an eddy cur­
of the heat exchanger. A float switch in the header rent p r o b e . Suspect tubes can be blanked off but, since
tank connected to provide a high level alarm warns of it WIN only be permissible to blank-off a small propor­
ehher failure of the ball valve or leakage of the raw lake tion of these without impairing cooling, a stage can
water into the intermediate towns water circuit. be reached when complete replacement tubenests are
Other situations in which water cooling might be necessary.
justified are those in which the ambient air tempera­ In view of the significant maintenance requirement
ture is high, so that a significantly greater temperature on oil/water heat exchangers, it is most advisable to
rise of the transformer might be permitted if water provide a spare cooler and standard practice has, there­
cooling is employed. Such an installation might use fore, been to install three 50%-rated coolers, one of
an arrangement similar to that for Dinorwig described which will be kept in a wet standby condition, i.e., with
above or, alternatively, a double-tube/double-tubeplate inlet and outlet valves closed but full of clean water,
cooler might be employed. W h h such an arrangement, and with the other two in service.
shown diagrammatically in Fig 3.44, oil and water The subject of water cooler design and operation is
circuits are separated by an interspace so that any fluid dealt w h h more fully in Volume C.
leakage will be coUected in this space and will raise
an alarm. Coolers of this type are, of course, signifi­
1.6.9 Cooler control
cantly more expensive than simple single-tube and plate
types and heat transfer is not so efficient, so it is Ancillary plant to provide forced coohng must be
necessary to consider the economics carefully before provided w h h power suppHes and a means of control.
adopting a double-tube/double-tubeplate cooler in pre­ At its most basic, this simply takes the form of man­
ference to an air-cooled arrangement. ual switching at a local marshalling panel, housing
Another possible option which might be considered auxiliary power supplies, fuses, overloads and contac­
in a situation where water cooling appears preferable tors. O n m o d e r n power stations, the philosophy has
is the use of sophisticated materials, for example, tita­ been to reduce the a m o u n t of at-plant operator control
nium-tubed coolers. This is usually less economic than and so it is usual to provide remote a n d / o r automatic
a double-tubed/double-tubeplate cooler as described operation.
above. The simplest form of automatic control uses the
Passing mention has been made of the need to contacts of a winding temperature indicator to initiate
avoid both corrosion and erosion of the water side of the starting and stopping of p u m p s and fans. Further
cooler tubes. A third problem which can arise is the sophistication can be introduced to limh the extent of
formation of deposits on the water side of cooler tubes forced cooling lost should a p u m p or fan fail. One
which impair heat transfer. The avoidance of all of approach is to subdivide the cooler bank into halves,
these requires careful attention to the design of the using two 50%-rated p u m p s and two sets of fans. Plant
cooling system and to carefully controlled operation. failure would thus normally not resuh in loss of more
Corrosion problems can be minimised by correct se­ than half of the forced cooHng. As has been explained
lection of tube and tubeplate materials to suit the in Section 1.6.7 of this chapter, many forced-cooled
analysis of the coohng water. Deposition is avoided station transformers and, in some cases, unit trans­
by ensuring that an adequate rate of water flow is formers have a rating which is adequate for normal
maintained, but allowing this to become excessive will system operation when totally self-cooled, so an ar­
lead to tube errosion. rangement which requires slightly less pipework having
If the cooling medium is seawater, corrosion pro­ parallel 100%-rated duty and standby p u m p s , as shown
blems can be aggravated and these might require the in Fig 3.45, is now favoured. This means that flow
use of measures, such as the installation of sacrificial switches must be provided to sense the failure of a
anodes or cathodic protection. These measures have duty p u m p and to initiate start-up of the standby should
been used with success in C E G B stations, but it is the winding temperature sense that forced cooling is
important to recognise that they impose a very much required.
greater burden on maintenance staff than does an air A large generator transformer will have virtually no
cooler, and the consequences of a small a m o u n t of self-cooled rating, so that p u m p s can be initiated from
neglect can be disastrous. a voltage sensing relay, fed from a vohage transformer

Transformers Chapter 3













FIG. 3.44 Double tube, double tubeplate oil/water heat-exchanger

which is energised whenever the generator transformer group is switched on at 95°C and out at 80°C. The
is energised. 100%-duty and standby pumps are pro­ total number of fans provided is such that failure
vided, with initiation of the standby p u m p should of any one fan still enables full rating to be achieved
flow-failure be detected on the duty p u m p . Fans can still with an ambient temperature of 30°C. The control
be controlled from a winding temperature indicator, scheme also allows each p u m p to serve either in the
but it is usual to divide these into two groups initiated duty or standby m o d e and the fans to be selected for
in stages, the first group being switched on at a winding either first-stage temperature operation or second-stage
temperature of 80°C and out at 70°C. The second operation. In addition, a multiposition m o d e selector

General design and construction

At this ambient, the first fan group will operate under

automatic control, tripping in when the hot spot tem­
perature reaches 80°C a n d out at 70°C. It is reason­
able t o assume, therefore, that with these fans running
intermittently, an average temperature of 75°C will
be maintained. Hence, continuous running of all fans
will achieve a temperature reduction of about 12°C.
The power absorbed by twelve fans on a transformer
of this rating might typically be 36 k W . Hence, running
them continuously rather than intermittently could a b ­
sorb an additional power somewhere between 27 kW
(if half of them would otherwise have run for half the
time) and 36 k W (if they would otherwise not have
run at all). It is not unreasonable, therefore to assume
30 k W extra load.
FIG. 3.45 Oil circuit for ONAN/OFAF cooled unit The load loss of an 800 M V A generator transformer
transformer at rated power could be 1600 k W . At 690 M V A this
would be about 1190 k W . If it is assumed that S5%
of this figure represents resistive loss, then this equates
switch allows both pumps and fans to be selected for
to 1000 k W , approximately. A 12°C reduction in the
'test' to check the operation of the control circuitry. T h e
average winding temperature would produce a reduc­
scheme is also provided with 'indication' and 'alarm'
tion of resistance at 75°C of about 3 . 8 % , hence about
relay contacts connected to the station data processor.
38 k W of load loss would be saved. Strictly speaking,
For water cooled generator transformers, the fans
this reduction in resistance would cause an approx­
are replaced by water pumps which can be controlled
imately 3 . 8 % increase in the other 1 5 % of the load
from voltage transformer signals in the same way as
losses, that is about 7 k W additional stray losses would
the oil p u m p s . Again duty a n d standby p u m p s are
be incurred, so that the power balance [38: (30 -f- 7)]
provided, with the standby initiated from a flow switch
would approximately break even. However, the figures
detecting loss of flow from the duty p u m p .
used are only approximate a n d , for lower ambients, the
There is a view that automatic control of generator
savings in load losses would be m o r e real. T h e impor­
transformer air coolers is unnecessary and that these
tant feature, though, is that the lower hot-spot tem­
should run continuously whenever the generator trans­
former is energised. Modern fans have a high reliabi­ perature increases insulation Ufe. For example, referring
lity, so they can be run for long periods continuously to Section 1.4.11 of this chapter, the 12°C reduction
without attention. For many large generator trans­ obtained in the above example would, theoretically,
formers, running of fans (whether required or not) increase the Ufe of the insulation somewhere between
results in a reduction of transformer load loss, due to three and fourfold.
the reduced winding temperature, which more than
offsets the additional fan power requirement, so that 1.6.10 Layout of transfornner compounds
this method of operation actually reduces operating
cost. In addition, the lower winding temperature re­ In planning a transformer layout there are a number
duces the rate of usage of the transformer insulation of requirements t o be considered.
Hfe. A n example will assist in making this clear. All power transformers containing BS 148 oil are
An 800 M V A generator transformer might typically considered to represent a fire hazard, so they should
operate at a throughput of 660 M W and 200 M V A r , be located out of doors, a h h o u g h a study of reported
which is equivalent to 690 M V A . At 800 M V A , it will statistics suggests that the likelihood of a fire resulting
have resistance rise and top-oil rise of 70° and 60° C, from an incident involving a power station transformer
respectively, if the manufacturer has designed these to below 132 kV is very low. This is probably because
the BS Hmits. At 690 M V A , these could be reduced t o at the lower system voltages, fault levels a n d protec­
45°C and 41 ° C , respectively, dependent on the par­ tion operating times are such that it is not possible
ticular design. Then, as explained in Section 1.4.11 of to input sufficient energy in a fault to raise bulk oil
this chapter, the winding hot spot temperature at an temperature to the level necessary t o support combus­
ambient temperature of, say, 10°C will be given by: tion. T h e subject of fire hazard is discussed further
in Section 2.4 of this chapter, which deals with auxihary
Ambient 10 transformers.
Rise by resistance 45 Having decided to locate oil-filled transformers out
Half (outlet/inlet) oil 6 of doors the next important consideration is to mini­
Maximum gradient — average gradient 2 mise the lengths of connections. T h e transformer lo­
cation should be selected as close as practicable to the
Total 63°C
load or, for the generator transformer, to the source

Transformers Chapter 3

of supply. This normally leads to transformers being Grouping these main transformers together has the
located in two groups. advantage that they can share drainage facilities and,
The first group consists of those located immediately since transformer c o m p o u n d drainage involves costly
outside the turbine hall. This includes the generator civil works, this is a worthwhile economy. Figure 3.46
transformer in order to minimise the length of the very shows a typical layout of generator unit and station
heavy-current generator connection and almost cer­ transformers for two units of a four-unit station.
tainly the unit transformer also. The generator busbars Oil-filled transformers represent a fire hazard. T o
are large aluminium fabrications which, for reasons of ensure rapid extinguishing of any fire, each transformer
site installation, must be kept as straight and as simple is provided with a fixed waterspray fire protection
as possible. Those supplying the unit transformer are installation. This consists of a system of spray nozzles
teed-off the main run; although not having as large a located around the transformer and directed towards
load current as those to the generator transformer, it which provide a total deluge when initiated, usually
the current under fault conditions is greater than that by the bursting of any one of a series of glass detector
in the main run, since both the system and the gen­ bulbs placed around and above the transformer. An­
erator contribute. T o minimise the likehhood of faults, other part of the strategy for rapid extinguishing of a
as well as to Hmit the cost of these connections, it is fire is the removal of any spilled oil from the phnth as
desirable that they should be kept as short as possible. rapidly as possible. T o assist with this, its surface must
The subject of generator main connections is dealt be smooth concrete. Large drainage trenches are pro­
with more fully in Chapter 4. vided and these must have an adequate fall. Clearly
The LV current of the unit transformer is of the large quantities of oil and water cannot be allowed to
order of twice that on its HV side and usually involves enter the normal drainage system, so the drainage
the use of very bulky 11 kV cables to connect to the trenches are taken to interceptor chambers which allow
11 kV switchgear. T o keep these cables as short as settlement and separation of the oil before allowing
possible, the 11 kV unit board is normally placed close the water to be led away. A typical arrangement for a
by. The same 11 kV switchgear annexe might also house four-unit station is shown in Fig 3.47. Although the
the 11 kV station board, suitably segregated from the plinths are designed to drain rapidly, it is important to
unit board, hence its station transformer could also be ensure that any water which might be contaminated
included in this group provided that, as an alterna­ with oil is not allowed to flood into neighbouring areas,
tive source of 11 kV supplies, it too can be fully so each plinth must be contained within a bund wall
segregated against any incident which might affect the which will hold, as a minimum, the total contents of the
unit transformer. transformer tank, plus five minutes operation of the
Recent segregation requirements introduced for nu­ fire protection, and this after heavy rain has fallen
clear stations now require the station transformer to onto the area.
be removed to a more distant location. This is so that Until quite recently, the standard method of ensur­
alternative 11 kV supphes can be preserved, even in the ing rapid removal of oil from the surface of the trans­
event of a major incident, such as an aircraft crash on former pHnth was to install the transformer on dwarf
the site. walls, perhaps one metre high, the pHnths then con-





FIG. 3 . 4 6 Layout of generator, unit and station transformers

General design and construction








WATER LEVEL rill 11 11 11—1




FIG. 3.47 Arrangement of water and oil drains for transformer plinth

sisting of open mesh about 100 m m below the level of minimum disruption to cabhng, connections, and to its
the top of the wall covered with large chippings. Any neighbours. The routes for installation and withdrawal
spilled oil passed through the chippings and the mesh are indicated on the diagram. It should be noted also
into the chamber below. Such an arrangement allowed that the generator transformer cooler, with about 2
burning oil to be led from the surface very rapidly and M W of losses to dissipate at full-load, is located so that
the fire was quickly extinguished when the chippings it has at least eight times its plan area of free space
were new and in a fairly clean condition. However, a r o u n d it to ensure an adequate coohng-air supply,
it became clear that chippings which had become oily with no recirculation.
over the years and had acquired a coating of grime, The layout of generator and unit transformers, in
tended to act as a wick in the event of a fire and made particular, must have regard to correct phase-relation­
it more difficuk to extinguish. Figure 3.48 shows the ships. AUhough this is true for all transformers, it is
layout of the main transformer plinth at Heysham 2 the bulky and less flexible arrangement of the connec­
power station. The generator transformer is a three- tions which makes this so important for these two
phase bank of single-phase units. Each phase has both transformers. This design task is fraught with pitfalls,
ends of the LV winding brought out to a pair of LV and incorrectly phased connections can be exceedingly
connections side-by-side on one side of the tank. These expensive to unscramble. The important convention
are connected in delta by means of a phase-isolated is that contained in BS 171, that the phases A, Β and C
air-insulated connection, similar in construction to the (or Í/, V and W) run from left to right when viewed
main connections to the generator which are them­ from the H V side of the transformer, but LV terminals
selves teed-off from each corner of this delta. Because are reversed when viewed from the generator. The other
of the difficulty in making angled welds, and of de­ conventional rule is that, within a particular winding,
signing right-angled turns in the heavy low-voltage the low-numbered connection goes to neutral and the
connections, it is desirable that these be run as straight higher-numbered connection goes to the terminal. Re-
as possible, so ideally the generator transformer should ferring to Fig 3.49 and recalling that, as indicated in
face squarely onto the end of the generator. Unit Section 1.1.2 of this chapter, the standard phasor
transformer tee-offs can then, if physically possible, grouping for a 400/23.5 kV generator transformer is
fall vertically onto the unit transformer placed beneath Ydl, the star point of the H V winding will be ^ i ,
the connections and behind the generator transformer. B\y C\ and the LV will require 0 2 to be connected c\,
It is important to ensure that each phase of the Z?2 to úTi and C2 to ¿ 1 , with 0 2 becoming terminal α,
generator transformer (as well as those of the unit ¿2 terminal b, and C2 terminal c. For the simplest
transformer) can be installed and removed with the arrangement of LV connections, it can thus be seen

Transformers Chapter 3



FIG. 3.48 Main transformer plinth layout

from Fig 3.49 (b) that terminal 2 of the LV winding the location of outdoor 11/3.3 kV and 3.3/0.415 kV
will require to be on the right, when viewed from the transformers identified. Many nuclear stations have
LV side. Figure 3.49 (b) also shows the arrangement separate reactor and turbine buildings, so that trans­
of generator connections required to give red, yellow, formers can be placed alongside a roadway between
blue to phases a, b and c, respectively. them. If the station has only one or two units, often
The second group of transformers requiring to be the best location will be to the side of the turbine
accommodated in the station layout are those step­ hall and steam generating plant buildings. Figure 3.51
ping down 11 kV supplies to 3.3 kV and from 3,3 kV shows where these transformers might be located in
to 415 V, Whilst it is permissible for II kV cabhng a nuclear station.
to be used to distribute power for considerable dis­ For aU of these possible locations, consideration
tances around the site, supphes at lower vohages must must be given t o :
be placed as close as possible to their loads. Ideally,
these transformers should be in the middle of the • Clear access for installation and for future removal
station. This is not practical for many reasons, not should this become necessary.
least that oil-filled transformers represent a fire haz­ • Access for cabhng.
ard. Often in a coal-fired station, the best compro­
mise is to place them alongside the boiler house, • The need for fire fighting provision and ensuring
between h and the precipitators. Figure 3.50 shows that adjacent buildings and plant are not placed at
an outline plan of a two-unit coal-fired station with risk if a fire occurs.

General design and construction




(a) UNIT 2

.3kV& 3.3/0.415 kV

FIG. 3.50 Location of 11/3.3 kV and 3.3/0.415 kV

transformers in a coal-fired station





FIG. 3.51 Two-unit nuclear station: 11/3.3 kV and

FIG. 3.49 Connections of single-phase generator 3.3/0.415 kV transformers located between reactor and
transformer bank turbine buildings

• The need for adequate drainage. the alternative systems available are discussed in Sec­
tion 2.4 of this chapter, the purpose is to enable
• The provision of necessary oil interception.
the transformers to be located indoors within switch-
r o o m s . These can thereby be placed very near t o , or
As with the main transformers it is possible to m a k e even integral with, LV switchgear, thus eliminating LV
economies, particularly in respect of the last three cabling. The benefits from this are considerable and
factors, by the grouping of auxiliary transformers are discussed further in Section 2.4.
together. Any grouping, however, must have in mind
the need to segregate alternative sources of supply to
main switchboards, so that any single incident would 1.7 Quality assurance and testing
not make both of them unavailable.
For smaller auxihary transformers, providing sup­
plies at 415 V, the fire hazard can be removed by 1.7.1 Quality assurance (QA)
eUminating oil: this can be achieved by the use of low Unlike many items of power station electrical plant
flammability or fire-resistant fluid, or by the elimina­ (for example, switchgear and motors) most transformers
tion of fluid altogether and making them air cooled. are virtually h a n d m a d e , little or n o mass production
Whatever the method employed, and the merits of is employed in manufacture and each is produced very

Transformers Chapter 3

much as a one-off. This means that the user cannot to 25 m b a r absolute pressure is applied. This need only
rely on extensive type testing of pre-production be held long enough to take the necessary readings
prototypes to satisfy himself that the design and manu­ and verify that the vacuum is indeed being held, which
facture renders the transformer fit for service, but might take u p to 2 hours for a large tank. After release
must have such proving as is considered necessary of the vacuum, the permanent deflection of the tank
carried out on the transformer itself. From a series of sides is measured and must not exceed specified limits
works tests, which might at most be spread over a of up to 13 m m , depending on length. Following this
few days, it is necessary to ascertain that the trans­ test, a further test is carried out at a pressure equi­
former will be suitable for thirty years or more in valent to 3 mbar absolute for 8 hours for the purpose
service. It is therefore logical that this testing should of checking mechanical-withstand capabiHty.
be complemented by a system of Q A procedures which Wherever practicable, tanks are checked for leak-
operate on each individual unit and throughout the tightness by filling with a fluid of lower viscosity than
whole design and manufacturing process. transformer oil, usually white spirit, and applying a
Details of operation of Q A systems are beyond pressure of 700 mbar, or the normal pressure plus
the scope of this volume and anyway these are covered 350 mbar, whichever is the greater, for 24 hours. All
adequately elsewhere, for example, by BS5750 [8], but welds are painted for this test with a flat white paint
it must be pointed out that testing alone will not de­ which aids detection of any leaks.
monstrate that the transformer is fully compliant with
all the requirements which must be placed upon it.
1.7.3 Processing and dry-out
The build-up towards the final works testing of a large
1.7.2 Tests during manufacture power station transformer commences some time be­
As part of the manufacturer's Q A system, and also fore it actually enters the test bay, at the stage at which
to meet the requirements of the specification, some the final processing and dry-out begins.
testing will of necessity be carried out during manu­ Paper insulation and pressboard material, which make
facture and it will be appropriate to consider the most up a significant proportion by volume of the trans­
important of these in some detail. These are: former findings, absorb large amounts of moisture
from the atmosphere. The presence of this moisture
brings about a reduction in dielectric strength and also
Core-plate checks Incoming core plate is checked for
an increase in volume. This increase in volume is
thickness and quahty of insulation covering. A sample
such that, until the windings have been given an initial
of the material is cut and built up into a small loop
dry-out, it is impossible to reduce their length suffi­
(Epstein Square) on which a measurement of specific
ciently to fit them on to the leg of the core and to fit
loss can be made.
the top yoke in place.
The final drying-out is commenced either when the
Core-frame insulation resistance This is checked by core and windings are placed in an autoclave or when
megger and by application of a 2 kV RMS or 3 kV D C they are fitted into their tank, all main connections
test voltage on completion of erection of the core, and made, and the tank placed in an oven and connected to
again following replacement of top yoke after fitting the drying system. The tapping switch may be fitted at
the windings. this stage, or later, depending on the ability of the tap
switch components to withstand the drying process.
Traditional methods of drying-out involve heating
Core-loss measurement If there are any novel features
the windings and insulation to between 85° and 120°C,
associated with the core design or if the manufacturer
circulating dry air and finally applying a vacuum to
has any other reason to doubt whether the guaranteed
complete the removal of water vapour and air from the
core loss will be achieved, then this can be measured
interstices of the paper before admitting oil to cover
by the application of temporary turns to allow the
the windings. For a small transformer operating at u p
core to be excited at normal flux density before the
t o , say, 11 kV, this heating could be carried out by
windings are fitted.
placing the complete unit in a steam or gas-heated oven.
For a large transformer this process would take several
Winding copper checks If continuously-transposed days, or even weeks, so that nowadays the preference
conductor (see Section 1.4.6 of this chapter) is to be is to use a vapour-phase heating system in which a
used for any of the windings, strand-to-strand checks liquid, such as white spirit, is heated and admitted to
of the enamel insulation are carried out directly the the transformer tank under low pressure as vapour. This
conductor is received in the works. condenses on the core and windings, and as it does so,
releases its latent heat of vaporisation, thus causing
Tank tests The first tank of any new design is checked the tank internals to be rapidly heated. It is neces­
for stiffness and vacuum-withstand capability. For sary to ensure that the insulation does not exceed a
275 and 400 kV transformers, a vacuum equivalent to temperature of about 130°C to prevent ageing damage:

General design and construction

when this temperature is reached, the white spirit and is directly dependent on moisture content. Insulation
water vapour is pumped off. FinaHy, a vacuum equi­ resistance or power factor would meet this require­
valent of between 0.2 and 0.5 m b a r absolute pressure ment. Since there are no absolute values of these which
is applied to the tank to complete removal of all air can be applied to all transformers, it is usual to plot
and vapours. During this phase, it is necessary to sup­ readings graphically and dry-out is taken to be com­
ply further heat to provide the latent heat of vapor­ pleted when a levelling out of power factor and a sharp
isation; this is usually done by heating coils in an rise in insulation resistance is observed. Figure 3.52
autoclave, or by circulating hot air around the tank shows typical insulation resistance and power factor
within the dry-out oven. curves obtained during a dry-out. Vacuum is applied
The vapour phase dry-out process is similar to when the initial reduction in the rate-of-change of
systems used previously, the only difference being in these parameters is noted: the ability to achieve and
the use of the vapour to reduce the heating time. It maintain the required vacuum, coupled with a reduction
is not a certain method of achieving a drier trans­ and levelhng-out of the quantity of water removed and
former and, in fact, it is possible that the drying of supported by the indication given by monitoring of the
large masses of insulation might be less efficient since, above parameters, will confirm that the required dry­
being hmited by the rate of diffusion of water through ness is being reached. For a vapour phase drying system,
the material, it is a process which cannot be speeded since it could be dangerous to monitor electrical
u p . This is an area where further research might be parameters, drying termination is identified by monitor­
beneficial. The other aspect of this system of drying- ing water condensate in the vacuum pumping system.
out which requires special attention is that of the At this point oil filling is begun with dry, filtered,
compatibility of the transformer components with the degassed oil at a temperature of about 75°C being
heat transfer medium. For example, prior to the use of slowly admitted to the tank and at such a rate as to
the vapour phase process, some nylon materials were allow the vacuum already applied to be maintained.
used for transformer internals, notably in a type of Drying-out of insulation is accompanied by signifi­
self-locking nut. This nylon is attacked by hot white cant shrinkage, so it is usual practice for a large trans­
spirit, so it was necessary to find an alternative. former to be de-tanked immediately following initial
Monitoring insulation dryness during processing usu­ oil impregnation to allow for retightening of all wind­
ally involves measurement of some parameter which ings, as well as cleats and clamps on all leads and


9 - 1 50

8 - • 1 40

7 - 1 30

6 -0 03 - 1 20


< - 1 00
4 -Ο 02 - 80

3 - 60

2 0 0 1 - 40

1 • 20

-0 - ' -ο — I— — I—
9/11 12/11 13/11 16/11
DATE 20/11 2 11/ 1 22/11 2 31/ 1

FIG. 3 . 5 2 Insulation resistance and power factor curves during dry-out

Transformers Chapter 3

insulation materials. This operation is carried out as Final works tests for a transformer faU into three
quickly as possible in order to reduce the time for categories:
which windings are exposed to the atmosphere. How­
• Tests to prove that the transformer has been built
ever, once they have been impregnated with oil, their
correctly These include ratio, polarity, resistance,
tendency to absorb moisture is considerably reduced
and tapchange operation.
so that, provided the transformer is not out of its
tank for more than about twenty-four hours, h is not • Tests to prove guarantees T h e s e are losses,
necessary to repeat the dry-out process. On returning impedance, temperature rise, noise level.
the core and windings to the tank, the manufacturer
will probably have a rule which says that vacuum • Tests to prove that the transformer will be satisfac­
should be apphed for a time equal to that for which tory in service for at least thirty years The tests
they were uncovered, before refilling w h h hot, fihered, in this category are the most important and the
degassed oil. most difficult to frame: they include all the dielectric
Before commencement of final works tests, the trans­ or overvoltage tests, and load current runs.
former is then usually left to stand for several days
to allow the oil to permeate the insulation fully and Full details of all tests in the first two categories above
any remaining air bubbles to become absorbed by the can be found in BS171 and are described at length
oil. in most standard textbooks. W h a t is more, the tests
themselves are logical and the outcome is beyond dis­
cussion. This section is concerned only with those tests
1.7.4 Final testing
included in the third category and aims to examine
Standard C E G B transformer test requirements are set how the customer can best be satisfied that the trans­
out in BEBS T2 (1966). For the convenience of the former which he is buying has a reasonable chance of
reader the information is repeated in Tables 3.1 and meeting the demands placed u p o n it for a hfetime in
3.2. service.

Summary of final works testing for generator, station and unit transformers

(a) Tests to prove correct manufacture Test defined in Routine test (R)
Type test (Τ)

Winding resistances BS 171 1970 Clause 36 R

Phasor group BS 171 1970 Clause 37 R
Voltage ratio BS 171 1970 Clause 37 R
Polarity BS 171 1970 Clause 37 R
Tapchange operation* R
Insulation resistances R

* Generator and station

transformers only

(b) Tests to prove guarantees

No load loss BS 171 1970 Clause 40 R
Magnetising current BS 171 1970 Clause 40 R
Load loss BS 171 1970 Clause 39 R
Impedances BS 171 1970 Clause 38 R
Zero sequence impedance BS 171 1970 Clause 48 Τ
Transformer noise level lEC 551 R
Cooler noise level lEC 551 Τ
Temperature rise BS 171 1970 Clause 41 Τ

(c) Tests to prove equality*

Load current run* BEBS T2 Section 1 R
Induced overvoltage including BS 171 1970 Clause 43 R
partial discharge measurement and BEBS T2
Applied voltage BS 171 1970 Clause 44 R
Additional voltage* BEBS T2 Section 1 R
Switching surge voltage* BS 171 1970 Clause 46 R
Impulse voltage including
chopped waves

General design and construction

Summary of final works testing for auxiliary transformers

(a) Tests to prove correct manufacture Test defined in Routine test (R)
Type test (T)

Winding resistances BS 171 1970 Clause 36 R

Phasor group BS 171 1970 Clause 37 R
Vohage ratio BS 171 1970 Clause 37 R
Polarity BS 171 1970 Clause 37 R
Tapchange operation (if fitted) R
Insulation resistances R

(b) Tests to prove guarantees

No-load loss BS 171 1970 Clause 40 R
Magnetising current BS 171 1970 Clause 40 R
Load loss BS 171 1970 Clause 39 R
Impedances BS 171 1970 Clause 38 R
Transformer noise level lEC 551 R
Temperature rise BS 171 1970 Clause 41 Τ
415 V busbar tests# Τ

(c) Tests to prove equality'

Induced overvoltage including BS 171 1970 Clause 43
partial discharge measurements
Applied voltage BS 171 1970 Clause 44 R
Impulse voltage including BS 171 1970 Clause 46 Τ*
chopped waves

#AN transformers only •Routine on AN transformers

To do this, it is reasonable to start by consider­ 1.7.5 Power frequency overvoltage tests

ing how the transformer is likely to fail. There are,
The traditional approach towards demonstrating that
of course, many failure mechanisms for something as
insulation will not be broken down by the apphed
complex as a large transformer, but it is likely that
voltage has been to apply a test voUage which is very
these will fall into one of three classes:
much greater than that likely to be seen in service.
• Insulation will break down under the influence of This is the philosophy behind the overpotential test,
the appHed voltage stress. which involves the application of twice normal volt­
age. Traditionally this was applied for one minute, but
• Insulation will be prematurely aged, due to over­ BS 171 (1978) now allows this to be for a period of
heating. 120 times the rated frequency divided by the test
frequency (in seconds), or 15 s, whichever is the greater.
• Windings will suffer mechanical failure, due to in­
The test frequency is increased to at least twice the
ability to withstand the apphed forces.
nominal frequency for the transformer to avoid over-
fluxing of the core and is often of the order of 400 Hz,
Since failure mechanisms are complex, any particular so that test times of fifteen to twenty seconds are the
failure might even be difficult to classify, being possi­ n o r m . T h e test is thought by m a n y t o be a very crude
bly due to a combination of more than one of the above one akin to striking a test specimen with a very large
causes. Overheating, for example, especially if not too h a m m e r and observing whether or not it breaks. Con­
severe, often will not itself cause failure, but will re­ siderable effort has therefore been apphed in recent
duce the mechanical strength of the insulation, so that times t o improving this test and this has largely been
when the transformer is subjected to some mechanical brought about by the introduction of partial-discharge
shock, such as a system fault close to its terminals, it measurements during the application of the overvoltage.
will then fail. It is possible, t o o , that inadequate me­ Long before the total failure of transformer insu­
chanical strength which allows movement of conductors lation occurs during overpotential conditions, minute
could cause the reduction of electrical clearances so discharge currents will flow. These tend to be triggered
that it is electrical breakdown which causes failure. at the same point of successive cycles of the applied test
Even though failure modes are not always straight­ frequency vohage waveform and to appear as pulses
forward, the suggested classification allows objective of high frequency disturbance in the b a n d . Suitable
discussion of appropriate methods of testing. detection equipment can be coupled to the winding

Transformers Chapter 3

under test, usually via the test tapping of the trans­

former bushing, and the disturbances can ehher be
I'-aiSkV ^ 630kV
displayed on an oscilloscope or measured directly on r-315kV
a voltmeter designed for radio interference voltage
measurement. A measure of the peak value of the dis­
charge can be obtained on the oscilloscope by com­
parison with the signal obtained by injection of a
known pulse into the detector.
Very occasionally, partial-discharge measurements
made in this way can give a warning preceding total
failure and the test voltage can be removed before
complete breakdown, thus avoiding extensive damage.
More often, however, the diagnosis is less clear-cut. It
could be that measurements taken as the test vohage
is being reduced indicate a tendency towards hystere­
sis, i.e., the discharge values for faihng voltage tend to
be greater than those obtained as the voltage is being +28.9kV

increased. This could indicate that application of the

test vohage has caused damage. It is C E G B practice
to specify that, as the overvoltage is reduced, the
discharge should fah to a nominal level (usually 100
picocoulombs) at an adequate margin above the normal
working voltage, say, 1.2 p . u . V . 630 kV TO EARTH INDUCED IN A PHASE LINE TERMINAL

There is a viewpoint in some international circles 945kV INDUCED BETWEEN A & Β PHASE TERMINALS

that, because of the extra refinement which partial-

discharge measurement has brought to overpotential FIG. 3.53 Arrangement of induced overvoltage test on
a three-phase star/deha 400/23.5 kV generator
testing, it is no longer necessary to use a test vohage transformer
as severe as twice normal volts. This view has led to the
method of overpotential testing detailed in l E C 7 6 - 3 ,
Clause 11.4, Method 2 [9]. In this test, a voltage of must be induced at the line terminal. BS171 does not
1.3 or 1.5 p.u.V is applied for 5 minutes. This is specify on which tapping the transformer should be
then raised to V3 p.u.V for 5 s fohowed by a return connected and so the manufacturer usually opts for
to 1.3 or 1.5 p.u.V which is then held for thirty position 1 which corresponds to maximum turns in
minutes. Partial-discharge is recorded throughout the circuh in the HV winding. This might be the + 6 . 6 6 %
test and a close watch made for signs of any tendency tap for a generator transformer, which could corres­
for this to increase or run away during the test period. pond to 460.5 kV for a transformer having an open-
The choice between 1.3 and 1.5 p.u.V for the major circuit voltage of 432 kV on the principal t a p . This is
proportion of the test time is to be agreed between the line voltage, so the phase voltage appropriate to
manufacturer and purchaser. If the figure of 1.3 p.u.V position 1 is 460.5/V3 = 265.8 kV: the test vohage
is apphed, then the partial-discharge shall not exceed of 630 kV induced in this winding therefore represents
300 p C ; if 1.5 p.u.V is used, then the value should 2.37 times the normal volts/turn.
not exceed 500 p C . It will be seen from Fig 3.53 that during the induced
Whilst it is clear that some constructive thought has overvoltage test, although all parts of the windings
gone into the framing of this test, h is the C E G B view experience a voltage of more than twice that which
that the degree of overpotential is too modest and it n o r m a h y appears between them, that section of the
is not proposed to replace the *twice normal voltage' winding which is nearest to earth is not subjected to a
test in C E G B specifications. very high voltage to earth. This is so even for fully-
A further point to be noted is that, whilst the in­ insulated windings which, when tested, must have some
duced overvoltage test is usually thought of as a 'twice point tied to earth. It is therefore necessary to carry
normal voltage' test, for very high voltage transformers, out a test of the insulation to earth (usually termed
h can be even more severe than this. Figure 3.53 'major insulation' to distinguish this from interturn
shows the arrangement for carrying out the induced insulation) and, for a fully-insulated winding, this is
overvoltage test on a 400 kV transformer having graded usuahy tested at about twice normal volts. For a
insulation on the star-connected HV winding and a winding having graded insulation, the test is at some
deha-connected LV winding. The test supply is taken nominal vohage; for example, for 400, 275 and 132 kV
from a single-phase generator connected to each phase transformers, it is specified as 45 kV in BEBS T2
of the LV in turn. The diagram shows the arrangement (1966), Section 1 [10].
for testing phase A. In accordance with BS171, 1978, In addition to partial-discharge measurement, an­
Clause 20 and Table 8, a vohage of 630 kV to earth other diagnostic technique to detect incipient failure

General design and construction

has made progress in recent years: this is the detection

and analysis of dissolved gases in transformer oil. , DURATION OF WAVEFRONT = 1.67 TIMES THE INTERVAL BETWEEN 30%
When partial-discharge or flashover or excessive heat­ AND 90% OF THE PEAK VALUE

ing takes place in transformer oil, the oil breaks down T-, TIME TO HALF VALUE = THE INTERVAL BETWEEN THE ORIGIN 0 AND 0,
^ AND THE 50% PEAK ^
into hydrocarbon gases. The actual gases produced
and their relative ratios are dependent on the tempera­
ture reached. This forms the basis of the dissolved-
gas analysis technique which originally found use as
a tool to assist in the diagnosis of faults in service.
When faults occur during works tests, the volumes of
the gases produced are very small and these diffuse
through very large quantities of oil. Although the VALUE
starting condition of the oil is known and its purity is
very high, very careful sampling and accurate analysis
of the oil is necessary to detect these gases. Analysis
is assisted if the time for the test can be made as long
as possible, and this was the philosophy behind the
three-hour overpotential test which was introduced
by the C E G B in the early 1970s. It must be emphasised
that this test is carried out in addition to the 'twice
normal voUs' test. 130% of normal voUs is induced for
a period of three hours. In order that the magnetic FIG. 3 . 5 4 Standard impulse wave
circuit, as well as the windings, receives some degree
of over stressing, the test frequency is increased only to
60 Hz rather than the 65 Hz which would be necessary a new design as a means of demonstrating that this
to prevent any overfluxing of the core. Partial-discharge has correctly incorporated the necessary features to
levels are monitored throughout the three hours. Oil withstand the stresses produced under surge condi­
samples for dissolved-gas analysis are taken before the tions. However, in addition, they are now regarded by
test, at the midway stage and at the conclusion. the C E G B as a very searching check of quahty which
can provide further information to assist in proving
that each transformer will be suitable for its defined
1.7.6 Impulse tests
service lifetime. Impulse tests, including chopped waves,
Mention was made in Section 1.4.10 of this chapter that are therefore specified for all windings of all power
a power station transformer in service will, from time station transformers having operating voltages of 3.3
to time, be subjected to surges caused by lightning or kV and above.
by switching, and that the effect of these on the trans­ A standard C E G B transformer specification would
former windings is different from the effects of power therefore call for an impulse test consisting of seven
frequency voltages. The impulse test was devised as a shots, as follows:
simulation of a lightning strike on the line near to the
connection to the transformer and to test the perfor­ 1 — Reduced full-wave
mance of the transformer in response to this risk.
1 — 100% full-wave
A standard impulse wave is defined in BS171 and is
2 — 115% chopped-waves
iUustrated diagrammatically in Fig 3.54. It has a front
time of 1.2 μ$ and a time to decay to half-peak of 2 — 100% full-waves
50 μ$, A tolerance of ± 3 0 % is allowed on the front 1 — Reduced full-wave
time and ± 2 0 % for the time to half-peak.
In addition to these standard impulses, chopped- It is assumed that the first full-wave shot, at about
wave tests may be specified which simulate the con­ 7 5 % of the nominal fuU-wave impulse test level, wih
dition of a flashover of an external co-ordinating gap not break down the transformer and so the voltage
close to the terminals of the transformer. For these, and current records of that shot are taken as the
a rod gap or some similar device is placed across the reference standard. Assessment as to whether the trans­
transformer test connection and earth. The size of the former has passed or failed is basically m a d e by com­
gap is such that it flashes over as the impulse wave paring the records for the final 7 5 % reduced full-
reaches its peak. This causes a very rapid collapse of wave with those for the initial one. Chopping of the
the voltage apphed to the transformer windings, which chopped-wave shots is specified to take place between
results in a very rapid rate-of-change of voltage and 2 and 6 /xs from the start of the wave. The amplitude
high electrical stress in the windings. is increased to 115% of the specified full-wave level
Impulse tests are regarded in BS171 as type tests, in order to ensure that the voltage is at least 100%
i.e., they are carried out on the first transformer of of the specified level at the instant of chop.

Transformers Chapter 3

Impulse tests differ from power frequency tests in • They only measure average temperature rises of oil
that, although very large test currents flow, they d o and windings.
so only for a very short time. The power level is
• By reducing the cooling during the heat-up period,
therefore quite low and the damage done in the event
manufacturers can shorten the time for the test to
of a failure is relatively slight.
as little as eight or ten h o u r s .
If a manufacturer suspects that a transformer has
a fault, say from the measurement of high partial-
discharge during the overpotential test, he may prefer Such tests will have little chance of identifying localised
to withdraw the transformer from this test and apply hot spots which might be due to a concentration of
an impulse test which will produce a less damaging leakage flux or an area of the winding which has
breakdown. On the other hand, the very fact that been starved of coohng oil. The C E G B approach to
damage tends to be slight can make the location of searching out such possible problems is to subject the
an impulse test failure exceedingly difficult. Diagnosis transformer to a run during which it will carry a
of impulse test failures can themselves be difficult, modest degree of overcurrent for about thirty h o u r s .
since sometimes only very slight changes in the record The test is specified as a period at llO^í^o fuU-load
traces are produced. For further information on im­ current, or a current equivalent to fuU-load losses sup­
pulse testing and diagnosis techniques the reader is plied, whichever is the greater, for twelve hours at each
referred to the Electricity Councils O u i d e on Impulse extreme t a p position, with each twelve hours commenc­
Vohage Testing Power Transformer and Reactors [11]' ing from the time at which it reaches normal working
or any other standard textbook on the subject. temperature. Also, during this load-current run, the
opportunity can be taken to monitor tank temperatures,
particularly in the vicinity of heavy flanges, cable boxes
1.7.7 Switching-surge tests and bushing pockets, and heavy current bushings. Both
Surges generated by lightning strikes have very steep extremes of the tapping range are specified since the
rise-times which cause transformer windings to appear leakage flux pattern, and therefore the stray loss pat­
as a string of distributed capacitance rather than the tern, is likely to vary with the a m o u n t of tapping
inductance which is presented to a power frequency winding in circuit. Oil samples for dissolved-gas analysis
voltage. Surges generated by system switching do not are taken before the test and at the conclusion of
have such rapid rise-times — times of 20 μ$ are typi­ each twelve-hour run. If the transformer is the first
cal — and at this frequency the transformer winding of a new design, then gradients and t o p oil and re­
behaves much as it would do at 50 H z . The voltage sistance rises are measured in accordance with BS171.
However, the main purpose of the test is not to check
is evenly distributed, flux is estabhshed in the core
the guarantees but to uncover evidence of any localised
and voltages are induced in other windings in pro­
overheating should this exist.
portion to the turns ratio. The magnitude of switching
surges, though generally lower than hghtning surges,
is considerably greater than the normal system voltage 1.7.9 Short-circuit testing
(perhaps 1.5 times or twice), so that the overpoten­
It is in relation to short-circuit performance and the
tial test is not an adequate test for this condition.
demonstration that a transformer has adequate me­
Switching-surge tests are therefore carried out on all
chanical strength that the customer is in the weakest
transformers which might be subjected to switching
position. Section 1.4.12 of this chapter described the
surges in service. Three shots are carried out at a level
nature of the mechanical short-circuit forces and made
equivalent to 80^o of the fuh-wave impulse test level, an estimate of their magnitude. However, for all but
with a waveshape having a front time of 20 μ$ and a the smallest transformers, the performance of prac­
tail of at least 480 /is. tical tests is impossible due to the enormous rating
of test plant that would be required. l E C 7 6 - 5 [9],
deals with the subject of ability to withstand both
1.7.8 Load runs
thermal and mechanical effects of short-circuit. This
The second possible mode of transformer failure listed it does under the separate headings of thermal and
in Section 1.7.4 of this chapter, is premature ageing of dynamic ability.
insulation due to overheating. It is therefore important For thermal ability, the method of deriving the
that the opportunity is taken to investigate the thermal R M S value of the symmetrical short-circuit current
performance of the transformer during works testing is defined, as is the time for which this is required
as fully as possible, in an attempt to try to ensure that to be carried, and the m a x i m u m permissible value of
no overheating will be present during the normal service average winding temperature permitted after short-
operating condition. circuit (dependent on the insulation class). The method
Conventional temperature rise tests, for example, of calculating this temperature for a given transformer
in accordance with BS171, are less than ideal in two is also defined. Thus this requirement is proved en­
respects: tirely by calculation.

General design and construction

For the latter, it is stated that the dynamic ability If the tank has been drained for transport, it is
to withstand short-circuit can only be demonstrated by necessary for the oil to be replaced by either dry air or
testing; however, it is acknowledged that transformers nitrogen, which must then be maintained at a slight
over 40 M V A cannot normally be tested. A procedure positive pressure above the outside atmosphere to
for testing transformers below this rating involving the ensure that the windings remain as dry as possible whilst
actual application of a short-circuit is described. Os­ the oil is absent. This is usually arranged by fitting a
cillographic records of voltage and current are taken high pressure gas cyhnder with a reducing valve to one
for each appUcation of the short-circuit and the assess­ of the tank filter valves and setting this to produce a
ment of the test results involves an examination of slow gas-flow sufficient to make good the leakage from
these, as well as an examination of the core and wind­ the t a n k flanges. A spare cylinder is usually carried t o
ings after removal from the tank. The Buchholz relay, ensure continuity of supply should the first cylinder
if fitted, is checked for any gas collection. Final assess­ become exhausted.
ment on whether the test has been withstood is based Transporters for the larger transformers consist of
on a comparison of impedance measurements taken two beams which span front and rear bogies and allow
before and after the tests. It is suggested that a change the tank to sit between them resting on platforms which
of more than 2 % in the measured values of impedance project from the sides of the t a n k . Thus the maximum
are indicative of possible failure. travelHng height is the height of the tank itself plus
This leaves a large group of transformers which the necessary ground clearance (usually taken to be
cannot be tested. Although this is not very satisfac­ 75 m m but capable of reduction for low bridges). Figure
tory, service experience with these larger transformers 3.55 shows a 267 M V A single-phase transformer ar­
over a considerable period of time has tended to con­ ranged for transport.
firm that design calculations of the type described Smaller transformers, i.e., auxiliary transformers of
in Section 1.4.12 of this chapter are producing fairly m a x i m u m rating 12.5 M V A , can usually be shipped
accurate results. Careful examination of service fail­ completely erected and full of oil.
ures of large transformers, especially where there may
be a suspicion that short-circuits have occurred close
1.8.2 Installation and site erection
to the transformer terminals, can yield valuable in­
formation concerning mechanical strength as well as In view of their size and weight, most transformers
highlighting specific weaknesses and giving indication present special handling problems on site. The manu­
where weaknesses may be expected in other similar facturer in his works will have crane capacity, possi­
designs of transformer. On occasions, such an ap­ bly capable of lifting u p to 260 t based on transport
proach has enabled incipient failures to be identified weight Hmit including vehicle of 400 t, but on-site such
from internal inspections m a d e during a planned outage Ufts are out of the question except in the turbine or
before these have caused catastrophic failures which reactor hall. Site h a n d h n g is difficult and must be
would have resulted in extensive damage as well as restricted to the absolute m i n i m u m . The transformer
unscheduled loss of generation. plinth therefore should be completed and clear access
available, allowing the main tank to be placed directly
onto it when it arrives on site. The access road must also
1.8 Transport, installation and be completed, as well as the surface over any space
commissioning between access road and plinth. Transformer and
vehicle can then be brought to a position adjacent to
the plinth. The load is then taken on jacks and the
1.8.1 Transport transport beams removed. Then, using a system of
The generator transformer is usually one of the three packers a n d j a c k s , the tank is lowered o n t o a pair of
largest and heaviest single loads to be delivered to a greased rails along which it can be slid to its position
power station site. (The other two being the generator over the plinth. The required position of tank on the
Stator and the stator frame.) Transport considerations plinth must be accurately marked, particularly if the
will therefore have a considerable bearing on the transformer is to mate u p with metalclad connections
generator transformer design and more will be said on on either the LV or H V side.
this subject in Section 2.2 of this chapter which deals When the t a n k is correctly positioned on the plinth,
specifically with generator transformers. For the other the coolers and pipework are installed. Bushings and
large transformers (station and unit transformers), it is turrets which have been removed for transport are
usually only necessary to ship these without oil to ensure fitted a n d connected, requiring the removal of blank­
that they are comfortably within the appropriate ing plates giving access to the tank. Such opening of
transport hmits, although it is necessary to check that the tank must be kept to a minimum time, to reduce
when mounted on the transport vehicle the height is the possibility of moisture entering the tank; to assist
within the over-bridge clearances which, for trunk roads in this, manufacturers of large high voltage trans­
within the United Kingdom, allows a maximum travell­ formers provide equipment to blow dry-air into the
ing height of 4.87 m (sixteen feet). tank and thus maintain a positive internal pressure.

Transformers Chapter 3




FIG. 3.55 Transport arrangements for a 267 MVA single-phase generator transformer

If the transformer has been transported with the tank breather may be commissioned for transformers of
fuh of nitrogen, h is necessary to purge this fuhy with 132 kV and above. This needs an auxiliary power
dry air if anyone has to enter the tank. supply which should, if necessary, be supplied from
When ah bushings have been fitted, access covers site supplies, so that the breather can be made alive
replaced, and conservator and Buchholz pipework without waiting for the marshalhng kiosk to be in­
erected, preparations can begin for filling with oil. Even stalled and energised.
if the transformer is not required for service for some
months, it is desirable that it should be fiUed with oil
1.8.3 Site commissioning
as soon as possible and certainly within three months
of the original date of draining the oil. If it is being Transport to site could well have involved a journey
kept in storage for a period longer than three m o n t h s , of many hundreds of miles, part possibly by sea. The
it should similarly be filled with oil. transformer will have had at least two lots of handl­
After completion of site erection, a vacuum p u m p ing. There is, however, very httle testing which can be
is applied to the tank and the air exhausted until a done at site which can demonstrate that it has not
vacuum equivalent to between 5 and 10 mbar can be suffered damage. It is therefore vital that such testing
maintained. Heated, degassed and filtered oil is then as can be carried out at site should be done as thor­
slowly admitted to the bottom of the tank in the same oughly and as carefully as possible.
way as was done in the works, until the tank is full. The following should be carried out as a minimum:
Since, despite all the precautions taken, some mois­
• Ratio measurement on all taps.
ture will undoubtedly have entered the tank during site
erection, the oil must then be circulated, heated and • Phasor group check.
fihered until a moisture content of around 2 P P M by
volume is achieved for a 400 or 275 kV transformer. • Winding resistance measurements on all taps.
For a unit transformer having a high voltage of • Operation of tapchanger u p and down its range.
23.5 kV, a figure of around 10 P P M is acceptable. Check the continuity of tapped winding throughout
If the transformer has been stored on its plinth full the operation.
of oil, it will also be necessary to erect the cooler and
pipework and fill this with oil before it can go into • Insulation resistance between aU windings and each
service. Initially, the cooler will be filled with the main winding to earth. Insulation resistance core-to-earth,
tank isolating valves closed and oil will be circulated core-to-frame and core frame-to-earth.
via a tank by-pass pipe to dislodge any small bubbles • No-load current measurement at reduced vohage;
of air which can be vented via the cooler vent plugs.
very likely this will be done at 415 V and compared
Normally, such tank by-passes are installed by manu­
with the current obtained at the same voltage in the
facturers as a temporary fitment but it is now C E G B
practice to retain them as permanent features on large
generator transformers. The oil necessary to bring the • Oil samples taken and checked for breakdown
level up to minimum operating level can then be added strength and moisture content. For a generator trans­
via the conservator filling valve and, once the con­ former for which the oil is to be tested quarterly
servator is brought into operation, the refrigeration for dissolved-gas content, this sample would also

Special design features

be checked for gas content and taken as the starting There are also a number of other criteria which al­
point. though less important will also have a bearing on the
design. These are:
• ΑΠ control, alarms, protection and cooler gear
checked for correct operation. Protection trips set • Because of the high load-factor, both load and
to appropriate level for initial energisation. no-load losses must be as low as possible.

• Tank and cooler earth connections checked as well • In view of the direct connection to the 400 kV system,
as the earthing of the H V neutral, if appropriate. a high impulse strength is required.

• Noise level must be kept below a specified level.

2 Special design features • Very little overload capability is necessary. A figure
Whilst the foregoing sections have examined those of 4 % overload for three one-hour periods per day
features which most power station transformers have is normally specified.
in common, the following sections take a closer look at
each class of transformer to examine those aspects 2.1.2 General design features
which are special for its particular duty.
The extensive list of required characteristics given
above places considerable constraints on the design of
the generator transformer. For a transformer of 800
2.1 Generator transformers
M V A , 400 kV, the most limiting factor is that of
transport weight. The high HV voltage requires large
2.1.1 Required characteristics internal clearances which means increasing size and,
The generator transformers, in most present day sta­ as can be seen from the expression for leakage react­
tions will have a voltage ratio of 23.5/400 kV. T h e ance in Section 1.3.2. of this chapter, increased HV to
rating must be sufficient to allow the generator to LV clearance has the effect of increasing the reactance,
export its fuh megawatt output at 0.85 power-factor and hence the impedance. This tendency to increase
lagging or 0.95 power-factor leading or, alternatively, reactance would normally be offset by an increase in
half of fuU megawatt output at 0.7 power-factor lead. the axial length of the winding but, for a large gen­
Some early 660 M W generators were designed to erator transformer, the stage is soon reached where
deliver full output at 0.8 power-factor which, making further increases cannot be obtained because of the
due allowance for the power requirements of the unit hmit on transport height.
board, led to a maximum output power of 800 M V A A significant reduction in leakage reactance for
so that for the sake of standardisation the generator given physical dimensions can be obtained by adopting
transformer rating has been fixed at this level. an arrangement of windings known as *split-concentric'.
The important criteria which influence the generator This is shown in Fig 3.56 (a). The HV winding has
transformer design are as follows:

• The HV voUs are high — usually 400 kV.

• The LV current is high — almost 20 000 A for an

800 M V A transformer.
• The impedance must be lower than that resulting HV HV

from the simplest design for this rating — a figure

of about 16% is specified and variation with tap
position must be kept to a minimum to simplify
(a) Split concentric winding arrangement
system design and operation.
• An on-load tapchanger is required to allow for varia­

i 1^'
tion of H V system volts and generator power factor.
LV volts will remain within ± 5 % .

• The transport weight must be within the limits laid 1

down by the transport authorities and the available
transport vehicles. 1 1

• Reliability and availability must be as high as possi­

(b) Simple concentric winding (c) Split-concentnc winding
ble, since without the generator transformer unit
output cannot be m a d e available to the national grid
and the replacement generation cost of an outage is
high. FIG. 3 . 5 6 Split-concentric winding arrangement

Transformers Chapter 3

been split into two sections, with one placed on either reduce the yoke depth by providing two return yokes
side of the LV winding. This is not too inconvenient as in Fig 3.57 (c) but this adds further complexky and
for a transformer with graded HV insulation, since is therefore rarely advantageous. Some manufacturers
the inner HV winding is at lower potential and can reduce the yoke depth still further by using four return
therefore be insulated from the earthed core without yokes (Fig 3.57 (d)). Figure 3.58 shows the core and
undue difficuky. The reason why this arrangement windings of a C E G B single-phase 23.5/400 kV gen­
reduces leakage reactance can be seen from Figs 3.56 (b) erator transformer having one h m b wound and with
and (c), which give plots of leakage flux both for four return yokes. This has a transport weight of 185
simple concentric and split concentric arrangements t and a travelling height of 4.89 m . The arrangement of
having the same total M M F . It can be shown that the Fig 3.57 (a) is also used for some C E G B single-phase
leakage reactance is proportional to the area below generator transformers.
the leakage flux curve, which is significantly less in A further benefit of single-phase construction is
the split-concentric design. The price to be paid for that should a failure occur, it is very likely to affect
this method of reducing the leakage reactance which, one phase only, so only that phase need be replaced
in reality, means reducing the physical size for a given and, being more easily transported, spare single-phase
rating, is the complexity involved in the increased units can be kept at strategic central locations which
number of windings, increased number of leads, and can then serve a number of power stations. This led to
increased sets of interwinding insulation. For simplicity, the concept of interchangeable single-phase generator
the tapping winding has not been shown in Fig 3.56 (c). transformers which were developed for the majority of
With this split-concentric arrangement, the taps are the 660 M W units. For this the electrical characteristics
usuahy accommodated in a separate winding below of impedance and voltage ratio must be closely matched
the inner HV winding. As taps are added or removed, on all tap positions and, of course, the physical sizes
the ratio of the HV split is effectively varied and this and arrangements of connections for HV and LV
has the effect of producing relatively large changes windings must be compatible. Each single-phase unit
in leakage reactance. This undesirable feature is a must have its own on-load tapchanger, driven from
further disadvantage of this form of construction. a single drive mechanism mounted at the end of the
Throughout the 1960s, at the time of building most bank. Tapchangers must thus be compatible in that
of the 500 M W units, the spht-concentric arrangement all must drive in the same sense and all must have
was the most common form adopted for 570 M V A the same number of turns for a tap change. The tap­
and 600 M V A three-phase generator transformers. It changers must be located so that the drive shafts will
enabled these transformers to be transported three- align. The location of inlet and outlet cooling oil pipes
phase within limits of about 240 t transport weight must correspond on all units. Figure 3.59 shows the
and 4.87 m travelhng height, albeit most of them had arrangement of an 800 M V A bank of single-phase units
very high flux densities and losses in order to keep the and details all the items which must align to provide
material content to the minimum. In fact, a trans­ complete interchangeability.
former of 735 M V A , three-phase, aUhough its H V Both ends of each winding of a single-phase unit
winding was only 275 kV, was transported within these are brought out of the tank so that the H V neutral has
hmits to Hartlepool power station. However, at the to be connected externally, as well as the LV delta. The
time of the adoption of the 660 M W unit size for Drax former is arranged by bringing the earthy end of each
power station at the end of the 1960s, it was decided to H V winding to a bushing terminal mounted on the
make the transition to single-phase units. These have top of the tapchangers. These can then be sohdly
many advantages and will be described in greater detail connected together by means of a length of copper bar,
in the following section. suitably connected to the station earth.
On the early single-phase b a n k s , the LV deka was
connected by means of an oil-filled delta box which
2.1.3 Single-phase generator transformers
spanned the three t a n k s . This can be identified in
With the adoption of single-phase construction, trans­ Fig 3.59. It was spht internally into three sections by
port weight for 800 M V A and probably even larger means of barrier boards so that the oil circuits of the
transformers ceases to impose any significant constraint three tanks were kept separate. It was recognised that
on the transformer designer. Travelling height continues phase-to-phase fauks were possible within the d e k a
to impose some restriction, but the designer is usuahy box and that greater security could be obtained by the
able to deal with this without undue difficuky. Figure use of an external air-insulated phase-isolated delta
3.57 shows various arrangements of core and windings which was, in fact, an extension of the generator main
that can be adopted for single-phase transformers. connections. This is now the standard arrangement,
In Fig 3.57 (a), the core has one wound limb and so that the LV connections to each single-phase unit
two return yokes. Alternatively, both limbs could be are made via a pair of bushings mounted on a pocket
wound, as shown in Fig 3.57 (b), but this increases the on the side of the transformer t a n k . The use of air-
cost of the windings and also the overall height, since insulated phase-isolated delta connections has the added
the yoke must be full-depth. It would be possible to advantage that it enables the oil circuits of the three

Special design features


(a) Single winding on centre limb (b) Increase in height due to windings on both limbs



(c) Height reduction by using two return yokes (d) Further height reduction using
four return yokes and centre limb

FIG. 3.57 Core and windings for single-phase transformers

phases to be kept entirely separate, so that, in the event a power station for which no standby is provided.
of a fault on one phase, there will be n o contamination It must be available for the generator output to be
of the oil in the other phases. connected t o the grid. For a high merit unit, high
The HV connections may be via air bushings or reliabihty is required. If its output were lost, this would
SF6-insulated metalclad trunking. The interface is necessitate running less efficient plant which is more
therefore the mounting flange on the tank cover, as expensive to operate.
can be seen from Fig 3.59. It is difficuh to set down design rules for high re­
Figure 3.60 shows an 800 M V A generator trans­ liability. Design experience may identify features which
former bank installed at Drax power station before might detract from rehabihty but it is difficuh to be
erection of the acoustic enclosure. sure that every potential source of trouble has been
avoided. Large generator transformers are produced
in small numbers, so there are n o large production
2.1.4 Performance and reliability
runs which can be used to ehminate teething troubles.
The generator transformer is the one transformer on O n e factor which can aid reliabihty, therefore, is to

Transformers Chapter 3

FIG. 3 . 5 8 Core and windings of single-phase CEGB generator transformer (GEC Alsthom)
(see also colour photograph between pp 496 and 497)

Special design features

B S P F L A N G E D R I L L E D T O BS.10 T A B L E Ό '

Γφη Γφη Γψ-.


—υ υ

c2 b2 a2

FIG. 3 . 5 9 Details of 8 0 0 MVA bank of single-phase transformers showing requirements for interchangeability

repeat tried and proven designs wherever possible, even erating experience on the 570 and 600 M V A units
over many years, thus reducing the occasions o n which following a series of failures. It was recognised that
teething troubles might occur. the occurrence of teething troubles on new designs was
Another design rule for high reliability is to *keep having a significant effect on the rehability of these
it simple'. This is not easy for an item as sophisticated units. Study of the operating failures showed that
as a large generator transformer but, nevertheless, as reliability was likely t o be poorer with new designs
explained in Section 2.1.2 of this chapter, a degree of during their early life. Furthermore, design changes
simplification was achieved by the change from three- tended to be introduced frequently due to the practice
phase to single-phase units. This also meant that there of designing for lowest total cost taking into account
was no longer the same emphasis on keeping sizes the changing cost of losses (see Section 2.1.5 of this
and weights to an absolute minimum and so there chapter). It was decided that, although it was not
was a consequent relaxation of the pressures which possible to have long production runs which might
threatened rehability. ehminate the teething troubles associated with new
In view of the importance of high reliabihty of designs, it was possible to limit the number of new
generator transformers, the C E G B gave special atten­ designs which were introduced, particularly since a
tion to the subject in the 1970s in the light of op­ single standard rating of generator of 660 M W had

Transformers Chapter 3
ζι as
2 o,
Q c
Β Öß
I o
cd υ
Special design features

been adopted. Accordingly in 1979, the C E G B intro­ necessary replacement generating capacity and a run­
duced the concept of Registered Designs whereby manu­ ning cost which reflects the a m o u n t of energy con­
facturers agreed that they would submit detailed tech­ sumed, i.e., having the form:
nical parameters and schedules of all manufacturing
drawings, including details of revision of issue, to £P [Ap 4- k (d/100) 8760] (3.6)
describe their current design of 267 MVA 23.5/400 kV
single-phase generator transformer, which should pre­
ferably have been successfully tested and in operation where Ρ total losses, k W
at a C E G B power station. These particulars then A capacity charge, £ / k W
become that manufacturer's registered design particu­ d energy charge, p e n c e / k W h
lars and, for future stations, changes to these would
k factor which reflects the fact that the unit
only be allowed if it could be demonstrated that a
definite improvement in reliability would result, or will not generate for 365 days/year and is
were unavoidable due to the non-availability of some about 0.72
item required for manufacture. Design change in the
Ρ = an amortisation factor whose derivation is
interest of further competitiveness was not acceptable.
After more than seven years of operating the re­ given below
gistered design scheme, which has only been apphed to
this one rating of generator transformers, there are Capital charges The purchase of a transformer in­
clear indications that these transformers are achieving volves the spending of money which either has to be
a very much higher rehability than their predecessors. borrowed or which could earn income, if invested. At
It cannot, of course, be claimed that this is solely due the end of η years, the borrowed money has to be
to the registered design system, since the other factors repaid or, alternatively, enough money will have to be
mentioned in this section, as well as the more exten­ saved to replace the asset.
sive testing procedures described in Section 1.7 of The amortisation factor ρ is given by:
this chapter, are all likely to have contributed.
The C E G B is aware of the possible consequences r \"
1 +
implied in the registered design procedure that designs
might become 'fossilised'. It is considered, however, Ρ = η_1 per £ of initial cost (3.7)
that by allowing changes that can be shown to improve 100

rehability, a mechanism for worthwhile development \ 100/

exists which will act as a safeguard against this.
where r % is the real rate of return on capital, i.e.,
2.1.5 Economics of operation the rate in excess of inflation. This is set as a target
'test discount rate' by the Government when economic
If the generator of a high-merit unit is unavailable
policies for nationahsed industries are appraised from
for any reason, making it necessary for less efficient
time to time.
plant to operate instead, then there will be extra costs
to the system equal to the difference in operating
costs for the failed and the replacement units. A major Loss assessment T o assess whether it is justifiable to
failure which necessitates the removal of a single-phase spend additional capital, £ A C , to reduce losses, it is
unit and the substitution of a spare would resuU in necessary t o show that:
an outage of several weeks which could incur addi­
tional operating costs equal to the first cost of the
ACp <P [Ap + k (d/100) 8760] (3.8)
transformer. This helps the subject of reliability to be
seen in context.
This can be illustrated by an example as follows:
There are, however, other costs associated with op­
eration of a transformer. These may be considered on Capacity charge £120/kW
an annual basis and consist of :
Energy charge 2.4 p e n c e / k W h
• Annual value of initial capital cost. Test discount rate 10<^o
• Cost of power absorbed as losses. Assumed plant hfe (n) 20 years
A n n u a l availability factor (k) 0.72
Cost of losses Although not strictly accurate, it is
assumed that whenever the generator transformer of a
F r o m Equation (3.7) amortisation factor ρ is given by:
high merit unit is energised, it wih operate at fuh-load.
It is therefore necessary to supply iron losses, load 1.120
losses and cooler losses in total. These have an annual 0.1 X = 0.1175
cost based on the annual capital cost of installing the (1.120-1)

Transformers Chapter 3

A balance in Equation (3.8) occurs when practice, and operation of the registered design pro­
cedure for a number of generator transformer tenders
A C X 0.1175 = (120 X 0.1175) has supported this view.
-h (0.024 X 8760 X 0.72)

i.e., A C = £1408 2.2 Station transformers

The losses can thus be capitalised by costing them at a 2.2.1 Station transformer characteristics
figure of £1408/kW and any expenditure greater than The station transformer supphes the power station
this for a saving of one kilowatt of loss cannot be auxiliary system for starting-up the boiler/turbine-
justified. generator unit and for supplying those loads which
It should be noted that the numbers used in the are not specifically associated with the generating unit,
above example have been provided for the purposes for example, lighting supphes, cranes, workshops and
of illustration. Whilst at the present time they reflect other services. In addition, in order to provide a di­
with reasonable accuracy the values which would be versity of supplies to certain plant, the station switch­
actually used within generation construction, in times board is used as a source of supply for certain large
of high inflation they may change considerably. It drives which are provided on a multiple basis for each
might also be recognised, however, that the value of unit, for example, the gas circulators of a nuclear
£1408/kW which has been derived, is considerably reactor and the circulating water pumps for the main
less than the figure which is used by many authorities condensers. The station transformer is usually the first
even at the present time. The reason for this is the major connection with the grid for a power station
value of test discount rate used; it will be seen that under construction, providing supphes for the commis­
if the above calculation is repeated with a value of sioning of the plant.
test discount rate set at 5 % , a figure used by some The design criteria to be met by the station trans­
authorities, a loss value of about £2000/kW will be former are as follows:
deduced. The effect of the higher test discount rate,
therefore, is to place a lower value on losses and to • The H V connection is from the 132, 275 or 400 kV
sway assessments towards acceptance of lower initial grid system.
capital cost options.
• On the most recent, larger units, the LV is invariably
Further indication of the significance of the cost 11 kV nominal.
of losses can be gained by considering a specific trans­
former associated with a 600 M W unit. This might have • Impedance must be such that it can be paralleled with
total losses of 2 M W and a first cost of £2.5 million. the unit transformer at 11 kV without exceeding the
Capitahsing the losses at the figure of £1408/kW permissible fault level — usually about 1 5 % .
puts their value at £2.8 million; it can be seen that
• A n on-load tapchanger is required to maintain 11 kV
the saving from a reduction of a few per cent in losses
system volts constant as load is varied and as grid
is very significant.
voltage varies.
Because this calculation can be so easily performed,
it is tempting for accountants to demand that it be • Operating load-factor is low, i.e., for much of its hfe
carried out whenever the purchase of a new trans­ the station transformer will run at half-load, or less.
former is contemplated. In the 1960s, when energy and Load losses can therefore be relatively high, but fixed
material costs as well as interest rates were changing losses should be as low as possible.
rapidly, and by differing amounts in relation to each
other, rapid changes in loss capitahsation values were
2.2.2 General design features
common. This was one of the pressures for the intro­
duction of new designs which were not warranted As explained in Section 1.1.2 of this chapter, the station
on purely technological grounds. Hence the C E G B transformer is almost invariably star/star connected,
introduced the registered design concept described in since both HV and LV windings must provide a neutral
Section 2.1.4 of this chapter, and the decision was for connection to earth.
taken that a loss-capitalisation calculation would not Until recently, such a transformer would automati­
be carried out as part of the tender assessment process cally have been provided with a delta-connected ter­
for 800 M V A transformers so that manufacturers were tiary for the ehmination of third harmonic. However,
not encouraged to change designs in the interests of as auxihary systems and the transformers feeding them
competitiveness. Since different manufacturer's designs become larger, fault levels become greater, and at the
did not actually have the same losses, the design having time of designing the auxihary system for Littlebrook
the highest losses might appear to have an unfair ad­ D power station it became clear that the use of a
vantage, since it might be expected to contain least 132/11 kV 60 M V A station transformer with a deha-
material. However, this was not considered to be sig­ connected tertiary would create problems in the event
nificant for the variation in losses which occurred in of single-phase-to-earth faults on the 11 kV system.

Special design features

Such a transformer has an inherently low zero-sequence turbine connected in parallel, the station transformer
impedance and it is difficult for the designer to in­ neutral carried a third-harmonic current of less than
crease this whilst maintaining the positive-sequence 0.3 A .
impedance low enough to meet the required regulation In order to ensure that protection problems are
performance. The solution appeared to be to omit the not encountered on future station transformers, it is
tertiary, but then concern arose as to whether this now C E G B practice to specify that the zero-sequence
would result in the zero-sequence impedance becoming impedance should fall within a b a n d from 0.9 to 6
so high that single-phase-to-earth faults on the 11 kV times the positive-sequence value.
system would not pass sufficient current t o operate Reference has been m a d e in Section 1.5.1 of this
the protection. Consultations with transformer manu­ chapter to the use of an on-load tapchanger on the
facturers suggested that this would not be so, since station transformer as a means of compensating for grid
the transformer tank would behave as a very loosely- voltage variation and for regulation within the trans­
coupled tertiary winding. This was confirmed by the former itself. This has an important bearing on the
works tests on the first transformer which showed design of the station transformer.
that the zero-sequence impedance, measured on the So that the 11 kV station b o a r d voltage remains
LV winding, was about six times the positive-sequence at an adequate value under full-load conditions, the
value and was low enough to permit satisfactory op­ open-circuit ratio of the station transformer is selected
eration of the protection. to give a low voltage somewhat above nominal. A
Although works testing showed that the actual value figure of 11.8 kV is typical.
of zero-sequence impedance obtained by omitting the Under normal operating conditions the grid sys­
tertiary can be low enough to meet the auxiliary sys­ tem voltage may be permitted to rise to a level 10%
tem protection requirements, it is necessary to ensure above nominal. On the 400 kV system this condition
that the absence of a tertiary will not give rise to is deemed to persist for no longer than 15 minutes.
excessive third-harmonic currents circulating in the For the 132 kV and 275 kV systems, the condition may
system neutral. Such currents flow whenever the sys­ exist continuously.
tem has more than one neutral, as in the example shown Should the station transformer H V volts rise above
in Fig 3.61 where an auxiliary gas turbine generator nominal, the operator may tap-up on the tapchanger,
with its neutral earthed is operated in parallel with i.e., increase the number of turns in the H V winding.
the station transformer supply, thus setting u p a com­ If the H V voltage were t o fall, he would operate the
plete loop for circulating currents. (The impedance of tapchanger in the opposite direction, which would re­
this loop to third-harmonic currents can be increased duce the H V turns: both these operations maintain
by connecting a third-harmonic suppressor in series the flux density constant.
with the gas turbine earth connection, see Section 2.5.6 The operator can also use the tapchanger to boost
of this chapter.) Such a situation can exist at Littlebrook the LV system voltage, either to compensate for re­
D and it was shown from site tests and calculations gulation or because a safe margin is required, say,
that the omission of the tertiary resulted in a three to start an electric boiler feed p u m p . The tapchanger
to four-fold increase in the third-harmonic current would increase the volts/turn and this would thus
in the gas turbine neutral compared with systems which increase the flux density.
have a normal delta-connected tertiary on the station The station transformer will probably have been
transformer. With an absolute value of no more than provided with a tapping range of ± 10% to match the
about 1 A in the transformer neutral, however, this possible supply voltage variation. On the limit, it is
was still considered to be acceptable. Without the gas possible for a voltage which is 10% high to be appHed
to the - 1 0 % tapping. This is an overvoltage factor
of 2 2 % and would result in an increase in flux density
-132kV SUB-STATION of this a m o u n t . T o avoid saturation, it is desirable
that the operating flux density should never exceed
about 1.9 T; this resuhs in a specified flux density
of 1.55 Τ at nominal volts for all station transformers,
\TRANSF0RMER GENERATOR a value considerably lower than that specified for other

θ­ transformers, e.g., the generator transformer.


α 2.3 Unit transformers


2.3.1 Unit transformer characteristics
The unit transformer is teed-off from the main connec­
FIG. 3 . 6 1 Connection of gas turbine neutral in parallel tions of the generator to the generator transformer.
with station transformer neutral It is energised only when the generator is in service

Transformers Chapter 3

and supplies loads which are essential to the operation 2.3.2 General design features
of the unit.
The above design criteria are met by a delta/star trans­
The design criteria to be met by the unit transformer former having an open-circuit voltage ratio of 2 3 . 5 /
are as fohows: 11.8 kV, equivalent to 23.5/11 kV at full-load 0.8
• The HV vohage is 23.5 kV. power factor, with off-circuit taps on the HV winding
of ± 7 . 5 % in six steps of 2 . 5 % . For the reasons ex­
• The LV voltage is invariably 11 kV nominal. plained in Section 1.5.6 of this chapter, these are
varied nowadays by means of links under the oil rather
• Impedance must be such as to enable it to be
than using an off-circuit switch which was the previous
paralleled with the station transformer at 11 kV
without exceeding the permissible fault level —
The changeover of unit and station supplies normally
usually about 1 5 % .
only requires that these transformers be paraheled for
• Since the HV vohage is maintained within ± 5 % of a few seconds. This is long enough for the operator
nominal by the action of the generator AVR, on-load to be sure that one circuit-breaker has closed before
tapchanging is not needed. the other is opened. During this time, however, a
circulating current can flow which is dependent on
• Operating load-factor is high, so that load losses the combined phase shift through the unit, generator
and no-load losses will both be capitalised as the and station transformers, plus any phase shift through
same rate. (Except in some nuclear stations, where interbus transformers, if generator and station trans­
two fully-rated unit transformers are provided per formers are not connected to the same section of the
unit for system security purposes.) grid system. This can resuh in the unit transformer
• Parallehng of unit and station transformers during seeing a current equivalent to up to IVi x full-load.
changeover of station and unit supplies can result Should the operator take longer than expected to carry
in a large circulating current between station and out this switching, the unit transformer windings will
u n h swhchboards (Fig 3.62). This adds to the umt rapidly overheat. Such a delay is regarded as a fault
transformer load current, and subtracts from that occurrence, which will only take place fairly infre­
of the station transformer. The unit transformer quently. It is considered that parallel operation for
must therefore be capable of withstanding the re­ a time of two minutes is more likely to occur than
sultant short-time overload. a short-circuh of the transformer and so the limiting


NORMAL 400/132kV

400/23.5 kV

132/11 kV STATION



FIG. 3 . 6 2 Paralleling of station and unit transformers

Special design features

temperature is set lower than the temperature per­ brief series of works tests. It is therefore necessary to
mitted on short-circuit. The latter is set at 250°C by accept change gradually, to ensure that quality assur­
BS171 and so the C E G B has specified that a figure of ance systems are maintained and that all the testing
180°C should not be exceeded after a period of two that is practicable is carried out.
minutes parallel operation.

2.4.1 General design features

2.4 Auxiliary transformers Auxiliary transformers of 11/3.3 kV are normally either
12.5, 10 or 8 M V A . These transformers are oil-filled,
The auxiliary transformers in a power station are by
which means that they are located outdoors and pro­
far the most numerous and varied. They range in size
vided with waterspray flre protection unless positioned
from 12.5 M V A 11/3.3 kV to possibly as small as
remote from main buildings. Connections at 11 and
315 kVA. They can be oil-filled to BS148[12], or dry
3.3 kV are in cable which means that cable boxes
type, or occasionally filled with some synthetic liquid
must be provided for H V and LV terminations.
(although it should be noted that filling with poly-
chlorobiphenyls — PCBs — once the most c o m m o n Cooling is invariably by natural circulation of the
amongst the fire-retardent fluids, has been dropped oil, with natural air-cooling of the tank-mounted
by the C E G B since the early 1970s). Auxihary trans­ radiators. A conservator is provided to allow expan­
formers are very hkely to be made in a different factory sion space for the oil and in order to allow a Buchholz
from the larger transformers. Being smaUer and lighter relay to be fitted. The air space within the conser­
they do not require the same specialised handling and vator is vented to atmosphere via a silica-gel breather.
lifting equipment as the larger transformers. Vacuum A pressure relief device is mounted on the tank cover.
impregnation and vapour-phase drying (see Section Transformers for 3.3/0.415 kV normally have ratings
1.7.3 of this chapter) equipment is not required. At of 2, 1.6 or 1 M V A in order to match the standard
the very smah end of the range, manufacturing methods current ratings of 415 V switchgear, a k h o u g h smaller
are closer to those used in mass production industries. ratings, for example, 800 kVA or 500 kVA, might be
There are many more manufacturers who make small used occasionahy. For these ratings a number of design
transformers than those at the larger end of the scale. options exist and, in fact, it is becoming increasingly
The industry is very competitive, margins are smaU c o m m o n practice to employ an alternative to class A ,
and turnround times are rapid. The result is that there mineral oil-filled insulation. One reason for this is
is a constant tendency for manufacturers to look for that in large modern power stations it is difficult to
cheaper and simpler ways of making the product and locate oil-filled transformers outdoors whilst keeping
a 2 MVA transformer buiU in 1985 would appear very them close enough to plant to obtain acceptable cable
different from one made twenty years earlier. vok d r o p s .

To date, changes tend to have been restricted to

methods of cutting and building cores, simphfication 2.4.2 Auxiliary transformer insulation systems
of core frames and simplification of the arrangement
In the late 1970s and early 1980s several new dielectric/
and method of forming internal leads, for example,
insulation systems for small auxihary transformers were
by the use of round rather than flat copper bar for
introduced. This largely arose as a result of the envi­
HV connections. Round bar, being stiffer, usually re­
ronmental status of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs).
quires fewer supporting cleats and since it can be bent
For many years these were the only dielectrics in gen­
with equal ease in all planes can usually be taken from
eral use where it was necessary to eliminate the fire
point to point in a single formed length, whereas flat
hazard associated with oil-filled transformers, but in
bar might require several specially formed bends and
the early 1970s it was recognised that these non­
joints in order to follow a complex route.
biodegradable fluids posed serious environmental haz­
These changes have generally found acceptance with
ards when they were accidentally released into the
the C E G B . There have been some new materials and
environment. Their use by the C E G B in transformers
processes, notably in the use of crimping rather than
was therefore discontinued.
sweating or brazing for the making of joints. This
Because of the number of options which are avail­
has the advantage that it avoids the need to bring a
able for auxiliary transformers in this range, it is
blow torch into close proximity of windings with its
worth examining them in some detail.
associated risk of fire or, at the very least, overheating
The following insulation systems will be considered:
of insulation. Crimped joints are also m a d e very much
more quickly than brazed or sweated joints, leading to • BS148 oil with class A insulation for comparison.
cost savings.
All this is quite acceptable provided that there is • Dry-type air-cooled with class C insulation.
no resulting loss of rehability or hfe expectancy. In
• Encapsulated cast-resin.
Section 1.7 of this chapter, the point has been m a d e
that these two factors are difficult to assess from a • Synthetic liquid with class A insulation.

Transformers Chapter 3

Reasons for considering alternative dielectrics Figure 3.63 shows a typical 415 V switchboard with
an integral 3.3/0.415 kV transformer.
BS 148 oil has had widespread use for auxiliary trans­
formers in power stations for so long and has proved
so reliable that it is reasonable at the outset t o question Disadvantages of air-cooled transformers
why alternative dielectrics should be considered.
• The transformer and its enclosure cost about 1.8
The disadvantages of oil-filled auxiliary transformers
times that of an oil-filled transformer of equivalent
can be summarised as fohows:
• Oil is considered a fire hazard so these transformers
• Past designs of air-cooled transformers tended t o
must be located outdoors.
have poorer reliability than oil-filled.
• This means relatively lengthy cable runs for both
• The weight of the transformer means that switch-
HV and LV cables. LV cables in particular are bulky
room floor loadings must be designed t o take this
and expensive.
into account.
• The need to locate transformers outdoors creates
• Provision must be m a d e for dissipation of trans­
layout difficulties, since it becomes exceedingly dif­
former losses from switchrooms.
ficult to position these close to the load. At Drax,
for example, long 415 V cable runs for precipitator • T h e transformer must be provided with a reasonably
electrical supphes led t o the need for on-load tap­ clean, dry, environment, although this need be n o
changers on transformers providing these supplies, better than the environment normally provided for
with all its attendant extra costs and complexity. switchgear and contactor gear. Care is necessary on
• Even when located outdoors, these transformers re-energising after any period out of service to en­
must be provided with fire protection in all situa­ sure that the windings are moisture free.
tions, except where they are located remote from
main buildings. In weighing the disadvantages of A N transformers
against the benefits, those which figure most promi­
• The need to guard against pollution of drains means
nently are cost and reliability.
that transformer compounds must be provided with
The extra cost can be very much offset by the sav­
special drainage facilities, with interceptor tanks large
ings on LV cabling, transformer c o m p o u n d provision
enough to cater for major oil spihage coupled with
and drainage, a n d the elimination of a fire protection
the operation of water spray fire protection.
requirement. It is difficult t o build u p an accurate
balance sheet since a number of factors are very dif­
The following are the alternatives: ficult t o cost. For example, space saving in cable
tunnels and losses in LV cables on the credit side versus
Dry-type air-cooled class C insulated (AN) the provision of extra space (and possibly extra struc­
These have been considered by the C E G B to be the tural strength) in switchrooms and extra ventilation
main alternatives to oil-filled transformers since the on the debit side. O n balance, the extra cost of the
early 1960s. transformer is almost totally offset by these factors.
It was certainly the C E G B experience that in the
early days of their use, A N transformers had poorer
Advantages of air-cooled transformers
rehability than their oil-filled counterparts. In fact,
ΑΠ the disadvantages of oil-fiUed transformers hsted since small oil-fihed auxiliary transformers are vir­
previously are eliminated. tually never known to fail in a power station situation
(as distinct from Area Board experience, where such
• They can be regarded as almost totally fireproof.
transformers are used in electrically-exposed situations),
There is very little combustible material associated
their reliability cannot be bettered. However, the more
with their construction and those materials which
rigorous works testing and inspection procedures for
are present are used in such small quantities a n d are
A N transformers instituted by the C E G B , coupled with
of such low flammability as to constitute neghgible
the appearance of polyamide-paper-based insulation
in the late 1960s, has improved their rehability con­
• There are no liquids involved whatsoever, therefore siderably. This conclusion is based on a fairly smah
there are no risks of spillages, n o need for bunding sample of A N transformers in service, compared with
or protection of other equipment. the numbers of oil-filled transformers in operation.
In terms of *large m o d e r n ' stations, at the time of
• There are no toxicity problems.
writing (1988) this means Wylfa, Dungeness, Heysham
• The transformer can be made integral with 415 voU 1 and Littlebrook Z>, and there were problems at the
switchgear, therefore LV cabhng can be ehminated. first two stations during their early life.

Special design features

FIG. 3 . 6 3 4 1 5 V switchboard with an integral 3 . 3 / 0 . 4 1 5 kV transformer

Cast-resin insulated • As with A N transformers there are no liquids

Cast-resin insulation made its appearance in power
transformers in significant quantities in the 1970s.
Before that it had been used in instrument transformers Cast-resin transformers designed for installation in a
for a number of years. Its use on the continent of 415 V switchboard are illustrated in Fig 3.64.
Europe has been very much more widespread than
in the UK and the expansion of the market in the Disadvantages of cast-resin insulation
UK coincided w h h moves by environmentalists to
ban PCBs. The C E G B has little experience of cast • Because of the high cost of moulds, manufacturers
resin for power transformers, so in assessing the ad­ are usually only able to offer a hmited range of
vantages and disadvantages no first-hand experience ratings and impedances and insulation levels. These
is available except in discussing those properties which generally will not coincide with the C E G B specified
cast-resin power transformers have in c o m m o n with requirements.
instrument transformers, particularly VTs.
• Cost is greater t h a n A N (say, 1 0 - 2 0 % more in 1987)
with little identifiable benefit.
Advantages of cast-resin insulation
• Due to the problem of differential expansion between
As with A N transformers, the disadvantages of oil-filled copper and resin, the transformer has virtually no
transformers are ehminated. overload capability, even for a short time. Overload
protection is required.
• The insulation system is virtually indestructable and
dielectric failure due to neglect of environmental • There are also the weight and heat-dissipation pro­
conditions can be disregarded. blems, as discussed for A N transformers.

Transformers Chapter 3
o - α
• Γ- <ϋ
^ 8
Special design features

There have also been suggestions that, although a cast- At the present time, the full hst of synthetic dielec­
resin transformer is unlikely to initiate a fire, should tric fluids is too lengthy for coverage in a volume
a fire occur which involved the transformer, the resin such as this. For full details of all such fluids available
will then burn producing heat and smoke. However, the reader is referred t o specific works on dielectric
recent testing carried out by the C E G B and by the fluids [13], however, the following represents the salient
manufacturers of cast-resin transformers has proved features of the better known fluids in the UK in 1987:
that this fear is unfounded.
The C E G B has experience in the use of two types Silicone fluid This was probably the first replace­
of cast-resin transformers: ment for P C B to appear in any quantity. Manufac­
• For use as 23.5 kV generator voltage transformers. tured and marketed by the Dow Corning Corporation,
it has been used in fairly large quantities both as a
• For use as generator neutral earthing transformers retrofill fluid, replacing the P C B in existing trans­
(see Section 2.5 of this chapter). formers, and in new transformers. Its thermal proper­
ties are not as good as those of P C B or BS 148 oil so
In both of these applications the benefits are suffi­ that transformers designed for P C B and filled with
ciently worthwhile to outweigh some of the disad­ silicone fluid have to be slightly derated. There have
vantages listed. One listed disadvantage — that of been n o significant adverse reports to date.
inability to purchase a transformer which meets the
CEGB specification — does not apply in that there Midel 7131 Midel 7131 was developed by Micanite
are specialist designs available which fully meet C E G B and Insulators, who are currently part of the UK G E C
requirements. g r o u p . It has been widely used both in the USA and
The problem of lack of overload capability is avoided the UK, and to date there have been n o adverse re­
by very conservatively rating the transformers in ques­ ports. Midel does not require the derating demanded
tion. This is an approach which could not normally be by silicone fluid when used as a retrofih fluid and its
justified but which is permissible where the benefits only known disadvantage at the present time is its
of resin are p a r a m o u n t . FauUs which have resuUed in high cost.
overloading cast-resin voltage transformers have, how­
ever, produced spectacular and catastrophic failures. Formel NF Formel N F has been jointly developed
The excellent insulation properties of cast-resin are by ISC Chemicals of A v o n m o u t h and the Electricity
demonstrated in the d a m p heat test which the C E G B Council. It is probably the only truly non-flammable
applies to cast-resin VTs. In this test, 23.5 kV voltage dielectric fluid which is currently available. For the
transformers, which are dripping with surface con­ Electricity Council to come to the decision to develop
densation, are required to withstand 1.2 x rated voltage this fluid is perhaps an indication of shortcomings in the
for one hour, fohowed by a final five minutes at 1.9 other fluids available. It has not been used in power
X rated voltage. It is this abihty to survive severe station applications since, as explained above, current
adverse conditions which justifies the use of cast-resin policy is to dispense with liquid dielectrics for trans­
where the service location or operating regime gives formers within buildings. T h e fluid is a mixture of
rise to such exacting conditions. halocarbons of the type which have found widespread
It should also be noted that the use of aluminium, use in fire-retardent cable insulation. It is hkely that
usually in the form of foil windings, improves the future policy will be to discontinue the use of such
overload capabihty of cast-resin transformers, since halocarbon materials because of the considerable quan­
the thermal expansion of aluminium differs from that tities of damaging smoke and fumes produced from
of the resin to a lesser degree than does that of copper. them when engulfed in a fire. It should be noted that,
Although the use of both copper and aluminium foil unlike most other dielectric fluids available, formel
windings is tending to become widespread in small Area N F is not suitable for use as a retrofilhng fluid.
Board distribution transformers, this remains the only
significant application for power station transformers.
RTEmp One further fluid worthy of mention is
R T E m p . This is used fairly widely in U S A and is cheaper
Synthetic liquid filled than either silicone or Midel. Its only known dis­
advantage is its high viscosity at low temperatures.
Since the banning of P C B s , many other dielectric
fluids have appeared on the market. None is as good
as PCBs in all respects but they are acceptable envi­ 2.4.3 Design features of dry-type transformers
ronmentally. In the USA, there were very large num­ For the reasons identified in the previous section, air-
bers of PCB-filled transformers and there have also cooled dry-type transformers having class C insulation
been the strongest pressures from the environmentahsts are now the most c o m m o n means of providing 415 V
to ehminate them. This has given the alternatives a supplies. Normally these take their supply from 3.3 kV,
commercial boost. a h h o u g h occasionally the primary voltage is 11 kV.

Transformers Chapter 3

The object in ehminating the dielectric fluid is to full-load current without exceeding the specified tem­
enable the transformers to be located close to the perature rise in an ambient generated by the normal
load and the standard arrangement is to incorporate transformer losses dissipated within its enclosure. This
them into 415 V switchboards. Such an arrangement requirement is particularly onerous since the trans­
is iUustrated in Fig 3.63 and is shown diagrammatically former is permitted a temperature rise of 150°C which
in Fig 3.65. 415 V busbars are arranged to connect is somewhat higher than that allowed for busbars within
directly to the terminals of the incoming 415 V circuit- switchgear.
breaker of the switchboard. Since the majority of such The H V connections to indoor dry-type transformers
415 V boards have two transformer incomers either are invariably via cables. With modern plastic insulated
side of a bus-section switch (as shown in Fig 3.66), cables, it would be possible to bring these into the
it is necessary for the transformer section to house transformer enclosure and terminate them directly onto
the length of through busbars. The usual practice is the ends of the H V winding and, indeed, this practice
for the transformer manufacturer to supply the trans­ is c o m m o n in some European countries. However, the
former enclosure together with this length of through arrangement has the disadvantage that during station
busbar. The busbar must be suitably segregated from construction the cabling contractor must have access
the interior of the transformer cubicle, since it will to the interior of the transformer enclosure, with the
probably be alive at the time that the transformer attendant risk that the unprotected insulation of the
itself has been isolated to allow access. The through transformer windings might be damaged. This is not
busbar must be braced against short-circuit forces to considered a worthwhile risk to take for the com­
the same standard as the busbars in the remainder of paratively modest benefit of eliminating a cable box
the switchboard and it must be capable of carrying and so it is standard C E G B practice to terminate
cables in a conventional box mounted on the exterior
of the enclosure. With cast-resin insulated windings
3.3kV SUPPLY CABLE there is much less risk of damage and elimination of
the H V cable box is acceptable.
The size and rigidity of the enclosure in relation
to that of the transformer usually requires that it

5 be dehvered to site separately from the transformer.

It is thus necessary to provide it with access doors
large enough to enable the transformer to be taken in
and out; this operation is simplified by mounting the
transformer itself on rohers. The doors also provide
access to the interior of the enclosure for the occasional
cleaning necessary during service.
TRANSFORMER 415V 415V OUTGOING Safety for access when installed is ensured by the
BREAKER use of a key interlock arranged such that the enclosure
doors can only be opened when the transformer H V
circuit-breaker is in the circuit-earthed position.
FIG. 3.65 415 switchboard with integral 3.3/0.415 kV It is normal C E G B practice to apply a local tem­
transformer porary earth at the point of supply to a dry-type trans­
former whenever access is gained to the interior of the
transformer cubicle. A type of earth connection which
TRANSFORMER TRANSFORMER is clamped at one end o n t o a 15 m m diameter bar
'A' •B-
by means of a remote h a n d h n g pole is used. The
'earthy' end is connected via a length of flexible cable
and an earth-end clamp to the switchgear earth bar
which must be brought to a suitably accessible point
external to the transformer enclosure. With the hne-
end clamped to the H V connection inside the trans­
former enclosure and the earth-end clamped outside

the enclosure, this ensures that the doors cannot be
closed and the H V circuit-breaker released from the
'circuit earth' position until the temporary earth has
CIRCUIT CIRCUIT been removed.
•A' THROUGH BUS-BAR 'B' For many years, it was considered impracticable
to provide a dry-type transformer with any winding
temperature indication since, not being immersed in a
FIG. 3.66 415 switchboard with two 3.3/0.415 kV
medium such as transformer oil to which any tempera­
transformers ture rise could be referred, it was difflcuU to obtain

Special design features

a reference basis. The best that could be achieved was

to place a sensor in a position which it was hoped would
expose it to the hottest coohng air. Thermal image RECTIFIERS
devices of the type used in oil-filled transformers
have recently been developed to provide indications
of reasonable accuracy. As w h h the oil-fiUed equi­
valent, these employ a heater coil having a temperature
rise equal to that of the calculated hot-spot temperature.
This surrounds a mercury-in-steel thermometer bulb
which is placed in the hottest outlet air and thus aims
to reflect the true hot-spot temperature. The main
problem with such devices is that they require that
the designer should have an accurate knowledge of
what the hot-spot temperature wih be, which may not
necessarily be so.
2.4.4 Special transformers
(a) Six-phase rectifier transformer
Because of the requirement for a neutral connection
on 415 V systems, both for earthing and to enable
240 V single-phase loads to be supplied, transformers
stepping down to this voltage level are almost invaria­
bly star connected on the LV side, w h h a delta connec­
tion on the primary (see Section 1.1.1 of this chapter).
The exception is when the low voltage side supplies
a significant a m o u n t of rectifier load, as in certain
electrolytic gas production plants. For very large recti­
fier loads, the magnitude of harmonic currents drawn
from the supply can result in considerable distortion
of the supply voltage waveform, particularly if the
loads from a number of parallel rectifiers are all
drawing harmonics in phase with each other. The
problem is unhkely to occur for smaller loads such as
battery chargers or for battery-backed inverter systems (b) 12-pulse rectifier using star/star and star/interstar
transformers and full wave bridge rectifier
for computer and instrumentation supphes.
Many rectifier transformers employ a *six-phase'
delta/star/star connection arrangement as shown in FIG. 3 . 6 7 'Six-phase' rectifier transformer and rectifier
transformer bank of delta/star and interstar/star
Fig 3.67 (a) and this of hself helps to reduce harmonic
distortion by ehmination of even harmonics. However
an improved arrangement can be obtained by doubling
the number of supply transformers and providing half harmonic currents referred t o above can produce ad­
of these whh an interconnected star (Fig 3.67 (b)). ditional heating. Also, with certain connection arrange­
This aims to displace half the rectifier load, and hs ments, polyphase transformers can be subjected to a
associated harmonic currents, by 30° so as to reduce D C component of current in their secondary windings
the resultant magnitude of any given harmonic current so that temperature rise tests should be carried out,
drawn from the supply. Although elimination of har­ if possible, in conjunction with the associated rectifier.
monics generated by thyristor loads has not yet become These transformers are almost invariably dry-type,
a major problem for power station auxiliary systems, class C, so that they can be installed indoors in a
it is an increasing one due to the growth in the use cubicle adjacent to the rectifier.
of thyristor drives and there is considerable literature Another special requirement of some smaU auxiliary
on the subject, for example. Electricity Council Engi­ transformers is that of low magnetising inrush cur­
neering Recommendation G 5 / 3 [14] and in the tech­ rent. The existence of a large magnetising inrush cur­
nical press [15]. rent is normally regarded as an inevitable feature of
The subject of avoidance of harmonic distortion a power transformer. The p h e n o m e n o n is dealt with
of power supplies caused by converter equipment is in some detail in m a n y text books [2]. For the largest
important. It is deah whh in detail in Electricity Council transformers, it must be allowed for when selecting
Report A C E 15 [16]. protection settings; for smaller transformers, supply
In most other respects rectifier transformers are fuses need to be suitably rated to avoid spurious fail­
similar to any other small auxiliary transformer. The ure. Normally this represents n o more than a minor

Transformers Chapter 3

inconvenience. However, a recent application has led density (about 1 T) and by the use of a primary winding
to the specification of a specially low magnetising which has a large air cross-section in relation to the
inrush current for certain small instrument suppHes iron cross-section of the core. Hence this winding is
transformers as used in uninterruptible power (UPS) usually made the outer winding of a double-concentric
supplies systems. Figure 3.68 shows a U P S system arrangement.
which can be fed either from the battery-backed in­ The magnitude of the first peak inrush current is
verter, or from the mains should this fail. Fuses F l , dependent on the remanent flux within the core at
F2 must be set low in order to protect the inverter the instant of energisation and the precise point on the
from damage in the event of load-side faults. However, applied voltage wave at which this takes place. The
these fuses are subjected to the magnetising current of inrush is greatest when switch-on is at voltage zero with
the transformers (Tl and T2) on operation of the the remanent flux within the core at its maximum value
changeover switch (S) that provides the continuity of and in the opposite sense to that appropriate to the
supply from the mains in the event of failure of the applied voltage. The chances of this occurring for any
inverter. For a system employing an 8 kVA transformer, single r a n d o m switching is low, hence, in order to carry
a fuse rating of 25 A is required to provide the neces­ out an effective proving test it is necessary to use a
sary protection for the inverter. The peak magnetising point-on-wave switching device and to ensure that the
inrush current at 415 V for a transformer of this size core is suitably magnetised.
would normally be over 200 A . T o avoid operation
of the fuse it is necessary to ensure that the first peak
2.4.5 Foil windings
magnetising current does not exceed about 140 A. The
other Hmiting factor which makes the transformer During the latter part of the 1960s, the price of cop­
specification somewhat exacting is that, because of per rose steeply and threatened to rise still further,
the nature of the loads fed from such a U P S system, so a number of manufacturers began to experiment
the transformer impedance must not exceed about 2% with aluminium for transformer windings, mainly in
to meet regulation requirements. Such transformers small distribution transformers up to about 500 kVA:
can be designed, albeit with difficulty. Achievement the majority of these had foil windings. In addition
of the requirement is assisted by operation at low flux to avoiding the need for welded joints in wire, this
arrangement has the attraction for the manufacturer
that windings can be machine wound and, once the
machine has been set u p , can be produced very rapidly.
There is no record of these transformers so far
being used in power station applications. However,
the subject is worth mentioning in a section dealing
with power station auxiliary transformers since their
introduction remains a possibility, particularly in con­
CHARGER junction with a cast-resin insulation system, as noted
in Section 2.4.2 of this chapter.
Many users of early foil-wound transformers ex­
perienced problems in service arising from the connec­
INVERTER tion between the foils and the risers to the transformer
terminals. These frequently involved HV windings where
the foil is exceedingly flimsy and the situation is fur­
ther comphcated if H V taps are specified.
STATIC SWITCH 8^ The interfoil insulation for foil-wound transformers
has been almost exclusively melamine sheet. This is
exceedingly thin (less than 0.1 m m ) and can be easi­
ly punctured by the inclusion of minute particles of
dirt or grit, causing failure in service. This can be
avoided by manufacturing under clean conditions. There
is an additional problem that if the edge of the foil
itself is shghtly burred or ragged, this too can cause
puncture of the melamine. There are also problems
of handling the melamine due to the very low co­
efficient of friction between this and aluminium foil.
110V UPS DISTRIBUTION BOARDS Coils before impregnating require very careful handling
and can be very easily 'telescoped out' at this stage.
T o overcome this there have been attempts to bond
FIG. 3.68 U P S system with inverter or mains-fed the melamine to thin paper to increase the coefficient
transformer of friction.

Special design features

Another problem with foil-wound HV windings, restricted fault current would flow. It is thus necessary
particularly when deha connected, is that full line voh­ to locate the neutral earthing transformer adjacent
age appears across the end of the winding rather than to the generator neutral, and an oil-filled transformer
being distributed along its length. For this reason and cannot be used because of fire hazard. A transformer
the problems associated with the use of very thin foil of high rehability with low fire risk is needed. Poly-
previously mentioned, some manufacturers have used chlorinatedbiphenyl-fllled transformers were initially
foil-wound LV windings in conjunction with conven­ used for this purpose but these are now excluded on
tional wire-wound H V windings. environmental grounds. In other low fire-risk appli­
Transformers with aluminium-foil windings have cations, the C E G B uses class C insulated dry-type
been found not to be significantly cheaper than those transformers, but these are most prone to failure if
using copper. They have higher losses and at the end suddenly energised after a long period in a de-energised
of their useful hfe the aluminium, unhke copper, has condition, which is just the condition apphed to a
zero scrap value. generator neutral earthing transformer in the event of
A recent development has been the use of copper foil a system earth f a u h . In 1976, the C E G B decided that
rather than aluminium. This should largely reduce the this was an ideal application for a cast-resin transformer
problem of making connections to the foil, but the and therefore drew up a specification for such a
benefit of low material cost is sacrificed. It would transformer. After extensive testing of a prototype, the
seem that the attraction is simply that of reduced system was adopted for the earthing of the Dinorwig
manufacturing cost by simphfication and of something generators and has become the standard arrangement
approaching mass production being applied to the for subsequent stations.
winding process.

2.5.2 Generator neutral earthing transformers

2.5 Neutral earthing — general design features
T h e detailed r e q u i r e m e n t s for g e n e r a t o r n e u t r a l
2.5.1 Generator earthing transformers — basic earthing transformers are set out in the C E G B Gen­
principles eration Design M e m o r a n d u m (Plant) N o 80. For the
neutral of a 23.5 kV, 660 M W generator a voltage ratio
The practice of earthing the neutral of large genera­ of 33/0.5 kV is selected. The primary vohage insula­
tors via a high resistance was developed in the 1950s tion level of 33 kV corresponds to that used for the
with the object of restricting stator earth fault current
generator busbars (see Chapter 4 of this volume) thus
to a low value and thereby limiting the damage caused
maintaining the high security against earth faults. It
by the fault. The aim with the system currently in
also ensures an adequate margin of operating voltage
use is to limit the current for an earth fault on the
over that which could appear on the generator neutral
windings of a 23.5 kV generator to between 10 and
under A V R field-forcing conditions (assumed to be
15 A. This requires a resistance of about 1400 Ω. If
1.4 times normal vohs) with an earth fauh on one of
connected directly into the generator neutral a resistor
the generator line terminals. With this field-forcing
of this value for such a low rated current would tend
condition, the nominal 10 A earth fault current be­
to be rather flimsy as well as expensive. The solution
is to use a resistor of low ohmic value to load the comes 14 A , hence the transformer should have a
secondary of a transformer whose primary is connected rating of 14 χ 33 000 = 462 k V A . However this only
in series with the generator neutral earth connection. needs a five-minute rating, since an earth fault of this
When the system was first devised the intention was magnitude would lead to instantaneous operation of
to use a standard low cost single-phase distribution the generator protection.
transformer. Since that time, generator voltages and The required continuously rated current is that which
ratings have increased considerably and the need for is just t o o low to operate the protection, plus an
high security means it is no longer possible to use allowance for third-harmonic currents which may flow
such a transformer. continuously in the generator neutral. The aim is to
The following section describes the special char­ protect as much of the generator windings as possible
acteristics of generator neutral earthing transformers and so the minimum current for operation is made
which have been developed at the present time. For as low as possible. This is taken to be 5 % of the
a detailed description of the protection aspects the nominal setting of 10 A , i.e., 0.5 A . Tests on 660 M W
reader is referred to Chapter 11 of this volume. turbine-generators suggest that the level of third-har­
The generator neutral connection to the primary of monic current is about 1 A . The transformer con­
an earthing transformer, or any other high resistance tinuous rating is thus (0.5 + 1) χ 33 000 = 49.5 kVA.
neutral earthing device, must be kept as short as pos­ In practice a typical transformer of this size has
sible since this connection is unprotected. A n earth a continuous rating of 0 . 2 - 0 . 2 5 of the five-minute
fault on this connection would go undetected until a rating, hence the continuous rating is accommodated
second fault occurred on the system and then an un­ naturally.

Transformers Chapter 3

2.5.3 Practical arrangement resistor should be non-inductive but this is simply

erring on the side of caution and ensuring that there
The generator neutral earthing transformer should be
is no likehhood of the m a x i m u m X / R value being
located as close as possible to the generator neutral.
exceeded inadvertently. Generally, a non-inductive re­
For modern 500 and 660 M W machines the neutral
sistor would be flimsier than one which has some
star-point is formed in aluminium busbar located
inductance because of the construction needed to give
underneath the neutral end of the generator, usually
this characteristic. Economics might therefore dictate
at the turbine hah basement level. It is housed in a
that the resistor is allowed to have some inductance:
sheet-aluminium enclosure which provides protection
for personnel from the operating voltage as well as if so, it is important to know its magnitude and to
electromagnetic protection to the surrounding plant ensure that the permissible X / R ratio is not exceeded.
from the large flux generated by the high machine Typical forms of construction of both inductive and
phase currents. (This is described in greater detail in non-inductive resistor elements are shown in Fig 3.70.
Chapter 4.) The neutral earthing transformer in its The resistor rating can be calculated on the basis of
enclosure, which usuahy also houses the resistor, is I^R, where I equals 924 A , equivalent to a primary
arranged to abut the neutral enclosure in such a way current of 14 A , and R equals 0.3 o h m s . This works
as to enable a short ^jumper connection' to be made out to about 260 kVA, which is usually rounded up
from a palm on the generator star-bar to one on to 300 kVA and is the required five-minute rating.
the transformer line-end terminal via suitably located This is not equal to the five-minute rating of the
openings in the neutral enclosure and transformer transformer, since the latter has been based on a
enclosure. On generators 4, 5 and 6 at Drax power notional vohage of 33 kV rather than the actual apphed
station, the transformer was made with long flexible voltage of (1.4 χ 23.5)/V3 = 19 kV.
connections to the secondary loading resistor and ar­ The resistor must also have a continuous rating.
ranged so that it can be ^racked forward' towards the For the example quoted, this is 1.5 A in the transformer
generator star-bar once transformer and resistor have primary or 99 A in the secondary, giving about 3 kVA
been placed adjacent the neutral enclosure, thus en­ for a 0.3 Ω resistor. As with the transformer, a resistor
abling a very short connection indeed to be m a d e which can meet the five-minute rating easily satisfies
between the star-bar and the transformer. A generator the continuous rating.
neutral bar and its earthing connection is shown in Other parameters of the loading resistor are con­
Fig 3.69. ventional for metal resistors of this type. It must be
housed in a sheet steel enclosure which provides pro­
tection against personnel access and accidental contact.
2.5.4 Loading resistor
This can be a c o m m o n enclosure with the transformer,
The value of apparent resistance required in the as indicated in Fig 3.69. However, if a c o m m o n en­
generator neutral is V / I f V 3 Ω, where V is the generator closure is used, there should be a metal barrier between
line voltage and If the specified stator fault current. resistor and transformer so that the transformer is
When referred to the low vohage side of the trans­ protected from any directly radiated heat from the
former, this becomes V / v ^ I f V 3 Ω where ν is the turns resistor. The external temperature rise of the enclosure
ratio of the transformer. after operation must not exceed about 80°C to avoid
Inserting the values already given for a 660 M W possible injury to anyone coming into contact with it.
23.5 kV generator gives a resistance value of about
0.3 Q. Strictly speaking this is the total secondary
2.5.5 Generator busbar system earthing
resistance including that of the transformer, but since
a transformer of the rating quoted above has an In an instahation having a generator circuit-breaker,
equivalent resistance of > 0 . 0 1 o h m s , this can be neg­ a second earth must be provided for the 23.5 kV sys­
lected within the accuracy required. tem, otherwise the system on the transformer side of
It is also necessary that the X / R ratio for a the generator circuit-breaker would be unearthed when
transformer/resistor combination does not exceed 2, the generator circuit-breaker was open (see Fig 3.71).
in order to ensure that the power factor of arcing This earth must have an impedance of a similar order
ground fauks is as high as possible and that re-striking to that of the generator neutral earth; if not, the
transients are kept as low as possible. benefits from high resistance earthing of the generator
In fact, a practical transformer meeting the other neutral would be lost. Hence, a second transformer-
parameters specified above can fairly easily be designed connected resistor is needed. However, first it is re­
to have a reactance of about 4 % based on the rating quired to provide a neutral for connection to earth. This
of 462 kVA for the transformer of a 2 3 . 5 kV, 660 M W is obtained using an interconnected-star arrangement
unit which equates to 0.0025 Ω. This would give an (see Section 1.1.3 of this chapter) for connection to
X / R value of about 0.08, assuming the resistor to be the 23.5 kV system. The neutral point thus produced
non-inductive, and would allow the resistor to have is then connected to the primary of the neutral earthing
considerable inductance before causing any embarrass­ transformer. The most convenient location for con­
ment. The C E G B Design M e m o r a n d u m states that the nection to the 23.5 kV system is via a tee-off from

Special design features

FIG. 3 . 6 9 Arrangement of Dinorwig generator neutral earthing transformer (Balfour-Beatty Power Construction Ltd)

Transformers Chapter 3


FIG. 3 . 7 0 Typical forms of construction of metallic resistors

(a) Neutral earthing resistor having low inductive elements (GEC Industrial Controls)
(b) Neutral earthing resistor having non-inductive elements (Air Industrial Developments Ltd)

Special design features





FIG. 3.71 Arrangement of 23.5 kV system busbars for a unit having a generator circuit-breaker

the main generator connections adjacent to the unit the system parameters appropriate to a 660 M W unit,
transformer, so that the interstar 'transformer' can be this has been calculated as 550 A . It is assumed to
located outdoors alongside the generator and unit persist for a time of 3 s which allows for the operation
transformers and can thus be oil-filled. The 33/0.5 kV of back-up protection to clear the fault.
neutral earthing transformer can be installed in the
same tank as the interstar transformer to provide a
2.5.6 Harmonic suppressors
23.5 kV system earthing 'module' shown diagramma-
ticaUy in Fig 3.72. Sometimes an auxiliary system is required to operate
The rating of the 33/0.5 kV portion of this module for a long period with two earths connected to it.
must be the same as that used for connection to the For example, a diesel generator providing emergency
generator neutral. The interstar windings must be ca­ supplies when all other A C supphes have been lost
pable of carrying the unrestricted current that would must have a neutral earth connection when running in
flow with an earth fauh on the 23.5 kV system, with this condition. However, the same generator is required
the generator circuit-breaker open and the neutral to run in parallel with the normal auxiliary system
earthing transformer shorted out (see Chapter 11). For when normal supplies are being restored and also for
test running purposes. In this situation its neutral
earth connection will be in parallel with the auxiliary
system earth connection. A h h o u g h the return to normal
supplies operation might involve no more than a brief
period of paralleling, the test running condition might
well be for a much longer period.
CT A system with two earth connections provides a
path for circulation of third harmonic currents (see
also Section 2.2.2 of this chapter) and these can pro­
duce unacceptable additional heating in generators,
transformers and, in particular, earthing resistors. Where
earthing resistors are of the electrolyte-filled variety,
probably short time rated, this third-harmonic heating
can be a severe embarrassment.
One possible solution is to utilise a switched neu­
tral connection interlocked to ensure that only one
connection is m a d e at any one time. However, the
control of this can be complicated and a simpler solu­
tion is to install a third-harmonic suppressor. This
is an iron-cored inductor which is connected in series
SINGLE INTERCONNECTED with one of the neutral/earth connections, usually
TRANSFORMER TRANSFORMER' the one which is not normally connected to the aux­
iliary system. Its design flux density is such that it is
totally saturated at 50 H z , thus having a low imped­
FIG. 3.72 Arrangement of 23.5 kV system earthing ance at normal supply frequency, whereas at 150 Hz
module it operates below the knee point and, being unsatu-

Transformers Chapter 3

rated, has a high impedance, effectively equal to the

magnetising reactance. CONSERVATOR
Practical values are less than 2 Ω for an 11 kV device
with an applied voltage equal to 10% of generator SURGE
phase vohage at 50 Hz, and greater than 150 Ω with DIVERTER
this same voltage apphed at 150 Hz. It must be rated
for the continuous third-harmonic current produced 11kV BUSHING

by the expected level of third-harmonic vohage when

applied to the combined impedance of the device and
any neutral earthing resistor. In addition, it must be HARMONIC
capable of carrying the fauh current resulting from SUPPRESSOR

an earth fauh on the associated system. For an 11 kV

system, as provided for station or unit supplies asso­ ALTERNATIVE
ciated with a 660 M W generator, this will be either FOR CABLE BOX
1000 A for 30 s, if limited by the system neutral earth­
ing resistor, or 10000 A for 3 s should this earthing
resistor have been short-circuited.
The above currents determine the thermal rating CONCRETE
of the harmonic suppressor. Should a system earth fault PLINTH

occur, coincident whh a short-circuh of the neutral

earthing resistor, the first-loop peak of the fault cur­
rent will be limited only by the fully-saturated imped­
ance of the harmonic suppressor and any impedance
of the supply. The latter, being designed to the limits
of the fault capability of the auxiliary switchgear, for
example, 750 M V A at 11 kV, wih be very low indeed.
The fully-saturated impedance of the harmonic sup­
pressor is that measured with an air-core alone and, 11kV
for an 11 kV device designed to meet the requirements BUSHING
listed above, can be as low as 0.15 Ω resulting in a RESISTERI SIDE V GENERATOR SIDE
first-loop peak fault current of the order of 50000 A .
Such a fauh current imposes a very high mechanical CABLE BOX
load on the suppressor and it is normal practice to CONNECTION DIAGRAM
prove the withstand capability by carrying out a type
test on any new design at this level. FIG. 3.73 Arrangement of 11 kV harmonic suppressor
Because the suppressor has a high impedance to
high frequencies, as represented by any voltage tran­
sients which might occur on the system, it is normal 3.3 kV, the need for such current limiting reactors is
practice to connect a surge diverter across hs terminals rare. Their use on power station auxiliary systems is,
to provide a safe shunt path for these. therefore, the exception rather than the rule.
Figure 3.73 shows the typical arrangement of a There are four basic types of current limiting reactor.
harmonic suppressor as installed in the neutral earth These are:
connection of an 11 kV gas-turbine generator associated
with a 660 M W unit. • Cast-in-concrete air-cored.

• Oil-immersed gapped iron-cored.

2.6 Series reactors • Oil-immersed magnetically-shielded coreless.

• Oil-immersed electromagnetically shielded coreless.

2.6.1 General design features
Series reactors are sometimes referred to as current Ideally, current limiting reactors should have no iron
limiting reactors and, as the name suggests, are used circuh because all iron circuhs exhibh a non-linear
for the purpose of hmiting fault currents or restricting saturating-type characteristic, so that, under the very
the fault levels of power station auxihary systems. The overcurrent conditions which the reactor is required
reason for hmiting fault levels is to ensure that the to protect against, there is a tendency for the react­
system will remain within the fault capability of the ance to be reduced. Hence, the prevalence of coreless
power station switchgear and since this has been de­ reactors in this hst.
veloped to achieve the comparatively high levels of The cast-in-concrete variety is therefore aimed at
750 M V A for 11 kV switchgear and 250 M V A for ehminating iron entirely and consists of a series of

Special design features

concrete posts supporting a helical copper conductor Like transformers, reactors are subjected to large
arrangement. The problems with these reactors result electromagnetic forces under fault conditions. Since
from the fact that they present extremely specialised each limb has only one winding, there can be no signifi­
manufacturing requirements, albeit that they are tech­ cant axial unbalance such as can be experienced in a
nically fairly crude. They tend to be sold in such small transformer, so there will be n o major end forces on
quantities that it is rarely worthwhile for a manufac­ winding supports. There remains an axial compressive
turer to maintain the expertise. The major problem is force and an outward bursting force on the coils. The
to cast the concrete posts with a sufficiently consistent latter is resisted by the tensile strength of the copper
quality that they can be guaranteed crack-free, par­ which is usually well able to meet this but the winding
ticularly since they are arranged in a circle of six, must be adequately braced to prevent any tendency for
eight, or more, all of which must be made without it to unwind. Since reactor windings normally have
defects to achieve an acceptable reactor. fewer turns than transformer outer (HV) windings this
As a result of the above problems it is likely that aspect often requires more careful consideration than
enquiries for cast-in-concrete inductors by most elec­ for a transformer (see Section 1.4.12 of this chapter).
trical plant manufacturers will be rejected. The axial compressive force can, after repeated over-
Oil-filled reactors whether with or without an iron current apphcations, resuU in a permanent compression
core have a number of features in c o m m o n with trans­ of the winding insulation with the result that windings
formers, hence most transformer manufacturers are can become loose. This must be prevented by the
able to design and build them. application of sufficient axial pressure during works
Reactors with gapped iron-cores are most hke processing to ensure that all possible shrinkage is taken
transformers in their construction. In a three-phase u p at that time.
reactor, a core of superficially similar appearance to In a magnetically-shielded coreless reactor, the mag­
a normal transformer core carries one winding on netic shield is arranged to surround the coils in much
each h m b , similar to a transformer winding. The core the same way as the yokes of a conventional trans­
differs from a transformer core in that *gaps' are former core. The shield provides a return path for the
inserted into the axial length of the wound limbs by the coil flux thus preventing this from entering the tank,
insertion of distance pieces made from non-magnetic which would resuU in large losses and tank heating. The
material — usually pressboard. These normally m a k e larger the cross-section of the shield the greater is the
up no more than about 1% of the iron path-length quantity of iron required, the larger is the tank and oil
but have the effect of reducing the 'normal' flux den­ quantity, and the more costly the reactor. If the shield
sity of the device to a level such that, even at fauh cross-section is reduced, the flux density under normal
currents of ten or twelve times normal fuU load cur­ rated conditions increases and the tendency to saturate
rent, the core is substantially unsaturated and the under short-circuit currents is greater, thus bringing
reactance is no more than 5 - 1 0 % less than the value about a greater impedance reduction. C E G B practice
at normal full-load current. Such a device is shown is to specify that the impedance under short-circmt
diagrammatically in Fig 3.74. conditions shah not be less than 9 0 % of the impedance
at normal rated current.
In m a n y respects the electromagnetically-shielded
reactor appears the most attractive in that it offers
the advantage of constant impedance. In practice, this
benefit is usually reflected in the cost. The arrangement
of the shield for a single-phase reactor is shown in
Fig 3.75. The shield, which may be of copper or




FIG. 3.74 Gapped iron-core reactor FIG. 3.75 Electromagnetically-shielded reactor

Transformers Chapter 3

aluminium, provides a path for currents which effec­ and even increasing this to twice its normal value is
tively eliminate the return flux at all points outside the unlikely to give rise to any particularly searching stress.
shield. The flow of shield current does, of course, ab­ The usual solution is to apply an impulse test to each
sorb power which appears as heating in the shield. In line terminal in turn which, as explained in Section
addition to the balancing effect of the shield currents 1.4.10 of this chapter, will generate a more significant
on flux outside the shield, there is some reduction of voltage between turns. The test level is usually the same
the flux within the coil, hence there is a reduction in as would be applied to the same voltage class of trans­
its reactance. It can be shown, however, that this is former. C E G B practice is to apply two full-wave shots
independent of the current within the coil and is deter­ preceded and followed by a reduced (between 5 0 %
mined only by the inductance of the coil and the mutual and 70%) full-wave apphcation. Other tests are more
inductance between coil and shield. As in the case of straightforward and similar to the tests which would
the magnetically-shielded reactor, therefore, there is a be carried out on a transformer, so that a full test
need to strike an economic balance between physical series might consist of:
size, as determined by the size of the shield, and the
• Winding resistance.
unwanted reduction of reactance produced by placing
the shield too close to the reactor coil. In practice the • Oil samples.
effective reactance of the coil and shield combination • Loss measurement.
is made about 9 0 % of the coil reactance alone.
• Impedance measurement.
• Zero phase-sequence impedance.
2.6.2 Testing of series reactors
• Noise level.
Testing of all reactors can present problems to the
manufacturer which are not encountered in the testing • Applied voltage test, including measurement of
of transformers. To a certain extent this results from partial discharge.
the fact that they are made in very much smaller
• Impulse test.
quantities than transformers and so manufacturers do
not equip themselves suitably to deal with them. • Oil samples (repeat).
Series reactors create two difficulties; one is con­ • Insulation resistance.
cerned with proving the performance under short-circuit,
the other with proving the adequacy of the interturn • Magnetic circuit and associated insulation applied-
insulation. voltage test.
Proving performance under short-circuit not only
involves demonstrating that the reactor will withstand 2.7 Instrument transformers
the fault currents which are very likely to be a simi­
lar magnitude to those in transformers but, for a
magnetically-shielded or gapped-cored reactor, also es­ 2.7.1 Voltage transformers
tablishing the reactance reduction which occurs under As stated at the opening of this chapter, a transformer
short-circuit conditions. does not achieve a perfect transformation of voltage
It is rarely possible to measure the impedance at the and current. The user of a power transformer must
full short-circuit level, so that the usual approach is accept the facts of regulation and leakage reactance
to measure impedance at 5 0 % , 7 5 % and 100% of rated and this he is normally able to d o . For instrument
current. For three-phase reactors, this is normally transformers, however, these imperfections are less
obtained from voltage and current measurements taken acceptable and the design of the transformer must aim
with the windings connected in star. A curve plotted to reduce them to the minimum. Figure 3.76 shows the
from these values can then be extrapolated to the phasor diagram for a transformer carrying a lagging
short-circuit level. Since this will involve considerable power factor load I 2 . I 1 is the balancing primary
extrapolation (although the iron part of the circuit current (the diagram assumes unity turns ratio). When
should operate below the knee point of the magnetising added to the magnetising current I Q , this current
curve — even at the short-circuit current) it is usual, produces a total primary current I j . The secondary
as a type test, to make an impedance measurement on induced E M F E 2 is modified by reactance and re­
one coil fully removed from the shield. This estabhshes sistance vokage drops to give a terminal voltage V 2
an absolute minimum impedance which may be used and, similarly, applied voltage Vi resuUs in primary
as an asymptote for the extrapolated impedance curve. induced E M F E i . A fuller development of this dia­
The normal method of proving the interturn in­ gram can be found in any standard electrical engineer­
sulation of a transformer is to carry out an induced ing textbook. From the diagram, it can be seen that
overvoltage test during which a voltage of twice the primary and secondary voltages are not exactly in pro­
normal interturn voltage is developed. Such a test portion to the turns ratio, neither are they precisely
would not be very effective for a series reactor since in opposition to each other. The differences are known
the 'normal' voltage between turns will be very small as the ratio error and phase angle error respectively.

Special design features

know whether a supply is energised or not, for example,

no-volt relays, a h h o u g h occasionally wattmetric equip­
ment might be involved such as low forward power,
or reverse power relays (see Chapter 11). Protective
voltage transformers having errors of ± 3 . 0 and ± 6 . 0 %
are defined in BS3941. These are identified in a simi­
lar manner to measuring voltage transformers but the
designation is given in addition to a suffix letter P .
Hence class 3P defines a protective vohage transformer
having voltage ratio error ± 3 . 0 % .
The voltage error limits given above for measuring
voltage transformers apply over the range 8 0 % to 120%
of rated voltage with burdens of between 2 5 % and
100% rated burden, at a power factor of 0.8 lagging
and at rated frequency.
Many forms of protection require a voltage trans­
former capable of reproducing the primary phase-to-
earth voltage. This is provided most conveniently using
single-phase units connected between line and earth.
This can, however, create problems for the voltage
transformer designer, depending on the system earthing
conditions. When there is a single-phase to earth fault
on the system to which the transformer is connected,
FIG. 3 . 7 6 Phasor diagram for transformer with lagging there is also an increase in the voltage to earth of
power-factor load the sound phases which thus imposes an overvoltage
on the VTs associated with those phases. The trans­
formers experience an increase in flux density in the
Voltage transformer accuracies require the designer to
core, with a resulting increase of magnetising current
restrict these errors to known small quantities. This
flowing in the primary winding. Both of these could
is possible provided that the transformer is operated
produce overheating, unless the transformer is suitably
within strict hmits.
The most significant of these hmits is the load
The same effect would occur in a three-phase star
apphed to the voltage transformer which is expressed
connected transformer and, in addition, a residual flux
in VA and known as the burden, but it is also neces­
would be produced by the unbalanced voltages. This
sary to ascertain that applied voltage, frequency and
flux cannot be contained within a normal three-phase
power factor are within the bands prescribed by the
three-limbed core, so such transformers must have three
transformer designer.
separate single-phase cores (making them virtually single-
The hmits on phase-angle and ratio error are usually
phase transformers) or incorporate extra return limbs,
defined by specification and for voltage transformers
or employ a shell-type core construction as shown in
used within the C E G B BS3941 1975 [17] is the apph-
Fig 3.77.
cable standard.
The magnitude and duration of the increased vohage
BS3941 classifies voltage transformers in accordance
depends on the method of system earthing and the
with their percentage voltage ratio error and with the
type of protection against earth faults. BS3941: 1975
use to which they are to be put.
therefore defines a rated voltage factor for all voltage
Voltage transformers used for measurement pur­ transformers which varies from 1.2 continuous for VTs
poses may provide a signal to tariff metering equip­ connected between hues in any network to 1.9 for 8 h
ment or they may be used to control equipment for VTs connected between line and earth in an isolated
associated with a generator AVR or a transformer on­ neutral system without automatic earth fault tripping.
load tapchanger. Such signals are required to have Note that the use of voltage factors even as high as
high accuracy and five classes of measuring voltage 1.9 does not affect the insulation level requirement
transformer are defined having voltage ratio errors of a V T . Insulation level is based on system highest
± 0 . 1 , ± 0 . 2 , ± 0 . 5 , ± 1 . 0 and ±3.0970, the individual voltage which is related to the highest voltage that can
classes being identified by the use of a number equal occur between hues: this is normally greater than that
to the percentage voltage ratio error. Thus accuracy occurring between line and earth.
class 0.1 defines a vohage transformer having ratio
error within ± 0 . 1 % of nominal.
Voltage transformers used in protection schemes 2.7.2 Generator voltage transformers
do not require such a high degree of accuracy. Usually The most important voltage transformers on a power
these are feeding equipment which simply requires to station system are those connected to the generator

Transformers Chapter 3

can be connected in open-deha. The reason for this

is now largely historical and originated with the ob­
jective of providing protection against neutral insta-
bihty, also sometimes known as 'neutral inversion'.
This can arise on the neutral of the generator voltage
system when it is earthed only via the star point of the
generator VTs and when the VT magnetising current,
which is highly inductive, is of the same order of mag­
nitude as the capacitive current to earth in the generator
windings. A resonance is thus produced which can result
in high voltages between phases and earth, resuhing
in breakdown of the generator neutral. The problem
can be avoided by high-resistance earthing of the gen­
erator neutral, which is now standard practice for other
reasons (Chapter 11), and by ensuring that the VT
works at a sufficiently low flux density so that it is
always on the linear part of the magnetising curve
and there wih be n o chance of saturation. This is good
VT design practice anyway, and is done to ensure that
FIG. 3.77 Shell-type core construction for a
protection VT the magnetising current is low to minimise transforma­
tion errors. However, provision of a tertiary winding
costs very little and, in order to allow standard inter­
busbars. These provide signals to the automatic volt­ changeable VTs to be used, one is provided on each.
age regulator (AVR), protection equipment, metering Provision of the connections to enable the tertiary
and synchronising equipment. As indicated in Section windings of only one set of VTs to be connected in
1.6.9 of this chapter, they can also be used to initiate delta is, of course, all that is required from the external
automatic control equipment, such as that associated wiring and it is C E G B practice to instah this only to
with the generator transformer coohng. the tariff-metering VTs as indicated in the diagram.
Single-phase vohage transformers are used for the As mentioned above, it is desirable that all generator
reasons discussed above, and also to make possible vohage transformers should be identical, so it is C E G B
a totally phase-isolated system of connections to the practice to specify that these should have a dual 50/150
generator terminals (see Chapter 4). VA rating with high accuracy (Class 0.2) at the 50 VA
On a modern 660 M W generator, four sets of such rating required for the supply of the AVR and metering
VTs are used, and connected as shown in Fig 3.78. The equipment, and the lower accuracy (Class 1 and Class
generator vohage system is high-resistance earthed at 3P) at the 150 VA rating appropriate to the protection
the generator neutral (see Section 2.5.1 of this chapter duty.
and Chapter 11), so the C E G B specifies a rated vohage The insulation system used for generator voltage
factor of 1.9 for five minutes. This apparently long transformers is cast-resin and, since the 1970s, H V ,
duration was selected when high-resistance earthing of LV and tertiary windings have all been encapsulated.
the generator neutral was first introduced, the stator Solid insulation is used in preference to oil, since it
earth fauh trip was made an unloading trip, i.e., the avoids any material having a fire risk being in the vici­
generator circuit-breaker was not opened until after the nity of such high integrity plant as the main turbine-
turbine throttle valves had been closed to reduce the generator. The advantages of cast-resin in preference
load to zero. Whilst the unloading trip is no longer to dry-type class C insulation are discussed in Section
used, the timescale has been retained for the purposes 2.4.2 of this chapter.
of standardisation and interchangeability. The group of four voltage transformers for each
For a generator voltage of 23.5 kV, the VTs have phase is protected by a 10 A fuse fitted at the point
a primary rated voltage of 22/V3 kV and a secondary where the voltage transformer tee-off is made to the
rated voltage of 110/V3 V. This gives a rated trans­ generator phase-isolated busbars. Phase isolation is
formation ratio of (22 000/V3)/(110/V3) resulting in maintained throughout the tee-off (see Chapter 4) and
a voltage ratio of 200 to 1, which is a simple round each voltage transformer is protected by an individual
number. Reference to BS3941, Table 1 (Rated trans­ 3 A fuse at the point of further sub-division from the
formation ratios) shows that standard practice is to tee-off. These can be identified in Fig 3.76. The voltage
specify transformation ratios for single-phase VTs in transformer is housed within a 'drawer' or 'drum' so
this way, using secondary voltages of 110/V3 and that it can be w h h d r a w n and isolated from the generator
primary voltages which are multiples of eleven, also voltage system whilst the latter remains energised. The
divided by V 3 . act of withdrawal brings about automatic earthing of
It wih also be seen from Fig 3.78 that the trans­ the primary line connection, on both sides of the 3 A
formers are provided with tertiary windings, which fuse, and also earths all secondary connections.

Special design features

Fuses for secondary and tertiary windings must be LM Magnetising inductance

mounted as close as possible to the winding terminals, R2 Secondary resistance
since any wiring between winding terminal and fuse is
unprotected. The impedance of the voltage transformer Rp Resistive component of core loss
is such that the primary 3 A fuse does not provide L2 Secondary inductance
protection against secondary or tertiary wiring faults. In Io R M S value of exciting current
addition to the need to ensure that the VTs themselves
have the highest possible integrity, it is important that Iρ R M S value of resistive component of exciting
the hkelihood of fauhs on any equipment connected in current
the vicinity of the generator busbars should be m a d e Im R M S value of magnetising component of exching
as low as possible because of consequential damage current
that can be caused by such fauhs. Normally, a vohage Ni N u m b e r of turns on primary winding
transformer having resin-encapsulated windings will
have an external, non-encapsulated, core having steel N2 N u m b e r of turns o n secondary winding
channel sections to apply clamping pressure. It is usual­ e\ E M F induced in primary winding
ly convenient to m o u n t secondary and tertiary fuses, 62 E M F induced in secondary winding
hnks and earth hnks within one of these channels. Such
an arrangement is seen in Fig 3.79, which shows the ΖΒ Burden
completed installation for a 660 MV generator; the
fuses and hnks, etc., are concealed behind the cover F r o m the equivalent circuit, the exciting current of
plate in the foreground. the transformer is dependent on both the impedance of
the magnetising 'branch' and the E M F required to drive
the secondary current through the total secondary
2.7.3 Current transformers
circuit impedance. Because the secondary current of a
For all transformers discussed thus far, it is the case current transformer may vary over a wide range, from
that events occurring in the secondary circuit are re­ zero under no-load conditions to very large values
flected in the primary, changed only by a factor de­ under primary system fauh conditions, the exching
pendent on the transformation ratio: a short-circuit current also varies greatly. This represents a significant
of the secondary appears as a short-circuit to the difference between current transformers and voltage
primary supply, open-circuiting the secondary appears transformers since the latter operates at almost constant
äs an open-circuit to the primary supply. A current excitation current under all normal conditions.
transformer is fundamentally different since n o event In a properly designed current transformer loaded
occurring in the secondary circuit can in any way affect with its correctly rated burden, the secondary E M F
the current in the primary. required to circulate secondary rated current will be
The purpose of this volume is to deal with practical low enough to ensure that the core does not approach
aspects of power station plant and reference can be saturation. Nevertheless, the exciting current will have
made to any standard textbook for most areas of elec­ a non-sinusoidal waveform. Since at any instant the
trical theory. It is however necessary to examine trans­ total ampere-turns provided by primary and secondary
former theory as it is apphed to current transformers windings must equate t o those required t o excite the
in some detail in order to appreciate this fundamental core, then on the assumption that the primary current
difference and the significance of the various design is sinusoidal, the secondary current must contain any
features. The following few paragraphs will attempt harmonics. The degree of distortion of the secondary
to do this. The reader wih find a more exhaustive current waveform will, however, be less than that of
treatment in 'Current Transformers, their transient the exciting current since the magnitude of the latter
and steady state performance' by A r t h u r Wright [18]. will be small in relation to the secondary current under
The phasor diagram of a current transformer is all normal conditions.
shown in Fig 3.80. The resistance and reactance drops Considering the phasor diagram of Fig 3.80, it can
in the transformer and the magnetising current play be seen that the error in the current transformation
their part in determining the dispositions of the various ratio is created by the exciting current. Once the ex­
phasors, as in the case of a voltage transformer, but citing ampere-turns have been determined, therefore,
their relative values and the significance of the various the error can be obtained by comparing the exciting
phasors are very much different. ampere-turns with the primary ampere-turns. How­
Figure 3.81 represents the conventional equivalent ever, if the exciting current is non-sinusoidal, it is
circmt for a transformer for which the primary winding difficult to express the error in precise terms since,
resistance and reactance are negligible. This is a valid although its R M S value can be calculated, it is dif­
assumption for a current transformer whose inclusion ficult to assign a phase angle relative to the primary
does not have any effect on the current flowing in the or secondary current. For this reason, it is the ac­
primary circuit. Other circuit values as indicated in cepted practice to express errors in current and phase
the diagram are as follows: by assuming that the exciting current is sinusoidal

Transformers Chapter 3




-O O- -E230-


-E231 - TEST

-O O- -E250-

-olp- -E251-

6A ~| O——oHp-

-O o-

oH o 10 -E331

-O o -
-o I ο ­ • E51

ι o-H ojo 1 -E350

IoH o j o — - ! —-E351

-O o- • E20 •
- r
-O I o-
• E21 •

- O O -
- E40 •
- E41 "

- O O -
- E60 •
-O I O-
- E61 -

- O O - -E120-
-r -E140-
- O I O-

-O O- -E160-


"O I o- - E161-


FIG. 3 . 7 8 Generator V T connection arrangement

Special design features


- E211 - - E270-
- E231 -
-E251 -



i_L I I I I
I I I—Γ l i l i l í ! — Γ

• E50 •


• Τ
• E51 '

. . . i
00 in Ν.

l i l i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I

D E390 III
-E311 -<< E385

-E310 -O

-E331 --0-
-E330 __o

-E351 --0- '

-E350 - - 0 E385

• E20 •
• E40 •
• E60 ·
- E21 •
• E41 •
- E61 •


-E120 -
-E140 -
-E160 -
-E141 -
- E161 -


FIG. 3 . 7 8 {confd) Generator V T connection arrangement

Transformers Chapter 3

Η = Phase angle error

FIG. 3.80 Phasor diagram for current transformer

- Load

FIG. 3.79 Generator voltage transformer

(except in certain specific circumstances, which wih SUPPLY
be deah with later).
The amount by which the transformation ratio
departs from the ideal value is:

[(Ka - Kn)/Kn] 100% (3.9)

where K n is the turns ratio of the ideal transformer,

given by N 2 / N 1 and K a is the effective turns ratio FIG. 3.81 Conventional equivalent circuit for
given by I 1 / I 2 .

It should be noted that this differs from the definition positive when the secondary current phasor reversed
of current ratio error given by BS3938: 1973 [19] which leads the primary current phasor.
is: Since there is a wide band of primary currents within
[(Knl2 - I i ) / I i ] 100% (3.10) which the transformer wih operate below saturation
then, provided the secondary current remains within
i.e., the current which is assumed to be flowing in that determined by the rated burden, it is possible for
the primary on the basis of the measured current in the current transformer designer to m a k e some cor­
the secondary ( I 2 ) , minus the current actually flowing rection for the ratio error. For example, if it were
(Ii) divided by I i . This becomes required to design a C T having the ratio 1 0 0 0 : 1 , and
over the operating range the ratio error varied in mag­
[(Kn - Ka)/Ka] 100% (3.11) nitude between 0 . 2 % and 0 . 5 % then, by using 998
turns on the secondary for a single primary turn, the
which is not the same as Equation (3.9) but, since actual error over the operating range would be mini­
the difference between K n and K a is usually smaU mised. F r o m this, h will be seen that the larger the
compared with both K n and K a , for practical purposes number of primary turns, the greater the accuracy with
this will appear the same. The term 'current ratio error' which compensation can be carried out. Such compen­
is often abbreviated to simply 'ratio error'. sation does not, of course, affect the phase-angle error.
The phase angle error is the angle between the pha- It will be evident from the above that reduction of
sors representing the primary current and the second­ the current and phase angle errors can be obtained for
ary current reversed. This is conventionally taken as any given operating condhion by reducing the exching

Special design features

ampere-turns in relation to the secondary winding or transient conditions is not of interest for most mea­
ampere-turns. This can be achieved by shortening the surement applications; in fact it might be advanta­
flux path and increasing the cross-sectional area of the geous if the C T saturates under these conditions, since
core. Hence, ideally, a ring construction having the this limits the overvoltage applied to the connected
smallest practical diameter and greatest practical cross- equipment.
section should be used. For protective current transformers, the performance
A significant reduction in errors can be achieved under fauh conditions is critical and for these the
by increasing the number of turns on primary and se­ concept of composite error is introduced in BS3938.
condary windings. The reason for this is that, assuming This is defined as:
no change in burden, the secondary E M F necessary
to circulate the required secondary current remains
constant. However, if this is induced into an increased 100 1 r
1_ (Knis - ip)Mt (3.12)
number of turns, the volts/turn are reduced, the flux rp J

density is reduced and hence the exciting current, which In

is the source of the error, will be reduced. It can be
shown that provided operation is within the linear part where the symbols and suffixes have the same mean­
of the magnetisation curve, the error is approximately ings as defined above except that is and ip are in­
inversely proportional to (turns)^. This is an approxi­ stantaneous values. Τ is the period of one cycle of the
mate relationship since, as with power transformers, n o supply.
parameter can be changed in isolation from all others. As can be seen, this expression has the form of an
Increasing the number of turns inevitably increases the R M S quantity and takes into account the harmonic
resistance of the secondary winding, thus needing an content and phase shift of the secondary current. Com­
increased E M F to circulate the required current. This posite error is defined at the rated accuracy limit
can be offset by increasing the conductor cross-section primary current which may be several times the rated
but since this itself increases the length of mean turn, primary current. The ratio of accuracy limit current to
only partial benefit results. the rated current is known as the accuracy limit factor.
The above also emphasises the benefits to be gained Protective C T classes are defined in accordance with
by minimising secondary burdens so that, although the their permitted composite errors and BS3938 hsts
impedance of relays or other equipment cannot be Classes 5P and lOP having composite errors of 5 and
changed, leads can be m a d e as large as practicable, 10% respectively. The corresponding permitted current
thereby minimising voltage drops. errors at rated current are ± 1 % and ± 3 % .
At this point it is appropriate to identify and examine For protective C T s , a high degree of absolute ac­
the different requirements of current transformers for curacy is not important, provided that a reasonable
measurement and protection purposes. degree of accuracy is obtained at the required over-
BS3938: 1973 defines the accuracy classes of mea­ current level. For this reason, turns compensation is
surement current transformers in much the same way not generally applied to such transformers.
as does BS3941 for voltage transformers. Classes 0 . 1 , The above remarks are mainly apphcable to protec­
0.2, 0.5, 1, 3 and 5 have permitted current errors of tive CTs used for overcurrent protection. For most
± 0 . 1 , ± 0 . 2 , ± 0 . 5 , ± 1 , ± 3 and ± 5 % respectively at other protection apphcations, the most important
120% of rated current. (Permitted errors are also quoted feature is the m a x i m u m useful E M F which can be
for intermediate currents. The full range is shown in obtained from the C T under system fault conditions.
Tables 3.3 and 3.4.) The performance during fault In this context BS3938 defines the knee point EMF of

Limits of error for current transformers accuracy for Classes 0.1 to 1

± percentage current (ratio) ± phase displacement at percentage of rated current

error at percentage of rated shown below
current shown below minutes centiradians
10 up to 20 up to 100 up to 10 up to 20 up to 100 up to 10 up to 20 up to 100 up to
but not but not 120 but not but not 120 but not but not 120
incl. 20 incl. 100 incl 20 incl 100 incl 20 incl 100

0.1 0.25 0.2 0.1 10 8 5 0.3 0.24 0.15

0.2 0.5 0.35 0.2 20 15 10 0.6 0.45 0.3
0.5 1.0 0.75 0.5 60 45 30 1.8 1.35 0.9
1 2.0 1.5 1.0 120 90 60 3.6 2.7 1.8

Transformers Chapter 3

TABLE 3.4 ferably located as close as possible to the generator

Limits of error for current transformers accuracy busbars to minimise the length of leads required to
for Classes 3 and 5 carry 20 A .

± percentage current (ratio)

Class error at percentage of rated 3 References
current shown below
[1] British Standards Institution: BS 171: Specification for power
50 100 transformers: 1970
[2] Blume L. F., Boyajian Α., Camilli G., Lennox T. C , Mineci
3 3 3 S. and Montsinger V. M.: Transformer Engineering: John
Wiley and Sons
5 5 5
[3] British Standards Institution: BS1432: Specification for copper
for electrical purposes. Strip with drawn or rolled edges: 1970
[4] Montsinger V. M.: Loading transformers by temperature:
Trans. AIEE Vol 49 pp 776: 1930
the C T as T h a t sinusoidal E M F of rated frequency
applied to the secondary terminals . . . which, when [5] BS Code of Practice CPlOlO: Loading guide for oil-immersed
transformers: 1975
increased by 1 0 % , causes the exciting current to in­
[6] Shroff D. H. and Stannett A. W.: A review of paper aging in
crease by 50W, CTs specified in terms of knee point
power transformers: Proc. lEE, Vol 132, Part C, No.6:
E M F (as well, of course, as rated primary current November 1985
and turns ratio) are designated Class X Protective [7] Franklin A. C. and Franklin D. P.: The J and Ρ Transformer
Current Transformers by BS3938 and are permitted a Book, n t h Edition: Butterworths: 1983
turns ratio error of ± 0 . 2 5 % . [8] British Standards Institution: BS5750: Quality systems:
Part 1: Specification for design, manufacture and installa­
tion: 1979
2.7.4 Current transformer construction
Part 2: Specification for manufacture and installation: 1979
Current transformers for measurement and protection Part 3: Specification for final inspection and test: 1979
purposes are required throughout a power station Part 4: Guide to the use of BS5750, Part 1: 1981
Part 5: Guide to the use of BS5750, Part 2: 1981
auxiliary system. Most frequently it is convenient to
Part 6: Guide to the use of BS5750, Part 3: 1981
locate these within switchgear, for which the bar-
[91 International Electrotechnical Commission: Publication 76,
primary arrangement is the most suitable in terms of Power Transformers
strength and simphcity.
[10] British Electricity Boards Specification: BEBS-T2: Specifica­
Current transformers used on generator voltage bus­ tion for transformers and reactors: 1966
bar systems are also, in effect, bar-primary devices
[11] The Electricity Council: Document IT: Guide on impulse testing
with features developed specifically to meet the re­ power transformers and reactors
quirements of the system. Figure 3.69 shows current [12] British Standards Institution: BS148: Specification for un­
transformers at the neutral end of a 660 M W genera­ used mineral insulating oils for transformers and switchgear:
tor. It is necessary to wind the secondary turns on the 1984
very large diameter toroidal core in order to provide [13] Wilson A. C. M.: Insulating liquids and their uses, manufacture
the air clearance required to meet the 70 kV power and properties: Peter Peregrinus Ltd
frequency, 170 kV impulse-withstand insulation levels [14] The Electricity Council: Recommendation G.5/3: Limits for
harmonics in the UK electricity supply system: September 1976
of the generator busbars. For a 660 M W machine, the
rated busbar current is 20 000 A so that, if the final [15] Corbyn D. B.: This business of harmonics: Electronics and
Power, Vol 18 pp 219-223: 1972
secondary current is to be 5 A, a ratio of 20 0 0 0 : 5
[16] The Electricity Council: Report ACE15: Harmonic distortion
is required. With a bar-primary, 4000 secondary turns
caused by converter equipment
would thus be needed and some manufacturers consider
[17] British Standards Institution: BS3941: Specification for voltage
it more economic to carry out this transformation in transformers: 1975 (1982)
two stages. Main CTs installed at the generator bus­
[18] Wright Α.: Current transformers, their transient and steady
bars having a ratio of, say, 20 0 0 0 : 2 0 are used in state performance: Chapman and Hall Ltd
conjunction with additional interposing transformers [19] British Standards Institution: BS3938: Specification for current
of ratio 2 0 : 5 . The interposing transformers are pre­ transformers: 1973 (1982)

C H A P T E R 4

Generator main connections

1 Introduction 7.9 Current transformers

1.1 Evolution 7.10 Environmental conditions
7.11 Portable earth access covers
2 Principles of isolated phase busbar operation and forces 7.12 Viewing ports
encountered 7.13 Connection of the conductor to plant
2.1 Principles 7.14 Joints in the conductor
2.2 Forces 7.15 On-load temperature measurement
2.3 Voltage rise 7.16 VT cubicles
7.17 Access platforms
3 Designing an IPB system 7.18 Structural steelwork
4 Forced cooling 7.19 Neutral earthing equipment
7.20 Site installation
4.1 Forced air cooling
7.21 Quality assurance
4.2 Liquid cooling
4.3 Water cooling 8 Testing

5 System description 8.1 Tests on component parts

8.1.1 Insulators and bushings
5.1 Line end
8.1.2 Busbar material
5.2 Neutral end
8.1.3 Transformers
5.3 Tee-offs
8.1.4 Loading resistors
5.4 Delta connections
8.1.5 Capacitors
5.5 Excitation busbars
8.1.6 Switchgear and earthing switches
5.6 Earth bar
8.1.7 Compressed air system
6 Setting out the specification 8.2 Tests on representative sections of IPB
8.3 Test levels
7 Component parts of an IPB system 8.4 Tests at site
7.1 Conductor and enclosures
9 Experience of testing
7.2 Equipment enclosures
7.3 Insulators 10 Generator voltage switchgear
7.3.1 Post insulators
7.3.2 Foot insulators (including enclosure supports) 11 Earthing
7.3.3 Disc bushings 12 Earthing for maintenance purposes
7.3.4 Wall seals
12.1 Primary earth
7.3.5 Bellows
7.4 Conductor and enclosure expansion joints 12.2 Portable drain earths
7.5 Flexible connectors
7.5.1 Flexible laminae connectors 13 Protection
7.5.2 Braided flexible connectors 14 Interlocking
7.6 Painting
7.7 Conditioned air 15 Future trends
7.8 Voltage transformers 16 References

1 Introduction busbar), which is surrounded by a concentric enclosure

of the same material and similar conducting cross-
The principal function of the Main Connections Busbar sectional area; each is effectively isolated from its
System is to connect the generator to its associated neighbour, hence the term isolated phase busbar (IPB).
generator transformer and, incidentally, to provide a British practice (1988) uses dry conditioned air at a
convenient means of connecting the Unit electrical pressure slightly above atmospheric as the insulating
system to the Unit transformer, via a tee-off. It is medium between the conductor and enclosure.
present day practice, for reasons explained later, to use The conductor is supported at the centre of the en­
an aluminium tube for each phase conductor (or closure by insulators: these are equispaced and rigidly

Generator main connections Chapter 4

fixed around the circumference of the enclosure but tor, primarily on economic grounds, once aluminium
allow limited radial movement of the conductor. The welding techniques had improved. The duct or en­
rating of the main connections installation is es­ closure only excluded gross pollution and prevented
tablished on the basis of temperature rise above a physical contact, giving n o protection against phase-
specified ambient at maximum commercial load and to-phase faults or the electromagnetic forces between
hs ability to withstand both three-phase short-circuit conductors. Strong magnetic fields from this arrange­
and earth fault conditions anywhere on the generator ment could cause overheating of external steelwork
voltage system without damage. These requirements adjacent to the busbars, increasing system losses.
introduce some complication in the system design in As currents increased, phase barriers made of either
order to achieve high integrity. Isolated phase busbars a metallic or insulating material were introduced to
have evolved over a number of years, having originally hmit the consequences of phase-to-phase flashover
been pioneered in the USA and further developed (Fig 4.2 (b)). Further improvement was achieved by
in France before their introduction in the UK in the the use of phase segregation, using a continuous me-
mid-1960s. They represent 3 - 4 % of the total cost of talhc fabricated-aluminium enclosure and barrier, the
the connected generator and transformers. A typical barrier being integral with the enclosure (Fig 4.2 (c)).
instahation is shown in Fig 4 . 1 . Whilst phase segregation offered an improved design
compared w h h the original c o m m o n enclosure, it still
had a number of weaknesses. Phase-to-phase fauhs
1.1 Evolution were still possible because adjacent phase conductors
There has been extensive development of generator share a c o m m o n barrier. Comphcated circulating cur­
connection designs since their introduction because of rents in the enclosure produced forces between conduc­
larger generating sets and the consequential increase tor and enclosure because no attempt had been made
in load and fault currents. Clearly a cable connection to isolate the busbars magnetically, and the assembly
to the machine is simplest, but both current and generally became large and exacting to construct. Such
temperature limit their use to about 120 M W (assuming designs were used for generators up to 500 M W before
a generator terminal voltage of approximately 23 kV). new designs were introduced to deal with the short­
Consequently, for larger machines, three bare copper comings of phase segregation. These are insulated by
conductors (one/phase) were introduced, supported enclosing each phase in its own conducting metal tube
by single insulators at regular intervals and enclosed separate from its neighbours; hence the name 'isolated
within a common duct or enclosure (Fig 4.2 (a)). phase busbars'. In an installation of this type, eddy
Aluminium graduahy replaced copper for the conduc­ currents are induced in the enclosure, or sheath, due




FIG. 4.1 Generator main connections — general arrangement of a typical installation

Principles of isolated phase busbar operation and forces encountered

fauh conditions the reactor saturates, reducing its im­

pedance to circulating currents and allowing greater
enclosure current to flow. As will be explained later,
this enclosure current reduces the forces between con­
CONDUCTOR ductors during fault conditions. However, in practice,
the reactors tended to burn out, so now only the elec­
INSULATOR trically-continuous I P B with short-circmt is considered
in the UK and elsewhere. These, by virtue of the en­
(a) Non-segregated bus
closure circulating currents, limit forces between phase
conductors to approximately 10% of those that would
exist without the enclosure.
(METALLIC OR INSULATING) The enclosure system is earthed at one point only
and is insulated from earth along its length by sup­
porting it on insulated foot mountings, thereby giving
control over the path followed by any fauh current in
the enclosure. Clearly the main connections have now
become a system in their own right and to control the
circulating currents, as described, the enclosures must
be isolated from ah items of plant to which the conduc­
(b) Non-segregated bus with barriers tors are connected. Enclosures are therefore connected
to auxiliary plant via rubber bellows which maintain
the physical protection of the conductor but isolate
FABRICATED ENCLOSURE the enclosures electrically from the plant. The bonding
or short-circuiting of the enclosures is done as close
to the end of their run as possible. The external mag­
netic fields produced by the conductor currents can link
with conducting loops in the adjacent steelwork, pro­
ducing circulating currents and heat. This is a problem
to be considered by the designer since excessive heat,
in addition to being an unnecessary system loss, can
cause unacceptable expansion and can be a hazard to
personnel if the steelwork is touched.
(c) Phase segregated bus
INSULATING FEET Machines of 660 M W are now used extensively in
the UK and an I P B installation of the type described
FIG. 4.2 Segregated and non-segregated busbars provides an adequate main connections design which
can be naturally cooled and is of manageable size. This
probably represents the limit of naturally cooled de­
to the conductor current, and this to some extent shields signs and any significant increase in machine rating
the forces between the conductors by modifying the will mean that forced-cooled designs will have to be
field around the conductor. There are, however, still considered. The components of one phase of such a
substantial magnetic fields outside the enclosure, which system are shown diagrammatically in Fig 4.4.
produce forces between phases. These are reduced con­
siderably if the extreme ends of each phase enclosure
are bonded together, thereby allowing a balanced cur­
rent flow in the enclosures of all three phases. This
2 Principles of isolated phase busbar
system is known as an ^electrically-continuous I P B with operation and forces encountered
short-circuk' (see Fig 4.3). Each phase enclosure is
made electrically continuous throughout its length and
all three are connected together at both ends of the r u n . 2.1 Principles
This distinguishes it from other systems, namely the Consider, using simple analysis, how the magnetic
insulated type (where the enclosure is not continuous fields may be reduced. When a conductor carries an
but includes non-conducting sections) or the continuous alternating current, it produces an external concentric
type with saturable impedance, where the continuous alternating magnetic field, the direction of which is
phase enclosures are connected together at the ends of determined by apphcation of the ^corkscrew' rule. If
the run through smah saturable reactors which limit another conductor runs parallel to it, then an E M F is
the induced longitudinal currents to a design value. The induced in it, given by e = - ( d Φ / d t ) , where Φ is that
last-named appears attractive because the reactor limits proportion of the flux linking the two conductors.
the enclosure circulating currents during normal opera­ The negative sign indicates that it tries to oppose the
tion, thereby reducing the enclosure losses, and during force which created it.

Generator main connections Chapter 4


FIG. 4.3 Phase isolated busbar — continuous sheath

For a length of isolated phase busbar, the voltage in 1927. In the paper by Carter [1], the eddy current
öe induced in an elemental section of non-continuous was determined by considering the fixed distribution
sheath (say, 5A and δΒ in Fig 4.5 (a)) due to the cur­ of conductor currents but taking into account the
rent flowing in its associated conductor will be the magnetic field set u p by the induced eddy current in
same magnitude for all elements on the circumference the sheath itself. This first order eddy current was
of the sheath at any point along its length. It follows, then determined for neighbouring sheaths and these
therefore, that one phase in isolation can have no were used as a fixed distribution to obtain second and
current flow in the sheath, since the voltages at all further subsidiary eddy currents in the original sheath.
points are equal. The process may be repeated t o any degree of approxi­
If next, the condition in Fig 4.5 (b) is considered, mation to obtain a total eddy current. In Dr Carter's
the voltage e induced in an elemental section of non- day, the problem did not merit meticulous calculation
continuous sheath due to the current flowing in an ad­ and the treatment was therefore simpHfied by consider­
jacent conductor will be of different magnitude for ing only the first order eddy current to produce results
each position around the periphery (say, dC and 6D), in a convenient form for h a n d calculation. Working
since each element cuts a different proportion of flux independently, Dr Dwight tackled a number of proxi­
from that conductor. Therefore, unequal voltages are mity effect problems and in 1923 pubhshed a first
available to cause current to flow in the sheath as shown order eddy current solution [2] for sheath eddy loss
in Fig 4.6 (a). This sheath current, which for the ele­ which is identical to the Carter solution. Later, in 1964,
mental circuit shown in Fig 4.6 (a) can be considered as the analysis was extended to determine the subsidiary
a simple *go' and ^return' circuit, will set up an electro­ eddy currents for the particular case of a single-phase
magnetic field whose direction can be determined by circuit and also a three-phase flat grouping.
application of the corkscrew rule. This will give rise to Since the non-continuous type of I P B is not used
a reduction of field within the enclosure but a reinforce­ by the C E G B , the theory is not developed here, but
ment of the field outside as shown in Fig 4.6 (b). Thus the reader may deduce the necessary formulae from
there is a reduction of forces between the conductors papers [1 and 2].
and an increase in forces exerted on the enclosure. The Now consider the continuous type of I P B . If the
enclosure will therefore need substantial supports. sheaths of all three phases are electrically connected
The currents circulating in each sheath caused by at each end of the IPB run, an external path is pro­
the proximity effects of adjacent conductor systems vided which allows the sheath currents t o flow in the
are termed *eddy currents'. Formulae for determining manner shown in Fig 4 . 3 . The phase conductors and
these currents and their associated losses have been the enclosures are comparable to the primary and
proposed by H . B. Dwight in 1923 and F. W. Carter secondary turns of a short-circuited transformer. The

Principles of isolated phase busbar operation and forces encountered
Q-l- 05
<P 2<zOi Zi Jiluj

Generator main connections Chapter 4

magnetic field produced by the primary conductor

induces a current of opposite direction in the secondary
turn. The magnitude of the circulating sheath current
is almost equal to the conductor current, depending
on the resistance and reactance of the enclosure cir­
cuit, and is in antiphase to the conductor current. The
•φ sheath current usually a m o u n t s to about 9 0 % of the
conductor current.
The circulating sheath current creates its own
surrounding magnetic field which must be in antiphase
to that produced by the conductor, thus the magnetic
field still exists within the enclosure but is cancelled
outside it (see Fig 4.6 (c)). Since the enclosure has
(a) Induced voltages in an enclosure due
to its own conductor resistance, the resultant external magnetic field a r o u n d
each conductor is about 10% of that which would
occur if there was no metallic sheath.
Since the external magnetic field has been reduced,
it follows that the forces between conductors are also
reduced by a similar proportion, as will be the forces
between enclosures that exist due to the current flowing
in them.

o Θ However, end effects occur where the conductor is

connected to its associated piece of plant and is, for
practical reasons, unshielded. Therefore magnetic fields
at these points are much stronger and forces greater.
For further analysis, the reader is referred to a paper
by Skeats and Swerdlow [3].

2.2 Forces
(b) Induced voltages in an enclosure due
to an adjacent conductor The forces caused by short-circuit and earth fault
currents are very complex. Neglecting decrements, a
FIG. 4.5 Induced voltages in an enclosure totally-offset short-circuit current can be represented


(a) Enclosure eddy currents in a phase isolated busbar -

discontinuous sheath

FIG. 4.6 Radial current flows due to current in an adjacent conductor

Principles of isolated phase busbar operation and forces encountered




(b) Field distribution in insulated enclosures for a 'supply' and 'return' circuit

(c) Field cancellation in a continuous enclosure arrangement

FIG. 4.6 (cont'd) Radial current flows due to current in an adjacent conductor

by the expression I = IQ (1 - cos ωt). Consider a explanation of these shielding factors, the reader is
paraUel adjacent conductor returning the same cur­ referred to the paper by W ü s o n and Mankoff [4];
rent. The magnetic field emitted therefrom would be however, the theoretical treatment of these effects is
Β = B o (1 - cos ωt). far from conclusive.
From Ampere's Law, the electromagnetic force Taking into account current decrement, there is a
between them is reduction with time of each of the electromagnetic
force components, each component having a different
F = Bl where í i s the length of conductor, therefore, decrement rate. The forces produced differ greatly,
depending on whether the fault is three-phase or single-
F = B o l o ^ (1 - cos ωt)2. phase, the three-phase fauh being more onerous.
In principle, the short-circuit electromagnetic forces
Expansion of the expression (1 - cos ωt)^ gives arise from the combined action of the various forces
(-y - 2cos ωt + y cos 2ωt), i.e., the force is composed both between the phases and between the conductor
of steady, power frequency and second-harmonic com­ and sheath of the same phase. However, as previously
ponents. These three components of force are each explained, for a continuous I P B the external magnetic
reduced by a different shielding factor. For a detailed fields and the resulting forces between conductors are

Generator main connections Chapter 4

substantially reduced, compared with an unbonded installation, large vohages build u p across the breaks.
system. Additionally, for a continuous I P B , the forces It is, therefore, generally necessary to limit the distance
between phases are much smaller than those which between the breaks to a less than desirable length in
occur between each conductor and its own sheath. order to keep these voltages to an acceptable level. With
The magnetic field which exists inside the sheath electrically-continuous enclosures, however, the voltage
on a continuous IPB system (as shown in Fig 4.6 (c)), is dissipated in IR drop along the enclosure length as
produces a force between the conductor and the en­ it is generated. Enclosure voltages are consequently
closure. The force on the enclosure results in the held at completely harmless values, even during maxi­
conductor being centralised along a magnetic neutral m u m fauh conditions. A typical voltage induced per
line. In a suitably designed IPB system, the neutral metre length of continuous enclosure is 3 mV per 1000
line is coincident with the axis of the enclosure, thereby A of conductor current.
virtually ehminating bending stresses caused by short-
circuit currents. The conductor supports are designed
to allow for this slight movement as the conductor takes
up its position on the neutral hne. The force on the 3 Designing an IPB system
sheath is a repulsion or bursting force which can be In designing an installation, the factors to be consi­
represented as internal pressure on the sheath. dered include materials, conductor and enclosure di­
The resultant mechanical stresses developed within mensions required for specified maximum temperature
the installation also depend upon the mechanical rises, mechanical strength and structural steelwork
frequency response of the structure and wih be exacer­ requirements. Up until now only naturally cooled sys­
bated by any resonance that may exist. tems have been assumed and the predominating factor
The foregoing text has attempted to show that the determining the cross-sectional area and configuration
presence of the sheath in fact reduces forces and to of the conductor for the main connections of a nat­
give an awareness of the factors involved: it has not urally air-cooled busbar is the permissible temperature
attempted a mathematical prediction of the forces rise. A tubular conductor has a low skin effect ratio,
which occur during a short-circuit. Whilst such force described later in this section, which helps keep down
calculations may be attempted for straight sections the A C resistance and hence losses. An adequate cross-
of busbar, they are much more difficuh for bends sectional area must be provided so as to remain within
and tee-offs. At these positions the sheath currents vary temperature confínes proven by experience and not
around the periphery and there is not the benefit exceeding the temperature hmits specified in BS 159,
of complete mutual compensation of magnetic fields i.e., a maximum conductor temperature of 90°C. The
from the conductor and enclosure. Thus, immediately largest full-load current in the C E G B at the time of
adjacent to bends, very high short-circuit forces exist writing is 20.1 k A , but this wih obviously increase as
which tend to straighten out the conductor. There are larger machines are developed. The higher ambient
also higher stray fields which may heat up adjacent temperatures overseas give rise to lower temperature
steelwork. The I P B structural support system must margins for export designs.
therefore be strengthened at bends and other places Selection of the most suitable material for IPB
where the configuration changes. construction is generally straightforward, the choice
Mathematical analysis of currents, fields and forces being between copper and aluminium.
within an IPB system have been attempted, but a main At present an unusual situation exists, whereby cop­
connections design by calculation is not deemed ac­ per and aluminium are similar in price (usually copper
ceptable by the C E G B , for no mathematical method is much more expensive), but aluminium is still the
is available that can be used with total confidence. cheaper overall. Copper has approximately three times
It should be recognised that whilst during normal the weight, but 6 0 % of the resistivity of aluminium.
operating conditions the magnetic field outside the Since aluminium is the poorer conductor, more ma­
enclosure is practically nil; during fault conditions the terial is required but, because of skin effect, there
field is the difference between the components on the is a practical limit to the advantage gained by increas­
conductor and enclosure which, since there are different ing material thickness. Consequently it is necessary to
time elements involved, is very difficult to determine. increase the diameter which has the advantage of
Consequently, the adequacy of the design is ultimately increasing the surface area and improving heat dis­
demonstrated by testing, as discussed further in Section sipation. Aluminium, being much lighter in weight, is
8 of this chapter. easier to handle than copper; this, together with the
development of modern aluminium-welding techniques,
makes fabrication in aluminium much cheaper than
in copper.
2.3 Voltage rise
The starting point for the designer is therefore
Consider the vohage rise of an electrically-discontinuous to determine the dimensions of the conductor and
IPB enclosure under fault conditions. Since there is enclosure appropriate to the specified operating con­
no current flow along the whole length of the sheath ditions. For the purpose of this exercise, assume the

Designing an IPB system

normal cylindrical conductor and enclosure configura­ Where l e is the enclosure current. R e is the effective
tion. From experience, an initial conductor diameter enclosure A C resistance per metre and is calculated
and thickness is selected. It is then necessary to check from the D C resistance in a method similar to that
the resultant heat generated in the conductor, which above for the conductor.
is given by: Development of a formula for calculating the enclo­
sure current is comphcated by several factors, includ­
Wc = l2Re (4.1)
ing the impedance of the bonding bars, the skin effect
and the proximity of structural steel or other conducting
where W c = heat generated per unit length, W / m and magnetic material, as shown by Niemoller [6].
I = rated R M S conductor current, A The reader is referred t o the I E E E paper [7] for
Rc = A C resistance of the conductor a p p r o ­ the calculation of I P B losses.
priate to the temperature of the con­ Type testing has shown that it is not unreasonable
ductor and the supply frequency, Ω/m to assume that the ratio of enclosure current to con­
ductor current (I) t o be about 0 . 9 5 for an electrically
continuous I P B system, i.e..
R c has to take account of skin effect. When A C cur­
rent is passed down a conductor, the current tends
to concentrate on the outer surface. The higher the We = 0.9l2Re

appHed frequency, the thinner is the effective conduc­

ting band. The A C resistance R a e is higher than the In establishing the working temperature, it is assumed
D C resistance R d c : R a c / R d c is termed the skin effect that for a natural air-cooled system, almost all the
ratio, a full study of which was m a d e by Dwight [5]. losses ( W c + W e ) have to be dissipated by radiation
An extract of one of the curves produced by Dwight and convection from the external surface of the
for a circular tube is shown in Fig 4.7. It is suitable enclosure. Clearly the heat that must be dissipated is
for aluminum or copper conductors and may be used that quantity which would cause the maximum per­
for all temperatures found in the operational range mitted operating temperature to be exceeded. An ap­
of the main connections. proximate expression for natural convection from the
The D C resistance is relatively straightforward t o outside surfaces of a busbar enclosure, indoors but
calculate. not in a c o m p a r t m e n t , at sea level and normal pres­
At 20°C, for a large diameter conductor with a sure, based on Dwight et al [8] is:
thin wall section, it may be closely approximated using
the expression: Wcon = 1.36ei-2VDö-25 W/m2
Rdc = Ω/m (4.2)
where W c o n = loss dissipated by convection from the
enclosure, W / m ^
where ρ = resistivity of the material at 2 0 ° C , Qm
θ = average temperature rise of the hous­
D = conductor mean diameter, m
ing, ° C
t = conductor wall thickness, m
D = diameter of enclosure, m

For a conductor operating at a temperature other than

and the energy lost by radiation is given by the Stefan-
20°C, the resistance becomes:
Boltzmann expression:

Rdce = Rdc2o [1 + «20 (Θ-20)] (4.3)

ke[T^ - T^l A r W / m 2
where « 2 0 = temperature resistance coefficient at lös"
θ = temperature, ° C where W r a d = loss dissipated by radiation from
enclosure, W / m ^
Having calculated the D C resistance and knowing the e = coefficient of emissivity of the enclo­
ratio t / D , the corresponding effective A C resistance sure surface
can be determined from Fig 4.7 for the conductor Tm = average temperature of enclosure
dimension selected. F r o m this, the loss per unit length surface, Κ
is calculated, using Equation (4.1).
To = ambient temperature, Κ
Next, consider the heat generated in the enclosure
due to the enclosure circulating currents. T h e loss in Ar = effective radiation surface per metre of
each phase per metre length is: enclosure length, m^
k = factor depending on position of phase
We = ll R e watts (4.4) as described below

Generator main connections Chapter 4


0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200

FIG. 4.7 Skin effect ratio for rods and tubes

Since the radiation from the outer phases will differ Factors not included in the equations which will
from the centre phase, the following factors should be affect heat dissipation b o t h by convection and radia­
included [9]. tion from the enclosure are physical arrangements,
360 - 4a neighbouring structures and surface finish. It must be
For the centre phase k = Ar
borne in mind that hot spots can occur, particularly
at the ends of busbar runs where connections are
360 - 2a made to auxihary plant. This occurs because of poor
and for the outer phase k = Ar
360 current sharing in unsymmetrical current-carrying con­
nections, as will be discussed later, or from the con­
where a = sm - 1 (R/S) centration of circulating currents. Experience suggests
R external enclosure that the conduction of heat from associated plant,
diameter, m namely the generator itself and the transformer bush­
ings into the connections, should also be considered.
S = phasing spacing, m

Total heat loss from the busbar system in W / m run can Summarising, (a) the heat generated ( W / m run) in
then be established from ( W c o n + Wrad)'n'D. the conductor and enclosure with

Forced cooling

the dimensions initiahy selected A n adequate structural support is required for the
from experience can be calculated, enclosure to withstand the resuhant static and dynamic
i.e.. W e -f W c . loadings that the system will experience during fault.
The present view of the C E G B is that there is no
Then, (b) allowing for specified temperature
mathematical approach to solving these problems that
rises of conductor above enclosure
can be used with confidence. The designer may from his
and of enclosure above ambient,
own experience use simple force calculations as a
the quantity of heat dissipated per
starting point. Reference [10] is such a suitable starting
m e t r e l e n g t h by t h e s e l e c t e d
point. Uhimately, however, before a design can be
instahation can be calculated, i.e.,
considered acceptable, a full set of short-circuit and
(Wcon + Wrad)7rD
earth fault type-test evidence is required to substantiate
the design, as identified in Section 8 of this chapter.
The values of (a) and (b) are compared and, if they Finally, the stray magnetic fields surrounding the
are not close the dimensions are revised and the pro­ main connections, as already described, can give rise
cess repeated. to inductive heating of adjacent steelwork. For an IPB
In the C E G B , the temperatures specified at present system, there is unhkely to be any problem with systems
are: carrying less than 8000 A . However, above this, care
should be exercised. It is not only structural steel­
• Conductor maximum temperature 9 0 ° C . work which may cause problems, but also piping and
pipe hangers, gas and air ducts as well as stairs and
• Enclosure maximum temperature 65°C.
handrails. Heating of such components could ignite
• Internal air maximum temperature 70° C. adjacent flammable material, be a danger to personnel,
cause structural stresses due to restrained expansion,
• Ambient temperature 4 0 ° C .
and of course, incur additional running costs due to
the losses.
Having established the dimensions of the I P B system Analysis of this problem is most difficult and use
from load current thermal conditions, the designer is m a d e of existing heat run tests. If the reader wishes
must then consider fault conditions. to pursue the problem, an approach is described by
Generally speaking, for a main run of I P B , the Swerdlow and Buchta [11] and there are some guidehnes
busbars are so large for continuous current-carrying regarding spacing of adjacent steelwork given in Section
requirements that the thermal requirements for short- 7.18 of this chapter.
circuit conditions are more than catered for. How­ V a r i o u s m e t h o d s are available t o reduce the
ever, for a unit transformer or other tee-off, the temperature rise of structural members, the use of
continuous current rating is small but the fault current shielding plates being favoured by the C E G B .
rating is very high indeed. Here, the fauh current
specified may influence the busbar dimensions that
are required because of its thermal effects, therefore 4 Forced cooling
requiring repeat calculations to determine temperature
rises during fault. The optimum design of an I P B instahation is deter­
However, the major design concern arising from mined by considering the capital cost, plus the cost
fault considerations is mechanical strength. The de­ of generating the associated losses. In order to satisfy
signer must provide a suitable support arrangement for the temperature balance requirements described in
the conductor and enclosure to ensure that the final Section 3 of this chapter, naturally-cooled connection
structure is of adequate strength to withstand the forces systems greater than 800 M V A , though practical, would
that are exerted on the system during fault conditions. require excessive space and consequently their cost
The forces have been briefly explained in Section 2 would be high. For connections rated above 800 M V A ,
of this chapter. For the conductor, the designer is unless a much higher generator voltage is thought
looking to provide sufficient support t o : worthwhile, consideration must be given to forced
cooling of the connections by some method. With
• Prevent deflection between supports due to forces reference to Fig 4 . 1 , which shows a typical natural air-
between conductors and between conductor and cooled connection installation, it can be seen that the
enclosures during fault. tee-off connectors from the main busbar carry a
relatively low current, i.e., the high current flow is
• Prevent damage due to 'straightening out' forces
from the generator to the generator transformer. In
which occur at bends during fault.
considering the cross-sectional area of these compo­
• Prevent damage due to 'knife swhch' forces at the nents, it is clear that only the main run can justify
tee-off positions, again due to the conductor at­ forced cooling, the tee-off design being instead deter­
tempting to straighten along the line of maximum mined by the m a x i m u m fauh current which could flow
fault current. in it. T h o u g h it is unhkely that the use of forced

Generator main connections Chapter 4

cooling below 8 kA would be economic, the limit for In addition, if the coohng air leaves one phase and
natural coohng, depending upon generator voltage, enters another, then de-ionisation plant is required
is reached at currents of 2 5 - 3 0 kA and, for currents to prevent ionised gases produced by a system fault
in excess of this, the busbars are normally forced- entering other phases, thereby extending its severity.
cooled. Air has the obvious advantage of being cheap and
Therefore, if forced cooling is to be considered, plentiful but because it has a relatively low specific
the heat balance approach taken in Section 3 of this heat and density, large quantities are required to re­
chapter will have to include a calculation of the heat move the heat and the fan requirement is proportional
removed by forced cooling. Such calculations will de­ to the cube of the flow rate. This disadvantage can
pend very much on the design of the installation. be overcome if liquid coohng of the conductor is
The obvious choice of cooling medium is either air considered.
or water. In considering the economic case for forced The rating for a forced air cooled installation with
cooHng, the saving of material is offset by a possible cooling plant shut down would probably be in the
increase in system losses, the additional cost of cool­ region of 1 hour and the naturally cooled rating would
ing equipment, routine inspection and maintenance of be approximately 60% of full load.
motors, fans, p u m p s , pipework, heat exchangers, etc.
The value assigned to the losses/kW generated will
obviously influence whether to force-cool the system 4.2 Liquid cooiirig
if, in fact, temperature rise has not itself dictated its
It may be considered that the obvious choice is to
extend the transformer coohng oil into the main con­
Once reliance is placed on forced cooling, any failure
nections conductor, as oil has a low specific heat and
which might occur on the coolant plant would neces­
density compared with water. However, the fire risk
sitate a consequential reduction in generated output,
associated with oil within the power station buildings
so it is desirable to aim for a high naturally-cooled
is unacceptable. It is also considered unacceptable to
current-carrying capacity, i.e., with the coohng plant
risk the integrity of the transformer insulation by
out of commission. It is also necessary to specify the
involving any other plant in the oil circuits — even
operating time at full-load current with the cooling
delta boxes (see Section 5.4 of this chapter). Demin-
plant shut down. The more common forced cooling
eralised water has been used as the cooling medium
systems are described below, though work is being
in the generator stator for many years and the tech­
carried out on the use of some of the newer insulating
niques have been well proven. It would therefore be
materials, for example, SFe gas.
possible to extend this system to include the generator
main connections or, alternatively, to install a separate
water cooling system.
4.1 Forced air cooling
A typical forced air system would comprise fans, heat
exchangers, dampers and air filters arranged such that 4.3 Water cooling
there is one set of equipment for each machine unit.
Since water has a better thermal conductivity and
Cooled air is blown from the heat exchanger, usually
specific heat than air, the temperature rise of a main
a finned water-cooled coil, down the busbar run
connections installation of this type can be more easily
between the enclosure and the conductor and returned
controlled by adjustment of the coolant flow than in
to the heat exchanger, thereby forming a closed cir­
cuit. Such schemes are used extensively in the U S A an air cooled system. The material cross-sectional area
and, for a normal installation, air may enter the centre provided in these circumstances is then based on con­
phase of the connection system, travel along it and sideration of the capitalised cost of the conductor
return back through the outer two phases, sufficient losses (see Chapter 3, Section 2.1.5) against the ca­
air volume being used to ensure that the final air pital cost of the conductor itself, together with the
temperature does not exceed the maximum allowable mechanical strength requirements for fault conditions.
touch-temperature of the enclosure. The cooling equip­ Clearly the water in the conductor is at the same
ment may be located at any point along the con­ potential as the conductor itself, so some form of
nections system but the most economical position is potential dropping device is required between the con­
midway between the generator and its transformer. ductor and remainder of the hydraulic circuit, which
Since the cooling air passes through the entire system, should be at earth potential. This device is a resist­
splitting the total cooling air volume in the centre ance column consisting of a long pHable connector of
phase and forcing it in opposite directions results in non-conducting material having a small cross-sectional
less overall system resistance, therefore requiring less area, thereby providing a high-resistance path to low
fan power. The air must be cleaned and dried to reduce currents. The cooling water then flows within a closed-
the risk of faults and all the associated equipment, cycle coohng system with a heat exchanger, itself in­
including the fans, must be duplicated to ensure directly cooled by water. The cooling system may be
availability (2 χ \00% or 3 χ 5 0 % ) . incorporated in the stator cooling circuit, if the heat

System description

generated in the connections system is smaU relative The generator windings are star-connected, the star
to the heat removed from the stator windings. It will point being formed outside the generator, so there are
then be found most convenient to connect the hy- two generator terminals for each phase. The output
drauhc coohng circuits in series. The conductor op­ of the generator is taken from the line end of the
erating temperature should then be only slightly above phase windings, the star point being formed at the
the cooling water temperature. neutral end of the windings. It is desirable, for ease
Joints between sections of conductor are welded, the of making connections to the generator, to have these
welds, apart from requiring the necessary mechanical two ends located as far apart as possible, their relative
strength, being watertight. Where conductors are con­ positions being dependent on the generator manufac­
nected to the plant, braided flexible connectors are turer's frame design.
used to allow for expansion and provide vibration The generator transformer is wound in delta/star
immunity from that plant, the terminal palms them­ configuration, the LV side being the delta winding.
selves being within the connections, bridged by the This transformer may consist of one three-phase tank
water cooling circuit, the bridge being of non-conduct­ or three single-phase t a n k s . The d e h a connection of
ing material. Heat conduction to the conductor helps the transformer can either be formed below oil or, as
keep down the temperature of the flexible connections. is now more c o m m o n , can be made part of the main
A water cooled system would have n o short-time connections system to maintain phase isolation. An oil
full-load rating and a naturally cooled rating in the delta is not nowadays favoured since it allows any
event of loss of forced coohng, of approximately 2 0 % . contaminated oil due to a fault in one phase to circulate
The major disadvantages of a water system, there­ into the other phases.
fore, are the substantial reduction in unit output if Connections are taken from the main busbar to the
coohng is lost and the danger of an earth fault develop­ H V terminals of unit auxihary transformers and the
ing if a water leak occurs. The reliabihty of the water system voltage three-phase earthing transformer (if
seals is therefore very important. fitted), discussed in Section 11 of this chapter. This
connection, known as a tee-off from the main busbar,
again maintains phase isolation u p to the bushings,
the transformers themselves generally being housed in
5 System description
three-phase t a n k s .
A schematic drawing of a typical main connections There is a requirement to monitor voltage conditions
system is given in Fig 4.8. on the main connections system for various purposes.


ρη X nn
m X nn




! I


FIG. 4.8 Generator main connections — simplified schematic

Generator main connections Chapter 4

including generator synchronising, tariff metering, in­ section (see Fig 4.9). In the case of a segregated ter­
strumentation, automatic voltage regulation and protec­ minal box the phase barriers should be of the same
tion schemes. There is also the requirement to monitor material as the box (probably aluminium) and earthed
current conditions, for example, for protection pur­ to ensure that there is an earth plane between phases
poses. The requirement to monitor voltage is met by which reduces the risk of phase to phase faults. Phase
the connection of vohage transformers (see Section 7.8 to earth faults produce fault current which is restricted
of this chapter) onto the main connections via a fur­ by the neutral earthing equipment. However, there
ther tee-off similar to the auxihary transformer tee- is always the possibility of an earth fault developing
off described earher. U p to four voltage transformers into a phase to phase fault which causes much greater
per phase may be required, mounted within cubicles damage; it is therefore preferable to use a phase iso­
which maintain the phase isolation of the system. lated system if possible.
Current transformers (see Section 7.9 of this chapter) Early design co-ordination at the interface connec­
are mounted in the main connections runs, in positions tion onto the machine is necessary to solve the pro­
dependent upon the protection scheme adopted. blems associated with terminal spacing and ensure that
Other equipment may be included in the main the specified impulse-withstand level can be achieved.
connections system, such as connections to generator T o allow for possible hydrogen leakage through the
excition plant, earthing devices and to the generator generator terminals, a complete bushing-type seal should
circuh-breaker. These will be discussed later. be provided in the main connections run to hmit the
The various features of the main connections system volume into which hydrogen could possibly enter. This
are now described in greater detail. volume at the generator should then be suitably ven­
tilated to ensure that approximately four air changes
per hour can take place within the enclosure to reduce
5.1 Line end the risk of build-up of hydrogen in air, which could
The position on the generator of the hne terminals de­ form an explosive mixture.
pends on the generator manufacturer but the two
obvious locations are either above or below the ma­
5.2 Neutral end
chine. Both positions have advantages and disadvan­
tages for the main connections system. In ah cases, The method of generator stator neutral earthing is
consideration should be given to generator rotor re­ described in Section 11 of this chapter. A n example of
moval without the necessity to dismantle any of the stator neutral earthing is shown in Fig 4.10.
main connections installation. Any support given to the Again, depending on the machine manufacturer, the
connections should be independent of the machine to generator neutrals can be situated on the top or the
prevent the transmission of vibration. b o t t o m of the generator. It is obviously more straight­
forward if they are positioned below, as all the stator
Where the main connections leave the generator from
neutral earthing equipment described can then be housed
above, the overall height of the machine is obviously
within a single module supported on independent steel­
increased. This may increase the height of the turbine
work adjacent to the neutral terminals. If the terminals
hall crane-rails, and hence the turbine hall itself, there­
are located on the top of the machine, while the star
by creating a cost penalty. Also, connections above
connection can be made easily, vibration may be ex­
the machine and their support structures can, if incor­ cessive if the stator neutral earthing transformer is
rectly designed, suffer fatigue due to vibration excited mounted on the machine frame or support and there­
by the generator. fore it should be located away from the star bar.
If, however, the line connections are below the Vibration would certainly prevent the resistor being
generator, there are obvious obstructions which require mounted on the machine. Either a cable connection
to be negotiated, for example, the generator founda­ would be required (which is undesirable as it is vul­
tions, generator/turbine auxihary equipment, access nerable to damage) or, alternatively, a short section of
ways, etc. Clearance from such obstructions can dictate I P B could be used and the transformer located away
whether the busbars he side-by-side or in trefoil con­ from the star bar. Equipment installed on the top of
figuration. Other practical issues to be resolved at the the machine can raise the height of the turbine hall
generator hne-end terminals are heat dissipation due to with a consequential cost penalty. Due consideration
confined space, access for stator coohng pipework, should be given to preventing ingress of water into
prevention of water ingress and spacing of the hne the neutral end equipment, since ventilation must be
terminals, which may be arranged on the generator in provided for the resistor to dissipate the heat produced
an in-hne or trefoil configuration. Where space is re­ during an earth fault.
stricted, it may be necessary to consider the use of
specially designed sections of busbar having reduced
conductor and sheath dimensions, a terminal box ar­ 5.3 Tee-offs
rangement with phase segregation, use of other than Tee-off connections are used to connect auxiliary
circular cross-section busbars or a short water-cooled transformers and voltage transformers to the generator

System description


FIG. 4.9 Specially designed busbar sections for use in space-restricted areas

voltage system. The power requirements of a voltage the choice being m a d e by the designer and fault tested
transformer are minimal so for these tee-offs, but as a system.
not others, a reduction in current-carrying capacity is
acceptable, provided that a suitable fuse is mounted
immediately adjacent to the tee-off connection to deal 5.4 Delta connections
with faults. C E G B uses a 10 A fuse at this position.
Downstream of this fuse (a distance generally of the The connection of the delta on recent stations, e.g.,
order of a few metres between the main and the VT Littlebrook D and Heysham 2, is m a d e by using air-
cubicle), the tee-off need only be designed to be me­ insulated I P B a n d , since the current flow in each delta
chanically sound. T o ensure that an adequately strong a r m is less than the line current by a factor 1/V3, the
design is offered, the C E G B specify a continuous rating dimensions can be reduced appropriately from that of
of 300 A for this section. the main run, though the system highest voltage is the
Tee-off enclosures can be bonded into the main run same. T o ensure that the correct phasor grouping
or isolated and treated as a separate section of I P B , of the transformer is achieved, correct phase sequence

Generator main connections Chapter 4


"Ί r



FIG. 4 . 1 0 Stator neutral earthing

of the LV and HV phases for the instahed trans­ an installation which includes generator voltage switch-
former winding terminals is essential (see Chapter 3, gear, an additional earth is incorporated on the system
Transformers). to provide the earth when the switch is open. The
earth path must be of low resistance to prevent a rise
in potential on any part of the system (during a fauh)
5.5 Excitation busbars above a level which could cause a danger to personnel.
With the system operating normally, the C E G B specify
Some generator designs use rotating excitation equip­
this level as 55 V and, during fauh conditions, 430 V
ment, whereas others use separately-located stationary
is specified as the maximum rise of earth potential
equipment. In the latter, the electrical connection be­
to comply with telecommunication directives within
tween the exciter equipment and the machine is an
the UK. However, if faults can be cleared within 200 ms
IPB system similar to that of the generator voltage
a voltage rise of 650 V is acceptable.
system, though obviously running at the much reduced
design voltage of 3.6 kV and maximum continuous If no earth path were provided, the return earth
current rating of 5000 A (AC or DC) (1988), with con­ fault current would follow a r a n d o m path (or paths)
sequential reduction in size. Typically, the installation of low resistance back to the machine. These routes
would comprise A C and D C connections forming a may be tortuous and not adequate to carry such large
system as shown in Fig 4 . 1 1 , with a normal operating currents. The provision of a designed earthing system
voltage of below 650 V, connecting the main exciter, directs the flow of earth fault current along a pre­
the exciter rectifier cubicle, the field suppression swhch, determined route, thereby containing all earth fault
and the generator slipring and brushgear enclosure. currents within the main connections system. The earth
path comprises an earth bar of adequate cross-sectional
area connected t o plant by flexible leads and held at
5.6 Earth bar the potential of the station earth network. Since the
earth bar would provide the lowest resistance path
The earth bar system is quite complicated since all to earth fault currents, the earth bar redirects the fault
associated auxiliary equipment must be earthed in a current away from the station earth system which, in
manner such that no circulating-current paths can any case, would not normally be rated for such large
occur; a typical system is shown in Fig 4.12. For the currents.
purpose of hs design, it is assumed that the neutral The earth bar is not screened by an enclosure; when
earthing equipment (see Section 11 of this chapter) has earth fault current flows, large external magnetic fields
been shorted-out due to a coincident fault and that are produced, so it is usual t o position the bar some
the earth fault current is unrestricted. The earth path distance from the main busbar installation to pre­
must be rated to carry the maximum earth fault cur­ vent excessive forces being produced. The earth bar
rent from any part of the connections system where has to negotiate many obstacles on hs route, e.g.,
an earth fault could occur back to the generator. For civil works, auxihary plant, etc., so that it includes
System description






FIG. 4.11 Exciter busbar arrangement






FIG. 4.12 System earthing

many bends. It is essential that sound fixing is provided When testing a main connections design, it is usual
to prevent the force produced by the fault current from to include the earth bar, thereby testing a complete
straightening out these bends. system.

Generator main connections Chapter 4

6 Setting out the specification C E G B installations, are as stated in Secfion 3 of this

Having described a typical main connections installa­
tion in the previous sections, consideration is now
given to the design specification of that system, as­
suming natural air cooling. Section 7 of this chapter
7 Component parts of an IPB system
will look at the component parts.
The first consideration is the particular application 7.1 Conductor and enclosures
— the environment, voltage and current-carrying re­
quirements. As standard a design as possible should These items have been dealt with in detail in the
be specified, so that testing need not be necessarily preceding sections.
repeated for each apphcation. The parameters that
must be specified are:
7.2 Equipment enclosures
• The maximum system voltage, frequency and power
At interfaces with plant, for example a transformer,
the physical enclosure of the conductor must include
• The output of the generator, and hence the line access for maintenance purposes but still insulate the
current. enclosure system from the connected plant. Non-con­
ducting bellows, discussed later in this chapter, connect
• The variation allowed on the above during abnormal the enclosure t o , say, the transformer, the tank of
conditions. which is earthed separately. This equipment enclo­
• The fault contribution from the generator. sure may have viewing ports (see Section 7.12 of this
chapter) in order to inspect the flexible connections
• The fauh contribution from the external grid making u p the conductor interface, and an access cover
network. to allow the application of a portable earth if neces­
sary (see Section 12.2 of this chapter). The enclosure
In a tee-off busbar, there is a combined fault infeed may be a bolted assembly, removable for maintenance
from the generator and the external grid. This specifies purposes, and using bonding strips to ensure that all
the maximum fault level of the system for which the parts are earthed positively and that no reliance is put
installation must be designed, including the earth bar. on the bolted construction for earthing. T o prevent cir­
The maximum system voltage dictates the impulse culation currents occurring, larger access covers should
level for which the system must be designed and the be insulated from the rest of the enclosure, except for
consequential clearances between the conductor and a single earth connection on each individual cover.
the enclosure. However, it should be remembered that For the same reason, hinges should be bridged, using
the impulse and switching overvoltages entering from a flexible connector. Designs should offer the facility
the HV side of the generator transformer are not of taking a transformer out for maintenance, while
transferred according to the winding ratio of the trans­ allowing the main connections to be re-energised safe­
former but rather to the ratio of the capacitances of ly. This latter requirement may be achieved by the
the HV and LV sides. Depending on the steepness removal of links or a short section of conductor, and
of the incoming wave, the percentage overvoltage on the fitting of caps over the busbar ends in a manner
the generator side may be higher than the H V side. which maintains the insulation of the system.
This overvoltage may be reduced by the capacitance
of the generator and the generator main connections.
Economics and workability dictate the choice of ma­ 7.3 Insulators
terial for the conductor and the enclosure; aluminium
is the most probable, bearing in mind that the electrical 7.3.1 Post insulators
resistance should be low but the inherent mechanical These support the conductor within the enclosure to
strength adequate to withstand the forces produced maintain the air clearance needed for the highest sys­
during fauU. The phase configuration, i.e., flat in-hne tem voltage. They are m a d e either of epoxy resin or of
or trefoil, and probably the spacing, will be determined porcelain; if porcelain, it must be thoroughly vitrified,
by obstructions on the proposed route. The number of so that the glaze is not depended u p o n for insulation.
bends should be kept to a minimum and those selected The strength of the insulators should be such that
should be of a tested design. when they are supporting the maximum short-circuit
The enclosure insulation level from earth must be loads, the factor of safety is not less than 2.5. The
specified. This level must be high enough to allow for number of supporting insulators at each point and the
degradation caused by dust during the periods between spacing between them is confirmed by short-circuit
cleaning. At present the C E G B specifies 3.6 kV. testing. Typical arrangements are shown in Fig 4.13.
The temperature rises permitted during maximum Stresses due to expansion and contraction in any
continuous current flow are then specified which, for part of the insulator and its fixings must not lead to

Component parts of an IPB system

FIG. 4 . 1 3 Typical insulator support arrangements

the development of defects. The fixings, which should between it and the enclosure to accommodate thermal
be non-magnetic, should be such as to allow movement expansion. Where supporting structures suffer exces­
of the conductor when centralising forces occur during sive vibration, installations may require anti-vibration
short-circuit. The post insulator is usually mounted on pads to be incorporated in the design, although the
plate which bolts externally o n t o a flange fitted to the C E G B does not generally use t h e m . The design of the
enclosure, as shown in Fig 4.14, thereby permitting easy connections mountings should be such that the natural
removal of the insulator. frequency of any part of the busbar structure and its
supporting metalwork does not lie between ± 3 0 % of
the frequency of the applied electro-magnetic force,
7.3.2 Foot insulators (including enclosure i.e., static and dynamic loadings for the power fre­
supports) quency specified should be taken into consideration.
These are plate-type insulators which insulate the
support side of the enclosure from the structural
7.3.3 Disc bushings
steelwork. An insulation level of 3.6 kV is general­
ly specified for this device, which ahows for some Disc bushing seals are fitted at the end of busbar runs
dust build-up during the operation of the plant. The adjacent to plant housings to provide an airtight seal,
support structure itself should allow relative movement thereby preventing hydrogen from the generator, or
oil from the transformers, passing along the isolated
phase-runs in the event of leakage. The isolated phase-
run is then fed with conditioned air, as discussed later.
A bushing seal must also be provided in the VT tee-
CONDUCTOR - ^ off, allowing the on-load maintenance of the VTs
CONDUCTOR without affecting the conditioning air system. Careful
attention is given to the bushing profile to ensure that
moisture, which would reduce the creepage path of
the bushing, cannot be trapped in it.

7.3.4 Wall seals

Wall seals are provided where the enclosure passes
through a wah (see Fig 4.15). The individual enclo­
sures are connected to the wall seal using the bellows
arrangement described in the next section. A similar
seal is fitted where the installation passes through a
Also, to prevent transformer noise causing annoy­
ance in residential areas, the generator transformer
may be fitted with a noise enclosure. A wall seal will
then be required for the busbar to pass through that

7.3.5 Bellows
The bellows maintain the insulation of the main con­
FIG. 4 . 1 4 A typical insulator support assembly nection enclosures from the connected plant (see Fig

Generator main connections Chapter 4

laminae. Alternatively, aluminium bellows may be used.

The bellows are usually of synthetic rubber, completely
weatherproof and airtight and must withstand at least
twice the design working pressure of the conditioning
air system within the enclosure. When bellows are
located outside buildings in direct sunlight, the material
must be chosen to ensure that degradation does not

7.4 Conductor and enclosure expansion

Allowance for the expansion and contraction of the
conductor (Fig 4.17) and enclosure (Fig 4.18) is pro­
vided on the longer busbar runs. This typically com­
prises a 'cage' arrangement, where the expansion gap
is bridged by aluminium laminae. The connection must
have adequate current-carrying capacity and correct
current-sharing among the laminae is ensured by using
a symmetrical array of laminae.

FIG. 4.15 An example of a wall seal

7.5 Flexible connectors
Flexible connectors can be laminae or braid, the choice
4.16). They allow relative movement due to expansion depending on the type of relative movement of the parts
and vibration, and cater, to a limited extent, for any being connected. When removed, they provide isolation
installation misfit due to the worst combination of of plant. The significant difference between them is
allowable tolerances. When bellows are installed on a that laminae only allow relative movement in two
length of busbar at, for example, a conductor expansion dimensions, whereas braid gives full three-dimensional
point, they must be bridged using flexible aluminium movement.




51mm GAP

FIG. 4.16 A bellows assembly

Component parts of an IPB system



FIG. 4.17 Main conductor expansion joint



1 ( i ι: : Γ
' u


•::| ι i \:\
. η

U : i |-1|::Ü


FIG. 4.18 Enclosure expansion joint — typical arrangement

7.5.1 Flexible laminae connectors CTs) at expansion joints, connections to generator

voltage switchgear, and earth connections to some
These are constructed from thin strips of aluminium
items of plant.
laid one above the other, with aluminium palms welded
on each end (Fig 4.19). Suhable holes in the palm
allow the connector to be bolted to the conductor 7.5.2 Braided flexible connectors
palm. Their applications are limited to sections of These are m a d e u p of tinned-copper braid or braids
main runs (for example, to allow the insertion of (Fig 4.20) with ferrules fitted at each end which are

Generator main connections Chapter 4




FIG. 4.19 Construction of a flexible laminae connector




FIG. 4.20 Construction of a braided flexible connector

drilled to allow a bolted connection onto the termi­ It has been found preferable to remove tinning from
nal palms of external plant. It is essential that the the ferrule at the joint interface surface. Methods
ferrules are crimped onto the braid, since sweated of overcoming problems associated with dissimilar
assemblies have been found to suffer from mechanical metals are discussed later. Careful selection of the
creep problems, with failure resulting after a period braids is necessary to ensure that there is adequate
of time. Clearly, whilst the braids overcome the pro­ current-carrying capacity and that they are capable
blem of relative movement of component parts of the of operating continuously at the maximum specified
system, they introduced a dissimilar metal interface temperature.
when connected to the aluminium conductor palm. Consideration should be given t o :

Component parts of an IPB system

• The length of braid compared with the gap, to en­ nearest preferred ratio to the present generator voltage
sure that there is adequate flexibility (ideally there with accuracy maintained for 0 - 1 0 0 % rated output.
should be 2 5 - 3 5 m m free play). The primary sides of the VTs are earthed at one end
to a c o m m o n earth, which is then connected to the
• The number, size and position of the fixing holes
generator stator earth. They are fed from the voltage
on the crimped ferrule (which affects the clamping
transformer tee-off busbar via fuses rated to discri­
pressure on the joint and hence its current-carrying
minate against the fuse located at the tee-off from
the main busbar. In the secondary circuits, any earth
• The ambient air temperature within the enclosure. connections are m a d e to the Station earth, as that is
the earth which is used in instrumentation circuits.
Some manufacturers have traditionally provided ter­
7.6 Painting tiary windings on their voltage transformers connected
in delta and used to prevent the occurrence of neutral
The outside of the conductors and the inside of the
inversion and vokage transformer ferro-resonance. The
enclosures are normally painted with matt black heat-
delta winding is closed solidly or through a loading
resistant paint to improve heat transfer.
resistor, depending on the X / R ratio needed to prevent
ferro-resonance. Neutral inversion is the displacement
of the neutral due to abnormal system conditions,
7.7 Conditioned air
such as open-circuits in one or more phases of systems
Bolted inspection covers, portable earth access covers possessing inductance and capacitance. Ferro-resonance
and the insulator base fixing-plates are provided with can occur when the magnitude of the inductance of
gaskets, and the ends of busbar runs incorporate a the VT compared to the capacitance of the circuit to
disc bushing. These measures prevent the leakage of which it is connected is equal and opposite. When not
moist or polluted air into the enclosure. It is usual required, the tertiary windings are left open-circuited
to pressurise the enclosure so that leakage is outwards with one open-end earthed; this is usual with neutral
to atmosphere. The leakage rates are approximately earthing methods now used. The reader is referred to
10% by volume of the busbar enclosure per h o u r . Chapter 3 (Transformers) and Chapter 11 (Protection),
This airflow, though quite small, purges any ionised for a more detailed discussion of these issues and the
gases which may have accumulated inside the enclosure problems they cause.
and prevents condensation forming, particularly during
periods of shutdown. The cooHng effect of this air
is not taken into account in the design of the busbar
and therefore failure of the associated equipment does
7.9 Current transformers
not necessitate shutdown of the unit. Current transformers (CTs) are located in various parts
All the main connections within the confines of of the instaUation, depending u p o n the protection
the bushing seals are fed with dry conditioned air at scheme employed. Typically, for the scheme shown in
12.5 mbar(gauge). T o prevent condensation, the design Fig 4 . 1 , CTs would be installed in the following lo­
is based on a dewpoint of - 2 5 ° C . A typical system cations (shown in Fig 4.8).
comprises one air compressor and its associated receiver
and drying equipment per unit. Alternatively, if avail­ At the neutral end of the stator winding, between
able, air supplies can be obtained from the Station the terminal plate and the star-bar, for the following
Instrument Air System. Either source is acceptable, purposes:
though sizing and rating problems can occur with
instrument air sources. It is usually preferable to • Tariff metering.
provide an independent compressor. Some air is fed
around the disc bushings to vent to atmosphere after • Efficiency testing.
passing through the equipment housings. • Unit instrumentation and turbine-generator
automatic control input signals.

7.8 Voltage transformers • Low forward power protection.

Voltage transformers (VTs) are mounted within a • Negative phase sequence and loss of excitation
cubicle (see Section 7.16 of this chapter) which is de­ protection.
signed so that the transformer can be safely removed
• Generator differential protection.
for maintenance without requiring access to live parts,
should that be required during operation. A typical
VT weighs in the region of 100 kg. It is generally Within the generator neutral earthing module on the
a single-phase cast-resin transformer connected in a secondary side of the neutral earthing transformer for
star arrangement with a ratio of 22 k V / 1 1 0 V, the stator earth fault protection (see Fig 4.10).

Generator main connections Chapter 4

At the unit transformer for: it is applied is covered here. The design of the access
covers must allow reinstatement of the air conditioning
• Generator differential protection. system when portable earths are applied to prevent
• Unit transformer differential protection. condensation and dampness forming within the main
connections system during periods of prolonged out­
ages. The access cover to the enclosure must allow
On the HV bushing of the generator transformer for
good access to the conductor and earthing device within
generator differential protection.
the enclosure, but be securely bolted and hinged when
not in use. The earthing connection onto the conductor
The design of the CTs must be such that they do not is made by a clamp and is applied using an insulated
reduce the electrical impulse-withstand level or the pole. A flexible cable then connects this via another
power frequency withstand level of the installation. The clamp onto the main connections earth system. The
CTs positioned in the main connections busbar are of access cover must also allow the application of a
the 'slipover' type, mounted within a housing, for ease vohage testing device. C E G B safety rules require the
of erection. They include an earthed screen to shield cover to be lockable.
the secondary winding from the electric field of the
conductor, thereby ahowing the secondary insulation
level to be a nominal 2 kV. This assembly is held at 7.12 Viewing ports
earth potential by connecting the C T core-shield as­
Viewing ports, comprising clear glass or Perspex view­
sembly to an independent earth cable at one point only,
ing windows, are provided in the enclosure at positions
to prevent any circulating current paths. All secondary
where there is a need to check the condition of flexible
cabling should be glanded on an insulated glandplate,
connectors and other equipment regularly. These also
thereby maintaining the 3.6 kV insulation level of the
permit the use of infra-red heat measuring devices for
enclosure. Adequate support and bracing of the CTs
checking the temperature of the connectors.
is required as a typical assembly is heavy; a neutral
CT assembly may weigh 600 kg and a line C T assembly
350 kg. Sufficient ventilation must be provided to
7.13 Connection of the conductor to plant
ensure that the heat produced in the windings does
not cause unacceptable temperature rises. Any forces As detailed earlier in Section 7.5.2 of this chapter,
exerted on the CTs during fault conditions will be braided flexible connectors are used to continue the
limited to those attempting to centrahse them around conducting path to the connected plant. At the gen­
the neutral line of the enclosure. These are not signi­ erator, a 'candelabra' assembly (see Fig 4.21) has been
ficant if the CTs are mounted concentrically. There developed which forms a circular terminal arrangement
will be little, if any, axial force exerted on the CTs fitted to the machine terminals. Braids then bridge the
and this is easily contained by the mountings. The gap between the main connections conductor and the
generator has an impulse-withstand level of 85 kV, generator terminals forming, in effect, a short cylinder
consequently a similar figure can be allowed for the that assists equal current-sharing among the braids.
neutral-end equipment. Care must be taken in the design to ensure that there
CTs should be clearly labelled with details of their is adequate clearance from stator water cooling pipe­
duty and their orientation within the system must be work.
identified to ensure the correct polarity of secondary Connections onto the generator transformer, which
signals. may be either a three-phase tank or three single-phase
tanks, are by braided flexible connectors onto six ter­
minal bushings. A typical arrangement in isolated phase
7.10 Environmental conditions busbar is shown in Fig 4.22.
T o give a good current distribution, the connections
For design purposes, the relative humidity should be o n t o the bushings should be arranged in as near cir­
taken as 10097ο and any equipment mounted out-of-
cular configuration as possible, typically eight palms
doors should be completely weatherproof and capable
arranged in an octagonal formation (see Fig 4.23). A
of withstanding inclement weather conditions, includ­
single palm connection would not give good current
ing wind and snow loading, and solar heating. The
distribution and should be avoided. However, since the
entire instahation should be drip proof, dust proof
generator transformer connections carry phase current
and vermin proof, whh an enclosure rating to at least
rather than line current, there is no need for the ela­
IP45 of BS5490.
borate candelabra arrangement used at the generator.
Connections to auxihary transformers, e.g., the unit
transformer, are simpler than the generator transformer
7.11 Portable earth access covers since the load currents are much lower.
The philosophy of portable earthing is discussed in The temperature rise due to losses in the connec­
Section 11 of this chapter. The mechanism by which tions system must be reduced in areas where significant

C o m p o n e n t parts of an IPB system




0 o o
0 o 0

0 o o 0



FIG. 4 . 2 1 Generator terminal 'candelabra' connection

heat may be conducted from plant, for example, at the tual failure of the joint, often w h h catastrophic resuhs.
generator and the generator transformer via its bush­ A joint (which really consists of many joints in parallel)
ing. The specifications for these items permit higher can be so badly burnt-out that the original cause of
temperatures than are permitted for generator main the fauh is impossible to determine. Consequently, ex­
connections. tensive experimental work on joints has been performed
Access to terminals should be as easy as possible, by the C E G B to estabhsh the most suitable joint surface
with the removal of a minimum of enclosure compo­ preparation assembly and fixing procedures.
nents to gain access to the terminations. There are several influencing factors to consider
when making a joint:

• T h e material of the mating surfaces to be joined.

7.14 Joints in the conductor
A h h o u g h apparently simple, joints have given serious • The preparation of the mating surfaces.
problems in the past, due to the unequal current-shar­
• The b o h size.
ing in braids and poor pointing procedures. One cause
sometimes aggravates the other and leads to the even­ • The b o h material.

Generator main connections Chapter 4






FIG. 4.22 Air delta arrangement in isolated phase busbars

• The size of spreading washer to give necessary clamp­ TABLE 4.1

ing load. Recommended dimensions for bolts and washers used
in jointing
• The necessary torque.

• The method of locking the nut. Washer

Bolt size
Inside dia Outside dia Thickness
The materials making u p the joint are normally either
aluminium or copper; the joints are therefore copper mm mm mm
to copper, aluminium to aluminium or copper to alu­ M6 6.4 14 2 7
minium, in order of increasing difficuhy in making the M8 8.4 21 2.2 20
joint. It is recommended in the C E G B that where MIO 10.5 24 2.4 35
surfaces are coated or plated this should be removed M12 12.8 28 3.0 50
at the interface by linishing, so that one of these three M16 16.8 34 3.4 90
joint interfaces is created. Without going into the
science of jointing, the most satisfactory method will
be described. The jointing surfaces are first cleaned
with a wire brush, a separate wire brush being used for
7.15 On-load temperature measurement
each material. A hberal coating of petroleum jelly is As can be appreciated, temperature measurement of
then applied to prevent further oxidation. High-tensile an I P B system is not easy, but it is necessary during
steel bolts, washers and nuts are then torqued-up and commissioning to ensure that the design requirements
locked, the number of bolts depending on the size of have been met, and during operation to ensure that
the ferrule being bolted. Recommended sizes of these there has been no degradation of joints, flexible con­
components are shown in Table 4 . 1 . nectors, etc. During commissioning, there are various

Component parts of an IPB system



. 1
1 /
i / :
• 1 ι ·
1 I

. - 11-
-i- Λ"ΓΓLili 'ίΐί νΠΐ^ΙιΐΐΓ'-
• 1
\ ι ·

I ·






FIG. 4 . 2 3 Generator transformer connections

'stick-on' tapes available t o record the maximum 7.16 VT cubicles

temperature attained at a spot. They have the obvious
Each phase m a y require u p t o five VTs arranged in
disadvantage that they can only be read after the sys­
isolated phase compartments. When isolating a VT, it
tem has been de-energised but they are a useful way
is usual t o break the primary side before the secondary
of doing a temperature survey. Temperature-sensitive
side, so that isolating contacts compatible with the
paints are also available which change colour at a set
secondary voltage can be used. Each VT is separately
temperature. For both these methods, it is essential
protected by a primary fuse, typically 3 A , which
to ensure that, once the sensor has been 'triggered',
discriminates with the 10 A fuse fitted at the tee-off,
it remains stable until an opportunity to check it is
already described. T h e VT secondary wiring, suhably
available. Thermocouples and contact thermometers
fused, is wired t o a combined C T a n d VT secondary
also exist, but they are generally only of use on the
marshalling cubicle and then into its associated pro­
star-bar because of the high vohages involved. A n
tection or instrumentation scheme. When the VT is
alternative method is an infra-red camera, which o b ­
isolated, before access can be gained to it, earths must
viously requires hne-of-sight vision t o the spot t o be
be applied by the VT isolating mechanism to both
measured. Painting the surface of the joint can improve
sides of the 3 A fuse, a n d the primary a n d the se­
the efficiency of emission of infra-red. Since magnetic
condary terminals of the transformer. T o ensure that
fields can influence an infra-red camera, caution must
this procedure is followed, the VT cubicle door is
be exercised when using it.
Because of the difficulty of temperature measure­
ment, indirect methods of monitoring can be consi­
dered. Checks of joint resistance, using a micro-ohm
meter, can be made during plant shutdown, and all
7.17 Access platforms
joints checked for obvious signs of discoloration due Since the main connections route is complicated by
to high temperature. proximity t o other plant, some access covers are un­
If viewing ports are provided, both the infra-red avoidably located at awkward places; access platforms
camera and visual checks for discoloration are possi­ are therefore necessary t o facilitate quick inspection
ble. H o t spots only occur at jointed areas; the general of joints and connection of portable earthing equip­
busbar temperature is not a problem, provided that the ment. Sufficient r o o m must be available for an operator
busbars have been correctly designed. to manoeuvre voltage sensing probes, earth application

Generator main connections Chapter 4

poles, etc. Care must be taken to ensure that ladders tions are transported complete, i.e., they include
and handrails do not bridge insulated joints electri­ conductor, enclosure, insulators and all fittings.
cally at plant interfaces and thus render them inef­
fective. Also, such structures in the vicinity of the
connections are designed so that they are not heated 7.21 Quality assurance
by stray magnetic fields during continuous operation
Notwithstanding the quality checks required for each
of the plant.
individual component, careful final assembly and weld­
The continuity of any current-conducting path in
ing of the busbar sections is most important. Welding
the steelwork should be interrupted by the inclusion
must be in accordance with a specified standard, e.g.,
of insulating pads, bushes and washers, etc. Attention
BS3571 Part 1 for metal arc welding or BS3019 Part 1
should be given to the need to sectionalise or insulate
for tungsten arc welding (both inert gas), and all welds
cladding or screens.
must be clearly identified in the design, including their
type, weld process, weld preparation, with samples of
each weld type m a d e available for examination. Welds
7.18 Structural steelwork can be grouped as electrical circuit welds or structural/
Structural steelwork running parallel to main con­ mechanical welds and detailed welding procedures are
nections enclosures must be spaced at least 300 m m prepared. Testing of welds by radiography and dye-
distant. Steelwork running at right angles to main penetrant techniques is carried out on a percentage of
connections enclosures must be spaced at least 150 m m all welds produced, with clear acceptance levels agreed
distant. The supporting structure for the whole of the before work starts.
main connections, including the tee-off connections,
is designed to give a rigid structure for the static and
dynamic loads imposed with a typical safety factor
8 Testing
of 1.5. Supports must be completely independent of
the equipment to which the busbars are connected This section covers tests for:
and separate from main building steelwork. They are
• Component parts of the main connections
floor-mounted and designed to prevent heating of
the structure by magnetic leakage fields.
• Manufacture of a test piece to ensure adequate
7.19 Neutral earthing equipment
• Testing on site.
This equipment has developed in the manner described
in Section 11 of this chapter and, for a 660 M W gen­ • Type tests.
erator, typically comprises a solid insulation (SNAW)
• Routine tests.
462 kVA cast-resin transformer with a suitably-sized
load resistor and anticondensation heater mounted • Sample tests.
within a free-standing module, one per unit. The trans­
former is normally unenergised, so particular attention
must be given to ensuring that the complete encap­ 8.1 Tests on component parts
sulation performed under vacuum is free from voids,
cracks and other defects, and accurate location of the 8.1.1 Insulators and bushings
winding is essential. The resistor is likely to be of
At the time of writing, these components are made
the metallic type and have a value which limits the
of an epoxy material. Type tests are carried out on
earth fault current to 10-15 A in each neutral. It will
samples of complete insulators representative of each
be air cooled, non-deteriorating, non-corrodible and
type used in the installation; they will already have
fireproof, non-inductive and capable of carrying the
passed the specified Routine tests. Each insulator type
earth fault current for five minutes without mechani­
needs a different jig in order to subject it to realistic
cal damage: the total resulting temperature rise should
testing. The necessary corrections for temperature, ba­
not exceed 200°C.
rometric pressure and humidity are applied. Typical
type tests are:

7.20 Site installation • Lightning-impulse voltage withstand This is the

standard 1.2/50 /xs impulse test with the test con­
Clearly it is advantageous to d o as much factory
ditions given in BS3297 Part 1 1974 or BS223 1985
fabrication as possible, subject to transportation hmits.
as appropriate, the test value being that for the
Equipment housings and sections including bends re­
highest system voltage of the installation.
quire more complicated fabrication techniques and
are best done at the works, leaving the relatively easy • Dry power frequency withstand T o BS3297 at the
welding of straight joints to be done on site. The sec­ appropriate test value for one minute.


• Wei power frequency withstand To BS3297 at the mately 5 0 % of the specified puncture voltage apphed
appropriate test value for one minute. across the unit. This vohage is then increased gradually
to 1.3 times the actual dry flashover voltage of the
• Partial discharge test Carried out in accordance
unit without causing puncture.
with BS4828, the partial discharge being measured
in terms of apparent charge; the level should not • Ultimate cantilever-load sample test Finally, a unit
exceed 50 picacoulombs. should be loaded u p in the cantilever mode until
failure occurs. For this sample test, failure should
• Cantilever mechanical type-test This is applied to a
not occur below 8 0 % of the failure load obtained
complete insulator secured by its normal means of
from the Type testing.
fixing, with the load apphed at right angles to the
axis of the insulator. This test would not be applied
to a disc bushing. 8.1.2 Busbar material
Checks are made to ensure that the material is to
The following Routine tests should be carried out on specification and that different material types are clear­
all individual insulators and bushings: ly identified, so that the incorrect material or thick­
ness cannot be inadvertently used in any part of the
• Visual examination,
• Electrical routine test A 1-minute withstand test at
the appropriate vohage.
8.1.3 Transformers
• Mechanical routine test A cantilever test at 7097o of
The various VTs and CTs throughout the system require
the faihng load of the insulator in this mode.
Type and Routine tests, as described in Chapter 3.

In addition to these Type and Routine tests, the fol­

lowing Sample tests should be performed; the method 8.1.4 Loading resistors
of selection is discussed in BS3297 Part 1, 1974: The neutral earthing system loading-resistor must be
tested in accordance with BS587: 1957, as fohows:
• Verification of dimensions This involves checking
that the dimensions are in accordance with the re­
Type testing
levant drawings, with due regard for tolerances and
other details which may affect interchangeability. • High voltage.
• Temperature cycle sample test Several cycles of • Ohmic value of resistor.
immersion in hot and cold water, the sample being
held at each temperature for one hour to ensure • Temperature rise.
that a uniform temperature has been attained. The
difference in hot and cold temperatures should not Routine testing
be less than 70°C. This test would be followed by a
routine electrical test to ensure that no degradation • High voltage.
of the insulator has occurred. • Ohmic value of resistor.
• Oscillatory-load sample test This simulates mechani­
cal shocks onto the main connection installation 8.1.5 Capacitors
caused by, for example, operation of a circuit-
Capacitors may be installed in the main connections
breaker. The number of oscillations selected is left
for the reasons explained in Section 10 of this chapter.
to the judgement of the engineer specifying the
They should be tested in accordance with BS 1650.
installation (of the order of four million), but is
not applicable to disc bushings.
8.1.6 Switchgear and earthing switches
• Tension sample test Each sample insulator is
subjected to 7 0 % of its uhimate tensile failure load Testing requirements for switchgear are discussed in
for one minute without failure to it or its fixings. Chapter 5.
It is not applicable to disc bushings. Type and routine testing of earthing switches is in
accordance with BS5253, the test arrangement simu­
• Torsional sample test A torsional load is applied
lating the service condition as far as practical, i.e., the
to each threaded insert or stud of an insulator or
switches should be mounted in their service enclosures,
bushing to demonstrate that no permanent distortion
together with a section of busbar. The short-circuit
or loosening of fittings occurs. For thread sizes up
test is made on a three-phase group of switches, but all
to M12, a load of 50 Nm is used.
other tests may be performed single-phase.
• Puncture sample test For this, the insulator is Control and electrical interlocking circuits, if appli­
immersed in switchgear oil and a vohage of approxi­ cable, should be tested for correct operation.

Generator main connections Chapter 4

8.1.7 Compressed air system and the delta section. T h e former requires representa­
tion of all three phases a n d the earth bar whereas for
All compressors, pipework, valves and ancillary ap­
the latter a 'go and return' section plus earth bar suf­
paratus are tested to appropriate standards, i.e., the
fices. A n example of a test piece comprising aluminium
pressure of their associated safety valves, with air
busbar in an aluminium enclosure representative of
receivers being pressure tested to one and a half times
a unit transformer tee-off connection is shown in
their safety valve operation pressure.
Fig 4.24.
Consideration should be given to incorporating ad­
ditional equipment into the test piece, for example C T
8.2 Tests on representative sections of IPB
chambers, expansion joints, flexible connections, etc.
It has been explained earlier that calculation of the The following design aspects of the test piece should
forces that exist upon a main connections installation be considered. In addition to the selected test piece,
during short-circuit is very difficuh and at the time of it is advisable to add a short interface section where
writing there is n o reliable calculation method avail­ connections are made to the incoming unscreened
able. Any computational method later developed will section of the test station busbar. This reduces the
require validation by testing. Consequently the CEGB's end effects of non-representative connections on the
normal practice is to test the capability of a main con­ test piece. The connection to the test station supply is
nections design by subjecting h to the worst fauh by flexible connections, as used in normal service.
currents which might occur in service. There are limited The short-circuit is by means of a shorting bar of
facilities worldwide where tests of this kind can be construction generally similar to part of the main con­
carried out, and such testing is very expensive. It may nections installation. It is connected to the test piece
be advantageous for the manufacturer to offer a main by joints similar to a normal tee-off but strengthened,
connections installation of higher current rating than typically by welded webs, in order to whhstand the
is necessary simply in order to use a tested design, high knife-switch forces in this area, those forces being
thereby making repeat tests unnecessary. higher than those in practice at a right-angle bend.
It is normal to offer two test pieces; a section of In a single-phase-to-earth fault, connection to the test
main and tee-off busbar, including the tee-off itself. piece is in a section of earth bar returning to the test

• 7

FIG. 4 . 2 4 Test piece for generator main connections


station connections by unscreened conductor, this being The values of fauh conditions are the sum of the
representative of a normal earth bar arrangement in a contributions from the generator side and the genera­
typical design. Laminated flexible sections should be tor transformer side of the system. The design values
provided at each end of the screened conductor and should be applied throughout the system, including the
the conductor held down in the manner proposed in associated earth bar system, to ensure a high integrity.
the earth bar design. Bonding bars should be incor­ For a 660 M W installation, the test levels quoted
porated in the test piece at the test supply end, though would be as follows:
the short-circuit bar enclosure wih provide the bonding
between individual phase enclosures at the remote (a) Equivalent R M S short-circuit three-phase 200 kA
end of the test piece. fault current for 1 second
It is recommended that the following measurements (b) Calculated first loop peak of (a) 630 kA
are recorded:
(c) R M S short-circuit single-phase equiva- 168 kA
• Input The applied current (and voltages) are re­ lent to each fault current for 1 second
corded on UV oscillographs. It is advisable to take (i.e., this represents the heating effect
additional current measurements using Rogowski- equivalent to that fauU current which
coil type current transducers in various parts of the actually flows, taking into account cur­
test piece, these being particularly useful for dia­ rent decrement)
gnostic purposes should some failure occur. (If any
CTs are fitted in the test piece, they should have (d) Calculated first loop peak of (c) 435 k A
their secondary windings shorted unless some mea­
surement of their output is required.) The earth fault values assume that the generator neu­
tral earthing transformer primary is short-circuited, (a)
• Force Piezoelectric force transducers should be and (c) are thermal tests, whereas the peak tests (b)
positioned to measure load on the earth bar. If a and (d) are mechanical.
correlation is being m a d e between the test results
Representative parts of the design are also tested to
and predictions by calculation, as many transducers
as possible should be applied t o the earth bar to give
greater confidence in the calculation method. • Lightning impulse-voltage withstand, using the stand­
ard 1.2/50 /AS impulse, i.e., that there is adequate
• Voltage rise The voltage rise in various parts of
air clearance between conductor and enclosure. At
the test piece should be measured relative to one
present generator voltages, a test level of 170 kV peak
point on the test piece.
fuh-wave is used, apphcable to a system highest
• Temperature Maximum-indicating temperature de­ voltage of 36 kV.
vices of the stick-on type should be liberally apphed
• Power frequency one-minute dry withstand corre­
to the test piece in order to record the maximum
sponding to the above figure, in this case 70 kV RMS
temperature reached. These should be examined
at 50 H z .
after the one-second test (see Section 7.15 of this
chapter) to ensure that the final conductor tempera­
ture does not exceed specification. Clearly, initial D u e to the less-onerous service conditions, the tests on
temperature prior to short-circuit must be recorded exciter systems (see Section 5.5 of this chapter) can be
to determine temperature rise. The thermal short- confined t o :
circuit capacity of the main busbar is far in excess • Power frequency dry withstand, 10 kV RMS for one
of the actual values due to the high continuous minute at 50 H z .
current and large conductor and enclosure cross-
sections. For the unit transformer tee-off, the tem­ • Full wave lightning-impulse withstand, 5 positive
perature rise has less margin due to its relatively and 5 negative discharges, at 40 kV.
smaller cross-section.
• A heat run of 5000 A R M S for 8 hours, including
adequate instrumentation to survey the whole system.

8.3 Test levels

The fauh conditions normally quoted in a specification 8.4 Tests at site
are synthetic insofar as the actual fault currents that The complete installation, including compressed air
would flow on a given power station installation cannot pipework if fitted, for a 660 M W Generator would
be predicted precisely. The test values are therefore be subjected to either a dry one-minute power fre­
derived from real plant parameters, assuming that all quency voUage-withstand test at 68 kV R M S or a dry
the variables combine at their worst. The test philo­ fifteen-minute D C voltage test at a test level of 66 kV
sophy is based on the presumption that any real fault D C . T h e insulafion resistance is measured before and
will be less severe than the test condition. after this H V test. The connections t o the generator

Generator main connections Chapter 4

and transformer windings are disconnected during the The results of all short-circuit tests that have been
test. performed to date by the C E G B allow some general
In addition to the above, a heat run is carried out comments to be made concerning the areas of the
on the complete installation, using the generator as the design which are most critical.
power source to ensure that the main connections Faults in the past have generally been associated
design is satisfactory for the rated overload current with small-section conductors, sharp changes of direc­
and temperature condition. This test is performed by tion in small-section conductors, welds in small-section
short-circuiting the main connections on the grid side conductors and end effects at bonding bars. Generally,
of the generator transformer, closing the HV earthing the main conductor cross-section required for con­
switches in the grid connection to form a three-phase tinuous maximum rating is such that it has ample
short-circuit and adjusting the generator voltage to short-circuit withstand capability. The same is true of
give the maximum continuous rated current of the con­ the main enclosure except, for example, where extra
nections. A liberal number of temperatures should be local loading is placed upon it by poorly supported
recorded and the installation run for sufficient time bonding bars. Nevertheless, it is still essential to include
to become thermally stable. a section of main busbar in the test piece in order
Finally, the enclosure installation should be subject to steady the unit transformer tee-off and other small
to an insulation-to-earth test appropriate to a 3.6 kV or complex section conductors, e.g., in hne laminae,
insulation level. bolted joints, earth bar fittings, etc.
Similar tests are performed on the exciter connection, Details of some typical problems revealed in testing
though at a reduced level. are:

• Enclosure bonding bars, if not sufficiently robust,

will be distorted at the test piece ends during the
9 Experience of testing mechanical test. Bonding bar movement can pass
In the event of an unrestricted fault at or in the unit the stress down to the enclosure support feet, causing
transformer, the main connection system cannot pre­ them to distort.
vent damage at the point of the fauh. It is therefore
• The additional forces that exist due to end effects
considered that a specification for the main connections
are revealed by general relative movement and dis­
should ensure that:
tortion of the conductors at the test piece ends,
• They are not the source of any faults. though elsewhere the conductor and enclosure must
remain straight and undistorted. The forces in this
• The connections will not compound a fauh occur­ end area can damage laminae or braided flexible
ring outside the main connections terminal points. connectors.
• Their design must be such as to allow a return to • Inadequate earth bar cross-section and insufficient
operation with the minimum possible refurbishment. holding down points can allow the earth bar to dis­
tort severely: this is probably one of the most
The test results of a main connections design are c o m m o n problems revealed by testing. This demon­
therefore analysed with the above criteria in mind. strates the effect of lack of shielding since the earth
The short-circuit testing of designs undertaken by the bar is not provided with a sheath. It also illustrates
C E G B has not been without incident and has shown that a system of this mass, when subjected to forces
that the designer cannot rely fuhy on calculations. This produced by the fauh current, wih suffer distortion
is true both of the thermal and the mechanical short- and possible damage whilst absorbing the energy
circuit tests. The distortion of the test sections caused present. The conductor is a large, very rigid structure
by mechanical forces has been considerable. In addi­ supported by a strong insulator system in a braced
tion, the rise in potential of enclosures and earth bars enclosure itself supported on strong insulated feet.
has been higher than predicted. Experience has shown This assembly has little flexibility and a large mass
that as many measurements as possible, of all the (very high inertia). The earth bar, whilst supported
parameters, should be taken so that ah the results of at many points and of large cross-section, is rela­
the test can be fully interpreted. An adequate supply of tively less massive as a system and in the event of
measuring devices is also essential, since some can be reaction between it and the conductor system it is
damaged during the test. Since test laboratory time the earth bar that suffers most damage.
is expensive, detailed preparation work is essential to • Because of the centralising force exerted on the
ensure a trouble-free test session. This requires a com­ conductor by the enclosure, damage can result to the
plete understanding of the requirements a m o n g con­ feet supporting the conductor by spreading or crack­
tractors, laboratory staff and customer. ing, and the design must cater for this force.
It is essential to ensure that the test connections from
the test station are arranged such that no unrepresenta­ • Testing has shown that during short-circuit con­
tive stress is put on the test piece due to their presence. ditions, diametrically opposite laminaes or braids

Generator voltage switchgear

will be attracted together when forming part of the (d) Film record The basic concept of a film record
conductor and repelled when part of the enclosure. is sound and such a record should be specified.
This can cause movement of the conductor and Some shortcomings have been highhghted in recent
damage to the support insulator feet, or indeed the tests which should be dealt with.
insulator itself. The designer's assumption at the outset of test­
ing is that n o major problems wiU be encountered.
• The forces produced during the mechanical test
Thus filming is carried out in a fairly standard
provide a comprehensive check of the adequacy of
fashion, using a frame speed in the region of 5000
the welding specification.
frames/s at the instant of the fault. If a fault
• During the testing it is c o m m o n for extensive arcing occurs in which the camera sees an electrical arc,
and smoke to be produced, generally caused by then the film record from this point onwards is
paint in joints of the test piece frame burning out virtually useless. On other tests where an arcing
due to circulating current. If such arcing is to be fault has been intentionally provoked, filming has
eliminated, sound electrical joints in the frame are been performed through a high sensitivity neutral
required. filter. The illumination of the arc is sufficient to
penetrate this filter and give a rough outline of the
surrounding equipment but, prior to the arc, the
Some other significant factors have arisen concerning
film is totally blank and unexposed.
instrumentation of short-circuit tests.
The principal object of the tests is to short-circuit One possible solution, on a test where it is
proof-test a busbar specimen. The instrumentation pro­ not known whether arcing will occur, is to run both
vided is intended to provide supplementary information normal and filtered cameras simultaneously, al­
for comparative records as well as data that might though this is wasteful of film should a fault not
help in the ensuing fault analysis. Taking the instru­ occur. It is also complicated and expensive in terms
mentation normally applied in turn: of the initial equipment to be provided.
Another potential solution currently being in­
(a) Voltage measurement Measurement of enclosure vestigated, centres a r o u n d a product marketed for
voltages does prove useful, but care should be taken mihtary use. A chemically-treated plastic, trans­
when interpreting the results. The intention is to parent under normal illumination, becomes almost
measure the voltage drop along the enclosure when o p a q u e when subject to intense ultra-violet radia­
fault current flows in the conductor. T h e actual tion. T h e time taken to change from clear to opaque
enclosure currents are the sum of many complex is very short indeed, and a fiher of this material
and interacting phenomena. For example, the prin­ apphed to the lens of the camera might offer a
cipal enclosure current flows on the inner surface cheap and ready insurance against unexpected arc­
but currents induced by other conductors flow on ing faults with the possibihty of recording evidence
the outer surface. during the arc.
The current flow in the enclosures is not
homogenous, but is subject both to concentrations
and eddies. As a result, placing a set of potential
measuring points along the outside of a relatively
10 Generator voltage switchgear
short test piece of complex geometry will not yield Only a brief mention of this equipment is made here:
a smooth potential gradient along the test piece. the actual switchgear is described in Chapter 5 and
However, experience has demonstrated that en­ the factors to be considered regarding its use are dis­
closure monitoring points can show when arcs or cussed in Chapter 1. However, if such equipment is
conducting metal touch the enclosure. Additionally, incorporated in the main connections installation, this
providing that the correct measuring method is affects the layout of the busbar and calls for additional
chosen, useful information can be derived concern­ equipment to be installed, e.g., pneumatic equipment,
ing the earth bar and the voltage drops along it. cooling equipment a n d , possibly, system capacitors.
The switchgear is located in the horizontal run of bus­
(b) Strain gauges Strain gauges are very sensitive to
bar and an area, preferably enclosed, must be provided
electrical interference and, furthermore, unless great
care is taken when positioning them, they can be to house it. Due to the physical size of the switchgear,
affected by thermal expansion of the test piece. increased centres between phases will be required in
Converting the resuhs obtained into meaningful that area. The switchgear comprises an independent
loading figures is unrehable because of the diffi­ 'interrupting device' per phase, thereby maintaining
culty of defining exactly how the loadings are complete phase isolation throughout the system. Con­
produced. sideration must be given to the foundation requirements
for mounting the switchgear.
(c) Temperature The stick-on maximum temperature The switchgear itself may be either water or air
indicating devices are a perfectly adequate means cooled, the option being selected after consideration of
of recording temperatures during these tests. the continuous current-carrying capacity and therefore

Generator main connections Chapter 4

the quantity of heat to be extracted, air coohng having components being similar to those used for the gen­
obvious hmitations. erator stator neutral earthing, already described.
To minimise transmission of shock to the main Consideration must be given to the additional syn­
busbars due to the operation of the switchgear, flexible chronising requirements when generator switchgear is
connections are made between the switch and busbar, employed. The normal measuring VTs, already de­
normally using aluminium laminae. Caution should be scribed, are installed between the switchgear and the
exercised if aluminium laminae are used, as this may generator (see Fig 4.8). T o monitor the 'system' side
reduce electrical clearances to an unacceptable degree of the switchgear either a supply can be taken from the
if the switchgear was designed to be connected by system neutral earthing transformer, by incorporating
copper laminae. Since a continuous circuit for circu­ a tertiary winding within it, or an additional tee-off
lating current within the main connection enclosure and VT provided instead. If system capacitors are
is required, loop connections to the body of the switch- needed, the latter is the better solution and the VT
gear must be provided, the most suitable being alu­ cubicle would then house both the additional synchro­
minium laminae. nising VTs and the system capacitors.
Another significant factor affecting the main con­ The methods of earthing for maintenance purposes
nections is whether the switchgear is fault-rated or is are different for installations with and without gen­
lower-rated as is a switch disconnector; the imphcations erator switchgear.
of this decision are discussed fully in Chapter 1 of this
volume. However, depending on the characteristics of
the switchgear selected, and in particular the value of 11 Earthing
the transient recovery voltage (TRV), capacitors may
have to be added to the system, fitted between the The methods of earthing the main connections, namely
conductor and the earth, to cater for the satisfactory stator neutral earthing and systems neutral earthing,
operation of the generator switchgear under all op­ have already been discussed, together with the earthing
erating conditions. The most suitable position for these requirements for the enclosure system and for con­
capacitors is generally in a specially designed compart­ nected equipment, for example, transformer tanks. This
ment within a VT cubicle, a three-phase bank of single- section briefly explains the philosophy of earthing the
phase capacitors being connected between phase and generator and its connections.
earth. These are used to decrease the steepness of the Prior to 1950, the normally established earthing
switching or fault clearance voltage wavefront in order practice for the neutral of a main generator connected
not to exceed the maximum allowable voltage stress to the system by transformers, was to use a vokage
on the insulation of the equipment. They reduce the transformer, the secondary of which generally operated
rate-of-rise of recovery voltage at the interruption of an alarm in preference to tripping the generator. A
short-circuits and load currents. Capacitors can also number of serious breakdowns in the early 1950s caused
reduce overvoltages caused by single-phase faults on this practice to be a b a n d o n e d . Instead, the neutral
the LV side of the generator transformer. The capa­ was earthed via a low resistance, namely a liquid earth­
citors themselves comply with BS 1650 or equivalent ing resistor. The resistance was typically 22 ohms for
specification, and are preferably of the steel-tank oil- 30 M W and 60 M W generators operating at 11.8 kV,
fiUed type, having insulation and impulse voltage ca­ so that the maximum line-to-earth current would be
pabilities equivalent to those specified for the remainder about 300 A . The time rating of the resistor was 30 s.
of the main connections instaUation. The capacitors This method continued until the 1960s when, instead,
should incorporate discharge resistors to ensure that earthing was effected by a low resistance connected
they are safely discharged to earth potential, following to the LV winding of a distribution-type matching
the shut down and isolation of the plant. When the transformer, the H V winding of which was connected
capacitors are installed in the VT cubicle and the tee- in the neutral lead (see Fig 4.10). This has worked
off cubicle is fed through fuses (Secdon 5.3 of this satisfactorily and costs no more than earthing through
chapter), then those fuses must be capable of h a n d h n g a hquid earthing resistor. The high effective resistance
the capacitor inrush current without failure. to earth fault current limits the damage at the point
The design of the generator stator neutral earthing of fault and there is the advantage that the resistor
is described in Section 11 of this chapter. If generator can be designed for low vokage w k h attendant robust­
switchgear is installed, m a i n connections system ness and reliability. T h e surge-reflection characteristics
between the switchgear and the generator transformer of this system have been found to be satisfactory. This
is unearthed when that switchgear is open. T o cater scheme has the additional advantage that, because the
for this, a system neutral earthing transformer must maximum earth fault current is very low, in the order
be installed between the switch and the transformer of 10-15 A , a sensitive setting of the protection relay,
which will form a neutral point on the LV side of the as shown in Fig 4.8, can be used in the unit protection
generator transformer. This neutral earthing trans­ scheme. Clearly, the fault current flows in the trans­
former has an interstar primary with its neutral point former primary winding, so the current-limiting resistor
earthed via a transformer and resistor, these last two on the secondary side of the matching transformer

Earthing for maintenance purposes

carries a higher current. During normal conditions with gisation via the H V breaker in the substation is not
the stator currents balanced, no current flows in the credible due to the fact that it would be open and
neutral earthing transformer. locked, as would the H V isolator, and the HV earth
Initially, when this scheme was developed, the trans­ switches would be closed and locked.
former and resistor were shuated some distance away Any back-feed is then limhed t o :
from the star point, sometimes outside the turbine
hall, since the transformer was oil filled. This neces­ Unit auxiliary system 7 kA for 2 s
sitated the use of a long length of cable, an earth fault Residual magnetism at barring speed 1 kA continuous
on which could only be detected during outage times.
Clearly such a fault on this cable would, during an Residual magnetism at full speed 1 kA continuous
unrelated earth fauh on the system, cause unrestricted Full excitation at fuh speed 25 kA for 2 s
earth fault current to flow. Consequently, a cast-resin
type transformer was developed which is located ad­
It is therefore deemed adequate that, for installations
jacent to the star-bar together with its loading resistor,
without generator voltage switchgear, the primary earth
thereby increasing the integrity of the system by having
should be rated at 25 k A for 2 s.
as short a connection to the star-bar as possible.
For installations with generator voltage switchgear,
See also Section 10 of this chapter for details of
the section between the switch and the generator could
system neutral earthing when a generator switch is
be re-energised, since the switch is the point of isolation.
Here, the Primary earth is applied by fully-rated
motorised earth swhches, complying with BS5253, on
the basis of one per phase for each generator u n h .
12 Earthing for maintenance purposes
For a 660 M W generator installation, the following
Before any maintenance work can be performed on a minimum earth switch specification would be expected
main connections installation, the system must be ef­ for a terminal voltage of 23.5 kV, 50 H z .
fectively isolated by lockable means, and fully earthed.
The methods used and the extent to which this is • Impulse voltage withstand 170 kV peak
achieved depend on the Safety Rules of the operating • Power frequency voltage withstand 75 kV R M S
utility. to earth
At the time of wrhing, the C E G B uses a National
Code of Practice for earthing high voltage apparatus • Continuous rated current 1000 A
which (simply put) calls for a 'Primary earth' to be ap­
• Rated short time current 160 k A
phed whhin the isolated zone on which work is to be
performed. This Primary earth must be of adequate • Permissible duration of short-circuit 1 s
cross-sectional area to discharge safely any fault current
• Rated peak current 440 k A peak
which may flow as the result of inadvertent energisa­
tion. A circuit-breaker or a specially provided earth • Operating time 10 s
switch or fixed earthing device must be used to m a k e
the first Primary earth connection. After application of • Rated short-circuit making current 750 A peak
this earth, the system then has a number of 'portable at rated voltage
drain earths' added in accordance with an agreed 'Earth­
ing schedule' in positions such that, wherever work is to A typical earth switch arrangement is shown in Fig
be carried out, the person performing the maintenance 4.25, one switch would be installed in each phase.
work can see at all times that the portable drain earth The switch is m o u n t e d integrally with the main
is in position. The C E G B requires that a visible drain connections enclosure a n d penetrates to the conductor
earth must be positioned within 10 m of the place of via a drive housing. The actual earth connection is
work. m a d e by a motor-driven lead-screw system operating
If generator switchgear is installed, the Primary earth a drum-type contact. A position indicator must be
swhch must be located between the generator and the provided on the outside of the swhch: a window in
generator switchgear. This earth then covers the section the busbar enclosure allows the position of the contact
in which it is fitted and also the remainder of the instal­ to be checked visually. It is usual to provide a handle
lation when the generator switchgear is closed. There­ for m a n u a l operation of the earthing swhch, should
fore earthing procedures and sequences are different, that be necessary.
depending on whether a generator switch is installed.

12.2 Portable drain earths

12.1 Priniary earth
These devices are apphed after the Primary earth, as
For a 660 M W installation without generator voltage explained earlier in this section, and are rated to handle
switchgear, it is considered that inadvertent re-ener­ the m a x i m u m fault current. For a 660 M W generator

Generator main connections Chapter 4

A typical method of application is the fitting of a

clamping device on the portable earth connection to
a 'bair fitted permanently to the conductor, the com­
ponent parts being shown in Fig 4.26.
The earthing clamp is applied to the ball, using an
HV insulated pole of approved design. The pole is
about two metres long so that the person applying the
earth is never in any danger if, for some extremely
unlikely reason, the equipment were alive. Similar de­
vices are used to apply earths to substation equipment
but a longer pole, typically four metres long, is used
because of the higher vohages in those areas. Design
of the clamping devices must be such that it is not
possible to apply an earth with a two-metre pole, when
a four-metre pole should be used.
After application of the clamp onto the conductor,
the portable earth access cover should be closed.
At the other end of the portable earthing cable, an­
77777^ other clamp is fitted, suitable for connection to the
system main earth bar. For this purpose, secondary
FIG. 4.25 Single-phase earth switch earth bar loops from the main earth bar run are pro­
vided adjacent to each portable earth access point,
though the main earth bar run must be continuous and
operating at 23.5 kV, the portable earthing equipment independent of such loops. Typical points to which it
is rated at 17.5 kA for 2 s or, alternatively, 23.5 kA should be possible to connect portable drain earths are:
for one second.
• Generator transformer LV bushings.
The portable earth is applied to the conductor after
gaining access to it via a portable earth access cover. • U n k transformer HV bushings.





FIG. 4.26 Portable earthing device

Future trends

• System earthing transformer H V bushings. 14 Interlocking

• Transformer side of unit transformer tee-off CTs. Operational and maintenance interlocking schemes are
discussed in detail in Chapter 1 but the designer of
• Unit transformer tee-off.
the main connections should be aware of the possible
• Both sides of generator switchgear. requirements for such schemes. The method of inter­
locking may be electrical on circuit-breakers and earth
• VT cubicle tee-off.
switches, but may be of the mechanical key-interlock
• VT cubicle side of tee-off fuse. type on other equipment. If minimal interlocking is
used, then very strict administrative controls are re­
• Generator terminals.
quired to ensure that the operator cannot gain access
• System capacitor terminals and tanks. to live equipment and that a safe sequence of events
has to be performed before access can be achieved.
Portable earthing equipment must obviously be ex­
amined regularly to ensure that it is undamaged and
the results of such examinations must be recorded. 15 Future trends
It must also be examined immediately before use by the
660 M W generators are now the standard size used
person responsible for the application of such earths.
by the C E G B , though the industry is considering an
Careful recording of the number of portable earths
increase from that figure for both fossil-fired and nu­
applied and of their locations is essential to ensure clear ( P W R ) stations. There are two possible future
that aU are removed prior to re-energisation of the steps in the short term: the choice will probably depend
system. This can be performed either by a mechanical on the type of steam raising plant. If the P W R con­
interlock method (which can become very involved cept is pursued, it may be decided to drive only one
and time consuming on extensive systems), or by strict generator from each reactor, thereby requiring a tur­
administrative controls. bine-generator rated at about 1300 M W .
The locations of some of the portable earth access Future coal-fired plant may incorporate turbine-
covers may be several metres above ground. Access generators rated at a b o u t 900 M W .
platforms are provided, the design of which takes into Whichever option is selected, a move to some form
account the difficulty of applying the portable earth of forced-cooling of generator main connections will
clamp. Careful consideration must be given to avoiding be required, with a probable increase in voltage and
induced circulating current in this steelwork. higher line current; in this way, large dimensional in­
creases can be avoided. A forced-air cooled system is
the more likely since this would be a relatively simple
13 Protection extension of current designs.
It may become possible, if adequate research work
It is not intended to explain the protection systems is performed, to increase the operating temperature
employed to cover the main connections; these are of main connections. If so, it is hkely that silver plating
fully described in Chapter 11. However, the designer will be required to avoid oxidation.
of the main connections instahation must be fully Since the cost of testing main connections designs
aware of the requirements for protection devices, such is so high, some development work would be desirable
as current transformers, within the equipment and to reduce testing costs. This could involve either cal­
their accommodation whhin the design. H e must also culation methods or small-scale comparisons. In the
be aware of the operation time of the protection and former, a design would be completely modelled and the
design his equipment to carry fauh current safely for forces due t o short-circuit calculated. Some physical
that period. Present figures are quoted in Section 8.3 testing would initially be required to validate the cal­
of this chapter. culation m e t h o d . As an alternative, it may be possible
The design of accommodation must take into ac­ to model the installation or a representative part of
count ease of assembly, access for testing and ease of it and to fault-test at higher t h a n normal frequency.
withdrawal if a device becomes faulty. During com­ This reduces the size of the test piece required and
missioning and reinstatement of the main connections, consequently the cost. It also means that the test could
primary and secondary injection tests must be per­ be performed in smaller test stations rather than hav­
formed to check the protection schemes. Also, con­ ing to use the very limited facilities available for full-
sideration should be given to incorporating a primary scale testing.
loop through a C T for primary injection purposes Clearly I P B systems will continue to be required
when that C T is located in an inaccessible position, and the basic technology of this subject will apply for
for example, in a transformer bushing. the foreseeable future. Only a rapid improvement in
Marshalhng cubicles accommodating interposing cur­ superconductivity techniques would cause a dramatic
rent transformers and terminals for secondary wiring rethink of the materials and conditions used in the main
will be required. connections installations of t o m o r r o w .

Generator main connections Chapter 4

16 References [6] Niemoller, A. B.: Isolated phase bus enclosure currents: Trans.
IEEE: August 1968
[1] Carter, F. W.: Note on losses in cable sheaths: Proceed­
[7] IEEE: Guide for calculating losses in isolated phase bus: IEEE
ings of Cambridge Philosophical Society No. 24, pp 65-73:
Paper 298: June 1969
[8] Dwight, H. B., Andrews, G. W. and Tileston Jnr, W.: Tem­
[2] Dwight, H. B.: Theory for proximity effects in wires, thin tubes perature rise of busbars: General Electric Review: May 1940
and sheaths: AIEE Trans 42: 1923
[9] Albright, R. H., Conasla, Α., Bates, A. C. and Owens, J. B.:
[3] Skeats, W. F. and Swerdlow, N.: Minimising the magnetic field Isolated phase metal-enclosed conductors for large electric
surrounding isolated phase bus by electrically-continuous en­ generators
closures: AIEE Trans. No 62: 1962
[10] Ashdown, K. T. and Swerdlow, N.: Cantilever-loaded insula­
[4] Wilson, W. R. and Mankoff, L. L.: Short circuit forces in tors for isolated phase bus: AIEE Paper: April 1954
isolated phase buses: AIEE Trans: 1954 [11] Swerdlow, N. and Buchta, M. Α.: Practical solutions of in­
[5] Dwight, H. B.: Electrical coils and conductors: McGraw Hill: ductive heating problems resulting from high current buses:
1945 Trans. AIEE 1960

C H A P T E R 5

Switchgear and controlgear

1 General requirements 5 3.3 k V switchgear — fused equipment

1.1 Auxiliaries power systems — voltages and fault levels 5.1 Required performance
1.2 Switchgear performance 5.1.1 Rated voltage
1.3 Operational requirements 5.1.2 Frequency and number of phases
1.4 Control 5.1.3 Rated insulation level
1.5 Environment 5.1.4 Rated short-time current
5.1.5 Rated normal current
2 Types of switchgear
5.1.6 Rated breaking current of switching devices
2.1 Descriptions 5.1.7 First pole-to-clear factor: 1:5
2.2 Testing and certification 5.1.8 Rated short-circuit making current
2.2.1 General 5.1.9 Rated duration of short-circuit
2.2.2 Certification 5.1.10 Rated operating sequence
2.2.3 Type tests 5.1.11 Co-ordination of switching device with fuse protection
5.2 Design and construction
3 Generator voltage switchgear
5.2.1 General
3.1 Required performance 5.2.2 Duty of switching device and circuit earthing facilities
3.2 Design and construction 5.2.3 Switching devices
3.2.1 General 5.2.4 Switching device operating mechanisms
3.2.2 Control 5.2.5 Main circuit fuselinks
3.2.3 Cooling
3.2.4 Operating air plant 6 Low voltage switchgear, controlgear and fusegear
3.2.5 Phase-reversal disconnectors for pumped-storage 6.1 Required performance
schemes 6.1.1 Short-circuit withstand strength of busbar systems
3.2.6 Earthing switches 6.1.2 Capability required of main circuit making/breaking
4 3.3 kV and 11 kV switchgear — circuit-breaker
6.2 Design and construction
6.2.1 General
4.1 Required performance 6.2.2 Enclosures
4.1.1 Rated voltage 6.2.3 Cabling arrangements
4.1.2 Frequency and number of phases 6.2.4 Electrical clearances and creepage distances
4.1.3 Rated insulation level 6.2.5 Busbar systems
4.1.4 Rated short-time withstand current of main and 6.2.6 Earthing of structures
earthing circuits 6.2.7 Mechanical interlocks
4.1.5 Rated peak withstand current of main and earthing 6.2.8 Coded-key devices
circuits 6.2.9 Protective systems components
4.1.6 Rated normal current 6.2.10 Current transformers
4.1.7 Rated short-circuit breaking current (of circuit- 6.2.11 Ammeters and voltmeters
breakers) 6.2.12 Control switches
4.1.8 First-pole-to-clear factor 6.2.13 Fuses
4.1.9 Rated short-circuit making current 6.2.14 Circuit-breaker equipments
4.1.10 Rated duration of short-circuit 6.2.15 Contactor controlgear
4.1.11 Rated operating sequence 6.2.16 Fusegear
4.2 Design and construction 6.2.17 Specialised switchboards/units
4.2.1 General
4.2.2 Enclosures 7 Fuses
4.2.3 Withdrawal/disconnection 7.1 Introduction
4.2.4 Electrical interlocks 7.2 Definitions
4.2.5 Coded-key devices 7.3 Required performance
4.2.6 Identification of conducting parts
4.2.7 Earthing of structures 8 DC switchgear
4.2.8 Circuit and busbar earthing 8.1 General
4.2.9 Auxiliary switches 8.2 System conditions
4.2.10 Cabling arrangements 8.2.1 Short-circuit withstand strength of busbar systems
4.2.11 Voltage transformers 8.2.2 Current making/breaking and short-circuit capability
4.2.12 Current transformers of main circuit switching devices
4.2.13 Control/selector switches
4.2.14 Switchboard/circuit identification 9 Construction site electrical supplies equipment
4.2.15 Indicating instruments 9.1 General
4.2.16 Test devices 9.2 Portable substations
4.2.17 Circuit-breakers 9.3 Portable distribution units (415/240 V)
4.2.18 Circuit-breaker operating mechanisms 9.4 Portable distribution units (110 V)

Switchgear and controlgear Chapter 5

1o Future trends in development and 10.5 Vacuum switchgear

application 10.6 SFe switchgear
10.1 General 11 Bibliography
10.2 Oil-break switchgear 11.1 British Standards (BS)
10.3 Air-break switchgear 11.2 Electricity supply industry (ESI) Standards
10.4 Air-blast switchgear 11.3 Other relevant documents

1 General requirements connection with generation, transmission, distribution

and conversion of electric power.

1.1 Auxiliaries power systems — voltages

Controlgear A general term covering switching de­
and fault levels vices and their combination with associated control,
The philosophy of the design of the systems of power measuring, protective and regulating equipment, and
supply to auxiharies plant is deah with in Chapter 1. also assemblies of such devices and equipment with
This chapter deals with the operational facilities pro­ associated interconnections, accessories, enclosures and
vided by, and the performance required of, the switch- supporting structures, intended in principle for the
gear and controlgear used in those systems, and also control of electric power consuming equipment.
with the switchgear used in schemes in which the main
generators are switched at generator voltage. The design Except where necessary to avoid ambiguity, only the
features necessary to meet these objectives in C E G B generic term switchgear, is used henceforth.
power stations are described. By the early to mid 1950s, the design of the aux­
The presentation is intended to assist the engineer iharies power systems in power stations in the United
concerned with the application and operation of switch- Kingdom had become estabhshed at the dual voltages
gear and controlgear rather than for the information of 415 V and 3.3 kV, with short-circmt levels of up
of the speciahst designer. In consequence, technical to 43.3 kA (31 MVA) and 26.3 k A (150 MVA) respec­
detail available from text books and such sources as tively. However, the demand on the systems consequent
British and International Standards is included only upon the rapid increase in the rating of main generating
as necessary to illustrate a particular aspect properly. plant and, in consequence, of its auxiharies, thereafter
The terms and definitions used in this chapter are, necessitated the introduction of a higher vohage —
in general, in accordance with the Brhish Standard 11 kV — having, initially, a short-circuh level of up
Glossary of Electrotechnical, Power, Telecommuni­ to 26.3 kA (500 M V A ) , but progressing to the present
cation, Electronics, Lighting and Colour Terms — value of 39.4 kA (750 M V A ) .
BS4727: Part 2: Terms Particular to Power Engineering Until the introduction of a third voltage, and w h h
— G r o u p 06: switchgear and controlgear terminology the aim of holding auxiliaries to two voltage levels,
(including fuse terminology). switchgear having a short-circuit capacity of 43.8 kA
The terms and definitions are in close agreement (250 MVA) at 3.3 kV was installed in some instances.
with those of Pubhcation 277 of the International However this expedient was soon a b a n d o n e d in favour
Electrotechnical Commission, where there are corre­ of the substhution of 6.6 kV, an innovation that was
sponding terms and definitions in that Publication. also short-lived as, yet again, auxiliaries power require­
Switchgear and controlgear are defined as follows: ments were seen to be increasing beyond the capa­
bility of 6.6 kV. Thus, currently, and probably for
the foreseeable future, the major power stations in
Switchgear and controlgear A general term covering the United Kingdom have 'three-tier' auxiliaries power
switching devices and their combination with associated systems, i.e., systems operating at 415 V, 3.3 kV and
control, measuring, protective and regulating equip­ 11 kV. Additionally, there are services operating at
ment, and also assembhes of such devices and equip­ lower voltages, e.g., 240 V A C , 110 V and 220 V D C .
ment with associated interconnections, accessories, en­
closures and supporting structures.
1.2 Switchgear performance
Switchgear A general term covering switching de­ Traditionally, the calculated prospective current likely
vices and their combination with associated control, to flow under three-phase fault conditions in aux­
measuring, protective and regulating equipment, and iharies power systems necessitates (for the purpose of
also assemblies of such devices and equipment with determining the short-circuit performance required of
associated interconnections, accessories, enclosures and circuit-breakers) equipment capable of interrupting a
supporting structures, intended in principle for use in current waveform featuring a transient D C c o m p o -

General requirements

nent of up to 5 0 % at the instant of separation of the bars of an 11 kV switchboard. It is thus necessary to

circuit-breaker contacts, together with an abihty to evaluate the waveforms likely to appear on a system
'make' a current of u p to 2.55 times the steady state to ensure that the making current and asymmetrical
(symmetrical) R M S value. However, in installations breaking current capability of the switchgear is not
featuring gas-turbine generators connected directly into exceeded. It is not sufficient to assess the fault clear­
the 11 kV vokage level, the influence of such ma­ ance capability required of the swkchgear solely on the
chines together with that of the connected motor load basis of the symmetrical, i.e., steady state, value of
can, under short-circuit, produce in a phase at maxi­ the system short-circuit current.
m u m asymmetry, a waveform having a first major
loop peak of the order of three times the steady state
RMS value together w k h a relatively slow rate of 1.3 Operational requirennents
decay of the D C component. The hkelihood of the The function of the auxiliaries power system switch-
occurrence of this condition is governed by the point gear is the distribution and control of electrical energy
on the system at which the fauk occurs, and also on to station auxihary plant. Depending u p o n the station
the running mode of the auxiliaries at the time. In operating regime and the duty of the plant controlled,
fact, the waveform of the short-circuit output current some circuits are switched frequently, whilst others may
of a generator in a phase at maximum asymmetry remain on or off-load for long periods. Intermittent
may be so displaced relative to zero that it does not operation, as opposed to base-load operation of the
pass through zero for many cycles after fault incep­ generating plant, increases dramatically the switching
tion. Figures 5.1 and 5.2 illustrate a typical current frequency imposed u p o n many items of switchgear —
waveform and circuk for a short-circuk at the bus- particularly those controlling m o t o r drives. Trans­
former circuits, on the other h a n d , suffer much less in
this respect. Unless the nature of the drive calls for
variable speed control, or a form of reduced voltage
starting, all A C motors are switched direct-on-Une
regardless of size. Thus the normal operational switch­
ing duty of the switchgear may be described as:

• The making and in certain circumstances the break­

ing of m o t o r starting current, which may be u p to
six times full-load current and more in some low
voltage circuits, i.e., 415 V.

• The breaking of overload current.

• The breaking of circuit normal full-load current.

BLACK PHASE • The making and breaking of transformer magnetis­

ing current — the avoidance of the generation of
high overvokage being of particular importance in
this duty.
FIG. 5.1 Typical current waveform for a short-circuit
at the busbars of an 11 kV switchboard
The example illustrated shows maximum asymmetry in
Of no less importance is the protective role of the
the red phase.
switchgear. Accordingly it must be capable of making,
carrying until the operation of protection, and interrupt­
ing the m a x i m u m prospective current which may flow
in the event of short-circuit anywhere on the system.
Besides satisfying the switching and protective roles,
the switchgear must be equipped with all facilities
necessary to permit its operation in accordance w k h
legislation in the U n k e d Kingdom (UK), and also the
/ / / Safety Rules of the C E G B . It is a m a n d a t o r y require­
CONTRIBUTORY _ ment that work on the current carrying parts of high
voltage (HV) apparatus may be carried out only when
11/3.3kV those parts are earthed ('grounded'). Effectively, a H V
system in the UK is one in which the difference of
electrical potential between any two conductors, or
between a conductor and earth, exceeds 650 V. For
FIG. 5.2 Schematic of the short-circuit represented in further information on the classification of systems
Fig 5.1 showing direction of fault currents by voltage in the UK, see the ' M e m o r a n d u m on the

Switchgear and controlgear Chapter 5

Electricity Regulations', published by H M Stationery • Where primary earths are applied, all phases must
Office. T o meet this earthing requirement, all instal­ be earthed except where work is to be carried out on
lations of HV switchgear have facilities for the con­ phase segregated apparatus. Provided that all three
nection to earth of ah current carrying parts, i.e., all phases of phase segregated apparatus are isolated,
phase conductors. work may be carried out on one phase with a pri­
The switchgear in the power station plays a vital mary earth applied to that phase only.
role in the procedures for work on station plant —
• Where possible, a circuit-breaker or purpose de­
particularly electrical equipment. It is, therefore, per­
signed earth switch must be used to make the first
tinent to refer to the circumstances giving rise to the
earth connection.
design requirements described under the 'Design and
Construction' sections which fohow, concerning isola­ • When a non-fixed circuit-breaker, i.e., a circuit-
tion and earthing. A fundamental requirement of the breaker comprising a 'removable' or a 'withdrawable'
C E G B Safety Rules is that work on the conductors part, is used to apply a primary earth, any auto­
of high voltage equipment may be carried out only matic trip feature must, unless impracticable, be
when the equipment is isolated from all sources of rendered inoperative before closing. After closing,
supply and, except in special circumstances, earthed. any means of opening the circuit-breaker must be
The switchgear provides the points of isolation. locked inoperative.
The protection of persons working on such appara­
tus afforded by earthing is dependent upon the com­ • When a fixed circmt-breaker is used to apply a
bination of: primary earth, all tripping functions must be ren­
dered inoperative after closing, and the circuit-
• The efficiency of the connection of primary earths breaker locked in the closed poshion.
and their capability to carry the fault current until
the electrical protective devices operate. • Whenever reasonably practicable a circuit-breaker
used to establish a primary earth should be closed
• The speed of operation of electrical protective from a remote control station, i.e., closure from
devices. local (at swkchgear) controls should be avoided.
A h h o u g h the circuit-breaker has a proven full system
• The system vohage, vohage gradient to the point
prospective short-circuit current making capabihty,
of earthing and the fauh level at the point of work.
the avoidance of local control is considered to be
a worthwhile precaution.
The Safety Rules (Electrical and Mechanical) recognise
three classifications of *earth', viz: 'primary earth',
Drain earth A fixed or portable earthing device ap­
'drain earth' and 'metalclad switchgear movable earth'
plied for the purpose of protection against induced
voltages. Drain earths must be applied under the terms
Primary earth A fixed or portable earthing device of a 'permit for work' or 'sanction for test' where
applied at a position defined in a safety document. A induced voltages may cause danger at the point(s) of
primary earth must be applied within the isolated zone, work. They are applied and removed as necessary
and in accordance with the terms of a 'permit for work'. during the course of the work or testing as specified in
A path to earth estabhshed by closure of a circuit- an 'earthing schedule'.
breaker has, of course, the fault current carrying ca­
pability of the circuit-breaker, i.e., an abihty to carry Metalclad switchgear movable earth A portable earth
a current equal to the rated breaking current of the applied to metalclad switchgear spouts before a 'permk
circuit-breaker for 3 s. Thus a circuit-breaker apphed for work' on the spouts is issued, which can be removed
earth may serve as a primary earth anywhere on the and replaced one phase at a time during the process
system. The principles of apphcation of a primary of work being done under a 'permit for work'. The term
earth are: 'spout' is used to describe the contacts in the switchgear
enclosure from which a removable or withdrawable
• With the exception of certain work on metalclad
circuit-breaker or voltage transformer is disconnected
switchgear feeder, busbar and voltage transformer
when the circuit-breaker or vohage transformer is dis­
spouts (see below under 'metalclad switchgear mov­
connected from the busbars or circuit.
able earths'), primary earths must remain in position
The use of the word 'must' without qualification
until the associated permit(s) for work has(ve) been
in the earthing procedures described, indicates a man­
datory requirement with n o discretion permitted and
• Where reasonably practicable, primary earths must n o judgement to be m a d e . Where a statement is qua­
be apphed between the point of work and the point(s) lified by the word 'practicable', a slightly less strict
of isolation. Where this is not reasonably practi­ standard is imposed. It means that where it is possible
cable, any alternative procedure adopted must have to achieve, in the light of current knowledge and in­
specific approval. vention, but bearing in mind the hazards associated

General requirements

with the work to be undertaken, then the requirement (c) The shutters of spouts which are, or may become,
must be met. Avoidance of the requirement is not live must be locked shut. Shutters of spouts on
permissible on grounds of difficulty, inconvenience or which work is not to be done must also be locked
cost. Where a requirement is qualified by 'reasonably shut except for the busbar spouts at which the
practicable', a judgement is required as to what is primary earths are to be applied.
reasonable, taking into account the magnitude of the
(d) Primary earths must be applied on the isolated
risk on the one hand and the cost, time and trouble, or
section of busbars at a panel other than that on
effort necessary for averting the risk on the other.
which work is to be carried out. If reasonably
Where, in the case of high voltage metalclad switch-
practicable, all primary earths must be locked in
gear having spouts, i.e., metalclad switchgear incor­
the earthed position.
porating removable or withdrawable circuit-breakers,
work is to be done on feeder or voltage transformer (e) Metalclad switchgear movable earths must be ap­
spouts, or on the busbar spouts of a single panel plied to all phases on the busbar at the points
switchboard, and the only position where primary earths of work.
can be apphed is at the spouts to be worked on, the
primary earths may be removed to allow the necessary (f) Danger Notices must be attached where applicable
access for work. The condhions under which work on o n , or adjacent t o , the live apparatus at the h m h s
each spout may then proceed are either: of the work area.

(g) A 'permit for work' must be issued.

(a) By making use of 'metalclad switchgear movable
earths', or, (h) The work may be carried out by a 'competent
person'. The earths may be removed one phase at
(b) After proving that each spout is at or about zero
a time t o give the necessary access. Each phase
potential by use of an 'approved' voltage indicator
earth so removed must be replaced by the compe­
immediately before work is commenced; the voltage
tent person before another phase earth is removed.
indicator hself being tested immediately before,
and immediately after use. Note: A 'competent person' is one who has sufficient
technical knowledge a n d / o r experience to enable h i m /
Where work is to be done on the busbar spouts of her to avoid danger, and may receive, transfer and
a muhi-panel switchboard, 'primary earths' must be clear specified Safety Documents when nominated by
applied to the busbars at one of the panels. The con­ an appropriate officer of the C E G B .
ditions under which work on each remaining spout
(j) If it is necessary to carry out work on the spouts
may then proceed are either (a) or (b) above. It will
of a panel on which the primary earths have been
be seen that work on the 'spouts' of the switchgear
applied, then after the work on the available bus­
may be carried out ehher with or w h h o u t the use
bar spouts has been completed, the permit for
of metalclad switchgear movable earths. The follow­
work must be cleared and cancelled. The primary
ing synopsis outlines the basic steps which must be
earths may then be removed and replaced on the
observed when work is to be done on switchgear
busbar spouts of another panel on the isolated
section of busbar. The procedure described in (e),
(f), (g) and (h) above must then be followed.
Work using metalclad switchgear movable earths When
work is to be carried out on the busbar spouts of
When work is to be carried out on the feeder spouts,
a multi-panel switchboard using metalclad switch-
voltage transformer spouts and single panel spouts
gear movable earths, the following operations must
using metalclad switchgear movable earths, the follow­
be carried out in strict sequence:
ing operations must be carried out in strict sequence:
(a) The section of busbars on which work is to be
(i) The spouts on which work is to be carried out
carried out must be isolated from ah points of
must be isolated from all points of supply from
supply from which h can be m a d e live, including
which they can be m a d e live and, where prac­
any voltage transformers, the isolation arrange­
ticable, the isolation arrangements locked and
ments locked and Caution Notices affixed.
Caution Notices affixed.
(b) Where duplicate switches in one tank or on-load
(ii) The shutters of spouts which are, or may become,
busbar selectors are installed — situations hkely to
live must be locked shut. Shutters of spouts on
be encountered only in the oldest stations — and
which work is not to be done must also be locked
it is impossible to isolate them from ah points of
supply, then all switches that can be closed onto the
busbars on which work is to be carried out must (hi) Primary earths must be applied to the circuit
be 'isolated' by having their mechanisms locked at each point of work and at all points of iso­
in the 'open' position. lation, except where such points of isolation are

Switchgear and controlgear Chapter 5

on the medium voltage or low voltage side of a • If it is necessary to carry out work on the spouts
transformer. of the panel on which the primary earths have
been applied, then after the work on the available
Note: Under present UK legislation, the terms *low busbar spouts has been completed, the permit for
voltage' and 'medium vohage' have the following work must be cleared and cancelled. The primary
meaning: earths must be removed and replaced on the busbar
spouts of another panel on the isolated section of
Low voltage A difference of potential between any busbar. Danger notices must be re-affixed, a permit
two conductors, or between a conductor and earth, for work issued, and the work as described above
normahy not exceeding 250 V. carried out under the personal supervision of an
'authorised person'.

Medium voltage A difference of potential between Note: A n 'authorised person' is a 'competent person
any two conductors, or between a conductor and earth, who has been nominated by an appropriate officer
normally above 250 V but not exceeding 650 V. of the C E G B to carry out duties specified in writing'.

(iv) On the feeder, voltage transformer or busbar

spouts on which work is to be carried out, the When work is to be carried out on feeder spouts,
primary earths must be replaced by metalclad voltage transformer spouts and single panel busbar
switchgear movable earths. spouts without using metalclad switchgear movable
earths, the following operations must be carried out
(v) If there are no other primary earths left on the in strict sequence:
circuit connected to the spouts being worked on,
• As in (i) for work using metalclad switchgear mov­
then while this work is in progress, no other work
able earths.
must be carried out on that circuk. Where the
spouts are connected to a circuit on which there • As in (ii) for work using metalclad switchgear mov­
is any likelihood of induced voltages occurring, able earths.
drain earths must, where reasonably practicable,
• Primary earths must be applied to the circuit at each
be connected at the nearest point to the point
point of work and at all points of isolation, except
of work where access to the conductors can safe­
where such a point of isolation is on the medium
ly be obtained.
voltage or low voltage side of a transformer. If
(vi) Danger Notices must be attached where applicable reasonably practicable, all primary earths must be
on, or adjacent t o , live apparatus at the hmits of locked in the earthed position.
the work area.
• Where the work to be carried out will involve the
(vii) A 'permit for work' must be issued. removal of the primary earths at the point of work,
then before a permit for work is issued alternative
(viii)The work may be carried out by a 'competent primary earths must be applied as close as is rea­
person'. The earths may be removed one phase sonably practicable to the point of work. However,
at a time to give the necessary access. Each if this cannot be achieved, then whilst this work is
phase earth so removed must be replaced by the in progress no other work must be carried out on
competent person before another phase earth is the circuk connected to the spouts being worked
removed. on. Where the spouts are connected to a circuit on
which there is any likelihood of induced voltages
Work without using metalclad switchgear movable earths occurring, drain earths must, where reasonably prac­
When work is to be carried out on the busbar spouts ticable, be connected at the nearest point to the
of a multi-panel switchboard w k h o u t using metalclad point of work where access to the conductors can
switchgear movable earths, the following operations safely be obtained.
must be carried out in strict sequence: • As in (vi) for work using metalclad switchgear mov­
• Operations (a), (b), (c) and (d) as for work using able earths.
metalclad switchgear movable earths, followed se­ • As in (vii) for work using metalclad switchgear mov­
quentially by operations (f) and (g). able earths.
• The work on the busbar spouts must then be car­ • Work on the spouts must then be carried out only
ried out under the personal supervision of an 'au­ under the personal supervision of an authorised
thorised person', who must prove each spout dead person who must prove each spout dead by use of
by means of an approved vohage indicator imme­ an approved vohage indicator immediately before
diately before the spout is worked on. The vohage the spout is worked o n . The voltage indicator itself
indicator itself must be tested immediately before must be tested immediately before and immediately
and immediately after use. after use.

General requirements

When a fauh making device or a circuit-breaker has via 110 V/220 V auxihary contactor type relays mounted
been removed from its service position in prepara­ in the switchgear. The adoption of 220 V D C for this
tion for work, it must be immediately electrically duty is intended to discourage the use of such a supply
discharged to earth. The apphcation of primary or for purposes other than switchgear operation. Prior
drain earths is then not required. After a fault making to the introduction of this voltage for the duty, 240 V
device or a circuit-breaker has been removed from its D C (a voltage employed generally for other power
service position and electrically discharged to earth, a station services) was the rule.
'safety document' is unnecessary for the purpose of The D C supply voltages quoted above are derived
working on the device or circuit-breaker unless the from 'float-charged' batteries, normally of the lead-
work is to be done whilst it is within the confines of acid type. A C supplies are usually obtained from con­
a switchroom or similar place, when a 'limited work trol transformers located in the switchgear and fed
certificate' must be issued for the work. from the 415 V main (power) circuit. However, the
range of voltage appearing across the terminals of a
battery of lead-acid cells — from fully-charged down
1.4 Control to the loaded condition unsupported by the charger,
at the limit of discharge compatible with the avoid­
The schemes of control provide for electrical 'close/
open' operation at the switchgear itself and, in most ance of damage to the battery — can be appreciably
cases, from remote locations. Operation at the switch- wider than that over which circuit-breaker mecha­
gear is designated 'local control'. Control circuitry nisms of the solenoid type are guaranteed to function
internal to the switchgear operates at the following satisfactorily.
voUages: As explained later in this chapter, the current British
Standards for circuit-breakers are BS4752 for voltages
u p t o , and including, 1000 V A C and 1200 V D C , and
3.3 kV and 11 kV switchgear 110 V D C
BS5311 for A C voltages above 1000 V.
415 V and lower vokage The circuit-breakers in use currently, and for many
switchgear: years, in C E G B power stations are designed and tested
basically to an earher British Standard (BS3659) which
(a) Circuit-breakers 110 V D C
specifies that closing mechanisms of the solenoid type
(b) Contactor gear 110 V A C / 1 1 0 V D C shall operate satisfactorily over a voltage range, with
operating current flowing, of 8 0 % t o 100% of the
Generator vokage swkchgear 110 V D C
rated (nominal) value, whereas BS4752 and BS5311
require operation over the range 8 5 % to 1 0 5 % . Based
Whereas local control operates directly into the on the requirements of the latter Standards, the mini­
switchgear llOV circuitry, that from remote locations m u m and m a x i m u m values of voltage acceptable at
and schemes of automatic/sequence control is usually the terminals of a 220 V (rated) solenoid coil become:
at 48 V, via 48/100 V interposing relays m o u n t e d in
the switchgear. Plant protective interlocks/trips and
Minimum 0.85 χ 220 V = 187 V
certain other control functions from external sources
are, in general, connected directly into the 110 V M a x i m u m 1.05 χ 220 V = 231 V
Trip circuit supervision is provided as a matter of T o meet a comparable operating voltage range, the
course on all 3.3 kV and 11 kV switchgear, and on the rated vokage of a closing solenoid mechanism designed
principal 415 V and lower voltage circuit-breaker and to BS3659 becomes (100/80)187 = 234 V. This value
latched contactor equipments. Supervision of 'closing' is also the m a x i m u m permissible at its terminals, i.e.,
control circuitry is provided where closure immediately the 100% value.
on demand is more essential than usual, i.e., in cer­ For shunt-trip mechanisms, i.e., opening devices
tain safety circuks. Selection of the m o d e of operation, operated from a source of voltage separate from the
i.e., local or remote, is made at the switchgear. Also main circuit, the hmiting values of vokage at the
provided at the switchgear are facilities for testing the terminals are 8 0 % to 120% for devices to BS3659,
closing and opening operation of the circuit-breaker and 7 0 % to 110% for those to BS4752 and BS5311.
or contactor electrically whilst the main circuit con­ In recognition of these requirements, control supply
trolled is disconnected (isolated) from the source of systems are designed to observe the following voltage
hmits at the incoming terminals of the switchboard
Because of the heavy power requirement of the whilst operating current is flowing:
closing coils of the majority of solenoid closed circuit-
breakers, particularly at 11 kV, k is impracticable
System nominal voltage (DC) 48 V 110 V 220 V
to energise the operating coils directly at the control
vokage of 110 V. Accordingly, such mechanisms are Maximum voltage 54 V 121 V 231 V
supphed at a higher voltage, presently at 220V D C , Minimum voltage 43 V 96 V 190 V

Switchgear and controlgear Chapter 5

The minimum value of 190 V for a system of nominal the circuit-breaker/contactor, i.e., from open to close,
voltage 220 V D C allows for a Volt d r o p ' of about and vice-versa, are activated directly by the switchgear
3 V within the switchgear, i.e., between the incoming closing mechanism. Likewise, those contacts responsive
terminals of the switchboard and the terminals of the to the service and disconnected states of the switch-
solenoid coil — the furthermost solenoid in the case gear are driven directly by the mechanism employed to
of switchboard formations. T o allow for voltage d r o p select the service/disconnected conditions. However,
in circuitry external to the switchgear, e.g., in interlock the number of auxiliary contacts available so driven
circuits, it is necessary that 48 V and 110 V control by the operating mechanisms of present designs of
relays be capable of functioning satisfactorily at values switchgear is limited. Accordingly, single-pole swkching
of voltage down to 39 V and 88 V, respectively. is generally the rule, arranged at present as follows:
Operating supplies in switchboards are provided
• In the connection to the positive pole of systems
by buswires, sectionahsed as shown in Fig 5.3. In
having the mid-point earthed.
normal operation, the sections are run electrically se­
parate. However, an arrangement of links/fuses en­ • In the connection to the negative (i.e., live) pole
ables the sections to De coupled in the event of loss of the supply in control circuits having the positive
of a source, but does not ahow parallel operation. pole earthed.
Parallel operation is precluded to minimise the risk of
• In the connection to the hve (i.e., unearthed) pole
failure of one source interfering with the functioning
of the supply in A C control circuits.
of another.
Where operating supphes are derived from 4 1 5 /
110 V transformers, two 100% rated units per switch­ Thus is preserved, in control circuhry, the basic con­
board or per section of switchboard are provided. vention of fusing and switching in the l i v e ' lead. In
They are segregated from one another, and located as the case of mid-point earthing, the choice of pole to be
far apart in the switchboard as is practicable. One fused and switched is arbitrary — both poles being at
pole of the 110 V winding is earthed. a finite potential with respect to earth. The fusing and
Depending upon the duty of the switchboard, each switching of alarm and indication circuits is deah w h h
transformer is rated to supply a proportion of all elec­ in Volume F .
trically-held contactors in the closed state, together with
a proportion of all contactors, both electrically-held
and latched, in the process of closing simultaneously. 1.5 Environment
T o ensure proper functioning of AC-operated me­ As a general rule, the switchgear is grouped into
chanisms, it is necessary to hold the output vohage multi-circuit switchboard formations, accommodated
of control transformers between 8 5 % and 110% of in purpose built switchrooms. Exceptions are plant-
the nominal value whilst operating current is flowing. mounted items such as the control gear built into some
The frequency is, of course, governed by the limits designs of valve and other actuators. The switchrooms
observed for the main (power) circuit, i.e., 4 7 - 5 1 H z . should provide an environment in which the ambient
Each single-circuit contactor gear unit is provided with temperature is held between + 1 0 ° C and + 4 0 ° C —
a discrete transformer. the upper limit being subject to an average value not
Normally, each 110 V and 220 V D C system is exceeding 35°C over a 24-hour period — and the re­
earthed through an earth fault relay connected to the lative humidity should not exceed 7 0 % whilst the
mid-point of a resistor across the positive and nega­ switchgear is energised. Except for main circuit termi­
tive poles, the relay providing indication of faults to nals, i.e., those terminals to which cabling external to
earth. 48 V D C systems normally have the positive the switchgear are connected, the upper limh of 40°C
pole connected directly to earth. Equipment energised permits exploitation of the limits of temperature rise
from systems having the mid-point earthed through a allowed by l E C Standards for switchgear. The tem­
relay is connected to the positive and negative poles of perature rise of main circuit terminals is held to a
the supply through a fuse and sohd link, respectively. maximum of 50°C out of the necessity to limit the
Equipment fed from systems having the positive pole ultimate operating temperature to a value acceptable
earthed is connected to that pole through a solid hnk, for elastomeric insulated cables. It is also necessary to
and to the negative pole through a fuse. Similarly, ensure that the environment, particularly in the case
equipment fed from an A C source, is connected to the of air-insulated gear, is substantiahy free of pollution
earth pole of the supply through a sohd hnk and to by dust (especially from concrete surfaces), smoke,
the hve pole through a fuse. corrosive or flammable gases and vapours. Should
T o minimise the use of repeat relays, auxiliary con­ there be circumstances necessitating the location of
tacts used for control, indication and alarm circuitry switchgear in ambient temperatures higher than cited
are, wherever possible, driven directly by the operating above, the assigned fuh-load current rating is reduced
mechanism of that element of the switchgear to the to the value necessary to limit the maximum tempera­
movement of which the contacts are responsive. T h u s , ture likely to be attained in service, i.e., the average
those contacts responsive to the change of state of ambient temperature plus the permissible temperature

General requirements



[] [] [] []




[] [] [] [] [] [] [] []
• α • α

/ MR I /MR
1oΗ ó ó ó ó
π 1 0
ó ó ó ó
[] [] [] []
-O o- -O o-
-o o- -o o-

DO CONTROL (220/250V, 110V, 4βν)


[] []


[] [] Γ0η'"^^«'^"' [] []

ίο o?
ó ó ó ó


FiG. 5.3 Operating supplies in switchboards

Switchgear and controlgear Chapter 5

rise, to values not exceeding those prescribed for the such as those of short-circuit. 'Neghgible currents'
materials used in the construction of the swhchgear. imply currents such as the capacitance currents of bush­
ings, busbars, connections, very short lengths of cables
and currents of vohage transformers and dividers.
2 Types of switchgear 'No significant change in voltage' refers to apphcations
such as the by-passing of induction voltage regulators
or circuit-breakers.
2.1 Descriptions
The types of switchgear used on auxiliaries power Fuse-switch A switch in which a fuselink or fuse
systems in power stations in the UK comprise, broadly, carrier with fuselink forms the moving contact of the
circuit-breaker equipment, fused contactor controlgear switch. However, an essential requirement is that the
and fusegear. fusehnk shah be disconnected on both sides when the
For the purpose of this chapter, the following de­ switch is open. Thus arrangements in which the fuse-
finitions have been adopted: link remains stationary during operation of the switch,
but in so doing are disconnected on both sides when
the switch is open, are generally accepted as qualifying
Circuit-breaker A mechanical switching device capa­
as fuse-switches. Indeed, there is merit is not subject­
ble of making, carrying and breaking currents under
ing the fuselink to the shock of rapid acceleration
normal circuit conditions, and also of making, carrying
and deceleration as is the case when mounted on the
for a specified time and breaking currents under spe­
moving element.
cified abnormal circuit conditions, such as those of
Almost without exception, the 11 kV switchgear is of
the circuit-breaker type. At 3.3 kV, the practice is a
Contactor (electrically-held) A mechanical switching
httle different. Whilst circuit-breaker gear is the rule
device having only one position of rest, operated other­
generahy for switchboard incoming supplies, busbar
wise than by hand, capable of making, carrying and
sectioning/interconnector and transformer feeders, the
breaking currents under normal conditions, including
bulk of m o t o r circuits, i.e., drives of u p to the order
operating overload conditions.
of 1000 k W , have, since circa the mid-1960s, been
handled by fused controlgear — known widely as
Contactor (latched) A mechanical switching device 'motor switching devices' (MSD). However, more re­
operated otherwise than by hand, capable of making, cently, such fused controlgear is, on occasion, used
carrying and breaking currents under normal conditions, for transformer circuhs up to 1000 kVA. Motors of
including operating overload conditions, and fitted with rating above 1000 kW are usually controlled by circuit-
a latching device. The latching device prevents the breakers.
contactor from opening when the means of closure is At lower voltages, i.e., 415 V and below, circuit-
de-energised. Thus a latched contactor is deemed to breakers are normally employed for incoming and bus­
have two positions of rest. The contactor is opened bar section/interconnection duty on switchboards deriv­
by release of the latching mechanism electrically. ing supply from higher voltage sources; fused contactor
gear and fusegear being the rule generally for motor
Switch A mechanical switching device capable of control and distribution respectively. Where the scheme
making, carrying and breaking currents under normal of protection ahows, switchboards further 'downstream'
circuit conditions, which may include specified op­ may be fed via fuses — usually mounted in fuse-
erating overload conditions, and also of carrying for a switches — switches or disconnectors (isolators).
specified time currents under specified abnormal circuit The reader wishing to research circuit-breaker theory
conditions, such as those of short-circuh. It may also and design in depth is recommended to study 'Power
be capable of making, but not breaking, short-circuit Circuit Breaker Theory and Design' pubhshed by Peter
currents. Peregrinus Ltd.

Disconnector (isolator) A mechanical switching device 2.2 Testing and certification

which provides, in the open position, an isolating
distance in accordance with specified requirements.
2.2.1 General
A disconnector is capable of opening and closing a
circuh when ehher negligible current is broken or All switchgear and associated equipment is type a n d
made, or when no significant change in the voltage routine tested basically to the appropriate British
across the terminals of each of the poles of the dis­ Standard, varied a n d / o r augmented where necessary
connector occurs. It is also capable of carrying currents to satisfy a particular service requirement.
under normal circuh conditions and of carrying for Type tests are performed on one switchgear equip­
a specified time currents under abnormal conditions. ment of each type and rating, erected for the service

Types of switchgear

specified, but without the connection of external cabl­ the 'shaker' table, on which the equipment is mounted
ing. Essentially, the type testing demonstrates achieve­ for test, must simulate.
ment of the specified 'rated values' in the following
2.2.2 Certification
• Short-circuit withstand. Wherever possible, types tests are carried out in ac­
• The making and breaking of current under both cordance with the procedure defined in the relevant
normal and short-circuit conditions. Standard. However, the values of the test quantities
(e.g., current and voltage) may be varied from those
• Temperature rise in normal operation. prescribed in the Standard to satisfy a particular per­
• Mechanical/electrical endurance. formance requirement. A point to be noted in this
respect concerns the issue by Testing Authorities such
• Dielectric (insulation) properties. as A S T A Certification Services in the UK, and the
K E M A Organisation in The Netherlands, of certifica­
Additionally, for swhchgear in nuclear safety related tion of performance. The necessary documentation is
systems, testing is carried out to determine the ability normally provided in the form of a Certificate (of
to withstand prescribed levels of seismic event, i.e., rating) or a Report of Performance. A n example of
earthquakes. Essentially, the switchgear must be de­ the front sheet of a Certificate of Short Circuit Rating
monstrated to be capable of withstanding, for a defined issued by the A S T A is shown in Fig 5.6.
period — presently of the order of 10 s — horizontal
and vertical 'floor' motion whilst performing any duty,
e.g., an opening or closing operation on c o m m a n d ,
maintaining an open or closed condition, required in A Certificate comprises a record of type tests strictly
the course of a reactor safe shutdown procedure. in accordance with a recognised national or interna­
Figures 5.4 and 5.5 show typical response spectra which tional Standard. It certifies that the equipment tested

0.5 0.6 0.7 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 8090100


FIG. 5.4 Horizontal response spectra

Switchgear and controlgear Chapter 5

7 8 9 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100


FIG. 5.5 Vertical response spectra

has satisfied the requirements of the Standard and, velopment. Essentially, the number of cycles of opera­
by so doing, the ratings assigned by the manufacturer tions demonstrated for the test is taken as indication
are endorsed by the Testing Authority. of the frequency with which routine servicing should
be undertaken.
Report of Performance The type testing of circuit-breakers for electrical
performance, i.e., current making and breaking capa­
A Report of Performance comprises a record of tests bility, centres around the 'basic short-circuit test duties'
carried out in accordance with the instructions of the and 'critical current tests' specified in BS5311 in the
chent — usually the equipment manufacturer. Reports case of high voltage equipment, and the tests for
of Performance are commonly issued to cover tests 'verification of rated short-circuit making and break­
which, whilst they may have been carried out in ac­ ing capacities' specified in BS4752 for lower vokage
cordance with the procedure prescribed in a recognised gear.
Standard, featured values of test quantities differing The object of the testing is to prove the current
from those specified in the Standard. making, breaking and carrying capability at any value
of current u p to and including the rated capacity at
2.2.3 Type tests prescribed values of power factor, apphed voltage,
transient recovery voltage (TRV) and power frequency
A particular departure from the requirements for type recovery vokage. Obviously the severity of the short-
testing specified in the relevant Standard for 3.3 kV circuit and normal conditions of the system in which
and 11 kV circuit-breakers (i.e., BS5311) concerns the the switchgear is to be installed must fall within the
number of operations to be performed during the proven capability.
'mechanical' test. Here, the number of operating cycles
specified presently is 2000, as opposed to the Standard
Short-circuit test series
requirement for 1000. It is expected that an even higher
level of 'endurance' will be achieved by the designs For the purpose of defining the short-circuit capability,
of vacuum and S F 6 circuit-breakers now under de­ and hence the suitability of a particular design in a

T y p e s of switchgear

Ratir>g Certificate No.

ASTA The Association of Short-Circuit Testing Authorities

(Incorporated in the year 1938) 8 Leicester Street London WC2

Certificate of Short-Circuit Rating 7227_*.

Short- Circuit Type Tested in accordance with §?lí.Í.?ÍÍ_.?laífdard . ^ ^ ^

( w i t h amendmentß)

Rated Voltage Max. Rated Normal Currant. 1600

Tested for Switchgear L i m i t e d . Liverpool.

Designation ^^...5Z _ - Serial No

The apparatus, constructed in accordance with the description, drawings and photographs and
attached hereto, has been subjected by
Switchgear Testing Company Limited.
to a complete series of proving tests of its short-circuit rating which has been made, subject to any
observations in the record, in accordance with the appropriate clauses of the Specification(s).
The RESULTS ERE SHOWN IN the RECORD OF PROVING TESTS end by the oecillograms seeled end etteched herato. The
VALUES OBTAINED AND THE GENERAL performance ARE considered to justify the Short-Circuit Rating neigned by the manufac­
TURER, as STATED below.

Breaking-capacity at 11·.- kV. Making-capacity /13^ -kA. peak a t l l - ^ k V .

Symmetrical 52.6 KA. Short-time current capacity kA.

(Equivalem to RVVVA.) for 3-0 seconds.

Asymmetrical KA.

Duty .^"3 -...^.-.3.5^in --


The documents under seal forming part of this Certificate are:


(2) OSCILLOGRAMS NOS. "^^.^^.l^^ 28 i t e m i z e d on s h e e t N o . 1.·

(3) DRAWINGSNOS L L . 5 ? C 1 . M . 10122; LL.53Cl/lOl28; LL.5312/3787; LL.S398.A.IOI25.

(4) D.AGRAMSNOS. ^^^^; D77;.D81; D98.

PHOTOGRAPHS NOS. ^ P . 5 5 3 3 1 - SP.55356; SP.55607; SP.55609 - SP.55615.


•R T M t i n g CompM^r LIMITED

..ASTA Observer


The conditions under which this ^rtificate may be repro­

Date i'^^'ÖcAvCt'.- . ^ C f 7 ^ , duced are governed by Clause 16 of ASTA Publication No.

2—Conditions for Test Work'.

F I G . 5.6 Example of the front sheet of a certificate of short-circuit rating of a busbar system, issued by the A S T A
(GEC Installation Equipment Ltd)

S w i t c h g e a r and controlgear Chapter 5

given application, circuit-breakers are assigned a 'rated • Breaking operations — breaking current: 100% of
operating sequence'. BS5311 recognises t w o , viz: the rated breaking current, i.e, the R M S value of
the symmetrical rated breaking current.
(a) O-i-CO-r-CO • Making operations — making current: 100% of the
(b) CO-r-CO rated short-circuit making current.

where O represents an opening operation, CO repre­ For this test duty the percentage D C component must
sents a closing operation fohowed immediately (i.e., not exceed 2 0 % of the A C component.
without any intentional time delay) by an opening When the characteristics of the test plant are such
operation, /' and t" are time intervals between that it is impossible to carry out test duty 4 within
successive operations. the specified hmits of apphed vohage, making current,
The intervals /, t' and t" are indicative of the period breaking current, and transient and power frequency
of time which should be allowed t o elapse before a recovery voltage, taking account also of the limits
circuit-breaker is called upon t o repeat the clearance apertaining to the time interval / between tests, the
of short-circuit current. Similarly, the assigned rated making and breaking tests in test duty 4 may be made
operating sequence is indicative of the capability of separately as follows:
the circuit-breaker to clear successfully repeated short-
• Test duty 4a : making tests. C-i-C where the rated
circuits without inspection/maintenance.
operating sequence is 0-/-CO-r-CO, at 100% of the
If, in sequence 0-/-CO-r-CO, the time intervals are
rated short-circuit making current.
not specified, then:
• Test duty 4b : breaking tests. O-t-O-t-O where the
• r = 3 min for circuit-breakers not intended for
rated operating sequence is 0 - / - C O - r - C O , at 100%
rapid auto-reclosing.
of the rated short-circuit breaking current.
• t = 0.3 s for circuit-breakers intended for rapid
auto-reclosing (dead time). When test duty 4 is performed as 4a and 4b it is
• /' = 3 min. necessary, additionally, to demonstrate a 'make break'
(CO) capability at values of voltage and current as near
to the rated values as is practicable for the test plant.
In sequence CO-r'-CO, t" = 15 s for circuit-breakers
not intended for rapid auto-reclosing.
The rated operating sequence deemed appropriate Test duty 5 Test duty 5 consists of the rated operating
for power station switchgear is O-i-CO-r-CO, with time sequence confined to breaking operations only at 100%
intervals t and /' both nominally 3 min but not less of the rated short-circuit breaking current, with a spe­
than 2 min. In general, there is no requirement for cified percentage D C component (see Fig 5.24). As
auto-reclosure, faults of short-circuit magnitude on stated previously, a D C component of 5 0 % is specified
power station systems are unlikely to be of a transient for switchgear for use in C E G B power stations.
The basic short-circuit test series to BS5311 consists Critical current tests
of the following test duties:
The critical current of a switching device is a value
of breaking current, less than the rated short-circuit
Test duty I Test duty 1 consists of the rated operating breaking current, at which the arcing time is a maxi­
sequence confined to breaking operations only at 10% m u m , and is significantly longer than that at the rated
of the rated short-circuit breaking current with a DC short-circuit breaking current. T h e manifestation of
component of less than 2 0 % . critical current, t o a greater or lesser extent, is a feature
of switching devices in which the efficacy of the arc
Test duty 2 Test duty 2 consists of the rated operating extinguishing mechanism is a function of the value
sequence confined to breaking operations only at 3 0 % of the current interrupted, i.e, the efficacy increases
of the rated short-circuit breaking current with a DC as the current increases, a n d vice-versa. Circuit-breakers
of the air-break type, i.e, circuit-breakers in which
component of less than 2 0 % .
interruption of the arc takes place in air nominally
at atmospheric pressure, are particularly prone t o this
Test duty 3 Test duty 3 consists of the rated operating behaviour. T h e problem in air circuit-breakers stems
sequence confined t o breaking operations only at 6 0 % from the inability of arcs of relatively low current
of the rated short-circuit breaking current with a DC value t o rise properly in the arc chutes, for reasons
component of less than 2 0 % . of thermal a n d / o r magnetic effect. T h e situation is
markedly improved by the expedient of directing a
Test duty 4 Test duty 4 consists of the rated operating ' p u f f of relatively low pressure air into the arc chute,
sequence with the following characteristic quantities: beneath the arc; this ' p u f f of air itself being derived

Types of switchgear

usually from the circuh-breaker moving contacts Test duty 3 This test duty comprises one O-operation
damping mechanism. on an outer pole, and repeated on the other outer
Tests for critical current are made on circuit-breakers pole, w h h fusehnks fitted in all poles, in a single-
likely to exhibit such characteristic at values of cur­ phase circuit having a prospective current not less than
rent less than 10% of the rated short-circuh breaking the rated short-circuit breaking current of the switch­
current. It is assumed that this is so if the average of ing device in combination with its fusehnks. The test
the arcing times in test duty 1 is significantly greater is performed to further verify that the complete swhch­
than that in test duty 2. gear assembly is capable of withstanding the cut-off
current of the fusehnks, and that the striker pins in­
corporated in the fuselinks initiate opening of the
Single-phase short-circuit tests
switching device correctly.
In addition to the above tests for short-circuit current For the purpose of demonstrating the rated making
making and breaking capability, for designs of circuit- and breaking current capability of the switching device
breaker in which the contact systems of the three in high voltage fused equipment the switching device
poles are coupled mechanically and provided with a itself is subjected to the series of short-circuh type
common opening release, it must be demonstrated that tests applied to 3.3 and 11 kV circuit-breakers. This
the circuit-breaker is capable of breaking in an outer procedure proves:
pole a current of not less than 100% of the rated break­
ing current. This test is necessary to show that the • The adequacy of the current making and breaking
operation is not affected adversely by the unbalanced capability, having regard to the value at which the
forces produced. series-connected fusehnks 'take-over' the clearance
of fault current.

Short-time current test • The capability of the device to function as a circuit-

breaker in a system, the fault level of which is within
A short-time current test is carried out to demonstrate
the rated breaking current capacity of the device,
the capability of the switchgear to carry, for hs 'rated i.e., back-up fuse protection is not necessary.
duration of short-circuit', a current of not less than
its rated breaking current; the peak value of the first
Additionally, the switching device is subjected to the
major loop of the test current being not less than that
tests for verification of rated making and breaking cur­
of the rated making current.
rents prescribed in BS775: P a r t 2: 1974: Clause 8.2.4
The principal type tests applied to the designs of
for Utilisation Category A C 4 . However, the value of
fused equipment covered in Section 6 of this chapter,
the test current specified in the BS to prove the mini­
are described in the following paragraphs.
m u m rated breaking current — a value equal to 2 0 %
Switching device in combination with fuselinks — of the m a x i m u m rated breaking current — may well
Test duties 1, 2 and 3 in accordance with Pubhcation not be low enough to demonstrate satisfactorily the
N o 22 of the Association of Short-Circuit Testing behaviour if required to interrupt the load current of
Authorities in the UK, an Organisation now incorpo­ the smaller motors when 'running hght'. Accordingly,
rated under the name of A S T A Certification Services. the 25 opening operations specified in the BS to prove
the rated minimum breaking current are carried out
Test duty 1 This test duty is an 0 - / - C 0 sequence in at a value of between 5 and 10 A .
a three-phase circuit having prospective symmetrical Earthing switches are type tested in accordance with
and peak currents not less than 100% of the rated BS5253 to prove the rated short-circuh current making
short-circuit values of the switching device in com­ and carrying capability; also the specified mechanical
bination with its fusehnks — the latter being fitted in endurance. There is no breaking current requirement.
all three phases. This test is carried out to verify that Except for the circuit earthing device built into fused
the complete switchgear assembly is capable of with­ equipment in 3.3 kV systems, the short-circuit current
standing the cut-off current of the fuselinks, and that making and carrying capability, i.e., the short-time
rating, must be not less than that of the system switch-
the striker pins incorporated in the fuselinks initiate
gear. The circuit earthing device in fused equipment in
opening of the switching device correctly.
3.3 kV systems is required to be capable of making a
current of not less than the maximum peak value of
Test duty 2 This test duty is an 0 - / - C 0 sequence in the short-circuit current of the system, but with the
a three-phase circuit, with fuselinks fitted in all phases, time element of the short-time current reduced from the
having a prospective current approximating to that 'standard' 3 s to 0.2 s.
producing maximum arc energy within the fuselinks. Switchgear and controlgear at all operational volt­
This test is carried out to demonstrate that the com­ ages is subjected to temperature rise tests to prove
plete switchgear assembly is capable of withstanding the rated normal current capabihty. A d d h i o n a h y , in
the maximum energy ( P t ) let-through of the fuse- the case of fused switching device equipment operating
links. in 3.3 kV systems, a test is performed to demonstrate

Switchgear and controlgear Chapter 5

that the switchgear is capable of carrying for two vided that no flashover occurs. This demonstrates
minutes, without damage, a current equivalent to six the capabihty of the circuit assembly (functional unit)
times the rated normal current. This test is apphed to close o n t o , and carry until operation of the circuit
to ensure that the switchgear has sufficient thermal short-circuit protective device — usually fuselinks —
capacity to handle the starting current of direct-on-hne any value of fauh current consequent u p o n short-circuit
started motors for the longest run-up time likely to be anywhere on the load side of the circuit short-circuit
encountered. protective device.
As has been indicated, type testing is carried out Similarly, the through-fault and making current
on the switchgear assembled substantially as it will tests prescribed in BS5419 for the circuit (functional
appear in service, albeit without the connection of unit) disconnecting (isolating) device — usually a fuse-
service cabhng. Thus the individual component parts, switch — demonstrates the capability of that device
particularly busbar systems and main circuit elements, to close o n t o , and to carry until operation of the cir­
e.g., the circuk switching device and circuit isolating cuit short-circuit protective device, any value of fault
facility, are tested so assembled. current arising from short-circuit anywhere on the load
With few exceptions to date, all low vohage circuit- side of the circuit short-circuit protective device.
breaker equipment, particularly in 415 V systems, is The busbar systems of swhchboard formations of
designed, constructed and type tested basically to low voltage switchgear are tested for short-circuit with­
BS3659: Specification for heavy duty air-break circuit- stand strength generally in accordance with the pro­
breakers for A C systems. Consequent upon the pubh­ cedures prescribed in BS5486.
cation of BS4752: Specification for switchgear and
controlgear for vohages up to and including 1000 V A C
and 1200 V D C Part 1: 1977: Circuit-breakers, which
Standard is itself identical to l E C Publication 1 5 7 - 1 :
3 Generator voltage switchgear
1973, BS3659 was withdrawn.
The requirements of BS3659 are, in certain respects,
3.1 Required performance
more appropriate in the case of equipment for power
station applications. However, it is policy to work to By the late 1940s, the 'unit' principle had become the
current Standards wherever possible. Thus, new de­ accepted pattern of the electromechanical design of
velopments in this field are subjected basically to power stations in the UK, where the main generator is
the electrical and mechanical type tests prescribed in connected directly to the lower voltage terminals of a
BS4752: Part 1, augmented by the fohowing: generator transformer. T h u s , for operational purposes,
the generator and generator transformer operate as an
• A three-phase short-circuit breaking test compris­ electrically inseparable entity.
ing an 0 - / - 0 - Γ - 0 sequence at a value of current not
Whilst station transformers are supplied at 132 kV
less than 100% of the rated symmetrical breaking
from the National Grid system wherever practicable,
current, plus a D C component in one phase at the
this voltage level is not available at all power station
instant of contact separation of not less than 5 0 %
sites. The high cost of switchgear and transformers
of the peak value of the rated symmetrical breaking
at the alternative vohages of 275 kV and 400 kV has
current. The method of determination of breaking
encouraged consideration of arrangements which, whilst
currents is illustrated in Fig 5.24. Demonstration of
preserving the essential features of 'unit' operation,
this capabihty is necessary because the waveform
would reduce the requirement for plant at these higher
of short-circuit current close to the source of genera­
voltages. An obvious approach is the abandonment
tion can exhibit significant asymmetry for a number
of conventional station transformers, together with
of cycles after fauh inception.
their attendant switchgear, and the allocation of their
• A single break test at a value of current not less duty to a combination of the Unit and Generator
than 100% of the rated symmetrical breaking cur­ Transformer associated with each main generator. This
rent, at the appropriate phase-to-neutral voltage, concept, illustrated in Fig 5.7, necessitates the pro­
applied to an outer pole. This demonstrates that vision of means for disconnecting the generator at a
the operation of the circuit-breaker is not affected point between its terminals and the unit transformer(s)
adversely by the unbalanced forces produced. tee-off connections. However, apart from issues of
cost, the provision of such a disconnection facility can
Main circuit contactors in contactor controlgear as- offer significant advantages operationally, particularly
sembhes are, in addition to the type tests prescribed in in nuclear installations.
BS5424: Part 1, subjected to the second test detailed The performance required of the means of discon­
in Clause 8.2.7 of BS5419, i.e., a current making test, nection is governed by operational needs. The minimum
for the specified prospective short-circuit current. For capabihty of practical usefulness is synchronising the
this test, and for the through-fauh test prescribed for generator, the interruption of full-load current and
the contactor in BS5486: Part 1: Clause, the provision of an isolating facility — a duty calling
welding of the contacts is not deemed a failure pro­ for a switch disconnector. In essence, a switch dis-

Generator voltage switchgear

bility of a switch disconnector as outlined above,

TRANSMISSION the ability to interrupt fault currents of short-circuit
Wherever possible, the relevant design accords with
the principles of British Standards 5311 and 5227.
CIRCUIT BREAKER The first installations within the C E G B of generator
voltage switchgear were those at its Hartlepool and
Heysham 1 nuclear power stations, and its Dinorwig
pumped-storage project. The concept has also been
accepted for Heysham 2 and by the South of Scotland
Electricity Board (SSEB) for the Torness and Inverkip
power stations.
T o meet the system electrical parameters at the
C E G B stations, the switchgear is rated as follows:
Hartlepool and Heysham 1 (generator MCR 660 MW)
UNIT Rated voltage (operational) 23 kV
Rated normal current 19.5 k A

MAIN Rated short-circuit breaking current

Symmetrical 120 kA

Rated short-circuit making current
150 kA
400 kA peak
FIG. 5.7 The configuration of unit/generator Rated duration of short-circuit 3 s
transformers and generator circuit-breaker used as an
alternative to the station transformer arrangement
Dinorwig (maximum capability, when generating,
313 MW)
connector is capable of making, carrying and breaking
Rated voltage (operational) 18 kV
currents under normal circuit conditions — which may
include specified operating overload conditions — and Rated normal current 11.5 kA
also of carrying currents under specified abnormal Rated short-circuit breaking current
circuit conditions, such as those of short-circuit, for
Symmetrical 105 kA
a specified time. It may also be capable of making,
but not breaking, short-circuit currents. Additionally, Asymmetrical 158 kA
it provides (when open) an isolating distance between Rated short-circuit making current 315 kA peak
the terminals of each pole. T h u s , a switch disconnector
Rated duration of short-circuit 1 s
used to disconnect a generator at generator terminal
voltage must be capable of:
Heysham 2 (generator MCR 660 MW)
• Making, breaking and carrying continuously any Rated voltage (operational) 23.5 kV
value of current at any value of power factor u p
to the maximum load capability of the generator, Rated normal current 20.1 kA
i.e, full-load, plus a specified overload, if required. Rated short-circuit breaking current

• Carrying for a specified period of time, e.g., one Symmetrical 130 kA

second, a specified value of fault (short-circuit) Asymmetrical 170 kA
Rated short-circuit making current 400 kA peak
• Synchronising the generator, including the making, Rated duration of short-circuit 1 s
but not breaking, of fault current arising from clo­
sure under out-of-phase conditions.
In addition to the basic performance outlined above, it
is necessary to demonstrate the ability of the switchgear
However, present thinking within the C E G B tends to deal satisfactorily with out-of-phase current switch­
towards the use of a circuit-breaker, as this permits ing and generator pole-sHpping situations; also, that it
the clearance of electrical faults in the generator with­ does not cause unacceptable overvoltage when switch­
out disturbance of power supply to the unit auxiliaries. ing capacitive and transformer magnetising currents.
A circuit-breaker used to switch a generator at gen­ It will be appreciated that the rated operational volt­
erator terminal voltage has, in addition to the capa­ ages listed above are the values for which the short-

Switchgear and controlgear Chapter 5

circuit performance of the switchgear is vahd. How­

ever, to meet the standard of integrhy required of the
insulation of the switchgear/generator main connec­ RESISTOR I
tions combination, the following levels are specified:

Rated impulse-withstand to earth 170 kV peak

Rated impulse withstand voltage across
the disconnector in the open position
(isolating distance) 195 kV peak
Rated power frequency (one minute)
withstand vohage to earth 70 kV RMS I
- 1

Rated power frequency (one minute) AUXILIARY vv

withstand voltage across the (2)

disconnector in the open position

(isolating distances) 80 kV RMS SYSTEM


3.2 Design and construction GENERATOR

FIG. 5.8 Diagrammatic arrangement of a multistage

interruption process
3.2.1 General
The switchgear is of indoor-type construction intended
specifically for connection directly into phase-isolated (b) Greatly reduced current flows through the low
systems of generator main connections in a manner value resistor assembly, the resistors damping the
designed to preserve the principle of phase isolation transient recovery voltage (TRV) which appears
described in Chapter 4: Generator Main Connections. across the main interrupter.
Each pole of each three-phase assembly comprises an (c) The current through the resistors is interrupted
interrupter system connected in series with a discon­ by the auxiliary interrupters.
nector (isolator). The series disconnector is necessary
to provide the switchgear Open' condition as, in the Note: Whether or not the auxiliary interrupters (1)
quiescent state, the interrupter system remains closed and (2) open together (two stage interruption), or (1)
— opening, and remaining so, only for so long as before (2) (three stage interruption), depends upon the
is necessary to complete the process of arc extinction magnitude of the recovery voltage across the main
when interrupting the circuit, and to ensure against interrupter. With low values of recovery voltage, the
establishing current flow by the disconnector when auxiliary interrupters open simultaneously; with high
closing the circuit. The disconnector also provides an values, (1) precedes (2), the recovery vohage across the
isolating distance in free air, when open. The swkchgear circuit-breaker being damped by the low value resistor
may, therefore, be used to isolate the generator elec­ assembly. A high value non-hnear resistor connected
trically, provided that precautions are taken in the across auxiliary interrupter (2) damps any overvoltage
design of the scheme of control to safeguard against arising from the interruption of low value inductive
closure inadvertently when so employed. current.
As already indicated, the interrupter in each pole (d) The series disconnector opens, interrupting any
comprises, essentially, a system of current making and residual current flowing through the non-linear
breaking contacts, housed in an arcing chamber and resistor.
connected in series with a disconnector. In its most
basic form, the unit has a current breaking capabi­ (e) The main and auxihary interrupters close.
lity limiting its application to that of a switch discon­
nector, i.e., capable of load switching but not fault The circuit-breaker is now open.
clearance. To increase the capability to that of a circuit Closure of the circuit-breaker involves the following
breaker (the present requirement in C E G B installa­ sequence:
tions), low ohmic value resistors and auxihary inter­
• Main and auxihary interrupters open.
rupters are connected across the main interrupter to
produce a two or three stage interruption process. The • Series disconnector closes.
principle is illustrated in Fig 5.8. The process of inter­
• Main and auxiliary interrupters close.
ruption takes place sequentially as follows:

(a) Main interrupter opens and an axial blast of air In the matter of mechanical design, the main inter­
extinguishes the arc. rupters, which at rest take up the closed position, are

Generator voltage switchgear

basically of the butt type in which the moving element parable capability. Accordingly, the design accepted for
presents a hemispherical face to the hollow conical Heysham 2 uses this arrangement.
surface of the fixed contact. When opening, the axial
air blast flows over the surface of the moving contact
3.2.2 Control
and through a circular orifice in the centre of the fixed
contact, see Fig 5.9. Control of the switchgear is electropneumatic, i.e,
operation is inhiated by electrical activation of the
pneumatic system. Each three-pole switchgear assem­
FIXED MOVING bly is provided with a 'local' control panel of the
CONTACT CONTACT AIR BLAST FLOW free-standing cubicle pattern equipped with facilities
for b o t h local (at the panel) and remote control —
selection of the method of control being made at the
panel. Because of the noise of operation, personnel
must wear ear protection near the panel when the
switchgear is operational. This is an important con­
sideration in the shing of the control panels. Examples
CLOSED OPEN of generator circuit-breakers are shown in Figs 5.11,
5.12 and 5.13. Figure 5.14 illustrates a circuit-breaker
control panel.
FIG. 5.9 Diagrammatic arrangement of a
main interrupter
3.2.3 Cooling
The load current carrying duty of the switchgear
The contact system of the series disconnector com­ necessitates forced cooling. The rating involved at
prises a telescopic arrangement in which a cylindrical Hartlepool and Heysham 1 and 2 requires a water
drum contact moves axiahy to bridge two sets of fixed system, whereas a forced-air scheme suffices for the
clusters of finger type contacts arranged in a circular much lower load current capability involved at Dinor­
formation, see Fig 5.10. wig. In the former arrangement, de-ionised water is cir­
culated in a closed circuh through the swhchgear phase
conductors via a raw-water cooled heat exchanger.
CONTACT CLUSTERS CONTACT DRUM In the forced-air concept, the air in each pole enclo­
sure is circulated by fan through an air cooled heat
exchanger in such a manner as to leave that in the gen­
erator main connection trunkings largely uninvolved.
Whereas in forced-air cooled installations each pole is
deah with individually — the equipment is an integral
part of the enclosure structure — the plant for water
DISCONNECTOR DISCONNECTOR cooled switchgear is provided on the basis of one
discrete unit per three-phase assembly. P u m p capacity
in the latter is provided on the basis of two 100%
units per plant. Typical arrangements of water cooling
FIG. 5.10 Diagrammatic arrangement of a
plant are shown in Figs 5.15 and 5.16.
series disconnector

3.2.4 Operating air plant

The switchgear is operated by compressed air, the
circuit interrupters utilising the air-blast principle. The The switchgear operating air plant is reserved wholly
poles of each three-phase unit are connected pneuma­ for that duty; it supphes n o other station services.
tically to operate simultaneously; there is no mecha­ The capacity/rating of the high pressure storage/
nical interconnection across the poles. Each pole is compressor plant is determined by the number of op­
provided with a discrete unit air receiver, charged at the erations of the switchgear to be 'stored', the length
switchgear operating pressure from a higher pressure of time ahowable for the restoration of the H P system
storage system. The capacity of each unit air receiver to service pressure after a given discharge duty and the
is sufficient for one close/open cycle of operation requirement that a compressor shall, at each start, run
without replenishment from the high pressure store. for a period sufficient to attain an acceptable working
Whilst the interrupter system of the switchgear at temperature.
Dinorwig features one 'break' per pole for the elec­ The Hartlepool and Heysham 1 projects are the
trical performance required, that for Hartlepool and first modern C E G B stations to feature the switching
Heysham 1 necessitated, at the time of placing the of main generators at generator terminal voltage. In
order, a double-break arrangement. However, develop­ these essentially base-load stations, the switchgear is
ment since has produced a single-break concept of com- called u p o n to switch relatively infrequently in normal

Switchgear and controlgear Chapter 5

FIG. 5 . 1 1 Two poles (of a three-phase group) of a forced-air cooled generator circuit-breaker installed at Dinorwig
pumped-storage power station (British Brown-Boveri Ltd)
(see also colour photograph between pp 496 and 497)

service. The high pressure storage/compressor plant (d) Compressor capacity, i.e, both compressors run­
is, therefore, rated primarily to satisfy the needs of ning in parallel, capable of restoration to service
switchgear commissioning initiahy, and of re-commis­ pressure of the H P system after charging of the
sioning after overhauls. The present practice in base- air receivers of one 3-pole switchgear equipment
load installations (Heysham 2 is a current example) from atmospheric to operating pressure in a peri­
is provision of air plant on the basis of: od of the order of 3 hours. Such compressor ca­
pacity is also capable of replacing the air drawn
(a) A dual-pressure system in which air is stored in from the H P storage in IVi to 2 h running time
duphcate groups of high pressure receivers, from in a 5-close/open switchgear operating duty.
which it is fed at lower pressure to the switchgear
local (unit) receivers.
It should be explained that the ratio of 'high' pres­
(b) One compressor plant per group of H P receivers, sure storage to 'operating' pressure is sufficient to
connected and controlled so that: ensure that expansion from one to the other results
in the supply of acceptably dry air to the switchgear.
• Each compressor can supply either or both
The high pressure storage, and switchgear operating
groups of H P receivers.
pressures are:
• Either compressor may be selected to 'run' or
'standby' when connected to supply both groups Hartlepool High pressure storage 60 bar nominal
of H P receivers. and Heysham /: Switchgear operating pressure 30 bar nominal
Dinorwig and High pressure storage 150 bar nominal
• Both compressors can be run in parallel to Heysham 2: Switchgear operating pressure 30 bar nominal
supply either or both groups of receivers.

(c) High pressure storage of the order of 5-close/ The normal operating regime at Dinorwig pumped-
open cycles of operation of one 3-pole switchgear storage power station entails a much heavier consump­
equipment without assistance from the compressor tion of switchgear operating air than at Hartlepool
plant. and Heysham. These demands are supplied from three

Generator voltage switchgear

FIG. 5.12 One pole of a forced-air cooled generator circuit-breaker, with side covers and the connection to generator
busbar removed (British Brown-Boveri Ltd)
(see also colour photograph between pp 496 and 497)

separate (though interconnectable) dual-pressure com­ It was assumed that operational demand could call for
pressor/storage plants, i.e, one plant per two g e n e r a t o r / the above sequence in a period as short as 45 minutes.
motor machines, each plant comprising high pressure It is, therefore, considered representative of the hea­
storage feeding a lower pressure switchgear operating viest likely consumption of air during a length of time
system. The principle of storage at *high pressure' and insufficient for make-up from the compressor plant to
switchgear operation at a lower value, is basically as be of useful significance.
for Hartlepool and Heysham 1 and 2 . The distribution of air to the switchgear receivers
The air storage capacity provided for Dinorwig in the Hartlepool, Heysham / and Dinorwig instal­
overall, permits switching of the circuit-breakers, as lations is by ringmain. However, the design of the
necessary, to achieve the following station operating switchgear for the performance required for Heysham
conditions, unassisted by replenishment from the com­ 2 demands air for the closing operation at a pressure
pressor plant, commencing with the switchgear for marginally above that necessary for opening. Advan­
each generator-motor open, i.e., all six three-phase tage is taken of the lower value required for opening
circuit-breakers open: to lessen the pressure on seals when the switchgear
stands closed, that being the predominant service con­
• Back-to-back starting of one machine in the p u m p ­
dition. This is achieved by automatic regulation of the
ing mode by another in the generating m o d e , cul­
pressure of the air supply to the switchgear receivers
minating in a *five machines pumping' condition.
to suit the operating m o d e . It is, of course, essential
• Changeover to generation of the five machines that the circuit-breakers be capable of operating in­
pumping, i.e., all machines now operating in the dependently, i.e., allowance must be made for one
generating m o d e . standing closed — available for opening — whilst the
other remains open — available for closure. Thus
• Stopping all six machines. the operating air pressure requirement of one breaker

Switchgear and controlgear Chapter 5

Α> N
2 ^
c Λ
00 O ^
'S o Λ
« - 1
5 o
Generator voltage switchgear

FIG. 5 . 1 4 Generator circuit-breaker control panel (British Brown-Boveri Ltd)

(see also colour photograph between pp 4 9 6 and 4 9 7 )

Switchgear and controlgear Chapter 5

FIG. 5.15 Cooling water plant (British Brown-Boveri Ltd)

(see also colour photograph between pp 496 and 497)

Generator voltage switchgear


Γ 1

I o O ^ O—MD Ο I

-^^V^/^^ RED P H A S E _ | - + ^ ^ / ^ ^

ι 1
TANK I o o O — O — o I
•^^WNH^ YEj_IX)W_PHASy-»'^^

I 1
I ^ I
I o O ^ D — o I
-KvxrM-i^ Ey^íftÍASE_H-K\y^y>-


FIG. 5.16 Cooling water plant schematic

may, at any given time, differ from that of the other. being intended primarily for use during maintenance.
A simple ringmain system of supply cannot satisfy such Mechanical and electrical interlocking prevents the
conditions. Each unit is, therefore, supplied separately. simultaneous engagement of electrical and manual
Figure 5.17 illustrates a typical operating air sys­ drives. Electrical operation may be from the 'local'
tem. Fig 5.18 an air plant control panel, Fig 5.19 a control panel, or from a remote station, e.g., a control
compressor set, and Fig 5.20 a battery of high pressure r o o m — selection of the m o d e required being made
(150 bar) air storage receivers. at the local panel. The facility for remote operation is,
of course, essential where the operational requirement
necessitates a scheme of automatic control. A n Open-
3.2.5 Phase-reversal disconnectors for pumped-
to-close' operation, and vice-versa, electrically, takes
storage schemes
approximately 5 s. The drive mechanism housing of
In the special case of Dinorwig pumped-storage power each pole carries mechanical flag indication of the
station, in addition to the use of generator circuit- operated condition of each pole, i.e., Open' or *closed'.
breakers, disconnectors (isolators) are necessary for In essence, the mechanical construction of the con­
phase-reversal and machine starting purposes. As with tact system follows closely that of the series discon­
generator circuit-breakers, the disconnectors are of nector employed in the generator circuit-breakers at
indoor type construction, designed for connection di­ Dinorwig, except that natural, rather than forced, air
rectly into the phase-isolated system of generator main coohng suffices.
and starting busbars. Each pole of each group is driven In addition, each pole features a glazed window on
separately by an electric motor in normal service, but either side through which the position of the telesco­
with provision for manual operation — the latter pic contact system can be observed. Figure 5.21 depicts

Switchgear and controlgear Chapter 5
Generator voltage switchgear

FIG. 5 . 1 8 Air plant control panel (British Brown-Boveri Ltd)

(see also colour photograph between pp 496 and 497)

a single-pole example of a disconnector with the t o p of earthing switches for the earthing, during mainte­
half of the enclosure removed. nance, of generators and their main connections. These
The disconnectors, although off-load 'switching' de­ switches comprise single-pole units designed specifi­
vices by definition, have a capacitive current breaking cally for incorporation into phase-isolated systems in
capability. For the purpose of uniformity of design and such manner as to preserve the principle of 'phase-
construction, all disconnectors, wherever positioned in isolation'. Each pole of a three-phase group is driven
the 18 kV system, have an insulation level, normal cur­ individually by an electric m o t o r , provision being m a d e
rent carrying, and short-circuit current withstand capa­ for operation local to the switch, or from a remote
bility matching that of the generator circuit-breakers. station. It can also be operated manually, primarily
during maintenance of the switch, but only when the
electrical drive is disconnected. Each pole carries a
3.2.6 Earthing switches mechanical flag indication of the contact system
A recent introduction into C E G B practice is the use position, i.e., 'open' or 'closed'.

Switchgear and controlgear Chapter 5

FIG. 5.19 Typical air compressor set (British Brown-Boveri Ltd)

The insulation level and short-circuit current with­ cured to the busbar, the moving contact being driven
stand capabilities of the switches are, of course, matched down into engagement with it in a vertical plane. Heavy
to the requirements of the system of generator main conductors connect the mounting flange of each switch
connections. As throughout the power station, the of a three-phase group to provide a three-phase short-
earthing of main circuit (i.e., power circuit) conductors circuit connected to the power station main earthing
is attended by stringent rules governing isolation and system.
making *dead', supported, wherever possible and prac­
ticable, by electrical and mechanical interlocking —
the latter often featuring the use of coded keys. The
4 3.3 kV and 11 kV switchgear — circuit-
earthing switches described here are so interlocked.
breaker equipment
Each pole being operable independently allows closure
to earth sequentially. Thus, in the event of inadvertent
activation of a switch to close — an act likely only in 4.1 Required performance
consequence of gross breach of C E G B Safety Rules —
the closure of that phase alone would initiate the sys­ The design parameters to meet system requirements
tem earth fault protection; the fault current flow in for this switchgear are described in the following sub­
such an event being limited by the neutral earthing
resistor to a value within the 'making' capabihty of the
switch. Figure 5.22 shows a single-pole switch dis­ 4.1.1 Rated voltage
mounted, and Fig 5.23 a three-phase group connected The rated voltage is the value of voltage used to desig­
into a phase-isolated system of busbars. nate the switchgear and to which is related its op­
Essentially, the switches comprise a fixed and mov­ erating performance. The rated voltage indicates the
ing contact assembly housed in a cylindrical enclosure upper limit of the highest voltage of systems for which
of insulation material, mounted in each phase of the the switchgear is intended. For polyphase systems it is
phase-isolated busbar system. The fixed contact is se­ stated as the R M S value of the vohage between phases.

3.3 k V and 11 k V switchgear — circuit-breaker equipment

FIG. 5 . 2 0 High pressure ( 1 5 0 bar) air storage receivers (British Brown-Boveri Ltd)

Switchgear and controlgear Chapter 5

FIG. 5 . 2 1 Single-pole example of a phase-reversal disconnector, with the top half of the phase-isolated enclosure
removed and the unit in the open position (British Brown-Boveri Ltd)

Established designs, i.e., those evolved during the currency of BS 162 and BS3659 — is based upon the
currency of BS162 and BS3659, are rated 3.3 kV or achievement of clearances between phases, and clear­
11 kV, as appropriate to the system concerned. How­ ances phase-to-earth to the dimensions specified in
ever, in order to align with l E C Standard values, those Standards for 'Class B', i.e., the higher of the
the presently assigned ratings are 3.6 kV and 12 kV two classes recognised. The 'insulation level' of such
respectively. designs is determined by a combination of the specified
clearances and the ability to withstand, for one minute,
4.1.2 Frequency and number of phases the prescribed value of test voltage. This is accepted as
equivalent to the power frequency and impulse voltage
This switchgear is always three-phase, 50 Hz.
test philosophy. The 'insulation level' of the newer
developments, i.e, designs to BS5227 and BS5311 are,
4.1.3 Rated insulated level of course, proved by test in accordance with Table 1,
The rated insulation level is the value of the impulse List 2, of BS6581: 1985 (lEC 694: 1980).
withstand voltage and the value of the power fre­
quency withstand voltage, which together characterise
4.1.4 Rated short-time withstand current of main
the insulation of the switchgear with regard to its
and earthing circuits
ability to withstand the electric stresses.
The 'classification' of the insulation of established The rated short-time withstand current is the RMS
designs — again those designs evolved during the value of the current which the switchgear can carry

3.3 k V and 11 k V switchgear — circuit-breaker equipment

It is probable that system requirements in the future

will be adjusted to accommodate the l E C rating of
40 kA at both 3.3 kV and 11 kV, but for 3 s — the
l E C standard value of 1 s being insufficient to permit
satisfactory time grading of protection.

4.1.5 Rated peak withstand current of main and

earthing circuits
The rated peak withstand current is the peak value of
the first major loop of the rated short-time withstand
current which the switchgear can carry under pre­
scribed conditions of use and behaviour. The present
requirements are:

• 3,3 kV system equipment A value equal to 2.55

times the rated short-time withstand current, i.e.,
2.55 times the A C component of the rated short-
time withstand current. This is the traditional value
required by the older British Standards in conse­
quence of the assumption that the maximum peak
value likely to be attained by the first major loop
of short-circuit current is 1.8 times the peak value of
the symmetrical current, i.e., (1.8V2) χ RMS value
of the A C component of the short-circuit current.
The standard l E C value, it should be noted, is 2.5
times the rated short-time withstand current.

• II kV system equipment 121 k A . This, it will

be noted, is approximately three times the RMS
value of the A C component of the rated short-
time current. Whilst the standard value recognised
by the l E C and, in consequence, by present British
Standards for high voltage switchgear, is 2.5 times
the R M S value of the A C component of the short-
circuit current, those Standards concede that higher
values may be attained in certain circumstances.
Instances of such are installations in which large
gas-turbine generators are connected directly into
the 11 kV voltage system a n d / o r featuring a heavy
motor load.

4.1.6 Rated normal current

FIG. 5 . 2 2 Single-pole earthing switch, dismounted
Traditionally, the rated current of circuits and busbars
(British Brown-Boveri Ltd)
is chosen from the ratings specified in BS3659, but,
again to align with l E C ratings, they are now selected
from the values hsted in BS5311. T o date, the maxi­
for a specified short-time under prescribed condi­
m u m ratings required are 2500 A at 3.3 kV, and 3150
tions of use and behaviour. The present requirements
A at 11 kV. The rated normal current is permitted to
take full advantage of the Hmits of temperature rise
of current carrying parts accepted by the l E C . However,
• 3,3 kVsystem equipment — 26.3 kA or 43.8 kA for
these values are, in the main, appreciably higher than
3 s; corresponding to system short-circuit levels of
those allowed by the superseded British Standards.
150 M V A and 250 M V A for 3 s, respectively (at 3.3
This being so, t o minimise the risk of damage to the
kV), both levels occurring in C E G B installations.
insulation of the types of cable now in use, the tem­
• II kV system equipment — 39.4 kA for 3 s; cor­ perature rise of the terminals to which they are con­
responding to a short-circuit level of 750 M V A for nected is Umited to 50°C, or such lower limit as may
3 s at 11 kV. be specified in an apparatus specification.

Switchgear and controlgear Chapter 5

FIG. 5 . 2 3 Earthing switches installed on phase-isolated generator busbars (British Brown-Boveri Ltd)

4.1.7 Rated short-circuit breaking current A D C component of 5 0 % is the 'tradhional' value

(of circuit-breakers) used in the UK for the specification of asymmetrical
breaking current capabihty. It takes into account the
• 3.3 kV system equipment: opening time of the circuit-breaker to the extent that
the X / R ratio of the system is normally not likely to
(a) Symmetrical — 26.3 kA or 43.8 kA as be so high as to present a more onerous condition at
demanded by the system he instant of contact separation. The British Standard
fault level. currently appropriate to circuh-breakers for power
station service is BS5311: 'Specification for A C circuit-
(b) Asymmetrical — as the symmetrical value
breakers of rated voltage above 1 k V — which itself
plus 5 0 % D C component.
derives from l E C Publication 56 — specifies values
• 7 7 kV system equipment: appropriate to the actual opening time of the circuit-
breaker, based on a system X / R ratio of 14. However,
(a) Symmetrical — 39.4 kA. the BS also recognises that in certain applications, e.g.,
where the X / R ratio is higher than 14, or if a circuit-
(b) Asymmetrical — as the symmetrical value
breaker is close to a generator, the percentage D C
plus 5 0 % D C component.
component of the system short-circuit current wave­
form may be higher than the value derived from the
The value 5 0 % D C specifies the magnitude of the 'curve' shown in the Standard. A more detailed treat­
displacement from zero of the horizontal axis of the ment of the significance of 'percentage D C component'
current waveform at the instant of separation of the is given in Clause 6.2 of BS5311: P a r t 2: 1976.
circuit-breaker contacts which, added to the RMS value
of the A C component of the current at that instant,
determines the asymmetrical value. 4,1.8 First-pole-to-clear factor
Figure 5.24 ihustrates the method of determination The first-pole-to-clear factor (of a three-phase system,
of breaking currents. and at the location of the circuit-breaker) is defined

3 . 3 k V a n d 11 k V switchgear — circuit-breaker equipment


AA' _
BB' -

FIG. 5 . 2 4 Determination of breaking currents

in BS5311: Part 1: 1976 (Def. 6.25) as the ratio of 4.1.10 Rated duration of short-circuit
the power frequency voltage between a sound phase This is the m a x i m u m length of time for which the
and the other two phases during a two-phase short- switchgear is guaranteed to be capable of carrying a
circuit, which may or may not involve earth, at the current equivalent to hs rated breaking current. It
location of the circuit-breaker, to the phase-to-neutral follows, therefore, that such is the maximum time for
voltage which would be obtained at the same location which protection may be allowed to delay tripping of
with the short-circuit removed. the circuit-breaker on short-circuit.
For the purpose of testing, the first-pole-to-clear
factor is the ratio of the value of the power frequency
recovery voltage appearing across the pole in which 4.1.11 Rated operating sequence
current is first interrupted, to the phase-to-neutral This is the sequence ( 0 - / - C O - r - C O ) on which the test
vohage of the test circuh. For power station service, duties for certification of short-circuit performance
the highest attainable ratio, viz 1.5, is used. are based (see Section 2.2.3 of this chapter).

4.1.9 Rated short-circuit making current

4.2 Design and construction
• 3.3 kVsystem equipment 2.55 times the A C compo­
nent of the rated short-circuh breaking current. 4.2.1 General
• 11 kV system equipment 121 k A . The derivation of As indicated in Section 2.1 of this chapter, the inter­
the factor 2.55 at 3.3 kV, and the value 121 k A at rupter in 11 kV switchgear is invariably, by definition,
11 kV is explained in Section 4.1.5 of this chapter. a circuit-breaker, whereas at 3.3 kV it is, depending

Switchgear and controlgear Chapter 5

upon the duty, a circuit-breaker or a fused switching each circuit in a switchboard, is provided with a con­
device. However, whether featuring circuit-breaker or trol and instrument panel forming an integral part of
fused switching device, the general form of design and the switchgear cubicle. Wherever possible the relays re­
construction of the switchgear as a whole, together with quired for the protection of the circuit are mounted on
the operational facilities offered, are similar at both the control panel. However, where the space available
3.3 and 11 kV. Those features pecuhar t o , and the on the control panel is insufficient to accommodate
service performance required of, fused switching equip­ the total requirement, separate panels are provided on
ment are deaU with in Sections 6.1 and 6.2 of this which all relays associated with the circuit concerned are
chapter, respectively. mounted. That is to say, the relays specific to a parti­
The switchgear is of the metalclad type, i.e., switch- cular circuit are all mounted either on the switchgear
gear assemblies in metal enclosures intended to be control panel, or on a separate panel — they are not
earthed — complete except for external connections divided between the two. Figures 5.25 to 5.31 depict
— and in which components are arranged in separate typical 11 kV and 3.3 kV switchboard formations.
compartments with metal partitions intended to be
earthed. 4.2.2 Enclosures
Essentially, metalclad switchgear has separate com­
partments for: Enclosures provide, when all doors and covers are
closed, protection against the approach of persons to
• Each main circuit switching device, e.g., the circuit- live parts to 'degree of protection' IP3X (see BS5227).
breaker. Additionally, they are required to afford protection
• Those components connected to one side of the against dripping water, e.g., from condensation on
main circuit switching device, e.g., the feeder circuit. switchroom ceilings. Thus the degree of protection
provided overall is not less than IP31 to BS5490. T o
• Those components connected to the other side of exclude also the ingress of vermin, the protection must
the main circuit switching device, e.g., the busbars. be independent of the fitting of closing plates or other
sealing arrangements at the point of entry of cabling
With few exceptions, the switchgear in service in C E G B into the switchgear. Normally the cable glanding ar­
power stations features circuit-breakers or fused switch­ rangement adopted satisfies this requirement.
ing devices of the air-break type, and was designed Doors and covers, the opening of which gives direct
during the currency of British Standards BS 162 and access to main circuit conductors which may be live,
BS3659. However, fused switching equipment incor­ are secured by fasteners the removal of which requires
porating vacuum interrupters is gaining favour — the use of tools, e.g., spanners, screwdrivers. Fasteners
particularly for frequently switched circuits. The ex­ designed primarily for release by the use of a coin or
ceptions in the circuit-breaker field are the few instal­ similar implement are not accepted for this purpose.
lations — generally to be found in the older stations Alternatively, where for the purpose of attention to
— equipped with oil circuit-breakers, and sometimes other apparatus it is necessary to gain access to com­
themselves of the oil and compound insulated type. partments containing main circuit conductors, doors
Whilst complying basically with the above Standards, and covers are interlocked to prevent such access unless
the design overall features, of necessity, a number of the main circuit conductors are de-energised. Doors and
operational facilities particular to power station service. covers for which it is permissible to provide fasteners
However, it should be noted that the principal British requiring neither tools for their release, nor involvement
Standards presently current in the UK for this class in a scheme of interlocking are, where it is desired
of switchgear are BS5227: Specification for A C metal- to prevent unauthorised opening, provided with simple
enclosed switchgear and controlgear for rated voltages locking facilities — usually padlocking.
above 1 kV and up to and including 72.5 kV, and In recognition of the stature and physical capability
BS5311: A C circuit-breakers of rated voltage above of the average male in the UK, apparatus mounted on
1 kV — Standards based upon l E C Publications 298 switchgear is, wherever practicable, positioned within
and 56, respectively. The introduction of the newer the following height hmitations — measured from the
British Standards has had no significant impact upon operating floor level:
the performance and operational facilities required. Apparatus Height
Hence, designs to the superseded Standards are, for all Min Max
Operational controls, indicating
practical purposes, accepted by the C E G B as compliant instruments and indications, relay
with the current pubhcations. Nevertheless, to regu­ and relay manual reset facilities. *450 mm *2000 mm
larise the situation, the technical requirements of pur­ Door and panel fastenings other than
chasing specifications are now couched in terms of those of relay panels integral with the
switchgear cubicle structure. *300 mm *2000 mm
the current British Standards.
Protective and other relays required
The switchgear is factory assembled, i.e., built-up to be viewed from the outside of the
into complete switchboard formations in the manu­ switchgear, but not featuring manual
facturer's works, albeit dismantled into transport units operation. 450 mm 2600 mm
for shipment to site. Each switchgear equipment, i.e.. •Highest and lowest positions reached by an operator's hand.

3.3 kV and 11 kV switchgear — circuit-breaker equipment
i l l
CO 3 2
Iii is
iii S2 ϊ ^
| 2 | -
Switchgear and controlgear Chapter 5








FIG. 5.26 Interior of cubicle fitted to the type of switchboard illustrated in Fig 5.25

3.3 kV and 11 kV switchgear — circuit-breaker equipment

4.2.3 Withdrawal/disconnection The means of disconnection of the circuit-breaker

from the busbars and feeder circuhs comprise off-load
Almost without exception, the switchgear is of the
plug type contacts of the self-aligning pattern, suitable
withdrawable type, i.e., the circuit-breaker is mounted
for use whilst the busbars a n d / o r feeder circuits are
upon a wheeled carriage and hence is removable in
hve. Whilst in some designs disconnection is effected
its entirety from the switchboard. This arrangement
by withdrawal of the circuit-breaker carriage, in others
provides not only a very simple and effective means of
it is achieved by the operation of off-load selectors.
disconnection (isolation) of an individual circuit from
However, in all cases a system of mechanical interlocks
the switchboard busbars, but also, by removal totally
ensures that the switchgear is locked positively in the
of the circuit-breaker from the switchboard structure,
required condition, i.e., connected for service, discon­
permits maintenance work (on the circuit-breaker) away
nected, or arranged for circuit earthing or, where ap­
from the switchboard. This latter feature is of parti­
propriate, busbar earthing. Padlocking or coded-key
cular value in that work may be carried out on the
devices are provided to permit enforcement of the
circuit-breaker outwhh the C E G B Safety Rules aper-
required operational condition. Mechanical indication
taining to work on high voltage electrical equipment.
is provided to show when the circuit-breaker is in the
Upon removal of a circuit-breaker from its opera­
'service' or 'disconnected' poshion. The indicators are
tional location it is necessary to cover the contacts by
inscribed S E R V I C E or D I S C O N N E C T E D (or ISO­
which it connects with the busbar and its circuit in the
L A T E D ) in black lettering on a white background.
switchboard. This is achieved by shutters closing over
Arrangements for isolation of the control and aux­
the busbar and circuit contacts. The shutters, which
iliary circuitry when the circuit-breaker is disconnected
must be of metal construction, are actuated automa­
(isolated) include:
tically by the process of connection and disconnection
of the circuh-breaker. Opening is by poshive drive to • Automatic disconnection of those circuits upon
minimise the risk of short-circuh upon re-entry of the disconnection of the circuh-breaker or, alternatively;
circuit-breaker into the 'service', i.e, 'connected' posi­
tion. Closing, if not poshive, must be by two inde­ • Where such disconnection is not automatic upon
pendent means — one of which may be gravity — disconnection of the circuit-breaker, purpose de­
each capable of performing the closing operation alone. signed facilities are provided to permit such dis­
The use of withdrawable circuit-breakers facilitates connection, if desired, when the circuit-breaker is
ready access to busbars and circuhs for testing pur­ disconnected.
poses. T o this end, provision is m a d e , u p o n removal
of a circuit-breaker from the switchboard, for opening However, whichever arrangement is adopted, it must
and securing open, the shutters protecting the busbar not be possible to restore the circuit-breaker to the
contacts whilst those for the circuh remain closed, and service condition, i.e., reconnect, without reconnection
vice-versa. However, the means for securing the shutters of the control and auxiliary circuits.
in the open position are cancehed automatically and
normal operation is restored upon reconnection of the 4.2.4 Electrical interlocks
circuh-breaker. Padlocking facihties are provided for
locking the shutters closed. When closed the shutters Electrical interlocks for the prevention of closure of a
provide degree of protection I P 3 X (see BS5227) against circuit-breaker are arranged to interrupt the operating
access to the busbar and circuit contacts. T o avoid risk supply to the energising contactor of solenoid closing
of mistake, the shutters are identified in accordance mechanisms, or the release coh of stored energy, e.g.,
with the following code: spring closed mechanisms, as appropriate. Mechanical
interlocks are required to be preventative, rather than
curative, i.e., they are designed to prevent, as close
Shutter Minimum as possible to the point at which manual force may
Shutter colour Marking height of be applied, an action of improper operation, rather
to BS381C lettering, mm than 'correct' the improper action. A n example of this
philosophy is the interlock provided to prevent con­
Busbar Red 537 BUSBARS White 35
nection/disconnection of a circuh-breaker, other than
Incoming Lemon 355 DANGER Red 537 35
feeder LIVE when open. Rather than initiate tripping of a closed
CABLE circuh-breaker during the execution of the action of
Circuit Lemon 355 connection/disconnection, the interlock blocks the at­
tempt positively.

Additionally, on busbar sectioning units, the section of

4.2.5 Coded-key devices
busbar to which each group of disconnection contacts
is connected is indicated by a white arrow on the as­ T o assist the enforcement of operational and safety
sociated shutter, pointing toward the relevant section of procedures, the switchgear is provided, where neces­
busbar. sary, with coded key-operated devices whereby:

Switchgear and controlgear Chapter 5
• 8
< <
8 8 Ο
O B οι
O 1^
O- ο

O B <
O 8 ο
O B Ii '<5
UJ I -
o cu
ill ο
O B K30

Iii Ο

11 ο
(D I
i t
ω ζ
Σ <

3.3 kV and 11 kV switchgear — circuit-breaker equipment
Ζ ζ
O g Q o o I
ζ CE >LU
Q. Ρ 5 I- <CE
α. LU UJ III Ζ U J Z z
=)0 LULj
δ Β
5 o o CE ID
(Λ en CE
D O O ü < .2. Ζ
< Z < D _!UJ LU< LU JLU>-
_l Q- LU lUO O b ^ Z l u S
O υ _ 0 3 £ Γ: d c e 3
eco CEW- ?OKOCÜ<O cocoreo
LU ^ C\J CO to CD οοσ. o ;z cnj co^tocD^ «σ^ο ^CVi c o ^ ^ ^
Switchgear and controlgear Chapter 5


FIG. 5.28 Interior of cubicle fitted to the type of switchboard illustrated in Fig 5.27 shown in the 'service* position

3.3 kV and 11 kV switchgear — circuit-breaker equipment
c ^
Β -§
>; ^
a: α
° i
« •§

Switchgear and controlgear Chapter 5

3.3 kV and 11 kV switchgear — circuit-breaker equipment

removal of the key locks the circuit-breaker against

connection in the service m o d e , it must remain
possible to operate the circuit-breaker in either
an earthing or the disconnected m o d e , or to place
and operate an earthing switch in an earthing mode.

4.2.6 Identification of conducting parts

All main conductors are arranged, and identified with

their phase colours, in accordance with BS 158. The
identification is specified to be of not less than 650
mm^ in area at each location. The order of the phase
connections is Red-Yellow-Blue. Essentially, for con­
ductors arranged substantially in one plane, the posi­
tioning when viewed from the front of the switchgear,
is as follows:

• Run of conductors horizontal: Red phase t o p , left

or farthest away.

• R u n of conductors vertical: Red phase left or farthest


4.2.7 Earthing of structures

Each switchboard formation is equipped with a main
earth bar — usually externally at the rear at the base
— to which 'tee-off connections are m a d e as neces­
sary. The material may be copper, aluminium or an
alloy of aluminium — specifications being BS 1432
for copper, and BS2898, material E l E or E91E, in the
FIG. 5.31 Interior of cubicle fitted to the type of
case of aluminium and its alloys. A clearance of not
switchboard illustrated in Fig 5.30; circuit-breaker
withdrawn, busbar and circuit shutters propped open less than 15 m m is specified between the back face of
the main bar and the adjacent surface of the switch-
gear enclosure to permit the attachment (on Site) of
(a) A key is free only when the circuit-breaker (or individual plant earthing cables.
earthing switch) is closed in an earthing m o d e , i.e.,
Joints in earth bars are kept to the minimum prac­
to earth busbars or a circuit. Removal of the key
ticable. Where necessary, they are secured by screw
locks the circuit-breaker (or earthing switch) in the
fasteners, as are the connections thereto. Since experi­
closed-to-earth condition. Each earthing condition
ence has shown a need to avoid interfaces of electro-
is dealt with by a discrete device.
t i n n e d / a l u m i n i u m surfaces — a combination likely to
(b) A key, when inserted and entrapped, permits clo­ arise from the extensive use of aluminium conductor
sure of the circuit-breaker — it being free only cable for earth bonding — copper earth bars are
when the circuit-breaker is open. However, at­ specified to be of plain, i.e., uncoated, finish.
tempted removal of the key when the circuit- Immediately before assembly of a joint or connec­
breaker is closed must not initiate opening of the tion, the faces of aluminium/aluminium alloy conduc­
circuit-breaker. tors have the oxide film removed by, for example,
steel wire brush, and the cleaned surface coated with
(c) A key when inserted and entrapped, permits the
petroleum jelly or other approved c o m p o u n d . Simi­
circuit-breaker (or earthing switch) to be closed in
larly, copper joint faces are cleaned and coated with
an earthing mode only — it being free only when
petroleum jelly.
the circuit-breaker (or earthing switch) is open. As
Provision is m a d e at each end of each switchboard
in (b) above, attempted removal of the key when
main earth bar for connection to the power station
the circuit-breaker (or earthing switch) is closed
main earthing system. This must present a flat area of
must not initiate opening of the circuit-breaker (or not less than 50 m m x 50 m m (nominal).
earthing switch). Here again, as in (a) above, se­ T o deal with the fault levels likely to be experi­
parate devices are used for the busbar and circuit enced, earth bars of copper have a minimum sectional
earthing conditions. area and width — the latter being specified to en­
(d) A key is free only when the circuit-breaker is sure adequate area at joints, etc., — in accordance
disconnected from the service condition. Whilst with the information tabulated below. Earth bars of

Switchgear and controlgear Chapter 5

aluminium/aluminium alloy are specified to have a Earthing switches have closing mechanisms of the
width not less than that for copper, and electrical and dependent power solenoid or the stored energy spring-
mechanical properties not inferior to that material. operated type (see Section 4.2.18 of this chapter), and
a rated short-circuit making current capability of not
less than that of the circuit-breaker of the associated
system switchgear. Closing mechanisms are provided
Subsidiary (tee-ofO with means for padlocking the switch in the closed
Main earth bar
earth bars
position and, most importantly for safety reasons, it
Cross-sectional Width, mm Cross-sectional Width, mm
is not possible operationahy to slow-close an earthing
area, mm^ area, mm^ switch when connected for earthing operation. The
basic specification for earthing switches is BS5253.
300 50 150 25 The initial connection of busbars or circuits to earth,
i.e., the connection t o earth immediately following
the making dead of the busbars or circuit, is completed
by power closing the circuit-breaker or earthing switch.
Unless the positioning of the main earth bar itself is
When earthing through the circuit-breaker, mecha­
convenient for the purpose, tee-off connections are nical interlocking between the circuh-breaker and the
provided to facilitate the bonding to earth of cable earth path selector devices ensures that it is possible
glands. to prepare the switchgear for an earthing duty only
The metal framework of all withdrawable parts is when the circuit-breaker is disconnected from both
connected to the earthing conductor through contacts the busbars and the circuh. Similarly, where earthing is
designed specifically for the purpose. Such contacts are through an earthing switch, mechanical interlocking
required to estabhsh the connection to earth not less is employed to permit connection of the switch only
than 25 mm before establishment of the main circuit when it is open.
Where access to the busbar and circuit disconnection
Busbars and all conductors connected directly thereto
(isolating) contacts may be obtained in the course of
are insulated. The insulation may be moulded or in
preparation of the switchgear for an earthing operation,
the form of sleeving. It must be not less than 1 m m
provision is made whereby the automatic features of
thick and capable of withstanding without damage the
the shutter covering the group of contacts to be earthed
rated short-time current of the switchgear busbar sys­ remain operative, but that the shutter associated with
tem. To facihtate extension, busbars are of constant those contacts not involved in the earthing operation
current rating throughout the switchboard. Although remains closed and padlockable until the switchgear
traditionally of copper, conductors of a l u m i n i u m / is restored to the service condition.
aluminium ahoy are not precluded. However, where of
Where, however, preparation of a switchgear equip­
the latter materials, the jointing procedure specified for
ment for an earthing operation neither involves nor
earth bars would be adopted.
permits access to the busbar and circuit disconnection
contacts, the shutters may remain operable, as in the
4.2.8 Circuit and busbar earthing 'service' condition.
T o preserve the integrity of the connection of a
Each incoming/outgoing feeder circuit in a switch­
busbar or circuit to earth, i.e., to reduce the possi­
board, and usually each single-circuit unit, is provided
bility of inadvertent disconnection, means other than
with means for earthing the circuit. Likewise, provision
locking are provided whereby, when a switchgear equip­
is made for earthing the busbars — usually at two ment is prepared for an earthing operation through its
locations on each electrically continuous, i.e., uninter­ circuit-breaker, the electrical tripping of the circuit-
ruptable, section. breaker is rendered inoperative, both during closing
Traditionally, the earthing on 3.3 kV systems is and when closed. Thus the circuit-breaker becomes a
through the circuit-breaker in association with selector fault (short-circuit) current making and carrying switch
devices forming an integral part of the switchgear. and, as such, transfers elsewhere clearance of any fault
However, on those units where it is necessary to pro­ current consequent upon inadvertent earthing of live
vide for earthing the busbars as well as the circuit, conductors. However, the arrangements adopted for
mechanical interlocking is provided to prevent the use rendering the electrical tripping inoperative must be
of both facilities simultaneously. such that it is not possible to return the equipment to
At 11 kV, whhst some designs feature earthing the service condition and to reclose the circuit-breaker
through the circuit-breaker in association with selector without restoration of the electrical tripping. To pre­
devices forming an integral part of the switchgear, vent inadvertent earthing, padlocking or coded-key
others use purpose designed earthing swhches. Which­ interlocking facilities are provided for locking earthing
ever arrangement is adopted it must preclude, at those devices against selection into the earthing condition.
locations featuring both busbar and circuh earthing, Indication is provided to show when a switchgear
the earthing of busbars and circuit simultaneously. equipment is prepared for ' C I R C U I T E A R T H ' or,

3.3 kV and 11 kV switchgear — circuit-breaker equipment

where appropriate, 'BUSBAR E A R T H ' . The indi­ • Circuit prepared for earthing.
cations are by mechanical flag or, alternatively, by
• Busbars prepared for earthing.
suitably positioned labels visible from the front of the
equipment, inscribed C I R C U I T E A R T H or BUSBAR
E A R T H in black letters on a white background. The All auxiliary switches are wired, in accordance with
above arrangements indicate merely that the equip­ 'standard' diagrams, to terminals in the fixed (cubicle)
ment is prepared for an earthing operation, and that portion of the switchgear. Typical circuit diagrams,
the earthed condition will exist only when the circuit- together with an associated terminal schedule, are il­
breaker or earthing switch is closed. lustrated in Figs 5.32 to 5.35.
All conductors in the path to earth are required to
have a rated short-time current of not less than that 4.2.10 Cabling arrangements
of the associated system switchgear.
All cabling external to the switchgear, together with
In addition to the facilities for earthing busbars
glands and terminations, is normally supplied under a
and circuits through the circuit-breaker or purpose de­
separate cabling contract, details of which will be
signed earthing switches, portable devices are provided
found in Chapter 6 of this volume. All cable terminal
for apphcation to the busbar and circuit spouts of
chambers are positioned at the rear of the switchgear,
high voltage switchgear featuring withdrawable circuit-
the entry of cables normally being from below. With
breakers or fused switching devices. The devices may
cabhng connected, the insulation level of the terminal
serve as 'primary earths', 'drain earths' and 'metalclad
arrangement must be not lower than that of the rated
switchgear movable earths'.
insulation level of the switchgear.
Used as primary earths, the devices substitute for
The physical disposition of main circuit cabling
an earth through the circuit-breaker, thus releasing the
relative to that for auxihary circuits at the point of entry
circuit-breaker for servicing, etc., whilst work proceeds
into the switchgear enclosures is arranged to minimise
in parallel on the circuit. The devices are applied to the
the risk of a fault or fire on the main cabhng affecting
switchgear spouts in accordance with the procedure
the function of the auxiliary cabling. Similarly, where
outlined in Section 1.3 of this chapter. For this duty,
the design of the equipment necessitates the installation
the devices must have a short-time current rating capa­
of lengths of both main and auxiliary 'external' cabling
ble of carrying, until the operation of protection, any
within the enclosure, the arrangement adopted must
value of fauk current which could materialise at the
again minimise the possibility of a fauk or fire on the
point of apphcation in the event of energisation of the
former damaging the latter. Essentiahy, this means the
spouts to which they are connected. Being applied man­
segregation within the switchgear enclosure of main
ually, the devices have no current making capability;
from auxiliary cabling by earthed metal or mechanically
hence the need to precede their application by an earth­
robust fire-resistant material. Cable a r m o u r alone does
ing operation through a circuit-breaker or an earthing
not satisfy this requirement.
switch having a fault current making capability.
The use of the devices as drain earths and metalclad
Subject to minimum wire conductor sizes of 1.0 mm^
switchgear movable earths is governed by the procedure and 2.5 mm^ for individual circuits and bus-wiring
described in Section 1.3 of this chapter. Because, when respectively; ancillary electrical equipment, e.g., control
used in the latter capacity, they must be suitable for and auxiliary wiring, control and selector swkches,
application one phase at a time, the devices comprise relays, etc., is specified in accordance with:
single-phase units supplied in sets of three. • ESI Standard 5 0 - 1 8 for circuits operating at 100 V
and above.
4.2.9 Auxiliary switches
• Engineering Recommendation S17 for circuits op­
Auxihary switches, i.e., switches for use in control and erating at less than 100 V.
auxiliary circuits, are, wherever possible, driven posi­
tively in both directions. Only where the requirement These documents specify performance and construc­
is for a greater number of auxiliary switches than can tional requirements, together with guidance in matters
be driven positively are interposing (i.e., repeat) relays of apphcation.
permitted. However, every endeavour is m a d e to al­
locate the more important circuitry to switches driven
positively. Where necessary to satisfy, for example, se­ 4.2.11 Voltage transformers
quence and interlocking arrangements, auxiliary switches Voltage transformers are of the metal-enclosed dry
are provided which are responsive to the fohowing type, complying with BS3941. They are normally in­
switchgear conditions: stalled on the 'fixed' portion, i.e., the cubicle of the
switchgear, on the circuit side of the circuit-breaker
• Service (circuit-breaker connected for service).
— and thus within the protected zone. The method
• Disconnected (circuit-breaker disconnected from the of mounting permits disconnection (isolation) from the
service position). main circuit and ready removal whilst the switchgear

Switchgear and controlgear Chapter 5









110VAC B U S W I R E S




FIG. 5 . 3 2 11 kV or 3 . 3 kV switchgear — typical motor circuit

3 . 3 k V and 11 k V switchgear — circuit-breaker equipment



FIG. 5 . 3 2 (cont'd) 11 kV or 3 . 3 kV switchgear — typical motor circuit

Switchgear and controlgear Chapter 5

'CLOSE' W2 102 SWITCH 'LOCAL 040 202
'OPEN' W4 104 SWITCH 'REMOTE' 044 204
TRIP K7 112 SWITCH N/O 018 212
CB POSITION 01 113 019 213
SWITCHES N/O 02 114 SWITCH N/O 020 214
CB POSITION 05 115 07 215
SWITCHES N/O 06 116 SWITCH N/C 08 216
CB POSITION 021 117 L105 217
SWITCHES N/C 024 120 CONTACT L119 220
Oil 123 NOT AVAILABLE WHEN 049 223

013 125 LOCATION SWITCH 031 225

SWITCH N/O 014 126 FOR EARTHING 032 226

029 127 NOT AVAILABLE WHEN 051 227

SWITCH N/C 026 130 SWITCH 036 230
CB LOCATION 055 131 'SPRING FREE' 037 231
SWITCH N/C 056 132 SWITCH 038 232
REMOTE C41/S41 133 CB LOCATION 053 233
AMMETER C43/S43 134 SWITCH N/O 054 234
CONTROL 041 135 235
SWITCH 'TEST' 042 136 236
137 237

FIG. 5 . 3 3 11 kV or 3 . 3 kV switchgear — typical motor terminal schedule

is live. Primary windings are protected by fuselinks, Except in the case of busbar sectioning equipment,
generally to BS2692 and, if necessary, current limiting current transformers are installed in the fixed portion
resistors. It is possible to gain access to primary fuse- of the switchgear, on the circuit side of the circuit-
links only when the transformer is isolated. breaker. The secondary winding of each single-phase
Secondary windings are protected by fuses in ac­ transformer and the star point of the secondary wind­
cordance with the requirements for ancillary electrical ings of each three-phase group is connected to earth
equipment and earthed at one point only. Each such at one point only, through a separately mounted
earthing connection comprises a separately-mounted 'captive' bolted link. E a c h secondary winding is wired
bolted link placed in an easily accessible position. The to terminals in the fixed portion of the switchgear.
conductors from the main circuit to the point of con­ Primary windings are specified to be capable of carry­
nection to the voltage transformer primary fuseUnks ing the rated short-time current of the associated circuit-
are sized to carry the rated short-time current of the breaker. To this end, 'bar' type primaries are used,
associated circuit-breaker. wherever practicable.
Where required for test purposes, terminals in the
form of test blocks are provided on the switchgear
4.2.12 Current transformers
for the connection of external instruments and metering
Current transformers comply generally with BS3938. equipment.

3.3 k V and 11 kV switchgear — circuit-breaker equipment

4.2.13 Control/selector switches System rated DC test vohage, kV

vohage, kV Phase/phase Phase/earth
In the interest of uniformity, control switches are
located to the right of, or below, selector switches, and 3.3 10 7.5
usuahy have pistol-grip pattern handles. Padlocking
11 36 25
facilities are provided for locking control switches in
the 'neutral' poshion and selector switches in each
position. Control switches are spring-loaded to return The rating of the devices is dictated to some extent
to the neutral position when released. by the method of fitment to the switchgear. Generally,
those for circuits rated up to and including 800 A
are required to have a thermal capability of 400 A,
4.2.14 Switchboard/circuit identification and those for duty in equipment rated above 800 A, a
To avoid, as far as possible, the risk of injury to per­ thermal capability of 1000 A.
sonnel and operational error through mistaken identi­
fication of circuits, labelhng is provided as follows: 4.2.17 Circuit-breakers
• On each switchboard or separately-mounted relay Circuit-breakers of the same type, current rating and
panel. circuit duty are required to be interchangeable; like­
wise, those of the same type and current rating, but
• On each circuit at front and rear, on the outside of of different circuit duty, subject to any modification
the enclosure. necessary to control, indication and interlocking cir­
cuitry. Operating mechanisms are of the dependent
Also, unless otherwise obvious, labels are provided to power solenoid or stored energy type, provided with
identify the function of: a shunt opening release and a mechanical opening
release. The latter device must be available for use at
• Each control, selector, pushbutton and other switch, all times, except when deliberately padlocked inop­
relay, instrument, current and interposing trans­ erable. In this context, 'available for use at all times'
former, transducer, indicator lamp, etc. Where relays requires that, where the release is located behind a
are mounted away from circuit-breaker panels, each door, the door must not be lockable.
relay is labelled to show its circuit designation and
Indication of the closed/open state of the circuit-
the relay duty.
breaker is provided mechanically, and driven positively
• Each position of every switch. in each direction. The indication is inscribed: 'ON'
in black letters on a white background, ' O F F ' in white
letters on a green background, and is operative what­
External circuh identification labels which, for pro­
ever the duty m o d e , i.e., the 'service', 'disconnected',
minence and clarity, are fitted on removable covers or
or an 'earthing' m o d e .
parts are repeated on a non-removable part in or on
Shunt opening release circuitry is taken through
the enclosure.
auxiliary switches driven by the circuit-breaker op­
As an additional aid to identification, coloured sym­
erating mechanism. It is necessary to switch the pro­
bols are provided at the front and rear of each circuit
tection circuitry in such manner to ensure de-energising
in a switchboard. These symbols are illustrated in
of such circuitry when the circuit-breaker is open.
Fig 5.36.
However, to ensure reinstatement of continuity when
the circuit-breaker is closed, the swhches are arranged
4.2.15 Indicating instruments to close before the main circuit is estabhshed.
Indicating instruments and relays are of the flush- Locking facihties are provided, whereby the circuit-
mounted pattern. Ammeters are scaled to indicate full- breaker can be prevented from being closed and also
load current at approximately 7 5 % full scale deflection. of being opened by operation of the manual opening
Additionally, those in motor circuits are usually of the device when closed in an earthing duty. Each of these
suppressed scale type, i.e., suppressed at the upper end. locking requirements is met by the application of a
single padlock, or a single key lock, and must not en­
tail the fitting of loose components in addition to the
4.2.16 Test devices padlock or key lock. Locking of the manual opening
For the purpose of primary injection testing, portable device is provided to prevent inadvertent opening of a
devices are provided for the connection of test leads circuit-breaker when used for an earthing duty. It must
to the busbar and circuit disconnecting (isolating) con­ not, therefore, be possible to gain access to any part of
tacts in the switchgear enclosure from which the circuit- the closing mechanism which would allow defeat of
breaker is disconnected when withdrawn. The devices the locking of the manual opening device when the
must, when in position in the switchgear, be capable circuh-breaker is closed in an earthing duty.
of withstanding for 15 minutes a D C test vohage Whilst, when a circuit-breaker is employed in an
of: earthing duty it is necessary to render inoperative its

Switchgear and controlgear Chapter 5








i-/ I


FIG. 5.34 11 kV or 3.3 kV switchgear — typical transformer feeder circuit

3.3 kV and 11 kV switchgear — circuit-breaker equipment


110V DC

220V DC OR 250V DC



1—0 I I CZl o -
i I
11=31 — O O F ÖH ~ ~ O "¿I
0 - —Ο
-, O R -—- 0
-o I I a o-
-o Icbl












0 C — O O - ^ D O



FIG. 5.34 {cont'd) 11 kV or 3.3 kV switchgear — typical transformer feeder circuit

Switchgear and controlgear Chapter 5

[-L-L_J C I R C U I T B R E A K E R (CB)



T. -7 L19
_P_-| /I o
II / I
9 9 ? <? F19
! ! ' I

I r^" ^_(PART)J
I I I- -J


110V AC
.17[]F18 F13[]

^ ) B -


FIG. 5.35 11 kV or 3.3 kV switchgear — typical unit transformer circuit

3.3 kV and 11 kV switchgear — circuit-breaker equipment


110V DC

220V DC OR 250V DC


L1 I.





o—-,ο α--·ο
r — ) > • Ri

















FIG. 5.35 (cont'd) 11 kV or 3.3 kV switchgear — typical unit transformer circuit

Switchgear and controlgear Chapter 5

BS 381C
1 2

FRENCH BLUE 166 A 75 50

MIDDLE BROWN 411 Β 25 16







PANEL No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

• • •
Λ O 0 Ο Π Λ V Ο 0 Λ Ο 0 Λ Ο 0 €3
BS 381C
ω 5 I m 5 m 5

Ο ν Ο
25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48

Π Λ Ο 0 D Π Λ Ο 0 Π Λ Ο 0 Λ Ο 0

ιη m CVJ m ω cvi
(Μ I

FIG. 5 . 3 6 Coloured symbols for additional circuit identification of switchgear

3.3 kV and 11 kV switchgear — circuit-breaker equipment

opening electrically, the means adopted must not lock T o improve the performance at low currents, par­
the opening mechanism mechanically. ticularly at the higher voltages, an air 'puff, derived
T o minimise the risk of physical injury to per­ from the device(s) used to d a m p the arrest of the
sons engaged in the maintenance of a circuit-breaker, motion of the contact system at the open position, is
e.g., injury from inadvertent tripping of the operating directed at the underside of the arc to assist its move­
mechanism, provision is made for slow closing and ment upwards into the arc chute. The air puff is, of
opening. Whilst the means of slow closing/opening is course, produced at each opening of the circuit-breaker,
in use, movement of the circuit-breaker contacts must but is of useful effect only at low currents.
remain wholly under the control of the operator; opera­ By virtue of the relatively high arc resistance gen­
tion of the manual opening release must not negate erated in air circuit-breakers, the transient recovery
this function. However, to safeguard against attempted voltage (TRV) appearing across the breaker at inter­
closure of a circuit-breaker other than by energy pro­ ruption is weh d a m p e d , i.e., air circuit-breakers are
vided by its service operating mechanism, it must not inherently 'soft' (see Section 10.5 of this chapter).
be possible to use the slow closing facility when the
circuit-breaker is in the service position, or employed
4.2.18 Circuit-breaker operating mechanisms
in an earthing duty.
Except where for economic reasons it is desired Dependent power solenoid mechanisms are of the
to avoid the provision of heavy current D C battery 'trip-free' type. Dependent power operation is defined
supphes, no distinction is made as to technical merit as an operation by means of energy other than manual,
between closing mechanisms of the dependent power where the completion of the operation is dependent
solenoid or stored energy types. u p o n the continuity of the power supply (to solenoids,
The interrupting systems of air circuit-breakers com­ electric or pneumatic m o t o r s , etc.). A 'trip-free' circuh-
prise fixed and moving elements of the 'butt' or 'clip breaker is one in which the moving contacts return
and blade' type, opening in 'arc chutes'. Both fixed to (and remain in) the open position when the open­
and moving elements incorporate main and arcing con­ ing operation is initiated after the initiation of the
tacts, the former for current carrying and the latter closing operation — even if the closing c o m m a n d is
for drawing the arc and relieving the former of the maintained. However, it is recognised that, to ensure
consequential burning. The arc chutes comprise, es­ proper breaking of the current which may have been
sentially, enclosures of insulation material containing established, it may be necessary that the contacts
a large number of 'splitter' plates, which envelope each momentarily reach the fully closed poshion.
phase of the contact system. Means are provided for de-energising the solenoid
Basically, the process of interruption is as follows: coil immediately after the circuit-breaker has closed.
The insulation materials of the solenoid coil are cho­
• The main contacts part, followed by parting of the sen to minimise the generation of flammable gases
arcing contacts. in the event of overheating of the coil through failure
of interruption of the supply u p o n completion of the
• An arc is drawn between the fixed and moving closing stroke. Additionally, the coil is, as far as is
arcing contacts. practicable, so positioned in the switchgear to minimise
• The arc is transferred during the motion of the the risk of ignition of such gases from arcing of the
moving arcing contacts across 'arc runners' in the main a n d / o r auxiliary contacts during operation.
arc chute. Stored-energy mechanisms are of the motor-charged
spring type. The definition of 'stored-energy operation',
• The arc is forced by thermal and, in some designs, being 'an operation by means of energy stored in
deliberate magnetic effect into a lengthening loop the mechanism itself prior to the completion of the
in the arc chute, where it is spht into many small operation and sufficient to complete it under pre­
series arcs, cooled and extinguished. determined conditions'. Such mechanisms are provided
with electrical and also local (i.e., at the switchgear)
It is a fact that the higher the energy of the arc, m a n u a l mechanical release of the closing energy. The
the greater its propensity from t h e r m a l / m a g n e t i c local release is usually, and preferably, by pushbutton,
influence to penetrate upwards into the arch chute. shrouded or recessed to prevent inadvertent operation
Conversely, the lower the arc energy, the lower the and padlockable inoperative.
inducement so to d o . Thus air circuh-breakers have With the circuit-breaker in the service position,
a tendency towards producing arcing times at low recharging of the spring(s) is required to commence
currents significantly longer than those of currents immediately and automatically upon completion of a
nearer the 'rated' breaking capacity. The current at closing operation. The recharging time must not ex­
which arcing time is a maximum (termed the 'critical ceed 30 s. It is further required that a charged spring(s)
current') which may have a duration of many cycles, must not be released by the shock of operation of the
is usually of the order of less than 5 % of the rated circuit-breaker. Similarly, release of a charged spring(s)
capacity. whilst the circuit-breaker is in the closed position must

Switchgear and controlgear Chapter 5

neither cause opening of, nor damage t o , the circuit- short-time current capabihty of 26.3 kA for 3 s or
breaker. 43.8 k A for 3 s, corresponding to system short-
Means are provided for charging the spring(s) man- circuh levels of 150 M V A and 250 M V A respec­
uahy. This permhs a service closure, i.e., a fuh energy tively, both levels occurring in C E G B installations.
closure, if the spring charging motor or its electrical
(b) All current carrying parts on the circuit side of
supply fails. Mechanical indication is provided to show
the main circuit fuselinks are rated to carry the
the state of the spring(s). It is inscribed ' S P R I N G
prospective rated short-circuit current of the bus­
C H A R G E D ' when the mechanism is in a condhion
to close the circuh-breaker and ' S P R I N G F R E E ' when bar system, i.e, 26.3 k A or 43.8 k A , as limited
in any other condition. Where necessary, provision is in magnitude and duration by the highest rating
made for indication of the state of the spring(s) at a fusehnks permissible in the switchgear.
remote point. Figures 5.37 to 5.44 show detailed views (c) All components forming a circuit path to earth
of the 11 kV and 3.3 kV circuh-breakers and their have a rated short-time current of not less than
cubicles, which form part of the switchboards illus­ that of the busbar system, except that the duration
trated in Figs 5.25 to 5.31. of the short-circuit current may be reduced t o ,
but not less than, 0.2 s.

5 3.3 kV switchgear — fused equipment The rated peak withstand current capability of the
The technical specification for fused equipment is components in (a) and (c), and the prospective peak
discussed in Section 5.2 of this chapter. value of the first major loop in (b), is 2.5 times the
A C component of the rated short-time current.

5.1 Required performance 5.1.5 Rated normal current

Definitions and, where necessary, explanations of the Predominantly this class of switchgear is assembled
rated characteristics are given in Section 4.1 of this into switchboards in association with circuit-breaker
chapter. equipment. Accordingly, the rated normal current of
busbars is chosen as described in Section 4.1 of this
5.1.1 Rated voltage chapter for circuit-breaker equipment. The rated normal
current of circuits is as declared by the manufacturer.
Estabhshed designs, i.e., those evolved during the
T o allow for the longest likely starting time (run-up
currency of British Standards BS 162 and BS3659, are
to operating speed) of direct-on-line m o t o r drives, each
rated 3.3 kV. However, to align w h h l E C Standard
circuh must be capable of carrying for 2 minutes,
values, the presently assigned rating is 3.6 kV.
without damage, a current equivalent to six times its
rated normal current. This is in addition to the tem­
5.1.2 Frequency and number of phases perature rise limits specified in the relevant British
This switchgear is always three-phase, 50 Hz. Standards, and also the constraint of 50°C under 'rated
normal current' w h h respect to main circuit terminals.

5.1.3 Rated insulation level

5.1.6 Rated breaking current of switching
The 'classification' of the insulation of established
designs — again those evolved during the currency of
BS 162 and BS3659 — is based upon the achievement Each switching device has a rated short-circuit breaking
of clearances between phases and clearances phase- current capability, in accordance with BS5311, having
to-earth to the dimensions specified in those Standards an A C (RMS) component of not less than the 'take­
for 'Class B'. However, here again, to align with pre­ over' current of the highest rating of fusehnk per­
sent thinking within the l E C , the 'rated insulation missible in combination with the switching device. The
level' is assigned in the case of the estabhshed designs, 'take-over' current of the fusehnks is defined as the
and specified to be proved by type test for the newer RMS value of the symmetrical component at which
developments, in accordance with Table 1, List 2, of the pre-arcing time of the fusehnks is equal to the
BS6581: 1985 (lEC 694; 1980). minimum opening time of the switching device. The
opening time of the switching device is defined as the
time elapsing between the instant of energisation of
5.1.4 Rated short-time current
the trip coil and the instant of separation of the con­
The present requirement is: tacts, no allowance being m a d e for the operating time
of other protective equipment.
(a) Busbars and the conductors connected directly
thereto, u p to and including the busbar side ter­
minals of the main circuit fusehnks, have a rated 5.1.7 First-pole-to-clear factor: 1.5

3.3 kV switchgear — fused equipment
Switchgear and controlgear Chapter 5















FIG. 5.38 Front view of 11 kV air circuit-breaker shown in Fig 5.37 with covers removed

3.3 kV switchgear — fused equipment




FIG. 5.39 Rear view of 11 kV air circuit-breaker shown in Fig 37

Switchgear and controlgear Chapter 5


















FIG. 5.40 Front view of 11 kV air circuit-breaker fitted to the type of switchboard illustrated in Fig 5.27

5.1.8 Rated short-circuit making current system in which the switchgear wih be installed, as
In addition to the requirements of BS5311, switching limited in magnitude and duration by the highest rating
devices are capable of making and latching closed fusehnk permissible in combination with the switching
against a prospective current equivalent to that of the device.

3.3 kV switchgear — fused equipment

FIG. 5.41 Rear view of 11 kV air circuit-breaker shown in Fig 5.40

Switchgear and controlgear Chapter 5















FIG. 5.42 Front view of 3.3 kV air circuit-breaker shown withdrawn from the type of switchboard illustrated
in Fig 5.29

3.3 kV switchgear — fused equipment








FIG. 5.43 Rear view of 3.3 kV air circuit-breaker shown in Fig 5.42

Switchgear and controlgear Chapter 5

FIG. 5.44 3.3 kV air circuit-breaker shown withdrawn from the type of switchboard illustrated in Fig 5.30

3.3 kV switchgear — fused equipment

5.1.9 Rated duration of short-circuit The above examples serve to illustrate the philo­
sophy of the relationship of motor rating to the
One second, subject to the '2 minute' rating described
capability of the fuse/switching device combination.
under 'rated normal current'.
Breaking current capability and opening times of the
order of 11 kA sym and 40 ms, respectively, are typical
5.1.10 Rated operating sequence of contemporary air-break switching devices in the
UK. Development is in hand in the vacuum-break
• Equipment with fuselinks fitted, 0 - / - C 0 .
device field to at least match the capabihty of the
• Switching device without fusehnks, 0 - / - C O - r - C O . air-break designs.
The 'two successive starts' requirement is because
5.1.11 Co-ordination of switching device with all m o t o r drives in a power station must be capable of
fuse protection this without overheating. As precise details of starting
current and duration are seldom available at the time
An example of co-ordination of the current breaking of placing controlgear contracts, experience has shown
capability of the switching device with the short-circuit the 20 s per start allowance to be a 'safe' assumption.
fuse protection is given below. The principle is illustrated graphically in Fig 5.45.
Parameters assumed:

• Motor starting current, 4.8 χ full load current (see

BS4999: P t . 4 1 : 1972: Table 41.4: Col. 3). , FUSE LINKS PRE-ARCING

• Two successive starts each of 20 s duration.

• Opening time of switching device, 40 ms (see defini­

tion of opening time under 'rated breaking current
of switching devices').

• Fusehnks 'derating factor' 1.8 (this is, in effect, an

'anti-deterioration factor').

N o t e : The following calculation is based on 'nominal'

values, i.e., all performance tolerances are ignored:

Motor rating 1200 kW

Full load current 244 A
Starting current (4.8 χ 244) = 1171 A M I N I M U M O P E N I N G TIME


Allowing for the fuse derating factor, starting current CURRENT C U R R E N T X 1.8 M I N I M U M BREAKING

is assumed to become 1.8 χ 1171 = 2108 A . CURRENT ^^""^^^

To carry, without operation, for a period of 2 χ

20 s = 40 s, a current of this value, fuselinks of
FIG. 5.45 Principle of co-ordination of fuselink rating
UK manufacture (i.e., fusehnks to BS2692) require to with switching device current breaking capability and
have a continuous current rating of the order of 4 0 0 - motor rating
450 A.
The 'take-over' current (see definition under 'rated
breaking current of switching devices') of fusehnks of 5.2 Design and construction
the order of 4 0 0 - 4 5 0 A , i.e., the pre-arcing current
they will carry for a period equal to that of the open­
5.2.1 General
ing time of the switching device, requires that the
switching device shall have a rated breaking current of It was remarked at the beginning of Section 4.2 of this
the order of 11 kA symmetrical (sym). chapter, that whereas the interrupter (the circuit switch­
It follows that the lower the breaking current capa­ ing device) in 11 kV switchgear is invariably a circuit-
bility of the switching device, the lower the rating of breaker, at 3.3 kV, depending upon the duty involved,
the back-up fuse protection and hence the smaller the it may be either a circuit-breaker or a fused switching
rating of motor which may be handled. Typically, in device. It was further pointed out that, whether fea­
a switching device of 5 kA sym rated breaking current, turing a circuit-breaker or a fused switching device,
the maximum permissible rating of the fuselinks would the general form of construction of the switchgear and
be of the order of 250 A . This in turn would, on the the operational facilities provided, are similar. Ac­
basis of two successive starts each of 20 s duration, cordingly, the only features dealt with here are those
limit the size of m o t o r to approximately 600 k W . particular to the design and construction of fused

Switchgear and controlgear Chapter 5

switching equipment or those which, in the interest 5.2.3 Switching devices

of clarity, are felt to merit further discussion.
Like circuit-breakers, fused switching devices of the
In the early 1960s, there were explosions in the
same type, current rating and circuit duty are required
terminal boxes of 3.3 kV motors from flashover across
to be interchangeable, as also are those of the same type
the surface of the filhng compound then c o m m o n . As
and current rating but of different duty, subject to
a consequence, in addition to improvement of the
any modification necessary to control, indication and
design in this area, the concept of limitation of fault
interlocking circuitry.
current energy by the use of fuses was introduced.
Whilst, as for circuit-breakers, closing mechanisms
Initially the apphcation of this philosophy took the
of either the dependent power solenoid or stored en­
form of series-connected high breaking capacity (HBC)
ergy spring types are acceptable, manufacturers to date
fusehnks in boxes adjacent to the motors, followed
have supplied only the former. Compared with circuit-
by incorporation of the fusehnks in the switchgear.
breakers, the power requirements of the closing sole­
It should, perhaps, be stated here that the backing noids of fused switching devices are relatively modest
of switching devices, e.g., circuit-breakers, contactors, — of the order of a few kilowatts.
by fuselinks was then, and remains presently, a well T o meet C E G B operational and performance re­
estabhshed practice — adopted primarily to deal with quirements, the design phüosophy of fused swkching
currents of a magnitude beyond the making and break­ device equipment follows more closely the principles
ing capability of the switching device. Whilst, as will of circuit-breaker switchgear than that of contactor
be explained, this is now the situation in C E G B prac­ controlgear. Indeed, interrupters of the air-break type
tice, the swkchgear into which the fusehnks were fitted are virtually circuit-breakers, but of limited short-circuit
initially had the full system fault level capability un­ capability. Thus, closing mechanisms are of the 'latch
aided by the fusehnks. closed' type and comply generally with the require­
Since the mid 1960s, the switchgear used to control ments specified for those of circuit-breakers.
3.3 kV motors up to around 1000 kW has incorporated
H B C fuse short-circuit protection — advantage being
taken of the fuse characteristic to reduce the fault 5.2.4 Switching device operating mechanisms
current switching capabihty required of the switching Closing mechanisms of the dependent power solenoid
device, and thereby produce a more compact and less type are specified to be 'trip-free'. Alternatively, if not
expensive design of switchgear for the duty. However, trip-free in the generally accepted sense, they must si­
a pre-requisite of the development was maintenance mulate the action by being free to allow opening of the
of the operational facilities of the existing switchgear swkching device immediately after closure, regardless
with no reduction in rehabihty. of whether the closing control circuit remains energised.
Stored energy mechanisms must comply generally with
5.2.2 Duty of switching device and circuit the requirements specified for circuit-breakers.
earthing facilities
The duty of interrupting the higher values of overcur­ 5.2.5 Main circuit fuselinks
rent (which may be many times the current manifested Operation of any fuselink initiates opening of the
during the starting of motors direct-on-line) having swkching device. This is essential in order to preserve
been taken over by the fusehnks, such capability on the the integrity of the ' o n / o f f indication and hence, as
part of the circuk switching device became superfluous. far as possible, indication of the state of the plant
The 'scaling down' of the switching device thus possible, controlled.
permitted appreciable reduction in the overall size of The fuselinks for the short-circuit protection of
the switchgear together with significant saving of ca­ the main circuk are of the H B C type compliant with
pital cost. However, the reduction in fauh current BS2692. The rating of the fusehnks fitted is normally
capability of the swkching device meant that k could the highest which will provide satisfactory 'take-over'
not itself serve as the circuit earthing device. {Note: from the switching device.
busbar earthing facihties are not required on switch- Virtuahy ah 3.3 kV motors are switched at full
gear controlhng motors.) Accordingly, each switchgear system voltage, i.e., direct-on-hne started. Thus the
equipment of this type is, in addition to the circuit switchgear must be capable of making and carrying,
switching device, equipped with a circuit eartning switch until the drive has run-up to operational speed, a cur­
capable of making and carrying, until the operation of rent of several times that of the m o t o r rated full-load.
protection elsewhere, any value of fault current which T h u s , the maximum rating of motor which may be
could appear accidentally on the circuit. The circuit controlled by fused switching device equipment is deter­
earthing switch is padlockable in the closed position. mined by the overcurrent carrying capability of the
Because in an earthing operation it is essential that fusehnks of the highest rating permissible in the switch-
the earth path must at all times be electrically con­ gear. The highest rating of transformer which may be
tinuous, the earth switch is arranged to by-pass the so controlled, however, is dictated more by the rated
circuit H B C fusehnks. continuous current carrying capacity of the fuselinks.

Low voltage switchgear, controlgear and fusegear

taking into account I n r u s h ' upon switching in. The 6.1.2 Capability required of main circuit
maximum rating of fusehnk is, of course, determined making/breaking devices
by the overcurrent making and breaking capabihty
of the switching device. The principle of co-ordination (a) Circuit-breakers
of the performance of the switching device with that • Rated short-circuit breaking current:
of the fuselinks is described in Section 5.1 of this
chapter. Symmetrical — 36 kA or 43.3 k A , as required.
The fusehnks are mounted on the carriage of the Asymmetrical — as symmetrical value plus 5 0 %
switching device, on the busbar side, such that they D C component.
are disconnected automatically from both the busbars
and the circuit when the switching device is discon­ • Rated short-circuit making current: a current
nected (isolated). It is possible to gain access to the equivalent to 2.3 times the value of the rated
fuselinks only when the switching device is discon­ short-circuit (symmetrical) breaking current, i.e.,
nected. T o ensure opening of the switching device auto­ 2.3 X 36 k A , or 2.3 x 43.3 k A , as appropriate.
matically upon operation of any fusehnk, each fuse-
• Short-time current capability: a current equiva­
link incorporates a striker pin arranged to actuate the
lent to the rated symmetrical breaking current
tripping mechanism directly or through energisation
for a duration of 3 s.
of the trip circuit by an auxiliary switch. Flag indica­
tion of the operation of the fuselinks is provided at (b) Contactors
the switchgear. Examples of switchboards featuring Contactors switching main circuits, e.g., motor
fused equipment are shown in Figs 5.46, 5.47 and 5.48. circuits, are selected as follows,in accordance with
the 'duties' and 'utilisation categories' recognised
in BS5424: P a r t 1:
6 Low voltage switchgear, controlgear
• Direct-to-line started motors other than actuator
and fusegear
Rated duty — uninterrupted. A duty in which
6.1 Required performance the main contacts may remain closed whilst car­
The principal low vohage auxiliaries plant supply rying a steady current without interruption for
systems in power stations in the UK operate at 415 V, periods of more than eight hours (weeks, months,
three-phase for motor drives and three-phase and or even years).
neutral where single-phase supplies are required. The Utihsation category — A C 3 , but A C 4 if
three-phase short-circuit level of these systems, the 'inching' or 'plugging' is a feature of the duty.
neutral point of which is normally solidly earthed, can A C 3 is appropriate where the normal duty
approach 43 kA. T o satisfy the system conditions, the is the starting of a m o t o r direct-on-hne, and
switchgear is rated as follows. its switching off under normal running load.
'Plugging' is a term used to denote stopping
or reversing a m o t o r rapidly by reversal of the
6.1.1 Short-circuit withstand strength of busbar m o t o r primary connections while it is running.
systems 'Inching' imphes energising a m o t o r once or re­
(a) 36 kA (equivalent to 26 MVA) or 43.3 kA (equi­ peatedly for short periods to obtain small move­
valent to 31 MVA), as appropriate, for 3 s, when ments of the driven mechanism.
the busbar protective device, i.e., feeder circuit, is Mechanical endurance — 1 million no-load
a circuit-breaker. operating cycles. This represents the number
of no-load operating cycles which can be made
(b) Where the busbar protective device features fuses, before it becomes necessary to service or replace
36 kA or 43.3 kA ^prospective', as hmited in any parts other than contacts.
magnitude and duration by the 'cut-off charac­
teristic of the fuses. • Actuator drives (excluding modulating duty).
Rated duty — intermittent duty Class 0 . 1 , on­
The peak value of the major loop (of current) during load factor 60%. A duty in which the main
the first cycle of current is taken to assume a mag­ contacts of a contactor remain closed for peri­
nitude of not less than 2.3 times the symmetrical ods bearing a finite relationship to the no-load
(RMS) value, i.e., 2.3 χ 36 kA or 2.3 χ 43.3 kA, periods, both periods being too short to allow
as appropriate. It will be appreciated that whilst in the contactor to reach thermal equilibrium. The
(a) this peak is actually attained, it is usually a 'pro­ intermittent duty above implies a capability of
spective' value in (b), reduced markedly by the cut­ operation at a rate of 12 operating cycles per
off characteristic of fuses at currents of short-circuit hour, the on-load period of each cycle being
level. 60% of the whole cycle.

Switchgear and controlgear Chapter 5





FIG. 5.46 3.3 kV switchboard featuring Whipp and Bourne Type AK fused equipments arranged in
double-tier formation

Low voltage switchgear, controlgear and fusegear

manently. Type c co-ordination requires that no

damage (including permanent alteration of the
characteristics of any overload relay) shall occur.
However, light burning of contacts, and risk of
their welding — the latter provided that no flash-
over occurs — is accepted.

6.2 Design and construction

11; ' ' ^ ^ Ä 6.2.1 General

This section describes the design and construction of
I I I the switchgear, controlgear and fusegear found on the
• I f 415 V and lower voltage systems. The requirements
outlined are those for equipment concerned directly
with the control of operational plant. They are not
necessarily applied in non-operational plant areas, e.g.,
offices, welfare blocks, stores, etc. Henceforth in the
text, the switchgear, controlgear and fusegear will be
referred to simply as 'the switchgear'.
In A C applications, the switchgear is classified into
two duty classes commensurate with the severity of
the system conditions. These duty classes are:

F i g . 5.47 3.3 kV fused units of Whipp and Bourne Duty Class 1 For use in systems where the power
manufacture, generally as depicted in Fig 5.46 but
factor of short-circuit current is extremely low, e.g.,
shown withdrawn and tilted for inspection/maintenance.
The left hand unit features a vacuum switching device where the switchgear is connected in relatively close
and that on the right an air-break interrupter. proximity to the source of generation. Duty Class 1 is
the normal requirement.

Utihsation category — AC4.

Duty Class 2 For use in 'distribution' systems in
Mechanical endurance — 1 milhon no-load which the power factor of short-circuit is not likely
operating cycles. to be lower t h a n 0 . 3 .
• Substantially non-inductive loads switched on
for long periods Mostly the switchgear is arranged in multi-circuit
switchboard formations accommodated in purpose
Rated duty — uninterrupted. Utilisation
built switchrooms. However, it is expedient in certain
category — A C l Mechanical endurance — 0.3
instances to locate items, such as small motor starters
milhon no-load operating cycles.
and distribution fuseboards, local to the plant involved.
Except in the case of distribution fuseboards, al­
Additionally, contactors shall be capable of making
though there is now a tendency towards grouping
and carrying the specified prospective short-circuit
starters into small multi-motor control centre forma­
current of the system, as limited in magnitude and
tions, the requirement 'local to plant' is largely for
duration by the associated circuit short-circuit
single-circuit units — floor standing or wall mounted.
protective device, i.e., fuselinks.
Main switchboards, i.e., unit and station auxiha­
The co-ordination between the contactor and the
ries switchboards, usually comprise a combination of
circuit short-circuit protective device, in accordance
circuit-breakers, fused m o t o r starters and fused dis­
with BS4941: Part 1: Appendix C, is basically as
tribution gear. The incoming supply circuits of such
switchboards are almost always circuit-breakers. In
• Type b co-ordination for equipment utilising m a n y cases the supply to the switchboard is derived
overload devices to BS4941: Part 1. from a 3.3 kV/415 V transformer housed in the switch­
board — the high vohage feed being by cable con­
• Type c co-ordination for equipment utilising nected directly to the transformer H V terminals. The
overload relays to BS 142. switchgear includes all protective and interposing relays,
main and any necessary interposing current trans­
Type b co-ordination accepts that the charac­ formers, transducers, instruments, control, selector and
teristics of any overload relay may be altered per- test switches.

Switchgear and controlgear Chapter 5

FIG. 5 . 4 8 3 . 3 kV switchboard of Reyrolle manufacture. The three left hand units are 'fused equipments Class S 1 4 A '
and the three right hand units are *air circuit-breakers Class S A ' .
(see also colour photograph between pp 4 9 6 and 4 9 7 )

The general assembly of the switchgear compHes However, for power station service it is necessary
with BS5486: Low vohage swhchgear and controlgear to augment and interpret the British Standard as out-
assemblies: Part 1, Specification for type-tested and hned below. Representative swhchboard formations are
partially type-tested assemblies (general requirements): shown in Figs 5.49 to 5.51. Typical examples of the
which is identical with l E C Publication 4 3 9 - 1 : 1985. individual cubicle arrangements, air circuit-breakers

Low voltage switchgear, controlgear and fusegear
ε ^
υ S
1 2
> 2
α "o
Switchgear and controlgear Chapter 5

• • O Δ
IT Jo ίΔ • O

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110V AC I DC

FIG. 5 . 5 0 Typical 4 1 5 V switchboard of Electric Construction Co manufacture

and starter equipment that comprise the switchboard must, as far as possible, be confined to that unit, so
formations are ihustrated in Figs 5.52 to 5.54. that the busbars and ah other functional units remain
Basicahy, switchgear arranged in switchboards is of fit for service. In addition to the basic requirements
Form 4 to BS5486. The ' F o r m ' of construction deter­ of BS5486, speciahsed equipment and components,
mines the degree of separation by barriers and parti­ e.g., circuit-breakers, contactors, fuse-switches, etc.,
tions (within the switchgear structure) of the major must comply with the appropriate British Standard.
components. 'Form 4' specifies the separation of bus­ W h h d r a w a b l e and removable parts (see Definitions
bars from the functional units, and separation of all in BS5486) of the same manufacture, type, rating and
functional umts, including their outgoing terminals, one duty must be interchangeable. Withdrawable and re­
from the other. Essentially, the whole of the busbar movable parts of the same manufacture, type and
system up to the point of connection to the short-circmt rating, but of different circuit duty must be inter­
protective devices of each circuit must be capable of changeable, subject to any necessary modification to
withstanding a short-circuit at any point other than auxiliary circuits, protective devices, etc.
in the immediate vicinity of the short-circuit. There H a n d h n g equipment, e.g., hfting devices, is pro­
will, of course, be damage from arcing at the point vided for withdrawable a n d removable parts exceeding
of short-circuit. Also, the whole switchboard assembly 25 kg gross weight.
must withstand any external fault. In the event of an The use of hygroscopic or flammable materials is
internal arcing fault on any functional unit, the damage avoided as far as practicable. Terminals in which a

L o w voltage switchgear, controlgear and fusegear
<ι> cd
^ 2
ο ο
I s
Switchgear and controlgear Chapter 5
ω ο
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·= c^
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L o w voltage switchgear, controlgear and fusegear






FIG. 5 . 5 3 G E C type M 8 0 circuit-breaker shown withdrawn from cubicle

Switchgear and controlgear Chapter 5









FIG. 5.54 Typical interior of a motor control unit fitted to the type of switchboard illustrated in Fig 5.50

screw compresses a bare wire conductor directly are apparatus specification, whichever is the lower. All
not permitted. Whilst, in general, no diversity factor is main conductors and incoming/outgoing terminals
allowed for Duty Class 1 equipment, the provisions of must be identified with their phase/polarity colours,
BS5486: Part 1 in this respect are accepted for Duty presently in accordance with BS 158. The colours at the
Class 2. various points of identification must be of durable
As for switchgear at the other voltages, the tem­ material and a minimum of 300 mm^ in area. Because
perature rise of terminals for external cabhng must not, in the course of time the adhesive may fail; thus allow­
when carrying rated operational current continuously, ing 'unwinding' and introducing the risk of fault,
exceed 50°C, or the Hmits specified in the appropriate identification by taping is not accepted.

L o w voltage switchgear, controlgear and fusegear

6.2.2 Enclosures In the case of o u t d o o r equipment, any fixings which

of necessity pierce the wahs of the enclosure for
Enclosures, unless specified or approved otherwise, are
the attachment of external fittings must be gas-
of metal, ventilated naturally, and provide a degree of
ketted. Exceptions to this rule are the fixings of
protection to BS5490 as follows: labels. These may penetrate the wahs of the enclo­
• Equipment for indoor use — Code I P 3 1 . sure provided that they d o not exceed 5 m m dia­
meter and are effectively sealed. Fixings for the
• Equipment for outdoor use — Code IP44, or of attachment of o u t d o o r enclosures to supporting
higher 'first' and 'second' numeral as necessary. structures must not pierce the walls of the enclosure.

For switchgear featuring withdrawable parts, the spe­ T o protect persons against electric shock, the provi­
cified degree of protection must obtain whether the sions of protection by barriers or enclosures, protec­
equipment is in the connected or disconnected posi­ tion by insulation of live parts and protection by using
tions, and must be independent of the fitting of closing protective circuits, specified in BS5486: Part 1, are
plates or other sealing arrangements at the point of followed.
entry of external cabhng. Unless the specified degree Particular requirements with respect to doors and
of protection provided by the enclosure is maintained covers are:
by, for example, shutters or shrouding, temporary
• Hinged doors shall open not less than 90° but, in so
covers are supplied for use when withdrawable or re­
doing, the movement must be hmited to prevent
movable parts are removed. Such covers have captive
damage to equipment mounted on the doors, and
fastenings and padlocking facilities.
also damage, or the application of tension, to wiring
Additionally, all enclosures must provide:
connecting equipment on doors to that in the static
• Adequate support of withdrawable parts during with­ part of the enclosure.
drawal, and when left in the disconnected position.
• All indications must be clearly visible when doors
• Positive restraint of a withdrawable part at the limit are closed, and the equipment available for service.
of travel; the means adopted must require deh- Additionally, to assist in the prevention of unau­
berate manual manipulation before it is possible to thorised interference with the intended functioning
disengage the withdrawable part from the enclosure. of the equipment, provision is m a d e for padlocking
all doors closed.
• Access to main and auxihary contacts from the front
of the equipment. Access to fuses in control and • Doors and covers which give access to parts live at
auxihary circuitry, relays, instruments, etc., is nor- main circuit vohage are secured by fastenings, e.g.,
maUy from the front of the equipment in the case screws and nuts, the release of which necessitates
of contactor controlgear, but usually from the rear the use of tools. Fastenings intended primarily for
on circuit-breaker equipment. operation by coins are not acceptable in this context.

• For work in safety on the de-energised side of any

main circuit isolating device with adjacent main As far as is practicable, bus wiring is segregated from
circuits live. This is a most essential requirement all other wiring and run in ducting, conduit, etc.,
as it is rarely possible, other than during planned preferably metallic. Largely from considerations of
shutdown, in the more important switchboards to mechanical security, the minimum permissible cross-
make dead circuits other than those requiring par­ sectional area of bus wiring is 2.5 m m 2 .
ticular attention. Also, any main circuit parts which T o facilitate efficient operation of the switchgear,
may remain live when access has been gained to the the following dimensional limits above operating floor
interior of an enclosure, other than through doors level are observed wherever possible:
or covers secured by fastenings necessitating the
use of tools, must be further enclosed to prevent Overall height 2600 mm (max)
accidental touching by persons. The aim in such cases
Operating handles — (highest 2000 mm (max), 450 mm (min)
is to achieve a degree of protection of not less than and lowest positions reached
IPSO (to BS5490). Where it is physically impossible by an operator's hand),
to meet this requirement in respect of the contact protective relays, instruments
entries of the larger sizes of fuse-switch and fuse and mechanical indicators
bases, the openings must be as small as practicable Doors and panel handles/locks 2000 mm (max), 300 mm (min)
manufacturing tolerances will allow; additionally,
it may be deemed necessary to fit 'obstacles' to
T o p r o m o t e a movement of air through the switchgear
obstruct access by hands/fingers.
that is sufficient to prevent condensation when it is
• For access to main circuit fuselinks only when they out of service, heaters of the metalclad black heat
are dead. pattern are provided within the enclosures.

Switchgear and controlgear Chapter 5

6.2.3 Cabling arrangements fire-resistant material. Cable a r m o u r alone is not ac­

cepted as satisfying this requirement.
Wherever practicable, external cabling is arranged to
Terminal boxes and gland plates for single-core ca­
enter equipment from below. To allow some freedom
bles rated in excess of 400 A are required to be designed
of choice as to the type of cabling used in a particular
specifically to minimise the production of induced
circumstance, main circuit terminals must be suitable
for the reception of conductors of either copper or
Gland plates are supplied on the basis of one plate
aluminium, and arranged to minimise the bending of
per cable gland, and must be detachable to fachitate
the cores.
drihing to suit by the cable contractor.
The main circuit terminals of each functional unit
Insulation must be so mounted and the method of
in a switchboard are enclosed separately in an air
attachment of connections thereto such as to minimise
insulated compartment or barriered section/subsection
the hkehhood of mechanical overstressing during nor­
of earthed metal or approved insulation material. Such
mal tightening of the mounting and connection fixings.
a compartment may also accommodate current trans­
Particular care is taken to ensure that expansion and
formers for instrument and protection purposes.
contraction of components shall have no damaging
Terminals for the connection of external control
effect, having especial regard to the temperatures hkely
and auxihary circuits are grouped and positioned rela­
to be attained under fault conditions. Additionally, the
tive to the main circuit with which they are associated.
configuration of the surfaces of insulation must be
Whilst not necessarily so in the past, it is in most cases
designed to minimise the accumulation of airborne
now pohcy to enclose each group separately, and thus
reduce the risk of work or a fault on one group jeo­
pardising another.
Ah terminal arrangements must, with cables con­ 6.2.4 Electrical clearances and creepage
nected, ensure achievement of the clearances and creep- distances
age distances shown in Tables 5.1 and 5.2.
As a general rule, the electrical clearances and creep-
age distances shown in Tables 5.1 and 5.2 are observed
TABLE 5.1 as minima. However, some relaxation is permitted
Indoor equipment specifically in the following areas:

Minimum clearance Minimum creepage, mm

• Contactors and associated overload protective de­
^ . in air between vices may have clearances and creepage distances
Equipment ^^^^^^ ^^^^ CTI less CTI 200 not less than those specified in BS5424: Part 1:
phase to earth, mm than 200 or greater Appendix B.
Duty Class 1 19 25 19 • Circuh disconnectors (isolating devices), fuse-swhches,
Duty Class 2 19 19 19 switched and other disconnectors may have clear­
ances not less than 12.5 m m .

The relaxed dimensions may be maintained on con­

nections to the terminals of these components for a
Outdoor equipment
distance not exceeding 40 m m .
The clearances shown must be maintained irrespec­
Minimum creepage, mm tive of any insulation applied, unless such insulation
Equipment Minimum
Duty Classes clearance is capable of withstanding the full power frequency
CTI less CTI 200
1 and 2 in air, mm high vohage test.
than 200 or greater

Between phases 25 38 25
6.2.5 Busbar systems
Phase to earth 25 25 25
The busbar circuit of a switchboard comprises the
complete conductor system up to its points of con­
nection to the circuit disconnecting/protective devices
The physical disposition of main circuit cabling of the functional units. Typical busbar circuits are
relative to auxihary cabling at the point of entry into illustrated in Fig 5.55.
the equipment enclosure is arranged to minimise the Main and tee-off busbars are contained in separate
risk of fauh or fire on the former affecting the proper compartments within the switchboard. They are usual­
function of the latter. For this reason, where the design ly air-insulated, but may feature solid insulation at
of equipment necessitates the instahation of lengths the option of the manufacturer. Where insulation is
of both main and auxihary incoming/outgoing cabhng other than by air, it must be in the form of sleeving
within the enclosure, the former is segregated from the with joints encased in moulded or similar covering.
latter by earthed metal or other mechanically robust Because of the possibihty of deterioration with age,

L o w voltage switchgear, controlgear and fusegear

neutral current, for example, where the load is wholly

BUSBAR PROTECTIVE DEVICE MAIN BUSBARS or predominantly fluorescent lighting, the neutral is
assigned a rating equivalent to that of the phase
.CIRCUIT PROTECTIVE Except in the case of orifices (spouts) protected by
shutters, e.g., at disconnecting (isolating) contacts,
access to busbar circuits may be gained only by the
TEE-OFF BUSBARS removal of covers secured by fastenings requiring the
use of tools, e.g., spanners, screwdrivers, to release.
Each cover must be clearly and indelibly marked
BUSBARS in red. Shutters protecting orifices are pro­
vided with facilities for padlocking closed — for use
(for example) when a withdrawable part is removed.
The short-circuit withstand strength of busbar sys­
tems is described in Section 6.1 of this chapter.
However, for the lower circuit (functional unit) cur­
rent ratings, it is often necessary to reduce the cross-
sectional area of the tee-off busbars at the point of
(a) Multicubicle-type equipment
attachment to the terminals of the circuit short-circuit
protective device, to dimensions compatible with those
terminals. T o maintain, as far as practicable, the se­
curity of the busbar system at this point, such reduc­
tion in section must not extend for a distance exceeding
40 m m from the terminals of the protective device
unless the conductors are insulated for the rated insu­
lation voltage, and supported in a mechanically robust
manner. Where so insulated and supported, the occur­
rence of short-circuit earth faults is unhkely.
Main circuit fuselinks are to BS88 and of the gen­
eral purpose or m o t o r circuit type, as appropriate.
Similarly, fuse holders are to BS88. However, having
regard to the ih let-through of large fuse-links at high
prospective fauh currents, the maximum rating allowed
mounted in fuse holders is 100 A . Fuselinks rated above
100 A are mounted in fuse switches or similar devices.
(b) Multibox-type equipment

6.2.6 Earthing of structures

FIG. 5.55 Typical busbar circuits
Each switchboard is provided with a main earth bar
(protective conductor), usually and preferably on the
e.g., 'unwinding' through loss of adhesion, taping of outside of the enclosure, extending throughout the
conductors is not accepted for any purpose. length of the switchboard. Subsidiary (tee-off) bars are
The two busbar circuits in busbar sectioning/inter- provided as necessary. The bars may be of copper,
connector equipments must be segregated from each aluminium or aluminium alloy. T o facihtate the attach­
other by earthed metal or approved fire-resistant in­ ment on site of earth bonding cables, a clearance of
sulation. For withdrawable equipment, the segregation not less than 15 m m is provided between the back face
is required to extend up t o , and including, the fixed of the main earth bar and the adjacent surface of the
disconnecting contacts. This segregation is necessary switchgear enclosure.
to permit work anywhere on one set of bars whilst All joints are bolted. Because of problems at the
the other remains live provided the busbar sectioning interface of aluminium cable lugs bolted directly to
unit is open. tinned copper surfaces, bars are plain finish, i.e.,
To allow freedom in the positioning of circuits in untinned. Joints in aluminium bars have the oxide film
the switchboard, busbars are specified to have a con­ removed by steel wire brush; the surfaces so cleaned
stant rating throughout their length; such requirement are then coated with petroleum jelly or other approved
is also of value should extension become necessary. c o m p o u n d immediately before assembly. For outdoor
As a general rule, neutral conductors are required installations, the completed joint is sealed by the
to have a current carrying capabihty of not less than application of an overall coating. Provision is m.ade at
one half that of the associated phase conductor. How­ each end of each main earth bar for connection to the
ever, where the connected loads result in abnormal station main earthing system. T o assist achievement of

Switchgear and controlgear Chapter 5

a satisfactory connection, a flat area of not less than ( 0 T o prevent connection to the supply of main circuit
50 X 50 m m must be provided. parts to which access has been gained as in (e).
Earth bars of copper are dimensioned as shown in However, whilst a defeat feature is provided for
Table 5.3. use when the door is open, it is not possible to

Copper earth bar dimensions

Subsidiary (tee-ofO
Main earth bar
earth bar
Busbar system
Cross- Cross-
protection Minimum Minimum
sectional sectional
width, mm width, mm
area, mm^ area, mm^

Fuse 150 25 75 25
Circuit-breaker 300 50 150 25
(3 s rated)

Earth bars of aluminium alloy must have a width not close the door unless the interlock is restored. P r o ­
less than that required for copper, and possess electrical vision is made for padlocking the interlock against
and mechanical properties not inferior to those of defeat.
copper. Additionally, where for reasons of safety it is
Single main circuit equipments are provided with essential to prevent the inadvertent starting of a
an earth terminal. drive by closure of the circuit isolating device in
Withdrawable parts are, when in the connected the presence of a welded contactor.
position, bonded to the equipment earth bar or ter­
minal through contacts designed specifically for the (g) T o prevent the closure of the disconnecting (isola­
purpose. Such contacts must estabhsh the earth con­ ting) device in motor starters unless the associated
nection before the contacts of the main circuk connect. contactor is open.
The neutral points of transformers are earthed at
the switchgear through removable hnks.
6.2.8 Coded-key devices
Coded-key operated devices are provided where neces­
6.2.7 Mechanical interlocks
sary in a scheme of system interlocking whereby:
Mechanical interlocking is of the preventive type, i.e.,
designed to prevent as opposed to correct an improper • A key, when inserted, permits a circuit-breaker (or
action, and effective as close as practicable to the point other switching device) to be closed, and is free
at which force is apphed. only when the circuit-breaker is open. Attempted
Essentially, such interlocks are provided: removal of the key when the circuit-breaker is closed
must not cause tripping of the circmt-breaker.
(a) T o prevent the closure of a switching device incor­
porated in a wkhdrawable part, unless the whh­ • A key is free only when a circuit-breaker is re­
drawable part is located correctly in the connected, moved from the connected position. It must not be
disconnected or, where appropriate, test position. possible to place the circuit-breaker in the connected
position with the key removed, but it is possible
(b) To prevent the opening or closing of 'off-load'
to place and operate the circuit-breaker in the dis­
disconnecting (isolating) devices unless the asso­
connected position.
ciated switching device is open.

(c) To prevent the simultaneous closure of 'forward' and

6.2.9 Protective systems components
'reverse' or 'low speed' and 'high speed' contactors.
Each component of the protective system, e.g., cur­
(d) To prevent the simuhaneous closure of both contac­
rent transformers, relays, etc., must be capable of
tors or both switches of a changeover arrangement.
whhstanding, without damage, the passage of the short-
(e) To prevent access to main circuit parts through circuit currents available from the busbars for the
doors unless such parts have been isolated from short-time rating of the equipment or, in the case of
all sources of supply. fuse protected equipment, be capable of withstanding

L o w voltage switchgear, controlgear and fusegear

the let-through current of the highest rated fuselink For the purpose of identification, switchboards, cir­
which may be fitted in the associated main circuit. cuhs, control equipment, etc., are provided w h h la­
belling and coloured symbols largely in line with the
requirements specified for 3.3 kV and 11 kV switchgear.
6.2.10 Current transformers
Current transformers are normally fitted on the side of
6.2.13 Fuses
the circuit switching device remote from the busbars.
The secondary windings of each single-phase current Fuselinks in both main (i.e., power) and control/
transformer, and the star-point of the secondary wind­ auxiliary circuits are of the cartridge type.
ings of each three-phase group are normally earthed Main circuit fuselinks are to BS88 and of the gen­
at one point only through a removable link. Where eral purpose or m o t o r circuit type, as appropriate.
the transformers are not readily visible, e.g., in circuh- Control/auxiliary circuit fusehnks may be to BS88 or
breaker equipment, duplicates of the rating plate are to Defence Standard D E F 5 9 - 9 6 : P a r t 1. Fuseholders
fitted in a more convenient position. are to BS88 or D E F 5 9 - 1 0 0 : P a r t 1, as appropriate.
Fuses in control/auxiliary circuits are grouped to
assist circuit identification and to provide convenient
6.2.11 Ammeters and voltmeters
points of isolation. Wherever practicable, fuses to BS88
Ammeters and voltmeters mounted on the switchgear are used in preference to the D E F type. The prefer­
are of the back-connected, flush type. Ammeter scales ence stems largely from the provision in BS88 holders
are so chosen that full-load current produces approxi­ of better shrouding of the contacts and a generally
mately 7 5 % fuh scale deflection. greater suitability for use as points of isolation.
Where there is no requirement for indication at a
remote point, those at the switchgear may be con­
6.2.14 Circuit-breaker equipments
nected directly in circuits of ratings u p to the order
of 30 A. Circuit-breakers are specified basically to BS4752: Part
All ammeters must be capable of carrying rated 1, but with the following additional capabilities:
current continuously, be suitable for use with direct-
• A rated asymmetrical breaking current equivalent
to-hne started motors where appropriate and able to
to the rated symmetrical breaking current plus, in
withstand without damage the passage of fault current
one phase at the instant of contact separation, a
until the operation of the main circuit protection.
D C component of not less than 5 0 % of the A C
component in that phase (see Fig 5.24).
6.2.12 Control switches
• Breaking a current equivalent to 100% of the sym­
Control switches for circuh-breakers are of the pistol- metrical breaking current applied to an outer pole,
grip (rotary) type; for contactor gear, pushbuttons without the unbalance forces produced under these
are the n o r m . Facilities are provided for padlocking conditions adversely affecting correct operation.
rotary selector devices in ah positions, and rotary con­
trol devices in the neutral position. Pushbuttons are
Where required for a triple-pole and neutral installa­
inscribed and coloured in accordance w h h Table 5.4.
tion, the neutral connection is established through a
bolted h n k .
TABLE 5.4 Circuit-breaker operating mechanisms are of the de­
Pushbutton inscriptions and colour coding pendent power solenoid or stored-energy motor charged-
spring type, complying basically with the requirements
Duty Inscription Colour outhned for 3.3 kV and 11 kV equipment. Whilst both
types are equally acceptable from the point of view of
Unidirectional motor Start Green performance, the latter, although of somewhat greater
Stop Red complication constructionally, does not require the
Reversing motor Forward Green provision of a relatively heavy D C closing supply. Thus,
Reverse Green
this mechanism can be of advantage in installations
Stop Red
where the provision of a heavy battery source of sup­
Valve or damper Open Black
Close Black
ply could present a problem — technically a n d / o r
Stop Red economically.
Emergency Stop Stop Red In basic concept, all low voltage switchgear assem­
blies incorporating circuit-breakers are of the metal­
clad type in accordance with the definition of the term
W t a l c l a d ' outhned for 3.3 kV and 11 kV equipment.
'Start' buttons are placed to the right of or above T h u s , disconnection (isolation) facilities for main and
*stop' buttons. Control devices are located to the right auxihary circuits, and also the provision of shutter
of or below selector switches. gear protecting busbar and circuit contacts (spouts)

Switchgear and controlgear Chapter 5

in the cubicle, follow the arrangements established each circuit comprises a contactor in association with
for the higher voltage equipment. However, it may be high breaking capacity (HBC) fusehnks, together with
helpful to recall that the requirement described in means for disconnecting the main and auxihary circuits
Section 1.3 of this chapter to the effect that work on from their respective incoming supplies. The basic
current carrying parts is permitted only when such parts arrangements recognised are as follows and depicted
are earthed, is pertinent only at high vohage. Accor­ diagrammatically in Fig 5.56:
dingly, no provision is made for the deliberate earth­
ing of current carrying parts of low voltage equipment. Type A Non-withdrawable type with operational/
maintenance disconnection by fuse-switch.
6.2.15 Contactor controlgear
Type Β Withdrawable type having off-load plug and
Motor circuits account for the bulk of the contactor socket devices for maintenance disconnec­
type controlgear used in the power station. Essentially, tion and a switch within the fuse protected

R Ο­
Υ o- TYPE 'A'

B O-

R CH <• • e i -
Y O- <•
B O- <•
R O — ( •
Y O (m
Β o——(•
. ΤΥΡΕ 'Β'


R Ο­

Υ O-
B O-

R O- <•
Y O- <•
B O- <• •^Χ


—Ε=3—[> y> »y>-

Ο —
— ΤΥΡΕ Ό '



FIG. 5 . 5 6 Alternative arrangements for contactor fuses and isolating devices

L o w voltage switchgear, controlgear and fusegear

zone for operational disconnection. The erational disconnection are provided with auxiliary
withdrawable assembly also accommodates switches driven positively in each direction.
the main circuit fusehnks. Largely to minimise the risk of operator mistake,
particularly in an emergency, the operating handles of
Type C Non-withdrawable type with operational/ devices for operational disconnection are arranged uni­
maintenance disconnection by a switch. formly to close the device with an upward movement.
Handles operating in a plane parallel to the front of the
Type D Non-withdrawable type with a switch, within
the fuse protected zone, for operational equipment have a full movement not exceeding 60°
disconnection. either side of the horizontal. Mechanisms are of the
independent manual type. It must not be possible to
leave an operating handle in an intermediate position.
Types A, Β and C are equally acceptable. Type D is Padlocking facilities are provided as foUows:
permitted only for fuse-fed switchboards. In Type D
equipment, the fuses are mounted on the busbar side • For locking the handles of devices for operational
of the circuit disconnecting device. There is therefore, disconnection in the open position — it being pos­
the possibihty that their replacement after operation sible to maintain such locking of the device against
could be attempted before the abnormahty causing the closure when access to the interior has been gained
operation has been corrected. The act of attempted for maintenance purposes.
replacement in such circumstances could initiate an
• For locking withdrawable contactor equipment as-
arc at the fuse carrier/holder contacts. Restriction of
sembhes in the connected position.
the use of Type D equipment to fuse-fed switchboards,
i.e., switchboards for which the busbar system is • For locking shutters in the closed position. When
itself fuse-fed, is considered to reduce substantially padlocked, the shutters prevent access to the fixed
any risk arising from this cause. isolating contacts which they shroud. Whilst the
The several devices comprising the main circuit, e.g., shutters are locked closed, it must not be possible
the contactor, fuse-switch, etc., are usually manufac­ for the isolating contacts on the withdrawable part
tured by specialist component manufacturers and thus of the equipment to m a k e contact with the shutters
may have performance ratings against specific duties. should an attempt be m a d e to place it in the con­
Consequently, it is required that each 'circuit' com­ nected position.
prising a combination of disconnecting device, fuses,
• For locking disconnection (isolation) devices of
contactor, power terminals and associated internal con­
the withdrawable/removable type in the connected
nections be assigned a rated operating current by the
manufacturer of the combination, i.e., the manufac­
turer of the circuit assembly.
Each circuit is provided with a visual indicating device
As in circuit-breaker equipment, any neutral hnks
to show whether the contactor is 'open' or 'closed',
are of bolted type.
which must be effective in both the 'circuit connected'
As a general guideline and to allow for contin­
and 'circuit disconnected' positions. The device may be
gencies, the circuit minimum rating for direct-to-line
either mechanically or electrically operated. The ori­
started motors is usually specified to be not less than
ginating action must be driven positively in the direction
120 per cent of the nominal full load current of the
of closing the main contacts and must not impede
operation of the contactor. Ahernatively, and usually
Each fuse-switch and switch has a current making
in the case of separately-mounted (i.e.. Type C) units,
and breaking capacity not less than the value derived
the indication may be by lamps. If so, lenses are white
from BS5424: Part 1: Clause 4.3.5 when based on
for O N , green for O F F , the green lens being placed
the assigned rated current of the circuit. In addition, to the right of, or above, the white lens. The white
such switches must be capable of making a current lens is identified by the legend ' O N ' .
equivalent to the supply source prospective short-
Electrically operated devices other than indicator
circuit current as limited in magnitude and duration
hghts must adopt a non-definite indication on loss of
by the highest rated fuselink which is permissible in
an operating signal.
the circuit.
Each contactor is provided with four normally open
Where connection to the source of supply, e.g.,
and four normally closed auxihary contacts, except
busbars, is by plug and socket contacts, apertures
that for the electrically-held type below 40 A rating, two
giving access to the supply side are shrouded or shut­ normally open and two normally closed contacts may
tered. Shutters must operate automatically on insertion be accepted in conjunction with a repeat relay.
and removal of the withdrawal assembly, and are
Auxihary contacts are driven as follows:
identified as in circuit-breaker equipment, albeit the
lettering is, of necessity, usually smaller. • Block type — positively driven in the direction of
For the purpose of indication, if required at a closing the main contacts, but may be spring-
point(s) remote from the switchgear, devices for op­ returned to the open position.

Switchgear and controlgear Chapter 5

Note: a 'block' type contactor is one in which the 6.2.16 Fusegear

contact system is carried in an enveloping case of Fusegear is used primarily to distribute supphes rather
moulded insulation material. The moving contact than control specific items of plant directly, e.g., to
assembly operates usually with a parallel motion provide supplies to the smaller switchboards, separately
in a horizontal plane. mounted motor starters, valve actuators, etc. A n im­
• Clapper type — positively driven in both directions. portant aspect of this role is the provision inherently
of short-circuit protection.
Note: a 'clapper', or 'bar', type contactor is one Fusegear may be built into and thus form an inte­
in which moving contacts are carried on an insulated gral part of multi-motor control switchboards; these
bar and engage with stationary contacts mounted may constitute switchboards consisting wholly of fuse-
(usually) on a flat base of insulation material. gear, or may comprise single circuit feeding units.
Where, in addition to circuit disconnection (isolation)
The trip circuit auxiliary switch on latched contactors a switching facility is required, fuse-switches are em­
must close before the main circuit contacts touch. ployed. Where there is no switching requirement, dis­
Means are provided which: tribution fuseboards are used.
Fuse switches are basically to BS5419, double-pole,
(a) On latched contactors de-energise the closing coil
three-pole or three-pole and neutral as necessary.
when the contactor has closed and latched.
Neutral links may be either bolted or switched. Where
(b) On both electrically-held and latched contactors switched, the neutral connection must be established
prevent reclosure in the event of failure to close, before the phases 'make', and 'broken' after the phases
or automatic opening, whilst the closing signal is 'break'.
maintained. T o preserve uniformity with the manner of opera­
tion of the handles of devices for the disconnection
Each contactor is provided with facilities for main­ of contactor controlgear, those for fuse-switches are
tenance testing the opening and closing operations of arranged to close the switch with an upward movement.
the contactor by the use of the pushbuttons mounted For handles operating with a rotary action in a plane
on the enclosure front. The arrangements are such parallel to the front of the equipment, the full move­
that the testing can be carried out only when the con­ ment of the handle shall not exceed 60° either side of
tactor is disconnected from the busbars. the horizontal.
Control circuits function at the following voltages: Mechanisms are of the independent manual type.
It must not be possible to leave the operating handle
• Contactor closing mechanisms, 110 V A C nominal, in an intermediate position.
derived from 415/110 V control circuit transformers.
Note: an independent manual mechanism is one in
• Trip circuits (of latched contactors), 110 V D C which manual energy is stored and released in one
nominal. continuous operation, such that the speed and force
of the operation are independent of the action of the
Control circuit transformers are 415/110 V, non- operator.
inherently short-circuit proof, to BS3535, Section F ,
Mechanical indication of the operating positions of
but having an earthed metallic interwinding screen.
the switch handles is provided to show when the switch
'Non-inherently short-circuit p r o o f transformers is O N or O F F .
will, if short-circuited at the output terminals, be dam­ When necessary, fuse-switches have provision for
aged unless disconnected by an overcurrent device. operating auxiliary switches.
Such transformers are well suited to the operation of
Where fuse-switches are of the withdrawable type,
solenoid mechanisms in that, provided the overcurrent
any main circuit parts which may remain live and
protective device (e.g., a fuse) exhibits a suitable t i m e /
become exposed upon removal of the withdrawable
current characteristic, advantage may be taken of the
assembly are shrouded or shuttered. Such shutters op­
'short-time' capability (of the transformer) to satisfy
erate automatically on insertion and removal of the
the relatively heavy transient (inrush) current taken
withdrawable assembly.
by the solenoid coil at energisation. Duty for duty, a
Distribution fuseboards may be of the wall-mounted
transformer 'inherently short-circuit p r o o f would need
box pattern, of the free-standing cubicle type, or may,
to be of appreciably higher rating.
where expedient, be incorporated in 'main' switch­
Fuselinks are fitted in both poles of the input con­ boards.
nections to the transformer. These may be mounted Padlocking facilities are provided for:
either in a fuse-switch or in fuseholders. The output
connections are protected by a fuselink in one pole • Locking fuse-switch handles in the open position.
and a solid hnk in the earthed pole. The non-fused It must be possible to keep the fuse-switch locked
output terminal of the secondary winding is connected against closure when access to the interior has been
to earth through a removable bohed link. gained for maintenance purposes. Only in excep-


tional circumstances, e.g., where continuity of supply

is an overriding consideration, is provision m a d e 1400mm APPROX

for padlocking handles in the closed position.

• Locking shutters in the closed position. Whilst

shutters are locked closed, it must not be possible
for the isolating contacts on the withdrawable part
of the equipment to make contact with the shutters
should an attempt be made to place it in the con­
nected position.

• Locking fuse-switches of the withdrawable/remov­

able type in the connected poshion.

6.2.17 Specialised switchboards/units

In addition to the traditional switchboards described
earlier, certain specialised formations/units have been
developed. A n example of such development is the \ \
'actuator power/control distribution b o a r d ' for the OFF OFF

distribution of power and control supplies to actua­

tors, e.g., valve and damper actuators. The basic intent
of the arrangement is:

• The provision from a single location of both power

and control supplies.

• The provision of alternative/standby power supply

via changeover switches.

• To facilitate the use of 'composite' cable, i.e., cable

containing screened power cores, together with con­
trol cores, within an overall sheath.

The equipment of the switchboards — the busbar

system, contactors, fuse-switches, control switches, ca­ FIG. 5.57 Actuator power/control distribution board
bhng facihties, etc. — is generally required to comply — general arrangement
with the design and performance requirements speci­
fied for the more traditional switchboards. Figure 5.57
marily for the safety of personnel. The short-circuit
depicts a typical arrangement.
protection is provided by fusehnks in the 16, 32 and
A complementary development, but usable in its
63 A u n h s , and the earth leakage feature by residual
own right, is the 'actuator disconnection box'. This
current circuit-breaker (RCCB). Currently, a moulded-
comprises, in effect, a wah or steelwork mounted junc­
case circuit-breaker provides the switching, short-circuit
tion box serving as the interface between the station
and earth leakage functions in the 125 A rating.
'fixed' cabling and the flexible power and control leads
T o prevent the making and breaking of load cur­
from the actuator. The connection to the box is es­
rent on the plugs and sockets, a mechanical interlock
tabhshed through plugs and sockets. The plug and
is provided on all ratings whereby plant may be con­
socket concept serves the dual role of providing for
nected, i.e., a plug inserted or withdrawn, only when
ready removal of the actuator and also 'at plant'
the outlet is switched off. A test facility is provided
electrical isolation — the latter being a m a n d a t o r y
to enable the user to check the earth leakage protec­
requirement within the C E G B . A padlocking facility
tion. Figure 5.59 shows a typical u n h .
is provided to prevent engagement of the plugs to
enforce a disconnected (isolated) condition. A typical
actuator box is shown in Fig 5.58.
Power supplies for equipment primarily of a port­ 7 Fuses
able nature, e.g., welding plant, bolt heating equip­
ment, portable p u m p s , etc., are provided by wall or
steelwork mounted socket outlets. The outlets are
7.1 Introduction
triple-pole and neutral, rated 16, 32, 63 or 125 A With the possible exception of specialised control and
at 415 V. All ratings are switched, and feature short- instrumentation circuitry, for which the reader is re­
circuit and earth leakage protection — the latter pri- ferred to Volume F , the fusehnks used in the fusing

Switchgear and controlgear Chapter 5



FIG. 5.58 Actuator power/control local disconnection box

arrangements of main, i.e., power and auxiliary opens the circuh in which h is inserted and breaks
circuits, are of the cartridge type. The design of the the current when this exceeds a given value for a suf­
modern cartridge fusehnk, particularly for very high ficient time. The fuse comprises all the parts that
breaking capacities, is too complex a subject for dis­ form the complete device.
cussion in detail here. However, the fohowing may
help towards the understanding of the philosophy of Cartridge fuselink A device comprising a fuse ele­
their use in power station apphcations in the UK. ment, or several fuse elements connected in parallel,
enclosed in a cartridge usually filled with an arc-
extinguishing medium and provided with terminals.
The fusehnk is the part of a fuse which requires re­
7,2 Definitions
placing after the fuse has operated. Typical LV fuse­
Fuse A device that, by the fusion of one or more of hnks at ratings u p to 800 A to BS88:1975 are shown
its specially designed and proportioned components. in Fig 5.60.


FIG. 5.60 Typical HBC fuse links to BS88:1975

fusehnks for use in high prospective current circuits

are provided with terminals designed for connection
into equipment by screw/stud type fastenings.

Current-limiting fuselink A fuselink which, during

and by its operation in a specified current range,
hmits the current to a substantiaUy lower value than
the peak value of the prospective current (see cut-off

Prospective current of a circuit The current that

would flow in a circuit if a protective device, e.g.,
fuse or circuit-breaker, situated therein were replaced
by a hnk of negligible impedance.

Prospective breaking current The prospective current

measured at a time corresponding to the instant of
the initiation of the arc in a fuse during the breaking

Rated breaking capacity The maximum prospective

breaking current that a fuse is stated to be capable of
breaking at a stated recovery voltage under specific

Cut-off current The maximum instantaneous value

• reached by the current during the breaking operation

of a fusehnk when the fusehnk operates in such man­
ner as to prevent the current from reaching the other­
FIG. 5.59 415 V, 63 A socket outlet wise attainable value. In other words, cut-off occurs
when the fuse operates, i.e., interrupts the circuit before
sufficient time has elapsed for the current to reach
Fuse element A part of a fuse designed to melt when the prospective value.
the fuse operates.

Cut-off characteristic A curve giving the cut-off

Fuselink contact A conducting part of a fuselink current under stated conditions of operation. In the
designed for the purpose of connecting the fusehnk case of A C , the values of cut-off currents are the
into a circuit. The conducting parts are, essentially, maximum values reached whatever the degree of asym­
the cartridge body and end caps together with any metry (of the current). In the case of D C , the values
attached fittings — lugs, tags, necessary to provide of the cut-off currents are the maximum values reached
an adequate terminal arrangement. As a general rule. related to the time-constant as specified.

Switchgear and controlgear Chapter 5

Pre-arcing time The time between the commencement

of a current large enough to cause the fuse element(s) VALUES GIVEN APPLY AT 415V
to meh and the instant when an arc is initiated. 660V VALUES ARE UP TO 15% GREATER


Arcing time The interval of time between the instant CURRENT
of the initiation of the arc and the instant of final 100 η
arc extinction.

Operating time The sum of the pre-arcing time and

the arcing time.

Pt characteristic A curve giving I^t values (pre-arcing

I^t a n d / o r operating I^t) as a function of prospective <
current under stated conditions of operation. <

Virtual time The I^t value divided by the square of cc

the prospective breaking current. The virtual times O

usually stated for fuselinks are pre-arcing time and

operating time.

Time/current characteristic The curve giving the

virtual time (e.g., pre-arcing time or operating time) as
a function of the prospective breaking current under
stated conditions of operation.

7.3 Required performance Π

1.0 10


Figure 5.61 illustrates 'cut-off, and Figs 5.62 and 5.63
'time/current' and 'I^t let-through' characteristics of FIG. 5.61 Cut-off current characteristics
cartridge fuselinks to BS88:1975.
The current-hmiting capability of H B C fusehnks is
a particularly attractive feature in high fault level cir­ fusehnk' which, as the name implies, is intended
cuits, in that the circuit equipment need be designed primarily for motor duty. Essentially, a motor circuit
to withstand only the thermal and mechanical stresses fuselink is a general purpose fusehnk with a dual
associated with the value attained by the current at cut­ basis of rating; namely, a given current rating with
off. In the absence of a current-limiting performance, respect to its ability to carry current continuously and
the whole circuit must be capable of withstanding the a higher current rating with respect to its time/current
very much higher stresses which would otherwise be characteristic. The concept permits exploitation of the
set up by the passage of the circuit prospective cur­ ability of a fuselink of compact dimensions to with­
rent. Thus, where it is possible and practicable to stand, for a limited duration, circuit overloads such as
take advantage of the current-limiting performance of occur during m o t o r starting — particularly where the
fuses, the circuit equipment may be of appreciably drive is switched direct-on-hne. By way of example, a
lighter construction, smaller physically and less costly fuselink to BS88: P a r t 1: 1975 rated 63M100 has a
than where the short-circuit protection must, of neces­ continuous current rating of 63 A — and hence a
sity, be provided by non-current-hmiting means, e.g., body of dimensions commensurate with that rating —
circuit-breakers. but a time/current characteristic of a 100 A rated
The role of fuses in the applications described in fusehnk. Thus where, as is usually the case, the rating
Sections 5 and 6 of this chapter is primarily the of the fusehnks required by a given drive is dictated
provision of short-circuit protection. Where in addi­ by the magnitude and duration of the starting current,
tion it is necessary to provide protection against more rather than by the steady state running value, a space
modest values of overcurrent — the protection of saving becomes possible. The letter ' M ' appearing
motor circuits against overload being a particular between the two values of rating serves merely to
instance — the circuit switching device, e.g., the confirm the motor circuit apphcation.
contactor, is designed and equipped to perform that Whilst it is important to note that a dual rated
function. fuselink should not be run continuously at a current
As a generality, fusehnks are 'general purpose' or exceeding the lower value, e.g., 63 A in the case of a
'back-up', or a derivative known as a 'motor circuit 63M100 rating, it is vital that the circuit in which it

DC switchgear

20.000 -


_ i - ^ PRE-ARCING |2t
1.000 -


ζ 10-




0.005 Η 200 250 315 355 400 450 500 560 630 670 710 750 800 1000 1250
100 1.000 10.000 FUSE RATING, A

FIG. 5.62 Time/current characteristics FIG. 5.63 I^t characteristics

is installed be capable of withstanding, at the circuit such supply — d y n a m o charged batteries of secondary
prospective current, the values of *cut-off current cells — produced unidirectional current (DC). A first
and 'energy' (I^t) let-through commensurate with the essential of any system of supply is means for es-
higher rating, e.g., 100 A in the example. tabhshment a n d interruption of current flow, i.e.,
Cartridge fuselinks of UK manufacture a n d com­ switching o n a n d off. T h e most elementary means are,
pliant with the appropriate British/DEF Standard are of course, the coming together, and parting, in ambient
precision devices which have proved highly rehable atmosphere (air) of contacts of conducting material.
in service when apphed properly, i.e., selected, in t h e The earliest devices for circuit 'making' a n d 'breaking'
case of motor circuits, with due regard t o : were as simple as this.
All practicable forms of interruption of an electric
• T h e ratio of the starting/running current.
current involve t h e production of a n a r c , which must
• The duration of the starting period. be extinguished t o complete the interruption. T h e a r c ,
• T h e number of sequential starts t o be allowed for, an intensely h o t column of conductive gas, is extin­
i.e., successive starts without intervals between starts guished by cooling a n d lengthening t o t h e point where
long enough t o permit cooling. the potential difference (vohage) across the contact gap,
as it widens, becomes incapable of sustaining the a r c .
The principles of the selection of fuses in schemes At full opening of t h e contacts, t h e dielectric strength
of protection is described in Chapter 11. of the g a p must withstand t h e voltage across it.
The build-up of dielectric strength across the contact
gap takes place similarly in t h e interruption of A C .
8 DC switchgear However, t h e process of interruption in an A C circuit
is assisted markedly by the occurrence of natural cur­
rent zeros at every half cycle — arc extinction taking
8.1 General place at o r near a current zero. T h e absence of nat­
At the beginning of electricity supply, the sources of urally occurring current zeros in t h e case of D C thus

Switchgear and controlgear Chapter 5

renders the interruption of such currents a more Short-time current capabihty — the full fauh current
difficuh process. level of the system for 3 s.
From the simplest of devices initially, switching
current in air, the switchgear evolved into open-type, Contactors
i.e., unenclosed, air-break contact systems, at first
As for A C applications, contactors are selected as
operated manually, mounted on vertical panels of in­
fohows in accordance with the 'duties' and 'utilisation
sulation material, such as slate. As systems developed,
categories' recognised in BS5424: Part 1:
arc control became necessary to achieve satisfactorily
reliable interruption. Development along these lines • Motor control
led, in due course, to the circuit-breaker concept as
Rated duty: Uninterrupted
presently understood (see Section 2.1 of this chapter
for definition of a circuit-breaker.) Utilisation category: DC2 where the duty is the
Whilst development and general acceptance of the starting and switching
metal-enclosed concept followed rapidly upon the ap­ off, of shunt-motors.
pearance, in the early part of this century, of the oil DC3 where the duty is as
circuit-breaker in the A C field, D C switchgear con­ for D C 2 , but with the
tinued firmly in the open-type tradition for several addition of 'inching'
decades. However, for many years now, the bulk of or 'plugging'.
D C swkchgear in UK power stations has been at least DC4 where the duty is the
metal-enclosed and, wherever possible, metalclad. A starting and switching
definition of 'metalclad' is given in Section 4.2 of off, of series motors.
this chapter. DC5 where the duty is as
Broadly, the several types of switchgear equipment for DC4 but with the
comprising a D C system installation, e.g., circuit- addition of 'inching'
breakers, contactor controlgear, fusegear, are two-pole or 'plugging'
versions of their three-phase A C counterparts.
Mechanical endurance: 1 million no-load operating

8.2 System conditions Accelerating contactors may be of intermittent duty.

The usual system voltages and fault levels are: • Substantially non-inductive loads switched on for
long periods
• System voltage nominal, V DC 48 110 220 250
Rated duty: Uninterrupted
• System short-circuh level
Utilisation category: DCl
Fauh current, kA 20 40 40 40
Time constant, s 0.015 0.02 0.02 0.02 Mechanical endurance: 0.3 million no-load operat­
ing cycles
To meet these system conditions, the basic capability
required of the major components of a D C switchgear Additionally, contactors must be capable of making
installation is described in the paragraphs that fohow. and carrying the prospective short-circuit current of
the system as limited in magnitude and duration by
8.2.1 S h o r t - c i r c u i t w i t h s t a n d s t r e n g t h of b u s b a r the associated circuit short-circuit protective devices,
systems i.e., fuselinks.
Starting resistors must limit motor starting currents
• The fuh fault current level of the system for 3 s, to not more than 2 5 0 % of the normal full-load cur­
where the busbar protective device is a circuh- rent, or such lower value as may be dictated by a
breaker. particular motor design. They must be capable of carry­
ing starting current for a minimum of five minutes.
• The full fault current level of the system, as limited
in magnitude and duration by the 'cut-off charac­
teristic of the fuses, where the busbar protective
9 Construction site electrical supplies
device features fuses.
8.2.2 Current mal<ing/breaking and short-circuit
c a p a b i l i t y of m a i n c i r c u i t s w i t c h i n g d e v i c e s 9.1 General
The fohowing sections outline equipment for the pro­
Circuit-breaker equipment
vision of site electrical supplies at 415, 240 and 110 volts
Rated short-circuit making and breaking current — A C 50 Hz, single or three-phase, for site construction
40 kA at a time-constant appropriate to the system. purposes.

Construction site electrical supplies e q u i p m e n t

The equipment comprises: 9.2 Portable substations

• Portable substations. The substations provide supplies at 415/240 V, derived
• Portable distribution units 415/240 V. from an 11 kV source. Figure 5.65 depicts a typical
• Portable distribution units 110 V.
T h e transformer in the substation has a rating of
A typical site supply scheme is shown in Fig 5.64. 1000 kVA at a primary voUage of 11 kV. The high





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FIG. 5 . 6 4 Typical site supply scheme

Switchgear and controlgear Chapter 5













400A 630A


FIG. 5 . 6 5 Portable substation, 11 0 0 0 / 4 1 5 / 2 4 0 V

Construction site electrical supplies equipment

voltage switchgear comprises an oil-immersed, on-load padlockable access gates, is affixed around the peri­
ring main unit with tee-off fuse switch incorporat­ meter of the assembly. A label is attached to the fence
ing high breaking capacity (HBC) fuses. Operating indicating the gross weight of the equipment.
mechanisms are of the independent manual type. The
fuse switch is tripped automatically upon operation
of any one fuse. Mechanical interlocking is provided 9.3 Portable distribution units (415/240 V)
to protect the operator from contact with live parts These distribution units provide supplies at 415/240 V.
when replacing fusehnks. Integral earthing devices are
The equipment is enclosed in a weatherproof housing
fitted to facihtate the earthing of the transformer and
mounted on a rigid steel base, suitable for handling
one or both ring main cables. A safety device pre­
by crane or winch o n t o a roughly levelled hard-core
vents access to switches or bushings unless all switches
foundation. Figure 5.66 depicts a typical construction.
are in the 'earth' position. A maximum demand am­
The units are equipped with triple-pole and neutral
meter, current operated, is fitted to the tee-off fuse-
fuse switches complete with H B C fusehnks, entries for
switch portion. Cable boxes with cable glands pointing
power cables, one 12-way 32 A triple-pole and neutral
vertically downwards are provided for the incoming
distribution fuseboard feeding 32 A socket outlets,
and outgoing ring main cables.
featuring earth leakage protection.
The 415/240 V distribution pihar is a weatherproof The unit is provided with a vohmeter, visible when
sheet steel housing having padlockable access doors the doors are closed. Bulkhead type light fittings are
front and rear. The base plate is constructed in two
provided at front and rear. Electric heaters are fitted
sections which can be removed separately to aid the
to combat condensation. These items are supphed direct
process of cable installation. The base plate is sealed
from the busbars and are protected by H B C fuses.
against the ingress of moisture or vermin. The fuse
The unit enclosure is provided with a substantial
units are screened so that work can be carried out on
earth terminal for connection to the site earthing system.
the load side of any circuit when the adjacent circuits
are 'hve'.
The pillar unit comprises: 9.4 Portable distribution units (110 V)
• Three 630 A (three-phase and neutral) fuse units These distribution units provide supplies at 110 V sin­
with 630 A H B C fuses, neutral links and gland entries gle or three phase. Units are rated 5, 10 or 25 kVA.
for 4-core power cables. Figures 5.67 and 5.68 illustrate typical constructions.
• Three 400 A (three-phase and neutral) fuse units The units are of sheet steel weatherproof construc­
with 400 A H B C fuses, neutral links and gland entries tion mounted on rubber-tyred wheels. All components,
for 4-core power cables. such as fuse-switches and distribution boards mounted
on the transformer tank, are secured by welded attach­
ments. The units are equipped as follows:
Each circuit is fitted with a current-transformer-
operated maximum demand ammeter.
The pillar is fitted with a phase selector switch and
Rating Input 415 V Output 110 V No of
a voUmeter, visible from the front of the unit when the
kVA socket outlets
doors are closed. Door operated bulkhead lighting is
included, together with an electric heater of adequate 5 63 A 6-way, 20 A three-phase
capacity to prevent condensation. These items are triple-pole and neutral distribution
supplied directly from the busbars and protected by switch fuseboard 6
H B C fuses. 10 63 A 12-way, 20 A three-phase
The connecting busbars between transformer, HV triple-pole and neutral distribution
switchgear and pillar are of copper, enclosed in a switch fuseboard 12
metalhc trunking. 25 63 A Three-phase and neutral
A copper earth bar with a section of about 500 m m triple-pole fuse-switch fitted with
switch 160 A fuselinks
X 6 m m is provided, to which is connected the neutral
earthing link of the distribution pillar, the earthing
points of equipment and all metal framework and
screens. The earth bar is connected to the site earthing The transformer is a three-phase O N type having a
system. voltage ratio of 415/115 V at no-load, suitable for
The equipment is mounted on a rigid steel baseframe operation on a nominal 415 V three-phase system
suitable for handling by crane or winch onto a roughly having its neutral point sohdly earthed.
levehed hard-core foundation. Steel plate flooring is An earthing terminal of approximately 12 m m dia.
positioned around the plant, fixed to the frame, to X 25 mm long is provided on the enclosure.
provide safe access for operation and maintenance. Neutral links are of the bolted type. Distribution
A metalhc fence, approximately 2500 m m high, sec­ fuseboards are connected directly to the LV terminals
tioned to facilitate easy removal and provided with of the transformers.

Switchgear and controlgear Chapter 5












'^ufa^f Λ Λ Λ Λ Λ Λ Λ Λ Λ Λ Λ Λ




FIG. 5 . 6 6 Portable distribution unit, 4 1 5 / 2 4 0 V

Construction site electrical supplies equipment






w i


3 PHASE, 50Hz


5 6 WAY 6 760 760 840

10 12 WAY 12 920 920 840



FIG. 5 . 6 7 Portable distribution units, 1 1 0 V / 5 and 1 0 kVA

Switchgear and controlgear Chapter 5

1200rTim APPROX 1000mm APPROX







3 PHASE, 50Hz


25kVA 415/110V




FIG. 5 . 6 8 Portable distribution unit, 1 1 0 V / 2 5 kVA

Future trends in d e v e l o p m e n t and application

Socket outlets are situated on the exterior of the sheet decreased proportionally. These changes not only im­
steel housing, and connected to the distribution board prove the mean time between failure but also achieve
by cable. a marked reduction in operating storage batteries.
The earthing terminals of fuse-switches and distri­ The trends toward simpler and more rehable con­
bution boards are connected to the earth terminal on struction also enable costs to be reduced, both for initial
the transformer tank. The neutral point of the LV purchase and for subsequent preventive and corrective
winding is connected to the earth terminal on the maintenance. However, the engineer must always be
transformer tank through a bolted hnk located in an conscious of the fact that innovation and improve­
accessible position. ment do not always go hand in hand. New designs of
swhchgear still require careful evaluation and thorough
type testing. Where switchgear forms part of 'strategic'
or 'safety related' systems, in which its failure could
10 Future trends in development and
have serious effect, then proven service reliability may
application need to be demonstrated prior to its full scale adop­
tion. Trial installations for evaluation purposes are of
long term benefit both to user and manufacturer.
10.1 General
With the trend towards use of plant requiring minimum
maintenance, and the ever present quest for first cost 10.2 Oil-break switchgear
and space optimisation, the types of switchgear on offer
Switchgear employing oil for both insulation and inter­
to the applications engineer has changed dramatically
rupting purposes has not found favour for application
in recent years. That such changes have particularly
in UK power stations for many years, not least because
affected the vohage range from 1 kV to 36 kV can be
of the hazards of explosion and fire which, although
attributed to the fact that investment worldwide in
minimised by careful design, can never be eliminated.
electrical plant is necessarily biased toward distribution
Nevertheless, the oh circuit-breaker, whether it be of
systems. Whereas the ratings required of distribution
the bulk oil or minimum oil type, sthl continues to give
switchgear are generally lower than those of power
reliable service in distribution systems but is steadily
station swhchgear, there is no doubt that research and
being replaced by the new ranges of low maintenance,
development aimed at the former has also been of
benefit to the latter. low fire-risk switchgear now available.

Since switchgear exists to control and protect the

electrical system to which it is connected, it is of
10.3 Air-break switchgear
paramount importance that it can perform these duties
with maximum rehabihty. The duty of short-circuit The progressive development of the early air-break
protection has particular significance in power stations, 'knife switch' with plain gap into a reliable circuit-
since the close coupling of several high energy sources breaker has taken a number of decades and has today
leads to very high short-circuit currents and the me­ been perfected to the level where sophisticated inter­
chanical stresses resulting therefrom to system plant, rupting devices, employing magnetic blow-out circuits,
busbars and cabling. arc guidance systems and arc-resistant insulation, en­
It is a well estabhshed fact that the failure rate of able very high breaking capacities to be achieved with
any item of engineering plant is proportional to the air-break switchgear.
number of components comprising that item. A com­ The use of such complex and bulky interrupting
parison between the latest designs of interrupter unit devices, coupled with the more generous air clearances
for swhchgear and long estabhshed designs shows clear­ required, is not without hs penahies. These are, for
ly that there is a distinct trend towards the reduction power station auxiliary H V switchgear, evidenced by the
of components, particularly in the interrupter. This impressive size and weight of switchgear panels, their
move has doubtless been assisted by an increasing high-initial cost and the skills required to perform major
understanding of arc control technology and the uti­ maintenance work.
lisation of modular construction, together with new There have been some savings possible at HV with
materials and assembly methods. the introduction of the m o t o r switching device, which
Statistics show that the majority of switchgear fail­ has been described earher in this chapter, and further
ures can be attributed to mechanical rather than electri­ development of this device is expected albeit by em­
cal breakdown. Switchgear development has therefore ploying power fuses in combination with low rated
concentrated much effort upon improving mechanical vacuum or alternative modern arc control devices.
rehabihty. A distinct merit of the latest interrupter At LV, the application of rehable high breaking
devices is that the mechanical stresses occurring within capacity fuses of UK design means that the demand
the switchgear during short-circuit breaking and making for high capacity air-break circuit-breakers is generahy
have been reduced and the resultant energy require­ hmited to main feeder circuits only. However, some
ments of the opening and closing mechanisms have other industriahsed countries were less successful in

Switchgear and controlgear Chapter 5

the development of H B C fuses and as a result a viable technology to power station generator switchgear where
alternative known as the moulded case circuit-breaker alternatives are now available for all but the very
(MCCB) was developed and subsequently introduced highest short-circuit breaking capacities.
to the UK.
The moulded case circuit-breaker, as its name im-
phes, uses moulded insulation materials, permitting 10.5 Vacuunn switchgear
space and weight reduction. In some instances the filler
Although researched in the 1920s, vacuum arc-inter­
in the moulding material is claimed to assist in the
rupting devices did not achieve commercial viability
arc extinguishing process by producing gases favour­
until the 1960s. The factory sealed vacuum interrupter
able to current interruption. Current-limiting proper­
has subsequently introduced to the switchgear field a
ties, similar to those of H B C fuses, can also be utihsed
unit which is claimed by some to approach the 'ideal'
to reduce fauh damage and a regime of rating steps
circuit-breaker of electrical theory. However, the aura
(as for fuses) must also be followed to ensure discri­
which tends to surround all 'black-box' components
mination. As an alternative to 'traditional' fuse switch-
has also given rise to some concern over their perfor­
gear, the M C C B can also fulfil a role within motor
mance and rehability, particularly in power station
starter circuits. MCCBs now available on the UK
applications, in their behaviour when switching motors
market have found limited favour with some users
and the possibility of loss of vacuum.
but have yet to make their mark in UK power station
Satisfactory service experience with vacuum switch-
apphcations. With a specified service life for power
gear during the last decade has dispelled most of the
station plant MCCBs in 'non-maintainable' form would
doubts. Furthermore, research in the laboratory and
not be acceptable.
in the field has tended to confirm that some pheno­
The maintenance of power station switchgear at
mena are not unique to vacuum interrupters and that
service capability is based upon the programmed over­
for critical service conditions some special precautions
haul/repair of equipment installed for the station de­
may be appropriate to both established and innovative
signed hfe. Whilst 'maintainable' moulded-case circuit-
breakers may have a place, the 'non-maintainable'
The success of any electric arc-interrupting device
form is as yet unacceptable by virtue of the difficulty
lies in its contact geometry and, particularly with the
of determining the performance capability after a
vacuum unit, the chemistry of the contact materials
period of service, particularly if fault clearances have
is also of great significance. Whilst the reader wishing
been a feature of that service.
to study the contact materials technology in detail can
refer to the many learned papers now published on
the subject, it is sufficient to note here that it is the
10.4 Air-blast switchgear
precise composition of the basic contact metal, copper,
Exploitation of the improved dielectric withstand of together with controUed additives and the exclusion of
air subjected to pressures above atmospheric level has impurities, which dictate performance.
resulted in present day designs of air-blast switchgear. Vacuum interrupter development has produced units
Designs of air-blast interrupter employing compressed for circuit-breaker application, with its demands for
air stored at pressures of the order of 30 bar, with high short-circuit breaking capacity and moderate num­
sophisticated gas flow technology applied to the nozzles ber of switching operations, and for contactor appli­
and contacts in the arc region, are capable of achieving cation, with moderate short-circuit breaking capacity
the highest short-circuit breaking capacities demanded and high number of switching operations. A basic
today. These units therefore find ready application as advantage of the contactor interrupter, as manufac­
generator circuit-breakers for the largest steam turbine- tured in the UK, is that it provides a 'soft' operating
generator units available and can be forced cooled, characteristic particularly suited to regular switching
where necessary, to match generator load currents. of load currents including high reactance transformers
The high cost of air-blast switchgear which must and small m o t o r s , etc. C o m p a r e d with the contactor
also include ancillary compressor and air storage plant, type, the circuit-breaker interrupter has a relatively
plus the noise accompanying each switch opening, pre­ 'hard' characteristic. This is presently unavoidable, being
cludes the wider application of these units to power an inherent feature of interrupters designed specifi­
station general auxiliary systems. cally for very high currents, i.e., short-circuit currents.
Similar air-blast switchgear was also developed for Briefly, a 'soft' interrupter is one with a negligible
distribution and transmission systems up to highest propensity to 'current chop', and thereby produce over­
E H V levels. However, with the advent of new arc- voltage hkely to damage plant insulation. Conversely,
interruption technology and more environmentally a 'hard' interrupter is one with a tendency towards
acceptable low maintenance switchgear, the air-blast such behaviour. Current chopping is the term used
circuit-breaker has declined rapidly in favour during to describe the sudden reduction to zero, during the
the last decade and now worldwide is being applied process of interruption, of an ahernating current at a
only under special circumstances. This trend can be time other than the instant of a natural zero. Theo­
expected to influence future application of air-blast retically, an interrupter 'breaks' an alternating current
Future trends in d e v e l o p m e n t a n d application

when the dielectric strength across the arc gap at a than air. T h e need to seal the gas system in order
natural zero becomes sufficient t o prevent the recovery to exclude air a n d moisture, together with problem
voltage (across the gap) re-establishing the current flow. experienced with compression a n d storage of recycled
It follows, therefore, that a dielectric strength suffi­ gas, led to the derivation of the 'puffer' interrupter,
cient to bring about interruption of a high value of in which a minimal overpressure is held for insulation
current, e.g., a short-circuh current, wih be more severe purposes a n d where, during the interrupting cycle, a
than necessary to deal with much lower values. Thus local blast of gas is created in the region of the arcing
it is values of current relatively low, by comparison contacts by a direct-driven piston/cylinder unit.
with the maximum capability of the interrupter, which At transmission vohage levels, development con­
are susceptible to chopping, i.e., forced t o zero before tinues into interrupters of increasing breaking capacity,
the instant of a natural zero. the trend towards a simphfication of units for use
Vacuum contactor interrupters in combination with at vohages from 1 kV to 36 kV has also progressed.
H B C fuses to form m o t o r swhching devices, are avail­ T h e puffer principle is presently retained at these
able with rated vohage from 1 kV to 7.2 kV. Such u n h s vohages for short-circuhs of 1 5 - 2 0 kV and above.
have been successfully applied in limited quantity in Designs are also available at low fault levels and are
UK power stations and h is anticipated that their continuing in development by a number of manufac­
usage W Ü 1 increase, particularly where they can demon­ turers worldwide t o higher fault levels, using various
strate a first cost advantage over air-break types. Fig­ forms of self-extinction system, including electromag­
ures 5.69 and 5.70 hlustrate examples of controlgear netic deflection a n d rotating arc techniques. The self-
featuring vacuum interrupters in association with H B C extinguishing interrupter results in designs of switchgear
fuse protection. with minimal requirements in operating energy, whilst
Vacuum circuit-breakers have also been successfully the insulating and heat conductive capabilities of S F 6
applied in UK power stations but awah full recogni­ enable unit sizes to be held to a minimum.
tion as an alternative to the current standard air-break T h e specialised metalclad a n d phase-segregated
units. The trend to wider application of vacuum circuit- generator circuit-breaker is now available with S F 6
breakers can be expected to fohow demonstration of technology for all but the very highest normal cur­
the highest short-circuit breaking and normal current rent a n d fauh ratings. Short-circuit breaking capacity
capachies appropriate for the largest power plant sys­ u p t o 100 k A has already been achieved using self-
tems, i.e., 40 kA and 3150 A respectively. Rated volt­ extinguishing principles and it can be expected that
ages of 3.6 kV and 12 kV will be required and although development whl continues, resulting uhimately in the
a motor switching duty at 11 kV is specified, this wih phasing out of air-blast switchgear for generator switch­
relate to large motors i.e., 1000 k W a n d above. ing duties.
The explohation of the electrical insulation proper­
ties of S F 6 in isolation from its arc interrupting
characteristics occurred in the late 1960s in the UK,
10.6 SFe switchgear
when trial installations of multiple-unh vacuum inter­
Research into the use of S F 6 (sulphur-hexafluoride) rupters immersed in S F 6 gas were m a d e on the 132 kV
gas for electrical insulation purposes can be traced system. Gas insulation, also employed at E H V levels
back to the 1930s but h was not until the 1950s that for current a n d vohage transformers, enables internal
its performance as an insulation medium was noted. dimensions to be minimised. Also, because a small
SF6 is odourless, colourless, non-toxic and non-flam­ overpressure is employed, the enclosure gives full en­
mable. At normal temperature a n d pressure its spe­ vironmental protection. M o r e recently, some European
cific denshy is five times that of air a n d hs thermal manufacturers have introduced H V metalclad swhch-
transfer coefficient 1.6 times that of air. Its dielectric gear with S F 6 gas insulation a n d oil or vacuum inter­
strength at only 3 atmospheres absolute is comparable rupters. Whilst such equipment becomes particularly
to that of electrical insulating oil. attractive because of space saving at voltages in the
Initial application of S F 6 to switchgear was at trans­ range of 24 kV to 72 kV, it is less important at power
mission voltage levels where it was a logical develop­ station auxiliaries system voltages, especially if available
ment of the air-blast principle to employ a gas other only w h h fixed type isolation.

Switchgear and controlgear Chapter 5
: Γ-
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υ ^
'O o

Future trends in d e v e l o p m e n t a n d application

FIG. 5 . 7 0 Example of control gear featuring vacuum interrupters in association with H B C fuse protection — for
3 . 3 kV service, showing the demonstration of the circuit earthing switch (GEC Industrial Controls Ltd)
(see also colour photograph between pp 4 9 6 and 4 9 7 )

Switchgear and controlgear Chapter 5

11 Bibliography BS3938: Specification for current transformers: 1973 (1983)

BS3941: Specification for voltage transformers: 1975 (1982)

11.1 British Standards (BS) BS162: Specification for electric power switchgear and associated
apparatus: 1961
Where an International Electrotechnical Commission (lEC) number is
BS6581: Specification for common requirements for high-voltage
given, the British Standard is identical with the lEC document.
switchgear and controlgear standards: 1985 (IEC694: 1980)
BS4727: Part 1: Glossary of electrotechnical, power, telecommuni­
BS4941: Part 1: Specification for motor starters for voltages up to
cation, electronics, lighting and colour terms: Part 2: Terms parti­
and including 1000 V a.c. and 1200 V d . c : 1979 (IEC292-1: 1969,
cular to power engineering Group 06. Switchgear and controlgear
IEC292-1A: 1971)
terminology (including fuse terminology): 1985
BS142: Electrical protection relays: 1982
BS5311: Parts 1-7: Specification for a.c. circuit-breakers of rated
voltage above 1 kV: 1976 BS158: Specification for the marking and arrangement of switchgear
busbars, main connections and small wiring: 1961 (withdrawn)
BS5227: Specification for a.c. metal-enclosed switchgear and con­
trolgear of rated voltages above 1 kV and up to including 72.5 kV: BS3535: Specification for safety isolating transformers for industrial
1984 and domestic purposes: 1962
BS4752: Part 1: Specification for switchgear and controlgear for BS88: Parts 1 and 2: Specification for cartridge fuses for voltages up
voltages up to and including 1000 V a.c. and 1200 V d.c. Part 1. to and including 1000 V a.c. and 1500 V d.c: 1975 (1982)
Circuit-breakers: 1977 (lEC 157-1975: lEC 157-1 A: 1976)
BS4343: Specification for industrial plugs, socket-outlets and cou­
BS775: Part 2: Specification for contactors: Part 2, a.c. contactors plers for a.c. and d.c. supplies: 1968
for voltages above 1 kV and up to including 12 kV: 1974
BS196: Specification for protected-type non-reversible plugs, socket
BS3659: Specification for air-break circuit-breakers for alternating outlets, cable couplers and appliance-couplers with earthing contacts
current systems above 1 kV and up to and including 11 kV: 1963 for single phase a.c. circuits up to 250 volts: 1961
(withdrawn and replaced by BS5311)

BS5424: Part 1: Specification for controlgear for voltages up to and

including 1000 V a.c. and 1200 V d.c. Part 1, Contactors: 1977 11.2 Electricity supply industry (ESI)
(IEC158-1: 1970, IEC158-1A: 1975)
BS5419: Specification for air-break switches, air-break disconnectors,
air-break switch disconnectors and fuse-combination units for volt­ ESI Standard 3 7 - 1 : 415 V a.c. switchgear, controlgear and fusegear
ages up to and including 1000 V a.c. and 1200 V d . c : 1977 (IEC408: ESI Standard 3 7 - 3 : A.C. metal-enclosed switchgear and controlgear
1972) of rated voltages 3,6 kV and 12 kV: Part 1: Circuit-breaker equipment
BS5486: Part 1: Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies. (air-break): Part 2: Fused switching device equipment of 3.6 kV rated
Part 1, Specification for type-tested and partially type-tested voltage
assemblies (general requirements): 1986 (IEC439-1: 1985) ESI Standard 5 0 - 1 8 : Design and application of ancillary electrical
BS5490: Specification for classification of degrees of protection equipment
provided by enclosures: 1977 (IEC529: 1976)

BS1432: Specification for copper for electrical purposes. Strip with 11.3 Other relevant documents
drawn or rolled edges: 1970
Memorandum on the Electricity Regulations (SHW 928): UK Factories
BS2898: Specification for wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys
Act: 1961
for electrical purposes. Bars, extruded round tube and sections:
1970 DEF 59-100 Part 1: Fuseholders, carriers and bases electrical fuse
(Block and extractor post types)
BS5253: Specification for a.c. disconnectors (isolators) and earthing
switches of rated voltage above 1 kV: 1975 DEF 5 9 - 9 6 Part 1: Fuselinks electrical

BS2692: Part 1: Fuses for voltages exceeding 1000 V a.c. Part 1. Power Circuit Breaker Theory and Design: Edited by C H . Flurscheim:
Specification for current-limiting fuses: 1986 (IEC282-1: 1985) Published by Peter Peregrinus Ltd

C H A P T E R 6


1 Introduction 5.5.6 Plant-mounted devices

2 Cable systems and layout 5.5.7 Application of short-time fireproof cables

2.1 Segregation requirements 6 Cable support systems

2.1.1 Segregation requirements for fossil-fired and hydro 6.1 Introduction
power stations 6.2 Design philosophy
2.1.2 Segregation requirements for nuclear power stations 6.3 Basic system components
2.1.3 General layout requirements 6.4 System design and application
6.5 Seismically qualified cable supports
3 Cable types
3.1 11 kV cables 7 Cable installation practices
3.2 3.3 kV cables 7.1 Introduction
3.3 415 V cables 7.2 The need for cable restraint
3.4 Cables for DC power circuits 7.3 Cable cleating design parameters
3.5 Multicore control cables 7.4 Cleating philosophy for cables installed on steel­
3.6 Multipair control cables work
3.7 Short-time fireproof cables 7.4.1 Straight horizontal runs on ladder racks
3.8 Linear heat detecting cables 7.4.2 Straight vertical runs on cantilever arms
3.9 Developments in cable design 7.4.3 Horizontal runs in a vertical plane
3.10 Thermal ageing 7.5 Installation practices for cables installed other than
3.11 Mechanical performance on support steelwork
3.12 Electrical tests 7.5.1 Direct in ground
7.5.2 Installed in ducts
4 Power cable system design
7.5.3 Routing in concrete troughs
4.1 Introduction 7.6 Cable pulling
4.2 Current rating for continuous operation
4.2,.1 Maximum conductor temperature 8 Cable performance under fire conditions
4.2,.2 Ambient temperature 8.1 Tests on a single cable or wire
4.2,,3 Conductor temperature rise 8.2 Cable installations having reduced fire propagation
4.2,,4 Permissible current ratings 8.3 Oxygen index tests
4.2,,5 Rating factors 8.4 Smoke tests
4.2.,6 Single-core cables in parallel 8.4.1 Test methods
4.3 Fault current and duration 8.4.2 Use of test information
4.3. 1 Short-circuit faults 8.5 Corrosive gas emissions
4.3.,2 Earth faults 8.6 Toxic gas emissions
4.3. 3 Overioad current
4.4 Motor starting 9 Cable accessories
4.4. 1 Motor starting current 9.1 Cable glands
4.4. 2 Motor starting times 9.1.1 Background to gland design
4.5 Cable voltage regulation 9.1.2 Gland construction
4.6 Cable system design 9.1.3 Gland sizing
4.6. 1 Feeder circuits 9.1.4 Installation
4.6. 2 Motor circuits 9.2 Power cable conductor terminations
4.7 Practical examples 9.2.1 Fittings for aluminium conductors
4.7. 1 Feeder circuits 9.2.2 Fittings for copper conductors
4.7. 2 Motor circuits 9.2.3 Formed terminations
9.2.4 Bolting terminations to equipment
Control and instrumentation cable systems
9.3 Conductor terminations for control cables
5.1 Signal levels 9.3.1 Crimped conductor terminations
5.2 Cable types 9.3.2 Wire wrapped terminations
5.3 Cable interference 9.4 11 kV terminations
5.3.1 Interference in multipair cables
5.3.2 Interference in multicore cables 10 Fire barriers
5.3.3 Circuit considerations 10.1 Introduction
5.4 Control and instrumentation cable system design 10.2 Performance requirements
5.5 Cable network system using jumpering 10.2.1 Magnitude and type of fire
5.5.1 Basic principles of cable network 10.2.2 Proximity of the fire to the barrier
5.5.2 Switchgear and interiocking equipment 10.3 Fire test requirements
5.5.3 Design of cable network systems 10.4 Additional performance criteria
5.5.4 Application of cable network systems 10.5 Fire doors
5.5.5 Testing and commissioning of a control network system 10.6 Penetrations

Cabling Chapter 6

11 Earthing systems 13.2.5 Appraisal

11.1 Introduction 13.3 Emergency lighting systems
11.2 Differences in earth potential 13.4 Lighting of special areas
11.2.1 Definitions 13.4.1 Battery rooms and chlorination plant rooms
11.2.2 Acceptance criteria 13.4.2 Hydrogen plant (Division 1 and Division 2 areas)
11.3 Earthing systems design 13.4.3 Central control rooms
11.3.1 Systems having remote neutrals 13.4.4 Hazard warning lights
11.3.2 Faults on internal systems 13.5 Supplementary heating and minor power systems
11.3.3 Lightning protection 13.6 Distribution system
11.3.4 Additional considerations 13.6.1 General
11.4 Earth electrodes 13.6.2 Isolation and switching of individual fittings
11.4.1 Sheet steel piles 13.6.3 AC supplies
11.4.2 Cylindrical steel piles 13.6.4 DC supplies
11.4.3 Earth rods 13.6.5 Cabling
11.4.4 Earth strip 14 Design and management techniques
11.5 Earth network construction and plant bonding
14.1 Introduction
11.5.1 Main earth network
14.2 Planning
11.5.2 Instrument earth network
14.3 Design
11.5.3 Earth bond cable sizes
14.3.1 Layout
11.5.4 Plant bonding arrangements
14.3.2 Cable support systems
11.6 Testing
14.3.3 Information from plant contractors
11.6.1 Earth resistivity measurement
14.3.4 Cable systems and electrical circuit design
11.6.2 Earth electrode resistance measurement
14.4 Installation and contract management information
11.6.3 Commissioning tests
14.4.1 Introduction
11.6.4 Routine tests
14.4.2 The aims and functions of TPI cabling
12 Lightning protection
14.4.3 Designing
12.1 General requirements
12.2 Lightning magnitudes and risks 15 References
12.3 Application of requirements to power stations Appendices
12.4 Protection system design
A Values of resistance and reactance for single-core elastomeric-
12.4.1 Main and gas turbine chimneys
insulated cables (90°C maximum conductor temperature)
12.4.2 Main buildings
Β Values of resistance and reactance for multicore PVC-insulated
12.4.3 Other buildings
12.4.4 Buildings requiring special considerations cables (70°C maximum conductor temperature)
12.4.5 Fuel oil storage tanks C Current ratings for elastomeric-insulated cables
12.4.6 Flammable gas production and storage plant
D Current ratings for PVC-insulated cables
12.5 Assessment of risks of sideflashing and interference
12.6 Inspection, testing and records Ε Rating factors for variations in thermal parameters

13 Lighting, heating and small power systems F Cross-sectional area of armour wire

13.1 Introduction G 415 V motor parameters and selected fuse sizes

13.2 Lighting system design Η Maximum cable route lengths
13.2.1 Objectives
I Main protection for feeder and motor circuits
13.2.2 Specification
13.2.3 General planning J Advantages and disadvantages of various lamps used for lighting
13.2.4 Detailed planning power station interiors

1 Introduction tions. The number of cables installed on a power

station varies with the type of plant, i.e., hydro, coal,
The cabhng system within a power station performs
oil or nuclear. Considering 660 M W units, the quan­
the essential function of connecting mechanical, elec­
trical and control equipment together to form a total tities of cables involved at the time of writing for
working entity. Cabling systems therefore form an recent projects are:
interface between a variety of plant supplied under a Cables Cables for Total
large number of electrical and mechanical contracts, per unit station services
and information has to be drawn from each of these Littlebrook D 6630 6890 26 780
to complete the cable system design. During the power (3 units, oil-fired)
station construction period cabling systems are depend­ Drax Completion 7170 8850 30 360
ent on plant having been installed so that connections (3 units, coal-fired)
can be completed. It can therefore be seen that cabling Heysham 2 16 870 17 570 51 310
is an important item in the organising and planning (2 units, nuclear AGR)

of design functions and site activities.

Furthermore, the number of cables has steadily in­ The average cable route lengths for these projects var­
creased with the size of boiler/turbine units, mainly ies from 51 m on Littlebrook D to 59 m on Heysham
due to the growth of control and instrumentation func­ 2 and 74 m on Drax Completion. This means that

Cable systems and layout

some 3030 km of cable will be installed on the Hey­ The criteria applied to conventional stations is that
sham 2 project. Considering Heysham 2 further, it is the output of not more than one unit should be lost in
worthy of note that approximately 7 0 % of the cables a single cable fire. T o segregate the equipment of one
are associated whh control and instrumentation. unit from another alone is not adequate, since units
The types of cables used in power stations range are normally dependent on c o m m o n station services
from control and instrumentation multipair armoured which must also be secure. It should also be reahsed that
cables having 0.5 mm^ conductors, up to 11 kV power although a fire may be contained to involve only the
cables having a maximum conductor size of 500 m m ^ . equipment of one unit, the smoke and fumes of the
In addition there are requirements for special cables fire may cause further loss of generation due to the
such as hnear heat detectors to sense fires and short- evacuation of operations staff and as a result of dam­
time fireproof cables which are designed to keep their age to light current equipment from corrosive fumes.
integrity for a specified period under fire conditions. In achieving the segregation necessary to prevent
The cable system also includes accessories such as the loss of more than one unit it is also often possible
cable supporting steelwork, cable glands and conductor to achieve a degree of segregation within a unit without
terminations. Power stations tend to have requirements additional cost. This can be usefully applied to dupli­
which differ from normal industrial standards because cated auxiliaries where the loss of one may cause a
of their size, complexhy and the security needs of reduction in output, but not necessarily a unit loss,
such high investment plant. Therefore very often na­ and can improve the security of duphcated services
tional and international standards are not appropriate and hence reduce the risk of plant damage and pro­
and *in house' standards have to be prepared. T o ensure longed outage.
that only approved equipment of the required standard A basic summary of the requirements for segrega­
is instahed in a power station, the C E G B operates a tion is given in Table 6 . 1 . It is important to note the
type approval system. differences between basic requirements and optional
This chapter is designed to give a comprehensive improvements to the security of the system that can
insight into cable system requirements including hard­ be m a d e at no additional cost.
ware, layout, design and installation. It also covers In conventional stations, all barriers provided for
items closely related to cabling such as earthing, light­ segregation requirements should have a minimum of
ing, heating and small power systems. one hour fire rating. Where cables are installed direct
in the ground, a separation distance between segrega­
tion groups of one metre is considered adequate.
2 Cable systems and layout
Basic segregation requirements for conventional plant
2.1 Segregation requirements
Before discussing layout in general, it is necessary Plant Segregation requirement
to understand the segregation and separation require­
Unit — Unit Mandatory
ments for various station types. The station layout,
from the very beginning, has to take into account Station A — Station Β Mandatory
the disposition of ancillary plant and interconnecting Unit — Station None
cables to ensure that segregation requirements can Main plant — Standby plant Yes if no cost penalty
be achieved. Segregation is provided to limit damage
Main plant — Emergency DC or Mandatory
under accident conditions such as fire. guaranteed AC
Segregation is defined as the physical division or Mandatory
Alternative DC tripping supplies
isolation of one group of cables or plant from another
by an enclosure or barrier of a certain specified fire
rating. The barrier may be brick, concrete or special
fireproof partitioning as described in Section 10 of It is a basic requirement that cabling of one unit
this chapter. Separation is defined as the division of be segregated from the cabhng of all other units. This
groups of cables by distance alone. must be achieved on all major cable routes by the
Segregation in fossil-fired and hydro plant is pri­ provision of suitable fireproof enclosures and barriers
marily provided to limit economic loss. However, in to prevent spread of fire from one unit's cabling to
nuclear power stations it is provided for nuclear safety another, and also to contain combustion products. In
as well as economic reasons. the case of turbine halls and c o m m o n boiler houses,
clearly it is not practical to enclose all minor cable
routes to achieve segregation and, because of the limited
2.1.1 Segregation requirements for fossil-fired a m o u n t of cables, there is no need to contain the
and hydro power stations combustion products. Therefore in the case of these
Segregation in fossil-fired and hydro power stations minor cable routes, segregation is achieved by isolating
is provided to hmit economic loss in the event of fire. one from the other by distance.

Cabling Chapter 6

Segregation requirements for station cables and plant plant protection signals) and power cables to minimise
will depend on the system design. When one station the effects of electrical interference. Control cables
transformer is provided for each unit, electrical station should be separated from single-core power cables by
services are provided on a unit basis. In this case, at least 600 m m and from multicore power cables by
cables for these services will be segregated by fire bar­ at least 300 m m . This requirement does not apply to
riers from the station services cables associated with tail ends of routes where power and control cables
other units. If, however, two station transformers are are terminated in the same equipment, providing the
used to provide station services for the whole station, length of run where separation distances are not met
then a different solution is required. In this case, does not exceed 5 m. The basis for these electrical
duplicated plant necessary for the operation of the separation distances is discussed in Section 5 of this
station may be designated 'Station A' and 'Station B', chapter.
and full segregation by fire barrier applied between
the two designations. There is no need to segregate
2.1.2 Segregation requirements for nuclear
station cables from unit cables providing that in any
one incident the total loss is not greater than one unit power Stations
a n d / o r half the station services. Main C W pumps are The segregation requirements for conventional power
normally fed from a station system since these are stations to protect availability of plant are equally
installed hydraulically on a shared station basis. For applicable to nuclear power stations.
CW pumps, cabling should be provided on a sufficient However, in nuclear power stations additional segre­
number of segregated routes such that no more than gation is necessary for the safety of personnel, the
the output of one unit will be lost in a single incident. general public and plant. For these additional segrega­
Where gas turbines are installed, these are normally tion requirements the occurrences considered are minor
on a unit basis and segregation should be provided fire, safe shutdown earthquake (SSE), local flooding
such that the output of only one gas turbine is lost and a major incident within the station, i.e., turbine
in a single incident. Another area where it is considered disintegration, major fire or hot gas release. The safety
essential to provide segregation is where an emergency criterion normally applied is that any one of these
D C or guaranteed A C drive is provided for plant incidents and its consequential effects shall not damage
safety, as for example, the turbine lubricating oil sufficient safety related cables to render the reactor
supply. In these cases, full segregation by fire barrier trip and post-trip functions ineffective to a degree where
should be provided between the main drive and the an unacceptable probabihty of a district hazard would
emergency drive. Where duplicate D C supplies for arise. In practice, this means that:
switchgear tripping are provided, these should be se­
gregated from each other over their entire lengths. This • The reactor must retain its ability to trip.
requirement stems from instances where, under fire
• A specified proportion of the post-trip cooling, mo­
conditions, switchgear tripping supplies have been lost
nitoring and control systems must remain effective.
before main circuits have been tripped. Where segre­
gation is not possible, it is permissible for one of the • Consequential faults must not degrade the effec­
D C supplies to be cabled in short-time fireproof cable tiveness of the reactor trip system or post-trip cooling
of the type described in Section 3.7 of this chapter. systems, e.g., gas circulator run-on.
We can now consider areas where segregation is
not mandatory but which will result in better avail­ The method of applying these criteria will depend on
ability and security and will be employed if it can be the type of reactor involved. However, to illustrate the
incorporated without additional cost. The first area principles, an advanced gas-cooled reactor (AGR) will
to consider is the 11 kV supplies to the unit which are be considered.
derived from the unit transformer, station transformer Firstly we must elaborate on the meaning of segre­
or via interconnectors (see Chapter 1 System design). gation and for this it is convenient to define two
Often segregation can be readily achieved between the segregation classes. Segregation Class I is defined as
interconnectors and the unit/station transformer feeds 'cables, plant or equipment of different groups that
over the majority of their routes up to the cable race must be separated by a barrier or enclosure having a
immediately below the switchgear. Similarly, where minimum of four-hour fire rating and also be crash
auxiliary transformers and feeders are duphcated within proof to the required standard for the safety hazard
a unit, segregation can often be achieved for the ma­ at the barrier/enclosure location'. Segregation Class II
jority of the cable routes without additional cost. Other is defined as 'cables, plant or equipment of different
circumstances where segregation should be apphed if groups that must be separated by a minimum of one-
there is no cost penalty are main and standby plant, hour fire barrier or enclosure'. For cables installed
and also between boiler feed pumps where more than direct-in-ground, cable groups should be separated by
one is provided per unit. at least four metres for Class I and by at least one
Separation should be provided between control metre for Class II. The larger separation distance
cables (containing analogue signals, digital signals or in-ground for Class I is in order to avoid accidental

Cable systems and layout

damage to both groups by mechanical excavations. In the case of more probable incidents, such as
For segregation Classes I and II where cables are laid a small fire, segregation must be employed to ensure
in troughs, the routes for cable groups should be that no more than the X and Y supplies of one
separated by at least six metres to protect against oil q u a d r a n t become unavailable. Another option is
spihage or mechanical damage. that not more than half the total X system or, alter­
The additional segregation in an A G R is associated natively, half the total Y system supplies become
with safety related cables. Safety related cables are unavailable. T o meet this rule. Class II segregation
those which contain cores/pairs which can effect the is required between quadrants or between halves
initiation, operation or termination of: of systems.
In the case of less probable incidents, which are
• Safety related fauh prevention actions (e.g., control those liable to cause most damage such as turbine
rod interlocks). disintegration or a major fire, a different set of
• Reactor trip and shutdown actions. segregation rules must be applied. It is required
that no single incident of this type causes damage
• Post-trip actions. to such an extent that both the X and Y cooling
systems become unavailable to more than two re­
Cables associated with plant protection, indication or actor q u a d r a n t s . Another option for this type of
alarms which in the event of a fire are essential to incident is that not more than all the X system
an operator in the central control r o o m , emergency supphes or, alternatively, aU the Y system supphes
indication centre or local control position are also fail. T h u s , for a major incident. Class I segregation
designated safety related. This includes fire fighting is required between q u a d r a n t pairs A Β and C D and
services and essential station communications. A fur­ their associated trains, or Class I segregation is
ther special function is heating and ventilation services required between complete sections of the X and Y
for contaminated areas. systems.
The segregation of safety related cables is considered In addition, separation shah be provided between
in the foUowing section. However, the following rules the X system and Y system power cables associated
are only written for areas outside the confines of the with the same q u a d r a n t , and between power cables
safety r o o m . Cabling, conduits and trunking within associated with different quadrants routed to and
the confines of the safety r o o m are subject to special within system plant areas segregated on a half sys­
requirements, and these are considered too specialised tem basis. It is not m a n d a t o r y to separate safety
to include in this volume. related power cables from other power cables except
to ensure that the segregation principles have been
Safety related cables excluding reactor safety trip
systems • Control cables The segregation specified for safety
This section deals with the segregation of safety re­ related power cables is also applied to the associated
control cables where these are required in the per­
lated cables with the exception of reactor safety trip
formance of the safety related function. This applies
systems which are a special case. Safety related cables
to post-trip sequence control signals to essential
will be discussed under three broad headings:
• Power cables The Heysham 2 power system ar­ There is n o need to segregate control cables from
rangement for one reactor is described in Chapter 1 associated power cables to the same equipment.
and shown in Fig 6 . 1 . The electrical trains forming However, it is prudent to separate them to reduce
the essential electrical system are broadly associated electromagnetic interference as defined for conven­
with the boiler circulator quadrants (A to D) of the tional plant. There is n o special requirement to
reactor, and provide power supphes for two post-trip separate safety related control cables from other
coohng systems. These two post-trip cooling systems control cables associated with the same train. Typi­
are designated X and F . Essential cooling system X cal post-trip cooling system and safety trip system
is associated with forced gas circulation, e.g., gas cabhng is shown in Fig 6.2.
circulators and forced-feed decay heat boilers. Es­
• Cables for remote control and indications asso­
sential cooling system Y is associated with natural
ciated with safety related plant and equipment In
gas circulation and emergency feed to the main
the central control r o o m (CCR), area segregation
of control and indication cabling between t r a i n s /
Segregation must be employed to limit damage quadrants is provided to Class II. This segregation
to the cables providing supplies to the plant and is provided to limit economic damage and is not
auxiliaries associated with the X and Y cooling sys­ necessary for reactor safety for the following reasons:
tems. Two rules have been formulated to define
the segregation to be employed, depending u p o n (a) While the reactor is at power it is protected
the type of incident to be protected against. against rapidly developing faults by safety cir-

Cabling Chapter 6
¿1 _|ÜC QCQ
uj < < cr
(Λ o - <
LU CD d o
(Λ ¡r Q (Λ X to
m Q
> •
η D Tt ill
< w
ΙΛ CC z o
>'° > • υ ζ
> <
Cable systems and layout
Cabling Chapter 6

cuits and against slowly developing faults by metal armouring or are run in earthed metal
the CCR operator. conduh.

(b) When the reactor is tripped, post-trip cooling (b) Class II segregation between pairs of safety chan­
is automatic. The possibihty of spurious con­ nels of the same trip group.
trol signals from the CCR which could prevent
(c) Class II segregation together with a 2 m separation
effective cooling is inhibited by automatic dis­
distance between safety channels of the same trip
connection at the switchgear/equipment remote
from the C C R .
(d) Safety system cables are separated from single-
Displays associated with public hazard are normal­ core power cables by at least 600 m m and from
ly duphcated with one display in the CCR and multicore power cables by at least 300 m m .
the other in the emergency indication centre (EIC). This requirement does not apply on plant or
Cables associated with these duplicated displays equipments at which the cable ends are termi­
should be segregated from each other to segregation nated, provided that, for any safety system cable,
Class II. the summated total of all the lengths of such cable
As far as the cabling to the E I C is concerned, run in parallel with power cables at less than the
segregation to Class II is provided between each above stated separation distances, does not exceed
unit. For each unit, cables associated with quadrants 5 m.
A and Β are separated from cables associated with
quadrants C and D, (e) Safety system cabling carrying very low signal lev­
els, e.g., neutron flux measurement signals, should
be separated from single-core power cables by at
Cables associated with reactor safety trip systems
least 600 m m and by at least 300 m m from all
Typical post-trip cooling system and safety trip cabling other cables. This requirement is applicable to
is shown in Fig 6.2 and, as can be seen, the reac­ the gland-to-gland route length of the cables.
tor tripping hardware is provided on a multichannel
(guard-line) fail-safe basis. The circuits are normally (f) Separate earthed armoured cables are provided
energised so that if the cabling associated with a for incoming signals to the guard hues and output
particular guard-line is damaged, that guard-line will signals to the shutdown system. Input signal ca­
fail-safe. bles must be separated from output signal cables,
Outputs from a safety group provide the inputs and the routing of these cables is normally subject
to guard-line equipment where they are reviewed on to special approval.
a redundant voting (e.g., 2 out of 4) basis. Outputs
(g) All safety system cables are marked on each core
from all safety groups provide signals to each of four
at each termination with an orange ferrule, in
main guard-line (MGL) equipments which produce
the necessary signals to initiate the reactor trip coohng addition to other identifying symbols.
systems. Outputs from particular safety trip groups (h) Except for cables carrying very low signal levels
(e.g., gas temperature) also provide signals to each as (e) above, reactor safety trip system cables asso­
of four diverse guard-hne (DGL) equipments, which ciated with safety channels are not required to be
produce additional signals to initiate the reactor trip segregated or separated from other control cables.
systems. Ah reactor safety trip system cables, however, are
Outputs from the M G L and D G L equipments also routed along dedicated cable tray modules (which
provide signals to the secondary shutdown initiation are separate to cable tray modules for other con­
(SSI) equipment. The outputs are reviewed on a re­ trol cables) and they must be clearly identified by
dundant voting basis (e.g., 2 out of 4) in each of four orange coloured bands at 1 m intervals. Groups of
channels. If the primary shutdown rods do not insert reactor safety trip system cables may be identified
adequately, the SSI, M G L and D G L equipment pro­ by a common orange coloured b a n d . Conduits
vide signals on a guard-line basis to operate the se­ and trunking are similarly identified.
condary shutdown (SSD) nitrogen injection valves.
The SSI equipment also provides signals to separately (i) All reactor safety trip system cables are:
imtiate the reactor post-trip cooling systems and to
• 2.5 mm^ multicore cables of the type described
remove control rod clutch power supplies at the source.
in Section 3.5 of this chapter, or
Signals associated with reactor safety trip systems are
run in cables separated from all other signals. Cables • 0.5 mm^ (1/0.8 m m dia.) multipair cables of
carrying safety trip systems are subject to the follow­ the type described in Section 3.6 of this chapter,
ing segregation, separation and special requirements: or

(a) Except for special cable requirements such as flux • Special cables for thermocouple or neutron flux
systems, all safety trip system cables have earthed instrument signals.

Cable types

(j) Where a plant contact is being monitored for use level of illumination to be provided economically for
in a safety trip system, the cabhng to the plant terminating work.
contact is designed to prevent the occurrence of As discussed in Section 2.1.1 of this chapter, major
a fail-danger fault due to a short-circuit between cable routes should be enclosed to provide the re­
the go and return cable cores. Cable designs which quired segregation and prevent release of smoke into
use cables having individually screened cores are operational areas should a cable fire occur. Access
acceptable. Separate cables for each go and return and emergency exit points must be provided for these
lead should not be used. enclosed routes. The distance between emergency exits
is normally controlled by local regulations and pre­
(k) The use of marshalling is avoided unless essential.
mises have to be covered by a Fire Certificate which
may be issued either by Fire Officers or the HeaUh
2.1.3 General layout requirements and Safety Executive, depending on the type of pre­
mises. For power stations, the m a x i m u m distance be­
From this section so far, it wih be evident that se­
tween escape points should be 45 m and the provision
gregation requirements for electrical plant and cables
of these must be considered early in the cable system
have a considerable impact on station layout. Segre­
layout. For long enclosed cable routes, it is sensible
gation requirements must therefore be considered early
to provide fire barriers at regular intervals across the
in the station design and one of the best ways of as­
tunnel to restrict damage in the event of fire. If these
sessing problems is by the use of an isometric drawing.
barriers are spaced at the distance required for emer­
Figure 6.3 is an isometric drawing for an A G R station
gency escape points, then the door through the barrier
and, as can be seen, a different colour is used for each
will form an escape point from a fire-affected compart­
segregation class. Scale models can also be used to
ment to a safe area. Major cable routes should be
assess segregation provisions. Such models are also
protected by a fixed waterspray fire protection system
particularly useful later in the design of cable instal­
and therefore the floor areas should be tanked, and
lations to check for fouls with other services, such as
drainage provided.
When considering layout, the importance of the
cable installation p r o g r a m m e must be fully recognised.
Cable accommodation must be made available in 3 Cable types
good time and cable tunnels or basements have ad­ The first part of this section deals with cable construc­
vantages from this point of view since they are at tions that are currently in c o m m o n use in power
the bottom of the building and must, of necessity, be stations. These cable types all contain polyvinyl chlo­
scheduled early in the civil p r o g r a m m e . If cable base­ ride (PVC) and are designed to meet the reduced pro­
ments cannot be economically justified due to civil pagation performance detailed in Section 8.2 of this
engineering considerations then, as an alternative, chapter, but there has been no deliberate attempt to
dedicated overhead cable routes should be provided. reduce smoke, acid or toxic emissions. Such emissions
Dedicated cable routes are considered essential to avoid are deah with using the fire protection requirements
disruption of the cable installation programme due to detailed in the previous section. Recent developments
access being restricted by other contractors. Overhead are producing limited fire hazard cables which have
cable routes are generally very successful in boiler the same reduced propagation performance, but in
houses, but for turbine halls they are more difficult addition have lower noxious gas emissions; a general
because the plant is more compact and its erection overview of these cable types is given at the end of
involves the turbine hall crane. It is difficult therefore the section.
to obtain unrestricted access to install the cables which Before looking at detailed cable constructions it is
leave the overhead route. However, main overhead necessary to consider some of their basic components.
routes d o have the advantage that they can support Firstly we should consider cable conductor material.
other services, but once again care must be taken that Ignoring special applications, the choice is basically
the installation of such services does not restrict access between copper and aluminium. Aluminium conductors
for cable instahation. with a cross-sectional area of less than 16 mm^ have
When designing cable routes it must be recognised proved from experience to be very difficult to termi­
that cables are puUed-off cable drums and it is there­ nate, because of the tendency for aluminium to 'cold
fore essential that provision is m a d e for cable d r u m flow' when put under pressure in, say, a standard screw
access, normally at one end of the route only. type terminal. Copper is therefore used for power cable
Where possible the cable d r u m position should be conductors of cross-sectional area less than 16 mm^
at the highest route point to reduce pulhng tensions. a n d for control cables. For cables having a conductor
A further point to consider is the separation of ma­ size of 16 mm^ and greater, the choice of conductor
jor cable termination facilities, such as those in the material is mainly a question of economics. Aluminium
CCR, from cable routes since this allows better ac­ has a higher electrical resistivity than copper and to
cess to terminations and, in addition, allows a higher achieve comparative voltage d r o p and current rating

Cabling Chapter 6
Cable types

an aluminium conductor has to have in the order of The most c o m m o n method of cross-linking is by
1.6 times the cross-sectional area of a copper conduc­ the addition of an agent such as peroxide to the
tor. However, the specific gravity of aluminium is polymer which can be activated by heat. The cross-
approximately one-third that of copper, so after taking hnking agent is introduced into the polymer prior to
into account the relative resistivities, the weight of it being extruded onto the cable. It must therefore be
an aluminium conductor would be approximately half selected such that it is inactive at the extrusion tem­
that of copper for comparative duties. The relative perature (typically 120-130°C). T o activate the cross-
costs of cables cannot be assessed on the weight of hnking process the polymer is normally raised to a
conductor material and its cost per tonne since a larger temperature of about 200°C. During the curing pro­
aluminium conductor results in additional insulation, cess, gaseous decomposition of the cross-hnking agent
armouring and sheathing materials. Because aluminium occurs and to avoid porosity of the polymer a high
has greater ductility than copper, solid aluminium con­ pressure is maintained a r o u n d the insulated conductor.
ductors can be used in many applications and these The curing process is carried out by passing the in­
are cheaper to produce than stranded conductors, and sulated conductor immediately after extrusion into a
form a more compact cable. When assessing conductor continuous vulcanisation line, in which the required
material it is important to take into account the rela­ heat and pressure for the curing process is provided.
tive cable weights and dimensions which wih affect This vulcanisation line consists of a pipe attached di­
installation and cable support structure costs. The rectly to the extruder head, which is fiUed with high
relative costs of aluminium and copper cable installa­ pressure steam or inert gas. After vulcanisation has
tions have varied over the years, but the considerable been achieved in the heated portion of the pipe, the
price advantage and improved methods of terminating insulated core is cooled by passing through water at
resulted in the use of aluminium cables becoming ambient temperature at the exit end of the pipe.
estabhshed in power stations in the early 1960s. Since A n alternative form of chemically cross-linking ma­
that time, the cost of aluminium has increased steadily terials is to use a shane c o m p o u n d to form the hnks
with the cost of energy, which is a dominant factor between the long molecular chains. This cross-hnking
in its production. Copper, on the other h a n d , whilst method does not require heat or pressure, but is acti­
having fluctuated in cost has not seen a large overall vated by moisture in the presence of a catalyst, this
increase. The cost differential between aluminium and normally being carried out by immersion in water at
copper cables has therefore narrowed, but aluminium a temperature of 8 0 - 9 0 ° C . This curing method is more
cables remain competitive for the majority of power competitive since it avoids the expense of continuous
apphcations whhin power stations, and are not subject vulcanisation hues. Examples of thermosetting ma­
to the price fluctuations associated w h h copper. terials used for insulation are cross-hnked polyethelene
A further general topic is to consider the nature of ( X L P E ) and ethylene propylene rubber ( E P R ) .
polymeric materials that may be used for insulation Cables produced from thermoplastic materials such
and sheathing of cables. In the cable industry, the as P V C are cheaper, size for size, than those made
term polymeric material is a general term used to from thermosetting materials because of the expensive
embrace plastics and rubbers. Rubbers are also fre­ plant and curing time associated with the latter.
quently termed elastomers. Polymeries can be further However, cables manufactured with thermosetting
classified into thermoplastic or thermosetting materials. insulation generally can operate at higher temperatures
Thermoplastic materials are those that can be softened (both continuous and short-circuit). This may result
by heating and hardened by coohng, i.e., they can be in a reduction in conductor size and hence an overall
moulded and remoulded any number of times. The cost saving. For example, PVC-insulated cables are
most frequently used thermoplastics are polyvinyl chlo­ normally assigned a continuous conductor operating
ride (PVC) and polyethylene ( P E ) . Thermosetting ma­ temperature of 70°C and a short-circuit temperature
terials, on the other hand, do not soften to any great of 160°C, compared with 90°C and 250°C respectively
degree below their decomposition temperature and for thermosetting materials such as X L P E and E P R .
therefore are not capable of being remoulded. M a n y Finally, it is worth noting that it is normal practice
thermoplastic materials can be turned into thermo- to separate power and control cables to reduce electro­
sets by 'cross-hnking'. The process of cross-linking magnetic interference and, to enable this separation
or vulcanisation consists of forming chemical bonds to be checked on site, power cables have black sheaths
between the long chain molecules to give a 'ladder' whilst control cable sheaths are coloured grey.
effect which restricts shppage between molecules and
produces good thermal stability. The process of cross-
linking can be achieved by high energy radiation or
3.1 11 kV cables
by chemical methods. Chemical cross-hnking is the
traditional method for the production of cables, but For 11 kV cables, the choice of insulant rests between
radiation cross-hnking is increasing in popularity for paper or polymeric. Paper insulated cables have lead
wires and small cables where insulation thicknesses are or alloy sheaths and in consequence are heavier and
not excessive. more difficuh to install and terminate than plastic

Cabling Chapter 6

insulated cables. More importantly, plastic insulated insulation is of the thermosetting type, i.e., X L P E
cables can be made considerably more fire retardent or E P R , which gives a conductor continuous operating
than paper cables and therefore plastic cables are temperature of 90°C and a short-circuit temperature
selected for power station applications. of 250°C. Thermosetting materials give significant
The design and testing of such cables w h h sohd benefits since the size of 11 kV cables is frequently
extruded insulation is specified in Generation Develop­ dictated by short-circuit requirements, indeed the mini­
ment and Construction Division (GDCD) Standard 17 m u m aluminium conductor size of 300 mm^ normally
which covers single-core cables having cross-sectional prescribed in power stations is derived from this con­
areas of 300 mm^ and 500 mm^. Single-core cables sideration. For comparable duty, a paper insulated
are selected primarily because of the fault levels asso­ cable having a maximum short-circuit temperature of
ciated with power station 11 kV systems. Since circuit- 160°C would require a minimum aluminium conductor
breakers are used for switching, the fault current is size of 400 m m ^ .
not restricted as it might be at lower voltages where The electrical stress in the insulation for these cable
fuses are employed in many instances. For 11 kV, designs is in excess of 2 k V / m m and this necessitates
750 M V A fault rated systems, the RMS symmetrical the use of conductor and core screens for stress con­
value of fault current for phase faults is 39.4 kA, with trol. Figure 6.5 shows the stress distribution in a well
a first peak as high as 121 kA. The electromechanical screened cable where the exponential lines are con­
forces associated with such currents could result in centric and the flux lines are evenly distributed. Figure
three-core cables 'bursting', i.e., the outer coverings 6.6 shows the stress distribution for a cable without
of the cable being torn open by the repulsive forces a conductor screen, and here it can be seen that the
between the conductors. A further item to be consi­ equipotential lines are deformed and become bunched
dered is that it is normal practice to earth the neutral together at the protruding conductor strands, giving
of 11 kV systems via a neutral earthing resistor, which high electrical stress in the insulation at these points.
will restrict the earth fault current per feed to approxi­ Such high stresses may cause a local breakdown in
mately 1 kA. Under these circumstances it is quite the insulation known as a partial discharge, which can
clearly worthwhile taking steps to avoid phase faults, cause erosion of the dielectric and uhimately complete
which can be extremely destructive. The use of single- breakdown of the cable. A similar situation can occur
core cables means that any fauhs that occur within on the outer surface of the insulation and Fig 6.7
the cable must be between conductor and the screen shows the effect of an incomplete core screen. The
(or armour) which is earthed, hence the fault current conductor core screen normally consists of an extruded
will be restricted by the neutral earthing resistor. Fi­ layer of semi-conducting material frequently applied
nally, the resistive heating effect in the conductor under over a semi-conducting support tape, which prevents
short-circuh condhions dictates a minimum conductor the extruded material being l o s t ' between the conduc­
size that would render three-core cables physically large tor strands. The insulation screen may be either an
and heavy for instahation. extruded layer of semi-conducting material or a semi­
The construction of single-core cables with solid conducting varnish applied direct to the insulation
extruded insulation is given in Fig 6.4. The preferred surface, with a semi-conducting tape applied over it






FIG. 6.4 11 kV single-core cable construction

Cable t y p e s






FIG. 6.5 Stress distribution in cable insulation


EQUIPOTENTIAL LINES FIG. 6.7 Stress distribution with section of core

screen missing

of aluminium a r m o u r wires, these being non-ferrous

to avoid eddy current heating, and finally a P V C outer
It is important to ensure outer sheath integrity to
prevent water entering the cable and because the cable
a r m o u r will have standing voltages due to single-point
bonding of the a r m o u r (see Section 11 of this chapter).
A semi-conducting layer is therefore applied to the
outer sheath to allow effective electrical testing be­
tween this and the cable a r m o u r to demonstrate sheath

3.2 3.3 kV cables

3.3 kV systems in modern power stations can have
a fault level of u p to 250 M V A , which gives a phase
FIG. 6.6 Stress distribution in cable without a
conductor screen fault current of 43.7 k A , and neutral earthing resistors
are fitted to restrict earth fault currents to 1 kA per
feed. The situation is therefore similar to that for
as protection against mechanical damage from the 11 kV described in the previous section, and single-core
metallic screen. Where extruded screens are used, these cables are again prescribed for 3.3 kV circuit-breaker
should be 'cold strippable' to ease the process of fed equipment. This type of application frequently
terminating. A hehcally-apphed copper tape screen is consists of short tails of cable from transformer to
provided over the semi-conducting insulation screen switchgear, where full advantage can be taken of the
to carry both leakage and fault currents. The copper higher continuous operating and short-circuit tempera­
tape is designed to carry an earth fault current of tures of thermosetting materials.
1 kA for one second. A P V C inner sheath is provided Such single-core cables are purchased to the general
over the copper tape to provide a bedding for the requirements of l E C 502, the constructional make up
armour wires. This inner sheath also performs the being shown in Fig 6.8. A stranded aluminium con­
important function of a secondary moisture barrier ductor with a minimum cross-sectional area of 400
to prevent water reaching the primary insulation in mm^ is required to meet the short-circuit requirements
the event of the outer sheath being damaged. The detailed above, and this size will normally be adequate
cable construction is completed by applying a layer for ah apphcations. The insulation consists of X L P E

Cabling Chapter 6



FIG. 6.8 3.3 kV single-core cable construction

or hard ethylene propylene rubber ( H E P R ) having a the fault current is 'cut-off, the short-circuit power and
radial thickness of 2 m m . The cable is finished in a electromagnetic forces are reduced allowing three-core
similar manner to that for 11 kV by applying a P V C cables to be used. Under these conditions, thermosetting
inner sheath, aluminium wire armour and P V C outer insulation offers no significant cost advantage over
sheath. Once again, a semi-conducting coating is ap­ thermoplastic insulation.
plied to the outer sheath to facilitate electrical testing. Three-core cables suitable for this application are
In the interests of switchgear economy, circuits such detailed in BS6346 and the constructional arrangement
as motors and smah transformers are fed from fused is shown in Fig 6.9. The conductors are solid shaped
switching devices (FSD) wherever possible. As described aluminium and cross-sectional areas of 150 mm^ and
in Chapter 5, a fused switching device consists of a 240 mm^ are normally adequate for power station ap­
small circuit-breaker capable of interrupting u p to about plications. The minimum cable size of 150 mm^ is
10 kA which is protected from higher fauh currents, related to a fuse size of approximately 400 A which
by fuses. Whilst these fuses are provided primarily to is the maximum fuse rating for a F S D . The 240 mm^
protect the switching device and ensure satisfactory size is considered adequate to handle the largest size
short-circuit fault clearance, they also provide protec­ of load that can be connected to a F S D . The insulation,
tion to the circuit cables attached to them. Because inner and outer sheaths consist of extruded layers of




FIG. 6.9 3.3 kV multicore cable construction

Cable types

Ρ VC. The armour on these cables is aluminium strip return path for earth fauh currents. Whilst the armour
to improve conductivity, since it is used as an earth of the small copper cables is also utihsed for the earth
fauh current return path, as discussed in Section 11.5 fault return path, the smaller fuse sizes associated with
of this chapter. These three-core cables have a maxi­ these circuits allow steel wire a r m o u r to be specified.
mum continuous conductor temperature of 70°C and
a maximum short-circuit conductor temperature of
160°C. 3.4 Cables for DC power circuits
The cables detailed in the previous section for 415 V A C
circuits are also suitable for use on D C circuits. The
3.3 415 V cables largest two-core cable listed in the rationalised cable
Single-core cables are selected for use on equipment range given in Table 6.2 is 70 m m ^ . Where cross-
controlled by circuit-breakers. Once again the insulant sectional areas in excess of this size are required, it is
selected for these single-core cables is X L P E or E P R normal practice to use a four-core cable w h h hs cores
since advantage can be taken of the 90°C continuous paralleled such that two cores are used for each pole.
and 250°C short-circuit temperatures. The construction
and dimensions of these cables are identical to those
for use on 3.3 kV systems. Once again a rationahsed 3.5 Multicore control cables
conductor size of 400 mm^ stranded-aluminium will Multicore control cables suhable for use in power sta­
be found suitable for short-circuit requirements and tions are manufactured to ESI Standard 0 9 - 6 , Section
ah normal fuh-load current applications. 1. These come in a range of sizes from two-core up to
Multicore cables are selected for use on fuse pro­ 37-core and are rated at 600/1000 V. These cables
tected circuits. On 415 V fuse protected circuits, the consist of a 2.5 mm^ (7/0.67 m m dia.) stranded-copper
limiting criterion for cable sizing is frequently volt- conductor with P V C insulation. The required number
drop and therefore no advantage can be taken of the of cores is then laid-up with an overall plastic binder
higher operating temperature of thermosetting insula­ tape, extruded P V C inner sheath, steel wire armour
tions; 600/1000 V thermoplastic insulated cables com­ and P V C outer sheath. The cores are numbered for
plying with BS6346 are therefore specified. identification purposes. The steel wire a r m o u r is pro­
For cable sizes 16 mm^ and above, the conductors vided for mechanical protection and to improve the
are sohd aluminium, these being circular for the 16 reduced fire propagation performance.
mm^ size and shaped for larger sizes. The cables have
extruded P V C insulation, a taped P V C inner sheath,
aluminium strip armour and extruded P V C outer sheath. 3.6 Multipair control cables
For cable sizes of less than 16 m m ^ , circular stranded-
Muhipair control cables are manufactured and tested
copper conductors are used covered with extruded P V C
to the requirements of G D C D Standard 200 in a range
insulation, extruded inner sheath, steel wire a r m o u r
of sizes from two-pair u p to 200 pairs. These cables
and extruded outer sheath. T o ease bulk ordering and
use plain sohd annealed-copper conductors having a
stocking difficulties a rationalised range of cable sizes
cross-sectional area of 0.5 mm^ (1/0.8 m m dia. wire),
is shown in Table 6.2.
which are insulated with an extruded layer of P V C .
Aluminium strip armour has been selected for the
T w o insulated cores are twisted together to form a
larger cable sizes because it is utilised as the main
pair and then pairs are laid-up to form the required
cable size. The two-pair cable does not actually consist
of two pairs, the four cores being all laid-up together
Rationalised range of cable sizes
in what is known as a quad formation. For cables
having greater than 20 pairs, a unit construction is
Conductor Number of Construction
used. This means that the cable contains a number
CSA, mm2 cores of 20-pair units, each 20-pair unit having the same
colour coded core sequence, and a numbered binder
2.5 2, 3 and 4 Cu/PVC/PVC/SWA/PVC tape to enable one unit to be identified from another.
4 2, 3 and 4 Cu/PVC/PVC/SWA/PVC The colour code is in accordance with l E C Standard
6 2, 3 and 4 Cu/PVC/PVC/SWA/PVC 189.2. A n overall screen is applied over the laid-up
pairs and in the case of 5-pair and larger cables this
16 2, 3 and 4 Al/PVC/PVC/ALS/PVC
is formed from a longitudinally-applied aluminium la­
35 2, 3 and 4 Al/PVC/PVC/ALS/PVC
minate. A tinned-copper *drain wire' is provided under
70 2, 3 and 4 Al/PVC/PVC/ALS/PVC and in contact with the aluminium screen, to enable
120 3 and 4 Al/PVC/PVC/ALS/PVC it to be connected to earth. An extruded inner sheath
185 3 and 4 Al/PVC/PVC/ALS/PVC is applied over the screen which strongly adheres to
300 3 and 4 the plastic backing of the aluminium laminate. Cables
containing 20 pairs and greater are armoured using

Cabling Chapter 6

double-galvanised steel tape armour. Steel wire a r m o u r The first category covers 'digital' type detectors and
is used for 2, 5 and 10-pair cables which are too small a general arrangement of one of these is shown in
in diameter for steel tapes to be applied. The cables Fig 6.10. These generally consist of two steel wire con­
are sheathed overall with an extruded layer of P V C . ductors that have been insulated with a suitable ther­
The range of cable sizes includes 2, 5, 10, 20, 40, 60, moplastic material and twisted to form a pair. At the
100 and 200 pairs. These cables are suitable for use
at voltages up to and including 110 V A C or 150 V D C .
The aluminium laminate screen provides a moisture
barrier to prevent ingress of moisture t o the cores as STEEL WIRE

well as being an effective screen against higher frequen­

cies. The steel tape armour provides power frequency

3.7 Short-time fireproof cables

A short-time fireproof (STFP) cable is one that, under
test conditions, will remain serviceable for 20 minutes
when exposed to a flame temperature of 1000°C.
These S T F P cables are available as both multicore
and multipair designs, their construction and testing
being specified in G D C D Standard 195. The muhicore
design has 2.5 mm^ (7/0.67 m m ) stranded-copper con­
ductors laid-up in 2, 3 and 4 core cable constructions.
The multipair design has 0.5 mm^ (1/0.8 m m dia.)
sohd copper conductors laid-up into 2, 5 and 20 pair
constructions. The detailed cable construction is not
standardised as manufacturers hke to use their own
special designs. However, all cables are required to be
steel-wire armoured and sheathed for mechanical ro­
bustness. The electrical performance of these special
cables is required to be equivalent to the standard cables
detailed in Sections 3.4 and 3.5 of this chapter. The
special fire performance of these cables is achieved by FIG. 6.10 Digital-type linear heat detecting cable
appropriate primary insulation. Examples of materials
that can be used are silicone rubber or ethylene propy­
lene rubber in conjunction whh mica tapes or glass set operating temperature the thermoplastic softens,
braid. ahowing the steel conductors to move and short-circuit.
These types of cables are expensive compared with Different operating temperatures can be obtained by
conventional cables and their use has therefore to be small variations in the cable design. The short-circuit
limited. Typical applications are selected trip and pro­ that occurs at the set operating temperature can be
tection functions, audible warnings and communication used to inhiate alarms or fire protection systems.
circuits that it is essential to keep in service under fire The second category covers 'analogue' type detectors
conditions. and a typical arrangement is shown in Fig 6.11. In
this type of detector, the insulation is specially for­
mulated to have a rapid rate-of-change of resistance
3.8 Linear heat detecting cables with temperature. The resistance of the detector is
monitored and any change beyond a set point relating
With the growing concern regarding the considerable
to the required operating temperature is used to trigger
damage that can occur to power station installations
the required alarm or fire protection systems.
under fire conditions, means of rapid fire detection
have been sought. Linear heat sensors in the form of
cables which can detect relatively small increases in
temperature are one solution. These are particularly 3.9 Developments in cable design
effective for fire detection in cable routes when a The current awareness of noxious gas emission from
linear heat detecting cable ( L H D C ) is mounted over cable fires has brought about a rapid development in
each cable tray. cable compounds to replace high halogen content
Linear heat detecting cables are manufactured and materials such as P V C . Cables constructed with these
tested to the requirements of G D C D Standard 187 new compounds are generally known as limited fire
which covers two different types of sensors. hazard' designs. Suitable fire tests to assess reduced

Cable types

with a continuous conductor temperature of 90°C and

a short-circuit temperature of 250°C, smaller conduc­
tor sizes can therefore be used t h a n would be required
if P V C insulation were used for the same duty.
DIELECTRIC MATERIAL For multicore control cables, P V C primary insulation
is generally being replaced by a dual layer of E P R /
E V A . The layer of E P R provides the required electrical
performance whilst the outer layer of E V A gives suf­
ficient fire performance to pass the test on a single
insulated wire, which is detailed in Section 8 of this
For multipair control cables, the P V C insulation
is being replaced by high performance thin-waU in­
sulations such as polyphenol oxide ( N O R Y L — a
STRANDED RAYON General Electric (USA) trade name) and poly ether
ether ketone ( P E E K — an Imperial Chemical Indus­
tries trade n a m e ) . Both these materials are thermo­
plastic but in the case of P E E K , cables insulated with
— INNER WRAP this material are capable of operating at temperatures
in excess of 250°C under defined conditions. However,
at the time of writing, these materials are considerably
m o r e expensive t h a n P V C .
One of the difficulties with these developments
is that the material formulations are new and there
is httle service experience with them compared t o
P V C which has been used for over thirty years. There­
fore it is essential that cables employing such new
materials are adequately evaluated before putting them
DIELECTRIC MATERIAL into service; the remaining parts of this section define
tests that are used for this purpose.


3.10 Thermal ageing

For normal service hfe, one of the significant de­
gradation processes in cables is the ageing of their
FIG. 6.11 Analogue-type linear heat detecting cable
non-metallic materials. It is therefore important to
evaluate cables to ensure that they can operate at the
propagation performance and reduced gas emissions required temperature for their service life. For many
are given in Section 8 of this chapter. non-metalhc materials the degradation process can
The basic construction of cables has remained the be defined by a single temperature-dependent reaction
same but new compounds have been substituted for that follows the Arrhenius equation:
P V C . For cable beddings and sheaths, currently the
most commonly used replacement for P V C is ethy­ Κ = Ae(-Ea/kBT) (6.1)
lene vinyl acetate copolymer (EVA). E V A is available
in both thermoplastic and thermosetting forms. For where Κ reaction rate
thermosets, curing can be achieved by continuous vul­
canisation by steam or pressurised liquid, and also A frequency factor
by immersion in hot water if the silane c o m p o u n d e 2.718
method has been used. These materials are filled with
aluminium hydroxide to give reduced fire propagation Ea energy needed t o activate the degradation
performance. reaction (electron volts)
Whereas P V C has been used in the past for primary kB Boltzmann's constant (8.617 χ I Q - ^ e V / K )
insulation on power cables, this is generally being
Τ = absolute temperature, Κ
changed to ethylene propylene rubber (EPR) or cross-
hnked polythene ( X L P E ) which has hitherto only been
used on single-core power cables. Thermosetting E V A This can be transferred into a form which yields an
is also being used in some cases for power cable in­ acceleration factor, defined as the service life divided
sulation. All insulation materials are suitable for use by ageing time, as foUows:

Cabling Chapter 6

^ g[-Ea/kB(l/Ti)-(l/T2)] (6.2)

where Ti = accelerated ageing temperature, Κ R7.5mm/

T2 = normal service temperature, Κ

i ^ 1
tl = accelerated ageing time at 4mm R10mm/

temperature T i , years
t2 = accelerated ageing time at 17mm 8mm

temperature T 2 , years 50mm

To apply this formul a, the service temperature and FIG. 6.12 Details of dumb-bell samples
required life of the cable must be defined together
with the activation energies of the materials involved.
As far as service temperature is concerned, this should 160°C to ensure the degradation mechanism is still
be the estimated average service temperature over the representative of that occurring at the service tempera­
life of the cables. For example, cables are generally ture. For some high temperature materials it may be
sized against maximum ambient conditions which allow necessary to exceed 160°C to give acceptable testing
for peak summer temperatures and the least effective times, but even then a typical test programme can last
air conditioning. In reality this means that a cable up to 2 years. Samples of materials are removed from
capable of working at a maximum continuous operating the ovens until the time is determined at which the
temperature of, say, 90°C may in fact be operating at material exhibits 5 0 % absolute elongation at break.
an average annual temperature in the order of 75°C. A typical graph of such results is shown in Fig 6.13.
Typical mean service temperature conditions are: F r o m the four test results, a graph of reciprocal tem­
perature against logarithm of time is plotted as shown
• Power cables
75°C mean. in Fig 6.14. The Arrhenius activation energy is deter­
(90°C maximum continuous rating)
mined from the slope E a / k B of this graph using the
• Power cables method of least squares. For polymeric cable materials
(70°C maximum continuous rating) 55°C mean. the activation energies are normally in the range of
0.85 and 1.65 eV.
• Control cables
(multicore and muhipair) 40°C mean. Having estabhshed the cable service conditions and
material activation energies formula. Equation (6.2)
can be used to calculate accelerated ageing times for
It is normal practice to take the service time as the
test purposes. Typical ageing times for various tem­
design life of the power station. This may vary from
peratures and activation energies are shown in Tables
25 years to 40 years, or 50 years for hydro stations. It
6.3 and 6.4.
is considered good practice to ignore reduction in
From this information, the ageing time and tempera­
service life due to maintenance outages or two-shifting
ture appropriate to the essential cable material having
during the later years of conventional plant, as this
the lowest activation energy can be selected. Actual
allows some margin in the predicted life of the cables.
cable samples are then subjected to this ageing regime
Having defined the service conditions it is now
after which they are subjected to electrical and me­
necessary to establish the activation energy of all es­
chanical tests to ensure they are still serviceable.
sential non-metallic materials within the cable. The
term essential is used since, for example, some binder
tapes are included in cables purely for manufacturing
3.11 Mechanical performance
purposes and therefore if they failed mechanically they
would not affect service hfe. The mechanical properties of cables must be such
The activation energy of non-metalhc materials may that they will withstand the rigours of being installed
be determined by carrying out ageing tests on samples along routes which could consist of horizontal and
at a number of temperatures. A typical crherion for vertical ladder racks, through ducts and conduits, or
ageing performance evaluation is to assess the time direct in the ground. After instahation cables must
it takes for the material's 'elongation at break' to withstand the environmental conditions into which they
reduce to occur at 1.5 times its initial length (50% are placed and these could include d a m p or oil con­
absolute). Dumb-bell samples, of the type shown in taminated situations.
Fig 6.12, are therefore used and these are aged in Materials such as P V C and P E have been freely
circulating air ovens. Samples are aged at a number available since the 1950s and therefore the mechanical
of temperatures (say four), these being at least 10°C performance of cables constructed from such materials
apart and with a maximum temperature of (typically) has been evaluated and proved satisfactory from long

Cable types

350 \\


I\ \ \




T, = 160°C T2 = 1 5 0 ° C ox [T^= 130

1500 1800


FIG. 6 . 1 3 Graph of ^elongation at break* plotted against time

TABLE 6 . 3 experience. When introducing new cables into cable

Power cable (service life 40 years at JS^'C) ageing times construction it is important to evaluate their mechani­
at various temperatures cal properties and the performance of P V C can form
a useful benchmark for such tests. Quite clearly the
Activation Ageing temperature Ageing temperature performance of the oversheath is of major importance
energy, eV 150°C 135°C and therefore the majority of testing must be concerned
with evaluating this item.
1.00 40 days 110 days
A typical range of type tests t o evaluate mechanical
1.20 12.5 days 41 days performance includes:
1.40 4 days 15 days
• Abrasion on complete cable.
1.60 1.5 days 6 days
• Sheath cut-through.
• Crush on complete cable.
• Ozone resistance of insulation a n d oversheath.
TABLE 6 . 4
• W a t e r permeation on bedding and oversheath
Control cable (service life 40 years at 40^ C) ageing times
at various temperatures materials.
• Long term water immersion test.
Activation Ageing temperature Ageing temperature
• Mineral oil resistance of oversheath.
energy, eV 135°C 115°C
• Pulling lubricant resistance of oversheath.
0.85 7.5 days 33 days
• Tear resistance of oversheath.
1.00 1 day 11 days
• Retraction of oversheath.
1.20 - 3 days
1.40 — 1 day • H o t set o n insulation, bedding a n d oversheath if

Cabling Chapter 6

test machine operating in its compressive m o d e to

drive a cutting edge (see Fig 6.15) through the over-
sheath of a complete cable sample. The force required
to achieve this is monitored and compared against
the acceptance criteria. The test is carried out at both

/ ambient temperature and the estimated sheath operat­

ing temperature. The crush test is similar to the cut-
through test, but the cutting edge is replaced by two
parallel flat steel blocks 50 m m wide. In this case all
10^. metallic components in the cable are monitored and
the force required to produce an electrical short is
recorded and compared with the acceptance criterion.
This test is intended to simulate a cable being crushed
by, say, being walked on. The sheath penetration test
is designed to simulate a cable being pulled over a
sharp edge such as a hexagonal bolt head. In this test
! ΙΟ**.
a weighted spike is moved along the cable sheath as
shown diagrammatically in Fig 6.16. The acceptance






2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9

(xlO-^) l/T

FIG. 6.14 Arrhenius plot


• Tensile strength and elongation at break on insula­

tion, bedding and oversheath. FIG. 6.15 Cut-through test
• Sheath penetration.
• Hot pressure and hot deformation.

Cut-through, crush, water permeation and tensile strength

tests should be carried out on both aged and non-aged
samples, the remaining tests being carried out on non­
aged samples only.
Many of these tests are covered by British or Inter­
national Standards such as BS2782, BS6469, l E C 229
and l E C 540, and therefore further details are not in­
cluded in this volume. However, the cut-through, crush,
water immersion, oversheath retraction and penetra­
tion tests are less c o m m o n and further details of these
are included.
The cut-through test is designed to measure the TOTAL CLEAR LENGTH
capability of the oversheath to withstand being rested
on a sharp edge such as that which might occur with
a cable tray. This test is performed using a tensile FIG. 6.16 Sheath penetration test

P o w e r cable system design

criterion is based upon a voltage test being applied • Bend tests; ambient and cold.
to the cable sheath a h h o u g h the depth of sheath
• Voltage withstand; insulation and sheath.
penetration is recorded for information purposes.
Because the oversheath has a considerable impact • Power factor measurement.
on the cable fire performance, there is a temptation
to fill the oversheath heavily with fire-retardant fillers. • L o a d cycle (6350/11000 V and above).
This can detract from its mechanical performance • Partial discharge (6350/11000 V and above).
and has been found to make materials more suscep­
tible to moisture. It is therefore important to carry • Impulse test.
out tests to ensure that the oversheath provides ade­
• Thermal ageing followed by voltage withstand,
quate protection against corrosion of the aluminium
impulse and partial discharge as appropriate.
or galvanised steel wire a r m o u r . It is also considered
essential to specify a long term water immersion test.
Such a test consists of immersing cable samples in
water for a period of six months during which the 4 Power cable system design
insulation resistance and capacitance of the sheath are
monitored. At the end of the test period the cable
4.1 Introduction
sheaths are subjected to a voltage withstand test. This
test is particularly important for single-core cables As earlier described, the C E G B has a d o p t e d a
which may be operated with armouring and, where rationalised range of power cable conductor sizes for
applicable, screens bonded to earth at one end of the use at each of the three system voltage levels, i.e.,
route only. Suitable test voltages are considered to be 415 V, 3.3 kV and 11 kV. For each feeder or motor
2000 V A C for single-core cable sheaths and 500 V A C circuit apphcation, a suitable conductor size, i.e., cross-
for the sheaths of all other cable types, the voltages sectional area in m m ^ , has to be selected from the
being apphed for 1 minute. After the voltage tests the applicable range. The conductor size chosen is the
samples are removed from the water and are dissected smallest conductor size which meets, as applicable, cer­
for a visual examination for water ingress or corrosion. tain technical requirements. The process of applying
Another test which experience has shown to be these technical requirements to derive this conductor
valuable is one to assess retraction of the oversheath. size is called power cable system design. The techni­
This is necessary to ensure that cable oversheaths do cal requirements are primarily concerned with ensuring
not pull out of the gland seals after the installation that current and voltage limits are not exceeded. For
due to thermal cychng. This test is therefore only current, these are the current carrying capacity or
necessary for power cables. The test procedure requires rating of a cable for continuous operation and the
that a cable sample 10 m long be glanded at each magnitude, together with duration, of the current dur­
end using mechanical glands of the type described in ing an overload and a fault. The requirements for
Section 9.1 of this chapter. The cable sample is laid voltage involve the voltage regulation in the cable
straight and the position of the sheath entry into both during normal operation a n d , where apphcable, under
glands is marked. The cable is then subjected to 40 m o t o r starting conditions.
load cycles between ambient temperature and its In fundamental terms, the technical requirements
maximum continuous conductor temperature. After are based on the need for a cable to have a reasonable
completion of the load cycles, the movement between service life, the prevention of thermal damage during
the oversheath and the body of the gland, as indicated an overload or a fault, and safe operation as shown
by the reference marks, is measured at both ends. A against each requirement in the following:
suitable acceptance criteria is considered to be that Reasonable service life
• Current rating for contin­
the measured values should not exceed 1 m m .
uous operation (including
current sharing for single-
core cables with more
3.12 Electrical tests than one cable per phase)
Electrical tests can be split into three categories, name­
• Voltage regulation Safe or functional
ly type, routine and site. Details of such tests are
contained in the relevant International, British, ESI
or CEGB standards which are referenced in Sections • Overload current Reasonable service hfe
3.1 to 3.8 of this chapter. Therefore only a summary and thermal damage
of types of tests that may be employed is given below:
• Short-circuit fault Safe operation and
• Dimensions. (phase to phase) thermal damage

• Electrical characteristics, i.e., conductor resistance, • Earth fault Safe operation and
insulation resistance, capacitance, inductance. thermal damage

Cabling Chapter 6

• Sheath vohage Safe operation • F a u h levels.

(single-core cables)
• Protection relay operating times.
• Maximum cable route Safe operation and • Voltage regulation hmits.
length (certain types of thermal damage
415 V circuits) • Cable route lengths.

• Types and details of cable routes.

Section 4.2 deals with the current rating of cables for
• Ambient temperatures for cables laid in air.
continuous operation which, for single-core cables,
includes the sheath armour voltage with single point • Soil conditions for buried cables.
bonding and current sharing with more than one cable
• Installation configurations for single-core cables with
per phase.
more than one cable per phase.
Section 4.3 covers the three types of abnormal con­
dition. These are short-circuit fault, earth fauh and
overload current, and considers their magnitude and In practice, difficulty is usually experienced in obtain­
duration relative to cable size for the prevention of ing ah of this information when cable sizing has to
thermal damage. start and therefore assumptions may have to be made
Section 4.4 is a review of motor starting require­ in order that the task can proceed.
ments and the determination of motor starting currents
and times for different motor sizes.
Section 4.5 deals with the calculation of voltage 4.2 Current rating for continuous operation
regulation, i.e., the percentage voltage drop in a sup­ The maximum or permissible current for continuous
ply system due to the impedance of the cables under (or sustained) A C operation is determined, for a given
both steady state and motor starting conditions. The cable conductor size, by the design of the cable and
appropriate cable sizes are determined for the vohage the conditions under which it is installed.
regulation hmits within which the electrical plant and The principal factors concerned may be summarised
equipment is specified to operate. as:
Section 4.6 examines the overall process of power
cable system design as applied to feeder and motor Design of cable
circuits. This describes how the various technical
• Conductor material.
requirements are applied at each system voltage level
and includes additional requirements specific to certain • Maximum conductor temperature for insulation.
types of 415 V circuit.
• Operating voltage.
In the final part, the step-by-step procedure followed
in selecting a cable size is demonstrated in a number • Number of load-carrying conductors.
of worked examples.
• Cable overall construction.
In practice, the determination of each cable size by
calculation is a repetitive and time consuming process.
Conditions under which installed
Consequently, tables have been developed for this pur­
pose which enable the correct size to be quickly deter­ • Ambient temperature.
mined. In the case of continuous current ratings, these
• Type of cable route.
allow adjustments to be made for variations in the
installation conditions. Some tables, but not all as they • Method of instaUation.
are too numerous, are included in the appendices to
• Method of armour bonding.
this chapter.
It is necessary to have available certain design infor­
mation before the task of power cable system design The way each of these factors is taken into account
can commence. This, in turn, cahs for the design of can best be described by showing how the permissible
the power station electrical auxiliary system and plant current rating of a cable is calculated for the three
lay o u t / m a j o r cable routes to be reasonably well ad­ types of cable route normally employed, i.e., cables
vanced. To gain an initial appreciation of what this laid in air, buried direct in the ground or laid in ducts.
means, the extent of the design information needed is As will be seen, this process is solely concerned with
as follows: ensuring that the temperature of the insulation does
not exceed a maximum limit. Each of the above factors
• Types of fauh current breaking device and current is involved with either the determination of the total
rating. heat produced within the cable, or affects the way this
heat is lost to the surroundings. The current which
• Design load currents for feeder circuits.
balances these two during continuous operation at the
• Motor sizes and starting time for large motors. maximum temperature limit is the permissible current

P o w e r cable system design

rating of the cable. The following describes in more The time taken to reach peak temperature is much
detail how this current rating is derived. shorter for cables laid in air than buried direct in the
ground. Typically, for a large size cable, this is 2 - 4
hours when laid in air and in excess of 24 hours when
4.2.1 Maximum conductor temperature
buried direct in the ground.
Heat is produced in a cable as the result of electrical In Fig 6.18, the equilibrium temperature is just
losses due to the flow of current in the metalhc com­ below the cable upper temperature limh, termed the
ponents, i.e., conductors, screens and a r m o u r s , and the m a x i m u m conductor temperature, for continuous op­
presence of voltage, i.e., dielectric losses in the insu­ eration. The value of this limit is normally determined
lation. The hottest part of the cable is the conductor by the choice of insulation and is derived from con­
and heat flows outwards to the cable surface to be sideration of the electrical and mechanical properties
dissipated to the surrounding medium by conduction, of the insulation at the maximum conductor tempera­
convection and radiation as shown in Fig 6.17. ture. In particular, these properties must be retained
If the cable current is steady, the cable temperature w h h o u t significant deterioration for a reasonable serv­
rises above ambient until thermal equilibrium is reached ice hfe. Softening, leading to thinning of the insulation,
when the rate at which heat is produced is equal to during a thermal overload can also be a limiting factor
the rate at which h is lost to the surroundings, as with thermoplastic materials. By international agree­
shown for the conductor temperature in Fig 6.18. ment, standard m a x i m u m conductor temperatures have











FIG. 6.17 Heat flow in cable

been assigned to all commonly-used insulation types

and grades. Examples of these are shown in Table

Maximum conductor temperature

Maximum conductor
temperature, °C

CABLE ENERGISED Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) 70

Butyl rubber 85
Ethylene propylene rubber (EPR) 90
Cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) 90
FIG. 6.18 Conductor temperature rise

Cabling Chapter 6

4.2.2 Ambient temperature and maximum conductor temperature. Account is taken

of the heat input from each electrical loss, relative to
The conductor equihbrium temperature is equal to the
sum of the ambient temperature plus the temperature its position within the cable, and the heat flow through
rise. It therefore fohows that before the temperature each non-metalhc component to the surrounding me­
rise (i.e., current rating) can be determined, the am­ dium. This treatment is described in IEC287 [1] and
bient temperature must be known. for A C operation is obtained from the fohowing
The ambient temperature depends on the cable en­ formula:
vironment, which for cables laid in air is the surround­
ing air temperature and for cables buried direct in ΔΘ = ( P R + \ Wd)Ti + [I2R(1 + λι) + W d ] n T 2
the ground is the soil temperature. O u t d o o r s , the air
temperature varies with geographical location, season, 4-[I2R(1 + λ ι + X 2 ) + Wd]n(T3 + T 4 )
time of day, etc., which in turn influences the sou
temperature. Inside a power station, the air temperature where Δ θ = conductor temperature rise above the
is closely controlled in certain rooms, but elsewhere ambient temperature, Κ
varies with location from being approximately external
I = current flowing in one conductor, A
air temperature in unheated areas to 50°C in parts
of a boiler house or nuclear reactor building. R = alternating current resistance per unit
In deciding the value to be adopted, it is not the length of the conductor at maximum
mean but the highest ambient temperatures that need operating temperature, Ω/m
to be considered if the maximum conductor tempera­
Wd = dielectric loss per unit length for the
ture is not to be exceeded. On this basis, values are
insulation surrounding the conductor,
selected for each cable environment. For outdoor en­
vironments, recommended temperatures are available
and these are normally utihsed. Typical values for cable Tl = thermal resistance per unit length be­
ambient temperatures are shown in Table 6.6. tween one conductor and the sheath,

T2 = thermal resistance per unit length of the

bedding between sheath and a r m o u r ,
Cable ambient temperatures

Environment Ambient temperature, T3 = thermal resistance per unit length of the

°C external serving of the cable, K . m / W

Buried in ground 15 T4 = thermal resistance per unit length be­

tween the cable surface and the sur­
Laid in ducts 15
rounding medium, K . m / W
Outside in air 25
η = number of load-carrying conductors in
Inside in air 25-50
the cable (conductors of equal size and
carrying the same load)
λι = ratio of losses in the metal sheath to
If for a cable laid in air the ambient temperature
total losses in ah conductors in that
varies over different portions of the cable route, then
clearly the highest ambient temperature involved must
be used for cable sizing. With the large number of λ2 = ratio of losses in the armouring to total
cables required for a power station, many of which losses in all conductors in that cable
wih have parts of their route length at different am­
bient temperatures, the process of determining the Note: The expression is written in general terms.
correct ambient temperature for each cable becomes When apphed to polymeric insulated cables, sheath
impractical. Therefore a high ambient temperature is becomes metallic screen (for 11 kV cables in power
adopted which covers ah the cables within the power stations) and external serving becomes oversheath.
station, except for a few cables in extreme ambient The current rating for a four-core low voltage cable
temperature areas such as close to a boiler. These latter may be taken t o be equal t o the current rating of a
cables are easily dealt with separately. three-core cable for the same voltage rating, conductor
size and construction when used in a three-phase system
with the fourth conductor as neutral.
4.2.3 Conductor temperature rise
The dielectric losses (Wd) may be neglected for ca­
The steady state conductor temperature rise may be bles where the voltage between conductors and earth
calculated mathematically, enabling the permissible cur­ is less than 15 kV for E P R , 37 kV for X L P E and
rent rating to be determined for a known ambient 6 kV for P V C , which is the case for the cables used

P o w e r cable system design

in power stations. Simplifying and re-arranging to currents. Circulating currents occur w h h solid bonded
obtain permissible current rating gives: cables, i.e., a r m o u r bonded to earth at both ends, the
flow a r o u n d the a r m o u r / e a r t h return loop being in-
ΔΘ duced by the transformer action between the conductor
I = and the s c r e e n / a r m o u r (the screen is bonded to the
RTi + nR(l + λι)Τ2 + nR(l + λ ι + XiKTs + T4) a r m o u r at both ends). Eddy currents are the resuh of
dissymmetry in the magnetic field caused by manufac-
It is appropriate only to describe briefly the method turing hmitations and the installation arrangement. The
of calculating each equation component. For further use of non-ferrous metals, i.e., aluminium instead of
information reference should be made to l E C 287. steel wire a r m o u r , reduces these losses.
Circulating currents in the a r m o u r of single-core
cables can be equal to an appreciable proportion of
Conductor resistance (R)
the conductor current, the m a g n h u d e being dependent
Conductor resistance for A C operation includes an on the load current and the method of instahation.
allowance for current distortion due to skin and proxi­ These circulating currents reduce the rating of these
mity effects. Skin effect is the difference in current cables. For example, w h h 11 kV single-core cables in-
density between the centre of the conductor and the stalled in air in flat formation, as described in Section
conductor surface due to the conductor A C magnetic 4.2.5 of this chapter, the reduction caused by circu-
field. Proximity effect is the difference in current den­ lating currents is approximately 1 1 % for a 300 mm^
sity due to the interaction of adjacent conductor(s) and 17% for a 500 mm^ size cable. This reduction may
and screen/armour A C magnetic fields. be avoided by single-point bonding, i.e., bonding the
The A C resistance at maximum operating tempera­ a r m o u r to earth at one end only, which prevents current
ture is given by: circulating. This, however, induces a standing voltage
in the cable a r m o u r which is at a maximum at the
R = R- (1 + y s + y p ) unearthed end of the cable a r m o u r .
With multicore cables, two-core phase and neutral,
where R = A C resistance of conductor at maximum and three and four core cables carrying a three-phase
operating temperature, Ω/m current, the losses are small and have little affect on
rating and are normally only taken into account for
R' = D C resistance of conductor at maximum steel wire armoured cables. Multicore cables may there-
operating temperature, Ω/m fore he bonded to earth at both ends without any
ys = the skin effect factor penalty to their rating.

yp = the proximity effect factor

Thermal resistances of cable components (Tj T2 and
Both the skin and proximity effect factors are small
for conductor sizes below about 150 m m ^ . T o calculate the thermal resistance of the insulation
The D C resistance at maximum operating tempera­ ( T l ) , bedding ( T 2 ) and oversheath ( T 3 ) the thermal
ture is given by: resistivity of each component must be known. Thermal
resistivity is defined as the difference in temperature
R- = Ro [1 + « 2 0 (Θ - 20)] (in kelvin), between opposite faces of a metre cube
of material caused by the transference of one watt of
heat. In other words, the lower the value of thermal
where Ro = D C resistance of the conductor at 20°C,
resistivity the better the material is at transferring heat.
The thermal resistivity values for a number of ma-
0^20 = constant mass temperature coefficient terials are given in l E C 287, the most commonly used
at 20°C per kelvin (copper = 0.00393, are shown in Table 6.7.
aluminium = 0.00403) Using an 11 kV single-core cable as an example,
θ = maximum operating temperature, ° C the thermal resistance ( T i ) between conductor and
(determined by the type of insulation) metallic screen is given by:

Tl = ( ρ τ / 2 7 Γ ) X log„ (1 + 2ti/de)
Appendices A and Β list values of A C and D C re­
sistance for single-core and multicore power station
cables respectively. where = thermal resistivity of insulation,

Metallic screen and armour loss ratios (\¡ and \2) dc = diameter of conductor, m m
Cable metallic screen and a r m o u r losses are produced tl = thickness of insulation between conduc­
by circulating currents and to a much less extent eddy tor and metallic screen, m m

Cabling Chapter 6

TABLE 6.7 The thermal resistance T 4 is given by:

Values of thermal resistivity for cable materials
T4 =
Material Thermal resistivity, K.m/W
PVC up to 3 kV 5.0
above 3 kV 6.0 h = + Ε
EPR up to 3 kV 3.5 (De)^
above 3 kV 5.0
XLPE 3.5 where D g = external diameter of cable, m
Butyl rubber 5.0
h heat dissipation coefficient,
Sheathing W / m 2 (Κ)ΐ·25
PVC up to 35 kV 5.0
AOs = excess of cable surface temperature
above ambient temperature, Κ

Semi-conducting layers are considered part of the insu­ The heat dissipation factor constants Z , Ε and g for
lation. The thermal resistance ( T 2 ) between metalhc one, t w o or three cables either installed spaced or
screen and armour is given by: touching, supported away from or cleated direct to a
vertical wall, are detailed in l E C 287.
T2 = ( ρ τ / 2 7 Γ ) X logn (1 + 2t2/Ds) Cables installed outdoors in air are normally shielded
from the sun, but if directly exposed, separate calcula­
where qj = thermal resistivity of bedding, K . m / W tions must be performed which take account of the
heating due t o solar radiation.
t2 = thickness of bedding, m m
Ds = external diameter of metallic screen, m m
Cables buried direct in the ground T h e thermal re­
sistance for a single isolated buried cable is given by:
The thermal resistance (T3) of the oversheath is given
T4 = ( ρ τ / 2 7 Γ ) X logn [U + V(u2 - 1)]
T3 = ( ρ τ / 2 7 Γ ) X logn (1 + 2t3/D,)
where = the thermal resistivity of the soil,
where qj = thermal resistivity of oversheath, K . m / W K.m/W
ts = thickness of oversheath, m m u = 2L/De

D á = external diameter of the a r m o u r , m m L = distance from the surface of the

ground to the cable axis, m m
T o calculate the thermal resistance of the insulation D e = external diameter of cable, m m
for multicore cables reference should be made to l E C
The thermal resistivity of the soil depends on the
backfih material, degree of compaction, make-up of
External thermal resistance (T4) the original ground a n d moisture content. Thorough
Cables laid in free air (protected from solar radiation) compaction of the backfill material is essential to o b ­
Heat dissipation from an isolated cable laid in free tain a satisfactory resistivity. Of the remaining factors,
air is mainly by convection, but a proportion will be the most important is moisture content which varies
emitted by radiation t o be absorbed by the enveloping the soil thermal resistivity t o such an extent that, for
surface or transmitted by conduction to the cable most purposes, the effect of soil type can be ignored.
support system. In this respect, cables with larger dia­ This variation is shown in Table 6.8.
meters dissipate heat better than smaller cables because At depths of 0.8 m a n d less, the soil moisture
of the increased surface area. T h e close proximity of content is dependent on the prevailing weather which
other cables or a vertical wall reduces heat dissipation. varies with geographical location, time of year, etc. Soil
For example, with three single-core cables the heat thermal resistivity is difficult t o measure a n d for most
dissipation and hence current rating is lowest when they applications it is convenient to use a standard value
are installed in trefoil. The heat dissipation and current representative of the all year r o u n d maximum soil
rating is improved when the cables are placed in a flat thermal resistivity. This condition in average soil (i.e.,
spaced vertical formation a n d the highest rating is clay or loam) is when the soil is d a m p b u t not quite
achieved with a flat spaced horizontal formation. moist, corresponding to a value of 1.2 K . m / W .

P o w e r cable system design

TABLE 6.8 has already been done and the values are readily avail-
Variation of thermal resistivity with soil moisture content able from a number of sources, notably E R A Tech-
nology. The same applies for cables manufactured to
Thermal C E G B Standards except that the values are not as
resistivity, Soil condition Weather condition widely available. The C E G B has its own computer
K.m/W program for this purpose which is used for instances
where published data is not available. The source of
0.7 Very moist Continuously moist
the current ratings for power station cables are as
1.0 Moist Regular rainfall
2.0 Dry Seldom rains
• 11 kV single core — C E G B calculated (90°C
3.0 Very dry Little or no rain
power cables ( G D C D maximum conductor
17 [2]) temperature).

In selecting this value it is assumed that drying out • 415 V and 3.3 kV — C E G B calculated (90°C
of the soil does not occur when the cable is carrying single-core cables maximum conductor
fuU-load current. This may not be the case in well temperature).
drained or loosely compacted soil, etc., for example,
• 415 V and 3.3 kV — E R A Report 69 - 30 Part
sand or made-up ground, and in these circumstances
multicore cables III [4] (70°C maximum
a higher value must be used.
(BS6346 [3]) conductor temperature).

Cables laid in ducts In this instance the external

The current ratings for these cables are tabulated in
thermal resistance consists of three parts, namely:
Appendices C and D of this chapter for the three types
• The thermal resistance of the air space between the of cable route described. As it is impractical to tabu-
cable surface and the duct internal surface T 4 . late these for every possible variation under which the
cables may be instahed, these are presented for the
• The thermal resistance of the duct T 4 . set of standard installation conditions defined in the
• The external thermal resistance of the duct T4". next section. Rating factors are then given to enable
the current rating to be corrected for any variation
from these conditions. For convenience, the A C current
Equations are available in l E C 287 for the calculation
ratings for two-core cables are also applied for D C
of each thermal resistance. The value of T 4 is given
by the sum of the individual thermal resistances, i.e.,
If a circuit involves more than one type of cable
route, e.g., a portion is laid in air and a portion buried
T4 = T; + T¡ + T¡' direct in the ground, then the lowest of the current
rating values (after apphcation of any rating factors)
Values of thermal resistivity for the two duct materials must be used for the current rating of the cable. This
used (taken from l E C 287) are given in Table 6.9. is an important point when designing an external cable
route as the decision on which type of cable route to
use can make a difference to the size and hence cost
TABLE 6.9 of the cables required. For example, it can be seen
Values of thermal resistivity for from examination of the tables in Appendix D that
duct installation
for the larger sizes of muhicore power cable the cur-
rent rating is significantly reduced if laid in ducts,
Thermal resistivity,
whereas if buried direct in the ground the current rat-
ings are higher than in air for all except the largest
Concrete * 1.0 cable size. With single-core power cables the reduction
Earthenware 1.2 is of the same order, whether the cables are laid in
ducts or buried direct in the ground.
Typical, as value varies with mix. Short lengths of duct (normally less than half a
metre) are ignored for cable sizing purposes. The
longitudinal conduction of heat by the cable metallic
4.2.4 Permissible current ratings components is considered sufficient to maintain a
uniform temperature rise.
Tabulated ratings
Standard installation condition
In practice, there is no need to perform the calcula-
tions described to determine the current ratings for The standard installation conditions for the tabulated
cables manufactured to British Standards. This work current ratings are:

Cabling Chapter 6

(a) Method of armour bonding: • Depth of duct (measured from the ground surface
to the centre of the cable).
• Single-core power cables — single end bonded to
earth. single-core power cables — 0.8 m.
3.3 kV multicore power cables — 0.8 m .
• Multicore power cables — solid bonded for all
circuits except final 415 V multicore power cables — 0.5 m.
415 V feeder circuits • G r o u n d temperature — 15°C.
which are single-end
• Duct thermal resistivity — 1.2 K . m / W .
bonded to earth (see
Section 4.6.1 of this • Method of instahation
chapter). for single-core power — three ducts in flat
(b) Cables laid in air: cables formation.
for multicore power — single duct.
• Supporting structure — horizontal and ver­
cables 35 mm^ and
tical ladder rack and
tray spaced from
walls by at least one for multicore power — r a n d o m mix
third of cable dia­ cables 16 mm^ and touching,
meter. less

• Ambient temperature — 25 ° C . 4.2.5 Rating factors

• Method of instaUation With condhions other than the standard installation

conditions described, it is necessary to adjust the tabu­
for single core power — single-layer flat spaced
lated current rating to correct for the difference. This
cables at 80 m m centres
may be for a variation in the thermal parameters of
for multicore power — single-layer flat spaced the surrounding medium, i.e., ambient temperature,
cables 35 mm^ and 25 m m apart, depth of burial or soil thermal resistivity, or because
above the cable is grouped with others.
The correction is performed by multiplying the ta­
for multicore power — r a n d o m mix double-
bulated current rating by a rating factor. The rating
cables 16 mm^ and layer touching,
less factor to be applied is obtained from tables produced
for this purpose which cover the normal variations
(c) Cables buried direct in the ground: in installation conditions.
Where there is more than one variation to the stand­
• Depth of laying (measured from the ground surface
ard instahation conditions then the rating factor for
to the centre of the cable)
each must be multiplied together to obtain the over-
single-core power cables — 0.8 m. ah factor. Care is however required to ensure that
3.3 kV multicore cables — 0.8 m. only the relevant factors are applied to each section.
415 V multicore cables — 0.5 m. For instance, if a portion of a cable route is in air
and a portion buried in the ground, the rating factor
• Ground temperature — 15°C. for a different ambient air temperature is only applied
• Soil thermal resistivity — 1.2 K . m / W . to the laid in air current rating and that for a dif­
ferent depth of laying is only applied to the buried in
• Method of installation the ground current rating, and not, as sometimes mis­
for single-core power — single-layer flat spaced takenly happens, both apphed throughout.
cables one cable diameter
apart. Rating factors for variations in thermal parameters

for multicore power — single-layer flat spaced Tabulated rating factors are available for the fohow-
cables 35 mm^ and one cable diameter ing variations in the thermal parameters of the
above apart. surroundings:

for multicore power — random mix double- • Variation in ambient temperature (90°C and 70°C
cables 16 mm^ and layer touching, maximum conductor temperature).
less • Variation in ground temperature (90°C and 70°C
(d) Cables laid in ducts: maximum conductor temperature) for cables laid
direct in the ground.
• Type of duct
• Variation in ground temperature (90°C and 70°C
internal diameter — 100 m m . maximum conductor temperature) for cables laid in
material — earthenware. ducts.

P o w e r cable system design

• Variation in depth of laying cables direct in the


• Variation in soil thermal resistivity for cables laid

direct in the ground.

• Variation in soil thermal resistivity for cables laid

in ducts. 3 x415V
• Variation in depth of laying ducts. IN AIR

These rating factors are given in Appendix Ε of this


Group rating factors

1.5 2.0

It has earher been mentioned that the current rating AXIAL SPACING ( X De)
for an isolated multicore cable or set of three single-
core cables needs to be reduced if installed in close FIG. 6.20 Rating factors for three spaced cables
proximity to neighbouring cables. This is due to mutual
heating and applies irrespective of the type of cable
such an arrangement. As is shown in the following,
route. For cables laid in air the effect of being close to
the method of cable installation adopted derives bene­
a wall also has to be included. A reduction is avoided
fit from avoiding any reduction due to group rating
if cables are installed above certain minimum spacings
while at the same time efficiently utihses cable support
which, typically for cables laid in air, are shown in steelwork space.
Fig 6.19.
Unless the current rating is calculated for the method
415 V, 3.3 kV and 11 kV single-core power cables
of instahation concerned, it fohows that group rating
must be apphed to the isolated current ratings for The method of instahation is flat spaced in a single-
multicore cables or groups of three single-core cables layer at 80 m m centres as shown in Fig 6.21. Ratings
when spaced apart by less than the minimum distance are calculated using this spacing.
necessary to achieve the isolated condition. This in­
cludes single-layer and multi-layer touching cables. The
typical rating factors for three spaced cables taken
from E R A 6 9 - 3 0 P a r t III are shown in Fig 6.20.
Since the vast majority of power station cables are
laid in air it is highly desirable that adequate space is
provided between these cables to allow the isolated
current rating to be used. However this need has to be
balanced against the cost of providing the additional
* 0
room and cable supporting steelwork to accommodate

FIG. 6.21 Method of installing single-core cables

S>1.5 De

415 V and 3.3 kV multicore power cables (35 mm^

and above) are installed flat in a single-layer spaced
apart by 25 m m as shown in Fig 6.22.



FIG. 6.22 Method of installing multicore power cables

FIG. 6.19 Minimum cable spacings (35 mm^ and above)

Cabling Chapter 6

Where the two cables are of a different size, spac- complex with heat also travelling outwards across ad­
ings are based on the larger of the two cable diameters jacent cables and air pockets to reach the exterior
to err on the safe side. On the same basis, if each surface of the cable group.
cable size considered from the range of muhicore cables T o determine the group rating factor, it is assumed
is the cable with the highest number of cores, i.e., has that there is uniform heat generation throughout the
the largest cable diameter, then all cables of this size cross-section of the cable group, from which it follows
with fewer cores are covered by this cable. Table 6.10 that the acceptable power loss from each cable is pro­
shows the axial spacings between these cables, using portional to its cross-sectional area. Since the heat
the cable design maximum overall diameters and the generation is uniform this also means that a cable can
group rating factor. The lowest value of group rating be located at any position within the group. O n this
factor is 0.98 for the 3.3 kV 3 - c o r e 240 mm^ and 415 basis, the group rating factor may be calculated if
V 4 - c o r e 300 mm^ cables. Besides being almost negh- the heat dissipation coefficient and thermal resistivity
gible, if the argument on loading ratio made in the of the group is known, i.e., the cable group is treated
next section is apphed, it is apparent that there is no as behaving hke a single cable. These parameters have
need to apply group rating factors to these cables. been determined experimentally by the C E G B for a

TABLE 6.10
Approximate axial space between multicore power cable centres and group rating factor

Approx. axial
Maximum overall Group rating
Cable voltage/size spacing between
diameter Dg, mm factor
cable centres

3.3 kV 3-core 150 mm^ 47.9 1.5 De 0.99

3-core 240 mm^ 55.7 1.4 De 0.98

415 V 4-core 35 mm^ 26.2 2.0 De 1.0

4-core 70 mm^ 34.0 1.7 De 1.0
4-core 120 mm^ 42.7 1.6 De 0.99
4-core 185 mm^ 52.1 1.5 De 0.99
4-core 300 mm^ 64.0 1.4 De 0.98

415 V multicore power cables (16 mm^ and less) are double-layer group of cables, thus enabling the group
random laid double-layer touching as shown in Fig rating factor for each cable size to be found.
6.23. At this point it is necessary to introduce the term
loading ratio which is defined as the ratio of normal
full-load current to permissible current rating after
DOUBLE LAYER applying any rating factor for variations in the ther­
mal parameters. If a group rating factor is now applied
to the permissible current rating, h follows that:

LR = I F L / I p and GR = IQ/IF

where L R loading ratio

IFL full load current
FIG. 6.23 Method of installing multicore power cables In permissible cable current after apply­
(16 mm^ and less) ing any rating factors for variations in
thermal parameters
GR group rating factor
Cables are rarely laid straight and parallel and
may be laid loose enough to allow some air to pass IG permissible current rating after apply­
through, but this cannot be used as a basis for calcu­ ing a group rating factor
lating current ratings and the worst case must be as­
sumed which is when the cables are tightly packed. F r o m the two equations it can be seen that provided
In this situation, air flow between the cables is prac­ L R ^ G R there is no need to take account of the
tically non-existent and heat dissipation is now more cable group rating factor.

P o w e r cable system design

The C E G B has also carefully examined the range T o obtain optimum current-sharing, each cable of
of loading ratios for cables sizes 16 mm^ and less any phase must 'see' the same magnetic field as the
for feeder and motor circuits. As seen in the practical others in that phase and this is achieved by using a
examples later, these cables are mainly sized to meet symmetrical arrangement such as that shown in Fig
voltage regulation requirements and as a result are 6.25.
often larger than required for continuous full-load
current operation. By comparing the loading ratio with
the group rating factor, it was found in all cases ex­ SYMMETRY WITH 2 CABLES PER PHASE

amined that the former was less for motor circuits and
also for most feeder circuits. Since cables are installed
in what in all probability will be a mixture of circuit
types, and not all wiU be in service at the same time,
a judgement has been m a d e that there is no need to
apply group rating factors to these cables. This policy
has been followed for some years and service experience
to date has supported this decision.

Cables buried direct or in ducts

The same considerations as those just discussed can FIG. 6.25 Cable installation with two and four cables
per phase
be applied to cables buried direct in the ground except
that here the minimum spacings necessary to avoid a
reduction in the current rating due to mutual heating This formation may be repeated for four cables
are much greater. The net result is that group rating per phase, by arranging the cable rows in tiers on
factors are apphed where necessary. These are avail­ separate steelwork levels as shown in the figure. Un­
able from E R A 6 9 - 3 0 P a r t III for cables buried in flat fortunately this arrangement does not work with larger
formation with various axial spacings from touching even numbers or odd numbers of cables per phase
to 0.6 m between cable centres for different numbers and the only way to achieve symmetry is by cable
of cables in the group. transposition. Transposition involves the interchange
This situation is repeated for cables laid in ducts. of cable positions so that each cable occupies the same
Group rating factors are available for different spac- space relative to the others for approximately one-
ings/formations of cable ducts for multicore and three third of the cable route length, as shown in Fig 6.26.
single-core power cables.

4.2.6 Single-core cables in parallel

Current sharing
Feeder circuits are frequently required to transfer high
levels of power with currents up to 3000 A . Single-core
cables are used for this purpose and from examination
of the ratings for single-core cables, it can be seen that
several cables in parallel per phase are needed.
With this arrangement, it is necessary to ensure that
the current is shared approximately equally between
each cable in parallel and that individual cables are
not overloaded by exceeding their permissible current
rating. This is particularly important for cables laid
spaced in flat formation where lack of symmetry, as FIG. 6.26 Cable transposition
shown in Fig 6.24 for two cables per phase, results
in unequal current sharing.
The C E G B has developed a computer program
C U R B 0 3 [5] to calculate the current sharing between
cables in parallel. T o determine the current in each
cable, the cable axial co-ordinates and length for each
route section are entered into the computer program,
together with the number of cables per phase, phase
current, cable conductor resistance, a r m o u r details, etc.
FIG. 6.24 Lack of cable symmetry The output from the computer contains the current in

Cabling Chapter 6

each cable which is checked against the cable permis- For most power cables ri — r 2 = r , from which it can
sible current rating as described earher. The computer be shown that:
also calculates the voltage drop in the cables.
[2v]/(T¡ - r?)] logn ( r 2 / r , ) - 1
Sheath voltage
Hence Vs = 4 7 r ñ 10 logn (s/r) V / m
As mentioned in Section 4.2.3 of this chapter, the
bonding of single-core power cables at one end only
produces a standing voltage on the metahic screen/ The standing sheath vohage for the outer cables is
armour. This voltage appears across the cable sheath- given by:
ing (hence is usually called the sheath voltage); its
magnitude is proportional to the conductor current Vs = j 2 7 r f l 1 0 - ^ ( 1 - [2r?/(r^ - r?)] logn (Γ2/ΓΙ)
and cable route length, the maximum value appearing -f 2 logn (V2s/r2) ± jV3 logn2) V / m
at the cable screen/armour insulated (open) end. At
again if η ^ r2 - r
full load current, the standing voltage on the screen/
armour which is connected to the cable gland must
not exceed the maximum allowable touch voltage of Vs = j 2 7 r n 1 0 - ^ [ 2 logn (V2s/r) ± jV3 logn] V / m
55 V (see Section 11.2.2 of this chapter). In the event then in magnitude
of a through fault, the induced voltage will reach a
much higher value for the short duration of the fault. Vs| = 2 7 r ñ 1 0 - ^ ( [ 2 logn (V2 s/Y)f
The cable oversheath and the gland insulation are de-
signed to withstand this voltage up to a limit of 2 kV. + (V3 logn 2 ) 2 ) T v / m
T o protect personnel from this condition, the acces- = 27ΓΠ 1 0 - 7 ( [ 2 logn (V2 s / r ) ] 2 -f 1.44)T V / m
sible metal body of the cable gland is covered with a
P V C shroud. It is necessary to calculate the sheath
The standing sheath voltages with transposed cables
voltage for these two conditions to ensure that the
are all equal and are given by:
maximum voltages do not exceed the above limits. The
two sheath voltage conditions described above are
niustrated in Fig 6.27. Vs = 2 7 r f l 1 0 - ^ ( 1 - [2V]/(TI - r?)] log« ( r 2 / r , )
+ 2 logn(3V2s/r2)) V/m

again if ri ^ r 2 = r

Vs = 47rfl 10-7 iQg^ (3V2s/r2) V/m


The sheath voltage can also be calculated using the

TO EARTH C E G B computer p r o g r a m C U R B 0 3 . For practical
purposes, the sheath voltage under short-circuit con­
NORMAL OPERATION <55V ditions can be taken as the full load current sheath
A THROUGH FAULT <2kV vohage increased in proportion to the ratio of the
short-circuit current to the fuh load current, as shown
in the fohowing expression:
FIG. 6.27 Sheath voltage

Vsc = V F L X Isc/IpL
For cables installed in flat formation without trans-
position, the standing sheath voltage on the centre where V s c = short-circuit sheath voltage
cable differs from that on the two outer cables. The
VFL = standing sheath voltage
sheath voltage for the centre cable is given by:
I sc = short-circuit current

Vs = 27rfl 10-^(1 - [2r?/(r^ - r?)] l o g n ( r 2 / r , ) I FL = full load current

+ 2 logn(s/r2)) V/m
Design values for short circuit current are given in
where f = frequency, Hz Table 6.11.
If the standing or short-circuit sheath voltage is
I = full load current, A
found to exceed the m a x i m u m permitted, it becomes
ri = inner radius of cable a r m o u r , m necessary to sohd-bond the cable screen/armour at
r2 = outer radius of cable a r m o u r , m both ends and fh a sheath interrupter at the approxi­
s = separation between centres of adjacent mate mid-point of the cable route. A sheath interrupter
cables, m is a device which allows the removal of a short length

P o w e r cable system design

TABLE 6 . 1 1 the main protection, the short-circuit fault clearance

Maximum symmetrical short-circuit currents time is in the order of 0.1 s. However, as a precaution,
it is normal cable sizing practice to assume a mini­
System Maximum symmetrical fault m u m main protection fault clearance time of 0.2 s.
voltage Although the probability is low, there remains the
kV Fault level, MVA Current, kA RMS possibility that for some reason a circuit-breaker might
fail to open. In this event, a fault would have to be
11 750 39.4
cleared by the next circuit-breaker back in the supply
3.3 250 43.7 hne which is usually the switchboard incoming feeder
0.415 31 43.3 circuit-breaker. The total fault clearance time for a
short-circuh is now determined by the protection fitted
to this circuit which is either high set instantaneous
overcurrent or I D M T overcurrent. This is called the
of the cable armour and metallic screen, and the sub­ back-up protection fault clearance time and can vary
sequent reinstatement of the cable sheath at that point. from 0.4 s to 1.2 s.
The sheath voltages are therefore approximately halved Due to the length of time required to replace a
and transferred away from personnel touch to the cut damaged cable, it is C E G B policy for new power sta­
ends of the armour and metallic screen within the sheath tions to size cables using the back-up protection fault
interrupter. However, k is still necessary to calculate clearance time on all circuits with a circuit-breaker as
the sheath voltage under fault conditions and keep it the fault current breaking device. A typical oscillogram
within the 2 kV limit (the design withstand voltage of for the current in one phase of a three-phase short-
the oversheath). These techniques are normally more circuit is shown in Fig 6.28.
than adequate for the cable route lengths found in
power stations but if the 2 kV hmit cannot be achieved

using these techniques, then more difficult and expen­ INITIAL ASYMMETRICAL
sive solutions such as cross-bonding have to be used. FAULT Λ

4.3 Fault current and duration

The foregoing has described the process of determin­
ing the conductor size for a cable which will ensure
that the maximum conductor temperature of the insu­
lation is not exceeded during continuous operation.
«υ/ / / / \ - FAULT CLEARED

During a fault, however, abnormal currents can result

in much higher temperatures which, unless the cable
is adequately protected, could cause serious damage to
the insulation or at worst start a cable fire. Insulation FIG. 6 . 2 8 Oscillogram of current in one phase of a
damage can occur over a period of several hours due three-phase short-circuit
to an overload, or within a fraction of a second due
to a short-circuit or an earth fault. It is therefore
equally important with power cable system design to The same concern about failure to operate is not
ensure that the cable is adequately protected against held about a fuse. Therefore, the total fault clearance
aU forms of excess current. This is achieved by co­ time for fuse protected circuits is given by the maxi­
ordinating the operating characteristics of the circuit m u m pre-arcing time, i.e., the energy let-through time
protection with the fault current capabihty of the cable. determined from the fuse time versus current char­
acteristic, of the circuit fuse. At 415 V, the largest size
of fuse fitted is 800 A used on feeder circuits. Assuming
4.3.1 Short-circuit faults maximum short-circuh current, the pre-arcing time whh
It is appropriate to commence with a review of the this fuse is about 0.01 s. This means that circuit inter­
design short-circuit current (due to a three-phase short- ruption occurs during the first half cycle of the fault
circuit) used at each system voltage level, as shown in current.
Table 6.11, and the types of fault current breaking The sudden rush of current causes the conductor
device and main protection used for feeder and m o t o r temperature to rise at an extreme race. Disconnection
circuits, as shown in Appendix I. In this respect, feeder is followed by a period of fairly rapid coohng. The
circuits include interconnector and transformer circuits. rise in conductor temperature is typically as shown in
The total clearance time for a fault cleared by a Fig 6.29, with the cable initially carrying rated current.
circuit-breaker may be taken as the sum of the pro­ The conductor is at the m a x i m u m conductor tempera­
tection relay operating time and circuit-breaker open­ ture and rises to a peak at the m a x i m u m short-circuit
ing time. With high set instantaneous overcurrent as conductor temperature. If the cable had been initially

Cabling Chapter 6

by the adjacent cable components and the error this

introduces provides a margin of safety.
MAXIMUM SHORT CIRCUIT CONDUCTOR TEMP The temperature rise is calculated by equating the
energy input to the energy absorbed expressed by the
following formula:

I^t = K2S2 logn [(Of + β)/(β', + β)]

where I short-circuit current rms, A

t duration of short-circuit, s
Κ = constant depending on the material of
the current carrying component
CIRCUIT s = area of conductor, mm^

Of = final temperature, ° C
initial temperature, ° C
SHORT β = reciprocal of temperature coefficient of
FAULT resistance of current carrying component
at 0°C
FIG. 6 . 2 9 Short-circuit conductor temperature rise

Qc iß + 20)
Κ =
unloaded, the temperature rise from ambient would
be as shown dotted.
As the duration of the temperature rise is short,
the cable insulation and other components can with­ where Qc = volumetric specific heat of the current
stand considerably higher temperatures without suf­ carrying component at 20°C, J / ° C mm^
fering permanent damage. By international agreement, ^20 = resistivity of current carrying component
standard maximum short-circuit conductor tempera­ at 20°C, Ω m m
tures have been assigned to the commonly used cable
materials. Several of these are given in Table 6.12. The constants for different conductor materials are
given in Table 6.13.

TABLE 6.12
Maximum short-circuit conductor temperature TABLE 6.13
Material constants for fault calculations
Material Temperature, °C
Material Κ β ^20
PVC up to 300 mm^ 160 Copper 226 234.5 3.45 X 1 0 - 3 17.241 X 1 0 - 6
Butyl rubber 220 Aluminium 148 228 2.5 X 10-3 28.264 X 10-6
EPR 250
XLPE 250 Steel 78 202 3.8 X 10-3 138 X 1 0 - 6

PVC 160
It can be seen that since the temperature rise is
adiabatic it is independent of the number of cable
conductors. It should also be noted that when used
Two assumptions are made to assist with the calcu­ for metalhc screens, this formula indicates much higher
lation of the short-circuit temperature rise for circuh- temperatures than actually occur in practice and there­
breaker controlled circuits. The first is that all the heat fore must be used with some discretion.
energy produced is absorbed by the current carrying For cable sizing purposes h is convenient to assume
components, i.e., the temperature rise is adiabatic. The that the cable is operating at the maximum conductor
second is that over the duration of the short-circuit temperature when the short-circuit occurs, and that the
the current remains constant. peak temperature reached is the maximum short-circuit
The effects of the current initial asymmetry and conductor temperature. For a given cable insulation/
slight fall-off in current due to the increase in circuit type, this leaves the short-circuit current, duration and
resistance with temperature can be regarded as negh- cable sizes as variables and these may be plotted gra­
gible. In practice, a certain amount of heat is absorbed phically (as shown in Fig 6.30) with initial and final

P o w e r cable system design

of this chapter because in this case fuses are selected

to match m o t o r starting conditions not full-load cur­
110 rent requirements.

4.3.2 Earth faults

With earth fauhs, b o t h the conductor and the metalhc
screen/armour (which provide a low impedance path
for earth fault current to return to the system neutral)
need to be considered. Clearly, the temperature reached
by each fault current-carrying component must not
cause thermal damage to the cable. The maximum
300mm2 short-circuit temperature of the insulation and bedding
must not be exceeded with fault current in the metalhc
_l I I I I I screen and similarly the m a x i m u m short-circuit tem­
0.2 0.3 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 perature of the bedding and oversheath must not be
exceeded with fauh current in the a r m o u r . Using the
same expression for the adiabatic temperature rise
FIG. 6 . 3 0 Short-circuit ratings of X L P E / E P R insulated and the material constants given in Table 6.13, the
cables with aluminium conductors minimum cross-sectional area for the metallic screen/
a r m o u r can be calculated. In this instance:

temperatures of 90°C and 250°C respectively, i.e., I = earth fauh current, A

a 160°C temperature rise. t = duration of earth fault, s
Using the above assumptions and the maximum
S = area of metalhc screen/armour, mm^
short-circuit current, the minimum size cable required
can also be calculated for a range of total fault clear­ Of = final metallic screen/armour temperature, ° C
ance times. These are shown in Table 6.14 for single- θ i = initial temperature of the metalhc screen/
core power cables at each system vohage. armour. °C

TABLE 6.14
Single-core power cable minimum cross-sectional areas

System main Min CSA back-up protection, mm^
voltage protection mm^
0.2 s 0.4 s 0.6 s 0.8 s 1.0 s 1.2 s

11 186 264 323 373 417 457

3.3 207 293 358 414 463 507
0.415 205 290 355 410 458 502

If it can be established that the cable will always The initial temperature for the metalhc screen has to
be operating at a temperature less than the maximum be calculated, but for the a r m o u r is taken as being
conductor temperature, then the minimum cross-sec­ 10°C below the m a x i m u m conductor temperature. The
tional area may be calculated for the lower temperature maximum temperature for the metallic screen/armour
concerned. is normally the maximum short-circuit temperature
With circuits protected by fuses, the short-circuit for the sheathing material which, from Table 6.12, is
temperature is determined by the I^t let-through ener­ 160°C. Cable a r m o u r cross-sectional areas are given
gy' of the fuse. Fuse manufacturers provide I^t values in Appendix F of this chapter.
for each fuse size from which the minimum cable cross- T o determine the earth fault current it is necessary
sectional area can be calculated. This is not necessary first to examine the method of system neutral earthing
with feeder circuits, as short-circuit requirements are which, for a power station, is shown in Table 6.15.
automatically covered by the selection of a cable to At 3.3 kV and 11 kV the neutral earthing resistor
match the fuse rating. However, this needs to be carried limits the maximum earth fault current to 1000 A at
out for motor circmts as described in Section 4.6.2 each neutral. As two system supplies and hence two

Cabling Chapter 6

TABLE 6 . 1 5 greater than that of the conductor, and therefore there

System neutral earthing is no need to perform the calculation.

System voltage, kV Neutral earthing

4.3.3 Overload current
11 NER ( 1 0 0 0 A) Cables must also be protected against thermal damage
3.3 NER ( 1 0 0 0 A) due to an overload. This could occur due to the in­
0.415 Solid advertent connection of too large a load, but is more
hkely to be associated with a faulty item of plant such
NER = Neutral earthing resistor as a motor or transformer. The overload does not need
to be a significant increase above the cable contin­
uous current rating to have an effect, as even a modest
neutrals can be involved, this gives a maximum fault overload results in a marked temperature rise. In par­
current of 2000 A. Sensitive earth fault protection is ticular, thermoplastic insulation is at greatest risk due
provided for feeder and motor circuits. The total fault to softening and conductor migration.
clearance time is again assumed to be 0.2 s for the The requirements for overload protection of a cable
main protection and typicahy twice this time for the laid in air are taken from the l E E Wiring Regulation
back-up protection to operate. In practice, the cross- (15th Edition) Regulation 4 3 3 - 2 [9], which states that
sectional area of the metahic screen is rated at 1000 A the characteristic of a device protecting a circuit against
for 1 s. It can also be shown that the minimum armour overload shall satisfy the following conditions:
cross-sectional area required is well within the design
of the cables. For example, the one second rating for • Its nominal current or current setting (In) is not
a 3.3 kV 240 mm^ multicore (aluminium strip ar­ less than the design current (lb) of the circuit.
moured) cable is approximately 16.8 kA.
• Its nominal current or current setting (In) does not
At 415 V, the system neutral is solidly earthed and
exceed the lowest of the current carrying capacities
therefore the fault current is determined by the earth
(Iz) of any of the conductors of the circuit.
loop impedance as shown in Fig 6.31.
• The current causing effective operation of the pro­
tective device ( I 2 ) does not exceed 1.45 times the
3 3 kV/415V TRANSFORMER 415V lowest of the current carrying capacities (Iz) of any
of the conductors of the circuit.
IMPEDANCE IMPEDANCE IMPEDANCE This may be summarised as:

lb ^ In ^ Iz

I2 ^ 1.45 Iz
Ζ The circuit protection must operate w h h an overload
up to 4 5 % of rated current within a period accepted as
EARTH FAULT being no more than 4 hours. While this more than
doubles the conductor temperature rise, within this
IMPEDANCE IMPEDANCE timescale, experience has shown that this does not re-
suh in unacceptable cable damage.
The overload protection of plant items such as mo­
PHASE VOLTAGE tors or transformers is provided by I D M T or ther­
mal overload relays. W h h the protection set correctly,
the characteristics of these devices meet this overload
crheria. As the overload capabihty of the cable is nor­
FIG. 6 . 3 1 Earth fault current path
mally greater than that of the plant item, this arrange­
ment automaticahy affords overload protection to the
It is considered that, in practice, earth fault cur­ cable. The protection of 415 V feeder circuits with
rents are unlikely to exceed 2000 A and will probably fuses to BS88: P a r t 2 [8] also meets this cable overload
be within the range 600-1000 A. For fuse protected criteria.
circuits the clearance time for a given earth fault cur­ Operation of the overload protection at not more
rent can be determined from the fuse time versus cur­ than 1.45 times the current rating of the cable also
rent characteristic, enabling the armour temperature applies to cables laid in ducts. With cables buried direct
rise to be calculated. However, with aluminium ar­ in the ground, the same rise in conductor temperature
moured muhicore cables to BS6346 it should be noted is reached with a smaller overload and therefore the
that the cross-sectional area of the armour wires is maximum current at which the protection is designed

P o w e r cable system design

to operate is required to be not more than 1.3 times

the current rating of the cable.

4.4 Motor starting

With motor circuits, cable sizing has to take account
of the starting condition as well as full load running.
To obtain information on the starting requirements
of motors for power station use, reference is m a d e
to ESI Standard 4 4 - 3 [10] for 3.3 kV motors and
above and ESI Standard 4 4 - 4 [11] for 415 V m o t o r s .
Both standards cah for motors to comply with BS5000:
Part 40 [12], and for general apphcations a cage in­
duction motor suitable for direct-on-line starting is
provided. The standards also specify the frequency of
starting, stating that the motor shall be suhable for
two starts in succession under specified conditions of FIG. 6 . 3 2 Starting characteristic of a typical general
load, torque and inertia, w h h the motor at hs normal purpose induction motor
running temperature followed by a coohng period of
at least 30 minutes before attempting another starting
M o t o r starting performance is specified in kVA and
expressed as a ratio where:
The conductor temperature rise due to two succes­
sive motor starts increases with motor size. Typically
starting (locked rotor) kVA
at 415 V, the temperature rise is approximately 15°C Ratio =
for a 5.5 kW motor (4 mm^ cable) and 50°C for a rated output kW
150 kW motor (185 mm^ cable).
It is first necessary to be able to calculate the con­ ESI Standard 4 4 - 3 and 4 4 - 4 specify that the starting
ductor temperature rise due to motor starting. For (locked rotor) kVA be in accordance with BS4999:
calculation purposes it is convenient to regard m o t o r P a r t 41 [13]. These are given in Tables 6.16 and 6.17
starting as equivalent to a low value short-circuit and for the range of m o t o r sizes/voltage level concerned.
use the formula discussed earher for this purpose. In
practice this will give a shghtly pessimistic result as
TABLE 6 . 1 6
some heat will he lost from the conductors with the
415 V motor starting (locked rotor) ratio
longer durations involved. In order to apply the formula
for short-circuit temperature rise, the starting current Rated output, kW Ratio
and duration must first be found.
1 up to 2.5 10.5

4.4.1 M o t o r starting current 2.5 up to 6.3 9.8

6.3 up to 16 9.2
The starting characteristic of a typical general purpose
16 up to 40 8.7
induction motor is shown in Fig 6.32.
The standstill starting current (100% slip) at rated 40 up to 100 8.2

voltage and frequency is termed the l o c k e d rotor cur­ 100 up to 150 7.8
rent'. As can be seen, the starting current remains
substantially equal to this value untU the motor is u p
to approximately 8 0 % of its rated speed. It is there­ TABLE 6 . 1 7
fore convenient to assume that the starting current 3.3 kV and larger motor starting
remains at the locked rotor current for the whole of (locked rotor) ratio
the starting period, and to use this value for tempera­
ture rise calculation purposes. Rated output, kW Ratio
The rated output of a motor is the mechanical power
150 up to 250 6.0
available at the shaft expressed in watts. For power
250 up to 630 5.8
station use, motor rated outputs are assigned to vohage
levels on the fohowing basis: 630 up to 1600 5.6
1 600 up to 4 000 5.4
Φ 415 V — up to 150 k W .
4 000 up to 10 0 0 0 5.2
• 3.3 kV — 150 kW to 1800 k W .
For ratings in excess of 1 0 MW the ratio
• 11 kV — 2000 kW and above. is required not to exceed 5 . 0

Cabling Chapter 6

The fuh load current and starting kVA for a motor TABLE 6 . 1 9
are given by: Motor starting time
kW output X 1000
FL Motor size, kW Starting time
V3 X VL X r; X COS0
If w
< 90
3 + s (empirical relationship)
Is X V3 X VL
Starting kVA = 90-450 (a) 15 s
1000 (b) large inertia motors, e.g., fan
motors — guidance sought from
where: V L = line voltage, V motor manufacturer

I FL = fuh load current, A > 450 Guidance sought from motor

Is = starting (locked rotor) current, A
η = motor efficiency at rated load
φ = phase angle at rated load
4.5 Cable voltage regulation
Re-arranging the second equation and substituting for In any system carrying current, there is a voltage drop
starting kVA gives: between the supply end and the receiving end due to
the impedance of the system. For A C systems, the
Ratio X kW output x 1000 supply end is the feeder transformer secondary ter­
Is = minals, and the receiving end is the incoming terminals
of the item of plant or equipment concerned.
and by dividing the two equations for current The voltage drop is normally expressed as a per­
centage of the nominal system vohage called voltage
regulation, i.e..
Is/IpL = Ratio X η X COS</)

(Vs - VR) X 100

% Reg =
A starting current tolerance of +20% is permitted
in BS4999: Part 101 [14]. Hence, maximum starting
(locked rotor) current 1ST is given by:
where Vs = nominal system voltage at supply end.

1ST 1.2 IFL X Ratio χ η χ cos0 V R = voltage at receiving end.

Currents are derived using average values of efficiency All power station electrical plant and equipment is
and power factor as given in Table 6.18. designed to operate within specified voltage regulation
hmits during steady state full load and under motor
starting condhions, and consequently may not function
TABLE 6 . 1 8
or operate correctly if these limits are exceeded. These
Average values for efficiency and power factor
hmits are specified as:

Rated Efficiency Power factor • Steady state fuh load, + 6 % and - 1 0 % nominal
output, kW V COS0 system voltage.

1 up to 1.5 0.78 0.80 • M o t o r starting, - 20% nominal system vohage for a

2.5 up to 6.3 0.83 0.83
period u p to 90 s.
6.3 up to 16 0.87 0.86

16 up to 40 0.906 0.88
At voltage levels above 415 V, vohage regulation only
becomes a concern on the occasional circuit with a long
40 up to 100 0.927 0.90
route length. The main reason is that the denominator
100 up to 250 0.94 0.91
is now much larger, permitting a corresponding in­
250 up to 630 0.945 0.91 crease in voltage drop for the same value of voltage
630 up to 1 600 0.95 0.91 regulation. For example, for a voltage regulation of
1 600 up to 4 000 0.962 0.91 3% at 415 V, 3.3 kV and 11 kV the permitted voltage
4 000 up to 10 0 0 0 0.973 0.91 drops are 12.5 V, 99 V and 330 V respectively.
Ensuring that the voltage at the input terminals
remains within these hmits at 415 V is not just a single
cable consideration. Voltage drop occurs across each
4.4.2 Motor starting times series cable in a supply system, a n d therefore the volt­
Motor starting times are determined on the basis shown age drop across any single cable must be some lower
in Table 6.19. value in order that the total voltage d r o p remains

P o w e r cable system design

within these hmits. Ahernative distribution arrange­ the 3.3 kV/0.415 kV transformer secondary voltage
ments must also be considered. being equal to the nominal system vohage at steady
T o enable the system vohage regulations t o be deter­ state full load o u t p u t , and is termed a voltage regula­
mined, the maximum aUowable steady state (this is not tion profile.
necessarily at full load as an allowance is m a d e for T o calculate the voltage regulation in a cable it is
diversity) and m o t o r starting voltage regulations for first necessary to determine the voltage d r o p . For an
the main swkchboards, m o t o r control centres and dis­ A C circuit this is as illustrated in Fig 6.34.
tribution boards are set. The permitted vohage regula­
tion for a cable between any two items is the difference
between the two assigned values of voltage regulation.
As an example, the voltage h m h s for a 415 V sup­
ply system are shown in Fig 6.33. This is based on




FIG. 6.34 Cable voltage drop

6% TO - 1 0 %
ΤΟ - 20%
' 3.3kV/415V

AY = [I(R cosφ + X s i n 0 ) + V s ( l - coso)]

where AV = vohage d r o p , V
I = current, I

STEADY STATE FULL LOAD + 6% TO - 1 <>/ δ = line angle


Vs = supply vohage, V
Ί R = A C resistance of conductor, Ω
cos</) = the power factor
X = conductor equivalent star reactance at
50 H z , Ω

The term V s ( l - coso) is very smaU and for simpli­

fication can be safely ignored. Therefore:

MOTOR frv.):^:í°:¿s:
AV = IR COS0 + I X s i n 0

and q/oR = 1001 (R cos</) -f- X sin0)/Vs



The m a x i m u m cable route length for a given size of
cable and voltage regulation Hmit may be determined
by expressing R and X in per unit length values and
re-arranging the voltage regulation formula:

6% TO - 1 0 %
Three-phase circuits
6% TO - 20%

VL <í7o R

FIG. 6.33 Voltage regulation profile V3 ( 100 1 ( R L οο8φ + X L sin0)

Cabling Chapter 6

Single-phase circuits TABLE 6.20

415 V motor starting power factor
% R
Rated output, kW Starting cos0
2 V 100 I ( R L COS(A + XL sin</>) /
1 up to 2.5 0.26

where Lmax = maximum route length, m 2.5 up to 6.3 0.28

V = nominal phase to neutral voltage, V 6.3 up to 16 0.30

16 up to 40 0.27
VI = nominal line voltage, V
40 up to 100 0.23
%R = permissible voltage regulation
100 up to 150 0.20
RL = A C resistance per metre at conductor
operating temperature, Ω/m
XL = conductor equivalent star reactance
protection requirements and for the next two larger
per metre at 50 Hz, Ω/m
cable sizes. These are tabulated for each feeder circuit
fuse and motor circuit size for a range of voltage
Values for conductor resistance and equivalent star regulation values.
reactance for single and multicore cables are given A typical example is shown in Appendix Η of this
in Appendices A and Β of this chapter. chapter.

Feeder circuits
When applied to 415 V fused feeder circuits, an ahow-
4,6 Cable system design
ance of 0.8 is made for load diversity. Therefore: Having discussed the main technical requirements it
is now time to see how these, along with certain ad­
I = 0.8 X fuse rating (In) ditional requirements associated with maximum cable
route length, are applied. T o assist, circuits are se­
cos0 = steady state power factor parated into circuit types, i.e., feeder or motor circuits,
and these are then grouped according to the type of
Typically cos0 = 0.85 for a mixed load and cos0 = fauh current breaking device employed. Under each
0.99 for a resistive load, e.g., heaters. of the headings, the applicable requirements are given
The conductor resistance is determined at the tem­ and the basis for determining cable size is described.
perature corresponding to the above current I. First, the cable size for normal full load operation is
determined after the apphcation of any rating factors.
This cable size is then used to determine compliance
Motor circuits
with the remaining requirements. If necessary, the cable
With motor circuits, starting and fuh load operation are size is increased until a size in the range is found which
given by: complies with all the apphcable technical requirements.
Since cables are only available in a range of con­
Motor starting 1ST = motor starting current, A ductor sizes it is important to be clear about the term
COS0ST = power factor on motor *cable size'. This means the selection, from this range,
starting of the cable with the smahest conductor size which
meets the apphcable technical requirements.
Motor full load IFL = full-load current, A
There is an additional requirement for motor circuit
COS0FL = power factor at full load cable sizing so far not discussed. This is that the cable
must be able to withstand a short-circuit fault directly
Values for cos0 are given in Table 6.20. fohowing the second hot start, i.e., the maximum
For motor starting, the resistance of the conductor short-circuit conductor temperature must not be ex­
is determined at the temperature attained after two ceeded under these circumstances. It is assumed that
hot starts. For feeder circuits to switchboards and the time intervals between the successive starts and
motor control centres, motor starting voltage regulation between the second start and the short-circuit fault
is based on the starting requirement for the largest are too short to allow conductor cooling. The tempera­
motor on the swhchboard or motor control centre. ture rise for this situation is calculated in a series of
As previously stated, because of the repetitive nature steps.
of these calculations it is convenient to use tables for T o a reasonable approximation, the conductor tem­
cable size selection. T o achieve this, the formula is perature at normal full-load running is given by:
used to calculate the maximum cable route length for
the minimum cable size to meet the full-load current/ OFL = ΘΑ + (ΘΜ - ΘΑ) (IFL/IC)^

P o w e r cable system design

where 6FL = conductor temperature at normal full (d) Single core cables Sheath voltages, plus current
load running, ° C sharing if more than one cable per phase is used,
are checked.
ΘΑ = ambient temperature, ° C
θΜ = maximum conductor temperature for
insulation, ° C 3.3 kV fused switching device

IFL = normal full load running current, A (a) Continuous operation The circuh full load cur­
rent is used to size the cable for continuous
Ic = cable current rating after application of
any rating factors, A
(b) Fault conditions A fuse to BS2692: Part 1 [6] of
To a close approximation, the conductor temperature a rating which provides take-over from the switch­
ing device (see Chapter 5) is fitted to all feeder
after two consecutive hot starts is determined from:
circuit switching devices. Short-circuit currents
above a take-over current are cleared by the fuse,
and below this take-over current are cleared by
logn [(θ28Τ + ßVi^FL + ß)]
the switching device on operation of the circuit
high set instantaneous overcurrent relay. If the
fuse and relay protection characteristic curves are
where I S T = starting current, A
plotted together w h h the cable ih value adiabatic
tst = starting time, s line, in a similar manner to Fig 6.36, it can then
θ28Τ = conductor temperature after two be seen whether the cable is adequately protected.
consecutive hot starts, ° C
(c) Voltage regulation The cable size for steady state
voltage regulation is checked.
The final conductor temperature following a short-
circuit fault is obtained from: 415 Vfuse

(a) Continuous operation The first of the summa­

logn [(Ose + ^)/(θ28Τ + β)] rised circuit protection requirements given in Sec­
tsc tion 4.3.3 of this chapter may be expressed for a
single cable as: design fuh load current ^ fuse
where I sc = short-circuit current, A rating ^ continuous current rating of cable. Cables
are therefore sized to the circuh fuse rating. For
= duration of short-circuh, s
design purposes, the full load current is normally
Bsc = conductor temperature after short- taken to be equal to the fuse rating.
circuh, ° C
(b) Fault conditions For economic reasons, local earth
bonding is not normally apphed to final 415 V
If the final conductor temperature exceeds the insu­ feeder circuhs at the plant equipment end (earthing
lation maximum short-circuit conductor temperature is provided via the cable a r m o u r ) . In the event of
then the next larger cable size is tried. an earth fault at the plant or equipment, there wih
be a local rise in potential with respect to any
4.6.1 Feeder c i r c u i t s extraneous conductive parts which are separately
earthed. This is shown in Fig 6.35.
Air break circuit-breaker (415 V, 3.3 kV and 11 kV)

(a) Continuous operation C E G B policy for large INTERNAL FAULT


feeder circuhs is to size the cable to the current RISE IN EARTH POTENTIAL
rating of the circuit-breaker rather than the circuh POTENTIAL

design fuh load current. This approach affords

the maximum allowance for design uncertainty and
possible future development. DISTRIBUTION!—,

(b) Fault conditions Short-circuit minimum cross-

sectional area is determined for the back-up pro­
tection fault clearance time. This needs to be deter­ CONNECTION

mined for each individual case. GLAND BODY


(c) Voltage regulation The cable size for steady state

voltage regulation is checked for 415 V and 3.3 kV
circuits. FIG. 6.35 Local rise in earth potential

Cabling Chapter 6

As this may give rise to transfer potentials in 4.6.2 M o t o r circuits

excess of 55 volts, it is necessary to ensure that
the protection operates in a time not greater than Air break circuit-breaker (33 kV and 11 kV)
460 ms (see Section 11.2.2 of this chapter). The
(a) Continuous operation The m o t o r rated full load
minimum fault current to achieve this clearance
current is used to size the cable for continuous
time can readily be determined from the fuse time
versus current characteristic. The earth fault cur­
rent is determined by the earth loop impedance (b) Fault conditions This requirement normally dic­
which, in turn, is a function of cable route length tates the circuit cable size, as clearance of short-
and therefore for a given cable size there is a safe circuit current is based on the back-up protection
maximum route length. operating time.
To simplify the calculation of this length, the Typically, back-up protection on a 3.3 kV switch­
source impedance and cable reactance (the cable board is provided by the incoming transformer
sizes involved are normally less than 35 mm^) are feeder high set instantaneous overcurrent relay on
assumed to be negligible. Expressing resistance in the 11 kV switchboard which, to allow for grading
terms of per metre length gives: with the largest 3.3 kV outgoing circuit, would
operate in about 0.6 s.

(c) Voltage regulation M o t o r starting and steady state

L(Rc + Ra) vohage regulation are checked at 3.3 kV.

(d) Single-core cables Sheath voltages, plus current

therefore L n sharing if more than one cable per phase is used,
IEF (Rc + Ra) are checked.

where Lmax = maximum route length, m 3,3 kV fused switching device

IEF = earth fault current that will inter­ (a) Continuous operation The motor rated current
rupt BS88: Part 2 [8] fuse in 460 determines the cable size for continuous operation.
ms, A
(b) Fault conditions A motor starting fuse to BS5907
Rc = conductor resistance per metre at [7] is fitted to all motor circuit fused switching
full load operating temperature, devices. Short-circuit currents above the switching
Ω/m device take-over current are cleared by the fuse,
Ra = armour resistance per metre at while those below this value are cleared by the
ambient temperature plus half the switching device as explained for 3.3 kV FSD feeder
conductor temperature rise from circuits. Back-up protection in the zone covered
ambient to full load operating by the circuit high set instantaneous overcurrent
temperature, Ω/m relay is provided by the fuse and the incoming
feeder circuit or interconnector high set instantan­
Vp = phase voltage, V
eous overcurrent relay also as previously described.
The cable I^t value is determined after two con­
In this instance Rc and Ra are calculated for the secutive hot starts for a temperature rise up to
full load current concerned. The temperature rise the maximum short-circuit conductor tempera­
due to the earth fault current is assumed to be ture. As before, the cable I^t value adiabatic hne
negligible. Cable armour resistances are given in is superimposed on the fuse and protection co­
Appendix Β of this chapter. ordination curves to determine whether cable short-
If the maximum route length to operate the circuit protection is provided. This is shown in
protection in 460 ms is found to be shorter than the Fig 6.36.
circuit route length, then the next larger size cable
(c) Voltage regulation M o t o r starting and steady state
is tried, until a suitable cable size is found. voltage regulation are checked.
If the earth fault had occurred on energising the
circuit, the cable conductor and armour would
415 V fuse/contactor
initially be at ambient temperature. Consequently,
the resistance values would be lower than for the (a) Continuous operation The motor rated full load
full-load operating condition, shortening the fuse current is used to size the cable for continuous
operating time. operation.

(c) Voltage regulation The cable size for steady state (b) Fault conditions M o t o r circuit contactors are to
and motor starting voltage regulation is determined BS5424 [16] Category A C - 3 which have a break­
as described in Section 4.4 of this chapter. ing capacity of 8-times rated operational current

P o w e r cable system design

transformers are used. The operating characteris­

tic depends on the initial temperature of the relay.
BY INSTANTANEOUS OVERCURRENT After two hot starts the characteristic is said to
be *hot' and on initial starting said to be *cold'.
M o t o r starting requirements, fuse time versus
current characteristic and a typical thermal over­
load characteristic are shown superimposed for a
typical m o t o r in Fig 6.37 (a).
T o ensure that the maximum short-circuh con­
ductor temperature is not exceeded, the extra­
polated I^t adiabatic line after two hot starts and
for initial starting are also superimposed on the
figure for the cable conductor temperature rise
The worst possible overload condition corre­
CABLE |2t ADIABATIC (FROM sponds to the point nearest the cable I^t adiabatic
line. This is either the intersection of the thermal
CURRENT |2t ADIABATIC (AFTER relay *cold' characteristic and the upper hmit of
the fuse operating line with the cable ambient I^t
adiabatic, or the intersection of the thermal relay
*hot' characteristic and the upper limh of the fuse
operating time with the cable 'two hot starts' I^t
adiabatic line. It can be seen that the adiabatic
CHARACTERISTIC line must cross at or above the intersection of the
thermal relay and fuse characteristic for the cable
to be protected. It can be seen in Fig 6.37 (b) that
OVERCURRENT RELAY an area is left unprotected, demonstrating that
a larger cable size is required.
Appendix G gives m o t o r parameters and the
selected fuse size for each C E G B standard motor
For earth fault protection, motors larger than
FIG. 6.36 3.3 kV Fuse switching device protection
characteristic for a motor 50 k W are provided with sensitive earth fault pro­
tection relays. E a r t h fauh currents above a take­
over current are cleared by the fuse and below this
for sizes up to 100 A and 6-times rated operational current by the contactor on operation of the earth
current for sizes in excess of 100 A . fauh protection relay.
Contactors therefore, are unable to interrupt Motors below 50 k W are not fitted with sensitive
heavy fault currents and protection of the m o t o r earth fault protection and as a consequence it is
and cable under these conditions is provided by required that earth faults are cleared by the fuse.
fuses. The minimum fauh current to interrupt the fuse
Contactor circuh fuses comply w h h BS88: P a r t without damage to the cable is obtained from the
2 [8] and operate within a specified fuse time versus intersection of the cable I^t adiabatic and the upper
current zone. This is contained by the minimum limit of the fuse operating time. In practice if
pre-arcing time versus current characteristic and the cable has been accurately sized for motor
the maximum total operating time versus current starting and short-circuit phase fauhs, its adiabatic
characteristic and includes a ± 10% tolerance. line will cross the fuse characteristic close to its
The fuse size is selected on the basis of the intersection with the thermal overload relay. Since
maximum starting current and twice the maximum the current and time durations for this intersection
starting time to allow for two consecutive hot starts. must he known, as already described, it is con­
This generally requires the fuse rating to be higher venient to also use these values to assess earth fault
than the continuous current rating of the cable conditions. The hmiting condition is invariably
required for full-load running. Separate thermal with the thermal relay hot, as shown in Fig 6.38.
overload protection is provided for 1.5 k W motors For the appropriate minimum current to flow, the
and larger. Thermal overload relays comply with earth loop impedance must be less than a value
BS142 [17] which makes reference to manufac­ which corresponds to the m a x i m u m route length.
turer's data for the operating characteristic. For Although earth fault current may return through
motors up to 15 kW, relays with direct connected other paths to the system neutral, the worst case
elements are used and, above 18.5 k W , current for the cable is when it ah returns through the

Cabling Chapter 6





CABLE | 2 t A D I A B A T I C


100 1000 100 1000


FIG. 6.37 415 V motor starting, fuse time versus current, thermal overload, short-circuit characteristic

cable a r m o u r . The maximum route length can 4,7 Practical examples

therefore be determined using the same expression T o illustrate the steps followed during power cable
as used for feeder cable maximum route length, system design, a worked example is given for a feeder
I.e., and m o t o r circuit at each system voltage.

Lmax = 240/IEF (RC + Ra) 4.7.1 Feeder circuits

where Lmax = maximum route length, m 11 kV interconnector

A n 11 kV interconnector circuit is required to carry
IEF = minimum earth fault current, A
a full-load current of 2200 A . The rating of the circuh-
Rc = conductor resistance per metre at breaker at both ends is 2400 A . The back-up protec­
full-load operating temperature, tion clearance time is 1.0 s. The cables are to be installed
Ω/m in air at an ambient temperature of 35°C with a route
length of 80 m . Access to C U R B 0 3 (see Section 4.2.6
Ra = armour resistance per metre at
of this chapter) is available. Determine a suitable cable
full-load operating temperature,
(a) Continuous operation The continuous current
ratings of 11 kV single-core cables laid in air at an
The same assumptions regarding source impedance
ambient temperature of 25 °C are given in Appen­
and cable reactance are made as before.
dix C as:
(c) Voltage regulation Voltage regulation requirements
for steady state and m o t o r starting conditions are Single-core 300 mm^ — 675 A
checked as described in Section 4.4 of this chapter. Single-core 500 mm^ — 900 A

P o w e r cable system design

(b) Fault conditions The minimum cable cross-sec­

tional area required under short-circuit conditions
with a back-up protection clearance time of 1.0 s
is given in Table 6.14 as 417 m m ^ . Short-circuh
requirements are therefore met.

(c) Voltage regulation As the cable route length is

relatively short h is most unlikely that voltage
regulation would be a concern. The vohage drop
calculated using C U R B 0 3 is 38 V corresponding to
- OVERLOAD a voltage regulation of 0 . 6 % .

(d) Sheath voltage The standing sheath voltage is

given by C U R B 0 3 as 20 V which is weh within
the 55 V acceptance limit. T o determine the sheath
voltage occurring due to a through fault, the for­
mula given in Section 4.2.6 of this chapter is used,

Vsc = Vs X ISC/IFL

39 400
= 20 X
|- MINIMUM EARTH FAULT = 328 V which is less than
FUSE the 2 kV acceptance limit

In conclusion, three single-core 500 mm^ cables

per phase are required.

I I I I I I 33 kV/0,415 kV transformer
100 1000 A 2 M V A 3.3 kV/0.415 kV A N transformer is to be
supplied from a 3.3 kV switchboard using a circuit-
FIG. 6.38 Minimum earth fauh current to breaker with a rating of 800 A . The back-up protec­
interrupt fuse tion clearance time is 1.2 s. The cable route length
is 500 m , part of which is in air at an ambient tem­
perature of 25°C and part buried direct in the ground
The rating factor for an ambient temperature of having a thermal resistivity of 1.5 K . m / W and a tem­
35°C is given in Appendix Ε as 0.91. Applying perature of 15°C. The ground in one section has re­
this rating factor gives: cently been made-up but is otherwise of average con­
sistency. The depth of burial is 0.8 m except in the
Single-core 300 mm^ - 614 A (675 A χ 0.91 = 614 A) made-up ground where this is increased to 1.25 m. The
Single-core 500 mm^ - 819 A (900 A χ 0.91 = 819 A) maximum duct length when passing through walls is
300 m m . Determine the cable size required:
The cables are sized to the rating of the circuit- (a) Continuous operation The continuous current
breaker (see Section 4.5.1 of this chapter) and by ratings of a 3.3 kV single core 400 mm^ cable laid
selecting the larger cable size, three cables per phase in air at 25°C and in the ground at 15°C taken
appear to be suitable, i.e., 3 χ 819 A = 2457 A, from Appendix C are:
provided current sharing is satisfactory.
Inputting cable details, co-ordinates of the route Laid in air — 785 A
sections with cable transposition, and the current
Buried direct in ground — 575 A
into C U R B 0 3 produces the following output:

Account does not need to be taken of the short

Rl = 780 A R2 = 802 A R3 = 818 A
length of cable passing through ducts (see Section
Yi = 790 A Y2 = 815 A Y3 = 795 A 4.2.4 of this chapter) but rating factors need to
B , = 789 A B2 = 795 A B3 = 816 A be applied for the ground thermal resistivity and
for the increased depth of burial.
From examination, the currents in each cable are The soil thermal resistivity is 1.5 K . m / W and
ah less than 819 A. from Appendix Ε the rating factor for this is 0.91.

Cabling Chapter 6

The rating factor for a depth of burial of 1.25 m (b) Fault conditions The maximum allowable route
is given in Appendix Ε as 0.95. Applying these length under fault conditions is given by:
factors to the rating of the cable buried direct in
the ground gives: Lmax = 2 4 0 / I E F ( R C + Ra)

575 A X 0.91 X 0.95 = 497 A F r o m the 63 A fuse characteristic in BS88: P a r t 2,

to interrupt the fuse in 460 ms requires a fault
The cable rating in ground is lower than that in current Ip of 640 A .
air and is therefore the limiting factor. Since the T o obtain the conductor and a r m o u r resistances
cables are sized to the rating of the circuit-breaker, we must first calculate their operating tempera­
2 X 400 mm^ cables per phase are required. Current tures using the formula given in Section 4.6 of
sharing for the proposed installation arrangement this chapter:
is satisfactory if instahed as shown in Fig 6.25.
For the purpose of this example, it is assumed that Conductor temp OFL = ΘΑ + (ΘΜ - 6 A ) ( I F L / I C ) ^
the spacing between the two sets of cables for the
= 35 + (70 - 35)(63/92)2
route sections buried in ground is sufficient to
avoid group rating. = 35 -h 16
= 51°C
(b) Fault conditions The minimum cable cross-sec­
tional area required for a short-circuit fault with
a back-up protection clearance time of 1.2 s is The a r m o u r temperature rise is taken to be half
given in Table 6.14 as 507 m m ^ . Short-circuit the conductor temperature rise:
requirements are therefore satisfactory with 2 χ
400 mm^ cables in parallel. ÖPLA = ΘΑ + 16/2

= 35 -h 8 = 43°C
(c) Voltage regulation This is checked using C U R B 0 3
and for this example is taken to be satisfactory.
For multicore cables up to 300 m m ^ , skin and
(d) Sheath voltage The sheath voltages are checked proximity effects (see Section 4.2.3 of this chapter)
in the same way as shown in the previous example are negligible and therefore the A C resistance is
and, for the purpose of this example, are assumed taken to be the same as the D C resistance. F r o m
to be satisfactory. Appendix B:

In summary, two single-core 400 mm^ cables per phase Rc20 = 868 μΩ/m; Raio = 960 μΐΐ/m
are required. and for aluminium 0:20 = 0.00403.

415 V three-phase and neutral (TPN) distribution board Conductor resistance Rc

= R c 2 0 [1 + « 2 0 ( θ ρ ί - 20)]
A supply to a 415 V T P N distribution b o a r d is p r o ­ = 868 [1 + 0.00403(51 - 20)]
tected by a 63 A fuse. The cable is laid in air at an
ambient temperature of 35°C with a route length of = 976^ß/m
85 m. The power factor is to be taken as 0.85 and the
maximum ahowable voltage regulation is 2 % . Deter­ A r m o u r resistance Ra
mine a suitable cable size. = R a 2 0 [1 + « 2 0 ( θ ρ ί Α - 20)1

(a) Continuous operation The continuous current = 960 [1 + 0.00403(43 - 20)]

ratings for 4-core 16 mm^ and 35 mm^ cable sizes = 1049/iO/m
laid in air at an ambient temperature of 25°C are
given in Appendix D as: 240 X 10^
Now L n = 185 m
4-core 16 mm^ — 65 A 6 4 0 ( 9 7 6 -H 1 0 4 9 )

4-core 35 mm^ — 104 A

This value is greater than the actual route length
With a 35°C ambient temperature, the rating factor of 85 m .
from Appendix Ε is 0.88, giving:
(c) Voltage regulation The m a x i m u m cable route
4-core 16 mm^ — 57 A (65 A X 0.88 = 57.2 A) length for a given voltage regulation is given by:
4-core 35 mm^ — 92 A (104 A X 0.88 = 91.5 A)
VL % R
On the basis of a full load current of 63 A , the 4-
core 35 mm^ cable size is initially selected. \ 1 0 0 X 0 . 8 X I n ( R L cos</) -f- X L sin</>)

P o w e r cable system design

Values for R L and X L are taken from Appendix B . The conductor temperature after two hot starts is
Correcting resistance for temperature at 0.8 given by:
gives: 2
ST - l o g n [(θ2ST + ^)/(θFL + ß)]
R L = 959 μΩ/τη at 46°C and X L = 8 2 μΩ/τη 2t.
Substituting in the equation gives:
(148)2 X (300)2
415 (1021)2 = logn [(θ25Τ + 228)/
2 X 40
(40 + 228)1
2 X 10^ 0.042 = logn [(θ2sτ + 228)7268]
\ 100 X 0.8 X 63 (959 χ 0.85 + 82 χ 0.53) / 280 = θ28Τ + 228
= 111 m θ2ST = 52°C

Again, this value is greater than the actual route length Finally, to calculate the conductor temperature
of 85 m . In summary, a 4 - c o r e 35 mm^ cable is after a short-circuit fault:
required. 2Q2
l2 l o g n [(ΘSC + ^ ) / ( θ 2 S T + β)]
4.7.2 Motor circuits
11 kV motor
(148)2 X (300)2
An 11 kV ID fan motor has a rating of 3 M W . The (39.4 X 10^)2 logn [(θsc + 228)/
motor manufacturer has given a ratio of locked rotor 0.7
kVA to rated output of 5.4 and a starting time of 40 (52 + 228)]
seconds. The cable route length is 100 m and is in
air at an ambient temperature of 35°C. Determine the 0.551 logn [(θsc + 228)/280]
cable size required. The back-up protection operating 486 θ s c + 228
time is 0.7 s. 258°C
From Table 6.18 ry = 0.962 and cos</> = 0.91 for
A h h o u g h the conductor temperature is 8°C t o o
a 3 M W m o t o r . The full-load current is given by
high, in reahty there would be some conductor
kW output X 1000 cooling during the sequence of events described and
IFL = therefore a judgement is taken that the 300 m m 2
V3 XVL X X cos0 size cable is satisfactory.
3000 X 1000 (c) Sheath voltage There is no transposition and
substituting = = 180 A
therefore the standing voltage on the middle cable
V 3 X 11000 X 0.962 x 0.91
is given by:
The maximum starting current
Vs = 47rfl 1 0 - 7 logn (s/r) V/m
1ST = 1.2 X IFL X ratio χ η χ οο$φ
Taking the a r m o u r radius for a 300 m m 2 cable as
= 1.2 χ 180 χ 5.4 χ 0.962 χ 0.91
18 m m and
= 1021 Α
substituting Vs = 4 X π X 50 X 180 X 10 ""^ X
(a) Continuous operation The current rating of a
logn (80/18)
single-core 300 mm^ cable laid in air is given in
Appendix C as 675 A at 2 5 ° C . = 0.017 V / m

At 35°C the current rating T h e magnitude of sheath voltage on the outer cables
= 675 X 0.91 (from Appendix E) is given by:

= 614 A Vs I = 2 7 r ñ 1 0 - 7 ^ ( 2 l o g n (V2 X s/r)2 +

(b) Fault conditions The conductor temperature

during normal fuU-load operation is given by:
= 2 X 7Γ X 50 X 180 X 10 - 7
OFL = ΘΑ + (ΘΜ - ΘΑ) Χ (IFL/IC)^
(2 logn (V2 X 80/18))^ + L44
substituting = 35 -Η (90 - 35) χ (180/614)^
= 40°C = 0.022 V / m

Cabling Chapter 6

As the cable length is 100 m, the standing voltage The conductor temperature after two hot starts is
on the centre cable is 1.7 V and on the two outer given by:
cables 2.2 V, and is therefore satisfactory.
During a short-circuit fault the sheath voltage (IST)^ = logn [(θ28Τ + ßVi^FL + ß)]
is given by: 2tst
Vsc = Vs X I s c / I s
(148)2 X (150)2
(365)2 = ^ l—L logn [(θ28τ + 228)/
substituting for outer cable V s c 2 X 15
= 2.2 X 39400/180 (27 + 228)]
= 482 V θ28Τ = 29°C

The short-circuit sheath voltage is less than 2 kV The ih adiabatic line for a short-circuit tempera­
and is therefore satisfactory. ture rise from 29°C to 160°C is now determined
In summary, one 300 mm^ single-core cable per phase
I2t == K 2 s 2 logn m + ß)m + β)]
is required.
= (148)2 Χ (150)2 logn [(160 + 228)/
5.5 kV motor (29 + 228)]
A 3.3 kV p u m p motor has a rating of 300 k W . The = 203 χ 106
supply is taken from a 3.3 kV FSD with a 400 A fuse.
The motor manufacturer has quoted a starting time of The short-circuit l2t adiabatic line is superimposed
15 seconds. The cable is to be laid in air at an ambient on the fuse time versus current characteristic as
temperature of 25°C and a route length of 110 m . Back­ shown in Fig 6.36. For the purposes of this example
up protection is provided by the fuse in the zone it is assumed that the cable is protected.
protected by the high set instantaneous overcurrent (c) Voltage regulation The m o t o r starting voltage
relay. Determine the size of cable required. regulation is obtained first. The conductor resist­
From Table 6.18, = 0.945 and cos φ = 0.91 and ance at the end of two hot starts temperature from
from Table 6.17 the motor starting ratio = 5.8. The (b) is 29°C. F r o m Appendix B, for a 150 mm2
fuh load current is given by: cable at 20°C the conductor resistance is 206 μΩ/m
and the equivalent star reactance is 80 μΩ/m. From
k W output X 1000
the manufacturer, power factor cos</) on starting
V3 X VL X r; X COS</) is 0.5.

300 X 1000 Conductor resistance R L

V 3 X 3300 X 0.945 x 0.91

= RC20 [1 + «2θ(θ28Τ - 20)1
= 206 [1 + 0.00403(29 - 20)]
IFL = 61 a = 213 μΩ/τη

The maximum starting current %R = 100 IL ( R L COS</) + X L smφ) V3/VL

= 1.2 X IFL X ratio χ τ; χ cos φ = 100 X 365 X 110 (213 χ 0.5 + 80 χ

= 1.2 χ 61 χ 5.8 χ 0.945 χ 0.91 0.87) 1 0 - 6 χ V3/3300

= 365 Α = 0.3707ο

(a) Continuous operation The smallest three-core This regulation is small compared with the 2 0 %
3.3 kV cable in the standard range is 150 mm^ allowed at m o t o r terminals during starting and
(because of short-circuit requirements) and it can therefore is acceptable. Because of the small value
be seen from Appendix C that this has a rating of of regulation during starting, in this case there is
265 A in air at 25°C. no need to check the regulation under full load
(b) Fault condition The conductor temperature dur­
ing full-load operation is obtained from: In summary a three-core 150 mm2 cable is required.

OFL = ΘΑ + (ΘΜ - ΘΑ) ( I F L / I C ) ^ 415 V motor

= 25 + (70 - 25) (61/265)2 A 3 kW 415 V p u m p m o t o r fed from a 415 V contactor
starter has a cable route length of 80 m . The cable is

P o w e r cable system design

to be laid in air at an ambient temperature of 35°C. K2S2

The maximum allowable voltage regulation on starting ^SCC l o g n [(ÖSCC + ^)/(ΘΑ + β)]
is 1 1 % and on full-load 3 . 5 % . Determine the cable
size. (226)2 χ (2.52)2
From Appendix G, the maximum starting current (130)2 ^ l o g n [(Osee + 234.5)/
for a 3 kW motor is 49.1 A with a full-load current 6
of 6.1 A . T h e starting time is 3.4 s and the selected
(35 + 234.5)1
fuse size is 32 A .
θsec = 136°C
(a) Continuous operation T h e current rating for a
3-core 2.5 m m ^ cable in air at 25°C is given in
Since both GSCH a n d θ s e c are lower than the ca­
Appendix C as 28 A . In an ambient temperature
ble short-circuit temperature of 160°C the size is
of 35°C a rating factor of 0.88 is applied as given
satisfactory from this aspect. Finally it is necessary
in Appendix E . Therefore the cable current rating
to check the m a x i m u m route length that will allow
is 24.6 A which is in excess of the motor full-
sufficient earth fault current t o flow t o clear the
load current of 6.1 A .
fuse using the method given in Section 4.6.2 of
(b) Fault conditions T h e conductor temperature dur­ this chapter.
ing normal fuh-load operation is given by:
F r o m Appendix B , the conductor a n d a r m o u r re­
sistance at 20°C are 7410 μΩ/m a n d 8800 μΏ/νη
OFL = ΘΑ + [(ΘΜ - OAKIFL/IC)^]
respectively. F r o m (b), the full-load conductor
= 35 + [(70 - 35X6.1/24.6)2] temperature is 37°C a n d , taking the a r m o u r tem­
= 37°C perature rise t o be half that of the conductor, gives
an a r m o u r temperature of 36°C. Correcting the
The conductor temperature after two hot starts resistances to these temperatures gives Rc = 7905
is obtained next: μΩ/m a n d Ra = 9434 μ Ω / m . Also from (b) the
intersection of the fuse a n d thermal relay (hot)
characteristics give Ip = 160 A . Therefore:
l o g n [(θ28Τ + ßViOFL + ß)]
(226)2 X ( 2 . 5 ) 2
(49.1)2 ^ l o g n [(θ28Τ + 234.5)/ IF (Rc + Ra)
2 χ 3.4
240 X 10^
(37 + 234.5)]
160 ( 7 9 0 5 + 9434)
θ25Τ = 51°C
87 m

The next step is to check the conductor tempera­ Since this m a x i m u m route length exceeds the act­
ture 6 s c H for a fault immediately after two hot ual route length, the cable is adequately protected
starts. The maximum fault let through is taken against earth faults.
from the intersection of the fuse a n d thermal relay
(hot) characteristics. For a 3 k W m o t o r w h h a (c) Voltage regulation T h e voltage regulation during
32 A fuse this gives ISCH = 160 A and t = 2.3 s. normal full-load operation is generally a more oner­
ous condition t h a n during starting a n d therefore
2Q2 the former is calculated first. F r o m (b), the con­
l o g n [(OSCH + ßViOisr + ß)] ductor resistance at full-load conductor temperature
R L = 7 9 0 5 / i Q / m a n d from Appendix B , X L =
(226)2 χ (2.5)2 1 0 0 μ Ω / m . F r o m Table 6 . 1 8 for a 3 kW motor,
(160)2 = l o g n [(OSCH + 234.5)/ cos</) = 0 . 8 3 .
F r o m Section 4 . 5 the m a x i m u m route length:
(51 + 234.5)]

OSCH = 109°C Lmax

VL \
Then the conductor temperature for a fault with
V3 100 X 1 ( R L οο5φ + X L sin^) /
the cable at ambient must be checked. T h e maxi­
m u m fault let-through is taken from the inter­ 415 3.5 X 1 0 *
sections of the fuse and the thermal relay (cold)
V3 100 X 6.1 ( 7 9 0 5 χ 0 . 8 3 + 1 0 0 X 0 . 5 6 )
characteristics. For a 3 k W motor with a 32 A fuse
this gives I = 130 A and t = 6 s. = 208 m

Cabling Chapter 6

The motor starting vohage regulation is calculated (b) Digital signals defined as voltages or current which
using the conductor temperature after two hot starts are normally at one voltage or another with a re­
which from (b) is 51°C. Correcting the conductor latively rapid change between states. Examples
resistance for this temperature gives R L = 8313 are plant orientated alarm signals, sequence con­
μΩ/m. From Table 6.20 the motor power factor trol input and output signals (e.g., 0 - 4 8 V). They
during starting, cos φ = 0.28. Now: also include switched 110 V D C and 110 V A C

415 11 X 10^ 5.2 Cable types

V3 \ 100 X 49.1 (8313 χ 0.28 + 100 χ 0.96) / For convenience the cable types used for these classes
of signals can be split into three categories:
= 222 m
(a) Muhipair control cables (as described in Section
These maximum lengths for voltage regulation are 3.6 of this chapter) which are suitable for use at
both considerably in excess of the actual route voltages up to 110 V A C or 150 V D C . How­
length of 80 m. ever, these cables should not be used for circuhs
which contain unsuppressed 110 V A C contactor
In conclusion, a 3 - c o r e , 2.5 mm^ cable is required to or relay coils of such a rating that they are hkely
supply this 3 kW motor. to give rise to switching transients that are in ex­
In this example, the hmiting factor for route length cess of the 2 kV test vohage. These cables have
is the requirement to ensure sufficient current flows a cross-sectional area of 0.5 mm^ and it is re­
during an earth fault to operate the fuse. As discussed commended that the maximum current in any con­
under 415 V fuse/contactor in Section 4.6.2 of this ductor be limited to 1 A, and that n o more than
chapter, the accurate but more time-consuming method 4 0 % of the pairs be loaded with this current at
for obtaining the minimum earth fault current is to one time.
construct the cable I^t adiabatic line (hot) on the re­
levant fuse characteristic. This will invariably give a (b) Multicore control cables (as described in Section
longer route length and may be worthwhile determin­ 3.5 of this chapter) which are rated at 600/1000 V
ing in instances where this requirement dictates the and have a conductor cross-sectional area of 2.5
conductor size. m m ^ . These cables are used where the circuit volt­
age (continuous or transient) or circuit current is
in excess of the capabilities of muhipair cables.
5 Control and instrumentation cable However, these cables are more expensive and also
systems more prone to interference (see Section 5.3 of this
chapter) and should not be used unless essential.
This section deals with the cabling systems that are
necessary for the fohowing functions: (c) Special cables such as coaxial, triaxial and low loss
individually screened pair cables are necessary for
• Control and instrumentation. particular applications. The performance of such
• Protection, intertrips and interlocks. special cables is normally prescribed by the plant
contractor involved and they are frequently pro­
• Metering.
vided by him as free issue for the cable contractor
• Telecommunications. to install. One problem with many of these special
• Alarms. cables is that they are normally not armoured and
are therefore unable to whhstand the rigours of
installation and service in a power station environ­
• Computers and data logging equipment. ment; so, in many cases, it is necessary to provide
mechanical protection by conduit or trunking.

5.1 Signal levels

The types of signal being considered can be broadly 5.3 Cable interference
split into two classes:
This section is intended to give an insight into basic
(a) Analogue signals consisting of voltages that vary
interference theory which wih be found useful in under­
relatively slowly and currents such as those pre­
standing why it is important to give careful consi­
sent in transmitter outputs (e.g., 4 - 2 0 m A ) , ther­
deration to signal types and the type of cable to which
mocouple outputs (e.g., 0 - 4 0 mV) and position
they are ahocated. Table 6.21 contains the abbrevia­
indicating potentiometers (e.g., 0 - 1 0 V). They also
tions, descriptions and units that will be used through­
include current transformer (CT) and voltage trans­
out the following interference theory.
former (VT) circuits for instrumentation.
Control and instrumentation cable systems

TABLE 6.21
Descriptions and abbreviations used in interference theory

Abbreviation Description Unit

Β Magnetic flux density Webers per square (Wb/m^)


/A Permeability of free Henries per metre (H/m)

space 47Γ X 10"^
I Current through Amperes (A)
Ε Electric field strength Volts per metre (V/m)

q Charge per unit length Coulombs per (C/m)


e Permittivity of free Farads per metre (F/m)

f Frequency Hertz (Hz) FIG. 6.39 Magnetic field around an isolated
single conductor
V Voltage Volts (V)

(a) Magnetic flux density at a point P , r metres from

the centre of the conductor is
5.3.1 Interference in multipair cables
Every current carrying conductor produces a magnetic Β = Webers/m2
field and an electric field. If we consider the hypo­ 27rr
thetical case of an isolated single conductor, see Fig
6.39, it will be surrounded by a magnetic field indi­ (b) Electric field intensity
cated by the dotted hues and an electric field indicated
by the solid lines. T h e spacing of the hues gives an Ε = V/m
indication of the relative strength of the field, where €2'7ΓΓ

they are close it is high and where they are far apart
it is low. These two expressions show how Β and Ε decrease
It can be shown that the magnetic flux density and as r increases.
electric field intensity at any point are inversely propor­ If we now consider a balanced pair of conductors,
tional to the distance away from the conductor: i.e., carrying equal a n d opposite currents (see Fig 6.40),

FIG. 6.40 Magnetic field for a balanced pair of conductors

Cabling Chapter 6

in the same way expressions can be stated which give Since we are deahng with a twisted pair, there are
the magnetic flux density and electric field strength. many small geometrical considerations which wih affect
It can be shown that the magnetic flux density and the a m o u n t of cancehation and thus there wih be
the electric field strength at any point Ρ vary as the residual fields. These considerations include conductor
inverse of the square of the distance between Ρ and geometry, twinning lay and spacing variation. It is
the cable system centre. In fact the field strengths at usual to apply a reduction factor of about 10 for the
P i and P 2 wih not be identical when ri and χ2 are case of a normal twisted-pair cable compared with a
equal because of the geometry of the arrangement, but straight parallel-pair.
providing that r is considerably larger than d (conductor We shall now consider the way in which the mag­
diameter), then this approximation may be made. In netic field produced by (a) a single conductor and (b)
our calculations we will be able to assume, generally, a pair of conductors, affects another pair of conduc­
that r is greater than d and so the simplification wih tors in their vicinity. In both cases straight parallel
be invoked: conductors are considered initially, the reduction factor
above being applied at the end of the calculation.
(a) Magnetic flux density at a point P , r metres from
In this situation we are primarily concerned with the
the centre of the twin system.
magnetic coupling between the two circuits since we
are working at normal power frequencies. Electrostatic
Β = (6.3) coupling becomes more important as frequency rises
ΤΓΓ^ (10"^ k H z and above), but at mains frequency magnetic
couphng dominates.
(b) Electric field intensity at point Ρ Referring to Fig 6.42, the induced voltage on a pair
is a function of the magnetic field cutting them which
Ε = (6.4) in turn depends on the separation of the pair, their
€7ΓΓ" mutual separation from the current carrying conduc­
tor and other geometric considerations. Mathematically
Note the two implications of these formulae; firstly the a m o u n t of flux linking the cables may be found
the flux density and field intensity vary inversely with in several ways. T o d o this exactly is a relatively
the square of the distance from the system (and not complicated procedure, but an approximation may be
directly as the inverse of the distance as in the isolated made by finding the average flux at the centre of the
conductor case), and secondly that the smaher d is pair and assuming this to be constant over the area
made the smaller the flux density/field intensity at a between them (safe assumption if d is small). To find
given point becomes. the total flux cutting the pair per metre, we must then
Before we turn from looking at the magnedc/electric multiply this average by (2d χ 1) square metres which
field produced by current carrying conductors to the is the area enclosed by a 1 metre length of the pair.
interference induced in other conductors by those fields, The voltage induced on the pair is then proportional
there is one further point to consider. to this flux and its rate of change, i.e., frequency.
The last example considered long, straight, parallel The induced voltage per metre is given by:
conductors. If we twist those conductors to form a
twisted-pair then there is a cancellation of the ^1
V = 27rf X X (2d X 1) (6.5)
magnetic/electric fields which is most easily explained 27rR
by the diagram shown in Fig 6.41.
Field at Ρ due to A is cancelled by that due to Β rate of change x mean flux x area
C is cancelled by that due to D
Ε is cancelled by that due to F , which simplifies to
Assuming the twisted cable to be made up of very V = (6.6)
short, straight lengths joined by transpositions it can
be shown that (for short enough parallel lengths) the
magnetic and electric fields, at a point Ρ outside the The basic implications of this are that as we make
cable will each be cancelled. d smaher a n d / o r R larger the induced vohage drops.

0 Q O
FIG. 6.41 Effect of twisted pair FIG. 6.42 Paired cable relative to single power cable

Control and instrumentation cable systems

If the pair cable is a twisted pair then a reduction Ιμάη

factor of about 10 may be applied to this induced Using: V = — — V/m
voltage as mentioned previously.
Following through a similar logic for a pair cable where d = 7 χ lO""^ m
inducing voltage on another pair cable of the same
R = 6 X 10-1 m
geometry (as in Fig 6.43), we find a result which may
f = 50 Hz
be stated mathematically as:
I = 840 A

2 X 47Γ X 1 0 " ' ^ X 7 X 1 0 - 4 X 50 X 840

V = (6.7) Thus V =
(R2 - d2) 6 X 10-1

= 1.23 X 10-4 V/m

Óó 6 ó
AUowing a reduction factor of 10 since the pair
is twisted.

Induced voltage = 12.3 /xV/m

Note: d is calculated on the basis of a 1/0.8 m m

diameter c o n d u c t o r with an insulation radial
FIG. 6.43 One pair relative to another pair
thickness of 0.3 m m

(b) A twisted pair suffering interference from (i) a

What this means is that the induced voltage now single core, 25 m m away in the same cable and
drops off much more quickly as d is reduced and (ii), a twisted pair carrying balanced current also
also as R is increased. Note that in both Equations 25 m m away. In both cases the interfering con­
(6.6) and ( 6 . 7 ) a frequency term appears on the t o p ductor (s) is (are) carrying 1 A .
line indicating that induced voltage is directly propor­
tional to frequency. This is why transient phenomena 2/idn
(i) Using: V =
(basically high frequency harmonics) may give rise to R
If both the pair cables are twisted-pairs then a where d = 7 χ 1 0 - ^ m
reduction factor of (10 χ 10) may be applied. R = 2.5 X 10-2 m
The type of interference that we have calculated f = 50 Hz
here is manifested as a potential difference between
I = 1 A
the cores, i.e., a voltage source connected in series
with the cable. Thus this type of interference is known 2 X 47r X 1 0 - ' ^ X 7 X 1 0 - 4 χ 50 χ i
as series mode voltage (or transverse mode voltage). It Thus V =
can be shown from the previous equations that b o t h 2.5 X 10 - 2

cores will suffer a rise in potential above the local earth

V = 3.5 X 10-6 V / m
potential, again dependent upon the strength of the
interfering field in which the cores are situated and this
Allowing a reduction factor of 10 since one
is known as c o m m o n m o d e vohage (or longitudinal
pair is twisted
In general, the equipment at the end of the cable V = 0.35 /iV/m
will be examining the potential difference/current/
resistance seen between the two cores and thus will Αμά^η
be most sensitive to series mode interference. C o m m o n (ii) Using V = —
mode interference does not pose such a problem unless r2 -

it is of very large magnitude, when special isolation ^ 4 X 4 T X 1 0 - 7 X (7 X 1 0 - 4 ) 2 χ 5 0 χ 1

methods must be employed. In this examination we are
concerned mainly with series m o d e voltages. (2.5 χ 1 0 - 2 ) 2 _ (7 χ 10-4)2

Two examples of interference calculations for paired

cables wih now be given: V = 1.9 Χ 10-7 V / m

(a) A twisted pair suffering interference from a single AHowing a reduction factor of 100 since both
power cable carrying 840 A , situated 600 m m away pairs are twisted:
(effects of armour, other cables and supporting
steel work are ignored). V = 0.0019/iV/m

Cabling Chapter 6

(ii) represents an improvement of about 45 dB to interference than muhipair cables under the con­
over (i), illustrating the importance of main­ ditions considered. The actual level of interference
taining balanced pair working. within multicore cables is dependent on the physical
location of the cores which are used to complete the
5.3.2 Interference in multicore cables electrical circuit. If the cores used are widely spaced
whhin the cable, then the level of interference whl be
The basic theory given in the previous section for
greater than if adjacent cores were used. In general,
multipair cables is equally relevant to multicore cables
little control is used over the selection of cores used
with the obvious exception that no factors have to be
and, in practice, cores forming an electrical circuit may
taken into account for twisting.
even be in different cables in which case the levels of
Two examples of interference calculation will now be
interference can be significantly greater.
F r o m Section 5.3.1 of this chapter, it can be seen
(a) Two adjacent cores suffering interferences from that in order to reduce interference between circuits
a single power cable carrying 840 A, situated (cross-talk) and from external sources to a m i n i m u m ,
600 m m away (effects of armour, other cables and h is essential that balanced pair working is used. This
cable supporting steelwork are ignored). means that the current in one core of a pair must be
equal and opposite in direction of flow to that in the
Using: V = V/m other core of the same pair. This is a m a n d a t o r y re­
R quirement for analogue signals and should be adopted
whenever possible for digital signals.
where d = 1.7 X 10-3 m Also from Section 5.3.1 it can be seen that inter­
r = 6 X 10-1 m ference within a control cable is inversely proportional
f = 50 Hz to its distance from the source. Control cables are
I = 840 A therefore separated from single-core power cables by at
least 600 m m and from muhicore power cables by at
2 X 4π X 10-"^ X 1.7 χ I Q - ^ X 50 X 840 least 300 m m . Interference is directly proportional to
Thus V the distance over which the control cable and power
6 X 10 - 1
cables are parallel. It is therefore possible to waive
V = 2.99 X 10-^ these separation requirements over short distances and
the requirement is not applied to cable ends where they
Induced voltage = 299 μΥ/τη are terminated into equipment. A general rule used is
that power and control cables can be run at less than
Note: d is calculated on the basis of 7/0.67 m m the foregoing stated separation distances provided that
stranded conductor with an insulation radial thick­ the summated total length does not exceed five metres.
ness of 0.7 m m . Analogue and digital signals are n o r m a h y segregated
(b) Two widely spread cores within a 37-core cable into separate cables, but separation is not required
suffering interference from a single power cable between such cables.
situated 600 m m away (effects of a r m o u r , other A further consideration when designing control cable
cables and cable supporting steelwork are ignored). systems should be the effects of cable capacitance.
One particular aspect that needs attention is to ensure
2^DFL that the capacitance due to cable length or type is not
Using: V = V/m
such that the leakage current is sufficient to cause
*seahng in' of relay coils. Further information on the
where d = 10.2 x 1 0 m effects of capacitance is given in Volume F .
R = 6 10 - 1 m

f = 50 Hz
I = 840 A
5.4 Control and instrumentation cable
system design
Induced voltage = 1795 μ V / m This section deals with the design of cable systems to
handle circuhs used for control, protection, instru­
Note: d is calculated for diametrically opposite
mentation and communications within a power station.
cores in the outer layer of a 37-core cable, w h h
This design work is now generally carried out by the
conductor and insulation parameters as in the
C E G B who also issue the detailed working instructions
previous example.
and drawings to the cable installer.
The work involved on a major project such as Hey­
5.3.3 Circuit considerations sham 2 covers 36 000 control cables and weh over 1
F r o m the previous sections h can be seen that m u h i ­ million wire terminations. Each 'cable' and each V i r e '
core cables can be up to 150 times more susceptible has to be uniquely designed and identified to ensure

Control and instrumentation cable systems

that the plant functions correctly. Because of the vast of sequence controHers and simUar devices. The ex­
quantity of information involved, computer systems pression 'light current control' came into being and
are now extensively used to aid design and to store this was generally taken to mean devices operated via
data. a 50 V system of relays and swhches. It was reahsed
To understand the philosophy behind modern con­ that light current devices would operate satisfactorily
trol system cable networks it is useful to consider first through cables having a reduced cross-sectional area
how the extent of such systems has grown over the and that the introduction of 'telephone type' cables
years with increasing generator unit size. This evolution could result in considerable financial savings. Unfor­
can be considered to have four phases. tunately, the importance of balanced paired working
In phase one, prior to about 1950, auxihary control when using these types of cables was not always appre­
functions within power stations were largely restricted ciated in early installations, and interference problems
to the remote control of switchgear using voltages in were sometimes encountered. T o reduce termination
the order of 110 V and currents that could be as high space requirements, the traditional O ΒΑ terminals
as 5 A. For these functions, multicore cables were used were replaced by screw clamp terminals, broadly in
which had an imperial sized conductor equivalent to two sizes, one for multicore cables and a smaller version
the modern metric 2.5 m m ^ . ΑΠ connections would be for muhipair cables.
*point to point', i.e., direct between equipment without The third phase was initiated by a further upsurge
marshalling of cores. A typical arrangement is shown in quantity and complexity of control and instrumen­
in Fig 6.44. tation equipment in the 1960s with the introduction
of 500 M W units, which put a heavy demand on cable
systems. T o achieve economy of cable cost consistent
with the required rehability, operation and maintenance
requirements a higher degree of marshalling was intro­
duced. A typical arrangement is shown in Fig 6.45.
With these marshalling systems, as w h h point to point
cabling, ah terminal points have to be individually
designed and scheduled prior to site installation. Clear­
ly the considerable a m o u n t of work involved cannot
be completed until the necessary circuit and terminal
information has been received from the various plant
contractors. Because manufacturers programme plant
contracts in relation t o the equipment manufacture
I and delivery dates, the design information tended to
be m a d e available later t h a n the cable system design
task required. Consequently the cable design activity
could not match the site cable installation demand
for information. The resulting concentration of cable

design and installation activhy towards the end of the
project was a threat to the construction programme.
Although supporting steelwork could be erected and
power cables installed, control and instrumentation
cabhng invariably was delayed due ehher to late in­
formation from contractors (and hence from the cable
designers) or due to lack of terminal release points
FIG. 6.44 Toint to point' control cable system from the equipment contractors. A further difficulty
with this type of marshalling system is that all wires
had to be identified by a unique number at their
During the second phase, in the 1950s, the increasing terminal points to allow identification and for fault
number of plant auxiliaries and level of instrumen­ finding during commissioning and maintenance. This
tation made h desirable to reduce the size of control identification usually consisted of a nine-digit alpha­
panels for switchgear. The same period also saw the numeric code formed using beads (ferrules) placed over
introduction of mimic diagrams for control panels and the wire insulation. The termination was then com­
desks. The equipment developed by the G P O for tele­ pleted by applying a crimped pin (see Section 9.3.1
communications was an obvious choice to reduce size of this chapter) to the conductor which would in turn
and facilitate an increase in the complexity of power be fastened into a screw clamp terminal. The larger
station control functions. The use of 50 V D C inter­ sizes of paired cables (50, 75 and 100 pairs) used for
posing relays, and key and discrepancy switches there­ trunk cables during this phase had a more complex
fore became c o m m o n in power stations. The intro­ colour coding than those currently used since all pairs
duction of such equipment allowed the development were identified without repetition. The net resuh of

Cabling Chapter 6



FIG. 6.45 Typical arrangement of cable marshalling

these factors was that approximately 2 % of wires were in Section 3.6 of this chapter, are constructed on a
wrongly identified or terminated. unit basis. This means that each cable consists of a
The fourth and final phase of the evolution of the number of 20-pair units, the pairs of each u n h having
cable network system began with the introduction of the same colour code identification sequence, the u n h s
660 M W units in the early 1970s, which had associated themselves being identified by numbers.
with them more sophisticated control and data logging The network is built u p in 20-pair modules from
systems. There was clearly a need to review and if field marshalling boxes or local panels a r o u n d the
possible simphfy the design and installation of control plant, via network marshalling boxes and trunk cables
cables and terminations. It was also considered de­ into a marshalhng centre.
sirable to try and spread the load factor on the design Similarly, central equipment such as control desks
and site labour forces. Such considerations brought or alarm equipment is connected in 20-pair modules
about the adoption of cable networks which utilised via trunk cables into the marshalhng centre. Therefore
jumpering facilities to complete the circuitry. This type each 20-pair module will start in a field marshalling
of network has been used at stations such as Little­ box or in an item of control and instrumentation equip­
brook D, Dinorwig and Heysham 2; a description of ment. All pairs of the field end of the module wül be
the principles and equipment used is given in the next made-off onto terminals and the whole module will be
section. extended back to the marshalling centre.
Each 20-pair module is given a unique number that
will appear above every block of 40 terminals that are
5.5 Cable network system using jumpering used to terminate the module. Each wire in every
module is terminated in the same terminal position in
a block as shown in Fig 6.47. This means that a signal
5.5.1 Basic principles of cable network
onto terminal l A of, say, a field network box will end
The cable network is a hierarchical system formed to u p on terminal l A of the same module in the mar­
route circuits from the 'field' (plant areas, switchrooms, shalhng centre. Since each module is uniquely identified
etc.) to the control room area. A simplified arrange­ by a number and each pair within a module is uniquely
ment to demonstrate the basic principles is shown in identified by colour code, a system of attaching ferrule
Fig 6.46. As can be seen, the network is buih up using numbers to core terminations is not considered neces­
20-pair modules to match the type of multipair cables sary. Since the terminations within 20-pair modules
used. These muhipair cables, which are fully described should never need to be disturbed for correction or

Control and instrumentation cable systems




FIG. 6.46 Basic principles of pair networking arrangements

modification, wire wrap techniques as described in By way of an example of the use of this system, the
Section 9.3.2 of this chapter are used. signal from an oil pressure switch could be connected
The marshalhng centre itself consists of a termina­ into a field marshalling box on terminals 4A and 4B.
tion cubicle or frame which is provided with jumpering The signal would then appear on terminals 4A and 4B
facilities. The function of the marshalhng facility is to of the same module in the marshalhng centre, which
form into a circuit a number of loops that are brought could then be jumpered to the appropriate terminals
in by pairs within the network. The circuits are formed of the module routed to the alarm cubicle to initiate
by means of jumpers installed between the ends of a 'lubricating oil pressure low' alarm. In a similar
the muhipair cables. Jumpers are terminated using tab manner, j u m p e r connections can he used to complete
connectors, as described in Section 9.2 of this chapter, the circuit between the alarm cubicle and the alarm
which provide the facihty for breaking a circuit into facia on the desk. This is shown in the form of a loop
its fundamental pairs for testing. Each jumper has diagram in Fig 6.48.
numbered ferrules apphed at each end to enable it to Connections into field marshalhng boxes from plant-
be identified. m o u n t e d devices use screw/clamp terminations and

Cabling Chapter 6

I 1A I 1B I 2A I 2B I 3A I 3B |4A I 4B I 5A I 5B I 6A I 6B I 7A I 7B I 8A I 8B I 9A I 9B 110A 110B |l 1A 111Β 112A112B 113A 113B 114A 114B 115A 115B 116A 116B 117A 117B118A 118B119^
Arrangement (b)


w ,



°\ V



8Α 9Α 10Α


12Α 13Α








19Β 20Β
BN \ , Arrangement (c)


Β ' \ ,


7B ° \
8A " 1

9A 1A IB

9B 2A 2B

3A 3B
- ' \ , 4A 4B
« \ ' 6A 6B
0 ' \ , 8A 8B G GREEN

10A 10B
BK 11A 118
14A Arrangements (b), (c) AND (d) WILL HAVE THE

14B Arrangement (a).
BK 13A 138
14A 148

16A 168
17A 178

18A 188
ISA 198

20A 208
19A Arrangement (d)




Arrangement (a)

FIG. 6.47 Cable module terminations

ferrule numbers are applied to cable cores for identi­ any particular control function requirements. Control
fication. Indeed this policy is used for all terminations and instrumentation contractors are encouraged to
having less than 20-pairs to enable plant changes or forward at an early date their requirements for the
disconnection for test purposes. number of outgoing pairs for their major panels,
This type of cable network system was developed cubicles and desks to enable trunk cables to these items
to try and overcome some of the programme and to be scheduled. When circuit diagrams are obtained
technical difficulties, discussed in Section 5.4 of this from manufacturers for sequence, control and instru­
chapter, that had been encountered with marshalling mentation, interlock and intertrip equipment, etc., the
schemes that did not include jumpering. system loop diagrams can be prepared and the cable
Let us consider how a network which includes j u m ­ system completed. At this stage it is only required that
pering can improve programme performance. It is ex­ the tail end cables from the field network boxes to the
pected that the backbone of the network system which plant devices and the necessary jumpers be scheduled.
includes field and pair network marshalhng boxes, It should therefore be appreciated that the design work
marshalling centres and associated trunk cables will be has been spread over a greater period by being effec­
designed early. This is carried out before detailed cir­ tively started much earlier. Furthermore, the process
cuit knowledge is available by using experience of is better able to cope with late receipt of information
previous station requirements and taking into account as well as design changes. Providing steps are taken

Control and instrunnentation cable systems

BOX 2207

1 WB 4A 4A 1A 1 1A

2 Β 4B 4J f / 1B 1 1B

r ° , ° ALARM
3 R 5A 2A 1 2A MODULE
— 0 — — c
4 O
0 5B 2B
— O - O -

—O— LOW)


FIG. 6.48 Simplified loop diagram

to ensure timely civil access for trunk cables and mar­ instrumentation contractors, who were naturally de­
shalling centres, the site workload can also be started pendent on mechanical plant designs, conflicted with
earher and spread to give a more controlled, levelled the necessity to clear switchgear designs in time for
and (hence) economical installation task. Because the dehvery to site to meet commissioning dates.
large majority of terminations are completed in a re­ A ready solution to this problem is the use of stand­
petitive colour code order they are less prone to error ard switchgear control circuitry, so that n o special
by the installer, thus reducing the problems that can equipment has to be housed in the switchgear enclosure
occur at the commissioning stage. This repetitive type other than the interposing relays. Having removed
of termination encourages the widespread use of wire Individual' control and instrumentation components
wrap terminations which are fast, reliable and more from switchgear, it has to be located somewhere else
economic than the use of ferruled wires in screw clamp and for this purpose an 'interlock cubicle' is provided.
terminals. The cost, complexity and p r o g r a m m e requirements
From a technical point of view, this type of network discourages the purchase of a completely designed and
system encourages paired working and hence improved factory-built Interlock cubicle'. The solution is there­
signal-to-noise ratio, as discussed in Section 5.3 of fore to purchase a cubicle containing nothing initially
this chapter. Individual networks can be provided to other than terminal blocks, wiring and plug-in bases.
meet segregation and separation requirements and this, This enables relays, timers, etc., to be plugged in as
together with computerised cable design methods, can requirements become known.
give the necessary quality assurance. When designing the cabling from switchgear, certain
circuits such as electrical protection (including VT and
C T secondaries) are excluded from the cable network
5.5.2 Switchgear and interlocking equipment
system. C T secondary circuits are excluded from the
No mention has so far been made of the involvement network because special measures, in the way of ter­
of switchgear and hence the use of muhicore cables in minals with shorting h n k s , are required to prevent
the network system. the C T being left open-circuited when energised with
Switchgear at all voltage levels provides a large resultant high potentials which may be a danger to
number of the inputs into a control and instrumen­ personnel and equipment. However, circuits from inter­
tation scheme in the form of operations, indications posing CTs may be routed via the cable network. These
and alarms. In the past, equipment for interlocking circuks therefore have their terminals grouped into
and sequence control, and interposing relays for remote discrete blocks to enable them to be cabled direct to
control have all been built into individual switchgear their destinations using multicore cables.
units, a unique specification being required for each All remaining switchgear functions are wired to ter­
panel. This obviously necessitated early finalisation of minals in groups to match standard multicore cable
control and instrumentation design in order that these sizes, i.e., 12, 19, 27 and 37 cores. F r o m these terminal
devices could be built into switchgear in the factory. blocks, cables are run to identical terminal blocks in
This proved to be too inflexible from a p r o g r a m m e the marshalling cubicle and in this manner all the
point of view. Late information from control and auxiliary functions of the switchgear are extended to

Cabling Chapter 6

the jumper field. By means of jumper connections, and marshalhng centres. In this respect a sub-train is
functions can be extended to other equipment. Where the plant, equipment and cables associated with the
extension is not required for a particular function, essential cooling system. A typical arrangement for
but circuit continuity is required (i.e., plant interlock an advanced gas-cooled reactor (AGR) is given in
in closing coh circuit), then a jumper is used as a Fig 6.50.
shorting link. Regardless of the type of station, separate cables
The 'module' approach, described in Section 5.5.1 are used for analogue and digital signals although
of this chapter for paired cables, is also apphed to c o m m o n marshalling centres may be used. A diagram
multicore cables. This means that core 1 is always of a marshalhng centre for an A G R showing typical
connected to terminal 1, core 2 to terminal 2, etc., and jumpering is given in Fig 6.51.
this can form a standard instruction to the electrician. The location of marshalhng centres is important.
This technique can apply both to the switchgear and The initial reaction had been to set u p a marshalling
the marshalling centre, hence no wiring diagrams or centre only adjacent to the control r o o m , an evolution
connection schedules are necessary. A h that is required of the earher idea of using smah trunk cables as shown
is for the group of terminals to be identified by a in Fig 6.45. However, as the control cable network has
module number and that this is then related to a cable developed to accommodate all C and I circuitry, the
number. physical location of marshalhng facilities has had to
Interlock cubicles are cabled direct to the marshal­ be closely re-examined. The actual position will depend
ling centre, using multicore or multipair cables as on the specific station layout and therefore no hard
appropriate, also employing 'module' techniques. and fast rules can be applied, but when considering
this subject the following points should be taken into
5.5.3 D e s i g n of c a b l e n e t w o r k s y s t e m s

Section 5.5.1 of this chapter used a simphfied model to • In order to reduce the length of multicore cables
demonstrate the principles of a cable network system. between switchgear and the marshalling centre, which
In practice, the structure of the network will be de­ are relatively expensive as compared with multipair
pendent upon the segregation and separation require­ cables, a marshalling centre should be located as
ments for a given project. These requirements are close as practicable to the switchgear.
discussed in Section 2 of this chapter. This means that • For the same reasons as given above, the interlock
a separate segregated network will always be required cubicles should be positioned near to a marshalling
for each unit. centre.
Segregation requirements will allow station services
to be mixed with unit services provided that, in the • A marshalling centre should be provided in the
event of any incident, not more than one unit and half control block. This should he located as close as
of the station's services are affected. For example, possible to the underside of the desk to ahow the
one network could be provided for u n h 1 and station flexible cables from individual desk modules to be
A functions with a separate segregated network for terminated directly into the marshalling centre.
unit 2 and station Β functions. Whhst segregation is • Where switchboards are located in outbuildings a
not required between station and unit services it is smah marshalhng centre should be provided, i.e.,
recommended that consideration be given to separa­ wall-mounted jumpering boxes.
tion between marshalhng facilities to reduce their size.
This is because experience has shown that large mar­
5.5.4 A p p l i c a t i o n of c a b l e n e t w o r k s y s t e m s
shalhng centres can form an 'installation bottleneck'
because access space limits the number of electricians As soon as the locations of the major hems of plant
that can work in a given area. For the same reason (mechanical, electrical, and control and instrumenta­
it is recommended that, on a conventional station, at tion) are known, the trunk cabling of the cable network
least three marshalling centres are provided per unit. system should be laid out. This requires that the mar­
The location of marshalling centres is discussed later. shalling centres are located and that an estimate is
However, a typical arrangement would be to provide m a d e of the number of analogue and digital pairs that
such facihties at the control r o o m , boiler electrical and are required between major plant areas. This is achieved
turbine electrical annexes. A typical unit arrangement by using experience of previous station requirements
for a conventional power station is shown in Fig 6.49. and a knowledge of any particular control and data
For nuclear projects the unit electrical system may requirements for the station.
be provided on a 'train basis' (i.e., a separate electrical When estimates for the trunk routes have been
system associated with each reactor quadrant) and in prepared, the number of pairs should be increased by
this case it is necessary to have separate segregated 2 0 % to allow spare pairs for modifications and ad­
control cable networks for each train. In addition ditions during construction and to achieve 10% spare
each 'train' may comprise a number of 'sub-trains' pairs for future modifications and extensions. It is
(usually two), each requiring separation between cables considered preferable to provide adequate spare ca-

Control a n d instrumentation cable systems
Cabling Chapter 6
- Ú
HOOa Ai3dVS Ol A13iVaVd3S - D i l . I
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Γ o
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Control a n d instrumentation cable systems
— I
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Cabling Chapter 6

pacity at this stage since the cost of pairs in large to provide a computer terminal on she to enable cable
trunk cables is only 10% of that of smah individual and termination information to be requested as
cables that might otherwise have to be added at a required.
later stage.
Having established the trunk cabling, the remainder
5.5.5 Testing and commissioning of a control
of the network has to be designed on an individual
network system
circuit basis. This can only be done when the location
of individual plant hems becomes known. To this end, After installation of the network cable system and
plant manufacturers are encouraged to forward their prior to jumpering, the paired section of the network
requirements at an early date so that the location of should be tested to ensure:
control panels and the requirements for field mar-
• All cores are clear of each other and earth.
shahing boxes can be assessed. The number of pairs
assessed in this manner should then be rounded up • Continuity of conductors and termination through
to the nearest multiple of 20-pair modules to assess the network.
termination and cabling requirements.
• Correct allocation of terminals, i.e., terminal l A at
The next stage is to obtain circuit diagrams from
one end of the cable is connected to terminal l A at
manufacturers for sequence, control and instrumen­
the remote end.
tation, interlock equipment and the like. This infor­
mation, together with standard switchgear diagrams,
allows system circuit diagrams in the form of loops to Automatic test equipment is available to carry out
be prepared. These are produced on a system basis to these tests. The tests are normally carried out using the
enable the information to be alhed directly to design, master test equipment at marshalling centres and a
erection and commissioning. slave unit at the extremity of the network, e.g., field
At this stage it is expedient and efficient to use marshalling box or panel. In this way intermediate
a computer management program (e.g., the C E G B terminations such as those at pair network marshalling
C A D M E C program) to allocate cores in cables and to boxes are also verified.
produce termination schedules. The C A D M E C pro­ The correctness of connections from field equipment
gram may be used t o : into field marshalling boxes, and of j u m p e r connections
as well as multicore sections of the network, is verified
• Allocate the cores/pairs of cables required to route by pre-commissioning checks.
each circuit element of the system circuit, and to
produce printouts displaying all routing details. The
5.5.6 Plant-mounted devices
circuit elements will be routed as balanced pairs
and displayed as such where the circuit element re­ It is considered good practice to connect plant-mounted
ferences (CER) are assigned to pairs of terminals at devices such as pressure switches, transmitters and
equipment. resistance thermometers via a flexible cable into an
adaptable box. This adaptable box then forms an inter­
Note: A circuit element comprises the electrical
face between the device and the permanent armoured
connections identified by the same unique circuit
cable. The flexible cables for general use are P V C
element reference (CER) between circuit components
insulated with a copper braid screen and P V C outer
(contacts, relays, etc.).
sheath complying with D E F Standard 6 1 - 1 2 Part 5.
• Produce marshalling centre jumper schedules. For special high temperature applications, in the range
of 70°C u p to 250°C, P T F E insulated and sheathed
• Produce a schedule of connections for the field cables may be used. These types of plant-mounted
multipair and multicore marshalhng boxes. devices are normally supplied under plant contracts
• Produce the circuit loop information in schedule and it is preferable that they be supphed complete with
form. at least 1 m of flexible cable. The adaptable box should
be supplied and erected, and the flexible cable should
be cleated and terminated by the cabling contractor.
The 2, 5 and 10-pair, or multicore cables to plant-
The advantages of this method of connections are:
mounted devices at the extremities of the network also
have to be scheduled during this stage. • Devices can be removed for recalibration without
It should be appreciated that the amount of infor­ disturbing the armoured cables.
mation necessary to install and terminate cables is
• Many devices are mounted on pipes and the un­
minimal, as the only unique connections required are
desirable effects of vibration and movement on
for the jumpers in the marshalhng centres and for the
conventional cabhng are avoided.
field cables connected into the field network marshall­
ing boxes. The information provided by the computer • High temperature flexible cables may be used to
system is in a form that can be issued direct to the devices located in conditions which would not be
installation contractor's labour. It is standard practice suitable for the permanent armoured cables.

Control and instrumentation cable systems

• The cable contractor is free to install and termi­ Main plant protection (see Fig 6.53)
nate the permanent armoured cable prior to the
(a) The cable from the unit overall protection panel
device being installed and released to him. It should
to the boiler burner panel a n d / o r to the individual
be borne in mind that it is not unusual for plant
burners dependent on the boiler control scheme
contractors to install devices at the last possible
containing the boiler firing trip circuit.
moment, to avoid damage.
(b) The cables from the unit overall protection panel
• The problem that many devices do not have suitable
to the individual stop valves containing the valve
entries for armoured cables is overcome.
trip circuits.

To avoid the production of individual wiring diagrams (c) One of the two cables from the unit overall protec­
for each device, standard connections are used as shown tion panel for the duplicated intertripping scheme
in Fig 6.52. This diagram forms part of the standard to the 400 kV switchgear protection panel in the
information issued to electricians for use on site. 400 kV substation. If it is possible to route the two
There are a few areas where plant devices need to cables by segregated routes it will not be necessary
be treated in a different manner and these are detailed to use S T F P cables.
as follows:
(d) The cable from the unit overall protection panel
• Thermocouples are cabled using compensating cable to the unit transformer circuit-breaker containing
direct to their associated cold junction cubicle or the trip circuk.
transmitter cubicle. Frequently the supply, installa­
(e) The cable from the unit overall protection panel to
tion and termination of compensating cables is
the field circuit-breaker (when provided) containing
placed in plant contracts.
the trip circuk.
• Where short-time fireproof cables are used (see
(f) The cable between the u n k control desk and the
Section 5.5.7 of this chapter), a higher degree of
unit overall protection panel containing the emer­
security is achieved by terminating the cable direct
gency stop p u s h b u t t o n circuitry.
into equipment and devices.

• Plant devices mounted on the turbine and boiler feed (g) T o overcome the possibility that the fire could
p u m p turbine blocks are grouped and cabled into involve the generator stator circuitry, it is neces­
marshahing boxes. The location of the marshalhng sary to ensure that some form of electrical pro­
boxes must be such that they need not be disturbed tection should survive.
during dismantling of the turbine and that they are
accessible with the unit on load. It is recommended The form of protection involving the minimum of
that flexible cables and adapter boxes still be used cable is the back-up earth fault protection on the
for plant devices, but in this case aU cabling and stator, consequently it is a requirement that the current
equipment up to and including the turbine mar­ transformer secondaries of this protection scheme be
shalhng boxes should be supphed by the plant con­ cabled to the unit overall protection panel in S T F P
tractor. Connections from these marshalling boxes cable.
to network marshalling boxes or marshalling centres
should be the responsibility of the cable contractor.
Station public address system
The complete cabhng system from microphones to
5.5.7 Application of short-time fireproof cables
loudspeakers via amplifiers and switching should be
The separation and segregation requirements given in S T F P cable.
in Section 2 of this chapter are intended to minimise
fire risk, limit consequential damage and eliminate
Audible alarms
multi-unit outage without extensive use of fire survival
cables. However, there are situations where if cables Power feeds for alarm behs and sirens are usually
failed due to fire it might be impossible to shut down provided from several local sources on the basis that
a unit safely and isolate it from the Grid System. the loss of one device through lack of supply will not
Likewise, there is certain equipment whose integrity silence the alarms. Where it is considered that the loss
must be maintained to enable evacuation and fire- of any one device is not acceptable (and considering
fighting to be effective. Such equipment must be cabled the need to cater for maintenance outage this is un­
using short-time fireproof cables (STFP) of the type likely), then the power supply to the device should
described in Section 3.7 of this chapter. Because of the be in S T F P cable. There is, however, a c o m m o n signal
considerable cost of S T F P cables, their blanket use cable from the control r o o m to initiate the local beU/
on every alarm and protection circuit is not considered siren contactors and the loss of this cable would pro­
acceptable. It is considered appropriate to use S T F P duce a complete failure. It is essential, therefore, that
cables for the following apphcations. this cable be instahed in S T F P cable.

Cabling Chapter 6








DEVICE \ ^ /


~3~|- 3

Η ' h

Η ^ h 4 Κ



* h:


> X X



, 0 ^




Ι Ή 3

4 X
"6~f- 6 X



y X


FIG. 6 . 5 2 Standard connections to plant-mounted devices

Control and instrumentation cable systems































FIG. 6.53 Application of short-time fireproof cables for main plant protection

Cabling Chapter 6

Station VHF and UHF links • Routed in concrete troughs.

All cables from the microphones at the unit control
desks out to the transmitters covering the various These three methods, by their very nature, tend to be
areas of the station should be in S T F P cable. The used outside the main station buildings; they are dealt
aerial cable from the transmitter is co-axial and is with in more detail in Section 7.5 of this chapter.
not available in a fireproof construction — it must Additionally, a very small number of cables will be
therefore be routed in a low risk area. installed either in proprietary electrical trunking or con­
duit. This apphes chiefly to lighting and small power
circuits such as socket outlet ring mains. Cables for
Direct wire telephones
such circuits will be installed in accordance with the
Direct wire telephone circuits are routed point-to-point edition of the l E E Wiring Regulations [18] vahd at
using STFP cables. the time of installation. The resuh will therefore be
similar to any other industrial electrical installation.
Further consideration to such circuits is not, therefore,
Fire fighting equipment
given here.
In order that diesel pumps and other mechanical plant
necessary for the continuous operation of the fire
fighting equipment shall remain in service when in­ 6.2 Design philosophy
volved in a fire, any cabhng on that plant or required
A generic design of cable support steelwork has been
to start it in case of fire should be in S T F P cable.
employed by the C E G B in all of its most recent power
Likewise, circuits carrying essential alarms from the
stations. The main considerations in arriving at this
fire fighting equipment to the control r o o m should be
design were as follows:
in STFP cable.
• The diversity of locations across a power station
Fire detectors where cables, and hence their support steelwork, are
installed. At one extreme, these may be purpose
Fire alarm initiating devices, e.g., 'break glass' devices,
built cabling areas such as cable flats, at the other
smoke detectors and heat detecting cables should be
they may be plant areas such as the boiler house
cabled in STFP cable only in the areas that they are
or turbine hall.
protecting. Outside these areas, the circuits should be
routed in the multipair cable network. This is on the • The huge differences in quantities of cables which
basis that the alarm circuits are all self-monitoring. need to be installed in these differing physical
locations. Main cable routes like cable tunnels may
carry as many as 1500 cables, whereas 'tail end'
Nuclear alarms
routes may simply consist of two cables (one power
All detector and audible circuits associated with nuclear and one control) being routed t o , for example, a
alarms should be cabled using S T F P cables only. limit switch.

• The considerable variation in cable sizes and weights

6 Cable support systems which need to be accommodated. At one extreme,
a 4-core 300 mm^ power cable has an overall dia­
meter of around 70 m m and weighs 7 k g / m . At the
6.1 Introduction other, a 2-pair multipair control cable has an over-
In modern power stations, large quantities of steel ah diameter of 12 m m and weighs only 0.3 k g / m .
framework type structures are used to support the
• The need for the support steelwork to accommo­
cables on their paths, both horizontally and vertically,
date the installation requirements of different cable
across the power station. In the horizontal case, these
types. Power cables, for example, require a free flow
cables may be routed in purpose built cable tunnels,
of air for coohng purposes and single-core power
in cable 'flats' or in general plant areas. In the ver­
cables need additionally to be firmly anchored to
tical case, the cables may be running in purpose built
restrain the large bursting forces generated under
'risers' (sometimes referred to as cable 'flumes'), or
fault conditions. (These requirements are addressed
simply through slots in floors/ceihngs, again in plant
later in this section.)
areas. Virtually all of the cables used in a power sta­
tion, both power and control, wih be installed on these
steel support structures for at least part of their length. Clearly h was considered an uneconomic proposition,
In addition, the following installation methods are both in terms of design and manufacture, to use cable
also used for some cables: support assemblies unique to each different application
and therefore the idea of using a large 'construction
• Buried direct in the ground. kit' evolved as the means of providing the most flexible
• Installed in ducts. solution.

Cable support systems

The basic components of this construction kit were

developed by the C E G B throughout the 1970s in
cohaboration with the leading UK manufacturers. The
design which resuhed from this work drew on both the
CEGB's installation experience and also the suppliers'
practical manufacturing experience. The culmination
of this development exercise was the production of V TWO LENGTHS OF
an internal C E G B specification known as G D C D BACK TO BACK

Standard 197, [19]. This document has, in the absence

of specifications from national sources, become the
accepted standard for this type of cable support system
throughout the UK. This design of steelwork has been
used with considerable success on all of the CEGB's
recently constructed power stations including Drax
Completion, Heysham 2 , Dinorwig and Littlebrook £).
FIG. 6.55 Cross-section through a C2 channel

6.3 Basic system components

The cable support system employed by the C E G B is
based upon a proprietary design of *open channel'
steel section, manufactured in a c o m m o n format by
a number of UK companies. Indeed, the same basic
format of channel is readily available worldwide. This
basic channel section, referred to in C E G B documenta­
tion as a C I channel, is in the form of a square, open
on one side, 41 m m wide χ 41 m m deep, rolled from
2.5 m m thick steel. A cross-section through this chan­
nel is shown in Fig 6.54. There are three other basic FIG. 6.56 Cross-section through a C3 channel
channel sections employed by the C E G B which are
variations on this theme, these are:

35mm MIN

íñi íñl

FIG. 6.54 Cross-section through a Cl channel

• A C2 channel, formed from two C l channels placed PLASTIC FOAM

back-to-back and spot welded at 150 m m intervals

• A C3 channel, which has a depth of only 21 m m , i.e., DRAWING ARE TYPICAL ONLY

half that of the basic C l channel (see Fig 6.56).

• A C4 channel, which is similar to a C l channel except

FIG. 6.57 Isometric view of a C4 channel
that tangs are pressed out from the rear face of
the channel at 300 m m intervals (see Fig 6.57). This
type of channel is called a ^concrete insert channel' the inside surface of the shuttering prior to concrete
and is used to provide a convenient means of fixing p o u r , special polystyrene inserts being used to pre-
cable support steelwork to the power station civil vent ingress of concrete into the channel itself. The
structure. The channel is temporarily fastened to result is an open channel fixing point, flush with

Cabling Chapter 6

the concrete wah or ceihng. The tangs in the rear installation flexibihty is obtained, since a connection
of the channel will be embedded firmly in the can be made at any point on a channel.
concrete. This type of concrete insert channel These reductions in assembly time and the man­
provides a very cheap method of providing fixings power needed, produce considerable consequential in­
to the civil structure but it does have its drawbacks. stahation cost savings.
These are discussed in greater detah later in this It is worth noting that a version of the basic channel
chapter. nut is also available without the spring. It is necessary
to use this type of nut in conjunction with the C3
channel as the limhed depth prevents the use of the
These basic channel sections are used in conjunction
with a range of standard bracket formations and fix­
Because no drihing is required to form this type of
ings to form a support framework on which the cable
connection, h fohows that for loads parahel to the
carriers are located. The brackets and channels are con­
major axis of the support channel, the basic load-
nected together using special fixings known as sprung
carrying capacity of the connection is being derived
channel nuts (sometimes referred to as 'zebedees'), and
from a friction grip. T o ensure adequate performance
standard hexagonal head set screws (usually Μ12) of
of this frictional grip, the top surface of the channel
grade 8.8 steel (as defined in BS3692 [20]). The design
nuts have specially serrated grooves milled into them.
of the sprung channel nut is illustrated in Fig 6.58
These grooves, which can be seen in Fig 6.58, are auto­
and the basic composite assembly is shown in Fig 6.59.
matically aligned with the inturned lips on the support
channel and consequently, when the fixing screw is
tightened, these bite into the underside of the channel
lip. This creates a very high-strength friction grip.
The actual load-carrying capacity of the connection
parallel to the channel major axis wih therefore be
directly dependent upon the tightening torque applied
to the fixing screws. For grade 8.8 M12 fixings, the
C E G B specifies that a torque of 65 N m be apphed
and this gives a slip resistance capability of typicahy
2700 kgf. For cable steelwork design purposes, how­
ever, the maximum permissible static load on a fixing
is taken to be 1200 kgf allowing for a factor of safety.
One design of channel section which is widely avail­
able in the UK, actuahy takes this type of connection
FIG, 6.58 Isometric view of sprung channel nut further by having a sawtooth formation on the under­
side of the lips. This mates with a similar formation
on the top surface of the channel. In this type of
connection, a high tightening torque is not so critical
in obtaining the required load-bearing performance,
as the interlocking teeth provide the resistance to
movement. This design of steelwork is, of course, more
expensive than the plain type. Since the required level
of performance can be obtained without the need for
a channel lip sawtooth formation, the C E G B does not
feel h necessary to require this feature in hs specifi­
cation document.
The standard types of brackets which are used in
FIG. 6.59 Channel nut/screw assembly in a CI channel
the construction of the support frames have been
chosen to be simple and hence cheap. The bulk of the
The main advantage which this type of connection bracket designs are simply bent from 6 m m thick plate
has, is that the support frameworks can be erected with holes punched in them to accept the fixing screws.
at she without the need for drilhng, giving major Typical examples of these brackets are illustrated in
savings in assembly time and manpower requirements. Fig 6.60. They are all manufacturers-' standard catalogue
The channel nuts are simply inserted sideways into items. Welding wih only be employed in the construc­
the channel between the lips on the open face, de­ tion of the bracket if it is:
pressed, and twisted into place. The spring holds the
• Essential to form the required shape of bracket.
channel nut in place whilst the assembly is being ef­
fected, hence freeing the operative's hands for other • If it is necessary to add strength to the bracket, for
assembly jobs. This means that a rehable connection example the addition of a gusset to add strength, as
can be made very quickly and that a great degree of illustrated in Fig 6.61.

FIG. 3.11 Large core being built (GEC Alsthom)
FIG. 3.12 Completed core, showing frame bolts (GEC Alsthom)
FIG. 3 . 5 8 Core and windings of single-phiase CEGB generator transformer (GEC Alsthom)
FIG. 3.60 800 MVA generator transformer bank at Drax power station (GEC Alsthom)
FIG. 3.64 Cast-resin transformers for installation in 415 V switchgear (GEC Alsthom)
FIG. 5.11 Two poles (of a three-phase group) of a forced-air cooled generator circuit-breaker installed at Dinorwig pumped-storage power station
(British Brown-Boveri Ltd)

FIG. 5.12 One pole of a forced-air cooled generator circuit-breaker, with side covers and the connection to generator busbar removed
(British Brown-Boveri Ltd)
FIG. 5.13 Three-phase water cooled generator circuit-breaker showing connection into the generator phase-isolated busbar system
(British Brown-Boveri Ltd)
FIG. 5 . 1 4 Generator circuit-breaker control panel (British Brown-Boveri Ltd)
FIG. 5 . 1 5 Cooling water plant (British Brown-Boveri Ltd)
FIG. 5 . 1 8 Air plant control panel (British Brown-Boveri Ltd)
FIG. 5.29 Typical 3.3 kV switchboard of ReyroUe manufacture
FIG. 5 . 4 8 3 . 3 kV switchboard of Reyolle manufacture. The three left hand units are 'fused equipment Class S 1 4 A '
and the three right hand units are 'air circuit-breakers Class S A ' .
FIG. 5.49 Typical 415 V switchboard of GEC manufacture
FIG. 5.51 Typical 415 V switchboard of Electro-Mechanical Manufacturing Co manufacture
FIG. 5.69 Switchboard formation of control gear featuring vacuum interrupters in association with HBC fuse protection for 3.3 kV service
(GEC Industrial Controls Ltd)
FIG. 5 . 7 0 Example of control gear featuring vacuum interrupters in association with HBC fuse protection — for 3 . 3 kV service, showing the
demonstration of the circuit earthing switch (GEC Industrial Controls Ltd)
Cable support systems

(i.e., prior to mass concrete pour). This information is

generally available for major dedicated cabling areas
such as tunnels and flumes where it is possible to predict
the quantities of cabhng, and hence support steelwork,
ϋ required in those areas. Such detail design information
ΰ is not, however, available for the many smaller cable
runs, particularly in plant areas where plant layout,
and its associated fixings, will sdll be subject to change.
T h e use of concrete insert channels does, therefore,
have its limitations. It is also worth noting that the
C E G B has experienced practical problems where con­
crete insert channels have become misaligned during
concrete pouring. This is attributed to insufficient care
being taken when fixing these channels to the shutter­
ing. It is therefore a quality control problem which
can be addressed by more rigorous on-site inspection.
The most straightforward alternative to using con­
crete insert channels is to 'surface m o u n t ' lengths of
FIG. 6.60 Typical examples of brackets without C I channel using wrap-around brackets and proprietary
welded components concrete fixing anchors (expansion or cast resin types)
as shown in Fig 6.62. In this arrangement, a fixing
anchor spacing of 1 m is usually deemed to provide
equivalent load-carrying capabilities to concrete insert
channels although this will, of course, depend u p o n
the performance characteristics of the concrete anchors
used, the strength of the concrete hself (which also
affects the performance of the concrete inserts) and
also the proximity of those fixing anchors to discon­
tinuities in the wah or floor. These aspects are addressed
by the manufacturer's instructions provided with the
concrete anchors themselves, and these instructions
must always be fohowed imphcitly.

FIG. 6.61 Typical example of bracket with

welded gusset 14mm DIA HOLE

All brackets are hot-dip galvanised after fabrication

to provide environmental protection. Post-fabrication
hot-dip galvanising is specified for two reasons:

• The inclusion of zinc in a weld (from galvanising)

will significantly weaken that weld.

• Bending and forming after galvanising can cause

flaking of the galvanising to occur.

The CEGB's standard component range also includes M12 CONCRETE ANCHOR .' v;oJ
a number of brackets and fixings which are used for ••«ί.ν^·^·
attaching the steel frameworks to the civil structure.
(In this context, the civil structure will include not
only load-bearing walls, floors and ceilings but also F I G . 6.62 Surface-mounted CI channel using a single
structural steelwork such as columns and rolled steel fixing anchor per fixing point
joists (RSJs).)
The basic type of civil structure fixing method, the
C4 concrete insert channel, has already been intro­ The surface mounting of CI channels is more ex­
pensive than using concrete inserts for the following
duced and described. Whilst this is a very simple and
inexpensive method of obtaining a fixing point from a
structural wall or ceihng, its use relies u p o n quite de­ • It requires additional components, most notably
tailed cable instahation design information being avail­ the concrete anchors themselves, which are quite
able at an early stage in the power station construction expensive.

Cabling Chapter 6

• The increased instahation time and effort resuhing

from the need to drih both the channel and also
the concrete itself. (The need to drill the mounting
channel can be avoided by using brackets which
wrap around that channel, see Fig 6.63. This will
of course, require two concrete anchors per fixing
point rather than one.)

FKI. 6.64 Baseplate for a Cl channel


FIG. 6.65 Baseplate for a C2 channel

Many physical situations on a power station dictate

the need for cables to be routed to plant which is
FIG. 6.63 Surface-mounted Cl channel using two remote from concrete walls or ceilings. In these cases,
anchors per fixing point the structural steelwork is often used to provide fixing
points for the cable steelwork. A specially designed
beam clamp, known as a B15 clamp (see Fig 6.66),
Care should always be taken when drilling structural
is used for this application which provides a con­
concrete walls or ceilings to ensure that reinforcing
venient method of fixing from the flange of a R S J .
bars are not damaged.
The beam clamps are used in pairs in conjunction with
In addition to using lengths of channel to provide
fixing points on the civil structure, the CEGB's stand­
ard also includes a number of floor/ceiling baseplate
brackets. The two basic designs of these baseplates
are shown in Figs 6.64 and 6.65 which are intended
for use with C l and C2 channels respectively. These
baseplates are fixed to the floor or ceiling using pro­
prietary concrete anchors and the upstands provide the
take-offs for the channels. Again, they are designed to
be very simple and hence inexpensive, with environ­
mental protection being provided by hot-dip galvanis­
ing. For the more elaborate cable steelwork assembhes,
which are described in the next subsection, special
designs of floorplate are provided in the standard range
of components. These have a wide variety of upstand
configurations which combine installational flexibility
with stable load bearing capacity. They remain, how­
ever, more specialised forms of the basic brackets
shown in Figs 6.64 and 6.65. FIG. 6.66 A B15 heavy duty beam clamp

Cable support systems

short lengths of CI or C2 channel. The completed

assembly, shown in Fig 6.67, has a load-bearing ca­
pabihty of 1200 kg which makes it suitable for the
support of complete cable steelwork assemblies. It
is, however, also used to provide upper bracing points
for cable steelwork structures fixed to the floor.

FIG. 6.69 Application of cladding rail hook bolts

When fixing cable steelwork to the structural steel­

work, it is obviously very important to check that the
structural steelwork itself is capable of supporting the
intended cabling loads safely (bearing in mind that
it may also be carrying other equipment loads such
as pipework). It is therefore essential to ensure that
co-operation and co-ordination exists between the civil
and electrical design disciplines when determining cable
supporting steelwork routes. The same civil structure
FIG. 6.67 Application of a B15 beam clamp loading considerations must also be observed when
providing fixings from concrete wahs and floors, al­
though the civil design often includes an allowance
Two other standard components are also used to for loads such as these.
provide fixings from structural steelwork where smaller The other large group of components which make
load-carrying capacities are required or simply if a u p the complete system are the cable carriers.
bracing point is being provided. The first of these is a Since the bulk of cable routes in a power station
light duty beam clamp which again provides a fixing are horizontal, the most commonly used cable carriers
from the flange of a RS J. This type of bracket, shown are those which support the cables along these hori­
in Fig 6.68, is usually used to provide a bracing point zontal routes. T h e cables are supported on so-called
for the box section bridges described in the next sub­ 'ladder racks' which are formed by welding sections
section. The second is a h o o k bolt fixing which is of standard C3 channel together. Essentially, the ladder
used to gain a cable steelwork fixing point from rack consists of two C3 side rails joined by C3 channel
cladding rails. The application of this type of fixing is 'rungs' at 300 m m intervals as illustrated in Fig 6.70.
shown in Fig 6.69. Three standard widths of ladder rack are available,
600 m m , 450 m m and 300 m m , their use depending on
the quantity of cables to be carried. This basic format
of cable carrier was selected because it was seen to
offer the fohowing advantages:

• The ladders offer a flat surface on which to lay

the cables. This permits them to leave and join the
ladder without having to negotiate obstacles such
as upturned lips.

• The open channel ladder rungs and side rails provide

convenient points at which to cleat the cables.

• When compared with other cable carrier types, such

as perforated trays, ladder racks offer high strength
with low self-weight. A given design of support frame
FIG. 6.68 A light duty beam clamp can therefore carry a higher cable weight.

Cabling Chapter 6



LI 300
L2 450
L3 600

FIG. 6 . 7 0 Ladder rack

• The ladder type format allows free access of air to mining cable weight-carrying capacity. The modular
the cable hence providing cooling by natural cir­ concept stems from the computer-aided cable routing
culation. Cable ratings will therefore be higher when program which the C E G B employs in managing cable
using this type of carrier. installation contracts (see Section 14 of this chapter).
A module consists of a 75 m m χ 75 m m area
• The ladder racks are completely compatible w h h
of available ladder space (75 m m of support width
the support steelwork and, since they are made
X 75 m m of support depth). The G D C D Standard
from standard channel, can be supplied by the same
197 steelwork is designed to be capable of supporting
manufacturer as the 'construction kit'.
a cable loading of 7 k g / m o d u l e / m e t r e run of support.
Therefore, a 600 m m wide ladder rack, the largest of
A small cost is paid for the above advantages in that
the standard rack widths, when allowing for the non-
the ladder type carriers are slightly more expensive
usable space at the side rails, is capable of accommo­
than their perforated tray counterparts. This is chiefly
dating seven modules worth of cables, or, 50 k g / m
due to the welded content of the ladders which, for
rounding u p . For a 450 m m wide ladder rack, the
the majority of manufacturers, is still done manually.
corresponding figure is 35 k g / m and for a 300 m m
Attempts have been made to introduce automatic
rack, it is 20 k g / m .
welding processes with varying degrees of success but
These loading figures give the maximum permissible
automation will, in the long run, reduce costs.
cable loading for the given ladder size on a module
The ladders are fabricated in standard six metre
by module basis. In practice, the cable cleating philo­
lengths, protection being provided by hot-dip galvanis­
sophy used by the C E G B (see next section for details)
ing after fabrication. The ladders are constructed such
may mean that the ladder rack is physically full before
that alternate rungs face upwards. The upward facing
the maximum permissible total cable load has been
rungs provide cleating points for the cables, whilst the
reached. Another factor which plays a big part in
downward facing rungs provide the facilities for the
determining the total cable load on a rack is the total
installation of linear heat detecting cable (see Section
combustible mass, comprising the cable insulation and
8 of this chapter for more detail). Great care is ex­
sheathing materials. This is important from a fire pro­
ercised during fabrication to ensure that the tops of
pagation point of view.
the rungs are level whh the tops of the side rails. This
The maximum permissible combustible mass load­
is important since any mismatch could leave burrs
ing on a cable ladder is again expressed as a weight
or weld-bead protrusions which could damage cable
per metre run of carrier and the limiting value will
vary dependent upon cable type, cable size, insulation
Similarly, care is taken to ensure that any galvanising
material and installation method. When the automatic
'spikes' are removed by fetthng immediately after the
cable routing program has allocated cables to carriers
racks are removed from the galvanising baths.
it therefore checks three h e m s :
The standard sizes of ladder rack which have been
chosen are derived from a 'modular' basis for deter­ • Combustible mass loading.

Cable support systems

• Total weight loading. which it will be seen that h consists of a length of

CI channel welded to a backplate, the whole being
• Physical space available to suit prescribed cleating
hot-dip galvanised for protection. The backplate is
formed from 10 m m thick mild steel plate w h h fixing
holes punched through it. The ends of the backplate
The checks are hierarchical, being performed in the are specially cut and bent to fit in between the channel
above order. hps when the arm is correctly b o h e d into place, as
It is important to note that the construction of all shown on the inset detail. This provides a positive
three sizes of ladder rack is the same, save for the rung location to the connection and also provides some
length. Therefore, the actual load carrying capacity of additional lateral stiffness for the joint. It should also
the three sizes will be the same. Indeed, it could be be noted that two holes are punched into the back­
argued from a theoretical point of view, that the smaller plate, one above the a r m and one below it. For nor­
the ladder width, the stiffer it wih be and hence the mal horizontal ladder rack installation, only the upper
stronger h will be. It is a fact that the cable steelwork fixing hole is used as this provides sufficient shp whh­
which the C E G B employs has considerable reserve stand capabihty. The lower hole provides additional
strength over design loadings. flexibility for the application of the cantilever arm.
Because the ladder racks are manufactured in stand­ The ladder racks do not simply rest in the cantilever
ard 6 metre lengths, splice joints are required. A ladder arms, they are firmly fixed to them. This is done using
splice consists of a 200 m m long piece of 8 m m thick Z-brackets as illustrated in Fig 6.72, which shows a
mild steel bar with four Μ12 tapped holes equally ladder assembled on a cantilever a r m which is in turn
spaced along it. The bar is sized such that it wih shde fixed to an upright channel. It is important to note
into the end of the C3 channel which forms the rail that when the Z-bracket is correctly installed, the head
of the ladder. With this bar positioned centrally be­ of the fixing screw is below the level of the ladder rungs,
tween the two ladders to be joined, the M12 screws hence removing a potential source of damage to cable
are tightened down into the splice bar and on through sheaths during installation.
it until they contact the b o t t o m of the ladder rail. A similar cantilever support arrangement is also
As they are tightened still further, they begin to de­
used for vertical cable routes. The cantilever arm is of
form the b o t t o m of the side rah; ah four screws are
the same design as that shown in Fig 6.71 except that
tightened to produce the same degree of deformation.
the open face is turned through 9 0 ° . The presence of
The deformation of the channel in this way forms a
two fixing holes removes the need to have left hand'
mechanical key which prevents relative slip.
and 'right h a n d ' support cantilevers. Ladder racks are
The ladder racks themselves are supported at 2 not used on vertical runs because the orientation of the
metre intervals using specially designed cantilever a r m s . cable removes the need to prevent sagging. Cantilever
These arms are in turn mounted on upright supports arms are simply installed at 1 metre vertical intervals
which constitute part of the main support structure. and the cables cleated to them. This type of arrange­
A typical cantilever arm is shown in Fig 6.71, from ment is shown in Fig 6.73.

6.4 System design and application

The basic and most frequently used cable support
arrangement is that of the horizontal ladder rack sup­

ported at 2 metre intervals on cantilever arms. This

ft ft
Θ .

FIG. 6.71 Cantilever arm for a horizontal cable route FIG. 6.72 Cantilever arm/ladder rack assembly

Cabling Chapter 6


FIG. 6.73 Cantilever arm arrangement for a vertical

cable route

FIG. 6.74 Oouble-sided Christmas tree' ladder

rack assembly
is used in dedicated cable areas such as tunnels and
flats and it will also be found in plant areas, suspended
from concrete ceihngs, fixed to structural steelwork maintained between ladders. This is sufficient space
and anchored to concrete walls using concrete insert to gain access to install the cables and also to cleat
channels. The type of fixing arrangement used wih them. The resulting gap also provides enough separa­
essentially be determined by the quantity of cables to tion to assist in preventing the propagation of a cable
be installed. fire from one tray to another.
For major cable routes such as cable flats, the can­ Where cables are required to leave routes, the lad­
tilever arms will normally be fixed to C2 channels der racks are always installed on the 'next size u p '
spanning from floor to ceiling, being fixed at both cantilever a r m . Thus, a 450 m m ladder rack would
using the standard baseplate bracket shown in Fig 6.65. normally be installed on a 600 m m cantilever arm while
Such an upright may be loaded with stacked arrays a 600 m m wide ladder is placed on a 750 m m canti­
of cantilever arms on both sides and the resulting lever arm (there is no 750 m m wide ladder). The lad­
assembly, shown in Fig 6.74, is known colloquially as ders are always placed to the o u t b o a r d ends of the
the 'double-sided Christmas tree' assembly. The support cantilever arms leaving a 150 m m gap which permits
uprights could equally be a C l channel or a C4 con­ cables to leave the ladder at the rear in order to change
crete insert channel. In the former case, the C l channel direction a n d / o r level. The alternative, which would
must be fixed firmly to a concrete wall or some other be to allow cables to change levels at the front of the
rigid bracing point. The latter type of upright is par­ ladders, would produce a n unsightly installation and
ticularly useful for cable tunnels where cantilever arms would also dictate that future cables installed on the
can be fixed to both sides of the tunnel, leaving a route would have to be threaded behind the cables
central walkway for installation and access purposes. leaving the racks, which would be inconvenient. The use
The fact that by using concrete insert channels the of oversize cantilever arms is in fact mandatory for
cantilever arms can be mounted flush to the wall saves the 'double-sided Christmas tree' support as, without
valuable space. Cable tunnels are particularly appro­ them, the horizontal clearance between the racks on
priate areas for using concrete insert channels since either side of the upright could not be made large
the required positions of the upright may be accurately enough to reduce the risk of a fire propagating horizon­
determined at a very early stage in the design work. tally from one tray to the other.
Where such stacked arrays of ladder racks are used, In practice, the only areas where oversize cantilever
a standard minimum vertical spacing of 305 m m is arms are unlikely to be found are cable tunnels. Here,

Cable support systems

there wih be very httle requirement for cables to change be inverted and suspended from the underside of a
tray level or direction and hence the clearance to the beam as illustrated in Fig 6.78. A variation on the
rear of the ladder is not essential and a valuable space same theme is created by using lengths of C I channel
saving can be m a d e . clamped to the underside of structural beams at 2
It is worth noting that in reality a nominal 600 m m metre intervals to form the cantilevers on which the
long cantilever arm is in fact 615 m m long. The ad­ ladder is directly m o u n t e d (see Fig 6.79). It is also
ditional length is required to achieve sufficient clearance possible to m o u n t the type of assembly shown in Fig
at the inboard end of the cantilever arm to apply the 6.78 directly under a concrete ceihng using suitable
correct tightening torque to the ladder fixing screws. concrete fixing anchors or lengths of C4 concrete insert
This is shown in Fig 6.72. channel cast into the ceiling. Here, the fact that the
Where it is necessary for the vertical level of the central upright is supported at one end only, means
ladder route to be changed in, for example, a cable flat that the total load carrying capacity must be restricted.
to create the headroom necessary for an emergency In the same way, the vertical channels described
escape route, the ladders are angled to maintain the above can be used to provide fixings for cantilever arms
same vertical clearance (see Fig 6.75). Straight forward for vertical cable routes. In dedicated cable risers, these
2-hole angle brackets are used to join the angled ladder uprights are hkely to be concrete insert channels since
to the horizontal ladder. If the angled portion of the their required location will be known at an early stage
run is long enough, special swivel fixing cantilever arms in the design. Closer to plant items, vertical cable
are available to provide support for the ladders over runs are quite hmited and in these cases the upright
the angled portion of the run (see Fig 6.76). would typically be a length of CI channel surface-
In addition to being used on the main arterial cable mounted on to a concrete wall or braced to a structural
routes across the station, these basic cable support steel column.
arrangements are also found in plant areas where much In addition to using ladder racks laid flat in a hori­
fewer cables are required. Figure 6.77 shows an example zontal plane, they are also sometimes turned edge-on
where upward-pointing C2 channels fixed to the t o p into a vertical plane for horizontal routes. Ladder racks
surface of a structural beam using B15 beam clamps, which are orientated in this way may then be bolted
provide the supports from which horizontal ladders flat to wahs, o n t o surface-mounted CI channels or C4
may be mounted. The same arrangement may equally concrete insert channels. In these cases, the cables are



FIG. 6.75 Method of jointing ladder racks of different planes

Cabling Chapter 6

one modules-worth of cables respectively). With the

J-brackets in place, there is sufficient clearance simply
to lift the cables into them in much the same way as
they are placed on the cantilever arms.
The longer of the two end plates of the J-bracket
is in fact 150 m m long. This means that h is possible
to stack four of these brackets and fix them to a 600
m m wide ladder rack, the top J-bracket being anchored
into the ladder rail whilst the other three are fixed
to the ladder rung as illustrated in Fig 6.81. If large
J-brackets are used, this gives a theoretical total cable
carrying capacity for this arrangement of eight modules
(or 56 k g / m ) , hence ihustrating that edge-mounted
ladder rails can provide significant cable carrying
capacity without protruding great distances from the
FIG. 6.76 Swivel cantilever arm Where cables pass through plant areas such as the
turbine hall basement, it is often the case that there
are many obstructions present at ground level, such as
not simply fixed flat against the ladder, as this would pipework and equipment mounting phnths, which pose
require a positive fixing to be made. Instead, specially considerable problems for the cable steelwork layout
designed J-brackets installed at 600 m m spacing are designer. The problem has two facets; firstly, there is
used to carry the cables. These J-brackets (shown in the difficulty of finding a clear route for the cables
Fig 6.80), are fabricated from a short length of C3 to follow without the need for excessive bends in the
channel with two 6 mm thick plates welded to it at steelwork runs, and secondly, there are the physical
either end, one larger than the other whh a fixing hole problems encountered when instalhng cable steelwork
punched in it. The length of the C3 channel used is in congested areas, often requiring complex scaffold
either 150 mm or 75 mm (corresponding to two and arrangements to provide access.




WIDTH 260mm

FIG. 6.77 Method of fixing cable racking to top of steelwork

Cable support systems




• χ



FIG. 6.78 M e t h o d o f f i x i n g cable racking to underside FIG. 6.79 A l t e r n a t i v e methods o f f i x i n g cable racking
o f beams to underside o f beams

In order to get round this problem, the C E G B has

developed a number of cable support bridge and tower
assembhes. The use of these bridge/tower combina­
tions addresses both of the difficulties identified above.
Firstly, h is possible to design clear, uninterrupted cable
runs free from the obstructions at ground level, the
towers themselves providing a convenient method of
dropping the cables down to the items of plant which
they serve. Secondly, it is often possible to carry out
a certain amount of 'pre-assembly' of these bridges
and towers in site workshops. This reduces the time
required for construction in the congested plant areas,
leaving access free for other contractors.
The box section bridges are formed by bolting to­
gether lengths of standard ladder rack. T w o basic
designs of bridge are used, termed light duty and heavy
duty, both of which are capable of carrying the same
weight of cable. The distinguishing feature between
them is that the maximum allowable span for the heavy
FIG. 6.80 J-bracket
duty bridge is 9 m whereas it is only 7.5 m for the light
duty bridge.
From Fig 6.82, it can be seen that the sides of the at 600 m m intervals, the b o t t o m strap being staggered
light duty cable bridge are formed from ladder rack with the top for additional rigidity. Standard J-brackets
300 m m , 450 m m or 600 m m wide, depending u p o n are m o u n t e d on the side ladder racks to provide sup­
the number of cables to be carried. These ladders are ports for the cables in the normal way. For the heavy
joined at the top and bottom by steel bracing straps duty cable bridge, the bracing straps are replaced by

Cabling Chapter 6

Once assembled, these bridges are supported on

box-section towers. These towers are themselves formed
by bolting together sections of ladder rack at site
but away from the j o b face. The towers are in fact
identical to the heavy duty bridges, 300 m m ladder
rack being used for ah four sides. Tower heights of
up to 6 m (the standard length of ladder rack), are
The standard selection of steelwork components in­
cludes a range of specially designed gusset and cruci­
form brackets to facilitate the connection of the bridges
to the towers. Some examples of these are shown in
Fig 6.84, which ihustrates a right angle connection of
two bridges to a tower. There are also more elaborate
designs of bracket which facilitate angled take-offs
of bridges from their support towers.
In the main applications for these large cable bridges,
'J- BRACKETS the support towers will generally be found fixed to
concrete floors using welded baseplate brackets and
FIG. 6.81 J-bracket assembly fitted to ladder rack proprietary concrete anchors. It is however possible to
m o u n t the towers on support stools, which are in turn
welded to structural RSJs. This welded fixing is not
300 m m ladder racks as shown by Fig 6.83. These 300 a preferred solution since it removes some of the flexi­
m m ladders are joined to the side ladders using right bility from the steelwork system. It is also considered
angle brackets at 1 m intervals. It is important to good engineering practice to reduce on-site welding of
note that the 300 m m ladders are provided to make structural steel to an absolute minimum.
the structure more rigid. They are not there to provide In areas such as boiler houses, there are often many
extra cable carrying capacity. cases where the use of welded mountings is unavoid-





6 0 0 m m NORMAL

FIG. 6.82 Light duty cable bridge assembly

Cable support systems





SIDE MAY BE 300/450/600mm


m Da

FIG. 6 . 8 3 Heavy duty cable bridge assembly

FIG. 6 . 8 4 Cable bridge/tower arrangement

Cabling Chapter 6

able. Another variation on the same theme is to m o u n t

the towers from the underside of a RSJ using a
combination of CI channels and B15 beam clamps.
It is also permissible to fix cable bridges directly to
the underside of structural steelwork using the clips
described in the previous section. The variety of accept­
able fixing arrangements for these box-section bridges
all serve to illustrate the overall flexibility provided
by the steelwork system as a whole.
Because it is possible to instah four 150 m m J-
brackets on either side of these bridge sections (for
600 mm wide ladders), it follows that these bridges
are capable of carrying significant quantities of cables
(up to 112 k g / m ) . The large quantity of components
which need to be assembled to form these cable bridges
means that they are a relatively expensive method of
supporting cables. It is therefore important to ensure
that these bridge/tower arrangements are only specified
if they are to be well loaded.
There is, however, a significantly cheaper bridge/
tower combination which may be used for routes with
few cables. This is known as the 'tee tower' assembly
and it provides a method for supporting a single TEE TOWERS CONSTRUCTED
300 m m ladder rack laid horizontally over spans of FROM 300mm LADDER RACK

up to 6 m at up to 6 m above the floor. In this arrange­

ment, the towers are formed by bolting together two
300 m m ladders to form a tee-section upright. These
ladders are in turn fixed at top and bottom to a spe­ FIG. 6.85 Typical tee tower arrangement
cial 'baseplate' assembly. The 300 m m bridging ladder
is then fixed to the top surface of the upper 'base­
plate', the cables being cleated to the top of this ladder
in the conventional way. Two reinforcing channels are
usuahy fixed to the underside of the horizontal ladder
to provide additional rigidity. Where spans of up to
4 m are required, these reinforcing channels are of
the CI pattern. If 6 m spans are required, C2 section
channels are used to provide the necessary strength.
Despite the relatively long spans and simple tower con­
struction, these tee tower assemblies still have a very
high steelwork-to-cable carrying capacity ratio and they
are not, therefore, considered to be very cost effec­
tive. Alternative cantilever arm based cable support
arrangements will therefore be used in preference if
fixing positions are available. If the use of a tee tower
is unavoidable, then an attempt is always made to
open out the support tower pitch to the maximum
FIG. 6.86 U-bracket arrangement
permissible by using C2 reinforcing channels. A typical
tee tower assembly is shown in Fig 6.85.
The tee tower assembly described provides a means is provided by a 75 m m wide bracket. Overhead cable
for carrying three modules-worth of cables (21 k g / m ) . bridges are formed simply by bolting these U-brackets
Where support for even smaller quantities of cables to lengths of either CI or C2 channel at 0.6 m inter­
over elevated routes is required, the cable steelwork vals. If a CI channel is used, the maximum permissible
system provides small U-brackets which can be bolted span is 4 m, a C2 channel increases this to 6 m. By
directly to CI and C2 type channel. These U-brackets, virtue of the very small cable carrying capacity, this
illustrated in Fig 6.86, are similar in design to the type of cable support arrangement is generally referred
J-brackets described earlier, consisting essentially of a to as being 'tail end steelwork' and is used to support
short length of C3 channel with plates welded to it at cables over the tail ends of their routes as they approach
either end. A 150 m m wide U-bracket provides the the equipment to which they connect. The important
capachy for 14 k g / m of cable whilst 7 k g / m capacity features of tah end steelwork are that:

Cable support systems

• It carries very small quantities of cables. • The solid base prevents cables from being routed
out through the b o t t o m of the cable carrier.
• The arrangements used are designed at site, usually
by the cable installation contractor, to suit the phy­ • The sohd base restricts the flow of air round the
sical conditions which prevail where the cable is to cables, hence losing a high proportion of the avail­
be routed. able convective coohng.

• Tail end steelwork does not form part of the com­ • The upturned lip provides an obstruction to cables
puter matrix used to provide the automatic routing leaving the ladder rack.
facility. For this reason, tail end steelwork is some­
times referred to as 'off matrix steelwork'. This subsection has described the various cable
steelwork assemblies which are commonly constructed
The flexibility provided by the construction kit based from the basic range of steelwork components. It has
steelwork employed by the C E G B means that there is illustrated that cable carrying capacity is based around
a very large number of tail end steelwork configura­ a 7 k g / m 'module' and that standard arrangements
tions to be found in modern C E G B power stations. are avahable to support from one to 16 modules of
The basic cable carriers which are used for tail end cables. Table 6.22 draws all these standard assemblies
steelwork are: together into a single ready-reference chart. A chart
such as this would he used by the cable steelwork
• J-brackets.
layout designer when selecting the best type of cable
• U-brackets. support steelwork for a particular application.
• 300 m m ladder racks. By providing standard support assembly designs, h
is possible to draw u p a coding system which greatly
• Perforated cable trays. simphfies cable steelwork layout drawings. The C E G B
uses a coding system based u p o n the standard assembly
Of these, the perforated cable tray is the only one figure numbers appearing in G D C D Standard 197 for
which has not been mentioned before. The perforated the preparation of its cable steelwork layout drawings.
tray is a proprietary cable support product and is
generally of the form ihustrated in Fig 6.87. This type
of cable support is inexpensive because it has no welds 6.5 Seismically qualified cable supports
Before leaving the subject of cable support steelwork,
it is worth covering briefly the topic of seismic quah-
fication and its impact on cable support steelwork
Essentially, seismically quahfying a cable installation
requires justification that the cable support steelwork
stays intact and in place during the defined seismic
incident and also that the cables remain on their support
Because of the huge variety of cable steelwork
assemblies which will be required for a typical power
station cable installation, seismic qualification by full
scale test is impractical. By virtue of their frame-hke
modular construction, cables support steelwork assem­
blies are most suitable for seismic qualification by
FIG. 6 . 8 7 Perforated cable tray mathematical analysis. Complex finite element mathe­
matical computer models are prepared for represen­
in its construction. It is also very easy to work with tative or worst-case assembhes in order to predict the
at the very small capacity sizes required for tail end behaviour of the real assemblies during the earthquake.
steelwork. Perforated tray steelwork is available in The lengths of channels and the ladder racks are mod­
the same sizes as the standard ladder rack, but it is elled as beam or strut elements whilst the fixings and
not used in preference t o ladder racks where that is connections are modelled as translational a n d / o r
justified because h is inferior to ladder rack on the rotational springs. In many cases, static load testing
fohowing counts: is used to determine the spring stiffness values for the
various connection types.
• It has a higher self-weight to cable carrying weight
It is important to realise that the term seismically
ratio (and is therefore less cost-effective).
qualified can only he applied to the cable steelwork
• It does not provide convenient cable cleating assemblies and not the components which go to make
facilities. u p those assembhes. Also, as with the seismic quali-

Cabling Chapter 6

TABLE 6.22
Guide to selection of steelwork structures for various modules

Horizontal Vertical
No. of
modules Maximum Max Type of
Type of structure
span span structure

Up to 1 4m Cl channel — cables laid in channel or 4m Cl channel

in 75 mm U-bracket
6m C2 channel — cables laid in channel or 6m C2 channel
in 75 mm U-bracket

Up to 2 4m Cl channel — cables laid in 150 mm 4m Cl channel

6m C2 channel — cables laid in 150 mm 6m C2 channel

Up to 3 2m 300 mm ladder rack (laid flat)

4m 300 mm ladder rack (laid flat)
— reinforced with Cl channel
6m 300 mm ladder rack (laid flat)
— reinforced with C2 channel

Up to 4 2m 300 mm ladder rack — on edge with 1 m 300 mm

2 X 150 mm J-brackets cantilever

Up to 5 2m 450 mm ladder rack — laid flat

Up to 6 2m 450 mm ladder rack — on edge with 1m 450 mm

3 X 150 mm J-brackets cantilever

Up to 7 2m 600 mm ladder rack — laid flat

Up to 8 2m 600 mm ladder rack — on edge with 1 m 600 mm

4 X 150 mm J-brackets cantilever

7.5 m 300 mm light duty bridge with

2 X 150 mm J-brackets on each side face
9m 300 mm heavy duty bridge with
2 X 150 mm J-brackets on each side face

Up to 12 7.5 m 450 mm light duty bridge with

3 X 150 mm J-brackets on each side face

9m 450 mm heavy duty bridge with

3 X 150 mm J-brackets on each side face

Up to 16 7.5m 600 mm light duty bridge with

4 X 150 mm J-brackets on each side face

9m 600 mm heavy duty bridge with

4 X 150 mm J-brackets on each side face

Note: For module requirements greater than those stated in the table, use multiples of the
system. With 40 modules of cabling use six levels of 600 mm ladder rack on cantilever

fication of other equipment, the seismic quahfication themselves. T h e major difference which needs t o be
wih relate to the particular design e a r t h q u a k e conditions catered for in order t o survive a seismic disturbance is
being assumed. resistance to horizontal accelerations. A t Heysham 2 ,
F o r normal non-seismic apphcations, cable steelwork which was the first C E G B power station where cer­
structures and their fixings have only to be designed tain plant items were specifically designed t o withstand
t o withstand the n o r m a l loads imposed by gravity act­ the effects of a n e a r t h q u a k e of prescribed m a g n i t u d e ,
ing on the cables and the self-weight of the structures the most significant effect on the design of the cable

Cable support systems

steelwork was the increase in the cross-sectional The solution, therefore, was to design the floor and
areas of most of the main upright members which, in ceiling fixings with pinned connections since a true
turn, increased their stiffness. This effect is seen most pin connection can t r a n s m k n o m o m e n t . Using these
dramatically by the comparison of the floor to ceiling fixings led to much lower loadings on the concrete
upright members for non-seismic apphcations with anchors and lower stresses in the uprights. The pay-off
those for seismic applications (shown in Fig 6.88). The from using this fixing method is that it permits greater
two uprights are shown drawn to the same scale. movement in the cable supports.
The requirement for special civil connections and for
large upright sections essentially stemmed from the
approach used for seismic qualification at Heysham 2 ,
which was to start with the established format of
steelwork and determine what needed to be done to
obtain the ability to withstand the seismic disturbance.
This approach was adopted for a number of reasons:

• The design permitted retention of the cantilever

type support arrangements. This in turn enabled the
same cable installation practices to be used for the
seismically qualified areas of the power station as
those used for the non-seismic areas and, as for pre­
vious stations, to run the cables out adjacent to the
route and then hft them into place.
• Adopting the same basic steelwork format permitted
the existing computer-aided cable routing programs
to be used with very httle modification.
• The same cleating methods could be used for both
seismic and non-seismic areas.
• Interface compatibihty between non-seismic and seis­
mic cable steelwork was assured.

The decision to employ cantilever type steelwork also

had penalties, chiefly resuhing from the required in­
crease in structure stiffness. The upright members in
the support frames became very heavy, expensive, and
time consuming and labour intensive to install. The
fixings to the civil structure were also very heavy and
expensive due to the high load capacities required from
The main difficuhy arises in accommodating the
flexibility brought about by the use of the cantilever
type cable ladder supports. A n alternative approach
which is being used at Sizeweh Β is to use closing
struts to form trapezoidal supports for the cable lad­
FIG. 6 . 8 8 Comparison of floor to ceiling upright
ders. The effect of adding the closure strut is to pro­
supports for non-seismic and seismic applications
duce a much stiffer framework as far as horizontal
loadings are concerned. The increased stiffness means
Another area of impact on the steelwork was that that standard cross-section members can be used, these
of the civil connection design. The high moments trapezes usually being assembled using C2 channel.
generated by the horizontal loadings in the steelwork Simply adding the closing strut is generally not suffi­
assemblies led, w k h conventional fixings, to very high cient in its own right to achieve seismic withstand
pull-out loads in some of the concrete anchors. In a capability, and in m a n y cases additional bracing struts
'conventional fixing', it is assumed that the objective are needed to achieve the required rigidity.
is to clamp the steelwork baseplate as rigidly as possible The main advantage in going to this system is that
to the floor/ceihng and hence make the connection as the frameworks are much easier to handle since they
'stiff as possible. However, in an assembly where the are hghter. Because, in general, they make use of stand­
connections at the floor and ceiling are stiff (buih-in ard components they are also cheaper than their canti­
connections), much higher stresses in the upright, and lever counterparts. The major drawback is of course
hence greater moments at the fixings, are generated. that cable instaUation is no longer straightforward

Cabling Chapter 6

since cables now need to be threaded through the to provide a means for their location. In the horizontal
trapezes. The use of trapeze type supports will also direction this basically means leading the cables along
mean that for a given cable carrying capacity, the the correct paths, while vertically it is also necessary to
support structure will also occupy a greater volume. support their weight. This is true irrespective of the
This may have implications for civil structure costs type and size of cable. There are, however, two further
for areas such as cable tunnels. factors which need to be considered when designing
Finally, it is important to appreciate that a seismic cable cleating arrangements for power cables.
withstand requirement wih also have an impact on the Under normal load conditions, conductor power
design and installation of tail end steelwork. The need losses dictate that there will be some thermal expan­
to demonstrate by mathematical analysis that a cable sion of the cables and, to allow for this, cables are
support will stay intact during an earthquake and the never anchored to structures as they pass round bends.
inherent design work and time which this requires, will However, since many power station electrical loads
mean that it is not possible to leave the design of tail are intermittent there is, in many cases, also an element
end cable steelwork as a site activity. Every tail end of thermal cycling which needs to be ahowed for by
steelwork cable support assembly which is required to the cleating system used. Over and above these ther­
survive the earthquake must therefore be designed in mal requirements however, there is for the single-core
advance. In order to reduce the costs of this seismic power cables used for large energy transfers across
qualification activity, it also becomes necessary to the power station, the need for restraint against the
impose hmits on the number of designs of tail end large electromagnetic forces generated under short-
steelwork which may be used. circuh conditions. These large forces do not necessitate
Imposing these hmits means that some adaptations cleating of multicore power cables for two reasons:
of designs may be necessary to suit particular apphca­
• Circuits fed using muhicore power cables are fuse-
tions at she. This often leads to provision of tail end
protected and the magnitude of the fauh current, and
steelwork with a greater load carrying capacity than
hence the bursting forces generated, are limited by
required for the application, incurring a hardware cost
the presence of the fuse.
penahy. This is, of course, offset by the savings which
result from not carrying out further qualification • Any forces which are generated between the phase
analysis. Because of the relative simplicity of the tail conductors are restrained by the construction of the
end support structures it is, however, possible to use cable itself.
simplified methods of analysis and thereby produce
qualified steelwork designs more cheaply. The forces which are exerted on a single-core power
cable are negligible under normal full-load conditions
(typically 1 kgf per metre, dependent u p o n the installa­
7 Cable installation practices tion configuration used). Under through-fault condi­
tions, however, forces measured in many thousands
of kgf can be generated for periods of the order of
7.1 Introduction
1 second. The cable restraint system used for single-core
This section primarily describes the CEGB's 'cable power cables must therefore be capable of controlhng
cleating phüosophy' and hs origins, i.e., the manner in these forces in order to minimise the risk to h u m a n life
which cables are permanently located on their support and damage to adjacent plant and the cables themselves.
arrangements. As described in the previous section, the For single-core cleat design purposes, a current of
bulk of cables in a power station are installed in air on 121 kA asymmetric first peak, decaying to 39.4 kA
cable supporting steelwork and this is the method on RMS symmetrical in not less than 150 ms is assumed.
which the most emphasis is placed. The other installa­ This is based on a 750 M V A fauh on the 11 kV system,
tion options are: reinforced by contributions from rotating plant. As­
• Installed direct-in-ground. suming that the main protection functions correctly,
then the clearance of that fault will take place within
• Installed in ducts.
0.5 seconds. Should main protection fail to operate,
• Laid in concrete troughs. the fault will be cleared by the back-up protection
but with considerably extended clearance times. H o w ­
Before the cables can be permanently cleated to their ever, neither main nor back-up protection operation
support steelwork, however, they must first of all be time is used as the design parameter for single-core
transferred from the drums on which they are delivered power cable cleats; instead, the performance capability
to site. This process is known as cable pulling and it of the cables themselves is chosen as the hmiting factor.
is dealt with in Section 7.6 of this chapter. The elastomeric cable insulations employed in the
C E G B approved range of single-core cables (at all three
auxiliary system voltages), are capable of withstand­
7.2 The need for cable restraint ing a short-circuit maximum conductor temperature of
The fundamental reason for restraining cables is simply 250°C. T o ensure compatibility with the design per-

Cable installation practices

formance of these cables, therefore, the cable cleating creases the cable impedance. Installing the cables in
arrangements are designed to restrain the cables under this way will, of course, also take u p a greater space on
fauh conditions for the period of time necessary for the support arrangement.
the conductor to reach this limiting temperature. This At the m o m e n t , C E G B policy accepts that the ad­
covers ah practical conditions since the cable size will vantages of the flat spaced formation outweigh its
have been selected to match the system protection disadvantages and this is the instahation method which
requirements. Putting numbers to this, certain types is therefore used. The issue is continually reviewed
of cable restraints must be capable of whhstanding an in the hght of experience and technological develop­
imtial shock approaching 9000 kgf on one conductor ments in cleat design and it is possible that, in the
(cushioned somewhat by the cable itself), and then an future, the trefoil group may he favoured for some
oscillatory load of around 3000 kgf. (Implicit in the installations.
load figures is an assumption about the formation of
the cables within the clamps and this point is addressed
later.) 7.4 Cleating philosophy for cables installed
These short-circuit loading figures are, however, used on steelwork
as design guidehnes only. Full scale short-circuit testing Both cable type and run orientation will have major
is used to demonstrate conclusively the adequacy of a influences on cable cleating philosophy and the C E G B
particular design of cable cleat. therefore lays down rules governing cleating arrange­
In summary, therefore, there are three possible rea­ ments for all of the main cable types in the three major
sons for providing restraint for cables. Which of these run orientations. These run orientations are:
apply depends upon the cable type being considered.
However, for all cable types, the cleating system used • Straight horizontal runs with the cables supported
must provide the most economic method of fulfilhng on ladder racks.
the design functions reliably during the life of the power • Straight vertical runs with the cables fixed directly
station. The methods which are used by the C E G B in
to cantilever a r m s .
practice are discussed as fohows.
• Horizontal runs in a vertical plane (i.e., with the
ladder rack m o u n t e d edge-on).
7.3 Cable cleating design parameters
Single-core power cables may be installed in either a Guidelines are also given for cleating at bends, cleat­
'trefoil group' or a 'flat spaced' arrangement. In the ing below equipment and for cleating at single-core
trefoil formation, the three individual phase cables are cable transposition points. These are, however, rather
cleated together in the form of a triangle, sheath to beyond the scope of this text which wih therefore only
sheath. In flat formation, as the name imphes, the concentrate o n the three major groups above. Readers
cables are laid side-by-side. In cases where there is a requiring further information on these arrangements
neutral cable, this is either laid alongside the trefoil should refer to G D C D Standard 216 [21].
group or forms a fourth cable in the flat formation.
Each installation formation has its own advantages 7.4.1 Straight horizontal runs on ladder racks
and disadvantages. The trefoU group, because of the
close proximity of the conductors, is subject to very Single-core power cables are rigidly clamped to the
high bursting forces under condhions of through fault support ladders using plastic coated, steel zig-zag cleats,
currents. In addhion to this, under normal load con­ of the type shown in Fig 6.89, spaced at 1.2 metre
ditions, the trefoil arrangement reduces the current intervals (i.e, alternate, upward-facing ladder rungs).
carrying capacity of the individual cables due to the A single size of cleat is used for all sizes of cable and
reduced heat radiating surface area. A further dis­ the design ensures a centreline spacing of 80 m m . To
advantage is that handling problems make it difficult reduce chafing of the cables due to thermal cycling, a
to lay up the trefoil arrangement for larger single-core plastic insert is placed into the open face of the ladder
cables. In contrast to this, the flat spaced formation rung underneath the cables. Further protection is also
reduces bursting forces considerably, allows full use of provided by the plastic coating of the cleat.
the prospective current rating of the cable and is very Multicore power cables are installed on ladder rack­
simple to lay. Furthermore, the cleats for the flat spaced ing without clamping hence permitting the required
formation are of a much simpler pattern than those thermal movement to take place. A n additional bonus
required for the trefoil configuration and are therefore arising from the lack of clamping is that installation
less expensive. costs are also reduced.
The flat spaced arrangement, however, suffers from In these cases, location is achieved by means of a
the disadvantage of generating a stronger, less h o m o ­ device known as a thermal spacer. This spacer, shown
geneous, magnetic field, hence leading to current im­ in Fig 6.90, is a polypropelene peg of 25 m m diameter,
balance difficulties in multiconductor per phase circuits with a specially designed foot profile which enables
and also higher sheath voltages. This effect also in­ it to be locked firmly into place on a length of cable

Cabling Chapter 6

• They provide an easily installed method of restrain­

ing the lateral movement of cables.

• They provide a simple method of obtaining a 25 m m

spacing between adjacent cables to allow air circula­
tion, hence avoiding cable derating.

• They provide a simple means of instahing the hnear

heat detecting cables used for fire detection pur­
poses in C E G B cable installations. T h e thermal
spacers are locked into place on the underside of
the ladder such that the detector cable protects the
cables on the ladder immediately below h . The de­
tector cables are simply laid into the slot in the barrel
of the spacer, some local protection being given to
the detector cable by using a short length of split
silicon rubber tubing. A longer design of thermal
spacer to that shown in Fig 6.90 also exists to support
a detector cable above the topmost ladder rack of
a stacked arrangement. Further information about
the operating principles of linear heat detecting
cables can be found in Section 3.8 of this chapter.
Multicore power cables, u p to and including 16 mm^
conductor size, are installed touching in a double-layer
located by these thermal spacers along the rails of
FIG. 6.89 Multiple zig-zag cleats for single-core cables the ladder work at 1.2 m intervals. Larger cables are
installed in a single-layer with a thermal spacer between
each cable, hence providing the required air gap (see
Fig 6.91).
Control and instrumentation cables require n o cool­
ing and hence can be installed touching, irrespective
of size (see also Fig 6.91). Again they are retained on
their support ladders by thermal spacers located in
the rails. Cables u p to and including 12-core multicore
and 60-pair muhipair, are installed in a double-layer.
Cable sizes larger than this are installed in a single-
layer due to their physical size and weight. These
installation rules also serve to limit the a m o u n t of
combustible mass carried by the ladder rack which is
important from the fire propagation point of view.
It is worth noting that where the cable installation
is to have a seismic withstand capability, the short,
polypropelene thermal spacers are not adequate. Two
problems exist:

• The weight and movement of the cables during an

earthquake can be such that they can snap the spacers
at the narrow part of their foot profile.

• The movement of the cables can be so great that

they can j u m p over the short spacers.

T o overcome these problems, the C E G B has developed

a special high strength thermal spacer, m a d e from
FIG. 6.90 Thermal spacer super-tough nylon, which is also twice the height of
the standard thermal spacer.
When installing control and instrumentation cables
support channel, simply by twisting it. These thermal it is also necessary to consider the possibility of ad­
spacers fulfil three functions: jacent power cables inducing interference currents in

Cable installation practices





FIG. 6 . 9 1 Horizontal cable cleating arrangements for multicore power and control cables

the control cores, particularly under fault conditions. the power and control cables. This requirement is
To avoid this, the C E G B dictates that, for all major relaxed to 300 m m if n o single-core power cables fol­
horizontal or vertical cable routes, where power cabl­ low the route. For ease of installation and cost re­
ing or C and I cabhng is run in parahel, a minimum duction, this separation ruhng is furthermore relaxed
physical separation of 600 m m is maintained between at the tail-end of the cable routes for multicore power

Cabling Chapter 6

cables, provided that the parallel length does not ex­ Strap to provide rigidity under short-circuit condhions.
ceed 5 m. The cleats are aluminium and not steel in order to
Having separated C and I cables from power cables, avoid the large currents which would circulate in the
it is always considered good practice to install the cleat due to the creation of a magnetic circuh around
power cables on the uppermost racks of a stacked ar­ the cable. The effects are very much smaller where the
ray to reduce unnecessary heating, and hence thermal magnetic circuit loops all three phases of a circuit since
ageing, of the control cables. a magnetic balance wih virtually exist. This is there­
fore not a problem in the case of the zig-zag cleats
7.4.2 S t r a i g h t v e r t i c a l runs o n c a n t i l e v e r a r m s
used on the horizontal runs. It is for this reason that
the bracing strap used w h h claw cleats must always
Cantilever arms are installed at 1 m intervals on ver­ be placed between the cleats and the cantilever arms
tical cable routes and the cables are therefore cleated rather than above, bridging between the top of the
to every arm. cleats, since the fixing b o h s would then create magnetic
Zig-zag cleats are not used to anchor single-core circuits around the individual cables. These individual
cables on vertical runs for two reasons. First, it is not claw cleats are, of course, more expensive than the
possible to guarantee that the dead weight of the mid­ zig-zag cleats and they are also more time consuming
dle cable (or cables if a neutral is present) will be to install. They are therefore not used on horizontal
adequately restrained if, for example, the two outside cable runs.
cables in the cleat had shghtly larger outside diameters. Vertical runs of multicore power cables with conduc­
Secondly, it creates unacceptable installation difficul­ tor sizes of above 16 mm^ are clamped singly, using
ties in simuhaneously lining up three large power cables a single pressed steel cleat of the type shown in Fig
side-by-side on a vertical run. Instead, individual cast 6.93. This type of cleat has the advantage of a specially
aluminium, two-part claw cleats of the type shown in shaped foot which fixes a r o u n d the lip profile of the
Fig 6.92 are used in conjunction with a steel bracing
cable support channel. The act of tightening-up the cleat
onto the cable serves to lock the cleat in place. This
leads to much faster cable installation than using the
SPACING STRAP claw type cleat. A range of cable sizes is covered by
one cleat size which is also a major advantage. Such
a cleat would not, however, be capable of withstanding
the forces associated with a short-circuit and they must
not therefore be used for cleating single-core power
CLEATS AND ARM Cables of 16 mm^ conductor size and below are
strapped at 1 m intervals in bundles using a specially
designed, two part, polypropelene cable tie (similar
to conventional cables ties). These ties have specially









FIG, 6.92 Claw cleats for single-core cables FIG. 6.93 Pressed steel cleat

Cable installation practices

shaped hammerhead ends which locate under the lips The main protection is provided by ensuring an ade­
of the cable support channel. Again, tightening the quate depth of burial. For cabling u p to and including
cleat fixes the strap in place. 415 V, the excavated trench for the cable is cut deep
For vertical cable routes which exceed 10 m , every enough to ensure that the highest point on the cable
third strap is replaced by a pressed steel cleat of the is not less than 500 m m from the surface. For cabhng
type described above. This provides more positive sup­ at 3.3 kV and 11 kV, the corresponding figure is 800
port for the cables. m m . Where muhi-layering of cables is necessary, the
W k h the exception of the very largest control and depth of trench is simply increased to ensure that the
instrumentation cables, the same installation method above hmits are maintained for the uppermost layer.
is used as for the smaU multicore power cables above Before the cables are laid, a 75 m m thick layer of sand
(i.e., straps and pressed steel cleats). The large con­ is tamped down into the bed of the trench. This sand
trol cables are cleated singly at 1 m intervals using the layer is used primarily to provide a cushioned surface
pressed steel cleats. These cleating arrangements are against the cable sheath, free from stones or other
illustrated in Fig 6.94. protrusions which could cause damage.
After the cables are laid, a further 75 m m layer of
7.4.3 Horizontal runs in a vertical plane sand is used to cover them on top of which protective
concrete trench covers, clearly marked to identify the
In this situation the support ladder rack is mounted presence of the cables below, are placed prior to back-
edge-on, flat against a waU for example, or forming filhng. Marker posts are then placed at strategic points
the side member of a support bridge. along the cable route to provide an additional degree
In general, cables will be supported on J-brackets of protection.
bolted onto the ladder rack at 0.6 m intervals. The Finally, drawings of all external cable routes are
cables are then laid in the J-brackets and cleated as prepared on completion of installation for reference
they would be for straight horizontal runs. when future excavations are required.
The exception to this is single-core power cables
which are cleated directly to the outward facing ladder
7.5.2 Installed in ducts
rungs at 1.2 m intervals, using the claw type cleats
shown in Fig 6.92 in conjunction with the steel backing Routing through ducts is sometimes used as an alter­
straps. This arrangement is ihustrated in Fig 6.95. native to direct burial for outdoor routes, particularly
at road crossings and similar locations. They are also
used in hmited instances within the main building where
7.5 Installation practices for cables installed cables pass through wahs. The ducts which are used
other than on support steelwork by the C E G B are either of the unglazed fine earthen­
ware type or, alternatively, plastic. The formerly-used
The three alternatives to instalhng cables on support glazed earthenware type ducts are no longer readily
steelwork mentioned in Section 7.1 which are used by available.
the C E G B are:
When designing ducted cable routes it is important
• Burying them directly in the ground. to m a k e the runs as short and as straight as possi­
ble as this will greatly ease cable installation. Any
• Installation in ducts.
unavoidable bends in the route must be of a larger
• Routing in concrete troughs. radius than the minimum bend radius of the cables
to be pulled through them and, ideally, should be of
Each is covered briefly as follows. as large a radius as practicable. During installation,
care must be taken to ensure correct ahgnment at duct
section joints, as this could cause damage to cable
7.5.1 Direct in ground
sheaths during cable pulling.
This installation method is obviously only applicable Having installed the duct, it is also important to
for cables routed externally t o the main power station ensure that any debris is removed from it before at­
building. Only a very smaU proportion of cables on a tempting to pull cables t h r o u g h . This is done by pulhng
modern power station are buried directly in the ground. an appropriately sized bobbin through the duct.
When routing cables in this way, the main consi­
deration wih be to reduce the risk of damage to the
7.5.3 Routing in concrete troughs
buried cables from subsequent excavations. This is
done by first of all selecting the route for the cable The major disadvantage with burying externally routed
such that it will be subject to the minimum possible cables directly in the ground or in routing them through
future disturbance. It is recognised, however, that ex­ ducts, is the difficulty involved when installing addi­
cavations are often carried out on power stations sites tional cables later along the same route. For the bulk
during their operational life and that other measures of o u t d o o r routes a r o u n d a power station site, particu­
are also necessary. larly in areas such as substations, cables are therefore

Cabling Chapter 6

A R R A N G E M E N T 1:


A R R A N G E M E N T 2:








FIG. 6.94 Vertical cleating arrangements for single-core and multicore cables

installed in preformed sectionalised concrete troughs. cables are laid direct into the base of the trough, being
These troughs also provide protection for cables in­ neither cleated to the trough nor to one another. For
stalled in areas liable to settlement where directly buried power cables in the two large sizes of trough, lengths
cables might be damaged. of cable support channel are installed in the base of
The trough types used by the C E G B have a U- the trough at 1 metre intervals although they are not
section and they are provided with close fitting concrete anchored down to allow for some settlement. Single-
lids of the reinforced pathway type. Three basic sizes core power cables are cleated to these channels using
are used: the zig-zag cleats at 2 metre intervals. Where multicore
power cables are installed in troughs, they are laid on
• 685 m m wide x 345 m m deep.
the channels spaced using thermal spacers at 1 metre
• 360 m m wide χ 205 m m deep. pitch for cables of 35 mm^ size and above.
• 175 m m wide χ 215 m m deep. Where the number of power cables is sufficient to
warrant their use, J-brackets are mounted on the walls
Cable cleating within these troughs depends u p o n the of the trough down each side. The cables are instahed
cable type. For both straight runs and bends, control on the brackets in the same manner as for normal

Cable installation practices

having an excessive tensile load applied t o it during

pulling. This type of loading can cause relative slip
between the concentric layers of the cable, possibly
causing waisting in t h e insulation materials which could
lead t o premature breakdown during operation. This
is particularly crhical for 11 kV cables. F o r smaher
cables, notably C a n d I types, excessive tensile load
can break individual conductors.
If a cable has been subjected t o excessive pulhng
tension during installation, stretching of its polymeric
components m a y well have occurred, particularly the
sheath. This stretching may subsequently relax during
LADDER RACK service a n d expose the armours at the glands, a phe­
n o m e n o n referred t o as sheath retraction. This may
then affect the integrity of the cable gland.
T o avoid t h e problems caused by the apphcation of
NON-MAGNETIC SPACING STRAP excessive tension, m a x i m u m allowable pulhng tensions
are quoted by cable manufacturers for each cable type
and size. These figures depend u p o n conductor ma­
terial a n d cross-sectional area, although cable con­
FIG. 6 . 9 5 Cleating arrangement for horizontal runs of struction is also significant. In a multicore cable, for
single-core cables in a vertical plane
example, the tensile load is unlikely t o be distributed
evenly between the conductors. T h e maximum ahow-
able pulling tension figures must take factors such as
Steelwork runs. In the smallest size of trough, the
this into consideration.
power cables are simply laid direct into the trough base
It is also important t o take care when pulhng cables
and, if used for cables of 35 m m ^ or above, only one
a r o u n d bends as the cable is being successively bent
can be instahed since there is n o means of providing
and straightened as h passes over the bend. This apphes
a tensile load t o t h e outer part of t h e cable a n d a
Whilst the use of concrete troughs might appear
compressive load on the inside. T h e smaller the bend
particularly appropriate in a n d around transformer
radius, the greater will be the tension on the outer
compounds, experience has shown that they can become
portion of the cable a n d hence the greater will be the
traps for transformer oil which will, in the long term,
tension required t o puH t h e cable round that bend.
cause damage to cable sheaths. In such areas, cables are
Similarly, for a given bend radius, t h e larger the cable
installed either in ducts or, alternatively, if concrete
diameter the greater wih be the tensile load generated.
troughs or trenches are used, after the cables have
Furthermore, as t h e cable passes r o u n d t h e bend, a
been laid they are filled with sand a n d covered with a
reactionary force will be set u p at right angles t o the
concrete screed.
cable major axis, the so-called sidewall pressure (see
Fig 6.96). This reactionary force wih have a crushing
effect on the cable a n d in the extreme m a y cause damage
7.6 Cable pulling such as, for example, rucking of tape screens in multi-
Cable puhing is the term used to describe the way pair cables.
in which the cables are transferred from the drums This type of damage is avoided by specifying mini­
on which they are delivered from the manufacturer m u m ahowable bending radii for each cable type a n d
to their permanent support arrangements. Again, this size. These minimum bending radii are usually ex­
subsection concentrates on cables installed on support pressed in terms of the overall cable diameter.
steelwork as these constitute the bulk of cables in
modern power stations.
The term pulling derives from the fact that the cable
is physically puhed from its d r u m during installation.
Whilst this may sound a very straightforward pro­
cedure, it must be appreciated that a cable is more
likely to sustain damage during installation than at
any other time in its working life. There are therefore
certain basic rules which must be adhered t o during
cable installation in order t o minimise the risk of cable SIDEWALL PRESSURE

A cable can sustain damage during installation in
a number of ways, the most obvious of which is by FIG. 6 . 9 6 Diagram showing sidewall pressure

Cabling Chapter 6

Furthermore, the sheath of a cable could sustain of friction between the cable sheath and the inner
damage if it were to be dragged across any sharp edges surface of the duct. This coefficient of friction can be
or rough surfaces during instahation. In these cases, reduced by the use of proprietary cable pulling lubri­
rollers and skid plates such as those shown in Fig 6.97 cants. Care must be taken when selecting such pulling
may be used to lift the cable away from the hazard lubricants to make sure that they have no long term
and hence prevent scuffing. As an additional precau­ detrimental effect on the cable sheathing materials.
tion, the C E G B has devised mechanical tests (see Another problem which needs to be considered is
Section 3.11 of this chapter) to demonstrate that the that of j a m m i n g . Jamming is the wedging of cables
cables which are used in modern power stations have within the duct where three or more cables are laying
some degree of resistance to this type of damage. side by side in a flat plane. This situation can easily
lead to excessive tension being applied to the cable,
hence damaging it. This condition is most likely to
occur when pulhng cables a r o u n d bends and can be
avoided by the careful selection of cable fill for a
particular size of conduit.
There is another potential source of installation
damage to cables which is specific to ducted runs. If
more than one cable is to be routed in a given duct,
then they should ah be installed at the same time.
LEADING ROLLER Additional cables are never installed over existing ones
because the winch wire used to pull the cable can
easily cause cut-through damage to the sheaths of the
original cables.
It has been pointed out in the previous section on
cable support steelwork, that the C E G B favours the
use of cantilever type cable support arrangements.
When cables are being installed, it allows them to be
pulled from the d r u m , laid alongside their support
steelwork and then hfted into place. This will in turn
reduce the loads to which the cables are subjected
during installation. Where the use of trapeze type cable
support structures is unavoidable (usuahy only for
certain seismic applications where additional rigidity
is required), installation is greatly comphcated by the
need to thread cables through the supports.
When the cable is being pulled from the d r u m , it
is important to ensure that the drum itself is con­
veniently placed, so that the cable does not have to
negotiate any unnecessary bends. The drum itself should
be supported on a freely turning axle with the cable
being removed over the top of the d r u m . The cables
must never be removed from the d r u m by rolling the
drum along on its flanges, since the arc length at the
drum flange will be greater than that of the cable on
the d r u m . Attempting to d o this will lead to the cable
being used to skid the d r u m round on its flanges.
The C E G B normally uses two basic pulhng tech­
niques, hand pulhng and winch (or nose) pulhng.
FIG. 6.97 Typical rollers and skid plates The former is self-explanatory. Its advantage is that
cables are unlikely to be subjected to excessive pulling
tensions. The drawback is of course, that the tech­
Pulling cables into ducted runs brings with it its nique is highly labour intensive and hence expensive.
own unique problems, mainly due to the restricted Good access is also essential for the whole of the route
space within the duct and the inaccessibility of the length, requiring complicated and expensive scaffold­
cable once the pull has commenced. These problems ing. Obviously, the larger the cable, the more difficult
become worse as the length of duct run increases. it will be to hand pull it.
In addition to the number of, and radius of, the In the alternative method, the pulhng force is pro­
bends in a ducted run, the force required to pull a vided by a motorised winch. Here, a winch rope (usually
cable through a duct will depend upon the coefficient of the plastic coated steel type) is connected to the

Cable installation practices

end of the cable using a flexible stocking, of the type Motorised rollers
shown in Fig 6.98, and the winch wire wound-in by
The motorised roller basically consists of an electrical­
the motor. This pulling method obviously requires
ly-driven rubber-tyred roller with a spring-loaded bearer
less direct labour during the pull, a h h o u g h it may be
roller to create a friction grip. The degree of spring
necessary to set up a number of sheaves and rollers
loading is variable and this determines how much tensile
along the route prior to pulling. For this reason, most
load can be apphed to the cable before slip occurs.
advantage would be gained from using this method
On a typical cable route, a number of these m o ­
where a number of cables are to be pulled along the
torised rollers would be installed prior to cable instal­
same route. If a winch rope is pulled across a cable
lation, mainly o n ehher side of bends, and these would
sheath h can cause considerable damage due to friction
be used in conjunction with standard non-driven rollers
burn-through, even if that winch rope is plastic coated
and sheaves. These motorised rollers are all controHed
and, therefore, the utmost care must be taken when
from a central panel, all being simuhaneously switched.
pulling cables onto steelwork where other cables have
During the cable pull, personnel are required at all
already been installed.
bends (as a minimum), to guide the cable through the
rollers. It is important that such personnel are in con­
WIRE BINDERS CONSISTING OF TWO tact with the operator at the central control panel to
TOGETHER TO SECURE THE BOND IN advise him of any problems occurring with the pull,
THE PULLING STRAIN so that the driven rollers can be turned off to prevent
damage to cable sheaths by continual shppage.
The motorised roller technique has the following

• It significantly reduces the tensile loads placed on

the cable during installation and hence damage

• It offers the potential for pulling cables through very

comphcated routes without the risk of applying too
FIG. 6 . 9 8 Method of attaching pulling bond to much load to the cable. The tensile load applied
multipair cables to the cable only a m o u n t s to that required to pull
the cable from the previous motorised roller.
It is also important to ensure that a non-stretch • There is, in theory, n o hmit to the length of an
winch rope is used, as this will remove the tendency individual cable pull.
for a succession of impulse loads to be applied to the
cable during pulling. The disadvantages with this technique are:
Since a motor is providing the pulling power, there
is also more potential for applying excessive load to • T h e setting u p of the roUers, including a complex
the cable using this pulhng technique. It is essential alignment process, is time consuming and expensive.
therefore that the winch operator is in close com­ • Generally individual cables (or at best, two or three
munication with other members of the pulhng gang cables of the same diameter), only can be pulled
stationed along the run, who can warn him if the cable through motorised rollers in one pass. After each
becomes snagged or caught. When using this installa­ pull, individual cables would therefore have to be
tion method, it is also necessary to monitor the load removed from the rollers before another cable can
being placed on the cable during the puH for comparison be pulled through the same roher set-up.
with the maximum allowable pull tension for the cable.
This is usually achieved by means of a dynamometer • The space available between individual cable carriers
attached to the winch rope. is limited a n d m a y physicaUy prevent the use of
Another method of ensuring that excessive loads these motorised rollers.
are not applied to the cable, is by placing a shear device
• The pulhng equipment is much more sophisticated
in the pulling wire which will fail at a predetermined t h a n that required for nose pulling and is therefore
tension. The C E G B does not favour the use of such more expensive.
devices as they can cause a safety hazard, due to whip­
lash, if they fail suddenly.
Running bond techniques
Finally, as an additional precaution against damaged
cable being used in service, a 1.5 metre length is always The principle of the running b o n d cable pulling tech­
cut from the nose of the cable following the pull. nique is shown in Fig 6.99. The technique is widely
More sophisticated cable pulling methods also exist, used and has been developed by the distribution side
such as motorised rollers and running bond techniques. of the electricity supply industry for the installation
These are discussed briefly as fohows. of large, delicate, high voltage cables in trenches.

Cabling Chapter 6








FIG. 6.99 Running bond technique

A steel bondwire, of at least twice the length of The disadvantages again revolve a r o u n d the time and
the cable section length over which pulhng is to be effort required to set u p the rollers and snatch blocks
carried out, is run-out through the whole section length prior to pulhng. The tying and untying of the bond
over cable rohers positioned along the hne which the wires at each bend is also very time consuming and
cable is to follow. As with nose pulhng techniques, labour intensive.
those rollers should be installed at sufficient frequency In general, the cable support steelwork design and
to prevent the cable from dragging along the support layout philosophy used by the C E G B , in particular the
steelwork. use of cantilever supports, means that the motorised
The cable is then tied to the bond wire at 2 metre roller and running b o n d cable pulling techniques are
intervals along its entire length, increasing the fre­ not necessary. They d o , however, have a potential for
quency of ties if the cable is to be installed on a steep application to the problem of pulling cables through
incline or through vertical run sections. At each change successive trapeze type supports.
of direction during the puh, the bond ties are released
and the cable is taken round the bend using separate
skid plates and rollers with the bond wire passing 8 Cable performance under fire
through a separate snatch block. After each bend, the
bond ties are replaced. Whilst traversing each bend,
the nose of the cable is guided over the corner rollers This section deals with cable performance under fire
to ensure that a positive tension is maintained to pre­ conditions with respect to flame spread and fume emis­
vent build up of slack at the bend. The advantages of sions, and with the tests used to evaluate these factors.
this pulhng technique are similar to those of the Whilst the burning characteristics with respect to
motorised roher technique, namely: flame spread and fume emissions are controhed, such
cables may not necessarily be designed to continue
• The reduction of tensile load applied to the cable. functioning under fire conditions. Where circuit inte­
grity is required, then short-time fireproof (STFP)
• The potential to pull through complex routes.
cables as described in Section 3.7 of this chapter must
• The potential to pull through very long routes. be used.

Cable p e r f o r m a n c e under fire conditions

Fires started by faults within cables are rare, al­ of hydrochloric acid gas (HCl) and smoke under fire
though theoretically possible if incorrect electrical pro­ condhions. However by restricting propagation, the
tection is apphed. However, because of their service quantity of cable insulating material involved in the fire
function, cables become involved in fires caused and is reduced and thus the volume of combustion pro­
fuelled by other sources, e.g., oU and rubbish. There ducts. The quantity of smoke and acid that could be
were a number of serious cable fires in the 1960s and liberated is still sufficient to cause considerable damage
early 1970s which demonstrated a need for a close and therefore all major cable routes need to be enclosed
examination of fire protection policies. The majority and protected as discussed in Section 2 of this chapter.
of these fires involved P V C cables, although some also C o m p o u n d developments during the early 1980s has
involved synthetic rubbers such as ethylene propylene offered the prospect of cables which, not only have
rubber (EPR) and chlorosulphonated polyethelene r u b ­ reduced fire propagation characteristics, but also re­
ber (CSP). A n examination of these serious cable fires duced coloured smoke and corrosive gas emissions. Such
revealed the fohowing major conclusions: cables are generally classified as limited fire hazard.
• Where large quantities of cables were involved, the Test methods have been recently developed (1988) to
fire could propagate along both horizontal and ver­ assess smoke, corrosive and toxic emissions; the general
tical cable routes at an alarming speed (10 m e t r e s / principles and background to these have been included
minute). in this section for completeness.

• Large quantities of dense smoke might be evolved

which would hamper fire fighting operations. 8.1 Tests on a single cable or wire
• Large quantities of corrosive fumes could be pro­ Fire tests on single cables or wires are specified to
duced which might damage building materials, swhch­ BS4066: P a r t 1 ( l E C 332: P a r t 1). In this test, the wire
gear and electronic equipment. or cable is clamped vertically and a bunsen or similar
burner is arranged at 45° to the axis of the wire as
With the cable insulation and sheathing materials avail­ shown in Fig 6.100. For large cables, two burners are
able in the early 1970s, it was not possible to produce used. The flame is apphed to the test sample for a set
new designs of cables that would reduce all three of time and after its removal the sample is left to burn
these risks. As far as power stations are concerned, until it self-extinguishes. The a m o u n t of uncharred
because of the large numbers of cables involved, it material remaining at the t o p of the sample is then
was decided to concentrate on reduced fire propagation measured and compared with the acceptance criteria.
characteristics. BS4066: P a r t 1 is not suitable for wires having a
Until these serious fires occurred during the late cross-sectional area of 0.5 mm^ or smaller because the
1960s, P V C had been considered to be a fire retardant flame is sufficiently harsh to burn through the con­
material. This belief was founded on the ability of a ductor. A new specification has therefore been prepared
single cable to pass the type of flame test detailed in the for these small wires which employs a smaher burner
following subsection. This test method was originally and this is expected to be published in due course as
devised to assess cables having fibrous coatings impreg­ l E C 332: P a r t 2.
nated with so cahed flame retardant paints. When it was The fire propagation performance of cables is now
subsequently found that P V C sheathed cables passed assessed as described in the following Section 8.2. The
such a test this earned P V C the description of flame type of tests on single samples described here are
retardant. Research after these major fires showed that, therefore of greatest value in assessing the fire perfor­
whilst a single P V C cable would not b u r n when the mance of cores of cables, particularly control cables,
source of ignition was removed, if sufficient of these and for panel wiring.
cables were grouped together then there was a critical
mass above which propagation could occur. However,
no precise figure of P V C critical mass is possible
8.2 Cable installations having reduced fire
because this varies with the formulation of the P V C propagation
compound and the cable installation arrangement, but During the early 1970s, test methods were developed
it is generally accepted to be in the order of 2 - 3 kg per to assess the fire performance of bunched cables and
metre. It was therefore clear that the earlier practice of this culminated in the issue of C E G B Standard 099905
assessing fire performance by testing a single cable was ( G D C D Standard 21) — 'Cable instaUations having
inadequate and a new test had to be devised in which reduced fire propagation'. Since it was reahsed that
cables were fire tested in a density and formation re­ propagation was dependent o n b o t h the mass of cables
presentative of the actual installation. Details of these and also their configuration, the first step in producing
reduced fire propagation tests are given in Section 8.2 this standard was to define standard installation con­
of this chapter. Cables to meet this new standard were figurations. For type approval purposes, four categories
constructed mainly from speqiahy formulated P V C of cable together with their installation conditions were
compounds which still liberated considerable quantities defined as follows:

Cabling Chapter 6

300mm ±25mm

450mm ±25mm

600mm ±25mm



FIG. 6.100 Test on a single cable or wire

• Category 1 — single core cables tested in spaced test rigs used must be proved by testing untreated
formation. P V C cables to ensure that propagation occurs.
In 1982, l E C Pubhcation 332: Part 3 — T e s t s
• Category 2 — multicore power cables 16 mm^ and
on bunched wires or cables' was issued. This speci­
above tested in spaced formation.
fies a test similar to the first issue of G D C D Standard
• Category 3 — multicore control cables and small 2 1 , the major differences being that the l E C specifies
power cables up to and including 16 mm^ tested a gas burner instead of electric hot plates and in addi­
in touching formation. tion the acceptance crheria is increased from 1.5 m
to 2.5 m. The general arrangement of this test rig
• Category 4 — multipair control and instrumenta­ is shown in Fig 6.102. The l E C burner is of the rib­
tion cables tested in touching formation. bon propane-gas type with a fuel input rate of 73.7
X 10^ J / h (70000 B t U / h ) . The l E C allows tests at
All categories were tested with a non-metallic mass 1.5 L / m , 3.5 L / m and 7 L / m which equate to ap­
of 10 k g / m . proximately 2.5 k g / m , 5 k g / m and 10 k g / m using a
The test rig specified in the first issue of G D C D typical density for the cable combustible materials. A
Standard 21 was based on the Italian CESI laboratory test rig complying w h h l E C 332: Part 3 had been buih
test rig in Milan, the general arrangement being shown in the UK at Queen Mary College Industrial Research
in Fig 6.101. The test method consists of mounting Limited and the C E G B evaluated this against the
cables in a vertical arrangement within a chimney to existing G D C D Standard 21 protocol during 1982. Tests
produce an onerous condition. The cables are heated at were carried out at 10 k g / m on at least one cable in
the base, using electrical hot plates, w h h a minimum each of the four G D C D Standard 21 Categories. In
temperature of 600°C and pilot flames are provided a d d h i o n , an untreated P V C cable was tested to ensure
to ignite flammable gases that are driven off. Once that the rig was capable of producing propagating fires.
the cables have ignited they are left to burn and, after These tests demonstrated that the l E C test rig could
one hour, if they have not self-extinguished they are be used as an acceptable substitute for tests to G D C D
manually extinguished. The test is considered satisfac­ Standard 2 1 ; the test rig was therefore adopted for cable
tory if the traces of charred damage on the cables do constructions containing P V C materials. Because of
not extend more than 1.5 m above the hotplates. AH the size and complexity of power station installations.

Cable p e r f o r m a n c e under fire conditions





FIG. 6.101 Reduced propagation test rig

(electric hotplates)

additional requirements beyond the l E C test method

are specified t o reduce the risk of fires propagating.
The maximum density of cables that the l E C specifies
is 10 k g / m which is the same as G D C D Standard 2 1 ,
Issue 1. This generally results in an economic arrange­
ment for Category 1 a n d 2 cables which are installed
spaced t o maintain their current rating. However, for
Categories 3 a n d 4, the cables are installed touching
and a restriction t o 10 k g / m of non-metalhc material
results in the cable tray being under-loaded as far as
space a n d weight considerations are concerned. F o r
Categories 3 and 4, tests may therefore now b e specified (b) TYPICAL TEST RESULT
at 20 k g / m or higher. A further requirement is that
during the test, penetration t o the conductor should be
FIG. 6.102 Reduced propagation test rig (gas burner)
achieved (i.e., the conductor insulation should be con­
sumed or degraded t o ash). If this is not achieved then
the cables are retested with a burner having a larger t o design a cable with suitable heat barrier tapes t o
heat output. T h e reason for this is that it is possible pass the test with a 70 000 B t u / h burner. However,

Cabling Chapter 6

when this cable is subjected to a greater heat source, is considered acceptable for P V C , since normally all
as may be the case in a real fire shuation, then the non-metallic material is involved during test at burner
barrier tapes may break down allowing the more flam­ level. However, this method of mounting is not typi­
mable insulation within to be exposed and propagation cal of an actual service condhion and for new cable
can occur. By trying to obtain penetration to the con­ designs it may give inconsistent results. The C E G B
ductor during the test this risk is reduced. Standard for limited fire hazard cables therefore re­
During the 1970s special P V C compounds were for­ quires Category 3 and 4 cables to be tested in discrete
mulated to enable cables to be constructed to pass these bundles.
propagation tests. This was achieved by the use of In practice, the number of cables that can be placed
various additives which did not generally affect the on a cable tray is limited by the space available on the
mechanical performance of the P V C . The most com­ cable supporting steelwork or the maximum weight it
monly used addhive today is antimony trioxide which can carry. For Categories 1 and 2, where the cables
acts together with the chlorine in P V C to suppress the are installed in spaced formation to achieve adequate
flames. current rating, space is the limiting factor and the
The use of P V C produces cables that have high maximum non-metallic mass that can he usefuhy used
smoke and acid emissions due to the halogens in the is 10 k g / m . For Categories 3 and 4, where the cables
material. A requirement for low smoke and acid emis­ are bunched, the maximum non-metahic mass is con­
sion requires the use of non-halogenated materials, trolled by the maximum cable dead-load that the steel­
but means that the halogen gases are not available to work can support. As discussed in Section 7 of this
interrupt the combustion process. One of the polymers chapter, G D C D Standard 197 600 m m wide ladder
that is becoming popular for hmited fire hazard (LFH) racks are designed to carry a dead-load of 50 k g / m .
cables is ethylene/vinyl acetate (EVA) and, to give this This means that a test with a non-metallic mass of
reduced propagation performance, h can be heavily 20 k g / m is adequate for Categories 3 and 4 to match
filled with aluminium hydroxide (alumina trihydrate). the steelwork design.
This fiher contains about 3 5 w a t e r which is released
at temperatures above 200°C with the absorption of
heat. The steam produced also dilutes the flammable 8.3 Oxygen index tests
gases given-off from the polymer.
The oxygen index (OI) of a material is defined as the
Whilst Category 1 and 2 L F H cables were found to
minimum concentration of oxygen, expressed as a per­
behave in a similar manner to P V C cables, when testing
centage by volume, in a mixture of oxygen and nitrogen
non-PVC Category 3 and 4 cable designs (which are
that will just support combustion of material under
required to be mounted in a close touching formation)
defined conditions. A suitable test method is given in
it was found that they behaved in a manner different
Appendix A of BS4066: Part 3: 1986. In this test a
to P V C cables. With P V C cables there is a greater
sample of material is mounted vertically in a glass
tendency for propagation with increasing mass. This
chimney through which a known mixture of oxygen
was not apparent with new limited fire hazard designs.
and nitrogen is passed. The top of the sample is ignited
It was noted that cables nearest the burner became
and its behaviour noted to see if it burns beyond a set
involved in the fire but any cables in the second or
distance or if it self-extinguishes within a prescribed
subsequent further-removed rows were substantially
time. The oxygen/nitrogen ratio is adjusted until the
unaffected. With P V C cable designs h had been normal
for all cables at burner level to become involved in material under test just supports combustion, the con­
the fire. In service installations however, cables are centration of oxygen as a percentage by volume is then
not normally tightly held in regimented rows as speci­ recorded as the OI of the material.
fied for this fire test. In a cable riser, the cables are The OI of a typical untreated P V C will be of the
cleated in small bundles having a maximum diameter order of 25%, whilst a treated P V C used in reduced
of 75 m m , whhst on horizontal runs the mix of dif­ propagation cables may have an oxygen index in the
ferent sizes of cables gives a natural break-up from the range 30 to 4 0 % . However, it must not be assumed
close array that may be attained with cables of one that a c o m p o u n d with a higher OI will automatically
size. Tests were therefore conducted with cables fixed produce a cable with greater resistance to fire propaga­
to the ladder in bundles approximately 60 m m wide tion. Two materials having the same OI may behave
with 20 m m between bundles. When tested in this completely differently depending on the polymer type
manner, it was found that cables tended to propagate and the additives used to give flame retardence. It
fire more readily and this tendency increased w h h the must also be borne in mind that the test is carried out
mass being tested. Indeed, tests were carried out w h h at ambient temperature and also that the flame is re­
cables mounted in blocks over the range from 2.5 k g / m quired to burn downwards like a candle; the test con­
up to 30 k g / m of non-metallic material and consistent ditions are therefore not representative of a typical real
resuhs were obtained throughout. fire shuation. For these reasons an oxygen index test
In summary, for Categories 3 and 4, a close regi­ must not be considered as a substitute for the propa­
mented touching array as specified by l E C 332, P a r t 3, gation tests described in the previous Section 8.2.

Cable p e r f o r m a n c e under fire conditions

However, this oxygen index test is very reproducible ñiques, the temperature index test is time consuming
and forms an excehent method for quality control of and is less reproducible t h a n an OI test because of
compounds used in reduced propagation cable systems. sample deformation at higher temperatures. It is not
As stated previously, a high OI does not necessari- therefore considered practical as a routine test. It is
ly mean better flame propagation performance a n d , however considered by many manufacturers to be a
therefore, for routine Q A tests, h is necessary to con- useful aid to material assessment.
trol both the minimum and maximum OI levels. This
can be achieved by measuring the OI of materials of
cables subjected to reduced propagation type tests de- 8.4 Smoke tests
scribed in the previous section. A poshive and negative
tolerance (in the order of ± 1 . 5 % ) is then agreed with 8.4.1 Test methods
the manufacturer for routine tests. It should be noted
that to apply this principle the absolute OI must be There are two c o m m o n methods of quantifying smoke
measured. Therefore, when using Appendbc A of BS4066 emissions:
for routine testing of power station cables, it is im- • Measurement of hght obscuration through smoke.
portant that the complete test in Section A8 is specified
rather than the abbreviated test in Section AlO which • Weighing of smoke particles after trapping them in
only checks for a minimum. In summary, OI tests are a filter.
used to check whether a material has changed rather
than to see if it meets a minimum OI requirement. Considering these methods, the weighing of smoke
A variation of this type of test which is gaining particles ignores the effect that particle size has on
popularity is to measure the temperature index of the visibihty, i.e., a lot of small particles will reduce visi-
material. The apparatus used for this test is similar to bihty more than a fewer number of large particles for
that used for oxygen index with the addition of heaters the same total weight. Measurement of light obscura-
around the glass chimney. Both the oxygen/nitrogen tion is therefore considered more meaningful where
ratio and test temperatures are varied to enable a plot h is desired t o obtain a degree of correlation between
of the type shown in Fig 6.103 t o be prepared. The tests and the visibility of, say, exit signs in a real fire
temperature index of the materials is taken to be the situation.
temperature at which the sample just supports com- Early investigations into smoke emission were carried
bustion with an oxygen concentration in nitrogen of out using small samples of cable materials in bench
2 1 % . Whhst this type of test arguably gives greater top equipment such as the U S A National Bureau of
information on the material than a plain oxygen index Standards (NBS) or the A r a p a h o e smoke chambers.
test, it must be remembered that it is still only a test The NBS is an optical method in which a sample is
on materials. Like the OI test it cannot be considered burnt (either in a flaming or non-flaming mode) in a
a substitute for fuh scale propagation tests, since h is chamber having a volume of approximately 0.5 m^.
known that both the q u a n t h y of cable and the cable Light transmission is measured using a photometric
configuration affect flame spread. With present tech- system with a vertical p a t h . The A r a p a h o e is a gravi-
metric system in which a sample is burnt using a small
propane-gas burner and the smoke particles are trapped
in a filter and weighed. M o r e recent work has shown
that smoke emission is highly dependent on the number
of cables involved and their configuration, i.e., spaced
or touching formation. The situation is similar to
testing for reduced propagation characteristics where
tests on materials or single cables are inadequate as
type tests. These bench-top tests are now therefore only
recommended for routine tests such as quality control
and for the prehminary evaluation of materials.
For type tests it is considered essential to carry
out large scale tests o n a typical cable arrangement.
One such large scale test method which was developed
by the L o n d o n Transport Executive (LTE) in the early
1 \
1970s is the 3-metre cube and this has now gained
international popularity. The test equipment which is
shown in Fig 6.104 consists of a cube of 3-metre
100 200 250 3Ó0 side and normally constructed from metal sheet. A
door containing an inspection window is provided in
one side for access purposes. Smah windows are pro-
FIG. 6 . 1 0 3 Graph showing temperature index vided in opposite sides of the cube to enable a light

Cabling Chapter 6

tests because of limitations of the 3-metre cube test

equipment, e.g., the cable quantity subjected to the
test has to be hmited to avoid smoke saturation in
the cube. Although h is not possible to carry out smoke
tests in the 3-metre cube on the largest array of cab­
hng used in a power station, it is possible to use a
representative sample which is adequate to correlate
smoke emission with the effects of propagation.
The fire model selected for type tests is s h o w n , i n
Fig 6.105 and consists of cable samples 2 metres long,
wired to a vertical ladder. The number of cable samples
is selected to give a loading of 5 k g / m of non-metalhc
material and the cables are mounted in the same for­
mation as detailed for reduced propagation in Section
8.2 of this chapter, i.e., power cables spaced and control
cables bunched. It is important to note that cable for­
mation is a dominant factor in smoke production and
that variations in cable spacing can significantly affect
results. The fire source itself consists of the same
propane-gas ribbon burner and flow rates as used for
FIG. 6.104 3-metre smoke cube the propagation test. The test regime consists of apply­
ing the fire source for a period of 25 minutes, after
which it is extinguished and the samples are left to
source and photoelectric cell assembly to be mounted burn or smoulder until maximum smoke production
externally, so that the attenuation of light with in­ has been achieved. By this method both flaming and
creasing smoke density can be measured. The photo­ non-flaming modes can be assessed.
cell is designed to have a response close to that of
the h u m a n eye. A fan is provided to mix the smoke
and give reproducible resuhs. Since a large number
of manufacturers and test authorities have constructed
this test equipment, there is clearly a need to en­
sure they all have similar characteristics. This can be
achieved by burning known ratios of toluene/alcohol CABLE SAMPLES 2m LONG-
in the cube and checking the light attenuation against
reference values. The 3-metre cube is now a well
estabhshed test equipment that is relatively simple and
very practical.
Having established suitable test equipment to mea­ ^ LADDER
sure smoke from a representative section of cable
installation, we must now consider the fire model. The
fire model used by L T E consists of burning a number
of cables by placing them in horizontal formation over
a fire source consisting of a tray containing 1 litre of GAS BURNER

alcohol. The number of cable samples is selected such

that the test configuration contains 2 - 3 k g / m of
combustible material which is considered typical of an
underground railway instahation. However, within a
power station, higher densities of cables are involved
and a number of routes are vertical; the L T E fire model
is therefore not suitable for power stations. Considering
power station applications, quite clearly for smoke tests
it is desirable to use a vertical array of cable samples FIG. 6.105 Cable sample arrangement for smoke test
known to be the more onerous case. This follows the
same principle as for reduced propagation tests. Taking
this one step further to be consistent, the same type During the test, the intensity of the light received
of fire model should be used for both the reduced by the photocell is monitored on a chart recorder as
propagation and smoke tests (i.e., a vertical ladder with a measure of transmittance. The recorded light trans-
a propane-gas burner fire source). In practice it is not mittance can be converted to absorbance using the
possible to use the identical arrangement for smoke formula:

Cable p e r f o r m a n c e under fire conditions

At = logio l o / I t where D = visibihty distance

Κ = parameter dependent on light level and
where I o = initial luminous intensity
type of exit sign
It = intensity of light beam through smoke
F r o m Equations (6.8) and (6.9):
It is normal to present the results as standard absor-
bance Ao by the formula KV
D = (6.10)
Ao = At X V/f

Now the factor *n' must relate the quantity of cable

w h e r e V = volume of test chamber, m^
material tested to that contained in the power station
i = optical path length, m installation. It is suggested that the smoke test be car­
ried out on an array containing 5 k g / m of non-metalhc
Ao is then defined as the absorbance produced across combustible material. Therefore, assuming a hnear
the faces of a 1-metre cube when the test installation relationship:
is burnt under the given condkions.
The calculation for A Q ignores the effect of any installed mass installed mass
η =
smoke deposited on the windows of the optical system. test mass
This is because experience has shown that the absorb­
ance associated with this deposition on the windows Typical values for the parameter Κ are given in Table
is small compared to the absorbance associated with 6.23. These parameters are based on experiments
the smoke in the cube, and negligible error is caused carried out in a 3-metre cube, using a r a n d o m sample
by ignoring this factor. Where it is wished to take of observers to assess the visability of typical signs
this factor into account, the absorbance associated with over a range of distances through a known density of
deposition on the windows can be measured after clear­ smoke.
ing smoke from the cube and the appropriate correc­
tions made. TABLE 6.23

Clearly A Q can be calculated at any time during Typical values for the parameter Κ
the test but the most significant measurements are
Lighting Value of Κ
considered to be at the end of the test flame appli­
cation period, Ao (ON), and the maximum after the
Self-illuminated signs 3.0 - 3.5
flame is extinguished, A Q (OFF). Quite clearly the
Reflecting signs in well lit areas 1.5
most crkical factor is the total smoke generation
and since this is achieved during the Ao (OFF) period, Reflecting signs in poorly lit areas 1.0
it should be used for the acceptance criteria. A typical
test requirement would be that Ao (OFF) should not
exceed 10. As an example, consider a cable flat 2 m wide by
2 m high and 50 m long. Using a test acceptance cri­
terion of Ao(OFF) = 10 and assuming one cable tray
8.4.2 Use of t e s t i n f o r m a t i o n
carrying a non-metahic combustible cable mass of
Having defined a test method we can now try to re­ 10 k g / m , for self-illuminated signs the visibility would
late the information gained to what would happen be:
in power station locations under fire conditions. One kV 3 X 2 X 2 X 50
method of achieving this is as follows: D = = 30 m
The 'expected absorbance' in a particular location Aon 10 X 10/5
is given by:
The results obtained by this process should only be
Ae = AoU/V (6.8) used for guidance since the process assumes an even
dispersion of smoke particles and ignores any irritant
where Ao = absorbance across the faces of a 1 m affect that smoke may have on the eyes.
cube found from test

V = dispersal volume, m^
8.5 Corrosive gas emissions
η = factor depending on quantity of cable
A t present, bench-top tests on samples of materials
taken from cables are considered the most practical
method of assessing corrosive gas emissions.
Also Ae = - (6.9) The most commonly used of these bench-top tests
D is that specified in l E C 754. This test method requires

Cabling Chapter 6

that approximately one gram of material is pyrolysed of particular concern, a sensitive chloride ion electrode
in a combustion tube using an electric furnace. R a m p is included which can monitor to a level of 0 . 0 5 % .
heating is used with a maximum temperature of 800°C Experimental work has been carried out for the CEGB
and the resultant gases are analysed by titration meth­ to assess the corrosive effects of the more c o m m o n
ods. Hydrogen chloride and hydrogen bromide are acid gas species on items such as printed circuit boards
assessed as hydrogen chloride and the limit of sen­ and relay contacts. F r o m this work it is possible to judge
sitivity of this method is 0 . 5 % . The difficulty with the maximum concentration of gas in parts per million
this test method is that it only assesses two of the ( P P M ) that is tolerable from a corrosion aspect. Using
halogen gases and, whilst hydrogen chloride may be this information, together with a knowledge of the
potentially the most aggressive, other corrosive gases quantity of cable material likely to be consumed in a
cannot be ignored. Another drawback with this method fire and the station volume in which it may be released,
is that the hmit of detection is 0 . 5 % and may not it is possible to predict p H acceptance levels for the
be adequate for recent developments in low fire risk test method discussed.
The C E G B has therefore developed a test method
which m o n h o r s p H and conductivhy which can detect 8.6 Toxic gas emissions
all acid species. A diagrammatic arrangement of the At present, bench-top tests on samples of material
test apparatus is given in Fig 6.106. The combustion taken from cables are considered to be the most prac­
arrangement is similar to l E C 754 in that the sample tical way of assessing toxic gas emissions. There are
is pyrolysed in a combustion tube using an electric several such tests available but the most established in
furnace and r a m p heating up to 800°C. A sample size this country is that defined in the Ministry of Defence
of one gram is used and the combustion products are specification NES 713. This test procedure has there­
drawn through distilled water of which the p H and fore been used as a basis for C E G B assessment of
conductivity is measured. Since hydrogen chloride is toxic gas emissions.






FIG. 6 . 1 0 6 Corrosive gas emission test equipment

Cable accessories

The C E G B test method consists of burning a four

gram sample in a sealed chamber having a volume of PLASTIC WASHER

one cubic metre. The chamber is constructed from a METAL


plastic material (typically polypropylene or polycar­ EXTENSION TUBE

bonate) having a transparent access door in one side.
The sample is burnt using a gas burner in which the
fuel is premixed with air. A fan is used to ensure rapid
mixing of products of combustion with the air in the
chamber. Samples of the combustion products are drawn OUTER
out of the test enclosure through gas detection tubes.
These gas detection tubes consist of a glass tube filled
with crystals which change colour when they react with OUTER SEAL NUT
the selected gas type. A selection of gas detection tubes ASSOCIATED ENCLOSURE
is used to assess the toxic gas emissions that are likely
to be obtained from cable insulating materials.
A toxicity index can be calculated from the measured
gas concentrations using I D L H values. The immediate
danger to hfe and health (IDLH) value, as defined
in the N I O S H / O S H A 'Guide to chemical hazards',
represents a maximum level from which one could
escape within 30 minutes without any escape-impairing
symptoms or any irreversible effects on health.

9 Cable accessories

9.1 Cable glands

9.1.1 Background to gland design FIG. 6.107 Typical arrangements of insulated

cable glands
Cable glands are used to terminate the outer finishes
of cables (i.e., inner sheath, armour and outer sheath)
and to take the insulated conductors through into the • Insulated glands allow single-point bonding of
equipment. The gland therefore locates the cable at the control cables t o prevent circulating or fault currents
equipment and is required to form a moisture seal to flowing in the a r m o u r and hence reduce the risk of
both the cable and the equipment. Glands also provide interference in control and instrumentation circuits.
a means of making connections to the armour for
• Insulated glands allow cable a r m o u r to be isolated
earthing when required. Where connections to earth are
from earth to enable cable outer sheath integrity to
required, it is important that the gland is fitted with an
be tested.
integral earth lug so that a bond can be installed to
take the fault current direct to the earth bar. Without • A n integral earth lug is specified to provide an
this provision the fault current would have to flow to adequately tested means of connecting the cable
earth via the less secure route of gland threads, gland a r m o u r to earth.
plate securing b o h s and equipment casing.
• G D C D Standard 190 requires that all glands for use
The requirements for cable glands are specified
on power cables are subjected to short-circuit tests.
in G D C D Standard 190: 'Insulated mechanical cable
glands'. These have been developed as replacements • A screen terminator can be provided, as shown in
for the traditional all-metal gland designs which are Fig 6.108, to allow the copper tape screen of 11 kV
specified in BS6121: 'Specification for mechanical cables t o be electrically connected to the cable
glands Part 1 — metahic glands'. Insulated glands armour.
allow the cable armour to be isolated from the gland
plate and hence earth. Typical arrangements of insu­ • G D C D Standard 190 requires glands to accept a
lated glands are shown in Fig 6.107. Insulated glands wider range of cable sizes.
complying with G D C D Standard 190 must incorporate
the following features and offer certain advantages 9.1.2 Gland construction
over metallic glands to BS6121, Part 1:
G D C D Standard 190 covers a range of glands which are
• Insulated glands allow single-point bonding of sin­ identified by 'Class N u m b e r ' according to a r m o u r type
gle-core cables to prevent a r m o u r circulating currents and gland configuration, i.e., whether bonding connec­
and hence permh current rating to be maximised. tors or screen terminators are required. The armour

Cabling Chapter 6





FIG. 6.108 Insulated gland with copper tape screen terminator for use on 11 kV cables

types covered are aluminium wire, aluminium strip, from transferred potentials. There is n o requirement
steel wire and double steel tape. T o avoid corrosion to shroud glands that are bonded to earth and indeed
problems, for aluminium armour the gland body is this would he physically difficult because of the bond­
constructed from aluminium and for steel armour the ing connections.
gland body is made from brass. The glands include an With respect to short-circuit tests, it is judged that
outer seal, to seal between the gland and the cable outer all power cables that could be fitted into gland sizes
sheath. A gland plate seal is also provided to seal of 40 m m and smaller would be fuse protected and
between the gland and the gland plate. Inner seals, to therefore these sizes of glands are tested at a level of
seal between the cable inner sheath and the gland to 13.1 kA for 0.1 s. Gland sizes of 50 m m and above
prevent moisture entering the cable armour area are may accept cables that are circuit-breaker controlled
not considered necessary, as cable boxes are normally and these are tested at a short-circuit level of 43 kA
kept in a dry condition. In addition it is essential that for u p to 1 s depending on the capabihty of the cable
compression-type inner seals are not used on cables armour.
insulated with materials such as low-density polythene, Insulated glands for use with wire braid, such as
since this is likely to flow from under the seal during on flexible cables, are not required since such cables
load cycling and reduce the dielectric strength of the are normally short and there is no risk of circulating
cable. currents. Standard C X glands to BS6121 are therefore
Multipair cables, as described in Section 3.6 of this used for braided cables.
chapter, have a drain wire provided to enable connec­
tions to be made to the screen. Whilst insulated ter­ 9.1.3 Gland sizing
minators can be provided on the gland for this drain
wire to be terminated, it is normally more convenient When sizing cable glands the fohowing factors must
to provide an insulated block of terminals in the equip­ be taken into account:
ment to terminate the drain wires for connection to • The dimension over the cable inner sheath (under
each other, or to earth, as appropriate. armour) must be smaller than the gland bore.
The insulated portion of the gland is designed and
• The dimension over the cable outer sheath must be
tested to withstand 2 kV for 1 minute. The figure of
smaller than the fully-opened outer seal but greater
2 kV matches the design criteria for rise of potential
than the test mandrel size to ensure an adequate seal.
on single-point bonded cable armours under fault con­
ditions, this figure also being the minimum voltage • The gland must be selected for the armour type,
withstand for cable sheaths. Quite clearly, if gland material and size.
bodies can rise to voltages of u p to 2 kV at the 'floating
end' then insulated shrouds must be fitted for personnel There is not a large overlap in cable accommodation
safety. Where control cable glands are not bonded to between gland sizes and therefore gland sizing should
earth these must also be shrouded to protect personnel be carried out on the cable manufacturers' dimensional

Cable accessories

information rather than that obtained from cable stand­ be bolted to equipment. Ahernatively, some manufac­
ards. For this reason it is normally the responsibility turers prefer to produce lugs by forging sohd bars.
of the cable installation contractor to ensure that the A compression-lug fitted to a single-core cable can be
gland manufacturer is supplied with all relevant cable seen in Fig 6.116.
data prior to manufacture of glands. The lug is apphed to the conductor using dies to
compress the fitting down onto the conductor. The
large mechanical forces required to complete this op­
9.1.4 Installation
eration are provided by a hydraulic tool into which
It is normal practice to have equipment supplied with the dies are fitted. A h h o u g h these large mechanical
detachable gland plates that are undrilled. This is forces tend to break u p the tenacious high electrical
because at the time of ordering equipment, the cable resistance aluminium oxide film on the conductor and
size and hence gland size are u n k n o w n . It is n o r m a h y fittings, to produce a good connection it is stih im­
the responsibility of the cable contractor to drill the perative that surfaces are adequately prepared. It is
gland plate and fit the gland to the cable and equipment. therefore required that fittings are factory cleaned by
Gland plates should be non-ferrous for cable circuit shot blasting with aluminium oxide grit and are then
ratings of 400 A or greater. immediately dipped in petroleum jelly, or an equi­
Cables should be set as far as practicable in their valent covering, to prevent further oxidation. Cable
final position before glanding commences. This is to conductors are cleaned with a stainless steel wire brush
avoid differential movement, e.g., between a r m o u r and and immediately coated with petroleum jelly prior to
outer sheath, which could result in an ineffective seal compression. Lugs are available for use on circular
should the cable be moved excessively after glanding. stranded, circular sohd and shaped sohd aluminium
It is good practice to cleat all cables at a distance of conductors.
not more than 1 m below the gland to reheve glands Properly designed compression fittings provide good
and gland plates of the cable weight and of the stresses reproducible results without the skih necessary to pro­
set u p by thermal cycling of the cables. Even after duce a soldered connection. T o assist in quality control
these precautions, it is not considered good practice the following facilities are expected:
to use top-entry glands on equipment located out of
doors. • Fittings to be marked with manufacturer's name,
Finahy after installation of the glands has been identification number and appropriate conductor
completed ah nuts should be checked for tightness. It size.
should also be checked that a gap exists between the • The fitting to be marked to show the position at
gland body and armour clamp as this gives assurance which the compression die is to be apphed unless
that the armour wires are locked in the clamp. controhed by other means as the tool is apphed.

• A crimping code is to be marked during the for­

9.2 Power cable conductor terminations mation of the crimp so that the crimping die used
can be identified.
This section details methods that are used to terminate
the conductors of power cables and connect them to • The compression operation must not be interrupted
equipment. The conductor connection clearly must be until complete and the tool must be designed to pre­
capable of carrying the cable fuh-load current without vent this happening other than by deliberate action
overheating and must be mechanically robust to with­ by the operator.
stand any short-circuit forces.
• Hydraulic tools are to be fitted with a pressure relief
The traditional method of using soldered lugs t o ter­
valve that will operate at the end of the compression
minate conductors has now been completely replaced in
operation to show that this is complete.
power stations by compression or mechanical fittings.
One reason for this is that it is a highly skilled j o b to
use soldered lugs, particularly on aluminium conduc­ The test requirements for aluminium compression fit­
tors, and if full penetration of solder between strands tings are given in Engineering Recommendation C79
is not achieved overheating in use can occur. Secondly, (1972) — *Type approval tests for connectors and
soldered lugs are not recommended for use on poly­ terminations for aluminium conductors of insulated
meric cables having a designed limiting short-circuit power cables'. A British Standard, BS4579: Part 3: 1979
conductor temperature of 250°C since solder softens — 'Mechanical and compression joints in aluminium
at this temperature. conductors', is based on Engineering Recommendation
C79 and gives similar requirements. The test regime
consists of preparing 6 samples and subjecting them
9.2.1 Fittings for aluminium conductors
Compression-lugs typically consist of an aluminium
• Initial resistance measurements.
tube, of a suitable size to fit over the conductor, which
has been squashed at one end to form a palm that can • Short-circuit tests (optional).

Cabling Chapter 6

• Electrical load cycling test — 2000 cycles with re­ • Initial resistance measurement.
sistances and temperatures measured every 100 cycles.
• 500 load cycles with resistance measurements every
• Tensile test. 50 cycles.

• Final resistance measurement.

The test results are analysed to check whether the
compression fittings have remained stable throughout • Tensile test.
the test.
Engineering Recommendation C79 was published It should be noted that, unlike aluminium, the test
before the large scale introduction of elastomeric ca­ regime for copper fittings does not include an option
bles; hence the load cycle test temperature of 80°C of short-circuit tests. Experience from short-circuit
above ambient and the short-circuit test temperature tests on equipment in which conductor fittings have
of 160°C are appropriate to the cables commonly in necessarily been included have demonstrated a need
use at that time, i.e., paper or P V C insulation. When to design fittings to meet these condhions adequately.
dealing with fittings for elastomeric cables (e.g., X L P E For fittings to be used on circuit-breaker controlled
or E P R ) , h is considered appropriate to increase the circuits, it is therefore recommended that short-circuit
load cycle test temperature to 90°C above ambient tests are carried out in a similar manner to that already
and the short-circuh test temperature to 250°C. prescribed for aluminium conductor fittings. A further
As already stated, the short-circuit tests are optional point to bear in mind is that BS4579: Part 1 limits the
and the choice depends on whether the fittings are going fittings to use on conductors having a maximum con­
to be used on circuits protected by H B C fuses. As ductor temperature of 85°C. Therefore, where fittings
discussed in Section 4.2.1 of this chapter, multicore are required for use on elastomeric cables (e.g., X L P E
power cables are always fuse protected and there is no or E P R ) which operate at a continuous conductor
requirement to carry out short-circuit tests on fittings temperature of 90°C, a more onerous test regime is
for shaped aluminium conductors. Single-core cables required. In these cases it is recommended that the
with stranded aluminium conductors are normally asso­ load cycling be carried out at 90°C above ambient as
ciated whh circuh-breaker controhed circuits. Fittings previously proposed for aluminium fittings in Section
for these must therefore be short-circuit tested. Fittings 9.2.1 of this chapter.
for circular sohd aluminium conductors are associated In practice, the vast majority of copper power ca­
with earth cables. Earth cables of 150 mm^ and larger bles used in power stations are small multicore types
are used to bond plant that is associated w h h circuh- insulated with P V C and protected by fuses for which
breakers, so the conductor fittings must be short-circuh the test requirements given in BS4579: P a r t 1 for con­
tested. Earth cables smaller than 150 mm^ are used to ductor fittings are more than adequate.
bond plant protected by H B C fuses and there is no The comments given in the previous Section 9.2.1
requirement to have short-circuit tests carried out on regarding conductor lug dimensions and termination ac­
these sizes of conductor fitting. commodation are equally applicable to copper fittings.
At the time of writing there is no pubhshed British
or l E C Standard to control dimensions of conduc­
9.2.3 Fornned terminations
tor fittings. It is therefore left to the user to specify
dimensional constraints, which is essential to ensure Formed terminations are a means of terminating solid
that clearances and creepage distances are maintained aluminium conductors by squashing the conductor flat
within standard terminal arrangements. British Standard and punching a hole through h for the terminal equip­
BS5372: 1976 gives requirements for cable terminations ment fixing bolt. The operation is carried out using a
for electrical equipment. hydrauhc tool and special dies. A n arrangement of
formed terminations is shown in Fig 6.109.
This idea was proposed in the early 1960s (Burki
9.2.2 Fittings for copper conductors
and Sabine, 1963 [22]), but h did not gain any imme­
The construction method for compression fittings for diate popularity possibly because of concerns about the
copper conductors is similar to that for aluminium mechanical and electrical integrity of the flattened palm.
which was discussed in the previous section. Although Formed terminations were reassessed by the Central
not mandatory it is normal practice to tin copper Electricity Research Laboratories during the early 1970s
fittings. The requirements for tools and dies, and for and considerable effort was devoted to obtaining op­
marking (given in Section 9.2.1 for aluminium fittings) timum palm dimensions for mechanical and electrical
are considered to be equally relevant to copper fittings. performance. The advantages of this system are:
Test requirements for copper fittings are given in
• The sensitive interface between conductor and com­
BS4579: Part 1: 1980 — 'Performance specification for
pression fitting is eliminated.
compression joints in electric cable and wire connec­
tors'. This specification requires six specimens to be • The termination length is considerably reduced, re-
prepared and subjected t o : heving space problems in terminal boxes.

Cable accessories

the different forms of terminations for use on fuse

protected cables and for earth cables of 150 mm^ and
larger. Figure 6.110 shows the type of hydraulic tool
head and dies used to produce formed terminations.
Formed terminations for use on fuse-protected cir­
cuits have been tested to BS4579: Part 3, the require­
ments of which were discussed in Section 9.2.1 of this
chapter. These tests were carried out with the formed
terminations bolted to both aluminium and plain cop­
per connection bars. A h h o u g h there is no requirement
to carry out short-circuit tests on terminations protected
by H B C fuses, such tests were carried out (to a final
conductor temperature of 160°C) to give confidence
in the system. A large number of the samples that
underwent the 2000 load cycles were simultaneously
subjected to 100 Hz vibration of approximately 0.5 m m
amplitude w h h o u t ill effect.
Earth cable formed terminations which are designed
to have good short-circuit performance have been tested
successfully to demonstrate their performance at short-
FIG. 6.109 Formed terminations
circuh conductor temperatures in excess of 325°C.

9.2.4 Bolting terminations to equipment

• The cost of purchasing and stocking the fittings is
eliminated. Care is required in the selection and preparation of
joint surfaces, particularly when dealing with alumi­
• The work content and hence the time required to
nium. W h h aluminium, an oxide immediately forms
terminate cables is reduced.
on its surface and this is both tenacious and insulating
• One set of dies can cope w h h different-shaped by nature, thus requiring special measures to be taken.
conductors. After suitable preparation, an aluminium surface can
be bolted direct to another aluminium surface or to a
Formed terminations are currently suitable for circular plain copper surface. Aluminium can also be bolted
or shaped solid aluminium conductors from 35 mm^ direct to hot-dipped tinned copper but not to copper
up to 300 mm^. It is not possible to use this tech­ that has been electroplated with tin or silver. This re­
nique on conductor sizes smaller than 35 m m ^ , because striction is attributed to the inabilhy of soft platings
there is insufficient conductor material to form a to crack the aluminium oxide. Since h is difficult on-
palm of adequate mechanical integrity. site to ascertain what type of plating has been used,
Multicore cables having shaped solid aluminium it is recommended that a brass transition washer of
conductors are normally only used for fuse-protected appropriate diameter is always used between aluminium
circuits. Therefore, since there is not an onerous short- and plated copper. The grade of brass used should have
circuit requirement, the palm area and bolt sizes are a temperature expansion coefficient that is approxi­
maximised to give optimum performance at the highest mately midway between those of copper and alumi­
continuous conductor operating temperature. Since nium. This helps to reduce differential movement at
earth cables having circular solid aluminium of less the interfaces and hence the shearing of contact points.
than 150 mm^ are associated with the bonding of fuse- The brass washer surfaces must of course be suitably
protected equipment, the same palm configuration and prepared on site, or prepared and protected at the
(hence) dies can be used. manufacturer's works. T o avoid this complication, h
Earth cables having circular solid aluminium con­ is recommended that aluminium or plain copper ter­
ductors of 150 mm^ and larger may be used to b o n d mination interfaces are provided in equipment.
equipment controlled by circuit-breakers and therefore The preparation of aluminium bar or formed ter­
these are required to have an adequate short-circuit mination palm contact areas, should consist of abrading
performance. Since earth cables do not have to carry the surface with a stainless steel wire brush until all
any appreciable continuous current, the palm area of visible traces of oxide are removed and the surface
the formed termination may be reduced in favour of a presents a matt finish. The surface must then be coated
more robust (thicker) palm to meet short-circuit re­ immediately w h h petroleum jelly to protect it and pro­
quirements. The radius between the palm and the un­ duce a low resistance joint. Aluminium compression
formed conductor is also larger on earth cable formed fittings are normally supplied factory cleaned and these
terminations, at the expense of palm length, to give only need to be hghtly smeared with petroleum jelly on
optimum short-circuit performance. Figure 6.109 shows the mating surface.

Cabling Chapter 6






FIG. 6.110 Formed termination tool

Plain copper or brass should also be cleaned with a Where aluminium is involved, because of the tena­
stainless steel wire brush and immediately coated with cious nature of the surface oxide, h is essential that
petroleum jehy. Tinned surfaces need only be cleaned the clamping pressure is sufficient to rupture the oxide
with a degreasing agent before a light coat of petroleum film at contact spots so that metal-to-metal contact
jelly is applied. Copper compression fittings should be is formed. These contact points are actually crests or
supplied and packaged in a clean condition and only peaks that are formed on the contact surface by the
need a light coat of petroleum jelly on the mating palm preparation using a stainless steel wire brush. This
surface. contact pressure is clearly dependent on the surface area
It is important that the wire brush is made from under the clamping washer and on the torque applied
stainless steel and that a separate brush is kept for each to the fastener. Because aluminium creeps under ap­
type of metal. If a joint is slackened for any reason it plied pressure and the dimensional change causes a
is essential that it is completely undone and remade relaxation in clamping load, it is important that the
using the appropriate surface preparations. load is applied over as large an area as practicable.
If aluminium is not involved, after suitable surface For this purpose, large diameter washers having an
preparation the joint can be completed using normal area complying w h h BS4320, Table 2, form C are used.
diameter washers (to BS4320) between the joint These large-diameter washers are of sufficient area to
materials and the fastener. With copper joints, the thin restrict the aluminium creep whilst being small enough
copper oxide film on the joint surfaces ruptures rela­ to generate sufficient clamping pressure to rupture sur­
tively easily to give metal-to-metal contact, therefore, face oxides using acceptable fastener torques. Washers
the clamping pressure and hence the fastener torque is complying w h h BS4320 have insufficient thickness to
not critical. avoid deformation and this results in a reduction of

Cable accessories

clamping pressure towards their circumference. It is These torques are applicable to nuts and bolts that
therefore necessary to use either two washers together have been kept free from grease. If grease is acci­
or preferably washers made to the dimensions given dentally applied to nuts or bolts a higher clamping
in Table 6.24. The washers should be cadmium plated pressure will be applied which is unhkely to be dele­
to BS1706, Class C d . 2 . terious to the joint interface. However, there could be
a risk of the fastener breaking. Steel b o h s should be
TABLE 6 . 2 4 grade 8.8 manufactured in accordance with BS3692:
Dimensions for washers clamping aluminium 1967. Brass bolts should be manufactured from high
tensile materials complying with BS2874: 1969, material
Nominal Inside Outside Thickness designations C 2114 (hard) or C Z 115 (cold worked). It
size of bolt diameter diameter is essential that torque wrenches are used at site when
mm mm mm
tightening joints involving aluminium to ensure that
M6 6.4 14 2.0 the correct clamping pressure is applied.
M8 8.4 21 2.2
Where joints are formed between dissimilar metals,
and these are exposed to d a m p environmental condi­
MIO 10.5 24 2.4
tions such as in cable tunnels or basements, k is es­
M12 12.8 28 3.0
sential that they are protected. This can be achieved by
M16 16.8 34 3.4 coating the completed joint with bitumen paint or by
M20 21.0 39 3.4 the use of a heavy anticorrosive grease. On no account
should such greases be used instead of petroleum jelly
for the preparation of joint surfaces.
The bolt torque is calculated from the area of the
washer to ensure that the initial interface pressure is
sufficient to break down the oxide film and produce 9.3 Conductor terminations for control
an adequate number of contact spots to pass the re­ cables
quired current without excessive heating. During service
there will be a reduction in the clamping load because 9.3.1 Crimped conductor terminations
aluminium creeps under pressure. Secondly, where the
bolt material is different from that of the conductors The dimensional and tooling requirements for crimped
being clamped, there will be differential thermal ex­ conductor terminations for copper conductors in the
pansion which wih lower the interface pressure with range of 0.28 to 10 mm^ are currently given in ESI
thermal cychng. This will be more prevalent w k h steel Standard 1 2 - 2 , Issue 1. This information wih be trans­
bolts than brass bolts because there is a greater dif­ ferred to ESI Standard 5 0 - 1 8 when it is raised to Issue
ference in the coefficient of thermal expansion of steel 2, and type test requirements wih be added. These
relative to aluminium than between brass and alumi­ crimped conductor fittings are required to be provided
nium. These load relaxations tend to occur early in in uninsulated and pre-insulated forms. For the pre-
service life, leaving a steady residual load. This residual insulated form, insulation is applied over the conductor
load must be sufficient to avoid excessive destruction barrel during manufacture and this is frequently colour
of contact points due to tensile and shear forces from coded to indicate the conductor size range for which
the dimensional changes associated with the load re­ the crimp is suitable. Terminations are required to pro­
laxation. T o achieve an acceptable residual load, it vide insulation support for flexible/stranded conductors
is necessary to apply a higher pre-load to steel bolts of 0.5 mm^ a n d below, and for single-strand conduc­
than to brass bolts. Suitable bolt torques are given in tors of 1 mm^ and below.
Table 6.25. The forms of termination used are h o o k , pin, blade,
ring and snap-on receptacle, these all being shown in
TABLE 6 . 2 5 Fig 6.111. H o o k type terminations are for use with
Recommended bolt torques screw clamp/spring-loaded insertion terminal blocks
and may be used 'back to back' where two terminations
are required in one terminal. Pin and blade type ter­
minations are for use with insertion type terminals and
the blade type only may be used 'back to back' where
two terminations are required in one terminal. Ring
type terminations are for general use with screw or stud
type terminals. Snap-on connectors are for use with
tab type terminals having tabs 6.3 m m wide of the
form detailed in BS5057: 1973.
Type test requirements for these crimped fittings are
based on BS4579: P a r t 1: 1970, with additional re­
quirements for sah and sulphur corrosion tests. Hook

Cabling Chapter 6

FIG. 6.111 Control cable crimped terminations

type terminations are also subjected to tensile tests

to ensure that they can be retained in a spring-loaded
insertion terminal block with the terminal clamping FIG. 6.112 Wire wrap termination
screw fuhy released. The mechanical rehabihty of snap-
on terminations is assessed in accordance with Clause
10 of BS5057: 1973. a 'cut, strip and w r a p ' bit which severs the conductor,
The ring type terminals may also be used to terminate strips the insulation and wraps the termination in one
small power cables but consideration must be given to operation. The 'cut, strip and w r a p ' technique is faster
the maximum operating temperature, particularly with and hence cheaper than using separate operations to
the pre-insulated type. strip and w r a p . A typical cut, strip and wrap operation
is shown in Fig 6.113. The bit is used in conjunction
with a high torque hand-held electrically-operated gun
9.3.2 Wire wrapped terminations
of the type shown.
A wire wrap termination is formed by wrapping the The principle of the method is that the wire is
stripped conductor tightly around a sharp cornered wrapped under a high level of tensile stress. Notches
terminal to form a sound electrical and mechanical joint are formed in the wire by the edges of the terminal
without soldering. Such an arrangement is shown in
Fig 6.112. General requirements for wire wrap termina­
tions are given in l E C Pubhcation 352. The method is
suitable for use with solid single-strand conductors
of the type used in muhipair cables described in Section
3.6 of this chapter. The conductor size of 1/0.8 m m is
relatively large by conventional wire-wrapping standards
but is well within the capability of the method. The wire
wrap method offers the advantages of a compact, con­
sistent, rehable and fast termination.
The type of termination used should be the modified
wire wrap connection which wraps a minimum of one
half turn of insulation around the post as well as the
turns of uninsulated wire that form the electrical con­
nection. This half turn of insulation gives improved
vibration characteristics. Wire wrap joints can be pro­
duced by stripping the insulated wire for the set dis­
tance to give the required number of turns and then
using a pre-strip bit. A n alternative method is to use FIG. 6.113 Wire wrapping tool operation

Cable accessories

post during wrapping and these lock the wire in posi­ • The edges shall be parahel within 0.05 m m per 10 m m
tion causing the wire to remain in tensile stress with over the entire wrapping length.
the terminal in compressive stress. The forces set u p
• The posts shall have 18 m m of wrappable length.
in the notch area at the terminal corner are such as
The wrappable length is defined as the length of
to produce a gas-tight corrosive-resistant joint. Indeed
terminal post that has a full cross-section available
h has been reported [23] that the stresses involved
for wrapping.
in the notch areas are sufficiently large to penetrate
oxide and tarnish films and promote cold welding. In • The tip of the post is to be bevelled to facihtate
this respect, h is considered beneficial to have one of insertion into the wrapping tool.
the surfaces tinned and the most economical way is
• The spacing of the posts shall be such as to ahow
to tin the terminal post rather than the wire. For the
access for the wrapping tool when all adjacent posts
size of wire being considered (1/0.8 mm) a minimum
have been wrapped (minimum 6 m m centres).
of four turns of bare wire is specified. This means
that if a four-cornered post is used there will be in • T h e terminal block shall withstand voltages of 2 kV
the order of 16 terminal/wire notches w h h intimate between posts (when wrapped) and 5 kV between
metal contact, which explains why a high degree of post and earth.
consistency and reliability is achieved with this type of
joint. The wire w r a p joint should not be considered per­
Considering the parameters of the wire being wrapped, manent as it can be removed by unwinding the wire in
quite clearly if it is required that tensile stresses are the opposite direction to the original w r a p . Since the
locked in between terminal/wire notches then the wire terminal is harder than the wire, a number of wraps
must not he stretched beyond its yield point. T o meet (at least 10) can be m a d e on the same post before h s
this requirement it is recommended that wires of the edges become sufficiently rounded to reduce joint in­
size being considered have a minimum of 2 0 % elonga­ tegrity. However, the wire can only be wrapped once
tion at break. When using cut, strip and wrap tech­ and therefore a previously wrapped section must be
niques the force required to strip the insulation affects cut off prior t o re-terminating.
the wrapping tension and hence the integrity of the
joint. For P V C insulated wires this is not generally a
problem, but some low fire risk insulations are harder 9.4 11 kV terminations
or show an affinity for copper and, with these, this As stated in Section 3.1 of this chapter, with 11 kV
point must be considered. In extreme cases it may only cables it is necessary to provide semi-conducting screens
be possible to use separate stripping and wrapping to control the electric stress within the primary insula­
tion. The core insulation screen cannot simply be cut
The terminal post itself can take a number of forms back and left at the cable end as very high electric stress
such as square, oblong, triangular or V-shaped. For would occur at that point (see Fig 6.114). Such areas
joint performance it is advantageous to have the largest
number of contact points (notches) per wrap and from
this point of view square or oblong terminal posts are
desirable. The maximum radius for post corners needs
to be controlled as this affects the notch depth and
hence joint performance. T o demonstrate the signifi­ INSULATION EQUIPOTENTIAL LINES

cance of this requirement consider the extreme of a

square post with large r a d h , i.e., a circular post, in
which case there will be no notches, no locked-in
tensile stress in the wire and hence no significant elec­ CONDUCTOR

trical or mechanical performance. The terminal post

must be harder t h a n the wire so that the notch is
formed in the latter. Considering these and other factors
it is recommended that terminals meet the following

• The post size to be 0.79 m m χ 1.57 m m .

• The post material to be phosphor bronze to BS2870,

designation PB102, condition half-hard, electro-
tinned 0.0127 m m minimum average thickness to

• The maximum radius of post edge shah be 0.075 m m .

FIG. 6.114 11 kV cable screen termination without
• The maximum edge burr shall be 0.05 m m . stress control

Cabling Chapter 6

of high stress can cause partial discharges whhin the and tape screen to present an interface to the stress
insulation, which result in erosion and eventually fail­ cone simhar to that of an extruded screen. A com­
ure of the cable at that point. It can be seen from Fig plete termination is shown in Fig 6.116. F r o m this
6.114 that there is also a very high stress in the air figure, the cable copper tape screen can be seen ter­
where the screen terminates, and this may be sufficient minated on the gland and, above this, the screen adapter
to cause discharges in the air at working voltage. It and stress cone. Stress cones of this type are used within
is therefore necessary to incorporate a stress control cable boxes having air clearances which are located
system into the termination of 11 kV cables. indoors in controlled environmental conditions, such
Stress control can be provided by a number of as switchrooms, where condensation whl not occur.
methods such as the use of high permittivity materials, In locations where terminal boxes are liable to con­
non-linear materials or resistive coatings applied over densation (such as on motors and transformers) or
the insulation from the screen end for a defined dis­ where air clearances cannot be achieved, it is necessary
tance. These materials may be obtained in heat shrink to use a fully insulated termination. A fully insulated
or tape forms. Heat shrink components are manufac­ termination is shown in Fig 6.117 and these are known
tured from cross-hnked materials that have been ex­ as elbow terminations because of their shape.
panded at high temperature and then cooled in this Elbow terminations are fully screened by an outer
expanded condition. Since the material is cross-linked, layer of semi-conducting material which is earthed.
it retains a 'memory' of its original shape and size. An inner semi-conducting screen is provided which is
When it is subsequently heated during installation held at phase potential by contact with the conductor
(using a blow-lamp or hot-air gun), it tries to recover fitting. This arrangement prevents high stresses and
its original size and hence shrinks down tight onto hence discharges in the air surrounding the conductor
the cable. fitting. A stress rehef adapter is provided to control
A further method of stress control is the use of a the stress, in a similar manner to the stress cone, where
stress cone. This works by controlhng the capacitance the cable insulation screen is terminated. Quite clearly
in the area of the screen termination to reduce the these elbow terminations are more expensive to pur­
stress, as shown in Fig 6.115. Stress cones were ori­ chase and install than stress cones and should only be
ginally formed by applying layers of insulating tape used where essential.
to build u p the cone shape, then applying layers of Moulded rubber terminations have been used ex­
semi-conducting tape. This process was very skilled tensively in power stations since the introduction of
and time consuming, and has now been replaced by elastomeric cables. Their selection was based on the
the use of moulded rubber terminations. Moulded results of a series of tests carried out by the Central
rubber stress cones are manufactured for use on cables Electricity Research Laboratories. These tests showed
having extruded screens, so an adapter has to be in­ that moulded rubber terminations were relatively easy
cluded when they are used on cables having varnish to install and provided excellent stress control as in­
and tape screens. This adapter fits over the varnish dicated by a lack of partial discharge activity at up
to three times working voltage. Moulded rubber ter­
minations also provide a ready means of disconnecting
cables for testing.
Suitable test criteria for terminations are given in
Engineering Recommendation C89, May 1986 —
'Performance specification for terminations on poly­
LINES meric insulated cables'. It is important to ensure that
the partial discharge performance of terminations is
REINFORCING matched by that of the cable to enable the completed
PORTION installation to undergo a partial discharge test. It is
recommended that all 11 kV polymeric cables (complete
with terminations) be subjected to a partial discharge
test as part of the commissioning procedure.

10 Fire barriers

10.1 Introduction

A fire barrier is, as the name suggests, a physical

barrier which inhibits the progress of a fire and hence
limits its damaging effects. In this context, the term
FIG. 6.115 11 kV cable screen termination with 'damaging effects' includes not only the flames and
stress control their associated heat of combustion, but also any

Fire barriers
Cabling Chapter 6





FIG. 6.117 11 kV elbow termination (diagrammatic)

smoke and corrosive and toxic gases generated by that The panels themselves are proprietary items and
combustion. may typically be composed of an asbestos-free fibre/
Fire barriers form an integral part of the CEGB's cement reinforced by galvanised steel sheet, mechani­
design philosophy for cable installations since they are cally-bonded to the fibre during manufacture by press­
used to provide 'segregation' between groups of cables ing tangs into the fibre surface. This is the type of
a n d / o r electrical plant. The concept of segregation is panel ihustrated in Fig 6.118. A n alternative panel type
described in detail in Section 2.1 of this chapter. is formed from glass fibre reinforced cement. The steel
A fire barrier may be part of the power station civil sheet and the glass fibre reinforcement are provided
structure hself, i.e., concrete or blockwork walls, ceil­ to improve the mechanical properties of the panel.
ings or floors, or it may be a purpose designed pre­ The steel framework onto which the panels are fixed
fabricated partition. Requirements for segregation are will itself be rigidly fixed to the civil structure at the
therefore taken into account when the civil structure of barrier location.
the power station is being designed. However, there are
many cases where it is impracticable or prohibitively
expensive to provide civil structure fire barriers for 10.2 Perfornnance requirements
segregation and, in situations hke these, pre-fabricated The level of fire performance required from fire bar­
fire barriers are used; it is these pre-formed parthions, riers varies dependent u p o n the type of power station
colloquially known as fire barriers, with which this in which they are installed. In fossil-fired and hydro
section is chiefly concerned. power stations, segregation is provided primarily to
Pre-fabricated fire barriers (Fig 6.118) are formed limit economic loss resulting from a 'smah' fire. (A
from non-combustible flbreboard panels which are small fire is defined as one which can be extinguished
mounted onto a framework, usually of C-section steel within one hour.) Consequently, fire barriers used for
channels. The panels are generally mounted on either this type of segregation must be capable of containing
side of the steel framework leaving a gap of typically the effects of that fire for a minimum period of one
100 m m . This 'double-skin' format is required to hour.
provide the necessary level of fire withstand perfor­ In the case of nuclear power stations, irrespective
mance. In some cases, the air gap between the two of the type of reactor employed, additional segregation
panels is filled with mineral fibre to further increase is required to ensure that the reactor can be safely
the degree of thermal insulation provided by the bar­ shutdown in the event of a fire. As explained in Section
rier which, in turn, reduces the temperatures on the 2.1.2 of this chapter, the segregation phhosophy used
unexposed face during a fire. for nuclear power stations dictates that two different

Fire barriers




FIG. 6,118 Pre-fabricated fire barrier

levels of segregation, ox segregation classes, are defined. work aimed at the formal approval of partition fire
There are, therefore, two different levels of fire barrier barriers (and their associated fixings and penetration
performance needed to provide these two classes of seals) is in progress, which will provide this perfor­
segregation. mance. In addition to this, the UK design for P W R
Fire barriers for segregation Class I need t o be able power stations also calls for a 3-hour rated fire barrier.
to contain the effects of a 'major' fire, defined as one Development work in this area is also in progress.
which can be extinguished within four hours. They It is important to note that the basic performance
may also be required to withstand the effects of other requirements and hence test methods for such barriers,
hazards which may occur locally to that barrier, such wih be of the same form as those set out for Class II
as missiles from a turbine disintegration or a hot gas fire barriers except that they must be maintained for
release (the latter being specific to gas-cooled reactor the appropriate longer period.
types). Because of these more onerous requirements, Class II fire barriers are further divided into two
fire barriers for segregation Class I are generally part categories dependent u p o n the function which they
of the civil structure. fulfil. Category 1 fire barriers are used to provide the
Segregation Class II fire barriers must he capable required segregation defined above. Category 2 fire
of containing the effects of a 'smah' fire (as defined barriers are employed within a given segregation 'zone',
previously). The same designs of barrier are therefore acting as smoke and fire stops, thus restricting the
used to provide Class II segregation as are used for extent of fire damage and also assisting fire detection
fossU-fired and hydro stations. and fire fighting. This categorisation is merely one of
At the time of writing, pre-formed fire barriers have functional definition as the performance requirements
not formally been demonstrated as being capable of for b o t h Category 1 and Category 2 fire barriers are
providing Class I segregation. However, development the same.

Cabling Chapter 6

This distinction can be seen more clearly by examin­ fire barrier. The second configuration shows an ex­
ing typical cable installation fire barrier configurations, ample of a Category 2 fire harrier used to provide
examples of which are shown in Fig 6.119. zoning within a particular segregation area. Here, the
Configuration 1 shows a simple plain wall, partition most important features are the so-called 'penetrations'.
type fire barrier. This type of arrangement is most Since Category 2 barriers provide fire protection whhin
likely to be used to provide a Class II, Category 1 a segregation area they will, by definition, have cables



0 ~ ' _:. ..-Q . . FIRE BARRIER

Q- • — Ω

-Q .












FIG. 6.119 Typical fire barrier configurations

Fire barriers

and other services (e.g., pipework and personnel access temperatures in excess of 1000°C, which contributes
doors) passing through them. It is obviously necessary most to the propagation mechanism.
to ensure that these penetrations do not jeopardise
the integrity and fire performance of the barrier as a During the next few years, completely new cable in­
whole. This point is addressed in more detail below. sulation, bedding and sheathing materials wih begin
In a similar way. Category 2 fire barriers may also to supersede P V C . These new materials have been
be instahed in a horizontal alignment to sectionalise specifically developed with their fire performance in
cable flumes (or risers). Such a barrier is shown in the mind and have the advantage that when they burn,
third configuration. they give off significantly reduced quantities of smoke
The effectiveness of a fire barrier in containing a fire and toxic, acidic gases, whilst still maintaining low fire
wih be chiefly determined by two factors: propagation characteristics. It is unhkely, however, that
• Magnitude and type of fire. the total heat of combustion generated by cables using
these new materials will be significantly lower. The
• Proximity of the fire to the barrier. performance requirements for cable instahation fire
barriers are therefore unlikely to change significantly
These are explained in more detail in the following as a resuh of these developments in cable technology.
subsections. Despite the fact that cable components are the major
source of combustible material in a cable instahation,
it must be pointed out that fires started by internal
10.2.1 M a g n i t u d e a n d t y p e o f fire
faults in the cables themselves are very rare. Indeed,
This wih depend on the type and quantity of combus­ with correct design of the cable instahation, especial­
tible material which is fuehing the Are. When pro­ ly particular care in power cable sizing and protec­
viding fire barriers for cable installations, the main tion, cable fauhs can be virtually eliminated. However,
source of combustible material is, of course, the cables cables, by the very nature of their service function,
themselves in the form of their insulation, bedding and easily become involved in fires caused and fuelled by
sheathing materials, all of which are combustible. other sources. Cable tunnels and flats are areas of
The performance of cables under fire conditions an operating power station in which rubbish may ac­
has, throughout the 1970s and early-to-mid 1980s, been cumulate, even with the most rigorously applied 'good
chiefly governed by the use of P V C as the major cable housekeeping' policies. Their physical location can mean
insulation, bedding and sheathing material. Whilst P V C that liquid spillages may also find their way into them.
possesses excellent electrical and mechanical properties, Such spillages could include flammable lubricating and
it also has a number of undesirable fire performance coohng oils.
characteristics which must be allowed for when selecting These are important additional factors which must
flre barriers. be allowed for in the design of cable installation fire
Fire performance properties are discussed in detail barriers. Sources of ignition and fuel will of course be
in Section 8 of this chapter, but the most important the same, irrespective of whether P V C or the new range
aspects which must be considered are summarised as of materials is used in the cable construction.

• The abihty of these materials to propagate a flre, 10.2.2 P r o x i m i t y o f t h e f i r e t o t h e barrier

both verticahy and horizontally. Having identified the nature of the fuel source and its
• When P V C and to some extent the other common­ combustion characteristics, it is necessary to consider
ly used materials burn, they generate considerable how near a potential hazard may be to the protective
quantities of dense smoke and toxic, acidic fumes barriers.
and gases which may rapidly reduce visibility and A n ideal cable instahation layout would ensure that
render the atmosphere hostile to humans in con­ the fire barriers were installed some distance away
fined spaces. This is aggravated by the presence of from the major source of combustible material, hence
the Category 2 fire barriers. The main consthuent reducing the level of performance required from the
of these combustion products is hydrogen chloride barriers and consequently their cost. This invariably
which readily combines with available moisture to proves impractical, for two reasons.
form hydrochloric acid. (Water is produced during Firstly, the space available for cable routes is limhed
combustion as well as being present in the atmos­ by civil structure costs and, secondly, as has already
phere.) Even after a fire has been extinguished, the been mentioned, that cables need to pass through Cate­
corrosive deposits which result may cause long term gory 2 barriers (i.e, those used to provide zoning within
damage to senshive equipment such as relay contacts. a given segregation area). This type of fire barrier will,
therefore, have the principal source of combustible
• The gases driven off by the combustion of P V C material in intimate contact with the barrier.
are also highly flammable. Indeed, it is beheved that These two factors dictate that all Class II fire bar­
it is the burning of these gases, with recorded flame riers must be designed to provide the required level

Cabling Chapter 6

of performance assuming the fire to be immediately

adjacent to the barrier. In this way, the most onerous
practical conditions are catered for at the design stage.
It is clear from the above, that the nature of the fire
hazard present in power station cable installations is
unique. The C E G B has therefore produced its own
internal technical specification which sets out perfor­
mance requirements. This specification is becoming
increasingly well known throughout the fire barrier
manufacturing industry. These technical requirements
are discussed in more detail in the following section.

10.3 Fire test requirements

It is considered that the only representative method of
assessing the performance of a fire barrier is to conduct
a fuh scale fire test, i.e., to place a sample of the fire
barrier in front of a 'test fire' and examine how it
performs. T o make this test fuhy representative of
'as-installed' conditions, the specimen barrier must in­
clude ah fixings, accessories, penetrations, doors, etc.,
which would be included in use.
This is the philosophy set out in Brhish Standard
Specification BS476: Part 8: [24], the document which
forms the basis of the CEGB's fire test requirements.
This specification primarily addresses test methods
and performance criteria for materials used in build­
ing construction. Whilst this standard was conceived
for more conventional apphcations, such as factories 20 30 40
and other public buildings, its philosophies are ob­ TIME INTO TEST (MINUTES)

viously equally applicable to the power station cable

installation. FIG. 6.120 Fire test curves (BS476 and Appendix A)
In order to make a fire test repeatable and hence
provide a means of comparing the performance of one
attain higher temperatures than the hydrocarbon fire.
barrier construction with another, it is necessary to
Again, this is reflected in the profile of the two
define a standard set of fire conditions. The severity of
time/temperature curves.
this test fire is specified in terms of a time/temperature
Similarly, cable insulation, bedding and sheathing
curve. BS476: Part 8: 1972 specifies such a t i m e /
materials have different burning characteristics from
temperature relationship, to which the test furnace
conventional fire hazard materials as a result of the
should be closely controlled within laid down h m h s
combustion of the gases driven off. The C E G B fire
for the duration of the test. This is the so-called 'BS476 barrier specification therefore contains a fire test curve,
fire test curve' and it has been derived from the burn­ known as the 'Appendix A ' curve, which acknowledges
ing characteristics of typical materials found in normal this fact. This test profile has the high initial rate of
building environments (such as wood, fabrics, etc.). temperature rise of the hydrocarbon curve, flattening
General construction fire barriers such as blockwork out at a temperature of 1050°C and is also shown in
walls have been designed and tested to these require­ Fig 6.120 for comparison with the British Standard
ments. This fire test curve is shown in Fig 6.120. curve.
Other time/temperature test curves exist for special Since Class II fire barriers must be capable of con­
applications however. A typical example is the hydro­ taining the effects of a cable installation fire for a
carbon fire curve developed by the Mobil Oil Company minimum of one hour, a one hour long fire test is con­
which is used extensively throughout the petrochemi­ ducted on representative barrier specimens.
cal industry. This fire test curve recognises that when BS476: Part 8: 1972 identifies three major properties
hydrocarbons burn, they do so initiahy at much higher of the barrier which are indicative of hs level of pro­
temperatures than do the materials considered by the tection and these are:
Brhish Standard. The Mobil curve therefore features a
higher initial rate of temperature rise than does the • Stability The ability of the fire barrier to remain
Brhish Standard curve. In the longer term, if there is intact and in a stable condition without excessive
sufficient fuel available, a building material fire will deformation for the complete duration of the test.

Fire barriers

This property is assessed by examination of the strating the performance of the plain barrier arrange­
barrier both during and immediately following the ment of configuration 1. The case is not so clear cut
test. It is essentially a measure of the strength of the when configuration 3 is examined and a separate test
barrier assembly under the extreme temperatures of on such an arrangement would most likely have to be
the fire. carried out.
F r o m the above, it is clear that care must be taken
• Integrity In addition to remaining 'stable', no cracks
in assessing whether fire test performance data may
or other openings must develop in the barrier during
be applied to a particular practical configuration.
the test which could affect its abihty to prevent
As a closing note on full scale fire testing, it is
the spread of fire from one side of the barrier to
important to remember that a fire barrier which has
the other. In cable installations, this aspect is par­
successfully maintained stabihty, integrity and insula­
ticularly important since such openings could permit
tion during a fire test has performed in that manner
passage of the gases and fumes from one side of the
under test fire conditions only. Fire barriers passing
barrier to the other. A test is passed, therefore, only
such tests are often referred to as having a 1-hour
if there is virtually n o leakage of hot gases or smoke
(say) rating. It should be appreciated, however, that
through the barrier; particular attention being paid
the 1-hour rating relates to the specific characteristics of
to joints, penetration seals and doors. It is difficuh,
the test. Since all real fires have differing and unique
however, to quantify exactly what constitutes 'ac­
characteristics, the fire test cannot ever be an absolute
ceptable' leakage in this context as it will depend very
guarantee of performance. O n the positive side, h
much on the size and complexity of the barrier
must be remembered that the test fire is immediately
assembly being tested. The Brhish Standard cahs for
adjacent to the fire barrier whereas in practice this is
integrity to be measured by holding cotton wool
unlikely to be the case. It should also be noted that
pads immediately over any cracks or fissures, a test
test fire conditions m a k e n o allowance for the fast-
pass being recorded if the pads do not catch fire.
acting fire fighting systems which the C E G B usually
This is not considered to achieve adequate demon­
employs to protect its cable installations for economic
stration that smoke and fumes will not pass through
the openings; the performance of the barrier is
therefore checked by a careful visual examination As well as the main full-scale fire performance tests
throughout the test. described above, the CEGB's specification also calls
for non-combustibility and surface spread-of-flame
• Insulation The insulation performance of a fire tests to be carried out on fire barrier materials.
barrier is determined by measurement of tempera­ The non-combustibility test is carried out in ac­
tures on the unexposed face during the fire test. cordance with BS476: P a r t 4 [25], which cahs for
specimens of a predetermined size to be heated in a
When assessing the thermal resistance of the barrier, small, closely temperature controlled, electrically-heated
it is important to consider the nature of the cable oven. During the test period, the current in the heating
materials local to the barrier. Because P V C can start to coils is held at a fixed value which, after a period of
emit combustible gases from upwards of 200°C, it is stabilisation, produces an approximately constant oven
important to limit the temperatures on the unexposed temperature. The test specimen is then introduced into
face by barrier design. Temperatures at various points the oven and held there for 20 minutes during which
on the unexposed barrier face are therefore monitored time the oven temperature is closely monitored. Any
throughout the test using thermocouples. A test pass increase in the oven temperature (above a certain
is recorded if the mean temperature of the unexposed tolerance value) is then deemed to be attributable to
face rises by no more than 140°C and if the temperature the combustion of the test specimen. A sample giving
at any critical hot spots (for example, bolt heads) rises such a temperature rise would therefore fail the test.
by no more than 180°C. These temperatures ahow for In addition to this temperature measurement, any
the fact that the cables will not actually be in contact sustained flaming of the specimen is also noted. If
whh the barrier surface but wih be protected to some flaming occurs continuously for more than 10 seconds,
degree by their penetration seals. this is also deemed to be a test failure.
As illustrated by Fig 6.119, many different fire It is clear therefore, that the term 'non-combustible'
barrier configurations will be used in protecting a cable as determined by this test procedure, is not absolute.
installation. It may therefore be necessary to conduct The British Standard defines non-combustible materials
separate fire tests on a number of different barrier as those which 'make little or n o thermal contribu­
configurations in order to have complete confidence tion to the heat of the furnace and d o not produce a
in the barrier installation as a whole. Since this would flame', which is consistent with C E G B philosophy for
be expensive, care is taken to ensure that a fuh scale fire barrier material combustibility.
test assembly covers as many of the practical barrier The surface spread of flame test is carried out in
arrangements as possible. For example, a successful accordance w h h BS476: P a r t 7 [26].
test on an arrangement such as configuration 2 in This test provides a method for measuring the lateral
Fig 6.119 would normally be considered as demon­ spread of flame along the surface of the fire barrier

Cabling Chapter 6

panels when vertically orientated, and a classification (a) Impact withstand.

system based on the rate and extent of flame spread.
(b) Modulus of elasticity and bending strength.
The test method has been designed to take account
of the combined effect of factors such as ignhion (c) Mechanical strength after wet cycling.
characteristics and the extent to which the surface of
(d) Pressure rise due to combustion (simulated
the test specimen spreads the flame. The influence on
statically or by analysis).
these factors of any underlying materials, in relation
to their ability to influence the rate of fire growth, is • Water absorption.
also taken into account. • Seismic qualification, usually by analysis based u p o n
In this method, specimens of the flre barrier panels dynamic tests on representative fire barrier samples.
are subjected to a specified radiative heating regime
with a small gas ignition flame at one end. The hori­
It is more difficult to demonstrate that the materials
zontal spread of flame from this ignition source is
used will not age significantly over their 40-year design
measured at 1.5 minutes and 10 minutes into the test,
hfe. The type of testing which is carried out very much
and the progress of the flame-front determines the sur­
depends upon the materials used, but a c o m m o n feature
face spread-of-flame classification given to the material.
is the apphcation of heat, ehher a continually-apphed
The most onerous classification, which is that required
elevated temperature or some form of thermal cycling.
by the CEGB for hs flre barrier panels, is Class I. T o
In some cases, the materials used to construct the fire
meet Class I requirements, the flame front must not
barrier are standard building materials for which ageing
progress beyond 165 mm from the ignition source after
data is already well established. In these cases further
the 10-minute test period.
testing is not necessary.

10.4 Additional performance criteria

10.5 Fire doors
In addition to the basic fire test performance criteria,
It is not possible to specify requirements for fire bar­
the CEGB also dictates that its fire barriers provide
riers without giving careful consideration to the design
the following features:
of fire doors.
• Design performance over a lifetime of 40 years in a Fire doors may effectively be considered as person­
power station environment without the need for nel penetrations, and they bring with them their own
maintenance. problems in ensuring adequate fire performance. O b ­
viously, the presence of the door must not detract
• Suhability for use in d a m p and wet conditions. from the fire performance of the barrier in which h
• Freedom from asbestos in their construction. is located. This means that special care must be taken
at the j a m b assembly to ensure that integrity and in­
• Freedom from materials which emit any corrosive sulation requirements are met. It may be particularly
or toxic fumes or smoke on the unexposed face of difficult to achieve the required fire performance whilst
the barrier under fire conditions. still providing doors which provide satisfactory emer­
• Defined minimum mechanical strength. gency egress for personnel.
Another problem which arises with doors is that
• Capability of withstanding the pressure rise asso­ for ventilation purposes they often need to be latched
ciated with fires in sealed cable tunnels. open during normal operation. This means that a fast-
• Capability of withstanding in-service levels of vibra­ acting fire detection system must be provided to trigger
door release in the event of a fire. The closing me­
tion whhout reduction in fire performance.
chanism must obviously ensure that the required seal is
• Barriers must not fail in such a way as to damage made on closing.
other plant (including cables) during a seismic dis­
turbance of a specified magnitude (requirement for
nuclear power stations only). 10.6 Penetrations
Penetration seals are required in order to seal around
A wide range of tests are carried out on barrier samples openings where cables (and other services such as pipe­
which are designed to demonstrate the above qualities. work) pass through fire barriers. It is a fundamental
These tests include: requirement, therefore, that the presence of these pene­
tration seals does not degrade the fire performance of
• A hose stream test to verify that the thermal and
the barrier in which they are located.
mechanical shock of a hose stream being suddenly
Configurations 2 and 3 in Fig 6.119 show typical
played on a hot fire barrier does not cause catas­
examples of the apphcation of these seals, here shown
trophic failure.
specifically installed in pre-formed type fire barriers.
• The following mechanical strength tests: They could, however, equally be installed in wahs.

Fire barriers

floors, roof soffits, etc., since all of these may be it is identified that a pressure rise due to combustion
considered as fire barriers. in a sealed area may exist.
There are three basic types of penetration seal; rigid,
• Flexible seals A variation of the silicone elastomer
flexible and pre-formed, each of which is described
rigid seal described above is formed by the addition
briefly as follows:
of a foaming agent to one of the components in
• Rigid seals These are usually modified plasters the mix. Once mixed, the two components begin to
made up of inert materials such as vermiculite or cross-link at r o o m temperature but, whilst doing so,
pearlite, which are mixed at site to form a paste. hydrogen gas is generated which causes foaming to
Being water based, they are placed around the pene­ occur. This foaming leads to expansion of the seal
trants by trowelling and then form a rigid seal by material which in turn provides a good mould to
evaporation at room temperature. When set, they the contours of the penetrants. Again, ceramic fibre
effectively form an extension of the fire barrier in b o a r d damming is required at each penetration prior
which they are located, containing the fire in much to sealing and this forms part of the completed
the same way as the barrier hself. They have the penetration seal assembly.
additional advantage of acting as a heat sink which The main advantage with this type of seal is
retards the conduction of heat along the conductors the relative ease with which additional cables may
of the cable during a fire. be added at a later date. The fully cross-hnked foam
This type of seal, whilst being inexpensive, suffers may easily be cut with a craft type knife, as can
from two main problems. Firstly, h requires the d m e - the ceramic fibre board by means of a special tool.
consuming, labour intensive process of damming at If the hole in the foam is cut slightly undersize
each penetration prior to forming. This is usually to the penetrant, its natural springiness will ensure
carried out using plywood or a similar material. a good smoke-seal without the need to re-apply
Secondly, once a seal has been formed, it is then sealant.
difficuh to add further cables. It is undesirable to As with the rigid elastomer seal, expense may
leave the sealing of penetrations to the very end of restrict the use of these seals which require trained
cable installation as the construction period hself staff and special equipment to install.
is the time of greatest fire hazard due to high person­
nel presence. Despite these two disadvantages, these • Pre-formed These types of seal, sometimes known
are the traditional type of seals which have been as 'cable transits', are in the form of 2-part, semi-
used in a wide variety of industrial apphcations for flexible, pre-formed blocks which are placed around
many years. individual cables. These blocks, along with 'blanks'
where necessary, are shd into a special frame formed
There is, however, a new form of rigid penetration
around the inside of the penetration. Clamping screws
seal which is now generally available in the form
are used to achieve a tight seal around the penetrant.
of a two-part sihcone elastomer which, when mixed,
wih cross-hnk at r o o m temperature to become rigid. During a fire, the block material is consumed very
This mixing takes place at the head of special p u m p ­ slowly, hence the thickness determines the level of
ing equipment which is used to install this type of fire performance.
seal. Because the seal material is a liquid when first The design intent of these cable transhs was the
applied, it is able to mould itself to the contours easy addition and removal of cables after formation.
of the penetrations. However, it is necessary to keep a complete range
of block and blank sizes to cover for all cable sizes
During a fire, the seal material burns to form a
and penetration configurations. Use of these transhs
surface layer of char. It is this char layer which
means that cable support ladders must be stopped
prevents further combustion of the seal and hence
on either side of the fire barrier, hence giving rise
restricts the fire.
to the need for additional cable steelwork supports.
Again, prior to forming the seal, damming ma­
Also, the fact that blocks are placed a r o u n d in­
terials need to be installed at each penetration. In this
dividual cables makes this a very time-consuming
case, the damming is formed from ceramic fibre
and expensive sealing method and consequently they
board which is not removed after curing and forms
are rarely used by the C E G B .
part of the finished penetration seal assembly. This
type of seal suffers from the same disadvantages
as the modified plasters described above and is also As mentioned, it is essential that penetration seals
more expensive. Furthermore, it is also necessary provide the same level of fire performance as the bar­
to use speciahsed installation equipment and requires riers in which they are located. It is therefore necessary
trained applicadons staff in order to ensure a con­ to incorporate examples of typical sealing arrangements
sistent standard of seal. It is, however, much faster in the full scale fire test assembly. Particular attention
to install than the plaster type seals and it also has is paid to the unexposed face temperatures around the
a pressure withstand capacity, which the plaster type seals which are a potential weak point in the barrier
seals do not have. This can be an advantage where assembly.

Cabling Chapter 6

As with fire barriers, in addition to the basic fire 1013: 1965, Clause 215, k is a requirement that if
test performance criteria, the C E G B also dictates that two or more stations are adjacent on what may be
its penetration seals provide the following features: considered to be one she, then the earthing systems are
to be interconnected to form a single earthing system.
• Design performance over a lifetime of 40 years in
This applies to a number of generating stations on
a power station environment.
one site, and also to power stations and transmission
• Suitability for use in d a m p and wet conditions. substations on a c o m m o n site.
When reading this section it should be borne in
• Freedom from asbestos in their construction.
mind that earthing is closely associated with lightning
• Capability of withstanding the pressure rise asso­ protection, power cable ratings and gland bonding, and
ciated with combustion in sealed cable tunnels. therefore reference will also need to be made to the
sections covering these topics.
• Compatibihty wkh cable sheathing materials.

• Capability of wkhstanding in-service vibration and

cable movement due to short-circuit and thermal 11.2 Differences in earth potential
cycling without reduction in fire performance.

• They must not damage cables during a seismic dis­ 11.2.1 Definitions
turbance of specified magnitude (requirement for When earth fault currents flow to ground, a potential
nuclear power stations only). gradient is formed a r o u n d the earth electrode due to
the resistance of the ground. This potential gradient is
A further design criterion which must be considered greatest adjacent to the earth electrode and reduces
when selecting penetration seal materials, is the effect to zero or true earth at some distance from the earth
which the seals may have on the current carrying ca­ electrode. Three methods of contact with these poten­
pacity of power cables which pass through them. Here, tials are considered and defined as step, touch and
two conflicting interests exist. In order to achieve good transferred potentials. These are shown diagramma-
insulation properties to restrict unexposed face tem­ tically in Fig 6.121 which is discussed as follows:
peratures during a fire, it is desirable for the seal to • Step potentials Person *a' on Fig 6.121 illustrates
be a good thermal insulant. This does, however, restrict 'step potential'. Here the potential difference Vi
the conduction away of heat generated in the power seen by the body is limited to the value between two
cables due to copper losses under normal operating points on the ground separated by the distance of
conditions. Thus it may become necessary to derate one pace. Since the potential gradient in the ground
the power cable to accommodate the seals. This in turn is greatest immediately adjacent to the electrode
may lead to the use of larger cables sizes to supply area, it follows that the maximum step potential
particular loads. The rigid plaster type seals wül be under earth fault conditions will be experienced by
less of a problem in this respect than the other seal a person who has one foot on the area of maximum
types, since they are more thermally conductive. rise and the other foot one step towards true earth.

• Touch potential Person ' b ' on Fig 6.121 illustrates

'touch potential'. Here the potential difference V 2
11 Earthing systems
seen by the body is the resuh of hand-to-both-feet
contact. Again the highest potential wih occur if
11.1 Introduction there were a metal structure on the edge of the
high potential area, and the person stood one pace
The purpose of an earthing system is to provide an
away and touched this metal. The risk from this type
adequate path for earth fault currents to return to the
of contact is higher than for step potential because
system neutral. This has to be performed in a manner
the voltage is applied across the body and could
which ensures 'safety to personnel', i.e., without giving
affect the heart muscles.
rise to dangerous touch, step or transferred potentials.
In addition, to prevent damage to plant, the rise of • Transferred potential The distance between the
earth potential under fault conditions must not result high potential area at the electrode and that of true
in breakdown of insulation. In all cases, the system earth may be sufficient to form a physical separa­
design must be such that enough fauh current will flow tion rendering a person in the high potential area
to operate the protection devices and disconnect the immune from the possibihty of simuhaneous contact
fauh. To meet these needs, an earth system must in­ with zero potential. However, a metal object having
clude earth electrodes to allow current to flow into sufficient length, such as a fence, cable sheath or
the ground to remote system neutrals, and also a cable core may be located in a manner that would
network of conductors to allow fault current to flow bridge this physical separation. By such means, zero
between plant within the station site. In this context, earth potential may be transferred into a high p o ­
in accordance with British Standard Code of Practice tential area or vice-versa. Person 'c' in Fig 6.121

Earthing systems





b arm-body-legs ^2 TOUCH POTENTIAL

FIG. 6.121 Differences in earth potential

illustrates the case of a high potential being trans­ (a) For high rehability systems, i.e., systems having
ferred into a zero potential area via the a r m o u r of high speed protection, the m a x i m u m permissible
a cable. Since the a r m o u r is bonded to the main earth rise of earth potential without special precautions
grid at the power station, the voltage V3 wül be is 650 V. This requirement, given in Engineering
the full 'rise of earth potential of the power station'. Recommendation S 5 / 1 , is based o n limits set by
In the illustrated case, the person is making simul­ the International Telegraph and Telephone Con­
taneous contact hand-to-hand w h h the cable sheath sultative C o m m h t e e for installing telephone equip­
and true earth. However, if the person is standing ment without special protection for personnel or
on true earth then the voltage V3 seen by the body equipment. A duration is not given for the clear­
could be the result of a hand-to-both-feet contact. ance time associated with high reliability systems,
P e r s o n ' d ' in Fig 6.121 represents the case of zero but this is generally accepted as 0.2 seconds.
potential being transferred to a high potential area Although this value of 650 V originates from re­
via a cable core which is earthed at the remote quirements for telephone equipment, it is now also
point. In this case, the voltage V4 is lower than V3 used as a crherion for safety generally. Therefore,
which represents the station rise of earth potential, providing this limit is not exceeded, experience
because p e r s o n ' d ' is located some distance from the has shown that n o special measures are necessary
main earth electrode and therefore is subject to the in respect of potential rise, step, touch or trans­
ground potential gradient. Quite clearly if p e r s o n ' d ' ferred potentials.
had been on or touching the main electrode he would
have experienced the full rise of earth potential V3. (b) For systems protected by overcurrent protection,
Transferred potentials are therefore considered to the m a x i m u m permissible rise of earth potential
carry the greatest risk since the shock voltage may w h h o u t special precautions is 430 V.
be equal to the full rise of earth potential and not This requirement, also taken from Engineering
a fraction of it, as is the case with step or touch Recommendation S 5 / 1 , is again based on C C I T T
potentials. recommendations for telephone equipment. Once
again, n o fault duration is given for this condition
but using the criterion given in (a) a n d extrapolating
11.2.2 A c c e p t a n c e criteria
on an I^t basis, for the 430 V hmit a maximum
Acceptance criteria are related to the rise of earth duration of 0.46 seconds is obtained. As for (a),
potential and its duration in the following manner: providing the criterion is not exceeded, no special

Cabling Chapter 6

measures are required in respect of step, touch or Since the earth fault current that flows into the
transferred potentials. ground is associated with the E H V systems, the main
earth electrodes should be adjacent to plant connected
(c) British Standard code of practice CP1013: 1965
to the E H V system (e.g., generator and station trans­
(Clause 213) requires that the potential difference
formers). This is to enable earth currents to flow to
between two normally earthed items to which per­
ground close to the fauh location, thus restricting the
sonnel may have simultaneous contact should not
fault current flowing through the station earth system
exceed 55 V. Bearing in mind the criterion given
interconnections and minimising the potential gradients
in (b), this hmit of 55 V is apphed to ah rises of
across the station. In addition to these main earth
earth potential that exist for durations in excess
electrodes, it is normal practice to install a number of
of 0.46 seconds.
secondary electrodes to reduce the overall station re­
(d) If the criterion given in (a), (b) and (c) cannot be sistance and limit potential gradients across the site.
complied w h h , then special precautions must be A typical station earth system arrangement is shown
taken to protect personnel and plant. An example in Fig 6.122.
of precautions to protect against transferred po­ The earth electrode system is designed by calculating
tentials is the use of isolation transformers on in sequence the following parameters:
incoming telephone lines. A further example is the
• Maximum earth fault current that has to return to
provision of local bonding to give immunity by
remote sources.
ensuring that all metalwork to which simuhaneous
contact can be made is at the same potential. Guard • Minimum size of electrode required to transfer fault
rings buried at increasing depths around an elec­ current into the ground.
trode can be used to modify the ground surface
• Resistance of these minimum size individual
potential to protect against step potentials.
• Consequent overall station earth resistance.
11.3 Earthing systems design
• Proportion of current that returns to source via the
When considering the design of earthing systems it ground.
is useful to bear in mind that earth fault currents have
• Resultant rise of earth potential.
to return to their own system neutrals. This means that
whilst a common earth system for all equipment is • If the rise of earth potential is unacceptable, the size
employed, it can be analysed in two parts depending of individual earth electrodes is increased and the
on whether the neutral of the system feeding the fault calculations repeated.
is within the power station or is remote. The following
• If the rise of earth potential cannot economically be
Section 11.3.1 deals with 400 kV, 275 kV and 132 kV
reduced to an acceptable level, other measures to
systems where a significant proportion of the earth
protect personnel and plant must be considered.
fauh current will flow via the earth electrode to a
remote supply source. Section 11.3.2 deals with system
voltages up to and including generator voltage, where This process is explained in greater detail in the
the system neutral is within the power station and remainder of this section and a worked example is given
therefore the vast majority of earth fault current will in Section 11.4 of this chapter.
flow in the metahic bonding system. For earth electrode sizing it is only that proportion
of E H V system earth fault current that has to return
to remote neutrals that is of interest. Therefore, due
11.3.1 Systems having remote neutrals account should be taken of *on site' contributions to
400 kV, 275 kV and 132 kV systems have neutrals that fauh currents. For example, where generator trans­
are outside the confines of the power station and formers are connected to the 400 kV system, any con­
therefore the earth fault current flows back to the tribution to the 400 kV earth fault level from On site'
source via the ground and any E H V cable sheaths or generation can be ignored when sizing the earth elec­
aerial earth conductors. The proportion of fault current trodes since the current will flow through metallic
returning down each path will be dependent on the connections and not into the ground.
path impedance. Under such fault conditions the whole Before electrode sizing can be started, the soil re­
power station earth network whl be raised in potential sistivity at each proposed location must be established
with respect to remote earth. The rise of earth potential using the Wenner four-electrode test described in Sec­
will be the product of the current returning through tion 11.6.1 of this chapter. The first step in sizing
the ground and resistance of the station earth. Since an electrode is to calculate the minimum surface area
these E H V systems are classed as high rehability, the that is required to dissipate the current into the ground
maximum allowable rise of earth potential under fauh without undue heating and drying out of the soil local
conditions without additional precautions is 650 V as to the electrode. For these calculations h is considered
discussed in Section 11.2.2 (a) of this chapter. prudent to ignore all E H V cable sheaths and overhead

Earthing systems




FIG. 6.122 Typical station earth system

Cabling Chapter 6

line earth conductors, and to assume that all earth of the fauh current returning through the ground. The
fauh current returns to the remote neutrals via the combined resistance of the power station and E H V
electrode adjacent to the faulted plant. Whilst this substation earth systems is used for this calculation.
may appear conservative, in reality the electrode size Another arrangement that may be encountered is a
is normally dictated by its resistance (since this governs power station located a few miles from its associated
the rise of earth potential) and not by its current carry­ E H V substation. In such cases it can be assumed that
ing capabihty. At this stage the cross-sectional area for an earth fauh at the power station only 3 0 % of the
of the electrode itself should be checked to ensure that current would flow in the ground. The rise of earth
it is capable of carrying the anticipated fault current. potential would therefore be the product of this p r o ­
Such calculations should take into account the esti­ portion of current and the power station earth system
mated loss of metal due to corrosion during the station resistance.
hfe. If the calculated rise of earth potential exceeds the
Having estabhshed the minimum size of electrode 650 V hmit, the size of the electrodes should be in­
required to carry the fault current, the next step is to creased and their resistances and the potential rises
calculate the resistance of the station earth system and recalculated.
assess whether the rise of earth potential is acceptable. In some cases it may not be economically or tech­
The first step in this process is to calculate the resist­ nically possible to provide an electrode system that wih
ance of each individual electrode as shown in Section hmit earth potential to 650 V. In such cases the po­
11.4 of this chapter. The overall station resistance is tential rise should be reduced to an economic minimum
then calculated for all electrodes in parallel ignoring and addhional precautions taken to safeguard against
the impedance of interconnecting cables. This greatly transferred, step and touch potentials. Such measures
simplifies the calculations and experience has shown against transferred potentials would include isolation
that this also compensates for ignoring fortuitous earth transformers on incoming telephone and pilot cables,
paths such as pipes and base slab concrete which cannot and possibly isolated sections in pipelines or railway
be readily identified or calculated. tracks entering the she. In a d d h i o n , step and touch
This rise of earth potential will be the product of potentials would have to be assessed using the type
the station earth electrode resistance and the current of techniques given in I E E E Standard 80 [28]. If step
flowing through it. As already stated, the earth fault or touch potentials are found to be excessive then
current wih return to remote neutrals via the ground addhional provisions such as guard rings wih be ne­
and any overhead line aerial earths or cable sheaths cessary. G u a r d rings consist of a number of ground
that may exist. The current division will be dependent conductors, connected to the main electrode, and buried
on the relative impedances of each route. Since the at increasing depths a r o u n d it so that the ground sur­
electrode design is dictated by the allowable rise of earth face potential is modified. A typical arrangement is
potential, it would be grossly uneconomic to base these shown in Fig 6.123.
calculations on the assumption that all current flows
in the ground. Therefore, the division of current be­
11.3.2 Faults o n I n t e r n a l s y s t e m s
tween the various paths must be assessed. The amph-
tude of the earth current returning to neutrals via For system voltages up to and including generator volt­
overhead line earth wires and towers can be 3 0 - 7 0 % age, the system neutrals are earthed whhin the boundary
depending on the number of lines and their length of the power station and therefore the vast majority of
[27]. Therefore, quite clearly, the value of current the earth fauh current will flow via metahic bonds and
flowing into the ground will be dependent on the phy­ not into the ground itself. Equipment operating at
sical location of E H V substations relative to the power generator voltage is considered a special case since it
station. is all bonded to a special earth bar run with the main
Where the power station and E H V substation share connections. Consequently, any earth fault current wih
a common site, at least one metallic connection per preferentially flow in this special earth bar rather than
generating unit will be provided between the two earth­ in the station earth network. Detahs of generator main
ing systems. Earth fauh currents can therefore flow connections are given in Chapter 4.
via these connections to the earth wires and towers Earth fauh currents associated w h h 11 kV, 3.3 kV
associated with the E H V substation. The magnitude and 415 V systems will however return to their neutrals
of these currents will depend on the number of overhead via the station earth network. The station earth net­
lines or cables entering the substation and their lengths. work is a mesh of metalhc bonds interconnecting the
Since power station earth electrodes normally consist earth electrodes and forming a ring a r o u n d plant areas.
of steel piles they have, of necessity, to be designed We must now consider the magnitude of earth fault
and installed at an early stage of power station con­ currents associated with these systems. If the zero phase
struction. This frequently means that accurate pre­ sequence impedance of the system were the same as
dictions of current division cannot be made at the design the positive phase sequence impedence, then the earth
stage. It is therefore normal practice to calculate the fault current would have the same magnitude as that
rise of earth potential assuming the worst case of 7 0 % for a three-phase symmetrical fault. In practice for

Earthing systems




πΓ 11,
• · · • · * J





FIG. 6 . 1 2 3 Typical guard ring arrangement

transformers it is not possible t o obtain identical clearance of fuses. T h e m a x i m u m current returning to

values for positive and negative phase sequence im­ an internal system neutral under a single earth fault
pedances. Transformers are therefore specified to have condition is therefore that associated with the 415 V
a zero phase sequence reactance as close as possible system, and this fixes the size of the station earth net­
to 100% of the positive phase sequence reactance, with work for internal faults. There is a very low probabhity
an allowable minimum of 9 0 % . With this minimum of the N E R flashing over, allowing unrestricted earth
value the earth fault current could be 3 . 5 % higher than fault current to flow for 11 kV and 3.3 kV system faults.
the three-phase symmetrical fault current. Since every If this were to occur on the 3.3 kV system, the fault
effort is made to keep the negative phase sequence current flowing through the station earth network
impedance as near as possible to the positive value, would be greater than the design value associated w k h
and since in practice earth fauh currents rarely achieve the 415 V system. The increase in fauh current would
their full prospective value, it is normal within power however be so marginal that the integrity of the sta­
station design to assume that the unrestricted earth tion earth system would not be threatened. For out­
fault current is the same as the three-phase symmetrical buildings which d o not directly form part of the main
level. The fault levels associated with internal systems station earth network, the size of its earth ring will be
are as follows: dependent on the system voltage and fault levels for
equipment wkhin that building.
• 11 kV — 750 M V A (break) = 39.4 k A For faults on internal systems, the allowable rise of
• 3.3 kV — 250 M V A = 43.7 k A earth potential should be that appropriate to over-
current protection as defined in Section 11.2.2 of this
• 415 V — 31 M V A = 43.1 k A chapter. This means that the rise of earth potential
should be hmited to 430 V for faults cleared in less
Neutral earthing resistors (NER) are provided on the than 0.46 seconds and 55 V for longer clearance times.
11 kV and 3.3 kV systems which limit the fault current Where these limits cannot he economically achieved,
to approximately 1000 A per infeed. However, the special measures (such as local bonding to give im­
415 V system is solidly bonded to earth to make avail­ munity from transferred potentials) can be used as
able the full prospective fault current to allow proper discussed later in this section. For these internal faults.

Cabling Chapter 6

the rise of earth potential at the faulted equipment tection operates in less than 0.46 seconds than to
is taken to be the product of the impedance of the provide local bonding. In making this judgement, ac­
metallic bonding system path and the total earth fauh count has been taken of the cost and difficulty of
current. providing local bonding on all small plant such as
To keep the potential gradient across the station to switches and light fittings. T o ensure that the protection
a minimum, the impedance of the fault current return operates within the required time limit, the c o n d u c t o r /
path must also be kept to a minimum. Furthermore, a r m o u r loop resistance is controlled as detailed in
to reduce the risk of electrical interference in control Section 4 of this chapter.
and instrumentation circuits, it is desirable to keep For remote outbuildings which are well outside the
the fault current supply and return paths as close as area covered by the main earth electrode system, such
possible. For multicore power cables these aims are as might be the case for a C W p u m p h o u s e , there is
achieved by using the a r m o u r as the main earth return some advantage in installing local earth electrodes.
path. For single-core cables which have their armours Normally a pair of electrodes should be provided to
single-point bonded, these requirements can best be enable one to be disconnected for testing with the
achieved by running an earth cable in close proximity station operational. These electrodes will assist in re­
with the power cables. ducing the rise of earth potential and hence trans­
In the case of large transformer feeds and inter­ ferred, touch and step potentials.
connectors, the single-core cable circuhs will be short or
will follow a major cable route where an earth cable
forming part of the station earth network will already 11.3.3 Lightning protection
exist in close proximity. However, for motors fed by As discussed in Section 12 of this chapter, it is neces­
single-core cables, there is not hkely to be an existing sary to connect the lightning protection system to the
earth cable in close proximity to the power cables for station earth network. The detahs of the required
the entire length of the route and, in these cases, h is connections are also given in Section 12.
necessary to provide an earth cable between the supply
switchgear and the motor terminal. This earth cable is
run in close proximity to its associated motor single-core 11.3.4 Additional considerations
cables. The requirements of British Standard code of practice
For 11 kV and 3.3 kV plant, the 430 V and 55 V rise C P 1013: 1965 should be complied with by earthing
of earth potential crheria may not both be met. The each of the fohowing:
possibility of transferred zero earth potential, via struc­
tural steelwork or adjacent electrical plant with its own • The neutral points of each separate voltage system.
earth return connection, cannot be ignored. Therefore, • A p p a r a t u s frameworks and other non-current car­
where paths exist for such transferred potentials, rying metalwork associated with each system, e.g.,
immunity must be given. This immunity is provided in
transformer tanks and the armours of power cables.
these specific cases by installing local bonding between
all adjacent plant and between plant and steelwork to • Extraneous metalwork not associated with power
which personnel may make simuhaneous contact. Aher- systems, e.g., boundary and transformer fences.
natively if there is a station earth bar connection point
locally, the plant may be bonded to this.
For 415 V fuse-protected circuits the rise of earth 11.4 Earth electrodes
potential under earth fault conditions will be in excess The purpose of this section is to give a worked ex­
of 55 V and therefore local bonding may be neces­ ample for sizing an earth electrode system using the
sary dependent on the protection clearance time. As principles already given in Section 11.3.1 of this chap­
shown in Section 4 of this chapter for motor circuits, ter. During this process, alternative types of electrodes
the fuse size is selected for starting conditions rather are assessed for their suitability for power station ap­
than full-load current and is therefore relatively large. plications. The types of electrode investigated are as
This means that to keep the c o n d u c t o r / a r m o u r loop
resistance to a sufficiently low value to clear an earth
fault in less than 0.46 seconds, the cable route length • Sheet steel piles.
would have to be severely restricted or the cable size
• Cylindrical steel piles.
would have to be substantially increased. In this situ­
ation the economic solution is to provide local bond­ • Vertical earth rods.
ing on 415 V motors in a manner similar to that for
• Buried horizontal strip.
11 kV and 3.3 kV circuits, to give immunity from
transferred potentials. However, for feeder circuits
other than those for motors, the fuse size will be The calculations show that a considerable length of
more closely matched to the cable and therefore it buried strip or a large number of earth rods would be
is considered more economic to ensure that the pro­ required to dissipate the fault currents associated with

Earthing systems

E H V systems. Therefore, these types of electrodes

require considerable space and are difficult to accom­
modate at the locations where E H V system faults are
hkely to occur, i.e., generator or station transformers.
It is therefore more convenient to use sheet or cylin­
drical steel piles which form a more compact electrode.
The actual type of steel pile used for the earth elec­
trode on a new station will usually be selected from
those that the civil contractor has on site for his own i ii 1000mm SQ

u uu u
Full calculations to obtain the overall station re­
sistance and rise of earth potential are only com­
pleted for steel phes to demonstrate the principles. The
design parameters selected for all examples are as
fohows: 100mm X 12mm
• Maximum earth fault current to return to remote
neutrals is 28 k A . It should be noted that this is
the current which has to return to the remote neu­ 100mm X 12mm ALUMINIUM
trals via the earth electrode and therefore 'on site' FOR TEST PURPOSES

generation is ignored. For earth electrode design 100mm X 12mm STEEL BARS <C I
purposes, this earth fault current is assumed to have WELDED

a maximum duration of 1 second.

• Average soil resistivity to a depth of 10 m at any ELECT CONTINUITY

proposed electrode location is 19.9 Qm. PILE JOINT
650mm MIN

For simphcity, all calculations are carried out assum­

ing the top of the electrode is flush with the ground
surface. In practice, for steel piles, the top of the 100mm X 12mm
electrode is approximately 1 m below the surface as WELDED TO PILES
shown in Figs 6.124 and 6.125. The errors from this FILLET WELD

approximation are considered negligible, bearing in

mind the limitations in the accuracy of soil resistivity

11.4.1 Sheet steel piles

This example is based on Larson N o 3 piles as shown
in Fig 6.124. This type of pUe is trough-shaped, the
FIG. 6 . 1 2 4 Arrangement of sheet steel pile electrode
sides being 145 m m long and the b o t t o m 248 m m wide;
the thickness of the pile is 14 m m .
Consider the station electrode arrangement shown

in Fig 6.122, where site measurements have shown the
57.66 X 10^
highest average soil resistivity for any proposed main A/m2
electrode location to be 19.9 Qm. This figure can be
used to determine the smallest electrode area capable
of dissipating the assumed 28 kA earth fault current
associated with the 400 kV system. where: ρ = soil resisitivity, Qm
As discussed in C P 1013: 1965, the little experimen­ t = duration of fault, s
tal work which has been carried out on current loading
has been confined to model tests with spherical elec­
trodes in clay or loam of low resistivity. One of the For the given conditions:
tentative conclusions from this work is that the time
to failure on short-term overload is inversely pro­
portional to the specific loading, which is given by / 57.66 X 10^
i^Q where i is the current density at the electrode i = \/ A/m2
surface and ρ the resistivity of the soil. For soils in­ 19.9 X 1
vestigated the maximum permissible current density is
given by: i = 0.17 X 10^ A/m2

Cabling Chapter 6



100mm X 12mm

100mm X 12mm ALUMINIUM



100mm X 12mm STEEL



650mm MIN


FIG. 6 . 1 2 5 Arrangement of cylindrical steel pile electrode

Minimum length of single pile required: w = width of base of pile, m

L =
s = length of side of pile, m
i X (2w + 4s)
28 000
where I = earth fault current, A L =
0.17 X 10"^ X ((2 X 0.248) + (4 χ 0.145))
i = maximum permissible current density,
A/m2 L = 15.3 m

Earthing systems

As discussed in Section 11.6.1 of this chapter, the csa = 4 (9 X 97) = 3492 mm^
depth to which a pile may economicahy be driven is
dependent on the ground conditions. For this example, This ahows a significant factor of safety on the mini­
the maximum economic length of pile is assumed to m u m requirement of 372 m m ^ .
be 10 m. Therefore two interlocked steel piles wih be Now the electrode resistance can be determined
required to dissipate the current. using the formula given in C P 1013: 1965 for plate
The next stage is to assess the current carrying ca­ electrodes:
pability of the electrode material itself and the con­
nections to it. Using the short-circuit formula given ρ TT

in Section 4.3.1 of this chapter, the minimum cross-

sectional area of steel to carry the earth fault current is
calculated as fohows: where ρ = soil resistivity, Qm
A = surface area of electrode, m^

S = — 19.9
logn R =
\ei+ßj 4 [(2 X 0.248) + (4 X 0.145)1 x 10 x 2

= 1.9 Ω
For steel: Κ = 78 and jS = 202
Now for I = 28 000 A , t = 1 s, 6f = 375°C and
θί = 25°C: T o avoid an excessive rise of earth potential, an over­
all station resistance typically of less than 0.1 Ω is
required. Therefore, even with the eight proposed
electrodes in parallel, an individual electrode resistance
28 000
S = 375 + 202 of 1.9 Ω is not acceptable and the number of pile
78 logn sections must be increased. Increasing the number of
25 + 202 pile sections to 25 would result in an electrode 10 m
long having a resistance of:
S = 372 mm2

Now considering the electrode itself, the total cross- R =
sectional area for two steel piles is: [(2 X 0.248) + (4 X 0.145)1 x 10 x 25

csa = 2 Χ 14 X [248 + (2 χ 145)] = 15 064 mm^ = 0.54 Ω

However, ahowance has to be made for surface cor­ The resistance of the remaining electrodes is then
rosion of the electrode over the hfe of the station. calculated assuming the same number of pile sections
This will depend on a number of factors of which the but using the soil resistivhy appropriate to the location.
most significant is the soil p H which should be es­ For the purpose of this example let us assume that
tabhshed from soil surveys. For this example, it is as­ the remaining primary electrodes have resistances of
sumed that the corrosion reduces the electrode thickness 0.41, 0.51 and 0.49 Ω, and the secondary electrodes
by 3 m m (1.5 m m per surface) over the station hfe. have resistances of 0.50, 0.58, 0.45 and 0.62 Ω. The
Therefore after corrosion the cross-sectional area of overall station resistance is given by:
two piles is:

1 1 1
csa = 2 X 11 X [248 + (2 χ 145)] = 11 836 mm^ R = — + -I- ...
Rl R2 Rn/
It can be seen that this is considerably in excess of
the required 372 mm^. 1 1 1 1 1
R = + -h + + -I-
With respect to the connections from the earth cable
0.54 0.41 0.51 0.49 0.50
connection bar down to the earth electrode, h is nor­
mal practice to use four 100 χ 12 m m steel bars (as -1
shown in Fig 6.124) to provide adequate mechanical
strength. Again assuming 1.5 m m of surface corrosion 0.45 0.62 /
over the station life, the final cross-sectional area will
be: R =
0.063 Ω
Cabling Chapter 6

Now assuming that the power station under consi­ previously in Section 11.4.1. With respect to the con­
deration is some 3 km from the 400 kV substation, as nections t o the pile, four 100 χ 12 m m steel bars are
mentioned in Section 11.3.1 of this chapter, it should used as shown in Fig 6.125, these being shown to be
be assumed that 3 0 % of the earth fault current returns of adequate size in Section 11.4.1.
via the ground. T h e rise of earth potential ( R E P ) at The resistance of a vertical r o d type electrode can
the power station will therefore be: be obtained using the following formula given by Tagg
R E P = 28 000 X 0.3 X 0.063 = 529 V
R = [ρ/27ΓΕ] X [logn ( 8 L / d ) - 1]
This figure of 529 V is lower than the acceptance
criteria of 650 V a n d gives a reasonable factor of where ρ = soil resistivity, Qm
safety. L = length of r o d , m
d = diameter of r o d , m
11.4.2 Cylindrical steel piles
This example is based on a typical cylindrical pile 19.9
R = χ [logn (8 Χ 10/1.05) - 1]
having an external diameter of 1.05 m a n d a radial 2 X π X 10
thickness of 6 m m . A typical arrangement is shown
in Fig 6.125. = 1 06 Ω
Reference should be made to Section 11.4.1 of this
chapter for explanation of formulae a n d definitions As discussed previously in Section 11.4.1, a value of
where they are not given in this section. resistance of 1.06 Ω is considered t o o large for a main
Maximum allowable current density: electrode. It will therefore be necessary t o increase
the electrode length or put a number of electrodes in
57.66 X 10^ 57.66 X 10^
The following method of dealing with electrodes in
1 =
parallel is given by Tagg [29]. T h e method uses the
\ Qt V 19.9 X 1
'equivalent hemisphere' principle where the rod elec­
trode is replaced by a hemisphere having the same
= 0.17 X 10^ A / m 2
resistance. T h e radius of this equivalent hemisphere
is given by:
Minimum length of pile required:

I r = L/[logn ( 8 L / d ) - 1]
L =
i X TT X d
where L = length of r o d , m
where d = external diameter of pile d = diameter of r o d , m

28 000 For t w o rods in parahel:

L = = 5.0 m
0.17 X 10^ X 7Γ X 1.05
Resistance of rods in parallel 1+ a

Although the minimum length required for current Resistance of one rod 2
dissipation is 5 m , it is proposed that a 10 m length
be used t o obtain a lower value of resistance. where a = r / S a n d S = spacing of electrodes, m
Now considering the current carrying capability of
the electrode material itself and the connections t o A n d for three rods in parallel, arranged in a triangle:
Resistance of rods in parallel 1 + 2a

Maximum csa of pile = 7r(R^ - r^) Resistance of one rod 3

= 7Γ(5252 - 5192)

= 19 679 m m 2 F r o m the above formulae it can be seen that as the

spacing S increases, a wih tend t o zero a n d the ideal
value of 0.5 for the ratio wih be approached. However,
After corrosion csa of pile = ^(523.5^ - 520.5^)
whilst initial increases in the spacing give a good
= 9839 m m 2 improvement in the ratio, very large spacings would
be required t o approach the ideal value. F o r practical
This can be seen to be considerably in excess of the purposes, setting the spacing equal t o the r o d length
minimum requirement of 372 m m ^ that was derived normally gives a n acceptable design.

Earthing systems

Now for the pile electrode under consideration, the For an earth fault duration of 1 second and a soil
radius of the equivalent hemisphere is: resistivity of 19.9 Ω m, the maximum permissible rod
loading is:
r = = 3.0 m 380
/ 8 X 10 -1 = 85 A / m
logn V(19.9 X 1)
\ 1.05
The total length of earth rod required for a fault current
For S = L = 10 m of 28 k A is:

r 3.0 28 000
a = — = =0.3 L = = 329 m
S 10 85

Therefore, for two pile electrodes in parahel: Assuming that the m a x i m u m depth to which an earth
rod can be driven is 5 m , the total number of rods
/ 1+ required is 66. In order to obtain reasonable current
R2 = X (resistance of a single pile)
dissipation and overall resistance from the electrode
V 2 /
array, the rods should be spaced on 3 m centres. Using
this spacing, an area of some 600 m^ is required for
1 + 0.3
X 1.06 the electrode array.
In view of the need to place the electrode close to
the location where an E H V earth fauh may occur,
R2 = 0.69 Ω e.g., generator transformer, h is hkely t o be difficuh
to find such an area of free space available. A further
complication with this type of electrode is the diffi­
For three pile electrodes, arranged in a triangle:
cuhy of interconnecting the large number of rods with
buried cable or strip. This type of electrode is not
/ 1 + 2a \ therefore recommended for power station applications.
Rs = X (resistance of a single pile)
\ 3 /
11.4.4 Earth strip
1 + 0.6 \ This section is based on the use of 50 χ 6 m m copper
X 1.06
strip. For an earth fault duration of 1 second and a soil
resistivity of 19.9 Ωm, the permissible current rating is
once again:
Rs = 0.56 Ω

From this h can be seen that only a relatively small

improvement in resistance is obtained by adding the
third electrode. Therefore, if ground conditions permit,
V 57.66 X 10^
19.9 X 1
= 0.17 X 10^ A / m 2

Total length of strip required is:

it may be more beneficial t o drive two electrodes t o
a greater depth than to add further electrodes.
The overall station earth resistance and rise of earth fault current
L =
potential are then determined in the same manner as current density χ circumference
in Section 11.4.1 of this chapter.
28 000
11.4.3 Earth rods
0.17 X 10^ X [(2 X 0.05) + (2 χ 0.006)]
This section is based on the use of 16 m m diameter
extensible steel-cored copper earth rods complying with = 147 m
ESI Standard 4 3 - 9 4 .
The general formula for permissible current loading In order to obtain reasonable current dissipation and
can be transformed by using the surface area of a obtain the required order of resistance, this tape would
16 m m earth rod to yield the following: need to be buried over an area in excess of 300 m^.
As discussed for earth rods, this a m o u n t of free space
380 is not normally available at the required location. An
1 = A / m of earth rod ahernative would be to install the electrode in contact
V(Qt) with the earth under the foundation slab concrete.

Cabling Chapter 6

However, this would require accurate planning so as

not to delay the civil contractor and if any damage
occurred during concrete pouring this could not be
detected. An added complication is the time involved
in making an electrical connection between the strips
at each mesh intersection. NOMINAL INSULATION TO PREVENT

11.5 Earth network construction and plant

bonding t\ Ό) !Ί Q Q O Q ΓΊ 0* t-
Earth networks are formed and bonding of plant is ^ 1 L J L J 1 ^

carried out using P V C insulated cables. Earth cables run FIG. 6 . 1 2 6 Arrangement of tee-off connections
on the power cable supporting steelwork are considered
to give a more economic installation than copper or
aluminium bar clipped to the building surface. The use given a 3 - s e c o n d rating and it is considered a p p r o ­
of earth cables allows the same installation and ter­ priate to give this rating to the main earth network.
mination techniques as for power cables, giving a However, this fault duration is considerably in excess
unified approach to labour requirements and the use of that associated with back-up protection and such
of standard tools and equipment. faults must be considered extremely rare. Under these
All cables used for earthing and bonding comply with circumstances it is considered acceptable to allow the
the insulation, construction and testing requirements earth cable to reach a final temperature of 325°C,
given in BS6004: 1975. The cables may have ehher as allowed by Engineering Recommendation S5/1 for
green or green/yellow insulation and the following aluminium bar. Whilst this ensures mechanical integrity
rationalised range of sizes is used: of the earth system, it will be appreciated that the
P V C cable sheathing will disintegrate and any affected
cables would have to be replaced. However, for fault
Size, mm^ Type of construction
durations appropriate to back-up protection, the earth
2.5 Stranded c o p p e r / P V C network should not be damaged and therefore the final
4 Stranded c o p p e r / P V C conductor temperature of earth cables is limited to
6 Stranded c o p p e r / P V C
10 Stranded c o p p e r / P V C The required cable size is calculated using the formula
16 Solid a l u m i n i u m / P V C given in Section 4.3.1 of this chapter:

35 Sohd a l u m i n i u m / P V C
95 Solid a l u m i n i u m / P V C
150 Solid a l u m i n i u m / P V C logn [(of + « / ( O i + β)]
300 Solid a l u m i n i u m / P V C
500 Stranded a l u m i n i u m / P V C 43 100

All earth cables are terminated, bohed to equipment 148 V logn [(325 + 228)/(25 + 228)]
and where necessary protected from corrosion using
the techniques given in Section 9.2 of this chapter. = 570 mm^

The use of 500 mm^ cable is accepted as being

11.5.1 M a i n earth network
adequate for forming the station earth network because
The main earth network is formed by interconnecting of the extremely low probability of a 3-second fault and
the earth electrodes and forming rings around main also, since the network is a ring, there wih be a degree
plant areas as shown in Fig 6.122. These rings are of current sharing between cables. For a cable
extended into all levels of the building where major temperature limit of 160°C the maximum allowable
plant is located. Interconnections are made using 'tee- fauh duration is 1.26 seconds which is adequate to cater
o f f bars of the type shown in Fig 6.126. These 'tee-off for back-up protection.
bars are also inserted in the ring at strategic locations
to enable connections to be made to electrical plant.
11.5.2 Instrument earth network
As discussed in Section 11.3 of this chapter, the
largest current that the station earth network will T o reduce the risk of interference on control and
normally have to carry is the 43.1 kA associated with instrumentation equipment, a 'clean' earth termed the
the 415 V system. Major plant such as switchgear is station instrument earth is provided. This instrument

Earthing systems

earth network is normahy instahed in the main control and other major plant are sized for a 3-second rating
block area where the bulk of C and I equipment is with a final conductor temperature of 325°C.
located. The instrument earth network is connected, The bonds for all other power plant are sized for
at a single point, to a relatively noise-free part of back-up protection which is typically up to 1-second
the station earth system. The reason for using a single rating. For 11 kV and 3.3 kV systems, the earth fault
connection is to avoid circulating earth currents or current is normally restricted to 1000 A per infeed which
large earth fault currents flowing in the system which would result in a relatively small bond size. However,
could resuh in interference. it is considered prudent to ensure mechanical integrity
This instrument earth is distributed to all C and I in the event of a neutral earthing resistor itself having
control equipment, marshalhng cubicles, local adapter a short-circuh. Under these circumstances of a double-
boxes, etc., using a combination of earth cables and the fault, i.e., both main protection and neutral earthing
screens of muhipair cables. A general arrangement of resistor faihng, some damage to the P V C cable sheath
this system is shown in Fig 6.127. It can be seen from is accepted and the cables are sized for 1-second rating
this figure that the screens of muhipair cables are with a final temperature of 325°C. On the 415 V
connected to the instrument earth at a single point. T o system, the earth fault current is not restricted and
keep interference to a minimum, it is preferred that therefore the earth cables are sized for 1-second rating
the 0 volt rail(s) of internally-generated power supplies w h h a final conductor temperature of 160°C, to ensure
are connected to the instrument earth. The P A X and they are not damaged for faults cleared by back-up
D W (direct wire) telephone systems should also be protection.
connected to the instrument earth network. For fuse-protected circuits it is traditional to use
It should be noted that the armours of multipair and an earth b o n d size of not less than half the phase
muhicore cables are not connected to the instrument conductor size. In ah cases the minimum bond size
earth network, but single-point bonded to the station ahowed is 4 mm^ to ensure mechanical integrity.
earth network. The reasons for this are twofold. Firstly, The b o n d sizes for these conditions are calculated
there is a risk of cable armours becoming accidentally as follows, using the formula given in Section 4.3.1 of
shorted to equipment cases and if the a r m o u r were this chapter. It should be noted that, for economic
connected to the instrument earth this would defeat reasons, the calculated value has been reduced down to
the single earth point connection pohcy for that system. the nearest cable size. This is particularly the case for
Secondly, many multicore cables emanate from switch- 3-second ratings because in practice this fault duration
gear or local panels where an instrument earth will not is unhkely ever to be reached.
be readily available and therefore it is more convenient
and cheaper to use station earth. (a) 11 kK 750 MVA system

For aluminium cables, constant Κ = 148 and β

11.5.3 Earth b o n d c a b l e sizes = 228

On the same basis as that already discussed for the Therefore, for a short-circuit duration of 3
main network earth cables, the bonds to switchgear seconds:


FIG. 6 . 1 2 7 Single-point earthing system for C and I cables

Cabling Chapter 6

For m o t o r s , other plant a n d cable gland bonds

I where a 1-second rating is required, a 300 mm^
s = - cable is used. Alternatively, for cable gland b o n d s ,
κ \ lognKOf + β)/(θΐ + β)]
aluminium bar having the same cross-sectional area
may be used.

39 400 (c) 415 V, 31 MVA system

s =
148 \ logn [(325 + 228)/(25 + 228)] For aluminium cables, constant Κ = 148 a n d β
= 228
= 521 mm2
Therefore, for a short-circuk duration of 3 seconds
and a final conductor temperature of 325°C:
For a short-circuit duration of 1-second:

43 100
39 400 1 S =
S =
148 V logn [(325 + 228)/(25 + 228)]
148 \ l o g n [(325 + 228)/(25 + 228)]

= 301 mm^ = 570 m m ^

For a short-circuit duration of 1-second a n d a final

For the 3-second rating, the nearest rationahsed
conductor temperature of 160°C:
cable size of 500 mm^ is selected t o b o n d plant.
For switchgear the 3-second rating is met by using
two 300 mm^ cables, one connected t o each end of
43 100 1
the switchgear earth bar. S =
For motors, other plant and cable gland bonds 148 \ l o g n [(160 + 228)/(25 + 228)]
where a 1-second rating is required, a 300 mm^
earth cable is used. Alternatively, for cable gland = 445 mm^
bonds, aluminium bar having the same cross-
sectional area may be used.
For a short-circuit duration of 1-second a n d a final
(b) 3.3 kV 250 MVA system conductor temperature of 325°C:

For aluminium cables, constant Κ = 148 and β =

228 43 100 1
S =
Therefore, for a short-circuit duration of 3 l o g n [(325 + 228)/(25 + 228)]

43 700
S =
For the 3-second rating, the nearest rationalised cable
148 V l o g n [(325 + 228)/(25 + 228)] size of 500 m m ^ is selected t o b o n d plant. F o r
switchgear the 3-second rating is met by using two 300
= 578 mm^ mm^ earth cables, one connected t o each end of the
switchgear earth b a r .
For a short-circuit duration of 1-second: For motors a n d other plant where a 1-second rating
is required, a 500 m m ^ earth cable is used. For cable
gland bonds, aluminium b a r should be used and since
43 700 1 this can be operated at 325°C without h a r m , the cross-
S =
sectional area required is 300 m m 2 .
148 \ l o g n [(325 + 228)/(25 -f- 228)]

= 334 mm2 11.5.4 Plant bonding arrangements

This section gives specific plant bonding arrangements

For the 3-second rating, the nearest rationahsed which are based, where appropriate, on the fault levels
cable size of 500 mm^ is selected t o b o n d plant. and calculated cable sizes given in the previous sub­
For swkchgear, the 3-second rating is met by using section.
two 300 mm^ cables, one connected to each end of Plant bonding arrangements for electrical system
the switchgear earth bar. neutral earthing are as follows:

Earthing systems

• Generator transformer neutral earthing The gen­ In addition, a 150 mm^ b o n d is to be provided
erator transformer H V neutral connection should between the m o t o r and adjacent plant and struc­
consist of an earth cable connected from the earthy tural (or other) steelwork to which personnel may
end of the neutral C T direct to the adjacent generator m a k e simuhaneous contact.
transformer earth electrode. The cable size is to be
calculated using the full 400 kV earth fault current • 77 kV/415 V gas turbine unit transformers The
earth terminals of these transformers are connected
(including on-site generation) for a fault duration
to the station earth network by means of a 500 mm^
of 1 second.
earth cable.
• Station and unit transformer neutral earthing The
• 3,3 kV switchgear For switchgear connected to a
station and unit transformer LV neutral earthing
transformer and not fuse-protected, the switchgear
connections shall be a 500 mm^ earth cable, con­
earth bar is connected to the main station earth
nected from the transformer neutral earthing re­
network by two 300 mm^ earth cables, one con­
sistors onto the local earth network.
nected to each end of the bar.
• 3,3 kV transformer neutral earthing The 3.3 kV For switchgear fed by fuse protected cables, the
transformer neutral earth connections should be by power cable armours will be utilised to provide
means of a 500 mm^ earth cable connected from the the earth return p a t h . A cable gland bond, of cross-
transformer neutral earthing resistors, either direct section not less t h a n half that of the power cable
to an adjacent earth electrode or to the station earth core, being provided between the gland and the
network, whichever is the nearer. switchgear earth bar with the exception of single-core
power cables which utilise a 300 mm^ b o n d .
• 415 V transformer neutral earthing The 415 V
transformer neutrals should be connected to earth • 3,3 kV motors For 3.3 kV motors fed by three
at the 415 V switchgear, a connection being m a d e single-core power cables, an earth return cable of 300
between the switchgear neutral and earth bars via a mm^ cross-section is provided from the motor earth
link. terminal to the supply switchgear earth bar. The
earth cable should be laid in proximity to the power
Plant bonding arrangements for earth connections to
When the m o t o r is fed by a multicore cable, the
electrical plant are as follows:
cable a r m o u r is utilised to provide the earth return
• Generator earth bond network The generator earth path, connection being made to the cable armour
bond network consists of an earth bar mounted from the m o t o r earth terminal by a bond of cross-
in parallel with the main generator connections to section not less than half that of the power cable
which all items of plant operating at generator core.
voltage are bonded. This earth bar is connected to In addition, local bonding is provided between the
earth at the generator transformer earth electrode m o t o r earth terminal and adjacent plant, and struc­
using two 500 mm^ earth cables. tural or other steelwork to which personnel may
m a k e simultaneous contact. The size of bond shah be
• Station transformers The earth terminals of these half that of the power cable core cross-sectional area.
transformers are connected to the station earth net­
work by means of a 500 mm^ earth cable. • 3,3 kV diesel generators The 3.3 kV diesel gen­
erator stator frame is connected to the station earth
• 11/3,3 kV ancillary transformers The earth ter­ network by means of a 500 mm^ earth cable.
minals of the ancillary transformers are connected to
the station earth network by means of a 500 mm^ • 3,3 kV diesel generator harmonic suppressors If
earth cable. harmonic suppressors are provided on the 3.3 kV
diesel generators, their tanks are to be connected to
• Gas turbine generator stator, VT cubicle and liquid the station earth network by means of a 500 mm^
neutral earthing resistor These items of plant are earth cable.
connected direct to the station earth network by
means of a 500 mm^ earth cable. • 3,3 kV diesel generator neutral earthing resistors
The 3.3 kV diesel generator hquid earthing resistor
• 11 kV switchgear The earth bar of 11 kV swhch- tanks are to be bonded to the station earth network
gear is connected to the main station earth network by means of a 500 mm^ earth cable.
by means of two 300 mm^ earth cables, one cable
being connected to each end of the bar. • 415 V switchgear For switchgear fed by single-core
cables, the switchgear earth bar is connected to the
• 11 kVmotors The earth terminals of 11 kV motors main earth network by means of two 300 mm^
are connected to the 11 kV switchgear earth bar by cables, one connected to each end of the bar.
means of 300 mm^ cable, the cable being routed For swhchgear fed by fuse-protected multicore
with the 11 kV power cables. cables, the power cable armouring is utihsed to pro-

Cabling Chapter 6

vide the earth return path. A cable gland bond of grams and also on cable schedules and work cards used
cross-section not less than half that of the power on she. A list of typical bonding codes is as follows:
cable core is provided between the gland and
• 11 kV, 3.3 kV, 415 V power cables and multicore
switchgear earth bar.
control cables
• Transformers having 415 V low voltage windings
Earthed: A The armour is connected to the
Transformers of 1 M V A rating and larger have a
station earth or, where apphcable,
500 mm^ cable connection between the transformer
the equipment earth stud.
earth terminal and the 415 V switchgear earth bar.
Transformers of rating in the range 0.5 to 0.8 Floating: Β The a r m o u r is insulated from earth.
M V A have a similar connection of 300 mm^ cross- If the cable has a screen then this
section. also is insulated. An insulating shroud
Transformers of rating less than 0.5 M V A have a is fitted over the gland body.
similar connection of cross-section not less than one
• Multipair cables
half that of the power cable core.
Earthed: Η The a r m o u r is connected to the sta­
• 415 Vplant other than switchgear and transformers
tion earth system and the cable screen
For plant within this range fed by a multicore cable
is connected to the instrument earth
the cable armour shall be utilised as the earth return.
The gland bond size between the plant and the gland
shall be of cross-section not less than half that of F In situations such as outbuhding con­
the power cable core, with a minimum cross-section trol panels where a separate instru­
of 4 mm^. ment earth system is not available,
When the plant is fed by single-core cables, an both a r m o u r and screen are con­
earth return cable of 300 mm^ cross-section shall nected to station earth.
be provided from the equipment earth terminal to
Floating: Β The a r m o u r is insulated from earth.
the supply switchgear earth bar. The earth cable
If the cable has a screen then this
shall be laid in close proximity to the single core
also is insulated. A n insulated shroud
power cables.
is fitted over the gland body.
Any plant which is fed by a conduit or trunking
system shall also have an earth cable included in Ρ The a r m o u r of 'digital control cables'
the conduit of the same cross-section as that given is connected to the armours of other
by the above criteria. cables of the same disciphne in the
For motor circuits of 1.5 kW and above, addi­ same b o x . T h e cable screen is
tional local bonding is provided between the motor connected to the screens of other
and adjacent plant and structural or other steelwork cables of the same discipline in the
to which personnel may make simultaneous contact. same box.
The bond size should not be less than half that of
R The a r m o u r of 'analogue control
the power cable core, whh a minimum size of 4
cables' is connected to the armours
of other cables of the same disciphne
• Control and instrumentation marshalling boxes and in the same box. The cable screen
cubicles The steelwork of all panels, marshalling is connected to the screens of other
boxes and the like should be bonded to the station cables of the same discipline in the
earth network using 4 mm^ earth cable. Where same box.
equipment is mounted directly onto earthed metal­ S Special requirement. T o obtain the
work, no bond is necessary. correct bonding information refer to
Where a power cable is taken into a panel, the the block cable diagram.
cable armour is bonded to the panel and a separate
bond to the station earth network is not required. Actuator cables:
The armours of the actuator cables
Plant bonding arrangements for insulated cable glands (composite p o w e r / c o n t r o l design)
of the type described in Section 9.1 of this chapter are in the load centre are connected to­
normally used for both power and control cables. This gether and to the a r m o u r of the in­
means that where a connection is required to the cable coming multipair cable. The actuator
armour, a bond has to be connected from the gland cable outer screen and the incoming
integral earth tag to the equipment earth b a r / s t u d or multipair cable screen are connected
other glands as appropriate. In order to pass this in­ to the insulated screen bar in the
formation to site, a series of bond codes is used. The load centre. The actuator cable inner
gland bond codes are recorded on the block cable dia­ screen is connected to station earth.

Earthing systems

/ The actuator cable a r m o u r is insu­ • Bonding of cable supporting steelwork In locations

lated from earth. The screen of the where cable support steelwork is directly connected
flexible power and control cables is to the station structural steelwork no additional
earthed at the actuator earth stud. bonding is required. Where, however, cable support
steelwork is insulated from the station steelwork
• Unarmoured cable and cables requiring no connec­ (e.g., concrete cable tunnels) the steelwork should
tion to armour be bonded direct to the main station earth network.
O Stuffing gland. This connection is m a d e onto every section of in­
sulated steelwork using any convenient station earth
Ζ N o gland. network cable being carried on that section of steel­
work. In cases where there is no earth cable on the
Table 6.26 shows gland bonding codes that may be section of steelwork, a separate earth cable of 35
associated with equipment. A block cable diagram mm^ cross-section shall be used, this cable being
showing a typical application of bonding codes for connected into the nearest adjacent section of earth
control and instrumentation cabling is included as Fig network.
6.128. A similar block cable diagram for power cabling
• Bonding of station perimeter fences Perimeter fences
is shown in Fig 6.129.
are connected to earth by means of separate earth
The sizes of cable gland bond connections should
rods driven at ah corners and at intervals not
be as foHows:
exceeding 100 m a r o u n d the fence. The connection to
• Insulated cable glands for 11 kV cables Where re­ the fence is made with a 10 mm^ stranded-copper
quired, the bond for an insulated cable gland should earth cable.
consist of an aluminium bar arranged to provide • Bonding of electrical plant compound fences Elec­
the shorting strap across all glands of the circuit trical plant c o m p o u n d fences shall be connected to
and the connection to the switchgear earth bar. earth as for station perimeter fences and, in ad­
This aluminium bar should have a minimum cross- dition, a separate connection shah be made from
sectional area of 300 m m ^ . the fence to the main earth network associated whh
• Insulated cable glands for 3J kV and 415 cables the plant in the c o m p o u n d . This connection shall
For single core cable circuits, when required, the be a 10 mm^ earth cable.
bond should consist of aluminium bar arranged to
provide a shorting strap across ah glands of the
circuit and also connect to the switchgear earth bar. 11.6 Testing
This aluminium bar should have a minimum cross-
sectional area of 300 m m ^ . 11.6.1 E a r t h resistivity m e a s u r e m e n t
For multicore cable circmts, where the cable ar­ The method of soil resistivity measurement most com­
mouring is utilised as the earth return circuit for monly used is that derived by Dr. F . Wenner [30].
the plant, the earth bonds at both ends of the cable
In practice the method uses four electrodes driven
shall use an earth cable of cross-section not less
into the ground in a straight hne with equidistant spac­
than half that of the power cable core, w k h a mini­
ing 'a' as illustrated in Fig 6.130. T o obtain accurate
m u m cross-section of 4 m m ^ .
results it is important that the electrode depth does
• Control and instrumentation insulated cable glands not exceed one twentieth of the electrode spacing 'a'.
Where cable gland earth bonds are required they The outer two electrodes are used to circulate current
shah be 4 mm^ stranded copper earth cables. and the inner two measure the ground potential dif­
ference. This is carried out using an earth tester which
has the appropriate four terminals for connection to
Plant bonding arrangements for extraneous metalwork:
the electrodes and gives a direct reading in o h m s . As­
• Bonding of structural steelwork All major vertical suming the soil to he homogeneous the value of soil
steel columns of the structural steelwork shall be resistivity is given by:
bonded together and to the main earth network
with a 300 mm^ cable. The connection to each steel ρ = 27raR ßm
column is made via a suitable connecting lug which
should be welded to the appropriate steel columns where R is the resistance measured by the instrument
under the main steelwork contract. The intercon­
nections between columns is carried on the cladding If the distance 'a' is increased, the current will pene­
support steelwork or other adjacent steelwork. Con­ trate deeper into the ground and the measured value
nections to the earth electrodes should be m a d e of resistivity will be related to this greater depth. To
at ah locations where the steelwork bonds pass an access the resistivity at various depths, a series of mea­
earth electrode position. surements are taken with increased electrode spacings

Cabling Chapter 6

TABLE 6 . 2 6
Gland bonding codes relative to equipment

Equipment Cables Bonding code

Switchgear 11 kV A
3.3 kV A
415 V A
Multicore A

Interconnections between switchboards A at Unit 1

11 kV
Β at Unit 2

A at Unit 1
3.3 kV
Β at Unit 2

(e.g., Unit 1 and Unit 2 ) A at Unit 1

415 V
Β at Unit 2

A at Unit 1
Β at Unit 2

Motors 11 kV Β
3.3 kV A/B *
415 V A/B *

Transformers 11 kV Β
Multicore Β
3.3 kV A/B *
415 V A/B *

Distribution boards 415 V A

Equipment fed from distribution boards 415 V A

Plant-mounted transmitters Multipair Β

(pressure switches, limit switches, transducers, etc.) Multicore Β

Network marshalling boxes Multipair R, Ρ or S

Network marshaUing cubicles,

Multipair R, Ρ or S
(except control room unit and
Multicore Β
transmission marshalling cubicles)

Control room unit and transmission marshalling

cubicles, (except transmission end of inter­ Multipair Η
connections between them)

Transmission marshalling cubicle ends of inter­

connections to control room unit marshalling Multipair Β

Control room panels and desks Multipair Β

Interlock cubicles Multicore A

* See Fig 6 . 1 2 9

Earthing systems
Cabling Chapter 6
Earthing systems

TABLE 6.27
CURRENT Soil resistivity measurements

Electrode Test Point

separation (a)
R Apparent
aR resistivity,
metres Ω Qm

1 5.8 5.8 36.4

2 1.58 3.16 20.0
FIG. 6.130 Measurement of earth resistivity 3 0.92 2.76 17.3
4 0.68 2.72 17.1
5 0.49 2.45 15.4
about the central point. A typical set of measurements
6 0.46 2.76 17.3
is given in Table 6.27 and these are shown graphically
in Fig 6.131. 7 0.43 3.01 18.9
The next step is to decide the best way to apply these 8 0.36 2.88 18.1
resuhs. The first step must be to relate the electrode 9 0.36 3.24 20.4
spacing to the effective depth to which the resistivity 10 0.29 2.9 18.2
is measured. C P 1013 states that the average resistivity
12.5 0.26 3.25 20.4
measured is for a depth equal to the electrode spacing.
15 0.19 2.85 17.9
Some references will be found quoting the effective
depth to be in the range 0.6 to 0.75 times the electrode 17.5 0.17 2.98 18.7
spacing. If the soU is reasonably homogeneous, it will 20 0.19 3.80 23.9
be found that the resistivity becomes substantially
constant with depth as shown in Fig 6.131. The inter­
pretation of effective depth is not critical under these was varied. In practice it will be found that the soil
conditions and to assume the effective depth is equal to is non-homogeneous. T o consider this in a simphfied
electrode spacing should give acceptable results in way, the value of resistivity for small values of electrode
practice. The formula used is derived on the assumption spacing can be said to represent the soil resistivity near
that the soil through which the current circulates is the surface. Also, where the soil resistivity becomes
homogeneous, and this would be borne out if the soU sensibly constant w h h electrode spacing, this can be
resistivity remained constant as the electrode spacing said to represent the underlying strata. The formulae

10 12

FIG. 6.131 Graph of soil resistivity measurements as a function of electrode spacing

Cabling Chapter 6

used in Section 11.4 of this chapter assume h o m o ­ (a) Measurement of resistance by composite instrument
geneous soil condhions and therefore, where they are
Measurements are made using the same instrument
applied to non-homogeneous soil conditions, it is the
as that discussed in the previous Section 11.6.1
^effective' value of soil resistivity that should be used.
which is fitted with terminals for current injec­
The deduction of this effective value is complex, but
tion and potential measurements, and provides a
it must lie between the values deduced for the sur­
direct reading of resistance in o h m s . A diagram­
face and underlying strata soils. As a practical way
matic arrangement of the test is shown in Fig 6.132
of dealing with these difficulties, it is suggested that
where X is the electrode under test, Y is the current
acceptable results will be obtained by taking the mean
electrode and Ζ the potential p r o b e . T o use the
value of the measured values down to the maximum
instrument in this m o d e , one of the potential ter­
depth the proposed electrode will be driven.
minals is connected to a current terminal and the
For example, if it is required to drive an electrode electrode under test, the remaining terminals being
to a depth of 10 metres, using the resuhs given in connected to the potential and auxiliary current
Table 6.27 the effective resistivity is taken as: electrodes as appropriate.
The electrodes themselves are driven in a straight
36.4 + 20.0 + 17.3 + 17.1 + line. With the current electrode Y fixed, resistance
15.4 + 17.3 + 18.9 + 18.1 + 20.4 + 18.2 measurements should be taken with the poten­
Q = tial electrode Ζ at various distances from X . These
measurements should be most frequent at the loca­
ρ = 19.9 Qm tion where X Z = 0.6 XY since this is where the
neutral zone or true resistance should be found.
The results should be plotted as shown in Fig
Where the apparent resistivity starts increasing as the 6.133 and the flat portion which forms the neutral
electrode spacing *a' is increased, the underlying soil zone gives the resistance of the electrode under
strata will be of higher resistivity and there will be less test. If a neutral zone is not found, the auxiliary
benefit in driving an electrode to this depth. electrode should be moved further away at, say,
Soil resistivities will vary over a site and it is im­ twice the previous distance from the electrode under
portant to make measurements at each proposed elec­ test, and the test procedure repeated. If the neutral
trode position. Where possible, these measurements zone cannot be found with a practical distance
should be made before site work commences since any between the electrode under test and the auxiliary
buried earth conductors, cables or pipes can change the current electrode, then the 6 1 . 8 % distance rule as
pattern of current flowing between the test electrodes, described by Tagg [29] should be invoked. This
thus reducing the accuracy of the measurements. work by Tagg indicates that the true resistance
should be indicated at a potential electrode posi­
11.6.2 Earth electrode resistance m e a s u r e m e n t tion of 6 1 . 8 % from the electrode under test to the
auxiliary electrode position. Under these circum­
The resistance to earth of an electrode is measured stances, h is suggested that a family of four graphs
using the same principle as for earth resistivity mea­ is constructed for various current electrode posi­
surements, i.e., by passing current through the ground tions and the electrode resistance taken as the mean
and measuring the potential difference across it. In
of the four resistance measurements at the 6 1 . 8 %
this case the current is made to flow between the
potential electrode distance position. A typical set
electrode under test and an auxiliary earth electrode
of results is shown in Fig 6.134.
driven into the ground. This auxiliary electrode may
be specially driven for the test or could be any con­ (b) Measurement of impedance by power frequency
veniently placed existing electrode. This auxiliary elec­ current injection
trode should be placed at a sufficient distance away,
For a large earth system it may be difficult to
such that it does not interfere with the natural dis­
estimate its centre to apply the 6 1 . 8 % rule dis-
tribution of current from the electrode under test. This
distance will depend on the size and efficiency of
the electrode under test and this will also affect the
test method selected. For relatively small electrodes, CURRENT

such as individual pile electrodes recommended for

power stations, a proprietary earth resistance mea­
surement instrument can be used as described in (a)
below. However, for large low-resistance electrodes
such as the combined system on a power station or
E H V system, the required distance is so large that a
power frequency current injection system as outlined
in (b) is necessary: FIG. 6 . 1 3 2 Measurement of earth electrode resistance

Earthing systems


·χ· Ύ·
innm ^

^ .1
-m *i



/ 30 40 50 60

FIG. 6.133 Graph of electrode earth resistance showing neutral zone

cussed in (a) and to compensate for this the dis­ • Each individual electrode should have its resistance
tance to the auxihary current electrode may become to earth measured using a composite instrument in
prohibitively long. Furthermore, since the current the manner described in the previous Section 11.6.2.
injection and potential measurement leads are run It is important that the test links are disconnected
in parallel (because the electrodes are in a straight to ensure that only the electrode being considered is
line), an appreciable error can be produced due tested.
to the induction introduced into long measuring
leads. • Where individual electrode measurements are found
Under these circumstances, to improve accuracy, to be higher than calculated, or where the calculated
it is preferable to increase the current circulating rise of earth potential is near the accepted hmits, a
through the ground. T o provide a sufficient current current injection test should be carried out in the
requires the use of a fairly substantial source, manner described in Section 11.6.2.
such as a substation auxiliary supply or a diesel
• Earth cable continuity tests should be completed as
generator set. Where a diesel generator set is used,
detailed in CP1013.
the frequency should be set at say 60 Hz to allow
normal frequency (50 Hz) stray currents to be
identified. When conducting such tests, the p o ­ 11.6.4 Routine tests
tential measurement leads should be laid at 90°
to the current injection leads to avoid induction. Routine testing consists of the following tests and time-
Further information on current injection tech­ scales:
niques is given in Engineering Recommendation
• Visual inspections of the station earth network
S34 [31].
system including earth electrode connections should
be carried out at three-yearly intervals.
11.6.3 Commissioning tests
• The earth resistance of individual earth electrodes
On completion of the installation of the earthing system should be checked using the test methods detailed
or after any major modifications, the following tests in Section 11.6.2 of this chapter at six-yearly
should be carried out: intervals.

Cabling Chapter 6


40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 160 METRES


FIG. 6.134 Graph of electrode earth resistance where the neutral zone is not apparent

12 Lightning protection for power station applications and this is carried out
within G D C D Standard 83.
It should be recognised that the requirements of
BS6651: 1985 are primarily for the protection of the
12.1 General requirements
building structure and special ahowances are not made
The function of a lightning protection system is to for electrical equipment contained within them. It is
divert to itself a lightning discharge that might other­ therefore necessary to consider whether additional
wise strike a vulnerable part of the protected structure, measures are required to protect electrical equipment,
and to carry the current safely to earth. The require­ particularly light current devices, from interference or
ments for the protection of structures against lightning transferred potentials.
are given in British Standard Code of Practice BS6651: As a general requirement it is considered essential
1985. It is necessary to interpret these requirements that the lightning protection system is bonded to the

Lightning protection

station earth system. This is to reduce the risk of large Ac = L W + 2 L H + 2 W H + ττΗ^

potential differences between the systems, under light­
ning strike conditions, which could result in flashovers where L, W and Η are length, width and height of the
and hence damage to the structure or plant within. building
This aspect wih be discussed more fully later.
Another simple case is t h a t of a chimney which is shown
in Fig 6.137 and the collection area is calculated as
12.2 Lightning magnitudes and risks follows:
This section is based on information drawn from
Ac = 7ΓΗ2
BS6651: 1985.
In the UK there are about one million flashes that
In practice many buildings have a complex shape, for
strike the ground each decade. Lightning activity varies
instance they may be L-shaped or contain a number
over the UK and the distribution of lightning flashes
of different roof heights. Also chimneys or other tah
to the ground is given in Fig 6.135.
structures may only give partial cover to lower buUd-
The important part of the lightning flash, with regard
ings, for example in Fig 6.137, if H i increases
to damage, is the return stroke. This is that part of
significantly it will modify the collection area so that
the flash in which a charged cell in a thunder-cloud is
it is n o longer a complete circle. Each building there­
discharged to earth.
fore has to be treated individually.
The current in the return stroke ranges from about
T h e probable n u m b e r of strikes to the structure
2000 A t o about 200000 A and these follow a log
per year (P) is as follows:
normal distribution, as fohows:

1% of strokes exceed 200 000 A Ρ = Ac X Ng X 10 - 6

10% of strokes exceed 80 000 A

where Ac has units of m^
5 0 % of strokes exceed 28 000 A
9 0 % of strokes exceed 8 000 A Having estabhshed the value of P , h is now necessary
9 9 % of strokes exceed 3 000 A to apply weighting factors t o take into account the type
a n d use of the structure under consideration. There are
The lightning current rise time is also an important five weighting factors designated A , B, C, D and Ε by
factor, since this is used to calculate the inductive which Ρ has t o be m u h i p h e d . T h e overall risk factor
voltages that will occur within the protection system. ( P o ) is therefore given by:
The majority (approximately 90%) of ground flashes
are negative, i.e., the flash current is a negative flow P o = P x A x B x C x D x E
from the negatively charged cells in the thunder-cloud
to ground. For a negative flash, the rise time is less The weighting factors A , B, C, D and Ε are presented
than 10 ^s this being m o r e onerous t h a n for a positive in Tables 6.28 t o 6.32.
flash where the rise time is considerably longer.
Having obtained the overall risk factor P Q , it is
As recommended in BS6651: 1985, for the purposes now necessary t o use this to assess the requirements
of design of lightning protection systems the fohowing for providing a lightning protection system. BS6651:
parameters are considered to be the most severe: 1985 recommends that for risks less than 1 0 " ^ , light­
ning protection is not necessary, for risks greater than
I = 200 k A (max) say 10 ""^, sound reasons would be needed to support
a decision not to provide protection. Between these
/DL\ figures, the need for protection must be considered
= 200 k A / ^ s
VDT/ marginal and factors such as consequential effects and
the cost of providing a system should be taken into
The probability of a structure being struck by lightning
in a year is the product of the lightning flash density
and the effective collection area. The lightning flash
density (Ng) is the number of flashes t o ground per 12.3 Application of requirements to power
km^ per year. The estimated average annual densities stations
are shown in Fig 6.135. This section is intended t o give guidance in the apph­
The effective cohection area of the structure is the cation of weighting a n d risk factors t o power stations.
area of the plan extended in all directions t o take The first step in assessing the requirements for in­
account of its height. For the simple rectangular struc­ dividual structures must be t o consider the zone of
ture shown in Fig 6.136, the cohection area is calculated protection afforded by a particular hghtning protection
as follows: system. For structures u p t o 20 m high h is reasonable

Cabling Chapter 6


FIG. 6 . 1 3 5 Number of lightning flashes to the ground per km^ per year for the U K

to accept that the zone of protection is the volume of tall buildings being struck by lightning. This phe­
contained within a 45° cone or wedge as shown in Fig n o m e n o n is best explained by considering the process
6.138. that precedes a negative downward flash to ground,
This 45° cone of protection principle is not con­ which is the most c o m m o n type. The lightning flash
sidered adequate for structures in excess of 20 m high, starts w h h a step-by-step descent of a downward leader
since there are many recorded instances of the sides in r a n d o m steps and with multiple branching. As this

Lightning protection

TABLE 6.28
Use of structure weighting factor A

Weighting factor A (use o f structure)

I Value o f
Use to which structure is put
factor A

Η Houses and other buildings o f comparable size. 0.3

Houses and other buildings o f comparable size

with outside aerial. 0.7

Factories, workshops and laboratories. 1.0

FIG. 6.136 The effective collection area f o r a simple Office blocks, hotels, blocks o f flats and other
rectangular structure residential buildings other than those included
below. 1.2

Places o f assembly, e.g., churches, halls, theatres,

museums, exhibitions, department stores, post
offices, stations, airports and stadium structures. 1.3

Schools, hospitals, children's and other homes. 1.7

TABLE 6.29
Type of structure weighting factor Β

Weighting factor Β (type o f structure)

Value of
Type o f construction
factor Β

Steel framed encased with any roof other than metal. * 0.2
FIG. 6.137 Collection area f o r a tall chimney
Reinforced concrete with any roof other than metal. 0.4

Steel framed encased or reinforced concrete with

metal roof. 0.8

Brick, plain concrete or masonry with any roof other

than metal or thatch. 1.0

Timber framed or clad with any roof other than metal

or thatch. 1.4

Brick, plain concrete, masonry, timber framed but

with metal roofing. 1.7

A n y building with a thatched roof. 2.0

* A structure o f exposed metal which is continuous down to ground

level is excluded f r o m the table as it requires no lightning protection
beyond adequate earthing arrangements.

complete the path for the return stroke. Upward

streamers are launched from the earth's surface at
points of greatest electric field intensity, and they
can travel in any direction towards the downward
leader. Tall structures give a high degree of field
enhancement and therefore upward streamers can start
FIG. 6.138 Zone o f protection f o r structures up to
20 m high preferentially from these. This is particularly true for
high current density flashes where higher charges are
involved and hence longer upward streamers. How­
charged leader progresses, the electric field between ever, downward leaders do not have to travel direct­
itself and earth intensifies until the field at the earth ly downwards, it is therefore possible for them to
surface is sufficiently high for an upward streamer approach a tall structure in such a manner as to
to be launched to meet the downward leader, and so allow a strike part way down, as shown in Fig 6.139.

Cabling Chapter 6

TABLE 6 . 3 0

Contents or consequential effect weighting factor C

Weighting factor C (contents or consequential effects)

Value of
Contents or consequential effects
factor C

Ordinary domestic or office buildings, factories and

workshops not containing valuable or specially
susceptible contents. 0.3

Industrial and agricultural buildings with specially

susceptible* contents. 0.8

Power stations, gas installations, telephone exchanges,

radio stations. 1.0

Key industrial plants, ancient monuments and historic

buildings, museums, art galleries or other buildings
with specially valuable contents. 1.3

Schools, hospitals, children's and other homes, places

of assembly. 1.7
FIG. 6 . 1 3 9 Lightning strikes on tall structures
* This means specially valuable plant or materials vulnerable to fire
or the results of fire.
of the leader prior to the last j u m p , can be considered
equally likely to receive a lightning strike. Therefore
TABLE 6 . 3 1
the surface of a sphere having a radius equal to the
Degree of isolation weighting factor D
striking distance can be used to define the zone of
protection as shown in Fig 6.140. The practice of using
Weighting factor D (degree of isolation)
an imaginary sphere in this manner to predict the zone
Value of of protection is known as the rolling sphere method.
Degree of isolation
factor D This name is derived from the need, w h h complex-
shaped buildings, to roll the imaginary sphere around
Structure located in a large area of structures or trees and over it to determine the zones of protection. As
of the same or greater height, e.g., in a large town
already stated, the radius of the sphere is equal to the
or forest. 0.4
striking distance which is related to the charge and
Structure located in an area with few other structures hence current density of the strike. Since the current
or trees of similar height. 1.0
density varies from one strike to the next a statistical
Structure completely isolated or exceeding at least approach has to be used. BS6651: 1985 originahy re­
twice the height of surrounding structures or trees. 2.0
commended a sphere radius of 20 metres but this is
being amended to 60 metres for general use, as this
is considered to be much more practical. For buildings
TABLE 6 . 3 2 with explosives or highly flammable contents, however,
Type of country weighting factor Ε the 20 metre radius sphere is still recommended.
We must now consider how to apply the method of
Weighting factor Ε (type of country) risk analysis to power station structures. Firstly we
must estabhsh an acceptable overall risk factor. As
Value of stated above, BS6651: 1985 recommends that for risks
Type of country
factor Ε
less than 1 0 l i g h t n i n g protection is not necessary
Flat country at any level 0.3 while for risks greater than 1 0 s a y 10sound
Hill country 1.0
reasons would be required for not providing protec­
tion. Between these figures the need to fit protection
Mountain country between 3 0 0 m and 9 0 0 m 1.3
is considered marginal, especially towards the lower
Mountain country above 900 m 1.7
figure, and other factors such as consequential effects
and economics need to be taken into account. It will
be demonstrated later in this section that the collec­
However, such strikes are likely to be low current tion area of power station main buildings is such that
density since these have shorter upward streamers. The a lightning protection system will be required even if
length of the last leader to complete the strike is called the lower risk value of 1 0 " ^ is used. However, for
the striking distance. Since the last leader is not con­ other smaller structures this lower value of 10 ~^ is
fined by direction, ah points equidistant from the end considered to be financially unjustified for the risk

Lightning protection



FIG. 6.140 Zone of protection defined by rolling sphere method

involved, bearing in mind that any high density current t o be struck by lightning. It is of course possible for
strikes are likely to be to the chimney or main buildings. main buildings to be whhin the 45° cone volume of
Therefore, for these smaher structures, the risk is as­ the chimney (as shown in Fig 6.141) and in this case
sessed against a probability of 5 χ 1 0 t h i s being it is possible t o claim that the main buildings are less
the mid-point between the values of 1 0 " ^ and 10""^. hkely to be struck by lightning, particularly by high
As far as the weighting factors outlined in the pre­ density strikes, than if the chimney were not there. This
vious Section 12.2 are concerned, a number of these can degree of protection can be taken into account by
be treated as standard for all power station buildings. selecting a value of 0.4 for weighting factor D from
W h h respect to weighting factor A for the use of the Table 6.31. Main power station buhdings are typically
structure for power station buildings, a value of 1.0 is steel framed or reinforced concrete w h h a steel roof,
considered appropriate. Weighting factor C for the for which a value of 0.8 is appropriate for weighting
structure contents is set at 1.0 for power stations. The factor B. Therefore, for main buhdings:
vast majority of power stations are sited in flat country
and therefore a value of 0.3 is selected for weighting Overall weighting = A x B x C x D x E
factor E. Weighting factors Β and D , which relate to factor = 1 X 0.8 X 1 X 0.4 X 0.3
type of construction and degree of isolation respective­ = 0.096
ly, have to be considered individually for each structure.
Having defined zones of protection and the method From Section 12.2: Ρ = Ας x Ng χ 1 0 " ^
of risk analysis, we can now consider the requirements and P o = P x A x B x C x D x E
for individual structures, starting with the tallest. For Po
A. =
a fossil-fired power station the tallest structure will be 0.096 X Ng X 10 - 6
the main chimney and, as already discussed, since this
is likely to receive any high current density strikes it Taking a median value of Ng = 0.5 from Fig 6.135 and
is essential that it is fitted with an efficient protection a value of 5 χ 10 ~^ for the maximum acceptable risk,
system. Gas turbine and auxiliary boiler house chim­ the maximum ahowable effective collection areas, as
neys are also of sufficient height that lightning protec­ defined in Section 12.1, is:
tion systems must be fitted.
Considering main buildings such as turbine halls or 5 X 10 - 5
boiler houses, these are t o o large t o be within the zone Ac =
0.096 X 0.5 X 1 0 - ^
of protection of the chimney as defined by the rolling
sphere method and therefore it is possible for them = 1042 m^

Cabling Chapter 6



FIG. 6.141 45° cone of protection from chimney

This equates to a building size of some 20 m square (b) Structures which are within the 45° cone or wedge
by 10 m high which is considerably smaller than any volume of chimneys or main buildings, but not
main buildings. Even if the risk is increased to 10 ""^ covered by (a) need to be assessed with respect
thus doubling the collection area, the ahowable build­ to their collection area. As before, constants A , C
ing size still does not approach that of power station and Ε are fixed and, since in this case a consider­
main bmldings. Therefore it is required that ah main able degree of protection will be given by the taller
buildings such as turbine halls and boiler houses be structures, a value of 0.4 is chosen for weighting
fitted with a lightning protection system. factor D . As previously discussed, the maximum
Whilst dealing with main buildings it is useful to allowable overah risk factor P Q is taken as 5 χ
consider nuclear power stations where there is ob­ 10-^
viously no main chimney. Such stations tend to be
isolated and are taller than the few buildings that may Now the overall risk = A x B x C x D x E
be in the local area. For this degree of isolation, a factor
= 1 X Β X 1 X 0.4 X 0.3
value of 2 for weighting factor D is considered ap­ = 0.12B
propriate. This wih have the effect of reducing the
collection areas, given above for buhdings within the 5 X 10"^
cone of chimneys, by a factor of five. Therefore quite Maximum allowable
clearly because of their size, the reactor and other collection area Ας Ng X 1 0 - 6 X 0.12 X Β

main buildings will need to have a lightning protection

system fitted.
We now need to consider the remaining smaller struc­ Ng X Β
tures that will be present on a power station site. The
requirement for lightning protection will be dependent For any particular power station, Ng is selected
on the degree of protection afforded by taller structures according to its location from Fig 6.135. Weighting
and it is convenient to use three classes according to factor Β is selected according to type of structure
location: from Table 6.29.

(a) Structures that are within the zone of protection (c) Structures which are outside any zone of protection
of chimneys or main buildings as defined by the are again assessed on their collection area. As be­
rolling sphere method are not required to be fitted fore, constants A , C and Ε are fixed. In this case
with a lightning protection system. a value of 1 for weighting factor D is considered

Lightning protection

appropriate since there wih be a number of struc­ addhional connection is required. The continuity of
tures of similar height and taller in the area. this connection should however be checked and not
merely assumed.
Now the overall risk = A x B x C x D x E
= 1 X Β X 1 X 1 X 0.3 12.4.1 Main and gas turbine chimneys
= 0.3B
It is now standard practice to construct single and
multi-flue chimneys from reinforced concrete, there­
5 X 10 - 5
Maximum allowable fore the lightning protection system details herein are
collection area Ας Ng X 1 0 - 6 X 0.3 X Β appropriate to that type of construction.
The air termination is formed using the metalhc
166 cappings (or metallic flues if provided), ensuring that
Ng X Β capping segments are adequately bonded together to
be electrically continuous. Where metallic cappings
For any particular power station, Ng is selected are not provided, a metal strip coronal band must be
according to hs location from Fig 6.135. Weighting fitted to each flue. The connection from the air ter­
factor Β is selected according to type of structure mination on each flue is brought down to a test clamp
from Table 6.29. as shown in Fig 6.142. In addition, the concrete wind­
shields of multi-flue chimneys are also provided with
In summary, lightning protection systems shall be fitted a strip coronal b a n d which is bonded direct to the
to structures as follows: windshield reinforcement. This windshield coronal band
can be omitted if handrails are fitted since these can
• Main, gas turbine and auxihary boiler chimneys. form the air termination, but in this case handrail
• Main buildings including boiler, turbine and reactor sections must be bonded together and direct to the
buhdings, irrespective of height. windshield reinforcement rods. Finally an external bond
should be provided between reinforcement of flue and
• Buildings or structures that are within the 45° cone windshield where reinforcement is not continuous, as
or wedge zone of chimneys or main buildings but shown in Fig 6.142. Coronal bands and all connections
outside the protection zone as defined by the rolling
sphere method, that have a collection area in excess

• Buildings or structures which are outside the 45°

cone or wedge zone of chimneys or main buildings
that have a collection area greater than Ac = DOWN CONDUCTOR
166/(Ng X B).

• All structures containing explosive or flammable DOWN CONDUCTOR

materials shall be protected in accordance with
BS6651: 1985.

12.4 Protection systenn design

This section is intended to give the principles of system
design and therefore constructional details of indi­
vidual components are not included. Reference should
be made to G D C D Standard 83 for constructional
details of components. HANDRAIL BONDED
A lightning protection scheme has three essential TO REINFORCEMENT

elements which are the air termination, the downcon-

ductors and the earth termination. The power station
structures are discussed in the following sections with
respect to these elements.
As a general requirement, the combined resistance
to earth of each hghtning protection system should EXTERNAL BOND BETWEEN
not exceed 10 ohms. In addition, each individual light­ REINFORCEMENT IS NOT
ning protection system must be connected to the main
station earth network to reduce the risk of dangerous
potentials occurring between earth systems. In cases
FIG. 6 . 1 4 2 Typical arrangement of air terminations and
where a connection exists via structural steelwork n o down conductors for multi-flue chimneys

Cabling Chapter 6

within 12 m of the flue top are to be formed using is used as the air termination it is important to en­
copper strip which has been seamless lead covered to sure that there is adequate electrical continuity between
protect it from the flue gases. sheets, and between sheets and the steel framework.
The reinforcement of the windshield should be uti­ Where roofing is formed from non-conducting ma­
hsed as the downconductor subject to the following terials, e.g., in-situ or precast reinforced concrete,
conditions: air terminations in the form of metal strip must be
provided a r o u n d the perimeter and over the roof to
• The reinforcement should be secured by tie wires
form a mesh not exceeding 10 m χ 20 m . Any projec­
at all laps and intersections, the laps being bonded
tions above the general roof level, e.g., parapet wahs,
by at least two tie wires.
vent pipes, heating and ventilating exhausts, should be
• External connections should only be made to re­ bonded to the roof steelwork or the air termination
inforcement that is part of a continuous mesh. network. If such projections are non-conducting, they
need to be provided with metal strip air terminations
bonded to the roof t e r m i n a d o n .
Ah metalwork including aircraft warning light access
doors and handrails shah be bonded to the reinforce­ Where possible, steel or reinforced concrete columns
ment. Bonding of small isolated metalwork such as should be utihsed as downconductors. Columns for
steeplejack access fittings is not necessary. At intervals use as downconductors need to be nominated early
of approximately 45 m throughout the height of the in the civil programme to enable provisions to be
chimney, all continuous vertical runs of metal including made for the connection of air and earth terminations.
stairways, lift structures, cable armouring and rein­ The nominated columns should be spaced at intervals
forcement of windshield and flues should be bonded not exceeding 10 m a r o u n d the perimeter of the
together. It is normally convenient to carry out such building. For steel columns a welded boss should be
bonding at the levels at which aircraft warning lights provided for bonding connections. W h h reinforced
are fitted. The downconductor system shall be brought concrete columns for bonding connections, a tag should
be provided which is welded or clamped to at least
out near ground level to a total of four test clamps
four reinforcement bars to allow adequate current
spaced equally around the perimeter of the chimney.
distribution. Sufficient bonding connections should
To ensure adequate current carrying capability, each
be provided between metal decking or air termina­
test clamp should be bonded directly to a minimum of
tion networks at each column nominated as a down-
four reinforcement rods. In addition, where flues ex­
tend to the chimney base, the windshield and flue
reinforcement should be bonded through to the base At each concrete column used as a downconductor,
reinforcement. the reinforcement should be tied to the floor reinforce­
An earth termination formed from earth rods should ment to form an earth electrode. In addition, the tag
be provided adjacent to each test clamp position. C o p ­ connection to the reinforcement at the b o t t o m of the
per strip is used to connect the earth termination to column should be bonded to the station earth network.
Where steel columns arc used as downconductors, a
the test clamp.
tag should be provided at the column base which is
connected either to the supporting pile (if present) or
12.4.2 Main buildings to at least four reinforcement bars in the base concrete.
Where roofs are constructed from metal decking, com­ This tag is to be bonded to the boss at the base of
plying with the minimum thicknesses given in Table the steel column and to the station earth network.
6.33, the roofing may be regarded as the air termina­
tion and externally applied tapes are not considered 12.4.3 Other buildings
This apphes even if the decking is covered in insula­ All other buildings which are deemed to require light­
tion, such as bitumen felt, since these materials offer ning protection, when assessed in accordance with Sec­
negligible resistance to lightning. When metal decking tion 12.3 of this chapter, should be protected in the
fohowing manner.
TABLE 6.33
Air terminations should be formed using the same
Roof thickness techniques as described for main buildings in the
previous Section 12.4.2.
Material Minimum thickness, mm Again where possible, as with main buildings, struc­
tural steel or reinforced concrete columns should be
Galvanised steel 0.5 utihsed as downconductors. Facihties should be pro­
Stainless steel 0.4 vided to allow a connection to be made from the base
Copper 0.3
of the column to an external earth electrode. This can
be achieved by providing a lug or boss on the outside
Aluminium and zinc 0.7
of the column, if exposed, or by the provision of a
Lead 2.0
duct from the column base to an external earth pit.

Lightning protection

Where h is not possible to utihse the fabric of the

building as downconductors, then separate metal strip
conductors have to be provided down the outside of
the bmlding. The spacing of downconductors a r o u n d
the building should not exceed 20 m for buhdings u p
to 20 m high. For buildings over 20 m high, down-
conductors need to be provided at intervals not ex­
ceeding 10 m a r o u n d its perimeter.
An earth termination consisting of copper-clad steel
earth rods complying with ESI Standard 4 3 - 9 4 should
be provided at the base of each downconductor. The
connection to earth is completed using copper strip
via a test h n k . These test links should be located in a
position w h h suhable access for testing.
12.4.4 Buildings requiring special considerations CONDUCTORS

When designing a lightning protection system it must

be recognised that lightning currents will seek out the
lowest impedance and hence the most direct path to FIG. 6 . 1 4 4 Protection scheme for a complex
earth. It should be the design intent to provide low building design
impedance paths a r o u n d the perimeter of buildings,
thus reducing the magnitude of currents flowing through conductors along the perimeter of the building. If
the building which might result in interference or
downconductors were installed in this manner the
sideflashing. For simple rectangular buildings, such as
lightning current from a strike at location A (Fig 6.144)
that shown in Fig 6.143, this can be achieved by no­
would be unhkely to fohow such a tortuous route and
minating columns a r o u n d the perimeter of the building
would seek a more direct route through the buhding
for special treatment as downconductors or by using
structure, by sideflashing where necessary. The solution
separate external downconductors. Where there are
to this type of problem is to provide catenaries across
annexes attached to the building these can be readily
the void to interconnect the air terminations on the
incorporated by running tapes over the roofs.
two roofs. This provides a low impedance path to
However, for complex buildings such as that shown the peripheral downconductors and achieves a higher
in Fig 6.144, special provisions are necessary if it is degree of current sharing between them.
required to prevent substantial currents flowing through
the building where sensitive equipment may be housed.
In Fig 6.144 the building length is such as to demand 12.4.5 Fuel oil storage tanks
a number of downconductors along its length. In this This section relates to heavy oil and gas turbine fuel oil
case h is not considered permissible t o run conductors tanks. In these cases the tank structure itself forms
down from the highest roof, across the lowest roof the air termination and the downconductors. T o faci­
and back u p to the other roof to connect to the down- litate connection t o the earth termination, bosses should
be provided near the base of the tank at intervals not
exceeding 35 m a r o u n d the perimeter of each tank.
A n earth termination formed from earth rods comply­
ing with ESI Standard 4 3 - 9 4 is provided at each boss
location. The earth termination is connected to the
boss, via a test hnk, using copper strip.

12.4.6 Flammable gas production and storage


Hydrogen generation plant

In order to provide adequate protection against hght­
ning, the complete hydrogen plant and storage area
should be covered by a suspended horizontal air ter­
mination network. This applies even when the plant
is in the protective zone of the chimney or main
FIG. 6 . 1 4 3 Protection system for a simple buildings. The network shall enclose ah the buhdings
rectangular building and storage areas of the plant and should be con-

Cabling Chapter 6

structed in accordance with the requirements of British The materials and bonding should be in accordance
Standard Code of Practice BS6651: 1985, Clause 2 1 . with BS 6651: 1985, Clause 2 1 , and particular atten­
The number of horizontal conductors is determined tion is drawn to clauses 21.2.6 and 21.2.7 which detah
from the plant layout using a protective angle of u p bonding of pipes, cables, etc., entering the area. In­
to 45° between conductors and a maximum of 30° sulated flange points of the type shown in Fig 6.146
outside the outer conductors, as shown in Fig 6.145. are to be fitted to the delivery main immediately outside
The height of the horizontal conductors needs to be the c o m p o u n d fence.
sufficient to avoid any risk of flashover to the protected
structure and due account must be taken of items Propane storage cylinders
such as vents that may be higher than the main struc­
tures. The minimum clearance of these conductors and The propane cylinder storage c o m p o u n d is to be treated
their supports from the structure should be 2 m. in a similar manner to the hydrogen generation plant.
A n earth electrode should be provided at the base
of each conductor support and these are interconnected
by a ring conductor. This ring conductor should pre­ 12.5 Assessment of risks of sideflashing and
ferably be buried to a depth of 0.6 m, but may be interference
run above ground where this is more convenient for When a lightning protection system is struck by hght-
bonding other objects or for testing. A h major metal ning, large potential differences are produced across
forming parts of the protected structure, including con­ it. The overah potential produced has two compo­
tinuous metal reinforcement, should be bonded together nents. The first is the product of the current and the
and connected to the lightning protection system. T o resistance to earth; the second is the product of the
achieve this, at least two connections should be made rate of change of current and the inductance of the
to the ring conductor and, if possible, connections downconductor system. Whilst there wih be a phase
should be equally spaced around the perimeter of the difference between these components the worst case,
structure at intervals not exceeding 10 m. In addition, which is given by the simple addition of the two pro­
the ring conductor should be connected to the station ducts, is normally used in any assessment.
earth system. T o illustrate this point, consider a building 20 m high
fitted with an air termination and a single downcon­
In Section 12.2 of this chapter we defined the maxi­
m u m design current as 200 k A and, in Section 12.4,
we require a maximum earth termination resistance




(a) Elevation





(b) Plan

\ / 4 5 ^ 30·^



(c) End elevation showing zones of protection


FIG. 6.145 Typical catenary air termination system for

flammable gas production and storage plant FIG. 6.146 Insulated flange point for a gas pipeline

Lightning protection

of 10 Qm. Therefore the potential difference across For strip conductors, effective radius has to be used
the earth termination is: and this can be calculated using the formula:

VR = IR = 200 X 10^ X 10 = 2 MV W + t

Hence the base of the downconductor wih be raised
by 2 M V above remote earth. where W = strip width, m
Now consider the second component which is the t = strip thickness, m
potential difference across the downconductor. A down-
conductor tape has a self-inductance of the order of Having calculated the transfer inductance Μ χ , the
1.5 μΗ/τη and from Section 12.2 we take the maxi­ inductive vohage V L generated in the loop shown in
mum rate of change of current to be 200 k A / / i S (2 χ Fig 6.147 is given by the equation:
10^^ A / s ) . Therefore the potential difference across
the height of the building is: / di \ mj
VL = — X (kV)
\ dt / max η
VL = - X f X Ls
Where £ = loop length, m
dt / max
η = number of downconductors that simul­
where i = downconductor length, m taneously share the lightning current
Ls = self-inductance
Now taking the example shown in Fig 6.148, we have
VL = 2 X 10^1 X 20 X 1.5 χ 1 0 - ^ an earth cable bonding a cubicle down to the main
= 6 MV station earth network. T h e earth cable is run parallel
with a downconductor at a distance of 4 m for a length
Therefore, the total rise of potential of the air ter­ of 20 m . For a 25 m m χ 3 m m strip conductor:
mination above remote earth is:
re = (0.025 + 0.003)73.5 = 0.008
V ^ V R + V L = 2 + 6 = 8 MV Now M T = 0.46 logio (4/0.0008) = 1.24 μΗ/m

This simple example is pessimistic since the most For a design value of rate of change of current of 200
onerous hghtning parameters and earth electrode re­ k A / ^ s (2 X 10^1 A / s ) :
sistance have been used. Also, a single downconductor
has been considered where in practice on a tall building V L = 2 X lOii X 20 X 1.24 χ l O ' ^ = 5 x 10^ V
there would be many, which would reduce the induc­
tance between the air and earth terminations consi­
derably. Nevertheless it does demonstrate the order
of magnitude of potential gradients that can occur in
structures when subjected to a lightning strike. These
voltages do not constitute a danger to the structure
itself, but they can have an effect on equipment such as
pipes or cables in the vicinity of the downconductors.
From this point of view it is necessary t o determine
inductively-generated voltages to assess the risk of side-
flashes between equipment and downconductors.
For the calculation of vohages between a lightning
conductor and other metalwork we cannot use self-
inductance as in the previous example. In this case
we need to use the transfer inductance, which is the
coupling generated by the self-inductance minus the
mutual inductance to the metalwork. F r o m BS6651:
1985 the transfer inductance M j may be calculated
from the formula:

MT = 0.47 log 1 0 — μΗ/τη
where S = distance between downconductor and other METALWORK

metalwork, m
r = radius of downconductor, m FIG. 6.147 Transfer inductance of a simple loop

Cabling Chapter 6

, di
And VL = —
dt / max η

2 0 0 X 10^1 X 2 0 X 0 . 4 1 χ lO'^

VT = 1.64 X 106 V

Again taking the dielectric strength of air as 500 k V / m ,

the flashover distance is:
1.64 X 106
D = = 3.28 m
500 X 10^

The air space between the column and the panel is
CABLE the spacing, less half the column width which is 3.5 m,
therefore sideflashing should not occur. This demon­
strates one of the many advantages in using the build­
ing structure as a downconductor since the larger
size of the column has had the effect of reducing the
inductively-generated voltage by a factor of 3 com­
pared w h h that obtained using a metal strip down-
STATION conductor.
All the examples so far have only considered a
single downconductor, whereas in practice any large
buhding wih have a number of downconductors which
will share the current to some degree. The formula for
induced voltage (Υχ) has a factor η which represents
the number of downconductors. The basic formula
FIG. 6.148 Inductive voltage generated in a loop therefore assumes that the value of d i / d t is equally
shared by the downconductors. However, BS6651: 1985
recognises that in rectangular or square buildings w h h
more than four downconductors, the corner down-
Taking the dielectric strength of air to be 500 k V / m
conductors take a disproportionately large share of the
it is clear that sideflashing could occur between the
total current. It is therefore recommended that a factor
cubicle and the downconductor.
of 3 0 ^ 0 be added to the inductive voltage generated
Now it is interesting to compare the difference when
by corner downconductors. Conversely, in the central
a reinforced column is used as the downconductor
area of structures having many downconductors, the
instead of metal strip. Consider a concrete column
value of d i / d t is lower by approximately 3 0 % .
1 m square w h h reinforcement to within 0.05 m of
As an example, consider a building which utilises
the surface, so that all reinforcement is contained
twelve reinforced concrete columns (having the same
in a square having 0.9 m sides. A reasonable approxi­
dimensions as the previous example) as downconduc­
mation of the inductance for such a group of reinforce­
tors. N o w for metalwork bonded at the b o t t o m to the
ment may be obtained by treating it as a box-section
downconductor and run parallel for 20 m at a distance
of the same dimensions. T o calculate the inductance
of 2 m:
it is first necessary to calculate the effective radius
M T = 0 . 4 6 logio = 0.27 μΗ/τη
W + t 0.9 + 0.9 0.51
re = = 0.51 m
3.5 3.5 and

Using the same physical arrangement and lightning VL = ( -
parameters as in the previous example we have: d t / max η

MT = 0 . 4 6 log 10 (S/r)
20 X 0.27 X 1 0 - *
= 2 X 10" X
= 0 . 4 6 logio ( 4 / 0 . 5 1 ) 12

= 0.41 μΗ/m VL = 9 0 kV

Lightning protection

Now for a corner conductor add 3 0 % , therefore V L Having explored the methods of calculating induc­
= 117 kV and for a central conductor subtract 3 0 % , tively-generated vohages and typical values, it is now
therefore V L = 63 kV. necessary to consider what precautions are necessary
Taking the dielectric strength of air as 500 k V / m , against the risk of sideflashing. In general there are
sideflashing wih not occur unless the panel is with­ two solutions, either to ensure there is sufficient
in 234 m m of a corner downconductor or within distance between plant a n d downconductors to prevent
126 m m of a central downconductor. In fact the di­ sideflashing or to b o n d the plant to the downcon­
electric strength of concrete is similar to air, so these ductor. In practice, power station buildings tend to be
clearances can be assumed to apply to air, concrete large in size and as a consequence they require many
or a mixture of these mediums. downconductors. The calculated inductive vohages are
This method of calculating inductive voltages, by therefore relatively small as demonstrated in the last
assuming all central or ah corner downconductors carry calculated example for a building w h h twelve down-
equal current, is not considered rigorous when apphed conductors. In that example, the clearances required
to large steel or reinforced concrete framed buildings. to prevent sideflashing were less t h a n 250 m m for a
This is because the downconductors are connected corner downconductor and less than 150 m m for a
by horizontal conductors which themselves have im­ central downconductor. This indicates that as a general
pedance and therefore the downconductors nearest the policy, bonding of plant to downconductors should
strike point wih carry a higher proportion of current. not be necessary if the following rules are observed:
Where the building structure itself is used as a down-
conductor, there wih be a number of vertical paths • Bond reinforcement or steelwork across expansion
formed by the columns interconnected at each floor joints and the like at all floor levels to achieve
level as a resuh of the horizontal paths formed by o p t i m u m current sharing.
beams. Figure 6.149 shows the most significant current • W h e r e practical, sensitive electronic equipment
paths in a steel or reinforced concrete framed building
should be located at low level in the building.
for a strike on one corner. As can be seen, the current
divides at each building node so that better current • N o equipment should be m o u n t e d o n or very close
sharing is achieved at lower building levels. It should to outside columns or steel reinforced wahs.
also be noted that currents are generally greater in
peripheral than in interior conductors. Quite clearly it is not practical t o calculate sideflash
The method given in BS6651 for dealing with mul­ distances for ah the vast a m o u n t of plant within a
tiple downconductors is regarded as adequate for power station, and it is suggested that if the above
general use. However, for special cases, such as when rules are followed this is not necessary other than in
sensitive equipment is located at high level in a build­ special cases. A n example of a special case is nuclear
ing, a more rigorous calculation should be carried safety equipment.

12.6 Inspection, testing and records
A log b o o k should be employed t o record the resuhs
of ah visual inspections a n d resistance measurements.
All lightning protection systems should be visually
inspected during installation and after completion to
check compliance with BS6651: 1985. A h accessible
components of the system should be visually inspected
at intervals not exceeding 12 m o n t h s .
U p o n completion of the instahation, each hghtning
protection earth electrode should have its resistance
measured to demonstrate t h a t it does not exceed 10 Ω,
as required by BS6651: 1985. The method of testing
should be as given in CP1013: 1965. Tests to mea­
sure earth resistance need to be repeated at regular
intervals. Because the lightning protection system is
bonded to the station earth network which is a high
integrity system, h is not considered necessary to carry
out these tests at 12 m o n t h intervals as suggested
in BS6651: 1985. It is therefore recommended that
lightning protection earth electrodes be tested at the
FIG. 6.149 Distribution of most significant current same frequency as the station earth electrodes which
paths in a steel or reinforced concrete framed building is every 6 years.

Cabling Chapter 6

13 Lighting, heating and small power • General planning T o resolve the type of lighting
systems system which will achieve the desired objectives.

• Detailed planning Planning of the final scheme

using accurate data to ensure the most economical
13.1 Introduction
and efficient final design.
Lighting is both an art and a science. It can be both
decorative and functional a h h o u g h the balance between • Appraisal The installation is reviewed after com­
decoration and function will vary with application. The pletion in order to assess its success in terms of the
applications considered in a power station are essen­ design objectives and its acceptabhity to the users
tially functional. The function of the lighting system (in the case of the C E G B , the power station operating
in a power station is to provide adequate illumination stafO.
for safe plant operation and personnel movement. The
The following sections consider the apphcation of the
lighting system should also contribute to achieving an
above design process to the design of power station
acceptable overall environment of the work area.
main A C lighting systems. The procedure is equally
One of the most fundamental decisions to be made
vahd for the design of emergency lighting systems,
when designing the lighting of any interior is the rela­
which are discussed in Section 13.3 of this chapter.
tionship between dayhght and artificial (electric) light.
This can take three forms:
13.2.1 Objectives
• Rely on dayhght during the daytime and design elec­
The design of the lighting system for a power station
tric lighting only for night-time conditions.
must meet the specified standard service illuminance
• Use daylight as available but supplement h as re­ and the essential requirement of high reliability, whilst
quired by electric lighting. simultaneously satisfying economic requirements in
terms of low capital, energy and maintenance costs
• T o ignore dayhght and operate by using electric
over the design life of the installation. Due regard
hghting only.
must also be paid to the desirability of minimising the
number of different light sources stored as spares by
Artificial light is necessary in a power station for two the power station.
main reasons. The first, quite simply, is that the op­ Some, if not all, of the above objectives are com­
eration of a power station is a continuous 24-hour m o n to all installations whether in power stations,
per day process and the after dark activities must be industrial or commercial premises. One area unique to
catered for; the second reason is that the architecture power stations is the design hfe of the installation.
of the plant and buildings of a power station make All installations in power stations are designed for a
h uneconomic and invariably impossible to illuminate minimum life of 25 years. The tendency now with
adequately with natural daylight. modern nuclear stations (e.g., Sizewell Β (PWR) power
station) is to design for an extended life of 40 years.
T h e lighting equipment manufacturers must present
13.2 Lighting system design data in support of their claims for the life of their
Lighting design is a complex process and no hard and equipment. This must be borne in mind when consider­
fast rules can be devised which will suit all applications ing, in addition to the energy and maintenance costs,
or every designer. The Chartered Institute of Buhding the ease of replacement and refurbishment of equip­
Services (CIBS) Code for Interior Lighting (1984) offers ment over the design life of the station.
a design approach that represents reasonable practice A n additional requirement placed on the lighting
and is used by the C E G B as a guide to plan and cal­ instahations of modern nuclear power stations is the
culate the lighting requirements for power stations. support of the safety-related equipment which has nu­
The recommendations given in this code, and previous clear safety duties. Although the lighting installation
issues, reflect and are written confirmation of the good is not directly safety-related h is designed to aid the
design practice that has been adopted by the C E G B satisfactory supervision of this essential safety-related
for a considerable number of years in the design of equipment. Particular attention is therefore given to
power station lighting systems. the main and emergency operation lighting systems in
The overah design process proposed by the CIBS areas of the station containing such equipment, or
code consists of five stages: equipment required to be operated following a trip
of the nuclear reactor.
• Objectives Determine the objectives of the design It is also important when considering objectives to
in terms of the safety requirements, task require­ establish the design constraints. There are many con­
ments and the appearance required. straints which affect the design objectives, such as en­
• Specification Specify the design objectives as a set vironmental considerations (which may limit the range
of compatible design criteria, acknowledging those of acceptable luminaires) and the physical problems
objectives which cannot be quantified. of access.

Lighting, heating and small p o w e r systems

13.2.2 Specification design process for a power station means that this
information is often not available at the required
Having defined the objectives for the main A C in­
time. The inflexibility of this system of lighting, where
stahation, these must be expressed in the form of a
changes to the equipment layout can seriously impair
suitable specification giving, wherever possible, mea­
the efficiency of the lighting, make it unsuitable for
surable quantities (e.g., the standard service illumi­
use in the major plant areas of power stations but
nance is given in C E G B , G D C D Standard 31). Where
it is employed in certain other areas. Power station
objectives cannot be expressed as measurable quanti­
control rooms over the last decade, for example, have
ties, the lighting designer must exercise experience and
utilised contoured lighting schemes to illuminate the
judgement to replace calculation. It is important that
control surfaces of the control desks and the fronts of
the objectives which cannot be quantified are not over­
control panels, allowing 'light spill' to illuminate other
areas of the control r o o m floor for access purposes.
Local lighting provides illumination only over the
13.2.3 General planning small area occupied by the task and its immediate
When the design specification has been established, surroundings. It is normally associated with a general
the purpose of the remaining stages of design is to hghting system which provides sufficient ambient hlu-
translate these physical requirements into the best pos­ mination for staff movement and the performance of
sible solutions. There are no hard and fast rules about other minor and incidental tasks in the area. This
how to plan a lighting installation. Experience and lighting system is also employed in power stations for
judgement will usually dominate the planning process. workshops, crane lighting and other areas where high
The planning stages can be divided into general and illuminances are necessary for the task to be under­
detailed planning. taken. Local lighting is frequently provided by lumi­
The first stage in the general planning of a lighting naires mounted on the work station. A n example is
installation is to consider the interior to be lit, its the crane lighting which, by means of tungsten halogen
proportions, hs contents, and most importantly the lamps in flood lantern luminaires mounted on the
type of hghting to be adopted. crane, provides instantaneous lighting of the working
Electric lighting systems fall into three basic surface.
categories: The designer will consider all three lighting systems
(general, localised and local) when planning the hghting
• General lighting. of a power station, and will to some extent utilise all
• Localised lighting. three systems to provide the most efficient hghting
arrangement for the diversity of tasks and buildings.
• Local lighting. One objective that must be considered at the gen­
eral planning stage is the desirability of minimising
Lighting systems which provide an approximately the number of different light sources that need to be
uniform distribution of light over the entire working stored. The choice of lamp will affect the range of
plane are called general hghting systems. The lumi- luminaires available and vice-versa. There is a consi­
naires are normally arranged in a regular layout. The derable variety of lamps available to the designer, from
appearance of this type of installation is usually tidy tungsten to gas discharge lamps (including the very
but may be regarded as being rather bland. General versatile and efficient tubular fluorescent). The require­
hghting is simple to plan and requires n o co-ordination ments for lamps are specified in G D C D Standard 32.
with task locations. The greatest advantage of such The advantages and disadvantages of lamps used for
systems is that they permit complete flexibility of task lighting power station interiors are summarised in
location. For this reason, general lighting systems are Appendix J.
predominantly used for hghting the major plant areas W h e n selecting a range of suitable lamps, the de­
in power stations. The disadvantages of bland appear­ signer must consider the types of luminaires which are
ance and increased energy requirement to illuminate available and the degree of light control and light
the whole area to the same illumination level are output required.
outweighed by the functional requirement for a flexible In the choice of luminaire the designer can exer­
lighting system throughout the hfe of the power station. cise a combination of professional judgement, personal
Localised lighting systems employ an arrangement preference and economic analysis. Luminaires in a
of luminaires designed to provide the required service power station have to withstand a variety of physical
illuminance on the work areas together with a lower conditions, such as vibration, moisture, dust, ambient
ihuminance for the other areas provided by 'light spiir. temperature, general ih-treatment (including theft),
The layout of locahsed lighting must be co-ordinated etc. The onus is on the designer to specify safe equip­
whh the equipment and task positions. The system can ment. C E G B Standards have been produced to as­
be inflexible and it is essential that correct information sist the designer in specifying the required standard
on equipment and task locations is available at the of equipment. These are G D C D Standards 35, 36
design stage. The m a g n h u d e and complexity of the and 37.

Cabling Chapter 6

Specialised luminaires are also required for power

stations to warn aircraft or shipping, or to light hostUe
and hazardous environments. These luminaires are
discussed in Section 13.4 of this chapter.
Luminaires may be classified in a number of ways,
the most important being on the basis of their light
distribution since this influences the distribution of
illuminance and the directional effects that will be
achieved. The luminous intensity distribution (or light
distribution) from a source is usually shown graphically
in a polar curve, see Fig 6.150. The curve is produced
by plotting the luminous intensity in a series of direc­
tions within one vertical plane through the source, and
defines the way in which the luminaire controls the
light from the lamp.
The first way to classify the luminaire from hs light
distribution is in terms of the proportion of the total
light output of the luminaire in the upper and lower
hemispheres of the polar curve. A luminaire giving all
or very nearly all of its light downwards is cahed direct, FIG. 6.150 Example of polar curve
and one giving all light upwards indirect. Between these
two extremes the intermediate types are called semi-
direct and semi-indirect. classification. This is a procedure whereby the curve
The fractions of upwards and downwards light ex­ of direct ratio (the proportion of downward light from
pressed as percentages of the total light from the lumi­ the fitting that is directly incident on the working
naire are termed the ßux fractions. The ßux fraction plane) against r o o m index for an actual luminaire is
compared w h h a family of ten hypothetical curves
ratio may also be quoted, although this may be cal­
which cover the whole range of possible downward
culated from the flux fractions, i.e..
concentrations, ranging from the most concentrated to
Upper flux fraction the most widely dispersed (see Fig 6.151). The r o o m
Flux fraction ratio = index is a measure of the proportions of the room;
Lower flux fraction the area, perimeter and height of the fittings. The area
The ratio of the luminous flux from the luminaire between the curves is termed a zone. F r o m the
to that from the lamp is cahed the light output ratio hypothetical curves a family of ten standard zones
(LOR). results, identified by the numbers 1 to 10. The curve
of the actual luminaire will lie within one of these zones
Light from luminaire and the luminaire will then be classified and assigned a
Light output ratio, L O R = BZ number, e.g., BZ5 means the curve lies within zone
Light from lamp
number 5.
The light from the luminaire is the sum of the upwards Manufacturers of luminaires will provide the follow­
and downwards light from the luminaire. It is also ing information on their luminaires:
possible to express the light output ratio in terms of its • British Zonal (BZ) classification.
upwards and downwards components:
• Upward light output ratio.

Upward light output ratio, U L O R • Downward hght output ratio.

Upward hght from luminaire • Luminous area.

Light from lamp

The luminous area is the area of the luminous part of
Downward hght output ratio, D L O R the luminaire as seen from vertically beneath it.
The manufacturers may also quote the upper and
Downward hght from luminaire lower flux fractions or flux fraction ratio, though these
may be calculated from the output ratios. These
Light from lamp
characteristics of the luminaire enable the designer to
The hght output ratios and flux fractions are important determine at the general planning stage the glare indices,
to the designer because they are involved in assessing the the acceptable luminaires and surface reflectances, and
level of glare associated w h h a luminaire. the utilisation factor.
The second way of classifying luminaires according Glare occurs whenever one part of an interior is much
to their light distribution is the Brhish Zonal (BZ) brighter than the general brightness in the interior.

Lighting, heating a n d small p o w e r systems

affect it, the brightness of the source (Bs), the bright­

ness of the background (Bb), the apparent size of
the source (a solid angle ω) and the position of the
source in relation to the direction in which the eyes
are looking (represented by an index, p).
The relationship between the direct glare index and
these factors is:

Glare index =

10 log 10 0.5 X constant Σ B J ' ^ ,1.6

T h e implementation of the l E S glare index system is

fully discussed in speciahst design manuals such as the
Electricity Council's Interior Lighting Design Manual
and the CIBS C o d e for Interior Lighting,
The utihsation factor (UF) for a luminaire is a
measure of the efficiency with which light from the
lamp is used for illuminating the working plane, i.e.,
the luminous flux which reaches the working plane
expressed as a ratio of the luminous flux emitted by
the l a m p .
Although utilisation factors can be calculated by the
designer (refer to CIBS Technical M e m o r a n d u m N o 5),
most manufacturers pubhsh UFs for standard condi­
tions for their luminaires. It should be noted that a
range of UFs are normally quoted for each luminaire
type. The range of factors is dependent on the effi­
ciency, distribution and spacing of the luminaires, as
well as the r o o m proportions and reflectances of the
r o o m surfaces.
F r o m the U F s , luminaires can be ranked in order of
the installed efficacy they provide so t h a t the most ef­
ficient luminaire, capable of meeting the other require­
0.6 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
0.8 1.25 ments, may be selected. However, the designer must
remember that the luminaire with the highest installed
FIG. 6 . 1 5 1 Graph of direct ratio against room index efficacy may not offer the highest operating efficacy.
A n aspect that should be considered at the general
planning stage is the maintenance of the installation.
Glare can have two effects; h can impair vision, in Lighting systems must be serviced regularly and this
which case it is called disability glare and h can cause must be ahowed for at the design stage. The ease with
discomfort in carrying out the visual task, this is called which luminaires can be installed a n d maintained wih
discomfort glare. A n important distinction is that affect the overall economics and convenience of the
between direct glare caused by the primary sources, scheme.
the lamps and luminaries, and indirect glare due t o The most powerful constraints on any design are
secondary sources, surfaces which are t o o bright or financial. T h e designer must consider the instahation
the reflections of the primary source from the glossy and operating costs and be satisfied that the proposed
materials. scheme is a sound economic proposition. Scheme
Indirect glare usually depends o n elements in the economics are difficuh t o judge in absolute terms and
interior, wall and ceihng finishes, equipment surfaces for this reason comparisons are normally used. The cost
and the general decoration, which are normally outside of owning and operating an installation is conveniently
the control of the hghting designer. divided into 'capital' and 'operating' costs as foHows:
A practical system adopted by the C E G B for the
• Capital costs: lamps, luminaires and associated
numerical evaluation of direct glare is the l E S glare
equipment, instahation and cabling.
index system. This system for artificial hghting in­
stallations sets out a procedure for the evaluation of « Operating costs: energy costs, lamp replacement costs
glare discomfort based on the four factors which most (including labour) and maintenance costs.

Cabling Chapter 6

The capital cost and operating cost must be scrutinised L a m p replacement cost (Z)
and controhed at all stages of the design process.
It is common practice in the design of power station Design life of installation (lamp cost + labour)
Ζ =
lighting schemes to carry out a simple economic com­ Lamp life
parison, at the general planning stage, to assess the
most economical selection of lamps and luminaires. This simple calculation allows the designer to place
To make this comparison, the fittings are assumed the various lamp/luminaire combinations in order of
to illuminate a large unobstructed area. In calculating their economic cost per lumen.
the overah cost per lumen of various light fittings cer­ Before leaving the general planning stage it may
tain other assumptions are made: be helpful to list, together with the reasons for their
choice, some examples of the typical fittings used on
• Calculations of lamp costs are not based on the recent conventional and nuclear power stations. The
*rated average life' of the lamps as given by the following hst is by no means comprehensive, nor is it
lamp manufacturers, but on the time taken for 20^o intended as a mandatory list of equipment for power
of the installed lamps to fail, or the time taken for station hghting systems.
lumen output to fah to 7 0 % of the inhial output,
whichever is the shorter. This corresponds to the
usual maintenance programme. High bay applications Gas discharge lamps (mercury
and sodium) in high bay reflectors are preferred to
• Longer hfe figures result from the above assumption fluorescent tubes and tungsten lamps for high bay
but the output figures used in the hghting design apphcations. The 1000 W SON lamp is the most suitable
are lowered. For the purposes of the design cal­ because of its low cost per lumen, and because large
culation, the figures for lighting design lumens are a m o u n t s of hght can be provided from a relatively
taken to be 8 0 % of initial lumen output, with the small number of sources. This resuhs in a saving in
exception of high pressure sodium (SON) lamps the capital and running costs, and also a reduction in
where a figure of 8 5 % is used. the maintenance costs. Wherever possible, particularly
in the turbine hall, the fittings are suspended from
• The figures for initial lumen output are the mean
chains at a height that facilitates maintenance from
values of manufacturers' published figures. The rea­
the crane platform, thereby removing the necessity to
son for this is that at the general planning stage the
use scaffolding.
suppher is u n k n o w n .

The cost comparison is as fohows: Plant areas The problems in the lighting of plant areas
are caused by the fact that there can be a multiplicity
X + Y + Ζ of different size areas, mounting heights, obstructions,
Total cost per lumen =
operating conditions and access difficulties. It is ad­
vantageous in plant areas to use the minimum number
where X = the capital cost of fittings, i.e., to use high hght-output sources (whh
due regard to glare), and to punch the light from
Y = the energy cost
distant positions to those areas where it is required.
Ζ = the lamp replacement cost The positions of these fittings is chosen for ease of
A = the basic downward light output ratio access. The use of directional luminaires introduces
of luminaire flexibihty and permits alteration of the lighting scheme
with the minimum of alteration to the source-t)Ositions
Β = lighting design lumens of lamp
should there be significant changes in plant size or
Total capital cost (X) = Although h is difficult to make a general rule to
(Cost per lamp) -f- (Cost per luminaire) use one particular lamp and luminaire, it is sensible
+ (Overall erection cost of each luminaire) to provide as much light as possible with one type of
fitting. The fittings selected for this task are 400 W
(preferably) or 250 W SON discharge lamps in direc­
The overall erection cost for each luminaire is the
tional projector luminaires. In areas where it is not
sum of the cabling cost (including material, installa­
possible to provide illumination from distant positions,
tion and cleating), the cable glanding and terminating
1800 m m fluorescent fittings are used because they
cost, and cost of erecting the luminaire.
may be positioned at low mounting heights.

Energy cost (Y) =

Low headroom applications (switchrooms, meter rooms,
(Total circuh power) χ (Caphahsed cost) relay rooms, telecommunication rooms, compressor
rooms, etc.) In switchrooms and rooms whh low equip­
The capitahsed cost is expressed in £ / k W . ment mounting heights (except cable tunnels and cable

Lighting, heating and small p o w e r systems

flats) fluorescent fittings are used. T o reduce stores U F = utilisation factor of the luminaire in the
requirements, the 1800 m m fitting has been selected room
to be comparable with the fittings used in the plant M F = maintenance factor

The formula can be rearranged to permit the calculation

Access ways, stairways, cable tunnels, cable flats, etc. of the number of luminaires required to achieve the
These areas by their very nature are small and subject specified illuminance:
to rough treatment. The fittings are required to be
suitable for low mounting heights and must be of a EA
robust construction. Low power bulkhead fittings meet Ν =
both these requirements and, additionally, experience
has proved that they are less likely to be misappro­
As stated previously, the room proportions influence
priated. For these reasons bulkhead fittings are pre­
the utilisation factors (UF). The absolute values of
ferred to 1800 m m fluorescent fittings.
r o o m dimensions are not important, it is the relation­
In summary the four types of fitting described here,
ship between area, perimeter and height of the light
high bay reflectors, directional projectors, 1800 m m
source that matters. The r o o m index is a measure of
fluorescent fittings and bulkhead fittings form the
the proportions of the r o o m :
mainstay of fittings for power station lighting systems.
R o o m index =
13.2.4 Detailed planning (L + W) Hm
When the general planning has been completed, de­
where L = the length of the r o o m
tailed calculations are required to determine such things
as the number of luminaires, the glare index, the W = the width of the room
final costs, etc. The designer may find at the detailed H m = the mounting height of luminaires
planning stage, due to the large number of variables above the working plane
associated with the design of lighting systems, that the
proposals resulting from the general planning are Let us now consider a typical example using the pre­
unsatisfactory in some regard. The design has to be ceding lumen method of calculation to determine the
refined by an iterative procedure as part of the detailed number of high bay SON fittings required to ihumi-
design process. nate the main turbine hall of a power station. The
The starting point for the detailed interior light­ required illumination level from G D C D Standard 31
ing design of a power station is to determine the is 200 lux. The turbine hall dimensions are 130 m χ
number of luminaires required to achieve a specified 62 m with the light fittings m o u n t e d 28 m above the
illuminance, i.e., the levels of illumination given in operating floor level. The lamps selected are 1000 W
C E G B , G D C D Standard 3 1 . The calculation of average SON in high bay luminaires.
illuminance is performed using the 'lumen method'
formula. Until recently, the procedure adopted was to
Lighting design lumens of lamp = 102 000
ahow for deterioration of the installadon throughout
Downward light output ratio, D L O R = 7 2 %
its operating hfe. This was done by introducing a
maintenance factor (MF) to represent the effect of 130 X 62
dirt depreciation and by using the lighting design lumen R o o m index =
(LDL) figures, rather than initial lumen figures, to (130 + 62) 28
represent lamp depreciation. The L D L figure is a no­
minal value which is representative of the average light = 1.5
output of each type or size of lamp throughout its
hfe. Using this approach the equation for calculating The ceiling and wall reflectances in the turbine hall are
the average illuminance is: 0.3 and 0.1 respectively. F r o m the tables of utihsation
factors calculated using the BZ method described in
CIBS Technical M e m o r a n d u m 5, the U F is 0.55. A
F x n x N x U F x M F
Ε = maintenance factor of 0.8 is used.

200 X (130 X 62)

where Ε = illuminance, lux N u m b e r of fittings, Ν =
102 000 X 0.55 X 0.8
F = lighting design lumens of the light source
η = number of lamps per luminaire = 36

Ν = number of luminaires T o achieve an acceptable uniformity of illuminance,

A = area to be ht, m^ the spacing between centres of luminaires (in either

Cabling Chapter 6

direction) divided by the mounting height must not average illuminance provided by the instahation over
exceed the maximum spacing/height RATIO quoted by time, and hence to determine whether the installation
the manufacturers for their luminaires (i.e., fitting is hkely to meet the appropriate design service illu­
spacing/height ratio < maximum spacing/height ratio). mination recommended in G D C D Standard 3 1 .
If this ratio is exceeded in either direction the illumi­ Substituting L L F for M F in the lumen method for­
nance will be unacceptably patchy. mula, the average illuminance on the working plane
The maximum spacing/height ratio for the high (x) is given by:
bay luminaires is 1:1. W h h the luminaires arranged
as shown in Fig 6.152 the spacing/height ratio = F X η X Ν X LLF χ UF(x)
E(x) =
15.5/28 = 0.5:1 < maximum spacing/height ratio.
The procedure of adopting a maintenance factor of
0.8, or whatever other figure seemed appropriate for where E(x) = average illuminance on working plane,
the situation, is increasingly being abandoned because lux
it gives only a single estimate of the illuminance that
F = the initial illuminous flux of the l a m p ,
wih be provided by the installation. The C E G B is
considering the adoption of the light loss factor used
by the CIBS, which represents the total light depre­ η = number of lamps per luminaire
ciation at a given time compared to the figure when Ν = the number of luminaires
the installation was brand new and in pristine con-
LLF = the light loss factor
dhion. The hght loss factor is the product of three
other factors, namely: UF(x) = the utilisation factor of the working
• The lamp lumen maintenance factor (LLMF) esti­
mates the decline in light output of the light source A(x) = the area of the working plane, m^
over a specified time.
The lumen method applies only to regular arrays of
• Luminaire maintenance factor (LMF) estimates the
luminaires. In the case of directional projector lumi­
effect of dirt deposited on or in the luminaire over
naires used in power station plant areas and other ir­
a set time on the light output of the luminaire.
regular layouts the calculation of average illuminance
• R o o m surface maintenance factor (RSMF) estimates can be inadequate or meaningless. For these arrange­
the effect of dirt deposited on the r o o m surfaces ments it is necessary to calculate the illuminance at
over a set time on the illuminance produced by the all points of interest due to the individual luminaires.
instahation, so: Various means of calculating the direct ihuminance
are available, ranging from laborious h a n d calculations
light loss factor = L L M F χ L M F χ RSMF to more sophisticated computer m e t h o d s . The illumi­
nance at a point due to direct light (i.e., ignoring any
A detailed consideration of this data enables a realis­ reflected light) can be calculated by the inverse square
tic maintenance factor to be established. By calculat­ law (see Fig 6.154 (a)):
ing the hght loss factor for different times and taking
into account the proposed maintenance schedule, it I
Ε =
is possible to predict the pattern of illuminance that "¡2"
will be produced by the installation over time (see
Fig 6.153). This pattern can be used to estimate the where Ε illuminance on a plane perpendicular t o
incident light, lux
I the luminous intensity of the source in the
relevant direction, cd
d distance

-^-^—ψ—^"Η^' Referring to Fig 6.154(b), if the surface is turned
ι ι ι ι ι

/ through an angle of θ from this position, the general
< ^ > relationship becomes:

Ε = (I/d2)cos θ
\/ \/ \U \ί/ \/_ \/ NJ/ \U NU
'7^ τρ^ 7^ 7^
It is often more convenient in practice to measure
the height of the source (H) and the horizontal distance
away (D). The general formula m a y be expressed in
FIG. 6.152 Arrangement of luminaires in turbine hall these terms as foHows:

Lighting, heating and small p o w e r systems


1 2




FIG. 6.153 Changes in illuminance with time for different maintenance schedules

The above formulae assume that the luminaire can

be considered as a 'point' source, i.e., the source is
small compared with the distance between it and the
point of illumination. A luminaire can be considered
as a point source if its largest dimension is less than
a fifth of the distance from it to the point being illu­
minated. W h e n this is not the case, the calculation
must be modified. Similar formulae exist for 'line' and
'area' sources, and are fully described in speciahst design
manuals such as the CIBS Code for Interior Lighting.
C o m p u t e r s , with suitable software, are ideal for per­
forming the considerable number of calculations in­
volved in determining the illuminance at all points of
interest. However, h a n d calculations when used with
discretion, yield sufficient information to allow the
design of the hghting installation to proceed.
Having designed the installation to provide the cor­
rect levels of illumination with an acceptable level of
glare, the designer will perform a detailed cost com­
parison of the final installation to confirm the conclu­
sion of the economic assessment carried out at the
general planning stage.

13.2.5 Appraisal
FIG. 6.154 The calculation of illuminance due to
direct light The final step in the design of a lighting installation
is t o undertake an appraisal of the system following
its completion. In addition to the subjective assess­
Eh = I/(D2 + H 2 ) cos θ or (I cos^ β)/Η^ ment m a d e by the designer, a photometric survey of
the lighting conditions achieved by the installation
should be performed and the results compared with
the quanthative elements of the design specification
(e.g., levels of illumination). If h is found that the
En = I/(D2 + H 2 ) or (I cos2 Θ ) / Η 2
final installation does not meet the specified levels
of illumination the installation can be modified to
Εν = I/(D2 + H 2 ) sin θ or (I cos^ θ sin Θ)/Η^ provide additional light fittings. The importance of

Cabling Chapter 6

undertaking such an appraisal is that not only does same standard as the essential plant it is required
it provide reassurance that any deficiencies wih be to illuminate. T o achieve this, segregated seismically-
discovered and rectified, but it also completes the de­ qualified lighting systems are provided to guarantee
sign function by providing feedback on the installation some functional lighting following a seismic disturb­
for the benefit of future designs. ance. The segregation requirements for electrical equip­
ment are given in Section 2.1 of this chapter.
The five-stage design process adopted for the de­
13.3 Emergency lighting systems sign of the main A C hghting (objectives, specification,
general planning, detailed planning and appraisal) is
The Fire Precautions Act, 1971 and the Health and
equally valid for the design of the emergency hghting
Safety at Work Act of 1974 make it obligatory to pro­
vide adequate means of escape in all places of work
The personnel escape lighting is designed to provide
and pubhc resort. Emergency lighting is an essential
a normal illuminance of 5 lux along the centre line of
part of this requirement. The C E G B has always re­
a clearly defined escape route for a minimum period
cognised the need to provide personnel escape lighting
of 30 minutes. This enables all areas of the station to
to ensure safe and effective evacuation of buildings
be evacuated if necessary. The luminaires are located
in the event of failure of the main A C lighting for
near each exit and at points where it is necessary to
whatever reason. All power station lighting systems
emphasise the position of potential hazards, such as
incorporate personnel escape lighting systems that are
changes of direction, staircases, changes of floor level,
either continuously energised or energised immediately
on loss of the main A C lighting, so that some form
The alternative lighting arrangements considered by
of exit lighting is always available.
the C E G B for the battery-supported emergency lighting
Certain areas of nuclear power stations cannot be systems range from the traditional independent D C
evacuated immediately in the event of an emergency system with a centrahsed battery to the self-contained
or loss of A C grid supphes. The nuclear reactors of A C fitting where the individual luminaire incorporates
these stations must be shut down safely and monitored the battery, charger and inverter. The self-contained
to prevent risk to life. To assist in the operation of luminaires are self-powered and operate independently
the essential safety-related equipment on nuclear power from their own batteries in an emergency. T h u s , al­
stations two additional emergency lighting systems are though individual luminaries may be destroyed in a
provided. fire, the remaining luminaires will be unaffected.
The first is called the emergency operational lighting. Self-contained luminaires are the easiest and most
This system, in common with the personnel escape flexible to install but their effective hfe (i.e., replace­
lighting, is a battery-supported system that is contin­ ment of integral battery, a n d / o r fitting) is less than
uously energised, or energised immediately on loss of that of a centralised battery scheme. Also, maintenance
the main A C lighting. It is required to maintain the and testing of self-contained luminaires is more in­
effectiveness of the control room and other selected volved and must be thorough if operation in the event
operational areas. of emergency is to be guaranteed. The initial attrac­
The second system is called the essential opera­ tions of this system of ease and flexibility of installa­
tional lighting. With this system a selected number tion are outweighed by the cost and maintenance
of the normal A C light fittings are supplied from a difficulties involved in implementing such a system on
diesel-generator supported power supply. The essential a power station. In almost all cases, with the exception
operational hghting takes over from the emergency of the control r o o m , the independent D C system with
operational lighting to provide the long term lighting centralised batteries has been adopted for the person­
in the control room and other areas containing safety- nel escape lighting. It has also been used for the
related equipment. The essential operational lighting emergency operational lighting on recent A G R nuclear
system is more efficient than the emergency opera­ stations. In this system, D C lamps (tungsten or tungsten
tional lighting system, and provides an enhanced level halogen) are fed from D C distribution boards which,
of illumination to enable the operators to carry out in turn, are supphed via D C contactors from a central
the long term safety duties on loss of the main A C battery (see Fig 6.155).
lighting. These two diverse hghting systems ensure that Because tungsten and tungsten halogen lamps have
some operational hghting is always available following a relatively poor operating life, the independent D C
loss of the main A C lighting supplies. The diesel- system is de-energised under normal operating condi­
generators used to supply this hghting are the same tions. It is therefore necessary to arrange for the D C
diesel-generators that supply the essential safety equip­ emergency lights to be switched on automatically when
ment. On loss of the normal grid supplies these dieseis the main A C lighting is lost. A low vohage relay
are started automaticahy, and supplies are restored to monitors the three-phase supply to the A C distribution.
the essential loads and the essential operational hghting. When the relay detects that the A C supply has been
Although the essential operational hghting is not di­ lost or fallen to an unacceptable value for half a cycle,
rectly safety-related it is designed and qualified to the the D C contactor closes automatically energising the

Lighting, heating a n d small p o w e r systems

In order to achieve an efficient, aesthetically-con­

toured (i.e., light fittings arranged t o follow the hne
415V STATION BOARD DC SOURCE of desks and panels) lighting scheme in the control
r o o m , emergency operational lighting is provided by
supplying the centre A C fluorescent tubes of the special
SWITCH SWITCH recessed fittings via dedicated inverters from a battery-
backed source. A duphcate feeder arrangement is pro­

O vided with 5 0 % of the emergency fluorescent tubes

connected to each feeder. T h e lamps are interlaced and
supplied from alternate emergency A C distribution
RELAY DC CONTACTOR centres to guard against a single fault, such as failure
of an inverter or charger, rendering sections of the
control r o o m inoperative. The personnel escape lighting
in the control r o o m is provided by 'light spih' from
the emergency operational lighting.

13.4 Lighting of special areas

The lighting of some areas within a power station
requires special consideration, either because these
LAMP areas are hostile and hazardous, or the luminaires used
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 are unique to a particular apphcation.

FIG. 6 . 1 5 5 Independent D C emergency lighting system

13.4.1 Battery rooms and chlorination plant
D C lights within half a second. A timer is provided
The luminaires used in these areas are corrosion proof
on the low voltage relay to cater for the re-strike time
to Section 8.1 of C E G B Standard 127304. T o prevent
associated with discharge lamps. The timer delays the
the possibihty of hydrogen being trapped adjacent to
opening of the D C contactor on restoration of the
A C supply until the A C lighting has returned. Dupli­ ceiling-mounted luminaires, luminaires in battery rooms
cate batteries and chargers are provided to prevent a are suspended on chains from the cehing. The fittings
single fault, including a fire, causing the loss of all are arranged so that they are above clear floor areas
the escape lighting. and not suspended directly above the battery cells. The
switches and sockets are mounted outside the r o o m .
Centralised batteries are used for other D C systems
(control, switchgear closing and tripping) and the main­
tenance procedures for such batteries also apply t o the 13.4.2 Hydrogen plant (Division 1 and Division 2
emergency lighting batteries and chargers (see Chapter areas)
9 'Emergency supply equipment').
The choice of lamps a n d luminaires for these areas
Although the independent D C system has always
is either SON lamps in directional reflectors for the
been regarded as uncomplicated and economic, it does
main A C lighting with tungsten lamps in bulkhead
have the disadvantage of requiring D C contactors and
luminaires for the emergency lighting, or fluorescent
low voltage relays at each distribution centre. Also
tubes in Division 1 or Division 2 luminaires for the
D C hght fittings, which are inefficient, are required
main A C lighting and tungsten lamps in wellglass
in addition to the normal A C light fittings. A future
luminaires (Division 1 or Division 2) for emergency
development that is being considered for power station
D C lighting systems is a hybrid of the independent
The choice of fittings is twofold because there are
D C system and the self-contained luminaire system.
two alternative methods of ihuminating a Division 1
In this system, continuously-energised A C fittings with
or Division 2 area:
integral inverters are supplied from centralised battery
systems, thus combining the efficiency of A C fluores­ • By locating n o fittings inside the area itself, but pro­
cent fittings with the advantages of a centralised viding the light from conventional lamps and lumi­
battery. The system is continuously energised and naires through sealed and toughened glass windows.
therefore contributes to the illumination level provided
by the main A C system. However, before this system • By using special fittings located at low level inside the
can be adopted for use as the emergency lighting on area itself. These fittings must comply with BS4683:
power stations, a detailed study of the reliability of 'Electrical apparatus for explosive atmospheres'.
the integral inverters must be performed to ensure
that the reliability of the new system is equal to that In selecting a suitable lighting system for these explo­
of the existing systems. sive areas, the design must comply with the require-

Cabling Chapter 6

ments of CIBS lighting guide for ^Hostile and hazard­ structures. The present requirement for shipping haz­
ous environments'. ard lights is a white flashing light that flashes once
every five seconds. However, the C E G B closely consults
with the relevant P o r t and Docks Authority on the
13.4.3 Central control rooms
latest requirements for shipping hazard lights.
The lighting scheme in power station central control
rooms (CCR) incorporates recessed air handling fittings
using 1800 m m warm white fluorescent tubes. The fit­ 13.5 Supplennentary heating and minor
tings are recessed to eliminate glare (either direct or power systems
reflected) from control surfaces including indicator
glasses. The minor power supphes (e.g., small ventilation fans,
The fittings are positioned to enable the lamps to be electrically operated doors, etc., and similar loads up
changed and the fittings maintained while the plant is to 30 A) and ah heating supphes, are taken from the
running. minor power fuseboard on each distribution centre.
Also, the supply to the 110 V A C power socket fuse-
Maintenance of the control room lighting is effected
board is taken from the minor power fuseboard, via a
from below without the use of staging or elaborate
centre-tapped 415/110 V transformer.
access facilities. N o light fitting is positioned over a
control desk. 110 V A C socket outlets are provided in plant areas
The recommended configurations for various areas to supply hand tools, etc., which are used for main­
are: tenance. By earthing the centre t a p of the 415/110 V
transformer output winding and connecting it also to
• Panel vertical surfaces (front) A continuous row of the earth terminal of the a p p a r a t u s , the line to earth
luminaires following the contour of the panels and voltages are reduced to 55 V while the fuh 110 V supply
positioned so that there is no specular glare reflected is available to power the a p p a r a t u s . As most electric
by the pohshed surfaces of the panels from the shocks occur between a live part of an equipment and
luminaire controlling the light directly onto the panel earth, this is a major step in the reduction of the
vertical surfaces. shock risk. The adoption of this system in the con­
• Control desks The recessed luminaires are placed struction and mining industries has resuhed in a dra­
in a continuous line parallel to the main axes of matic fah in the number of electrical portable tool
the desks (normally square horseshoe-shaped). They accidents, and it is now being increasingly adopted in
are positioned so that there is no specular glare to other industries. G D C D Standard 25: T l u g s , socket
affect a seated or standing operator at the desks. outlets and fuse spur units' specifies the requirements
for 110 V sockets for power stations.
• Behind the panels A continuous row of luminaires In addition to the 110 V A C socket ouflet system, a
is provided which fohows the contour of the panels. system of three-phase 415 V socket outlets is provided
to supply the mobile plant utilised in power stations.
Variable illuminance by means of thyristor or switched The type of plant envisaged is welding equipment, bolt
controlled dimmers is provided to meet the varying heating equipment, etc.
needs of the personnel working in the control r o o m , The use of mobile electrical equipment, irrespective
particularly the unit control areas. Care is taken to of its size, always introduces additional hazards to a
ensure that the minimum levels of illumination speci­ permanent installation.
fied for the control room are always maintained. These risks can largely be identified with:

• Electric shock from the mobile equipment in the

13.4.4 H a z a r d w a r n i n g lights event of a fault within that equipment.
To meet the requirements of the Department of Trade
• Damage to the trailing cable used to connect the
and Industry and the Ministry of Defence, aircraft
mobile plant to the permanent cabling installation.
obstruction hghting is provided on all obstructions
(e.g., chimneys and cooling towers) having a height
of 153 m or more above ground level at the site Both these risks can be minimised if the correct equip­
of the obstruction. The warning lights are occulting ment is chosen both for the remote electrical apparatus
lights with a special light distribution and a particu­ and for the traihng cable, and its connections.
lar mounting arrangement. The requirements of the Providing that the conductors utilised are enclosed
Department of Trade and Industry, the Ministry of within an earthed metallic screen and this screen is
Defence and the construction and mounting arrange­ of adequate capacity to carry any fault currents that
ment of the warning lights are all fully specified in could arise from insulation failure of those conduc­
G D C D Standard 34. tors, then there is no risk of electrocution from con­
In a similar manner, warning hghts are required tact w h h the conductors of the installation. Special
to identify hazards to shipping, such as C W outfah consideration must be given, however, to the rise of

Lighting, heating a n d small p o w e r systems

earth potential of the metalhc screening of the re­ 13.6 Distribution system
mote equipment during the instant that the metal
screening is carrying earth fault current. Protection 13.6.1 General
against rise of earth potential on the casing of the
T o illuminate a volume of space, that space can be
portable apphance can be afforded by overcurrent
divided into overlapping spheres, with a fuseboard at
devices such as fuses, or residual current devices in
the centre of each sphere. The cables radiate from the
the form of current operated earth leakage circuh-
fuseboard, and the radius of each sphere is the maxi­
breaker s. Following investigations by the C E G B into
m u m economic length of the cables. The centre of each
the possible fault clearance times associated with H B C
sphere is k n o w n as the 'load centre'.
fuses, the 415 V socket outlets now incorporate re­
W h h the large size of hghting and minor power
sidual current protection devices. The device is spe­
systems in power stations, the aim of this principle
cified to have a tripping current of not greater t h a n
is to achieve an economic design of the distribution
30 m A with an operating time not exceeding 30 m s .
system and reduction in maintenance by reducing the
The fuh specification for the *415 V A C fused and
number of spheres, and therefore fuseboards, to a
swhched socket outlets (incorporating residual current
m i n i m u m by fully utilising the capacity of fuseboards
protection)' is given in G D C D Standard 238.
and cables.
The heating of the main areas within a power station
In general, areas requiring hghting, minor power
is provided for by the main heating, ventilating and air-
supplies and 110 V power socket outlets are supplied
conditioning (HVAC) system. Supplementary electric
from 'distribution centres'. Areas that d o not warrant
heating is provided in areas where h is uneconomic or
distribution centres, i.e., areas containing lighting only,
impractical to provide a comprehensive H V A C system.
are supplied from distribution fuseboards. However,
The supplementary heating is designed in accordance
when considering the case for distribution fuseboard
with design m e m o r a n d u m 0 7 4 / 4 . This design m e m o ­
versus distribution centre, account must be taken of
r a n d u m gives details of various heating methods avah­
the number of main feeders that wih be required and
able, and the temperature and humidity levels to be
whether main supplies wih be derived from a swhch-
b o a r d or distribution b o a r d . Lighting circuitry should
The three types of heaters previously specified for be utilised to the m a x i m u m and therefore all hghting
use on power stations are: circuhs should be fused wherever possible at 30 A .
However, there may be certain lighting and minor
• In switchrooms and other areas with low rates of
power circuits requiring fuses rated at less than 30 A .
change of air, where the air is to prevent conden­
The m a x i m u m economical cable lengths from fuse-
sation, tubular heaters of the type that limit their
b o a r d to fitting are dependent u p o n the v o h d r o p in
surface temperature should be used. Control is by
the cable under starting and running conditions, and
means of thermostat a n d / o r humidistat devices, de­
the fuse size protecting the cables.
pending on the situation and building construction.

• In rooms with very large volumes, it may be im­ 13.6.2 Isolation and switching of individual
practical to use the above tubular heaters because
of the large quantities involved. T o achieve the heat­
ing levels specified in design m e m o r a n d u m 0 7 4 / 4 , Lighting in plant areas is utilised for three basic
fan heaters may be considered for the purpose. purposes, namely:
Again, control is by means of thermostat a n d / o r • Access.
humidistat devices, depending on the shuation and
building construction. • Inspection.

• Maintenance.
• In areas where comfort of personnel is required,
but where space heating is impractical (e.g., semi-
open work areas such as garages), radiant heaters Traditionally, where it is necessary t o provide a high
of the infra-red type may be used. It is essential level of lighting for maintenance, temporary lighting
that the manufacturer's installation instructions for is used. In the past, access and inspection have not
these heaters are strictly adhered t o , particularly been differentiated but have b o t h been covered in the
normal permanent lighting scheme. However, bearing
concerning mounting height and coverage. T h e r m o ­
in mind the current high cost of energy it has been
static control is difficult with this form of heating
decided on recent projects, where possible, t o split
and care must be taken regarding the positioning
these two requirements and to provide separate hghting
of the thermostats.
sub-circuits for 'access' and 'inspection' lighting.
Therefore, in those areas where this scheme can
Supphes for supplementary heating systems are taken be practically and economically used, two A C hghting
from the minor power fuseboards on each distribution distribution fuseboards are provided at each load cen­
centre. tre, one designated 'access' and one 'inspection'. The

Cabling Chapter 6

'access' lighting is left permanently switched on, and • One distribution fuseboard for power sockets.
the 'inspection' lighting switched when required by
• One 415 V / 1 1 0 V A C transformer fed from the
means of a contactor controlled by a switch adjacent
minor power fuseboard, supplying the 110 V A C
to the plant covered by that load centre.
power socket fuseboard.
'Access' lighting basically covers walkways and exits
to allow free and safe movement around items of plant,
and utilises approximately 5 0 % of the total comple­ A lamp characteristic which should be considered when
ment of fittings. 'Inspection' lighting uses the remaining planning the main A C lighting distribution system is
fittings and provides supplementary illumination cover­ the stroboscopic effect. The stroboscopic effect is an
illusion which makes a moving object appear stationary,
ing plant items.
or moving in a different manner from that which it
Because of the nature of the rooms in which fluo­
is in fact moving. Ah lamps operating on alternating
rescent tubes are used, it is not necessary in some cases
current exhibit some degree of cyclic variation of light
(e.g., switchrooms, relay rooms, offices, etc.) to pro­
output. It is most significant with discharge lamps
vide illumination at all times. Therefore switches are
which do not employ a phosphor coating. The problem
provided in the sub-circuits to give a simple and flexi­
can normally be reduced, or eliminated, by having
ble arrangment. Switches are 15 A, single-pole, to
alternate rows of luminaires fed by different phases
BS3676: 'Switches for domestic and similar purposes'.
of the supply, ensuring that critical areas containing
Switches are positioned at each entrance to each area
unguarded moving machinery receive illumination in
with 2-way and intermediate switching as required.
roughly equal proportion from each phase.
In 'industrial' areas, switches are of galvanised steel
and surface-mounted. In areas where a 'fair finish'
is required, switches are of satin chrome plate and 13.6.4 DC supplies
Each area covered by the D C battery-backed emergency
Current switching capacity is the maximum steady
lighting scheme is divided into the same zones as the
current which may be interrupted, or prospective cur­
corresponding A C supplies. A D C distribution centre
rent which may be made, with a purely resistive (non-
provides the emergency lighting in that zone. The D C
reactive) load. Loads, other than of a purely resistive distribution centre is separated from the A C distribu­
nature, invariably require derating if working life and, tion centre to avoid loss of D C supplies in the event
in some cases, safe working are to be maintained. An of a fire at the A C distribution centre. The D C dis­
inductive load may cause high voltage and current tribution centres comprise the following:
surges as the magnetic flux collapses. Such voltage
surges may cause flashover and damage to insulation. • One distribution fuseboard for personnel escape and
Therefore, for inductive (fluorescent) loads, suitable emergency operational lighting.
switches are always specified.
• An automatic low voltage relay with a manual over­
ride, accommodating a three-phase feed from the
13.6.3 AC supplies associated A C lighting distribution fuseboard. Where
An area of plant (e.g., turbine hall) wih be divided for 'access' and 'inspection' fuseboards are instahed, the
the purposes of lighting, heating and minor power three-phase feed shall be from the 'access' distribu­
tion b o a r d .
system into zones.
Situated as near as possible to the 'load centre' of • One timer hnked to the low voltage relay. One D C
each zone will be a group of distribution fuseboards contactor operated by the low vohage relay in the
known as the 'distribution centre'. Each A C distribution D C distribution centre.
centre is designed to be either floor or wall/column
mounted and includes the following:
13.6.5 Cabling
• One distribution fuseboard for the continuously The majority of the cables used for the lighting, heating
energised lighting. In the areas where switched light­ and minor power systems of modern power stations
ing is to be provided, one distribution fuseboard are of the armoured type described in Section 5.4 of
for 'access' lights and one distribution fuseboard this chapter. This method of cabling is compatible with
for 'inspection' hghts is required. The inspection the main station cabling and is less labour intensive
fuseboard should be fed via a contactor controHed to install than conduit and trunking. However there
by a switch located adjacent to the plant covered by are exceptions to this, for example, where circuits have
the corresponding lamps. to be run buried in plaster to give a 'fair finish', or
in areas where a muhiplicity of terminations is re­
• One distribution fuseboard for minor power supphes.
quired. In these cases trunking and c o n d u h may be
• One sphtter box, to splh the incoming cable to feed more economical than armoured cables.
the lighting fuseboard(s) and the minor power fuse- The A C supply cable to any one A C distribution
board. centre from its switchboard is designed to be segre-

Design a n d m a n a g e m e n t techniques

gated from the D C supply cable to the D C distribution 14.2 Planning

centre associated with that one zone. The segregation
An essential element in the planning process is a sys­
is Class II in a c c o r d a n c e with the segregation
tem index, a document which lists every activity whhin
requirements discussed in Section 2.1 of this chapter.
the scope of the contract and which is formulated over
This is required to prevent a single fault (fire, missile
the design period of the station. As items of plant
damage, etc.) causing the loss of both the A C and
are added to the station design and areas of work
D C hghting in any zone.
become apparent, these items are added to the system
Complex systems are broken down into subsystems
14 Design and management techniques and groups and it is essential that a suitable number­
ing system be adopted. Computers are used for moni­
14.1 Introduction toring and control of information and it is therefore
important that the system numbering be compatible
The total design and installation process for a cable with the chosen data-handling computer programs.
system is illustrated on the flow chart shown in Fig Installation and commissioning dates are established
6.156. It comprises essentially three phases of work, a
for each individual system. These dates must be flexi­
design phase, an information issue phase and an
ble and capable of change in order to evolve the final
instahation phase. The quantity of work is very large
p r o g r a m m e of the station. The dates should primarily
for each phase, involving many m a n years of effort.
be derived from the commissioning programme and,
The three phases are continuous over periods of several
whilst it may not be possible initially to give dates
years for a large power station project and overlap
to the smaller items, a reasonable estimate should be
for most of the time.
given using the commissioning p r o g r a m m e of previous
There is an obvious need for a great deal of detailed
stations as a guide. Alternatively, 'envelope dates' may
planning of all phases of the work and the success
be given t o specific subsystems leaving the appropriate
of the project depends very much on how well this is
groups to be dated as the p r o g r a m m e evolves.
Whilst it will be appreciated that the commissioning
The C E G B undertakes a greater proportion of the
p r o g r a m m e requirements will take priority over all
total cabling task for a new power station than it does
other aspects, before a system is dated consideration
for any other system or equipment. It initiates and
must be given to the question of load resourcing on
undertakes virtually the whole of the design and en­
design and drawing office staff, the cabling contractors
gineering work and issues the detailed working face
management and she labour, the commissioning team
instructions and drawings to the cable installer. It also
and ancillary departments such as quantity surveyors.
plays a large part in organising site installation which
The dated system index is then used t o :
is dependent on other contractors in respect of both
access and programme. • Feed electrical access dates into the civil programme.
The work involved on a major project covers be­
• Feed access dates for cabling into the mechanical
tween 25 000 and 50 000 cables and more than 1 000 000
erection programmes.
wire terminations. Each 'cable' and each 'wire' has
to be uniquely designed and identified to ensure that • Feed termination release dates into the mechanical
electrical plant and control and instrumentation equip­ erection p r o g r a m m e s .
ment functions satisfactorily. The extent of control
• Inform plant manufacturers of the final dates for
and instrumentation has increased considerably on
design information for circuitry on a system basis.
modern power station projects, with a consequent in­
crease in the number of cables and wire connections • Inform the drawing office engaged on the design of
to be made. the cable supporting steelwork grid and the control
To manage the design and execution of the cable pair network.
contract effectively it is essential to have all the or­
ganisations involved working on a c o m m o n basis. T o It will be appreciated that it is usually necessary to
determine the basis it is necessary to consider the inform the CEGB's civil and mechanical contractors
object of the contract and this can be best defined as: of the date by which access a n d / o r termination releases
Completing the works in the contract strictly in ac­ are required, rather t h a n to ask them the date by which
cordance with the commissioning programme of the they expect to have access available.
station and within the approved budget price.
This objective can be made easier to achieve if
the works are allocated strictly to specific items of 14.3 Design
plant, these ahocated packages of works being known
as 'systems'. A system may therefore be defined as: The total design task includes the fohowing elements:
The works necessary to bring any one piece of plant • Provision within the station layout of adequate
to a stage whereby it can be commissioned. accommodation for electrical equipment and cables.

Cabling Chapter 6





















FIG. 6 . 1 5 6 Design and installation process flow chart

Design and management techniques

• The design of the cable support steelwork. A rigid a p p r o a c h is necessary to ensure that design
clearance freeze dates are met by the various con­
• T h e a c c u m u l a t i o n of i n f o r m a t i o n from p l a n t
tractors so that cable design information flows at the
contractors to establish types, sizes and quantities
required time.
of cables.

• Cable system design.

14.3.4 Cable systems and electrical circuit design
• Electrical circuit design. Cable systems a n d electrical circuit design involves a
• Scheduhng of cables. tremendous volume of detailed engineering work t o
ensure that each circuh and wire is cabled and con­
• Routing of cables. nected correctly.
• Design clearance of cables, i.e., circuit design com­ A large n u m b e r of staff is involved. The co­
pleted and terminations specified for each cable and ordination h a s , therefore, to be very close and re­
core. sponsibilities have t o be defined clearly t o ensure that
efficient working is maintained and design clearance
achieved to p r o g r a m m e . The introduction of computer-
14.3.1 Layout aided design techniques into drawing offices for the
During the initial development of station layout, ca­ preparation of all types of electrical diagrams (cover­
ble routes are planned. These are based on estimated ing cable block diagrams, schematic diagrams and loop
quantities and known major plant locations, i.e., diagrams) has assisted greatly in solving resource pro­
switchhouse, control rooms and plant areas. Although blems. Provided that the correct engineering resource
the first consideration in station layout is the econo­ has been allocated at the right time, the rate of design
mical disposhion of plant and minimum civil works' clearance of cables and systems is dependent on the
costs, cabling space provision must be adequate and progress of t h e engineering in plant contractors' works
cabling needs catered for. and will reflect any plant delays that are occurring.
The most important of these needs is that the routes The development of the CEGB's current design p r o ­
must be available with unobstructed access as early cedures has addressed various difficulties which are
as possible. This imphes being able to include them described as fohows:
in the early phase of civil construction, with minimum
dependence on steelwork and plant erection. One way Electrical circuit design
to achieve this is to locate them in basement areas
T h e process of circuit design consists of the working
or tunnels. The ahernative of locating them below
out of schematics which have then to be converted
operating floor level, provides an acceptable technical
into detailed connection diagrams. Sometimes in the
alternative especially at estuarine stations where tunnels
past, n o permanent record of the overall schematic
are costly. It is also important t o provide cable routes
(or loop diagram) was provided; this led to difficulties
which are as short and simple as possible. T o this
at site during installation a n d commissioning and em­
end, basement cable routes, with electrical plant at
barrassed station staffs when maintenance, repair or
ground level, should be designed into the layout.
modification was required. T h e present process for
clearing circuit design and producing final information
14.3.2 Cable support systems for cable connections involves the preparation and
issue of the following information:
Cables are carried on steelwork and trays installed
within major cable routes. T o facilitate design and (a) System flow diagrams These are logic diagrams
manufacture, proprietary systems have been developed, a n d are prepared for ah complex systems, e.g.,
tested and approved. Provided access is available, the sequence controls, automatic boiler controls, oil
use of these systems should avoid delays in this area. burner control systems, etc.

(b) Schematic diagrams These are drawn for individ­

14.3.3 Information from plant contractors ual plant items or circuhs o n a disconnected contact
logic basis so that the circuits can be understood
The information concerned is of several types, including:
and specified correctly. Some are drawn by the
• Details of numbers and ratings of plant h e m s . C E G B to give guidance to the contractors, e.g.,
switchgear protection and control, but the majority
• Circuit and wiring diagrams of equipment.
are prepared by manufacturers for the equipment
• Termination details. they are supplying.

(c) Equipment wiring diagrams These are detailed

These various types of information are required at point t o point wiring diagrams prepared for ah
different times a n d are associated with different phases electrical equipment cubicles, panels, control desks,
of the cabhng design task. local equipment cubicles, etc., by the equipment

Cabling Chapter 6

manufacturer. They wih be marked u p with basic the computerised cabling schedules. Cable block dia­
cabhng and core information requirements. grams are prepared for power and control cables for
the various subsystems and groups using estimated
(d) Cable block diagrams These are normahy drawn
quantities for cable cores in the case of control cables.
on a subsystem basis and wih show ah marshahing
The cables can then be scheduled.
cubicles, junction boxes and connections to plant
items for the circuits involved. They do not gen­
erally detail the wire numbers. Routing of cables

(e) System circuit diagrams These are prepared on T o enable a cable to be sized and routed, it is es­
a system or subsystem basis to co-ordinate all sential that the location of each end is identified on
the connections between the various plant items, layout drawings. This work is dependent on the final
initiating devices and equipment, and detail all wire layout of electrical equipment and manufacturers' plant
numbers and circuit connection requirements. They items.
are drawn to ensure the circuit schematic design is Power cable routing can normally proceed at a rea­
correctly translated into control system wiring and sonable rate, but C and I cable routing is frequently
to provide the permanent record of C and I wiring delayed by a lack of plant and C and I information
connections. with subsequent heavy peaks of work.
The use of a computer speeds up the process and
(f) Wire and jumper schedules Provide simplified accurately routes cables in conformity with routing rules
work face information for the cable contractor on including segregation. It produces a precise route card
she, scheduling the wire connections for each cable for the cable listing all node points, which is of con­
and the jumper connections for each system. siderable assistance to the she installation work.

The aim is to provide accurate information for fast Design clearance of cables
installation and provide a complete permanent record
for the station staff. It meets the stringent require­ The 'design cleared' marker can only be allocated to
ments for nuclear projects, particularly in the safety a cable when it is scheduled, sized, routed and full
consideration of circuit security and segregation. termination details are specified for each core. This will
then allow the cable to be fully installed, connected and
tested, but when delays occur cables are released for
Cable system design
installation where the cable is scheduled and routed, but
The design of cable systems has become more con­ termination details are not complete. This procedure,
strained by segregation rules, especially in nuclear however, creates extra recording and work.
power stations. These rules are determined by both
plant operational availabihty and by safety considera­
tions (especially in the nuclear case). They have been 14.4 Installation and contract management
clearly defined and are handled by the computerised information
cable design methods now used. In fact the necessary
quality assurance can only be guaranteed in this area
14.4.1 Introduction
by the use of computerised techniques and their use
is a material factor in establishing the safety case for The cabling instahation process on a power station
a nuclear power station. project can be divided into five parts:
The design of control and instrumentation system • Electrical equipment that is part of the cable in­
cables must both achieve technically suitable schemes stallation, e.g., junction boxes, distribution boards.
and also make h as easy as possible to achieve instal­
lation programmes. The major technical objective is • Cable steelwork.
to improve signal-to-noise ratios, while the p r o g r a m m e
• Cable instahation.
aim is to permit early installation and termination of
as much cable as possible. There is also the aim of • Cable glanding, terminations.
reducing cost by the use of large multicore and multi-
• Cable marshahing and j u m p e r s .
pair cables.
These aims led to the development of C and I
The magnitude and complexity of electrical cabling
cable system networks using the large trunk multipair
contracts combined with the segregation and quality
cables and marshalling cubicles incorporating jumper­
assurance requirements of power station design, give
ing facilities described in Section 5 of this chapter.
rise to the need for a sophisticated system of design
and management control.
Scheduling of cables Total project information (TPI) is a comprehensive
This work consists of ahocating a cable number to c o m p u t e r - b a s e d design a n d m a n a g e m e n t c o n t r o l
a particular cable, deciding its type and listing it on system, covering the activities both in the design office

Design a n d m a n a g e m e n t techniques

and at site, including contract planning aids, work face • Equipment scheduling All equipment items that are
instruction and evaluation. It includes a cable manage­ to be either separately erected or cabled are sche­
ment section. duled as separate items within the equipment of the
T P I cabling comprises a number of programs which switchboard. For each item of equipment to be sche­
form a single project interface with a c o m m o n data duled, the g r o u p whhin which each equipment item
base. Each program maintains specific areas of the fahs must also be given at the time of scheduhng.
data. The programs involved in this section of T P I
• Cable scheduling All numbered cables must be
are as fohows:
scheduled in their appropriate g r o u p as going from
• TÓPICO Basic project parameters. one equipment h e m to another. The latter infor­
mation may be either specified as an equipment item
• TOPIC 1 Equipment scheduhng.
or by an Enghsh description. The appropriate gland
• TOPIC2 Cable steelwork/route matrix. and termination data must also be given before the
cable can be design cleared.
• TOPIC2 Cable scheduhng and routing.

• TOPIC5 Cable marshalling and j u m p e r s . • Steelwork T h e cable carriers (trays, conduits, etc.)
that form the cable route matrix must be scheduled
• TOPIC? Measurement and stores control. for each segment. In addition, tailend steelwork can
be designed a n d scheduled.
Data will be prepared using the C E G B K E Y / M A S T E R
data entry system as well as the automatic stripping
14.4.3 Designing
of data from the C A D system, and engineering detail
from contractors. A n automatic cable routing and sizing process is an
Outputs are produced partly by the T O P I C programs integral part of the overah T P I system.
and partly using the S O C R A T E S report generator, and
in addition there are management graphics facilities. Planning
Outputs can be requested by the users.
T h e key target dates are assigned t o commissioning
On-line interrogation of the data can be achieved us­
systems based on the project master commissioning p r o ­
ing the M A N T I S screen displays which run under C I C S .
g r a m m e . This d a t a may either be generated automati­
cally from critical path network programs or explicitly
14.4.2 T h e a i m s a n d f u n c t i o n s of T P I c a b l i n g input. Dates can be assigned to the fohowing events:
The aims and functions are as follows: • Design completion.
• Scheduhng. • Access for erection.
• Designing. • Termination release/cable early start.
• Planning. • Cable start.
• Organising. • Cable finish.
• Commanding. • Cable latest finish — j u m p e r start.
• Co-ordinating. • Commissioning complete — j u m p e r finish.
• Monhoring.
• Valuation. The estimated number of cables and jumpers in each
system or subsystem m a y also be input as a basis for
• Reporting. the initial plans.
Subsequently the site joint planning team takes into
Scheduling account improved information, obtained from ques­
The fohowing basic design data is recorded whhin the tionnaires as the project proceeds, to review and pro­
system and forms the nucleus of the cabling area of gressively refine the dates. This is normally done by
the database: assigning dates at g r o u p level. This is a continuous
process from the long term (16 weeks plus) to the short
• Plant scheduling The areas of plant may be split term and immediate work p r o g r a m m e s .
into separately erectable/commissionable areas based
on a hierarchical breakdown of systems, subsystems
and groups; the concept being that a subsystem com­
prises a major commissionable entity. For example, The organisation depends u p o n the control of resources,
systems are boiler, turbine-generator, etc., subsystems both material and labour, to match the current work
are a F D fan, turbine barring gear, etc., and groups programme and access. This is done by arranging the
are single drives such as jacking oil pumps, etc. cables, terminations and equipment into work packages.

Cabling Chapter 6

Details of all material orders and deliveries are • Cable terminations.

entered into T P I . In conjunction with the figures de­
• Jumpers installed.
rived from progress data, these form the basis of a
stock control system which compares quantities with • Equipment erections.
requirements computed from the scheduled quantities. • Material delivery.
The labour resources required for the current work
programme are computed from the estimated labour
This information will normally be input by the quantity
content of each task to be performed by the contractor.
surveyors. Valuations of material delivered, material
This allows the joint planning team to ensure that used and labour content value for either a specific
a consistent level of work is released to the contractor valuation period or for the whole of the contract to
and that the material required is available. date may be produced. The latter is known as cumu­
lative valuation.
Commanding Cable measurement cards are used to assist in the
The instructions to the contractor (which are not in­ task of cable measurement. They show any outstanding
tended to overcast contractual responsibilities) are the measurement task, i.e., installed and not measured,
working instructions and are issued as foHows, all out­ together w h h any measurements previously recorded.
standing work released to the contractor is the subject
of a work release and is listed on the current schedules. Reporting
Work face instructions for ah of these tasks are An important aspect of the aid to management af­
computer produced in the form of work cards bearing forded by T P I is the quality of reporting that is possible.
all the necessary information to carry out the task. For In addition to special ad-hoc enquiries, there are routine
example, cabhng work cards state fuh details of the reports that can be produced showing the progress and
cable type, route, glands and methods of instahation. status of the contract works against p r o g r a m m e .
Completed work can be recorded on the work cards Management summaries can be produced showing
which can then be used as computer input documents. the total work done on each section of the contract.
Work cards are produced for the fohowing tasks: These may also be produced in graphical form so that
• Steelwork supports. current trends can be analysed.

• Steelwork instahation trays/trunking.

• Cable installation. 15 References
• Equipment installation. [ 1 ] IEC287: Calculation of the continuous current rating of cables:
• Termination instructions. [2] GDCD Standard 17: 6350/1 lOOOV extruded solid insulation
cables: May 1978
• Jumper instructions.
[3] BS6346: Specification for PVC-insulated cables for electricity
supply: 1969 (1977)
The site joint planning team monitors progress on work [4] ERA Report 69-30: Current rating standards for distribution
packages and work cards. cables: Part 3: Sustained current ratings for PVC insulated
cables to BS6346: 1969 (AC 50Hz and DC)
[5] CERL Report RD/LN197/75: CURB03 computer program:
Three-phase power frequency impedance characteristics of
Report generators are used to summarise and display single-core power cables with special reference to current
sharing between cables in parallel: 1976
data in a manner enabling the management team to
monitor and analyse design and site activities. During [6] BS2692: Part 1: Specification for current-limiting fuses: 1986
the design phase, the cable route matrix segment usage [7] BS5907: Specification for high voltage fuse-ünks for motor
circuit applications: 1986
and control cable core usage can be monitored allow­
[8] BS88: Part 2: Supplementary requirements for fuses of stand­
ing advantageous design changes to be made prior to
ardised dimensions and performance for industrial purposes:
instahation. During the site phase progress, costs and 1975(1982)
productivity can all be kept under review. [9] lEE Wiring Regulations: 15th Edition 1981: Regulation 433-2
Protection against both overload and short circuit currents
Valuation [10] ESI Standard 44-3: Electric motors — specification (3300V
and above), 1980
The system will accept measurement information for [11] ESI Standard 44-4: Electric motors — specification (415V and
the fohowing: below, 0.75 kW and above), 1980
• Steelwork quantities and supports installed. [12] BS5000: Part 40: Motors for driving power station auxiliaries:
1973 (1984)
• Route matrix segment lengths. [13] BS4999: Part 41: Specification for general requirements for
rotating electrical machines — General characteristics: 1977
• On-matrix cable tail lengths.
[14] BS4999: Part 101: Specification for general requirements for
• Off-matrix cables. rotating electrical machines — Tolerances: 1972


[15] BS5311: Part 2: Specification for AC circuit-breakers of rated [24] BS476: Part 8: Fire tests on building materials and structures
voltage above 1 kW — Rating: 1976 - test methods and criteria for the fire resistance of elements
[16] BS5424: Specification for controlgear for voltages up to and of building construction: 1972
including 1000 V AC and 1200 V DC: 1977 [25] BS476: Part 4: Fire tests on building materials and structures
[17] BS142: Section 2.3: Specification for thermal electrical relays: - non-combustibility test for materials: 1970 (1984)
1984 [26] BS476: Part 7: Fire tests on building materials and structures
[18] lEE Wiring Regulations: currently 15th Edition 1981; 16th - surface spread of flame tests for materials
Edition to be issued [27] Alderton J. R., Anderson P. C , and Cakebread R. J.: Cal­
[19] GDCD Standard 197: Cable supporting steelwork: April 1979 culation and measurement of the earth impedance of an e.h.v.
substation: Proc lEE, Vol 125, No. 12: December 1978
[20] BS3692: Specification for ISO metric precision hexagon bolts,
IEEE Standard 80: IEEE guide for safety in substation ground­
screws and nuts. Metric units: 1967 [28]
ing: 1986
[21] GDCD Standard 216: Cable cleating arrangements
Tagg G. F.: 'Earth resistances': George Newnes, London: 1964
[22] Burki A. N. and Sabine A. M.; Connecting solid-conductor ^^^^
aluminium cables in terminal boxes: The Engineer: December [30] Wenner Dr. F.: Scientific Paper 258: Bureau of Standards:
1963 1915
[23] Solars P. M. Α.: Wire wrapped joints — a review: Electro- [31] Engineering Recommendation S34: A guide for assessing the
component science and technology: Volume 1, pp 17-25: 1974 rise of earth potential at substation sites: May 1986

Cabling Chapter 6

Appendix A

Values of resistance and reactance for single-core

elastomeric-insulated cables OO^C maximum conductor temperature)

Conductor Armour

DC AC Equivalent DC
Cable type resistance resistance star reactance resistance
at at at at
20°C, μΩ/m 90°C, /ifi/m 50 Hz, μΩ/m 20°C, μΩ/m

// kV Cables
Single-core 100 129 158 200
300 mm^

Single-core 60.5 79 142 170

500 mm^

3.3 kV Cables
Single-core 77.8 100.5 150 110
400 mm^

415 V Cables
Single-core 77.8 100.5 150 110
400 mm^

Note: Equivalent star reactance values are for a single cable per phase
laid in flat formation

Appendix Β

Appendix Β

Values of resistance and reactance for multicore

PVC-lnsulated cables (70°C maximum conductor temperature)

Conductor Armour

DC AC Equivalent DC
Cable type resistance resistance star reactance resistance
at at at at
20°C, μΩ/m 70°C, μΩ/m 50 Hz, /ifi/m 20°C, / i ß / m

3.3 kV Cables
3-core 150 206 248 80.0 240
3-core 240 125 151 76.5 150

415 V Cables
2 9100
2-core 2.5 7410 8866 100.0
3-core 2.5 mm^ 7410 8866 100.0 8800
4-core 2.5 mm^ 7410 8866 100.0 7900
2-core 4 mm^ 4610 5516 98.5 7500
3-core 4 mm^ 4610 5516 98.5 7000
4-core 4 mm^ 4610 5516 98.5 4600
2-core 6 mm^ 3080 3685 93.5 6800
3-core 6 3080 3685 93.5 4600
4-core 6 mm^ 3080 3685 93.5 4100
2-core 16 mm^ 1910 2295 86.0 140
3-core 16 1910 2295 86.0 130
4-core 16 mm^ 1910 2295 86.0 1200
2-core 35 mm^ 868 1043 82.0 1400
3-core 35 mm^ 868 1043 82.0 1100
4-core 35 868 1043 82.0 960
2 570
2-core 70 443 532 79.0
3-core 70 mm^ 443 532 79.0 480
4-core 70 mm^ 443 532 79.0 420
3-core 120 mm^ 253 304 77.0 280
4-core 120 mm^ 253 304 77.0 240
2 230
3-core 185 164 197 77.0
4-core 185 mm^ 164 197 77.0 150
3-core 300 mm^ 100 120 76.0 140
4-core 300 mm^ 100 120 76.0 120

The constant mass temperature coefficient at 20°C per kelvin are:

Copper = 0.00393

Aluminium = 0.00403

Galvanised = 0.0045
steel wire

Note: Cables up to and including 6 mm^ have copper conductors and steel
wire armour.
Cables 60 mm^ and larger have aluminium conductors and armour.

Cabling Chapter 6

Appendix C

Current ratings for elastomeric-insulated cables

The current ratings are based on a maximum conductor temperature

of 90°C with ambient temperature of 25°C, with single-point bonding
and no core transposition.

Current rating, A

Cable type
Direct in In single-
In air
the ground way ducts

// ky Cables
Single-core 300 mm^ 500 480 675
Single-core 500 mm^ 645 610 900

3.3 kV Cables
Single-core 400 mm^ 575 550 785

415 V Cables
Single-core 400 mm^ 575 550 785

Note: All cables have stranded aluminium conductors

Appendix D

Appendix D

Current ratings for PVC-insulated cables

The current ratings are based on a maximum conductor temperature of 70°C

and an ambient temperature of 25°C.

Current rating, A

Cable type
Direct in In single-
In air
the ground way ducts

3.3 kV Cables
3-core 150 mm^ 257 217 265
3-core 240 mm^ 338 285 361

415 V Cables
2-core 2.5 mm^ 41 34 33
3-core 2.5 mm^ 35 29 28
4-core 2.5 mm^ 35 29 28
2-core 4 mm^ 55 45 44
3-core 4 mm^ 47 38 38
4-core 4 47 38 38
2-core 6 69 57 56
3-core 6 mm^ 59 48 48
4-core 6 mm^ 59 48 48
2-core 16 91 75 77
3-core 16 77 62 65
4-core 16 mm^ 77 62 65
2-core 35 mm^ 142 115 120
3-core 35 mm^ 120 97 104
4-core 35 120 97 104
2-core 70 mm^ 209 170 185
3-core 70 mm^ 176 144 161
4-core 70 mm^ 176 144 161
3-core 120 243 199 232
4-core 120 mm^ 243 199 232
3-core 185 mm^ 309 254 306
4-core 185 mm^ 309 254 306
3-core 300 mm^ 407 338 421
4-core 300 407 338 421

A/ores: 3.3 kV cables have solid aluminium conductors.

415 V cables with nominal conductor areas of 2.5 mm^,

4 mm^ and 6 mm^ have stranded-copper conductors.

All other 415V cables have solid aluminium conductors.

Cabling Chapter 6

Appendix Ε

Rating factors for variations in thermal parameters

Rating factors for variation in ambient air temperature

(a) Maximum conductor temperature 70°C

Air temperature, °C 25 30 35 40 45 50 55

Rating factor (maximum 1.00 0.94 0.88 0.82 0.75 0.67 0.58
conductor temperature

(b) Maximum conductor temperature 90°C

Air temperature, °C 25 30 35 40 45 50 55

Rating factor {maximum 1.00 0.95 0.91 0.86 0.80 0.75 0.69
conductor temperature

Rating factors for variation in ground temperature for cables buried direct in the ground.
(a) Maximum conductor temperature 70°C

Ground temperature, °C 20 25 30 35 40

Rating factor (maximum 0.95 0.90 0.85 — —

conductor temperature

(b) Maximum conductor temperature 90°C

Ground temperature, °C 20 25 30 35 40

Rating factor (maximum 0.97 0.93 0.89 0.86 0.82

conductor temperature

Appendix Ε

Appendix Ε (cont'd)
Rating factors for variations in thermal parameters

Rating factors for variation in ground temperature for cables laid in ducts
(a) Maximum conductor temperature 70°C

Ground temperature, °C 20 25 30

Rating factor (maximum 0.95 0.90 0.85

conductor temperature

(b) Maximum conductor temperature 90°C

Ground temperature, °C 20 25 30

Rating factor (maximum 0.97 0.93 0.89

conductor temperature

Note'. The rating factors in the following tables may be

taken to be the same for maximum conductor temperatures
of 70°C and 90°C respectively.

Rating factors for variation in depth of laying direct in the ground

3.3 kV and 11 kV
415 Volt cables
Depth of
laying, m
Up to Above Up to Above
70-300 mm^ 300 mm^
50 mm^ 300 mm^ 300 mm^

0.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 — —

0.60 0.99 0.98 0.97 — —

0.80 0.97 0.96 0.94 1.00 1.00

1.00 0.95 0.93 0.92 0.98 0.97

1.25 0.94 0.92 0.89 0.96 0.95

1.50 0.93 0.90 0.87 0.95 0.93

Cabling Chapter 6

Appendix Ε (confd)
Rating factors for variations in thermal parameters

Rating factors for variation in soil thermal resistivity

(a) Cables laid direct in the ground

Ground thermal resistivity, K.m/W

Nominal area of
0.8 0.9 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5

Multicore cables

2.5 mm^ 1.09 1.07 1.04 0.94 0.86 0.80

4.0 mm^ 1.10 1.07 1.05 0.94 0.85 0.79
6.0 mm^ 1.10 1.07 1.05 0.93 0.85 0.79
16 mm^ 1.12 1.08 1.05 0.93 0.84 0.77
35 mm^ 1.13 1.09 1.06 0.92 0.83 0.76
70 mm^ 1.14 1.09 1.06 0.92 0.83 0.75
120 mm^ 1.14 1.10 1.06 0.92 0.82 0.75
150 mm^ 1.14 1.10 1.06 0.92 0.82 0.75
185 mm^ 1.14 1.10 1.06 0.92 0.82 0.74
240 mm^ 1.15 1.10 1.07 0.92 0.81 0.74
300 mm^ 1.15 1.10 1.07 0.92 0.81 0.74

Single-core cables
300 mm^ 1.17 1.12 1.07 0.91 0.80 0.73
400 mm^ 1.17 1.12 1.07 0.91 0.80 0.73
500 mm^ 1.17 1.12 1.07 0.91 0.80 0.73

Appendix Ε

Appendix Ε (cont'd)
Rating factors for variations in thermal parameters

Rating factors for variation in soil thermal resistivity

(b) Cables laid in ducts

Ground thermal resistivity, K.m/W

Nominal area of
0.8 0.9 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5

Multicore cables

2.5 mm^ 1.03 1.02 1.02 0.98 0.94 0.91

4.0 mm^ 1.04 1.03 1.02 0.97 0.94 0.90
6.0 mm^ 1.04 1.03 1.02 0.97 0.93 0.90
16 mm^ 1.04 1.03 1.02 0.97 0.92 0.88
35 mm^ 1.05 1.03 1.02 0.96 0.92 0.87
70 mm^ 1.05 1.04 1.02 0.96 0.91 0.86
120 mm^ 1.06 1.04 1.03 0.95 0.90 0.85
150 mm2 1.06 1.04 1.03 0.95 0.90 0.85
185 mm^ 1.07 1.05 1.03 0.95 0.89 0.84
240 mm^ 1.07 1.05 1.03 0.95 0.89 0.84
300 mm^ 1.07 1.05 1.03 0.95 0.88 0.83

Single-core cables
300 mm2 1.11 1.08 1.05 0.93 0.85 0.79
400 mm^ 1.11 1.08 1.05 0.93 0.85 0.78
500 mm^ 1.11 1.08 1.05 0.93 0.85 0.78

Rating factors for variation in depth of cables laid in ducts

415 Volt cables 3.3 kV and 11 kV cables

Depth of
laying, m
Single-core Multicore Single-core Multicore

0.50 1.00 1.00 — —

0.60 0.98 0.99 — —

0.80 0.95 0.98 1.00 1.00

1.00 0.93 0.96 0.98 0.99
1.25 0.91 0.95 0.95 0.97
1.50 0.89 0.94 0.94 0.96

Cabling Chapter 6

Appendix F

Cross-sectional area of armour wire

415 V 3.3 kV and 11 kV single-core power cables

Nominal cross-sectional Cross-sectional area of

area of conductor armour wire, mm^

// kV Cables
Single-core 300 mm^ 103
Single-core 500 mm^ 169

3.3 kV Cables
Single-core 400 mm^ 153

415 V Cables
Single-core 400 mm^ 153

All cable sizes have round aluminium armour wire

415 V and 3.3 kV multicore power cables to BS6346

Cross-sectional area of
Nominal cross-sectional armour wire/strip mm^
area of conductor
mm^ 2-core 3-core 4-core
mm^ mm^ mm^

2.5 17 19 20
4 21 23 35
6 24 36 40
16 23 26 29
35 24 30 34
70 56 67 78
120 N/A 117 136
185 N/A 143 214
300 N/A 237 271

2.4 mm^, 4 mm^ and 6 mm^ cable sizes have steel

wire armour

16 mm^ and above cable sizes have aluminium strip

Appendix G

Appendix G

415 V motor parameters and selected fuse sizes

Rated Nominal Maximum Starting 2 X Full

output starting starting time Starting load Fuse size
kW current current time current
A A s s A

0.75 11.0 13.1 3.1 6.2 1.7 10 A

1.1 16.1 19.3 3.2 6.4 2.5 12 A
1.5 21.9 26.3 3.2 6.4 3.3 16 A
2.2 32.1 38.6 3.3 6.6 4.4 20 A
3.0 40.9 49.1 3.4 6.8 6.1 32 A
4.0 54.5 65.4 3.5 7.0 8.1 40 A
5.5 75.0 90.0 3.7 7.4 11.1 50 A
7.5 96.0 115 4.0 8.0 13.9 63 A
11 141 169 4.5 9.0 20.5 80 A
15 192 230 5.0 10.0 27.9 100 A
18.5 224 267 5.5 11.0 32.3 125 A
22 266 320 6.0 12.0 38.4 160 A
30 363 436 7.0 14.0 52.4 500 A
37 448 537 8.0 16.0 64.6 250 A
45 513 616 9.0 18.0 75.0 315 A
55 627 753 10.4 20.8 91.7 315 A
75 856 1027 13.0 26.0 125.1 500 A
90 1027 1232 15.0 30.0 150.1 630 A
110 1194 1432 15.0 30.0 178.9 630 A
132 1432 1719 15.0 30.0 214.7 800 A
150 1628 1953 15.0 30.0 244.0 800 A

Cabling Chapter 6

Appendix Η

Maximum cable route lengths

Steady state voltage regulation — 1 %

Motor starting voltage regulation — 1 5 %
Ambient air temperature 25°C

Motor Fuse 415 V AC motor circuits

rated rating
output Cable size 1 Cable size 2 Cable size 3

Route Route Route

length length length
kW A mm"^ m mm^ m mm^ m

0.75 10 2.5 231 — —

1.1 12 2.5 157 — —

1.5 16 2.5 115 4 185

2.2 20 2.5 78 4 125
3.0 32 2.5 61 4 99
4.0 40 2.5 46 4 74
5.5 50 4 53 6 80
7.5 63 6 61 16 99
11 80 16 67 35 144
15 100 16 48 35 105
18.5 125 35 88 70 168
22 160 35 74 70 141
30 200 35 53 70 102
37 250 70 82 120 138
45 250 70 69 120 117
55 315 70 55 120 95
75 400 120 68 185 100

Appendix Η

Appendix Η (cont'd)
Maximum cable route lengths

Fuse Three-phase and neutral

rating distribution feeder circuits

Cable size 1 Cable size 2 Cable size 3

Route Route Route

length length length
2 2
A m m m

10 2.5 45
12 2.5 37 4 61
16 2.5 27 4 45 6 68
20 2.5 21 4 36 6 54
25 2.5 16 4 28 6 42
32 4 21 6 32 16 54
40 6 25 16 42 35 92
50 16 33 35 73 70 139
63 16 25 35 57 70 109
80 35 44 70 85 120 142
100 35 34 70 67 120 112
125 70 52 120 89 185 128
160 120 68 185 99 300 144
200 120 53 185 78 300 114
250 185 61 300 90 2-185 128
315 300 70 2-185 101 2-300 146
400 300 54 2-185 78 2-300 114

Cabling Chapter 6

Appendix I

Main protection for feeder and motor circuits

Fault current
voltage Application Main protection
breaking device

11 Feeder circuits
(a) Outgoing Air circuit- High set instantaneous over-
transformer breaker current and restricted earth
fault, IDMT overcurrent.

(b) Interconnector Air circuit- Circulating current, IDMT

breaker overcurrent and earth fault.

Motor circuit High set overcurrent and

instantaneous earth fault,
thermal overcurrent with

3.3 Feeder circuits

above 1 MVA
(a) Outgoing Air circuit- High set instantaneous over-
transformer breaker current and restricted earth
fault, extremely inverse over-

(b) Interconnector Air circuit- Circulating current, IDMT

breaker overcurrent and earth fault.

Motor circuits Air circuit- High set instantaneous over-

above 1 MW breaker current and earth fault,
thermal overload with single-

Feeder circuits
1 MVA and below
Outgoing Fused switching Fuse to BS2692: Pt 1, [6]
transformer device high set instantaneous over-
current and restricted earth
fault, extremely inverse over-

Motor circuits Fused switching Fuse to BS5907, [7] high set

1 MW and below device instantaneous overcurrent
and earth fault, thermal
overload with single-phasing.

0.415 Feeder circuits Air Circulating current differential

above 0.33 MVA circuit-breaker earth fault.

Feeder circuits Fuse Fuse to Β888: Pt 2 [8]

0.33 MVA and

Motor circuits Fuse/contactor Fuse to BS88: Pt 2

above 50 kW thermal overload with single-
phasing, definite time high
set earth fault.

Motor circuits Fuse/contactor Fuses to BS88: Pt 2,

50 kW down thermal overload with single-
to 1.5 kW phasing.

Appendix J

Appendix J

Advantages and disadvantages of various lamps

used for lighting power station interiors

Type of lamp Advantages Disadvantages

Tubular fluorescent (a) Immediate light output and (a) Rating of lamp low, typically
restrike. 85 W . Therefore lumen output
per fitting low. More fluorescent
(b) Low surface brightness per­ tubes needed than discharge
mitting low mounting height. lamps in any one area. This
increases maintenance problems.
(c) Good colour rendering.

(d) Long life (5000-10 000 hours)

depending on type, switching
cycle, etc.

High pressure mercury discharge (a) Long life (5000-10 000 hours) (a) Higher rated lamps require high
(fluorescent) depending on type, rating, mounting height to avoid glare.
switching etc.
MBF — Arc tube and fluorescent (b) Run-up period to full light out­
coating on the inside of outer (b) Discharge lamp rating higher put of about 4 minutes.
envelope than fluorescent, therefore high
lumen output per lamp. (c) Loss of output occurs when
MBFR — An MBF lamp in which supply voltage falls below 8 0 %
part of the outer envelope has an (c) Light may be provided from of nominal voltage.
inner reflecting coating distant positions using direc­
tional projectors. (d) Re-ignition after about 10 minutes
on loss of output.
(d) Acceptable colour rendering.

(e) Operation in any position,


(f) Can withstand prolonged


High pressure mercury discharge (a) Long life (5000-10 000 hours) (a) High mounting height required
(Metal halide) depending on type, rating, to avoid glare.
switching cycle, etc.
MBI — High pressure mercury (b) Run-up period to 9 0 % of full
discharge lamp with metal halide (b) High lumen output per lamp. light output in about 5 minutes.
additives in arc tube and clear
outer envelope. (c) Light may be provided from (c) Loss of output occurs when
accessible distant positions supply voltage falls below 8 0 %
MBIF — An MBI lamp with a using directional projector. of nominal voltage.
fluorescent coating on inside of
of outer envelope (d) Good colour rendering. (d) Re-ignition after about 10 minutes
on loss of output.
(e) Can withstand prolonged
vibration. (e) Restrictions on operating position.

Cabling Chapter 6

Appendix J (cont'd)
Advantages and disadvantages of various lamps
used for lighting power station interiors

Type of lamp Advantages Disadvantages

High pressure sodium (a) Long life (6000-12000 hours) (a) High mounting height required
according to rating, etc. to avoid glare.
SON — A high pressure sodium
discharge lamp with an arc tube in (b) High lumen output per lamp. (b) Run-up period to 90% of light
an outer envelope. output in about 5 minutes.
(c) Light may be provided from
SON-R, A SON lamp with an accessible distant positions (c) Loss of output occurs when
internal reflecting coating. using directional projector. supply voltage falls below 80%
of nominal voltage.
(d) Operates in any position.
(d) Re-ignition within 1 minute
(e) Can withstand prolonged following loss of output.
(e) Colour has high yellow and
red colours but all colours

Tungsten filament (a) Does not require any control (a) Larger ratings require high
gear and operates from either mounting height to avoid glare.
an AC or DC supply.
(b) Limited life only 1000-2000
(b) Immediate light output. hours.

(c) Good colour rendering. (c) Poor light output. Light output
and life sensitive to small voltage
(d) Operates in all positions.
(d) Adversely affected by vibration.

Tungsten halogen (a) Does not require any control (a) Larger ratings require high
gear and operates from either mounting height to avoid glare.
an AC or DC supply.
(b) Light output and life sensitive to
(b) Immediate light output. small voltage variations.

(c) Good colour rendering. (c) Adversely affected by vibration.

(d) Longer life and higher lumen (d) Some restriction on operating
output than tungsten filament position.
but still relatively poor (2000-
4000 hours).

C H A P T E R 7


1 Introduction 5 Power station auxiliary drives

2 Types and performance of motors 5.1 Boiler feed pumps
2.1 Cage induction motors 5.2 Coal- and oil-fired boiler units
2.2 Slipring induction motors 5.2.1 Draught plant
2.3 AC commutator motors 5.2.2 Milling plant
2.4 Variable-speed AC converter drives 5.3 Nuclear reactors — AGR
2.4.1 Cycloconverter 5.3.1 Gas circulators
2.4.2 Slip-energy recovery systems 5.4 Nuclear reactors — PWR
2.4.3 Voltage source converter 5.4.1 Reactor coolant pumps
2.4.4 Current source converter 5.4.2 Safety-related drives
2.4.5 Pulse-width-modulated converter 5.5 Circulating water pumps
2.5 DC motors 6 Testing
3 Design and construction 7 Future trends
3.1 Mechanical construction
3.2 Types of enclosure 8 References
3.3 Methods of cooling 9 Additional references
3.4 Windings
9.1 ESI Standards
3.5 Insulation systems
9.2 CEGB Standards
3.6 Bearings
9.3 British Standards
3.7 Terminal boxes
9.4 IEEE Standards
4 Technical requirements 9.5 lEC Recommendations

1 Introduction performance. M a n y textbooks and technical papers

The modern power station requires a wide range of are available to the reader on detailed m o t o r design,
electric motors ranging from small power motors u p theory, insulation, etc., a n d such theory is not repeated
to motors as large as 15 M W . There are about 2000 in this chapter. Some of these aspects are, however,
motors in a typical power station. Their total installed dealt with insofar as they are necessary to describe
capacity is between 5% and 10% of the station M W particular features of the m o t o r s , to explain the func­
output, depending on the type of station, e.g., nu­ tional needs and to portray modern practice.
clear, coal- or oil-fired, and on the type and number
of motor-driven auxiharies. Whilst most motors in
a modern power station are of the cage induction 2 Types and performance of motors
type, others are also used when there is a technical
or economic need. Examples include variable-speed There are large numbers of small power (formerly
shpring induction motors for boiler feedpump drives, known as fractional horsepower) motors used, e.g.,
D C motors for turbine-generator standby lubricating sootblowers, servo motors, instrument drives, etc. These
oil pumps, two-speed cage induction and converter-fed types are not described here. Their technical require­
variable-speed A C motors for drives such as boiler ments are specified in C E G B Standard 44011 Electric
draught fans, barring and the low speed facility for motors — small power and in BS5000, Part 11, Small
gas circulators on advanced gas cooled (AGR) nuclear power electric motors and generators.
reactors. Five types of m o t o r are considered:
This chapter examines typical auxiliary drive require­ • Cage induction m o t o r s .
ments and the selection of the motors used. It considers
the functional requirements and the effect of these on • Shpring induction m o t o r s .
the motor design, constructional features and technical • A C commutator motors.

Motors Chapter 7

• D C motors. motors because of limitations on starting current im­

posed by their electrical power supply system, power
• Variable-speed A C converter drives.
stations have auxiliary power systems backed by high
M V A infeeds and even the largest cage induction
Other types of motor not deah with in detail include motors used in these stations can usually be started
linear motors which have, for example, been used on direct-on-line. High values of starting current also
cranes and shding doors, synchronous motors and m o ­ present problems in that the stator windings must be
tors for glandless pumps of the wet-stator winding or designed to withstand the electromechanical forces
of the canned types. Technical requirements of motors produced by the starting current. The windings must
for glandless pumps are given in C E G B Standard also be designed to meet the temperature rise during
620106, Glandless p u m p / m o t o r units. starting, which may be considerable, particularly for
the rotor cage windings if a high number of starts
per hour is required or the driven load has high inertia.
2.1 Cage induction motors Table 7.1 gives maximum values of starting current
Cage induction motors are very reliable, since the ro­ permitted with C E G B practice. These values comply
tors are of robust construction and have no sliprings, with BS4999, Part 4 1 .
commutators or brushes. They are relatively low in The motor torque-speed characteristics must be de­
cost and have high operating efficiency; their simph- signed to meet the requirements of the driven load
city and reliability has led to their extensive use for under the most arduous conditions of service. The
power station auxiliary drives. torque requirements may in some cases present diffi­
A disadvantage of the cage induction motor is the culties to the motor designer since the maximum per­
large starting current, which is about 5 to 7 times mitted value of starting current (see Table 7.1) affects
normal full-load current. This presents vohage drop the starting and maximum torque values obtainable
problems to the electrical supply system to which it is from a given design. F r o m a study of the equivalent
connected and can create some difficulties in providing circuh theory of induction motors (see Alger 1951 [1],
adequate electrical protection, e.g., overcurrent and 1970 [2], and Say 1983 [3]) it will be apparent that
short-circuit protection. Whereas many industrial users the starting torque and current characteristics can be
have to restrict the power rating of cage induction controlled by varying the values of rotor resistance and

Ratio of starting (locked rotor) kVA to rated output kW

Rated output Rated voltage Ratio of starting

(kW) (locked rotor) kVA to
rated output kW

Over 1 up to 2.5 415 V 10.5

Over 2.5 up to 6.3 415 V 9.8
Over 6,3 up to 16 415 V 9.2
Over 16 up to 40 415 V 8.7
Over 40 up to 100 415 V 8.2
Over 100 up to 150 415 V 7.8
Over 150 up to 250 3.3 kV and above 6.0
Over 250 up to 630 3.3 kV and above 5.8
Over 630 up to 1 600 3.3 kV and above 5.6
Over 1 600 up to 4 000 3.3 kV and above 5.4
Over 4 000 up to 10 000 3.3 kV and above 5.2
Above 10 000 3.3 kV and above 5.0

Notes: (1) To obtain the ratio of starting (locked rotor) current to full load current,
multiply the above ratio by per unit efficiency and power factor at rated
(2) Depending on the efficiencies and power factors involved, the above values
correspond to:
6 to 7 times full load current for 415 V motors
5 to 6 times full load current for 3.3 kV and above.
(3) The above values are selected from BS4999, Part 41.

T y p e s a n d performance of motors

reactance. A variety of designs may be used to obtain

the required characteristics in this way. These include
Β ^ = DEEP BAR, B2 = L BAR, B3 = Τ BAR
the following types of cage rotors:
• Normal types — rectangular or round section rotor D = TRISLOT ROTOR

• Current displacement types — deep rectangular

bars, T-section bars, L-section bars.

• Double-cage rotors.

• Trislot rotors.

• High resistance rotors.

Figure 7.1 ihustrates all five types of rotor and gives

typical torque-speed curves.
With the current displacement type, the rotor current
is forced towards the top of the bars at starting, due 3
to the relatively high value of reactance at the b o t t o m LU

of the slots. This results in an effective A C resistance

considerably higher than that experienced when the
motor is running at fuh speed, with the rotor bars
operating at very low slip frequency. There is thus an
increased ratio of starting torque to starting current,
compared with the normal type of cage winding.
The action of the double-cage rotor is similar, in
that the rotor current is forced into the high resistance 0.5
SPEED, p.u.
outer-cage winding at start due to the higher reactance
of the inner cage. The major component of starting FIG. 7.1 Torque-speed curves of cage induction motors
torque is thereby produced in the higher resistance
winding. When the motor is up to speed, the reactance
of the inner cage winding is relatively low due to the The high value of resistance gives a high value of
low value of slip frequency and the bulk of the current starting torque but also results in a low operating ef­
(and hence torque) is produced in the low resistance ficiency due t o increased rotor I^R losses. This type is
inner-cage winding. The trislot rotor is another varia­ therefore mainly used for applications where a high
tion in which a high resistance outer-cage produces starting torque is required but operating efficiency is
the bulk of the starting torque. The running winding not important. Because this type of motor has a high
consists of two rows of inner slots containing the in­ slip at fuh load, its speed can be varied by adjusting
sulated inner winding, which consists of short-circuited the value of supply voltage. Since the high resistance
turns forming closed loops spanning approximately type rotor is an inefficient variable-speed drive it is
a pole pitch. This type has an even better ratio of limited to drives with intermittent use, such as cranes
starting torque to starting current than the double- and actuators, where efficiency is not very important
cage rotor, but both double-cage and trislot rotor and the higher cost of alternative variable-speed mo­
machines have a high starting torque (see Fig 7.1). All tors is not justified.
the above types of cage winding have been used for Figure 7.2 shows the effect of reduced voltage on the
power station applications, the choice depending on torque-speed curve of a typical current-displacement
the power output and speed of the m o t o r , the apph­ cage-induction m o t o r . It is necessary t o ensure that
cation and performance characteristics required. For sufficient margin of accelerating torque is available
most drives, such as boiler feed pumps and draught in order to meet the worst conditions, e.g., reduced
plant, the performance available from normal cage or supply voltage due to rotor starting and high loads
current displacement cage designs is perfectly suitable. such as opening control valves on p u m p s .
Double-cage and trislot type rotors are generally not
as mechanically robust as the other types and may
therefore be restricted in power output or speed (e.g., 2.2 Slipring induction motors
> 5 M W at 1500 r / m i n and below and > 2 M W at This m o t o r differs from the cage induction motor
3000 r / m i n or above). Double-cage and trislot rotors described in the previous section in that both the sta­
tend to be restricted to drives requiring a high starting tor and rotor are wound with insulated windings, the
torque, e.g., pulveriser mihs. The high resistance type rotor winding being brought out t o sliprings which are
rotor is constructed of high resistance rotor bar ma­ connected to external resistances during starting and
terial, such as bronze or other high resistance alloy. for speed control.

Motors Chapter 7

A typical diagram of connections for a stator-fed

shunt-connected motor (which is more often used than
2.0 MOTOR TORQUE α the series connection), is shown in Fig 7.3.
The action of the c o m m u t a t o r is to convert the slip
frequency generated in the armature windings back
to supply frequency (i.e., normally 50 Hz) across the
brushes. The brushes are connected to the main power
ο. supply through an induction regulator which provides
the link between the variable voltage at the commu­
oc tator brushes and the constant voltage supply. This
o regulator is then used to inject a voltage into the ar­
mature winding via the brushes and causes the speed
ACCELERATING to be varied in relation to the injected voltage. At
TORQUE speeds below synchronous, power is drawn from the
^ ^ ^ ^ LOAD TORQUE α (SPEED)' armature and returned to the supply; at super-synchro­
41.0 nous speeds power is drawn from the supply and fed
SPEED p.u. into the armature. Further infomation on c o m m u t a t o r
motors and induction regulators is given by Adkins and
FIG. 7 . 2 Torque-speed curves of cage induction motor Gibbs, 1951 [4].
at reduced voltage One of the main apphcations has in the past been
on exhauster fans associated with pulveriser mihs on
boiler plant, where the variable-speed feature has been
The main application on modern power stations has
used to control the boiler fuel/air flow. The commu­
been for variable-speed drives for starting and standby
tator and brushes associated w h h this type are an
boiler feed p u m p s , where its low operating efficiency
obvious disadvantage representing a considerable main­
has not been a disadvantage, due to the relatively low
tenance task.
running hours per a n n u m , and the capital cost has been
relatively low compared to other variable-speed drives.
However, the tendency is now to use direct-on-line cage
2.4 Variable-speed AC converter drives
induction m o t o r s driving t h r o u g h variable-speed
hydraulic couplings (see Section 5.1 of this chapter). With an increased emphasis now being placed on en­
The starting current is much lower than for cage ergy saving methods, coupled with the need to reduce
induction motors, a typical value being 120% fuh- overall costs, increasing attention has been given to
load current with 100% starting torque. The combined
starter and speed controher for these large feed p u m p
motors is of the hquid type. The shp energy to be A.c. SUPPLY
dissipated in the controller at reduced speed is con­
siderable and the hquid controller is therefore invaria­
bly water-cooled in order to dissipate this energy.
Methods for recovering this slip energy are available,
such as the Kramer scheme where the low frequency
slip power from the rotor is converted by an inverter TRANSFORMER

to 50 Hz and recovered by feeding it back to the

power supply. However, this scheme is generally only
economic for drives with high load factors because it
has the disadvantage of a high wear rate on brushes
and sliprings which results in a heavy maintenance bur­
den. This scheme has not been used much by the C E G B ,
although it has found favour with several Western
European supply companies. One or two examples
do however exist in C E G B , including the boiler feed
pumps at West Thurrock power station.

2.3 AC commutator motors INDUCTION

The most commonly used variable-speed A C commuta­
tor motor has been the stator-fed type, in which both
the stator and armature are insulated windings, the FIG. 7 . 3 Stator-fed AC variable-speed
armature winding being brought out to a c o m m u t a t o r . commutator motor

T y p e s and performance of motors

improved means of providing variable-speed for power and a slipring induction m o t o r have been used, parti­
station auxiliary drives as a means of saving power. cularly in Western E u r o p e , for boiler feed p u m p drives.
The recent rapid development of A C variable-speed However, a major disadvantage is the current collec­
drives has now reached a stage where the improved tion associated with the slipring m o t o r which adversely
overall performance and reliability should result in affects reliabihty and increases maintenance. The use
an increasing application of such drives for controlhng of cage induction motors u p to the h m h of forced
and varying flow or speed. Variable-speed using D C commutation (about 1.5 M W ) in conjunction with one
motors was much used in the old days, but fell out of the DC-link type converters, and brushless syn­
of favour with the increased power requirements (see chronous motors above this level (up to about 20 M W ) ,
Section 2.5 of this chapter). However, with the im­ avoids these problems.
proved techniques and increase in power ratings of All static converters inject harmonics into the power
thyristors over recent years, the use of A C variable- supply system, the a m o u n t of which is significantly
speed converter drives is increasing and is competing affected by the type of arrangement used for the recti­
with other methods of controlling speed or flow, such fier. This arrangement also significantly affects the
as vane or damper control of fans or control valves for power factor. The harmonic levels must be acceptable
feed flow. to the power supply system and other connected plant.
The fohowing types of drive are discussed as follows: All types of converter also inject harmonics into the
m o t o r , the extent of which depends on the type and
• Cycloconverter.
design of converter and also the m o t o r leakage re­
• Shpring motor, with shp energy recovery. actance. One effect of this is to increase the motor
• Voltage source converter.
• Current source converter.
2.4.3 Voltage source converter
• Pulse-width-modulated ( P W M ) converter.
A voltage source converter feeding an induction motor
is shown schematically in Fig 7.4. The required output
The vohage source inverter, the current source inverter voltage is achieved by controlling the rectifier and the
and the pulse-width-modulated converter can all be required frequency by controlhng the switching of the
classified as DC-hnk converters because the A C supply inverter thyristors. Auxiliary forced-commutation cir­
is rectified to D C before it is filtered and fed into the cuits are required to turn off each inverter thyristor
inverter, in which thyristors or transistors are switched at the end of its conduction period, but these circuits
sequentially to generate a variable-frequency supply to are not described in detail here. Vohage source con­
the motor. verters can be used with standard induction m o t o r s ,
a h h o u g h some derating may be necessary due to the
2.4.1 Cycloconverter effects of harmonics, as mentioned above. A n exam­
ple of the application of a vohage source converter
A cycloconverter converts the mains frequency into
is to be found on the gas circulator drives for A G R
a variable frequency directly through a one-step con­
nuclear reactors, to provide low speed barring and
version process. This is the essential difference from
also a variable-speed facility for reactor depressurised
other types of converter described later, where the line
power is first converted to D C and then to variable-
frequency through an inverter. A cycloconverter can be
programmed to generate variable-frequency variable- 2.4.4 Current source converter
voltage to drive an induction m o t o r . It can also be used A current source converter feeding an induction motor
in the rotor circuit of a slipring motor for slip-energy is shown schematically in Fig 7.5. The D C current is
recovery, as described below. The output frequency is controlled by employing a current regulation loop,
limited to approximately 40% of its input frequency to which in turn controls the vohage from the phase-
maintain an acceptable waveform. The cost and com­ controlled rectifier. The thyristors or transistors of the
plexity of power and control circuits make them un­
competitive whh other types of converter drives for
general apphcations. However, they have been used for VARIABLE VOLTAGE
cement mill and steel mill applications, where the mills D.C. LINK

are directly coupled to the motor which is supplied by

a low frequency cycloconverter. The cycloconverter has A.c.
not so far been used in C E G B power stations.
2.4.2 Slip-energy recovery systems
Slip-energy recovery systems, in conjunction with a
cycloconverter or one of the DC-link type converters FIG. 7.4 Vohage source converter

Motors Chapter 7

commutated', and the relatively expensive forced-com­

VARIABLE mutation equipment necessary for induction motors
D.C. LINK can be ehminated. However, forced commutation has
to be provided during the inhial starting period, up to
approximately 10% speed, because the vohage obtained
from the motor during this period is too low to com-
mutate the inverter. Machine-commutated converters
CONTROLLED for synchronous machine drives are well established
and their previous uses include starting schemes for
large hydro-generators, e.g., Dinorwig power station,
FIG. 7.5 Current source converter
gas-turbine sets and synchronous compensators at some
transmission sub-stations. They have additional merits
inverter steer the current source into the three phases when used with brushless excitation arrangements on
of the motor winding to generate a variable-frequency the m o t o r and have been used by some Western E u r o ­
six-stepped current wave. Because of the large D C link pean supply companies for variable-speed boiler feed
reactor and the controlled-current mode of operation, p u m p and fan drives. The advantages of variable-speed
the converter is inherently rugged and has an ability A C converter drives can be summarised as fohows:
to recover from malfunction. Since the motor is part of
• High efficiency, which is maintained at reduced
the commutating circuit and commutation depends on
powers and speeds.
the motor subtransient reactance, the converter needs
to be matched electrically to the motor. The sudden • Wide speed range (10:1 readily achievable), with
changes in current which are inherent in the output accurate speed control ( 1 % ) .
current waveform result in large transient voltage spikes
• Low starting current (i.e., 1 to 1.5 χ full-load cur­
at the motor terminals.
rent (FLC), compared with 5 to 7 χ F L C on cage
induction motors) with possible cost savings on the
2.4.5 Pulse-width-modulated converter power system due to lower starting current and also
to less arduous starting conditions for the m o t o r .
A pulse-width-modulated converter feeding an induc­
tion motor is shown in Fig 7.6. A diode rectifier with • Regenerative braking can be provided, if necessary.
a smah fiher capachor generates a constant D C link
• Converter equipment can be continuously monitored
voltage: both the magnitude and frequency of the
thus facilitating identification of any faulty equip­
output voltage are controlled within the inverter. The
ment or components.
inverter typically has a similar circuit configuration to
that of a six-step voltage source inverter, but has a • Reduce space required local to driven equipment,
much more complex switching sequence: in addition, compared with cage induction motors driving through
there is usually an auxihary commutating thyristor hydrauhc couphngs.
associated with each main thyristor. Microprocessors
• Maximum speed is not limited by power system
are now being introduced into the control circuits.
supply frequency, for example, speeds greater than
Rapid thyristor or transistor switching is required, so
3000 r / m i n on 50 H z supply are possible.
that each half of the output voltage waveform consists
of a number of pulses of equal amplitude. The mag­ • Relatively easy to convert existing fixed-speed drives
nitude of the fundamental output vohage is controlled or to replace obsolete variable-speed drives. Exam­
by variation of the total voltage-time area for a half ples have occurred during refit programmes of fossil-
cycle. By suitably modulating the pulse width, the fuel power stations.
harmonic content of the output voltage can be reduced
to a low level.
For synchronous motors, the inverter is commutated 2.5 DC motors
by the motor voltage, which is known as 'machine T h e main application of D C m o t o r s in modern power
stations is for standby auxiharies associated with vital
services, such as the lubricating oil system of the
CONSTANT VOLTAGE turbine-generator u n h . T h u s , if the A C supply to the
D.C. LINK station auxiliary system fails completely, the turbine-
A.c. generator bearings can be fed by the D C motor-driven
lubricating oil p u m p powered from the station bat­
tery. On older power stations, D C motors were often
RECTIFIER used for variable-speed drives, such as boiler fans, etc.
However, with increasing power requirements, which
tended to exceed the capacity of commercially available
FIG. 7.6 Pulse-width-modulated converter motors, together with the need to improve reliability

Design and construction

and reduce maintenance, this type is now seldom used vides the location for the stator and rotor assemblies,
for such applications and has been largely superseded cooler and bearings. The base has to withstand tor­
by variable-speed A C motors, where such speed control sional loads, bending forces in both axes and the weight
is required (see Section 2.4 of this chapter). of the m o t o r .
The principal C E G B requirements are:

• M o t o r frames, end shields, external end covers, ex­

3 Design and construction
ternal fan cowls to be constructed of metal and be
robust enough to withstand conditions experienced
3.1 Mechanical construction within the power station such as vibration, impact
and environmental.
The construction of motors depends on many factors
such as the manufacturer, type, motor rating and, of • Glass fibre and plastic components must be of ade­
course, the apphcation. For smah m o t o r s , the use of quate design and robustness to whhstand the long
aluminium is increasing for stator frames, cage rotor term effects of the environmental and operating
windings and even stator winding conductors. For conditions.
medium and large motors, the stator frames are mostly
• Duplicate motors and their major components to
of fabricated-steel box construction, although cast iron
be interchangeable.
is still sometimes used for medium sizes.
Figure 7.7 illustrates the sectional arrangement of a • M o t o r s , including those with pedestal-type bearings,
typical medium-size horizontal cage-induction m o t o r . to be designed so they can be moved as an integral
The base is the main constructional member and pro­ unit.

FIG. 7.7 Sectional arrangement of cage induction motor

Motors Chapter 7

The construction of stator and rotor cores varies from A primary consideration when choosing an enclosure
one manufacturer to another and is also a function is to examine the environment and decide whether it
of type, size and speed. A c o m m o n method of con­ is suitably clean and dry for direct coohng, using a
struction of stator cores of medium and large motors ventilated type of machine, or whether there is any
is to build the laminations on mandrels. The lamina­ risk from airborne dust, water, steam, oil or sahne at­
tions are then welded to a framework to form a stator mosphere, which wih require total enclosure of the
pack. For rotors running at high speed and for those motor. A significant factor in this choice is capital
of large diameter, it may be necessary to shrink the cost, which is usually higher with totally-enclosed types.
laminations onto the shaft or shaft spider. Other factors which can influence the choice of en­
The radial airgap between stator and rotor cores closure are whether the motor is situated indoors, or
must be of sufficient length to prevent the possibi­ is outdoors and exposed to the weather. Saline environ­
lity of rubbing between stator and rotor cores during ments, such as those encountered with coastal power
all conditions of service. This must take into consi­ stations, are particularly arduous. Site conditions dur­
deration the effects of any shaft deflection due to ing the construction and commissioning of the power
unbalanced magnetic pull. This conflicts with the need station have also to be taken into account, since the
to keep the radial airgap small in order to minimise risk is greater, often for long periods of time.
the magnetising current to obtain an improved elec­ A hst of standard machine enclosure types used in
trical performance, particularly power factor, of low C E G B power stations is given in Table 7.2.
speed motors. The general trend is for the greater use of totally-
enclosed type motors and they are invariably used for
boiler auxiliaries, due to higher levels of contamina­
3.2 Types of enclosure tion. There is also an increasing tendency to use them
on turbine-generator auxiliaries, in view of the risk
The motor enclosure is chosen to give adequate pro­
of contamination from steam, water or oil, or from
tection to persons against contact with live or moving
activation of fire protection equipment. With small
parts inside the enclosure and to the machine against
power motors up to approximately 10 k W , the techni­
the ingress of sohd foreign bodies. Adequate protection cal and economic advantages of ventilated-type motors
is also required against the harmful ingress of water are so marginal that totally enclosed motors are invaria­
and other liquids. The most vulnerable part of an elec­ bly used. For outdoor apphcations, totally-enclosed
tric motor to contamination is the electrical insulation weatherproof motors are used with special features
of the windings and electrical terminations and it is provided, such as bearing seals, gaskets between flanged
important that the correct choice of enclosure is made joints and protective finish to bare metal surfaces, such
in order to ensure good reliabihty. The ingress of coal as shaft extensions, etc. Pipe- or duct-ventilated motors
dust, cement dust, water, steam, oil or other contami­ have occasionally been used in special applications, such
nants could cause premature electrical or mechanical as circulating water p u m p s . These have advantages,
failure, or overheating of the motor due to restriction particularly for larger machines, where a source of
of ventilation circuits. clean air is readily available (inlet duct), or where the

Typical motor protective enclosures and methods of cooling

Protective Method of
enclosure cooling
Description BS4999, BS4999,
Part 20. Part 21.
(IEC34-5) (IEC34-6)

Drip-proof, screen protected IP 22 IC 01

Totally-enclosed, fan-ventilated * IP 54 IC 01 41
Totally-enclosed, closed-air-circuit, air cooled, * IP 54 IC 01 51
integral heat exchanger
Totally-enclosed, closed-air-circuit, air cooled, * IP 54 IC 01 61
machine-mounted heat exchanger
Totally-enclosed, closed-air-circuit, water cooled, * IP 54 IC W37 A81
machine-mounted heat exchanger
Totally-enclosed, closed-air-circuit, water cooled, * IP 54 IC W37 A91
separately-mounted heat exchanger

* Motors which are situated outdoors or exposed to the weather are required to have
a weather-protected enclosure, IPW 55.

Design and construction

discharge of relatively large quantities of hot air could parallel air circuits: shaft-mounted fans at each end of
affect the ambient temperature to the detriment of the rotor circulate cooling air towards the centre of the
operating staff or other plant (outlet duct). However, rotor and radially outwards through ducts in the rotor
the more usual types of enclosure for circulating water and stator cores. Figure 7.8 shows a section through a
p u m p motors are drip-proof screen-protected or totally- typical radially-ventilated drip-proof m o t o r .
enclosed, closed-air-circuit, air cooled with an increas­ With totally-enclosed machines, the variations in
ing tendency towards the latter, particularly for coastal overall designs are greater but the arrangements of
stations due to the risk of saline contamination. cooling air flow within the machine are basically simi­
The type of enclosure is defined in BS4999, Part 20 lar, except that they are arranged for a closed circuh.
(lEC 3 4 - 5 ) and contains an international code, con­ At the small power end of the range, the totally-
sisting of the letters I P fohowed by two numerals. The enclosed m o t o r depends on free convection at its outer
first digit (0 to 5) signifies the degree of protection surfaces w h h or without an internal fan. For larger
against contact by persons with live or moving parts m o t o r s , both internal and external fans are provided,
inside the enclosure and of machines against ingress of with heat transfer taking place through fins provided
sohd foreign bodies. The second digit (0 to 8) signifies on the stator frame. This is the well known totally-
the degree of protection against harmful ingress of enclosed fan-ventilated m o t o r . Bigger motors have heat
water. In general, the higher the number, the higher is exchangers built into the stator frame, or more often
the degree of protection. Table 7.3 hsts some typical are provided with an integral air-to-air heat exchanger
motor auxiliary drives for a C E G B power station and unit m o u n t e d either on the machine or, for the largest
gives the types of enclosure used. machines, separately m o u n t e d . Figure 7.9 shows a
section through a typical closed-air-circuit air cooled
m o t o r with radial ventilation.
3.3 Methods of cooling A n alternative to the air-to-air heat exchanger is the
With the ventilated types of enclosure, the smaller air-to-water type, where water passes through parallel
sizes of motor are normally provided with axial-type rows of cooling tubes and the m o t o r primary cooling
ventilation, which comprises a single radial fan drawing air flows over the tubes. The outsides of the tubes are
air through axial ducts in the stator and rotor cores usually finned to increase the surface area. Figure 7.10
(iron laminations), and over the endwindings: it is shows a section through a typical closed-air-circuh
then discharged to atmosphere. For larger machines, water cooled m o t o r with radial-type ventilation.
the coohng surface is increased by using a combination For enclosed type motors rated u p to approximately
of axial and radial ducts in the core. The largest 1500 kW the use of water coohng is generally not
machines usually have radial-type ventilation with two technically or economically preferred and air cooling

FIG. 7.8 Section of radial ventilated induction motor

Motors Chapter 7

Some typical motor auxiliary drives (660 MW turbine-generators)

Power, Speed, Voltage, Number

Auxiliary Type motor Enclosure Mounting
kW r/min V per unit

1 Turbine-generator
AC Lub-oil pumps Sq. cage 53 1450 415 TEFC V 1
Standby lub-oil DC 19 1450 250 DC DPSP V 1
Jacking oil pumps Sq. cage 36 940 415 TEFC Η 1
Turning gear Sq. cage 50 1450 415 TEFC Η 1
Oil purifier Sq. cage 11 1450 415 TEFC Η 1
Hydrogen seal oil Sq. cage 15 1450 415 TEFC Η 1
Standby seal oil DC 15 1450 250 DC TEFC Η 1
Stator winding liquid
pump: — main Sq. cage 37 2930 415 TEFC Η 1
— standby DC 37 2930 250 DC TEFC Η

2 Feed pumps and feed

heating plant
Starting/standby Sq. cage 9000 1480 11 000 CACW Η 2 χ 50<ί/ο
Feed pumps or slipring
Feed suction pump Sq. cage 920 990 3300 CACA Η 3 χ 5007ο
Condenser extraction pump Sq. cage 920 990 3300 CACA V 3 χ 50%

3 Coal-fired boiler
ID fans Sq. cage 3200 590 11 000 CACA Η 2 χ 50<ί7ο
FD fans Sq. cage 2200 590 11 000 CACA Η 2 χ 50^70
Pulveriser mills Sq. cage 330 980 3300 CACA Η 10
PA fans Sq. cage 500 1480 3300 CACA Η 10
Sootblower compressor Sq. cage 2630 1480 11 000 CACA Η 4/station

4 Circulating water pumps

CW pumps Sq. cage 3500 980 11 000 DPSP V 4/station

5 Reactor — AGR
Gas circulators Sq. cage 5000 2980 or 11 000 Submerged Η or 8
1470 C02 V

6 Reactor - PWR
Reactor coolant pumps Sq. cage 6000 1475 11 000 Special * V 4

Abbreviations TEFC — totally-enclosed fan-cooled CACA — closed-air-circuit air cooled

DPSP — drip-proof screen protected PA — primary air
Η — horizontal CW — circulating water
V — vertical Sq.cage — squirrel cage induction
ID — induced draught AGR — advanced gas cooled reactor
FD — forced draught PWR — pressurised water reactor
CACW — closed-air-circuit water cooled * — located inside reactor containment

is S t a n d a r d p r a c t i c e . For l a r g e r motors up to a p p r o x i ­ sible in order to minimise the possibihty of water

mately 5000 k W , both air a n d water c o o h n g are usu­ contaminating the windings in the event of a leakage.
ally available, but air cooling is preferred unless there If the cooler is mounted above the m o t o r , spray baffles
is substantial justification for selecting the water cooled should be fitted to deflect any leaking water spray
type, e.g., o ver ah cost, ambient temperature, etc., since away from the windings and towards the b o t t o m of the
air cooled motors are self-contained and not reliant machine where an alarm should be provided. Catch­
on an external supply of c o o l i n g water. For motors ment trays should also be provided under the cooler
above approximately 5000 k W , the physical size of stack to contain any leaked water. At coastal power
air-to-air heat exchangers becomes large compared to stations, the use of sea water for direct cooling of
water cooling, due to the poorer heat transfer pro­ motors is avoided to ehminate the risk of corrosion
perties of air, and for machines of this size water and fouhng of cooler tubes, towns main water being
cooling is usuahy preferred for cost and physical size always used.
considerations. The method of cooling is defined in BS4999, Part
Where water cooling is employed, the coolers are 21 ( l E C 3 4 - 6 ) which contains an international code
mounted at the side or underneath the motor if pos­ consisting of the letters I C , a group of one letter and

Design and construction

FIG. 7.9 Section of closed-air-circuit air cooled motor

FIG. 7.10 Section of closed-air-circuit water cooled motor

two numerals for each coolant circuit. The letter the coolant. Where there is a primary and secondary
signifies the nature of the coolant (e.g., A — air, W coolant circuh, the secondary is stated first, e.g., IC
— water), the first numeral ( 0 - 9 ) the means of cir­ W 3 7 A91 (closed-air-circuit w a t e r c o o l e d , with
culating the coolant and the second numeral ( 0 - 9 ) the machine-mounted cooler). Examples of types common­
method of supplying the power necessary to circulate ly used by the C E G B are given in Table 7.2.

Motors Chapter 7

Separate motor-driven cooling fans are occasionally • Environmental conditions.

used for very low-speed motors or for variable-speed
motors having a wide speed range. Examples are varia­ Power station motors are required to have a hfe en­
ble-speed A C commutator motors on older power durance of at least 18 000 starts.
stations for boiler fan drives. Stator windings must be adequately supported, braced
and blocked to provide sufficient rigidity during all
conditions of service. Special attention needs to be
3.4 Windings given to the support and bracing system of the stator
Stator windings normally used by the C E G B are: endwindings of cage induction motors which are to
be direct-on-line started, to cope with the mechani­
Random wound (Mush) Single- or two-layer lap cal and thermal stresses produced by the high starting
415 V winding, with circular current. The support system for windings of vertical
conductors. Considered motors must prevent any downward displacement oc­
unsuitable for use on curring in service. Magnetic slot wedges are generally
voltages ^ 3 . 3 kV. not so reliable as the non-magnetic type, in that they
are liable to delaminate and loosen, so their use is
• Diamond windings — Two-layer lap winding,
therefore avoided where possible. The electrical joints
3.3 kV and above with coils pre-formed
and connections must withstand the mechanical and
and insulated prior to
thermal stresses involved and should be of brazed or
winding. Open-type
welded construction. W o u n d rotors for slipring, A C
slots. Used on vohages
commutator and D C motors are normahy wound two-
^ 3 . 3 kV.
layer lap or wave, depending on the voltage and current
Note: for the largest involved. Similar considerations apply as for stator
motors, half coils may windings, but additionally the windings must be de­
be used, with turn-to- signed to withstand the rotational stresses. The windings
t u m joints made during are connected to sliprings or commutators.
the winding process. Cage windings must also be designed to withstand
the thermal and mechanical stresses during starting,
• Hairpin (concentric) — Single-layer winding.
which can be high, particularly on high inertia drives
windings — Slot portion and closed
such as boiler induced- and forced-draught fan drives.
end of winding pre­
Rotor bars must fit tightly in their slots to minimise
formed 3.3 kV and
bar vibration in a radial direction, which could cause
above and insulated.
premature bar failure. The cage short-circuiting end-
Open end of winding
rings should be of jointless construction in order to
has to be formed and
avoid the risk of joint failure.
individual turn-to-turn
conductor joints made
during the winding 3.5 Insulation systems
process. Semi-closed
slots are normally used. The classification of insulation systems is given in
BS2757. Insulated windings are Class Β or F . Class Η
Note: This has now is generally only used for applications involving high
been largely superseded ambient temperatures such as sootblower motors. In­
by the diamond wind­ sulation systems must be of proven design and relia­
ing, due to cost, ease bility: for voltages of ^ 3 . 3 kV, they are required by
of r e p a i r a n d high the C E G B to be type-tested.
load-losses. Further discussion on the performance and test
methods of high vohage A C m o t o r insulation is dis­
The stator winding and its insulation system is one cussed by Schwarz 1969 [5]. The C E G B testing require­
of the most critical areas of the design. This needs to ments for insulation systems of motors of ^ 3 . 3 kV are
be of high reliability, of established and proven design, given in ESI 4 4 - 5 . A summary of these tests follows.
and able to meet the combined effects of:
Type tests Intended to evaluate the basic design,
• Electrical/dielectric stresses.
materials and manufacturing process of the insulation
• Thermal endurance. system. They involve testing at least two sample cohs.
The tests include:
• Thermo-cychng.
• Dielectric loss tangent/voltage characteristic of slot
• Mechanical and thermal stresses.
cell insulation and its stability during one thermal
• Contamination. cycle of 140°C ^ 5 kV.

Design and construction

• Inter-turn insulation 1 min, 50 Hz withstand vohage,

also instantaneous 50 H z whhstand vohage.

• Slot cell and end winding insulation 1 min, 50 H z

withstand voltage, also instantaneous 50 Hz with­
stand voltage.

Routine quality control tests during manufacture in­


• Dielectric loss tangent/voltage characteristics at

room temperature ^ 5 kV. Test requirements depend
on the type of insulation system, i.e., resin-rich ENDWINDING
or vacuum/pressure impregnated (VPI), and also SLOT PORTION

on voltage, polarity and kW output of m o t o r .

• Inter-turn insulation — a high frequency impulse

voltage is injected to the leads of each coil, the Λ CONNECTION LEADS
peak voltage being Upeak = 3 Un V 2 / V 3 , where Un
is the rated line-to-hne vohage.

• Complete winding — 1 min, 50 Hz overvoltage test

to BS4999, Part 60. •PICTORIAL VIEW OF

The insulation systems of stator windings are specified

to be of the epoxy type, with thermosetting materials,
and with the main slot cell insulation based essentially
on mica. The conductor and endwinding insulation of
windings ^ 6 . 6 kV should also be based on mica. The
coils adjacent to the ends of the slots on such windings
are treated to provide electric stress control, usually
by a semi-conductive tape or semi-conductive varnish.
The slot portions of the coils are treated to prevent
corona discharge, usually by means of an outer layer
of conducting tape.
The windings must be impregnated and suitably pro­
cessed to seal them effectively to prevent deterioration
from adverse environmental conditions at site. T w o
insulation systems are in general use for windings at
^ 3 . 3 kV:
• The resin-rich system Coils are insulated with tapes CONFIGURATION

heavily loaded with uncured resin, usually referred 2 TURN COIL.

to as B-stage resin. The coils are then cured by heat­
ing and pressing individually in moulds, or some­ FIG. 7.11 11 kV diamond-type coil
times (for smaller machines) after winding into the
stator core. Figure 7.11 shows detahs of an 11 kV
diamond-type coil, including slot configuration. 3.6 Bearings
• Vacuum/pressure impregnation (VPI) The stator is Bearings can broadly be divided into two main types:
wound with coils, which are insulated with dry semi- rolling element bearings (sometimes referred to as
porous tapes: the winding is then vacuum dried, frictionless bearings) a n d plain bearings. These can
impregnated under pressure and cured by heating. take various forms, depending on the rated power and
speed, whether the shaft is vertical or horizontal, and
The resin-rich system has been used in the UK for also on the radial and axial loadings.
many years, but is tending to be superseded by the
VPI system which has been extensively used in the Rolling bearings take the form of balls, cyhndrical
USA and other countries for several years, with much rollers, tapered or spherical rollers. They depend for
success. This is mainly due to the better quality control their satisfactory operation on the clearance between
possible during manufacture and the achievement of the rolling elements and their races, sometimes referred
void-free windings. to as the diametral bearing clearance. Grease is gen-

Motors Chapter 7

erally used as a lubricant, but for certain designs or

applications oil is occasionally used. Lithium-based
greases have replaced soda-based greases for power
station motors, due to their stability at higher tem­
peratures and improved lubricating properties. The
construction of the bearing assembly should be such
that the bearings can be dismantled without risk of
damage. Split-type roller bearings have been used to
fachitate maintenance on some large motors, e.g., cir­
culating water pumps. Precautions need to be taken
against the effects of any vibration which could be
transmitted when the motor is not running, for ex­
ample, standby motors. Pre-loaded bah bearings are
often used for these applications. Alternatively, plain
bearings are used, since these are inherently less prone
to damage from such effects. Figure 7.12 shows a typi­
cal arrangement of a grease lubricated rolling bearing.
Within the size range in which they are used (see
Table 7.4), r o l h n g bearings have the following
• Low cost.
• Replacement bearings usually readily available.
• Grease lubricant gives good protection against in­
gress of moisture and dirt into motor.
• Easier to seal against leakage of grease into motor,
as compared with oil.
• Low friction torque at starting.

The larger power motors use plain bearings, which

may be of the sleeve or tilting-pad type. Oil lubricated
bearings may be self-lubricated by means of oil rings,
or by a disc running in an oil reservoir. Where forced-
oil lubrication is required (for example, in the case
of high speeds of 3000 r / m i n or high bearing loads),
the oil p u m p is driven from the main shaft system and
is self-priming. Where possible, such a lubricating
system is made common to the motor and its driven
Tilting-pad bearings are used where appreciable axial
thrusts are present, for example, in vertical motors for
circulating water p u m p s . Lubrication must be adequate
during starting, particularly of standby equipment with
automatic start, and also during running-down if this

Type of motor bearing FIG. 7 . 1 2 Typical arrangement of a grease lubricated
rolling-type bearing
Type of
Synchronous speed — r/min Rating
is of long duration, such as can occur on high-inertia
1000 and below Up to 750 kW Rolling loads. A motor-driven oil p u m p may additionally be
1000 and below Above 750 kW Plain fitted in such cases. A motor-driven jacking oil p u m p
Above 1000, up to 1500 Up to 530 kW Rolling may be needed for starting drives with heavy shaft
loads. Figure 7.13 shows a typical arrangement of an oil
Above 1000, up to 1500 Above 530 kW
lubricated sleeve-type bearing.
Above 1500 Up to 375 kW Rolling
For motors above 750 k W , it is the practice for
Above 1500 Above 375 kW Plain
bearings of the motor and its driven auxiliary to be

Technical requirements

power stations, the electrical auxiliary system to which

the motors are connected is subject to high fauh levels,
so the effects of an electrical fault must be taken into
account in the design of the terminal arrangement
and terminal box to prevent a possible explosion due
to the rapid heating of gas in a confined space with
risk of injury to personnel or damage t o plant (see
Schwarz 1962 [6]).
The C E G B requirements are summarised as follows:

• M i n i m u m electrical clearance a n d creepage distances

are specified.

• Terminal boxes must be suitable for the type and

size of cable to be used.

• Terminal boxes for 415 V motors u p t o 75 k W shah

be totally enclosed (IP 54) but may be open to the
interior of the m o t o r . Above 75 k W , the terminal
boxes must be constructed of steel, be totally enclos­
ed (IP 57) a n d sealed from the m o t o r interior.

• For 3.3 kV m o t o r s , a standard terminal box has

been developed in conjunction with manufacturers.
This is totally-enclosed (IP 57), phase-insulated,
and of the pressure-rehef type, with fully-insulated
terminals. M a x i m u m fault capacity 250 M V A . Maxi­
m u m current rating 290 A . For use w h h three-
core, plastic-insulated cables u p t o 300 m m ^ , solid
aluminium or copper conductor. Figure 7.14 shows
details of this terminal b o x .

• For 11 kV m o t o r s , a standard terminal box has

been developed in conjunction with manufacturers.
This is totally-enclosed (IP57), phase-segregated,
and of the pressure-rehef type, with fuHy-insulated
terminals. Maximum fault capacity 750 M V A . Maxi­
m u m current rating 650 A . For use with three single-
core, polymeric-insulated cables u p t o 500 m m ^ ,
with moulded elbow-type connector. Figure 7.15
FIG. 7 . 1 3 Typical arrangement of an oil lubricated shows details of this terminal b o x .
sleeve-type bearing
• Terminal boxes for ^ 3 . 3 kV to be type-tested to
withstand internal short-circuit a n d through-fault
of the same type in order t o ensure that incorrect current capability.
distribution of bearing loads does not occur due to
differences in shaft hft during run-up, or of different
rates of bearing wear.
Provision must be made for the prevention of
4 Technical requirements
damage to bearings by any shaft currents which may Some of the principal requirements of C E G B power
be produced by uneven fluxes in the magnetic circuit station motors are given below. l E C documents equi­
of the motor. This is achieved by insulating the valent to BS are also given.
bearings, if shaft currents are hkely to occur.
Table 7.4 gives details of the C E G B practice for Relevant standards: BS5000, P a r t 40
bearing applications.
BS4999, Parts 10, 20, 2 1 , 30, 32,
3 3 , 4 1 , 5 0 , 5 1 , 6 0 ( l E C 34, Parts
3.7 Terminal boxes 1, 2 a n d 4 t o 10).

Particular attention has t o be given t o the design of the ESI Standards 4 4 - 3 , 4 4 - 4 , 4 4 - 5 .

terminal arrangements a n d of terminal boxes in order
to achieve a high degree of reliability a n d also to faci­ Service conditions: Ambient air 40°C (max)
litate installation of the power supply cables. Within (normal) Cooling water 30°C (max)

Motors Chapter 7
Technical requirements
£ 9 . \
Olu' Q.LU
0)1- 0Q
Motors Chapter 7

Temperature rises: To BS4999, Part 32 (lEC 34 — Harmonics: Vohage distortion less than 7 % ,
1), except that temperature (AC converter with individual harmonic com-
rise of Class F insulation to drives) ponents to l E C 1 4 6 - 2 .
be to hmits of Class B.
Nuclear Qualification of Class IE safety-
Rating: Maximum continuous rating. qualification: related motors to IEEE 334.

Minimum voltage 8 0 % rated vohage

during starting 5 Power station auxiliary drives
period: Details of some of the more important motor auxiliary
drives required on a modern C E G B power station with
Variation of 94^0 to 106% voltage and 9 6 % 660 M W turbine-generator (TG) units are given below,
vohage and to 102% Hz. and also in Table 7.4.
frequency: Capable of continued operation
at 7 5 % voltage for 5 minutes
without injurious heating. 5.1 Boiler feed pumps
The normal arrangement adopted currently by C E G B
Transient recovery: To recover after a power supply is for 1 X 100% steam turbine-driven feed p u m p , with
system disturbance causing loss 2 X 5 0 % starting and standby motor-driven variable-
of voltage for 0.2 seconds, fol­ speed feed p u m p s . Motor-driven suction stage pumps
lowed by sudden restoration are also required for the feed p u m p s .
to 6 0 % voltage for 3 seconds, Since the motor-driven feed pumps are required for
followed by restoration to 8 0 % starting and standby duty only, the choice of motor is
vohage, and then ultimate re­ largely dictated by first cost. Variable-speed slipring
covery to normal. motors with variable rotor resistance liquid type con­
trollers have been used. Squirrel-cage induction motors
Starting (locked- Selected from BS4999, Part 41 with speed control by hydrauhc couplings have also
rotor) kVA for (see Table 7.1) been used, particularly for nuclear power stations,
cage induction where starting is required infrequently.
motors: The variable-speed shpring induction motors are ty­
pically 1480 r / m i n (maximum), 9 M W , 11 kV, starting
current 100% fuh load, 50 Hz, with speed variation
Locked-rotor Must be adequate to meet re­
100% to 7 0 % by rotor-resistance control, with liquid-
torque for cage quirements of driven load, but
type speed controhers. The feed p u m p is driven through
induction motors: in any event C E G B practice
speed-increasing gears at 8000 r / m i n (maximum). Three
requires the values to be not
X 5 0 % duty suction stage pumps are provided, driven
less than those given in BS4999,
by 1000 kW, 1480 r / m i n cage induction motors. Figure
Part 4 1 . 7.16 shows a typical slipring induction motor feed
p u m p drive.
Starting (run-up) The accelerating torque at any With the cage induction m o t o r drive, the motors are
torque of cage speed and 8 0 % voltage must typically 1480 r / m i n , 10 M W , 11 kV, 50 M V A at start,
induction motors: be not less than 10% of motor 50 Hz, driving through hydraulic couphngs with speed
rated load. The motor starting variation 1 0 0 - 7 0 % . These are mechanically coupled to
(run-up) torque at 100% volt­ the feed pumps via speed-increasing gearboxes at 8000
age must also be not less than r / m i n (maximum) p u m p speed. The suction stage p u m p
1.7 times the torque obtained is rated at 1000 kW, 1480 r / m i n and is coupled to a
from a load torque which var­ shaft extension of the main drive motor.
ies as the square of the speed
and is equal to 100% torque
at fuh speed. 5.2 Coal- and oil-fired boiler units

Maximum (pull-out) 200% full-load torque 5.2.1 Draught plant

torque: T h e practice is to install two induced-draught and two
forced-draught fans per boher u n h , each working at
Noise levels: Γο BS4999, Part 5 1 , except that full-load when the boiler is at continuous maximum
in no case shall the mean sound rating (CMR). It is possible to run the boiler unit at
pressure level exceed 87dB(A) at reduced load in the event of failure of one of the fans,
1 metre from the surface of the a h h o u g h it is expected that this condition would not
machine. be allowed to continue for any length of time. The

P o w e r station auxiliary drives












FIG. 7 . 1 6 Typical slipring induction-motor feed pump drive

trend is for the motors to be single-speed cage induction be installed in each reactor to circulate the primary
type, although two-speed cage induction and variable- coolant C O 2 through the reactor core and boilers.
speed stator-fed A C commutator motors have been Two basic configurations are in c o m m o n use in the
used. The moments of inertia of the fans are high, being C E G B , horizontal and vertical; this description con­
several times those of their respective motors, which re­ centrates on the vertical configuration, but many of the
suhs in relatively long run-up times, typically 50 to 80 s. principles apply to b o t h . Figure 7.17 shows the location
of a vertically-opposed gas circulator in a nuclear re­
5.2.2 Milling plant actor at Heysham 7 power station.
Each gas circulator is a single-stage centrifugal type,
The milhng plant comprises the coal pulveriser mill, delivering 461 k g / s of C O 2 at 41 bar and a temperature
primary air fan (or exhauster fan), coal feeder and
of 287°C. The inlet gas temperature to the circulator
separator. Standby capacity is provided. The pulveriser
is 278°C and the pressure rise across the circulator is
mills usuahy need more maintenance than any other
2.83 bar.
auxihary in the station: for this reason, the running
The circulator is driven at 3000 r / m i n by an 11 kV
and standby units are frequently interchanged. Coal
m o t o r mounted below the impeller on the circulator
pulveriser mills require a high starting torque (typically
shaft (see Fig 7.18). A 415 V pony m o t o r , mounted on
200<7o) and a relatively high number of starts per hour
the circulator shaft below the main motor, drives the
(typicahy six). The vibration level of the plant is also
circulator at barring speeds below 350 r / m i n . The motor
relatively high and a robust motor is therefore required.
unit for each circulator is encapsulated and comprises
Totahy-enclosed air cooled squirrel-cage motors are
the composite assembly of main motor, pony motor,
usually provided.
rotor shaft, bearings, impeller, inlet guide vanes and
isolating d o m e operating mechanism. This assembly is
contained completely within the reactor pressure bound­
5.3 Nuclear reactors — AGR
ary. The circulator unit can be withdrawn and replaced
for maintenance w h h the reactor depressurised.
5.3.1 Gas c i r c u l a t o r s
The impeller shaft passes through a barrier plate
A typical arrangement is for eight gas circulators to which is provided with a labyrinth seal to minimise

Motors Chapter 7

causing temporary loss of supply voltage for periods of

up to three seconds, followed by a sudden restoration
initially to 8 0 % nominal voltage.
The motor stator windings and laminations are con­
tained within the main motor outer frame which is a
mild steel cyhndrical ribbed fabrication with top and
bottom flanges (see Fig 7.19). The top flange ahgns with
the lower face of the top bearing bath and the bottom
flange aligns with the b o t t o m bearing batch assembly
and incorporates holes for the twelve motor securing
bolts. The stator and outer frame complete weighs
approximately 14.5 tonnes.
The rotor is fitted on the forged carbon steel shaft
together with the impeller, drive-end bearing sleeve,
motor cooling fan, pony motor rotor, non-reverse
clutch, pulsing disc and non-drive end thrust collar (see
Fig 7.20).
Intensive research, development and full-scale testing
were required to estabhsh the design of these motors,
which have to operate under arduous conditions. The
motor has also to withstand specified radiation levels
and also operate whh contamination from lubricating
oil mist. All these presented problems; in particular,
the design of bearings under high rates of change of
pressure of the ambient gas, the insulation system, the
electrical design and thermal design. These are discussed
in more detah (see Schwarz 1973 [7]).
LOCATION OF GAS CIRCULATOR A very high rehabihty is required, particularly since
the units are inside the reactor pressure containment
FIG. 7 . 1 7 Position of gas circulator unit within and even apart from safety aspects, any unplanned
AGR reactor
outage can be very costly.

hot gas flow between the motor compartment and

the reactor. The impeller operates in reactor gas at 5.4 Nuclear reactors — PWR
nearly 300°C, whereas the motor is isolated thermally
to operate at temperatures of about 60°C. Although 5.4.1 Reactor coolant pumps
normal operation is in C O 2 at 41 bar, the circulator A typical arrangement is four reactor coolant pumps
must be capable of operation in air at atmospheric per reactor which are located within the reactor con­
pressure (or reduced C O 2 pressure) for commissioning, tainment. The p u m p unit consists of a vertical single-
maintenance or during fault conditions. stage centrifugal-type p u m p , with vertical drive motor
mounted above the p u m p and directly coupled to it.
Main motor The motor has a drip-proof enclosure, but the cooling
air outlet is water cooled. A flywheel is located at
The circulator main drive motor is an 11 kV, two-pole the top of the motor to provide the required coast-
squirrel-cage induction machine contained completely down capability in the event of loss of electrical power
within the reactor pressure boundary. The motor, supply to the motor. This hmits the transient tem­
mounted on the circulator rotor shaft with the 415 V peratures within the reactor under such conditions. The
pony motor, rotates at a nominal speed of 3000 r / m i n motor must withstand specified radiation levels within
and maximum continuous rating of 5.59 M W . the containment.
The motor is designed to BS2613 Class F insula­ Figure 7.21 is a cutaway view of a typical reactor
tion, but operates normally within Class Β temperature coolant p u m p and m o t o r unit.
h m h s . The motor is capable of operating continuously,
at rated torque, at any frequency between 48 and 51 Hz
5.4.2 Safety-related drives
and at any vohage between ± 5 % of the nominal value.
The motors are designated for 'essential duty' and There are a number of drives, classified as safety-related
are capable of continuous operation at 7 5 % nominal category Class IE to IEEE Standard 334, which are
volts at 50 Hz for a period of 5 minutes without in­ essential for the safety of the reactor during normal
jurious heating. They are also capable of recovering periods of shutdown or emergency periods fohowing
normal operation in the event of a system disturbance loss-of-coolant accidents which could involve severe

P o w e r station auxiliary drives











I.G V . O P E R A T I N G



I.G.V. D R I V E M O T O R S I.G.V. G E A R B O X

FIG. 7 . 1 8 Sectional arrangement of a gas circulator

Motors Chapter 7




^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^


FIG. 7.19 Gas circulator — main motor stator and outer frame





FIG. 7 . 2 0 Gas circulator — main motor rotor

radiation, thermal and environmental stresses. The test The development of new designs and techniques,
requirements to be met in order to quahfy or prove new materials and component parts is a research and
the design and reliabihty of such motors are given development activity. Verification of the properties,
in IEEE 334. Examples are motors for centrifugal performance, etc., must be obtained and is usuahy
charging pumps, high head safety injection pumps and achieved by a testing process. Simulation methods may
residual heat-removal containment spray p u m p s . have to be used in some cases where direct testing is not
possible or practical, e.g., accelerated ageing tests on
insulation systems, where, for example, a relationship
5.5 Circulating water punnps between voltage, temperature and time to breakdown
can be established and the tests made at elevated tem­
The usual arrangement of the cooling water system is peratures and voltages. Fatigue testing of bars of cage
a bus system, in which the coohng water is taken to a induction motors is another example, where such tests
common chamber whence a number of pumps dis­ are m a d e to establish the total number of starts that
charge into a c o m m o n bus-main supplying all the con­ can safely be m a d e during the hfe of the m o t o r .
densers in the station. In view of the vhal importance Works testing on the completed motor needs to
of the cooling water to the station output and in pre­ be m a d e to verify that the motor is electrically and
venting plant damage due to loss of cooling water, spare mechanically sound and that the stated performance
plant capacity is installed. characteristics are achieved. Such tests are categorised
The motors are usually of the cage induction type. into basic and routine tests. Basic tests are in general
Some installations use vertically-mounted m o t o r s , m a d e on the first m o t o r of each type and routine tests
where-as others are horizontal. Figure 7.22 shows a on all other m o t o r s . Table 7.5 hsts the individual test
typical vertical-shaft circulating water p u m p m o t o r . The requirements for induction m o t o r s .
pumps are usuahy of low speed (typically 500 down to
150 r / m i n ) . With p u m p speeds lower than about 500 TABLE 7.5
r / m i n , it is usual to provide a motor driving through a Works tests on induction motors
speed-reducing gearbox, this being the most economic
arrangement. Test Basic Routine
The more usual arrangement is to provide a p u m p - Resistance of windings (cold)
house, sometimes with removable or shding roof for No load losses and current
maintenance purposes. Both drip-proof and totally- Locked rotor — current
enclosed motors have been used. The tendency is — torque
towards the totally-enclosed type, which gives greater Starting (run-up) torque characteristics
for cage motors over 3 7 5 kW
protection against contamination of the windings. At
Direct-on start at full voltage
coastal power stations, the stator windings are some­ (cage motors) ( ^ 3 . 3 kV)
times additionally of the sealed type to protect against Rotor open-circuit induced
the sahne conditions. voltage (slipring)
Temperature rise test
Power factor and efficiency
Speed control (variable-speed slipring)
6 Testing Maximum (pull-out) torque
Vibration measurement
Testing can be categorised into two groups: develop­
Noise level <^
ment testing and works testing.

Motors Chapter 7
















FIG. 7 . 2 1 Reactor coolant pump and motor unit

7 Future trends sought. Improved materials wih continue to be de­

veloped. These could include lubricating grease whh a
Motors for power station auxiliary drives are likely to
continue to grow, both in power requirement and higher withstand-temperature and improved capability
complexity. More emphasis is likely to be placed on of insulation systems.
the achievement of high reliability, due to increasing The use of motors having brushes, sliprings and
costs of unplanned outages, and on safety to person­ commutators is likely to continue to be avoided. An
nel. This implies extension of a n d / o r improvements increasing use of A C variable-speed converter drives
to existing testing techniques and could include tests is forecast, particularly with improvements in tech­
to determine the permissible number of direct-on-line niques and reduction in cost of converter equipment.
starts in the life of cage induction motors. With in­ Linear motors are hkely to find an increasing number
creasing attention being given to the conservation of of applications where linear motion is required, such as
energy, improvement in operating efficiencies will be cranes and sliding doors.

Additional references














FIG. 7.22 Circulating water pump motor

8 References 9 Additional references

[1] Alger, P.L.: The nature of polyphase induction machines:
Wiley: 1951
[2] Alger, P.L.: Induction machines, 2nd Edition: Gordon & 9.1 ESI Standards
Breach: 1970
ESI 4 4 - 3 Electric motors specification (3.3 kV and above)
[3] Say, M.G.: Alternating current machines, London.: Pitman:
1983 ESI 4 4 - 4 Electric motors specification (415 V and below)

[4] Adkins, B. and Gibbs, W.J.: Polyphase commutator machines: ESI 4 4 - 5 Testing the insulation systems for stator coils for rotating
Cambridge University Press: 1951 electrical machines (3.3 kV and above).
[5] Schwarz, K.K.: Performance requirements and test methods for
high voltage a.c. motor insulation: Proc. lEE, Vol 116, No. 10:
1969 9.2 CEGB Standards
[6] Schwarz, K.K.: Design and performance of high and low voltage
terminal boxes: Proc. lEE, Vol 109A ρ 151: 1962 CEGB 44011 (GDCD 85) — Electric motors — small power
[7] Schwarz, K.K.: Submerged gas circulator motors for advanced CEGB 620106 (GDCD 192) — Glandless pump/motor units electrical
gas-cooled reactors: Proc. lEE, Vol 120, No 7: July 1973 and mechanical design requirements

Motors Chapter 7

9.3 British Standards Part 51 Noise levels

Β82757 Classification of insulating materials for electrical ma­ Part 60 Tests

chinery on the basis of thermal stability in service BS 5000 Rotating electrical machines of particular types
BS4999 General requirements for rotating electrical machines Part 40 Motors for driving power station auxiliaries
Part 10 Standard dimensions
Part 20 Classification of types of enclosure
9.4 IEEE Standards
Part 21 Classification of methods of cooling
IEEE 334 Type test of continuous duty class IE motors for nuclear
Part 30 Duty and rating
power generating stations
Part 32 Limits of temperature rise and methods of measurement
Part 33 Methods of determining losses and efficiency
Part 41 General characteristics
9.5 lEC Recommendations
Part 50 Mechanical performance — vibration lEC 34 Rotating electrical machines Parts 1, 2 and 4 to 10.

C H A P T E R 8


Requirements and policy 7.3.5 Direct speech

1.1 Access to off-site services 7.3.6 Use of paging systems
1.2 Requirements on the power station site 8 Radio systems
1.2.1 General telephone requirements
8.1 Introduction
1.2.2 Radio systems
8.2 Radiotelephony systems
1.2.3 Radio paging system
8.2.1 Radio frequency bands used by PMR systems
1.2.4 Operational telephone systems
8.2.2 Comparison of VHP and UHF systems
1.2.5 Maintenance and commissioning communication
8.2.3 Allocation of radio channels
8.2.4 VHP systems used in power stations
1.2.6 Audible warning system
8.2.5 UHF systems used in power stations
1.3 Special requirements for nuclear and pumped-storage
8.3 Crane radio systems used in power stations
power stations
8.3.1 Crane control systems
1.3.1 Nuclear power stations
8.3.2 Anticollision systems
1.3.2 Pumped-storage power stations
8.4 RF modulation systems
1.4 Accommodation and power supplies
8.4.1 Amplitude modulation (AM)
1.4.1 Main telecommunications room (MTR)
8.4.2 Frequency modulation (FM)
1.4.2 Auxiliary telecommunications room (ATR)
8.4.3 Signalling systems
1.4.3 PABX room
8.5 RF propagation
1.4.4 48 V DC power supplies
8.5.1 RF received power
Access to British Telecom national cable network 8.6 Antenna systems
2.1 On-site British Telecom cable requirements 8.6.1 Antennas
2.2 On-site duct routes for British Telecom cables 8.6.2 Typical antenna arrangements
2.3 Segregation of British Telecom cables within the power 8.6.3 Radiating cable (leaky feeder)
station building 8.7 RF fixed stations
2.4 British Telecom cables 8.7.1 Fixed station transmitters
2.5 Electrical isolation of British Telecom circuits 8.7.2 Fixed station receivers
8.7.3 Antenna coupling equipment
British Telecom telephone services 8.8 Lightning protection
3.1 Public switched telephone network (PSTN) 8.8.1 Antenna systems
3.2 Telex 8.8.2 Fixed station cubicle
3.3 Data 8.9 Remote control systems
8.9.1 Operational description of the M87 control system
3.4 Private circuit network
8.9.2 Operational description of the Motorola-Storno CAF2200
On-site telecommunication cabling system
4.1 General 8.10 Handportable radiotelephone transceivers
4.2 PAX telephone cabling 8.11 Vehicle-mounted radiotelephones
4.2.1 Main distribution frame and station PAX telephone 8.11.1 Vehicle antennas
cabling 8.11.2 Noise suppression
4.2.2 User distribution frame in the station administration 8.12 Interference problems
building for the PAX/PABX telephone cabling 8.12.1 Intermodulation products
4.3 Short-time fireproof cabling 8.12.2 Half IF interference
4.4 Low smoke cabling
9 Direct wire telephone systems
Private automatic exchange (PAX)
9.1 General details
5.1 Types of telephone exchange 9.2 Common equipment and common equipment
5.1.1 Strowger systems accommodation
5.1.2 Crossbar systems 9.3 Plant telephones
5.1.3 Stored programme control (SPC) systems 9.4 Audible and visual calling units
9.5 Common equipment location and battery supply
Private automatic branch exchange (PABX)
10 Maintenance and commissioning telephone jack
6.1 General facilities
6.2 Night service facilities
Paging systems 11 Siren system
7.1 Lights and sounders 11.1 Station emergency zones
7.2 Inductive loop paging systems 11.2 Emergency alarm signals
7.3 Radio paging systems 11.3 Control panels
7.3.1 Component parts of a non-speech radio paging system 11.3.1 Operation of system from power station central
7.3.2 Central control equipment control room controller
7.3.3 Manual controllers 11.3.2 Operation of system from gatehouse controller
7.3.4 Transmitters and antennas 11.4 Equipment cubicle

Telecommunications Chapter 8

11.5 Power supplies 14.4.4 Controllers

11.6 Cabling 14.4.5 Fixed stations
14.5 Sound-powered telephone systems
12 Central control room supervisor's desk 14.5.1 System 1 — 400 kV cable tunnel system
13 Nuclear power station requirements 14.5.2 System 2 — Power station emergency telephone
13.1 Specific requirements for nuclear stations
14.6 Maintenance and commissioning telephone jack
13.2 Public address systems
13.2.1 Power station zones
14.7 Siren system
13.2.2 Controllers
13.2.3 Common equipment 15 Construction site telecommunications
13.2.4 Loudspeakers
15.1 Initial requirements for British Telecom services to site
13.3 Siren systems 15.2 On-site telephone cable duct network
13.3.1 Siren signals 15.2.1 General requirements
13.3.2 Controllers
15.3 Telecommunications systems and services
13.3.3 Common equipment
15.3.1 Private automatic branch exchange (PABX)
13.3.4 Cabling and power supplies
15.3.2 Emergency telephone system
13.4 Emergency telecommunications
15.3.3 Site emergency warning system
13.4.1 Nuclear incident
15.3.4 Pay telephones
13.4.2 Emergency control centre (ECC)
15.3.5 Radio paging system
13.4.3 District survey laboratory (DSL)
15.3.6 Site radio system
13.4.4 Operations support centre (OSC)
15.3.7 Radio telephone handportables
13.4.5 Radio services for a nuclear emergency
15.3.8 Data, telex and facsimile services
14 Pumped-storage power station requirements
16 Future trends and developments
14.1 Private automatic branch exchange
16.1 Connections to off-site telecommunication networks
14.2 Private automatic exchange
16.2 On-site cabling
14.3 Radio paging system
16.3 Telephone exchanges
14.4 Personal radio system
16.4 Radio systems
14.4.1 Antenna system
16.4.1 Trunked radio system
14.4.2 Radio channels
14.4.3 Handportable radiotelephones 17 Additional references

1 Requirements and policy • T o the associated 400 kV or 275 kV switching station

(which may be on-site or off-site), through which
Reliable telecommunication services are essential for
the bulk of the power station electrical output is
the efficient operation of a power station during nor­
fed into the 400/275 kV national grid tranmission
mal and emergency conditions. T o ensure the required
availability of telecommunication services at all times,
it is C E G B pohcy to provide separate, dispersed, in­ • T o the pubhc switched telephone network (PSTN)
dependent and, where necessary, duphcated telecom­ operated by British Telecommunications pic (BT)
munication systems. (the main British national telephone company) and
The term telecommunications in respect of a C E G B also to the BT national cable network.
power station covers the following:
• T o the emergency services, i.e., Pohce, Fire and
• Telephonic communication on site. Ambulance.
• Telephonic communication to locations outside the • T o the C E G B corporate telephone network (CTN).
power station.
• Radio paging of staff on site.
1.2 Requirements on the power station site
• Radio communication both on-site and off-site.
A number of telecommunication systems are provided
• Audible and visual broadcast of information and on site to ensure diversity and reliability of operation.
emergency instructions.
1.2.1 General telephone requirements

1.1 Access to off-site services Telephonic communication is required to power sta­

tion on-site locations and to remote locations. It is
Good communication links are required from power
present C E G B policy to satisfy these requirements by
stations to the following locations and services:
providing two separate automatic telephone exchanges:
• To the national grid system operations control and a private automatic exchange (PAX) and a private
telephone network; and in particular, to the area automatic branch exchange ( P A B X ) , which have inter­
grid control centre from which the power station connecting circuits. A small number of direct telephone
receives generation and operational instructions, lines to the P S T N are also provided which are inde­
details of which are found in Volume K, Chapter 12. pendent of the station exchanges.

Requirements and policy

The P A X system has telephones at all parts of the thorities to mean one or more contiguous power sta­
station and provides telephonic communication faci­ tions and therefore the five channels, where authorised,
lities for the general administration of the station. The would be shared between ah the power stations.
P A X system also has an operational function which
supplements the power station discrete direct wire op­
1.2.3 Radio paging system
erational telephone systems referred to later in this
chapter. The P A X has access to the national C E G B A radio paging system (RPS) enables users of P A X
telephone networks, i.e., system operation telephone telephones, the telephone operator and the station
network, the C E G B C T N , and also direct circuits to control engineer to access the paging system and page
other off-site C E G B P A X s and telephones. individual roving personnel carrying pocket pagers.
The P A B X system provides access to the BT P S T N . The paged person wih estabhsh speech communi­
The allocation of P A B X telephones is generally re­ cation with the caller by using a convenient P A X
stricted to those locations needing such access, main­ telephone and dialling the c o m m o n answering code
ly in the Station Administration Building. The lines for the paging system. O n present systems, the pocket
connecting the P A B X and P A X p e r m h intercom­ pagers have an alphanumeric display which is pro­
munication between all P A B X and P A X telephone grammed by the caller to show the telephone number
extensions. which the paged person should call.
Access of individual P A X telephones to off-site The operating procedure adopted by the caher would
locations is allocated on a 'need to use' basis, as is be t o :
the access of individual P A B X telephones to the BT
• Key/dial the R P S access number on the P A X . If
P S T N . Nominated locations and personnel have both
this is successful, an acknowledge tone wih be re­
a P A B X and P A X telephone which provides direct
ceived from the R P S .
communication with both telephone exchanges.
Two separate telephone exchanges are provided be­ • Key/dial the desired pager number. A supervisory
cause present Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) tone will indicate acceptance of the pager code by
regulations prohibit the C E G B from maintaining a the R P S .
telephone exchange which has access to the BT P S T N .
• Key/dial the callers telephone number which is to
The telephone exchange must be maintained by an
be displayed on the pager.
'approved maintainer' which can be BT or, alternative­
ly, the supplier of the telephone exchange. However, • A supervisory tone will indicate that the paging call
the C E G B requires the option of carrying out emer­ has been accepted.
gency repair work immediately, using its own staff.
This is achieved by providing a P A X completely under • Replace the telephone handset and await the call
CEGB control for telephone communication to all back from the paged person.
station locations and a separate P A B X for those lo­
cations and personnel authorised for access to the The radio paging system is also used to alert groups
BT P S T N which is maintained by BT or another ap­ of personnel, i.e., the first-aid team, the fire fighting
proved maintainer. A failure of the P A B X cannot team and, in nuclear power stations, the damage assess­
receive attention until the off-site maintainer attends ment teams.
the fauh.
The use of two telephone exchanges located in
1.2.4 Operational telephone systems
different areas of the power station, e.g., P A X in the
control building and the P A B X in the station ad­ Discrete, direct wire operational telephone systems are
ministration building, also improves the rehability of provided for each unique plant system, e.g., boiler/
telephone communications by providing spatial and turbine unit and associated plant, electrical plant and
equipment diversity. coal plant (where appropriate).

1.2.2 Radio systems 1.2.5 Maintenance and commissioning

communication system
Radio communications are provided by fixed base sta­
tion receivers and transmitters remotely controlled from A network of direct telephone circuits terminated on
desk or table top mounted controllers and handport- telephone jack sockets are provided on (or near) power
able radiotelephones (handportables) carried by roving station plant, control desks, etc., where direct tele­
personnel. Roving personnel carrying handportables are phone communication is required during maintenance
also able to speak to each other via a fixed station, and commissioning of station plant. Station personnel
using the 'talkthrough' facility. use portable telephones or amplified headsets plugged
U p to five separate radio frequency channels are into the telephone jack sockets. The network is referred
available for use at a power station site. The term to as the maintenance and commissioning telephone
'power station site' is understood by the licensing au- jack system ( M C T J S ) .

Telecommunications Chapter 8

1.2.6 Audible warning system In accordance with present telecommunications prac­

tice, computer type flooring, i.e., removable floor
An audible warning, to inform all power station per­
squares, is provided in all three rooms for convenience
sonnel of an emergency, is provided by operating sirens
of cabhng and future changes of equipment. A h h o u g h ,
in either the discrete area(s) of the power station
generally, telecommunications equipment is becoming
affected or in all areas of the power station. The opera­
smaller, the quantity of equipment is increasing.
tion of the sirens is controlled from the power station
control room a n d / o r the security gatehouse.
1.4.1 Main telecommunications room (MTR)

The M T R has a floor area sufficient to accommodate

1.3 Special requirements for nuclear and the known and future equipment. Over-provision of
punriped-storage power stations space is desirable because of the inability to m a k e accu­
Nuclear and pumped-storage power stations need spe­ rate forecasts of future requirements which in the tele­
cial telecommunication facihties not found in conven­ communication field are subject to continuous change.
tional fossü-fuelled stations. The M T R has an adjacent battery r o o m . A typical
layout of the two rooms is shown on Fig 8.1.
The M T R has cable routes to the main cable risers
1.3.1 Nuclear p o w e r stations and cable tunnels for access t o :
Safety and emergency conditions in the reactor area • The power station digital pair network.
require consideration of:
• Telecommunications cable routes to the associated
• Safety of personnel and plant. 400/275 kV swhching station.
• Control of emergency operations. • Each of the two physically separated incoming BT
• Immediate dissemination of information to person­ cable routes.
nel during emergency condhions.
Access for equipment and personnel into the M T R
• Communication with off-site nuclear incident emer­
is provided by a double door. A second door is used
gency services.
for access of personnel and as an emergency exit. Con­
• Dissemination of information to the general public sideration is required of the access and equipment
during a nuclear incident. handling facilities available on the route to the M T R
double door within the station.
• Radio communication whhin and into the reactor
The environmental conditions of dust and humidity
areas of the power station.
must not at the present time be less than those apph­
cable to the Central Control R o o m (CCR), as specified
1.3.2 Pumped-storage p o w e r stations in Specification CEGB-EES (1980), Clause 2.2, Table 1,
Class B3.
Safety and emergency conditions in the underground
The temperature of the r o o m should be maintained
areas of the power station require consideration of:
within the hmits of + 5 ° C to + 4 0 ° C , ahowing for a
• Safety of personnel and plant. maximum heat dissipation of 10 k W from the equip­
ment in the M T R .
• Communication with roving personnel in all areas
With modern S P C exchanges, air conditioning is
of the underground labyrinth.
provided for the M T R to give Class A conditions, i.e.:
• Temperature limits of + 1 8 to -h27°C.
1.4 Accomnnodation and power supplies • Relative humidity h m h s of 35 to 7 5 % .
In fossil-fuel power stations, three telecommunica­
tions rooms are provided for diversity and security of S P C exchanges which have been approved to the re­
alternative operational communication system equip­ quirements of the C E G B General Specification for
ment: two in the Main Station Building, i.e., the Main Electronic Equipment (CEGB-EES 1980), will continue
Telecommunications Room (MTR) and the Auxiliary to operate within Class Β temperature and humidity
Telecommunications R o o m (ATR), and one in the hmits but with the possible reduction in equipment
Station Administration Building (PABX room). In timing and other minor variations in the manufacturer's
nuclear power stations an A T R is provided for each specified equipment operational limits.
react o r / t u r bine-generator unit. T o supply the M T R and the associated telecommuni­
The telecommunications requirements change during cation battery charging requirements, two alternative
the life of a power station and adequate space is spe­ 7.5 k W , three-phase, 415 V A C supphes are required
cified at the design stage to ensure that future changes to feed two 6-way, three-phase and neutral distribu­
and additions to equipment can be accommodated. tion boards complying with C E G B Category 2 safety

Requirements and policy





—!_! LJ 1_Ι

-1380- •690- •700

1065 BOARD



700- -«-550-*-

700 800 LINE PAX 550




I 1

FIG. 8.1 Main telecommunications room — typical floor plan

requirements. Each of the two battery chargers is MTR equipment

supphed from different A C supply distribution b o a r d s .
A 110 V 50 W A C uninterruptable power supply The equipment includes cable distribution frames,
(UPS) is required for the radio paging central control PA(B)X, U H F radio equipment, radio paging equip­
equipment. ment, 48 V D C power supply equipment, isolation
The minimum lighting standard is 300 Lux. Emer­ equipment for BT incoming cables, C T N equipment
gency hghting is also provided. and grid control telecommunications equipment (for

Telecommunications Chapter 8

grid system control and telephony) when the latter is The Planté batteries are located in a battery r o o m
not located in the associated 275 kV or 400 kV switching adjacent to the M T R . The r o o m comphes with the
station. C E G B standards for battery rooms described in Chapter
MTR 48 V DC power supplies If recombination cell batteries are used, the 48 V D C
power supply equipment is provided for each indi­
If Planté batteries are used, the 48 V power supply vidual telecommunications equipment. A power equip­
equipment comprises: two chargers, two batteries and ment rack (PER) comprising modular rectifiers and
a single distribution board. The power supply system 48 V battery units is provided ensuite with its associated
has sufficient electrical capacity to supply the known telecommunications system. Each modular battery has
and predicted 48 V D C requirements of the M T R . For a capacity of approximately 100 A h . A number of
a modern power station this would include two batteries rectifier/battery modules are connected in parallel to
of approximately 400 Ah each. The arrangement com- provide the required standby capacity, e.g., 12 hours
phes with CEGB Transmission Plant Standards. A sim­ for a P A X , D W T S or A W S and 7 hours for a P A B X .
plified block diagram of the system is shown in Fig 8.2. The advantages/disadvantages of recombination cells
The two batteries and chargers are operated in parallel. are described in Section 1.4.4 of this chapter.
Failure of one battery or one charger will not cause
a complete failure of the system. Each charger has
sufficient output to meet the total battery load. The 1.4.2 Auxiliary telecommunications room (ATR)
two paralleled batteries are capable of supporting the The A T R is remote from the M T R and provides ac­
load for approximately 12 hours. c o m m o d a t i o n for t e l e c o m m u n i c a t i o n s e q u i p m e n t
The arrangement enables one battery and charger associated with each turbine-generator unit, whereas
to be disconnected from the load for off-load boost the M T R provides accommodation for non-unitised
charging. During boost charging the standby capacity telecommunications equipment. In the event of a fire
of the system is halved, e.g., h is approximately 6 in the M T R , the telecommunications in the A T R will
hours. be unaffected and vice versa. Nuclear stations have
The 48 V positive poles of the batteries are earthed one A T R per turbine-generator unit to provide further
at one point, usually at the distribution board via separation and the enhanced security which arises from
an isolating link. An earth cable is run between the dispersed and diversified systems. With the exception
distribution board and the power station's control and of the u n h M C T J S which uses the station multipair
instrumentation (C and I) earth. The C and I earth cable system, the A T R equipment uses dedicated cable
is also used for the cable screen earths associated with systems.
the power station multipair cable distribution system. The A T R is dimensioned to accommodate the fol­
lowing telecommunications equipment:

A.c. A.c. • A public address system (for one of the duphcated


• An audible warning (siren) system (AWS).

• A maintenance and commissioning telephone jack
system (MCTJS).

• A direct wire telephone system (DWTS). One of the

A T R s will also accommodate the D W T S for the
C C R supervisor's desk in addition to one of the
turbine-generator unit systems.

Where there is a requirement at a nuclear power station

for seismically quahfied D W T S s , then the central
D W T S equipment must be seismically qualified and
located in a seismicahy quahfied r o o m . The A T R bat­
tery which provides power for the D W T S and the other
BOARD telecommunication equipment in the A T R must also
be seismicahy qualified.
Figure 8.3 shows the floor plan of one of the two
ATRs for a two-unit nuclear power station, where
FOR MCR EQUIPMENT seismic quahfication of the D W T S is required. Where
seismic quahfication is not required, the D W T S equip­
FIG. 8.2 Main telecommunications room — 48 V DC ment is located in the same r o o m as the other telecom­
power supplies block diagram munication equipment.

R e q u i r e m e n t s a n d policy
















FIG. 8.3 Auxiliary telecommunications room — typical floor plan of a unit ATR for a nuclear power station having
a seismically qualified direct wire telephone system

Telecommunications Chapter 8

A TR 48 V DC power supplies
If Planté batteries are used, the 48 V power supply SUPPLY
equipment comprises: a single charger, a battery and
a single distribution board. The power supply system
has sufficient electrical capachy to supply the known
and predicted 48 V D C requirements of the A T R . SINGLE
For a modern power station the battery would be of BATTERY
the order of 100 Ah. The arrangement comphes with
CEGB Transmission Plant Standards. A simplified
block diagram of the system is shown in Fig 8.4.
The earthing arrangement is similar to that described
for the M T R 48 V power supphes.
If recombination ceh batteries are used, the rectifiers
and batteries are provided and sized to suit the asso­
ciated telecommunications system as explained for the

1.4.3 PABX room

The P A B X room and the associated battery room (when 48V DC SUPPLIES
required) are located in the power station administra­
tion building. The rooms should have sufficient floor
FIG. 8 . 4 Auxiliary telecommunications room — 4 8 V
area to accommodate the known present and future
DC power supplies block diagram
equipment requirements.
The P A B X room accommodates the P A B X , battery
charger, 48 V distribution rack or power equipment be free-standing or wallmounted and accommodates
racks (PERs), cable distribution and isolation frames, cable pair isolating links and isolation transformers.
maintenance terminal and miscellaneous furniture. Alternatively, the links and transformers can be pro­
When the battery comprises lead acid Planté cells, vided as separate wall-mounted units.
a battery room is provided to accommodate the 48 V The definition of a 'hot' site is given in Engineering
D C battery and battery maintenance equipment. Recommendation S5/1 Section 6 . 1 . From the Recom­
The cable distribution frames located in the P A B X mendation it can be seen that isolation equipment
room include the Network Operator's Distribution is necessary if the earth potential rise is greater than
Frame (NODE), the User Distribution Frame (UDF) 430 V RMS for systems protected by overcurrent pro­
and the Test Jack Frame (TJF). tection and 650 V on 'high reliabihty systems', i.e.,
The N O D E is the termination point for the network systems having high speed protection.
operator's off-site cable connections. Typical wall-mounted isolation units are described
The U D F is the termination point for the on-she in Section 2.5 of this chapter.
P A B X telephone cable system. The P A B X r o o m is also used as the marshalling
The T J F is the termination point for the P A B X and terminating point for cables connected to station
cables and interconnections between the P A B X , the telecommunication services, access to which is required
N O D E and the U D F . within the station administration building, e.g., the
All three distribution frames have a jumper wire station public address system, the station radio paging
system to enable the flexible interconnections to be system and the P A X telephone system.
made. The environmental condhions in the P A B X room
The cables terminating on the U D F include cables t o : should be similar to those of the M T R to provide the
the floor distribution points (FDPs) in the station correct environment for the P A B X .
administration building; the local distribution boxes; A rehable A C power supply is required into the
the locally sited line jack units (LJUs) for telephones; P A B X room to provide power for the P A B X battery
the P A B X switchboard(s) in the reception area of the charger and other telecommunication equipment. An
station administration building; the M T R in the station A C power supply is also required for wall-mounted
control building and the supervisor's desk in the C C R . sockets in the P A B X r o o m for portable test equipment,
In the case of 'hot' sites, i.e., sites which have poor the P A B X interrogating and programming terminal and
earthing systems ahowing the earth point potential to portable cleaning equipment.
rise during high voltage (HV) to earth fauhs, an iso­ A low resistance connection is provided to the A C
lation frame is inserted between the N O D E and the power supply earth located as near as possible to the
cables connected to the off-site network operator's cable power supply cable entry to the Administration Build­
distribution system. This is unnecessary for sites served ing. This earth connection is extended to the P A B X
solely by fibre-optic cables. The isolation frame can positive connection of the 48 V D C battery or to the

Requirements a n d policy

P E R s . All 48 V D C positive connections in the P A B X are ideal for a rapid reaction between the spongy lead
are taken to this single earth point and are isolated and the oxygen to form lead oxide:
from the P A B X cabinet earth to avoid multiple earths
on the 48 V D C positive, which can resuh in noise 2 P b + Ol = 2PbO (8.1)
and cross-talk interference.
The lead oxide in the acidic conditions easily goes to
lead sulphate:
1.4.4 48 V DC power supplies

2 P b O + 2H2SO4 = 2 P b S 0 4 + 2H2O (8.2)

Planté cell batteries
48 V D C power supplies have traditionally used Planté Since the lead sulphate is deposited on the surface of
cell batteries. The power supply system has comprised the electrode which evolves hydrogen it will be reduced
one or two 48 V batteries, one or two chargers and a to lead and sulphuric acid:
fused distribution b o a r d .
The 48 V power supply system positive has been 2 P b S 0 4 + 2H2 = 2 P b + 2H2SO4 (8.3)
earthed at one point only, i.e., at the 48 V distribution
board. Here, an earth cable has been taken to the Adding Equations (8.1), (8.2) and (8.3), and cancelling
power station C and I earth system. similar terms on b o t h sides of the resulting equation
The 48 V batteries for the M T R and the A T R have produces:
sufficient electrical capacity to provide a minimum of
2H2 + 0 2 = 2H2O (8.4)
12 hours' standby for the total 48 V D C installed load,
and for the anticipated growth In the load over the
This reaction is gas recombination. Provided the pro­
foreseeable future.
cess is 100<7o efficient, a method is available to re-
combine the gases produced by overcharging within
Recombination cell batteries the lead acid battery.
48 V D C power supphes which use recombination ceh For production batteries, recombination efficiencies
batteries are provided as an integral part of the in­ of better t h a n 9 6 % have been quoted.
stalled equipment with each telecommunications sys­ T h e recombination efficiency is based on the a m o u n t
tem. The batteries are provided with sufficient capacity of hydrogen lost to the system and can be expressed
to supply the associated telecommunications system. by the m e t h o d proposed by Harrison and Whhley in
the fohowing equation
Gas recombination in lead acid cells I-IH
The negative plate in a lead acid cell consists of a lead R = X 100%
alloy lattice or grid in which the spaces of the grid
are filled with chemically-active lead sponge. If a fully where R is the gas recombination efficiency
charged negative plate is removed from the acid and
I is the average charging current which passes
exposed to the air it will heat up rapidly, produce
through the battery during test
steam from the water on the surface and quickly form
a deposit on the surface. During this chemical reaction, I H is the average current equivalent, under
oxygen from the air reacts with the lead to produce Faraday's law, of hydrogen emhted during
lead oxide (PbO) and heat. the test period
The significance of this is that a fully charged ne­
gative plate is highly reactive with oxygen. This is the Since the hydrogen arises from the electrolysis of water
basis of lead acid gas recombination cells. W h e n a an equivalent quantity of water is lost t o the battery,
charge current flows through a fully charged lead acid giving rise t o an equivalent loss of oxygen.
cell, electrolysis of water occurs to produce hydrogen There are a n u m b e r of theories of how the oxygen
from the negative electrode and oxygen from the posi­ is removed from the battery. The most popular are
tive electrode. The evolution of the oxygen and hydro­ corrosion of the positive electrode or sulphation of the
gen gases does not occur simultaneously because the negative electrode. The former would reduce conduc­
efficiency of the recharge of the positive electrode is tivity of the positive electrode and the latter would
not as good as that of the negative. This causes oxygen reduce the capacity of the negative electrode. Loss of
to evolve from the positive plate before hydrogen is water would also affect the capacity of the cell. Each
evolved from the negative plate. has a direct effect on the operational life of the battery.
As the oxygen is evolved from the positive electrode, Although referred t o as sealed cells, a vent is pro­
there is a substantial a m o u n t of highly active lead vided t o allow hydrogen to escape a n d prevent a dan­
sponge existing on the negative electrode before hydro­ gerous build u p of pressure inside the battery.
gen commences to evolve. Therefore, provided oxygen The recombination efficiencies obtained from the
can be transported to the negative electrode, conditions Harrison and Whitley technique have indicated that

Telecommunications Chapter 8

the operational life of the batteries is of the order of

10 years.
The electrolyte is absorbed by a fibre-glass separa­
tion material between the plates. This allows free
movement of gases between electrodes and with the 50.4H
vent removed would result in little or n o electrolyte
escaping because it would be held by the absorbent
separation material.

Advantages of recombination cell batteries

• A specially designed battery room is not necessary.

• Size, suitable for locating in equipment r o o m s . UJ

• Ease of handhng during installation.

• Lower level of maintenance. 43.2H

• Low level of hydrogen liberated during charge.

Disadvantages of recombination cell batteries 40.8H

• Lower operational hfe, 10 years compared to 2 5 - 3 0

years for Planté ceh batteries.
38.4- —I 1 1 1 —
• Difficuh to determine the state of the battery, i.e., 20 40 60 80 100 110
capachy available for an emergency. (5H CAPACITY=100)

• Lower level of maintenance required can lead to

FIG. 8.5 Battery terminal voltage plotted against depth
abuse of the battery by personnel assuming that the of discharge
batteries are maintenance-free.

These facilities will enable the recombination cell bat­

CEGB requirements for recombination cell batteries
tery to be monitored and the available capacity to be
Until the C E G B has accumulated a similar amount of determined.
operational experience to that for Planté cells the fol­ For further details on batteries see Chapter 9.
lowing requirements are specified. The power equip­
ment racks (PERs) shah be provided with:
2 Access to British Telecom national
• Low volts alarm relay or equivalent across 48 V
cable network
busbars (set at 43 V).
As British Telecommunications pic (BT) is the main
• High volts alarm relay or equivalent across 48 V telecommunication carrier in the United Kingdom, ac­
busbars (set at 60 V). cess to the BT national telephone cable network allows
• Low vohs disconnect load relay or equivalent (set at the use of the wide range of BT telecommunication
41 V). services.
The main service is the public switched telephone
• Isolation facilities to enable disconnection of the rec­ network (PSTN), which provides telephone services to
tifier output and load to each 48 V battery module. all United Kingdom a n d international telephone users
• Facilities to enable open-circuit volts to be mea­ and access to the sophisticated telecommunication
sured on each 48 V battery module in turn, allowing services now available on the BT P S T N .
the remaining paralleled 48 V battery modules and The C E G B also makes use of the BT national cable
rectifiers to supply load. network for telecommunication circuits to locations
external to the power station for telephony, data, grid
• Facilities to enable current flowing into each 48 V system control, telecommunications and grid system
battery module to be measured. protection.
BT provides telephone cables from the power sta­
• Facilities to enable current flowing out of each 48 V
tion telecommunication rooms to two segregated points
rectifier to be measured.
outside the boundary of the power station site and
• A calibration graph for each 48 V battery module arranges for segregated routing of cables from the two
showing open-circuit volts against discharged ampere off-site segregated points to the BT cable network.
hour capacity, see Fig 8.5. This is to reduce the probability of a c o m m o n mode

Access to British T e l e c o m national cable network

cable failure affecting all circuits and services provided 2.2 On-site duct routes for British Telecom
by BT, i.e., the power station wih not be subject to cables
total failure should damage occur to one of the cable
T o provide segregation and protection for the BT
routes. Access from these points is required to BT high
cables on-site, two segregated duct routes are provided
grade circuhs, routed sometimes over long distances,
from the BT off-site points to the various on-site tele­
for grid system control, telecommunications and H V
communication r o o m s . The provision for each route
transmission line protection equipment. It is usual to
is a minimum of two 100 m m P V C type ducts, with
provide two alternatively routed circuits to locations
carriageway boxes spaced along the route to facilitate
with which it is essential to maintain telecommunica­
the drawing-in of cable during installation and the
tion services at all times, such as to the system opera­
replacement of cables. The carriageway box is specified
tions grid control centre and the distant ends of the
because of its strong construction to ensure that it
HV transmission lines connected to the power station
is not easily damaged by the weight of heavy vehi­
for grid line protection. If two circuits are required cles, particularly during the construction period of the
to a remote location, then BT are instructed to segre­ power station.
gate one circuit from the other through the entire
BT telephone cable network to minimise the risk of
simuhaneous loss of both circuhs. 2.3 Segregation of British Telecom cables
within the power station building
2.1 On-site British Telecom cable The segregation of the two BT cable routes is continued
requirements between the segregated access points into the power
station building and to the M T R .
Two segregated routes are provided on-site to the At the design stage, two BT cable routes are planned
foHowing locations: to provide the required segregation and the cables are
• Station M T R . routed in unplasticised P V C cable trunking. This pro­
vides a degree of mechanical protection of the cables
• Station administration building ( P A B X r o o m ) . and reduces the fire risk to the BT external-type tele­
• 400/275 kV swhching station telecommunications phone cables, which often have a polythene sheath.
room (if on site).

2.4 British Telecom cables

BT cables are also routed on she between the above
locations for interconnection of BT circuits. Typical During the design stage of the station, the quantity and
arrangements are shown on Fig 8.6. sizes, i.e., number of pairs, of the on-site BT cables








FIG. 8.6 Diagram showing the diversity and separation of two cable routes on a power station to the off-site
BT cable networks

Telecommunications Chapter 8

are specified by the C E G B , based on the known and to the power station and also the transfer of electrical
estimated future telecommunication needs of the sta­ potential to BT personnel working on external BT
tion, thus minimising the need for additional or re­ plant.
placement BT cables during the hfe of the station. Figure 8.7 shows a circuit diagram of an exchange
BT regulations do not permit the jointing of on-site hne isolating equipment and Fig 8.8 shows a circuit
BT telephone cables directly connected to the off-site diagram for isolating equipment typicahy used for grid
BT telephone cable network. This is to ensure that system control, telephony and protection of telecom­
BT personnel are not put at risk if the jointing of one munication circuits.
of the cables coincides w h h a rise of earth potential
at the power station site, during an electrical system
fault in the power station, or the on-site 400/275 kV 3 British Telecom telephone services
switching station. A power station requires access to many BT services
including the P S T N , telex, data and point to point
2.5 Electrical isolation of British Telecom
3.1 Public switched telephone network
Ah of the above BT cable pairs are terminated by
BT on isolation links (BT reference. Links Isolation
Type 5A) in the locations detailed in Section 2.1 of The majority of the direct exchange lines (DEL) for
this chapter, to permit easy electrical disconnection the station will be routed to the nearest BT telephone
of the cable pairs from equipment installed in the exchange. However, if the station is in a rural area it
station. is often prudent, in the interests of reliabihty of service
If the calculated rise of earth potential during elec­ and security of access to associated BT services, for the
trical fault conditions exceeds 650 V A C R M S , then DELs to by-pass the local BT telephone exchange and
isolation equipment is provided on every working cir­ to be directly connected into a BT telephone exchange
cuh to isolate the off-site BT circuhs electrically from serving an u r b a n area.
the power station telecommunication equipment. This For additional securhy, a BT telephone on the super­
prevents the transfer of the rise of earth potential but visor's desk in the C C R has a D E L connected to an
permits through-transfer of speech and signalhng infor­ alternative BT telephone exchange to that serving the
mation, thus preventing damage to BT plant external power station P A B X . This ensures that access to the






FIG. 8.7 Transformer isolation unit for connecting power station telecommunications equipment to
BT 4-wire audio circuits

On-site t e l e c o m m u n i c a t i o n cabling

• Emergency speech circuits for fire and pohce services.

SCREEN Nuclear stations also require access to off-site nuclear
emergency services.
• C E G B C T N circuhs.
OR <
• Remote control of circuits for radio fixed stations
located outside the power station.


Access to the private circuit network of Mercury Com­

munication Limited (MCL), the second largest British
pubhc telecommunications carrier, is also used (where
available) to provide an alternative to the BT private
circuit network.

4 On-site telecommunication cabling

4.1 General
HIGH INSULATION BETWEEN Special factors related to the importance of a particu­
lar telecommunications system determine the type of
cable used and hs routing.
FIG. 8.8 Transformer isolation unit for direct BT
telephone lines or PABX exchange lines The cables for P A X main cable routes, either de­
dicated or via the station digital pair network, have
fire-retardant sheathed cables as detailed in Chapter
BT P S T N is available to the supervisor should the BT 6 of this volume, and are as used for control and
telephone exchange serving the station fail. The tele­ instrumentation cabhng within the power station. The
phone number of this D E L is not listed in the BT cable for the personal ultra high frequency (UHF) radio
telephone directory and it is referred to as the *ex- systems, the grid control emergency and nuclear emer­
directory out-of-area' telephone. This D E L is routed in gency very high frequency (VHF) radio systems, the
the BT cable network both on and off-site, to provide direct wire telephone systems (DWTS) and the siren
diversity with the direct telecommunications circuit system is short-time fireproof cable, which will remain
to the remote grid control centre. This gives an aher- serviceable in a fire area for a minimum period of
native means of speech communication between the 20 minutes.
supervisor's desk and the grid control if the grid control
communication hnk is faulty.
4.2 PAX telephone cabling
The power station digital pair network, which is de­
3.2 Telex tailed in Chapter 6, has multipair cable marshalling
One telex machine is provided in the station connected boxes in power station areas for the marshahing of
to the BT telex network, its primary purpose being dighal circuits required by equipment located near to
the transmission and reception of telexed information the boxes.
from locations not having access to the C E G B Cor­ The marshalling boxes are cabled to central mar­
porate Data Network (CDN). shalling cubicles which are interconnected with muhi­
pair cables to enable digital circuits to be routed be­
tween many areas of the power station.
3.3 Data The P A X telephone circuhs are routed by the di­
gital pair network from station locations to the station
Access to BT data circuits is required, such as the M T R , where they terminate on the M D F .
BT packet-switched service, for locations not having
The P A X telephone circuits use dedicated 20-pair
access to the C E G B C D N .
modules in the digital pair network. All pairs of each
dedicated module are through-connected from a 20-
pair terminal strip on the M T R M D F to 20-pair tele­
3.4 Private circuit network phone cable marshalling boxes in the station areas.
Access is required to the BT private circuit network Figure 8.9 shows a typical telephone cable marshalling
for: box, dedicated for telephone circuit use only.
For new power stations, at least 2 0 % spare circuits
• Grid system operation circuits.
(which are all through-connected to the M D F ) are
• P A X and P A B X exchange interconnection tie circuits. provided to each telephone cable marshahing box.

Telecommunications Chapter 8





FIG. 8.9 Typical telephone cable marshalling box

These may be used subsequent to the initial installa­ ing point for the majority of telecommunication cables
tion of the cable system to provide direct connections entering the M T R .
to the M T R M D F without having to interfere w h h The M D F is floor standing and has a hne side (for
the digital pair network interconnecting arrangements. termination of cables to the M T R ) , and an equipment
side (for termination of cables to equipment in the
M T R ) . The line and equipment sides are interconnected
4.2.1 Main distribution frame and station PAX
by single-pair jumpers as required. The line side is fitted
telephone cabling
with discrete 20-pair terminal strips having terminals
The M D F in the M T R is the marshahing and terminat- for wire wrapping. Each block of terminal trips will

Private a u t o m a t i c e x c h a n g e ( P A X )

accommodate one 20-pair module from the digital turers, a cable which provides a 20-minute withstand
pair network, i.e., one through-route to a 20-pair of temperatures u p to 1000°C.
telephone cable marshalling box in the power station The mechanical and electrical properties of the cable
plant area. Other cables on the line side of the M D F are are given in G D C D Specification 195 and are described
as follows: in Chapter 6.
Short-time fireproof (STFP) muhipair cables are
• 100-pair cable to supervisor's desk in the C C R .
used for the fohowing telecommunication systems:
• Three 100-pair cables to the user distribution frame
• Direct wired telephone systems.
(UDF) in the P A B X r o o m of the station adminis­
tration buhding (for P A X telephones in the station • U H F handportable radio telephone systems.
administration building area, for P A B X telephones
• Siren control systems.
in the power station and for power station plant
buildings outside the control building). • Public address systems.

• Multipair cables to the BT incoming cable isolation

rack. 4.4 Low smoke cabling
The C E G B and the cable manufacturers have jointly
4.2.2 User distribution frame in the station developed a cable which has low smoke and halogen
administration building for the P A X / P A B X emission properties when b u r n t .
telephone cabling This type of cable reduces the risk to personnel
The user distribution frame (UDF) is located in the during a fire and reduces the damage caused to electrical
P A B X room of the station administration building and mechanical equipment due to the production of
(described in Section 1.4.3 of this chapter) and is a hydrochloric acid from the halogens.
single-sided wall-mounted frame fitted with 20-pair The cable is used extensively in the C E G B P W R
terminal strips, having insulation displacement termi­ nuclear power stations for telecommunication on-site
nals (IDTs) for cable and j u m p e r wire terminations. cabhng in place of P V C multipair cables.
These terminal strips are used for terminating all multi- Details of the mechanical and electrical properties
pair cables to the floor distribution points (FDPs) in of these cables are given in G D C D Technical Speci­
the station administration building, the cables being fication and are described in Chapter 6.
used for both P A X and P A B X telephone circuits.
The cables used for BT circuits such as D E L s and
data circuits, are terminated on the network operators 5 Private automatic exchange (PAX)
distribution frame (NODE). These are BT network
services required to individual locations in the station
administration building or the main station buildings, 5.1 Types of telephone exchange
which are directly connected (by isolation equipment As stated in Section 1.2 of this chapter, the P A X pro­
where necessary) to the BT national cable network. vides telephone facilities in all areas of the power sta­
Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) regulations tion site. This site coverage was achieved in the past,
require that BT network services are routed in cabl­ prior to the introduction of P A X systems, by the use
ing separate from that carrying P A B X / P A X extension of office type intercom systems, supplemented by
circuhs. operational direct wire telephone systems.
This separate cabling requirement for BT network For about 40 years, until recently, all new C E G B
services is designated as Overlay cabling' and is aimed power stations were equipped with an electromecha­
at the separation of BT network services from sepa­ nical P A X to provide automatic dialhng of all site
rately provided and owned P A B X cabling. The P A B X telephones. Most were of the Strowger type, Strowger
extension cabling must now comply with Brhish being the n a m e of the inventor of the first automatic
Standard BS6701, which details the requirements for telephone exchange which used a *step by step' method
cabling of P A B X telephone extension cabling. It also of connecting telephone lines under the control of a
specifies a separate isolated earth connection, referred telephone dial. Strowger systems were used almost
to as a functional earth (FE), to each P A B X telephone exclusively, until recently, throughout the British pubhc
F D P or cable marshalling box for use by P A B X tele­ swhched telephone network (PSTN). In later years, a
phones where the P A B X requires an earth connection small number of P A X s used in power stations were of
for certain P A B X telephone functions, i.e., recall the electromechanical crossbar type which used a form
operator, transfer call, etc. This isolated F E connection of c o m m o n control switching. Both types are being
is earthed at the P A B X r o o m only. replaced in power stations by stored p r o g r a m m e control
(SPC) telephone exchanges for both P A X and P A B X
requirements. The Strowger, crossbar and S P C type
4.3 Short-tinne fireproof cabling telephone exchanges are briefly described in the follow­
The CEGB has developed, with the cable manufac­ ing subsections.

Telecommunications Chapter 8

5.1.1 Strowger systems The Strowger system relies on the operation of complex
electromechanical equipment which requires regular
The basic elements of a Strowger telephone exchange
maintenance by skihed maintenance staff.
are the telephone extension line circuit, uniselector and
selector. The arrangement of the elements used for a
telephone call between two telephone extensions on a 5.1.2 Crossbar systems
100-hne telephone exchange is shown on Fig 8.10 and
The crossbar system is more complex than the Strowger
is briefly described as follows: system. The uniselector and selector functions of the
• Handset of calling telephone is lifted and operates its Strowger system are performed by crossbars. Each
discrete line circuit in the P A X which then operates crossbar u n h comprises a matrix of contacts which are
its discrete uniselector. operated by levers (or fingers) to route circuits for
speech and control through the telephone exchange.
• The wipers of the uniselector rotate to find the first The mechanical movement of the equipment parts
unused selector circuit. Dialhng tone is then returned is small compared with that of the Strowger system
to the calhng telephone. and there is a reduction in the a m o u n t of wear and
• The first digit is dialled and the wipers of the se­ readjustment, so the maintenance requirement of a
lector step vertically to a position determined by the crossbar system is much less than that of an equivalent
digit dialled. Strowger system. However, the complexity of the cross­
bar system requires skihed staff to diagnose and repair
• The second digit is dialled and the selector wipers faults.
rotate into a horizontal bank of contacts coming to
rest on contacts determined by the digit dialled. The
5.1.3 Stored p r o g r a m m e control (SRC) systems
contacts are associated whh the called telephone.
The S P C telephone exchange is now specified for P A X
• The selector then transmhs ringing current to ring
and P A B X requirements at new power stations, and
the beh of the called telephone via the wipers of
is also specified when replacement of Strowger and
the selector and also returns a ringing tone to the
crossbar P A X s and P A B X s at existing power stations
calling telephone.
is necessary.
• When the called telephone answers, the lines of the The S P C telephone exchange has few moving parts
called telephone and calling telephone are connected and a low maintenance requirement. Most faults can
via wipers of the uniselector and the selector, speech be rectified by relatively unskilled staff. Indeed, many
is then possible between the two telephones. problems are rectified by integral self-diagnostic equip-







FIG. 8.10 Elements of a basic Strowger telephone exchange

Private a u t o m a t i c branch e x c h a n g e ( P A B X )

ment which checks the operation of the telephone the event of failure, to minimise complete failure of
exchange to identify the particular part which is faulty the exchange.
and then reconfigures the exchange to replace or by-pass M a n y sophisticated faculties are avaUable on the SPC
the faulty area. exchange, only some of which are of use on a power
It is also possible for diagnostic and reconfiguration station P A X . The more useful facilities are as follows:
operations to be carried out from manually-operated
• *Ring back when free' (automatic ring back of a
interrogation equipment at a remote location. The inter­
calling telephone when a previously-called engaged
rogation and corrective action is carried out after
telephone becomes free).
making a telephone call to the test number of the
telephone exchange which connects the remote inter­ • Three party conference (three telephones in speech
rogation equipment to the telephone exchange inter­ contact).
rogation circuh. • Transfer of calls to another telephone.
The basic elements of the S P C telephone exchange
are the telephone extension line circuit, electronic switch • T i c k - u p groups' which enables a single telephone to
and the computer (central processor unit ( C P U ) a n d answer incoming calls to telephones in the same pick­
processor memory). The arrangement of equipment u p group by dialling an abbreviated code.
elements used for a cah between two telephone exten­
sions is shown on Fig 8.11 and is briefly described
below: 6 Private automatic branch exchange
• Handset of calling telephone is lifted. The extension
line circuit detects this and alerts the C P U which The P A B X provides automatic telephone facilities
sends a dialhng tone to the calhng telephone. between locations within the power station and from
nominated power station locations to the BT pubhc
• The cahing telephone dials dighs, which the line swhched telephone network (PSTN). Prior to the adop­
circuh decoder passes to the C P U . The C P U discon­ tion of P A B X s for power station use, the service was
nects the dialhng tone after the first digit. provided by a private manual branch exchange (PMBX)
based on a manually-operated telephone switchboard.
• As the digits are received by the C P U it checks
The telephone operator provided the required connec­
that the number is valid. If the dighs are valid, the
tion by using two flexible circuit cords (connected to
C P U sends ringing current to the bell of the cahed
a c o m m o n bridging circuit) which were plugged into
telephone and also a ringing tone to the calhng
sockets wired to the lines of the P A B X telephones or
BT exchange hues for telephone conversations between
• When the called telephone answers, the line circuh P M B X telephones, or between a P M B X telephone and
associated with the called telephone alerts the C P U , an exchange h n e . The P A B X s currently specified for
which then disconnects the ringing current and ring­ new power stations are S P C telephone exchanges, simi­
ing tone and routes the telephone circuhs through lar to that described in Section 5.1.3 of this chapter.
the electronic swhch: the telephone conversation The P A B X is located in the station administration
may then commence. building, which is the area of the power station where
the majority of P A B X telephone users are located.
The common equipment elements, e.g., C P U and pro­ The P A B X is housed in h s own equipment r o o m , whilst
cessor memory, of the telephone exchange are dupli­ the telephone operator's console associated with the
cated and have facilities for automatic changeover in P A B X is located in the reception area of the station
administration building. The receptionist provides tele­
phone operator services in addition to reception duties.
SPC TELEPHONE EXCHANGE For a typical 2000 M W power station, the P A B X
normally has facilities for approximately 20 exchange
lines and 250 telephone extensions. T o provide a degree
CALLING of diversity to enable a service to be maintained during
TELEPHONE SWITCH possible failures of the P A B X a n d / o r BT exchange
lines, the exchange lines will normally be arranged as

13 Directory listed exchange lines

6 Ex-directory exchange lines
1 Ex-directory, out-of-area exchange hne

FIG. 8 . 1 1 Elements of a basic stored programme The directory listed exchange hues have one common
control telephone exchange number listed In the BT local telephone directory, the

Telecommunications Chapter 8

number normally dialled for the power station. O n which have also satisfied the C E G B tests and criteria
dialling the number, the BT exchange hunts for any for use in power stations.
one of the thirteen exchange lines to the station P A B X
which is not in use.
The ex-directory exchange hues enable priority 6.2 Night service facilities
incoming calls to be received by the P A B X at all times Outside normal working h o u r s , night service facilities
from C E G B personnel requiring access to the station for transferring incoming BT P S T N calls to the re­
P A B X from the BT P S T N , including occasions when quired P A B X telephone extensions are provided from
the directory listed exchange hnes are all in use or a P A B X telephone extension on the C C R supervisor's
faulty. desk. The night service facility is automatically trans­
Should the local BT telephone exchange fail, then ferred to a P A B X telephone in the Gatehouse if the
a restricted service is available via the ex-directory incoming call is unanswered at the supervisor's desk.
out-of-area exchange line, which is connected t o an­
other BT telephone exchange, preferably in another
town. 7 Paging systems
Outgoing cahs, originated from P A B X extensions
having direct access to the BT P S T N , will first have
access to the ex-directory lines and then to the directory 7.1 Lights and sounders
listed exchange lines, the directory listed exchange lines The paging of power station roving staff from the
being kept available for incoming calls from tne BT P A B X , P A X and fixed locations has for a long time
PSTN. been recognised as a useful faculty. Before the 1950s
During normal conditions, the ex-directory out-of- various methods of staff location were used, one meth­
area hne is only available for cahs made via the station od was the use of combinations of flashing a n d / o r
telephone operator. coloured lights, another method being the operation
The P A B X will be powered from a battery-backed of sounders to a repeated morse code signal. These
48 V D C supply giving a minimum of seven hours systems required high levels of maintenance and were
standby should the mains supply fail t o the associated ineffective in noisy areas.
48 V D C charger.
The P A B X will have a dual processor to ensure
operation should one processor fah. Should the P A B X 7.2 Inductive loop paging systems
fail completely, then the exchange lines are automa­ During the 1950s, an inductive loop paging system
tically, or manually, connected directly to nominated controhed from manual controllers was developed which
telephones to provide a minimum service for incoming operated by magnetic induction from a wire loop an­
and outgoing telephone cahs via the BT P S T N . tenna. This antenna comprised a single-wire looped
A limited number of power station locations in­ a r o u n d a building or buildings with both ends of the
cluding the central control room (CCR), the station loop being connected to the paging transmitter. For
gatehouse (used by security personnel), the power sta­ a large building or complex, the antenna sometimes
tion manager's office and the charge engineer's office comprised a number of loops to obtain the required
are provided with telephones having direct access to cover. At a power station a number of antenna loops
the P S T N independent of the P A B X , These telephones were necessary and a series/parallel arrangement of
are designated direct exchange line (DEL) telephones. the individual loops was used to optimise the area of
The signals transmitted by the system antenna were
6.1 General facilities in the frequency range 2 0 0 - 4 0 0 0 H z . The pocket pagers
The P A B X will include present S P C telephone facilities carried by mobile staff received the signals and emitted
as follows: an audible tone if the pager received its unique identity
• Extension transfer of telephone calls.
During 1961, a commercial inductive loop paging
• Conference facilities. system manually-operated from a controller was in­
• Ring back when free. stalled at U s k m o u t h Power Station. The controller,
which incorporated pager coding p u s h b u t t o n s , was con­
• Operator recall. nected by cable to the main coding and transmitting
• G r o u p pick-up. equipment. A n equipment was developed for the C E G B
by one of the authors (F. Ashurst) to enable this paging
• Abbreviated dialling. system to be operated from any power station P A X
telephone. A t the time, this was a unique method of
The P A B X is chosen from a C E G B approved hst which operation.
includes PABXs approved by the Department or Trade The method of operation from any P A X telephone
and Industry (DTI) for connection to the BT P S T N , required the dialling of a single-digit paging system

Paging systems

access code, followed by a two-digit code for the The component parts are:
required pager. The paged person dialled the c o m m o n
• Central control equipment.
paging answering code from any P A X telephone to
speak to the caller. • M a n u a l controllers.
Operation of the paging signal from the m a n u a l con- • Transmitters and antennas.
troher produced a different sound from the pocket pager
• Pocket paging receivers (pagers).
to indicate to the paged person the need to call the tele­
phone number of the manual controher instead of the
common paging system answering code on the P A X . 7.3.2 Central control equipment
The First Aid Team or Fire Team could also be called The central control equipment in new power stations
from a special paging telephone in the power station is usually m o u n t e d in a cubicle located in the M T R .
CCR and multi-access to the special paging telephone This provides good access to the P A X which is also
was available to the Teams when they called the Team located in the M T R .
paging answering code from any power station P A X Also m o u n t e d in the cubicle is a test manual con­
telephone. troher used for operating, testing and programming the
One major problem associated with the inductive radio paging system. The cubicle is the focal point of
loop paging system was the occasional severing of the the system and cables radiate from the cubicle to a
antenna loops which were routed via many of the secure A C power supply, the P A X , the other manual
buildings of the power station, resuhing in a partial loss controllers and the dispersed fixed station transmitters.
of cover.
7.3.3 Manual controllers
Three m a n u a l controllers are usually provided for each
7.3 Radio paging systems
radio paging system, as follows:
Radio paging systems have replaced all other types of
paging system in C E G B power stations. • Test and programming controller fitted in the central
Most radio paging systems can be operated from control equipment cubicle ( M T R ) .
manual controllers and from the power station P A X • Supervisor's desk, central control r o o m (CCR).
and P A B X telephone systems, in a way similar to that
• Power station telephone operator and receptionist
of the inductive loop paging system. Present day radio
paging systems provide an alerting signal and a simple
numeric or alphanumeric information display.
The supervisor's desk and power station telephone op­
The radio paging systems currently use a group of
erator's m a n u a l controllers have the following facihties,
channels in the 26, 27 and 49 M H z b a n d of V H F radio
which are not available to the caller initiating a paging
channels which are available at present for the specific
cah via the P A X or P A B X :
use of radio paging. These channels are not exclusive
to C E G B but are also available for other commercial • Individual call of ah power station pagers with dis­
users. tinctive bleeping or vibrating of the pager to indicate
The hcensing and allocation of the paging channels a call from the C C R or the telephone operator.
is controhed by the D T I who specify the conditions • G r o u p call of members of operations or emergency
under which the system will operate. Each system teams, i.e.. Fire, First Aid or Security. The pagers of
supplier is allocated a group of frequencies for use the team members will also receive individual paging
throughout the UK. The channel ahocated by the sup­ calls when their discrete number is called.
pher is selected so that mutual interference w h h other
radio paging systems in the area of cover is minimised. If a pager is faulty, the user will be provided with a
The permitted maximum transmitted output and height replacement pager. The replacement pager, however,
of the antenna(s) are also specified to minimise mutual operates on a different calling code to the user's nor­
interference. However, the multi-use of the same paging mal pager. T o enable the user to be called when his
channel in the area of cover will not necessarily cause published number is dialled on the P A X , or called from
interference as the coding of the signals transmitted a manual controher, it is necessary to programme the
on a common paging channel provides an additional central control equipment with this information so
safeguard to minimise the receipt of incorrect infor­ that calls can be automatically sent to to the replace­
mation by a paged person. ment pager. This may be accomphshed from any of
the m a n u a l controllers, if not barred, or from the test
7.3.1 Component parts of a non-speech radio and programming controller.
paging system
It is C E G B policy to use non-speech radio paging 7.3.4 Transmitters and antennas
systems in power stations, for reasons which will be A single transmitter with one or more antennas may
explained later. be sufficient to provide paging signals in all areas of

Telecommunications Chapter 8

a small power station, but large power stations, and 7.3.5 Direct speech
particularly nuclear power stations, require a number A 'paged person receive speech' channel is available
of synchronised transmitters having multiple antennas as an optional extra on contemporary radio paging
with associated radiating cables. The transmitters are systems to enable the caller to transmit a verbal message
synchronised to prevent interaction of signals from two
to a paged person or group of persons. There is also a
transmitters having radio cover which overlap in some
further optional enhancement to provide return speech
power station areas. The synchronising is accomplished
from the paged person to the caller. These options
by frequency-dividing the main transmitter radio signal
are rarely specified for C E G B power stations, the use
and transmitting the low frequency derivative via tele­
of alphanumeric displayed information on the paged
phone cable pairs to each of the associated slave radio
receiver being preferred. The display gives the paged
paging transmitters where the signal is muhiplied back
person unambiguous instructions of the action required
to the original frequency, thus producing a synchro­
and also the option of calling the initiator of the page
nised transmitter output.
or delaying this until a more convenient time.
The siting of the transmitters and associated an­ The provision of the received speech facility to a
tennas requires a detailed study of the power station
paged person would require a higher standard of re­
main building and outbuildings including the cooling
ception throughout the power station areas, necessi­
water (CW) pumphouse (much of which may be under­
tating a larger number of fixed station transmitters. The
ground), coal plant (if a coal-fired power station) and
provision of transmitted speech from the paged person
the reactor area (if a nuclear power station). Particular
would also require a large number of fixed station
attention is needed for the power station basement area.
receivers to be positioned in strategic locations through­
A close examination of the power station working
out the site.
areas or, if a new power station, a detailed examination
It is C E G B policy to provide roving station person­
of its layout, is necessary to determine the location
nel who need direct speech communication w h h a
of antennas to provide maximum radio paging cover.
handportable radiotelephone operating on the power
In underground locations and corridors, it may be
station radio system.
necessary to supplement the antennas with 'radiating
cable' (sometimes cahed l e a k y feeder') which provides
a low power leakage of transmitted signal along its 7.3.6 Use of paging systems
length to enhance the signal in areas of poor reception. It is the policy of some power station managers to
Judicious routing through areas of poor reception of issue most of the staff with a pocket pager which, for
the radiating cables connecting remote antennas to a large station, could be 400 or more. This enables all
the associated transmitters, will enhance the cover along staff to be contacted wherever they are on site. Other
their routes. Alternatively, radiating cable provided for power station managers restrict the issue of pagers to
radiating purposes only but having an electrical con­ roving personnel; operations, maintenance, security and
nection to the transmitter output signal, will also en­ emergency team staff.
hance the paging signal in difficult areas of the power
Modern pagers are small compact devices which fit 8 Radio systems
in a breast pocket. The cahing signal operates any
or ah of the following alerting modes; audible tone,
lamp or vibrator and also the numeric or alphanumeric 8.1 Introduction
displays. The power supply is provided by dry or re­ Radio systems form part of the telecommunication
chargeable batteries. infrastructure at a power station. They are provided
Calling the pager from one of the manual controhers both to supplement a n d as an alternative to the
or from a P A X telephone will operate the alerting telephone systems, i.e., radiotelephone systems and also
devices of the pager, giving a distinctive alert to indicate for non-speech communication purposes, viz, crane
the type of cah, i.e., group cah or individual cah. The radio control and anticohision systems.
visual display wih instruct the paged person t o , for The increasing use of automatic control for power
example, ring the manual controller, his emergency station plant has resulted in greater centralisation of
control (if the paged person is a member of an emer­ the operational control a n d monitoring of the plant,
gency team), or to cah back a P A X telephone number. and in a significant reduction in permanently manned,
If it is not convenient to ring back the originator of the distributed control centres. This has reduced operations
page, it may be delayed at the discretion of the paged staff numbers and permitted greater flexibihty and
person. The pager will also store a number of paged mobility in work patterns. The use of radio enables
messages which may be displayed retrospectively. speech communication to be established with the mobile
To call a pager from a P A X telephone, the caller dials staff.
the paging system access code, followed by the unique As has already been mentioned, modern power sta­
code of the paged person, a n d then the P A X extension tions have a central control r o o m (CCR) from which
number for the paged person to call back. the operation of the power station is m o n h o r e d and

Radio systems

controlled. Work carried out by staff involved in the a tool to improve speech communications.
day-to-day operation of the power station is controlled
• T h e need for a reliable a n d clear speech communi­
from the C C R .
cation medium to enable staff to be instructed
Emergencies are dealt with by the C C R staff, w h o
accurately to carry out operations on power station
may require communication between the C C R and fire,
plant and machinery.
first aid or damage assessment teams and the off-site
pubhc emergency services.
One of the most useful means of communication In order to achieve a suitable radio system, accepting
between the C C R and roving operations staff is by these constraints, it is therefore necessary to adapt the
radio. Roving staff are provided with a handportable standard P M R equipment for use in power stations.
radiotelephone (handportable) and each control desk in The radio systems used for power stations have
the CCR is fitted with a radio system controller. Staff developed from the use of a single remote control unit
whh handportables are also able to communicate with (controller) located in the C C R a n d cabled to a fixed
each other using the radio system. Additionally, radio station (transceiver) located in the plant area close to
systems are used for other duties which involve com­ the antenna. T h e antenna has usually been mounted
munication between other control centres and mobile on the roof of the highest bmlding, e.g., turbine hall/
staff, e.g., between the maintenance works-control boiler house or the mechanical annexe situated between
office and maintenance staff. Radio in nuclear power the turbine hall a n d boiler house. This arrangement
stations is extensively used for similar applications as had to be supplemented by relatively high-powered
well as for the special requirements of health physics handportables in order t o provide adequate radio cover
monitoring and use during nuclear emergency activities. in all but the smaller power stations.
As power station buildings have become larger and
more complex, a n d the constraint on the power output
8.2 Radiotelephony systems of handportables has increased (in order to avoid RFI
to control a n d instrumentation equipment), so the radio
The radiotelephone systems used in power stations are
system has h a d to become more sophisticated.
based on commercially available private mobile radio
The handportable R F power output has been reduced
(PMR) equipment. P M R equipment is primarüy de­
to 0.5 W into the antenna instead of an effective
signed for use with wide area mobile radio schemes.
radiated power (ERP) of 0.5 W . T h e definition of an
These comprise a central fixed station housing a high-
E R P of 0.5 W is the power radiated from a half-wave
powered transmitter and a sensitive receiver, a fixed
dipole antenna when 0.5 W is connected to it. As
station antenna mounted on a mast located at a high
handportable antenna gains vary from - 3 dB to - 1 0
point central to the required reception area and vehicle-
dB when compared with a dipole antenna, the radiated
mounted mobile radios (vehicle mobiles). The fixed
power has been reduced t o between 0.25 W and 0.05 W
station is usually connected by land lines to a remote
control unit (controller).
This arrangement is suitable for off-site communi­ In order t o compensate for these reductions, the an­
cations, e.g., emergency communications between the tenna arrangements of the fixed stations have become
power station and the associated grid control centre more complex. The antenna systems comprise internal
when other telecommunication links have failed. and external antennas supplemented by radiating cable
(leaky feeder) in confined areas, e.g., basements, tun­
However, the standard type of P M R system must
nels, corridors a n d C W pumphouses.
be adapted to provide on-site radio cover inside power
station buildings, which contain thick, reinforced con­ In addition, distributed fixed station arrangements
crete walls, floors and ceilings, large fabricated steel are used in medium a n d large power stations. The
plant items, underground plant rooms and labyrinths arrangements comprise fixed transmitters and receivers
of cable ways and pipework gaheries. None of these located at different plant areas adjacent to the antenna
are ideal places for radio signal propagation. systems required to provide radio cover of the area.
The design constraints on the use of P M R systems Prior to the availability of synchronising systems for
in power stations can be summarised as follows: transmitters a n d voting systems for receivers (which
allowed automatic selection of the best received signal),
• A restriction of the field strength transmitted by the use of distributed fixed stations required each to
handportables to reduce the effect of radio frequency operate on a different frequency. This was necessary to
interference (RFI) on sensitive electronic control a n d prevent interference at the receiving mobile. The inter­
instrumentation (C and I) equipment. ference was most acute when the two received signals
• The hot, humid and dirty environment. were of the same frequency a n d field strength, and was
due to the rapid cancellations taking place in the com­
• The harsh electromagnetic environment.
bined received signal as the two varied in phase with
• The need for simple control units (controllers) in each other.
control rooms for operation by staff not employed As more radio frequency channels were required to
as professional radio operators, but using radio as carry the communications traffic, it became necessary

Telecommunications Chapter 8

to adopt new techniques to improve the efficient use LOW BAND 71.50-72.80 Mobile transmit
of the channels available. (12.5 kHz spacing) 76.95-78.00 Two-frequency simplex
One technique was to use quasi-synchronous op­ 85.00-86.30 Fixed station transmit
eration of the fixed station transmitters to allow the 86.95-88.00 Two-frequency simplex
same channel to be used simultaneously at all fixed 86.30-86.70 Single-frequency simplex
stations. This provided fuh cover of the station by each
channel and enabled two handportables operating via MID BAND 105.00-108.00 Mobile transmit
(12.5 kHz spacing) Two-frequency simplex
two different fixed stations to use one channel instead
of two, as was previously the case. This technique also 138.00-141.00 Fixed station transmit
Two-frequency simplex
dispensed with the need for handportable users to re­
member which channel had to be used in different areas 165.05-168.25 Fixed transmit
Two-frequency simplex
of the power station. Channels were allocated to the
main functional groups, e.g., operations and main­
HIGH BAND 169.85-173.05 Mobile transmit
tenance, for use throughout the power station. (12.5 kHz spacing) Two-frequency simplex
Details of quasi-synchronous operation and the as­
168.95-169.85 Single-frequency simplex
sociated receiver voting system are given later in this
Band 9 contains the fohowing P M R frequency bands:
The latest development being evaluated by the C E G B
is the use of radio channel trunking techniques. A UHF BAND 453.00-454.00 Fixed station transmit
trunked radio system uses the frequency agility of the 456.00-457.00 Two-frequency simplex
modern synthesised transmitters and receivers available 459.50-460.50 Mobile transmit
for handportable and mobile radios to enable them to 461.50-462.50 Two-frequency simplex
be remotely switched to a channel.
One of a group of radio channels is used as a control Section 8.7.1 of this chapter gives an explanation of
channel in conjunction w h h a microprocesser-based single-frequency and two-frequency simplex operation.
control equipment (CEQ). The C E Q sets up calls be­
tween mobiles, controllers or telephones connected to
8.2.2 Comparison of V H F a n d U H F systems
the system and allocates each call to a traffic channel
(the name given to the remainder of the channels in The antennas used for P M R systems operating in the
the group). Each call is allocated a traffic channel V H F and U H F frequency bands are simhar. These are
sequentially on a first come first served basis. Once a derivatives of the standard half-wave dipole. The ac­
call has been allocated a traffic channel the C E Q and tual antennas used will be dealt with in more detail
control channel are free to deal with the next call. This later. However, it is worth noting at this point that
type of system makes more efficient use of the radio the receiving area of an antenna determines the power
channels and enables sufficient channels to be provided received from a radiating signal, which is measured
to allow a large number of low traffic users to be given in watts per square metre (see Section 8.5.1 of this
radio facilities without the need for them to be skilled chapter).
at radio procedures to make efficient use of a c o m m o n The area of a receiving antenna is proportional to
channel. the square of the wavelength of the radiating signal.
The trunked radio system also provides a number Therefore a half-wave dipole is more effective at V H F
of additional improvements and facilities which are than at U H F . This also applies to those antennas that
described in detail in Section 8.2.5 of this chapter on are derived from the half-wave dipole. This is one
U H F systems. reason for using V H F off-site and U H F for on-site
telecommunications in a power station, where there is
a requirement to confine the radio cover to the site
8.2.1 R a d i o f r e q u e n c y b a n d s used by PIVIR
and immediate area around the site, thus allowing the
systems re-use of the U H F frequency channel elsewhere in the
P M R equipment is manufactured to operate in the country.
V H F and U H F bands of the radio frequency spectrum. V H F P M R equipment is therefore used for tele­
The two bands cover the fohowing frequencies: communications between the power station and mobile
or fixed stations up to approximately 30 km away,
Band Frequency Metric Designation depending on the height of the transmitting antenna
subdivision and the type of surrounding terrain, whhe U H F P M R
30-300 MHz Metric VHF equipment is used for on-site radio systems, i.e., up
300-3000 MHz Decimetric UHF
to approximately 8 km from the power station.
waves With careful design, it has proved possible to repeat
U H F frequency channels at minimum distances of Π ­
Band 8 contains the fohowing three P M R frequency Ι 6 km and thus make economic use of the U H F radio
bands: spectrum. Detailed design requirements to achieve this

Radio systems

minimum distance are given in the antenna system The Low b a n d V H F systems are all single-frequency
design Section 8.6 of this chapter. simplex and are used for off-site radio communications
between fixed desk-mounted or table-top controllers
connected by multipair cable to fixed stations housing
8.2.3 A l l o c a t i o n of radio c h a n n e l s
radio transmitters and receivers. The fixed stations are
The ahocation of radio frequency channels for use by connected by coaxial cable to external antennas, usually
the CEGB is not carried out directly by the Radio mounted at a conveniently high position on the roof
Communications Division of the Department of Trade of one of the power station buildings.
and Industry (DTI). The DTI has ahocated a group of The V H F Grid Emergency System provides com­
frequencies for the exclusive use of the fuel and power munications between the power station and remote
industries. This group of frequencies is administered radio fixed stations located at other power stations, the
on behalf of the member industries by a Joint Radio Grid Control Centre, manned substations or swhching
Committee (JRC). The J R C considers all apphcations stations situated within a radius of 35 km of the power
for radio licences received from the member organisa­ station.
tions and allocates radio channels with the prime objec­ The V H F nuclear emergency systems provide radio
tive of avoiding mutual interference between systems. communications within a radius of 35 km of a nuclear
The main method adopted by the J R C to achieve power station. During a nuclear emergency, they pro­
this is to ahocate channels to each member organisa­ vide communications between the power station inci­
tion, using spatial diversity to reduce the possibility of dent control r o o m , h e a h h physics m o n h o r i n g teams,
interference between locations allocated the use of the off-site support centres (OSCs) and nuclear emergency
same frequencies. This is particularly the case for local organisations.
area radio schemes using the U H F b a n d . The V H F nuclear emergency systems are also used
Sections 8.2.4 and 8.2.5 of this chapter show the for routine communications between the power station
present groups of frequencies used in power stations and health physics monitoring teams and in-transit
and the proposed changes in the U H F group of fre­ nuclear fuel flask vehicles.
quencies. These changes have become necessary follow­ The Low b a n d V H F channels are also used for an
ing the 1979 World Administrative Radio Conference emergency handportable to handportable communica­
(WARC) of the International Telecommunications tions system for on-site emergency purposes at nuclear
Union where it was agreed to adopt 12.5 k H z channel power stations.
spacing instead of 25 k H z , by taking advantage of The Mid and High b a n d single-frequency channels
modern developments in radio manufacture. This will are used for handportable to handportable communi­
result in the more efficient use of the radio frequency cation systems for commissioning, maintenance and
spectrum. emergency purposes. The handportable systems sup­
plement the U H F systems and also provide hmited
8.2.4 V H F s y s t e m s used in p o w e r s t a t i o n s communications in the event of the failure of the U H F
The frequencies used for power station V H F systems
8.2.5 U H F s y s t e m s u s e d in p o w e r s t a t i o n s
86.575 MHz Grid emergency system channel The frequencies used for power station U H F systems
Single-frequency simplex are in the process of change (1988). The existing twelve
86.675 MHz Nuclear emergency system channel 1 25 k H z spaced channels are being replaced by twenty-
Single-frequency simplex four 12.5 k H z spaced channels.
86.700 MHz Nuclear emergency system channel 2 The existing group of twelve 25 k H z spaced channels
Single-frequency simplex is:
Channel No Transmitted frequencies
105.7687 MHz Handportable to handportable
Maintenance/commissioning system Fixed station (MHz) Mobile (MHz)
Single-frequency simplex
21A 456.050 461.550
107.13125 MHz Handportable to handportable
Maintenance/commissioning system
22 456.075 461.575
Single-frequency simplex
22A 456.100 461.600
169.050 MHz Handportable to handportable In similar 0.025 456.325 461.825
Maintenance/commissioning system steps to 27
Single-frequency simplex

Changes to the Low and Mid band channels are under The proposed new group of twenty-four 12.5 kHz
consideration at present. spaced channels is:

Telecommunications Chapter 8

Channel No Transmitted frequencies (c) The use of quasi-synchronous or synchronous

Fixed station (MHz) Mobile (MHz) operation of the transmitters which use the same
radio frequency.
1283 456.0375 461.5375
(d) The use of a best signal received voting arrange­
to in 0.0125 steps to in 0.0125 steps to ment for receivers operating on the same radio
1306 456.3250 461.8250 frequency.

(e) The use of dynamic sharing of the radio channels

U H F systems used for on-site radiotelephone com­ between fixed station locations so that each has
munications are based on conventional P M R systems access to all channels, but only those channels not
which use manual selection of the radio channel by a in use at other locations being used at any one time.
mobile or handportable for speech communications.
Automatic allocation of one of a group of radio chan­ Alternatives (c) to (e) require a c o m m o n control equip­
nels, as used in trunked radio systems, is at present ment (CEQ) to which each fixed station and controller
being evaluated by the C E G B . is connected. The C E Q carries out the receiver voting
The conventional U H F systems used for on-site radio and dynamic sharing operations for the whole system.
communications comprise desk-mounted or table-top The present practice is to provide a single fixed
controllers, fixed stations containing the base station station location for small power stations and distributed
radio transmitters and receivers (for each of the radio fixed stations for medium and large power stations.
channels used by the power station) and mobile radios. Each fixed station is connected to a dedicated an­
The mobile radios include handportable radiotele­ tenna system.
phones and radiotelephones mounted in vehicles. The antenna systems comprise a combination of in­
The complexity of the controllers will depend on the ternal and external antennas, supplemented on larger
overall complexity of the radio system and the ability power stations by radiating coaxial cables (leaky feed­
of the radio contractor to supply customised simplified ers). The complexity of the antenna system depends on
controllers instead of his standard model. the level of difficulty experienced in providing good
The controllers are connected to the fixed stations by radio cover throughout the station. The design objective
multipair cables. In modern power stations the cables is to obtain a level of radio cover better than a minimum
have short-time fireproof insulation material to improve sensitivity signal to noise ratio of 15 dB SIN A D . SIN A D
the security of the radio systems. is the acronym for Signal Noise A n d Distortion.
Single and multichannel controllers are provided as
necessary. A single-channel controher has access to one Signal to noise ratio in dB S I N A D =
radio channel only, whereas a multichannel controller
has access to a number or all of the channels. The latest S + Ν + D
10 log
controllers have a programming facihty, which enables
Ν + D
the number of channels accessible to the controller to
be pre-programmed, as required by the customer. where S = signal power Ν = noise power and D =
The fixed stations are located within the plant areas distortion power.
of the power station, close to the associated antenna
systems. For a modern receiver, a sensitivity of 15 dB S I N A D
The number of fixed station locations is dependent would be equivalent to a signal of approximately 1 μΥ
on the number of antenna systems required to provide pd at the receiver input.
good radio cover of the power station. The number of The mobile radios include up to four radiotelephone
fixed station transmitter/receivers is dependent on the units mounted in vehicles, e.g., ambulance, fire tender
number of radio frequency channels allocated to the and four-wheel drive vehicles, and u p to sixty hand-
power station. This is based on the predicted speech portable radiotelephone u n h s carried by staff working
traffic requirements for operation, maintenance and in the power station.
emergency purposes. The mobiles can be single or multichannel radios.
To avoid interference between the signals transmitted The multi-channel mobiles, which can be switched to
simuhaneously from a number of distributed fixed the channel on which the user wishes to operate, are
stations, it is necessary to use one or a combination of usually provided for those power stations which are
the following: allocated multiple radio channels, e.g., u p to five.
The number of channels allocated to a power station
(a) The allocation of different radio frequency chan­
is dependent on the size of the station and the predicted
nels to each fixed station.
r a d i o c o m m u n i c a t i o n s speech traffic. T h e r a d i o
(b) To repeat the use of the same radio frequency requirements for the operations function of a station
channel(s) only if there is no possibility of an having two turbine-generator units could be satisfied by
overlap of the radio cover between any two of the one channel but a six-unit station could need at least
fixed stations. three channels for operational purposes.

Radio systems

The present J R C agreement ahows large stations to would be provided with three channels each, one of
have a maximum of five radio channels. It is expected which would be the c o m m o n channel, to which all
that this could increase to eight following the change handportables could be switched in an emergency.
to 12.5 kHz channel spacing to be completed by the The radio systems can also be provided with audio
early 1990s. The actual number of channels allocated or sub-audio signalling systems for use with selective
to a power station will depend on the predicted traffic calhng systems (SELCALL) and continuous tone cahing
requirements for normal operations, maintenance, com­ signalhng systems (CTCSS), respectively, see Section
mon services and emergency purposes. 8.4.3 of this chapter.
A two turbine-generator u n h station, in addition to The S E L C A L L system enables an operator of a radio
its operations channel, would have a channel allocated controller to use the keypad on the controller to call
to maintenance. any individual mobile which has a S E L C A L L decoder
A large six turbine-generator unit station would have fitted. On receiving the appropriate S E L C A L L code,
five radio channels typically ahocated to five radio the mobile receiver unmutes the audio output to the
systems as follows: loudspeaker and allows a calhng signal to be heard by
the user. If the appropriate code is not received, the user
• Operations system for Units 1 and 2.
is unaware that a call is in progress on the radio channel
• Operations system for Units 3 and 4. unless he deliberately unmutes the mobile by manually
• Operations system for Units 5 and 6. operating a S E L C A L L defeat switch.
The S E L C A L L facility is usually provided on the
• Maintenance/emergency system.
operations systems in order to provide the C C R staff
• C o m m o n services system. with a means of ensuring that the operator who is to be
given an instruction is the correct operator for the work
The common services system would include the follow­ in progress.
ing systems sharing the same radio channel: The CTCSS system consists of a sub-audible tone
which is transmitted simultaneously with the radio fre­
• Securhy system.
quency signal. All fixed station and m o b h e transmitters
• Ambulance, fire and first aid system. allocated to the radio channel carry the same CTCSS
tone encoder and all the receivers the appropriate
• Site transport system.
CTCSS decoder. Unless the radio frequency signal also
includes the appropriate CTCSS tone, the receiver wih
The operations systems would include the following
not unmute the receiver audio circuit. Therefore, any
systems sharing the same radio channels:
calls on a radio channel shared with other organisations
• Fuel handling system. will only be heard if the correct CTCSS tone is present
or the mobile is manually unmuted using a CTCSS
• Waste disposal system, e.g., ash or spent nuclear
defeat switch.
The CTCSS system is used on the non-operational
• Crane speech communication system. channels instead of S E L C A L L because these channels
are used more frequently on talk-through, which re­
Plant or site emergencies are initially dealt with by quires the handportable to be u n m u t e d . CTCSS wih
the operations staff in the C C R using the operations automatically u n m u t e the handportable, whereas re­
system(s). For a prolonged emergency, e.g., in a nuclear ceipt of a S E L C A L L code initially unmutes the hand-
station, control of the incident would be assumed by portable which only stays unmuted for a preset time
the emergency control centre and the mobhe staff in­ after receipt of the code or subsequent operation of the
volved in dealing with the emergency would take over handportable transmitter (i.e., the press-to-talk T T T '
use of the maintenance or common services system. switch).
The operations system would then be released for its The CTCSS system reduces the irritation that often
prime purpose, i.e., to be used by staff engaged in the occurs when the radio channels are shared with other
operation of the plant unaffected by the incident. organisations.
The method of informing the relevant staff to switch Both the S E L C A L L and CTCSS systems are useful
to the emergency channel will depend on the emergency where a power station has to share radio channels with
procedures of a particular power station. The method an associated power station construction site or another
would be based on the use of one or other of the two separately-managed power station.
power station 'global' communication systems, i.e.,
the siren and public address systems.
Distributed fixed station systems
The design bandwidth may limit the handportable to
a maximum of three channels. When this is so, two Distributed fixed station systems are used in modern
groups of handportables have to be provided if, as is power stations to provide good radio cover. As has been
the case for a large power station, five channels are explained previously, distributed fixed station operation
available for use. The two groups of handportables has become necessary for two main reasons:

Telecommunications Chapter 8

• The increased size and complexity of the civij design fluctuations in signal due to phase cancellations. Theo­
of a modern power station. retically the one or two Hertz beat frequency, being
sub-audio, wih not be heard by the users and there­
• The necessity to limit the R F output power of
fore speech quality will not be impaired. In practice,
handportables to 0.5 W into the antenna to reduce
in those areas having pronounced quasi-synchronous
the RFI to electronic control and instrumentation
effects, a background noise is detected which rises and
fahs in amplitude at a low frequency of one or two
Hertz. This noise is produced by multipath signals ar­
Each fixed station is located close to the associated riving at the receiving antenna which vary in phase.
antenna system which comprises a combination of inter­ However, the effect does not normally detract from
nal and external antennas and radiating cable (leaky the intelligibility of the speech. On the rare occasions
feeder). The external antennas are mounted as low as when intelligibility is affected, a small spatial movement
possible commensurate with good radio cover of the by a handportable user of one or two paces will result
site, which includes outlying buildings having no an­ in a marked improvement in reception. This is because
tenna system of their own. The internal antennas are the points of poor and good reception tend to be located
mounted in the large open areas within the power on a small-meshed matrix covering the affected area.
station, e.g., turbine hah/boiler house and C W p u m p - Signals received at two or more fixed stations from
house. Radiating cable is used in confined areas, e.g., the same mobile are compared in the C E Q , the best
basements, tunnels and enclosed corridors. quahty signal is then selected by a receiver voting system
In order to prevent mutual interference between and connected to the receive bus of the C E Q . The C E Q
fixed stations, it is necessary to allocate different fre­ bus is then connected to the cable from a controller
quencies to each. This is not necessary for those fixed or to a transmitter if the call is between mobiles. Where
stations which serve a totally confined area. However, an area is adequately covered by the fixed station
in modern power stations the radio cover from each transmitter but not by the associated receiver due to the
fixed station is so complex that it is difficult to confine lower power output of the handportables, one or more
the area of cover. distributed fixed station receivers can be provided to
The disadvantages of using different frequencies at improve cover.
each fixed station are: An alternative to the use of quasi-synchronous trans­
• Mobile users need to remember which channel has mitters is to use the frequency agility of synthesised
to be selected for use in different areas of the power transmitters and receivers in the mobile. The C E G B
station. is evaluating trunked radio systems which make use
of the synthesised mobiles and fixed stations now
• Calls to mobiles require a polling facility to enable available.
calls to be made from each fixed station transmhter
in turn. This increases the call set-up time.
Trunked radio systems
• Cahs between mobiles operating via different fixed
Trunked radio systems use automatic allocation of
stations require the use of two or more channels for
one of a c o m m o n group of radio channels to a mobile
a single conversation or conference between three
radiotelephone, directly wired controller or telephone
or more mobiles.
each time a radio call is m a d e .
• A single emergency channel, to which all mobiles The system dispenses with the need to allocate each
can be switched in order to monitor the emergency radio channel to a specific function, e.g., operations,
situation as it progresses, cannot be provided. maintenance or c o m m o n services, and makes more
efficient use of the radio channels available for a power
In order to overcome these short-comings in the sys­ station. Channels can be shared by adjacent power sta­
tem, quasi-synchronous operation of the fixed station tions, or power station construction sites, which results
transmitters and voting of the associated receivers has in more efficient use of channels and makes more
been adopted. channels available to each management unit in times
Quasi-synchronous operation of the transmitters al­ of emergency or abnormal operational activity. In order
lows the same channel frequency to be used at each to share channels between adjacent power stations, or
fixed station. This provides full radio cover of the between a power station and an adjacent construction
power station on all channels. site, a data signalhng hnk has to be provided between
The system uses high stability oscillators, permitting the CEQs of each of the radio systems. The hnk is
the channel frequency at each fixed station to be off- used to indicate to each C E Q the channels in use at
tuned by one or two Hertz from each of the adjacent any one time.
fixed stations. The effect of this arrangement is that Automatic channel selection requires a change to
a mobile which receives signals of similar field strength the method of operating the m o b h e . In a conventional
from two fixed stations will detect a beat frequency radio system the mobile user switches to the channel
of one or two Hertz, but will not experience rapid and uses a verbal call-sign or the name of the called

Radio systems

party. The user of a directly wired controller connected signal is heard at full volume in the handportable
to the C E Q adopts a similar procedure, or uses a keypad loudspeaker. When the acknowledgement signal is
to send a selective calling code to initiate an alerting received by the C E Q , a ringing tone is sent to both
signal in the called mobile. the called and the calling party. The press-to-talk (PTT)
In a trunked system the calling mobile has to request b u t t o n has to be depressed on the called mobile to
a free radio channel. This is usually achieved by press­ answer the call. On receipt of the P T T signal, the C E Q
ing a cah request or send button on the keypad of removes the ringing tone. Normal speech communi­
the mobile. cations can then take place.
Two systems are being evaluated by the C E G B for Should the called mobile not answer or be engaged
use in power stations and power station construction on another call, the C E Q would send a 'number un­
sites: obtainable' or a 'busy' tone to the calling party.
In the MPT1327 system, a fast frequency shift keying
• A system which has been used on the Continent for
(FFSK) digital signalling system is used in both direc­
a number of years which uses the Comité Consultatif
tions between the fixed station and the mobile.
International de Radio (CCIR) sequential single fre­
T w o operational systems are available:
quency code (SSFC) signalling from fixed station to
mobile and the Comité Consultatif International de • For large systems, e.g., a group of five or more
Telegraphique et Telephonique (CCITT) dual tone channels, one of the channels is designated the con­
multi-frequency (DTMF) signahing from mobile to trol channel and all mobhes continually monitor
fixed station. this channel when in the quiescent state. The remain­
ing channels are used as traffic channels to which
• A system which is based on the digital signalling
mobiles are switched automatically by the C E Q (via
system specified in the Ministry of Posts and Tele­
the control channel) once a communications link
communications specification MPT1327, *A sig­
has been established between a calling and called
nalling Standard for Trunked Private Land Mobile
Radio Systems' issued by the Radiocommunications
Agency (RA) of the Department of Industry (DTI). • For smaher systems, any one of the channels assumes
The same signahing system is used in both directions the role of control channel until there are no other
of transmission between the fixed station and the channels available for use as traffic channels. The
mobile. control channel then assumes the function of a traffic
channel after first acting as a control channel to
In the CCIR/CCITT system, pressing the call request set-up the communications link between the calhng
button results in the mobile seizing one of the group and called parties. The next channel which becomes
of trunked channels which is not transmitting a 'chan­ free then assumes the role of control channel.
nel busy' signal. The microprocessor-controlled com­
mon equipment (CEQ) of the system then carries out During the period when all channels are busy, addi­
a 'handshake' procedure over this selected channel to tional calls cannot be made with the exception of
identify the mobile before returning a dial tone to 'override' cahs which are initiated by callers having a
the mobile. The handshake procedure consists of an congestion override class of service facility.
identity (ID) code being sent to the mobile and an In the MPT1327 system the cahed party's ID is first
acknowledgement being returned to the C E Q . On re­ entered into the memory of the mobile and the send
ceiving dial tone the caher then keys the code of the b u t t o n is pressed. The mobile then t r a n s m h s a cah
called party on the keypad of the mobile. D T M F signals request (RQS) message on the control channel. When
associated with each key pressed are sent over the the C E Q is free to handle another call the RQS is
channel. This procedure is referred to as 'on-air call accepted and an acknowledge call request (AKQ) mes­
set-up'. The called party can be a mobile, telephone or sage is sent to the mobile. The mobile will next send
controller directly wired to the C E Q , or a P A X / P A B X the called party's ID which is stored in its memory.
telephone connected via interconnecting tie-circuits This process of storing the called party's ID before
between the C E Q and the P A X or P A B X . it is transmitted is referred to as Off-air call set-up'.
Calls from a directly wired telephone or controller, The C E Q stores the ID and uses a look-up table held
P A X or P A B X telephone are carried out in a similar in memory to determine whether the called ID is a
manner. On receipt of a call for a mobile, the C E Q mobile, directly wired controller or telephone, P A X or
transmits a calling signal via one of the free channels P A B X telephone.
which is being monitored by the quiescent mobiles. If the called ID belongs to a mobile the C E Q sends
The calling signal contains a preamble signal to allow an 'Ahoy' (AHY) message via the control channel
all quiescent mobiles to swhch to the channel followed to all mobiles. If the mobile is busy or not available
by an ID of the called mobile. On receiving the correct the C E Q wih send a busy or number unobtainable
ID, the mobile sends an acknowledgement signal back tone to the calling party. If the cahed mobile receives
to the fixed station. At the same time the receiver of the A H Y message an A K Q message is returned via
the handportable is unmuted and the acknowledgement the control channel to the C E Q . The C E Q sends a

Telecommunications Chapter 8

calling message to the mobile and a ringing tone to If a P T T is operated then the timer is reset. If a P T T
the calling party. is not operated within approximately 10 seconds of
On receipt of the cahing message the mobile will hearing the warning signal a clear-down sequence
emh an audible cahing tone. The call is answered by is initiated.
pressing the P T T button on the mobile. On receiving
the P T T signal, the C E Q removes the calling message The use of microprocessor control in the C E Q of both
and ringing tone and connects both parties to a c o m m o n systems enables sophisticated facilities to be provided.
traffic channel. Speech communications can then pro­ Examples of these are as follows:
ceed over the traffic channel while the control channel
• Abbreviated keying — this enables the mobile to use
is free to handle subsequent calls.
more easily-remembered one or two digh codes in
If the called ID belongs to a directly wired controller
place of frequently used or lengthy codes, e.g., calls
or telephone or to a P A X / P A B X tie-circuh, the C E Q
to the C C R telephone or to telephones on the C E G B
sets up a hard-wired path to the called party and rings
the controller or telephone, or transmits the necessary
dial p u l s e s / D T M F signals over a P A X / P A B X tie- • Ring-back when free — this enables a calling party
circuit. On receipt of an answering signal from a di­ to request to be called when a busy party becomes
rectly wired controller or telephone, the C E Q would available after a call is completed.
connect the parties to a c o m m o n traffic channel. Alter­
• Group calls — this enables the C C R to call a group
natively, on completion of the dial pulses or D T M F
of mobiles, e.g., a fire team, by keying a c o m m o n
signals over the P A X / P A B X tie-circuit, the C E Q would
group code.
connect the cahing party and the tie-circuit to a c o m m o n
traffic channel. • Emergency override — this enables mobiles or
The MPT1327 system has the advantage of off-air directly wired controllers/telephones with the ne­
call set-up and faster signalling speeds which make more cessary class-of-service to 'knockdown' an existing
efficient use of the radio channels. call of a lower class-of-service if all channels are
Both the CCIR/CCITT and the MPT1327 systems engaged.
use timers to control the occupancy time of the traffic
channels. Fixed timers are used to limit the occupancy Some of the facilities, e.g., abbreviated keying, can be
to a customer-determined period, e.g., 2 min. When used to simphfy the operation of the mobile for those
dynamic timing is provided, the fixed timers are over­ users not requiring the more sophisticated facihties.
ridden only when there is not a free traffic channel Both trunked systems have the following important
left on the system. This is another method of improv­ features:
ing the efficient use of the radio channels.
The timers that are normally incorporated in a system • Efficient use of the radio frequency channels which
are as follows: enables more traffic to be handled.

• The dynamic timer which provides a warning signal • Confidentiality of radio conversations as controllers
approximately 10 s before clearing-down a com­ and mobiles are unable to select busy channels and
munications channel. The dynamic timer is only monitor them.
activated when there is only one channel free on the • Remote control units (controllers) can be replaced
system. This ensures a channel is avahable, or is by directly wired telephones which simphfy the
made available, at worst after a period equivalent procedures for accessing and using the system. This
to the setting of the minimum fixed timer for emer­ is more acceptable to control engineers who, in gen­
gency or priority calls made from a mobile or hand- eral, do not wish to be trained radio operators.
• The users have the equivalent of a dedicated channel
• A minimum fixed timer which is set to provide a for each call on the system. This enables a large
minimum period for conversation, e.g., 60 seconds, number of low-level traffic user groups to make
before the dynamic timer is able to clear-down a use of radio whereas previously, because they were
channel. unable to have a dedicated channel, they opted out
• A maximum fixed timer which is set to provide a of using the system. The resulting integrated traffic
maximum period for conversation to take place, requirements can be used to justify the allocation
e.g., 5 minutes, before a forced clear-down sequence of more channels to the power station.
is initiated. This timer would be over-ridden by the • The use of datalinks between radio systems serving
dynamic timer during periods of heavy traffic. two or more adjacent power stations or between
• A channel activity timer is also provided which is a partly commissioned power station and hs ad­
initiated each time a P T T is operated on the channel. jacent construction she, enables a group of c o m m o n
If a P T T operation is not detected in a preset time, channel frequencies to be shared. This provides a
e.g., 30 seconds, a warning signal is transmitted. larger pool of channels which are available to any

Radio systems

one of the shes during unusually busy periods, e.g., Low frequency (LF) crane control systems
annual overhauls and site emergencies. L F crane control systems use frequencies in the 2 8 7 - 3 1 3
• Direct dialling/keying between the radio and P A X / k H z b a n d , which is shared with maritime radio navi­
P A B X . This creates an integrated telecommunica­ gation beacons. This system has been used for remote
tions system for telephone and radio users. This control of power station cranes since the 1960s.
facihty enables station staff to speak to remotely The use of L F provides a limited range facility to
located specialist support engineers directly from ensure that the transportable remote control transmitter
plant locations. unit cannot operate the crane from a distance greater
than 100 m , so that the crane is always operated from
a safe distance. Ideally the operator would be close to
8.3 Crane radio s y s t e m s used in p o w e r
the load while operating the crane by radio control.
Stations This limited operating range is achieved because
In addition to the PMR-derived radiotelephone systems, the radio field strength (electric field strength Ε (V/m)
there are a number of other radio systems used in a for a high impedance source, e.g., a dipole, or mag­
power station. These include L F systems and S H F netic field strength Η ( A / m ) for a low impedance
(microwave) systems used for crane control and anti- source, e.g., a current loop) of an L F signal varies
colhsion systems. The two systems use the following inversely as the cube of the distance for distances with­
frequency bands: in a sixth of a wavelength of the transmitter, i.e.,
Band Frequency Metric Designation within the 'near-field region', which extends to a dis­
subdivision tance approximately equal to λ / 2 7 Γ metres from the
5 30-300 kHz Kilometric LF transmitting antenna where λ is the wavelength of
(low frequency)
the R F signal. Figure 8.12 shows the graph of wave
10 3-30 GHz Centimetric impedance against distance from source for both high
waves and low impedance sources.
(super high freqency)
For a typical system using a ferrite dipole having a
8.3.1 Crane control systems gain of one with respect to a half-wavelength dipole
There are three types of crane control system available, antenna and for an R F signal of 300 k H z , the near
low frequency (LF) analogue systems, V H F or U H F field would extend to approximately 160 m from the
digital systems, and combined L F and V H F or U H F . antenna of the transportable transmitter.




0.5 1.0

FIG. 8.12 Radio wave impedance as a function of distance from the transmitting antenna

Telecommunications Chapter 8

The LF crane control system used by the C E G B The good safety record of the system had been mainly
uses a multichannel, transportable transmitter and a due to the limited number of users in the L F band
crane-borne multichannel receiver. One channel, the and the monitoring of the frequency band usage by
safety channel, is allocated to providing the restricted the supplier of the crane control system. The other
range and all other signals received by the receiver main user of the band is the Trinhy House, which uses
have to lie inside a narrow amplitude window centred the band for shore-based radio beacons. Unfortunately,
on the safety channel. Control signals comprise un­ many power stations are also built on coastal sites.
modulated L F radio channels; in the simplest system The other limitation of L F systems is the increased
one per control function. L F pollution generated by modern industrial plant,
In order to reduce the size and weight of the battery viz., R F heating, welding and inverters.
required for the transportable transmitter, the R F In locations with high L F pollution, an L F system
output power is kept to a minimum, i.e., of the order can be rendered inoperable by LF noise causing the
of 60 m W . To compensate for the low R F output a receiver automatic gain control to desensitise the re­
sensitive receiver is mounted on the crane. The maxi­ ceiver. This reduces the controlled range of the system
m u m sensitivity of the receiver is approximately 0.02 below the minimum operating distance.
μ\. The sensitivity is adjustable to provide the required For these reasons, the use of crane control relying
operating range up to a maximum of 100 m. solely on an LF system was discontinued for high
The amplitude window is approximately ± 6 dB either category cranes, e.g., turbine hah, coohng water p u m p -
side of the safety channel received level and the frequen­ house and nuclear pile-cap cranes.
cy window is approximately ±25 l / 4 z of the nominal However, there are a number of well tried, success­
frequency of the channel. ful features of the LF system which are the result of
It was thought for many years that this narrow good engineering design such as:
frequency/amplitude window and the use of the near-
• Limited operating range.
field region of the radio frequency signal gave a high
level of securhy from malfunction due to external • D C outputs from the receiver being derived directly
interfering signals. from the R F received signals.
Fohowing two malfunctions, which were eventually • Emergency stop facility based on the loss of the
discovered to be not wholly the fault of the radio sys­ R F signal.
tem design, a detailed analysis identified weaknesses in
the security of the system. The restricted range of the These features have been retained where possible by
system depended on the receiver operating in the near- the C E G B as necessary requirements for any crane
field region of the transportable transmitter. However, control system.
this did not restrict the receiver to operating whhin the
near-field region of interfering signals. Due to the high
VHF or UHF crane control systems
senshivity of the receiver, it was found that it could
respond to signals from high-powered transmitters There are a number of V H F / U H F crane control systems
located a number of kilometres away from the receiver, available. These systems include the use of digital sig­
the signal having been attenuated to a level which was nalling, which gives a higher level of security than that
within the security frequency amplitude window. obtained from the use of frequency-division multiplex­
Initially, this was thought to happen at only one ing of unmodulated signals in the analogue L F system.
particular level of signal. Analysis showed that this was One way of specifying the security of a digital code
not so. As the transportable transmitter moves beyond is to quote the ' H a m m i n g distance' of the code. The
the minimum operating distance from the receiving term ' H a m m i n g distance' is a concept used in assessing
antenna to the maximum operating distance, the re­ the checking ability of codes. It is the measure of the
ceived level of the safety channel signal varies in pro­ number of sequential positions by which the correct
portion to the inverse of the cube of the distance. This and incorrect code combinations differ.
resuhs in a much wider amplitude window than was A code with a H a m m i n g distance of d is capable of
originally thought. detecting ah combinations of ( d - 1 ) or fewer errors.
It was also found that high levels of interfering signal Thus a code that only required one bit to change, for
having a frequency just outside the pass band could be example, a 1 to a 0 to make h an acceptable but in­
attenuated by the narrow band crystal filters in the correct code, has a H a m m i n g distance of 1 and is not
receiver to levels matching that of the safety channel capable of detecting any errors, i.e., d - 1 = 0.
signal. This would occur when the transportable trans­ The systems available at the present time have H a m ­
mitter was at some particular operating distance from ming distances in excess of 4, and more sophisticated
the receiver. systems are bound to follow the trends in data systems,
This could effectively increase the frequency window which include error correction as well as error detection
to a value approaching the full receiver bandwidth of faculties.
approximately 3 kHz for single frequency interfering The present crane control systems comprise one way
sources. systems similar to the L F system, i.e., a crane-borne

Radio systems

receiver and a transportable control transmitter. There­ to lead to an approved system in due course for loca­
fore, there is no communication path from the crane tions which do not suffer from L F pollution.
in the direction of the transportable controller to allow
confirmatory checks to be carried out between the
8.3.2 Anticollision systems
crane receiver and the controller.
The systems are microprocessor-based which has The most reliable anticolhsion device used for power
resulted in the development of sophisticated self-testing station crane systems is a probe and limit switch ar­
procedures in both the transportable remote control rangement. A 4 m probe is attached to each crane and
unit and the crane-borne receiver. Monitoring of the a strike plate mounted adjacent to the probe attached
microprocessor is provided in the form of a watch-dog to the other crane. If the probe strikes the plate, h
circuh, which detects the loss of the microprocessor operates limit switches which disconnect the electrical
clock pulses. The loss of the clock pulses should result supply to the long travel m o t o r .
in the watch-dog circuit switching off the receiver out­ This arrangement is suitable for use with two cranes
puts to the crane electrical control circuits. which share the same long travel rails. Where two cranes
However, it is essential that a rehable emergency stop operate on long travel rails mounted in parallel, with
facility is incorporated in the design of the system to one set of rails directly above the other, a different
cover failure of the crane-borne microprocessor a n d / o r approach must be adopted. An ahernative or supple­
receiver output circuits. mentary method t o the probe arrangement is a radio
Should the microprocessor fail during a crane opera­ system which uses either the radar principle of com­
tion, it must be possible to release any receiver output paring a reflected signal with the transmitted signal
circuit or trip the main supply contactor to prevent or the L F controlled range facility.
further uncontrolled operation of the crane. A typical anticolhsion radar equipment gives ad­
The present range of systems does not incorporate vanced warning of possible collision by detecting the
the CEGB-preferred L F design feature of deriving the change in frequency between the transmitted signal and
receiver output D C signals directly from the received its reflected signal. The equipment relies on the Doppler
R F signal. effect which arises when the reflected signal frequency
The usual method of providing an emergency stop is modified by the relative movement between the trans­
control in V H F / U H F systems is to transmit an emer­ mitting source and the reflecting surface. The faster the
gency stop digital signal to the crane-borne receiver. closing velocity, the higher will be the difference
An emergency stop would rely on the successful re­ frequency between source signal and reflected signal.
ceipt of the emergency signal, which would be depend­ When the source and reflecting surface are stationary,
ent on the faultless operation of the receiver. Since no difference frequency will exist. The equipment can
the need for an emergency stop could be due to a thus detect movement and relative velocity between the
faulty receiver, it is not acceptable to have to rely on crane and another crane or stationary object.
the correct operation of the receiver to release the The equipment comprises a transmitter/receiver unit
output circuits. enclosed in a housing which also holds a circular,
Unfortunately, other essential requirements adopted paraboloidal, dish antenna. This unit is mounted on one
by the C E G B from experience with L F crane con­ crane and a suitable reflector is mounted on the other
trol systems also have not been satisfactorily provided crane. A narrow 5° beam is emitted from the 300 m m
in the U H F / V H F systems. In addition, the systems diameter dish antenna. The transmitter is based on a
do not incorporate a hmited range facility which is O u n n ' diode and the receiver on a 'Schottsky' diode. A
as reliable as the L F system. As a consequence, the self-check system is normally provided to detect failure
C E G B has not (as yet) approved a U H F / V H F system of either transmitter or receiver.
for use on high category cranes in a power station The equipment can be provided for systems operat­
environment. ing over a number of distance ranges between the trans­
mitter and reflector, e.g., up to 10 m, 50 m or 100 m.
For cranes operating on long travel rails mounted above
Combined LF and VHF/UHF crane control systems
each other, the radar system requires a number of
These systems are a development of the L F system. The transmitter receivers angled to detect the other crane
LF system has been retained for providing a limited over different sections of the rails.
range facility and supplementing the emergency stop The system can suffer from the effects of spurious
requirement. The V H F / U H F system is used to provide reflections from surfaces other than the reflector
more secure digitally-coded control signals. mounted on the other crane. This weakness can be over­
There are stih, however, the unacceptable design come to a large extent by the use of a narrow beam
features which have been described for both L F and and paying particular attention to the method of in­
V H F / U H F systems and, due to these limitations, com­ stallation used for the transmitter/receiver and reflector
bined systems have not been approved for use in power units. A particular problem is the movement or loosen­
stations. However, the combined L F and U H F / V H F ing of the mounting arrangement over a period of time
approach has a great deal of merit and it is expected by the vibrations set u p by the crane when in operation.

Telecommunications Chapter 8

8.4 RF nnodulation systems

The information to be carried by the radio frequency
carrier wave can be audible speech in the form of voice (a)
frequencies (VF), coded VF signals or VF data signals. AMPLITURE MODULATION
The VF band of frequencies used for radio systems
is nominally 30-3000 Hz. This band is subdivided as
3 0 - 3 0 0 Hz sub-audible band
300-2000 Hz audible band
2000-3000 Hz above audible band

The three sub-bands are isolated from each other by

use of a combination of low pass, band pass and high
pass filtering techniques.
Speech signals are confined to the audible band
and non-speech data or coded signals can use in-band
or out-of-band signals. Examples of sub-audible and
in-band signahing are given in Section 8.4.3 of this
chapter under continuous tone control signalling sys­
tems (CTCSS) and selective calling systems (SELCALL)
respectively. UNMODULATED
Examples of in-band and above audio band signahing
are also given in Section 8.9 of this chapter, which
deals with remote control signahing between operator (d)
control units (controllers), the radio frequency channel
common equipment and fixed stations. In these ex­
amples, the control signals not required to be trans­
mitted with the RF signals are removed by suitable
band stop or low pass filters. AMPLITUDE

8.4.1 Amplitude modulation (AM)

An amplitude modulated wave is formed when the (e) • FREQUENCY
(T-FS) f (F+TS)
information signal is used to vary the amplitude of
the RF carrier wave, whhe the frequency of the carrier
remains constant. FIG. 8 . 1 3 Waveforms for A M and F M systems of
Figure 8.13 shows a sine wave (a) which is used to modulation
amplitude modulate a carrier wave (b).
A carrier wave can be represented by:
The first term is the unmodulated carrier wave: the
= Vc sin ω t. (8.5) second and third terms are called the lower (LSB) and
upper sidebands (USB), respectively, see Fig 8.13 (e).
where Vc is the amplitude and ω/27Γ is the frequency T h e a m o u n t of modulation applied t o the R F carrier
of the carrier wave. wave is measured by the depth of modulation (m).
The amplitude modulated carrier wave can be re­ T o avoid distortion, the amplitude of the modulation
presented by: signal has to be limhed t o ensure that a depth of
modulation of 100% (i.e., m = 1) is not exceeded.
Vam = Vc (1 + m sin ωst) sin ω t, (8.6) The depth of modulation is generally set to between
60 and 6 5 % using a fixed a m p h t u d e , 1000 Hz test
where m varies with the magnitude of the audio signal signal. This allows for an additional 4 0 % modulation
and ω 5 / 2 7 Γ is the frequency of the audio signal (Fig to occur during peak excursions in the speech signal
8.13 (d)). The factor m is referred to as the depth of before over-modulation distortion can occur.
modulation or modulation factor.
Equation (8.6) can be expanded:
8.4.2 Frequency modulation (FM)
^am = Vc sin ω t + cos(ω - ωs)t — A frequency modulated wave is formed when the in­
formation signal is used t o vary the frequency of the
COS(ω + ωs)t (8.7) radio frequency carrier wave, while the a m p h t u d e of
the carrier wave remains constant.

Radio systems

Figure 8.13 (c) shows a carrier wave which has been Continuous tone controlled signalling system (CTCSS)
frequency modulated by a sine wave. This system uses a sub-audible modulating signal which
It has already been shown that a carrier wave can be is continuously transmitted with the associated R F car­
represented by Equation (8.5) Vc = Vc sin ωst. rier wave. The signal is always present with the R F
A carrier wave, frequency modulated by a sine wave carrier and is a modulating signal addhional to the
information signal, is represented by: information signal.
The CTCSS code frequency (or tone) is the assigned
Vfm = Vc sin 27Γ (fc + 6f sin ωst)U (8 8) audio frequency quoted by the Radiocommunications
Agency (RA) of the D T I when a radio licence is issued
where fc is the carrier frequency for the radio system. These standard frequencies are
ω 5 is the angular velocity of the sine wave infor­ hsted in Table 8.1, which is taken from the DTI perfor­
mation signal mance specification M P T 1306 — CTCSS for use in the
Land Mobile Services. The CTCSS modulation limhs
of is the frequency deviation corresponding to quoted in MPT1306 are given in Table 8.2.
the frequency shift of the carrier

For the peak amphtude of the sine wave information
CTCSS standard frequencies, Hz

= η — 67.0 110.9 146.2 192.8
2 71.9 114.8 151.4 203.5
77.0 118.8 156.7 210.7
where η represents the odd integers 1,3,5, etc. 82.5 123.0 162.2 218.1
88.5 127.3 167.9 225.7
94.8 131.8 173.8 233.6
sin = sin η — = ±1
2 103.5 136.5 179.9 241.8
107.2 141.3 186.2 250.3
Therefore, when the amplitude of the sine wave infor­
mation signal is at m a x i m u m . Equation (8.8) becomes:

Vfm = Vc sin 27Γ (fc ± 5f)t (8.9)
CTCSS modulation limits

From this equation, h can be seen that of represents System channel Amplitude modulation Angle peak
the maximum deviation. spacing, kHz depth, «7o deviation ±Hz
The amplitude of the modulating information signal
producing an FM radio frequency carrier wave has to 25 10 to 20 400 to 800
be limhed to ensure that a maximum deviation (of) of 12.5 10 to 20 200 to 400
± 5 M H z for a 25 kHz R F channel spacing, or ± 2 M H z
for a 12.5 kHz channel spacing, is not exceeded. This
is a requirement of the M P T Performance Specification A radio system which uses CTCSS incorporates a
issued by the Radiocommunications Agency (RA) of CTCSS codec (coder/decoder) in both the fixed stations
the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) to restrict and the mobiles. The output of the CTCSS decoder
the bandwidth of each radio frequency channel, thus Unmutes the output of the receiver audio stages, allow­
preventing interference between channels and making ing audio to reach the loudspeaker when the R F carrier
economic use of the radio spectrum. contains the correct CTCSS code frequency. The coder
audio frequency output modulates the transmitted R F
carrier with the assigned CTCSS code frequency.
8.4.3 Signalling systems
CTCSS systems are used to reduce the irritation
There are five main signalling systems used with power experienced by users sharing an R F channel, which is
station radio systems, these are: often the case for power stations when the channel
• Continuous tone controlled signalling system is shared with an associated second power station or
(CTCSS). construction site, or with other members of the fuel
and power industries using the c o m m o n group of radio
• Selective call signalhng (SELCALL). channels ahocated to them by the Joint Radio C o m m h -
• Fast frequency shift keying (FFSK). tee ( J R C ) .

• CCITT dual tone muhi-frequency (DTMF) signalhng. Selective call signalling system (SELCALL)
• CCIR sequential single frequency code (SSFC) sig­ This signalhng system uses in-band and above audio
nalhng. band frequencies. There are three main code systems

Telecommunications Chapter 8

which come under the generic name S E L C A L L . These

are known as:
• E E A — recommended by the Electronic Engineer­ ADDRESS TONES RESET
ing Association — UK preferred.
• CCIR — recommended by the Comité Consultatif 1 II III IV V VI
International de Radio.
• ZVEI — recommended by the Zentralverband de LINK EACH TONE
Electrotechnichen Industries, or DZVEI (depressed TIME 70 ms (ZVE1/DZVE1)
100ms (CC1R)
ZVEI) an alternative to ZVEI with lower signalling


Table 8.3 contains a schedule of the frequencies asso­ INTERVALS FOR ALARM
ciated with each code system.
FIG. 8 . 1 4 Code format for the 5 and 6 tone
SELCALL code systems
sequential tones are transmitted as a VF modulation on
the R F carrier wave. The associated mobile S E L C A L L
EEA and
Digit ZVEI DZVEI decoder will detect the code and unmute the audio
stages of the receiver, allowing a calling signal to be
*Group 1055 970 825 heard. The receiver remains unmuted under control
1 1124 1060 970 of a timing circuit which is reset each time the mobile
transmitter is operated within the time-out period. If
2 1197 1160 1060
no transmission is made during the time-out period,
3 1275 1270 1160
the receiver will revert to a muted condition. A manual
4 1358 1400 1270 unmuting switch is provided to enable the mobile user
5 1446 1530 1400 to hsten to the radio channel, thus ensuring that it is
6 1540 1670 1530 not busy before he transmhs a call to a controller or
7 1640 1830 1670 to another mobile.
Where S E L C A L L is used for operations mobiles
8 1747 2000 1830
and CTCSS is used for other mobiles associated with
9 1860 2200 2000
maintenance and common services, the operations mo­
0 1981 2400 2200 biles will also include CTCSS transmit facilities.
Repeat 2110 2600 2400 S E L C A L L can also be provided in the mobile to
fixed station direction, enabhng mobiles to call indi­
Alarm/ 2400 2800 2600
reset vidual controllers and mobiles.

*for ME5 ZVEI, compatible group tone is 2800 Fast frequency shift keying (FFSK)
Tone frequencies in Hz This system uses two in-band VF signals to represent
the two digital bits 0 and 1. FFSK is similar to the
frequency shift keying (FSK) system used for the control
The system preferred for power station radio is signalhng between controllers, c o m m o n equipment and
5-tone E E A , which is also UK users preferred. Figure fixed stations, as described in Section 8.9 of this chapter
8.14 shows the code format for 5 and 6 tone sequential for the Phhips Telecom M87 control system. FSK used
codes. A call to mobile number 99 would result in a in the M87 is at present limhed to 300 Bauds (bits/s)
5 tone S E L C A L L address, where address tones I, II, signalhng rate. FFSK specified for trunked radio sys­
III, IV and V would be O R R 9 R . The frequencies re­ tems in the Radiocommunications Agency of the DTI
presenting digits 0 to 9 and repeat (R) are given in Table performance specification M P T 1327, operates at 1200
8.3 under E E A . The sixth element of the address is used Bauds.
for remote alarm reset, which is not normally used in The name frequency shift keying is derived from
power station systems. the fact that the frequency shifts from that used to
The S E L C A L L system can be used as an alternative represent bit 0 to the other used to represent bit 1 in a
t o , or in addition t o , CTCSS. digital word.
Each mobile which has an individual S E L C A L L code Figure 8.15 shows the basic signalling format spe­
can be called from a desk or table-top controher by cified in M P T 1327 for the FFSK signalling system.
depressing the relevant buttons on a S E L C A L L digital The Link Estabhshment Time (LET) section com­
keypad followed by depressing a 'send' button. The 5 prises one of the FFSK frequencies transmitted for at

Radio systems



FREO. Hz 1209 1336 1477 1633
1 J
697 1 2 3 A
1 2
770 4 5 6 Β
852 7 8 9 C
4 5 6 voU
7 8 9
FIG. 8 . 1 5 Basic format for M P T 1 3 2 7 FFSK 941 * 0 Η D αΊ
signalling system DIGIT OR LETTER * 0 Η Β I

least 6 bit periods, which for 1200 bits/s is 5 m s . Sig­

nalling transmissions are preceded by the L E T .
The Preamble comprises the first a n d second FFSK
FREO. Hz 1124 1197 1275 1358 1446 1540 1640 1747 1860 1981 2110
frequencies transmitted alternately. Each frequency is DIGIT 1 2 4
3 5 6 7 8 9 0 R
transmitted for one b h period, i.e., 0.8 m s . T h e pream­
ble comprises a minimum of 16 bits a n d ends with a
FIG. 8 . 1 6 D T M F signalling format and keypad
binary 0 bit.
The Message is a contiguous transmission compris­
ing a codeword synchronisation sequence, an address Usually Comité Consultatif International de Radio
codeword a n d , where appropriate, o n e or m o r e d a t a (CCIR) sequential single-frequency code (SSFC) is used
codewords. in t h e fixed station t o mobile direction.
The Hangover Bit (H) terminates signalling trans­
missions by appending either a binary zero or binary CCIR sequential single frequency code (SSFC)
one t o the last transmitted message t o provide even signalling
parity of the total binary ones transmitted.
SSFC signalling comprises eleven frequencies ranging
The message can be a control code from a controller
from 1124 t o 2110 H z as shown in Fig 8.16. Each
to the c o m m o n equipment a n d / o r fixed station, or t h e
frequency represents t h e digits *Γ t o Ό ' a n d a repeat
number for calling an individual mobile transceiver.
digit 'R'. T h e duration of each frequency/tone is 100 ms
Simharly, from the mobile, the message can be a calling
in accordance with t h e C C I R recommendation. T h e
code for a controller or another mobile.
system is used for selective calls between t h e fixed
In a trunked radio system, the R F channels allocated
station a n d mobiles.
for use by a power station are divided into one control
This signalling system is used in trunk radio schemes
channel and the remainder traffic channels. T h e calling
such as t h e Motorolla-Storno CAF2200 system.
message from the mobile will be received by the control
channel receiver. T h e control equipment checks that a
traffic channel is available a n d returns a n audible sig­
8.5 RF propagation
nal t o the mobile t o confirm that the cah can proceed.
The mobile user then keys t h e number of t h e re­ In order t o design a n adequate radio system for use
quired mobile or controller. O n receipt of the message in a power station it is necessary t o determine the pro­
signal, t h e c o m m o n equipment checks that t h e called pagation of radio signals that can be achieved from the
mobile is available a n d , o n receipt of confirmation of antenna systems located in the station. T h e equations
this, automatically switches the mobiles t o the synthe- used t o determine the R F propagation from a n antenna
sised frequency of the available traffic channel a n d are based o n the theoretical point source antenna called
sends a calling message t o the called mobile t o initiate an isotropic radiator.
a calhng audible signal in that m o b h e . Once t h e t w o The power density Ρ ( W / m 2 ) at a point R metres
mobiles are swhched t o the traffic channel t h e control away from a n isotropic radiator d u e t o power Pt
equipment wih deal with the next call. transmitted by t h e radiator is given by:
All signahing between control equipment a n d mobiles
wih use t h e FFSK signalling format. Ρ = Pt/4xR2 W/m2 (8.10)

The equivalent electric field strength Ε in volts/metre

CCITT dual tone multi-frequency (DTMF) signalling
( V / m ) for a power density Ρ is determined from:
D T M F signalling comprises two in-band audio signals
transmitted simultaneously from each o n e of twelve Ρ = EVl207r W / m 2 (8.11)
keys of a standard telephone keypad, i.e., figures o n e
to zero a n d t h e gate a n d star keys. where 1 2 0 7 Γ (377) is known as the resistance of free
The frequencies specified by the Comité Consultatif space (see Fig 8.12). F r o m Equations (8.10) a n d (8.11)
International de Telegraphique et Telephonique (CCITT) we get:
are shown in Fig 8.16. T h e D T M F code is normally
used from the mobile t o the fixed station o r from (30 Pt)2
Ε = V/m (8.12)
mobile t o mobile in a simhar manner t o S E L C A L L .

Telecommunications Chapter 8

For an antenna having a gain Gt with respect to an increase of 6 dB each time the distance from the an­
isotropic radiator, Equation (8.10) becomes: tenna is doubled.
When considering on-site U H F systems and off-site
Ρ = PtGt/47rR2 (8.13) V H F systems, the effect of free space loss is more
pronounced in the U H F systems because the increase
and Equation (8.12) becomes in attenuation is greater at short distances from the
antenna, e.g., at 30 m from the antenna the free space
Ε = (30PtGt)^/R V/m (8.14) loss is 55 dB and, at 300 m, it is 75 d B . As the distance
from the antenna increases, so a 6 dB change in free
For a half-wave dipole in the direction of maximum space attenuation represents a much larger change in
radiation distance from the antenna, e.g., at 15 km from the
antenna the free space loss is 109 dB and, at 30 km, it
Ρ = 1.64 Pt/(47rR)2 W / m 2 (8.15) is 115 d B .
Equation (8.19) can also provide interesting data
Ε = (49.2 Pt) 2 /R V/m (8.16) when an internal dipole antenna is compared to a ra­
diating coaxial cable (leaky feeder) for use inside power
Note that the gain Gt of a half-wave dipole is 1.64 station buildings. Section 8.6.3 of this chapter gives
(2.15 dBi) with respect to an isotropic radiator in the details of radiating coaxial cable systems.
direction of maximum radiation, i.e., normal to the Two radiating cables (leaky feeders) used for power
axis of the dipole. station radio systems have the following couphng losses
between the radiating cable and a dipole located 6 m
and 3 m away respectively:
8.5.1 RF received power
• Andrew Antennas radiax slotted cable R X 4 - 2 R has
To determine the power intercepted by a receiving
a coupling loss of 75 dB for a 450 M H z U H F signal
antenna, it is necessary to determine the effective area
and a distance of 6 m to the receiving dipole.
of the antenna when intercepting a given radiated power
density. • BICC radiating cable T3537 with apertured tape has
Let the radiated power density be Ρ W / m ^ , then a couphng loss of 74 dB for a 450 M H z U H F signal
the effective area of an antenna is given by: and a distance of 3 m to the receiving dipole.

Area = {0^\^ϊη^)/4π (8.17) F r o m Equation (8.19), the loss between an internally

mounted dipole transmitting antenna and a receiving
where Gr is the gain of the receiving area w h h respect dipole can be calculated from:
to an isotropic radiator and λ is the wavelength of the
RF propagated wave. The power Pr (watts) intercepted Loss = 10 log P r / P t
by an antenna having an effective area of A is Ρ x A = 20 log (1.64)2 (0.67)V47rR
in the direction of maximum radiation.
Using Equations (8.13) and (8.17), this becomes: which gives a loss of 30 dB at 3 m and 36 dB at
6 m.
Pr = PtGtGrXV(47rR)2 W (8.18)
F r o m the results, it can be seen that an internal an­
T o determine the loss of free space. Equation (8.18) tenna would have a theoretical gain of 39 dB over the
has to be rearranged to obtain: Andrews radiating cable (leaky feeder) and a 44 dB gain
over the BICC radiating cable (leaky feeder). For this
Pr/Pt = GtGrXV(47rR)2 (8.19) reason, antenna systems used in power stations com­
prise a combination of internal antennas and radiating
To find the loss of the free space between two iso­ cable.
tropic radiator antennas, i.e., allowing the gain of each The antennas are used in the larger open areas such
antenna to be unity, then Equation (8.19) becomes: as turbine halls, boiler houses, etc., and radiating cable
for confined areas such as cable tunnels, corridors sur­
Pr/Pt = (X/47rR)2 (8.20) rounded by thick reinforced concrete walls, floors and
Loss = 10 log Pr/Pt ceihngs.
= 20 log X/47rR (8.21)
8.6 Antenna systems
Using Equation (8.21), the graph in Fig 8.17 of loss for
free space propagation between two isotropic radiators
8.6.1 Antennas
can be obtained.
The graph shows the effect of the inverse square A n t e n n a systems used in power stations have to be
law on the attenuation through free space, i.e., an designed within the following Joint Radio Committee

Radio systems


f = 450 MHz \ = '%λ^ = % LetG^ = G p = P ^ = 1



55 -



40 -


(ή TO DIPOLE = 33dB


25- TO DIPOLE = 40dB




ΙΟ 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60

FIG. 8 . 1 7 Graph of loss for free space propagation

(JRC) limits on R F transmitted power from an anten­ means the electric field, the E-plane of the radiated
na. External antennas must be limited to a maximum signal, is also perpendicular to the ground and the
effective radiated power (ERP) of 2 W and indoor magnetic field, the H-plane, is parahel to the ground.
antennas to 5 W (ERP). The direction o f r a d i a t i o n for maximum transmission
E R P is defined as the average power supplied to the or reception wih be either omnidirectional or unidirec­
antenna by the transmitter during one R F cycle under tional. The direction of the radiation from an antenna
conditions of n o modulation multiphed by the gain, is shown on H-plane and E-plane polar diagrams. The
relative to a half-wave dipole, of the antenna system in two polar diagrams are required because the radiation
the direction of maximum radiation. is three dimensional. Usually for omnidirectional anten­
The antenna(s) used for a particular antenna system nas, where the H-plane polar diagram is represented
are selected on the basis of the following: by a concentric circle w h h the antenna at the centre,
• Operating frequency. only the E-plane polar diagram is given in the manu­
facturer's technical data sheets. Figure 8.18 shows a
• Polarity of the radiated field. Phihps Telecom Type C A T omnidirectional colinear
• Direction of radiation. antenna. Figures 8.19 and 8.20 are E-plane diagrams
for the V H F low b a n d and U H F versions, respectively,
• Bandwidth.
of this antenna. The polar diagrams are drawn on a
• Power handling capabihty. graph of concentric circles. The convention used is
• Input impedance. to call the largest circle reached by the largest lobe
of the polar diagram the 'reference circle'. Circles are
• Mounting arrangement. then drawn through - 3 dB points from this reference
• Wind loading. circle, i.e., circles representing 0, - 3 dB, - 6 dB, etc.,
are drawn, w h h the outer reference circle representing
The operating frequency will depend on the radio 0 dB.
system, i.e., a V H F lowband, midband or high band Figure 8.19 is the E-plane diagram for a Type C A T
system, or a U H F system. 80 antenna, which is the V H F low band version hav­
The p o l a r i t y used for power station radio systems ing a m a x i m u m gain of 3 dB with reference to a half-
is usually vertical polarity, i.e., the radiating element wave dipole. The graph circles therefore represent
is mounted perpendicular to the ground. This also gains of 3 d B , 0 d B , - 3 dB and - 6 d B , starting at

Telecommunications Chapter 8

225° 240° 255° 270° 285° 300° 315°

FIG. 8.19 E-plane polar diagram for a Philips V H F

C A T 80 antenna

225° 240° 255° 270° 285° 300° 315°

FIG. 8.20 E-plane polar diagram f o r a Philips U H F

C A T 460 antenna

- 2 dB with respect to a half-wave dipole in directions

of 70° and 110° from the horizontal. The required
bandwidth of the antenna will depend on the number
of fixed station frequency channels which are to be
transmitted or received and whether the antenna is to
GAIN 3 d b ( V H F ) , 5 d b i U H F ) be used for transmit and receive functions. The
bandwidth is conventionally taken as the frequency
FOAM ENCAPSULATION b a n d b e t w e e n t h e 1.5 V S W R p o i n t s o n t h e
VSWR/frequency graph for the antenna, where VSWR
stands for the Voltage standing wave ratio':
FIG. 8 . 1 8 Philips Telecom V H F / U H F coUnear anten­
nas type C A T

the largest reference circle and moving towards the

where Emax = voltage at crest of standing wave
Figure 8.20 is the E-plane diagram for a Type C A T
460 antenna, which is the U H F version having a Emin = voltage at trough of standing wave
maximum gain of 5 dB with reference to a half-wave
dipole. The graph circles therefore represent gains of 5 The VSWR is a measure of the impedance match
dB, 2 dB, - 1 dB and - 4 d B , starting at the largest between the characteristic impedance of the antenna
reference circle. coaxial cable and the impedance of the antenna.
The polar diagram shows a number of secondary The characteristic impedance of a cable is the input
lobes, the largest of which have gains of approximately impedance of an infinitely long length of the cable. In

Radio systems

practice, this is the value of impedance v^hich, when F r o m which Ρ = 4SPm/(S + 1)^
terminating any length of the cable, will produce an
input impedance of the game value. For VSWR = S = 1.5, Ρ = 0.96 P ^ , i.e., for a
For a perfect match between the coaxial cable and VSWR = 1.5, 960^0 of the power that would be
the antenna impedances, there is no reflected signal dehvered to a matched load is delivered to the un­
from the antenna/coaxial cable connection and there­ matched antenna; this is equivalent to a loss of 10 log
fore no standing wave, i.e., | E m a x I = | E m i n | and the 0.96 = - 0 . 2 d B .
VSWR = 1. F r o m Fig 8.21, it can be seen that the bandwidth
For a value of antenna impedance which is less or between the 1.5 VSWR points for a V H F version
greater than the characteristic impedance of the coaxial of the C A T 80 antenna is approximately 2.5 M H z .
cable the VSWR will be greater than 1. F r o m Fig 8.22, the bandwidth of a C A T 460 U H F an­
tenna is approximately 22 M H z . The VSWR/frequency
d iFfl + lErl graphs for the C A T 80 and the C A T 460 antennas
VSWR = (8.22)
show that, at the design frequency for the antennas,
Efl - | E r |
the VSWR is approximately 1.15 and that the VSWR
changes with frequency.
where Ef = voltage of the forward travelling wave
The power handling capability of the antenna will
Er = voltage of the reflected wave depend on the m a x i m u m R F output of the transmitter.
when Er = 0, VSWR = 1 For a C A T type antenna, the maximum input power
For VSWR = 1.5, | E^ax I = 1 . 2 | E f | is 150 W , which is well above any transmitter output
used for a power station radio system.
and I Emin I = 0.8 I Ef I
The input impedance of an antenna is specified for
To appreciate the meaning of VSWR = 1.5, h is useful the design frequency and will vary between the VSWR
to calculate the impedance of the load of the antenna 1.5 points of the antenna bandwidth. For power station
compared with a coaxial cable characteristic of 50 Ω. systems, the design impedance is usually 50 Ω: this
To do this, the following equations can be used: varies between 50 and 75 Ω over the design bandwidth
of the antenna.
Ζ - Zo The mounting arrangement will depend on the type
Q = (8.23)
of antenna chosen. The mounting arrangements for a
Ζ + Zo
C A T type colinear antenna suitable for masthead
where ρ voltage reflection coefficient mounting are shown in Fig 8.23.
Ζ antenna impedance, Ω
Zo characteristic impedance of the coaxial
cable, Ω 3.o^

The modulus of the voltage reflection coefficient | ρ ^- 2.0H

is determined from the VSWR: δ 10-1

| s - i | |z -zo|
Is + i| I ζ + Zo I 2.0 π

where S = VSWR = 1.5 and if Z o = 50 Ω

I Ζ - 50 I 0.5
then giving | Z | = 75 Ω

I ζ + 50 I 2.5
The power delivered to the antenna at a VSWR = 1.5
can be calculated using:

Mismatch loss = P m / P

where Pm = power dehvered to a matched load 1.0-

78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85
Ρ = power delivered to the antenna

1 (S + 1)2
48 FIG. 8 . 2 1 Gain and V S W R curves for a Philips V H F
CAT 8 0 antenna

Telecommunications Chapter 8

:AT 3 9 CAT 4 2 0 A C A T 4 4 0 Λ CAT 4 6 0 ,

380 400 420 440 460 480



TYPE NO. (FOR 1.5 : 1 MAX. VSWR)

CAT 390 380 - 396

CAT 400 396-412
CAT 420 412-430
CAT 440 430 - 450
CAT 460 450 - 470

FIG. 8.22 VSWR curves for Philips U H F CAT

antennas In-line/Off-set Masthead Clamp

Folded dipole antennas which can be used for both

V H F and V H F systems are supplied with a mounting
b o o m . Figure 8.24 shows a typical folded dipole an­
tenna, the Philips Telecom Type A N S D H , which has a
38 m m diameter mounting b o o m . Figure 8.25 shows the
typical mounting crossover clamps used to attach the
boom to a mast. The mast fixing arrangement must
be capable of withstanding a wind loading of 160 k m / h .
For power station external antennas the mast is usually
clamped to a suitable wall or to metal girder sections
at two points along its length.
The Type A N S D H 460, or similar, is used as an inter­
nal antenna for U H F on-site systems. When used in this
way, the mounting boom can be supphed with a wall
bracket and enough boom length to allow the wall to
antenna spacing to be adjusted between 3/16 and 1/4 Parallel Clamp
of a wavelength. The spacing should be adjusted for
maximum radiation.
Figure 8.26 shows the effect of the proximity of a
mast on the polar diagram of the antenna. In this case,
a b o o m length of 1 wavelength or more will give the
best omnidirectional pattern.
When designing/installing antenna systems, it is
necessary to reduce the coupling between transmitter
and receiver antennas used for a common two-frequency
simplex channel and between antennas of different
channels. This is necessary to prevent unwanted signal
levels appearing at the output of transmitters and the
input of receivers, which could result in intermodulation
Figure 8.27 shows the relationship between isola­
tion in decibels and the vertical separation between the
antennas, while Fig 8.28 shows the relationship between
isolation in decibels and horizontal separation between
the antennas.
Comparison of the two figures shows that the vertical Parallel Clamps
separation is more effective than the horizontal, e.g., at
450 M H z , 35 dB isolation can be obtained by vertical
separation of 0.6 m or by a horizontal separation of
4.2 m. FIG. 8.23 Clamping arrangements for CAT antennas

Radio systems

FIG. 8.25 Typical crossover/parallel clamps for boom-

mounted folded dipoles

FIG. 8.24 Folded dipole antenna, Philips type ANSDH fed in a suitable phase relationship by a matching
harness which is attached to the support tube. Gain
in the direction of m a x i m u m radiation is approximately
8.6.2 Typical antenna arrangements 5 dB relative to a half-wave dipole.
In the past a typical external antenna arrangement for Figure 8.31 shows the H-plane radiation patterns
power stations comprised a mast with folded dipoles for which can be obtained by re-arranging the dipoles, e.g.,
the transmitter and a c o m m o n omnidirectional high all four dipoles can be m o u n t e d o n the same side of the
gain antenna for the receivers. The high gain receive support tube to provide extra gain in one direction,
antenna was mounted at the top of the mast and the resulting in a gain of 8.5 d B .
folded dipoles 3 m below. Figure 8.32 shows the E-plane polar diagram for the
Figures 8.24 and 8.29 show a typical folded dipole high gain antenna. T h e lobes showing that the direction
and the dipole characteristics: Figs 8.30 and 8.31 il­ of m a x i m u m gain radiate horizontally. This would
lustrate a typical high gain omnidirectional antenna resuh in poor on-site cover from an antenna mounted
(Philips Type ANSA) and its associated characteristics. on a high building. For a high gain antenna mounted
The high gain antenna consists of four vertical dipoles on the roof of a turbine hall or boiler house, some
mounted on a 38 m m support tube. The dipoles are E-plane tih is required to obtain on-site cover. E-plane

Telecommunications Chapter 8








FIG. 8 . 2 6 Effect of spacing on the radiation pattern


20 Η

30 Η


50 Η

60 Η


70- 1 1
FIG. 8 . 2 7 Isolation by vertical separation of antennas 10 100

tilts of 5° and 10° can be obtained electrically by fitting

special matching harnesses which comprise tuned co­ FIG. 8 . 2 8 Isolation by horizontal separation
axial cable elements. of antennas

Radio systems


(FOR 1.5:1 WEIGHT (120 mph) 50mm STACKED
MHz mm kg kg mm m
AN SDH 65 58-71 2160 2.7 15.8 864 3.4
AN SDH80 68-88 1780 2.5 12.4 710 2.7
AN SDH 85 73-93 1651 2.4 12 660 2.6
AN SDH100 88-110 1420 2.2 10.8 558 2.4
AN SDH460 445-475 305 0.3 3.1 127 0.46
t BOOM; 0.45 kg PER m LENGTH

1.0 —I 1 1 Γ-
55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90

FIG. 8.29 Folded dipole characteristics

Tests have shown that the circular E-plane polar ductor. The hole in the braid or sohd copper outer
diagram of a half-wave dipole can give superior on-site conductor creates three mutually perpendicular ele­
cover to a high gain antenna. Ahernatively, an antenna ments of R F field; one element parallel with the cable,
arrangement consisting of two folded dipoles mounted one tangential with the cable and the other perpen­
one above the other in a cruciform arrangement with dicular to the cable. For R F transmitted from the cable,
E-planes parallel and horizontal, will produce a field the latter element is perpendicular in the direction
having a circular polarity (i.e., both vertical and hori­ leaving the cable. For R F received from a handportable
zontal) directed downward. This paging system type transmitter, a similar field arrangement is created by
antenna gives localised site cover more suitable for the holes but in this case the perpendicular element is
power stations. A n antenna of this type is shown in directed into the cable.
Fig 8.33 which also illustrates the depressed E-plane T h e effectiveness of the radiating cable is measured
polar diagram sometimes referred to as an 'umbrella' as a couphng loss. The couphng loss is measured by
characteristic. This is far more suhable for on-site mounting a dipole 3 m or 6 m away from the cable
U H F radio systems where the antenna is mounted at such that the dipole elements are parallel with the
high level on one of the power station buildings. radiating cable. The dipole is connected to a matched,
In designing the antenna system for a power sta­ cahbrated, measuring R F receiver. One end of the
tion, it is necessary to consider the cover required, the radiating cable is connected to a calibrated R F trans­
buildings on which the antennas are to be mounted and mitter and the other end to a matched resistive load.
the E-plane polar diagrams of the proposed antennas. The transmitter is set to a suitable R F input power
A number of folded dipole antennas located at different to the radiating cable which produces a readable signal
positions around the site and mounted at low level on the calibrated receiver connected to the dipole.
give better on-site cover than one high gain antenna. The overall loss comprises the attenuation due to
The adoption of multiple fixed station operation, to the radiating cable (cable loss CD) between the input
enable handportable R F outputs to be reduced, also connections and the cable opposite the receiving dipole,
makes the use of muhiple antennas mounted at lower and the coupling loss (CL) between the radiating cable
levels more acceptable. and the dipole.
The arrangement that is eventually adopted will be Table 8.4 shows typical cable attenuation and cou­
determined by the size and complexhy of the layout pling losses for a B I C C radiating cable Type T3537
of power station buildings, the R F output from the and an Andrew A n t e n n a radiating cable Type Radiax
handportables that can be permitted without causing R4-2R.
unacceptable levels of RFI to control and instrumen­ Figure 8.34 shows a fixed station transceiver con­
tation equipment and the cost advantages which will nected to a length of radiating cable through a coupling
accrue from use of a radio communications system. interface (CI).
The m a x i m u m attenuation (MAF) between a fixed
8.6.3 Radiating cable (leaky feeder)
station transmitter and a handportable receiver is deter­
mined by subtracting the minimum operational power
Radiating cable is specially designed coaxial cable which required at the input to the receiver from the output
has a loosely braided or slotted sohd copper outer con­ power of the fixed station transmitter. These powers

Telecommunications Cliapter 8

135° 120° 105° 90° 75° 60° 45°

225° 240° 255° 270° 285° 300° 315°


135° 120° 105° 90° 75° 60° 45°



225° 240° 255° 270° 285° 300° 315°


FIG. 8 . 3 1 H-plane polar diagrams for high gain anten­

na Philips type ANSA

135° 120° 105° 90° 75° 60° 45°


225° 240° 255° 270° 285° 300° 315°

FIG. 8.30 Philips type ANSA high gain antenna

FIG. 8.32 E-plane polar diagram for high gain anten­
na Philips type ANSA
are usually quoted in decibels with respect to 1 W
Measured power
(dBW), i.e., dBW = 10 log (or 10 log The maximum attenuation ( Μ Α Η ) between a hand-
One watt portable transmitter and a fixed station receiver is found
measured power, in watts) in a similar manner.

Radio systems

In order to calculate M A F and Μ Α Η it is necessary

to determine the losses involved at the handportable.
In both receive directions, although the minimum
receiver sensitivity is of the order of 0.5 μΝ pd (1 μΝ
E M F , see Fig 8.36), a minimum operational sensitivity
of between 2 and 5 μΝ E M F would normally be used
to design the system.
The body proximity loss (BP) for the handportable
is not necessarily the same for transmit and receive. This
is because during transmit the handportable is held at
head level and during the receipt of a call it could be
attached to a beh or in a pocket. This could resuh in
a B P of u p to 3 dB for transmit and u p to 6 dB for
For a receiver w h h an operational sensitivity of 2.5
pd ( - 1 2 9 d B W ) , a fixed station transmit power of
25 W (14 dBW) and a handportable transmit power of
0.5 W ( - 3 dBW) into the antenna, M A F and Μ Α Η can
be calculated as foHows:

MAF = 14 - ( - 1 2 9 ) = 143 dB
ΜΑΗ = -3 - ( - 1 2 9 ) = 126 dB

Using these values for M A F and Μ Α Η the cable

distribution loss can be calculated from the fohowing
equations, see also Fig 8.34.

M A F = CI + C D + CL + R D + BPL + A L (8.25)
Μ Α Η = A L + B P L + C L + R D + CI (8.26)
where A L = antenna loss
B P L = body proximity loss
CD = cable distribution loss
CI = cable interface loss
RD = Rayleigh distribution loss

FIG. 8.33 Paging type antenna — Jaybeam type 7395

Telecommunications Chapter 8


Typical cable attenuation and coupling losses

Radiating cable Nominal Frequency Attenuation Coupling

diameter dB/100 m loss

BICC T3537 13 mm 85 MHz 2.8 64 dB at 3 m

50 Ω cable 67 dB at 6 m
(Apertured tape) 450 MHz 6.8 74 dB at 3 m
77 dB at 6 m

Andrews R4-2R 13 mm 85 MHz 3.6 69 dB at 6 m

(Slotted screen)
450 MHz 10.5 75 dB at 6 m








FIG. 8.34 Calculation of maximum cable distribution loss

Since Μ Α Η is smaller than M A P the former would wave created in space with the signal strength following
normally be taken as the value to carry out the calcula­ a Rayleigh probabihty distribution. A typical standing
tion of C D . However, in practice, since the cable inter­ wave is shown in Fig 8.35. It can be seen that the signal
face loss (CI) and BP loss differ for the t r a n s m h and strength varies between the minimum of 10 dB to
receive directions it is prudent to calculate C D for both the maximum of 20 d B , i.e., a total variation loss of
directions. 10 d B .
The cable interface loss (CI) could be 3 dB in
the transmit direction for a single-transmitter/receiver
arrangement or up to 6 dB for a 5-transmitter arrange­

ment. In the receive direction, because an amplifier
could be used before the receiver, the CI would be
dependent on the gain of the amplifier used. A typical
value for CI would be - 1 0 dB (i.e., a gain of 10 dB). § O H

The Rayleigh Distribution loss (RD) covers the losses

experienced by a handportable while on the move. The o
ω -20 Η
loss is due to muhiple path reflections causing varia­
tion in the received signal due to the complex sum­
ming of signals received from the radiating cable direct, LINEAR DISTANCE, λ/2
and signals reflected from the walls, ceihng, floors and
As the receiver moves through the field, the signal FIG. 8.35 Signal intensity plotted against distance in a
strength plotted against distance will reveal a standing muUipath environment (Rayleigh Distribution)

Radio systems

Referring to Fig 8.36 (a), it can be seen that in order

to obtain a receiver input of 2.5 μΝ pd the E M F ex­
tracted by the antenna from the radiating field must CONDUCTING
be 5 μΥ, i.e., 126 dBW. PLANE
In the transmit direction. Fig 8.36 (b) shows that
a transmitter output of 1 W is necessary in order to
deliver 0.5 W into the antenna.
Since the radiating cable coupling loss is specified as
the loss between the cable and a two-element half-wave
dipole, the handportable antenna loss (AL) must be (a)
calculated with respect to a dipole. The antenna is ehher
a quarter wavelength monopole or helical antenna.
Figure 8.37 shows the relationship between a m o n o -
pole having a practical ground plane and a dipole. The
gain parallel to the ground plane is shown to be - 3 dB CONDUCTING
whh respect to a dipole. PLANE
For a handportable the ground plane is likely to be
complex and difficult to determine. The value of body
proximity loss (BP) includes any loss due to a poor
ground plane.
Tables 8.5 and 8.6 identify typical handportable
antenna losses obtained in practice.
Typical values for each of the losses required in
order to determine the maximum cable distribution
loss are as fohows:

Al = 3 dB
BPL = 3 dB for transmitter and 6 dB for receiver lOXDIAMETER
CD = to be calculated GROUND-PLANE
CI = 3 dB for a single transmitter and up to GROUND-PLANE
6 dB for 5 transmitters


50 ÍÍ
Vp.d. = £ pV (c)

emf EpV
Θ FIG. 8.37 Effects of ground plane on a monopole

(a) Dipole element into which a thin conducting sheet has

(a) been inserted.
(b) Showing how a voltage generator can be split so that
connection can be made to the conducting plate to form two
identical and separate monopoles, each having a feed point
impedance half that of a dipole.
(c) Free space radiation patterns of λ / 4 monopoles over perfectly
0.5W DELIVERED conducting ground planes of various diameters. The infinite
ground plane shows a 3 dB gain over a dipole a 0° elevation angle,
but any finite ground plane will exhibit a 3dB loss.

CI = - 10 dB (gain) for receiver

CL = 80 dB
MAE = 143 dB
FIG. 8.36 Calculation of receiver input powers ΜΑΗ = 126 dB

Telecommunications Chapter 8

F r o m Equation (8.25) 0.105 = 295 m. Thus the total a m o u n t of radiating

cable that can be used is increased to 10 + 2 χ 295
CD = M A F - CI - CL - R D - B P L - A L = 600 m .
= 143 - 6 - 80 - 10 - 6 - 3 This procedure can be repeated to produce a complex
radiating cable and internal antenna system (see Fig
= 38 dB
From Equation (8.26)
8.7 RF fixed stations
CD = Μ Α Η - A L - B P L - CL - R D - CI
The R F fixed stations are distributed throughout the
= 126 - 3 - 3 - 80 - 10 - (-10)
power station to ensure good radio cover. Each fixed
= 40 dB station consists of a transmitter, receiver and an an­
tenna system coupling equipment. The complexity of
For Andrews ( R 4 - 2 R ) type radiating cable and an the coupling equipment will depend on the number of
operating frequency of 450 M H z , 38 dB is equivalent transmitters and receivers which have to be coupled
to a length of 362 m of cable which is not sufficient to the antenna system and the number of R F chan­
for use in a complex antenna system required for a nels that have been allocated for use by the radio
power station. system. Each R F channel will require a fixed station
However, if the transmitter is connected to the transmitter/receiver.
centre of the radiating cable, as shown in Fig 8.38, The coupling equipment could comprise: duplexers
the radiating cable either side of the power splitter can for coupling a receiver and transmitter to a c o m m o n
have a maximum loss of: antenna system; diplexers for coupling two transmitters
to a c o m m o n antenna system; a receive amplifier for
38 - (3.5 + 3.5) = 31.0 dB connecting a number of receivers to a c o m m o n receive
port of the coupling equipment; circulators and iso­
Since at 450 M H z Andrews ( R 4 - 2 R ) radiating cable lators for connecting transmitters to a c o m m o n anten­
has an attenuation of 10.5 dB/100 m , the length of na system, thus reducing the effects of reflected or
cable on either side of the power splitter can be 3 1 . 0 / unwanted signals returning to the transmitter. A com-


5μν MINIMUM =-26dBW

10.5dB/100m AT 450 MHz




24.4dB = 232m



FIG. 8 . 3 8 Centre-fed radiating cable arrangement

Radio systems
QQ moo
c O X II
Telecommunications Chapter 8

bination of all or some of these items of equipment signalling, is transmitted from the remote controher
could be assembled to make up an antenna coupling over a cable connection to the line interface and audio
system suitable for a particular location. frequency (AF) amplifier section of the transmitter.
A crystal-controlled R F oscillator generates the R F
carrier wave which is connected via a frequency multi­
8.7.1 Fixed s t a t i o n t r a n s m i t t e r s
plier to the amplitude modulation (AM) modulator
The fixed station transmitters used for power station or frequency modulation (FM) modulator in series
radio systems are standard P M R transmitters designed with the output of the A F amphfier section.
to operate at the particular band of frequencies In an A M transmitter, the amplitude of the R F
allocated to P M R use. The fixed stations for V H F low carrier wave is varied in sympathy w h h the complex
band systems use single-frequency simplex, amplitude A F output from the A F amplifier section and the ra­
modulation (AM) base stations. For the U H F band dio frequency remains constant. In an F M transmitter,
systems, the fixed stations use two-frequency simplex, the frequency of the R F carrier wave is varied in
frequency modulation (FM): sympathy with the A F output from the A F amphfer
section and the amplitude of the R F carrier wave re­
• Single-frequency simplex operation means that both
mains constant.
the fixed station and mobiles use the same R F fre­
The modulator in an A M transmitter is a non-linear
quency for both transmit and receive functions. Since
device which has the R F carrier and signal voltages
the same frequency is used, the fixed station and
applied to it in series.
mobile are unable to operate at the same time (duplex
The modulator in an F M transmitter varies the
operation). It is necessary, therefore, for the fixed
frequency of the carrier wave to produce a FM signal
station and mobile to transmit in turn, i.e., single-
which, as shown in Section 8.4.2 of this chapter, can
frequency simplex operation.
be represented by:
• Two-frequency simplex operation means that the
fixed station and mobile use different R F frequencies Vfm = VcSin 27Γ ( f c + of)t
for the transmit functions. The fixed station uses one
frequency for transmit which is received by the where f c is the carrier frequency and
mobile receiver and the mobile uses a second fre­
quency for transmit which is received by the fixed 6f is the frequency deviation corresponding t o
station receiver. Although two frequencies would the frequency shift of the carrier for the peak
allow duplex operation, simplex operation is used amplitude of the information signal
for speech because a user of the radio system cannot
speak and listen at the same instant. Two-frequency Thus for a carrier of 10.7 M H z and frequency devia­
simplex operation also provides improved mobile to tion of 5 k H z (0.005 M H z ) , the instantaneous carrier
mobile communications by the use of a fixed station frequency would be 10.705 M H z at the positive peak
talkthrough facility. During talkthrough, any signal of the signal and 10.695 M H z at the negative peak.
received at the fixed station receiver, e.g., from a The output of the modulator is connected to a
mobile, is re-transmitted by the fixed station trans­ power amplifier driver section which provides the
mitter to other mobiles switched to the same R F driving signal to operate the power output stage of the
channel. transmitter. Since this stage is operating at relatively
high R F powers, e.g., 0.5 W for handportables and
The transmitter equipment has to comply with the 25 W for fixed stations, use of a linear Class A amphfier
following performance specifications issued by the stage would result in significant power losses in the
Radiocommunications Agency (RA) of the Department internal impedance of the stage. Figure 8.41 (a) shows
of Trade and Industry (DTI): a typical transfer characteristic for a Class A amplifier
stage. A constant bias centres the signal on the linear
• For frequency modulated (FM), U H F and V H F portion of the characteristic between the cut-off point
equipment — M P T 1326 — Performance Speci­ for current through the stage and the upper point where
fication for Angle modulated V H F and U H F radio current would be drawn by the control circuit. This
equipment for use at fixed and mobile stations in causes a constant current to flow through the stage
the Private Mobile Radio Service. which is varied as shown when a R F signal is present
• For amplitude modulated A M , V H F equipment — at the input. This resuhs in a stage efficiency of between
M P T 1302 — Performance Specification for 40 and 65%. For fixed station transmitters the heat
Amplitude modulated V H F radio equipment for use generated in the stage would have to be dissipated
at fixed and mobile stations in the Private M o b h e adequately. For a handportable, this would result in an
Radio Service. unacceptable drain on the battery as well as requiring
adequate stage coohng.
Figure 8.40 shows a block diagram of a typical R F Figure 8.41 (b) shows a typical transfer characteristic
fixed station transmitter. The speech, plus any tone of two Class Β amphfier stages operating in push-pull.

Radio systems

\ /



FIG. 8.40 Radio communications transmitter — block diagram

where one amphfier carries the positive half-cycles of 25 k H z channel spacing. This level of between - 7 and
the R F signal and the other the negative. The outputs - 8 dB is sometimes referred to as the 'conversion
of each of the two amplifier stages are connected to a figure' of 7 or 8 d B .
common load which combines the two half-cycles to Except where p o o r engineering practices have been
give the R F signal output shown. N o current flows in adopted in the assembly of transmitters in the fixed
the stage unless a signal is present in addition to the station cubicle/cabinet, most intermodulation genera­
constant cut-off bias. This improves the stage efficiency tion will be caused by coupling between antennas, either
to between 70 and 8 5 % . directly or via the feeder runs, or due to a combination
Figure 8.41 (c) shows a typical transfer characteristic of both — see Section 8.6 of this chapter on antennas.
for a Class C amphfier stage. In this case, the stage is Care must be taken in the design of the couphng
biased by a multiple of the cut-off bias voltage value. equipment (which interfaces the power amplifier and
A large signal is applied to the input of the stage the antenna system) to reduce the signal levels which
from the driver stage of the transmitter which resuhs are received by the output stage from the antenna.
in the flow of R F signal pulses through the load of Modern nuclear and large fossh-fuel power stations
the Class C output stage. As shown in the figure, the require a number of fixed stations to provide fuh radio
pulses occur at alternate half-cycles of the input signal cover of the power station. In order to use the same
and are present for a period less than the time of a radio channel at a number of fixed stations, the trans­
half-cycle. The output load of the Class C stage is a mitters are operated in a quasi-synchronous mode.
parallel tuned circuit, tuned to the R F carrier wave. The This is necessary because it is usually not possible
transmitter is designed so that the size of the R F pulses completely to confine the transmitted R F signal to one
is large enough to contain sufficient energy to ensure particular zone of the power station.
the tuned circuit continues to oscillate between pulses, A handportable user receiving similar signal strength
and contains sufficient harmonic information to carry R F carrier waves from two transmitters operating on
the modulating information signal. Class C operation the same frequency, would experience erratic reception
improves the stage efficiency to between 95 and 9 8 % . of the radio message as he moved in the vicinity of
As can be seen from the transfer characteristic, a overlap. This would be due to the addition, carried out
Class C stage operates on the non-linear portion of in the handportable receiver, of all signals being re­
the characteristic. Therefore it requires only a small ceived. The received signals would include direct and
interfering signal fed back from the antenna to produce reflected signals from each of the transmitters. In some
unwanted intermodulation products between the trans­ locations, the prominent signals from each transmitter
mitted carrier frequency and the interfering signal. would be out-of-phase causing a cancellation of signal,
Figure 8.42 shows typical intermodulation char­ while elsewhere they would be in-phase.
acteristics due to the non-hnearity of the Class C o u t p u t By off-tuning one of the signals by a very smah
stage of a transmitter at 150 M H z . a m o u n t , e.g., 2 or 3 Hz in 460 M H z , a quasi-synchro­
The graph shows the level of third order inter­ nous m o d e of operation is achieved.
modulation relative to the interfering signal level. As The signals now add but result in a 2 or 3 H z beat
would be expected, the level of the third order inter­ signal being produced which is sub-audible to the
modulation decreases with an increase in frequency handportable user. In practice, a hissing beat is heard
separation between the source of intermodulation, i.e., but it does not detract from the intelligibihty of the
the transmitted frequency and the interfering signal. message.
The highest level of third order intermodulation In order to provide quasi-synchronous operation, it
is for adjacent transmit channels, i.e., 12.5 k H z or is necessary to have a very stable R F oscillator in the

Telecommunications Chapter 8




10kHz 100kHz 1MHz 10MHz
(a) Class A Amplification

FIG. 8.42 Effects of Class C non-linearity in the

output stage of a transmitter

transmitter. A crystal-controlled oscillator is therefore


provided with a frequency stability ageing rate of the
-1 + 1 order of 5 parts in 10^^ per day. The crystal used is
contained in a temperature-controlled oven. The quasi-
synchronous systems marketed by Philips Telecom­
munications Ltd use a high stability drive unit Type
HS400, a simple block diagram of which is shown in

BIAS, V Á Fig 8.43.
^ 1|Vco The latest transmitters being introduced for P M R

\ .__\y_. systems use synthesising techniques. The crystal-con-

troHed oscillator is used to provide the stabilised R F
/ 1 LOAD generator but individual channel frequencies are derived
1 digitally by means of multipher and divider circuits.
This approach has the advantage that one transmitter
can be programmed to produce any one of 256

(b) Class Β Amplification

8.7.2 Fixed s t a t i o n r e c e i v e r s

The fixed station receivers used for power station ra­

dio systems are standard P M R receivers designed to
operate at the particular band of frequencies allocated
t to P M R use.
As explained in Section 8.7.1 of this chapter for fixed
station transmitters, the V H F low band systems used
in power stations employ single-frequency simplex A M
operation and the U H F systems two-frequency simplex
F M operation. The receiver equipment has to comply
with the performance specifications issued by the
Radiocommunications Agency of the DTI as described
in the section on transmitters, i.e., M P T 1302 and 1326.
Figure 8.44 shows block diagrams of typical A M and
F M R F fixed station receivers.
A M and FM systems both use similar antenna coupl­
ing equipment and R F amphfier sections.
The A M oscillator and mixer stage connects the R F
(c) Class C Amplification output of a local oscillator and the received R F signal
in series to a non-linear device which produces three
signals, f c , f c - f o and f c + f o , e.g., for a received
FIG. 8.41 Amplifier classifications frequency ( f c ) of 461.5 M H z and a local oscillator

Radio systems


781.25 Hz




fx = 21.6 MHz - 32MHz 1562.5Hz OR 1041.6666Hz

1 21.6-32 MHz
AND FREQUENCY ^ = 10.8 MHz - 16 MHz 781.25 Hz OR 520.8333 Hz

1 J = 3.6 MHz - 5.33 MHz 260.4166 HZ OR 173.6111 Hz

1 = 2.7 MHz - 4 MHz 195.3125 Hz OR 130. 2083 Hz
1 - J

- O f x ORjxORfxORjx
T R A N S M I T KEY o . 2 6 8
OV ^

FIG. 8.43 Block diagram of a high stabiUty oscillator





FIG. 8.44 Radio communications receivers — typical block diagrams

frequency ( f o ) of 472 M H z , two sidebands at 10.7 of 465 k H z . The second I F is taken via another I F
M H z and 933.5 M H z will be produced. The IF amphfier amplification stage t o the detector, comprising a diode
stage, which is tuned to 10.7 M H z , would select the and R F filter which selects the A F signal for connection
lower sideband and amplify it. to the A F amphfier.
A similar result would be achieved if the local os- When a S E L C A L L or CTCSS signalhng system is
cillator frequency fo were (fc - 10.7) M H z , i.e., 450.8 used, these coded audio or sub-audio modulating sig-
M H z . The two sidebands would then be 10.7 M H z and nals are connected via bandpass filters t o a tone detector
912.3 M H z . circuit which will, on receipt of the correct signal code,
This technique of converting the received R F sig- u n m u t e the A F output stage and connect the A F signal
nal to a lower intermediate frequency (IF) is called to the line interface or local loudspeaker.
superheterodyning. The lower IF is more easily con- For quasi-synchronous working, the local oscihator
trolled within the receiver because stray capacitance o u t p u t for each of the two oscillator/mixer stages will
has 40 times less effect on IF than on the equivalent be derived from the same high stability drive unit de-
RF. The cost of the electronic circuitry and screening is scribed for the fixed station transmitter in Section 8.7.1
therefore considerably reduced. of this chapter.
In modern R F fixed station receivers, a second stage In addition t o quasi-synchronous transmitter opera-
of super-heterodyning is used to produce a second IF tion a n d multiple fixed station operation, a receiver

Telecommunications Chapter 8

voting system is also used to determine which fixed could be disconnected during transmission, this may
station receiver is receiving the best signal from the not seem much of a problem. However, a switching
mobile. The output from each receiver is taken to a solution would become very complex if five channels
common equipment which determines which receiver were involved. The problem is exacerbated by the need
has the best signal to noise ratio. The best signal is to ensure that each port is always correctly terminated
selected and is connected to the remote controller. The to prevent reflections. Terminating loads would also
latest receivers being introduced for P M R systems, be required, so that a disconnection/termination of
like the transmitters, use synthesising techniques. The each receiver connection can be provided.
crystal-controlled oscihator is used to provide the sta­ Several years of research by supphers like Sinclair
bilised R F generator but the individual channel fre­ Radio Laboratories have resulted in the development of
quencies are derived digitally by means of multiplier sophisticated duplexers which are an improvement on
and divider circuhs. The advantage with this approach resistive circuits. These are based on the use of compact
is that one receiver can be programmed to produce 25 m m cavities, using either hehcal or coaxial hne
any one of 256 channels, for example. resonators.
Figure 8.46 gives specification information and the
frequency/attenuation characteristics for the MR356
8.7.3 Antenna coupling equipment
duplexer suitable for operation in the 406/512 M H z
A n t e n n a coupling equipment is used to connect U H F band.
transmitters and receivers operating on different radio It can be seen that the maximum insertion loss from
channels to a common antenna or antenna system. It is the transmitter to antenna is 1.5 dB and that the mini­
a very important part of modern power station U H F m u m receiver isolation at the transmit frequency is 75
radio systems, where up to five radio channels can be dB, which are marked improvements on the 6 dB ob­
in use at up to three fixed station locations. tained when using a simple resistive circuh.
Figure 8.45 shows a simple resistive circuit that can Where the unwanted R F signal is separated from
be used to connect a transmitter and receiver to a com­ the wanted signal by a number of megahertz, as in
mon antenna. The resistor value of 16.7 Ω is chosen to two-frequency simplex systems, with the transmit and
make each port of the three port system match the receive bands of frequencies separated by 5 M H z ,
terminating equipment having nominal impedances of coaxial fihers or lumped circuit filters using discrete
50 Ω. As can be seen from the figure, the disadvantages inductors and capacitors can be used.
of this network are that only a quarter of the power As the unwanted R F signal approaches within tens of
from the transmitter is transmitted to the antenna kilohertz of the wanted signal, the rejection efficiency
and that a similar level of signal is connected to the of these fihers falls. Therefore, for couphng equipment
receiver. which has to connect two transmitters to a c o m m o n
If the resistive circuh were used to couple two antenna, circulators have to be considered.
transmitters to a common antenna, a similar situation A terminated circulator, also referred to as an iso­
would occur. Since the receiver in a simplex operation lator, is usually required when transmitters on adjacent

R = 16.7n

R = 16.7n R= 16.70



OUTPUT - \ ^IN 50Ω ^0-5V|isj INPUT 0.5V
OF 50 Ω






FIG. 8.45 Resistive coupling circuit

Radio systems





FIG. 8.48 Isolator configuration

arrow on the circulator symbol, an ideal circulator

would have no losses but, in practice, a loss of the order
of 0.5 dB wih occur. In the opposite direction of
rotation, an ideal circulator would pass n o R F signal:
in practice, a reverse loss in the order of 30 dB will be
FIG. 8.46 Duplexer characteristics present.
This unidirectional behaviour of a circulator is due
to gyromagnetic effects in the ferrite core created by
channels, i.e., separated by as little as 12.5 k H z , are a high frequency magnetic field. For this reason,
to be coupled to the same antenna. A circulator is a since moderately strong internal fields which have been
passive unidirectional device with three or more input adjusted for o p t i m u m performance are present in the
or output ports. It usually contains a ferrite core circulators, the circulator should not be subjected to
through which the R F signal injected into one port is strong external magnetic fields or placed in close prox-
transferred to an adjacent port, while the other port imhy t o large masses of iron or steel.
(or ports) are effectively isolated. Figures 8.47 and 8.48
Isolators are three port circulators with one port
show examples of three and four port circulators and
terminated by its characteristic impedance. Thus, in
an isolator.
the direction of rotation indicated by the arrow on
. As shown in Fig 8.47, an R F signal entering port 1 the circulator symbol (Fig 8.48), an R F signal entering
would emerge at port 2 only, an R F signal entering port port 1 will emerge from port 2 while an unwanted or
2 would emerge at port 3 only and an R F signal entering reflected signal entering port 2 will emerge at port 3
port 3 would emerge at port 1 only, i.e., in a cychc and be absorbed in the terminating load and no signal
order. In the direction of rotation indicated by the wih pass on to emerge at port 1.
Figure 8.49 shows an arrangement using isolators
3 P O R T CIRCULATOR 4 P O R T CIRCULATOR to reduce the effects of interfering signals between
adjacently located transmitters. The rating of the load
resistor connected to the third port has to be chosen on
a worst case basis.
Under normal conditions, spatial separation of the
antennas and good installation of the antenna coaxial
cables should result in an approximate isolation level of
30 d B , so the power in the load resistors wih be about
30 dB down on each of the transmitter outputs.
PORT 4 Under fault conditions, where one antenna may have
F O R W A R D L O S S A ¿ 0 . 5 dB
R E V E R S E L O S S ;^i30 dB
fallen onto the other and become enmeshed with it,
the power in the load resistor could be a combination
of the transmhter output of the adjacent transmitter
FIG. 8.47 Three and four port circulator plus the reflected transmitted power due to an im-
configurations pedance discontinuity in the damaged antenna circuh.

Telecommunications Chapter 8

this chapter which deals with antenna systems. The 7 dB

figure, sometimes referred to as the ^conversion figure'
or ^conversion loss', is the level of third order inter-
30 dB ISOLATION modulation given in Fig 8.42. This represents the level
of intermodulation, with respect to the interfering
signal, for a frequency separation of 25 k H z which
would be the case for two adjacent transmitter sig­
nals. The intermodulation level for adjacent channel
transmitters, assuming a transmitter output of 25 W
(14 dBW), is given by:

Intermodulation level =
(Transmitter output) - (antenna/feeder coupling loss)
- (conversion loss)
= 1 4 - 3 0 - 7
= - 2 3 dBW
= 5 mW

1 POWER IN R1 (OR R2) UNDER NORMAL CONDITIONS This level of intermodulation signal can produce a
0.5 pd signal in a handportable, operating on the
2 POWER IN R1 (OR R2) IF ANTENNAS MESH same frequency as the intermodulation, at a distance
of approximately 75 m from the source of the inter­
Figure 8.50 (b) shows that an additional improve­
NOTE: IN THE EVENT OF 2 OCCURING BOTH LOADS ment can be made by using multiple isolators, with
each additional isolator adding approximately 30 dB of
FIG. 8.49 Effects on termination power rating of
isolator port
Figure 8.51 shows an arrangement where three cir­
culators are used. It should be noted that the rating
of the load resistors connected to the terminated ports
Figure 8.50 shows the improvement in isolation be­ need not be the same. The isolator nearest the antenna
tween two transmitters that can be achieved by using would require a load resistor capable of h a n d h n g ap­
isolators. proximately 25 W . The next load resistor handles - 3 0
Figure 8.50 (a) shows the isolation that can be dB and the nearest load resistor to the transmitter - 60
achieved by 0.6 m vertical spacing of U H F antennas dB, both relative to 25 W , i.e., 25 m W and 25 μΨ
operating at 450 M H z , as explained in Section 8.6 of respectively.

(a) (b)

= 30 dB ¿SOdB

/ \
-30 dB + (-7dB ) RELATIVE TO 25 W -30 dB + (-30dB) + (-7dB) RELATIVE TO 25W
=5mW = 5MW






FIG. 8.50 Improvements achieved by the addition of isolators

Radio systems






-30 dB +(-30dB) RELATIVE TO 25 W -90 dB RELATIVE TO 25 W

25 W

FIG. 8 . 5 1 Use of multiple isolators

8.8 Lightning protection • Provide a good earth directly below the mast and
Lightning protection is provided on ah high, roof- connect to the earth system of the building.
mounted, external antennas. The main protection is
• Solidly b o n d the outer conductor sheath of coaxial
provided by a bulkhead-mounted protector (high gain
cable and the base of the mast using a proprietary
Type L A - 1 or equivalent), located at the point where
grounding kit, ensuring that the b o n d is made
the antenna coaxial cable enters the power station
The general precautions to be taken to reduce the • Ensure that the coaxial cable leaves the base of the
effects of a hghtning strike are hsted in the following mast using the sharpest bend permitted by the cable
subsections. construction. Include as m a n y sharp bends as prac­
tical between the base of the mast and the cable entry
8.8.1 Antenna systems to the building.

• Use antennas having grounded elements and ensure • Where possible, include a length of galvanised steel
that elements are bonded to antenna mast. duct through which the coaxial cables can be taken.

Telecommunications Chapter 8

• Insert a lightning arrester in the coaxial cable where The controllers can use a number of types of sig­
it enters the building (e.g., 'Hygain' coaxial arrester nalling between the controller and the fixed station,
Model L A - 1 by Antenna Products Corporation, or either directly or via a c o m m o n equipment cubicle,
equivalent). depending on the complexhy of the radio system. D C
or A C signalling can be used, depending on the dis­
8.8.2 Fixed s t a t i o n c u b i c l e tances involved. For power station systems, A C sig­
nalling is now used so that isolating transformers can
• Ensure that the antenna cable enters the fixed station be interposed between each terminating equipment and
cubicle at ground level and bond the outer conductor the interconnecting multipair cable. The transformers
sheath to the single-point earthing of the cubicle, as and line protection units protect the equipment from
near to the bottom of the cubicle as possible. the power surges, rise-of-earth potentials or circulating
• Connect a gas discharge tube between the coaxial earth currents that can be experienced at a power station
centre conductor and the cubicle earth at the entry to during faults on the high voltage system.
the cubicle. Modern control systems, like the Philips Telecom
M87, use toneburst digital signalling, supplemented by
• Connect a gas discharge tube between the A C supply
frequency division multiplex signals for keying trans-
neutral and the cubicle earth as near to the bottom
mhters or transmitting CTCSS or S E L C A L L tone
of the cubicle as possible.
A simphfied control schematic diagram based on
8.9 Remote control systems the M87 control system is shown in Fig 8.52.
The radio system controhers mounted on the control
desks, or the table-top versions used at other control 8.9.1 O p e r a t i o n a l d e s c r i p t i o n of t h e M 8 7 c o n t r o l
locations, can be supplied with a number of different system
The local operator's controller is connected to the local
The controllers used for power stations normally
operator's termination card in the M87 c o m m o n equip­
have the following controls and indications:
ment (CEQ) via a cable highway. The highway contains
two pairs for send and receive audio speech signals, a
Controls pair for serial data out (SDO), a pair for serial data
• Channel monitor in (SDI), a core for the press-to-talk (PTT) transmitter
keying control and a pair for power supplies derived
• Channel select
from the C E Q , one core of which is used as an earth
• Talkthrough select (per channel) return for the P T T control. The in and out serial data
• Loudspeaker volume is transmitted at 4800 Baud (bits/s), hmhing the length
of the cable highway to approximately 300 m.
• Telephone handset volume
For distances greater than 300 m , the controller is
• Loudspeaker or audible call select converted to a remote operator controller by the ad­
• Receiver voting by-pass dition of a M O d u l a t o r - D E M o d u l a t o r ( M O D E M ) b o a r d
and is connected to a remote operator termination card
Indications in the C E Q which contains a similar M O D E M . The
serial data is converted to frequency shift keying (FSK)
• Transmitter Operated' lamp signalling between the two modems operating at 300
• Modulation lamp Bauds. The P T T D C control signal is converted to 2970
Hz in the remote operator controller and mixed with
• Received call/busy lamp
the FSK and speech audio, which is connected to the
• Power on lamp 'send' pair of a two-pair cable between the controller
• 'Channel on talkthrough' lamp and C E Q . The FSK and speech audio from the C E Q
are mixed and connected to the controller 'receive' pair
It is generally feh that a simplified controller, similar to of the two-pair cable. By this method of converting all
a telephone, would be more appropriate for power control and indication signals into voice frequencies
station use. Unfortunately, in recent years, the C E G B and mixing them with the audio speech signals, it is
has not been able to make it financially attractive for possible to use amphfied cable pairs for long cable runs
supphers to purpose-build simphfied controllers for in excess of 5 km.
power station use. With the proposed adoption of The serial data signals in both the 'in' and 'out'
trunked radio techniques h is now more hkely that, in directions of local operator controller are taken via the
future, the controllers wih be replaced by telephones local operator termination card to the SDI and S D O
directly cabled to a radio telephone exchange connected connections of a universal asynchronous receiver trans­
in turn with the radio system through a c o m m o n control mitter (UART), which is allocated to the controller
equipment. in the operator's serial interface unit. Simharly the

Radio systems

serial data signals SDI and SDO of the m o d e m lo­ mination card, channel 1 remote control u n h (RCU) to
cated in the remote operator's termination card are the two fixed station transmitters ( I T X l and ITX2)
connected to the U A R T allocated to the remote op­ which use the same channel 1 frequency. Following
erator controller. selection of channel 1, the C P U wih load the data
The U A R T converts the serial data to parallel data messages onto the data bus and the operator's serial
suitable for use on the control processor u n h (CPU) interface addresses sequentially onto the address bus;
data bus and vice versa. the 'channel 1 selected' indication wih then be displayed
All controls and channel selections from the con­ on operator controller 1 and a 'channel 1 busy' indica­
trohers are taken to the relevant U A R T as 'serial data tion on all other controllers. On receipt of the channel
in' and all indications from the C E Q and fixed radio selected indication, operator 1 whl press the S E L C A L L
stations are taken from the parallel data bus via the buttons to call the required mobile and press the
same U A R T as 'serial data out'. send/key-transmitter b u t t o n . The S E L C A L L code for
The serial data in and out signals (SDI and SDO) the required mobile will be sent as an eleven-bit data
use an eleven-bit data word as shown in Fig 8.53 (a). word to the operator's serial interface where h will
The eleven-bit word comprises a start zero Ό ' bit, be loaded onto the address and data bus, under the
eight data bits, a parity bit which can be either Ό ' or control of the C P U , and transferred to the S E L C A L L
*1' to give odd 'I's parity, and a stop ' 1 ' b h . The odd serial interface. The interface will convert the parallel
'I's parity is achieved by choosing a Ό ' or Ί ' for the data to serial data using a U A R T associated with chan­
parity bit to give an odd number of Ί ' bits when the nel 1 and the serial data will pass to the S E L C A L L
parity and eight data bits are added together. This encoder in the channel 1 termination card. The encoder
enables a simple form of error detection check to be will convert the serial data to the necessary S E L C A L L
carried out at the receiving end. The serial data is V F sequential tones which will be passed, together
converted to the FSK signalling format shown in Fig with the transmitter keying frequency of 2970 Hz
8.53 (b) for remote operator controllers. The FSK (originating from the local operator's termination card)
signals comprise a 2295 H z tone for logic zero and a and the CTCSS tone from the channel 1 R C U , to the
2505 Hz tone for logic one. The eleven-bit tone-burst two fixed station transmitters.
is preceded by a synchronising preamble of 40 ms at A 2970 H z detector in each transmitter will switch
2505 Hz. For a control, selection or indication message on the R F transmitters and the S E L C A L L sequential
requiring only one eleven-bit data word, the word is tones and the CTCSS sub-audible tone wih modulate
repeated once and checked for correct reception. For a the R F carrier signal. W h e n the relevant mobile receiver
message which requires more than one eleven-bit word, detects the correct S E L C A L L code, the audio output
the first is repeated once followed by the remaining of that receiver will be unmuted and a call tone heard
eleven-bit words of the message. The last two eleven-bit by the mobile user. The mobile user wih press the
words of the message form a checksum byte, which is mobile press-to-talk (PTT) swhch and reply verbally
used for error detection. with his n a m e or callsign: a sub-audible CTCSS tone
In order to u n d e r s t a n d the general signalling will also be transmitted.
principles adopted for the M87 control system, a typical O n receipt of the correct R F carrier and CTCSS
selection of channel 1 by a controher followed by the tone, either one or both channel 1 fixed station receivers
transmission of a S E L C A L L to a mobile will be wih receive the cah. If both receive the cah, the CTCSS
described. detector in each will lift the mute on the receiver audio
The 'select' button for channel 1 is first pressed on stage and pass the audible speech signals to the voting
the controller. The eleven-bit code is then transmitted equipment. The better signal wih be selected and the
from the controller to the operator's serial interface output of the voted receiver will be connected by the
U A R T . A second U A R T in the serial interface will receive audio pair into the channel 1 termination card
detect the operation of the interface U A R T and pre­ via the receive amphfier in the R C U . At the same time,
pares the relevant parallel data address. On the next an eleven-bh serial data word indicating the voted
scan by the C P U , the data and address will be loaded receiver will be passed from the U A R T to the FSK
on the data and address bus. The C P U will decode the m o d e m in the R C U . T h e FSK tone-burst, eleven-bh
address data, identify the associated operator termina­ word will be decoded by the m o d e m in the channel 1
tion card and decode the data bus message, which will terminating card and an eleven-bit serial data word
confirm that the selection of channel 1 has been m a d e . passed to the channel serial interface, where channel 1
The C P U , via the C M O S highway, will swhch the U A R T will convert it to a parallel data word. Under
multiplexer (MUX) on the addressed operator termina­ control of the C P U , the parallel data word will be
tion card to channel 1 and the M U X on channel 1 passed, via the data bus, to the U A R T associated with
termination card to the operator input, i.e., O P l for operator 1 ( O P l ) in the operator's serial interface.
the local operator controller shown in Fig 8.52. On The U A R T will convert the parallel data to serial
completion of this operation, the 'send audio' high­ data and this will pass via the cable highway to the
way is connected from the local operator's controller local operator controller ( O P l ) , where the voted re­
through the operator termination card, channel 1 ter­ ceiver will be indicated on an L C D display. At the

Telecommunications Chapter 8











A U D I O Rx
2970 Hz PTT






-Π CH2



FIG. 8.52 Radio communications M87 control system — block diagram

same time, the audio reply wih be heard on the loud­ u n h is connected t o the fixed stations, D W T S and the
speaker. PA(B)X by multipair cables.
A similar procedure wih take place for ah controls, The fixed stations can be located in one or more
i.e., by-pass voting selection, talkthrough selection and locations as necessary t o provide good radio cover of
calls to non-selective call mobiles, where the CTCSS the power station. Each fixed station comprises radio
tone will unmute the mobile receivers. transmitters and receivers, one of each per radio
channel in use.
The fixed stations operate in duplex m o d e , i.e.,
8.9.2 Operational description of the Motorola-
they can receive and t r a n s m h simuhaneously. This
Storno CAF2200 system means that a continuous R F carrier is transmitted for
The control system is based on the TE2200 terminal as long as the channel is in use, even when n o speech
unit. The terminal unit comprises interface circuits for is modulating the R F carrier. T h e continuous R F carrier
fixed stations, telephones directly wired to the radio enables handportables a n d mobiles to identify busy
system (DWTS) and PA(B)X tie circuhs. The terminal channels when scanning for a free channel, fohowing a

Radio systems

associated with the terminal u n h . The D W T S use

CHANNEL EQUIPMENT D T M F signalling to operate the terminal unit equipment
and receive standard telephone ringing when called by
the terminal unit.
The D W T S are located at local control points, e.g.,
C C R , works control office and the power station re­
ception desk.
T h e star b u t t o n (*) o n the keyboard is depressed to
obtain a dial tone. The handportable automatically
searches for the first free channel and transmits the
relevant D T M F code (see Fig 8.16 and Fig 8.54).
On receipt of the D T M F code, the TE2200 stores
the dial tone request until the C P U is free to deal
with the call and simultaneously transmits a continuous
carrier to busy the channel. When the C P U is free to
CHANNEL 2 deal with the call request, the TE2200 transmits an idle
(R) tone.
On receiving the idle tone the handportable transmits
CHANNEL 2 its 3-digit D T M F ID to the C P U . The C P U then
repeats the ID back to the handportable in the form of
a SSFC comprising a pulse of idle tone followed by
each of three tones representing the handportable I D .
O n receiving the correct I D , the handportable trans­
mits a pulse of acknowledgement (R) tone and simul­
taneously Unmutes the loudspeaker.
FIXED STATION 2 Receipt of the acknowledge tone by the TE2200
CHANNEL 3 results in a dial tone being sent to the handportable.
The handportable user then keys, on air, the re­
KEY quired mobile or handportable ID or the access code
CTCSS CONTINUOUS TONE CONTROLLED SIGNALLING SYSTEM for the P A B X fohowed by the telephone number in
On receiving the first D T M F tones, the C P U removes
SELCALL SELECTIVE CALL SIGNALLING SYSTEM the dial tone and stores the received code.
UART UNIVERSAL ASYNCHRONOUS If the D T M F ID code is for a handportable or
mobile, the C P U checks that the handportable is not
already engaged on a call. If it is engaged then a busy
FIG. 8.52 (cont'd) Radio communications M87 control
system — block diagram tone is returned to the caller. If not, the C P U sends a
preamble idle (R) tone to alert ah quiescent hand-
portables which are continually scanning the channels
that a n I D is a b o u t t o be transmitted. All handport­
ables lock-on to the channel and receive the subse­
quently transmitted I D . The calling handportable user
also hears the I D which acts as a confidence tone fol­
lowing the keying process.
If the called handportable is switched on and re­
ceives the I D correctly, it acknowledges the cah by
automatically returning an acknowledgement (R) tone.
(b) At the same time the A F section of the handportable
is u n m u t e d and the acknowledgement (R) tone is heard
in the handportable at full volume, i.e., h by-passes
the volume control. This acts as an alerting signal to
FIG. 8.53 M87 control system — serial data format
the user of the called handportable indicating that an
incoming call has been received.
dial tone request being initiated by the user of the O n receipt of the acknowledgement (R) tone, the
mobile or handportable. TE2200 sends a ringing tone which is heard by both
The D W T S have numeric keypads with star (*) and handportables at the volume control setting level which
gate (#) buttons as found on modern p u s h b u t t o n exists at each handportable.
telephones. Four alpha buttons (A to D) are also p r o ­ The called party answers the call by depressing the
vided for use with the special programming fachhies P T T switch.

Telecommunications Chapter 8



J: 1 60 60 60 60 60

; ^ ^ ^ B I L E CALL Ζ




•Θ- R X Y Ζ




FIG. 8.54 Mobile-to-mobile signalling on the Motorola-Storno CAF2200 system

The TE2200 removes the ringing tone, connects the If a handportable user tries to key without waiting for
channel fixed station receiver A F output to the trans­ a dial tone or tries to d o something on the system which
mitter A F input and leaves the channel under the is an incorrect operation, a 'don't do that' cadence of
control of the system timers. tones is transmitted from the TE2200.
If a cah is completed before it is timed-out by the At first the operation of the handportable can be
system timers, each party has to press the gate (#) rather intimidating and people become a little over­
button, which is equivalent to replacing the handset of awed. However, after using the unit for a while most
a telephone, to release the call. people regard it as being similar to a modern telephone.
The system incorporates four system timers:
Group calls
• The channel activity timer circuh monitors the op­
eration of P T T activity on the channel fixed station Two types of group calls are available on the system:
receiver. If no activity is detected for a preset peri­ (a) Hierarchical group calls — these are based on the
od, a warning tone is transmhted which is heard three-digh IDs given to the handportables and
on both handportables. If a P T T is not operated mobiles. T o enter the group call m o d e , the gate (#)
within 10 s then the channel time-out sequence is key is pressed instead of the star (*) key to obtain
initiated, which transmits a time-out sequence of a dial tone.
tones after another 10 s and immediately mutes the
t w o h a n d p o r t a b l e receivers a n d releases t h e • If a single digit is pressed fohowed by another
gate (#), a hundred group is called, i.e., ah
handportables with the same first digit of their
• The system dynamic timer circuit is activated when IDs as the group digh transmitted. For example,
all but one channel are engaged. The timer times- a #4# would call the 400 to 499 group of hand-
out the longest estabhshed call 10 s after first trans­ portables.
mitting a warning tone.
• If two digits are pressed a tens group is called.
• The minimum call timer prevents clear-down by the For example, a #40# would call the 400 to 409
dynamic timer until after a preset minimum period group of handportables.
selected by the customer in the range 1 0 - 6 0 s.
(b) Serial group calls use system number-pools in
• The maximum call timer clears down a call when the which a series of non-related three-digit numbers
dynamic timer is not in operation, after a preselected can be stored. T o send a serial group call the user
period in the range 20 s to 5 minutes. of a D W T , handportable or mobile merely keys-

Radio systems

in the number of the system number-pool followed The fixed station can be switched back to normal by
by the star (*) b u t t o n . sending the relevant telegram from a h a n d p o r t a b l e /
mobile in a similar manner to that used for swhching
Abbreviated dialling to the fall-back m o d e .
The system number-pools can also be used to store
long C T N numbers or short but frequently-used Other advanced features
numbers. Any number in the system number-pool can The system has a number of advanced software-driven
be used for either serial group calls or abbreviated features, some of which could be useful in emergencies.
numbers. These features include:

• Busy number break-in.

Manual port select
To manually select a channel port, the second display • Channel congestion override.
mode of the handportable has to be selected by pressing • Call enquiry and transfer.
the o n / o f f button a second time. This is followed by
pressing the Β button. • Emergency calls to system manager or other desig­
The display changes to a C fohowed by four dashes. nated D W T by keying 00 (without dial tone).
A four-digh security access code has to be keyed-in to • Cah-back when free.
occupy the dashed positions on the display.
The display then changes to C O I indicating that • Abbreviated diahing.
channel 1 has been selected. • Change of h a n d p o r t a b l e I D using the keypad.
If another channel is required, this can be selected by
keying the required channel number and pressing B.
Once in manual select m o d e , the group call or *all 8.10 Handportable radiotelephone
cair facihty can be used and the group of h a n d p o r t ­ transceivers
ables locked-on to the selected channel. This provides
the equivalent of an open channel and by-passes the T h e handportable radiotelephone transceivers (hand-
system timers. portables) used for power station radio systems have
It is envisaged that this facihty will be very useful to comply with the following performance specifica­
during emergencies or during commissioning when an tions of the Radiocommunications Agency of the De­
intricate test sequence is being carried out involving a partment of T r a d e and Industry (DTI):
number of dispersed commissioning engineers. • For frequency modulated (FM), U H F and V H F
equipment — MPT1303 — Performance Speci­
Fixed station fall-back mode fication for Angle modulated V H F and U H F radio
This facility is software-driven in the fixed station. equipment, incorporating integral antennas, for use
It enables a fixed station to be switched to act as a in the Private Mobile Radio Service.
quasi-open channel on talkthrough.
• For amplitude modulated (AM) V H F equipment —
Any handportable or mobile user knowing the ne­
M P T 1304 — Performance Specification for Am­
cessary security access code is able to switch a fixed
plitude modulated V H F radio equipment, incor­
station to this m o d e of operation.
porating integral antennas, for use in the Private
Firstly, the handportable has to be switched to the
Mobile Radio Service.
manual mode of operation to enable the user to m a n ­
ually select the channel to be switched to fall-back • For frequency modulated (FM) V H F and U H F
mode. In the manual m o d e a telegram can be trans­ equipment manufactured to the mobile specification
mitted on the selected channel which switches the chan­ — M P T 1326 — Performance Specification for
nel to talkthrough. Angle modulated V H F and U H F equipment for use
Once the fixed station is switched to the fall-back at fixed and mobile stations in the Private Mobile
mode, it transmits a preamble idle (R) tone to capture Radio Service.
all quiescent handportables and mobiles. This is fol­
lowed by a telegram to switch all the handportables In addition to these requirements, the Joint Radio
and mobiles to the fah-back channel. The handport- Committee (JRC) recommends that the maximum E R P
ables/mobiles then operate in the same manner as a from the handportable be hmited to 0.5 W .
group call where everybody hears and can speak t o For power station radio systems, this recommended
everyone else, i.e., equivalent to open channel operation value of R F power has been found to be too high.
on talkthrough. Control and Instrumentation equipment used in power
The fixed station software repeats the handport- stations is specified to withstand a radio field strength
able/mobile capturing process at regular intervals to of 10 V / m for radio signals in the frequency bands
include newly switched-on radios or those that were between 20 M H z and 500 M H z (CEGB General
out of range during the previous polling transmissions. Specification for Electronic Equipment — E E S 1980).

Telecommunications Chapter 8

Tests, supported by calculations, show that if a Tables 8.5 and 8.6 provide a schedule of antennas of
handportable having an E R P of 0.5 W is held within different manufacture with the approximate gains as
a distance of 0.5 m of sensitive C and I equipment, a specified by the manufacturers. Using these antenna
field strength in excess of 10 V / m is produced (Fig gains, the Κ factor shown in the table for each an­
8.55). tenna has been calculated for both 0.5 W and 1.0 W R F
The variation in field strength given in Fig 8.55 is powers into the antenna. The Κ factor is calculated
due to different antenna gains associated with the dif­ using Equation (8.10) from Section 8.5 of this chapter,
ferent manufacturers. The calculated values are based where Κ = ( 3 0 G t ) T .
on equations, which are only relevant for the far field The electric field strength (E) from an isotropic
region (see Fig 8.12). The far field fohows a short radiator is given by:
transitional region at the end of the near field, which
extends up to one-sixth of the wavelength from the Ε = (30Pt)T/R V/m
antenna. As can be seen from Fig 8.12, inside the near
field region the impedance of the wave changes rapidly where Pt = transmitted power, W
from a constant value of 377 Ω to a high or low wave R = distance from radiator, m
impedance, dependent on the source impedance.
The value of one-sixth of a wavelength for a U H F
For an antenna of gain (Gt) with respect to an isotropic
radio signal of 460 M H z whl be of the order of 0.1 m
radiator, the equation becomes:
which represents the origin of the graphs in Fig 8.55.
These graphs cannot therefore be extrapolated into
the area between the antenna and a distance of 0.1 m Ε = (30GtPt)T/R = Κ (Pt)T/R V/m
from the antenna, because of the rapidly changing wave
impedance. where Κ = (30Gt)T is a constant for a particular an­
tenna arrangement.

For new power station radio systems, the practice is

therefore to restrict the R F power to the handportable
antenna t o 0.5 W . Even with this limhation, some
handportables will exceed the 10 V / m field strength
when operated within 0.3 m . For this reason, even lower
output powers (of the order of 0.05 W) into the an­
tenna are expected to be specified in future t o eliminate
any possibhity of Radio Frequency Interference (RFI)
t o C and I equipment. This lower handportable trans­
mitted output will have to be compensated by use of
distributed fixed station receivers a r o u n d the power
OMNI-DIRECTIONAL station. With distributed fixed stations, power stations
can be almost completely covered by these low R F
signals without risk of interference to C and I equip­
ment. This means that radio cover is not the problem
it once was whhin a large modern power station.
However, the presence of high audible noise in some
areas of the power station is still a problem. Most
AND MOTOROLA WHIP handportables can be used with headsets and noise
STORNO AN864 cancelhng microphones or throat microphones. Unfor­
PHILIPS COIL WHIP tunately, unless staff have t o work continuously in the
HELIFLEX - 25mm noisy environment, they are not prepared to be cluttered
with headsets, microphones, voice-operated switching
boxes and the associated cable leads.
In an attempt to find an alternative, handportables
have been modified for use in power stations by drilling
0.2 0.3 0.5 0.7 1
a small aperture in the lower face of the handportable
which also contains the loudspeaker. A n acoustic tube
-MEASURED RESULTS connects this aperture to a desenshised 'electret'
microphone in the handportable. This enables the
handportable to be held to the ear and operated like
a telephone. A n acoustic transducer fitted t o the hand-
FIG. 8.55 Field strengths from typical handportable
transmitters at short distances, with 0.5 W into
portable produces a 110 dB sound pressure level alerting
the antenna tone on receipt of the correct S E L C A L L code. These

Radio systems


Antenna schedule for transmitter output of 0.5 W

Field strength Distance from antenna

Gain with Effective
respect to radiated At At At
and type of antenna
dipole, dB power, W 0.1 m, 1 m, V/m 10 V/m,mm K = (30Gt)2

Spring heliflex AN 864 - 8 0.079 19 1.9 190 2.79
length 46 mm
Flexible whip AN 865 - 6 0.126 24.5 2.5 260 3.52
length 155 mm

Short heliflex (25 mm) -12 0.03 12 1.2 123 1.76
λ/4 Whip (pencil length) - 6 0.126 24.5 2.5 260 3.52

Coil whip antenna -10 0.05 15.5 1.55 150 2.2
Telescopic antenna (P5000) - 9 0.06 17 1.7 170 2.49

Theoretical 0.5 W ERF

from a 0.5 W handportable 0 0.5 50 5 500 4.97

Philips HP 1AM used in

ERA tests -14 0.02 10 1.4


Antenna schedule for transmitter output of 1 W

Gain with
Manufacture ERP Field strength Distance from antenna
respect to Κ = (30Gt) 2
and antenna type at 1 m For FS = 10 V/m

Spring heliflex AN 864 - 8 dB 0.16 W 2.7 V/m 270 mm 2.79
length 46 mm
Flexible whip AN 865 - 6 dB 0.25 W 3.46 V/m 350 mm 3.52
length 155 mm

Short heliflex (25 mm) - 1 2 dB 0.06 W 1.73 V/m 173 mm 1.76
λ/4 Whip (pencil length) - 6 dB 0.25 W 3.46 V/m 350 mm 3.52

Coil whip antenna - 1 0 dB 0.1 w 2.2 V/m 220 mm 2.2
Telescopic antenna (P5000) - 9 dB 0.125 W 2.4 V/m 240 mm 2.49

Theoretical 0.5 W ERP from - 3 dB 0.5 W 5 V/m 500 mm 4.97

a 1 W handportable

modifications greatly improved the performance of station radio systems have t o comply with the same
the h a n d p o r t a b l e in acoustically noisy areas. performance specifications issued by the Radiocom­
munications Agency of the D T I referred to in the
sections on fixed station transmitters a n d receivers, i.e.,
8.11 Vehicle-mounted radiotelephones M P T 1302 a n d M P T 1326.
The vehicle-mounted radiotelephones used for power A vehicle-mounted radiotelephone comprises:

Telecommunications Chapter 8

• Vehicle boot-mounted transceiver. ducting ground planes of various diameters. The in­
finite ground plane shows a 3 dB gain over a dipole at
• Vehicle dashboard-mounted controller.
zero degrees elevation angle, but any finite ground plane
• Vehicle-mounted antenna. will exhibit a 3 dB loss. The 3 dB gain for an infinite
ground plane is due to the fact that the same field
The transceiver is a robust unit consisting of a re­ is produced by an input voltage of half that required
ceiver, transmitter and control interface. The trans­ by a dipole across an impedance of half that of the
ceiver is connected to the dashboard-mounted controller original dipole.
by a multicore cable which uses a plug and socket It should be noted that the diameter of the ground
arrangement to interconnect the controller and trans­ plane for the 0.5 wavelength case shown in Fig 8.37 (c)
ceiver. The plug and socket are held together using a must be 3.5 m for an operating frequency of 86 M H z
retaining chp. The transceiver is connected to a roof and 0.6 m for 460 M H z . Thus, to obtain the advantages
or boot-mounted antenna by a coaxial cable. The of the ground plane reflection effect, the mounting
coaxial cable is connected to the transceiver by a screw- position of the antenna should be chosen with care.
clamped coaxial connector.
The vehicle dashboard-mounted controller comprises 8.11.2 Noise suppression
a loudspeaker and microphone, with controls for loud­
In order to improve the signal to noise ratio of the
speaker volume, squelch setting of the receiver (this
receiver, it is necessary to suppress any electrical noise
is the muting arrangement which sets the level of R F
from the engine and ancillary electrical equipment.
signal required to hft the A F mute), channel selection
The levels of interference laid down by various coun­
and indicator.
tries are determined by the effect upon receiving equip­
The vehicle antenna is either wing-mounted or roof- ment external to the vehicle, with the receiver located
mounted. The antennas used for power station radio at a predetermined distance from the source. This
systems are usually three-quarter wave for U H F and can resuh in fields within the vehicle being t o o high
five-eighths wave for V H F and the Philips Telecomm for interference-free reception by sensitive equipment.
G X Series of antennas in this range are shown in Figs Therefore, although the vehicle may be adequately sup­
8.56 and 8.57. pressed for a conventional car r a d i o / t a p e player, opera­
tion of communication type equipment in the V H F
8.11.1 Vehicle antennas and U H F bands may require additional suppression.
The efficiency of the quarter wave antenna is dependent Assuming that the vehicle has been fitted with the
on the mounting position, the better position being basic suppression measures, the problem is to find the
the centre of the vehicle roof, which acts as a good optimum location of the proposed receiving equipment
electromagnetic reflecting surface when it is a grounded and ascertaining the area of likely interference. The
metal roof acting as the c o m m o n earth for the vehicle following precautions should be taken:
electrical systems. The metal reflecting surface has the • Antenna position is one of the most important points
effect of adding an electrical image of the antenna to observe during installation. The antenna and coa­
which, for a quarter wave antenna, would produce a xial cable should be as far from the sources of
transmit/receive characteristic equivalent to a half-wave interference as possible. The ground plane of the
antenna (Fig 8.37). The grounded metal roof is referred antenna must not be affected by interference cur­
to as the 'ground plane' of the antenna. rents. Any currents containing noise pulses, either
If the antenna is mounted on a non-metalhc roof, a conducted or induced, flowing in the ground plane
ground plane should be formed by sticking metal foil will cause interference to be fed to the input of the
to the inside of the roof. The metal foh must be bonded receiver.
to the earthed chassis of the vehicle and to the earth
contact of the antenna coaxial cable. Mounting the • Cables for the radio equipment should not be run
antenna on the vehicle wing is a less efficient arrange­ parallel with the electrical cable looms of the vehicle.
ment but may have to be accepted for vehicles with • Particular attention should be paid to the battery
non-metallic roofs. supply for the radio equipment. Additional suppres­
Figure 8.37 (a) shows the effect of placing a conduc­ sion may be necessary.
ting plane between the elements of a dipole antenna
and Fig 8.37 (b) shows the equivalent circuh using a • Offending electrical ancillary equipment on the ve­
conducting plane. This plane is referred to as the hicle will have to be individually suppressed follow­
ground plane for a monopole antenna. Each monopole ing installation of the radio equipment.
has a feed point impedance of half that of the dipole
because the voltage injected is divided between the two For detailed solutions to the various problem areas that
elements of the original dipole. can be experienced, refer to a speciahsed document,
Figure 8.37 (c) shows the free space radiation pat­ such as Phihps Telecom Ltd Engineering Note T S P
terns of quarter wave monopoles over perfectly con­ 427/1 Electrical Noise in M o t o r Vehicles.

Radio systems

RANGE 390-470 MHz


BANDWIDTH 2% for 1.5:1 VSWR
FEEDER 4.5m URM76 ÍRG58 C/U),





448 450 452 454 456 458 460 462 464 466 468
GX450H GX450S

FIG. 8 . 5 6 U H F three-quarter wave vehicle antennas

8.12 Interference problems modulation products which can be produced in any

There are a number of sources of interference which non-hnear impedance, given the right conditions.
have to be taken into account when designing radio One of the possible sources of intermodulation has
systems which use muhiple R F channel operation. been referred to in Section 8.7.1 of this chapter. This
is the output stage of the transmitter. Another can be
the R F input stages or mixer stage of the receiver.
8.12.1 Intermodulation products
As an example of the production of intermodulation,
The most prevalent source of interference is inter­ consider four frequencies a, b , c and d.

Telecommunications Chapter 8

RANGE 140-174 MHz



FEEDER 4.5m URM76 (RG58/C/U) OR URM43


160 162 164 166 168 170


FIG. 8.57 V M F five-eighth wave vehicle antennas

Third order intermodulation products can be pro­ Let a = 456.100 M H z

duced when the frequencies bear the fohowing par­ (Channel 22A fixed station transmh frequency)
ticular relationships to each other:
b = 456.325 M H z
(Channel 27 fixed station transmit frequency)
2 a - b = c or a + b - c = d
c = 456.250 M H z
e.g., Let a = 456.25 M H z (Channel 25A fixed station transmit frequency)
(Channel 25A fixed station transmitter)
b = 456.325 M H z Then a -I- b - c = 456.175 M H z , which is again the
(Channel 27 fixed station transmitter) Channel 24 fixed station transmit frequency.
T o be able to select five channels without any third
Then 2a - b = 456.175 M H z , which is the Channel order intermodulation products being produced, it is
24 fixed station transmit frequency necessary to have 12 regularly spaced (e.g., 25 k H z

Direct w i r e telephone systems

spaced) channels available. Channels 1, 2, 5, 10 and Channel 25A = 456.25 M H z

12 will not give rise to the production of third order
intermodulation products. For the power station U H F Mixer output will produce a difference frequency
band of frequencies, the third order intermodulation = 16.050 M H z or 5.35 M H z
free channels would be Channels 21A, 22, 23A, 26
and 27. Note that 5.35 M H z has a second harmonic of 10.7
The following Table 8.7 shows in greater detail the M H z which could also be produced, albeit at a lower
operating channels having no third order intermodula­ level, in the mixer and passed on to the IF stage.
tion interference. However it should be noted that if Should the allocation of frequency channels to a
fixed stations operate in the duplex m o d e , third order power station m a k e this form of interference possible,
intermodulation could arise when two adjacent fixed then the frequency for the local oscillator would be
stations are transmitting and a handportable on one specified as 472.3 M H z .
of the channels is also transmitting.

9 Direct wire telephone systems
Operating channels having no third order
intermodulation interference 9.1 General details
Required Available Operating channels having no third Discrete direct wire telephone systems (DWTS) are pro­
channels channels order intermodulation interference vided in power stations where direct and reliable means
of speech communication is required between manned
3 4 1, 2, 4 control points and the associated plant locations.
4 7 1, 2, 5, 7 The design of each D W T S takes cognisance of the
5 12 1, 2, 5, 10, 12 following considerations:
6 18 1, 2, 5, 11, 13, 18 • Absolute rehability to ensure continuance of op­
7 26 1, 2, 5, 11, 19, 24, 26 eration when all station supplies are lost.
8 35 1, 2, 5, 10, 16, 23, 33, 35
• Ahernative to the P A X system and other DWTSs
9 46 1, 2, 5, 14, 25, 31, 39, 41, 46 were practicable.
10 62 1, 2, 8, 12, 27, 40, 48, 57, 60, 62
• Cabling between equipment elements to be in short-
time fireproof cable to prolong operation during fire
conditions in locations through which the cables are
Let a = 456.075 M H z routed.
b = 461.575 M H z
• Operation t o be possible when control point or plant
c = 456.100 M H z location equipment has been mis-operated, i.e., tele­
phone handsets not replaced.
Then a -h b - c = 461.550 M H z , which is Channel
• D W T S c o m m o n equipment to be suitable for cubicle
21A mobile transmitter frequency.
or control desk mounting.

8.12.2 H a l f IF i n t e r f e r e n c e
• The D W T S desk-mounted telephone concentrator
panels to have the minimum of equipment mounted
As described in Section 8.7.2 of this chapter on on them (Fig 8.58).
receivers, the first IF of the receiver is 10.7 M H z .
A fixed station operating on Channel 22A will re­ • The equipment and control desk panels are based on
ceive the mobile transmit frequency of 461.600 M H z . modules of 10 D W T S extensions, expandable from
For the fixed station there is a choice of local oscil­ 10 t o 30 extensions. For m o r e t h a n 30 extensions a
lator frequency ( f o ) to mix w h h the received signal to second control desk panel would be provided, ex­
produce a difference frequency of 10.7 M H z : tending the system to 60 extensions m a x i m u m .

= 461.6 + 10.7 = 472.3 M H z For non-nuclear power stations it is the practice of

the C E G B to provide a discrete D W T S radiating from
or = 461.6 - 10.7 = 450.9 M H z
each of the following control points:
Assume that Channel 22A fixed station receives a • Supervisor's desk — CCR.
signal from Channel 25A fixed station transmitter at
• Each u n h control desk — CCR.
456.250 M H z .
• Coal handling control desk — coal transport and
fo = 472.3 M H z or 450.9 M H z stocking area (applicable to coal-fired stations only).

Telecommunications Chapter 8


• • [• • • • • • Q • •





11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ALARM WIRE

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30


FIG. 8 . 5 8 D W T S concentrator panel and telephone handset

The additional DWTSs for nuclear stations are de­ Block diagrams of the two types of D W T S , i.e., with
scribed in Section 14 of this chapter. desk-mounted and cubicle-mounted c o m m o n equip­
The elements of the D W T S are: ment are shown on Figs 8.60 and 8.61.

• C o m m o n equipment for cubicle or desk interior

mounting. 9.2 Connnnon equipment and common
• C o m m o n equipment cubicle (if c o m m o n equipment equipment accommodation
is to be cubicle-mounted) (Fig 8.59). The discrete c o m m o n equipment for each D W T S is
• D W T S telephone concentrator with associated op­ accommodated, where possible, in a single crate which
erator's handset at the manned control point (Fig houses the plug-in modules containing the D W T S
equipment printed circuit boards (PCBs).
There are three types of equipment module:
• Telephones in office locations.
• Module for four D W T S telephone extensions.
• Telephones whh associated audible and visual calling
units at plant locations. • Module for switchboard telephone handset.

• Module for crate alarms and crate power supphes.

• Battery and charger.

• Cabling. A typical D W T S having twenty telephone extensions

• Cable marshalhng cubicle. would require one equipment crate housing:

Direct wire telephone systems

FIG. 8.59 DWTS common equipment cubicle

Telecommunications Chapter 8


20 WAY KEY &







TOA 5 5







FIG. 8 . 6 0 D W T S with desk-mounted common equipment

• Five, 4-DWTS telephone extension modules. 9.3 Plant telephones

• O n e switchboard telephone handset module. D W T S telephones in plant areas are robust, heavy duty,
weatherproof telephones w h h a n associated audible
• O n e alarm a n d power supphes module.
and visual calling unit. Each D W T S telephone point is
electrically connected t o the D W T S c o m m o n equipment
A D W T S having more than thirty telephone exten­ by t w o cable pairs: o n e pair is used for speech a n d
sions would require an additional crate containing the the second pair for signalling. T h e use of t w o pairs
additional telephone extension modules. permhs:

Direct w i r e telephone systems


• 20 WAY KEY &








48V DC






V 2.5 OR 20 PAIR SHORT ^p.'








FIG. 8 . 6 1 D W T S with cubicle-mounted common equipment

Operation of the audible a n d visual calling unit from 9,4 Audible and visual calling units
the D W T S swhchboard when the D W T S telephone
extension handset has not been replaced. The audible a n d visual calling units are multi-purpose
for use with one or t w o of the following telephones;
Audible confirmation at the D W T S switchboard that P A X , P A B X or D W T S , in any combination. The units
the audible a n d visual cahing unit is operating. are powered by 110 V or 230 V secure A C supply.

Telecommunications Chapter 8

The audible device is an electronic sound transducer for use in noisy areas and for hands-free operation.
and the visual device is a rotating beacon. Each telephone and headset is fitted with a connecting
The A C supply voltage is wired to an internal trans­ cord terminated on a four-pole telephone jack plug,
former which provides an isolated 12 V A C supply for having facilities to select either of the one-pair circuits
the beacon lamp and a D C supply (via an internal rec­ when plugged into a four-pole telephone jack socket.
tifier) for the beacon motor and the relay or solid state When point-to-point speech communication is re­
circuit. The D C supply is also used to operate the quired between station locations not on the same com­
audible device when the unit is used with a P A X tele­ m o n speech circuit, then patching cords are used on
phone extension. When used with a D W T S telephone the central patching panel (Fig 8.65) to connect the
extension, the audible device operates from the D W T S unrelated speech circuits together.
common 48 V battery supply via one pair of the tele­ The M C T J S is extensively used during commission­
phone extension two-pair cable, when called from the ing and is also used for operational and maintenance
D W T S telephone switchboard. This ensures that the purposes when the convenience of speech communica­
audible device will also operate in the event of failure tion to provide on-the-spot monitoring and perfor­
of the A C supply to the audible and visual calling unit. mance of equipment is desirable.
The outline of the audible and visual calling unit is The M C T J S also provides useful direct speech links
shown on Fig 8.62 and the schematic diagram on Fig when long-time speech communication is required be­
8.63. tween two or more locations without using other power
station communication systems intended for short-time
speech communication, e.g., the U H F radio system.
9.5 Connnnon equipment location and battery
The D W T S is entirely separate from the P A X system 11 Siren system
and provides an alternative means of speech communi­ A single siren system is provided at non-nuclear power
cation to operational locations. To maximise diversity stations controlled in the station C C R from a manually
and security, the two systems are separately located and operated siren control panel mounted on the super­
separately powered; the P A X in the power station M T R visor's desk. The siren system is used to alert station
is powered by the M T R battery supply, and the D W T S staff regarding emergency conditions which may require
common equipment in the power station A T R is pow­ the total evacuation of either all or part of the power
ered by the ATR battery supply or the associated D W T S station.
power equipment rack (PER) using a recombination A second siren control panel is provided in the gate­
cell 48 V battery. house for alternative operation of the system.
In addition to the siren system, other local emergency
warnings are initiated by 'break glass' or equipment
10 Maintenance and commissioning alarms in localised areas of the stations. Initiation and
telephone jack system operation of local alarms is indicated at the C C R to
make the control engineer aware of the situation.
The maintenance and commissioning telephone jack
The C C R control engineer usually receives verbal
system (MCTJS) permits point-to-point speech com­
information of power station emergencies via the P A X
munication between power station plant and also be­
emergency telephone on his communications desk or is
tween power station plant and the associated control
otherwise alerted by the station plant alarms.
Sufficient sirens are provided to give total coverage
The M C T J S provides conveniently situated speech
of all zones of the station, both internal and external,
facilities direct from power station plant. It is parti­
with due consideration to ambient noise within the
cularly useful during commissioning of the power sta­
power station and the minimising of disturbance to
tion before other speech communication services have
nearby residents.
been provided.
Two-pair circuits radiate from a central patching
panel. Each two-pair circuit provides two speech chan­ 11.1 Station emergency zones
nels paralleled to a number of four-pole telephone
jack sockets mounted on, or near t o , related station For the purpose of the siren system the station is divided
plant which requires occasional point-to-point com­ into eight zones. Any combination of zones may be
munication, for commissioning, testing or operational selected for operation of their sirens or, alternatively,
purposes. Each pair of the two-pair circuit terminates all station sirens may be operated by the *ALL Z O N E S '
at the central patching panel on a separate two-pole control switch.
jack socket (Fig 8.64).
Portable telephones a n d / o r amplified headsets are
11.2 Emergency alarm signals
used with the M C T J S for speech communication be­
tween locations. The amplified headsets are provided Typical emergency alarm signals would be:

Siren system








UJJ ^ ^ ^ ^ = \uj ~[QR^


FIG. 8 . 6 2 D W T S audible and visual calling unit

• Continuous signal mode — (in selected zones or all is shown on Fig 8.67.
station zones); used for 'Station or Zones Evacuate' In addition to the 'siren operate' switches, there is
when personnel are mustered in the open, e.g., fire, a loudspeaker monitor switchable to microphones in
flooding or a b o m b alert when the suspect b o m b is each zone which enables the audible operation of sirens
inside a building. in the selected zone to be checked when a signal has
• Wailing signal mode — (in all station zones); used been inhiated at the control panel.
for a 'Station Incident' when personnel are mustered An alarm display indicates when the power supply to
indoors, e.g., for nuclear or chemical gas release or the sirens a n d / o r siren control equipment has failed. A
b o m b incident when the suspect b o m b is outside a pushbutton switch is provided on the panel to cancel the
building. audible panel alarm after an alarm condition is received
on the display. Another p u s h b u t t o n permits visual test­
• Intermittent short signal mode — is used as the
ing of the alarm display light emitting diodes (LED).
'Emergency over', or other instruction determined
by the Station Manager.
11.3.1 Operation of system f r o m p o w e r station
central control r o o m controller
11.3 Control panels
Operation of the system from the central control room
The C C R supervisor's desk siren system control panel (CCR) is carried out using the pushbuttons and rotary
is shown on Fig 8.66 and the system block diagram switch shown on Fig 8.66. The siren operation wih be

Telecommunications Chapter 8









FIG. 8 . 6 3 DWTS audible and visual calling unit — circuit diagram

automatically cancelled after three minutes, but reoperat- equipment cubicle is located in the A T R . The power
ing the zone switch or turning the *A11 Zones' rotary supply for the equipment cubicle and the power
switch to the 'off position will also cancel the operation. station C C R siren control panel is provided from
the A T R 48 V battery.
11.3.2 O p e r a t i o n of s y s t e m f r o m g a t e h o u s e
• Contactors and sirens The contactor relay coils are
controller operated from the A T R 48 V battery and the si­
Reduced facilities are provided on the gatehouse con­ rens are operated via the contactor contacts from
troller. Only 'All Zones' operation of the sirens is a secure 110 V D C , 250 V D C , 110 V A C or 240 V
possible for 'Station Evacuate', 'Station Incident' and A C power supply. The power supply at each con­
'Emergency Over' signals. tactor is monitored and loss of supply is alarmed
on the power station C C R supervisor's desk siren
control panel.
11.4 Equipnnent cubicle
The system equipment cubicle, connected to the con­ • Gatehouse controller The power supply for the
trol panel by multicore cables, is mounted remote from gatehouse controller is 48 V D C from a discrete bat­
the desk in the auxiliary telecommunications room tery in the gatehouse.
(ATR). The cubicle is the connection point for the
system cables to the siren controller in the station 11.6 Cabling
CCR, to the siren control panel in the gatehouse, to
the siren contactors and to the A T R 48 V D C supply As stated in Section 4.3 of this chapter, the cabling for
distribution board. the siren system is in short-time fireproof cable to
maintain the availability of the cable if fire occurs in
the areas through which the cable passes. The cables
11.5 Power supplies radiate from a cable terminating cubicle mounted ad­
• Equipment cubicle and CCR control panel The jacent to the equipment cubicle in the A T R .

Siren system
Telecommunications Chapter 8

The C C R supervisor's desk will have panel space for


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 • Two telephone concentrator panels (for concentrat-

ing telephone circuits o n t o one panel) with plug-
GROUP 1 in pendant telephone handsets.
• One BT ex-directory, out-of-area exchange line
G" 'G
Ho >Η • Two P A B X telephone extensions, one having night
service transfer facilities.
K° »K
Lo »L
• One pendant telephone to off-site emergency services.
Mo oM
No oN
• One non-busy emergency P A X telephone circuh hav-
GROUP 3 Oo »0 ing digital display of the telephone number of each
CIRCUITS po »P cahing P A X telephone.
Qo »Q
Ro • One station siren control panel with loudspeaker for
S° °S
To °T
monitoring the operation of sirens in each zone of
GROUP 4 Uo "U the power station.
Wo oW
• One radio system controller, having access to all
Xo oX channels of the station U H F personal radio systems.
Í Í ι ιI ι ι
icOMMONING Ζ • One radio paging controller.
Ϊ Iί
ΐ ΐ
SOCKETS BB 0 o ΒΒ • One grid control emergency V H F radio controller.
ι ί¿ce
CC 1
DO 1! DD
• One D W T S switchboard.
1 ¡
• One grid control telegraph for receiving visual in-
PATCHING PANEL structions from the grid system control.
• One actual load display and grid control instructed
HIGHWAY 1 load display for each generator.
• One civil defence warning receiver (where specified).

• Visual display units (VDUs) for station services trans-

mission, etc.
The two telephone concentrators provide duplicated ac-
cess to P A X telephone extension circuits, P A B X tele-
phone extension circuits (when the concentrator is Bri-
tish Approvals Board for Telecommunications (BABT)
FIG. 8.65 Layout of M C T J S central patching panel
approved), grid control telephone extension circuits
and also M C T J S circuits. A waiting amplifier with loud-
speaker is provided on each concentrator to permit
12 Central control room supervisor's
incoming telephone calls to be heard without using the
desk telephone handset. Each telephone concentrator is pow-
The power station central control room (CCR) super- ered by a separate 48 V battery supply to reduce the
visor's desk is the main location in the power station probability of simultaneous loss of both concentrators.
from which station operation is controlled. Secure and ahernative A C supplies are provided for
Reliable and ahernative means of speech communi- desk equipment operating on A C to reduce the pro-
cation are required from the supervisor's desk to all bability of simultaneous loss of equipment.
power station locations, to station roving staff, to the
grid system control centre, to the public emergency
services and to the P S T N . Reliable means of alerting 13 Nuclear power station requirements
all station staff are required from the supervisor's desk
when station emergencies occur. Control and instru-
13.1 Specific r e q u i r e m e n t s f o r n u c l e a r
mentation equipment to provide visual information of
power station performance and visual information/
instruction of system operation requirements is also Nuclear power stations require telecommunication
installed on the supervisor's desk. equipment and services additional to that required for

Nuclear p o w e r station requirements







ZONE 1 -
ZONE 3 -
ZONE 4 -
ZONE 5 -
ZONE 6 -
ZONE 8 -






FIG. 8.66 Siren system — central control room controller

fossil-fuel power stations. Telecommunication systems Nuclear power stations have emergency centres which
must be adequate to cater for postulated non-nuclear are brought into operation during nuclear emergencies
and nuclear emergencies which may arise during the on the site and require access to telecommunication sys­
working hfe of the power station. tems. These are detailed in Section 13.4 of this chapter.
Provision of telecommunications facilities and serv­
ices in the nuclear areas is often difficult because of
their physical isolation from the conventional plant 13.2 Public address systems
areas of the power station. Radio communication, It is current C E G B policy to provide a pubhc address
which is required in all areas of the station, presents system in new nuclear power stations but not in new
particular problems because of the civil construction non-nuclear power stations. A duplicated pubhc ad­
of the nuclear areas including steel-reinforced concrete, dress system is provided for nuclear power stations
steel containment of equipment and the tunnels. because it is essential to acquaint all on-site personnel

Telecommunications Chapter 8







FIG. 8 . 6 7 Siren system — block diagram

immediately of action to be taken should a nuclear also for operation of the sirens via the siren system
emergency occur. A duphcated pubhc address system, described elsewhere), the power station is divided into
having parallel operation of both separate systems, eight internal zones and one external zone. This faci­
ensures maximum availability of equipment and should lity may be used to minimise interference by public
provide good overall intelhgibility of verbal instruction address messages in zones of the power station not
and alarm tones in all areas of the power station. The affected.
loudspeakers of each separate system are interspaced,
each system providing total cover of all locations,
13.2.2 Controllers
thereby ensuring total station cover if either system
fails. There are two auxihary telecommunication rooms The public address system at a typical A G R power
(ATRs) for a two-reactor nuclear power station. The station is controlled from:
equipment cubicles for each pubhc address system are
• The C C R supervisor's desk.
located in separate ATRs to minimise the possibihty
of loss of both systems in the event of a local fire. • The Emergency Control Centre (ECC).
In locations where the ambient noise level can vary • The Emergency Indications Centre (EIC).
from high to low, such as the turbine hah where noise
level depends on whether or not the turbine-generators • The power station telephone operator/receptionist.
are running, noise volume sensors monitor the ambient
noise level and remotely adjust the volume of the pubhc The E C C is staffed during a nuclear emergency to take
address amphfiers serving the location to the appro­ over executive control of the emergency, leaving the
priate level. C C R to carry on controhing the operation of the power
Fachhies are provided to check the individual opera­ station a n d / o r shutdown of the reactor(s). The E I C is
tion of the large number of loudspeakers. This is done staffed to supervise the shutdown of the reactor(s) in the
by selecting the loudspeaker omnibus circuits to be event of the transfer of control, during an emergency,
tested and transmitting a 'click' sound on the circuit. from the C C R .
The audible operation of each loudspeaker on the cir­ The E I C has indications of the reactor status but
cuit may then he checked. no direct reactor controls.
When the station siren system is operated, the public Each controller has a hands-free microphone and
address system whl enhance the siren sound by a si­ may broadcast to any or all zones by the operation of
mulated siren sound generated in the public address appropriate zone switch, or to all locations by opera­
system control equipment, which is triggered and syn­ tion of the 'Ah Zones' switch (Fig 8.69). A m o n h o r
chronised by signals from the associated station siren loudspeaker on each controller, relays messages ori­
system. Figure 8.68 shows the block diagram of a ginating from any of the other controhers and the in­
nuclear power station duplicated public address system. dication lamps also light to show the zone of the power
station to which the broadcast is being transmitted.
Each zone switch has three positions, i.e., off/speak
13.2.1 Power station zones n o r m a l / s p e a k emergency, the last named position gen­
For the purpose of public address broadcasting (and erates an 'emergency' signal to precede the message.

Nuclear p o w e r station requirements








FIG. 8.68 Public address system duplicated for a nuclear power station — block diagram

Each controher operates on 110 V A C uninterrupted pohcy to provide a duphcated siren system for nu­
power supplies. clear power stations because it is essential to acquaint
all on-site personnel immediately of action to be taken
13.2.3 Common equipment should a nuclear emergency occur at the station. A
duplicated siren system, having paraheled operation of
The equipment of each public address system is lo­
both separate systems ensures maximum availability of
cated in a different A T R from hs associated duphcated
equipment to provide good overall coverage of all areas
system to minimise the risk of loss of both systems.
of the power station. The sirens of each separate system
Each system is connected to a different 240 V A C diesel-
are interspaced, each system providing total coverage
backed supply.
of all locations thereby ensuring total cover of the
Each c o m m o n equipment comprises a control cubicle
power station in the event of the failure of either system.
containing equipment to interface with the controllers,
The equipment cubicles of each siren system are located
level and tone controls, pre-amplifiers, etc. Other cu­
in separate A T R s in a similar way to the public address
bicles contain the 100 W amphfier modules (or other
system to minimise the loss of both siren systems in
u n h power size) to power the 50 V or 75 V hues of the
the event of a local fire. Figure 8.71 shows the block
loudspeaker distribution network. A cubicle is also used
diagram of the system.
to terminate ah the loudspeaker distribution cabhng.
Each amphfier module has a volume control, tone
control and output indicating device or meter for 13.3.1 S i r e n signals
individual adjustment. Figure 8.70 shows a typical lay­ In areas of very high ambient noise, the siren sound
out of the control cubicle and amphfier cubicles. is supplemented by discrete beacons to indicate the
particular siren signal.
13.2.4 Loudspeakers Three siren signals are generated by the system:
Loudspeakers are re-entrant, unidirectional or bidirec­ • Continuous signal m o d e (with operation of asso­
tional, cabinet or ceihng type to suit the local conditions. ciated red beacons)
'Station or Zone Evacuate'
This signal is used for fire, flood or b o m b alert when
13.3 Siren systems the suspected b o m b is located indoors. Personnel
As with the station public address system, it is C E G B muster at o u t d o o r muster stations.

Telecommunications Chapter 8





SYSTEM 1 2 3 4


5 6 7


ALL )l




FIG. 8 . 6 9 Public address system controller panel layout — duplicated for a nuclear power station

Wailing signal mode (with operation of associated This signal is an option available for use as deter­
yellow beacons) mined by the Station Manager.
'Station Incident'
This signal is used for radiation gas release, chlorine 13.3.2 Controllers
gas release or b o m b alert when the b o m b is located
outdoors, e.g., in a car parking area. Personnel The siren system at the most recent nuclear power
muster at indoor muster stations. station is controlled from:
• The supervisor's desk in the C C R .
Intermittent short period on signal mode
'All Clear or Stand-down' • The E I C communication desks.

Nuclear p o w e r station requirements

FIG. 8 . 7 0 Public address system — layout of equipment cubicles — duplicated for a nuclear power station

Telecommunications Chapter 8


FIG. 8 . 7 1 Siren system — duplicated for a nuclear power station

The CCR supervisor's desk controher has facihties the power supplies to the siren contactors and sirens
for sounding the continuous signal (for *Zone Evacuate' in the same area are from different sources to minimise
at nuclear stations) in any or all of the eight zones of the risk of simultaneous loss of both systems.
the power station, with audible monitoring of the siren
13.4 Emergency telecommunications
The CCR supervisor's desk controller also has faci­
lities for operating all power station sirens by operating 13.4.1 Nuclear incident
the 'All zones' switch to 'Station Evacuate' (continuous
A nuclear incident at a nuclear power station would
signal) and 'Station Incident' (warbling signal). The
be reported to the C C R . The supervisor's desk in
controller panel layout is shown on Fig 8.72.
the C C R becomes the focal point in deahng whh the
The controller in the E I C can divert the control of
initial stages of the emergency. Action would be taken
the power station sirens to the E I C by operating a
from the supervisor's desk to initiate the emergency
switch on the E I C controller. An indication that the
procedures and to inform ah on-site personnel of
control has been transferred is given on the supervi­
the incident. The external emergency services are also
sor's desk controller. Only the 'Ah zones' 'Station
Evacuate' and 'Station Incident' signals can he initiated
The C C R fohows the nuclear incident procedures
from the E I C controller.
until the on-she E C C is staffed and operational to take
over control of the situation, thereby releasing the C C R
13.3.3 Common equipment to concentrate on the operational aspects of the plant
The common equipment of each system, in a d d h i o n to unaffected by the incident.
being located in a different A T R , is also connected to Telecommunication services are diverted from the
a different 48 V battery supply from that of hs asso­ power station to each emergency centre as it is activated.
ciated duplicated system to minimise the simultaneous
loss of both systems due to a common m o d e failure. 13.4.2 E m e r g e n c y control centre (ECC)
All C E G B nuclear stations have an E C C which is usu­
13.3.4 Cabling and p o w e r supplies ally located in the administration building. The E C C
The cabling of each siren system is segregated and is equipped with telecommunication equipment which

Nuclear p o w e r station requirennents




7— - 2



5 4





2 2

FIG. 8 . 7 2 Siren system — C C R controller panel layout — duplicated for a nuclear power station

is activated when the E C C is staffed during a nuclear 13.4.3 District survey laboratory (DSL)
incident and the telecommunication services serving A h C E G B nuclear power stations have a district survey
the power station are diverted to the E C C when it is laboratory (DSL), which is a separate building either
operational. The E C C provides co-ordination with the within the site b o u n d a r y or within a radius of 1.6 km
emergency services and takes over this responsibility of the power station. The main function of the DSL
during the incident to enable power station staff to is to house the nuclear health physics laboratory of
concentrate on deahng with the incident itself. the power station. It controls routine health physics

Telecommunications Chapter 8

sampling checks of the surrounding area and analyses Authority (UKAEA), who would be involved during
the samples brought in during routine checks. an emergency. The V H F channel would enable com­
The DSL also serves as a secondary emergency munication with the U K A E A vehicles. Control of the
control centre (SECC) should it not be possible to use nuclear channels would be available from the CCR,
the E C C in the event of fire or nuclear heahh hazard: E C C , and the DSL. Additionahy the C C R and E C C
facilities exist to divert emergency telecommunication would have access to the C E G B Grid Control emer­
facilities to the DSL from the E C C . gency V H F channel.
During a nuclear incident when the E C C is opera­ The arrangement of the V H F fixed stations and
tional, nuclear heahh physics staff would occupy the V H F fixed station controllers is shown on Fig 8.74.
DSL and provide assistance to the E C C as required.
If there are two nuclear power stations on the same
site, each station would have its own E C C but would 14 Pumped-storage power station
use a common DSL for both normal health physics requirements
work and for nuclear emergency services. A pumped-storage power station having electricity
generating plant and E H V transforming plant under­
13.4.4 Operations support centre (OSC) ground presents problems in providing good communi­
cation throughout the power station. The telecommuni­
In a nuclear emergency, an off-site operations support
cation speech systems provided for a pumped-storage
centre (OSC) is activated. The purpose of the O S C is
station are influenced by the constraints of the station
to provide a focal point for the dissemination of in­
location and design. The systems outlined in this sec­
formation in respect of the nuclear incident to the
tion are based on those provided to meet the needs
general pubhc and the media at a location remote from
of a C E G B 1800 M W pumped-storage power station
the power station, thus minimising the nuisance and
at Dinorwig, North Wales, where the main plant is
disruption in the area surrounding the power station
located in a cavern created inside a mountain, the com­
due to the public and media seeking information and
position of which is largely slate.
interfering with the mobihty of the emergency services.
Telecommunications cover, particularly for speech
The police and other nominated services would also be
communication, is required in the internal and external
in attendance at the OSC.
areas of the power station which basicahy are:
Telecommunication services, including an on-site
P A B X are brought into service at the O S C . Designated • Underground plant areas (including access and inter­
telecommunications circuits serving the power station connecting tunnels, 400 kV switching station and
and the station emergency telecommunication centres 400 kV cable tunnel).
(ECC, DSL, etc.) are diverted to the O S C to provide
• External upper water reservoir area and tunnels.
direct telecommunication circuits to the BT P S T N ,
the emergency services, to C E G B national emergency • External lower water reservoir area and external
centres and also to the power station. administration building.
A block diagram of the circuits for providing tele­
• External roads to reservoirs and gauging stations.
communications services during a nuclear incident at a
power station site is shown on Fig 8.73.
Sufficient diversity of telecommunications systems and
equipment is provided to enable telecommunications
13.4.5 Radio services f o r a n u c l e a r e m e r g e n c y
facilities to be available during any credible failure of
On-site UHF radio During a nuclear emergency, good plant, including loss of all electricity supplies within the
speech radio communication is required to and between underground areas of the power station.
roving emergency staff on the power station site. T o Possible rises of earth potential between discrete
enable this to be provided by the U H F radio system, the areas of the power station, during faults on the 400 kV
control of one or more of the power station operations electrical system at Dinorwig, were likely to be high
or maintenance radio channels is taken over for such because of the slate enclosure of the power station:
emergency use. therefore the telecommunication circuits connecting the
discrete areas of the station were fitted with isolation
Off-site VHF radio The two V H F channels allocated barriers. In a d d h i o n , the postulated rise of earth p o ­
for nuclear purposes will be actively used during an tential during the above condition between the power
emergency. One channel is used to communicate with station and the local village (within the boundary of
handportables carried by nuclear emergency staff who which was the BT telephone exchange serving the power
may be operating on the power station site or off-site. station) was high as a resuh of the slate composition
V H F mobile radios fitted into power station vehicles of the locality. All telecommunication circuits were
will also use this frequency. therefore fitted with isolation barriers (see Fig 8.7) to
The second of the two V H F channels is a nuclear minimise the transfer of the rise of earth potential to
'general channel' which is used by other nuclear organ­ the off-site BT telephone cables serving the power
isations, such as the Unhed Kingdom Atomic Energy station.

P u m p e d - s t o r a g e p o w e r station requirements



FIG. 8.73 Nuclear power station on-site emergency telecommunication circuits to off-site locations

The various telecommunications systems provided • Siren system.

at Dinorwig are hsted below:
• Grid system operations telecommunications system.
• Private automatic branch exchange (PABX).
• Private automatic exchange ( P A X ) . 14.1 Private autonnatic branch exchange
• Radio paging system. The P A B X in the above-ground station administra­
• Radio system. tion building provides telephone communication fa­
cihties and access to the BT P S T N and also access
• Sound-powered telephone systems.
to the BT P S T N for a hmited number of locations
• Maintenance and commissioning telephone jack in the underground areas of the power station. The
system. P A B X provides the same fachities as for a conven-

Telecommunications Chapter 8


240V 240V (3 CHANNEL)
• A.C. A.C.

1 1


FIG. 8.74 V H F radio fixed stations and controllers for a nuclear power station

tional power station, as detailed in Section 6 of this Radio paging coverage of all power station areas,
chapter. and the roads to the external power station locations,
is provided by overlaying the radio paging signals on
two channels of the power station three-channel radio
14.2 Private automatic exchange system and taking advantage of the extensive antenna
The P A X provides general telephone communication system of the power station radio system detailed below.
to ah areas of the underground locations and the
above-ground external areas of the power station not
requiring access to the BT P S T N . The P A X provides 14.4 Personal radio system
the same facihties as for a conventional power station, The personal radio system uses seven fixed stations.
as detahed in Section 5 of this chapter. Each fixed station has one or two radio channels to
Ten nominated P A X telephones located at impor­ provide speech communication, between the controllers
tant operational locations, in addition to having nor­ in the C C R and the station administration building,
mal P A X facihties, have the option of directly calling to roving station staff in all external/internal areas of
a 10-way direct wired telephone switchboard on the the power station and along roads to external station
communications desk in the CCR by the operation of locations where handportable radiotelephones a n d / o r
a pushbutton on the telephone. The communications vehicle-mounted radiotelephones are used. The 400 kV
desk may also directly call any, or all, of the nominated switching station and 400 kV tunnel radio system use
P A X telephones from the 10-way direct wired tele­ one fixed station controlled from a controller in the
phone swhchboard. The facility operates independently 400 kV switching station and from the C C R . The system
of P A X and is available for use when the P A X is out operates on V H F midband and is amplitude modulated.
of service. This facihty provides a dual-purpose limited
direct wire telephone system.
14.4.1 Antenna system
The antenna system for the multichannel radio system
14.3 Radio paging system comprises approximately 9 km of radiating cable (leaky
The radio paging system generally provides the same feeder) supplemented by conventional antennas, which
facilities as for conventional power stations, as detailed provides cover for the labyrinth of tunnels and rooms
in Section 7.3 of this chapter. in the underground areas of the power station. Con-

P u m p e d - s t o r a g e p o w e r station requirements

ventional antennas are used for the large volume areas Combining points (points at which lengths of ra­
of the station such as the machine hall, the under­ diating cables are connected together in a *tee' or
ground 400 kV switching station and the external 'through' arrangement), have tee units (power sphtters)
areas. The radiating cable is routed to provide op­ or through-connectors provided to facilitate the loca­
timum coverage with minimum attenuation in the con­ tion of cable fauhs. Loops in the cable at these points
fined areas of the power station. Heated antennas are provide the spare cable necessary for repair and re-
used at the power station reservoir at the top of the termination of the cable. The radiating cable combining
mountain to minimise icing problems during winter. point for the machine hall base station is shown on
10 kV, 50 Hz isolating filters are inserted in the Fig 8.75.
coaxial cable connections to the radiating cable/antenna The radiating cable in the underground areas (ex­
network at each fixed station to protect the radio equip­ cluding the 400 kV switching station and 400 kV cable
ment from damage by a rise of earth potential or tunnel) is used both for the operations channel and
induced 50 Hz voltage, which could result during a the maintenance channel.
fault on the power station electrical system. At each fixed station location, the radiating cable
The radiating cable has a flame-retardant sheath to terminates on a duplexer to separate the transmitted
reduce fire propagation if fire affects the areas through and received signals: the transmitted signals are routed
which the cable is routed. to the duplexer via a combiner (which combines the

FIG. 8.75 Dinorwig power station radio system — radiating cable combining point

Telecommunications Chapter 8

fixed station two-channel transmitter outputs) and the of channel 2 sited at the high altitude upper water
received signals are connected via a combining amplifier reservoir.
to the two fixed station receivers (Fig 8.76).
• Radio channel 3 Transmission channel, covering
the underground 400 kV switching station and 400
ANTENNA ANTENNA kV cable tunnel.

RADIATING CABLE I J The fixed equipment operates from 110 V A C guaran­

teed supplies (battery backed).
DUPLEXER A block diagram of the radio system is shown on
Fig 8.77.

14.4.3 Handportable radiotelephones

Two-channel handportable radiotelephones (handport­
ables) are provided for use on the operations and main­
tenance channels and single-channel handportables for
use on the transmission channel only. In accordance
with C E G B regulations, the maximum output of the
handportable is 0.5 W effective radiated power ( E R P ) .

FIG. 8 . 7 6 Dinorwig power station, connection of fixed 14.4.4 Controllers

stations to radiating cables — block diagram
The system has four controllers, w h h channel alloca­
tion in accordance with their function, as shown in
14.4.2 Radio channels Table 8.8.
Three radio channels are used at Dinorwig power Each controher has facihties t o :
station. These are hsted below, together with their func­ • Monitor the status and alarms of the fixed stations.
tion and area of cover.
• M o m t o r the use of the system by other controllers.
• Radio channel 1 Operations channel (covers under­
ground, external administration building, external • Select and monitor each radio channel.
lower reservoir area). • Control the use of talkthrough for each radio chan­
• Radio channel 2 Maintenance channel (cover as nel monitored (to enable handportables on the same
channel 1), but with facilities to extend to the upper radio channels to speak to one another).
water reservoir when mobile staff are working or • Interconnect radio channels.
travelling t o / f r o m the upper water reservoir. This
• Broadcast on all radio channels.
is to minimise the broadcasting of station radio
traffic over a wide external area from the antenna • By-pass receiver voting control on each radio channel.


Personal radio system controllers — channel allocation

Location channel Areas covered

Reception desk 1 and 2 Underground areas

(Station administration
building) 2 Upper water reservoir

400 kV switching station

station and cable tunnel

Supervisor's desk 1 and 2 Underground areas

(Central control room)
2 Upper water reservoir

Unit desk 400 kV switching station

and cable tunnel

(Central control room) 400 kV switching station

and 400 kV cable tunnel

400 kV switching station

Pumped-storage p o w e r station requirements




1/3/2/2* CHANNELS



1 AND 2 1 AND 2 1 AND 2





1 AND 2

1/3/2/2* 1/3/2/2*





FIG, 8.77 Dinorwig power station radio system — block diagram

• Provide loudspeaker, microphone or, alternatively, Fixed station transmitters 1-6 operate in the quasi-
handset operation. synchronous m o d e (synchronising of transmitter fre­
• Provide indications that the fixed station is trans­ quencies t o prevent generation of audible interference
mitting and modulating. by two signals of the same frequency but different
phase) to minimise mutual interference in areas of
transmitter overlap.
14.4.5 Fixed stations
Receiver voting techniques are included in the scheme
Fixed station details are hsted in Table 8.9. which routes the best received signal from a trans-

Telecommunications Chapter 8


Details of fixed station

Fixed station
No Channels Antenna system Cover

transformer hall
Radiating cable only
1 and 2 Underground plant
Underground starting
3 areas and tunnels
equipment house

Underground machine Radiating cable and

hall antennas

Administration building,
External roof-mounted
5 Administration building 1 and 2 lower reservoir and off-
site roads

External roof-mounted
Upper water reservoir Upper water reservoir
6 2 antennas and radiating
equipment room and off-site roads

Underground 400 kV Radiating cable and 400 kV switching station

7 3
switching station antennas and 400 kV cable tunnels

mitting handportable to the controller monitoring the however, improves the quality of received speech. The
channel. The fixed station receiver voting facility will calling signal from a telephone is generated by a hand-
switch from one fixed station receiver to another on cranked generator mounted in the telephone. The
receipt of a stronger signal when a transmitting handpor­ received calhng signal operates a hooter mounted in the
table moves from one fixed station receiving area to telephone.
The c o m m o n equipment cubicle, used by all systems, 14.5.1 System 1 - 400 k V c a b l e t u n n e l s y s t e m
is located in the underground machine hall and is the
focal point of the system. A h fixed stations and control This system is provided for operational and main­
units have direct circuits, albeit via 50 Hz isolation tenance use. A telephone is fitted at each of the 400 kV
equipment if necessary, to the c o m m o n equipment. cable joint bays, the locations at which repair work may
Most circuits between the c o m m o n equipment be carried out.
cubicle, the fixed stations and the controllers, are routed All of the telephones in the cable tunnel are con­
via dedicated short-time fireproof multipair cables nected via discrete 25 kV isolation transformers to a
which provide a minimum of 20 minutes security of c o m m o n four-pair cable for parallel operation. The
operation at 1000°C in the event of a fire along the cable four-pair cable is extended to the sound-powered
route. The circuits to the remote fixed station at the telephone equipment in the 400 kV switching station
location of the upper reservoir, however, are routed via but electrically isolated from the tunnel by 25 kV iso­
pairs in a C E G B pilot cable between the telecommuni­ lation transformers.
cations r o o m and the upper water reservoir equipment T h e system equipment in the 400 kV switching station
room. is powered from a 48 V battery supply for security of
operation, which is converted to 110 V A C for trans­
mission via the tunnel isolation transformers to all the
14.5 Sound-powered telephone systems telephones in the 400 kV cable tunnel, where it is then
Two separate sound-powered telephone systems are converted t o 24 V A C . However, should the power fah,
provided at Dinorwig, which wih operate if all electri­ the system will function in the sound-powered m o d e .
city supphes in the underground plant areas and tunnels A selector switch o n each telephone enables the tele­
are lost. phone user to ring either all tunnel telephones and the
One system is provided for use in the 400 kV cable telephone in the transmission district engineer's office
tunnel and the other primarily for use between the in the 400 kV switching station or the power station
above-ground station gatehouse and the underground C C R . A call initiated from the power station C C R
areas, should other communication systems fail. T h e supervisor's desk wih call all tunnel telephones and the
telephones, being dual purpose, are able t o work with transmission district engineer's office in the 400 kV
or without a power supply. Use of a power supply. switching station.

Construction site telecommunications

14.5.2 System 2 — power station emergency years and must provide adequate telecommunication
telephone system services during this period. The telecommunications
must satisfy the requirements for C E G B staff, con­
This emergency system is provided so that in the event
sultants, and contractors.
of a total or partial loss of communication between
For a 2000 M W station, the number of personnel on
the above-ground areas and the lower works, com­
site during the peak of the construction period rises
munication may be maintained with the above-ground
to over 3500. The provision of telecommunications
gatehouse from sound-powered telephones in the under­
services for a construction site requires adequate con­
ground areas of the power station.
sideration well in advance of the arrival on she of the
The system comprises a master station at the gate­
C E G B construction staff and contractors carrying out
house with separate circuits to a maximum of 17
the prehminary site works.
telephones (one at the supervisor's desk in the C C R and
Discussions take place at an early stage with British
the remainder in the underground works). A cable
Telecom (BT) to advise them of the estimated total
termination box is provided at the gatehouse, where all
public service telephone network (PSTN) requirements
circuits to the underground telephones may be diverted
and other BT-provided telecommunications services
to a local emergency control point should a serious
to satisfy the:
underground emergency occur.
This system is simhar to that provided for the 400 kV • Construction site requirements.
cable tunnel except that three pairs only are required • Power station requirements.
to each telephone as only one location, i.e., the
gatehouse, is to be called. • Grid switching station requirements.

These requirements all overlap during the construction

14.6 Maintenance and commissioning period.
telephone jack system As m a n y of the new power station sites are in rural
areas, BT often have to reinforce their existing networks
This system is provided for point to point speech com­ to provide adequate and rehable access to carry the
munication from portable telephones and portable combined telecommunications traffic generated by the
headsets as detailed in Section 10 of this chapter, and construction site, power station and grid switching
has similar circuit patching facilities in a central station. BT is requested to provide to the construction
patching cubicle located in the underground plant areas. site a 200-pair of fibre optic cable for initial require­
ments, plus access to another cable for a small number
of circuits, to provide an alternative for emergency
14.7 Siren system
circuhs should the main 200-pair cable fail.
This system is simhar to the siren system detailed in BT is also advised of the segregation requirements
Section 11 of this chapter, except that the areas of the for the power station telecommunication circuits in its
power station are not zoned for discrete operation of off-site cable routes.
sirens in a particular zone. The siren operation is heard
in all areas of the station. For this siren system, three
unambiguous signals are provided: 15.2 On-site telephone cable duct network
• Station evacuate — continuous sound.
15.2.1 General requirements
• Station alert — wailing sound.
A network of on-site telephone cable ducts is needed to
• Stand down — short continuous sound fol­ satisfy the constantly changing requirements of the site
lowed by a preset silence, then during the construction period and also the final needs
repeated until swhched off. of the power station and grid swhching station (if
The system is controhed from the underground C C R The on-site cable duct network must be connected to
and also above ground from the gatehouse. The the access points of the off-site segregated BT telephone
gatehouse siren controher has a facihty to monitor the cable routes serving the site. The on-site network must
audible operation of the sirens from a microphone in be designed to continue the physical segregation of duct
the underground transformer hall. routes to all permanent power station locations which
require segregated routes to the BT off-site telephone
15 Construction site telecommunications G o o d access from the cable duct network is required
into the main Construction Site Office, which is the
focal point of all telecommunication services for the
15.1 Initial requirements for British
construction site. The incoming off-site BT telephone
Telecom services to site cables terminate in the construction she office and
A construction site could be active for a number of telephone cables radiate to distribution points through-

Telecommunications Chapter 8

out the she for connection to the dispersed contractors Construction Site Office which, as previously stated, is
offices and working areas. the focal point for the site telephone cables to con­
The on-site requirements for telecommunications tractor's offices and working areas.
services to the contractor's premises is high and to The P A B X belongs to the C E G B and the use of the
some extent unpredictable. Provision must be made for P A B X and the cabling to the contractor's premises is
adequate access to the site telecommunication serv­ provided by the C E G B as a free site service. O n - s i t e
ices, as required, during the construction period. Flexi­ only' telephone calls are also provided as a free site
bility to respond to all foreseeable requests during service. The contractors pay for the telephone equip­
the construction period is important. The provision of ment on their premises and also pay for ah their outgo­
ducts throughout the site enables additional multipair ing telephone calls to off-site locations, via the P S T N .
a n d / o r fibre optic cables to be routed where required. The extent of use of the P A B X telephone services by
Some contractor's working areas are re-occupied during the contractor and the costs for which the contractor is
the construction period and their needs may be com­ responsible in respect of their use are detailed in his
pletely different from the previous occupiers. Further­ contract document.
more, legislation affecting telecommunication services The P A B X wih nowadays be a modern S P C tele­
is evolving which sometimes requires alterations to phone exchange, as described in Section 5 of this chap­
existing telephone cabhng. It is not easy to reinforce, or ter, having connections to the BT P S T N and the C E G B
change, telephone cable routes on a construction site C T N , and with facilities for connection to the remote
which could involve unplanned excavation or (as in the main offices of the she major contractors. Route-
past) the temporary provision of poles and overhead barring arrangements on the P A B X will restrict P A B X
lines, which are subject to damage by mobile cranes. telephone extensions from gaining access to direct lines
Underground duct routes of one, two and four 100 to C E G B or contractor's remote locations, if a particu­
m m P V C ducts connecting into heavy duty carriageway lar P A B X telephone extension user is not permitted by
boxes are provided. Carriageway boxes with robust current telecommunications legisladon to use them.
removable covers ensure immunity from damage by P A B X telephone extensions restricted to on-site tele­
contractor's loaded vehicles. The provision of strate­ phone calls only wih be barred from access to the PSTN,
gically placed carriageway boxes and adequate spare C T N and other off-site telecommunication circuhs.
duct space ensures flexibility of response to requests for
changes to the telephone cable network. 15.3.2 Emergency telephone system
The emergency telephone system (ETS) is entirely se­
15.3 Teleconnmunications systems and parate from the P A B X . The ETS telephone exchange is
usually located in the construction site main 11 kV
services substation from which radiates all the 11 kV site supply
The following telecommunications systems and services cables to the dispersed on-site temporary 11 kV sub­
are required for construction sites: stations.
• P A B X operated by the C E G B to provide on-site and The telephone cables associated with the ETS also
off-site telephone services for ah construction site radiate from the 11 kV substation: they are installed
personnel, i.e., C E G B , consultants and contractors. and laid in the same trench when the 11 kV site supply
cables are provided to the distributed 11 kV substations.
• Emergency telephone system for reporting accidents, The ETS telephone cables to each distributed 11 kV
fires, plant emergencies, etc., to the gatehouse a n d / substation are terminated on a distribution box on
or medical centre. the fence of the substation and an ETS telephone is
• Site emergency warning system. installed on the substation fence wired into the dis­
tribution box. ETS telephones required in the working
• Pay telephones.
areas of the site are cabled to the nearest ETS dis­
• Radio paging system. tribution box.
• Site radio system. The ETS c o m m o n equipment in the main 11 kV
substation is powered from a battery supply having a
• Handportable radiotelephone communications. minimum standby capacity of 24 hours.
• Data, telex and facsimile services. It is C E G B practice to use a P A X for the E T S .
ETS telephone extensions located at internal and exter­
15.3.1 Private a u t o m a t i c branch exchange nal working areas are able to dial the security officers
(PABX) in the site gatehouse, or the medical centre, in the
event of an emergency.
It is present C E G B policy to provide a single P A B X
for ah telephone services for a main construction she.
15.3.3 Site emergency warning system
The P A B X provides all on-she and off-she telephone
services for C E G B she staff, contractors and other A purpose built site emergency warning system (EWS)
site organisations. The P A B X is located in the Main is provided, controlled from the site gatehouse and

Construction site telecommunications

utilising telephone pairs in the ETS telephone cable required in external locations: most pay telephones
network. The E W S is required to alert construction site are located in she buildings such as the site office re­
staff of site emergencies which may require action and ception, gatehouse, site canteen and in the site hostel
is also a means of informing on-site personnel of other recreation and sleeping areas. It is essential that a suffi­
events. cient number of pay telephones are provided in the
Most recent C E G B nuclear power stations have been site hostel to enable contractor's staff to cah their
buih adjacent to an existing nuclear station whose famihes during their meal and leisure time.
emergency warning system uses sirens. T o provide an T o minimise possible theft and fraudulent use of
EWS for the construction site with unambiguous sig­ the pay telephones the following precautions are taken
nals which d o not conflict with the siren signals of the where possible:
existing nuclear station, a system of u b i q u h o u s elec­
• P a y telephones are installed in supervised areas.
tronic transducers controlled from a control panel in
the construction site gatehouse is provided. • Pre-paid card-operated telephones are provided in
The control equipment is powered from a dedicated preference to coin-operated telephones.
48 V battery having a 24-hour standby capacity. The • Heavy duty cash boxes are provided for coin-
control panel mounted in the gatehouse can initiate operated telephones.
three distinct signals from the electronic sound trans­
• Access to P S T N is restricted to outgoing calls only,
ducers on the construction site, these are:
to prevent the fraudulent use of transfer charges on
• Site evacuate — continuous audio signals of 0.5 s incoming cahs routed via the P S T N operator.
on and 0.5 s off.
• Fire/first aid team — three signals of 0.5 s on It is necessary for the pay telephones to receive cah
and 0.5 s off, fohowed by a pause of 4 s before charge pulses from the off-site BT P S T N telephone
repeating. network to operate the coin payment and card payment
equipment of the pay telephones. At shes having a
• Spare signals (use determined by Site Manager) — rise of earth potential problem, the transfer of pulses
three signals of 2 s on, 0.5 s off, 0.5 s on, 0.5 s through the isolation equipment fitted on all working
off, 0.5 s on, fohowed by a pause of 4 s before pairs of the incoming BT telephone cable presents
repeating. problems and special isolation equipment is necessary.
Isolation equipment is not necessary on sites being
The transducers use pairs in the E T S telephone cabling served by incoming fibre optic cable.
Each transducer may be tested for correct operation
15.3.5 Radio paging system
from a nearby test pushbutton. The test b u t t o n is
activated for use during the test at the gatehouse control A radio paging system is provided for each construc­
panel. tion she using techniques and equipment detailed in
Section 7.3 of this chapter. The direct speech facility
is not used.
15.3.4 Pay telephones
The system is completely separate from the power
Pay telephones provide direct access to the P S T N for station system. The two systems operate on different
telephone calls to off-site locations but they require ad­ frequencies so that there is n o mutual interference
vance confirmation that the caller will pay for the call. during the period when both systems are in use.
Two types of pay telephones are provided on C E G B Paging is a particularly useful facility for the she
construction sites and associated worker hostel sites, staff, m a n y of w h o m could be anywhere on the site.
i.e., coin-operated and pre-paid card-operated. Inser­ The facihty provided by the pager alphanumeric dis­
tion of the coin or card enables the call to be initiated play enables the paged person to respond to the call
and the cost of the call to be recovered from the a p p r o ­ when convenient and allows the paging person to carry
priate number of inserted coins or by magnetic deletion on w h h other work in the meantime.
on the inserted 'phone card' of the appropriate number The system should be capable of providing for the
of pre-paid call units. Telephone cahs to the off-site BT needs of all nominated site staff including C E G B ,
P S T N telephone operator service and the off-site public consultants, contractors, etc., who wih benefit from its
emergency services are available without the need to use.
insert coins or a 'phone card', but on-site emergencies Access to the system from the she P A B X will enable
would normally be reported to the on-site emergency the paging system to be used from most locations on
services using the E T S , P A X or P A B X telephones. site and the provision of good coverage of the site by
Coin and card operated pay telephones are usually one system only will justify the cost of additional slave
provided and instahed by BT, and the C E G B provides transmitters and antennas.
ah necessary on-site facilities. In addition to access to the system from the P A B X ,
The C E G B is required to provide kiosks, or a p p r o ­ separate direct access will be available by the site
priate accommodation, for pay telephones which are P A B X operator who will also have facilities for pro-

Telecommunications Chapter 8

viding limited changes to the system, e.g., to enable vided to link the on-site computer t o one or more of
spare pagers to replace faulty pagers and respond to the major C E G B computing centres. T h e data circuits
the same P A B X pager code. are either routed via the C E G B corporate data network
(CDN) or via direct circuhs rented from BT or M C L .
15.3.6 Site radio system Data terminals at the construction site have access to
the local computer and some have direct access to the
A radio system is provided for construction site use major C E G B computing centres.
and is completely separate from the systems provided Proprietary equipment is used for the data appli­
for the power station. cations. T h e equipment is usually updated a n d / o r
The system is provided for use by the site security replaced during the construction period to keep pace
and medical teams and operates on U H F channels with current developments.
selected from the group of frequencies allocated to the Access to the BT Telex Network and proprietary
Joint Radio Committee of the National Fuel Industries. equipment is provided for sending and receiving telexes.
Fixed stations are provided at the construction site Proprietary facsimile equipment to operate via the
gatehouse or main site office, and are operated by the C E G B Corporate Telephone Network and the BT
security and medical staff, and the telephone operator. P S T N is also used to transmit and receive visual in­
The fixed stations provide communication to all exter­ formation and documents at remote locations.
nal areas of the construction site during the initial site
preparation and, if necessary, are extended to indoor
areas of the she by the use of one or more fixed sta­ 16 Future trends and developments
tions also controlled from the gatehouse, site office or
ambulance room.
The fixed stations operate to handportable radio 16.1 Connections to off-site
telephones (handportables) carried by the securhy staff, telecommunication networks
the medical teams and other nominated staff. Currently, the majority of C E G B power stations rely,
Some site ambulance(s) have been equipped with for off-site telecommunications, on access to the British
handportable holders into which the handportables Telecom telecommunication network, the connections
may be inserted when the medical staff are using the being made via BT multipair telephone cables t o the
ambulance. This enhances the performance of the power station, as described in Section 2 of this chap­
handportables and the signal received by the hand- ter. However, the requirements for telecommunication
portable is relayed through a loudspeaker unit in the circuits t o power stations are increasing dramatically
holder. However, this arrangement has been found to and alternatives to existing practices are being con­
be unreliable due to intermittent failure of the p l u g / sidered, as hsted below:
socket and is no longer recommended. A standard
vehicle-mounted radio is nowadays preferred. • T h e use of fibre-optic cables t o replace or co-exist
The radio system uses open channel working so that with telephone cables.
all handportables are able t o monitor the transmissions • T h e use of microwave links to replace or co-exist with
from the fixed station and consequently be aware of telephone cables.
all emergencies.
• Access to telecommunication networks other than
More recent systems use radio trunking techniques
the BT network, e.g., M C L networks.
and handportable or mobile radios having pushbutton
The use of fibre-optic cables has the following ad­
The equipment and techniques used are detailed in
Section 8 of this chapter.
• Wide frequency bandwidth a n d high data transmis­
sion speeds.
15.3.7 Radio telephone handportables
Handportables for operation on the single-frequency • Using digital signalhng techniques many circuits for
simplex channel of 169.050 M H z , as detahed in Section data, telephony, telemetry, etc., may be carried on
8.2.4 of this chapter, are provided for local point-to- each fibre core.
point communication on the site and for other commis­ • N o conduction of the rise of earth potential during
sioning purposes. faults on the electrical system from the power station
This V H F channel supplements the U H F hand- to the off-she telecommunication networks.
portable system for construction site security and com­
• Reduced space taken in cable ducts.
missioning purposes.

The use of microwave links also enables many circuits

15.3.8 Data, telex and facsimile services to be provided for data, telephony, telemetry, etc.
Ah major C E G B construction shes have an on-site Access to other telecommunications networks from
computer for site management. Data circuits are pro­ the power station could include the Mercury C o m -

Future trends and developments

munications Limited (MCL) network, the access to 'approved maintainers' (pubhc network contractors
which could be via microwave or fibre-optic cable. a n d P A B X manufacturers). The C E G B as an 'approved
Access would be dependent o n whether or not M C L maintainer' would thereby be able to provide the service
were operating in the area of the power station and, if which at present is only permitted on the P A X .
not, whether there was an economic case for extending
their network into the area. The other network to which
access could be made available would be the C E G B 16.4 Radio systenns
fibre-optic network, the cables for which are being The radio systems used in power stations, which are
incorporated in the earth wire, or ahernatively wrapped described in Section 8 of this chapter, have been de­
around the earth wire, of the C E G B 400 kV and 275 kV veloped since radio speech communication for roving
transmission lines. This will eventually provide access power station staff was first introduced in the 1960s.
points to the network at most of the 400 kV and 275 However, much of the equipment is now obsolescent
kV substations many of which are co-sited at, or near, and ready for replacement. Also, in 1986, the Depart­
CEGB power stations. ment of Trade and Industry advised the Joint Radio
Committee of the nationalised fuel and power industries
that the 12 U H F channels, which have 25 k H z spacing
16.2 On-site cabling between adjacent channels allocated for the exclusive
A new range of cables for telecommunications is being use of the industries, were to be changed by 1991 to
developed which is suitable for use at future nuclear 24 U H F channels having 12.5 k H z spacing, using the
power stations. These are cables having a sheath which same U H F frequency spectrum. The channels had pre­
viously been used almost exclusively by the C E G B but
produces only a small a m o u n t of toxic fumes when it
other bodies of the fuel and power industries made
burns: they also incorporate an insulated single-core
known their intention to make use of these additional
earth wire for remote earthing of telecommunications
equipment connected to the P A B X system, for P A B X
telephones which use an earth recall facility for transfer­ The C E G B set u p a working party to consider their
ring telephone calls to other P A B X extensions. requirements and to report on what action should be
taken. They reviewed the existing radio systems op­
erated by the C E G B which generahy use dedicated
16.3 Telephone exchanges R F channels for particular functions, i.e., operations,
maintenance, security, emergency, etc., and also the
As detailed in Section 1 of this chapter, two telephone
use of trunked radio, the technology for which has
exchanges, a P A X and a P A B X are at present provided
recently become available. Of the systems considered
to serve the needs of C E G B power stations. In a d d h i o n ,
by the working party, the trunked system offered the
there is a separate automatic Private Control Exchange
most effective way of providing the presently perceived
(PCX) which is provided for Grid System Operations
needs of the power station user for medium and large
telephony purposes, details of which are included in
stations. It was also considered that small stations
Chapter 12 of this volume.
would use the same basic radio equipment without the
Consideration is being given within the C E G B to
trunking operation, which is not suitable for less than
reducing the number of telephone exchanges in a power
five radio channels.
station from the three mentioned above to either:
• Two telephone exchanges, i.e., a P A B X and P C X . 16.4.1 Trunked radio system
The P A B X would combine the presently-provided
The working party agreed that a multichannel trunked
P A X and P A B X , with the P C X providing automatic
system, using one dedicated channel for signalling/
telephone facihties for system operation telephony
control and the remaining channels for speech traffic,
would be most suitable for large and medium power
• One telephone exchange to serve all automatic tele­ station use. All user groups would have access to all
phone needs of a power station and providing P A X , speech channels, thus optimising total system use.
PABX and System Operation telephone requirements. The system would comprise three sub-systems, i.e.,
antenna system, fixed station/control equipment and
Both the above options may only be viable when the radiotelephones, each of which is to be discrete to
CEGB becomes an 'approved maintainer' by the 'De­ facilitate alternative provision of supply. Figure 8.78
partment of Trade and Industry', so that full main­ shows a block diagram of the system.
tenance of the telephone exchanges may be carried o u t . T o originate a call, a roving user would switch on
This would enable C E G B staff to exercise control of his handportable radio telephone and seize the con­
the maintenance and to carry out repair work should trol channel. The control channel would allocate a free
the equipment fah, thus minimising the outage time speech channel to the mobile user and transmit a code
of the equipment. Approved maintainer status would back to the roving user's radiotelephone to swhch it to
also enable work to be carried out by C E G B staff if the free speech channel. The roving user would then
industrial action is being taken by the existing licensed receive a dial tone. The roving user is then able to

Telecommunications Chapter 8











FIG. 8.78 Trunked radio system — block diagram

key the required control point or direct telephone • Station services/safety.

(connected to the central control unit or radio P A X • Security.
u n h ) , or key a telephone extension on the power station
P A X or P A B X . • Fire.
A call for a roving user would be routed via the • First aid.
central processor u n h , which will allocate a free speech
• Visiting personnel/contractors.
channel and transmh a code on the control channel to
alert the roving user and also to swhch the handport­
In addition, for nuclear stations, there would be a
able to the ahocated traffic channel. The traffic channel
health physics apphcation. The various user require­
would be held until the originating caller releases the
ments are hsted below.
call or, alternatively, the call may be released after a
pre-programmed time-out period.
It was also agreed that the following applications
would apply to all stations: • Keypad.
• Pre-programmed single-button call to user's control
• Plant operation.
• Plant maintenance.
• Abbreviated keying of users contacts simulated de­
• Fuel and waste h a n d h n g . dicated channel.

Additional references

• Priority override. • Fixed station Transmitter output w h h use of ferrhe

isolators to minimise intermodulation products and
• Ordinary keyed digits call (direct extensions or via
to facihtate multiple fixed s t a t i o n / c o m p o s h e antenna
station P A X or P A B X ) .
• Conference calls/station emergency group calls. Transmitter and receiver combining networks to
• Special requirements: enable a c o m m o n antenna/radiating cable system to
be used.
(a) Loud bleep/visual indication/vibrator Transmitter, receiver and control equipment to
(b) Bleep loudness independent of volume control be approved by British Approvals Board for Tele­
— preferably from separate audible call communications (BABT) to permit connection to the
transducer PABX.

(c) Drop-test withstand capability • A n t e n n a system Antennas and radiating cable t o

provide m a x i m u m coverage of station and site areas.
(d) Single-channel/multichannel working/automatic
control of R F channel The basic operational requirements of the preferred
(e) Noise cancelling/desensitised microphone
• Station coverage by ah channels.
(f) Headset with pushbutton or voice-operated
transmitter • Simplicity of operation (single digit operation for
group control desk).
(g) Methods of carrying handportable u n h : t o p
pocket overall/shoulder harness/belt harness. • Non-blocking for priority/emergency users.
• Extension of station P A X .
Direct telephone control points

• Ordinary keyed digits cah to handportable. A pilot scheme of the above system is being engineered
for use at Ironbridge power station (1988), t o deter­
• Priority override keyed digits call to handportable. mine the performance and acceptability of the system
• Conference/station emergency group(s) calls (open for power station use.

17 Additional references
Station PAX and/or PABX access
Phihps Telecommunications Ltd Engineering Notes:
• Direct dialhng between P A X / P A B X telephones
TSP 1267 Minimising Intermodulation and Blocking Effects in
and handportable radiotelephones/vehicle-mounted
VHF/UHF Radiotelephone Systems.
radios. TSP 377 The Location of Antennas on Motor Vehicles
TSP 427 Electrical Noise in Motor Vehicles
System and equipment detail TSP 480/1 Intermodulation in VHF and UHF Radio Systems —
locating and minimising the effects
• Frequencies used The channels t o be used by a TSP 588/1 The use of Circulators/Isolators to Minimise Transmit­
system wih be ahocated by the J R C from the b a n d ter Intermodulation
of 24 U H F channels available to them. This is ITT Reference Data for Radio Engineers (Sixth Edition)
done after consideration of the need (a) to minimise MPT Performance Specifications issued by the Radiocom­
munications Agency of the Department of Trade and
interference to other users of the channels whhin
the mutual reception range of the power station
Morton, A. H.: Advanced Electrical Engineering: Pitman: 1966
radio system and (b) to minimise the on-site inter­ Electronic Engineers Reference Handbook (fifth edition): Edited
modulation products. by Mazda, F.: Butterworths

C H A P T E R 9

Emergency supply equipment

1 Introduction 3.3 Duplication of battery/charger systems

1.1 Introductory statement on batteries 3.4 DC system voltage limits
1.2 Introductory statement on systems 4 Chargers
2 Batteries 4.1 Introduction
2.1 Explanation of terms 4.2 Required characteristics
2.2 Possible types 4.2.1 Initial charge
2.2 1 Heavy duty lead-acid Planté positive plate cells 4.2.2 Maintaining charge
2.2 ,2 Tubular plate lead-acid cells 4.2.3 Charger ratings
2.2 3 Pasted flat plate lead-acid cells 4.2.4 Boost charging
2.2 ,4 Nickel-cadmium cells 4.2.5 General additional requirements
2.2 5 Sealed lead-acid (SLA) or recombination cells 4.2.6 Earthing
2.2 6 Summary 4.2.7 Protection and monitoring
2.3 Heavy duty lead-acid Planté cell — description and 4.2.8 Alarms
chemistry 4.2.9 Nuclear safety
2.3 ,1 General 4.3 Description of equipment
2.3 2 Positive plates 4.3.1 Introduction
2.3 ,3 Negative plates 4.3.2 Basic principles
2.3 ,4 Separators 4.3.3 Main transformer
2.3 5 Plate interconnections or group bars 4.3.4 Thyristor rectifier
2.3 ,6 Plastic containers 4.3.5 Control board
2.3 7 Cell lids 4.3.6 Reference transformer
2.3 ,8 Vent plugs 4.3.7 DC transformers
2.3 9 Terminal pillars 4.3.8 Display
2.3 ,10 Terminal pillar seals 4.3.9 Battery float/boost control circuitry
2.3 11 Intercell connectors 4.4 Testing
2.3 12 Polarity identification 4.4.1 Introduction
2.3 13 Electrolyte 4.4.2 Type testing in manufacturer's works
2.3 14 Battery stands 4.4.3 Routine tests in manufacturer's works
2.3 15 Chemistry 4.4.4 Tests at site
2.4 Battery accommodation
5 Diesel generators
2.4 1 General requirements
2.4 2 Ambient temperature 5.1 System requirements
2.4 3 Ventilation 5.1.1 Purpose of diesel generator installation
2.4 ,4 Lighting 5.1.2 Starting and loading
2.4 5 Battery main connections in battery rooms 5.1.3 Rating and number of diesel generators
2.4 ,6 Access to battery rooms 5.1.4 Protection against external hazards
2.5 Initial tests, charging, maintenance and site testing 5.2 Engine and auxiliaries
2.5 ,1 Tests in manufacturer's works 5.2.1 Engine types and characteristics
2.5 ,2 Tests at site 5.2.2 Engine design and construction
2.5 ,3 Charging 5.2.3 Starting equipment
2.5 ,4 Factors affecting cell life and precautions to be taken 5.2.4 Cooling system
2.5 ,5 Inspection 5.2.5 Fuel oil systems
2.5 .6 CEGB experience 5.2.6 Inlet and exhaust air pipework, turbochargers and
2.5 .7 The case for testing silencers
2.5 .8 End of life 5.2.7 Governors
2.5 .9 Uncharacteristic behaviour of odd cells 5.3 Generator and electrical equipment
2.5 .10 System tests of essential battery-backed DC systems 5.3.1 Generator design and construction
5.3.2 Excitation equipment and automatic voltage regulator
Battery systems (AVR)
3.1 Introduction 5.3.3 Diesel generator control and protection equipment
3.2 Provision of DC systems 5.3.4 Control of auxiliary systems
3.2.1 220 V DC systems for switchgear closing 5.4 Testing
3.2.2 110 V DC systems for switchgear control, protection 5.4.1 Tests in manufacturer's works
and interiocks 5.4.2 Tests at site
3.2.3 48 V DC systems for telecommunications, plant control 5.4.3 In-service operational testing
and alarms
6 Additional references
3.2.4 250 V DC systems for emergency lighting and
emergency drives 6.1 British Standards (BS)


1 Introduction jeopardise the satisfactory operation of the remaining

As the electrical industry developed rapidly at the start quadrants.
of the twentieth century, the advantages of high voltage
A C supply and distribution meant that the original D C 1.1 Introductory statement on batteries
stations were gradually replaced. This change from D C
T h e batteries instahed in modern C E G B power stations
to A C supply introduced many new problems associated
are almost exclusively of the lead-acid high perform­
whh the high voltages used.
ance Planté positive-plate type, individually enclosed
Remote control of swhches and equipment was in­ in transparent cell boxes, with positive and negative
troduced and, because of their reliability and flexibility, plates immersed in dilute sulphuric acid (see Section 2.3
batteries were considered to be the best source of sup­ of this chapter for details). They have given satisfactory
ply for operating circuit-breakers and the many safety service, with a hfe of a r o u n d 25 years, depending on
and protective devices which are part of the complexity usage and maintenance.
of A C generation and distribution. In the past, other types of batteries have been in­
In the 1940s central control r o o m s replaced local vestigated, such as tubular positive-plate lead-acid cells,
boiler and turbine gauge boards in power stations. pasted flat plate lead-acid cells and nickel-cadmium
There was then a need for electrical transmission of cehs, but have been rejected on a basis of hfetime costs.
measured quantities, e.g., temperature, pressure, etc., Maintenance-free (sealed) batteries have come on the
from plant to the central control r o o m . Electrical market in recent years, but are not at present considered
remote control began to replace the older pneumatic suitable to replace the heavy duty lead-acid battery in
and hydraulic systems. These requirements demanded power stations because of their low life expectancy and
ever larger batteries and their associated chargers to lack of service experience.
provide standby supplies for the control and operation A short description of the above alternatives to high
of plant, varying from three hours to six hours dura­ performance Planté cehs is given in Section 2.2 of
tion, in the event of a complete loss of Grid supphes. this chapter.
Shortly afterwards, studies suggested that depend­
ence on batteries could be reduced to half-hour dura­
tion, after which time diesel generators or gas-turbine 1.2 Introductory statement on systems
generators could take over the emergency load until M o d e r n power stations require a number of different
Grid supplies were restored. This reduced battery sizes D C supphes for telecommunications (48 V), control and
and proved to be an economic solution; it is now instrumentation (48 V and 110 V), switchgear closing
generally adopted by the C E G B , with a preference for (220 V) and tripping (110 V), emergency lighting and
diesel generators because of their superior starting re­ emergency m o t o r drives (250 V); for details see Chapter
liability and capabihty of picking u p load very rapidly. 1. These supplies are derived from combinations of
This arrangement ensures safe shutdown of plant, batteries, chargers and D C switchboards. In a large
particularly nuclear reactors, and facilitates a rapid nuclear power station with two advanced gas-cooled
restart on restoration of Grid supphes, as the diesel reactors and two 660 M W turbine-generators, there
generators are able to recharge the batteries in readiness are between 70 and 80 batteries and their associated
for this event. chargers. M o r e details of these systems are given in
Modern power stations and substations employ a Section 3 of this chapter.
number of batteries and chargers of different sizes Under normal (mains healthy) conditions, each bat­
and voltages for a variety of duties. Nuclear power tery and set of load circuits floats across its associated
stations require larger batteries and chargers than con­ mains fed charger. The charger provides a constant
ventional stations for essential duties, due to nuclear output voltage and at this controlled voltage supplies
safety requirements. the whole of the continuous load and automaticahy
In earher years, batteries and chargers were provided maintains the battery in a fully charged condition.
on a station basis. However, because of the ever increas­ Under emergency (mains or charger failure) condi­
ing demands on batteries and the physical growth of tions, each battery supplies the whole of hs system load
the power stations, h was found to be more economic for a specified m a x i m u m period, thus each battery
to provide batteries for each boiler/turbine unit. Al­ provides an automatic no-break, back-up supply for hs
though this increased the number of batteries in a charger at all times.
power station, the extra cost was compensated by the T h e normal open-circuh vohage of a fully charged
reduction in cable sizes which, because of the long ceh, with a specific gravity of 1.207 at 2 0 ° C , is 2.05 V.
distances involved in the station battery arrangement,
were sized on voh-drop rather than carrying capacity.
For nuclear reactors operating on a quadrant (i.e., 2 Batteries
four train basis) for safety reasons, batteries, chargers
and diesel generators are sub-divided further to m a k e 2.1 Explanation of terms
each quadrant of the reactor completely independent. Capacity The quantity of electricity, usually expressed
This ensures that a fault on one quadrant does not in ampere-hours (Ah), that may be taken from a ceh

E m e r g e n c y supply e q u i p m e n t Chapter 9

at a particular discharge rate under specified conditions lar or flat plate.

of voltage and temperature.
Negative plate The plate that forms the cathode or
Discharge rate The capacity of lead-acid Planté cells part of the cathode during the charge.
is greatest at low discharge rates and lowest at high
rates of discharge. The discharge rate is defined as Plate group A complete electrode consisting of either
the steady current in amperes (A) that can be taken positive or negative plates, together with a group bar
from a battery of defined capacity (Ah) over a de­ and a terminal pillar.
fined period (h). Batteries for C E G B power stations
are normally specified for a 10-hour rate. Separator A n insulating structure used to separate
plates of opposite polarity.
Voltage The capacity can be related to any practi­
cal limit of cell voltage and the higher the final voltage Container A box of suitable material, usually plastic
at minimum discharge, the lower will be the capacity in C E G B power stations, in which the plate groups
of the battery. The final voltage to which the battery and separators are assembled.
wih supply the duty is defined in terms of volts per
2.2 Possible types
Temperature Low battery temperatures temporarily
reduce the available ampere-hour capacity and dis­ 2.2.1 H e a v y duty lead-acid Planté positive plate
charge voltage. Capacity and voltage are restored to cells
nominal with a return to normal temperature, even This cell is derived from the conventional long-life
whhout a charge. An increase in battery temperature lead-acid battery and is designed to provide low to
results in an increase in capacity, particularly at high medium currents for, say, 1-3 h o u r s . It has a high cell
rates of discharge. The capacity of lead-acid Planté voltage and is tolerant of temperature changes, al­
cehs is specified at 20°C. though these affect hs output capacity. W h h good
maintenance, a life of 25 years is not u n c o m m o n in
Rating The ampere-hour capacity of a positive plate C E G B experience.
or cell assigned to it by the manufacturer, under spe­ Planté poshive plates are m a d e of pure lead instead
cified conditions of discharge. of the pasted-plate of a flat plate battery (Fig 9.1
(a)). A n electrochemical formation process produces
Charging The passing of an electric current through a thin layer of lead dioxide on the total active surface
a cell to bring it to a chemical condition where it is area.
capable of supplying electrichy to an external circuh. The enclosures are generally transparent styrene
The quantity of electricity put in is known as the acrylonitrile (SAN), stress-reheved to give clarity and
'charge' and is usually measured in ampere-hours. mechanical stability through hfe, together with *at a
glance' inspection of electrolyte levels. The SAN en­
Fully charged The condition of a battery when the closures replace the moulded-glass containers and lead-
voltage and the electrolyte specific gravity of every cell hned wood containers used previously. The latter were
have not varied appreciably during three consecutive employed for very large capacity cehs. One major
hours at the end of the charging period, account being advantage of this type of cell is that maintenance
taken of temperature variations. personnel can assess hfe by visual inspection (see
Section 2.3 of this chapter for a detailed description
of the high performance Planté cell).
Discharge The quantity of electricity in A h taken out
of a cell connected to an external circuh when the
current flows through the cell in the reverse direction 2.2.2 T u b u l a r p l a t e l e a d - a c i d cells
to that of charge. They are physically some 66% of the volume and
8 0 % of the price of the corresponding ampere-hour
Plate The unit that, singly or in groups, is sub­ capacity Planté poshive plate battery, but the life ex­
merged in electrolyte of dilute sulphuric acid, or po­ pectancy of tubular positive plate batteries is only 10
tassium hydroxide in the case of nickel cadmium cehs to 15 years. This was confirmed by experience at
(see Section 2.2.4 of this chapter), so that h forms Heysham 1 and Hartlepool nuclear power stations,
the whole or part of one of the electrodes of the where tubular plate lead-acid cehs needed replacement
ceh. after about ten years. They have higher open-circuit
losses and need more frequent inspection.
Positive plate The plate that forms the anode or Tubular plates (Fig 9.1 (b)) are constructed from
part of the anode during the charge. For lead-acid tubing manufactured from Terylene or a combina­
batteries, it can be of three main types: Planté, tubu­ tion of perforated P V C and woven glass fibre, fitted


(b) Tubular plate construction (lead-acid)

(a) Planté plate construction (lead-acid)

(d) Pocket plate construction (nickel cadmium)

(c) Flat pasted-plate construction (lead-acid)

F I G . 9.1 T y p i c a l construction o f battery positive plates

over cast antimonial-lead spines. The tubes are filled pectancy and open-circuh losses as tubular positive
with lead oxide and then undergo a formation process. plate lead-acid cehs. Their life expectancy is even
Their construction does not permit a visual inspec­ lower, about 5 - 6 years.
tion of the plates: their condition is therefore not easily They are designed for low performance apphcations
ascertainable and any slow deterioration is not readily only and are unsuhable for even moderate discharges
detected. lasting m o r e t h a n a few minutes.
Again, the enclosures are generally S A N , stress-re­ The flat plates consist of a paste m a d e from lead
lieved to give clarity and mechanical stability through­ oxide, sulphuric acid, water, and other additives, ap­
out hfe, together w h h *at a glance' inspection of elec­ plied to a lattice grid m a d e of lead or lead ahoy. The
trolyte levels. plates are dried under controHed conditions and then
undergo a formation process (Fig 9.1 (c)).
2.2.3 Pasted flat plate lead-acid cells Again, the enclosures are generally stress-relieved
These suffer from the same disadvantages of hfe ex­ SAN.

Emergency supply equipment Chapter 9

2.2.4 Nickel-cadmium cells 2.2.5 Sealed lead-acid (SLA) or recombination

When correctly maintained, nickel-cadmium cells can cells
have a life of more than 30 years, during which ap­ When a traditional lead-acid battery is charged nor­
proximately 10-20^0 capacity is lost. They employ mally, the electrochemical reaction evolves unpleasant
perforated steel pocket plate construction, using nickel and potentially explosive hydrogen and loss of water
hydroxide as the basis of the active material for the occurs (for detahs see Section 2.3.15 of this chapter).
positive electrode and cadmium hydroxide for the Hence the need for ventilation and topping-up. By the
negative electrode (Fig 9.1 (d)). use of 'gas recombination' both these problems have
The electrolyte is an aqueous solution of potassium been solved, whilst retaining the inherent advantages
hydroxide, with the addition of hthium hydroxide. The of low cost and long hfe of the lead-acid battery. The
purpose of the electrolyte is solely to support the gases usually liberated into the atmosphere during
reactions between the electrodes and there is no sig­ float/recharge operation in conventional lead-acid cells,
nificant change in specific gravity from a fully charged recombine to form water in a recombination cell. As
to a discharged condition. a consequence, these cehs do not lose water during
The containers can be of nickel-plated steel, thus normal operation and therefore topping-up and ven­
affording maximum strength and durability for use in tilation are not required.
rugged environments, also where shock and vibration The recombination principle works when oxygen
are present. Alternatively, the containers can be of evolved from the positive plates diffuses through the
translucent high-impact polystyrene plastic for ease highly porous glass-microfibre separator to the re­
of maintainance and mechanical strength and stability active negative plate and is electrochemically reduced
throughout an extended hfe. These also enable the to water. The separator acts hke a sponge and holds
electrolyte level to be checked at a glance. captive a closely controlled quantity of acid in a stable
An advantage of the nickel-cadmium battery is its condition, whüst providing the medium by which gas
ability to be left idle for long periods in any state of recombination can take place.
charge and its rapid recovery after neglect by topping- Even if the cell container is accidentally damaged, it
up and recharging. wül not leak acid, unlike a conventional lead-acid cell
The following disadvantages outweigh the advantages: with hs copious quantities of dilute sulphuric acid
• It is not possible to check the state of charge whhout
Although the ceh is virtually sealed, a safety valve
carrying out a discharge test.
together with a flame retardant device is provided to
• The electrolyte in the cells requires replacement, stop damage by inadvertent overcharging. Hence the
initially after two years and subsequently between five term 'sealed' battery is really a misnomer.
and eight years. Failure to replace reduces the high These cehs suffer rapidly from anything other than
rate discharge capacity significantly. very carefully controhed vohages. Even under these
conditions, their hfe is claimed to be only ten years
• The internal resistance is higher than for a lead-acid
and can be as low as three to four years if charging
cell, hence there is a greater propensity to higher
voltage or ambient temperature is increased.
electrical noise levels generated by currents such as
Sealed lead-acid cells use a flat pasted construction
charger harmonics, signals, telephone speech, etc.
for both positive and negative plates. A grid alloy with
These currents generate volt-drops across the bat­
a high hydrogen overpotential is essential to long term
tery internal resistance and are transferred to other
operation and lead-tin-calcium ahoys are used.
circuits connected to the battery.
The separator is crucial in achieving efficient oxygen
• The cost of a nickel-cadmium battery is higher than recombination in SLA cells. Glass microfibre paper
the corresponding lead-acid Planté battery as a larger is used for the separator because of hs inertness and
number of cells is needed for the same ampere-hour large uniformly porous volume, so that when the
capacity because of their lower cell voltage. separator is not fully saturated there is an electrolyte-
free path between positive and negative plates along
Maintenance costs of a nickel-cadmium battery are which oxygen diffuses from positive to negative and
higher than for a lead-acid Planté battery because of there reduced to water.
the larger number of cehs and the greater need for The cells are formed by compressing together the
cleanliness to prevent tracking between poles due to plates and separator into the container with a carefully
close spacing. measured quanthy of electrolyte, the lid then being
Its high rate performance is lower than that of a sealed.
lead-acid Planté cell. The containers are of flame-retardant ABS plastic
Any attempt to boost charge may resuh in the 'self which is mechanically robust and abuse-resistant. It
destruct syndrome'. These cells have been known to withstands stress, thermal shock and vibration.
disintegrate somewhat forcefully and resoundingly after Like nickel-cadmium cehs, the maintenance of re­
such a treatment, due to the release of large volumes combination cells is essentially hmited to momtoring
of hydrogen and oxygen. battery and cell voltages and charging current, in


addition to normal good housekeeping such as clean- stations of the lead-acid high performance Planté posi­
hness and tight joints. tive plate battery, further details of the cell construction
In addhion to being maintenence-free, SLA recom­ and operation are given in this section (Fig 9.2).
bination cells do not require separate ventilated accom­
modation. Their low internal resistance gives them high 2.3.1 General
short-term current capability for duties such as engine
starting. They are also inherently more robust, smaller High performance Planté cehs designed to BS440, now
and lighter than Planté cells for a given duty. superseded by BS6290, provide the highest integrity
The main advantage they offer is one of civil cost source of standby power with a long and predictable
savings, which balance their shorter hfe and conse­ hfe. They are designed for operation under constant-
quently increased lifetime replacement costs. potential float or trickle charge conditions, not in­
The condition of a SLA cannot be assessed visually volving regular deep cycles of charge and discharge.
and neither can the electrolyte specific gravity be check­ In addition, their high rate performance makes them
ed. In view of present C E G B maintenance practice, particularly suitable for circuit-breaker tripping and
these are serious disadvantages. Alternative condition closing duties together with diesel and gas turbine start­
monitoring techniques are being developed by users of ing operations. By virtue of the high power/weight
SLA cells; one of these is the comparison of current ratio and sealed construction, high performance Planté
in parallel strings of cells, a configuration c o m m o n cells are ideal for installations where space is limited.
in SLA batteries. Variations in the string currents As mentioned already, they have a typical life of
indicate problems in one string. Routine discharge 2 0 - 2 5 years.
testing is also available and special test load sets have
been developed. Monitors using ripple or pulsed load 2.3.2 Positive plates
techniques are other options that are also becoming
The positive plates are cast from pure lead and consist
available. Finally of course, the C E G B practice of
of numerous thin vertical laminations, strengthened by
periodic cell dismantling can be used to assess the
a series of horizontal cross-ribs to increase the surface
residual hfe of a battery.
area by as much as 12 times that of a plain lead plate
of similar width and length. This ensures that there
2.2.6 Summary is n o fall-off in capacity t h r o u g h o u t their long life.
The evidence over many decades of satisfactory per­ The positive plates are hung from ledges moulded in
formance and long life of heavy duty lead-acid Planté the container.
cells has led the C E G B to continue their use to the
present time. Although the recombination version of the 2.3.3 Negative plates
lead-acid cell now appears to offer an ahernative which
may well be explored in future power station schemes. The negative plates are of interlocking design to ensure
Initially, lack of operating experience discouraged de­ active material retention and provide balance with the
tailed consideration of its use but there is now a growing positive plate to give m a x i m u m performance and hfe.
volume of such experience. Within the C E G B , Trans­ The negative group always has one more plate than
mission Division have some four years' experience of its matching positive g r o u p , so that when the groups are
these batteries for telecommunications systems. interleaved, each positive plate is located between two
The use of batteries as emergency power supphes negative plates to ensure that both surfaces are worked
means that condition monitoring is an important issue. equally and thus prevent distortion or buckhng.
Whhe this is a problem with a sealed ceh, techniques The negative plates are supported on ribs in the
are being developed and generally experience of failure b o t t o m of the container.
rates with SLA batteries has been good.
It seems likely, therefore, that in the future, lead- 2.3.4 Separators
acid batteries of the recombination type will offer a
Separators are m a d e of microporous P V C , providing
serious alternative to the Planté cell.
a complete diaphragm between the plates and giving
Using heavy duty Planté cells and by careful main­
m a x i m u m electrolyte utilisation, together with high me­
tenance, only one complete battery replacement may
chanical and electrical strength. Separators are chemi­
be necessary in the hfe of a power station, whereas
cally inert and their high porosity ensures minimum
other types necessitate more than one. This considerably
internal resistance. This permits more efficient circu­
increases the hfetime costs for the station, and there
lation of electrolyte and, combined with maximum
are therefore no overall economic advantages in using
physical strength, prevents internal short-circuits by
types other than Planté.
active material deposition.

2.3 Heavy duty lead-acid Planté cell — 2.3.5 P l a t e i n t e r c o n n e c t i o n s or g r o u p bars

description and chemistry T o obtain the desired ampere-hour capacity, each re­
In view of the almost exclusive use in C E G B power spective group of positive and negative plates are joined

Emergency supply equipment Chapter 9



FIG. 9.2 General arrangement of a typical heavy duty lead-acid Plante cell


together by group bars made of lead which, dependent a single pillar per pole. Above that capacity, up to
on the manufacturer, may contain a small percentage about 1400 A h , twin pillars per pole are used. For the
of antimony. Cehs utihse fully-welded group bars on largest sizes, three (and sometimes even four) pillars
the positive and negative groups, ensuring that plate per pole are provided.
lugs are firmly burned into the group bar. Over a period in the late 1970s, one manufacturer
reduced the a m o u n t of antimony in the pillars. After
2.3.6 Plastic containers some years in operation, corrosion appeared on the
positive pillar which burst the pillar seals and in some
Plastic containers are injection moulded from trans­
instances even cracked the hds, leading to acid leak­
parent styrene acrylonhrile (SAN) and stress-reheved,
age. When this was discovered, a programme of re­
giving improved transparency and mechanical stability
placing faulty cells was insthuted, using pillars with
throughout hfe. The very high insulating qualities
their former proportion of antimony in the composition
ehminate the need for separate cell insulators. The
of the ahoy. This meant having replacement cehs
improved transparency enables the electrolyte level and
available to substitute for faulty cells, which could
cell condition to be seen at a glance. The maximum and
only be recondhioned in the factory. All new batteries
minimum levels are marked on the sides of the ceh
supphed since that date have, of course, reverted to
as necessary to facilitate maintenance.
the original proportions of antimony and lead in the
Ah containers are much deeper than the length of
the plate they accommodate, to allow ample gassing
space above the plates and space below them for the
downward expansion of the positive plates and the 2.3.10 Terminal pillar seals
build-up of sediment (*mud space'). Terminal pillar seals effectively prevent the escape of
Springs or buffers are provided to hold the plate electrolyte or gas at all times during the working hfe of
groups in position throughout the life of the cell. the cell under normal usage to prevent corrosion of
the pillar above the hd. All cells are pressure tested
2.3.7 Cell lids prior to despatch, to check the integrity of the seals.
Cell lids are moulded in an easily-cleaned form from
opaque SAN material and are bonded to the container 2.3.11 Intercell connectors
to prevent leakage of gas or electrolyte. They are
Similar to the terminal pillars, single, twin and triple
arranged to carry vent plugs and terminal pillars.
intercell connectors are provided depending on the cell
During the mid-1970s, because of unsightly ap­
capacity. These are usually of lead-plated high con­
pearance, two major manufacturers decided to depart
ductivity copper, combining corrosion resistance and
from the, until then, otherwise satisfactory method of
minimum resistance/maximum current flow. For cor­
bonding the lid to the cell. The new method, using
rosion reasons, bolt sets provided with each cell are
solvent-based cement, appeared to be satisfactory in
heavily cadmium plated.
the short term; in the long term, the joint seal failed
Intercell connectors for the seismically-quahfied bat­
and electrolyte started to leak from the cells.
teries used in nuclear power stations are made in flexi­
After some considerable development work, a new
ble insulated braid, instead of solid connections.
method of lid-to-case seahng evolved, using a hot-meh
adhesive. This can be used either on the factory
assembly line or on site to avoid having to return cells 2.3.12 Polarity identification
to the factory. At present (1988), one manufacturer is A + (plus) sign is moulded into the lid in a minimum
still experiencing difficulties and is carrying out further of two positions adjacent to the positive pillar, which
research. is also identified by a red terminal ring (dependent
on the manufacturer); negative pillars are similarly
2.3.8 Vent plugs identified with a blue ring and at the option of the
Vent plugs are of special design which effectively manufacturer with a - (minus) sign moulded into the
returns ah acid spray to the cell, but allows free exit of lid.
the oxygen and hydrogen which are generated towards
the end of boost charging. Two polystyrene filling plugs 2.3.13 Electrolyte
are also fitted to each lid.
The cells are provided with pure sulphuric acid having
a specific gravity of 1.207 at 20°C when fully charged
2.3.9 Terminal pillars and with the electrolyte at m a x i m u m level. For des­
For normal usage, terminal pillars are of antimonial patch from works, they can be filled with acid and fuhy
lead, giving high conductivity, corrosion-free proper­ charged ready for immediate service after a short
ties. For extra high current duties, these pillars are refresher charge or, as sometimes used for overseas
provided with tinned copper inserts. Dependent on the destinations and the larger cehs for UK service, they
manufacturer, cells up to approximately 600 Ah have are shipped assembled but unfilled and uncharged.

Emergency supply equipment Chapter 9

2.3.14 Battery stands current into the cell in the opposite direction to that
Battery stands can be constructed of high quality knot- of discharge.
free timber and finished with three coats of acid- The charging source must therefore have a voltage
resisting paint. Ahernatively, steel stands w h h an acid- greater than that of the cell or battery to be charged.
resistant epoxy coating can be provided. Each stand The charging source connected across the cell supplies
module is fitted with adjustable nylon feet to allow an excess of negatively charged electrons to the negative
for any variation in floor finish and for insulation. plate and creates a shortage at the positive plate. The
resuh is that poshively charged hydrogen ions are
Batteries can be arranged in single tier or double tier,
attracted to the negative plate, where the hydrogen
with single rows for positioning against walls or twin
combines with lead sulphate to form lead and acid.
rows where access can be provided from both sides.
Where seismically-qualified batteries are provided The shortage of charge produced at the positive plate
for nuclear power stations, they are accommodated on resuhs in sulphate ions being attracted and combining
with the hydrogen of the water to form sulphuric acid.
special seismic stands using mild steel. They are
This releases the oxygen ions in the water, some of
constructed in a similar manner to the normal stand
which combine with the lead of the positive plate to
but use larger cross-section material and additional tie
form lead oxide. At the negative plate, the process of
bars. Each module is bolted to the floor.
recombination of the hydrogen and sulphate continues
as long as there is sulphate present. When the process
2.3.15 Chemistry of conversion of lead sulphate to lead is almost com­
The fundamental parts of the lead-acid Planté cell are plete, hydrogen bubbles form at the negative plate and
two dissimilar plates or electrodes immersed in an rise through the electrolyte. This is known as 'gassing'.
electrolyte, i.e., positive plate (lead dioxide), negative Similarly, sulphate ions react with water at the posi­
plate (spongy lead) and dilute sulphuric acid electrolyte. tive plate, forming sulphuric acid and leaving oxygen
to react w h h lead to form lead dioxide. When most of
Cell on discharge the lead is converted, the oxygen appears as gas at the
positive plate. The formation of hydrogen and oxygen
Assuming the cell is fully charged, the sulphate ions
gas at the plates is a sign that the cell is reaching the
from the electrolyte move to the negative plate and
fully charged condition.
give up their negative charge when an external load is
As the charge proceeds, acid which is released from
connected across the cell terminals. This produces an
the plates passes into the electrolyte and the specific
excess of negative charge at the plate, which is relieved
gravity slowly increases. Measurement of the specific
by a flow of electrons via the load to the positive
gravity of the electrolyte during the course of a charge
terminal, i.e., from low potential to higher potential,
does not give a true indication of the charged condition
which is opposite to the conventional direction of
of the ceh or battery. It is not until gassing commences
electric current. This passage of surplus electrons allows
that the stronger acid, hberated from the plates, is
more sulphate ions to combine whh the lead in the
mixed w h h the weaker acid at the top of the ceh. Spe­
negative plate to form lead sulphate.
cific gravity readings can therefore be of value only
At the positive plate, the highly oxidised lead di­
towards the end of the charge, when constancy of
oxide is short of negative charge, so it readily accepts
readings indicates that all strong acid has been liberated
the electrons from the negative plate via the load.
from the plates and the ceh is fully charged.
Hydrogen ions from the electrolyte now combine with
Although some gassing is necessary to bring into
oxygen ions from the plate to form water. This leaves
circulation the strong acid released during the charge,
some lead-free to combine with the sulphuric acid to
excessive and prolonged gassing can in time shorten
form lead sulphate and more water.
the life of a battery by scouring the active materials
As the discharge proceeds and current continues to
at the surface of the plates.
flow, more lead sulphate is formed in both plates by
Hydrolysis of the electrolyte resuhs in loss of water
combination of the acid from the electrolyte. Water
which must be replaced by adding more pure water
is also produced, which helps to dilute the electrolyte,
from time to time. The demands of a battery as re­
and it is this progressive weakening of the electrolyte
gards the a m o u n t of topping-up water required, when
by formation of water which provides a convenient
working at known duty are a good guide to correct
way of measuring the amount of discharge taking
charging. Excessive water consumption usually means
place. The ceh is discharged when hs vohage falls ra­
overcharging, whilst too little means undercharging.
pidly: at this stage, most of the active material has been
The chemical reaction can be expressed as follows:
converted to lead sulphate and the plates are almost
identical in chemical composition. Discharged Charged

PbS04 + PbS04 + 2H2O Pb02 + Pb + 2H2SO4

Cell on charge
Lead Lead Diluted Lead Lead Sulphuric
To reverse the chemical changes which take place in sulphate sulphate electrolyte dioxide acid
the ceh during discharge, it is necessary to pass a D C Positive Negative Positive Negative


The arrows are used instead of an ^equals' sign to lead to greater evaporation of water from the electrolyte
indicate that the reaction is reversible. and a significant reduction in service hfe.
It will be appreciated that the normal working of
a battery produces lead sulphate at both positive and 2.4.3 Ventilation
negative plates, which are reconverted to their original
condition by charging. 'Sulphated' is the term usually Adequate ventilation is provided in all battery rooms to
applied to a battery which has been abused by under­ keep the concentration of hydrogen gas in the room
charging or left in a discharged condition for long within safe limits. It must be remembered that hydrogen
periods, when the plates become excessively sulphated, is lighter than air and diffuses upwards very rapidly.
lose porosity and develop a high resistance. In this Because of the potential unreliability of forced ven-
abnormal condition, the sulphated plates will not usu­ thation, battery accommodation is designed, wherever
ally accept a charge. possible, for natural ventilation.
The important feature of the lead-acid Plante cell Although hydrogen and oxygen will diffuse into the
is the pure lead of the positive plate. The use of this air within the battery r o o m , it should be borne in
plate ensures that any active material shed during the mind that the hydrogen forms an explosive mixture with
working routine is reformed on the plate surface by air when the hydrogen concentration by volume exceeds
the regeneration of the base lead. During the life of about 4 % . The aim of the ventilation system is there­
the cell, lead dioxide is gradually lost from the plate fore to maintain the average concentration below l^o,
laminations forming sediment in the container and is but concentrations above this level will occur in the
made good by conversion of the underlying surface to immediate vicinity of the ceh t o p s . BS6133 Appendix A
lead dioxide during the normal charging and discharg­ gives a typical calculation to arrive at the required
ing of the ceh. This ensures that full cell capacity is number of air changes.
always available through h s hfe. The number of air changes is arranged to dilute
the average concentration of hydrogen to less than 1%.
The ventilation outlets venting to the open air are at
2.4 Battery accommodation the highest level in the battery r o o m . Ceilings are sloped
Batteries mounted on stands as described in Section towards them, to aid the escape of hydrogen. False
2.3.14 of this chapter, are normally accommodated ceilings and unvented structural pockets in ceilings are
in rooms specifically designed for this purpose and avoided. Air inlets are usually provided at the bottom
for their exclusive use. Figure 9.3 shows a typical of the r o o m on the opposite side from the outlets to
arrangement. ensure that air recycling cannot take place and that the
venthation flow is through the r o o m and across the
cells themselves.
2.4.1 General requirements
Where mechanical ventilation is unavoidable, fans
Battery rooms are well ventilated and dry, with wall and must be acid-resistant, with totahy-enclosed motors,
ceihng finishes durable and free from flaking and corro­ and installed at the outlet of any ducting which itself
sion. They are generally treated with an acid-resistant is made of materials resistant to acid corrosion. It is
paint. This also applies to any metalwork within the essential that the ventilation system on the outside of
room. such a r o o m is exclusive to the battery r o o m .
Floor finishes are generally antistatic. They are laid
level beneath batteries and access areas. Elsewhere they
2.4.4 Lighting
slope to a drain constructed of acid-resistant materials
a n d / o r have a retaining sill across internal door sills. It is normal practice to provide corrosion-resistant
The battery r o o m can conveniently house all the luminaires in battery r o o m s . Mounting directly over
maintenance equipment, protective clothing and serv­ cells is avoided, to prevent accumulation of hydrogen
ices. A water tap and porcelain sink is provided in each in the luminaire with consequent risk of explosion.
battery r o o m .
2.4.5 B a t t e r y m a i n c o n n e c t i o n s in b a t t e r y r o o m s
2.4.2 Ambient temperature
Connections within the battery rooms and to the outside
Since battery capacity and performance is reduced by are made of suhably-sized sohd copper rod identified
low temperature, a minimum electrolyte temperature at intervals with acid-resistant red/black paint (or tape)
of 5°C is maintained as a general rule. However, in for positive/negative connections, respectively. They
nuclear power stations, where reduced capacity could are supported on suitable stand-off insulators mounted
affect the safe shutdown of a reactor, a minimum on battery r o o m walls or on extensions of battery
temperature of 15°C is maintained by thermostatically stands. The supports are designed to withstand the
controlled heaters of the totally-enclosed tubular type. electromagnetic forces experienced in the event of an
Whilst batteries are capable of operating in an am­ inadvertent short-circuit.
bient temperature of 35°C, w h h occasional excursions The main connections to the D C switchgear are taken
to 40°C, these high temperatures are avoided, as they from the battery via through wah bushings to a top-

Emergency supply e q u i p m e n t Chapter 9




/ HI*] //
/ /
/ /
/ /
/ +ve
/ /
/ /

1456 MAX
1363 MAX
π /
610 954
H RI n n
A 100 MIN





1800 MIN



FIG. 9.3 Typical layout and environmental requirements of a battery room




100 M I N

B A T T E R Y C A P A C I T Y (Ah)
80 120 160 200 240 320 480 720 880 1120 1360 1600
AT 3 H O U R R A T E A T 2 0 ° C

B A T T E R Y C A P A C I T Y (Ah) 100 150 200 250 300 400 600 900 1100 1400 1700 2000
AT 10 H O U R R A T E A T 1 5 ° C
LENGTH 134 172 210 248 286 362 257 307 357 433 509 585
WIDTH 203 203 203 203 203 203 368 368 368 368 368 368
CELL HEIGHT 423 423 423 423 423 423 682 682 682 682 682 682
H E I G H T kg 186 249 306 369 434 584 106 156 190 240 290 340
PITCH FACE T O FACE 140 178 216 256 292 368 267 317 367 443 519 595
PITCH EDGE TO EDGE 228 228 228 393 393 393
FACE T O LENGTH 1680 2136 2592 3072 3504 4416

24 C E L L S FACE WIDTH 400 400 400 400 400 400

EDGE WIDTH 407 445 521
W E I G H T kg 447 598 735 886 1042 1402
FACE T O LENGTH 1860 2492 3024 3584 4088 5152
54 C E L L S FACE WIDTH 680 680 680 680 680 680
EDGE WIDTH 724 832 954
W E I G H T kg 1005 1345 1653 1993 2344 3154
FACE T O LENGTH 1960 2492 3024 3584 4088 5152

105 C E L L S FACE WIDTH 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970

2 X DOUBLE ROW EDGE TO LENGTH 3192 3192 3192
EDGE WIDTH 2058 2274 2518
W E I G H T kg 1953 2615 3213 3875 4557 6132
FACE T O LENGTH 2240 2648 3456 4096 4672 5888
125 CELLS FACE WIDTH 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970
2 X DOUBLE ROW EDGE TO LENGTH 3648 3648 3648
EDGE WIDTH 2058 2274 2518
W E I G H T kg 2325 3113 3825 4613 5425 7300
SINGLE ROW FACE TO FACE 370 370 370 370 370 370
FACE TO LENGTH 7210 8560 9910 11960 14015 16055
105 C E L L S FACE WIDTH 2390 2390 2390 2390 2390 2390
2 X DOUBLE ROW EDGE TO LENGTH 10610 10610 10610
EDGE WIDTH 2650 2650 3250
W E I G H T kg 11130 16380 19950 25200 30450 35700
FACE T O LENGTH 8550 10150 11750 14180 16610 19040
125 CELLS FACE WIDTH 2390 2390 2390 2390 2390 2390
2 X DOUBLE ROW EDGE TO LENGTH 12580 12580 12580
EDGE WIDTH 2650 2950 3250
W E I G H T kq 13250 19500 23750 30000 36250 42500


FIG. 9.3 {cont'd) Typical layout and environmental requirements of a battery room

Emergency supply equipment Chapter 9

entry fuse switch unit mounted immediately outside the emergency loads specified for the particular battery.
the battery r o o m . Cable connections to the respective During the discharge, records of voltage, temperature
chargers or distribution boards are all made at the and specific gravity are taken and plotted against time.
bottom of these fuse swhch u n h s . At the end of the discharge, the cell voltage must
be such that, for a complete battery of such cehs, the
total vohage must not be less than that specified.
2.4.6 Access to battery rooms
The cells used above are then charged at the specified
Access doors to battery rooms should be locked from starting rate to a cell voltage of 2.3 V and from this
the outside of the room at all times, except when work voltage at the specified finishing rate to a cell voltage
is carried out within the r o o m . Emergency exit doors of 2.7 V. Vohage, temperature and specific gravity are
must be provided with a quick release device on the recorded and plotted against time. The time required
inside, operative at ah times, even when locked from to charge the battery must not be longer than that spe­
the outside. cified. Starting and finishing rates are given in Section
To prevent damage to cells, battery rooms must not 2.5.3 of this chapter.
be used as access routes to other areas. During the foregoing tests the specific gravity must
be maintained within specified upper and lower limits.
Electrolyte must not be added during discharge. After
2.5 Initial tests, charging, maintenance and
charging the specific gravity may be adjusted to the
site testing specified normal figure.
The capability of a battery system to meet emergency In order to ensure that the cell lid is correctly bonded
demands throughout its life depends on the condition to its container, an air leakage test at an appropriate
and state-of-charge of the battery installation. C E G B pressure is carried out. N o loss of pressure must take
guidelines ensure that operators can have confidence place over a specified period.
in the capabihty of a battery to meet an emergency
demand. Routine tests
Planté cehs basically dehver 100% capacity after
Apart from a visual examination, the only routine test
initial preparation and charging. Their end of life is
carried out on each cell in the manufacturer's works
not predictable by relating capacity to years of service.
is the air leakage test described above.
They would normally deliver 100% capacity through­
out their life which, if they are on charge/discharge
cycling operation, can be in the order of 500/600 full 2.5.2 T e s t s a t site
cycles. On float charge service, the life is usually de­ After erection and initial filling with electrolyte and
pendent on the manner in which the cells are managed. charging, a discharge test to demonstrate the 3 h rated
It can be judged from the physical state of the battery, capacity is carried out on each battery. For this, the
coupled with knowledge of cell electrolyte specific manufacturer provides a resistive load frame, as it is
gravities, vohages and related data. Such data can best unlikely that load is available in the power station at
be assessed by a speciahst from the C E G B or by a that stage. A discharge characteristic of voltage against
manufacturer. time is plotted. On completion, the battery is fuhy
2.5.1 T e s t s in m a n u f a c t u r e r ' s w o r k s Further tests are carried out in conjunction with the
Tests on batteries in manufacturer's works can be di­ associated chargers and are described in Section 4.4.4.
vided into two categories: of this chapter.

• Type tests.
2.5.3 Charging
• Routine tests.
Float charging
Type tests are usually carried out on a representative The method of operation for all the battery systems
sample of cehs of a new design and provide a means is known as afloat charging' which means that the
of proving the design characteristics. Routine tests are charger, the battery and the D C standing (i.e., con­
less searching in character and are usually confined to tinuous) load are all connected in parallel. The charger
estabhsh that a ceh has been assembled correctly. output vohage is such that the battery vohage is held
constant at a voltage of 2.25 V per cell. This is the
Type tests optimum floating voltage, resulting in the longest pos­
Dependent on the total number of cehs, one or more sible life alhed to the minimum maintenance require­
cells of each type and size are fully charged. After a ments. Assuming the battery is fully charged to begin
period of not less than 12 h and not more than 18 h with, h wih take sufficient 'trickle' charge from the
during which the cells are disconnected from the sup­ charger at the above voltage to ensure it is maintained
ply, they are subjected to a discharge appropriate to in a fully charged condition.


The charger is sufficiently rated to supply the D C age is always less than the gassing point of the cell
system standing load and recharge the battery. The at 2.30 V per ceh. Stratification produces a higher
sole purpose of the battery, w h h the charger in service, specific gravhy at the b o t t o m of the cells than at the
is to supply any peak loads such as circuit-breaker t o p because the water in the electrolyte has a lower
closing solenoids which are in excess of the charger density than the acid. This stratification will eventually
capacity. The capacity removed from the battery by disappear after about one to two months w h h con­
these short duration loads is normally replaced by the tinual float charge at 2.25 V per cell and the electrolyte
charger automatically. However, emergency or acci­ will become fully mixed, providing further discharges
dental discharge in excess of 5 - 1 0 % of the 10-hour have not taken place.
rated capachy of the battery may over-discharge it; A further objection to this method of charging is
boost charging would then be required. the increase in time t o achieve a fully charged battery.
The following approximate recharge times could be
Boost charging expected:

The quickest and best way of recharging a battery after

Previous discharge, as a
a discharge amounting to more than 5 - 1 0 % of the
percentage of normal Recharge time
10-hour rated capacity of the battery is to raise the
battery capacity at (hours)
battery ceh vohage from hs floating value of 2.25 V t o
10-hour rate, %
a maximum of 2.7 V. This is commonly known as 'boost
charging'. It involves isolation of the battery and its 25 10
associated charger from the load, because the voltage 50 24
imposed on the load may exceed the upper limit of its 75 42
design vohage. 100 72
At the commencement of recharge, the charger input
current to the battery is hmited t o 14% of hs 10-hour As the charger automatically maintains the float charge
capacity, called the starting rate, u p to a cell voltage of rate at a nominal 2.25 V per ceh (see Section 4.2.2
2.3 V, i.e., the gassing point. The current is then man­ of this chapter), the battery would be approximately
ually reduced to 7 % of the 10-hour capacity, called the 7 6 % recharged in 12.5 h o u r s , but h would take a
finishing rate, for the remainder of the recharge in order considerable time to put back the remaining percentage
to hmit the a m o u n t of gassing from the cell and to pre­ capacity to restore its full capacity for emergency use.
vent damage to the plates. Charging is continued, taking
specific gravity and voltage readings, until they become
2.5.4 F a c t o r s a f f e c t i n g cell life a n d precautions
sensibly constant over a period of three hours and all
to be t a k e n
cehs are liberating gas bubbles in similar a m o u n t s . T h e
system is then returned to normal float charge.
Loss of active material from the plates due to cyclic
Boost charging enables a fully discharged battery to
be recharged in 10.5 h, whilst a battery discharged at the
15-minute rate would be completely recharged in ap­ Lead-acid cells shed active material in service: when the
proximately four h o u r s . The length of time taken to m u d spaces below the plates are fuh of debris, creating
recharge a particular battery obviously depends on the short-circuit paths between plates, the whole battery
ampere-hour capacity taken out of the battery during should be replaced. A correctly designed battery, when
the emergency discharge, i.e., the load, the duration and on float charge, should be time expired before the
the final battery vohage at the end of the discharge. m u d spaces are fihed.
A n important point to note is that a battery can With clear transparent cell boxes, it is possible to
be over-discharged and permanently damaged. The D C examine the state of the plates and separators at the
loads must be disconnected at the end of the design edges of the cells and to check the rate of sludge build­
duty to prevent any possibihty of this occurring. Bat­ u p in the m u d space. The end of life would usually
teries must not be discharged past a specific gravity occur when either the sludge has built u p to the plates
specified by the manufacturer, typically 1.170. in at least one cell or there are other indications of
failure. It is usual for cehs t o be instahed in the edge-
Limited voltage recharging to-edge orientation, i.e., the plates are at right angles
to the lines of cells to facilitate inspection.
Instead of boost charging after an emergency or
Separator failure could cause partial internal short-
accidental discharge amounting t o m o r e than 5 - 1 0 %
circuits: examination of cell electrolyte specific gravity
of the 10-hour rated capacity of the battery, it is
should indicate this.
possible to recharge a battery fully at a limhing volt­
age of 2.25 V per ceh, but this is not ideal and is not
recommended. Corrosion at the acid/air interface
Recharging under these conditions may produce Corrosion of pihars, group bars and risers at the
stratification of the electrolyte, as the battery cell volt­ acid/air interface is an indication of age. Great care

E m e r g e n c y supply e q u i p m e n t Chapter 9

is required when carrying out such examinations, since A n inspection routine is usually based on the
it is not unknown for the riser to appear normal on following:
visual inspection, but for it to collapse and fail when
• Daily Check overall battery voltage.
• Weekly Check voltage and specific gravity on se­
Corrosion of terminals and connectors lected pilot cells per battery, always using the same
cells. Electrolyte levels are noted and recorded and
Corrosion of terminals and connectors can occur, but
topped-up, if necessary. A minimum of two pilot
is avoidable since they are accessible for cleaning,
cehs per battery are used dependent on the size of
inspection, preservation and continuity testing.
the battery and are evenly spaced throughout the
total number of cells, e.g., 1, 30, 60 and so on.
Failure of the cell container
• Quarterly Check voltage and specific gravity, and
Safeguards against such failures are:
visually inspect every cell.
• Regular inspection of p i l l a r seals and lid/case seal.
• Annually Employ the services of a speciahst to
• Administrative control of door locks to reduce the assess battery and experience over the year.
risk of accidental damage, e.g., by battery rooms
• Six yearly See Section 2.5.7 of this chapter.
being used as access routes.

Contamination of electrolyte 2.5.6 CEGB experience

Electrolyte consumables, hydrometers, etc., must be It is C E G B policy to follow a pattern of routine in­
subject to quality assurance control. Procedures are spection, but the exact routine varies from station to
specified and care must be taken to adhere to them. station. Some stations employ manufacturers to assist
in the assessment of battery conditions.
Progressively increasing need for make-up water Generally, the C E G B has followed the recommenda­
tions of the specialists regarding battery replacement
A change in the make-up water rate is indicative of and overall experience has shown this to be a conser­
a change in cell chemistry and serves as an indicator vative policy in that there is no record of a battery
for detailed examination. fahing to fulfil its required duty. Equally, the record
of battery life of up to 30 years has been satisfactory.
Degree of undercharging or overcharging
Correct battery voltage is necessary to obtain maxi­ 2.5.7 T h e case for testing
m u m life from an installation. Chargers are checked
Experience with Planté cell batteries has been sound
regularly to ensure that the correct float voltage is
and it is known that cell capacity does not drop until
end of hfe. Nevertheless, it can be argued that dis­
charge testing to establish the capacity of a battery is
Boost charging
a more certain demonstration of hs ability to perform
The condhion at any time and the ultimate life of an satisfactorily. However, testing only demonstrates this
emergency supply battery is influenced by hs state of at the time of test and at all other times reliance has
maintenance. A boost charge every 2 - 3 years is usual. to be placed on the inspection routines. In view of this,
The rate and duration of a boost charge follows the the C E G B does not consider h worthwhile to conduct
particular manufacturer's recommendations. Details of routine discharge tests, for the sake of the battery
the boost charge schedule are included in the operating alone (see Section 2.5.10 of this chapter for D C system
instructions. tests).
It is important, therefore, to ensure that the in­
Duty cycles spection routines previously outlined, are sufficiently
The number of charge/discharge cycles in service as rigorous and are capable of accurately determining the
well as the type of duty can determine the ultimate life state of the battery. This can be attained more posi­
tively by removing one or two cells for dismantling,
of a battery installation, which has otherwise been
followed by closer inspection of all the parts by a
maintained correctly.
speciahst. The C E G B recommends that two sample
cells are removed from a battery at six-yearly intervals
2.5.5 Inspection (or at more frequent intervals, e.g., annually, if the
The state of the battery is a good indicator of general normal inspection shows that unusual deterioradon has
conditions of the D C system and its associated chargers. taken place and that such a check would be prudent).
Regular visual inspections are a reliable guide to battery These removed cells will be unserviceable after the
condition and its ability to perform correctly when inspection and therefore new replacement cells will be
called upon in an emergency. required to complete the battery.

Battery systems

After removal from the battery, but prior to dis­ tests of essential battery-backed D C systems. These
mantling, the removed cells are subjected to a capacity tests, which provide a demonstration that the whole
check at the half-hour rate from a fully charged state. D C system operates within design hmits and can meet
The half-hour rate is used, since it generally approaches its performance specification, can also be used to give
the duty cycle for which the battery has been installed. back-up information on the condition of the battery.
The above policy has been agreed with the Nuclear The case for testing Planté cells has already been
Installations Inspectorate for ah C E G B nuclear power discussed in Section 2.5.7 of this chapter, and the point
stations. was m a d e that a test is only a demonstration at the
The points to be examined and the acceptable con­ time of test. Nevertheless, if a system test is to be carried
dhions are given in Table 9 . 1 . The condhions in this out, it can be used to give support information on the
table are applicable to any plate in either of the removed Planté cells. It must be emphasised that this is not
cehs. an essential test to determine the state of the battery.
If an adverse condition is identified on one plate The test procedure outlined in Chapter 1, incorporates
of one ceh only, then a further examination of the three phases:
battery wih be conducted. Only if this additional ex­
• Phase 1 — initial setting u p .
amination shows the adverse condition to be present
on other plates, should the action indicated for the • Phase 2 — application of emergency load to battery.
condition in Table 9.1 be followed.
• Phase 3 — recharge of battery.

2.5.8 End of life During the test, the battery parameters shown in Table
As previously described in Section 2.5.6, the C E G B has 9.2 are recorded.
followed a conservative policy on replacement of bat­
teries and has also achieved acceptable battery life. This
policy is continuing. In addition, the requirement to re­ 3 Battery systems
move cells ensures that a closer inspection can be given.
When the cehs reach the conditions indicating that the 3.1 Introduction
battery capacity is likely to fah before the next full
D C systems are provided for the following three cate­
inspection is due, steps are taken to replace the battery.
gories of equipment:
In general, the practice is to replace the battery when
the need for a one-yearly inspection is identified (see • Essential equipment needing a D C supply during
Table 9.1) as a resuh of the procedure outlined in normal conditions and also required to operate when
Section 2.5.7 above. If conditions prevent this practice A C supphes have been lost, these two categories
being followed when an annual inspection is required, include:
then a discharge test at the load duty cycle may be Essential instruments
performed on the complete battery at not greater than Control
yearly intervals, to help to decide whether replace­ Switchgear closing and tripping
ment may be deferred for the time being. During the Telecommunications
period between discharge tests, the items checked during Protection
an annual inspection are rechecked every six m o n t h s , Interlocks
since any deterioration in battery condition could affect Alarms.
battery capacity.
• Standby equipment which only operates when A C
supphes to n o r m a l equipment have been lost, this
2.5.9 Uncharacteristic behaviour of odd cells category includes:
Occasionally, it may be discovered that one or two cells Emergency lighting
exhibit symptoms that are not typical of all the other Emergency oil pumps on main plant including tur­
cells in a battery. This uncharacteristic behaviour of
bine-generators and reactor gas circulators, etc.
odd cehs should not necessarily be taken as an indica­
Other miscehaneous emergency drives.
tion of the unacceptable condition of the whole battery.
These odd cehs wih be discovered by the inspection
routines. The cehs exhibiting non-typical behaviour 3.2 Provision of DC systenns
should be replaced by new cells. The reason for the In order to satisfy the categories of equipment hsted
behaviour should be determined to ensure that the in the previous subsection, the following D C systems
whole battery is not affected. are provided.

2.5.10 System tests of essential battery-backed 3.2.1 220 V DC systems for switchgear closing
DC systems
It is generally not economical to supply closing sole­
Chapter 1 sets out a test procedure for periodic system noids from a battery shared with other loads, such as

Emergency supply e q u i p m e n t Chapter 9
ít: t3 Cd
8 SS "3 c "Ό o
g Oí
V o " 3 y Ö0
«5 Λ
2 ° ^ (U cg <D D
g 2 "cd υ td υ
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ä (Μ
Battery systems


DC system test procedure

Period Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3

Battery voltage \ Every γ hour Every γ hour

Battery current Every γ hour Every γ hour

Ambient temperature At start of Phase 2 At start of Phase 3

Immediately prior
Pilot cells to commencement
(a) Specific gravity of Phase 2 Every γ hour Every γ hour
(b) Electrolyte temperature Every γ hour Every γ hour
(c) Voltage Every γ hour Every γ hour

Specific gravity, all cells At or near the end of

Voltage, all cells / Phase 2 , if duration At end of Phase 3
of the phase permits

emergency lighting, emergency D C drives, etc., because breakers simultaneously at the commencement of
the solenoid operating range is between + 5 % and battery discharge.
- 1 5 % of the rated voltage, whereas the voltage range
of emergency lighting is ± 2 0 % and of motors ± 1 0 % Additionally, it must be capable of closing all other
continuous; - 2 0 % for 30 minutes. If the whole D C designated circuit-breakers, such as interconnectors
system were designed around the closing solenoids, and emergency p u m p s , to shut down the station in a
then the battery capacity would need to be considerably safe manner and to restore the supplies following Grid
higher, typically twice the capacity without the closing reconnection. The minimum discharge voltage at the
solenoids since the designed voltage range would be end of this duty must not fall below 199 V at the bat­
much less. It is therefore generally more economical tery fuse swhch terminals.
to provide dedicated batteries for switchgear closing Following this duty and after restoration of the
solenoids. charger supply, it is assumed that no loads will be
Since BS5311 gives 220 V and 250 V as preferred connected for 10 hours in order to achieve full readi­
voltage ratings of solenoids, the C E G B chose the ness to meet duties (a) and (b) above.
lower, permitting 105 cells to be used for the 220 V It should be noted that this system is not necessary
solenoids instead of 120 cells at 250 V. if switchgear closing solenoid mechanisms are replaced
A dedicated battery for switchgear solenoids also by m o t o r - w o u n d spring-charged closing mechanisms.
offers a distinct advantage with respect to 'blackstart' The advantages and disadvantages of this choice are
capabhity, i.e., complete loss of A C supplies to the discussed in Chapter 5.
chargers as the result of a Grid failure.
Under these conditions, switchgear could be operated 3.2.2 110 V DC systems for switchgear control,
for many hours, or even several days as n o stand­
protection and interlocks
ing loads are connected to the battery. A shared bat­
tery would usually only be designed for a 30-minute These systems provide a secure D C supply for essential
capacity. loads, such as:
The system is designed to meet the following criteria: • Swhchgear and controlgear tripping.
(a) With the battery on 'float charge', it must be possi­ • Switchgear closing, where spring-charged closing
ble to close any two circuit-breakers simultaneously. mechanisms are used.
(b) With the battery on 'float charge', h must be possi­ • Interlocks and protection.
ble to close up to 100 circuh-breakers each day.
• Local control equipment and essential instruments.
There must be sufficient spare capacity in the bat­
tery rating to avoid having to boost-charge it to
Each battery is designed to be capable of supplying its
meet this duty.
designated standing and emergency loads for a dis­
(c) Fohowing a loss of A C supply to the charger, the charge period of 30 minutes following complete failure
battery must be capable of supplying the solenoid of all incoming A C supplies.
of the highest current-rated single 11 kV circuit- Additionally, each battery is also capable of sup­
breaker continuously for 30 s or two 3.3 kV circuh- plying one-half of its designated standing load for a

Emergency supply e q u i p m e n t Chapter 9

discharge period of one hour fohowing loss of a The minimum discharge vohage at the end of these
charger. This permhs a standby charger to be con­ duties must not fall below approximately 211 V at
nected manually. the battery fuse switch terminals.
The minimum discharge voltage at the end of these In the unlikely event that A C supplies are not re­
duties must not fall below 102 V at the battery fuse stored by means of diesel generators, it is necessary
switch terminals. to disconnect loads no longer required to permit the
hydrogen-cooled generator emergency seal-oil pumps
3.2.3 48 V D C s y s t e m s f o r t e l e c o m m u n i c a t i o n s ,
to continue to operate for a further 1.5 hours.
Sufficient spare capacity is allowed in the rating of
plant control and alarms
the battery to avoid having to boost charge it after
These systems provide secure supplies for two distinct a 30-minute discharge period with loads as described
categories of equipment: above.
(a) Telecommunications equipment such as:
• Private automatic exchange (PAX) 3.3 Duplication of battery/charger systems
• Private automatic branch exchange (PABX) T o allow boost charging and maintenance to be carried
• Direct wire telephone system (DWTS) out, which requires isolation of the battery/charger
combination from the D C load, they are provided in
• Radio system controllers duplicate with suitable switching facilities at the D C
• Control desk telephone equipment switchboard. These permit the two battery/charger
systems to be paralleled before taking one off-load.
• System operation telecommunications equipment.
(b) D C supplies for essential loads, such as:
3.4 DC system voltage limits
• Automatic sequence control equipment
Power station D C systems must be designed to take
• Alarms and indications at central control room
account of limits of the load voltage. For good battery
• Manual control from central control r o o m . operation it is necessary to charge at the float voltage,
but it is also necessary to discharge the battery down
Each battery is designed to be capable of supplying its to a sufficiently low voltage, if the full capacity is to
designated standing and emergency loads for a dis­ be released from the cehs.
charge period of 30 minutes following complete failure In order to ensure that the conditions at the termi­
of all incoming A C supplies. nals of any D C loads are consistent with the require­
Additionally, each battery is also capable of sup­ ments of Chapter 1, the battery parameters as shown
plying one-half of its designated standing load for in Table 9.3 are used.
a discharge period of one hour fohowing loss of a
charger. This permits a standby charger to be connected TABLE 9.3

manually. DC system voltage limits

The minimum discharge voltage at the end of these
System nominal voltage, V 48 110 220 250
duties must not fall below 46 V at the battery fuse
switch terminals. No. of lead-acid cells 24 54 105 125

Float charge voltage, V 54 121.5 237 281.3

3.2.4 250 V D C s y s t e m s f o r e m e r g e n c y lighting (2.25 V/cell)
a n d e m e r g e n c y drives
Minimum discharge voltage
These systems provide secure D C supplies for loads, at battery equipment
termination, V 46 102 199 210.5
such as:
• Emergency lighting (DC luminaires). Off-load boost charge 65 146 283 337
voltage, V (2.7 V/cell)
• Emergency auxiliary drives, such as lubricating oil
pumps for turbine-generators, gas circulators, etc.
• Emergency valve operation.
4 Chargers
• Fire sirens.

Each battery is capable of supplying the designated

4.1 Introduction
total load of all emergency auxiliary drives and the F r o m the remarks made in Section 2.5 of this chapter,
designated total emergency lighting load, excluding it will be evident that a correct charging procedure is
plant buildings remote from the main station buhding, most important to ensure satisfactory battery hfe and
for a discharge period of 30 minutes following com­ performance. Modern charging equipment, using A C
plete failure of all incoming supplies. supplies, provides safe and flexible control of battery


charging ehher automaticahy (float charging) or with large increase in current. Once the open-circuit losses
the minimum of manual attention (boost charging). have been overcome any more current is unnecessary
As well as maintaining the battery at a sufficient state for charging and is undesirable (see Section 2.3.15 of
of charge, the charger must also be capable of sup­ this chapter). Equally, if the vohage is allowed to fall
plying the continuous electrical system load (standing t o o low, the open-circuit losses will not be replaced and
load), leaving peaks and emergency loads t o be supphed the battery will slowly discharge.
by the battery. Thus the charging voltage needs to be carefully
The performance targets of a battery charging system controhed for proper battery maintenance. The hmits
for heavy duty lead-acid Planté cells in a power station used by the C E G B are ± 1 % about the float voltage
can be summarised as follows: for a charger load between 0 % and 100% of hs rated
• To ensure that the battery is maintained at a suffi­ current.
cient state of charge, without reducing its life or The float voltage has a small negative temperature
necessitating undue maintenance. coefficient which must be allowed for when batteries
are to be used in exceptionally hot environments.
• To ensure that the output voltage and current of the C E G B power station chargers are provided with a
complete system are compatible with the connected stepless float voltage adjustment from 1.69 V to 2.4 V
electrical load. per cell m o u n t e d inside the charger cubicle to prevent
• To ensure that adequate system monitoring is avail­ unauthorised access and possible maloperation leading
able to the appropriate interface standards. to over or undercharging of the battery.

• To ensure that the battery is recharged after a dis­

4.2.3 Charger ratings
charge, sufficiently to perform the specified dis­
charge duty within the specified recharge time. In the simplest D C standby power system, the battery
is permanently floated across the system or load in
parallel with a rectifier charger. The float charge rating
4.2 Required characteristics must therefore be capable of supplying the sum of:

• The float charge rate of the battery.

4.2.1 Initial charge
• The continuous (standing) load of the system.
In the manufacture of the lead-acid battery, the plates
are converted to the active state of lead dioxide (posi­
tive plate) and spongy lead (negative plate) in the pre­ In practice, the chargers for C E G B power stations
sence of dilute sulphuric acid during a process known have to fulfil further duties to provide continuity of
as the formation charge. supply, and the systems described in Chapter 1 have
Fohowing formation, the plates are washed and dried been developed to ensure this.
and assembled into cehs or batteries. After adding Summarising these duties, the float charge rating
dilute sulphuric acid, and before putting into service, must be selected from the sums of one of the following
it is essential to give the battery an initial charge. This two systems.
consists of passing a current into the battery for a
number of hours, as recommended by the battery Interconnected unit system
maker. This charge completes the electrochemical con­
• T h e float charge rate of the batteries of two unit
version of any lead sulphate remaining in the plates.
It ensures that the battery starts its hfe in the best
possible condition, so that it is capable of giving rated • The standing load of two unit systems.
capacity and satisfactory performance from the m o ­ • One half of the station system standing load.
ment it goes into service. It also ensures maximum life.
The inhial charge is given to the battery either in the
Interconnected station system
manufacturer's works or on site (see Section 2.3.13
of this chapter). • The float charge rate of two associated batteries.
• T h e standing load of the whole of the station system.
4.2.2 Maintaining charge
In addition to the above requirements, chargers must
If the initially charged battery is left disconnected from
be designed to operate satisfactorily in parahel, to
load or charging equipment, it wih slowly discharge.
ensure changeover on-load before a charger is taken
In order to maintain the charge without excessive cur­
out of service.
rent flow, the charger output voltage must be held
constant at 2.25 V per cell, to replace the small open
circuit losses. 4.2.4 Boost charging
The current/voltage characteristic is non-hnear, i.e., There are circumstances when the float voltage can
a small increase in charging voltage causes a relatively and should be exceeded. New batteries, those which

Emergency supply e q u i p m e n t Chapter 9

have suffered abuse, or those discharged by 5 - 1 0 % the charger must not be damaged, nor must it mal­
of their 10 h rated capacity will benefit from vigorous function.
gassing at u p to a boost vohage of 2.7 V per ceh. During extreme transient conditions caused by ex­
For this purpose, a separate constant voltage, variable- ternal system faults, the voltage at the supply terminals
current charger can be provided in addition to the to the charger may be lost for up to 0.2 s, followed
float charger; or the facilities can be incorporated in by initial recovery to 6 0 % for 3 s and then 8 0 % for a
the float charger. period not exceeding 3 min. Under these conditions,
Whichever method is used, boost charging must only the charger must not be damaged, but its probable
be carried out with the battery disconnected from the performance, whilst not critical, must be assessed by
system to avoid applying excessive voltages to equip­ the manufacturer.
ment on the load side of the charger. T o ensure this,
a float charge/boost charge selector switch must be Rectifiers
provided and interlocked so that the system load must
Rectifiers used in C E G B power stations are of the
be disconnected before boost charging.
fuh wave bridge type, employing ehher sihcon junction
Since boost charging is always carried out under
diodes or thyristors.
supervision the charging current is regulated manually.
In order to ensure a long hfe for the rectifier it is
The control potentiometer for this purpose is mounted
vhal that the junction temperature of the diode/thyristor
inside the charger to prevent unauthorised access.
is limhed. In order to achieve this, the diode/thyristor
and heat sinks must be rated by the manufacturer to
4.2.5 General additional requirements carry 200% of the load current continuously when
operating in an ambient air temperature within the
Output voltage ripple cubicle of 55°C, without exceeding the maximum junc­
tion temperature of the diode/thyristor as quoted by hs
It must be possible to operate chargers without bat­
manufacturer. In other words, under normal operating
teries. Under this condition, the D C voltage ripple must
conditions the diode/thyristor is only half-loaded, with
not exceed 10% peak-to-peak of the battery float volt­
a considerably reduced junction temperature.
age under loading condhions over the range 0 to 100%
Internally to each charger, individual diode/thyristor
rated output.
fuses are fitted to provide protection in the event of
diode/thyristor failure. They are special high speed
Power supplies
fuses, specifically designed for use with semi-conductor
The fohowing power supphes for the input to the rectifiers because of the latter's low \H capability.
chargers are normally provided in a power station: These fuses are provided with striker pins which, when
the fuse ruptures, operate a microswitch to illuminate
• 415 V, three-phase, 50 Hz, sohdly earthed neutral.
a warning lamp to locate the rectifier arm in which
• 240 V, single-phase, 50 Hz, solidly earthed neutral. fahure has occurred and give an alarm (see Section 4.2.8
of this chapter).
In general, the 415 V three-phase supply is preferred to T o protect the rectifier against vohage surges, inverse
ahow distribution of the load evenly across the phases, or otherwise, from the input or the load that may occur
but the 240 V single-phase supply can be used to an in service, surge suppression circuits are incorporated
upper hmit of 16 kVA. and fitted with alarm type fuses as described above.
The supply is normally maintained within + 6 % and
- 1 0 % of the nominal voltages and whhin the fre­ Transformers and chokes
quency range of 49.5 to 51 Hz. These are usually of the naturally air-cooled type
Chargers must be capable of continuous operation with class F non-hygroscopic insulation to BS2757. In
at their rated output with any combination of the order to ensure a long hfe, the temperature rises are
above voltage and frequency limits. limited to those appropriate to class Β insulation.
In addition, chargers must be capable of contin­ T o allow for input voltage adjustment, bohed hnks
uous operation over the above voltage range at an are fitted to p e r m h vohage variation of ± 5 % in 2 τ %
output which decreases pro rata with frequency below steps.
49.5 Hz down to 47 Hz. Operation below 48 Hz wih
not be for periods longer than 15 minutes at any one Electronic equipment
Ah electronic equipment is designed to comply with
the C E G B General Specification for Electronic Equip­
Supply voltage transients ment, EES 1980, suitable for Class B3 conditions w h h
Chargers must be capable of operating from a sup­ an ambient temperature range of 0 ° C to 40°C outside
ply vohage which is 2 0 % low for up to 90 s to cover the cubicle. The electrical environmental class is taken
the starting of large motors, the frequency being whhin as X which is 'mild' and generally applicable to plant
the limhs of 47 to 51 H z . Under these conditions. rooms.


4.2.6 Earthing • Battery earth fault.

All D C standby power systems at 110 V and above • Battery vohage low.
have positive and negative poles insulated from earth.
• Battery on boost.
An earth leakage detection system is provided incor­
porating a resistor connected across the battery and
with a centre tap to which a detection relay is connected Since charger cubicles are generally located in un­
to earth. This ensures that an earth fault occurring on attended r o o m s , it is important that the central con­
one pole of the system does not blow a fuse, but can trol r o o m is m a d e aware when any of the above faults
be readily detected for remedial action before another occur. Usually, the control r o o m engineer cannot take
earth fault occurs. Fuses for outgoing circuits are direct action to rectify the fault and can only direct
provided in the positive pole and withdrawable links an auxiliary plant attendant t o investigate locally. The
in the negative pole. above alarms, with the exception of 'battery on boost'
and 'battery open-circuit', are therefore grouped on
48 V D C standby power systems have their positive
pole sohdly earthed. Fuses for outgoing circuits are a c o m m o n facia in the central control r o o m titled
provided in the negative pole only. 'battery/charger fault'. This keeps the number of facias
whhin bounds and reduces the workload of the con­
trol r o o m engineer. The 'battery on boost' and 'battery
4.2.7 Protection and monitoring
open-circuit' alarms are considered sufficiently vital
for the control r o o m engineer to be informed sepa­
Overvoltage protection
rately, to indicate that the battery is not available
Chargers are provided with an integral voltage sens­ for load or to enable him to take more urgent action.
ing device, measuring vohage at the charger output
terminals. Should this vohage rise significantly above
4.2.9 Nuclear safety
the normal float voltage of the battery, the circuit is
arranged to shut down the charger and provide an In the event of a seismic disturbance, whilst it may not
alarm. This device must be disabled during boost be feasible t o continue t o operate a nuclear reactor on
charging. load, h must be possible to shut h down safely and
avoid a nuclear hazard. In such an event, batteries and
Low voltage detection chargers play an important role, since there may be a
complete failure of Grid supplies.
To warn of load failure due to insufficient vohage, a
All equipment involved must therefore be designed
low voltage detection device is provided to give an
and tested to withstand a seismic disturbance of spe­
alarm. This enables batteries to be disconnected to
cified severity.
avoid damage due to excessive discharging.

Battery circuit monitoring 4.3 Description of equipment

Corrosion of the group bars joining groups of positive
or negative plates could eventually lead to an open- 4.3.1 Introduction
circuited battery if not detected in time by »egular In order to fulfil the requirements outhned above,
inspection. Modern C E G B power stations are fitted chargers of varying ratings are provided for the many
with battery continuity monitoring devices to provide diverse loads and battery capacities. The equipment
an alarm if an open-circuit occurs, which could serious­ for an individual charger is usually contained in a
ly jeopardise important D C supplies, e.g., switchgear venthated steel cubicle with a hinged front door; it
tripping. can be divided into the following groups:

• Magnetic components and filters, e.g., main trans­

4.2.8 Alarms
former, D C filter choke and fiher capacitors.
Each charger is provided with the following alarms
• Thyristor and diode stacks.
which can be displayed by indicating hghts or alarm
facias on the charger cubicle: • Control b o a r d . This printed circuit board comprises
all circuits for the control of the rectifier and alarm
• Charger failure (loss of A C supply).
• Charger shutdown on D C system overvoltage.
• Display. This is normally fitted to the door and
• Rectifier fuse failure. gives visual indications of various conditions and
• Surge circuit fuse failure. alarms, together with facilities for switching.

• Over-temperature and cooling fan failure (when

Since most of the components of chargers are similar
forced coohng is provided).
and vary mainly in size, the details of a typical charger
• Battery open-circuit. are given in the following sections.

E m e r g e n c y supply e q u i p m e n t Chapter 9

4.3.2 Basic principles the excitation vohage. During the other half cycle, the
Figure 9.4 shows a simphfied block diagram of a roles of the two reactors are reversed.
typical charger. Single or three phase versions are The resultant output current is an A C near-square
available, but the basic principles are similar. More wave, proportional in amplitude to the D C primary
detailed descriptions of some of the items are given current. This, after rectification, gives the typical
notched D C waveform.
in subsequent subsections.

Mains transformer DC filter

This provides the power for the basic rectifier and This is of the normal choke/capacitor type and reduces
isolates the mains from the rectifier. It is designed the ripple on the output of the charger to an acceptable
to give a voltage and current output compatible with level. A charger operates permanently into a source
the requirements of the battery and standing load. of E M F , so current can only flow when the charger
E M F exceeds the battery E M F . This could lead to
very short periods of rectifier conduction, hence very
Thyristor rectifier
high peak values of current being fed to the load.
This is similar to a conventional bridge-type full wave The D C filter extends the periods of conduction and
rectifier, with thyristors replacing the diodes. Using the so reduces these pulse currents, resulting in a con­
control board, the output is controlled by regulating siderable reduction in the output current ripple. In
the proportion of time during which the thyristors addition, semi-conductor components need not be rated
conduct in each half-cycle period. to carry these excessive peaks.

Control board
4.3.3 Main transformer
This printed circuit board monitors various parameters
This is usually of the naturally air-cooled type with three
associated with the operation of the rectifier by com­
secondary windings for the three arms of the rectifier.
paring them with preset standards. The results are used
Allowance must be made in the design to allow for
to regulate the conducting time of the thyristors so
possible distortion of the voltage waveform due to the
that the rectifier output voltage is maintained at the
presence of the rectifier, which would increase losses
correct level.
and therefore produce a higher temperature rise.

Reference transformer
4.3.4 Thyristor rectifier
This has two functions:
Thyristors are usually of the silicon type mounted
• To provide power for the power supply section of on heat sinks. The larger output thyristors are some­
the control board. times provided with forced air coohng to augment the
natural coohng and thus keep temperature rises to
• To provide a reference voltage for use as a datum in
the thyristor control circuits of the control board. the manufacturer's specification, while keeping heat
sink dimension (and thus cubicle dimensions) within
reasonable limits.
DC voltage and current transformers
These provide isolated D C outputs from D C sources
4.3.5 Control board
suhable for use with integrated circuhs.
The basic D C current transformer consists of two The control circuits can be sub-divided as fohows.
identical saturable reactors connected in series-opposi­
tion with a common primary winding. The reactors are Voltage feedback This circuit compares the D C out­
toroidally wound on high permeability (square loop) put voltage produced by the D C voltage transformer
magnetic alloy. Figure 9.5 shows the usual practical with a preset value and produces a signal to keep the
circuit. output at this level. With normal load conditions, the
The D C ampere-turns due to the primary current voltage feedback circuit fully controls and holds the
wih cause both reactors to saturate. In this condition charger output voltage to the float voltage setting.
their A C impedance wih be low. The application of the When the total current limit or the battery current
A C excitation current will alter the level of saturation limit is reached, the voltage feedback circuit is over­
in each reactor. In a given half cycle, the ahernat­ ridden and the charger output voltage is reduced by
ing current will drive one reactor further into satura­ the current limit circuits, thus limiting the output cur­
tion keeping its impedance low. On the other reactor, rent to the set limit.
the magnetising forces wih oppose, tending to remove On switching power to the rectifier, and until steady
saturation and current will flow to bring the reactor operating conditions are reached, the voltage output
just out of saturation. The A C impedance of the reactor is depressed and steadily ramped u p to float vohage by
will then go high and wih support the remainder of the action of a 'soft start' circuit.








HV ( g > - " ~ VOLTAGE &


FIG. 9.4 Simplified block diagram of a typical charger

DC Total current feedback This circuit measures the

I CURRENT total current fed into the rectifier bridge. Any con­
dition which causes this current to exceed a preset
IDCCURRENT value will reduce the output voltage until the input
. JTRANSFORMER current is within its hmit.

AC Thyristor firing control In this section, the sum of the

EXCITATION signals from the three feedback circuits above are
related to a reference voltage supplied by the reference
BURDEN transformer. This ensures synchronisation with the
SILICON AMMETER mains input voltage. A n output signal is produced,
which controls the firing point of the thyristors in
each half cycle period. This output drives the firing
pulse amplifiers. After firing, the thyristors will con­
tinue to conduct until the voltage across them fahs
to zero. Each thyristor therefore requires two firing
FIG. 9.5 DC current transformer — circuit diagram
control circuits, i.e., one for each half cycle, making a
total of six for a three-phase g r o u p .

Battery current feedback In this circuit, the battery Firing pulse amplifiers These are simple oscillators
charging current signal produced by the D C current which are switched by the output signals from the
transformer is compared w h h a preset value. Current firing control circuhs. Their electrically isolated out­
exceeding this level will reduce the output voltage until puts are rectified, producing the D C signals required
this level is reached. to turn on the thyristors. Similar to the firing control

Emergency supply equipment Chapter 9

circuits, there are six firing pulse amplifiers for a 4.3.8 Display
three-phase group. It is usual for the front door of the charger to carry
the necessary switches, instruments, indication and
Power supply section This is fed from two secondary alarm displays to enable the operator to ensure that
windings of the reference transformer. Each winding the constant (standing) load is supplied correctly and
is connected to a rectifier which provides outputs that a fully charged battery is available for emergency
which vary in magnitude from manufacturer to manu­ use.
facturer, dependent on the design requirements of the The facilities provided fall into three categories.
control board. Typical values are + 1 8 V and ±15 V. Although they can vary in detail from charger to
These output voltages are fed to the control board charger, they generally comprise the fohowing:
via stabilised voltage regulators. They are also available
for other purposes as required, e.g., alarm circuits.

Alarm section The power supply to this section is • Voltmeters to register 'input' and Output' volts.
fed via a thyristor with a capacitor/resistor delay to • Ammeters to register 'input' and 'output' current.
allow other power supplies to become stabilised, thus
avoiding spurious alarms. Control devices
The various alarm signals such as high vohage cou­
• Input isolator — this switch is interlocked w h h the
pled with high battery charging current and low volt­
front door to ensure that the incoming A C supply
age coupled with low battery charging current are
is off before the door is opened.
generally obtained by a feedback signal fed into an
amplifier where it is compared with a preset value. • Output isolator.
Under normal circumstances, for 'high' alarms, the
Note: Both the input and output isolator can be pad­
amplifer output is negative and the output is blocked.
locked in the ' o f f position. Dependent on the current
If the feedback voltage exceeds the preset value an
rating of the charger, they can either switch direct or
output signal is produced to energise the alarm on
energise contactors or circuh-breakers.
the front panel display. For 'low' alarms the reverse
applies, i.e., the amphfier output is normally positive • F l o a t / b o o s t changeover switch.
and so on.
• Alarm reset and lamp test pushbuttons.

4.3.6 Reference transformer

Alarm devices
This mains-fed transformer has three secondary wind­
The manner of displaying alarms varies from manu­
ings, two of which provide the power supplies for the
facturer to manufacturer. The three types most com­
control board and the third the reference voltage for
monly employed are:
the firing control circuits. This transformer is usually
specifically designed with specific ratings and connec­ • Indicating lamps.
tions of the secondary windings to suit a particular
• Light emitting diodes.
rating of charger. It is therefore not interchangeable.
It is particularly important that the phase relationship • Proprietary alarm facias.
to the main transformer is not interfered with, to
ensure the correct order of firing pulses. The number of alarms displayed varies according to
the complexity of the charger and the requirements of
the C E G B specification for a particular location. A
4.3.7 DC transformers
typical hst was given in Section 4.2.8 of this chapter.
The D C voltage transformer obtains the supply for Facilities are also provided by means of clean relay
its power section direct from the mains, and a signal contacts (i.e., contacts not connected to other circuhs)
from the D C output of the charger. It gives an out­ to energise alarms in the central control r o o m , as
put proportional to the output voltage of the rectifier required.
to feed the voltage feedback circuit of the control
4.3.9 Battery f l o a t / b o o s t control circuitry
The D C current transformer requires an input from
the power section of the control board and a signal The float/boost swhch on the front door of the charger
of the output current of the charger obtained from a can only be operated by means of an interlock key
shunt. It gives an output proportional to the output which becomes available for use when the load is
current of the charger and feeds the current feedback isolated. This enables the battery alone to be boost
circuit of the control board. It also provides an indi­ charged. During this operation, the interlock key is
cation of the battery discharging in the event of a trapped in the float/boost switch to prevent the load
charger failure. being switched on.


When boost is selected, the vohage reference feed­ • Testing of electronic circuit boards and components.
back is automatically increased by the float/boost
• Final visual inspection and performance test.
switch and the current feedback similarly reduced. This
effectively raises the current hmit to the boost charge
Some of the above hems are self-evident, others require
starting rate. During this operation, the charger high
further elaboration.
voltage alarm is also automatically inhibited. When
the battery reaches the gassing voltage, the current
h m h is changed to the finishing rate. Output voltage and waveform analysis, and smoothing
The D C output voltage is measured over the load range,
4.4 Testing including the most onerous specified load range, and
a harmonic waveform analysis is produced.
4.4.1 Introduction Before the tests take place, the manufacturer sub-
Tests on chargers can be divided into two categories: m h s fuh details of his calculations of the harmonics
produced by his equipment. H e is required to demon­
• Tests in manufacturer's works. strate that due allowance has been made in the trans­
• Tests at site. former design for these harmonics and their effect on
the transformer losses.
The former can be further divided into type tests and
routine tests. Type tests are usually carried out on the Visual checks
first unit of a new design and provide a means of
A complete physical check is carried out to ensure
proving the design characteristics as well as the correct
that the equipment has been provided in accordance
functioning of the unit. Routine tests are less searching
with previously approved drawings, that the appro­
in character and are usually confined to establish the
priate clearances to earth and between phases have
correct functioning only.
been achieved, that components are to the normally
approved C E G B standards, that the necessary shroud­
4.4.2 T y p e t e s t i n g in m a n u f a c t u r e r ' s w o r k s ing against accidental contact has been provided and
It is usual for the manufacturer to submit to the that the equipment is clean, free of dust and swarf.
C E G B , for agreement in good time before the tests
take place, a test schedule including the parameters Performance tests
to be recorded so that the tests can progress smoothly
The voltage and current regulation is demonstrated
and without any delays. This is important with some
throughout the specified load range within the speci­
of the special tests for which the use of an outside
fied input vohage and frequency variations, and also
test organisation may have to be used who usually
charge on a time basis. In-house testing is clearly pre­
ferred, but the extremely high cost of special equipment
coupled with its infrequent use sometimes prohibits Temperature rise test
this. The charger, as mounted in service w h h all cubicle
The fohowing is a basis for such a test schedule: doors and covers in position, is subjected to a tem­
perature rise test by either connecting it to a simulated
• Visual checks.
load or, for larger equipments, by short-circuiting the
• Performance tests and settings. output terminals. When the latter method is employed,
• Alarm checks and settings. full-load current is applied at reduced voltage to si­
mulate load losses. The equivalent of the open-circuit
• Instrumentation checks. losses obtained from an open-circuit test are incor­
• Electrical stress. porated by increasing the current by a proportionate
• Output voltage and waveform analysis.
Thermocouples are positioned at hotspots known
• Smoothing checks. from experience, such as the top of the inner trans­
• Output checks during supply transients and inter­ former winding, busbars (particularly joints), thyristor
ruptions. heat sinks, etc. T h r o u g h o u t the test, readings are taken
at half-hourly intervals and the test is terminated when
• Temperature rise test. two or three sets of readings have been substantially
• Insulation resistance. constant, indicating that maximum temperature rise
has been reached.
• Soak test.
During the test, ambient air temperature readings
• Seismic tests (where specified for a nuclear power in three poshions a r o u n d the cubicle are taken and
station). averaged, as also is the ambient air temperature inside

Emergency supply e q u i p m e n t Chapter 9

the cubicle. From these and the thermocouple read­ to a series of tests designed to ensure that it has been
ings, the appropriate temperature rises are calculated correctly assembled, that the correct components have
and compared with specification requirements. been used and that the equipment functions correctly.
After the temperature rise test, a test is performed These tests comprise:
to show that the transformer temperature is satisfac­
• Testing of electronic equipment in accordance whh
tory when producing full output in accordance with
routine tests hsted in C E G B General Specification
the most onerous specified duty cycle.
for Electronic Equipment, E E S 1980.

Testing of electronic circuit boards and components • Visual examination for similar reasons to that car­
ried out during the type tests.
Electronic circuit boards (control boards, alarm and
indication monitoring boards, etc.) are tested in ac­ • Heat run with a limited number of thermocouples
cordance with the type tests listed in the C E G B General attached to hot spots determined during the type
Specification for Electronic Equipment, EES 1980. If tests.
the same design of a board is used in chargers of dif­ • Check on smoothing, insulation, accuracy of in­
ferent ratings, only one series of type tests is necessary struments, correct functioning of swhches, indica­
on the printed circuit board. The tests specified ensure tions and alarm contacts.
that electronic components will satisfactorily operate
in the temperature and humidity environments stipu­ • Insulation resistance of the completed equipment.
lated in this specification. By means of ovens, refri­ • Apphed high voltage test, followed by a further
gerators and climatic chambers, they are subjected to insulation resistance test to detect any breakdowns
high and low extremes of temperature and high humi­ that may have occurred.
dity as may at times occur in service. They are also
subjected to specified vibration levels and drop tests,
4.4.4 T e s t s a t site
simulating the dropping of a printed circuit board onto
a bench, as may occur during maintenance. These are carried out on each charger in accordance
Both before and after the tests, detailed performance with C E G B document 099/500 — Site Testing and
tests and a thorough visual examination are carried Commissioning by Switchgear, Transformer and Re­
out. Throughout the tests, the printed circuit boards actor Manufacturers. Their main purpose is to es­
are energised and regular performance checks are car­ tablish that the equipment has not been damaged during
ried out to ensure failures are detected at the earliest transit from the factory to site or during erection. They
possible moment to estabhsh any particular weaknesses also ensure that the charger operates satisfactorily w h h
of the design. its associated battery and external load.
Although the above tests can be performed with The tests can be summarised as follows:
the electronic components in situ in the charger, it is • Visual checks for damage, loose connections, missing
usually more convenient to carry them out separately. components, etc.
• Presence and values of fuses.
Soak test
• Insulation resistance to earth.
During this test, the charger, is energised at normal
vohage for a continuous period of 100 h, as in service, • Check that A C supply, connections and fuses are
to detect any 'rogue' electronic components which have available.
passed all the other tests. • Check that charger operates n o r m a h y in both 'float'
The final performance test, which is identical to and 'boost' outputs.
the performance test at the beginning of the type test
• Fully charge battery and top up electrolyte if ne­
series, will indicate any deterioration or failure when
cessary. Connect load equivalent to approximately
comparing results.
5 0 % of charger rating. Swhch off charger. Check
that battery discharges correctly into load (instru­
Routine tests as part of type tests ment polarities correct, etc.).
In order to ensure that the routine tests specified for
• Check that low voltage alarm operates.
subsequent units are satisfactory and can be performed
without serious problems arising, they are carried out • Switch on charger to 'float' and check that it attains
on the type-tested u n h . Any difficulties arising can its full rated output and that current limit feature
then be resolved before the further production u n h s operates.
become available, resulting in a saving of time and space • Recheck with charger switched to maximum 'boost'
in a test bay. and check that maximum charger output persists only
for a short time before tapering down.
4.4.3 R o u t i n e t e s t s in m a n u f a c t u r e r ' s worl<s • Switch charger to 'float' and check that D C output
O n completion of erection, each charger is subjected voltage is within the limits of ± 1 % .

Diesel generators

• Check operation of high vohage and earth fauh Essential Services Boards, having first estabhshed that
alarms. the normal feeds via 11/3.3 kV transformers are open,
together w h h any interconnectors between 3.3 kV
• Recharge battery fully, record specific gravity and
Essential Services Boards which might have been closed
voltage of each cell and leave charger on 'float' to
when Grid supplies were lost (see Fig 9.6). Each diesel
keep battery charged ready for use.
generator is associated with its own 3.3 kV Essential
Services Board, thus diesel generators wih not nor­
mally be required to run in parallel with one another.
5 Diesel generators
This avoids synchronising delays in bringing diesel
generators into action.
5.1 System requirements They must, however, operate satisfactorily in parallel
with the station auxiliary system, as described below.
5.1.1 Purpose of diesel generator installation Should a reactor trip occur when a diesel generator
Diesel generators are required in all types of C E G B is running on test under manual control, but otherwise
power stations to provide back-up electrical supplies to available for emergency duty, the appropriate circuh-
enable essential auxihary plant to perform its role to breakers will be tripped and the emergency start relays
safely shut down, and to maintain in a shutdown con- will reset the diesel generator AVR and governor to
dhion, conventional boiler or nuclear reactor and main the preset emergency running conditions. The diesel
generator plant in the absence of Grid supplies. generator is therefore available for loading with others,
For instance, at the Dinorwig pumped-storage power as described above.
station, on loss of Grid supphes, diesel generators pro­ W h e n a diesel generator has been connected to its
vide supphes for normal drainage p u m p s , emergency 3.3 kV Essential Services Board under reactor trip and
lighting, battery charging, essential instrumentation, loss of Grid conditions, it will be loaded automatically
etc. In addition they enable a main generator to be in accordance with a preset sequence.
restarted and to re-energise the Grid system, known as After emergency running, when Grid supplies have
'black' station start. become available, each diesel generator will be con­
Diesel generators are also specified for the new trolled manually from its control desk. Under this con­
generation of 900 M W coal-fired power stations to dition, the diesel generator will be selected to parallel
maintain essential electrical auxihary supplies during running to introduce speed and voltage d r o o p char­
shutdown conditions in the absence of Grid supplies. acteristics followed by synchronising with the station
Their most important use, however, is in nuclear auxiliary system energised from Grid supplies. When
power stations, where they are associated primarily with running in parallel with the Grid has been achieved,
reactor cooling water and emergency boiler feed systems the diesel generator is then unloaded and shut down.
in the event of failure to maintain or re-establish Grid It will then be available again for emergency duty.
electrical supphes during reactor post-trip operation. This form of parallel running is also a requirement
As batteries are half-hour rated, diesel generators for periodic fuh load testing of the diesel generator
are, in addition, required to supply battery chargers to in an operational nuclear power station (see Section
maintain the standing load and to recharge batteries 5.4.3 of this chapter).
in readiness for a restart of the reactor/turbine-gen­ It should be noted that diesel generator auxiliary
erator u n h . supplies are generally obtained from the station 415 V
Since the installation of diesel generators in nuclear Essential System which is subject to interruption of
power stations is their largest and most important supply for up to 30 s on loss of Grid. Should the
use by the C E G B , this section gives details of such diesel generator be running on test at the instant of
installations. loss of Grid, it should be capable of withstanding the
resultant loss of load, which may be full rated load,
and of running through without auxiliary supplies at
5.1.2 Starting and loading
no load for a period of at least 30 s.
Under reactor trip conditions (either one or both re­ Attention is drawn to the need to test the diesel
actors of a two-reactor nuclear power station), all generators easily and also their initiation devices, to
diesel generators in the station are signalled to start ensure their availabihty as standby plant.
automatically from the reactor post-trip sequence sys­
tems to run at preset AVR and governor settings, i.e.,
full voltage and speed. Such an emergency start over­ 5.1.3 Rating and number of diesel generators
rides any AVR and governor settings selected manually It is normal C E G B practice for a two-reactor station,
at the control desks. each reactor having four independent quadrants, to
In the event that the reactor trip is accompanied install eight diesel generators to allow for sufficient
by loss of Grid supplies or should these supplies be redundancy in the event of machines not being avah­
lost while diesel generators are running on open cir­ able due to a maintenance outage, failure, or failure to
cuit, they wih be connected to their respective 3.3 kV start.

Emergency supply equipment Chapter 9
5^- <-a-y
Q 2

,o o
Diesel generators

The continuous maximum ratings (CMR) are based Because of its installation in a nuclear power station,
on the auxihary system loadings as described in Chapter the equipment is suhable for a radiation dose of 0.1
1. Typical of the A G R type figures for the Heysham 2 mrad/h.
nuclear power station are 5.2 M W for four of the T h e plant is normally designed for an operating hfe
machines and 6.8 M W for the other four. They also of 30 years under the conditions of operation described.
have 10% overload capabihties of 5.8 M W and 7.5 M W Certain items of plant such as seals, gaskets and joints,
respectively for 60 min. cannot be obtained to achieve this hfe. It is therefore
In addition to hs continuous rating, each diesel important that the manufacturer declares the presence
generator is capable of meeting the transient voltage of such components and their difficulties. In such in­
and power requirements during direct-on-line start­ stances facilities for easy access and rapid replacement
ing of individual drives with squirrel-cage induction are usually provided.
motors. These requirements include the starting of Because of the generally high noise levels originating
the largest individual drive, such as an emergency boiler from diesel generators, stringent requirements are ob­
feed p u m p motor, at the end of the loading sequence served with respect to sound reduction by appropriate
initiated under the emergency conditions described design of the diesel house, to ensure that noise levels
above. Additionally, the tripping of a block load equi­ in the neighbourhood are kept whhin reasonable h m h s
valent to 3 3 % of the generator C M R rating must not so as not to cause annoyance to the public. These are
cause a frequency excursion outside the range of 48 set out in C E G B Standard 989907 — Noise Limits for
to 51 H z . New Power Stations.
The diesel generator systems are engineered to pro­ In addition, air intakes, exhausts and other secondary
vide a high degree of reliability and to avoid depend­ sources of noise external to the diesel house, e.g., fans,
ence upon single items of auxiliary equipment. Subject require special treatment to comply with the specified
to deterioration or wear or liability to accidental m a x i m u m permissible noise levels.
damage, adequate auxihary equipment redundancy is
5.1.4 Protection against external hazards
The diesel generators are suitable in all respects for
rapid starting and loading, including 'dead starts', after
High winds
being stationary for long periods. They are also capable
of running a significant number of hours at no-load The diesel generator system is designed to withstand
between periods of routine testing or operation. These the effects of high winds. Adequate supports and re­
requirements are met without impairing its function straints are provided for those items subject to high
of providing reliable essential electrical supplies. winds. The diesel house is designed to whhstand the
Engines, generators and auxiliary equipment are, as effects and therefore only plant items external to the
far as possible, of standard design of proven rehabihty buhding are considered, e.g., exhaust stacks, outdoor
over a period of 20 000 running hours and preferably m o u n t e d cooler, etc.
in service on similar duties. Three external hazards are guarded against:
Diesel generators and their auxiliary equipment are
(a) High wind damage — maximum gust of 69 m / s
designed for the following ambient conditions:
for 3 s.

Outside (b) W i n d b o r n e missiles, generally considered as a sec­

tion of corrugated aluminium cladding from an
Maximum ambient temperature 40°C
adjacent building, measuring 6 m χ 1 m χ 1.6 m m
Minimum ambient temperature -25°C
travelhng at 50 m / s .
Relative humidity 100%
(c) Windborne combinations of seaspray, rain and
Inside the diesel house snow.

Maximum ambient temperature 55°C

Minimum ambient temperature The design provides that the engines will run despite
Relative humidity the effects of these hazards, in particular:
• The starting system must remain functional.
Inside the local control room
• The fuel supply system must remain functional.
Maximum ambient temperature 40°C
• The air intake must allow full-load running of the
Minimum ambient temperature -10°C
engines at all times.
Relative humidity 85%
• The atmospheric coolers must remain intact and
Where diesel generator systems are installed in close functional.
proximity to the sea, due regard is given to corrosion • The exhaust must remain functional, i.e., unblocked,
problems arising from the sah-laden atmosphere. although not necessarily intact.

Emergency supply e q u i p m e n t Chapter 9

The starting and fuel supply systems are totally pro­ ferent diesel engine manufacturers. This subject is given
tected against damage from windborne cladding. careful consideration during the tender stage, with
The air intake system allows the air flow required particular respect t o the tenderers' information on
for full power running desphe damage by the wind- proven standard design and reliability and service ex­
borne cladding a n d possible blockage by windborne perience on similar duties.
debris. It is capable of removing excessive windborne
seaspray, rain a n d / o r snow such that operation of Location of diesel generators
the engine itself is protected. It is also capable of
Diesel generators are usually located in engine rooms
withstanding the strongest wind gust without signifi­
in pairs, with careful attention to ensuring that failure
cant loss of efficacy.
of a component or system does not render both diesel
Atmospheric coolers can withstand the greatest wind
generators inoperable (see Fig 9.7). In particular, where
gust whhout damage and are protected against signi­
c o m m o n systems are employed, standby plant and suf­
ficant damage caused by windborne cladding. They are
ficient pipework and valving is provided t o ensure that
also protected against loss of efficiency due to blockage
alternative supply routes are available for each diesel
by windborne debris or snow.
generator. Individual services t o each diesel generator
The exhaust system and silencer are not required to
are separated b u t , where it is necessary to run systems
survive the hazards intact but are designed always t o
in close proximity, then adequate protection is provided
provide a free passage for exhaust gases, bearing in
to each system to prevent c o m m o n failure.
mind possible damage caused by high wind or wind­
borne cladding.
Fire protection
These design criteria ensure that the plant remains
running without significant loss of efficiency. The whole installation is designed to minimise both
the risk and the effects of fire. Nevertheless, accidents
Seismic requirements can occur and the diesel generator installation, with
the exception of the bulk fuel storage tanks (see below),
Diesel generators are designed to operate after an earth­ is therefore protected against fire by an automatic
quake in order to provide supplies to safely shut down system of high velocity watersprays. It is a design re­
nuclear reactors within the station. quirement that the operation of the fire protection
The magnitude of seismic vibrations can vary from system does not adversely affect the operation of a
station to station and also from one floor level to diesel generator running at the time of operation of
another within a building. T o enable the manufacturer the watersprays. Careful attention to waterproofing
to design equipment to withstand seismic vibrations of equipment is therefore essential. Whilst individual
in combination with normal operational forces, the certification of equipment for this condition is not
necessary details to calculate acceleration forces are required, a site test on the completed installation will
given in the appropriate specification for a station. subject the running diesel generator to high velocity
Diesel generator systems are designed t o withstand twice watersprays, when any waterproofing deficiencies are
the response accelerations which are calculated from made good.
the acceleration forces in combination with horizontal Any ancillary plant or electrical equipment likely
and vertical floor response spectra for the particular to be affected by smoke, excessive heat or by the o p ­
building. eration of the fire protection equipment is located
The ability of the equipment to withstand seismic outside the engine room in a separate plant r o o m .
vibration is established preferably by analytical meth­ The fuel oil bulk storage tanks are equipped to
ods, or by a combination of analysis and low level inject low-expansion foam as a fire extinguishing
induced vibration tests. Where these methods cannot medium.
be used with confidence, items comprising the first
production u n h are subjected to shaker table tests.
The equipment is energised during these tests a n d , 5.2 Engine and auxiliaries
where practical, it is at normal operating temperature.
Monitoring equipment is used to evaluate the perfor­ 5.2.1 Engine types a n d characteristics
mance of the equipment before, during and after these The engines specified by the C E G B are of the cold
tests. Fuh particulars of seismic qualification procedure starting, compression ignition (diesel) type, pressure
are contained in the C E G B Technical Specification charged, operating on a four stroke cycle. The cylinder
and Schedules for Seismic Qualification of Electrical configuration is usually a Vee' arrangement a n d , to
Plant (E/TSS/EX32000). obtain long life, the running speed does not usually
exceed 750 r / m i n . In general, they comply with BS5514
Avoidance of common mode failure and are suitable for use w h h BS 2869 Class A fuel ohs
In order to avoid common mode failure, the C E G B over the full range of engine operating conditions and
always reserves the right to obtain some of the ma­ ambient temperatures. A block diagram of a typical
chines for a particular station from each of two dif­ diesel generator system is shown in Fig 9.8.

Diesel generators








FIG. 9.7 Side elevation of a diesel house, showing the location of diesel generator and its auxiharies

5.2.2 Engine design and construction disturbing the crankshaft. Any thrust bearings that
require periodical adjustment are arranged to facilitate
Engine assembly this operation.
The engine crankcase and frame are designed to be The crankshaft is a one-piece alloy steel forging,
extremely robust and rigid constructions, with a pre­ fully machined incorporating oil ways and an integral
ference for high grade castings rather than a fabricated driving flange at one end. The whole of the rotating
construction. Where the latter is employed, careful and reciprocating masses is balanced.
attention is paid to the manufacturer's construction, All bearings, pistons, connecting rods, cam shafts,
fabrication and inspection procedures, with particular crankshaft, etc., are accurately machined to standard
reference to quality of welding (see Figs 9.7 and 9.9). sizes. The aim is to ensure complete interchangeability
As the engines spend long periods in the station­ of components throughout the engines of a particular
ary condition, the manufacturer is required to give size for a particular station a n d , whenever possible,
particular attention to the tensile stresses induced in on a national basis, thus reducing the cost of spares
cast iron components to reduce the risk of long term holdings.
creep damage to the engine structure. The C E G B Cylinder blocks are provided with renewable cyl­
requires such tensile stresses not to exceed approxi­ inder liners which are separately cooled to minimise
mately 2 5 % of the material yield strength w h h the thermal stresses induced by the rapid start require­
engine stationary. Allowance is made for the effects ments. Liners are fitted with seals to prevent the
of waterside c o r r o s i o n , which reduces m a t e r i a l interleakage of oil, water or gases whhin the engine.
thickness during the life of the plant. Means of detecting failure of the liner lower seals are
The crankshaft bearing housings can form part of provided.
the bedplate or crankcase. Sheh type, lined, high fatigue Each cylinder is provided with its own individual
strength main bearings are used. They are split and cast iron cylinder head, complete with starting air inlet
arranged so that both halves may be removed without valve, aspiration air inlet valves, exhaust valves, pres-

Emergency supply equipment Chapter 9


CONTROL tAhi 1 n I N o A A I L IlAAnD Y








FIG. 9.8 Block diagram of a typical diesel generator system

sure relief valve, indicator cock and centrally located Occasionally a manufacturer may put forward a
fuel injector. The heads have a high resistance to dry sump design, but this must be demonstrated to
thermal stresses and are separately cooled to meet the be able to maintain a positive suction head on the
fast response requirements. Heads are totally enclosed lubricating oil pumps at all times.
by individual covers except for the injector, which is The main lubricating oil p u m p is of the positive
located o u t s i d e to avoid c o n t a m i n a t i o n of t h e displacement type directly driven off the engine. The
lubricating oil by the fuel oil. p u m p takes oil from the wet sump via upstream coarse
T o facilitate maintenance access, the crankcase is strainers.
provided with inspection doors on both sides of the A standby electrically-driven p u m p , complete with
engine and is vented to atmosphere. Ahogether, the automatic changeover controls and alarm initiating
whole engine is arranged to allow easy and rapid devices, is usually provided. The inhiation of the
maintenance with a minimum of special tools. electrically-driven standby p u m p is at a higher oil
T o satisfy statutory and personnel safety require­ pressure than the *low oil pressure' engine trip setting
ments, pressure relief valves and flame traps are fitted. to permit continued engine running in the event of
The engine is cooled by a water cooling system, as failure of the engine-driven p u m p .
detailed in Section 5.2.4 of this chapter. Oil coolers, using water as a cooling medium, are
provided and are designed to avoid contamination of
the lubricating oil by water due to leakage across the
Lubrication separate oil/water circuits. Interconnecting pipework
The C E G B gives preference to engines operating on a is arranged for easy removal of the cooler end boxes
wet sump system and incorporating a forced lubricat­ for cleaning the cooler tubes.
ing oil system to provide correct lubrication under all Thermostatic control is provided to regulate the
operating conditions to all surfaces requiring an oil system, safely maintaining the optimum oil temperature
supply. The exceptions are the generator and exciter under all conditions of operation.
bearings which are separately lubricated (see Section Because the engine is stationary for long periods, it
5.3.1 of this chapter). is essential to maintain the oil at the optimum tem­
The lubricating oil capacity of the engine s u m p / perature for starting. This is achieved by fitting thermo­
tank is sufficient for at least 24 h continuous operation statically controhed oil heaters (see Section 5.3.4 of
of the engine at rated load w h h o u t make-up. this chapter).

Diesel generators
ϋ Ο
3 DC
h- <
LU ϋ

Emergency supply equipment Chapter 9

Duplicate full-flow fine filters, with replaceable ele­ Fuel injection

ments and onload changeover facilities, are provided. Fuel injectors, fuel injection pumps (one per cylinder)
Drip trays are fitted in this area and in all other and fuel filtration equipment are usually of the manu­
positions of possible oil spillage. facturer's standard type, thoroughly proven in service
A dirty lubrication oil collection system is provided elsewhere under similar operating conditions. Adequate
in each diesel house to cover each pair of engines. redundancy is provided in the operating drive and
The tank is sized to contain the sump oil of two en­ metering control to ensure the engine is not made un­
gines. Drainage of the sump to the tank is by means serviceable by individual component failure.
of a portable p u m p and flexible hoses. The tank is Fuel injectors, incorporating fihers, atomise the fuel
arranged for discharge to a road tanker. sufficient for complete combustion. The injectors are
In addition, drainage points are provided at the easily removable for maintenance purposes, for which
lowest points of oh fihers, heaters, coolers, etc. I hese a maintenance jig (including a test p u m p ) , are provided.
are arranged to keep oil spillage to a minimum and all The fuel injector p u m p s are individually cam-op­
pipework is self-draining. Magnetic drain plugs are erated, of the spring-return plunger type and are driven
fitted to trap any metallic particles in the lubricating off a c o m m o n camshaft. They have means of ensur­
oh. ing equal distribution and metering of the fuel to all
A portable lubricating oil centrifuge is provided to cyhnders under all conditions of loading. Each p u m p
service any of the diesel generators in a station and is capable of being m a n u a h y primed.
is sized to give a minimum of three changes per 24 h The fuel system is self-venting and any fuel spill from
per engine. To facihtate this arrangement, using hoses, the injectors is returned directly to the fuel oil bulk
the necessary connections and valves are provided on storage tank.
each engine. Fuel pipes from the p u m p s to the injectors are
It will be noted from the above that any draining sheathed such that any leakage is piped to a tank fitted
or centrifuging of the oil involves the use of hoses. This with a level alarm.
requires a deliberate action on the part of maintenance Dual full-flow fine fihers are provided upstream of
personnel connecting the two ends of a hose and avoids the fuel injector p u m p s .
the accidental opening of a valve on a fixed pipework
drainage system which could cause an inadvertent Flywheel
loss of oil endangering the engine and jeopardising hs
availability. Dependent on the inertia of the total diesel engine/
generator assembly, a flywheel is sometimes provided
Compression fittings for pipe joints have given trou­
to overcome the cyclic variation in torque of a diesel
ble in the past because of possible poor workmanship
engine. It is manufactured from a material free from
during assembly. They are reduced to a minimum
significant defects and is subjected to an o ver speed
nowadays and preferably not used at all in positions
test at 150% normal engine running speed.
1 m or less from the engine, to avoid the fire risk
The dynamic system, comprising engine and driven
caused by oil spraying onto a hot engine.
machinery, is so designed that cridcal speed vibration
Lubricating oil priming stresses do not exceed the recommended values given
in the latest edition of Guidance Notes of Lloyd's
When the engine is stationary, oil will drain from Register of Shipping.
bearings and cylinder liners. This is avoided by supply­
ing these items with oil during stationary periods, either
Barring gear
on a continuous basis or intermittently, controlled by
a timer; this operation is known as priming. M o t o r operated barring is provided to turn over the
T o safeguard the engine, duplicate (duty and stand­ engine at slow speed at regular intervals in conjunc­
by) electrically-driven pumps are fitted for each en­ tion with the priming equipment described above,
gine, arranged so that in the event of p u m p failure during long periods of idleness and for maintenance
the standby p u m p will take over the duty. A n air-driven purposes. Interlocks are fitted to prevent engine opera-
priming p u m p is also provided, which comes into op­ d o n with the barring gear engaged. Provision is also
eration if the electric pumps are unavailable. made for manual operation. The electrically-driven
The priming system is designed to avoid lubricating gear is made inoperative when hand operation is in
oil entering the cyhnder combustion chamber or exhaust use and stardng of the engine is prevented with hand
system but, at the same time, cyhnder hners receive barring gear engaged. Barring gear 'engaged' indication
adequate lubricating oil to prevent pistons shding on is provided at the control panels.
dry wahs on start-up. Facilides are available for 'inching' the diesel gen­
The priming pumps are capable of supplying suffi­ erator rotors to enable them to be positioned angularly
cient oil to the bearings to enable the machine to be w h h precision for purposes of erecdon and maintenance
barred and also to allow the machine to be safely (see also Section 5.3.4 of this chapter).
brought to rest should the main oil pumps fail when The drive motor of the electrically-powered barring
starting or running. gear is designed to turn the diesel generator from rest.

Diesel generators

An automatic decompression device is sometimes used starting, all being fed individually from the common
to reduce the standstih torque required from the m o t o r . system ring main. The automatic systems operate si­
multaneously on separate banks of cylinders of the
Foundations engine. Each system is capable of starting the engine
in the event of failure of the other system.
It is usual for engine and generator to be mounted
Independent pipework is provided from each starting
on a c o m m o n bedplate to provide a rigid assembly.
receiver to the starting valves of the engine.
Although the foundations are provided by the civil
For each automatic starting system, duplicate sole­
contractor employed by the C E G B , the diesel generator
noid-operated start valves, each rated for 100<7o air
manufacturer provides the basic design of foundations
flow requirements for the whole engine, are provided
suitable for his equipment. This should withstand the
for each cylinder b a n k . The start valves are arranged
seismic hazards previously referred to in Section 5.1.4
for parallel operation both electrically and pneuma­
of this chapter. It should also ensure, as far as pos­
tically. M a n u a l isolating valves are fitted on either side
sible, maximum isolation of the building structure from
of each of the solenoid valves. These permit each one
transmitted vibrations when the plant is operational.
to be taken out of service for maintenance without
affecting the others and without reducing the starting
5.2.3 Starting equipment ability of the engine.
Diesel generators are started by supplying compressed A manually operated valve is provided for the man­
air to the cyhnders (Fig 9.10). For this purpose, a com­ ual start system.
pressed air starting system with automatic and manual Each engine system also incorporates a separate air
control systems is provided for each engine, together receiver for the air-driven lubrication priming p u m p
with a common charging section feeding the separate described in the previous subsection. This receiver is
engine systems. This c o m m o n section comprises two separately supplied with its own pipework and valves
electrically-driven compressors on a d u t y / s t a n d b y sys­ from the c o m m o n charging ring main.
tem, each capable of being selected to duty. They sup­ The capacity of each of the individual engine starting
ply a pipework ring main from which the individual system air receivers is designed to achieve six starts
engine systems are fed. In order to regulate the rate w h h o u t recharging from the c o m m o n air system. This
of pressure change and to act as an accumulator, a ensures ample capachy in the event of failure to start
receiver is fitted to the c o m m o n system. the engine on the first or subsequent attempts.
Each engine system consists of two air receivers Similarly, the capacity of the air-driven lubrication
for automatic starting and one air receiver for manual priming p u m p air receiver is sized to provide sufficient





FIG. 9.10 Engine start system

Emergency supply equipment Chapter 9

air for about 2.5 minutes of running which is consi­ sure gauge, a pressure operated alarm swhch (receiver
dered sufficient to provide adequate lubrication prior low pressure) and facilities for regular statutory in­
to the first start attempt. spections. The receivers and fittings are manufac­
tured and tested in accordance with BS 1123 and
Air compressors and drives BS5169.
Each compressor is of the air cooled type, mounted The relief valves are piped to a safe discharge point
on a common bedplate with its electric motor and to avoid danger to personnel. For maintenance pur­
associated equipment to make a complete packaged poses, the air supply pipework to the receiver incor­
u n h for floor mounting (Fig 9.11). It is aligned in porates an isolating valve.
the manufacturer's works for easy erection on pre­ T o prevent corrosion, the internal surfaces of air
pared foundations designed to the requirements of the receivers are either galvanised or coated with a flame-
manufacturer. Emphasis is again placed on a standard resistant coating approved by the C E G B .
design and construction of proven reliability.
Equipment associated with each compressor com­ Air pipework and valves
prises air suction filter, silencer, intercooler, relief valves, Pipelines are sized to allow the required air quantities
automatic start and stop features in the form of pres­ to flow without prejudicial pressure d r o p and they in­
sure swhches, automatic unloading gear and automatic corporate drainage slopes. Pipework and valves are
drain valves. Means are also provided for separating designed to withstand a hydrauhc pressure of twice
oil and moisture from the compressed air. the working pressure (Fig 9.12).
Each compressor is capable of charging the two Manually operated isolating valves are provided in
largest receivers from atmospheric pressure to normal the diesel generator r o o m to isolate the starting air sys­
working pressure in the minimum time commensurate tem from the diesel engine whilst work is being carried
with the requirement that the compressor is kept run­ out on the engine. The valves have padlocking facilities
ning for a period of about 20 minutes under normal to enable them to be locked off in compliance with
charging conditions. This period is chosen to enable the C E G B Safety Rules. Similar isolating valves are
the compressor to reach its normal working tempera­ provided for all other pneumatically operated aux­
ture and reduce wear and tear due to frequent stops iliaries associated with each diesel generator.
and starts. Whilst it is generahy left to the manu­ The manual isolating valves are also interlocked whh
facturer to specify the above times, in no circumstances the barring gear to prevent h from being engaged until
is the recharging time allowed to exceed one hour. the isolating valve is in the closed position.
Internal surfaces of pipework are coated, similar to
Air receivers the interior surfaces of air receivers. For small bore
Each receiver is fitted with a relief valve, non-return pipework coating is not possible, and this is usually
valve, drain connection and valve, moisture t r a p , pres­ supplied in stainless steel to BS3605.




FIG. 9.11 General arrangement of air compressors

Diesel generators

<5> AY2



•{XF -tXF - M -


FIG. 9 . 1 2 Compressed air ring main system

Where vibration can become a problem, e.g., in circuhs, with the exception of the c o m m o n make-up
the vicinity of compressors, flexible pipework is pro­ supply.
vided to avoid fatigue fracture and noise transmission. T o maintain the optimum engine working tempera­
ture under ah conditions of operation, the engine jacket
5.2.4 Cooling system
cooling water circuit is thermostatically controlled. This
includes keeping the engines in a suitable pre-start
Each diesel generator is provided with a radiator system condition, which may need the use of off-load heaters
(Fig 9.13) with separate circuits for cooling of: (see Section 5.3.4 of this chapter).
• The engine jacket water. T o prevent air locks, continuous or automatic
venting from the high parts of the water system is
• The secondary water system, supplying coolers for provided.
engine lubricating oil, charge air system, generator The engine jacket cooling system is arranged to feed
coolers, etc. water direct from the engine to the radiator, with cir­
culation maintained by an engine-driven water p u m p .
Each radiator system is complete with its own water It is also usual to provide a standby electrically-driven
make-up tank, radiator, electrically-driven fans, filters, p u m p with automatic start facilities in the event of
pipework and valves. Pipework is arranged to con­ failure of the engine-driven p u m p .
nect separate sections of the radiator to the jacket a n d The separate secondary water system, for the other
secondary coohng circuits and valved to enable one coolers mentioned above, feeds water direct to a se­
circuit to be taken out of commission without affecting parate section of the radiator with circulation main­
the others. There is n o interconnection between cooling tained by a separate engine-driven water p u m p and a

Emergency supply equipment Chapter 9














FIG. 9 . 1 3 Block diagram of a cooling water system

STANDBY electrically-driven p u m p , similar to the one and out to prevent corrosion. They are of the closed
already described. (fully covered) design, vented to atmosphere and sized
A flow indicator is provided on all engine circulating to ensure that no overflow occurs due to expansion
water discharges. of the coolant at any operating temperature. They
Comprehensive precautions are taken against freez­ are fitted with a calibrated level indicator visible from
ing of any part of the coohng system by including ground level. Tanks are erected on steelwork at a height
off-load heaters, antifreeze solution and trace heating. which provides a gravity feed to the radiator systems.
Also, where necessary, lagging is provided. Personnel access platforms are fitted for cleaning.

Water make-up tank Radiator and cooling fans

Tanks are constructed generally I N accordance with A radiator with fan assembhes is provided for each
BS417 Part 2 from mild steel and galvanised inside diesel generator unit (Fig 9.14). The assembly forms

Diesel generators






FIG. 9.14 Cooling water radiator and fan

an integral, self-contained, free-standing unit and is ing periods of ambient temperature in excess of 15°C.
normally mounted on the roof of the diesel generator The fans are electrically-driven with a preference
building, with maximum efficiency of heat transfer to for direct drive. Multi Vee' belt drives are acceptable,
atmosphere. Radiators are constructed from a number so long as twice the number of belts required for the
of separate cooler elements, any one of which is capable duty is provided, together with belt adjustment and
of being removed without disturbing the others, in­ m o t o r / f a n alignment facilities.
cluding the provision of isolating and drain valves for
each element. The elements are constructed from non- Water pipework and valves
ferrous materials in separate sections to accommodate
All interconnecting pipework and valves are designed
the separate coohng circuhs. A number of elements can
and installed in accordance with C E G B Standard 239903
be used on any cooling circuit, but the use of one
— T i p i n g Systems — Low Pressure Water Services'.
element on two separate cooling circuits by division of
Compression type pipe couplings are not used where
the header is avoided.
failure could result in a safety hazard to personnel
Two nominal 100% duty, thermostatically controlled or plant. Where necessary, expansion joints are fitted,
radiator cooling fan groups are provided, so that each e.g., on long runs. Provision for drainage and collection
fan group on its own can provide 100% diesel gen­ of the water is also provided.
erator cooling at an ambient temperature of 15°C.
The fan groups are arranged on a d u t y / s t a n d b y basis,
with either group being capable of selection as the duty 5.2.5 Fuel oil s y s t e m s
fan group. The second fan group is arranged to act Each diesel generator fuel oil system basicahy com­
automatically as standby in case of failure of the duty prises bulk storage tanks, transfer p u m p s , daily service
group and to supplement the supply of cooling air dur­ tanks, line filters, recovery tanks, etc.

E m e r g e n c y supply e q u i p m e n t Chapter 9

The capacity of the bulk storage tanks is calculated A tank level indicator and local high level visual and
to provide a minimum of 80 hours fuh-load running audible alarms are provided. A temperature monitor
of the associated diesel generator. in the gas space above the fuel oil level provides a
The daily service tanks are sized for 8 hours full- high temperature alarm for fire prevention.
load running. Because the tank is located in a pit, permanent
A gravity fuel supply to the engine from the daily galleries and ladders are provided for cleaning and
service tank is preferred for all states of diesel gen­ for access to valves and the sludge trap (see Section
erator loading, to avoid the use of additional aux­ 5.1.4 of this chapter for fire protection).
iliary equipment which could jeopardise the fuel supply
to the engine under emergency conditions. At some Recovery system
installations this cannot be achieved and, in these
In order to collect fuel oil leakage, blowdown, etc.,
instances, duplicate pressurising pumps (engine-driven
from the engines and overflow from the daily service
and electrically-driven standby) are provided. In any
tank, a recovery system is provided including a recovery
circumstances, the diesel generator must be capable
tank. From the latter, oil is automatically returned to
of a black start with at least 10% of rated output by
the bulk storage tank.
gravity fuel feed, with the pressurising pumps by-passed
Dependent on the relative heights of recovery tank
if necessary.
and bulk storage tank, automatic d u t y / s t a n d b y elec­
To enable each daily service tank to be replenished
trically-driven pumps are sometimes fitted to return the
automatically from the bulk storage tanks, duplicate
oil to the bulk storage tank. A visual level indicator
fuel oil transfer pumps are provided and operate on
is fitted.
a duty/standby basis. These are of sufficient capacity
The construction of the recovery tank is generally
to make up the fuel used from the daily service tank
similar to that of the daily service tank.
by running for not more than half of the engine run­
ning time.
Oil pipework and valves
A deadweight type fire valve with fusible link is
provided to drain the daily service tank to the bulk All interconnecting pipework and valves are designed
storage tank automatically in the event of a fire. Opera­ and installed in accordance whh C E G B Standard 23992
tion of the fire protection system will inhibit operation — 'Piping Systems — Oil Services'.
of the transfer p u m p to the tank concerned. Pipework is not routed over the engine exhaust mani­
The fuel oil is arranged to reach the engine at the folds or in any position where it is at risk from fire in
correct temperature for atomisation, irrespective of am­ the event of leakage from pipe joints, etc. Provision
bient temperature. Where necessary, thermostatically for drainage by suitable trays and pipework is pro­
controlled fuel oil heaters are installed to achieve this. vided. Compression type couphngs are not used where
their failure constitutes a fire risk or a hazard to per­
Daily service tank and associated equipment sonnel or plant.
Adequate supports and flexible pipework are used to
Tanks are constructed in accordance with BS799 Part
minimise the dangers of pipeline fatigue fractures due
5, using mild steel coated with an oil resistant treat­
to vibration.
ment, approved by C E G B .
Immediately after testing, the fuel oil system is
They are vented to atmosphere via a flame t r a p .
treated with an inhibitor to ensure that the fuel lines
An overflow is provided with pipework back to the
are protected from rust, corrosion, seahng or any form
recovery tank. An easily cleanable sludge trap is fitted.
of deterioration.
Because of the height at which these tanks are likely
to be mounted, ready access for cleaning in the form
of gaheries and ladders is provided. 5.2.6 I n l e t a n d e x h a u s t air p i p e w o r k ,
A calibrated level indicator, visible from ground t u r b o c h a r g e r s a n d silencers
level, is provided.
Bulk storage tanks The aspiration system draws air from outside the en­
The tanks are constructed in accordance with C E G B gine room via duplicate filters with an air inlet designed
Standard 20752 — T u e l Oil Storage T a n k s ' and such that 100% air flow to the engine at the design
BS2594. They are located in pits in the diesel house. pressure drop can be achieved whh one filter panel
After manufacture, they are given an oil resistant treat­ blocked or removed for cleaning. The design of the
ment approved by the C E G B . intake and the air approach velocity are arranged to
Additional capacity is provided in the bulk storage avoid the ingress of moisture from any source as weh
tank above the normal high level control which stops as the draw-in of snow.
the transfer p u m p , to accommodate the contents of the The C E G B usually prefers engines with exhaust-
recovery tank and the daily service tank when emptied driven turbochargers to supply air for complete fuel
by the operation of the fire protection. combustion at maximum loading to achieve the full

Diesel generators

load rating of the engine. The turbochargers are readily electronic type and a standby mechanical governor.
accessible and easily dismantled for maintenance and The engine governing limhs specified are to BS5514
cleaning. They have a separate lubricating oil system Class A l .
complete with means of checking oil level. The governor system provided, permits the engine
Charge air is usually intercooled. Air-to-water charge speed to be varied from 8 0 % normal speed at no-load
air coolers are provided with the intercooler forming to 2 % overspeed at full-load. Means are provided for
an integral part of the engine coohng circuit. this speed adjustment to be made by hand from the
To avoid premature failures due to fatigue, duct­ station central control r o o m , at the local engine control
ing is fully supported and free of vibration while the panel and at the engine itself.
engine is running by the fitting of flexible joints. The governors regulate the quantity of fuel oil sup­
Facilities for engine inlet air temperature measure­ plied by positioning the fuel p u m p control racks to
ment are provided. suit the load d e m a n d .
O n failure of the electronic governor, facilities are
Exhaust manifold provided to ensure changeover to the mechanical
The engine has a smooth flow gas exhaust manifold governor.
coupled via the turbocharger to the exhaust system.
In order to avoid injury to personnel, the exhaust Electronic governor
manifold is shielded t o give a maximum surface tem­ This governor operates from either the 110 V, single
perature of 65°C under all operating conditions. phase 50 H z , guaranteed essential instrument supply
available in a power station (uninterruptable power
Silencers and exhaust pipework supply) or a 110 V D C supply obtained from batteries.
The design of the exhaust system ensures that the back It is capable of maintaining the generated frequency
pressure on the engine and the noise level are kept as between 48 Hz and 51 Hz under normal operating
low as practical. Provision is made for spark arresting conditions.
to reduce the fire danger. Remote control of speed is provided, when running
Silencers are manufactured from heavy gauge sheet in parahel with the system, as described in Section 5.1.2
steel and all internals are secured by continuous weld­ of this chapter. This control permits operation of the
ing. T o release any condensed moisture, drain plugs are engine at any load at frequencies between 4 8 - 5 1 Hz.
provided. The outlet of the silencer is terminated at a For parallel running w h h the system, speed droop is
level which allows adequate dispersal of exhaust gases. switched in. T o p e r m h running when isolated from the
The exhaust pipework is usually flanged heavy gauge system (if required for emergency duty), speed droop is
steel tubing to BS806 Class B, with expansion joints switched out.
to ensure that no stresses are imposed by expansion The governor reponse rates are designed to enable
of the building structure from which the pipework is it to cope with block load applications and rejections
supported. of 2 5 % , 5 0 % and m a x i m u m load, together with the
Weather and heat shielding is provided for silencers worst loading sequence specified for the particular
and exhaust pipework external to the building. All station under emergency duty conditions.
exhaust pipework internal to the building is lagged In the event of failure of the electronic governor, an
and clad with aluminium sheet to prevent excessive alarm is given with the engine either running or
temperature in the building. Lagging and cladding is stationary.
always arranged for easy removal for maintenance,
where this is required. Mechanical governor
As for the exhaust manifold, heat shielding is ap­ This governor is of the centrifugal type. It has a
plied to all parts of the system within 3 m of ground speed setting of about 5 % above that of the electro­
level or which are accessible from personnel access nic governor to avoid interference. When the speed
points. reaches the level of the mechanical governor, it will
Due to the exposed nature of certain seaside power assume and maintain control of the engine. It is pro­
stations, care is taken to ensure that cladding external vided with a fixed speed d r o o p such that, at full-load,
to the building will shed water and withstand high the engine on mechanical governor would run at its
winds, as defined in Section 5.1.4 of this chapter. For rated speed.
this reason, to give additional protection, all items
exposed to the open air are sprayed with metallic Overspeed trip device
aluminium and immediately sealed by two wet coats
A separate overspeed trip device is provided to operate
of silicon aluminium sealer capable of withstanding
in addition to (and independently of) both electronic
operating temperatures up to 450°C,
and mechanical governors, to protect against runaway
or damage to the engine with possible risk to personnel
5.2.7 Governors should both governors and their associated fuel controls
Each engine is provided w h h a main governor of the fail.

Emergency supply e q u i p m e n t Chapter 9

The overspeed trip device is separately driven off field of the brushless variety, i.e., with shaft-mounted
the camshaft gear train. It operates independently of diodes as rectifiers for the provision of D C excitation
the fuel p u m p control rack, by actuating the fuel p u m p current. The machines are suitable for direct coupling
blowdown system, which clears the fuel and air locks to the diesel engine and have their own self-lubricated
the pumps. bearings in accordance with ESI Standard 4 4 - 3 , Sec­
The setting of the overspeed trip is arranged so that tion 5.4.1. The generators may share one bearing whh
a temporary rise in speed due to instantaneous loss of the diesel engine. The bearings are split horizontally
full load, when operating with either governor setting, for ease of maintenance.
will not cause a trip condition. The rotor shaft is a single forging machined all over
with an integral coupling flange. Because of the cyclic
variation in the torque of a diesel engine, the rotor
5.3 Generator and electrical equipment is capable of withstanding continuously a vibratory
torque of ±2.5 times the rated fuh-load torque over
5.3.1 Generator design and construction the range of 95 to \ \0% rated speed. It is also capable
of withstanding ± 6 times rated full load torque when
Reliability being a prime requirement, manufacturer's
passing through critical speeds.
standard units are preferred which can be demonstrated
Means are provided to prevent the circulation of
to have a proven record of reliability. At times, it is
shaft currents through the rotor and bearings by the
preferable to install a standard unit, even if it does not
use of an insulated bearing pedestal.
fully comply with every detail of the specification, so
On-site balancing facilities are provided.
long as these departures are identified at the tender
Generator electrical design
The generator unit is designed to comply with BS5000
Part 99 and BS4999 Parts 3 and 5 1 . The type of The generator is capable of supplying, for one hour
environmental protection provided, i.e., to BS4999 during any period of twelve consecutive hours' running,
a load 10% greater than the nominal continuous rating.
Part 20, I P W 5 5 , enables the machine to operate satis­
factorily under fire protection deluge condhions (see As stated previously in Section 5.1.2, the generators
Section 5.1.4 of this chapter). are not normally required to operate in parallel with
each other, but must be capable of operating satis­
The method of cooling preferred by the C E G B is
factorily in parallel with the station electrical auxiliary
that covered by BS4999, Part 2 1 , I C 3 1 , utihsing a fan
system for the purpose of full-load testing. Reactive
mounted on the generator shaft. This avoids rehance
kVA sharing equipment is therefore provided (see next
on separately driven auxiharies such as fans and p u m p s .
Section 5.3.2). When operating in this m o d e , har­
Cooling air is taken from and returned to the outside
monic currents produced by the generator are circulated
of the diesel generator house via inlet air filters and
through the machine and other equipment. Such cur­
outlet air protective louvres.
rents must be within the temperature rise capabihties
For very large machines the above method of cool­
of such equipment.
ing may be inadequate. Under these conditions, a
The 3.3 kV stator windings are star-connected, with
forced air, water cooled design to IC81 may have to
the neutral bar connected to earth via a resistance to
be accepted, so long as the constructional requirements
limh the phase to earth fauh current to 1000 A, to
comply with ESI Standard 4 4 - 3 — ^Electric Motors
minimise damage under fault conditions.
Specification (3300 V and above)'.
Separate line and neutral terminal boxes mounted
Insulation is specified to comply with BS2757 Class on opposite sides of the stator casing are usually pro­
F. However, to achieve a long insulation life, tempera­ vided, designed to limit damage to other plant and
ture rises are hmited to the lower Class Β temperature. injury to personnel in the event of a through or inter­
Since the generator unit is required to operate sud­ nal fauh.
denly after long periods at standstill, off-load heaters The length of the stator may at times prohibit the
for anti-condensation protection, anti-corrosion pro­ fitting of such boxes direct to the stator casing because
tection, and the protection of bearings against trans­ of their size. In these circumstances, separate free­
mitted vibration are provided. standing hne and neutral terminal boxes are used. These
The generator unit is capable of continuously with­ are located adjacent to the stator and linked to h by
standing levels of imposed vibration from the engine of means of connections in ducts.
0.25 m m peak-to-peak amphtude between 5 and 10 Hz If the stator is not solidly bolted to its foundations,
and levels of imposed vibration velocity from the gen­ i.e., it is located on anti-vibration mountings, care is
erator core in accordance with BS4675, Classification taken to incorporate the necessary flexibility into the
11.2, between 10 and 200 H z . These levels can be mea­ cable connections to the terminal boxes, or to the ducted
sured at any point of the frames or bearing pedestal. connections when separate free-standing terminal boxes
are provided.
Generator mechanical design Current transformers necessary for control and pro­
Generators are sahent pole machines, with a revolving tection of the diesel generator are accommodated in

Diesel generators

the neutral terminal box. For robustness, ring type 5.3.3 Diesel generator control and protection
current transformers are preferred to wound types. equipment
Vohage transformers are accommodated in the asso­
ciated circuit-breaker equipment. Control system
Under normal standby conditions, the diesel generators
5.3.2 Excitation equipment and automatic are not running but are left in a state of readiness for
voltage regulator (AVR) starting on d e m a n d .
The control system for each diesel generator is de­
The remarks made in the first seven paragraphs of
signed on the following principles:
Section 5.3.1 of this chapter, also apply here.
• The control scheme for each machine is separately
Exciter supphed and fused.
This is of the brushless variety, directly coupled to • Loss of a single fuse, supply, or component or a
and pipe-ventilated from the generator. The machine single contact failure does not render inoperative the
produces three-phase A C power which is fed via con­ starting, running or control of a diesel generator.
nections running along the shaft direct to the diodes
• The operating voltage of each control system is
referred to in the previous section.
110 V D C .
The exciter is capable of whhstanding, for a specified
period of time, a short-circuit across the D C output
Initiation of the automatically controlled starting se­
connections to the generator rotating field and the loss
quence for each diesel generator is either automatic, by
of one or more diodes.
means of a signal derived from the reactor post-trip
Means, in the form of a resistance switched across
sequence equipment, or m a n u a l , by means of push­
the field, are provided for rapidly suppressing the field
buttons from either the station central control room or
current during fault and shutdown conditions.
the diesel generator local control panel housed in the
The exciter, diodes and excitation control equipment
diesel generator building. The latter location is normally
are capable of operating at maximum (ceiling) voltage
used only for testing purposes after maintenance work
for at least 5 s, to cater for field forcing conditions, to
has been carried o u t .
preserve system stability and to ensure rapid protection
A two-position selector switch is provided in the
operation during system faults.
station central control r o o m of a nuclear power station,
Provision is made for diode bridge arm failure
having the following functions:
Position 1 The diesel generator is available for auto­
Excitation control and A VR
matic operation or for manually-initiated
The generator voltage is controlled within the limits of testing and loading from ehher the station
BS4999 P a r t 40 for voltage regulation grade V R 2 . 3 . 1 . central control r o o m or the diesel genera­
To achieve this, the A V R is of the continuously- tor local control panel.
acting solid state thyristor type. One automatic channel
and a manual control device, with suitable m a n u a l Position 2 The automatic override from the reactor
changeover circuits and controls, are provided. Each post-trip sequence equipment is inhibited,
channel is capable of operating independently of the leaving all other local and remote controls
other. A nuh balance indicator is provided to allow operational.
'bumpless' manual transfer between automatic and man­
ual control. For in-service operational testing and loading of a diesel
In view of the very high reliabihty of modern AVRs, generator, with the selector switch in position 1, the
the diesel generator is tripped in the rare event of an sequence is as fohows:
AVR failure. This is considered preferable to the
• The operator initiates starting by using the appro­
comphcation of automatic follow-up by the manual
priate p u s h b u t t o n .
control device and automatic changeover to manual if
the auto channel becomes faulty. • The diesel generator will run-up automatically and
As briefly mentioned in the previous section, re­ excite to 3.3 kV.
active kVA sharing equipment is provided. This is only • Synchronising to the 3.3 kV system is initiated,
in operation when running in parallel with the station fohowed by loading.
auxiliary system and is removed from service auto­
maticahy when the diesel generator receives an emer­ • After completion of the routine test, the diesel gen­
gency start signal. It is controlled by a selector switch erator is manually taken off-load and shut down.
in the station central control r o o m , which also switches
the governor droop in and out of service. For testing after maintenance work has been completed,
The AVR with its ancillary equipment is normally with the selector switch in position 2, the sequence is
located in the diesel generator local electrical cubicle. as follows:

Emergency supply equipment Chapter 9

• The operator manuahy initiates starting, run-up and rect relationship between various automatically con­
exchation to 3.3 kV, using the appropriate facihties trolled functions. They are sometimes known as
at the diesel generator local control panel. 'sequence' interlocks.
• When the above sequence is complete, the speed • Essential interlocks — these are permanently in
and voltage controls available at the local panel or service to protect individual items of plant. They
in the station central control room can be used prior generally trip the 415 V or 3.3 kV switchgear supply­
to synchronising with the 3.3 kV system. ing the devices they protect. They are sometimes
known as 'safety' interlocks.
• After the operator has satisfied himself that the
diesel generator is ready for returning to emergency
Alarm system
service, it is shut down manually and the selector
switch is returned to position 1. Each diesel generator local control panel is equipped
with alarm annunciator equipment to draw the op­
Manual and automatic synchronising facilities are avail­ erator's attention to fault or abnormal operation of the
able in the station central control room and at the diesel generator unit and its auxihary systems. This
local diesel generator control panel. provides local visual and audible alarms for the safe
and efficient operation of the plant.
Protection This alarm system is independent of the station
service alarm system in the station central control room
The provision of initiating devices for automatically
and self-contained in hs operation. However, a limited
shutting down the diesel engine and tripping the diesel
number of important alarms are repeated to the con­
generator 3.3 kV circuit-breaker are restricted to those
trol r o o m . The remainder, i.e., alarms that require the
considered to be essential, bearing in mind the duty
control room staff to despatch an auxiliary plant at­
of the equipment and the requirement for high reha-
tendant to the normally u n m a n n e d diesel generator
bhity. Wherever possible, the operator is given prior
r o o m to take the necessary remedial action, are grouped
warning of an impending trip to enable him to rectify
as repeat alarms to the control r o o m .
the fault before a trip occurs. A typical example is the
The alarm system obtains its electrical supply from
lubricating oil temperature. Two temperature sensors
the 110 V A C guaranteed essential instrument and
are provided; the first and lower-set device provides
control supply (uninterruptable supply).
an alarm only for high temperature and the second
device operates on extremely-high temperature only to
trip the diesel generator. Emergency stop
The following is a typical list of protection trips: Each diesel generator is provided w h h an emergency
pushbutton switch mounted on the local electrical panel.
• Circulating current (generator stator phase fauhs
The pushbutton switch operates into the engine shut­
and earth faults). down system described above, including tripping of
• Extremely inverse overcurrent (back-up protection). the 3.3 kV circuit-breaker. The pushbutton switch is
of the 'stay put' type, i.e., after depressing, the con­
• Excitation diode short-circuit.
tacts stay closed until the swhch is reset by means of
• Excitation overcurrent (time delayed trip). a key normally held by senior authorised personnel.
• Undervoltage (time delayed trip). This ensures that operation of the pushbutton switch
is fully investigated by management before the diesel
• Overvohage (time delayed trip). generator is returned to service.
• Jacket water temperature high.
• Lubricating oh temperature high. 5.3.4 C o n t r o l of a u x i l i a r y s y s t e m s

• Lubricating oil temperature low.

Lubricating oil priming system
The priming p u m p automatic control system incor­
To shut down the engine, all protective devices act
porates adjustable timing equipment to start and stop
directly to shut-off the fuel supply to the engine by
the duty priming p u m p , to achieve the engine manu­
means of a solenoid valve. This is energised to shut-off
facturer's recommended priming cycle. In some cases,
the fuel and requires local manual resetting following
priming is continuous and, if the duty p u m p fails, the
timing equipment signals are automatically transferred
to the standby p u m p .
Total failure of the lubricating oil priming system
Interlocks are provided on each diesel generator to is detected by a pressure switch, which initiates a local
protect plant and personnel. They are grouped in two audible and visual alarm. This alarm is interrupted by
categories as follows: the timing equipment when priming is not in operation.
• Operational interlocks — those which operate in Where intermhtent lubricating oil priming is p r o ­
the automatic control equipment to maintain a cor­ vided, it is interlocked with the diesel generator a u t o -

Diesel generators

matic starting system such that, in the event of a The compressor control equipment, including the
requirement for the diesel generator to run during d u t y / s t a n d b y selector swhch, is housed in a cubicle
priming, the engine start-up overrides the priming cycle. located in the engine r o o m . This is constructed to with­
The lubricating oil priming system is also started stand a deluge from the diesel generator fire protection
automatically when the associated diesel engine is system.
tripped due to loss of oil pressure. The lubricating oil
priming pumps can also be started manually local to Radiator cooling fans
the diesel generator. T h e duty group of radiator cooling fans, described in
Section 5.2.4 of this chapter, is started at the same
Barring gear time as the diesel generator, whereas the starting of
Motorised barring, as described in Section 5.2.2 of the standby group is initiated thermostatically on high
this chapter, is controhed from a local control station cooling water temperature due either to failure of
adjacent to the diesel generator. It is sometimes in­ the duty group or high ambient temperature. A local
corporated w h h the diesel generator local control panel. audible and visual alarm is initiated whenever the stand­
The fohowing control equipment is provided: by group is running.
Alarm thermostats are provided in each section of
• Start/stop control swhch for continuous barring in
the cooling system. They are set to operate at a tem­
the forward direction only.
perature below the setting of any high water tempera­
• Forward/reverse 'inching' pushbuttons for main­ ture trip of the diesel generator unit.
tenance purposes. D u t y / s t a n d b y selection of the fan groups is provided
on the diesel generator local control panel.
Electrical interlocks are provided to ensure that m o ­
torised barring cannot commence until the drive is Auxiliary cooling water pumps
fully engaged and an adequate supply of lubricating oil Cooling water is normally circulated by the engine-
is present. Failure of this oil supply during barring driven coohng water p u m p . If h fails, the auxihary
renders the barring gear inoperative by tripping the electrically-driven cooling water p u m p is started ther­
415 V supply to the m o t o r . mostatically or on flow failure and, at the same time,
a local audible and visual alarm is given.
Compressed air starting system
Compressor control equipment is provided for auto­ Fuel oil transfer pumps
matic control of the two air compressors described T h e d u t y / s t a n d b y fuel oil transfer p u m p s are arranged
in Section 5.2.3 of this chapter. This maintains the to replenish the daily service tank automatically by
receivers and ring main charging system at the required drawing fuel oU from the bulk storage tank. The auto­
pressure by means of pressure switches, as follows: matic control of the duty fuel oü transfer p u m p is
initiated from a pair of magnetic level switches located
(a) T o start the duty electric m o t o r driven compressor
within the associated daily service tank. One is designed
on falhng pressure.
to start the duty fuel oil transfer p u m p . Should this
(b) If the duty compressor fails, to start the standby fail to start or fail whilst operating, the standby p u m p
electrically-driven compresser on falling pressure is automatically started from the same level switch.
and to initiate a local audible and visual alarm The second level switch gives a stop signal to both
'duty air compressor fail'. This pressure switch is p u m p s when the tank has reached hs full level.
set to operate at a pressure significantly lower than Separate level switches are provided in each tank for
the pressure switch in (a) above. alarm purposes as follows:

(c) If both duty and standby compressors fail, to ini­ • One located at a higher fuel oil level in the tank
tiate a local and visual alarm 'starting air pressure t h a n the p u m p stop control level. It is arranged to
low'. This pressure swhch is set to operate at the give a local audible and visual alarm when the tank
higher of the two pressures detailed below, and signi­ is fuh and either of the p u m p s has failed to stop.
ficantly lower than the pressure switch in (b) above: Sufficient time is allowed for the operator to take the
necessary action before fuel oil overflows back to
• The pressure corresponding to the minimum required the recovery tank.
for the pneumatic devices associated whh the diesel
generator. • One located at a level below the p u m p start control
level and arranged to initiate a local audible and
• The minimum pressure required to provide the full visual alarm when the quantity of fuel oil remaining
starting duty described in Section 5.2.3 of this chapter. in the tank is sufficient only for one hour running
time of the associated diesel generator at full-load.
The pressure switches are located so that one com­
pressor can be taken out of service, leaving the control D u t y / s t a n d b y selection of the p u m p s is provided on the
and alarm system operative. diesel generator local panel.

E m e r g e n c y supply e q u i p m e n t Chapter 9

Lubricating oil and diesel engine water jacket heaters • Heat runs on open-circuit, short-circuit and full
Where such heaters are provided for use during stand­ kVAr loading to determine temperature rises of gen­
stih periods of the diesel generator (see Sections 5.2.2 erator and exciter.
and 5.2.4 of this chapter), they are controlled by
thermostats. Usually three thermostats are provided T o prove the design fully, the first generator of each
for each heater or group of heaters, i.e., control, safety size in a particular contract is subjected to the fol­
(if the control thermostat fails to switch off the heater) lowing additional tests:
and low temperature alarm (if the heater or its asso­ • Using test slip rings, determination of generator
ciated control thermostat fails). and exciter open-circuit and short-circuit and loss

5.4 Testing • Oscillograph and analyser measurement of the gen­

erator phase and line voltage at no-load, normal
T h r o u g h o u t w o r k s , she and operational testing,
emphasis is placed on tests that show that the plant
comphes with the specification and is capable of per­ • Sudden three-phase short-circuit applied to generator
forming hs emergency role under all conditions of terminals with generator running at no-load, normal
operation. speed and lOO^Í^o voltage. F r o m this test reactances
are calculated from the current envelopes.
5.4.1 T e s t s in m a n u f a c t u r e r ' s worlcs • Check of radio interference suppression.
In general, the object of the works tests is to show
that the plant complies with the specification, schedules Combined tests on complete diesel generators
and previously approved drawings. After checking such details as cylinder head nut torques,
Prior to tests taking place, detailed test schedules tappet clearances, p u m p drive chain tensions, crank­
are agreed between the manufacturer and C E G B staff. shaft deflections, correct charging with oil and cor­
The latter usually witness the principal tests, whilst rect functioning, charging and priming of all auxiliary
other tests can be carried out by the manufacturer, so systems; each diesel engine, fully assembled with its
long as the resuhs are submitted to the C E G B for generator, exciter, governor, AVR and auxiliary equip­
scrutiny. ment, is then subjected to the following combined tests:

• Ahgnment check of complete units.

Auxiliary plant
• Cold, standby and hot starting tests. At least five
As far as is practical, all items of auxiliary plant are
starts are performed for each condition, defined as
fuhy tested in the respective manufacturer's works
before assembling them with the diesel generator. Such
tests include hydraulic pressure tests on oh coolers, Cold Engine at ambient temperature with no
valves and piping, water coolers and tanks, air com­ auxiliary oil and water heaters in operation
pressors and their auxiliaries. All rotating plant, such as
Standby Engine at temperature attained by opera­
air compressors, and all types of pumps are subjected
tion of oil and jacket water heaters at normal
to running tests over the full specified range of duty.
thermostat settings and normal ambient conditions
Tests on motors prior to assembly with their driven
items are covered in Chapter 7. Hot Engine at a temperature as attained not more
than five minutes after shutdown from a full-load
Generators and exciters run with stabilised temperature rises

The fohowing tests are carried out on each generator • Run at normal speed and highest overspeed per­
assembled for running with its exciter and driven by a mitted by the manufacturer for five minutes to check
temporary motor, in the manufacturer's works, before the balance of rotating parts and compliance with
coupling to the diesel engine: vibration requirements. A typical figure for highest
permissible overspeed for 5 minutes is 1%.
• Demonstration of compliance with vibration re­
quirements. • Run at full rated output by use of artificial electrical
loading facilities for a sufficient length of time to
• Determination of generator magnetisation and loss
ensure that steady working conditions have been
curves, using exciter field current as a variable para­
reached, fohowed by a one hour run at 10% over­
load. Records of temperature attained on the unit
• Resistance and insulation resistance of all windings. are taken.
• High vohage test on all windings. • Fuel consumption tests.
• Insulation and high vohage tests on all wiring and • Governor tests, including load acceptance and re­
equipment. jection tests.

Diesel generators

• Tests to show the time taken from start-up to ac­ Stage 1 — Preliminary tests Preparation and testing
ceptance of fuh-load with the u n h initially in the of individual items of equipment or smah subsystems
standby condhion (as defined above). prior to functioning as a system.

• Operational tests of control panels set u p tempor­ Stage 2 — Isolated system tests Testing of systems to
arily as in service, including automatic starting and the maximum extent possible without connecting the
shutdown equipment, alarms and protection devices. diesel generator to the operational system.
Stage 3 — Operational system tests Proving of the
• Repeat of waveform and sudden short-circuit tests
diesel generator unit as part of the essential supplies
already carried out on generator (see generator tests
system of the power station.
• No-load operation endurance test, to demonstrate the Stage 1 — Preliminary tests
abihty of the unit to accept load and run satisfac­ The fohowing is a summary of a detailed check hst
torily after a continuous period of 48 h at synchro­ agreed between the C E G B and the manufacturer.
nous speed, normal voltage and zero load. During Complete unit and hs auxiharies:
this run, checks of fuel consumption, vibration,
exhaust discoloration, etc., are made at regular • A physical inspection to ensure correct installation,
intervals. to installation drawings, and absence of damage.
After the 48 h run, the diesel generator is sub­ • Check for correct labelling of all plant items.
jected to the load acceptance test determined most
onerous from the governor tests above. Electrical equipment:
• Voltage regulation measurement from no-load to • Operational checks on switchgear, including the set­
full-load and vice versa. ting of overcurrent relays.
• Insulation and high voltage tests on all engine- • Test the insulation resistance of power supply cables,
mounted wiring and equipment. motors and small wiring, together with associated
control and alarm devices.
It should be noted that the full output, fuel consump­ • Check the direction of m o t o r rotation.
tion, waveform and no load endurance tests are carried
out on the first unit of each type and size only. Earthing:
Dependent on the environmental condhions specified
• Physical inspection of all earthing connections to
for a particular station, the diesel generator tests are electrical equipment metalwork.
also sometimes carried out to ensure compliance in
• Ensure that the diesel generator unit earthing system
the fohowing areas:
is correct to drawings and connected to the main
• Seismic withstand. station earthing system.
• High wind withstand.
• Proof against fire protection sprays.
• Operation of valves.
• Pressure testing.
5.4.2 T e s t s a t site
• Comprehensive purging to remove dirt and debris
Site testing is normally a repeat of certain works tests
that may have entered during transport to site and
selected to reveal any damage in transit to site, to
ensure that the diesel generator and its auxiliaries have
been correctly assembled and that the performance on
P u m p s , compressors, fans, etc.:
dynamic loads complies with manufacturer's guaran­
tees. Test results are compared with those obtained • Check the duration and magnitude of the starting
during works tests and any significant deviations are current.
investigated and rectified. • Check for correct operation and setting of control
Prior to the site testing phase, the manufacturer safety and alarm devices.
agrees the format of the detailed test schedules with
• Raise system to normal pressure and check for leak­
the C E G B . All testing is carried out in accordance with
these schedules, which are completed and witnessed
by the manufacturer and the C E G B site construction • Recheck operation of control, safety and alarm de­
representatives at the time of the test. These schedules vices.
are subsequently made available for scrutiny by the
CEGB operating staff, the Nuclear Installations In­ Tanks and air receivers:
spectorate or other bodies, as appropriate. • Carry out an internal inspection for cleanliness and
Site testing is subdivided into three stages: absence of damage to internal hnings.

Emergency supply e q u i p m e n t Chapter 9

• Check the overflow/blowdown arrangements. • Check correct operation of generator circuit-breaker,

• Check for the correct operation of control, safety field suppression switch and fuel shut-off valve from
and alarm devices, in conjunction with associated all trip devices on the diesel generator.
• Check level/pressure gauges, both local and remote. • Check diesel engine remote start and stop controls,
including automatic starting circuit.
Engine speed controls:
• Check governor and AVR remote 'raise' and 'lower',
• Check the operation of speed setting motor.
'manual' and 'automatic' controls.
• Set operation of electrical and mechanical governor
for service. • Carry out secondary voltage injection on AVR.
• Check the operation and setting of the overspeed trip
switch. Engine first run:
• This generally fohows the manufacturer's standard
Engine mechanical checks: commissioning and setting-up procedures for no-load
• Recheck cylinder head nut torques, tappet clear­
ances, p u m p drive chain tensions, crankshaft deflec­ • Record a series of measurements during engine starts
tions, engine and generator shaft alignment, correct to estabhsh the cranking speed at which firing occurs.
charging with oil, etc. • Monitor and record various air, water and oil tem­
• Charging, priming and venting of auxihary systems. peratures a r o u n d the unit until all parameters have
• Check engine pressure/temperature sensors.
Governor tests:
• Check engine run-up and shutdown on both the
• High voltage tests.
electronic and mechanical governors.
• Retest insulation resistance and check polarisation
• Check engine behaviour on simulated failure of the
index of stator winding.
electronic governor.
• Check anti-condensation heaters and control circuits.
• Record the rate of rise of speed and governor action
• Set and adjust AVR for service. during the above tests.
• Carry out tests to establish the time taken to vary
Local control and alarm panels:
the engine speed over the range of ± 5 % of syn­
• Check A C and D C auxiliary supply voltages and chronous speed with increasing and decreasing speed.
• Take engine to overspeed and check the overspeed
• Check the pick-up and drop-off values of relays. trip setting.
• Check sequence functions of relays.
• Check range of speed control from the control desk.
• Check functioning of alarm annunciator equipment,
including accept, reset, lamp test facilities and the AVR tests:
audible alarm device. • Run-up and shutdown the unit to record cut-in and
cut-out points for excitation, and check rate of rise
Stage 2 — Isolated system tests
of generator output voltage.
Again, this is only a brief summary of a detailed check • Run-up the unit with excitation diode short-circuited
list agreed between the C E G B and a manufacturer. to prove protection.
Local alarms:
• Run-up the unit with excitation diode open-circuited
• Check operation of all alarm initiating devices to prove alarm.
around the plant in conjunction w h h local alarm
• Check excitation failure trips.
annunciator equipment and separate or grouped
alarm outputs (as appropriate) to the station central • Check range of AVR settings.
control room alarm system.
Loading tests:
Protection: During commissioning of diesel generators in a new
• Primary inject current transformer circuits to check power station, it is unlikely that sufficient load will be
balanced current and earth fault protection, includ­ available to fully load the u n h . It is therefore usual
ing setting of associated relays and AVR current to bring to site the artificial electrical loading facilities
transformer circuit for reactive kVA sharing. used during works testing. This also provides greater

Diesel generators

flexibility in the control of load variations, without • A standard test log sheet is completed for each run
interfering with the work of other contractors. The tests at the end of a 5-minute load run. This includes a
generally follow the manufacturer's standard commis­ record of any leaks, discrepancies between tests and
sioning and setting procedures: any other a n o m a h e s , together with any corrective
action taken.
• Monitor and record various air, water and oil tem­
peratures around the plant when stable conditions
Stage 3 — Operational system tests
have been obtained at 5 0 % , 100% and 110% k W
load, 0.8 p.f. and normal vohage. The time to reach For this series of tests, the diesel generator is tested in
stable conditions should also be recorded. conjunction with the power station auxiliary supply sys­
tem which, in turn, is connected to the Grid system.
• Regular records of the above parameters, including
They demonstrate as far as possible that the diesel
also exhaust temperatures, are taken during a 10 h
generators can carry out the duties for which they are
run which follows the above runs. Temporary tem­
perature detectors are attached to busbars, bolted
connections and cable tails in the line and neutral
Synchronising Phase rotation and synchronising tests
terminal chambers, t o detect any hot spots.
are performed prior to synchronising the diesel gen­
erator to hs associated Essential Services Board for
Load apphcation and throw-off tests:
the first time.
• In order to check the performance of the governors
and the AVR, various block loads are applied and Governor and A VR performance tests under various
thrown-off, recording voltage, current, p.f. and system load conditions The extent of these tests can
speed. The tests are commenced when the machine vary from station to station and depend u p o n the aux­
is at full speed and voltage and normal running ihary system design. Two examples of typical tests are
temperatures. Block loads of 2 5 % , 5 0 % , 7 5 % and given:
100% 0.8 p.f. are apphed, thrown off and reapplied
• With the diesel generator at full speed and voltage,
after 10 s.
two emergency boiler feed pumps are started simul­
• In addition to the normal log sheet information, taneously. Oscillograms of vohage, current, p.f. and
oscillograms of voltage, current, engine speed, turbo- engine speed are taken.
charger speed and fuel rack position are also taken.
• With the diesel generator carrying a m o t o r load of u p
to 5 0 % , one emergency boiler feed p u m p is started.
Diesel starting tests:
Oscillograms of voltage, current, p.f. and engine
• All starts on each engine are recorded, timed and speed are taken.
dated w h h the reason for start and reason for any
failure to start. Auto starting and auto loading tests Control systems
• Single bank starting — after establishing normal are adjusted to suit loading expected in service:
working air pressure in the appropriate receiver, • A h diesel generators are started automatically from
its inlet valve is shut. A series of engine starts is a simulated reactor trip signal and are observed to
carried out to determine the number of starts avail­ run at their preset speed and voltage conditions with
able from the receiver, and the minimum pressure all their auxiliaries in the appropriate condition.
needed in the receiver to carry out a successful start.
• A l o s s of Grid' condition is then simulated by open­
The tests are carried out on each bank in turn.
ing the connection between the Grid-fed station
• Twin bank starting — with both air receivers at auxiliary system and the Essential Services Boards
normal working pressure and their inlet valves shut, to permit automatic connection and loading of the
a series of starts is carried out to determine the diesel generators on to their associated switchboards.
number of starts avahable.
• A further test consists of simulating 'loss of Grid'
• Repeat start tests — start tests are carried out to conditions as the initiating event with the diesel gen­
achieve a total of 300 successful starts on all engines erators available for service but at standstill. Ob­
comprising one type. servations of run-ups and loading are made as above.
The tests need not be carried out immediately follow­
ing each other. 8 0 % are carried out with the engine 5.4.3 In-service operational testing
in its standby (kept warm) condition and 2 0 % are
In order to ensure that diesel generators are at all
carried out at the hot equilibrium condition.
times available for their emergency role and able to
• The reasons for any failures to start are noted and carry their rated load, periodic testing at intervals not
the C E G B requires additional start tests if 50 greater than one m o n t h is carried out.
consecutive successful starts without failure are not Each diesel generator in turn is started manually
achieved. and synchronised as described in Section 5.3.3 of this

Emergency supply equipment Chapter 9

chapter, and loaded u p to its full rating. Any surplus BS440: Specification for stationary batteries (lead-acid Plante positive
generation over and above that required by the station type) for general electrical purposes: 1964 (withdrawn and replaced
by BS6290)
auxiliary system is exported to the Grid system. T h e unit
is left running until all conditions have stabihsed and BS799: Specification for oil burning equipment; Part 5, Oil storage
tanks: 1975
to allow the operators to check that ah auxiliaries are
BS806: Specification for design and construction of ferrous piping
running correctly. Where a p p r o p r i a t e , failures of duty
installations for and in connection with land boilers: 1986
auxiliaries are simulated to ensure that changeover to
BS1123: Specification for safety valves, gauges and other safety
standby auxiliaries takes place correctly, after which
fittings for air receivers and compressed air installations: 1976
service is either restored to the duty auxiliary or the
BS2594: Specification for carbon steel welded horizontal cyHndrical
standby unit is changed over to the duty auxiliary. storage tanks: 1975
Such tests at nuclear power stations are fully re­
BS2757: Method for determining the thermal classification of
corded for inspection by the Nuclear Installations electrical insulation: 1986
Inspectorate. BS2869: Specification for fuel oils for oil engines and burners for
It should be noted that t h r o u g h o u t the test, the diesel non-marine use: 1983
generator can take u p its emergency role immediately, BS3605: Specification for seamless and welded austenitic stainless
the test being terminated by automatic means (see steel pipes and tubes for pressure purposes: 1973
Section 5.1.1 of this chapter). BS4675: Mechanical vibration in rotating machinery: 1978
BS4999: Specification for general requirements for rotating electrical
6 Additional references
E/TSS/EX. 32000: Technical Specification and Schedules for Seismic Part 3: Terminal markings and direction of rotation: 1981
Qualification of Electrical Plant Part 20: Classification of types of enclosure: 1972
CEGB Standard 239903: Piping systems — Low pressure water
Part 21: Classification of methods of coohng: 1972
CEGB Standard 23992: Piping systems — Oil services Part 40: Characteristics of synchronous generators: 1972
CEGB Standard 20752: Fuel oil storage tanks Part 51: Noise levels: 1973
CEGB Standard 989907: Noise limits for new power stations
ESI 44-3: Electric Motors Specification 3300 V and above BS5000: Specification for rotating electrical machines of particular
types or for particular appHcations; Part 99, Machines for miscel­
EES 1980: CEGB General Specification for electronic equipment laneous applications: 1973 (1981)
Smith, G.: Storage Batteries: Pitman: 1971
BS5169: Specification for fusion welded steel air receivers: 1985
BS5311: Specification for a.c. circuit-breakers of rated voltage above
6.1 British Standards (BS) 1 kV: 1976
BS5514: Reciprocating internal combustion engines: performance
BS417: Specification for galvanised mild steel cisterns and covers,
tanks and cylinders; Part 2, Metric units: 1973 BS6290: Lead-acid stationary cells and batteries: 1983/84

C H A P T E R 10

Mechanical plant electrical services

1 Introduction 4.4.3 Motor protection

4.4.4 Brakes
2 General requirements
4.5 Lift car and landing equipment
2.1 Sources of supply 4.5.1 Landing control facilities
2.1.1 Choice of supply 4.5.2 Car control facilities
2.1.2 Supply variations 4.5.3 Car lighting
2.1.3 Applications 4.5.4 Telephone
2.2 Motors 4.5.5 Maintenance facilities
2.2.1 Motor ratings and supply voltages 4.6 Safety devices and systems
2.2.2 Design standards 4.6.1 Fireman's control system
2.2.3 AC motors 4.6.2 Flood control system
2.2.4 DC motors 4.6.3 Travel interlocks
2.3 Safety considerations 4.6.4 Lift car emergency hatch
2.3.1 General requirements 4.6.5 Audible alarm
2.3.2 Equipment enclosures 4.7 Lift shaft lighting
2.3.3 Control and trip circuits 4.8 Earthing
2.3.4 Interlocking
2.3.5 Emergency trip controls 5 Gas producing and storage plant
2.4 Environmental conditions 5.1 Introduction
2.4.1 Ambient conditions 5.2 General requirements
2.4.2 Hazardous atmospheres 5.2.1 Safety assurance and standards
2.4.3 Nuclear environments 5.2.2 Lightning protection
2.5 Electronic equipment 5.2.3 Motors in hazardous areas
2.6 Switchgear and contactor gear 5.2.4 Switchgear and contactor controlgear
2.7 Radio and television interference 5.2.5 Control and instrumentation equipment
2.8 Noise levels 5.2.6 Transformer/rectifier equipment
5.2.7 Frost protection
3 Cranes
5.2.8 Earthing and static protection
3.1 General 5.3 Hydrogen producing plant — electrolytic cell process
3.2 Power supply and distribution 5.3.1 General description of plant
3.3 Crane motor drives 5.3.2 Classification of plant areas
3.3.1 Motors 5.3.3 Electrical, control and instrumentation equipment
3.3.2 Motor protection 5.4 Hydrogen producing plant — methanol chemical reaction
3.3.3 Motion control — direction 5.4.1 General description of plant
3.3.4 Motion control — speed 5.4.2 Classification of plant areas
3.3.5 Braking systems 5.4.3 Electrical, control and instrumentation equipment
3.4 Control station systems 5.5 Methane production plant
3.4.1 Cab control 5.5.1 General description of plant
3.4.2 Radio control 5.5.2 Classification of plant areas
3.4.3 Pendant control 5.5.3 Electrical, control and instrumentation equipment
3.5 Crane controls, interlocks and limit switches 5.6 Nitrogen storage plant
3.5.1 Control equipment cubicles 5.6.1 General description of plant
3.5.2 Protective panel 5.6.2 Electrical requirements
3.5.3 Limit switches 5.7 Carbon dioxide storage plant
3.6 Anti-collision system 5.7.1 General description of plant
3.7 Travel motion supply systems 5.7.2 Electrical requirements
3.7.1 Long travel
3.7.2 Cross-traverse 6 C W electrochlorination plant (sodium hypochlorite
3.7.3 Alternative supplies for long travel production and storage)
3.8 Crane earthing 6.1 General description of plant
3.9 Crane services 6.2 Classification of plant areas
3.10 Special features required for nuclear plant cranes 6.3 Electrical, control and instrumentation equipment
3.10.1 Duty categories 6.3.1 General
3.10.2 Design requirements 6.3.2 Production control panel
4 Lifts 6.3.3 Sea water feed pumps and strainers control
6.3.4 Transformer/rectifier controls
4.1 Types and general requirements 6.3.5 Sodium hypochlorite storage
4.2 Supplies and distribution
6.3.6 Dosing pump controls
4.3 Motor room equipment
6.3.7 Electrical distribution
4.4 Lift drive systems
4.4.1 Electrical 7 Water treatment plant
4.4.2 Hydraulic 7.1 Description of plant

Mechanical plant electrical services C h a p t e r 10

7.2 Electrical distribution system 10.3.2 Tank heating — steam

7.3 Electrical control 10.3.3 Pipe heating — electrical
7.4 Motor drives 10.4 Storage tank instrumentation
7.5 Frost protection 10.5 Valve actuators
7.6 Electrically-operated valve actuators 10.6 Lightning protection

8 C o a l ash and dust plant 11 Air compressors

8.1 Coal handling plant 11.1 General description of plant
8.1.1 General description of plant 11.2 Air compressor drive motors
8.1.2 Electrical supplies 11.3 Heaters
8.1.3 Electrical control 11.4 Automatic and safety controls
8.1.4 Conveyors
12 Heating and ventilating plant
8.1.5 Stacker/reclaimer machine
8.2 Ash and dust handling plant 12.1 General description of plant
8.2.1 General description of dust handling plant 12.2 Control gear
8.2.2 General description of ash handling plant 12.3 Classification of electrical equipment
8.2.3 Electrical supplies 12.4 Drive motors
8.2.4 Electrical control 12.5 Air conditioning units
8.2.5 Mobile ash hoppers 12.5.1 Chiller unit
8.2.6 Ash-grabbing crane 12.5.2 Humidifier
8.2.7 Trace heating 12.5.3 Airheater
8.2.8 Local control panels 12.5.4 Fan
8.2.9 Conveyors 12.6 Water heating plant
8.2.10 Sump pump, grit pump and dust pump controls 12.6.1 Heating elements
12.7 Cabling and terminations
9 Electrostatic precipitators
12.8 Water circulating pumps
9.1 General description of plant
9.2 Electrical supplies 13 Fire fighting equipment
9.2.1 415 V switchboards 13.1 General description of system
9.2.2 High voltage control cubicles 13.2 Controls and alarms
9.2.3 Transformer/rectifier equipment 13.3 Diesel-driven fire pumps
9.2.4 High voltage chamber enclosures 13.4 Air compressors
9.2.5 High voltage insulators 13.5 Trace heating
9.3 Maintenance interlocking and locking 13.6 Detectors and distributors
9.4 Earthing 13.6.1 Quartzoid bulbs
9.5 Interference suppression 13.6.2 Heat-detecting cable systems
13.6.3 Smoke detection
10 Fuel oil plant
13.7 Fire dampers and smoke extraction
10.1 General description of plant 13.8 Control cabling
10.2 Pumps 13.9 Batteries and chargers
10.3 Oil heating
10.3.1 Tank heating — electrical 14 References

1 Introduction supply voltage and local distribution requirements. The

supplies may be A C , taken directly from main switch­
This chapter describes the main electrical requirements
boards or distribution boards (which may be located
of ancillary mechanical plant in a modern power sta­
ehher remote from or local to the plant), or D C from
tion. Such plant, whilst not directly associated with
the D C distribution system. The D C distribution sys­
the main generating units, is essential for the op­
tem is supplied by battery systems incorporating charg­
eration of the power station. It includes cranes, hfts,
ing equipment supplied from the electrical auxiharies
gas production and storage, electrochlorination, water
treatment, coal ash and dust plant, precipitators, fuel
The following supphes are available in most modern
oil, air compressors, heating and ventilation, and fire
power stations:
• 11 kV, three-phase, 50 H z , resistance earthed, w h h
a maximum symmetrical short-circuit fauh level of
2 General requirements 750 M V A (39.4 kA).
• 3.3 kV, three-phase, 50 H z , resistance earthed, with
a maximum symmetrical short-circuit fault level of
2.1 Sources of supply
250 M V A (43.8 kA).

2.1.1 C h o i c e of s u p p l y • 415 V, three-phase and 240 V, single-phase, sohd

earthed, 50 Hz with a maximum symmetrical short-
The electrical systems of ancillary mechanical plant
circuh fauh level of 31 M V A (43.8 kA).
are fed from the power station electrical auxiliaries
system to suit the specific requirements of the plant • 110 V, single-phase, 50 H z , one pole sohdly earthed,
in terms of load, security of supply, limitations on from one or two sources, for instrumentation supphes.

General requirements

• 110 V, single-phase, 50 Hz , centre-point earthed, for Nominal battery voltage 48 V 110 V 240 V
supphes to smah tools through socket outlets. Nominal working (float) vohage 54 V 121 V 270 V
• 240 V D C from a battery system, earthed through a Maximum vohage at equipment 54 V 121 V 270 V
sensitive earth fault relay connected from the mid­
Minimum vohage at equipment 43 V 93 V 216 V
point of a resistor connected between the negative and
positive poles.
2.1.3 Applications
• 110 V DC from a battery system, earthed in the same
• 11 kV, three-phase supplies are used for a few large
manner as the 240 V D C system.
m o t o r drives, such as air compressors.
• 48 V DC from a battery system, the positive pole sohd­
• 3.3 kV and 415 V, three-phase supplies are used for
ly earthed.
m o t o r s , actuators and the power requirements of
major equipment.
2.1.2 Supply variations
• 240 V, single-phase supplies are used for miscel­
Since A C supphes are derived from the electrical aux­ laneous small power requirements, including light­
iliaries system, they are subject to vohage and fre­ ing, heating and m o t o r drives u p to 0.75 k W .
quency variations and occasional momentary breaks,
due to system disturbances created by the switching of • 110 V, single-phase instrument supplies are used for
control and instrumentation needing high availabi­
large loads. The permitted supply variations stipulated
lity but which can tolerate short breaks of u p to
for design purposes are outhned below and all elec­
10 ms in the event of supply changeover or system
trical equipment is required to accommodate these
variations, with the exception of motors which are
discussed in Section 2.2 of this chapter: • 110 V, single-phase centre-tapped supplies are used
to supply portable tools through socket outlets,
(a) 11 kV, 3.3 kV, 415 V, 240 V, 50 Hz supplies
where personnel safety considerations require a maxi­
Voltage range: nominal - I - 6 % / - 1 0 % con­ m u m voltage to earth of 55 V.
tinuously; nominal - 2 % for
• D C supplies are used when supply interruptions are
brief periods; loss of supply
unacceptable, control supplies being at ehher 110 V
for up to 200 ms fohowed by
or 48 V and m o t o r supphes at 240 V D C .
a slow recovery to normal
system voltage taking up to
180 s, this condition occurring 2.2 Motors
in the event of a major fault
on the distribution system be­
2.2.1 IVIotor ratings and supply voltages
ing cleared by protection.
M o t o r ratings comply with the relevant British Stand­
Frequency range: 48 H z to 51 Hz continuously; ard. F o r power station requirements, m o t o r ratings and
47 Hz to 51 Hz for brief supply vohages are categorised as fohows:
U p to 0.75 k W — 415 V, three-phase, 50 H z
Transient conditions: u p to 5 X nominal vohage occasionally
for u p to 2 m s .
240 V, single-phase, 50 Hz
(b) 110 V, 50 H z instrument supplies
110 V, single-phase, 50Hz
Voltage and frequency variation range as (a), but
250 V D C and 110 V D C ,
a high availabihty supply, usually obtained by a
battery or rectifier derived.
supply changeover system; m a x i m u m break in sup­
ply 10 m s . 0.75 t o 150 k W — 415 V, three-phase, 50 H z
(c) 110 V, 50 H z supplies, centre-tapped to earth 250 V D C a n d 110 V D C ,
Voltage and frequency range as (a). battery or rectifier derived.

(d) 240 V, 110 V and 48 V D C supphes. Above 150 k W — 11 kV, three-phase, 50 Hz

3.3 kV, three-phase, 50 Hz
When fed from battery systems incorporating charger
D C supphes derived from
equipment, electrical equipment is designed t o operate
rectifier equipment.
with a D C supply voltage which is normally at, or near,
the battery float voltage but which may fall to a value
considerably lower t h a n the rated battery voltage in 2.2.2 Design standards
the event of charger failure, as the battery discharges. The basic requirements for motors associated with an­
These voltage ranges and variations are as follows: cillary mechanical plant are the same as those apphed

Mechanical plant electrical services C h a p t e r 10

for main plant auxiliaries and are based upon the tions. Also, they must be capable of starting when the
appropriate British Standards, as qualified by C E G B supply voltage is 8 0 % of the nominal.
standards. Typical main plant auxiliary-drive require­ Windings and insulation are designed to have a
ments and the selection of motors are discussed in detail minimum life of 18 000 starts and bearings are de­
in Chapter 7. An outline of the requirements applicable signed for 4 0 0 0 0 hours' running.
to the majority of motors is given below. The A C and D C supply variations which the motors
are required to operate under are the same as those
Rating up to 0.75 kW described above for motors rated u p to 0.75 k W .
A C squirrel-cage induction motors are started direct-
General design is in accordance with BS5000 P a r t on-line at rated vohage. Puh-out torque is specified as
11 [1]. not less than twice full-load torque for ah induction
Motors are continuously rated in accordance with and c o m m u t a t o r motors.
BS5000 and suitable for continuous operation in 40°C Most motors have a maximum continuous rating
ambient. Winding temperature rises are in accordance (MCR). When appropriate, motors may have a duty
with BS5000 [1], except that Class Β temperature limhs type rating (DTR) or short term rating (STR).
(130°C) are apphcable, even though Class F insulation M o t o r enclosures are built to one of the following
may be used. standards as classified in BS4999 [2]:
Motors are capable of three consecutive starts, fifteen
• Drip proof to IP22.
starts per hour and of operating under varying supply
conditions, as follows. • Totally-enclosed to IP54.
A C motors and D C motors fed from rectifier equip­
• Totally-enclosed fan-cooled to IP54.
ment must operate continuously at rated load with
supply frequencies of 48 to 51 Hz and voltage varia­ • Totally-enclosed air-cooled with an integral heat
tions of ± 6 % of nominal, and must also be capable exchanger to IP54.
of short term operation under emergency conditions
• Totally-enclosed air-cooled, with a machine-mounted
with supply frequencies down to 47 H z . In addition,
heat exchanger to IP54 for indoor use and IP55
when specified for essential duties, motors must operate
weatherproof for outdoor use.
continuously at 7 5 % rated vohage and 50 Hz fre­
quency for periods up to 5 minutes and be capable
The maximum rating of 415 V, three-phase 50 Hz
of recovery to normal operation following a supply
motors is generally 150 k W . These motors are con­
interruption lasting u p to 0.2 s.
trolled by contactors incorporating overload protection
D C battery-fed motors are required to operate con­
tinuously with supply voltage variations of ± 1 0 % of and protected against short-circuit by fuses.
nominal and for up to 30 minutes at 8 0 % of nominal.
Motor enclosures are built to one of the following Ratings of 150 kW and above
standards, as classified in BS4999 [2]: General design is in accordance with BS5000 Part
• Drip proof to IP22 — protected against sohd ob­ 40 [1].
jects greater than 12 m m and dripping water when The operational requirements for this range of
tilted up to 15°. motors are generally as described above for ratings
above 0.75 k W and u p to 150 k W , except that ma­
• Totally-enclosed to IP54 — protected against dust chines of 1500 kW and above are totally-enclosed,
and splashing water. closed air circuit, with water-cooled heat exchangers,
• Totally-enclosed fan-cooled to IP54 for indoor use ehher machine or separately m o u n t e d . The maximum
and IP55 — protected against dust and water jets cooling water temperature is specified as 30°C.
— weatherproof for outdoor use. All 11 kV motors are protected by circuh-breakers.
3.3 kV motors are protected either by motor switch­
ing devices incorporating fuse protection or by circuit-
Ratings above 0.75 kW and up to 150 kW
breakers. Circuh-breaker-fed motors are equipped w h h
General design is in accordance with BS5000 Part terminal boxes capable of withstanding the full system
40 [1]. three-phase symmetrical fauh level.
Motors are suitable for continuous operation in
40°C ambient. Winding temperature rises are in ac­
2.2.3 A C motors
cordance with BS5000 [1], except that Class Β tem­
perature hmits (130°C) are apphcable, even though
Class F insulation may be used. Cage induction motors
Motors are capable of two starts in succession, Three-phase cage induction motors are the most widely
fohowed by a 30-minute coohng period before another used for ancillary mechanical plant demanding con­
attempt at starting is made, and of three equally- stant-speed drives because of their low cost and high
spaced starts per hour under normal running condi­ reliabihty. They are discussed in detail in Chapter 7.

General requirements

With the development of electronic control techni­ 2.3.2 Equipment enclosures

ques and equipment, the use of cage induction motors Equipment enclosures are designed to provide ade­
as variable-speed drives can provide an economic alter­ quate and appropriate protection against the ingress
native to tradhional A C types, such as shpring induc­ of water, dust and solid objects likely to jeopardise the
tion and commutator m o t o r s . The various techniques safety of plant and personnel, to prevent unauthorised
for speed and t o r a u e control are discussed in Chapter 7. access by personnel and to allow authorised access by
personnel for routine maintenance and commissioning
Slipring induction motors purposes.
Slipring induction motors in conjunction with rotor The degree of protection against the ingress of water
resistance-switching contactors are widely used for an­ and solids is categorised in hne with British Standard
cillary mechanical plant, such as cranes, demanding BS5490 [3]; the I P rating most appropriate to the duty
variable-speed drives. Details of this system are included must be specified.
in Chapter 7. A brief description, as given in BS5490 [3], of IP
ratings appropriate to power station electrical equip­
ment and typical applications is given below:
2.2.4 DC motors
Because of their higher capital and running costs and IP30 Protected against solid objects Indoor equipment in control
greater maintenance requirements, D C motors are used — greater than 2.5 mm. rooms, equipment rooms.
only when the operational role precludes the use of IP31 Protected against solid objects Indoor equipment for which
A C induction motors. This includes essential drives greater than 2.5 mm and protection against dripping
which must be independent of A C supply system dripping water. water is essential, e.g.,
failures and specialist apphcations, such as hfts.
IP44 Protected against solid objects Outdoor equipment, such as
greater than 1 mm and switchgear, which requires to
splashing water. be ventilated and protected
2.3 Safety considerations against the environment.
IP54 Protected against dust and Indoor equipment in which
2.3.1 General requirements splashing water. the accumulation of dust
The basic requirement is to ensure the safety of person­ would be detrimental and
protection against dripping
nel who are either directly or indirectly associated with water is essential, e.g., elec­
the operation or maintenance of the plant, or who may tric motors.
be in the vicinity of the plant when it is operational. IP55 Protected against dust and Outdoor equipment and spe­
In order to meet this requirement, the following ob­ water jets in any direction. cial situations, such as boil­
jectives have to be considered as part of the design er houses and coal plants,
where the environment is
particularly harsh, e.g.,
• The plant must be capable of operating safely over motors.
the full range of environmental conditions to which IP65 Dust tight and protected Equipment in exposed wet
it may be subjected for its design life. Hazardous against water jets in any and dusty situations neces­
direction. sitating maximum protection
atmospheres must be recognised and taken into against the ingress of dust,
account in the overall design. e.g., valve actuators.

• In the event of failure of the plant, or part thereof,

the safety of personnel must not be jeopardised. Enclosures for equipment t o be used in hazardous areas
are designed to satisfy the requirements of BS4683 [4]
• The design should recognise that h u m a n error can
appropriate for the area classification, as defined in
result in the plant being operated incorrectly and
BS5345 [5].
so should include electrical interlocks, mechanical
interlocks and protective devices necessary to ensure
safe operation. 2.3.3 Control and trip circuits

• A readily accessible means of shutting the plant Control circuit supplies, with the exception of those to
down quickly and easily in an emergency should switchgear closing coils, are h m h e d to 110 V maximum
be provided. in the interests of safety. These supplies are normally
obtained from the 110 V A C instrument supply system,
• When plant control is dependent to a large extent
from the 110 V D C or 50 V D C supply system or from
on manual operation, as in cranes, the possibility
an integral transformer in the equipment, which steps
of an operator collapsing must be considered and
the supply voltage down to 110 V A C .
the plant designed to fail-safe.
Equipment requiring a secure supply but which is
• The design must include all reasonable measures not likely to suffer from the momentary loss of sup­
to ensure the safety of operating and maintenance ply or the variations in supply voltage and frequency
personnel. described in Section 2.1.2 of this chapter, such as a

Mechanical plant electrical services C h a p t e r 10

control and instrumentation cubicle, is supplied from to interlock between different items of plant or devices
the 110 V A C instrument supplies system. to ensure that they are operated in the correct sequence
Equipment requiring guaranteed supplies for control or combination, coded-key interlocks are widely used.
purposes, such as switchgear and contactor gear, is Used either singly, or in conjunction with key-exchange
connected to the station 110 V D C or 48 V D C dis­ boxes, they ensure safe operation and also 'authorise'
tribution systems. plant operation and access for maintenance.
Equipment which can accommodate the occasional
supply interruptions and variations in supply vohage 2.3.5 E m e r g e n c y trip controls
and frequency detailed in Section 2,1.2 of this chapter,
such as crane control equipment, is normally supphed Since the majority of power station plant is unattended,
from integral 110 V transformers. it is not general practice to locate emergency trip con­
trols adjacent to drive motors or plant but rather
Control circuits incorporate a 'test' selector switch
to incorporate such devices in the control station, which
to enable functional checks to be made in the control
may be either local or remote. Interlocks and strict op­
circuits without operating the plant. This is important,
erational safety procedures ensure that safety is main­
since it not only permits routine checks to ensure
tained during both normal operation and maintenance.
the correct operation of the equipment but also veri­
A n emergency trip device normally consists of a red
fication that protection and safety interlock circuits are
mushroom-headed push-to-trip b u t t o n , with an integral
functioning correctly.
shrouded or key-operated trip release device to ensure
Switchgear closing circuits are connected through
that a deliberate action is necessary for the operator
'plant protection interlock contacts' which ensure that
to reset the trip circuit.
the plant can only be started when in a safe condition.
Switchgear trip circuits are connected through 'plant
protection trip contacts' which complete the trip circuit
2.4 Environmental conditions
in the event of plant malfunction, or of a plant con­
dition arising which could jeopardise the safety of op­
eration. Also connected into the trip circuh are contacts 2.4.1 A m b i e n t conditions
on plant protection devices, which operate to complete The design of the equipment has to include adequate
the trip circuit in the event of a fault developing on protection against the ingress of water and solids, and
the equipment. The 'plant protection trips' and 'plant be suitable for continuous operation over the full range
protection devices' are fundamental to the safety of of ambient temperatures or, if the equipment is sub­
the plant and are either connected in such a manner jected to radiant or conducted heat, at the maximum
that their failure wih cause the plant to trip, or, as in operating temperature likely to occur in service.
switchgear circuits, the protection contacts are wired In the interests of standardisation, equipment is
in a manner which enables the integrity of the wiring, generahy specified in three classes, as fohows:
connections and supply to them to be continuously
monitored by a supervision relay. Ambient Class 1 Applies to equipment located in­
doors in a non-corrosive atmosphere, in which the
ambient temperature range is 0 ° C to + 4 0 ° C . Enclo­
2.3.4 Interlocking
sures are protected against fahing dust to IP30 of
Interlocking takes two forms; mechanical and electrical: BS5490 [3].
Electrical interlocks include limit switches, pressure
Ambient Class 2 Apphes to o u t d o o r equipment in a
switches, position switches and transducer contacts
which continuously monitor the state of the plant, and corrosive atmosphere, in which the ambient tempera­
are connected into the control circuit to ensure that ture range is - 2 5 ° C to + 5 5 ° C . Enclosures are pro­
the plant can only be operated in a correct sequence, tected against airborne dust to IP44 of BS5490.
and in safety. These circuits also include circuit-breaker,
contactor and relay poshion contacts, which are cross- Ambient Class 3 Apphes to equipment in special
connected into other circuits in the control system to situations where the atmosphere is corrosive and the
ensure that the correct electrical control sequence is ambient temperature range is - 10°C to -l-70°C. En­
followed, subject to the plant state being proved correct closures are protected to IP55 of BS5490.
by the interlock contacts.
For most power station equipment. Ambient Class 1
Mechanical interlocks take the form of linkages, cams is provided for indoor use and Ambient Class 2 for
or other mechanisms which prohibh the operation of outdoor use, where it may be subjected to sunhght,
a device when h is unsafe to do so; for example, by wind, rain, snow or freezing conditions. For harsh en­
preventing a cubicle door being opened if the supply vironments, such as boiler houses, equipment is speci­
disconnector is 'on', or by preventing a non-load- fied to Ambient Class 3, in view of the greater risk
breaking disconnector from being switched ' o f f when of water and dust ingress and the wider operating
the associated contactor is On'. When h is required temperature range. Exceptionally high conditions of

General requirements

humidity, such as may be found underground, are these classifications cover environmental temperature,
considered individuahy and treated as special cases. humidity and levels of electrical interference to which
the equipment may be subjected during operation.
Equipment may be subjected to radio frequency and
2.4.2 Hazardous atmospheres
cable-borne interference. C o m m o n causes of radio fre­
Whilst most power station environments do not con­ quency interference are portable radio transmitters,
stitute hazards, certain areas, such as hydrogen plants, fluorescent lamps, D C relay operation and the switch­
do. Equipment for use in hazardous areas comphes ing of A C supplies. Cable-borne interference reaches
with the requirements of BS5345 [5], which classifies equipment in both power and signal lines as a result
areas as Zone 0, Zone 1 or Zone 2. of coupling at the source and between cables, the main
cause being the rapid change of current due to switching
Zone 0 An area in which an explosive gas/air mixture and fuse operation. E E S (1980) [6] specifies tests de­
is continuously present or present for long signed to demonstrate that equipment is unaffected
periods. by levels of interference appropriate to the environ­
Zone 1 An area in which an explosive gas/air mixture mental classification.
is hkely to occur in normal operation. Environment Class B 3 / X covers a temperature range
of - 5 ° C to -h40°C, a humidity range of 5 % to 9 5 % ,
Zone 2 An area in which an explosive gas/air mixture and mild levels of radio frequency and cable-borne
is not likely to occur in normal operation and, interference appropriate to control/equipment rooms
if it occurs, will exist for only a short time. and other areas associated with power generation plant.
Class C l / X caters for a temperature range of - 25°C
All areas not classified as Zone 0, 1 or 2 are deemed to + 55°C, humidity u p to 100% and interference levels
to be non-hazardous. simhar to Class B 3 / X .

2.4.3 Nuclear environments

2.6 Switchgear and contactor gear
Reactor buildings at nuclear power stations present
Swhchgear and contactor gear for use w h h mechanical
unique environmental conditions which have to be
ancillary plant is provided to the same standards and
taken into account in the design of electrical equipment
specifications as that used elsewhere in the power sta­
for ancillary mechanical plant.
tion, and is described in Chapter 5.
The equipment is designed to operate in the envi­
ronmental conditions which occur when the reactor is
being commissioned, on-load or shut down for main­ 2.7 Radio and television interference
tenance. In addition, the possibility of reactor system
All electrical equipment is designed to restrict radio
faults or seismic disturbances is considered and the
interference t o the h m h s specified in British Standard
equipment designed accordingly, having regard for the
BS800 [7].
operational role of the equipment during and fohowing
the event.
Environmental conditions to which equipment may 2.8 Noise levels
be exposed during its operating life are dependent u p o n
M a x i m u m levels of noise are specified which (a) satisfy
the design of the reactor system and the location of
the recommendations laid out in the Department of
the equipment. In addition to the temperature varia­
Employment 'Code of Practice for Reducing the Ex­
tions, radiation levels and humidity range occurring
posure of Employed Persons t o Noise', (b) are con­
during normal station operation; short-term large varia­
sistent w h h the established limits of person-to-person
tions in temperature, pressure and radiation levels may
and telephone communication, and mental concentra­
occur during maintenance or reactor system fauhs.
tion, and (c) are consistent with the hmits of noise
transmission which can be achieved at reasonable cost,
to areas beyond the power station boundary.
2.5 Electronic equipment
T h e specified limits in noise level are outlined below:
To ensure that electronic equipment is of consistent
standard and suhable for operation in a power station Local-to-plant Surface noise level local-to-plant
environment, the C E G B has its own specification, E E S measured at a distance of 1 m from the plant surface
(1980) [6] which lays down basic design parameters is 93 dBA m a x i m u m for plant generally and, for plant
and stringent type tests. Electronic equipment is classi­ provided with a noise enclosure, 90 dBA maximum at
fied according to its environment — Class B 3 / X for the enclosure surface and 110 dBA inside the enclosure
indoor equipment and Class C l / X for o u t d o o r equip­ (if access is necessary when the plant is operational).
ment. Requirements appropriate t o these classifications
are stipulated in the specification. Because of the Control rooms Background noise level must not ex­
sensitivity of electronic equipment to its environment. ceed 67 dBA at 62 H z , ranging to 33 dBA at 8 kHz.

Mechanical plant electrical services C h a p t e r 10

Control areas Background noise level must not exceed The diversity of locations and operational require­
83 dBA at 63 Hz, ranging to 54 dBA at 8 k H z . ments of these cranes necesshate specialist requirements
t o o numerous to describe here. The principal design
Off-site The noise level at the nearest residence or requirements which apply to the majority of cranes on
community must not exceed 67 dBA at 63 Hz, ranging a power station site are described in this section. These
to 33 dBA at 8 kHz. relate specifically to overhead travelling cranes and
goliath cranes but many of them form the basis for the
design of the more specialist cranes, such as reactor
3 Cranes charging machines. Specific design features for nuclear
power station cranes are discussed in Section 3.10 of
3.1 General this chapter.
A typical cab-controhed crane, as used in turbine
Power station cranes include:
hahs, is illustrated in Fig 10.1.
• Overhead travelling cranes in areas such as the Cranes vary in rating between 5 t and 3 5 0 1 , and may
machine hall. be equipped with u p to two auxiliary hoists. In some
• Goliath cranes in outdoor areas such as the C W instances, two cranes are required to work in tandem
pumphouse. for large hfts, such as turbine rotors.
Operational requirements, together with the heavy
• Grabbing cranes, in coal and ash plants.
and frequent usage during the power station construc­
• Travelhng stacker/reclaimer machines in the coal tion period, are carefully considered when estabhshing
stockyard. basic design requirements. Since the cranes may be in
• Maintenance hoists. service from early in the power station construction
period, their design must be adequate for the environ­
• Reactor pile cap cranes.
mental conditions and power supply variations which
• Reactor charging machines. occur during that period: these conditions may be more
• Nuclear fuel flask-handling cranes. onerous than later, when the power station is operating.
The design requirements described in this section
Cranes provided for power station construction pur­ supplement or supersede those of British Standard
poses only are not deah with in this section. BS466 [8].






FIG. 10.1 Cab-controlled crane — typical arrangement


3.2 Power supply and distribution These protective devices are arranged to trip the
main supply contactor rather t h a n the motion con­
A 415 V three-phase three-wire 50 Hz supply is p r o ­
tactor, since the main supply contactor is subjected
vided for each crane, direct from a fuse switch in the
to a less arduous duty and is therefore less suscep­
main 415 V swhchboard serving that area. Prior to
tible to failure. A n undervoltage protection system
the station swhchgear being commissioned, the site
is fitted to the main crane supply and connected to
construction supply is used, with variations and hmits
trip the main supply contactor when the voltage drops
as detailed in Section 2.1.2 of this chapter.
below the operating capabihty of the motor, i.e.,
The 415 V supply is connected by cable to a main
8 0 % of the nominal value (see Section 2.2 of this
isolating switch which is readily accessible from the
plant operating floor. F r o m there, it is extended by
The main isolating switch, main supply contactor,
cable to the downshop conductor system and thence to
m o t i o n contactors a n d all protection equipment are
the crane. On the crane is located a further isolating
housed in sheet-steel cubicles mounted on the bridge
switch which supplies the crane drive motors through
of the crane.
line contactors. Fuse protection is provided on indi­
vidual drive supplies. Particular attention is paid to
the rating of fuses fitted to the 415 V main supply 3.3.3 Motion control — direction
switchboard and those on the crane to ensure adequate Motion directional control is provided by a three-phase,
fault discrimination. triple-pole reversing-type contactor connected to reverse
Figures 10.2 and 10.3 show a typical crane supply t w o of the three phases of the drive m o t o r supply. This
and distribution system. contactor is manufactured to BS5424 [10] and ESI
Standard 3 7 - 1 [11] and is electrically and mechanically
interlocked to ensure that only one direction can be
3.3 Crane motor drives
selected at any time.

3.3.1 Motors
3.3.4 Motion control — speed
Variable-speed motors are normally provided for the
principal crane motions, i.e., main hoist, auxihary hoist Speed control of shpring induction m o t o r drives is
(if fitted), long-travel and cross-traverse. For the ma­ achieved by a n u m b e r of m o t o r accelerating contactors
jority of apphcations, 415 V, three-phase 50 Hz induc­ controlled by timer devices, which progressively short-
tion motors are used; either slipring (with swhched circuit resistances connected in the rotor circuit to give
rotor-resistances) or squirrel-cage types (whh thyristor the required acceleration and final speed. This is the
speed control systems). For constant-speed drives, most c o m m o n system in use on power station cranes
squirrel-cage induction motors are normally used, these and is shown on Fig 10.2.
being started direct-on-line. Ahernative systems for the speed control of squirrel-
For certain applications in nuclear power stations, cage induction motors include solid state variable-
240 V D C motors are used, these requirements being frequency or voltage control equipment.
discussed in Section 3.10 of this chapter. Motors are High integrity, high availability cranes, or cranes
in accordance with British Standards BS5000 [1] and utilised for close tolerance fitting operations, are pro­
BS4999 [2], as appropriate. They are totally-enclosed, vided with a creep speed control system, in addition to
with protection to IP54 for indoor cranes and to IP55 the normal speed control system. A typical creep speed
weatherproof for outdoors. control system consists of a closed-loop in which an
For main hoist, auxiliary hoist, long-travel and cross- eddy-current brake with variable-torque-speed char­
traverse applications involving cyclic operation, motors acteristics is coupled to the shaft of the shpring induc­
are suitable for 150 starts per hour and are of duty tion m o t o r and used to control its speed within close
type S4 or S5 to BS4999 Part 30 [2], with a minimum tolerances (in the order of ± 1 % ) . The motor is ac­
cychc duration factor of 25%, T o cater for long slow celerated u p to the rated speed under rotor-resistance
lifts, main and auxiliary hoist motors are capable of control. By comparing the m o t o r slipring voltage with
continuous operation on the first notch speed. a reference voltage, the difference between the desired
and actual m o t o r speeds is determined, the error signal
then being amplified and fed to a thyristor firing cir­
3.3.2 Motor protection
cuit to vary the a m o u n t of braking. By continuous
Short-circuh protection on the motor supplies is pro­ monitoring of the speed difference signal, the output
vided by high breaking capacity (HBC) cartridge fuses speed variation is restricted to close limits. In the event
to BS88 [9]. Motor protection is afforded by magnetic of failure of the creep speed system, the drive reverts
overcurrent relays, fitted with adjustable inverse time to the basic rotor-resistance system. The operational
delay elements connected into each of the three phases. integrity and safety of the motion drive is therefore
Hoist motions are, in addition, fitted with current- assured, a h h o u g h the accuracy of speed control is
operated single-phasing protection. impaired.

Mechanical plant electrical services Chapter 10






9 9 9 9 0 0 9—0 9 9 9 9 O Ó Ó-O O






FIG. 10.2 Typical main and auxiliary hoist supply and distribution system



3PH ^





I, io io I. I. Ζ ν - / / / REVERSING
/ / / / / / REVERSING
Q Q 0 9 <? </ CONTACTOR







FIG. 10.2 (cont'd) Typical main and auxiliary hoist supply and distribution system

Mechanical plant electrical services C h a p t e r 10


3PH <




o o o o o o c ^ o o o o o ó c ^ ^ o






FIG. 10.3 T y p i c a l travel and traverse supply and d i s t r i b u t i o n system


3.3.5 Braking systems Creep South/slow S o u t h /

All motions are equipped with electrically-operated fast South.
'thrustor' or 'electromagnetic solenoid' brakes which (6) Cross-traverse control Creep West/slow W e s t /
have a duty and rating defined by BS3579 [12]. The fast West
brake system design ensures that the brake is auto­ Creep East/slow East/fast
matically applied if the supply to the associated drive East.
motor fails. Figures 10.2 and 10.3 show typical ar­
rangements of 'thrustor' brakes on a crane, one being (7) Long travel limit Key-operated.
provided for each travel motion and two, emergency override
and service, being provided on the main and auxiliary (8) Cross-traverse limit Key-operated.
hoist motions. The brakes are supplied from the m o t o r override
side of the motion contactor and provide a fail-safe
system. On the hoist motions, the emergency brake (9) Anti-collision system Key-operated.
acts as a back-up to the service brake, if the latter override
fails. (10) Warning hooter
o n / o f f switch.

3.4 Control station systems (11) Crane floodlights To floodlight operating

o n / o f f switch floor.
3.4.1 Cab control
(12) Crane bridge lights T o control access lighting.
Cab control consists of a driver's cab slung under o n / o f f switch
one end of the crane bridge, equipped with ah devices
necessary for the manual control of the crane. The The above controls operate directly into the contactor
arrangement suffers from a number of disadvantages control circuhs, through a control station selection
and has been superseded by radio control in certain device located adjacent to the 'local' controls on the
power stations, when the operational advantages justify crane bridge-mounted protection panel.
the additional cost.
The disadvantages of cab control are as follows:
3.4.2 Radio control
• The size and disposition of the cab imposes a re­
striction on hoist and traverse movements. Radio control overcomes the shortcomings of cab con­
trol and offers the foHowing advantages:
• The driver is positioned high above the operating
floor and so cannot perform operations without • T h e crane operator is at operating floor level and
the aid of an assistant on the operating floor. unrestricted, thereby enhancing crane operating ef­
• Parking and driver access is normally restricted and
can necessitate the crane being manned for long • Parking of the crane is not governed by personnel ac­
periods during a prolonged handhng sequence. cess requirements, except for maintenance purposes.

• The full span of the bridge can he utihsed for travers­

A typical cab control layout is shown in Fig 10.4. ing and hoisting operations.
Crane operator controls are provided as follows:
the motion control devices are levers, which return to The system is not without disadvantages, however,
the 'off position when released. and these are summarised below:
(1) Key-operated o n / o f f The key has a code unique
• Radio control is susceptible to interference and
switch to the crane and is trapped
elaborate safeguards must be included in the system
in the 'on' position, to pre­
to prevent malfunction.
vent unauthorised opera­
tion of the crane. • The control system is m o r e complex, since it requires
a transmitter, receiver and interface relay equipment.
(2) Emergency-stop Described in Section 2.3.5
pushbutton of this chapter. • The portable transmitter/control units are suscepti­
ble to accidental damage and abuse if their usage
(3) Main hoist control Creep raise/slow raise/
a n d storage is not strictly controlled.
fast raise.
Creep lower/slow lower/
fast lower. A n outline of the radio-control system is given below.
The control functions provided by a body-worn
(4) Auxihary hoist control As for main hoist.
transmitter/control unit are the same as those described
(5) Long travel control Creep N o r t h / s l o w N o r t h / in the previous section. A typical layout is shown in
fast N o r t h . Fig 10.5.

Mechanical plant electrical services C h a p t e r 10







FIG. 10.4 Cab control layout




FIG. 10.5 Radio transmitter control layout

Radio control systems are V H F , U H F or, more minimum of three radio frequency signals and a master
usually, L F , and comprise a transmitter/control unit, security-frequency signal must be transmitted simul­
which is carried by the crane operator on a waist/ taneously. Unique control frequencies are ahocated to
shoulder harness, plus a receiver and interface relay each crane to safeguard against the incorrect matching
equipment, the last two hems being located on the of transmitter and crane. As a further safeguard, the
crane bridge. Contacts on the interface relays are con­ transmitter range is limited to approximately 60 m.
nected through sequence relay equipment to operate
the crane control contactors.
3.4.3 Pendant control
A typical L F radio control system uses coded, con­
tinuously-transmitted multi-frequency signals to safe­ The simplest and most economic means of crane con­
guard against malfunction of the crane due to external trol is by pendant control station. Applications are
interference. For each crane control to function, a necessarily limhed to lower-capacity cranes, such as


those used in diesel generator houses and ancillary

plant houses, where hfting needs are relatively small
and hmited.
The control station is either of the double-insulated
pattern, w h h a metal insert to give mechanical strength,
or a metal case shrouded in rubber. Pushbuttons are
shrouded to prevent accidental operation and are self-
resetting when released. A typical pendant control sta­
tion is shown in Fig 10.6.
A n earth continuity conductor is incorporated in the
pendant supply cable and is connected to the control
station metal insert or box.

3.5 Crane controls, interlocks and limit CONTROL OPERATIONAL

|oON o

3.5.1 Control e q u i p m e n t cubicles [o OFF o]

The control equipment is housed in a suite of cubicles

mounted o n the crane bridge: h comprises protec­
tion equipment, stator contactor controlgear, rotor
controlgear, timing relays, sequence relays, speed con­
trol equipment and related electrical control equipment.
These cubicles have protection to IP54 of BS5490 [3]
for indoor use and to IP55 weatherproof in outdoor
situations. ^ L/S OVERRIDE ^
One of the cubicles houses the 415 V main supply
isolating switch. A system of coded-key interlocks is
provided to prevent any of the control cubicle doors
from being opened when the main supply isolating
switch is *on', a n d to prevent the isolating switch being
closed when any door is unlocked. t o WARNING HOOTER o \

Figures 10.7 and 10.8 show the disposition of equip­

ment on the bridge and crab unit of an overhead travel­
ling crane.

3.5.2 Protective panel

[ o RESET <n
One of the suite of control cubicles, the protective
panel, accommodates the 415 V main supply isolat­
ing switch, the main supply contactor, motor overload
protection devices, fuses, transformers, rectifiers a n d
other components necessary for the control of the [ o EMERGENCY STOP o ]
crane, a complete set of motion control pushbutton
swhches for maintenance and testing purposes and a
control selector switch. T h e last item has four positions:

Remote Allows the crane to be operated from

the normal control panel only.

Local Allows the crane to be operated from

the protective panel only.

Remote test Allows the crane remote control cir­

cuits to be checked, with the main
supply isolating switch *off.

Local test Allows the crane local control circuits

to be checked, with the main supply
isolating switch O f f . FIG. 10.6 Pendant control station

Mechanical plant electrical services C h a p t e r 10












FIG. 10.7 Typical crane bridge layout





T .








FIG. 1 0 . 8 Typical crane crab layout

Figures 10.2 and 10.3 show typical distribution and swhch malfunction, a back-up system is provided
switching arrangements. consisting of two limh switches connected directly into
415/110 V transformers are provided to supply two phases of the 415 V, three-phase supply to the
control circuits and crane auxiliary circuits, such as hoist m o t o r . These limit switches are manually reset
walkway lighting and anti-condensation heaters. and n o override facility is provided.
O n long travel and cross-traverse motions, four limit
3.5.3 Limit switches switches are installed in each direction of motion to
prevent overtravel and safeguard against hmit switch
Limit switches are provided in hoist, long travel and
or contactor fahure. The first limit switch trips the
cross-traverse motion circuits. They are metalclad and
motion contactor, the second limit switch trips the main
mechanically operated, normally having a self-resetting
supply contactor and the third and fourth hmit switches,
action in b o t h directions, and are positioned so that
which share the same position, trip motion and main
they are accessible from the crane bridge walkways for
supply contactors, respectively. Limit switches are posi­
maintenance purposes.
tioned as follows:
On hoist motions, limit switches are connected into
the motion contactor control circuit to prevent over-
lowering and over-hoisting. Over-hoisting is more dan­ T h e first limit switch stops the crane when travelling
gerous, and to safeguard against contactor or limit at fast speed before it reaches the second limit switch.

Mechanical plant electrical services C h a p t e r 10

The second limit switch stops the crane when travehing tiometer wire is connected across the secondary winding
at fast speed before it reaches the third and fourth hmit of a supply transformer which causes a vohage drop
switches. along the wire of the order of 24 V. Electronic units
on each crane are connected to the potentiometer wire
The third/fourth limit switches both stop the crane by collectors and interconnected via collectors and the
when travehing at slow speed before it reaches the rail register wire. The potential difference along the length
buffer stops. of potentiometer wire between the collectors of the two
cranes is m o n h o r e d by the electronic u n h s , the control
loop being completed through the register wire. As the
Travel limit switches do not reset until the crane
cranes approach each other, the potential difference
operating arm reverses past them.
between the pick-up points on the potentiometer wire
The travel limit override control, referred to in
decreases until the minimum approach distance of the
Section 3.4.1 of this chapter, allows the crane to be
two cranes is reached. At this point, the electronic units
driven over the first and second limit switches at slow
trip the crane motion contactors and stop the cranes.
speed and up to the third/fourth hmit switches. A
second override control allows the crane to be driven
over the third/fourth hmit switches at slow speed u p
3.7 Travel motion supply systems
to the rail buffer stops.
When travel motions have single-speed m o t o r s , three A h systems are rated for a 31 M V A 415 V fault level.
limit switches only are installed, the first to trip the
motion contactor and the second and third, which share 3.7.1 Long t r a v e l
the same position, trip the motion and main supply The 415 V three-phase 50 H z supply and earth con­
contactors, respectively. The limit switches are posi­ tinuity connections to the crane comprise four fuhy-
tioned as follows: shrouded downshop conductors located immediately
below the crane rahs. These conductors are made of
The first limit switch stops the crane when travelling hard-drawn copper, copper/steel laminate or phosphor
at fast speed before it reaches the second and third bronze, as dictated by current rating and voh-drop
limit switches. requirements. Protection against accidental contact
with metal objects is provided by insulating shrouds.
Connections between the downshop conductors and
The second/third limit switches stop the crane when
the crane are made by short-boom type collectors,
travelhng at fast speed before it reaches the rail buffer
which are accessible from the crane bridge for main­
The 415 V three-phase 50 Hz supply from the Station
A travel limit override enables the crane to be driven Switchboard is connected into a quick-break, three-
at slow speed past the first and second/third limit position (service, isolated and off/earth) supply iso­
swhches up to the rail buffer stops. lating switch positioned at operating floor level and,
Travel limit override controls spring-return to O f f ideally, half way along the length of the downshop
to prevent pre-selection and to ensure that overriding conductors to minimise volt-drop on the system. The
requires a dehberate action. 415 V supply connections from the isolating switch
to the downshop conductors are made in armoured
3.6 Anti-collision system At each end of and, in some instances, at regular
Sometimes two cranes share the same rails and are, intervals along the downshop conductors, warning
therefore, provided with an anti-collision system to lamps are fitted to indicate to personnel in the crane
prevent them being driven into each other. When the operating area that the conductors are energised. At
cranes are required to be used in tandem for large each location, three red-coloured indicating lamps are
hfts, a key-operated anti-colhsion override switch is connected in star formation to the three phases of the
provided at the control station (see Section 3.4.1 of downshop conductors through H B C fuses.
this chapter) to enable them to be driven up to each Fully-shrouded downshop conductors are used for
other for coupling purposes. the majority of overhead travelling cranes in a power
Anti-colhsion systems are of the optical, radar or station. For gohath cranes, travelling cable systems or
potentiometer-wire type. The last system has been used totally-enclosed rigid conductor/collector systems,
in a number of C E G B power stations and is briefly mounted just above floor level, are used to satisfy
outhned below. personnel safety and weatherproof ing requirements.
A potentiometer wire system consists basically of a For overhead cranes with limited long-travel require­
low resistance register wire and a potentiometer wire ments, a travelling cable chain system may be con­
running parallel with each other and with the down- sidered instead of a fully-shrouded rigid conductor
shop conductor systems of the two cranes. The poten­ system.


3.7.2 Cross-traverse the crane operating area. It is supplied at 110 V from

Power supply and control connections between the the 415/110 V control circuh transformer and con­
crane bridge and the crab unit, which traverses the trolled from the control station by a contactor.
crane bridge and accommodates the hoist equipment,
Maintenance socket outlets A system of 110 V A C
are made by a circular or flat-form travelling cable
socket outlets is provided on the crane bridge to
system in which the cables are looped between trolleys.
facihtate the use of h a n d lamps and portable tools. To
Cables are terminated in junction boxes on the bridge
enable maintenance work to be carried out whh the
and crab. Power supphes are run in separate cables
crane disconnected from the 415 V supply, 110 V socket
from the control connections to protect control func­
outlets are provided on the building structure adjacent
tions and operating personnel from the effects of supply
to the crane rails and a flying lead is used to connect
cable fauhs. Control cables have an overall screen to
protect against interference from the supply cables. between them a n d the crane bridge. This allows work
to be carried out on the crane in the event of a break­
down in any position.
3.7.3 Alternative supplies for long travel
Where two cranes share the same rails, they are de­
signed so that each crane can be supplied from ehher 3.10 Special features required for nuclear
set of downshop conductors. This necessitates two plant cranes
sets of cohectors and a changeover disconnector on each
crane. A coded-key interlock exchange-box system is 3.10.1 Duty categories
provided to ensure that both downshop conductor
supply isolating switches are in the *off position before Cranes for the handling of plant or maintenance of
either crane changeover disconnector can be operated. equipment within the reactor building and associated
This system safeguards against unauthorised operation areas in a nuclear power station are categorised accor­
of the changeover disconnectors and ahows non-load ding to their duties as fohows:
making/breaking disconnectors to be used.
Category A — Safety-related cranes This category
comprises high availability, high integrity cranes which
3.8 Crane earthing are required t o handle critical loads in areas where a
A n earthing system is provided on the crane which breakdown or malfunction during the handling of a
ensures that the crane structure and metal cases of load could give rise to a radiological hazard or be the
all electrical equipment, including metal conduit and cause of damage to the reactor structure, safety-related
trunking, are all effectively earthed. This is connected systems, or essential ancihary equipment.
to the Station earth through the earth continuity con­
ductor forming part of the downshop conductor system Category Β — Availability-related cranes Cranes in
(see Section 3.7.1 of this chapter), an earth continuity this category are needed to handle loads related to
conductor down to the supply isolating swhch and unit availabilhy, such as unit auxihary plant and plant
thence to the earth mat. items with long delivery lead times, lack of availability
Crane rails are bonded with earthing tape across of which would jeopardise unit availability.
joints and connected to the station earth.
Category C — Auxiliary cranes These cranes are for
general maintenance purposes on non-essential auxUiary
3.9 Crane services plant and for use in areas where u n h availabilhy will
The following services are provided on cranes, as ap­ not be prejudiced by their breakdown or malfunction.
3.10.2 Design requirements
Floodlights 110 V tungsten or discharge-type flood­
lights are provided on the side of, or below, the bridge The design requirements for Category Β cranes are
to illuminate the crane handling area. A 415/110 V detailed in the preceding paragraphs of this section,
transformer is provided on the crane for all lighting whüst those for Category C are less onerous.
and heating services. The floodhghts are controlled In view of the essential nature of Category A cranes
from the control station by a contactor, each luminair and the stringent operational safety requirements ne­
being separately fused. cessitated by their location, the requirements applicable
to Category Β are supplemented by those briefly out-
Access lighting Crane access ways and driver's cab hned below:
(if fitted) are ihuminated by 110 V tungsten bulkhead
luminaires controlled by a switch fuse. (a) Seismic quahfication. The cranes, together with
their control gear, are designed to ensure that a
Warning hooter Each crane is provided with an audi­ load is held and control retained in a safe manner
ble warning device to warn any person situated within during a seismic event.

Mechanical plant electrical services C h a p t e r 10

(b) Control system security. All crane components and Goods and passenger hfts are provided for use during
systems which are essential for the security of a the power station commissioning and operational peri­
load are designed to ensure that a single failure will ods, by which time the environment is controhed.
not result in an incident. This is achieved either Control gear is therefore provided with less protection
by built-in redundancy or by conservative design. — IP31 in control buildings, offices and workshops
and IP54 in boiler houses and reactor buildings.
(c) Hoist motions. Preference is given to the provision
Some passenger hfts are designed to accept stretcher-
of two independent systems, either of which is
borne personnel.
capable of handhng the rated load in the event
of fahure of the other. If only one system is prac­
ticable, then a higher safety factor is applied for 4.2 Supplies and distribution
design purposes. When separate drive motors are
Three supphes are provided to each hft motor r o o m :
employed, particular attention is paid to the need
for them to be synchronised and equally loaded • 415 V three-phase 50 Hz three-wire.
in operation. • 240 V single-phase 50 H z .
Hoist overload systems are provided to ensure
• 240 V D C .
that the hoist rating is not exceeded. Such a system
may consist of load cells operating into the crane
control circuit. The 415 V three-phase 50 H z supply is connected into
a triple-pole (TP) isolating switch which feeds the hft
In addition to the service and standby brakes
drive power circuits, and individually fuse-protected
described in Section 3.3.5 of this chapter, each hoist
circuits for the lift car door drive-motor and control
is equipped with an emergency brake capable of
circuh transformer(s). A typical control circuit trans­
retarding and holding the rated load. The emer­
former has three secondary windings; 20 V for hft car
gency brake is not deployed in normal operation,
and landing indicator lamps; 110 V centre-tapped to
operating only in the event of a hoist malfunction,
earth for miscellaneous requirements (such as trapdoor
e.g., overspeed, incorrect rotation, load hang-up,
indicating lamps) and 130 V A C , rectified to 110 V D C ,
or when the main supply contactor trips.
for control and interlock circuhs.
(d) Travel motions. Independent drive units are pro­ The 240 V single-phase 50 H z supply is connected
vided on each end carriage for long travel. Each into a single-pole and neutral (SP and N) isolating
unit is equipped with automatically operated service switch feeding an SP and Ν distribution fuseboard from
and standby brakes, those on either drive unit being which separate fused supplies are taken for lift car
capable of stopping a fully-loaded crane from fuh hghting, control cubicle heating, car-top transformers
speed in the event of the other u n h faihng. and hft shaft hghting.
The 240 V D C supply is connected into a double-
(e) Motors. 240 V D C drive motors may be used in
pole (DP) isolating switch, feeding a D P distribution
preference to A C u n h s when security of supply and
board from which supplies are taken for the audible
crane operation are of p a r a m o u n t importance.
alarm, hft shaft hghting, fire alarm and flood alarm (if
(f) Cables and wiring. When cranes are exposed to appropriate).
nuclear radiation, the use of P V C insulated cable
and wiring, which is prone to degradation in such
environments, is avoided. Polymeric cables are used
4.3 Motor room equipment
in preference. Lift motor rooms are located at the top of the shaft
for electrically-driven hfts and at the bottom for hy­
drauhc types. They house the supply isolating switches
4 Lifts and distribution boards; winding motor/generator;
control, interlock and contactor equipment cubicles;
hft car and shaft lighting switches; junction boxes for
4.1 Types and general requirements the trailing cables to the hft car, and cable junction
There are three categories of power station lift: pas­ boxes for telephone and station alarm circuits.
senger, goods and construction hfts. Lift design and
construction, in general, is in accordance with the
4.4 Lift drive systems
following British Standards: BS 2655 [13], BS5655 [14]
and BSCP407 [15].
4.4.1 Electrical
Construction hfts are installed early in the power
station construction programme for use as passenger Lift drives are either two-speed or variable-speed. The
or goods hfts during the construction period. Control former uses m o t o r s , as detailed in BSCP 407 [15],
gear is provided suitable for the harsher environment supplied at 415 V three-phase 50 Hz through a reversing
existing during this period, with protection to IP55 contactor (raise/lower), a main contactor and a speed-
weatherproof of BS5490 [3] being specified. change contactor.


The variable-speed drive frequently uses a varia­ cepted' lamp and a series of lift position' lamps. Col­
ble voltage (Ward-Leonard) system, in which a 415 V lective control is provided, allowing personnel to board
three-phase 50 Hz squirrel-cage induction m o t o r is the lift at intermediate floor levels when h is travehing
mechanically coupled to a D C generator which sup­ in the selected direction.
phes a D C hft-winding m o t o r electrically. Direct-on­ In addition to the above controls and indications,
line, star-delta or auto-transformer starting is em­ each landing is equipped with an illuminated panel
ployed for the A C drive motor, as appropriate to the indicating when the 'fire' or 'flood' control systems are
lift requirements, although the first system is preferred in operation. Flood control systems are only provided
because of its simphcity and rehability. Typicahy, the when lift shafts could be flooded, as in an underground
D C motor and generator control system is supphed power station.
at 210 V D C from a transformer/rectifier combina­
tion, fed from the main 415 V three-phase 50 H z 4.5.2 Car control facilities
Lift cars are provided with the following controls and
indications: 'destination selection' pushbuttons; a series
4.4.2 Hydraulic of lamps showing the position and direction of travel;
A typical hydraulic control system comprises a a door opening b u t t o n ; a pushbutton to initiate an
hydrauhc r a m / c y h n d e r coupled to the lift car, which audible alarm outside the lift-well and an illuminated
is supphed with hydrauhc fluid through a two-position panel to indicate when the 'fire' or 'flood' control system
control valve (fast and slow speed) by an electrically- is in operation.
driven p u m p submerged in an oil tank. The p u m p In addition, cars are equipped with a key-operated
motor is a constant-speed squirrel-cage induction m o t o r selector switch to enable them to be operated by an
supphed at 415 V three-phase 50 Hz and is started Attendant.
direct-on-hne, delta-star or by auto-transformer, as O n passenger lifts which have been designed to ac­
the duty demands. The p u m p is started when *hft raise' c o m m o d a t e stretchers, operation of the 'door opening'
is selected; downward movement of the hft is con­ b u t t o n keeps the door open for a preset length of time,
trohed by pressure rehef valves. to facihtate the removal or loading of the stretcher.

4.4.3 M o t o r protection 4.5.3 Car lighting

Motor circuits are provided with overcurrent, under­ T w o 600 m m fluorescent fittings are installed in each
voltage, single-phasing, phase failure and phase reversal lift car to provide a general illumination level of 100
protection. lux. The hghting is supplied at 240 V single-phase 50 Hz
from the distribution b o a r d detailed in Section 4.2 of
4.4.4 Brakes this chapter, and is controlled by an isolating switch
Lift car travel brakes are of fah-safe design, being located in the m o t o r r o o m .
applied mechanically immediately upon disconnection T o safeguard against A C supply failure, each hft
or failure of the supply to the release solenoid. T o car is equipped with self-contained emergency hghting
cater for a hft car stopped between floors, the brake fittings capable of operating for a minimum of one
is fitted with a manual operating mechanism, which hour following supply failure, in a d d h i o n to the normal
allows the car to be moved t o a convenient floor level lighdng.
by hand. H a n d release of the brake causes ah lift con­
trol circuits to be de-energised, allowing the lift to be 4.5.4 Telephone
moved by use of the manual brake release and winding
A wall-mounted telephone is provided in each lift car
gear only.
for emergency use.

4.5 Lift car and landing equipment 4.5.5 M a i n t e n a n c e facilities

The T P isolating switch, connected in the main 415 V

4.5.1 Landing control facilities three-phase 50 Hz supply to the lift, has three positions;
A complete set of pushbutton controls and indications t e s t / o f f / o n . The test position ahows control circuits to
is provided at each landing. be tested and adjusted with the 415 V hft-drive power
For goods hfts, this comprises a 'cah' p u s h b u t t o n , a supply isolated. Control cubicle doors are interlocked
'call accepted' lamp and a series of 'lift position' lamps. to prevent access by personnel unless the isolating
Control is arranged so that personnel entering the lift switch is in the ' o f f or 'test' positions.
car have complete control until they have disembarked T o facihtate maintenance of the hft car, a control
and the doors have closed. selector switch is provided on the car top with three
For passenger lifts, each landing is equipped with positions; t e s t / n o r m a l / o f f . T h e test position inhibits
directional call buttons ('up' and 'down'), a 'call ac- control of the hft from any location other than the

Mechanical plant electrical services C h a p t e r 10

roof t o p , where up and down control pushbuttons lift is stopped and that all control functions are
are provided. inhibited.
Operation of the lift is inhibhed from all control To safeguard maintenance personnel driving the hft
stations when the ' o f f position is selected. Neither the from the car-top control station, upward travel is
'fire switch' nor 'flood switch' (if apphcable) overrides limited to within two metres of the shaft top by ad­
the car-top control swhch, this being necessary to ditional limit switches, functional in that control mode
safeguard maintenance staff when the hft is being only, if the normal top-limit switch ahows the car to
controlled from the car-top. travel higher.
Provided on the car roof are a 25 V A C socket outlet
supplied from a 240/25 V transformer, for use with 4.6.4 Lift car e m e r g e n c y h a t c h
an inspection lamp, and a 110 V A C socket outlet fed
Each lift car is provided with an emergency hatch as
from a 240/110 V transformer to facilitate the use
required in BS2655 [13].
of portable tools.
For a lift provided with a flood control system,
the hatch is secured with an electromagnefic lock which
4.6 Safety devices and systems is released automaticahy in the event of lift supply
failure, when the 'flood control' system is operating or
by manual operation of a switch on the car-top. This
4.6.1 Fireman's control system
allows passengers to escape from the lift car by using
Each lift is provided with a fire switch adjacent to the the escape ladder and doors provided in the hft shaft.
landing gate designated for fire control purposes, as
specified in BS2655 [13]. When the switch is operated,
4.6.5 Audible alarm
all registered calls are cancelled and the lift car proceeds
directly to the designated fire control floor level, where An audible alarm (Klaxon) is provided outside the lift-
it stops with doors open. Thereafter, the hft can only well at a suitable location where it can be readhy heard
be operated using the car controls. Indicating panels when initiated in an emergency by personnel inside the
warning that the fire control system is in operation hft car.
are provided inside the lift car and on the car-top,
adjacent to the maintenance controls detailed in Sec­
4.7 Lift shaft lighting
tion 4.5.5 of this chapter.
Lighting is provided in the lift shaft which can be
switched on manually from the fire control landing and
4.6.2 Flood control system automatically in the event of the fire control system
If there is a danger of a hft shaft flooding, a flood being inhiated. T o provide adequate hghting for main­
control system is provided. A flood control swhch is tenance purposes, selection of the 'test' position on the
provided adjacent to the designated landing gate located roof-top selector switch also initiates the lighting. The
above the maximum flood level, and a flood detection hghting system comprises tungsten bulkhead fittings
system is installed in the lift shaft. fed from an automatic changeover contactor supphed
In the event of flooding or the flood control switch from the 240 V A C and 240 V D C distribution boards,
being operated, the control system is overridden and the D C supply being connected in the event of failure
the car returned to the designated flood control level of the A C supply.
where it is parked with doors open. The hft then re­
mains inoperative until the flooded shaft has been
drained. When the flood control system is initiated,
4.8 Earthing
warning panels are illuminated inside the hft car and The metal cases of ah electrical equipment and metal
on the car-top adjacent to the maintenance controls. structures are bonded together and connected to the
However, in the interests of safety, if the hft is under station earth, an earth continuity conductor being
car-top control, downward movement of the hft below included in the trailing cable system between the hft
the 'flood control' level is inhibited. car and motor r o o m for this purpose.

4.6.3 Travel interlocks 5 Gas producing and storage plant

To safeguard personnel, ultimate-hmit switches are
fitted to prevent overlowering and overwinding. These 5.1 Introduction
devices are in addition to the operational limit switches
This section covers the electrical aspects of gas produc­
and form a back-up system in the event of failure of
ing and storage plant which form an essential part of
the normal control hmits. Ultimate-hmit switches are
modern power stations. The types of plant described are
hand-reset devices and are connected in at least two
as follows:
of the three phases of the hft drive 415 V supply
and in the control circuit supply to ensure that the • Hydrogen production by the electrolytic cell process.

Gas producing and storage plant

• Hydrogen production by methanol chemical driers, control cubicles and instrumentation. Oil-filled
reaction. transformers are located outdoors to minimise the fire
risk. When an electrical equipment r o o m adjoins a
• Methane production.
hazardous area, extreme care is taken to ensure that
• Nitrogen storage. all penetrations through the dividing wall are adequately
• Carbon dioxide storage. sealed.
Hazardous areas are classified as Zones 0, 1 or 2,
as defined in BS5345 [5] (see Section 2.4.2 of this
Because of the potential hazard to personnel and plant,
chapter), and all electrical equipment for use therein
gas production and storage plants are located away
is certified by British Approvals Service for Electrical
from the main building complex.
Equipment in Flammable Atmospheres (BASEEFA)
The principal uses of the various gases are given
in accordance with that standard. Installations comply
with B A S E E F A certification standards SFA3012 —
Intrinsic safety; SFA3004 — Shunt diode safety bar­
Hydrogen main generator cooling
riers and SFA3008 — Increased safety.
Methane mixed with carbon dioxide coolant Electrical connections between a non-hazardous area
gas to minimise graphite corrosion and a Zone 1 area (in which an explosive gas/air
in gas-cooled reactors mixture is likely to occur in normal operation) are
Nitrogen used for sealing feedheaters, con­ m a d e through a barrier cubicle. The barrier cubicle
densers a n d similar p l a n t , also accommodates equipment which constitutes an electri­
reactor circuits during shutdown. cal interface between the 'safe' signals necessary for
equipment in the hazardous area and the signals ne­
Carbon dioxide reactor coolant gas and generator
cessary for plant in the non-hazardous area, thereby
allowing the use of non-specialist equipment in the
latter environment.
Design considerations which are c o m m o n to ah gas
A back-up safety protection system is provided to
production and storage plants are described in the
ensure that in the event of plant, control or protection
fohowing sub-sections.
malfunction, the plant is tripped before an unsafe
The choice of hydrogen generation plant is dictated
condition can arise in a hazardous area designated
by economic considerations. Costs associated with the
Zone 1.
electrolytic ceh process are generally higher than those
In explosive or hazardous gas environments, the
of an equivalent methanol chemical reaction system
use of aluminium is avoided since it has been demon­
in terms of capital and running costs.
strated that, under certain abnormal conditions, the
Electrical energy consumption of the electrolytic cell
impact of rusty iron and aluminium can create an igni­
process is in the order of 4 k W h to generate 1 m^ of
tion source. Whilst the risk is low, the use of aluminium
hydrogen per hour compared with 1 kWh of the
cables and aluminium paint is avoided since suitable
methanol-based system. Plant costs of the two systems
alternatives are readily available.
are compatible but civil costs associated with the elec­
trolytic cell process are generahy higher. The cost of
purchasing and storing methanol is also taken into 5.2.2 Lightning protection
account. When the plant does not fall within the hghtning pro­
Advanced gas cooled reactors (AGRs) require large tection zone of another building, a horizontal hght­
quantities of oxygen for coolant gas regeneration pur­ ning protection system is provided in accordance with
poses. Since the electrolytic cell process produces large BSCP326 [16]. Lightning protection is discussed in
quantities of oxygen as a by-product, this process is Chapter 6, Cabling.
favoured for hydrogen generation at A G R power
stations. At other types of power stations, by-products 5.2.3 M o t o r s in h a z a r d o u s a r e a s
are of no significance.
In addition to the requirements for motors previously
referred to in Section 2.2 of this chapter, those in
5.2 General requirements hazardous areas comply with the following British
Motors for use in areas designated Zone 1 (see Sec­
5.2.1 Safety assurance and standards
tion 2.4.2 of this chapter) comply with the require­
In the interests of personnel safety, ease of mainte­ ments of BS4683 [4], P a r t 4, appropriate to protection
nance and minimisation of equipment costs, as much type 'e'. Maximum surface temperature is limited in
electrical equipment as possible is housed in electrical accordance with Class T 3 .
equipment r o o m s , designated as 'safe areas'. Equipment Motors for use in areas designated Zone 2 are pro­
rooms house transformer/rectifier units, switchgear, vided either to the same standard as for Zone 1, or
motor control gear, air compressors, air receivers and to BS5000 [1], P a r t 16, Type N .

Mechanical plant electrical services Chapter 10

5.2.4 Switchgear and contactor controlgear and short-circuh conditions. Rectifier equipment is
Switchgear and contactor controlgear is located in classified as electronic equipment and must meet the
non-hazardous areas and is provided to the same requirements of EES (1980) [6], referred to in Section
standards and specifications as that elsewhere in the 2.5 of this chapter.
power station (see Section 2.6 of this chapter). D C smoothing is provided to h m h ripple content to
5 % of the mean value under any of the supply varia­
tions detailed in Section 2.1.2 of this chapter.
5.2.5 Control and instrumentation equipment
Control and instrumentation equipment is located in Protection
non-hazardous areas and is provided to the same
The basic protection requirements of transformer/
standards and specifications as that elsewhere in the
rectifier units are hsted below and shown on Fig 10.9:
power station, in accordance with C E G B specification
U S / 7 6 / 1 0 [17]. • A rectifier A C overload relay arranged to trip the
HV supply.
5.2.6 Transformer/rectifier equipment • A rectifier D C overload relay arranged to trip the
Transformer/rectifier equipment are located in non- H V supply.
hazardous areas and are provided to the same stand­ • Rectifier diode/thyristor fuses, with a monitoring
ards and specification as that elsewhere in the power system designed to trip the H V supply.
station in accordance with BS417 [18], BS171 [19] and
British Electricity Board Standard BEBST2 P a r t 5 • Surge-suppression equipment fuses, with a monitor­
[20]. ing system arranged to trip the HV supply.
An outline of the design requirements is given be­
low. Figure 10.9 shows a typical transformer/rectifier 5.2.7 Frost p r o t e c t i o n
equipment schematic diagram. All pipes and storage vessels which may be subjected
to frost and may consequently jeopardise the safe and
Transformers and chokes efficient operation of the plant are equipped with trace
Rectifier transformers and chokes are naturally air- heating or immersion heaters, as appropriate.
cooled: Class F to BS2757 [21] insulation is used but Anti-frost equipment is controlled automatically by
winding temperatures are limited to Class Β BS2757 temperature sensors, either pocket thermostats or ther­
[21], in the interests of long hfe and rehability. mocouples, to maintain the temperature of the equip­
T o allow compensation for distribution voltage varia­ ment a r o u n d 5 ° C . Control circuits operate at 110 V A C .
tions, transformer primary windings are provided with Thermostats located in hazardous Zone 1 areas are
off-load, bolted-hnk taps, giving ± 5 % on the nominal BASEEFA-certified and form part of an intrinsically-
voltage. safe circuh.
An earthed screen is provided between primary and Trace heating in the form of tape is wrapped around
secondary windings to protect rectifier equipment in the pipework, each section or circuit being separately pro­
event of a winding fauh developing in the transformer. tected by fuses and supphed at 110 V A C from a
Delta-connected transformer primary windings and 415/110 V transformer. The 110 V secondary winding
double-star secondary rectifier connections are used is centre-tapped to earth to limit the vohage to earth
to minimise ripple in the D C output and heating of to 55 V in the interest of personnel safety, and an earth­
electrolytic cells. ed screen is provided between the two windings to
prevent the transfer of excessive voltages from primary
Rectifiers to secondary. Trace heating tapes are of two basic
Full-wave bridge rectifiers are used, employing either types, resistance and self-regulating, and have a uni­
sihcon junction diodes or thyristors. Because of the form thermal rating per unit length.
arduous operating conditions in a power station and Resistance-type trace heating tape comprises two
the need for maximum rehabihty and hfe, individual insulated resistance elements running parallel to each
diodes or thyristors are rated at twice the load current other for the length of the tape and interconnected at
and the equipment designed for a cubicle ambient air one end to form a loop. A thermostatically controlled
temperature of 55°C. Spare diode capacity is buih electrical supply to the loop regulates the heat output.
into each rectifier bridge a r m . The maximum length of a tape section is limited by
Individual diode/thyristor fuses are fitted for pro­ its loop resistance and by the capacity of the supply.
tection in the event of diode/thyristor failure. T o assist Self-regulating trace heating tape comprises two con­
maintenance, indicating hghts are provided to identify ductors running parallel to each other for the length
the rectifier arm in which failure has occurred. of the tape and separated by a conductive *core' ma­
Rectifiers are protected against vohage spikes by terial, the conductance of which varies in response to
surge-suppression circuits. High speed semiconductor changes in temperature. The heat output is there­
rectifier fuses are fitted to protect against overload fore self-regulating and thermostats are not necessary.

Gas producing and storage plant






m :
L_--S-0^0--- FUSE FAIL



rfi TÍ





ó 0

FIG. 10.9 Typical transformer/rectifier equipment — simplified circuit diagram

Mechanical plant electrical services C h a p t e r 10

Immersion heaters are provided in storage vessels former/rectifier unit to the cehs causes hydrogen to
and are supplied at 240 V A C when their rating is be produced at the cathode and oxygen at the anode.
low enough to be controhed directly by thermostats. Since the rate of production is directly proportional to
For higher ratings, a 415 V three-phase 50 Hz sup­ the D C current, hydrogen production is regulated by
ply is used and controlled through a contactor by a rectifier control. Electrolyte level is maintained by a
temperature-sensing device. Each storage tank is fitted deminerahsed water make-up system.
with a thermostat to control the temperature over the Hydrogen from the cehs passes via a gasholder, at a
desired b a n d . When overheating, such as might occur m a x i m u m pressure of 12 m b a r , to compressors
in the event of failure of a thermostat, could prove operating at high discharge pressure (25 to 30 bar) and
dangerous, an extra 'safety' thermostat set to operate at through driers and filters to the H P storage vessel.
a higher temperature than the control thermostat is F o r distribution, hydrogen pressure is reduced to 10
connected in series with the control thermostat. The bar. Oxygen is vented to atmosphere. A typical system
safety thermostat is manually reset. Temperature sen­ diagram is shown in Fig 10.10.
sors and immersion heaters are both designed to be The disposition of equipment within the hydrogen
removable for maintenance purposes, without the stor­ plant c o m p o u n d is illustrated in Fig 10.11. In general
age tank being drained. terms, the plant layout consists of an outdoor storage
Alarm thermostats are provided to warn the op­ area, in which the H P and L P storage vessels are
erator if the heating system fails to maintain the fluid situated and a building containing the compressor,
above the minimum temperature. electrolytic cell and electrical equipment r o o m s . Hy­
drogen compressors, filters and driers are housed in
the compressor r o o m ; switchgear, transformer/rectifier
5.2.8 Earthing and static protection
equipment and the gas production control panel are
In hazardous areas, it is imperative that all equipment housed in the electrical equipment r o o m and the
is bonded together and earthed in order to prevent hydrogen producing cells in the ceh r o o m .
the build-up of static or potential differences between
items of plant or equipment, both of which create
risk of a spark and hence ignition. 5.3.2 Classification of plant areas
The 415 V switchgear earth-bar is connected to the The classification of the various areas, as defined in
station earth. Ah metal vessels, pipework and non­ BS5345 [5], is as fohows and electrical equipment is
conducting metalwork, with the exception of electro­ provided accordingly (see Section 5.2.1 of this chapter):
lytic cells, are bonded together and connected to the
• Electrolytic ceh r o o m — Zone 1.
switchgear earth-bar with 70 mm^ copper PVC-insu-
lated and sheathed cable. The metal enclosures of all • Hydrogen compressor r o o m — Zone 1.
electrical equipment are treated similarly. Continuity-
• Storage area:
bonding conductors are connected across ah uninsu­
lated pipework joints of bolted or screwed construction. (a) Within 1 m of storage vessels or directly above
Precautions are taken to prevent the transfer of them — Zone 1.
potentials along pipework into hazardous areas and (b) Within 3 m of storage vessels excluding (a) —
to ensure that circulating currents cannot occur in Zone 2.
pipework and supporting structures due to the high
current levels in gas generating electrolytic cells. T o (c) Remainder — non-hazardous.
this end, electrolytic cehs are mounted on insulated • Electrical equipment r o o m — non-hazardous.
supports and all metallic pipework connected to the
cells has insulated flanged joints in the vicimty of the
cell. Each low pressure delivery main into gas storage 5.3.3 Electrical, control and instrumentation
vessels is mounted on insulated supports and equipped equipment
with an insulated joint outside the storage area. The DC connections and busbars Connections between
insulated joints and supports must have a minimum the electrolytic cehs and the rectifier equipment consist
insulation resistance of 2 ΜΩ at 500 V D C . of hard-drawn, high conductivhy copper busbars com­
plying with BS159 [22] and BS158 [23] or P V C in­
sulated and sheathed copper cables to BS6346 [24].
5.3 Hydrogen producing plant —
Busbars within the hazardous environment of the ceh
electrolytic cell process r o o m are insulated with anti-static P V C . F r o m the cell
r o o m , the connections pass through wall bushings into
5.3.1 General description of plant the electrical equipment r o o m where, if they are bus­
The electrolytic cell process for the production of bars, they are protected by a wire-mesh screen to
hydrogen comprises banks of cells, using a solution prevent accidental contact. The wall bushings are gas-
of caustic soda and water, or potash and water, as tight to ensure that hydrogen is prevented from entering
an electrolyte. A low voltage D C supply from a trans­ the electrical equipment r o o m under all circumstances.

Gas producing a n d storage plant






ητ -w-


ι JJL-




FIG. 10.10 Hydrogen generation plant — electrolytic cell process — system diagram

Cabling installation and testing Cabling practice is the all entrances to hazardous areas and are permanently
same as that adopted elsewhere in the power station, illuminated from a 110 V A C / D C supply.
apart from that associated with electrical equipment Gas detectors, operated from the same 110 V A C /
situated in the hazardous areas referred to in Section D C supply as the warning notices, are installed in ah
5.3.2 of this chapter, where it is required to be com­ r o o m s , including the non-hazardous electrical equip­
patible with the appropriate safety requirements. Par­ ment r o o m , and initiate audible and visual alarms at
ticular attention is paid to the earthing of screens and the entrance to the specific area where gas has been
armours and the glanding and termination of cables detected.
at equipment. Installation and testing comphes w h h
the recommendations of BSCP1003 [25] and BS5345 Back-up protection As mentioned in Section 5.2.1 of
[5]. this chapter, the overah protection of the plant is
assured by the provision of a back-up protection
Barrier-unit cubicle A barrier-unit cubicle is located scheme. T h e scheme is arranged to trip the circuit-
in the electrical equipment r o o m and accommodates breaker of the incoming supply to the 415 V switch­
all intrinsically-safe relays and shunt-diode safety bar­ board in the event of a contactor faihng to open after
riers necessary for the interconnection of electrical initiation of a trip. Devices provided to initiate trip­
equipment in the hazardous areas with power sources ping of a contactor are either fitted with duphcate
and equipment in the electrical equipment r o o m . contacts or are duplicated t o operate into the back-up
protection scheme.
Warning notices and gas detection Warning notices T h e plant control a n d back-up safety protection
prohibiting smoking and naked hghts are provided at systems function independently to ensure that plant

Mechanical plant electrical services Chapter 10









FIG. 10.11 Hydrogen generation plant — layout of compound and buildings

safety is not jeopardised by control system faults. The the hydrogen plant is normally automatic, but manual
back-up safety system is arranged so that, in the event control and test facilities are provided. Incorporated
of any plant parameter exceeding the normal con­ in the control panel are the following facilities:
trol range such that it could give rise to a potential
(a) A mimic diagram indicating the state of plant.
hazard, the circuh-breaker is tripped, rendering the
plant safe. (b) Indicating and recording instruments for hydrogen
pressure, temperature, purity, dryness and other
data necessary for the operation and monitoring
Gas production control panel The gas production
of the plant.
control panel is located in the electrical equipment r o o m
and forms the control centre of the plant. Control of (c) Rectifier controls and indicators.

Gas producing a n d storage plant

(d) Hydrogen compressor controls and instruments, for age vessel between 25 and 30 bar. They shut down
each compressor, including duty selection switches production in event of H P storage vessel pressure
( d u t y / a u t o s t a n d b y / m a n u a l standby). exceeding 31 bar. In the event of the L P storage vessel
becoming more t h a n 9 5 % fuh, the rectifier A C supply
(e) Control and instrumentation (C and I) air com­
is isolated.
pressor controls and instruments, simhar to (d)
Automatic voltage control is incorporated to main­
tain a constant D C current output under any of the
(f) Alarm annunciator panel incorporating *alarm ac­ supply system variations detailed in Section 2.1.2 of
cept', 'reset' and 'test' buttons, an audible alarm, this chapter.
and repeat alarm contacts to bring u p alarms in
the Central Control R o o m of the power station.
5.4 Hydrogen producing plant — methanol
The general control philosophy is 'failure-to-safety'. chemical reaction

Electropneumatic converter equipment Due to the 5.4.1 General description of plant

flammable nature of hydrogen, all automatic valves
in the gas system are pneumaticahy controlled through A n alternative process t o that described in Section 5.3
electropneumatic converter equipment located in a of this chapter, uses a mixture of methanol and water
non-hazardous area, normally the electrical equipment (typically 6 4 % methanol and 3 6 % water by weight)
room. The equipment operates from the C and I air for the production of hydrogen. A typical system dia­
system, which has a nominal working pressure of 7 gram is shown in Fig 10.12. The methanol/water
bar. mixture is p u m p e d from a storage t a n k , through a
heat exchanger, to a preheater which vaporises it. The
Hydrogen compressor control Three compressors are rate of hydrogen production is controlled by swhching
provided, each capable of handling the total ceh p r o ­ the A C supply to the preheater, thereby controlling
duction, to ensure that adequate standby capacity is the rate of fuel vaporisation. The vapour then passes
available when one u n h is off-stream for maintenance. over a catalyst which breaks it down t o a gas, the
The compressor system automatically maintains hy­ main constituents of which are hydrogen and carbon
drogen pressure in the H P receivers at a maximum dioxide. This hydrogen-rich gas then passes into a
pressure of 31 bar and incorporates safeguards against diffusion chamber, where the hydrogen is separated
the compressors running when the L P reservoir is less and fed to a gas holder. Waste carbon dioxide is vented
than 10% fuh. to atmosphere from the diffuser.
Normally two compressors are selected to 'duty' Hydrogen from the gas holder is passed to com­
and one to 'standby'. The number of compressors run­ pressors operating at high discharge pressure (25 to 30
ning is selected automaticahy according to the level bar) and then through driers and filters to the H P
of hydrogen in the L P storage vessel. storage vessel. For distribution, hydrogen pressure is
An emergency stop-switch controlling all three com­ reduced to 10 bar.
pressors, of a type appropriate t o the Zone 2 classi­ The disposition of equipment within the hydrogen
fication of the area, is provided in the compressor plant is similar t o that shown for the electrolytic ceh
room. process in Fig 10.11, and consists of an outdoor stor­
A manual control facility is provided at the 415 V age area and a buhding incorporating compressor,
switchboard. methanol generator and electrical equipment r o o m s .

C and I air compressor control Two compressors 5.4.2 Classification of plant areas
are provided, each 100%-rated, one being selected to
The classification of the various areas, as defined in
'duty' and one to 'standby'. Their operation is normally
BS5345 [5], is as fohows a n d the electrical equipment
automatic, being governed by pressure switches on
the storage vessel. is provided to suit (see Section 5.2.1 of this chapter):
A manual control facihty is provided at the 415 V • Methanol gas producer r o o m — Zone 1.
• Hydrogen compressor r o o m — Zone 1.
Rectifier control The quantity of hydrogen produced • Storage area:
by the cehs is controlled by varying the rectifier output
(a) Within 1 m of methanol and hydrogen storage
current. This is normahy automatic, but a m a n u a l
vessels or directly above them — Zone 1.
control facihty is provided. The rectifier output is
varied by switching the A C rectifier supply. Under (b) Within 3 m of above storage vessels — Zone 2.
automatic control, pressure swhches in the H P hydro­
(c) Remainder — non-hazardous.
gen network are used t o vary hydrogen production
and so to maintain pressure in the pipework and stor­ • Electrical equipment r o o m — non-hazardous.

Mechanical plant electrical services C h a p t e r 10


(25-30 bar)

FIG. 10.12 Hydrogen generation plant — methanol chemical reaction system

Gas producing a n d storage plant

5.4.3 Electrical, control and instrumentation to 31 bar or if the L P gas holder is greater than 9 5 %
equipment fuh.
M a n u a l control facilities comprise ' a u t o / m a n u a l '
General Many similarities exist between this plant
control selection, production ' o n / o f f and 'raise/lower'
and that described in Section 5.3 of this chapter. In
Section 5.3.3, cabling, barrier cubicle, warning notices
and gas detection, back-up protection, electropneuma-
Preheater supply A contactor-controlled 415 V three-
tic converter equipment, hydrogen compressor control
phase four-wire supply is provided to the preheater,
and C and I air compressor control, all fall into this
the individual elements of which are connected for
240 V single-phase operation. Overload protection is
provided on the 415 V supply and arranged to trip
Cable connections and busbars Connections between
the supply contactor and raise an alarm.
415 V switchgear in the electrical equipment r o o m
Protection devices trip the heater supply when the
and the generation plant in the methanol gas producer
heater temperature exceeds approximately 570°C and
room comprise either non-static P V C insulated, hard
restore it automatically when the temperature fahs to
drawn, high conductivity copper busbars complying
a safe level. This prevents the gas generator from over-
whh BS158 [23] and BS159 [22] or PVC-insulated and
sheathed copper cables to BS6346 [24]. Busbars in
the hazardous environment are insulated with anti­
static P V C . These connections pass through bushings
5.5 Methane production plant
in the separating wall into the electrical equipment
room where, if they are busbars, they are enclosed by
a wire mesh screen to prevent accidental contact. The 5.5.1 General description of plant
bushings are gas-tight to ensure that hydrogen is Methane (CH4) is produced by the catalysed reaction
prevented from entering the electrical equipment r o o m of carbon dioxide ( C O 2 ) and hydrogen ( H 2 ) . Carbon
under ah circumstances. dioxide is drawn from the C O 2 storage tanks and
hydrogen from the L P gasholder.
Gas production control panel The gas production Hydrogen is supphed to the methanation plant via
control panel is located in the electrical equipment an L P compressor and mixer, the hydrogen and car­
room and is the focal point for control of the hydrogen b o n dioxide mixing at sufficient pressure to drive h
plant. Accommodated in the control panel are the through the methanation process plant. Methanation
fohowing facihties for automatic and manual control: takes place within a catalyst vessel, the methane pro­
duced being fed via compressors and separators to an
• A mimic diagram indicating the state of the plant.
H P storage vessel.
• Indicating and recording instruments for hydrogen Methanation occurs in two stages within the tubes
pressure; methanol supply purity; hydrogen tempera­ of the reaction vessel over a bed of catalyst packed
ture, dryness and purity; and other data necessary inside the tubes. F r o m the first stage reaction vessel,
for the operation and monitoring of the plant. the gas produced passes via the tube side of a recu­
• Hydrogen generation controls. perative heat exchanger into the first stage condenser
which removes water produced in the reaction.
• Hydrogen compressor controls and instruments. The gas is then passed through the shell side of the
• C and I air compressor controls and instruments. recuperative heat exchanger t o raise its temperature
prior to entry into the second stage reaction vessel. Gas
• Alarm annunciator panel, incorporating 'alarm ac­ temperature is controlled by adjusting the volume of
cept', 'reset' and 'lamp test' pushbuttons, an audible gas returned through the heat exchanger, using the
alarm and alarm contacts used to bring up alarms inlet regulating and by-pass valves.
in the Central Control R o o m of the power station. The heated gas then passes through the second stage
reaction vessel and through the second-stage condenser,
The general control philosophy is 'failure-to-safety'. where the water produced by the reaction is again
removed. F r o m there, the methane gas is compressed
Hydrogen generation control Automatic and m a n u a l and fed to the H P storage vessel at a pressure in the
control of the methanol generator is provided, the order of 44 bar.
former being designed to maintain the selected hydro­ The rate of methane production is controlled either
gen production rate, irrespective of variations in system automatically or manually by varying the supply of
and ambient condhions. The rate of gas production hydrogen and carbon dioxide from their respective
is controlled by switching or varying the voltage of storage vessels.
the preheater A C supply to maintain gas pressure in Once started, the process within the reaction vessels
the H P pipeline and storage vessel between 25 and generates sufficient heat for it to be self-sustaining.
30 bar. Production is stopped if the gas pressure rises However, t o start the reaction, the first stage vessel

Mechanical plant electrical services C h a p t e r 10

is heated to operating temperature by electrical fan is further reduced outside the storage plant for final
heaters. distribution. Make-up water supplies to electric heat
A typical system diagram is shown in Fig 10.13. storage vaporisers are trace heated to prevent freezing.
Methane production plants include hydrogen produc­ A typical storage-compound layout is shown in
tion and storage facilities as outlined in Sections 5.3 Fig 10.14 and a bulk storage system in Fig 10.15.
and 5.4 of this chapter.
5.6.2 Electrical requirements
5.5.2 Classification of plant areas Electrical requirements are limited to supplies for va­
The classification of the areas of the plant, as defined poriser heater control cabinets, heaters, motorised
in BS5345 [5], is as fohows and electrical equipment is valves, solenoid valves, trace heating and lighting. 415
provided accordingly (see Section 5.2.1 of this chapter): V three-phase 50 Hz is provided for the purpose.

• Electrolytic ceh room — Zone 1.

• Hydrogen compressor room — Zone 1. 5.7 Carbon dioxide storage plant
• Methane reactor room — Zone 1.
5.7.1 General description of plant
• Methane compressor room — Zone 1.
Liquid carbon dioxide is dehvered by road tanker
• Storage area: and stored in a vacuum-insulated vessel. A fully auto­
(a) Within 1 m of hydrogen storage vessel and above matic refrigeration system is provided which maintains
h — Zone 1. the vessel pressure at 20 bar at - 17°C. Vaporisers
convert the liquid into carbon dioxide gas for distri­
(b) Within 3 m of hydrogen storage vessel excluding bution. Vaporisers may be any one of four types;
(a) — Zone 2. electrical heat storage, ambient air fan-assisted, ambient
(c) Remainder — non-hazardous. air natural-draught or steam (when auxiliary steam is
available). The choice of vaporiser depends u p o n car­
• Electrical equipment room — non-hazardous. bon dioxide production rate, that of power stations
usually dictating the use of electrical or steam heated
5.5.3 Electrical, control and instrumentation types because of their greater capacity and compact
equipment size. Gas distribution pressure is nominally 19 bar.
T o prevent the passage of liquid carbon dioxide through
The hazards associated with the production and han­
the vaporisers and into the distribution system in the
dling of hydrogen and methane are similar and the
event of a fauh, the gas temperature at the vaporiser
general requirements in respect of electrical equipment outlet is monitored. If the gas temperature falls to
are as detailed for hydrogen plant in Section 5.3 of - 10°C, a control valve isolates the feeder to the
this chapter. distribution system.
Central control of the methane production process
A typical storage c o m p o u n d layout for generator
is provided at a gas production control panel located
purging is shown in Fig 10.16 and bulk storage system
in the electrical equipment r o o m , automatic and man­
in Fig 10.17. Nuclear power stations need a larger
ual control facihties being provided.
storage capacity and a greater number of storage ves­
sels and vaporisers, but the basic requirements are
5.6 Nitrogen storage plant the same as for fossil-fired stations.

5.6.1 General description of plant 5.7.2 Electrical requirements

Liquid nitrogen is stored in a vacuum-insulated vessel. Electrical requirements are limited to supplies for va­
A bank of vaporisers, typically four, converts the liquid poriser heater control cabinets, heaters, refrigeration
into nitrogen gas for distribution. The vaporisers may u n h s , motorised valves, solenoid valves and lighting.
be any one of four types: electrical heat storage, am­ 415 V three-phase 50 Hz is provided for the purpose.
bient air fan-assisted, ambient air natural-draught, or
steam (when auxiliary steam is available). The choice
of vaporiser depends upon nitrogen production rate, 6 CW electrochlorination plant (sodium
that of power stations usually dictating the use of hypochlorite production and storage)
electrical or steam heated types because of their greater
capacity and compact size. Gas pressure at the exit
from the vaporisers is regulated by control valves whhin
6.1 General description of plant
the range 7 to 17 bar for distribution purposes. Sodium hypochlorhe is produced for the treatment
Distribution is isolated if gas pressure exceeds 17 bar of cooling water (CW). Sea water is pumped through
or if its temperature fahs below 10°C. Gas pressure strainers to banks of electrochlorination cells. Thyristor

C W Electrochlorination plant (sodium hypochlorite production and storage)




C02 H2 C02




(3 X 100%)



FIG. 1 0 . 1 3 Methane (CH4) production plant — system diagram

Mechanical plant electrical services C h a p t e r 10









FIG. 10.14 Nitrogen storage plant layout

controlled rectifier units provide LV variable voltage storage tanks and at a high level to ensure the safe
D C supplies to the cells, thereby controlling the rate discharge of hydrogen.
of production of sodium hypochlorite by electrolysis
within the cells. A by-product of the process is hydro­
gen, which is of inadequate purity for use in a power
6.2 Classification of plant areas
station and has, therefore, to be exhausted in a con­ The classification of areas, as defined in BS5345 [5], is
trolled and safe manner. A solution of sodium hypo­ as follows, electrical equipment whhin those defined
chlorite, hydrogen and sea water leaves the cells and areas being provided accordingly (see Section 5.2.1 of
is fed to a hydrogen release tank, which exhausts the this chapter).
hydrogen to atmosphere. The hydrogen-free sodium
• Electrochlorination-ceh r o o m — Zone 1.
hypochlorite solution then passes to a storage tank.
Sodium hypochlorite is pumped from the storage tank • The area directly above the hydrogen release tank —
to the dosing points in the water treatment plant. A Zone 1.
system diagram for a power station site is shown in • Within 2 m of the hydrogen release tank — Zone 2.
Fig 10.18.
• Electrical equipment room(s) — non-hazardous.
The disposition of equipment whhin a typical C W
electrochlorination plant is illustrated in Fig 10.19.
Electrical equipment rooms housing 415 V swhchgear, 6.3 Electrical, control and instrumentation
transformer/rectifier u n h s , control/mimic panel and equipment
control air pumps are situated adjacent to the electro­
chlorination cell r o o m . Outside the building is a storage
area in which the sodium hypochlorite storage tanks, 6.3.1 General
sodium hypochlorite distribution pumps and hydrogen Many similarities exist between the electrical require­
release tanks are situated, the latter being above the ments of this plant and of the hydrogen production

C W Electrochlorination plant (sodium hypochlorite production a n d storage)


3 5m



002 GAS TO



FIG. 1 0 . 1 5 Nitrogen storage system

plant described in Section 5.3.3 of this chapter. Re­

quirements which are simhar for both are described
in the fohowing sections: D C connections a n d busbars,
cabling, barrier unit cubicle, warning notices a n d gas
detectors, back-up protection, electropneumatic con­
verter equipment, a n d C a n d I air compressor control.

6.3.2 Production control panel

The production control panel is located in the electrical
equipment r o o m a n d constitutes the control centre for
the production a n d storage of sodium hypochlorite
and for its distribution for water treatment purposes.
Accommodated in the control panel are the following
facilities for automatic a n d manual control:

• A mimic diagram indicating the state of the plant. PLAN

• Transformer/rectifier controls a n d indicators.

FIG. 1 0 . 1 6 Carbon dioxide storage plant layout
• Sea water feed p u m p , filter controls a n d indicators.
• Electrochlorinator controls. • A l a r m a n n u n c i a t o r panel, incorporating 'alarm
• Sodium hypochlorite storage tank level indication. accept', 'reset' a n d 'test' b u t t o n s , a n audible alarm
and repeat alarm contacts t o initiate alarms in the
• Sodium hypochlorhe dosing pump, flow valve Central Control R o o m .
controls and indicators.
• C a n d I air compressor controls a n d indicators. The control system is designed for automatic control
of the plant under normal operational condition, w h h
• Water treatment (sodium hypochlorite dosing) control.
the facility for m a n u a l control, if necessary. Overah
• *Auto/manuar selection a n d *open/close' controls control of the system is via a programmable logic con­
and indicators for all control valves. troller ( P L C ) housed in the control panel.

Mechanical plant electrical services Chapter 10





FIG. 10.17 Carbon dioxide storage system

6.3.3 Sea water feed pumps and strainers control Automatic operation of the dosing system is con­
trolled by the production control panel logic system,
The scheme shown in Fig 10.18 has three 415 V three-
the number of pumps started being determined by
phase 50 Hz sea water feed pumps each capable of
the number of hypochlorite generators needed to satisfy
dehvering half of the total feed water flow required.
chlorination requirements.
Two of the three p u m p s are selected to *duty' and one
Hypochlorite flow from the dosing pumps is auto­
to 'standby'. Loss of a duty p u m p automatically causes
matically regulated by two motorised valves installed
the standby p u m p to start. T w o motorised sea water
in the p u m p outlets.
strainers are provided, each having sufficient capacity
to handle the fuh plant output.
6.3.7 Electrical distribution
6.3.4 Transformer/rectifier controls The majorhy of suppHes to the plant drive-motors
are 415 V three-phase 50 H z and are derived from two
The scheme shown in Fig 10.18 has eight transformer/
contactor boards, each board being supplied separate­
rectifier equipment, each supplying D C current to its
ly. A n interconnector is provided between the two
associated electrochlorinator. The transformer/rectifier
boards. This ensures security of supply with the maxi­
units can be selected for automatic or manual control
m u m operating flexibility. Multiple drives, such as
either individually or as a group, thereby ensuring maxi­
transformer/rectifier equipment and dosing p u m p s ,
m u m control flexibility.
are spread over the two boards to minimise the effect
on plant operation of the loss of one b o a r d due to
6.3.5 Sodium hypochlorite storage supply failure.
Production of sodium hypochlorite is governed by the The electrochlorinators present the largest individual
level in the storage tanks, leading to shut down if the loads, each being in the order of 750 k W , and are
maximum level is reached. Similarly, a low level will supplied at 3.3 kV three-phase 50 Hz by circuit-breakers
shut down the dosing p u m p s . on two swhchboards. Hypochlorite dosing p u m p s ,
typicahy 55 k W , sea water feed p u m p s and venthation
fans are supphed by electrically-held contactors on
6.3.6 Dosing pump controls
the 415 V boards.
The scheme shown in Fig 10.18 has four 415 V three-
phase 50 Hz dosing p u m p s , each capable of delivering
one-third of the maximum dosing rate. A 'three out of 7 Water treatment plant
four' duty selection scheme is provided; the fourth
p u m p is on standby and starts automatically upon fail­
7.1 Description of plant
ure of one of the duty pumps when automatic con­
trol is selected. Manual control of each p u m p can be The design of water treatment plant varies according
selected, if required, thereby ensuring maximum flexi­ to the quahty of raw water which may be sea, river,
bility of operation. lake or towns water; the first two sources are the more

W a t e r t r e a t m e n t plant






FIG. 1 0 . 1 8 C W electrochlorination plant — system diagram



FIG. 1 0 . 1 9 C W electrochlorination plant room — typical layout

common in the UK. Treatment of coohng water, boiler m a t i o n , organic growth a n d marine growth, any of
make-up feedwater a n d condensate are necessary t o which wih detract from the operating efficiency and hfe
prevent plant corrosion, sludge buUd-up, scale for- of the plant.

Mechanical plant electrical services Chapter 10

Raw water from most sources contains salts of cal­ The ion-exchange section removes contaminants and .
cium, magnesium, sodium and potassium, together w h h organic material which has not been filtered out during
chloride and sulphate ions, dissolved oxygen and carbon the pre-treatment process. Fihered water is passed
dioxide, and suspended solids. The concentration of through resin-exchange cation, anion and mixed-bed
these impurities varies with the source of the water and units after which it is of adequate quality for supply to
this, together with the use of the water, dictates the the boher make-up water tank.
overall design requirements of the feedwater treatment During the ion-exchange process, the resins are de­
plant. pleted. Regeneration equipment is provided which
Feedwater treatment comprises three stages; the main receives, prepares and dilutes regenerating chemicals,
water treatment plant, the boiler feedwater chemical- namely sulphuric acid and caustic soda. These are
dosing and the condensate polishing plant. The func­ passed through the resins to restore their ionic exchange
tion of each plant is briefly described below and their capacity.
disposition in relation to the feedwater system shown The function of the boiler feedwater chemical-dosing
on Fig 10.20. plant is to remove any traces of oxygen left after de-
The function of the main water treatment plant aeration, to reduce the p H (acidity) level and to inhibit
is to purify the raw water intake and render it suitable corrosion. A m m o n i a and hydrazine liquid concentrates
for use as boiler make-up water. In the pre-treatment are mixed with deionised water and the solutions
section, the raw water is dosed chemically for p H cor­ injected into the boiler feedwater, the a m m o n i a to
rection and sohds coagulation, and then filtered to reduce the p H value and the hydrazine to remove the
remove suspended solids. After filtering, the water is traces of oxygen.
ahowed to settle in a tank before being transferred to The purpose of the condensate polishing plant is
the ion-exchange section. to pohsh, i.e., maintain low levels of suspended sohds.









FIG. 10.20 Feedwater system flow diagram showing the interrelationship with water treatment plant

W a t e r t r e a t m e n t plant

and deionise the turbine condensate recovered from tanks and thence to the respective anion, cation and
the condenser wehs. Condensate is deminerahsed by mixed-bed u n h s of the ion-exchange and condensate
mixed-bed unhs and returned to the steam generator polishing plants.
feedwater system. The levels of suspended solids and Figure 10.24 shows the condensate pohshing plant.
the p H value are controlled to minimise corrosion of The primary condensate feed is via the condenser
the boiler drums, tubing and auxihary equipment. extraction p u m p s into the mixed-bed units and thence
Figures 10.21 and 10.22 show a simphfied arrange­ to the de-aerator via the feedheating u n h s as shown
ment of the pre-treatment and ion-exchange plants at in Fig 10.25.
a typical nuclear power station located on the coast Figure 10.26 illustrates the feedwater chemical dosing
and utilising sea water. Primary water feed is by two system. T w o 100% duty a m m o n i a dosing pumps and
100% duty raw water p u m p s through sand-filter units two 100% duty hydrazine dosing p u m p s are provided
to a filtered water tank, from where it is pumped by to treat polished condensate and de-aerator inlet/outlet
three 5 0 % duty filtered raw-water pumps through feeds.
cation units and anion units. Two 100% duty booster Cooling water is treated to prevent scale deposhion,
pumps feed the water through mixed-bed u n h s to the organic growth and algae on heat exchange surfaces
reserve feedwater tanks. and to prevent marine growth.
Figure 10.23 shows a simphfied regeneration system. Cooling water treatment consists of intermittent
Three regeneration water pumps supply water from the dosing with chlorine or of continuous dosing with so­
reserve feedwater tanks to acid and caustic dilution dium hypochlorite. Sodium hypochlorite dosing is pre-





FIG. 10.21 Water treatment plant — pre-treatment system

Mechanical plant electrical services Chapter 10






— — — ACID


FIG. 10.22 Water treatment plant - ion-exchange system

ferred for coastal stations because it has been shown p u m p s are provided to inject sodium hypochlorite into
to be more effective in the treatment of marine growth. the coohng water system.
It also eliminates the dangers associated with the storage
of liquid chlorine.
7.2 Electrical distribution system
The electrochlorination plant (sodium hypochlorite
production and storage) at a nuclear power station is 3.3 kV and 415 V switchboards are provided to ensure
described in Section 6 of this chapter. Four dosing maximum security of electrical supphes to the water

W a t e r treatment plant



PUMP viy

1 12

-txi- DOSING

LCXH^<Kh fi><K>Kj-Ch





FIG. 1 0 . 2 3 Water treatment plant — regeneration system

treatment plant. The distribution system is designed to 3.3 kV and 415 V distribution system for the electro­
minimise disruption to the plant operation in the event chlorination plant is described in Section 6.3.7 of this
of supply failure by feeding the plant from alternative chapter.
switchboards and providing interconnection facihties. Other water treatment plant loads are fed from
For the water treatment plant described in the previous 415 V switchboards via latched contactors, this type
section, the switchboards are divided into two sections, of contactor being used in view of the essential nature
each section being fed from independent sources and of the plant and the need to safeguard against spuri­
the two sections interconnected. ous tripping. The m a i n 415 V three-phase loads are as
The largest individual loads are the electrochlorina- follows — two 30 k W raw water p u m p s , three 40 k W
tors — typically 750 k W and supphed at 3.3 kV. T h e filtered water p u m p s , t w o 30 k W booster p u m p s , two

Mechanical plant electrical services C h a p t e r 10









FIG. 1 0 . 2 4 Condensate polishing plant — system diagram

3 k W recovered water p u m p s , three 50 k W effluent Plant operation is controlled automatically by p r o ­

pumps and two 0.5 k W alum dosing pumps on the pre- grammable logic controllers ( P L C ) . Logic-initiated
treatment a n d make-up plant; two 90 k W recirculation solenoid valves, which actuate the pneumatically-op­
pumps on the condensate pohshing plant; four 0.5 k W erated a n d motorised control valves, are fitted with
hydrazine dosing p u m p s , four 1 k W a m m o n i a dosing override facihties which allow the plant t o be controlled
pumps and two 1 k W tank stirrers. manually in the event of automatic control system

7.3 Electrical control

A suite of control panels located in the water treatment
7.4 Motor drives
plant building houses all the equipment necessary for The majority of electric drive motors are 415 V three-
the fully automatic control, monitoring a n d alarm an­ phase, squirrel cage, totally-enclosed fan cooled types
nunciation functions of the plant, a n d manual control arranged for direct-on-line starting a n d having a degree
facilities for maintenance a n d commissioning. Selected of protection of IP54 or IP55 weatherproof to s u h the
alarms are repeated in the Central Control R o o m . environment.

W a t e r t r e a t m e n t plant
Mechanical plant electrical services C h a p t e r 10





L/1 Un

t t ζi
PUMPS η η ή

Ä Ä a ^









FIG. 10.26 Feedwater chemical dosing system

7.5 Frost protection 8 Coal, ash and dust plant

Trace heating and immersion heaters are provided,
as necessary, to protect the plant against frost. A de- 8.1 Coal handling plant
tahed description is given in Section 5.1.7 of this
8.1.1 G e n e r a l d e s c r i p t i o n of p l a n t
Coal is delivered to a power station ehher by sea,
canal, road or rail: rail is the most c o m m o n in view
7.6 Electrically-operated valve actuators of the large and regular deliveries of coal required
Motorised valves have actuators equipped with inte­ by large modern power stations, especially since most
gral control gear. To facihtate maintenance and replace­ large coal-fired power stations are located inland.
ment, each actuator is equipped with flexible control O n those stations supplied by water, three methods
and power cables fitted with connectors which couple are used to unload coal from ships or barges:
with a disconnection box. Fixed cabling is glanded • Various designs of continuous-unloaders which re­
and terminated in the disconnection box in the normal move the coal from the barges or ships and feed it
manner. directly onto a twin conveyor system.

C o a l , ash and dust plant


9911 UNIT

* 4 π

¿ ¿ * *


FIG. 10.26 (cont'd) Feedwater chemical dosing system

• Barge-unloaders which hoist and tip the barges one pers and are automatically weighed 'full' and 'empty'
at a time to discharge their loads of u p to 200 t to establish the a m o u n t of coal dehvered. A minimum
of coal into hoppers, from where it is fed by paddle of two conveyor systems, each of which can be op-
feeders onto a twin conveyor system. erated independently, are fed by twin-paddle feeders
• Travelhng/grabbing cranes which load the coal into from the associated wagon unloading hopper. A typical
hoppers, from where it is fed by paddle feeder o n t o rail unloading plant is illustrated in Fig 10.27.
a twin conveyor system. F r o m the wagon unloading hoppers, the coal is
transported by a system of electrically-powered con-
More commonly, coal is delivered by trains working veyors and flap (diverter) valves, either directly t o the
at the power station on a merry-go-round system in boiler bunkers or to the coal store. Metal detectors
which the trains remain coupled and move contin- and magnetic separators divert t r a m p iron and metalhc
uously at a speed in the order of 0.8 k m / h during the objects from the coal stream. Trash screens remove
unloading sequence. The wagons, which are of the non-metallic objects and one or two stages of vibrating
hopper-bottom type, pass through the unloading area screens and crushers ensure that the coal is reduced to
where they discharge their loads into underground hop- a size and consistency which is suhable for the mihs to

Mechanical plant electrical services C h a p t e r 10








(6 E A C H T R A C K )









FIG. 1 0 . 2 7 Coal handling plant — rail unloading plant layout

handle. Belt weighers are provided to determine the independent operational requirements of the duplicated
weight of coal being delivered to store, reclaimed from coal plant facilities and to ensure that an electrical fault
store, and delivered to the bunkers. Coal fed onto the will not result in the total loss of coal supplies to the
bunker feeder system is automatically sampled. The boilers.
conveyor system incorporates junction houses in which A typical distribution diagram is shown in Fig 10.30.
plant is located. A typical junction house is shown in
Fig 10.28. 8.1.3 Electrical control
At most stations coal is delivered to or reclaimed A control desk and mimic panel in the Coal Plant
from store by travelling stacker/reclaimer bucket-wheel Control R o o m forms the central control facility for
machines. These machines are b o o m conveyor systems the coal plant. M a n u a l / a u t o m a t i c control facilities and
which stack or reclaim coal whilst travelling the length plant status indicators are provided. Control of the
of the store on rails. stacker/reclaimer machines is from the machines, only
Dust suppression or extraction systems are pro­ status indications being provided in the control r o o m .
vided at strategic locations, such as wagon unloading Wagon unloading and lineside signalling control is from
hoppers, bunker tops, crusher buildings and junction either the control r o o m or the wagon unloading house,
houses, where the concentration of airborne coal dust supervision of this and other important aspects, such
might otherwise constitute a hazard. as the coal stores, being assisted by television monitors
Figure 10.29 shows the coal plant conveyor system and cameras (Fig 10.29).
at a large power station. Sequential control of conveyors and paddle feeders
is provided for start-up and shutdown. This is essential
8.1.2 Electrical supplies to avoid coal spillage which might otherwise occur
due to the differing rates of acceleration and decelera­
Most loads for flap valves, conveyors, vibrating feeders,
tion of the conveyors attributable to the wide variation
crushers, paddle feeders, magnetic separators, fans and
in their lengths and hfts.
trash screens generally are supplied at 415 V three-phase
50 Hz from the 415 V Coal Plant Switchboard, although
3.3 kV supphes may be used when the duty demands. 8.1.4 Conveyors
Stacker/reclaimer machines are supphed at 3.3 kV. Conveyors are driven by 3.3 kV or 415 V three-phase
Electrical distribution is designed to safeguard the 50 Hz squirrel-cage induction motors through fluid

C o a l , ash a n d dust plant









FIG. 1 0 . 2 8 Coal handling plant — junction house layout

couplings to protect the conveyors during start-up. length of the conveyor alongside the access way.
The motors are totally-enclosed, fan cooled, w h h a Switches are located at intervals along the trip wire.
degree of protection of I P 5 5 . Each conveyor is equipped The trip wire m a y be a wire rope arranged t o operate
with an emergency trip-wire system running the full trip switches directly, or a cable designed to trip relays

Mechanical plant electrical services C h a p t e r 10






FIG. 1 0 . 2 9 Coal handling plant — conveyor system

C o a l , ash a n d dust plant

lV3-3kV ll/3-3kV


3 3kV

7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7

3-3/0-415V 3-3/0-415kV


7 7 7 7 7 7/7

FIG. 1 0 . 3 0 Coal handling plant — power distribution diagram

upon deflection. The trip switches are connected direct­ d r u m trailing-cable system. These cables carry the power,
ly into the conveyor drive m o t o r contactor control control and communication supplies necessary for hs
circuit to cause the conveyor to stop when initiated. operation. The machine may be operated by electric
Each conveyor is fitted w h h a speed detector. Belt- motors or electrohydrauhc devices.
driven speed detectors are prone to slip when dusty or The 3.3 kV three-phase 50 Hz power supply is
wet and have been dropped in favour of electronic stepped down to 415 V by a transformer located on
pulse or simhar types. The conveyor is tripped if the the machine. Supphes for bucket wheel, b o o m con­
conveyor belt shps or breaks. veyor, travel and b o o m control drive motors are taken
from a m o t o r control panel specially designed w h h
8.1.5 Stacker/reclaimer machine IP54 protection to prevent coal dust ingress. Drive
The stacker/reclaimer machine is supplied by a reeling- motors are 415 V three-phase 50 H z totally-enclosed,

Mechanical plant electrical services Chapter 10

fan cooled squirrel-cage induction motors with pro­ The motive water is p u m p e d from the ash pits to
tection to IP55. settling lagoons. After settlement, it is recirculated by
An operator's cabin is located to give a clear view return water p u m p s , via the ash water reservoir, to
for operational purposes. All control equipment is the H P sluice p u m p s .
of dust-tight construction having IP54 protection. A The system for a large modern power station is
complete set of controls for both manual and semi­ illustrated in Fig 10.33.
automatic operation is provided. Driver supervision is
required at all times to supervise stacking and reclaim­
8.2.3 Electrical s u p p l i e s
ing operations and to safeguard the machine.
Controls are provided for travel, luff and slew mo­ The supply requirements of the ash and dust handling
tions, and for other service requirements, such as audi­ plant are met by an integrated distribution system,
ble alarms, machine access lighting and floodlighting. comprising 3.3 kV and 415 V three-phase 50 Hz switch­
Deadman-type controls are provided for travel, luff boards, diversely supplied and interconnected to en­
and slew motions, these controls automatically return­ sure maximum system availabihty and to minimise
ing to the off position when released by the operator. disruption due to supply fauhs. The 3.3 kV switch­
To safeguard personnel, b o o m and elevator con­ board feeds the H P sluice pumps and the transformer
veyors are equipped with trip-wire systems. Emergency- feeders to the 415 V switchboard. Other requirements,
stop pushbuttons are located on access platforms, in such as movable ash hoppers, trace heating, ash-grab­
the operator's cabin and in the electrical equipment bing crane, conveyor drives, ash crushers, dust condi­
enclosure. An emergency trip causes all machine drives tioners, rotary feeders and aeration fans are supphed
to be de-energised. from the 415 V b o a r d .

8.2.4 Electrical c o n t r o l
8.2 Ash and dust handling plant
With the exception of the ash-grabbing crane and
mobile dust hoppers, the ash and dust plant is con­
8.2.1 G e n e r a l d e s c r i p t i o n of d u s t h a n d l i n g p l a n t trolled from a mimic control panel, normally sharing a
Dust is collected in hoppers below the precipitators and control room with the coal plant. Local control facilities
boiler economisers (Fig 10.31). Air-jet blowers transfer are provided on the major items of plant to satisfy
the dust from the precipitator dust collection hoppers safety and maintenance requirements.
to the precipitator surge hopper, and from the eco- A sequence control and interlock system is provided
nomiser dust collection hoppers to the boiler-grh surge to ensure correct start-up and shutdown. This system
hopper. A boiler-grh p u m p transfers grh from the covers airheater, economiser and precipitator hopper
boiler-grit surge hopper to the precipitator surge hop­ jet-blowers, grh and dust p u m p s , dust bunker aeration
per. From there, dust is pumped into a c o m m o n storage fans, rotary feeders, dust conditioners, conveyors, and
bunker. Aeration fans ensure that dust in the surge other items of plant which must be operated in a
hoppers and in the storage bunker is maintained in a specific sequence to ensure the correct functioning of
fluid state. From the storage bunker, dust is trans­ the overall plant.
ferred by rotary feeders onto a system of conveyors, Direct control is provided of sluice p u m p s , gland-
which feed h to the disposal area. sealing water and make-up p u m p s .
The dust-handling plant for a large modern power Instrumentation, discrepancy equipment and alarm
station is outlined in Fig 10.32. equipment is incorporated in the mimic control panel
to enable plant status to be monitored.
8.2.2 G e n e r a l d e s c r i p t i o n of ash h a n d l i n g p l a n t

The design of the ash handhng plant is dependent upon 8.2.5 M o b i l e ash h o p p e r s
the method of ash disposal. It may be pumped into Ash is discharged from the ash phs via mobile ash
a disused quarry or transported from the power station hoppers onto a conveyor system for disposal. Each
for processing into buhding materials. A typical system, hopper is supphed at 415 V three-phase 50 Hz through
outhned below, includes both facilities. a reehng-drum type traihng-cable system. Motor con­
Ash from the boiler is collected in a hopper directly trol gear, protected to IP55 weatherproof, is provided
below the furnace, whence it is removed by high pres­ on the hopper for travel, traverse and conveyor func­
sure water jets and discharged, via sluiceways, into ash tions and for an anti-collision system. Drive motors are
crushers. The crushed ash fahs into ash tanks, and is 415 V three-phase 50 H z totally-enclosed fan cooled
then projected by wat er-jet pumps supplied by H P squirrel-cage induction m o t o r s .
sluice pumps through discharge pipelines to ash pits,
where h is allowed to settle. After settlement and
8.2.6 Ash-grabbing crane
drainage, the ash is removed by grabbing crane for
disposal by road vehicles or by conveyor to a disposal The ash-grabbing crane is generally as described in
ph. Section 3 of this chapter, and is supplied at 415 V

C o a l , ash a n d dust plant

Γ-0 O O O
rO Κ) On On
rO rO rO ΟΙ Ol Ol
0 0 O O



O -o Γ-0

o -o





" T O


® ®







FIG. 1 0 . 3 1 Dust collection plant

Mechanical plant electrical services C h a p t e r 10




FIG. 1 0 . 3 2 Dust handling plant

three-phase 50 Hz by a reehng-drum, traihng-cable to protect conveyors during start-up. The motors are
system. totally-enclosed, fan cooled with protection to IP55.
Each conveyor is equipped with an emergency trip­
wire system running the full length of the conveyor
8.2.7 Trace heating
alongside the access way. Switches are located at inter­
The preciphator surge-hopper is equipped w h h trace vals along the trip wire. The trip wire may be a wire
heating to prevent condensation within the hopper rope, arranged to operate trip switches directly, or a
during shutdown. If not prevented, heavy condensation low voltage electric cable arranged to operate a trip
would sohdify the ash and cause blockages. relay. In the latter system, a trip relay is energised
through the cables and the swhches between which
8.2.8 Local c o n t r o l p a n e l s they are suspended. U p o n deflection of a cable, the
relay circuit is broken by the associated switches. Since
Local control panels and cable termination boxes are
a cable fault or breakage wih also cause the trip relay
provided of weatherproof, dust-tight construction to
to operate, the system is self-monitoring.
IP55 or IP65, depending upon the severity of the
The contacts of the trip switches or relays are con­
environment. Facilities are provided on local control
nected directly into conveyor drive-motor contactor
panels for full manual control of the plant item.
circuhs and cause the conveyors to stop when the trip
is operated.
8.2.9 Conveyors Each conveyor is fitted with a speed detector. Belt-
Conveyors are driven by 415 V three-phase 50 Hz driven speed detectors are prone to shp when dusty
squirrel-cage induction motors through fluid couplings or wet and have been dropped in favour of electronic

Electrostatic precipitators

pulse or similar types. The conveyor is tripped if the plates, which channel the gases and attract the charged
conveyor beh slips or breaks. dust particles. The accumulated dust is released from
the electrodes by intermittent mechanical rapping and
is collected in the dust hoppers below. The discharge
8.2.10 S u m p p u m p , grit p u m p a n d d u s t p u m p
electrodes are shuated between the collecting elec­
controls trodes/plates, suspended from insulators. Dust tends
Sump pumps are controlled by sump content measure­ to accumulate on these electrodes in small quanti­
ment, the sump level being measured by uhrasonic ties and this is also released by rapping, to maintain
or echo-detection systems which utilise the reflective efficiency.
characteristics of the surface of the water. P r o b e - Collecting electrodes along the length of the preci­
type level measurement systems are not used since the pitator are divided into a number of zones, typically
build-up of deposhs on the probes due to the pre­ six, each of which is provided with its own high voltage
sence of ash and dust in the sumps can prove trouble­ and rapping gear. For a typical power station having
some. 500 or 660 M W u n h s , the total gas flow from a boiler








FIG. 10.32 (cont'd) Dust handling plant

Dust pumps and grit pumps are controlled by hopper is shared between three precipitators, known as 'flows',
content measurement, load cells or level probe systems each flow consisting of approximately sixty gas paths.
being used for this purpose. Figure 10.34 shows the general arrangement of a pre­
cipitator having six zones.
A D C vohage of between 20 kV and 30 kV, produced
by transformer/rectifier u n h s , is apphed between the
9 Electrostatic precipitators discharge electrodes and collector plates, the voltage
being controlled automatically at a level just less than
that which would cause flashover, to provide maximum
9.1 General description of plant
discharge current (termed corona discharge), and hence
A n electrostatic preciphator removes dust from flue m a x i m u m operating efficiency.
gases by charging the particles in an electrostatic field In order to maintain a free flow of dust, the dust
set up between discharge and collecting electrodes collecting hoppers are electrically-heated and thermally-
causing them to be separated from the gas stream. The insulated to maintain a high dust temperature. Com­
gases are drawn through large chambers containing pacting of the ash is prevented by electrically-driven
collecting electrodes in the form of large vertical flat aeration fans feeding air into the dust hoppers.

Mechanical plant electrical services C h a p t e r 10





ί Μ t t Μ t t t Μ Μ
<~ '^l'^ ^ 1 ^ ^ 1 ^ '^l^ -i'

\ \ \ \ \ \ \ -^Λ \ \ \ \
R ^
SEAL ~ \j/ \l/ \ l / \j/ \l/ \ l / \ l / \ l / \U \ l / \ l / \ j / \ l / \ l / "z







FIG. 10.33 Ash handling plant

Electrostatic precipitators

















FIG. 10.34 Precipitator general arrangement

9.2 Electrical supplies supphed from 415 V three-phase 50 H z switchboards,

separate boards being provided for each precipkator
flow. They feed high voltage control cubicles located
9.2.1 415 V s w i t c h b o a r d s
with the switchgear in the Precipkator Control House.
The electrical requirements of the precipitators are Other feeds go t o the collector-plate rapper motors,

Mechanical plant electrical services C h a p t e r 10

discharge-electrode rapper motors, dust-hopper heaters ing temperature a n d heat-sink performance at the
and aeration fans, control house ventilation fans and maximum air temperature likely t o occur inside the
hopper level equipment. Figure 10.35 shows a typical equipment cubicle during operation.
control house distribution equipment system. Automatic voltage control is provided by thyris­
tors. T h e electrode voltage is continually monitored
and varied by the thyristor control circuits, using
9.2.2 High voltage control cubicles
wave-chopping techniques t o maintain the highest per­
Each high voltage control cubicle accommodates the missible precipitator operating voltage a n d operating
automatic control equipment, power thyristors and efficiency. Typically, the high vohage must be about
power distribution equipment associated with one zone 20 kV for corona discharge t o occur. R a n d o m arc­
of the precipitator gas flow. ing may occur at about 32 kV so the automatic volt­
Controls and indicators for the precipitators are age control must maintain the voltage just below this
provided in the Preciphator Control House and the level. T w o basic systems of monitoring a n d control­
Central Control R o o m , control normally being carried ling the electrode voltage are in use. In the first system
out from the latter. Automatic and manual control electrode voltage, electrode current and A C supply
fachities are available. vohage are monitored and compared. When arcing
Particular attention is paid to the design of the power occurs the electrode vohage falls whilst the electrode
thyristor and diode equipment to ensure high reliability current and A C supply vohage increase. This situa­
and long service life, having regard for the inability tion is recognised by the comparator a n d , by control
of semi-conducting devices t o withstand deviations of thyristors in the A C supply, the electrode voh­
outside their specified operating conditions. Overload age is reduced t o the optimum level at which arcing
and short-circuit protection are provided by high speed ceases.
semiconductor fuses. Surge suppression circuits are In the second system, the arcing rate is monitored
incorporated to protect thyristors and diodes against and the electrode voltage varied by control of thyristors
supply voltage transients which may occur in service. in the A C supply t o maintain the r a n d o m arcing rate
Thyristors and diodes are conservatively rated in re­ within acceptable hmits commensurate with maximum
spect of their current carrying ability, junction operat­ operating efficiency of the precipitator.

1200A M A I N
FUSED (1 of 24)


M O T O R S (12)

415V 3 PHASE
l ¿ V ^ E A R T H I N G SW^^TCH



^ lo^^EARTH



(1 OF 3)

FIG. 1 0 . 3 5 Precipitator control house electrical distribution diagram

Fuel oil plant

9.2.3 Transformer/rectifier equipment an independent system of locking. Isolating and H V

The transformer/rectifier equipment is supphed from earthing switches are provided with an additional means
two phases of a 415 V three-phase 50 Hz supply. T o of locking in the isolated or earthed positions. This
simphfy high voltage connections, the equipment is ensures the correct control of access by personnel.
normahy located on the top of the precipitator. In
this location, oh-filled O N A N (oil insulation, natural
9.4 Earthing
circulation, air cooled, natural ventilation) equipment
is not used, the L N A N (synthetic hquid insulation, In addition to the normal earthing requirements, pre­
natural circulation, air cooled, natural ventilation) type cipitators are provided with the following special earth­
being employed to minimise maintenance: in parti­ ing facilities to ensure the safety of personnel. H V
cular, this avoids the regular insulating-oh treatment connections are provided with isolating and earthing
necessary w h h mineral-oil insulated (ONAN) trans­ switches which are operable from outside the H V en­
formers and the dangers associated with oil spillage. closure. They ensure that all sections of the H V system
O N A N equipment is only allowed if located at ground are earthed. Operation of these switches is subject to
level. Transformers comply w h h BEBST2 [20] and the maintenance interlocking scheme described in the
BS171 [19]. Coolant-hquid-immersed rectifiers are sohd previous Section 9.3.
state to BS4417 [26]. In addition to H V supply earthing, provision is
m a d e for the connection of portable earths to the
H V grids prior to personnel gaining access to a flow.
9.2.4 High voltage chamber enclosures
The arrangement of portable earthing leads prevents
Separate housings are provided for each precipitator the closure of access points when the earths are con­
zone as shown on Fig 10.34. Located on the t o p of the nected. This safeguards against restoration of the
precipitator, they provide protection for the exposed H V supplies when earthing facilities are being used.
HV connections and allow access for maintenance.
Access is controlled by the maintenance interlocking
system described in Section 9.3 of this chapter. 9.5 Interference suppression
H V rectifiers, connections, swhches and leads are
9.2.5 High voltage insulators screened to prevent radio and television interference.

High voltage insulators are mounted out of the gas

stream and inside the HV enclosure for ease of main­ 10 Fuel oil plant
tenance. Each insulator is fitted w h h a thermosta­
tically-controlled heater to prevent condensation.
10.1 General description of plant
Fuel oil is required:
9.3 Maintenance interlocking and locking
• For main boiler start-up a n d , in some instances, for
Maintenance interlocking is provided for each flow to oil overburn to meet load requirements at coal-
ensure the correct sequence of operation of the LV fired power stations.
transformer/rectifier supply cubicle isolating devices,
HV chamber earthing switch and H V enclosure access • For main boiler firing at oil-fired power stations.
doors associated with each zone, so that safety of • For on-load firing of auxhiary bohers.
personnel is assured.
Coded-key interlocks and exchange boxes form the For all these systems, fuel oil is unloaded or fed into
basis of the interlock scheme. The scheme ensures t h a t storage tanks which form the supply point for the oh
all zones of a flow are electricahy isolated and me­ feed system to the burners. Electrically-driven pumps
chanically shut-off by closing inlet and outlet dampers are used to feed oil into the storage tanks, to transfer
before access to the flow can be gained. Figure 10.36 011 between tanks and to supply oil from the storage
shows a typical maintenance interlocking scheme. tanks to the burners.
The interlocking scheme shown in Fig 10.36 ahows Since the o h is of high viscosity, h s temperature
half-zones to be isolated and earthed individually if must be raised to render it suitable for pumping and
a fauh occurs, and the remainder to be operated nor­ combustion. Storage t a n k s and oil pipes are heated
mally. However, all zones must be isolated and earthed continuously by steam, electrical trace heating or im­
before keys are released from the exchange box to mersion heaters. O n steam heated systems, electrically-
afford access into the flow. Simharly, all access points driven p u m p s are used to transfer the condensate.
must be closed and secured, and the keys thus released When oil is delivered by rail or road tanker, it is
inserted into the exchange box before H V supplies can not possible to drain the tanks completely using the
be reconnected. main unloading p u m p s . Residual oU is gravity fed into
In addition to the interlocks, access ways which allow an oil drain t a n k from where it is transferred to the
entry to the flow or H V enclosure are provided with main storage tanks using electricahy-driven p u m p s .

Mechanical plant electrical services C h a p t e r 10


2 3 4 5 6 ^


© © © © © ©
4A14 AMA 4A34 4A44 4A54 4A64 ROOF ACCESS
© © © © ©
© © © © ©
4A16 4A26 4A36 4A46 4A56 4A66 UPPER SIDE ACCESS
© © © © © © (PLATE RAPPING GEAR)

4A17 4A27 4A37 4A47 4A57 4A67 LOWER SIDE ACCESS

© © © © © © (PLATE RAPPING GEAR)






rro ζτπ

4A12- 4A12- 4A22- 4A22- 4A32- 4A32- 4A42- 4A42- 4A52- 4A52- 4A62- 4A62-

H.V. H.V. H.V. H.V. H.V. H.V.

4A1 4A2 4A3 4A4 4A5 4A6


W'ri ? i i
H.V. H.V. HV. 0 HV. 0
i H.V
DC DC D.C. DC. D.C. ? i

4A11 4A1 4A21

4A2 4A31
4A3 4A41 4A4 4A51 4A5 4A61 4A6

4A10 . 4A20 ,4A30 . 4A40 .4A50 4A60



•4A10 •^4A20 •^4A30 %A40 •^ASO '^4A60






4 KEY 12-FITS LOCKS 12- AND 12



FIG. 1 0 . 3 6 Precipitator maintenance interlocking system

Fuel oil plant

Figure 10.37 shows the fuel oh system at a 2000 M W , supplies and allows for the routine maintenance of
power station designed to handle fuel oils delivered pumps.
by ship and varying in viscosity from 24 χ 1 0 " ^ t o P u m p drives are 415 V three-phase 50 H z squirrel-
1.5 X 10~^ m ^ / s (24-1500 centistokes) at minimum cage induction m o t o r s , totally-enclosed, fan cooled
storage temperature. Electrical trace heating is provided and arranged for direct-on-hne starting, using contac­
on the supply pipework and operates continuously when tors. A minimum degree of protection of IP54 is pro­
all but the hghtest (distiUate) oils are being p u m p e d . vided, except for o u t d o o r use when IP55 weatherproof
Steam is used in the fuel-oil heaters to raise the oil is n o r m a l .
temperature to that required for combustion, 140°C
for heavy oh and 43°C for distillate oil. U n b u r n t hot
oh from the burners is recirculated back to the storage 10.3 Oil heating
The choice of electrical or steam heating depends 10.3.1 Tank heating — electrical
on the availability of steam and the economics of in­ Immersion heaters are supphed at 240 V from a 415 V
stalhng and operating the heating system. Electrical three-phase and neutral supply, their position in the
trace heating is ideal for oh pipehnes since the heat storage tanks being below the burner feed p u m p take­
needed to maintain the oil in a fluid condition is off level to ensure that they remain immersed in oil
relatively small. Because of the large quantity of oil in at all times. The heaters are controlled by two thermo­
storage tanks, steam or electric heating is viable and stats connected in series with each other: one thermostat
the availability of steam at the storage tank location is functions normally t o control the heater supply con­
a major consideration. Fuel oh heaters require a large tactor, the other is a safety device to trip the contactor
heat input and steam heating, when it is readily avail­ when the oil temperature rises above the normal hmit.
able at that location, is preferred. T o ensure that operation of the safety device is re­
cognised, it has t o be manually reset.

10.2 Pumps 10.3.2 Tank heating — steam

The design of the system and the number and rating Steam flow to heating coils is regulated by thermo­
of the pumps ensures maximum availabüity of oil statically controhed steam valves, the arrangement of


FIG. 10.37 Fuel oil system

Mechanical plant electrical services C h a p t e r 10

the thermostats being as described in the previous stop controls, a remote/local control selection switch
Section 10.3.1. and o p e n / c l o s e / s t o p relays for remote control. Power
and control connections are carried in flexible cables
from the actuator to a local termination box. Plug
10.3.3 Pipe h e a t i n g — electrical
and socket connections into the termination box faci­
Pipe heating is achieved by trace heating apphed di­ litate the maintenance or replacement of the actuator
rectly to the surface of the pipe or embedded in the without disturbing the fixed, armoured cable connec­
thermal insulation. Directly applied systems can be tions into the termination box.
supplied at 240 V 50 Hz, since they are protected against Each actuator is equipped with a valve position
accidental damage by the thermal insulation. For safe­ indicator, a potentiometer for remote position indica­
ty, embedded cables are supplied at 110 V 50 Hz by a tion and valve open/close hmit switches for remote
transformer which has its 110 V winding centre-tapped control and indication purposes.
to earth. Temperature control is by thermostats equip­
ped with contacts which operate to raise an alarm when
the control temperature band is exceeded. 10.6 Lightning protection
A lightning protection scheme is provided for the oil
storage tanks by conductors connecting the tank to
10.4 Storage tank instrumentation
earth electrodes.
Storage tanks are equipped with two high-level and
two low-level proximity switches. The first high-level
switch trips the fihing p u m p , closes the inlet valve and 11 Air confipressors
initiates a remote alarm; the second initiates an extra-
high level alarm if the oil level rises substantially above
the first switch. The first low-level switch initiates a 11.1 General description of plant
remote alarm; the second initiates an extra-low level Compressed air at various pressures and flow rates is
alarm and trips the oil heating supplies if the oil level produced by compressors, normally electrically-driven,
falls substantially below that detected by the first to satisfy the requirements of control and instrumenta­
switch. This maintains the oil level above the top of tion, dust plant jet-blowers and dust pumps, boiler soot-
the outlet pipe. blowing, automatic boiler control, boiler blowdown,
Local and remote oil level and temperature indica­ turbine forced cooling, breathing apparatus and reactor
tions are provided. purging as appropriate to the type of power station.
The main building complex of a power station is
served by two primary compressed air systems —
10.5 Valve actuators 'general services air' and 'control and instrument air'.
A C motorised valves equipped with integral contactor Figures 10.38 and 10.39 show typical control and
gear are used in oil pipelines. Actuator motors are either instrumentation and general service compressed air
totally-enclosed (TE) or totally-enclosed fan cooled systems for a power station. The 'general services'
(TEFC), squirrel-cage induction motors of weather­ system is designed for a flow rate of 0 . 4 - 1 . 0 m ^ / s at
proof construction (IPW to BS4999) [2], suhable for pressure of 7.2 bar, the 'control and instrument air'
operation on a nominal 415 V three-phase 50 Hz supply. system for 0.2 m ^ / s at 8.5 bar. Certain plants remote
Thermal protection is built into the motor winding in from the main complex, such as those producing
accordance whh BS4999, part 72 [2]. The motors have hydrogen and sodium hypochlorite, are provided whh
high torque and low inertia, and are designed for con­ independent air compressor plant.
tinuous operation without injurious heating for one Control and instrumentation air system requirements
complete travel of the actuator or 5 minutes, whichever are most stringent in respect of the quahty of the
is the shorter, when the supply voltage is reduced to compressed air produced and its integrity. A typical
7 5 % nominal at 50Hz. This ensures high rehabihty in system consists of two or three 100% duty electrically-
service throughout their design hfe of 30 years. driven air compressors, each complete with air coolers
The actuators have a degree of protection to IP65 and oil/water separators, feeding two independent air
of BS5490 [3] and are capable of operation in steam receivers and air dryer systems via a manifold.
and dust laden atmospheres within the ambient con­ A typical general services air system consists of two
ditions defined in BS5967 Part 1 [27] — operating 5 0 % duty electrically-driven air compressors, each com­
conditions for industrial process measurement and plete with air coolers and oil/water separators, supply­
control equipment — Class DI (5 to 100% relative ing a c o m m o n air receiver.
humidity, - 2 5 ° + 70°C).
Housed in each actuator enclosure are a 415 V three-
phase 50 Hz reversing-type contactor, loss of supply-
11.2 Air compressor drive motors
single phasing protection, a 415 V/110 V transformer The drives are usually squirrel-cage induction m o t o r s ,
providing 110 V A C control supplies, valve o p e n / c l o s e / suitable for direct-on-hne starting on 11 kV, 3.3 kV

Air compressors




FIG. 1 0 . 3 8 Control and instrumentation compressed air system

or 415 V three-phase 50 Hz supplies, of totally-enclosed proximately 3.5 k W , at 240 V single-phase 50 Hz.

fan cooled construction, as described in Section 2.2 Heaters are equipped with dual thermostats, one for
of this chapter. They drive the compressors through normal temperature control and the other acting as a
either V-belts or flexible couplings and gearboxes. The safety device in the event of failure of the control
V-belts and flexible couplings protect the motor from system. The latter is manually reset and initiates remote
shock loading and vibration. and local alarms to warn of failure.

11.3 Heaters 11.4 Automatic and safety controls

Heaters in compressed air driers and compressor oil The compressed air systems are designed to operate
sumps are either connected in balanced three-phase automatically, all operating conditions, such as air pres­
banks and supplied through electrically-held contactors sures and temperatures, being continuously monitored.
at 415 V three-phase 50 Hz or, for ratings u p to ap- Plant start-up, shutdown and duty selection are per-

Mechanical plant electrical services Chapter 10






FIG. 10.39 General service compressed air system

Heating and ventilating plant

formed in the central control r o o m and plant failure When steam is available, it may be used as the heat
alarms are displayed there. Control panels shuated source for the system, otherwise electrical heating is
local to the compressors house all the alarms, indica­ employed. The principal electrical requirements are
tions and controls necessary for the maintenance and outhned in the fohowing sections.
local control of the plant.

12.2 Control gear

12 Heating and ventilating plant The heating and ventilation system is supplied from a
415 V three-phase 50 H z m o t o r control centre. The
12.1 General description of plant switchboard and control panels are located adjacent
to the heating and ventilation equipment, and accom­
Heating and ventilation in a power station is provided m o d a t e the controls and instrumentation necessary for
for the fohowing reasons: the automatic operation and maintenance of the sys­
• T o protect equipment r o o m s , such as telephone ex­ tem. Essential controls and alarms are provided in the
changes, during operation by creating a positive central control r o o m .
pressure in the r o o m to prevent the ingress of
airborne dirt.
12.3 Classification of electrical equipment
• To ventilate equipment r o o m s , such as switchrooms,
and to maintain the air and equipment temperatures Electrical equipment is specified to ehher Categories 1
within acceptable hmits. or 2 of C E G B specification U S / 1 2 / 5 0 [28] to suh the
• T o ventilate equipment rooms where emissions dur­
Category 1 is defined as equipment, malfunction
ing normal plant operation would create a hazard
or failure of which could be the primary cause of
if ahowed to collect, e.g., battery r o o m s .
unwanted tripping or closing or the immediate loss of
• T o maintain a stable environment for sensitive equip­ availabihty of primary equipment. Category 2 equip­
ment such as computers. ment is that which could have a direct or immediate
effect on the operational availabihty of primary plant,
• T o ensure an acceptable working environment for
if another a b n o r m a h t y exists or arises before the defect
personnel in offices, control r o o m s , etc.
is remedied, or could cause operational inconvenience.
• T o protect personnel from the effects of the acci­ The m o r e stringent requirement of Category 1 is
dental release of hazardous substances into the air specified in areas where loss of heating and ventila­
during plant operation. tion is not acceptable; namely computer rooms or, in
• T o provide a hot water supply. nuclear stations, locations where either, (a), heating
and ventilating equipment fulfils a function essential
• To remove smoke in the event of a fire. to the safety of personnel or t o the reactor in the
event of an incident, or (b), the failure of a fan or
Heating and ventilation systems are designed to suit the its standby could result in the loss of differential
specific requirements of each power station. All use a pressure which exists for the purpose of containing
combination of air-conditioning units, fihers, coohng airborne contamination or the maintenance of clean
air and extraction fans, water-chiller units, air dampers, conditions.
motorised valves and water heaters. Elsewhere Category 2 equipment is specified.
The design requirements for heating and ventilation
in a typical power station are as fohows:
12.4 Drive motors
In general, drives for fans, p u m p s , compressors and
Area Temperature, °C Relative Air changes damper/valve actuators are 415 V three-phase 50 Hz
max min humidity, per hour
squirrel-cage induction m o t o r s , suhable for direct-on­
line starting. All motors are totally-enclosed and have
Control room 22 18 45--55 3
a minimum degree of protection of IP54. Those situated
Computer rooms 22 18 45--55 27
outdoors and exposed to the weather or situated in
Equipment rooms 22 18 45--55 12 areas protected by waterspray fire protection, have a
Cable marshalling rooms - 10 2 degree of protection of IP55 weatherproof.
Conference rooms 22 18 40--60 17 Motors driving contaminated air ventilation fans
Laboratories 22 18 40--60 7 could, during routine filter replacement, be contami­
Light workshops - 18 2 nated themselves. T o minimise contamination in these
Heavy workshops - 15.5 2 circumstances, they have a degree of protection of
Main stores - 13 1 IP55 and are capable of being totally overhauled on-
site under strictly controlled conditions.

Mechanical plant electrical services C h a p t e r 10

12.5 Air conditioning units rated at 240 V single-phase 50 Hz and connected in

balanced three-phase banks with the star point brought
Air conditioning units generally consist of a chiller
out for operation on a 415 V three-phase 50 Hz four-
unit, humidifier, airheater and fan.
wire supply. Each heater is provided w h h a spare three-
phase bank of elements for use during maintenance on
12.5.1 Chiller unit the duty elements.
The chiller unit and air cooled condensers form a sealed
refrigeration unit. Included in the refrigeration system
is a compressor, driven ehher through a flexible cou­ 12.7 Cabling and terminations
phng or via a multiple vee-belt by a 415 V three-phase Each bank of heating elements is connected by flexible
50 Hz totahy-enclosed fan cooled squirrel-cage induc­ high temperature single-core cable to an adjacent junc­
tion motor. Hermetically-sealed motors are not used tion box which forms the interface with the fixed cable
since they preclude maintenance. When oil sump heaters system. The flexible cables have silicone rubber insula­
are used, they are supphed at 240 V single-phase 50 H z . tion and heavy duty oil-resisting and flame-retardant
rubber sheaths to BS6007 Table 5 [29] allowing a
12.5.2 Humidifier maximum continuous conductor temperature of 85°C.
The cables are run in flexible conduit for protection.
Steam generated by an electrode or electrically heated
boiler unit, forming an integral part of the air condi­
tioning unit, is injected into the air stream to increase 12.8 Water circulating pumps
humidhy. Operation of the boiler is fully automatic
Duty and standby p u m p s are provided to circulate
upon demand from a humidistat located in the air
water through each group of water heaters. The motor
control scheme is arranged for manual selection of
either p u m p for duty running and automatic selection
12.5.3 Airheater of the standby unit in the event of failure of the duty
A battery of electrical heater coils, heats the air pro­ pump.
gressively as it is drawn into the air conditioning unit A pressure switch in the inlet pipe to each water
and is automatically controlled by an inlet-air thermo­ heater is connected to raise an alarm in the event of
stat in conjunction with a temperature controller. p u m p failure and to act as an addhional plant inter­
lock to ensure that water heater elements cannot be
energised under no-flow conditions.
12.5.4 Fan

A fan driven by a 415 V three-phase 50 H z squirrel-

cage induction motor draws air through the air con­ 13 Fire fighting equipment
ditioning unit.

13.1 General description of system

12.6 Water heating plant Fire protection in a power station consists of the fol­
Water heating equipment uses electric immersion heaters lowing systems:
complying with the relevant British Standards and the
• Waterspray and sprinkler systems.
fohowing requirements.
Steel heater bodies are coated internally with an anti- • External fire hydrant system.
corrosive epoxy-resin coating to ensure a life compati­ • Fixed foam pipework system.
ble with that of the power station. Make-up water is
provided from a header tank. • Fixed Halon 1301/system.
Each heater is provided with a pressure relief valve,
an automatic air release valve, a water temperature Halon 1301 bromotrifluoromethane (BTM) gas pro­
indicator, inlet and outlet water isolating valves, a water tection is installed in cable marshalhng r o o m s , com­
drain valve, thermometer pockets in the inlet and outlet puter equipment r o o m s , instrumentation rooms and
pipework, and water temperature thermostats to faci­ false floor voids below safety equipment. Each distri­
litate hs commissioning and safe operation. bution system is designed to supply BTM gas to the
Twin water thermostats are fitted — a self-resetting scene of the fire from storage cylinders, the system
control thermostat and a manuahy-reset safety thermo­ being initiated either automatically by heat or smoke
stat which is set to operate at a higher temperature detectors, or manually.
to safeguard against control circuit failure. Fixed foam pipework systems are provided to pro­
tect diesel and auxiliary boiler fuel oil tanks, diesel
generators and transformers that are too remote to
12.6.1 Heating elements be served by the waterspray and mulsifyre systems.
Immersion heaters are of the tubular-sheathed type, F o a m generators are provided at each location. A

Fire fighting equipment

spraywater system, supplemented by hydrants, provides inhiates a local audible alarm u p o n detection of water
protection within the main equipment areas and a flow or loss of air pressure in the detector pipework.
system of fire hydrants covers those areas not provided The alarm at the central fire panel identifies the loca­
with spraywater protection. tion of the fire, allowing appropriate action to be taken
Diesel-driven fire p u m p s s u p p l y w a t e r t o a to safeguard personnel and plant.
spraywater trunk main. A separate fire hydrant ring Plant status and alarms associated with the elec­
main is supplied by a combination of electrically-driven trically-driven detector air compressors, including low
and diesel-driven p u m p s , to provide security of supply. air pressure alarms, are displayed on the central fire
Spraywater systems are divided into wet and dry panel. Low air pressure and loss of air pressure in the
systems. In a dry system, pressurised water is contained detector system are sensed and raised as separate alarms
by control valves, held closed by a compressed air in order to differentiate between system faults (causing
system incorporating heat or smoke detectors. U p o n *low pressure') and fires (causing l o s s of pressure').
detection of a fire, air is released causing the control
valves to open and release water under pressure to the
sprinkler heads. A wet system is permanently filled with 13.3 Diesel-driven fire pumps
water, which is released by detectors incorporated in Several diesel-driven fire p u m p s are provided, each
the sprinkler heads, upon the occurrence of fire. Dry of which is equipped with electrical starting gear and
systems are commonly employed outdoors, where freez­ a 24 V battery. Normally operation is automatic, the
ing temperatures are hkely. p u m p s being started singly in sequence, initiated by
Four categories of spraywater system are provided pressure switches connected in the water ring main and
to meet differing requirements; namely, waterspray, set to operate sequentially as water pressure falls. When
mulsifyre, protectorspray and sprinkler, Waterspray is a fire occurs and water is discharged from the ring
a large volume, high intenshy, fine spray system capable main, the p u m p s are started in sequence until the
of emulsifying the surface of burning oil and is used discharge flow is balanced by input and the ring main
in auxiliary boiler houses, on turbine oil tanks and pressure is restored.
in other areas where oil fires may occur. Mulsifyre is Trickle- and boost-charging facihties are provided for
similar to waterspray but provides a less dense cover­ each 24 V starting battery. In addition to the battery
age and is used on oil-filled transformers and oil charger controls, the local control panel contains bat­
coolers. Protectorspray is a low velocity water spray tery condition and charging indications, p u m p status
system to protect plant from external fires, typical indications and alarms, and m a n u a l starting controls.
examples being hydrogen storage vessels. Sprinkler M a n u a l starting controls and alarms are repeated on
systems are provided for the treatment of localised fires the central fire panel.
in equipment rooms, switchrooms and cable flats. Figure 10.40 shows the starting scheme for a typical
Coal plant conveyors are protected by a separate diesel-driven fire hydrant p u m p . The design emphasis
dry-type sprinkler system. Control valves are main­ is to minimise the chances of the diesel not starting
tained in the closed position by a compressed air system when called u p o n to do so. T o this end, the design
as described above and opened by the release of air includes the following features:
caused by a detector operating in the event of fire.
• Duphcate 24 V batteries and chargers.
Extraction systems are installed to remove smoke
generated during a fire to facilitate access and minimise • Duphcate starting contactors.
any damage which may be caused by its presence. This • Automatic starting with engine-cranking timer and
is particularly important in the event of cable fires repeat-start feature.
which can generate large volumes of highly toxic and
corrosive smoke. • Automatic disconnection of cranking circuits when
engine is running.
• Remote and local m a n u a l start facilities.
13.2 Controls and alarms
The spraywater system, fire pumps and detector air
compressors are designed for automatic operation. 13.4 Air compressors
Local control panels for the diesel-driven fire p u m p s Automatically controlled electrically-driven air com­
accommodate all the equipment necessary for auto­ pressors are installed to charge the detector systems of
matic operation, duty selection and manual control dry installations. Compressors are started and stopped
facilities. Plant status indications and alarms are dis­ automatically to compensate for variations in detector
played on the local panels and are wired from repeater pipework air pressure.
contacts to a fire control panel located in the central Compressors are installed in pairs and are designated
control r o o m . main and standby. Each compressor is controlled by
The operation of a section control valve, as a result a pressure switch connected in the air supply hne from
of one or more detectors operating due to a fire, raises the compressor to the protection system. The main
an alarm on the central fire panel and automatically compressor is started first and the standby unit is

Mechanical plant electrical services C h a p t e r 10





-O ί O


-O I Ο­ -RVVS—



-o lo- Ο Ο -TYV»

-O ο­ AUTO
- 1 0 Ö1 4 ö o > HDTÖ-

i sta_rt__



-oT I M Eo-


-o o


FIG. 10.40 Fire hydrant pump schematic diagram

Fire fighting equipment

brought into service if the air pressure continues to Heat-detecting cables are of two types, integrating
fah. Drive motors are totahy-enclosed fan cooled and non-integrating, and are supplied at low voltage
squirrel-cage induction types supplied at 415 V three- from a control unit. The insulation resistance of an
phase 50 Hz from contactor switchgear. integrating cable decreases progressively as tempera­
ture increases whilst that of a non-integrating cable
drops suddenly at a specified temperature. Reduction
13.5 Trace heating of the cable insulation resistance to that appropriate
Sections of pipework and valve manifolds which may to the alarm temperature is sensed by a control unit
be exposed to low temperatures during the winter are which raises an alarm and initiates the spraywater
electrically trace-heated and insulated. Trace heating is system by transmitting an electrical signal to actuate
supphed at 240 V single-phase 50 Hz and is thermo­ the thermoelectric quartzoid bulbs.
statically controHed as described in Section 5.2.7 of Heat-detecting cable continuhy and supply integrity
this chapter. are monitored continuously and an alarm is raised on
the central fire panel if either fails.

13.6 Detectors and distributors 13.6.3 S m o k e detection

Smoke detectors are of the point type, using scattered
13.6.1 Quartzoid bulbs
or transmitted light, or ahernatively an Ionisation cham­
The bulb of a detector contains a hquid which has a ber. These devices are used on their own or in com­
freezing point below any natural chmatic figure and a bination with heat detectors in areas such as amenity
high rate of expansion with increase of temperature. buildings, administration offices, workshops and stores
A small amount of vapour is trapped when the bulb is where large scale, rapidly-propagating fires are un­
hermetically sealed. As the hquid in a bulb expands likely. In these situations, the detection system is used
under the influence of heat from a fire, the pressure in to raise alarms and to locate the fire, enabhng manual
the bulb rises until the vapour is absorbed by the liquid fire fighting equipment to be deployed and the buildings
and bursting pressure is reached. When the bulb cleared of personnel.
shatters, one of three actions occurs:

• The compressed air is released in a detector line to Ionisation chamber detectors consist of a chamber in
initiate operation of a water control valve, or; which a radioactive source ionises the air and causes
a small detectable current to flow between charged
• A valve installed in the water pipework leading to
electrodes. The magnitude of this current is propor­
the distributors is directly operated, or;
tional to the level of Ionisation whhin the chamber
• Water is released from a sprinkler. which is reduced by the presence of the particulate
matter in smoke.
Thermoelectric quartzoid bulb sprinklers are similar
to those described above, but include a *one-shot' Optical smoke detectors contain photoelectric devices
actuator mechanism. A n electrical signal from the which are sensitive to changes in the level of m o n o ­
control cubicle of a heat-detecting cable system (see chromatic light received either by direct transmission
Section 13.6.2 of this chapter) causes the actuator from the source or indirectly by scatter. Particulate
mechanism to operate, shattering the quartzoid bulb matter in smoke varies the level of hght falling on the
and releasing spray water. If the 'one-shot' actuator fails photocell and hence the level of electrical signal flowing
to operate, the bulb will burst under the influence of through the device.
heat from a fire, as previously described.
A c o m m o n control unit supphes the smoke detectors
13.6.2 Heat-detecting cable systems at low voltage and monitors the level of signal con­
Heat-detecting cable systems are installed extensively tinuously to detect any variation indicative of the pre­
in power stations in cable tunnels and cable flats, where sence of smoke at a detector head. T o prevent spurious
the nature of the materials installed requires that fire operation, a time delay of between 2 and 10 seconds
is detected and treated with a minimum of delay to is built into the alarm-initiating circuit. If the alarm
limit the damage to plant and the danger to personnel. condhion exists at the end of the timed period, the
These systems respond far more quickly than is possible control unit initiates audible and visible alarms locally
using conventional quartzoid bulb heat-detectors and and on the central fire panel and indicates the location
smoke detectors. of the detector head which has operated.
In cable installations, the heat-detecting cable is A u t o m a t i c supervision of detector electrical circuits
suspended above the cables and under the cables im­ and supphes is incorporated in the control unit.
mediately above the floor to provide rapid response to A typical smoke detector system is shown in Fig
both cable and external fires. 10.41.

Mechanical plant electrical services C h a p t e r 10






24 V D C
10 V A C
240 V D C No 1 UNIT No 2

240 V D C 21 V D C
0 ZONE 2 O



FIG. 10.41 Smoke detection system

13.7 Fire dampers and smoke extraction part of a smoke extraction system and are operated in
To prevent the spread of fire and smoke by venthation conjunction with extraction and ventilation fans.
and air conditioning systems, dampers are incorporated
to shut off the ducts in the event of fire. These dampers
are closed either electricahy by the heat or smoke detec­ 13.8 Control cabling
tion system, or mechanically by the operation of heat- Connections between control units, fire detector heads,
fusible links. They remain closed until manually opened control valves, manual alarm-initiating devices and
when the fire has been extinguished. The dampers form other equipment essential for the operation of the fire

protection systems are run in short-time rated fire­ [8] BS466: Electric overhead travelling cranes
proof cables. These cables are designed t o remain [9] BS88: Cartridge fuses for voltages up to and including 1000 V
functional for a m i n i m u m of twenty minutes in a test AC and 1500 V DC
fire of 1000°C. Special attention is paid to the location [10] BS5424: Control gear for voltages up to and including 1000 V
and installation of these cables t o prevent accidental AC and 1200 V DC
damage, a n d preserve their integrity in a fire, thereby [11] ESI Standard 37-1: 415 V AC switchgear, control gear and
ensuring that the operation of fire protection systems
is not jeopardised. [12] BS3579: Heavy duty electric overhead travelhng and special
cranes for use in steelworks
[13] BS2655: General requirements for electrical, hydraulic or hand
powered lifts
13.9 Batteries and chargers
[14] BS5655: Lifts and service lifts
In keeping w h h the high integrity requirements of fire [15] BSCP407: Electrical, hydraulic and hand powered Hfts
protection systems, control supphes are derived from [16] BSCP326: The protection of structures against lightning
24 V lead-acid batteries operating in conjunction with
[17] CEGB Specification US/76/10: Control and instrumentation;
automatic charging equipment. T h e chargers are sup­ General technical requirements
plied at 240 V single-phase 50 H z a n d equipped with [18] BS417: Semiconductor rectifier equipment including
trickle- a n d boost-charging m a n u a l selection facilities, transformers
battery charging current a n d vohage indicators, local [19] BS 171: Power transformers
alarms a n d repeat contacts for raising alarms on the [20] British Electricity Board Standard BEBST2: Specification for
central fire panel. transformers and rectifiers
[21] BS2757: Classification of insulating material for electrical
machinery and apparatus on the basis of thermal stability in
14 References
[22] BS159: Busbars and busbar connections
[1] BS5000: Rotating electrical machines of particular types for
[23] BS 158: Marking and arrangement of switchgear busbars, main
particular applications connections and small wiring
[2] BS4999: General requirements for rotating electrical machines [24] BS6346: PVC insulated cables for electricity supply
[3] BS5490: Classification of degrees of protection provided by
[25] BSCP1003: Electrical apparatus for use in explosive atmos­
pheres of gas or vapour
[4] BS4683: Electrical apparatus for explosive atmospheres
[26] BS4417: Semiconductor rectifier equipment including trans­
[5] BS5345: Selection, installation and maintenance of electrical
apparatus for use in potentially explosive atmospheres
[27] BS5967: Operating conditions for industrial process measure­
[6] CEGB Specification EES (1980): General specification for elec­
ment and control equipment
tronic equipment — this specification succeeds EES (1970): and
EES (1962) bearing the same title [28] CEGB Specification US/12/50: General technical requirements
for instrument and control equipment
[7] BS800: Specification for radio interference limits and measure­
ment for equipment embodying small motors, contacts, control [29] BS6007: Specification for rubber insulated cables for electric
and other devices causing similar interference power and lighting

C H A P T E R 11


1 Introduction 8 Station transformer protection

2 Design criteria 9 H V / L V connections and generator v o l t a g e / H V

circuit-breaker protection
3 Overall protection logic
9.1 Phase to phase and earth faults
4 Boiler protection 9.2 HV circuit-breaker faults
4.1 General 9.3 Generator voltage circuit-breaker or switch
4.2 Low drum level or loss of boiler water disconnector
4.2.1 Steam/water mixture mass velocity
10 Pumped-storage plant protection
4.2.2 Steam/water mixture quality
4.3 Loss of feedwater flow 10.1 Dynamic braking overcurrent protection
4.4 Loss of electric load 10.2 Under frequency protection
4.5 Methods of protection 10.3 Over frequency protection
4.5.1 Low drum level protection 10.4 Overspeed in excess of 10%
4.5.2 Loss of feedwater protection 10.5 Loss of pumping power
4.5.3 Boiler circulating pumps — unconditional signal 10.6 Emergency stop pushbuttons
4.5.4 Sudden loss of steam demand (turbine trip) 10.7 Overvoltage
10.8 Excitation equipment protection
5 Turbine protection 10.9 Stator cooling air over-temperature
5.1 Turbine trips 10.10 Bearing temperatures and oil levels
5.2 Loss of lubricating oil pressure 10.11 Back to back starting protection
5.3 Condenser vacuum low (exhaust pressure high) 10.11.1 Generator runaway
5.4 Condensate conductivity high 10.11.2 Incorrect excitation levels on the generator-motor
5.5 Manual trip lever 10.11.3 Excess heating of the stationary field winding in
5.6 Overspeed trip the event of a failure to start of generator-motor
5.6.1 Choice of interlock 10.12 Excitation transformer
5.6.2 Setting of the low forward power relay 10.13 Station transformer
5.7 LP exhaust steam temperature high 10.14 Starting transformers
5.8 Loss of electric governor 10.15 Starting equipment
5.9 Low steam inlet temperature and pressure 10.16 Protection during starting
10.17 Protection of the pump-turbine and the upper/lower
6 Generator protection
6.1 Stator earth faults (low impedance earthing) 10.17.1 Category A trips
6.2 Stator earth faults (high resistance earthing) 10.17.2 Category Β trips
6.2.1 Current transformer requirements for protection using
relay R1 11 DC tripping systems
6.2.2 Matching transformer 11.1 Logic diagram
6.3 Stator phase to phase faults 11.2 Tripping schematic diagram
6.4 Stator turn to turn faults 11.3 Trip supply and circuit supervision
6.5 Negative phase sequence 11.4 General comments on the tripping arrangements
6.6 Loss of generator excitation
12 Auxiliaries systems
6.7 Pole slipping
6.8 Loss of stator water flow 12.1 Operating criteria
6.9 Hydrogen temperature high 12.2 Protection requirements
6.10 Hydrogen/stator water cooling flow 12.3 Auxiliary transformers
6.11 Excitation failure 12.3.1 Phase to phase and earth fault protection
6.12 Motoring of the generator 12.3.2 Winding faults and transformer overloads
6.13 Emergency pushbutton 12.3.3 HV inverse time and high set instantaneous
7 Generator transformer and unit transformer protection 12.3.4 Standby earth fault
7.1 Phase to phase and earth fault protection 12.4 Auxiliary generators
7.2 Generator transformer HV inverse time and high set 12.4.1 Mechanical trips
instantaneous overcurrent 12.4.2 Electrical protection
7.3 Unit transformer HV inverse time and high set 12.4.3 Gas turbines
instantaneous overcurrent 12.5 Motors
7.4 Standby earth fault 12.5.1 Motor circuits at 415 V (contactor circuits)
7.5 Generator transformer and unit transformer internal faults 12.5.2 Motor circuits at 11 kV and 3.3 kV
7.6 Winding temperature 12.5.3 Thermal overload relay
7.7 Conservator 'low oil level' alarm 12.6 Cables
7.8 Pressure relief device alarm 12.7 Busbar protection
7.9 Freezer air drier alarm 12.8 High breaking capacity (HBC) fuses
7.10 Overfluxing 12.9 Protection co-ordination


12.9.1 Characteristics of 415 V fuses 12.9.6 Discrimination

12.9.2 Characteristics of inverse time relays 12.9.7 Techniques to obtain close co-ordination between
12.9.3 Characteristics of definite time relays protection stages
12.9.4 Characteristics of thermal relays 12.9.8 Application to a typical system
12.9.5 Calculations 13 Reliability

1 Introduction • Step-up and step-down transformers, switchgear and

The power station generating system basicahy comprises
four main plant areas (Fig 11.1):
The last equipment connects the generator to h s loads.
• Steam raising plant (steam generator) or, for hydro A small percentage of the power (5 to 1 0 % , approx­
stations, a water supply a n d / o r storage system. imately) provides services inside the power station (this
auxihary system is dealt with in Chapter 2), the re­
• A steam or water turbine.
mainder goes to the transmission network. It can be
• A generator. seen from Fig 11.1 that the power station system is

1 2








FIG. 11.1 Overall generating protection scheme

Protection Chapter 11

very closely interconnected, so that a single failure • Faults which are not cleared by the faulty item's own
requires more than the disconnection of the faulted protection, will be cleared by secondary or back-up
plant, both electricahy and mechanically. This chapter protection.
deals with:
• Protection of plant is designed to match as closely
• The electrical and mechanical protection of the plant as possible the plant operating characteristics, e.g.,
items for which fauhs resuh in the tripping of one negative phase sequence protection is designed to
of the main plant items (main u n h protection). match the generator thermal withstand to negative
phase sequence currents.
• The protection against electrical faults in the aux­
iliary system (auxiliary system protection). • In general, protection systems should be designed
so that no single failure of a protective device causes
• The methods adopted to initiate the tripping of the
a trip or permits a fault to remain connected to
other associated main plant items.
the system. The exception is where the reliability of
the protective system is such that failure to trip is
For completeness, individual plant protection systems, not considered credible, i.e., where equipment is
both mechanical and electrical, are explained a n d , installed in controlled temperature and humidity
where explanations are to be found in other chapters conditions and is fully dust-proofed. This applies
concerned with that plant item, reference is made to particularly to electrical protection systems employ­
those chapters. ing electromagnetic relays where risk of malfunction
Included in the sections dealing with the protection is very low. All other protection devices, such as
of transformers, are the generator transformer, the plant-mounted tripping devices, employ systems of
station transformer, the unit transformers, together at least *two out of three'. It is hkely that the com­
with their main electrical connections, switchgear and pactness of digital relays will encourage full re­
disconnectors (isolators). In nuclear power stations, the dundancy to be built into electrical protection as
station transformer has become another unit trans­ weh.
former and the level of protection has been raised to
that of the unit and generator transformers, irrespective • T o facilitate testing or fault investigation with the
of the supply voltage. generating unit on-load and one of the tripping
systems isolated, the ahocation of the output con­
Details of the relays used today are given; in parti­
tacts of the protective relays must be such that the
cular, where electromagnetic types have been replaced
operation of any one relay does not cause tripping
by digital, but with the developments in digital relay
of more than one tripping system.
design, protective systems employed by the C E G B are
continually changing. When dighal unit protection sys­ • Standing trip conditions when the generator unit is
tems were introduced in the late 1980s, protection out of service must be avoided. For example, turbine
schemes changed from two trip channels (1 out of 2) and generator mechanical trips which would remain
to three independent protection systems, each pro­ operated after the unit has been shut down are re­
viding protection such that failure of one would nehher moved by normally open pressure switches mounted
cause nor prevent a trip. This improved rehability and in the turbine hydraulic fluid pressure system.
provided the facility for on-load testing from the elec­
• The facilities associated with a tripping system shall
trical trip initiating device to the turbine stop valves.
be physically segregated from the other tripping
This is explained in Section 11 of this chapter on D C
systems as far as is practicable, by using separate
relay panels, separate terminal blocks in marshalling
and terminating cubicles, and diverse routing of
secondary cables.
2 Design criteria
• The detailed electrical connections for the protective
Before describing the individual protective systems, relay circuits have to be in accordance with the
certain design criteria have to be estabhshed. Generally appropriate C E G B Standards.
the protection system is designed so that if faults
occur, the faulty plant is disconnected, whilst continuity
of supply from the generators is maintained, consistent
3 Overall protection logic
with system stability. Listed below are major require­
ments on which protection selection and settings are A n overall protection logic diagram typical of nuclear
based: stations is shown and described fully in Section 11 of
this chapter, together with the tripping schematic de­
• Faults on plant items must be disconnected as quickly veloped from it.
as possible to minimise damage. The role of the unit protection is:
• The protective systems shah be stable for fauhs • T o accept protection tripping signals from each of
outside the protective zone. the main plant items numbered 1 to 4 in Fig 11.1.

Boiler protectiori

• To bring as many of the main plant items as ne­ the heat transfer coefficient by the order of a mag­
cessary to a safe condhion by means of a tripping nitude or m o r e . This produces a rise of tube metal
logic. temperature, the magnitude and rate depending on tube
thickness, tube material and local heat flux. The in­
Each of the main plant items has its own protection crease of metal temperature may cause furnace tube
system and a typical turbine protection system (item 2, failures due either to diminished material strength or
Fig 11.1) is shown in Fig 11.2. Operation of any one to increased on-load corrosion, but each incident re­
of the protection devices shown, operates a trip re­ duces tube hfe.
lay to trip the unit protection. The unit protection The local heat flux at which the departure from
system therefore receives the same trip signal for several nucleate boiling occurs is defined as the critical heat ßux
different fauh conditions sent to each of its tripping and is a function of operating pressure, tube diameter,
systems, of which there are two at present. T w o types tube orientation, mixture mass velocity and mixture
of signal can be received from the turbine, low va­ quality. In a given boiler, operating at a given pressure,
cuum is G r o u p 2 and all others are G r o u p 4. The the only variables that affect departure from nucleate
significance of the groups is explained in Section 11 of bohing are steam/water mixture mass velocity and
this chapter. steam/water mixture quality.
Electrical fault protective relays for the generator
and hs associated transformers and connections, are 4.2.1 S t e a m / w a t e r mixture mass velocity
housed in the same relay r o o m as the unit protection
In assisted circulation boilers, steam/water mixture
relays and therefore each relay directly trips into the
u n h protection trip relays. This avoids additional delays mass velocity can only be altered from the normal
due to interposing trip relay operation, which is vital operating value to an appreciable extent by the failure
for electrical fauhs which must be cleared as quickly as of one or m o r e of the circulating p u m p s . The protection
possible. Speed of tripping is not so critical for boiler, is described under loss of feedwater flow in Section
turbine and generator mechanical faults, where usually 4.3 of this chapter.
delays of several seconds can be tolerated. For natural circulation boilers, the steam/water
mixture mass velochy is not significantly ahered from
its normal value by any of the operating variables other
4 Boiler protection than the steam/water mixture quality.

4.2.2 S t e a m / w a t e r mixture quality

4.1 General
Steam water mixture quality is affected by d r u m water
Faults can occur on a boiler or its auxiliaries which
level, since this affects the efficiency of separation of
can be isolated without a boiler trip, i.e., on m o t o r s ,
steam and water and hence the risk of departure from
cables, actuators, etc., and for information the reader
nucleate boiling. The lowest d r u m level at which the
is referred to Volume F on control and instrumenta­
above condition occurs is determined for each boiler
tion. For those which require a trip of the boiler (either
a n d a unit trip is initiated when the load drops to this
immediately, or on completion of a sequence), a signal
level. At a level above this, an attempt is made to
is also given to trip the turbine fohowed by the
prevent the water from reaching the trip level by an
remainder of the unit. It is one of the functions of the
emergency start of the starting and standby electric feed
unit protection to ensure that plant items are tripped
in the correct order, e.g., the high voltage circuit-
breaker is delayed and not tripped before the turbine
stop valves have closed. The logic of sequential tripping
4.3 Loss of feedwater flow
is shown in Fig 11.35.
A unit tripping interface is provided for a number Loss of feedwater flow produces a rapid fah in drum
of boiler operation problems which if not dealt with level which, as stated above, causes a departure from
would lead to damage. These are associated with feed- nucleate boiling when a certain level is reached. In some
water or steam supply abnormahties. boilers, this will not lead to a dangerous shuation at a
d r u m level higher than that detected by the low drum
level protection. A unit trip from loss of feedwater has
4.2 Low drum level or loss of boiler water not been required on units since 1974. The length of
If drum water level falls below a certain level, there time that it can be allowed to persist depends on cir­
is a danger of departure from nucleate boiling, which culation margins. T h e need for inclusion of detection
is when the bubbles of steam form a homogeneous of loss of feedwater in the system of protection against
solution and are continually breaking away from the departure from nucleate boiling therefore depends on
walls of the furnace tube. A departure from this con­ the characteristic of the particular boiler and auxilia­
dition occurs when the steam forms a blanket on the ries, and is determined for each application of the
inner surface of the tube and results in a decrease of protection system.

Protection Chapter 11


PS4 RL16 RL7




-o ! o



O O-


- o f o- CIRCUIT 1



PS5 RL27>4

L 'r^^^
PS8 O -






-O O -








^ ^ R L 3 ^



> Β
-O O -



FIG. 11.2 Typical turbine protection system

Boiler protection



-O O- -O O

I—o 0 — o o—
, , ^ τ

0 — o


RL67 RL6I RL69

-O O-

u RL7
-O O- -O O-

(+)110V 110V^


. "'-4 RL5 RL2

O O f -O O

RL40 RL40


-O O -O O — O O —


O O- -O O-

•O O - -O O- ALARM

RL67 RL68 Ι


-O Ο­

-O O- O O-


FIG. 11.2 (cont'd) Typical turbine protection system

4.4 Loss of electric load tioned are detected by the various devices described
below. These shut down the unit plant, as described
If steam demand is lost due to the loss of electric load,
earlier in Section 3 of this chapter.
the tripping of the turbine emergency stop valves and
governor stop valves is initiated. Overheating of the
superheater a n d / o r reheater tubes, due to the cessation 4.5.1 Low drum level protection
of steam flow, occurs rapidly unless the firing is Low d r u m level protection uses spare contacts on the
extinguished or reduced to a very low level. relays contained in the Hydrastep water level gauge
equipment that is used to indicate the d r u m water level
(see Fig 11.3). T o avoid spurious trips, these trip sig­
4.5 Methods of protection nals have to be validated by separate water level trip­
The various abnormal operational states already men­ ping gauges. Identical Hydrastep water level gauges are

Protection Chapter 11











A B'


Y •




FIG. 11.3 Four-vessel Hydrastep system block diagram

Boiler protection

fitted at each end of the d r u m to improve rehabihty The operation of the Hydrastep water level gauge
and to indicate the water level at each end of the d r u m . system depends on the difference in the electrical re­
The gauge pressure vessels are connected to the d r u m sistivities of pure water and steam under operating con­
by pipes and valves, such that they represent extensions ditions, which is t w o , or m o r e , orders of magnitude.
of the drum and hence contain the same water level as Therefore, by making resistivity measurements at a
the drum, whhin the limits created by denshy error and number of points arranged vertically in a pressure ves­
pressure drop due to condensate flow. The connection sel attached to the boiler d r u m , h is possible to say,
of the vessels to the drum is shown in Fig 11.4. at any level, all measurements above represent steam




(a) Typical gauge-glass & remote level transmitter connections at boiler drum.
Twin gauge glasses used to give a wider range of WATER SIDE
measurement for chemical clean and steam purge CONNECTION





(b) Hydrastep system pressure vessel (c) Density compensation system for boiler water drum level

FIG. 11.4 Connection of a Hydrastep vessel to the boiler steam drum

Protection Chapter 11

(high resistivity) and ah measurements below represent cular system but illustrates the extent of the loss of
water (low resistivity). Figure 11.5 shows a resistance feedwater protection.
measuring cell. Steam from the boiler is supphed to the H P turbine
Each vessel has 12 electrodes mounted along its via stop and governor valves. Exhaust steam from the
length, and the resistance of each electrode is mea­ H P turbine is returned to the boiler for reheating. It
sured between the electrode and the vessel wall to deter­ is then fed through similar valve arrangements into an
mine whether there is steam or water at that level. I P turbine and thence to L P cyhnders.
Level is indicated by means of coloured lamps; green F r o m the L P cylinder, the steam passes through
for water and red for steam (Fig 11.3). The signals condensers and the condensate is then pumped by an
derived from each resistance cell operate a changeover extraction p u m p through a series of heaters, to raise
relay whose contacts operate the coloured lamps and its water temperature, and back to the boiler. O n the
provide signals for tripping and alarm purposes. The outlet side of the heater chain, it is current practice to
additional vahdation pressure vessels at each end of install two electrically-driven feed pumps and one steam
the drum provide extra security for tripping purposes. turbine driven p u m p , the turbine being fed with steam
Whilst the main level indication contains 12 electrodes, bled from the main turbine; a h h o u g h future plant may
the vahdation pressure vessel has only six to cover omit the steam turbine driven p u m p . Protection is
the range around the trip level. The time between de­ provided to detect a loss of feedwater caused by the
tecting a low level and internal damage to the boiler failure of one or two emergency feed p u m p s or the
is about 14 seconds at full load. Both gauges at the main turbine driven feed p u m p . The protection operates
same end of the drum must be detecting a drum level as follows.
below the trip level before a trip is initiated to the Two time intervals ti and t 2 seconds have to be
boiler firing trip relays. Allowance is also made in determined, ti being the time between the detection of
each gauge for a faulty level indicator by checking that loss of feedwater and the onset of departure from nu­
the electrode above is also detecting a low level. This cleate boiling for unit loads above the maximum cor­
checking is carried out in the logic unit shown on responding to the output from one electric feed p u m p ,
Fig 11.3. t 2 being the time taken at lower loads. The time inter­
Operation of the Hydrastep system at one end of vals tl and t 2 have to be determined for every apphca­
the drum or the other, wih either trip the boiler firing tion of the protection to a particular boiler/turbine
trip relays to trip the boiler firing, or trip the boiler feedheating system. For loads below the output of one
directly from its own protection. electric feed p u m p , the protection can be omitted if
t 2 is of sufficient duration to ensure that adequate
protection is provided by the low drum level protection.
4.5.2 Loss of f e e d w a t e r protection
Figures 11.7 and 11.8 show typical schematic diagrams
Figure 11.6 shows a simple representation of a feed- for one or two standby electric feed p u m p s .
heating system. It is not representative of any parti- The loss of feedwater is sensed by measurement of
differential pressure across each p u m p discharge non­
return valve (NRV).
Duplicate transmitters are provided across each NRV
CONNECTION (A and Β in Figs 11.7 and 11.8). Each transmitter drives
TO DETECTOR a trip amplifier which is set to a differential pressure
consistent whh the boiler design and they are arranged
RETAINING NUT to meet the following conditions:
• One turbine feed p u m p in service — load in excess
of that met by one electric feed p u m p capacity. On
detection of loss of feedwater from the turbine feed
p u m p , a conditional *loss of boiler water' trip is
automaticahy initiated and will be effected, unless
SEALING JOINT two electrical feed pumps are installed and both are
run-up and delivering within ti seconds (Fig 11.7).

• Turbine feed p u m p in service — load not in excess
of that met by one electric feed p u m p . On detection
of loss of feedwater from turbine feed p u m p , a con­
ditional l o s s of boiler water' trip is automatically
initiated and whl be effected, unless at least one
electric feed p u m p is run-up and delivering within
t 2 seconds.
• Two electric feed p u m p s in service — load in excess
FIG. 11.5 Hydrastep resistance measuring cell of that met by one electric feed p u m p (Fig 11.7).

Boiler protection
Protection Chapter 11

— - O O- -o o — — O I c^





FIG. 11.7 Loss of feedwater protection for a system using one electric feedpump
The scheme shows the turbine feed pump time delay with two sets of contacts which operate after ti and t i seconds.
An alternative scheme may be adopted using a separate time delay for each time setting.

O n detection of loss of feedwater from either one The l o s s of feedwater' trip is therefore conditioned
or two of the electric feed p u m p s , a conditional by the generator H V circuit-breaker, as shown in Figs
l o s s of boiler water' trip is automatically inhiated 11.7 and 11.8, to remove the trip whenever the gen­
and wih be effected, unless the turbine feed p u m p is erator is on open-circuit. Under these circumstances,
run-up and dehvering within ti seconds. the boiler is protected against a low d r u m level by the
• One or two electric feed pumps in service — load l o w d r u m level' protection.
not in excess of that met by one electric feed p u m p
capacity. On detection of loss of feedwater from
4.5.3 Boiler circulating pumps — unconditional
one electric feed p u m p , a conditional *loss of boiler
water' trip is automatically initiated and will be
effected, unless the other electric feed p u m p is de­ O n boilers which require forced feedwater circula­
livering rated flow, or the turbine feed p u m p is trail­ tion between the d r u m and the boher furnace, all
ing and is brought manually to rated delivery within available boiler circulating p u m p s are operated at all
t2 seconds. loads. The boiler system is designed such that full load
can be met using three out of four circulating water
During start-up, the boiler is protected against a low pumps (Fig 11.9). Therefore the minimum number for
drum water level by the *drum level' low trip and the avoidance of a trip is dependent on whether the unit
feedwater trip is vetoed for the fohowing reason. load is above that at which at least three pumps are
On initial light-up, the electric feed p u m p may not required.
be required to deliver feedwater to the d r u m and will When the boiler is operating at loads above this
not be put into service until it is required later on. level with only three p u m p s in operation, the loss of a
This is so because some units are able, during initial further p u m p wih automatically initiate an uncondi­
light-up, t o generate sufficient steam for a supply t o tional l o s s of boher water' trip. When the boiler is
the turbine feed p u m p to enable it to meet feedheater operating at or below this load with only two p u m p s
requirements. In these circumstances, it is necessary running, the loss of one of these p u m p s automatic­
to veto the trip initiation from loss of feedwater in ally initiates an unconditional *loss of boiler water'
order to avoid a permanent boiler firing trip being trip. The scheme shown in Fig 11.9 satisfies these trip
estabhshed. requirements.

Turbine protection

1 ' % MCR

— — O O O TRIP

-ο I Ο- O O








FIG. 1 1 . 8 Loss of feedwater protection for a system using two electric feedpumps

4.5.4 S u d d e n loss o f s t e a m d e m a n d ( t u r b i n e t r i p ) ensures that tripping of the steam generator is not

prevented by opening of the circuit-breaker from a
This form of protection apphes equahy to conventional
u n h trip, which sends a trip to the turbine and the
and nuclear plant.
circuh-breaker at the same time.
The control of the turbine steam valves is by a fluid
By tripping the steam generator following a turbine
pressure system which holds the valves open against a
trip when the generator is on-load, its tubes are pro­
spring load. Release of this pressure operates pressure
tected against overheating. Excess steam wih exhaust to
switches in the fluid system. Referring forward to Fig
atmosphere. It is to be noted that if the generator is
11.36, which shows a tripping scheme for nuclear plant;
deloaded and a steam generator trip is not required, the
operation of the pressure switches via time delay relay
operator must open the generator circuit-breaker first
T D R l contacts, operates trip relay 7, which sends a
before tripping the turbine.
signal to trip the steam generator. If any of the 400 kV
disconnectors or circuit-breakers are open, then T D R l
is de-energised and prevents a trip of the steam gen­
erator when the turbine-generator is not connected to
5 Turbine protection
the transmission system. This ahows for a turbine trip As with the boiler, fauhs can occur on the turbine and
when the generator is off-load w h h o u t tripping the its auxiliaries which can be isolated w h h o u t tripping the
steam generator. The time delay provided by T D R l turbine: Volume C, Chapter 2 T u r b i n e plant systems'

Protection Chapter 11

valve actuators, and diverting the fluid remaining in

PROTECTION SCHEME) SUPPLY the actuators to flow to drain. Volume C, Chapter 2
φ CLOSE ON LOAD describes the system in detail, but the basic operation
O O of the hydraulic control system is as follows.
Fluid pressure is required to hold the turbine stop
PUMP Ά' D P . SW and governor valves, which control the steam supply
to the turbine, open against spring pressure. In the
absence of fluid pressure, the springs close the steam
valves. Hydraulic control fluid is supplied to the steam
valves via two emergency trip valves, and the turbine
PUMP B' D P . SW is tripped by the operation of either of these valves
diverting the hydraulic fluid to drain. The trip plungers
in the emergency trip valves are held in the closed
position by means of a spring which is held com­
pressed by a trip latch. This latch is released either by
PUMP'C D P . SW energising the trip solenoid or by acting directly on the
trip latch from the overspeed bolts or the manual trip
lever. This causes the emergency trip valve to open,
isolating the supply of hydraulic fluid to the turbine
valve operating gear, and putting the hydrauhc fluid
PUMP O'D.P.SW to drain, with consequent loss of fluid pressure and
closure of the main steam valves.

5.1 Turbine trips
The following turbine protection devices trip the turbine:
• Loss of lubricating oil.
• Condenser vacuum low (exhaust pressure high).
• Condensate conductivity high.
• Manual trip lever.

X • Overspeed trip.

• L P exhaust steam temperature high.

Β • Loss of electric governor.
• Low steam inlet temperature and pressure.

They are typical of modern plant. A full description of

the systems is given in Volume C, Chapter 2.
The turbine trip systems are designed to give full
redundancy of trip initiating devices (Design criteria.
Β D Section 2 of this chapter) and on-load testing u p to
the emergency trip valves. Weekly on-load testing of
the turbine emergency trip valves is essential as part of
FIG. 1 1 . 9 Loss of boiler water protection against the procedure to avoid an uncontroHed overspeed of
failure of the boiler circulating pump
the turbine for failure to close the main turbine stop
valves. On-load testing is done by isolating each emer­
identifies these. All unit protection devices which trip gency trip valve solenoid in turn and using the protec­
the u n h , are arranged to work directly into each emer­ tion devices to operate the isolated trip valve.
gency trip valve tripping circuit (Fig 11.10). This ap­
phes to all faults where serious damage could occur
before an operator could take corrective action. The 5.2 Loss of lubricating oil pressure
philosophy is applied, bearing in mind the need for The fluid for operating the turbine valves, forms a
maximum availability and the need to limit automatic separate system from the lubricating oil system. The oil
trips, to those where there is insufficient time for the in the lubricating system is circulated by a centrifugal
operator or control system to take corrective action. type p u m p , directly driven from the turbine-generator
The turbine is tripped by interrupting the supply shaft (Fig 11.11). This p u m p receives oh under pressure
of hydraulic control fluid to the turbine main steam from an oil-turbine-driven boost p u m p and delivers
Turbine protection

er 7^ O O O-
7^ 0








SEE FIG 11.2

— ^


FIG. 11.10 Emergency turbine trip valve — typical tripping circuit

oil by way of the oil turbine t o the turbine-generator Turbine tripping is initiated directly by loss of lu­
bearings. The main oil p u m p also delivers oil direct bricating oil pressure. Duplicated spring-loaded trip
to the generator hydrogen seal oh system. cyhnders in t h e front pedestal are pressurised by the
Pressure drop through the oh turbine reduces the lubricating oil pressure. O n loss of bearing oil pressure,
oil pressure to that required for the turbine bearings. oil is released from the trip cylinders, a n d mechani­
The oil turbine is mechanicahy coupled t o the boost cal linkages displace the trip latches of the duphcate
p u m p , which has its suction flooded in the main oil trip gear. This causes the emergency trip valves t o
tank and delivers oil t o the main oil p u m p inlet. A n operate. Tripping is delayed by t h e action of a dead­
oil tank mounted A C motor-driven lubricating oil p u m p weight accumulator which maintains minimum supply
is also provided to supply oil t o the turbine-generator pressure during transient pressure fluctuations. Each
bearings during run-up a n d rundown of the unit. trip can be on-load tested.
Falling lubricating oil pressure to the turbine-gen­
erator bearings automatically starts the A C motor-
5.3 Condenser vacuum low (exhaust
driven lubricating oil p u m p . If this p u m p fails t o start,
or completely loses h s pumping, further reduction in oil pressure high)
pressure t o the bearings wih cause a D C motor-driven Each of the two direct-acting vacuum trip units con­
oil p u m p to start automatically a n d , at the same time, sists of t w o sensing elements. Each of the four elements
a turbine-generator trip is initiated. compares condenser vacuum with absolute vacuum, and

Protection Chapter 11








FIG. 11.11 Lubricating oil system

both elements of ehher unit are required to sense condensers. The two vacuum hues are brought out
low vacuum before direct tripping of the turbine can downstream of an arrangement of a ball shuttle valve,
occur. The turbine tripping is inhiated when ehher of which automatically selects the condenser with the
the low vacuum trip units senses low vacuum and, by poorest vacuum and connects it to each of the two
direct mechanical action, causes lubricating oil to be vacuum lines. The three condensers are interconnected
released from a corresponding trip cylinder (same one by balance pipes, and hence trip initiation occurs if
as for lubricating oil). This then causes the correspond­ the vacuum in any condenser fahs below the trip set­
ing emergency trip valve to operate. The system can ting. Four pressure switches are provided, arranged in
be on-load tested by admitting air to hs sensing ele­ a 'two from t w o ' logic configuration per trip channel.
ments: this includes operation of the trip valve. Opera­
tion of a by-pass interlocking valve prevents operation
of the main stop valves. This valve has to be in the 5.4 Condensate conductivity high
by-pass position before on-load testing can be carried
Turbine tripping is initiated by conductivity trans­
mitters used to monitor condensate contamination at
The above arrangement causes a trip of the unit by
the outlet from the condensate polishing plant and from
fluid pressure swhches in the hydrauhc control fluid
the condensate extraction pumps discharge pipework.
supply to the emergency trip valves. This trip is routed
A set of four transmitters is provided corresponding
via the low forward power relay and is therefore time
to each location and these will operate in a 'two from
delayed. Motoring of the set under low vacuum con­
two' logic configuration per tripping channel for each
ditions would cause rapid overheating of the turbine
set of transmitters. Each transmitter can be checked
blades. This shuation could arise if the low forward
on-load, in turn, by adjustment of its set point.
power relay interlock fails to close. A direct electrical
trip from the low vacuum to the generator circuit-
breaker is therefore provided: this has to be done
electrically since operation of the power fluid pressure
5.5 Manual trip lever
switches is a delayed trip. The following explains how The turbine manual trip lever mechanically forces both
the electrical trip for low vacuum on a modern 660 M W of the trip linkages connected to the two emergency
turbine-generator is achieved. trip valves into the trip position. The trip latches be­
Turbine tripping is effected electrically by pres­ come displaced and cause the associated emergency trip
sure switches which monitor the vacuum of the three valves to operate.

Turbine protection

5.6 Overspeed trip Category A Those protecting against fauh conditions

which cannot tolerate a trip delayed until a low power
There have been incidents resuhing in turbine-genera­
condition is reached.
tors reaching a dangerous overspeed and every effort
has been made in formulating the protection to reduce
Category Β Those protecting against fault conditions
this danger. Overspeed occurs when the steam passing
which could tolerate a trip delayed unth a low power
through the turbine exceeds that required to match
condition is reached.
the load. The turbine speed is controlled by the gov­
ernor to a speed less than the overspeed trip setting.
In the event of the speed governor and its control For faults in Category A , avoidance of overspeeding
system failing to close the governor valves, an over- rests solely with the steam/governor valves closing
speed trip device attached to the shaft of the turbine correctly, whereas those in Category Β have the low
acts directly to trip the emergency trip valves, closing power interlock effectively preventing the protection
both the governor and main stop valves. However, none from opening the generator circuit-breaker, thus re­
of these safety measures whl be effective if for some taining the turbine-generator in synchronism until the
reason the governor and main stop valves fail to close steam supply is reduced to such a level where over-
properly. This could be for the fohowing reasons: speed cannot occur.
Except for two — loss of excitation and generator
(a) Damage to main steam valve spindle or seat, e.g., transformer winding temperature — all of the elec­
cracking, surface pick-up or galling (swelhng due trical protection systems to be described in Sections
to corrosion). 6 to 9 of this chapter were selected for Category A
(b) Hydraulic contamination of the hydraulic control because of the danger from high fault currents if these
fluid on a massive scale. were ahowed to persist for the length of time it could
take to reach a low power level. For these faults the
(c) Water carryover from the boiler causing distortion turbine hydrauhc fluid system has to work correctly.
of the main steam valve ducts. Generator transformer winding temperature and gen­
erator loss of excitation trips were considered as the
On-load testing arrangements, routine monitoring of two protection systems that could wait for a low power
the fluid condition, the existence of a secondary method condition.
of valve closure and the fact that the emergency stop
valves and governor valves are series connected, com­
5.6.1 C h o i c e of interlocic
bine to make the probabihty of the steam valves not
closing due to causes (a) and (b) not credible. On The interlock could be based on an accurate measure­
the other hand, water carryover causing distortion and ment of steam flow or differential pressure across the
preventing valve closure remains a possibility. Thus turbine but this is difficuh to perform and investiga­
there is a danger of overspeed. This risk is minimised tions by the C E G B into these and other methods of
by a protection interlock which ensures that the power measurement have not proved rewarding. It was decided
output from the machine is reduced to a low level therefore, that low power to the turbine could be mea­
before the generator circuit-breaker is opened. The sured by the electrical power output from the gen­
method relies on the fact that an overspeed cannot erator, using a sensitive low forward power relay. The
occur provided that the output from the generator contacts of this relay are in series with the Category Β
is absorbed by the grid. If the generator remains syn­ trip relay contact. The unit can only be tripped from
chronised until such time as the steam flow to the Category Β protection systems when the contacts on
turbine has reached a safe level, then the danger of the low forward power relay close to indicate a power
excessive overspeed is removed. condhion less than 0 . 7 % from the generator to the
In fact, the same argument could be used for the system.
majority of the mechanical protection systems on the
turbine. Loss of lubricating oil pressure is no more
5.6.2 S e t t i n g of t h e l o w f o r w a r d p o w e r relay
likely to cause water carryover or valve distortion
than, say, a trip from a relay detecting an overcurrent A figure of 0 . 7 % forward power was chosen as the
condition. The decision was made that ah protection setting point since, from curves prepared by the C E G B
systems which could tolerate a few seconds delay (until (Fig 11.12), h can be seen that the maximum allow­
the turbine input power reached a low level), would able overspeed of 2 5 % (guaranteed tested figure) is
be routed through an interlock which measures the produced when the steam input exceeds the total ma­
power delivered to the turbine and prevents the open­ chine losses by 0 . 7 % at synchronous speed, and this
ing of the generator circuit-breaker if this power is sets the upper limit of operation of the relay. A low
too high. forward power relay was chosen as hs contacts are
A scheme was developed incorporating this inter­ closed while the generator is being run-up and synchro­
lock which categorised the various boiler/turbine-gen­ nised, thus permitting the protection to be in service.
erator protective systems as fohows: Further, a small steam leak occurring when the steam

Protection C h a p t e r 11






1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.8

SPEED RATIO, p.u. SPEED 3000 r/mIn = 1.0

FIG. 11.12 Low forward power relay setting point for 60, 100 and 660 MW units

valve has nominally closed could be sufficient to cancel proportional to the three-phase power, is fed to the
the motoring power, leaving the machine to float or trigger which has an adjustable setting. Load selection
run generating at low power, which is why a reverse is by means of the m a x / m i n switch located immediately
power relay would not operate and is not suitable. after the trigger device.
The operating limits chosen are 0 . 2 % to 0 . 7 % forward Blocking gates are provided to inhibit relay operation
power. if:
Senshive low forward power relays, such as the
• The power supply is too low.
Brown-Boveri type P P X 110/111, have been specifi­
cally designed and approved for this purpose. Power • The relay is blocked externally.
measurement is by three-phase power measurement at
rated voltage. The principle of operation is explained
For relay type P P X l l O the operating signal passes
with the aid of a block diagram (Fig 11.13). The voltage
via the timing element a n d , if required, via bridg­
and current transformers of the generator are connected
ing link (2) to an auxiliary relay. A second parallel
to the interposing transformers A or B, respectively.
route for the signal is via an inverter to the output
These transform the input values to the necessary level
for the relay electronics. The current signal is converted
O n the type P P X l l O relay, tripping can be delayed
into a squared voltage signal and during the negative
by 0 . 5 - 5 s and indicated by an L E D ; the setting nor­
half-cycles it is switched to the low pass filter by means
mally chosen is 2 s. The auxiliary relay can be applied
of the field-effect transistor switch. This determines
to supervise the 15 V stabihsed power supply by clos­
the linear average value and generates a D C voltage
ing the bridging link (3).
proportional to the active power. The phase correction
network serves to compensate the phase angle errors Two timing elements are supplied with the type
of the measurement transformers. For three-phase con­ P P X l l l relay, one delays the operating signal by 0 . 5 -
nection the changeover switch on the summing ampli­ 5 s and the other by 5 - 5 0 s.
fier must be set in position 3 W M , and for two-phase The following protective devices operate through the
connection (2 wattmeter method) in position 2 W M . low forward power relay:
The summing amplifier adds the voltages propor­ • All turbine trips, except the low vacuum electrical
tional to the phase loads. The voltage at hs output. trip of the trip valves.

Turbine protection
ii |A|
ujO-p u j P T
P 5 5
_ t _
(Γ ζ CC
üJüO wüO
ill Ü-DCUJ
ü o
< CD
Protection C h a p t e r 11

• All generator mechanical trips, plus the generator refurbishment of the hardware and the application of
electrical trips, which are described in Section 6 of sophisticated veto facilities. This was considered in­
this chapter. appropriate and expensive and therefore the discon­
tinuation of the application of low steam pressure
deloading and trip equipment on high pressure fossil-
5.7 LP exhaust steam temperature high fired plant was recommended on all 500 M W and 660
If the vacuum is low and the spraywater system is being M W u n h s , the main grid supporting stations.
used to keep the turbine blades cool, a measurement This change in protection philosophy left the turbine
of exhaust steam temperature is an indication of the at risk to water carryover in the event of a total loss
failure of the spraywater system. This is not always of boiler firing. It is now standard practice on all the
a u n h trip and depends on the turbine manufacturer. 660 M W u n h s at conventional power stations to design
The spraywater system has its own protection; if it on the basis of the operators taking corrective action,
fails, the turbine is tripped and this will trip the u n h which must be done within 1 minute. T o facilitate
through low hydraulic fluid pressure. this, the fohowing features are provided:

• A suitable alarm is initiated from a total loss of

5.8 Loss of electric governor
• The status of the flames in the furnace is displayed.
The latest turbines are fitted with electronic governors
employing a redundancy system of electrical control • The pertinent steam pressures and temperatures are
channels in order to provide adequate security. As displayed.
a final protection, in the event of fahure of a suffi­ • A n emergency trip pushbutton is provided.
ciently large number of channels to invalidate the re­
dundancy system, or of any other failure which renders All the above facilities are mounted on the appropriate
the governor inoperative, a signal will be given to trip unit control panel/desk within a single viewing angle.
the u n h via the low forward power interlock relay. Nuclear power stations, w h h once-through boilers,
have a short time constant for the passage of steam
from the boiler to turbine, and there is insufficient
5.9 Low steam inlet temperature and time for the operator to be sure of preventing water
pressure carryover to the turbine for abnormal boiler condi­
Consideration of an incident in 1960, where a turbine tions, as in conventional stations. There was therefore
oversped out of control, suggested that a loss of firing no alternative but to provide an automatic trip by the
occurred and the feedwater regulation system was un­ inferred measurement of steam saturation from read­
able to cope with the transient. The result was water ings of steam temperature and pressure.
carryover that caused the turbine to overspeed. In that
combination of circumstances, it was reasonable to
contend that the major fault was a loss of firing and 6 Generator protection
that the best available indication of this condition was
The protection arrangements for the generator neces­
low steam inlet pressure at the turbine. An unloading
sarily include the main connections and transformer
system had been evolved in 1954 for apphcation to
windings connected at the generator terminal voltage.
60 M W and higher rated turbine-generators. The prin­
The generator transformer protection arrangements will
ciple was to commence deloading at 90% of normal
overlap with generator protection, especially where the
operating pressure and to reduce the load to 10% M C R
generator is directly connected to its transformer. The
by the time pressure had fallen to 8 5 % of normal.
Hence the unloading gear offered reasonable protec­ generator protective systems are hsted on Fig 11.35.
tion against water carryover, since the most probable
cause of carryover was the combination of feedwater
6.1 Stator earth faults (low impedance
regulation or partial firing. Later, in 1969, a form
of tripping from low steam inlet pressure was recom­ earthing)
mended. However, due to the low reliability of the Prior to 1950, estabhshed practice was to earth the
system, which caused a number of spurious trips, the generator star point using a vohage transformer, the
equipment was taken out of service in the mid-1970s. secondary of which generally operated an alarm. Fol­
The principle of low steam inlet pressure protection, lowing a number of serious breakdowns in the gen­
whilst being acceptable when the grid was supported erator windings during 1950 and 1951, this practice
by a large number of small units which operated at fixed was discontinued and replaced by low resistance earth­
pressure in the 7 0 % to 100% M C R range, was not ing using a hquid earthing resistor. The aim was to
suitable for newer modes of operation, which included limit the fauh current to 300 A for all sizes of gen­
shding pressure operation. T o continue whh hs ap­ erators. The time rating of the resistor was 30 seconds,
plication therefore required an updating of the design. although 10 seconds was ahowed if difficulty in ac-
Generator protection

commodation made this necessary. This pohcy was resistance, which limited the m a x i m u m earth fault cur­
fohowed for ah machines including 500 M W . rent with nominal terminal voltage at each earthing
The earth fauh protection using this method of point to 10 A , was subsequently introduced.
earthing, consisted of two series-connected relays (Fig
11.14) supplied from a single 300 A current transformer
in the generator neutral connection. The first of these 6.2 Stator earth faults (high resistance
relays is an instantaneous type and the second has earthing)
an inverse time characteristic. Following a desire to keep the core burning effects
The factors affecting the choice of the relay char­ of earth faults to a m i n i m u m , methods of earthing
acteristics and settings are described in the following through a higher impedance have been introduced.
paragraphs. The C E G B initially assessed two systems of earthing
The zero sequence voltage for a fault on the trans­ which limited the fauh current to 2 - 3 A and 10-15 A
mission system is in the region of 50 to 60 kV and respectively. The factors under consideration were that
the maximum surge vohage is limhed to approximately whilst the resistance in the generator neutral requires
1100 kV by the setting of the co-ordinating gaps. In to be as high as possible, h must not be so high as to
the normal way, earth fault protection on the gen­ give rise to excessive overvoltages caused by neutral
erator should not detect these voltages as the LV displacement.
winding is delta connected. However, the interwinding The displacement of the neutral in relation to the
and winding to earth capacitances form a potential vohage of the line terminals due to abnormal sys­
divider with the generator neutral earthing system and tem conditions, other than short-circuits, is known as
a small part of the zero sequence voltage and the surge neutral inversion. Consider a set of impedances star
voltage wih appear on the LV side. With a relay setting connected to the neutral N , Fig 11.15 (a). Then, if the
of 5 % of the nominal earth fauh current, chosen to sum of the phase voltages to Ν is zero, Ν is defined
protect as much of the winding as possible without the as the geometric centre. In the general case, where the
danger of malfunction from standing capacitance cur­ neutral Ν is not directly earthed, if an unbalance of
rents on the LV side, there is a danger that operation the phase to neutral impedances occurs, then a vohage
from zero sequence voltages could occur if the relay was will appear between neutral and true earth. Considering
instantaneous. Fig 11.15 (b); let Ρ be at the geometric centre, i.e.,
At this level of earth fauh current (15 A), h was the voltages to it Ea, Eb, Ec, sum to zero. Let the star
necessary for the protection to be time-delayed to admittances to the neutral point Ν be Ya, Yb and Υς.
grade with the protection on the HV side of the gen­ Then if Ν is an isolated neutral, the sum of the
erator transformer. The 10% setting (30 A) was above currents entering Ν is zero. Let D be the voltage
the calculated transmhted voltages appearing across between Ρ and Ν
the earthing system and therefore was made instan­
taneous. So two relays were provided, one set at 5 % la = (Ea - D) Ya
with an inverse time characteristic and one set at 10% lb = (Eb - D) Yb
with an instantaneous operating time.
Ic = (Ec - D) Yc
Core burning with levels of earth fault current u p
to 300 A is inevitable, despite instantaneous tripping, Since la + lb + Ic = 0 then
so an ahernative form of earthing consisting of high
EaYa + EbYb + EcYc = D(Ya + Yb + Yc) (H-l)
MAIN From this, if Ya = Yb = Yc, (Ea + Eb + Ec) = 3D
and, since Ea + Eb + Ec = 0, then D = 0, Ν
coincides with Ρ and, if Ρ is an earth point, then Ν is
also at earthed potential.
EARTH FAULT Now if the 'a' phase is open-circuit so that its ad­
mittance to Ν is zero, (Xa = and Ya = 0) and if
Yb = Yc, then from Equation (11.1) D = i - E a and,
on a balanced system of voltages, Ν has moved to N '
(Fig 11.15 (b)). Thus the voltage between Ν and earth
= Τ a. If the three-phase system becomes unbalanced,
with the 'a' phase purely capacitative and *bV*c' phases
capacitative and inductive then
RESISTOR Ya = j ω C , Yb = l/j(ωL - l/ωC) = - jωC/(ω2LC-1).

Then, from Equation (11.1) D = Ea ( ω 2 L C ) / ( ω 2 L C - 3)

FIG. 11.14 Low resistance earthing and Ν moves along A B depending on the value of ω^Ι,Ο

Protection Chapter 11

and the vohage between Ρ and Ν can be very large

if ω^LC approaches 3 in magnitude, i.e., series re­
sonance occurs and Ν moves to infinity.
As far as the generator and hs earthing system is
concerned, the latter condition is unhkely but it does
demonstrate that excessive overvoitages can occur if
a- PHASE IS OPEN the phase to neutral impedances become unbalanced
when the neutral is not grounded.
Excessive overvoitages can also be caused by arcing
ground faults on an unearthed generator system result­
ing from cyclically recurrent earth faults in the manner
(a) & (b) Neutral inversion
described below. When the earth first occurs, the neu­
tral will oscillate sinusoidally at system frequency. In
the worst case, if the arc is extinguished when the neu­
tral is at phase to neutral voltage, the trapped charge
in the system capacitance will hold the neutral at this

peak vohage so that the fauhed phase vohage wih now
oscillate from ground potential to twice the phase to
neutral vohage. Should the arc restrike when the phase

/ voltage is at a maximum then it is brought down to

ground potential and the voltage on the neutral be­

w /N

comes phase to neutral voltage. The neutral then oscil­
lates sinusoidally at system frequency as before. This
condition is reached through an oscillation whose
magnitude is controlled by the circuit damping and an
oscillation frequency based on the natural frequency
of the system. This is shown in Fig 11.15 (c).
Work carried out in the U S A shows that the critical
damping which will reduce these excessive overvoitages
u l-
to a minimum is when the value of the earthing resis­
tor R = 1/3 the per phase generator capacitance to
ground (Fig 11.15 (d)).
The value of R for critical damping on the C E G B
generator voltage system is such as to limit the current
(c) Overvoitages due to fault current cessation at system frequency zeros
on a system with the neutral insulated. to 2 to 3 A .
However, experience has shown that resistance earth­
ing of the neutral point which restricts the earth fault
current to not less than 5 A , provides an effective earth
anchor under all operating conditions and avoids the
two conditions described.
I 320- A practical resistance, designed for direct connec­
tion to meet these crheria, would be both unwieldy
κ 280-
and costly, since the resistance would have to be about
1300 Ω and the design such as to ensure against me­
^ 240-
Σ chanical failure. Use is therefore made of a matching
O 200 Η transformer with a suitable turns ratio, chosen to per­
160- mit a robust heavy current low-valued resistor to be
> 120· connected to the low vohage winding having a value,
i when viewed from the high voltage side, equal to that
w 80-
required for direct connection.
The choice of such high values and the use of a
transformer introduces certain other technical problems,
—ι 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1 8 2.0 apart from those arising from overvoitages mentioned
kW DISSIPATION OF R previously, and the choice of transformer and relay
(d) Damping effect of NER on generator overvoitages
connections is influenced by other considerations. These
are as fohows:

FIG. 11.15 Overvoitages on high resistance neutral due • The working flux density of the transformer has
to neutral inversion and arcing ground fauks to be chosen to ensure that under maximum vohage

Generator protection

conditions across the primary (maximum field-forc­ • With the relay setting sensitivity being such as to
ing of the generator on open-circuit), the core iron detect 0.5 A ( 5 % of 10 A) in the generator neutral,
is weh below its knee point. This is to prevent the the effect of harmonic generated voltage, acting
possibihty of ferro-resonance w h h the generator through the machine capacitance to earth and the
capacitances causing overvoltages on the generator neutral resistor in series, has to be taken into con­
system under fault conditions. Ferro-resonance is a sideration in the relay design. Both earth fault re­
condition where the transformer exciting impedance lays are tuned to 50 H z to eliminate these third
forms a resonant circuit w h h the supply system harmonic currents.
capacitance. The resonant frequency is usually sub­
normal. If the neutral is displaced as described T o avoid the problems introduced by designing for
previously, it could drive the transformer into sat­ low neutral currents, it is present practice to design
uration, the transformer could then resonate with for neutral currents of 1 0 - 1 5 A . This has been done on
the system capacitance. If the frequency passes all 660 M W sets. The practice of designing for 2 - 3 A
through a third sub-harmonic, the oscihation could, used in t h e p a s t , led t o p r o b l e m s in locating
by absorbing energy from the system, be maintained earth faults which caused the operation of protection
indefinitely. Allowing for an open-circuit overvoltage circuhs. A description of the design of the matching
of the generator of 140%, the flux density at this transformer and the current hmiting resistance is given
voltage is arranged to be between one-half and two- in Chapter 3.
thirds of that at the knee point. The earth fault protection using resistance earth­
ing through a distribution transformer is shown in
• The X : R ratio due to leakage reactance of the
Fig 11.16. T w o methods of protection are used. One
transformer and the combined resistance of the
(relay R l ) is C T operated and the other (relay R2)
transformer winding and earthing resistor should be
VT operated. In both methods of protection, the relay
less than 2. This requirement keeps the power factor
used is the same and comprises an induction disc with
of an arcing ground fault as high as is practical in
an adjustable inverse t i m e / v o h a g e characteristic (Fig
the interests of keeping restriking transients down.
11.17). The coh circuit is tuned for system frequency
• The impedance to earth of the neutral point of the by a series-connected reactor and capacitor. These
generator should not be so high as to allow the components are energised from a tapped auto-trans­
effects of voltage unbalance produced on the H V former which provides the adjustment of the relay
side of the generator transformer by system earth vohage. At vohages above the setting, the reactor sat­
faults, to transmit voltages on to the neutral earthing urates and detunes the circuit, giving the relay a high
resistor via the transformer interwinding capacitance continuous voltage rating.
and thereby to cause unwanted operation of the Tuned w o u n d shading coils are fitted so that the
stator earth fault protection. relay develops maximum torque at the system frequency




FIG. 1 1 . 1 6 Generator neutral earthing by distribution transformer

Protection Chapter 11

Tc current transformer turns ratio

TRIP CCT. SUPPLY le current transformer magnetising current
Isr relay current at setting
ALARM TRIP Vr relay setting voltage
relay impedance at setting
Required fault setting = (IfTv)(5/100)
relay circuh current I = If (0.05 x Tv)/Tc
Tc (le + Isr + Vr/Zr) = If (0.05 X Tv)

The knee point voltage Vk must be greater than that

required to drive current through the secondary cir­
cuh impedance for maximum earth fauh conditions,
therefore Vk must not be less than 1.4 IfTv/Tc(Rc +
Ret + Rw)V

where Ret = resistance of the current transformer

Rw = resistance of the wiring to the relay
Rr = resistance of the relay
Rs = resistance of the setting resistor
Re = RrRs/(Rr + Rs)

The rated primary current A i (not turns ratio) must

DISC UNIT be equal to 1.4TvTf.
The calculation becomes very involved unless some
FIG. 11.17 Earth fault protection relay values are now given to the C T ratio and the setting
vohage on the relay. F r o m experience, the C T ratio
and is much less sensitive to third harmonic frequency. is chosen as 300/1 and the voltage setting on the relay
A setting range of 5 . 4 - 2 0 V is provided (the third 5.4 V (minimum). The maximum voltage across the
harmonic setting is at least 20 times higher). Where relay is specified not to exceed 120 V. The other con­
the relay is CT-operated, a setting resistor is used in sideration is to maintain the voltage characteristic of
parallel with the relay as shown in Fig 11.16. Where the relay, i.e., the vohage across the relay proportional
the relay is directly measuring the voltage across the to fault current. So the resistor current needs to be
earthing resistor (also shown in Fig 11.16), an inter­ large compared with the magnetising current of the
posing voltage transformer is used to hmit the maxi­ C T at the maximum fault current. The matching trans­
m u m voltage across the relay under the worst fauh former ratio is 66 : 1 (33 k V / 0 . 5 kV) so, with a nominal
conditions to less than its continuous voltage, and 10 A earthing current, the setting current is 33 A (5%
to enable a setting of the protection to be 5% of X 660). With the minimum voltage setting on the
the maximum earth fault current on open-circuit and relay of 5.4 V, the setting resistor value Rs = 5.4
nominal generator terminal volts. In order to help (300/33) = 49 Ω.
clarify the protective arrangement the following shows The maximum continuous fault current through the
the process adopted to arrive at this 5% earth fault setting resistor, assuming a maximum open-circuit voh­
setting of each protective system. age from the generator of 1.5 times nominal voltage
Many C E G B power stations have the earthing system and a fault just less than 5% from the generator neu­
designed for a continuous rating. This is because the tral, wih be (1.5 X 33/300) A , so the continuous rating
stator earth fault protection was routed through the of Rs has to be not less than (1.5 x 33/300)^ χ 49
low forward power relay interlock and therefore could = 1.33 W .
be maintained for the operator to clear the low forward
power condition. However, in light of experience where
6.2.2 Matching transformer
an earth fault developed into a phase-to-phase fault
before the protection tripped the HV circuit-breaker, The short time rating is 15 A for 3 s, based on a 1 s
the stator earth fault protection is now a direct trip. operating time of the protection at the maximum fault
The matching transformer was therefore made much (15 A) and 45 A for 1 s for a short-circuh of the
larger than it needed to be. loading resistor. The continuous rating is 0.5 A , based
on a fault current just below the protection setting.
Where a generator voltage circuit-breaker is used,
6.2.1 Current transformer requirements for
the same arrangement is used on the neutral connection
p r o t e c t i o n using relay R l of the earthing transformer (Fig 11.18). The earthing
Let If = earth fault current at nominal voltage transformer provides an earth for the connections and
Tv = matching transformer turns ratio transformers windings at the generator voltage when

Generator protection



FIG. 1 1 . 1 8 Neutral earthing of a generator system with a generator voltage circuit-breaker

the generator vohage circuit-breaker is open. This ential protection. In order to hmit the possibility of
protection is time delayed to grade with the generator an earth fault on the neutral connection, which effec­
stator earth fault protection which trips only the tively shorts out the earth fauh protection, the earthing
generator vohage circuit-breaker. If the fault current transformer is mounted very close to the generator
continues to flow in the earthing transformer neutral, neutral connection and additional protection is pro­
this protection trips the H V circuit-breaker and the vided from a current transformer mounted in the gen­
unit transformer LV circuit-breakers to isolate the erator neutral connection operating into an instan­
fault, resulting in a loss of supply to the unit auxiliaries. taneous relay (R3 on Fig 11.16). The protection is set
If the fauh current ceases to flow in the earthing to detect fault currents in excess of 25 A . The earthing
transformer neutral, indicating a generator stator earth transformer system for earthing on the generator trans­
fault, then the supplies to the unit auxiliaries are main­ former side of the generator voltage circuit-breaker
tained. This is very important at nuclear power stations (required only when a generator voltage circuit-breaker
where h is essential to maintain grid supphes to the or switch disconnector is used) has the matching
essential auxiliaries without the need to run auxiliary transformer under oil in the same t a n k , so reducing the
generation. possibihty of short-circuhing the protection and thus
In order to keep costs down, however, the generator the additional protection of an instantaneous relay in
voltage circuit-breaker used on earher nuclear stations the neutral is not provided.
was replaced by a generator voltage switch discon­
nector, so that grading could not then be obtained
and both generator earth fault systems tripped the 6.3 Stator phase to phase faults
generator by opening the H V circuit-breaker without Phase to phase faults clear of earth are less c o m m o n
a time delay. t h a n phase to earth, but earth faults can develop into
If the primary or secondary of the matching trans­ phase to phase fauhs. They may occur on the end
former becomes short-circuited, the earth fauh pro­ portion of the stator cohs or in the slots, if the wind­
tection of the generator is lost. The fault would then ing involves two coil sides of different phases in the
be detected by stator differential protection (see Section same slot. If the latter, the fault will involve earth
6.3 of this chapter) if provided. The overall protection in a very short time and will be cleared by the earth
of the generator and its step-up transformer is insensi­ fauh protection but only after a time delay, due to
tive to earth faults, so that at conventional stations the inverse character of the relay. Fast protection
where stator differential is not provided, an earth fault against phase to phase fauhs is achieved using the
would go undetected. Even at nuclear power stations circulating current principle, with either a differential
utilising isolation at generator voltage, approximately protection system, using biased relays, or a differential
10% of the winding would be unprotected, the actual system of protection using high impedance relays. The
amount depending on the setting of the stator differ­ method adopted depends upon the plant included in

Protection Chapter 11

the protection zone, a biased relay if across the gen­ The out of balance currents and current transformer
erator and generator transformer, or a high impedance mismatch currents are not large enough to overcome
relay circuit if across the generator only. Before ex­ the D C bias M M F (Fig 11.21), so that the flux change
plaining the C E G B philosophy on the choice of zones is small. For internal fauhs, the operating M M F pro­
of protection, an explanation is required of the prin­ duced by the much greater current involved (about 20
ciples of these two protective schemes. times) exceeds the bias M M F , resulting in a large change
Both protective systems employ current transformers in working flux in the output coil to the relay. Hence
on both sides of the protected plant. The C T ratios the minimum operating current of the relay depends
are chosen such that the current flows only in the se­ on the bias current. This produces a characteristic for
condary windings of the current transformers and not the relay as shown in Fig 11.22. It can be seen that,
in the relay operating coil circuits under load or through for fauhs near t o the neutral of the transformer which
fault conditions. Under internal fault conditions, the have only a small effect on the bias current, the relay
secondary equivalent of the fault current flows in the is very insensitive. Further, the higher the bias setting
relay operating circuits. However, when the generator the more insensitive the relay becomes. The current
and generator transformer are included in the protected transformer ratios are therefore chosen to match the
zone, the following complications are introduced: middle of the tapping range rather than the nominal
tap, which is nearer to one end of the winding. For
• On energisation, the magnetising current surge pro­
example, with a ± 10% tapping range, the relay is set
duces an out of balance current in the relay op­
to cover a deviation of 1 0 % .
erating coils.
A factor of 2 is applied to ensure stabihty under
• All generator transformers are equipped with tap­ through-fault conditions, i.e., 2 0 % bias. The operating
changers, and the transformation ratio can only be current setting, i.e., n o bias current, is fixed at 2 0 % .
matched at one tap position. Thus, at other tap This gives an actual setting of 5 0 % with full-load bias
positions, out of balance currents flow in the relay current. Note that halving the operating current setting
operating coils making it difficult to obtain a low to 10% reduces the actual setting with full-load bias
setting. current to only 4 0 % , so that a setting lower than 2 0 %
• Differences in the design characteristics of the CTs is not chosen.
on the high and low voltage sides are often un­ The setting leaves the b o t t o m end of the winding
avoidable. unprotected, so that additional earth fault protection
is provided to cover this part of the winding. This is
The effect of magnetising inrush current is ehminated also necessary for faults higher up the winding if the
by means of a harmonic bias unit which selects the neutral of the transformer is earthed through an earth­
second harmonic component of this current and uses ing resistor which restricts the earth fault current to less
it to restrain the relay during the surge period. The out than full-load current.
of balance currents caused by off-nominal tap posi­ A further consideration in earth fault sensitivity is
tions and the differences in C T design characteristics that the majority of power station power transformers
are overcome by the use of bias windings in the relay. are s t a r / d e h a connected or star/star with one star point
Figure 11.19 shows a typical magnetising current surge. unearthed. Typical connections are shown in Fig 11.23.
The waveform indicates a predominance of second If the star point of the biased differential relay is
harmonic. Figure 11.20 shows a relay using a trans­ connected t o the star point of the interposing current
ductor (Reyrolle 4C21). The harmonic bias u n h is a transformer, there is a mismatch of the zero sequence
simple tuned circuit which responds to the second currents under through earth fault conditions. The
harmonic component of the magnetising current. The relay acts as a shunt path t o the tertiary winding of
rectified output of BR2 is injected into the transductor the interposing C T . It is C E G B practice, therefore, to
input biased winding and restrains the relay. eliminate the zero sequence currents from the relay
circuit by leaving the star point of the relay operating
coils unearthed.
Figure 11.24 shows the arrangements for the gen­
erator and the unit transformer when the generator
has a means of disconnection at generator voltage. The
C T knee point requirements for restricted earth fault

protection and biased differential are the same, so the
two protection systems are combined on the same set
of current transformers.
The earth fault protection is designed on the same
basis as all differential protection, using a high im­
pedance relay circuit. The basic principle of the pro­
FIG. 11.19 Typical transformer magnetising current tection is that it should be stable for the heaviest
waveform through fault and that the worst condition for this is

Generator protection







FIG. 11.20 Transformer biased differential relay

if one C T of a balancing pair saturates and the other where Ips = m2iximum secondary through fault current
one does not. This gives the maximum voltage appear­ Vs = relay setting voltage.
ing across the relay circuit.
The principles adopted are as follows:
This is the simple case and is the basis of the cal­
(a) The relay circuit is of such high impedance that culation when applying high impedance differential
h can be set above the maximum voltage that can protection to the generator. The generator transformer
occur for through fault currents for which the protection is more comphcated when biased differential
protection should be stable. protection and earth fault protection are combined on
the same current transformer and reference now is
(b) The knee point voltage of the CTs must be twice again m a d e to Fig 1 1 . 2 3 . The comphcations are that
the setting voltage. apart from the resistances of the primary circuit con­
taining the restricted earth fauh relay, there are also
In considering (a), the worst case is where one C T in a the reflected impedances of the overall differential
balancing circuh saturates. It is assumed that this C T relay circuit.
then produces no output and presents its resistive If we consider first of all the earth fault at X in
burden only. Referring to Fig 1 1 . 2 5 , Vs must be red phase Fig 1 1 . 2 3 , the secondary earth fault current
greater than Ips ( R A + R c ) or Ips ( R B + R D ) , in the primary of the interposing CTs will produce

Protection Chapter 11



FIG. 1 1 . 2 1 Biased differential relay operation

The fauh setting is (Is + 3 I i + I 2 ) / T i

where Is = relay current at Vs vohs

11 = magnetising current of line CT at Vs volts
12 = magnetising current of C T in the trans­
former neutral

In order to achieve a low setting on a transformer

with a tapchanger, biased differential protection with
a low impedance operating coil is required. If the
protective zone contains the generator only, then the
differential protection using a high impedance operat­
ing coil circuit is required giving a lower setting for
4 6 8 10 12 14 the protection, fast operating times and a high degree
of stability. There is therefore a case for two protec­
tion zones, one across the generator and one across
FIG. 1 1 . 2 2 Biased differential relay operating the transformer, since one zone covering both must
characteristics always be a compromise.
Where a generator is directly connected to the LV
currents in red and yellow of the overall biased differen­ side of the generator transformer, as has been the
tial relay, as shown. Now assuming the voltage across practice for all fossh-fired power stations to date, any
the operating coils (Ro) of the biased differential relay fault inside the zone must open the high voltage circuit-
is zero, the resistance of the loop is breaker. The protection of the stator against phase
fauhs is therefore included in the generator transformer
(A + Β + F + G) + (H + 2K 4- Rb) [ T 2 / T 3 ] ^ = R, biased differential protection using a biased relay, and
a separate zone of protection for stator winding phase
where the second term is the resistance of the circuit faults is not provided, i.e., one zone only. Nothing
across the secondary of the interposing transformers would be gained from an operational point of view
referred to the primary winding. by detecting whether the fault is in the generator or in
the transformer. Further, ah protection CTs can be
Vs must be > I p / T i χ R for the line CT saturated mounted on the generator neutral connections, which
or > I p / T i X Ν for the neutral CT saturated from a practical point of view is an advantage. Refer­
whichever is the greater. ence to Fig 11.26 shows the arrangement.

Generator protection









FIG. 11.23 Overall biased differential protection circuit

Without the fast differential protection on the gen­ A typical directional relay consists of a voltage polaris­
erator and connections, additional protection is re­ ing u n h and an ordinary overcurrent u n h .
quired to provide fast clearance of generator faults, or The directional element relay (Fig 11.27) operates
fauhs on the connections to the transformers. Winding o n the induction wattmeter principle and consists es­
faults start as earth faults and are generally cleared by sentially of an aluminium sector mounted on a vertical
earth fault protection. The C E G B provides additional spindle and arranged to rotate in the airgap between
fast phase-fauh protection by means of a high set magnetic fields derived from line current and vohage
instantaneous relay on the H V side of the generator transformers. Under healthy system conditions, the
step-up transformer. Protection using an instantaneous torque produced on the relay restrains operation. On
relay is more fully explained under H V and LV connec­ current reversal, here a fauh on the generator, the
tions protection, but the principle is to obtain a setting torque reverses and causes the moving sector to close
for an instantaneous relay which is stable for system contacts in the shading coil of the inverse time over-
(400 kV) fauhs but is senshive enough to detect gen­ current unit. This ahows settings lower t h a n normal
erator terminal fauhs. generator load currents to be set on the relay and
Where a generator voltage circuit-breaker is pro­ restricts operation to faults on the generator permh-
vided at the generator voltage level, as at some nuclear ting fast back-up protection for generator phase to
stations and at Dinorwig pumped-storage station, a phase faults, which can be cleared by opening the
fault on the generator detected by the protection as generator voltage circuit-breaker. By positioning the
being on the generator can be cleared by opening that CTs in the generator voltage circuit-breaker on the
generator voltage circuit-breaker, thus maintaining es­ generator side, faults can be cleared from the system by
sential supplies to the unit auxiharies via the generator opening the generator voltage circuit-breaker only. A
transformer and unit transformer. Furthermore, ac­ direct (Category A) trip of the generator and turbine
commodation for the current transformers can be p r o ­ is also initiated.
vided in the generator voltage circuit-breaker. A two The protection used for the connections from the
zone differential protection scheme is therefore used. generator vohage circuh-breaker to the generator trans­
Back-up protection for stator winding phase faults former is described in the Section 9 of this chapter,
is provided by means of a directional overcurrent relay. on the protection of H V and LV connections.

Protection Chapter 11



t3b idb dtt



FiG. 11.24 Overall unit differential protection scheme with generator vohage switch

FIG. 11.25 Generator phase and earth fauh protection

Generator protection


FIG. 11.26 Overall unit differential protection scheme without generator voltage switch

the standard H V test (this apphes particularly to

the overhang portion of the winding).

• Winding vibration/movement under fault and nor­

mal load cychng conditions, coupled with the asso­
ciated loosening of electrical connections.

• Moisture, due to stator conductor coohng water


leakage into the gas system.

• Moisture due to insufficient dry-out of the generator

V» vA A/ A ν » C.J.
when placing it in initial service, or after a pro­
CONTACTS longed outage when the stator has been degassed for

• Complete or local loss of stator conductor cooling

water during test or fauh conditions.
I ^_ _J
• Contamination of the stator winding coohng circuit.
The present protection arrangement relies on the inter­
turn fault developing into a fault capable of being
detected by one of the protective systems described.
Evidence shows that it can take several seconds for
an interturn fault to develop into either a phase to
phase or phase to earth fault, by which time severe
stator damage can occur. Protection which detected
the shorted turn condition could avoid much of the
FIG. 11.27 Directional element relay for phase fault damage by earlier tripping of the machine.
protection Several systems for the detection of such faults have
been, and are being, considered by the C E G B . One,
6.4 Stator turn to turn faults called *spht phase protection', utilises the fact that each
stator winding consists of two parahel windings and
Turn to turn winding faults may start from the follow­
detects turn to turn fauhs by measuring any difference
ing causes:
in the current in the two windings. This protection
• The use of faulty material or damage caused during is not yet recommended as a trip function, due to
manufacture, which may not have been detected by the difficulty in arriving at a setting that is stable for

Protection C h a p t e r 11

system faults but sensitive enough to detect a turn to

turn fault. At present, a prototype is in service but on
'alarm' only.

6.5 Negative phase sequence

Negative phase sequence (NPS) currents in the gen­
erator stator are caused by unbalanced loading or un­
balanced faults. Unbalanced loading is usually caused
by an open-circuit of one phase at some point in the
system external to the generator and may persist for -MW (MOTOR) p.u.

sufficient time to cause dangerous overheating of the 0.20

generator rotor.
With the increase in size of units, the allowable
time for the negative phase sequence currents to flow
in the generator without damage has diminished. For 2,0 1 63 1 5 10
this reason, the negative phase sequence protection
FIG. 11.28 Basic performance diagram
must trip the unit directly (Category A ) . This protec­
tion is duplicated, one relay connected into each trip­
ping system. A sensitive negative phase sequence alarm flux is used in producing real power (MW) and the
with continuous remote indication is also provided to rotor current is supphed from the stator by transformer
warn the operator of increase in N P S level in the action. If, for example, 94000 ampere-turns are nor­
generators. mally needed to maintain full output (60 M W gen­
erator), then, if the field swhch is open, the rotor is
reduced to one effective turn, i.e., axially down one
6.6 Loss of generator excitation side and back up the other. The current required is
Failure of the excitation system results in the genera­ then 94 000 A . Further, in order to produce the voltage
tor losing synchronism and operating as an induction required to drive this current through the rotor iron
generator, drawing its excitation from the system. and end bells,the rotor has to be driven asynchronously
Before proceeding further to describe the form of at a speed above nominal, i.e., higher than 3000 r / m i n
protection, a discussion on the mechanism of *asynchro- for a two pole machine, and it behaves as an induction
nous' running and operation as an induction generator generator. The currents flow in the surface of the
is required. There are several words associated with rotor due to skin effect, concentrating in the outer
engineering which have a prefix a such as asymmetrical, centimetre or so. It can be seen therefore that as far
astatic, etc., in which the a in front of the stem word as the rotor is concerned, the situation is eased if the
can mean either *not' or 'other than'. 'Asynchronous' turbine is tripped, since the power output drops from
means 'other than synchronous' and, as apphed to any the loaded condition to that required to overcome the
rotating A C electrical machine, means non-synchronous losses in the generator and turbine. The generator then
operation. Asynchronous operation as applied to a behaves hke an induction m o t o r on hght load. The
turbine-generator, however, is confined to describing current required reduces to a level that can be tolerated
its operation out of synchronism but with the rotor as a continuous operation as far as the machine is
winding unexcited. It is technically asynchronous when concerned. However, MVArs are still drawn from the
pole shpping, but the term 'pole shpping' is reserved system (rated M V A / X d ) , resulting in an unacceptable
in Britain for simple running out of synchronism with drop in vohage to the auxiliary system if allowed to
the rotor winding excited. Pole slipping causes severe persist for any length of time.
voltage, power and reactive VA surges to take place In the past, protection provided for this type of
on the system whereas asynchronous operation, al­ fault was arranged to operate an alarm only. However,
though technically a pole slipping condition, is quite with the increased outputs and higher specific electrical
innocuous as far as the system is concerned. The effect loadings of modern generators, the time available to
on the transmission system is small but the voltage run under loss of synchronism conditions is much
depressions on the power station auxiliary system can reduced. This is primarily because of the aster rate of
be large enough to cause voltage instability of the in­ heating of the rotor surfaces, and consequently the
duction motor drives. increased risk of damage. Additionally, the generator
T o understand the mechanism of asynchronous run­ and unit transformer voltage is considerably reduced
ning, a reference to the steady state performance chart under loss of synchronism conditions. Depending on
(Fig 11.28), shows that under conditions of minimum system connection and loading condition, the voltage
excitation, the smallest current to support full load reduction could be sufficiently severe to cause opera­
M W is 1.63 p . u . (typical of a machine where Xa = tion of the undervoltage protective devices fitted to
2.0 p . u . ) . In this condition, the whole of the rotor boiler auxiliaries. Hence, it has been decided to arrange

Generator protection

for automatic tripping of the unit in the event of loss At balance, - lcos(0 - Θ) = K(V + I Z B ) sin φ
of excitation. or - lcos(0 - e)/Ksin φ = V -F I Z B
'Loss of generator excitation' protection is pro­
vided by an impedance measuring relay. The relay -cos(0-e)
giving, Ζ = — = - ZB
observes the change in impedance of the generator I Ksin0
from normal load condhions to that of total or partial
loss of excitation and is time delayed to avoid tripping where Ζ is the impedance the relay is measuring.
during recoverable transients.
The relay is basically a m h o type relay and the In the field failure relay, the polarising flux is made
theoretical circuh is shown in Fig 1 1 . 2 9 . A voltage to be in phase with the applied voltage by tuning the
I Z B is injected into the voltage circuit from the trans­ polarising coils to u n h y power factor and the flux in
actor and the polarising and restraint fluxes are dis­ the restraint coh to lag the voltage by 60° (φ = 60°).
placed by the tuning capachor C. The auto-transformer
adjusts the voltage applied to the restraining coil by Thus Ζ = - cos (Φ - 90) - ZB
a factor K. V3K
Referring to the loss of excitation phasor diagram = - Ki[cos<^ cos 90 H- smφ sin 90] - ZB,
shown on Fig 1 1 . 3 0 : where Ki = 2/V3K

The operating torque of the relay

= - Kisin0 - Z B

α Φροί Φορ sin [ ( 9 0 + (φ - θ ) ] and the relay characteristic plotted on an R-X diagram
α - (V + ΙΖΒ) Χ ICOS (φ - θ) is shown in Fig 1 1 . 3 1 .
It is not intended that this protection should pro­
The restraint torque vide cover for all possible pole shpping conditions but
oc Φροί Φres sin φ it must not operate under recoverable system swing
condhions. W h h the heating time constants involved,
oc + Κ (V -h I Z B ) 2 sin φ
a unit trip can be routed through the low forward power
interlock relay, although the C E G B now favours a
Hence the torque on the relay is direct trip.
oc - (V I Z B ) X Icos(</> - θ) A typical tripping system is shown in Fig 1 1 . 3 2 and
- K(V + I Z B ) 2 sin φ the operation is described as follows. Operation of the

COIL \ ^ CUP) f>




FIG. 1 1 . 2 9 Loss of generator excitation protection circuit

Protection Chapter 11

Φ =φροΙ AND φ res REACTANCE (X)




FIG. 11.31 Loss of excitation relay operating

I AND φ op

FIG. 11.30 Loss of excitation phasor diagram 6.7 Pole slipping

Pole shpping protection is only fitted subject to system
loss of excitation relay (LOE) picks up 40X operating requirements. Sustained pole slipping can cause:
timers 2A and 2B. Timer relays 2A and 2B are then
• Large fluctuations in voltage and frequency at the
'sealed' by contacts 2A and 2BX and therefore time
generator terminals which affect the station auxiliary
out irrespective of the loss of excitation relay. If timer
power supplies, possibly leading to loss of boiler
relay 2A times out before timer 2B operates auxiliary
firing a n d / o r failure of station auxihary motors,
relay 2BX, any operation of the loss of excitation relay
fohowed by shutdown of the generating plant.
will cause a trip signal to be sent by relay 40Y. Relay
40Y is self-sealing to ensure operation of the unit • Large fluctuations in voltage and, to a lesser extent,
protection for fleeting operation of the loss of excitation frequency on the adjacent grid system which may
trip relays. Operation of the unit protection trip relays produce disturbances on consumer loads and on
will reset relay 40Y. other generating plant.

I LOE 2A TR3 2A 2Β
• 0


40X 40Y


-40X -40Y


FIG. 11.32 Loss of excitation trip circuit

Generator protection

• Rapid fluctuations in generator speed during pole stator water is cooled by distilled water in the water/
slipping and of the steam demand from the boiler, water coolers. The stator water also passes through
possibly resulting in loss of control of boiler, with strainers and an electrical heating unit.
consequential damage to plant. After leaving the stator winding and neutral ter­
minals of the generator, the water flow is measured,
• Internal damage to generators due to overheating
using an orifice plate. The orifice plate is provided w h h
or mechanical stress: also, mechanical damage to
a duplicate arrangement of pressure switches, using
four pressure switches arranged so that two must op­
• Flow of synchronising power to and from pole slip­ erate to trip the unit.
ping generators, which may result in indiscriminate If the water flow through the stator fails when the
operation of certain transmission protection, leading generator is excited, then action must be taken quickly
to cascade tripping of circuits and further instabihty to prevent overheating.
and disconnection of supphes. Loss of stator water flow is detected by differential
pressure switches, which measure the differential pres­
Since the response of conventional generation and sure across the metering orifice plate in the stator
transmission systems wih be uncertain under pole slip­ water outlet pipework. A n additional set of indicating
ping conditions, and the rapid re-synchronising of a pressure switches is arranged to give an independent
pole slipping generator is unlikely, special protection alarm.
must be provided, but only where system design con­ The duplicated pair of two pressure switches activates
siderations show that pole slipping is a possibUity. two timers, one set for a 10-second delay and the other
General apphcation of pole slipping protection is not for a 20-second delay. If at the end of the 10-second
recommended to date as it may reduce the reliability delay the standby p u m p has failed to return the stator
of the supply system. water flow to above the 8 0 % threshold, then the third
Pole slipping protection is very complex and full emergency p u m p is started.
details can be found in C E G B reports. If starting the third emergency p u m p fails to restore
The requirements are that when the system centre, the water flow to above 8 0 % , operation of one of the
voltage zero, occurs anywhere in the zone from the duphcate pair of pressure switches will trip the turbine
HV terminals of the generator transformer to the gen­ after the 20-second delay.
erator a trip is initiated. Impedance relays are provided This duplicated arrangement, apart from providing
to detect that pole slipping has occurred. The protec­ protection redundancy, allows the on-load testing of
tion is blocked if the loss of excitation relay has each pair of switches in turn. It is to be noted that
operated and started a trip sequence. The measuring three pressure swhches can provide the same protection,
relays are capable of detecting the first pole slip in using a *two out of three' arrangement to trip, and this
the range of 0 . 1 % to 1 0 % . Pole slipping counting has been used on recent installations.
relays are provided in the range 1-10, to initiate a trip The tripping of the turbine steam valves shed load
after a preselected number of pole slips as a back-up a n d , because of the margin of thermal capacity in the
to pole slipping of other generators. In choosing the generator, the *stator coolant flow low' protection can
number of pole shps, the machine capability must be operate through the low forward power relay.
considered. All the relays are reset in a range 0 - 5
seconds if no further pole slipping takes place before
the preselected number of pole slips has been reached. 6.9 Hydrogen temperature high
The protection is operated from current and vohage This protection trip is not provided on ah generators.
transformers at the H V and LV terminals of the gen­ Alarm only is given on some generators. The rotor
erator transformer. The relays on the H V side of the circuit is cooled by hydrogen gas. This hydrogen gas
transformers are directional only and limit the opera­ is cooled by the c o m m o n water cooling circuit which
tion for one pole slip of the pole slipping impedance also cools the stator water.
relays to the zone mentioned above. Failure of the gas flow circuit or restriction of the
cooling water causes the temperature of the hydrogen
gas to rise. Reduction of load could reduce the tem­
6.8 Loss of stator water flow perature to a safe condition, providing that the operator
On modern high rated generators, i.e., above 200 M W has, depending on the generator design, time to take
rating, the stator winding is cooled by the circulation corrective action. If however, there is insufficient time,
of low conductivity water; the water being pumped then an automatic trip of the turbine is required, with
through the stator windings and a water/water cooler unit tripping through the low forward power relay. The
by one of two 100% duty electrically-driven stator water thermal capacities are such that the latter is acceptable.
pumps, the other being on standby. These pumps have Warning of a gradual blockage of water coohng
an automatic changeover feature. In addition, there systems is given by an alarm at a temperature setting
is a further emergency stator water p u m p supplied with below the trip getting. It is unlikely that gas failure
current from a separate direct current source. The will occur but the differential pressure across the cir-

Protection Chapter 11

culatory fans is measured and an alarm is initiated, A C and D C , of the rectifier bridge and also for inter­
if the pressure fahs below a preset value. phase fauhs on the excher winding. Loss of excita­
tion protection will operate if the rectifier bridge arm
protection fails to operate and excitation failure has
6.10 Hydrogen/stator water cooling flow occurred.
A failure of the common water coolant flow for both All excitation fauhs initiating a trip of the main
hydrogen and stator water causes a temperature rise exciter circuit-breaker also initiate a trip to the unit
in both circuits. If the time constant of the rotor and do not wait for the loss of excitation protection
cooling circuit is such that this will reach a dangerous to operate.
condition before the stator circuit, then measurement
of hydrogen temperature protects against loss of the
common primary coolant. If, however, the stator circuit 6.12 Motoring of the generator
temperature reaches a dangerous condition first, then If the steam supply to the turbine is cut off, with the
additional protection is required to monitor stator electrical generator left connected to the system, then
water temperature. The method adopted by the C E G B motoring whl take place. This means that the generator
is to monitor stator water temperature on the discharge acts as a synchronous m o t o r and draws power from
line from the generator. A Category A trip of the unit the grid system. In this situation, the turbine-generator
is required, as the time available for the operator to continues to rotate at synchronous speed and, if al­
take action is too short. lowed to persist for too long, the turbine blades may
be damaged.
However, with the protective arrangements described
6.11 Excitation failure in this chapter, the circumstances giving rise to motor­
The rapid advance in the technology of semi-conductor ing are hkely to be most infrequent in the hfe of the
devices has led to their use in excitation systems em­ unit, since all of the faults hsted on the logic diagram
ploying A C exciters. Rectifier systems used, consist of (Fig 11.35) wih be cleared by opening the H V and
a number of three-phase full wave rectifier sections generator voltage circuit-breakers before motoring can
connected in parallel and designed to give adequate take place.
reliabihty over long periods. Protective devices include Those protective devices which operate through the
fuses to protect the diodes from damage by overcur- low forward power relay should trip the circuit-breakers
rents, and resistance/capacitance networks to suppress when the forward power is about 0,5% of full load
voltage surges appearing across the diodes. Three basic (MW). The main danger arises if the low forward power
types of transient are likely to affect the rectifiers in interlock relay fails to close due to malfunction; if so,
an A C excitation system: operator action is necessary to disconnect the generator
safely from the system.
(a) Field forcing.
(b) Induced current surges following a sudden short-
circuh at or near the generator terminals, or from 6.13 Emergency pushbutton
faulty synchronising. Operation of the emergency pushbutton will initiate
the tripping of the turbine steam valves and, provided
(c) Voltage surges due to rapid flux changes in the
that these valves close correctly, the remaining main
rotor magnetic circuit when the rotor winding is
plant will be tripped via the low forward power relay
effectively open-circuited.
interlock. If the relay contacts do not close, then the
operator must take the necessary action for dealing with
The first two can be catered for by suitable choice of
the emergency such as tripping the unit auxiliaries.
the vohage and current ratings of the diodes. The fuses
The boiler firing is tripped automatically from loss of
protecting the diodes are designed to clear safely if a
relay fluid pressure.
diode cell failure occurs during the transient defined
Inserting the low forward power relay interlock in
under (c) above. the tripping circuit of the pushbutton, reduces the
The rectifier system is designed so that two parallel risk of the operator opening the generator H V circuit-
sections of a bridge arm can fail without interfering breaker if the emergency is caused by the turbine
with the operation of the generator. valves failing to close properly.
If more than two paths fah, this wih resuh in a short-
circuh of the bridge arm because of diode overcurrent.
Rectifier bridge arm protection therefore operates if
7 Generator transformer and unit
more than two paths have failed; it immediately trips
the main exciter field circuit-breaker and sends a trip
transformer protection
to the u n h protection system through the low forward The generator and unit transformers can be subjected
power relay. Note that this protection operates for to a number of faults which require an immediate
short-circuits either on the A C or D C , or between trip of the u n h in order to limh the damage to the

Generator transformer a n d unit transformer protection

transformers. These are phase to phase fauhs and earth tions or on the generator that could be cleared by
fauhs on the windings, interturn fauhs (possibly on opening the generator vohage circuit-breaker. In addi­
the end windings caused by line surges), core faults due tion, the setting has to remain stable for magnetising
to core insulation failure, failures of the cooling system in-rush currents, since the generator transformer can
and tank faults causing loss of oil and consequent be switched in from the H V side with the generator
dangerous conditions. Faults external to the trans­ voltage circuit-breaker open.
formers, if not cleared quickly, cause overheating and This protection complements the protection for the
mechanical stress. H V feeder and the generator transformer. It also com­
Protective systems are provided to remove the trans­ plements the protection for generator terminal phase
formers from the grid system should any of these faults faults for directly connected generators.
occur. Some of the protection systems are arranged to
give a prior alarm of a possible dangerous condition
developing. 7.3 Unit transformer HV inverse time and
high set instantaneous overcurrent
The inverse time overcurrent protection provides back­
7.1 Phase to phase and earth fault protection
u p for all H V and LV winding fauhs and auxihary
Phase to phase fauh protection of the generator trans­ system faults. As the inverse time protection has to
former and unit transformer is provided by biased grade with the 11 kV interconnector protection, the
differential protection (described under generator pro­ operating times for H V terminal faults are long.
tection) and, where the generator is directly connected High set overcurrent protection is therefore provided
to the generator transformer and unit transformer, the to give fast clearance for these faults and arranged to
protection of the generator transformer includes the operate into tripping system 2, whilst the I D M T over-
generator stator windings and LV connections. The unit current protection operates into tripping system 1 (see
transformer has its own biased differential protection. Fig 11.35). Relays w h h low transient overreach are
Earth fault protection of the LV windings of the provided and set to remain stable for LV faults. A
generator transformer, the HV windings of the unit Category A u n h trip is required.
transformer and the connections between, is included The definition of low transient overreach as applied
in the stator earth fault protection (see Sections 6.1 to high set overcurrent protection is as follows:
and 6.2 of this chapter, 'Generator stator earth faults'). The overreach ( O R ) is the difference between the
Earth fault protection of the generator transformer R M S value of the steady state current to operate the
high voltage winding and the low voltage winding of the relay (Is) and the R M S value of current which, when
u n h transformer is included with the biased differential fully offset, will just operate the relay (lop), expressed
protection of each transformer (see Fig 11.23). as a fraction of (lop), i.e..
When a generator voltage circuit-breaker or switch
OR = (Is - Iop)/Iop or lop = IS/(OR + 1)
disconnector is provided, there wih be no infeed from
the generator w h h the switch open. In this case, the
Referring to Fig 11.35, if the u n h transformer is
HV earth fault relay impedance could cause saturation
60 M V A with a reactance of 1 5 % , a fault on the LV
of the H V side interposing CTs and prevent operation side of the transformer wih be 60/0.15 M V A = 400
of the biased differential relay. Electrical protection MVA.
for earth fauhs is therefore entirely dependent on the If the quoted overreach for the relay is 5 % , then
HV earth fault relay and so the relays are duplicated. the fault (expressed in MVA) to cause relay operation
is 400/1.05 M V A .
So, to remain stable, the relay must be set greater
7.2 Generator transformer HV inverse tinne
than 1.05 χ 400 M V A and C E G B practice with this
and high set instantaneous overcurrent type of relay would be to use a factor of 1.5 (i.e., 600
The inverse time overcurrent protection is provided as M V A setting) on a through fault of 400 M V A .
a back-up protection against system infeed to a gen­
erator circuit fault not cleared by main protection.
The high set instantaneous overcurrent protection is 7.4 Standby earth fault
supplied from the same CTs as the inverse time over- This provides protection for earth faults on the unit
current protection and located at the HV circuit-breaker, switchboard busbars or between the unit transformer
providing protection for as much of the generator circuh-breaker and hs associated current transformers
circuit as possible. The setting must be high enough to and back-up protection to the transformer LV wind­
remain stable for faults external to the generator circuit ings and connections. Standby earth fault relays are
but low enough to detect some generator faults at set to grade w h h all 11 kV interconnector earth fauh
conventional power stations. Where a generator voltage protection.
circuit-breaker is provided, the high set overcurrent Since for nuclear power stations, the supply to the
protection must not operate for faults on the connec­ auxiliary system is arranged so that it is possible to

Protection C h a p t e r 11

lose a unit supply and still continue operating, the unit transformer can be experienced during paralleling
HV overcurrent and standby earth fault protection of auxihary switchboards but other protection arrange­
must be two stage. The first stage is arranged to trip ments, such as alarms (if paralleled for longer than
the unit transformer circuit-breaker only, with the 10 minutes) and operating procedures, guard against
second stage tripping the unit directly. For all other this condition.
stations, the standby earth fauh relay trips the u n h Over-temperature conditions can be detected by ther­
transformer circuit-breaker, followed by a unit trip mal image techniques and reference should be made
through the low forward power relay. The overcurrent to Chapter 3 on transformers.
protection becomes a Category A trip.

7.7 Conservator Ίονν oil level' alarm

7.5 Generator transfornner and unit All water/oil cooled transformers (of 200 M V A and
transformer internal faults above) connected to 275 kV and higher vohage levels,
and ah units at nuclear power stations together with
Buchholz protection is provided for faults which do
their associated unit transformers, have additional pro­
not immediately affect the hne currents to the trans­
tection to safeguard the unit against loss of oil.
former. Examples of these faults are:
Transformers not covered by a low level alarm are
• Hot spots due to core insulation failure. protected to a limited extent against low oil level by
the Buchholz gas and oil actuated relays.
• Faulty joints.
• Interturn faults.
7.8 Pressure relief device alarm
These faults produce locahsed heating, causing decom­ The purpose of this device is to relieve tank internal
position of the oh and a release of gases. The gases pressure during fault conditions and thereby reduce
are detected by the Buchholz device connected in the the possibility of damage to the transformer tank. The
pipe to the conservator. device has output contacts, which may be arranged to
The protection also provides an alternative protec­ initiate a trip or alarm.
tion for phase to phase faults and some winding earth
For a detailed explanation of Buchholz protection, 7.9 Freezer air drier alarm
refer to Volume K, Chapter 11. This protection is fitted to all generator transformers
operating at 132 kV and above. An alarm only is
7.6 Winding temperature A n alarm is also required to indicate loss of elec­
Transformer ratings are based on the temperature rise trical supply to the equipment.
above a defined maximum ambient temperature and
so a degree of overload can be tolerated at lower
ambient temperatures and for certain load cycles. How­ 7.10 Overfluxing
ever, with generator and u n h transformers, there is During run-up conditions, a failure of both automatic
little chance of accidental overload, as they are both voltage regulator (AVR) channels in automatic control,
under supervision and are designed to meet the maxi­ or incorrect operation whilst under manual control,
m u m unit auxiliary load and generator capabilities. can cause overfluxing of the generator transformer
Overloading from fault conditions is prevented by the and unit transformers.
protection systems already mentioned. A control is provided as an integral part of the
Some protection, however, must be provided to de­ A V R . This control, however, does not operate when
tect an over-temperature condition caused by a major the AVR is on 'manual' and may also not be effective
breakdown in the cooling system, at first initiating an above speeds near to synchronism.
alarm for the operator to start the standby cooling Overfluxing relays, which measure the ratio of volt­
equipment. If the temperature continues to rise to a age to frequency, are therefore provided for protection
dangerous level, isolation of the transformer is by a unit of the generator and unit transformers in all modes
Category Β trip which opens the HV circuit breaker. of excitation control and also when the transformers
For those stations where it is possible to lose a unit are connected to the generator alone. Overfluxing of
transformer supply and still continue operating, a trip the transformer when connected to the system is rare,
of the u n h transformer LV circuit-breaker may remove but it is particularly vulnerable to overfluxing during
the over temperature condhion on the unit transformer. commissioning tests or the testing of the excitation
This does not apply to the generator transformer, which equipment.
must be isolated from ah supplies. A direct trip of the main exciter circuit-breaker is
Unit transformers with natural cooling require a therefore required when any switch disconnectors or
winding temperature alarm only. An overload of the circuh-breakers on the H V side of the generator trans-

H V / L V connections and generator v o l t a g e / Η V circuit-breaker protection

former are open and all switch disconnectors and erator Feeder Protection'. The protective systems em­
circuit-breakers closed on the LV side. This is achieved ployed are of the differential circulating current type
by using monitoring relays to indicate the position described earlier under 'generator protection', utihsing
of the HV and LV circuit disconnectors or breakers high impedance relays, where pilot lengths are less
and automatically switching-in the protection when the than 600 m and an approved form of pilot wire pro­
transformers are connected to the generator but not tection using British Telecom type pilots, on lengths
the system. over 600 m.
Some excitation systems have a time lag between a The connections between the generator and the con­
healthy AVR taking over from a faulty one, i.e., those nected transformer windings are protected by differ­
using a main and standby A V R . For these systems, the ential high impedance circulating current protection
time setting for the overfluxing relay to trip the main as previously described under 'generator protection'.
exciter circuit-breaker must not be less than the time Reference to Fig 11.24 shows that balancing CTs pro­
for this changeover to take place. vided when using biased differential protection (Fig
11.26) are omitted. When ahocating a setting to the
protection, therefore, a check is made that:
8 Station transformer protection • The setting is above the maximum fault current for
The station transformer is protected by a Buchholz a fault on the LV side of the unit transformer.
relay with alarm and trip contacts, a winding tempera­ • At minimum earth fauh levels, the operating vohage
ture and pressure relief device both set to alarm and a across the relay is twice the setting.
conservator tank low oil level relay, also set to alarm.
Protection against phase fauhs is provided by an
overall biased differential scheme which meets the same 9.2 HV circuit-breaker faults
requirements as the generator/generator transformer System faults on the generator HV circuit-breaker are
overah biased differential protection. This protection cleared by the busbar protection. This protection is
includes restricted earth fault protection for both the arranged to trip the unit directly, in addition to the
HV and LV windings. circuit-breaker, for ah stations except where special
Back-up protection consists of one ordinary inverse provision has been m a d e for the unit to have a run-
and three high set overcurrent relays. The ordinary through capability (i.e., nuclear power stations). A
inverse relay apart from operating on transformer failure of the circuit-breaker to open, caused by a
winding fauhs, provides back-up protection for the control system or mechanical linkage fault, must trip
11 kV supply system and so has to grade with the pro­ the unit directly. The reasons for tripping the unit are
tection on this system. In the event that this protection given in Section 4 of this chapter on 'boiler protection'.
is operating for an uncleared fauh on the 11 kV supply If the generator H V circuit-breaker fails to open
system, the protection is made two stage by means of to clear a generator circuit fault, then all circuits con­
a time delay relay. The first stage trips the 11 kV circuit- nected to the same section of busbar are tripped.
breaker and the second stage (0.3 second delay) will
inhiate a u n h trip. A guard relay is required to allow
the close grading between the first and second stage 9.3 Generator voltage circuit-breaker or
of 0.3 s. switch disconnector
Back-up earth fault protection of all 11 kV system
Where a generator voltage circuit-breaker is used to
fauhs is provided by two single-pole relays operated
isolate the generator for certain fault conditions, the
from a current transformer in the neutral of the trans­
appropriate protection arrangements have been men­
former LV winding. The protection is again in two
tioned previously in this chapter. Additional protection
stages. Both relays are ordinary inverse relays but are
is, however, required to deal with the situation arising
set to grade in the same way as the high vohage (11 kV)
if the circuh-breaker fails to operate to clear a fauh
overcurrent protection. when asked to d o so. In these circumstances 'circuit-
breaker fail' protection, which detects current flow
following operation of a trip relay, ensures That the
9 HV/LV connections and generator fauh is cleared by a direct trip of the unit via the
voltage/HV circuit-breaker protection generator H V circuit-breaker.
Phase discrepancy protection is also provided for
the generator vohage circuit-breaker to detect when
9.1 Phase to phase and earth faults one or more phases are out of step, because these
The connections between the HV circuit-breaker and circuit-breakers comprise separate isolated single-phase
the generator transformer HV bushings are protected interrupters and the three phases open and close with­
by two independent high speed fully discriminative out mechanical interlinkage between phases. It detects
protective systems. They are referred to as T i r s t Main malfunction of the circuit-breaker for any opening or
Generator Feeder Protection' and ^Second Main Gen­ closing operation by monitoring the auxiliary switch

Protection C h a p t e r 11

position of each phase. The protection acts either direct­ the low frequencies. These two protection systems are
ly into the pneumatic system of the circuit-breaker or switched out when the machine is up to normal fre­
makes a second attempt at tripping the circuh-breaker. quency. The other protection systems operating outside
It trips the 400 kV circuit-breaker if, after a delay, the normal frequency range which are not switched out
the generator voltage circuit-breaker is stih out of step, are:
through the circuit-breaker fail protection which is pro­
• Voltage operated stator earth fault (explained under
vided on the generator vohage circuit-breaker. T h u s ,
generator stator earth fauhs).
following a failure to open correctly for a trip on fault,
the 400 kV circuit-breaker is opened. • High set earth fauh (generator neutral).
The circuit-breaker fail protection must operate as • High set earth fault (unit transformer HV neutral).
fast as possible discriminating only with the main pro­ Note that here the matching transformer is not under
tection. No discrimination between the phase discre­ oil and that additional protection is required.
pancy protection and the circuit-breaker fail protection
is required. • Dynamic braking overcurrent.

The first three have already been explained in Section

10 Pumped-storage plant protection 6 of this chapter. The fourth applies only to Dinorwig
and is now explained.
Protection detahs given in this section are based on
experience of one type of hydro-electric power station:
the pumped-storage plant at Dinorwig. The layout of 10.1 Dynamic braking overcurrent protection
the connections and protection is shown in Fig 11.33.
The protection of the transformers and connections are In order to bring the generator to rest quickly and allow
as at a conventional station since these only are required a restart ehher in the same mode or in the reverse
to operate in the normal frequency range. m o d e , a three-phase short-circuit is applied to the ma­
However, unhke conventional stations, the synchro­ chine terminals. The current is limited to be within the
nous machines at Dinorwig operate either as motors normal machine current. A dynamic braking overcur­
or generators depending on system requirements. They rent relay, set above full load current, protects the
normally p u m p at night, when demand is low, and machine should this switch be applied incorrectly or
generate for periods during the day to meet peak load the control system develops a fauh (Fig 11.33). In
conditions or outages of other generating plant. The addition, for an electrical fauh on the generator, an
station has a complex generator voltage 18 kV system, inhibit signal is provided from the protection to pre­
whh protection operating over a wide range of fre­ vent apphcation of the dynamic braking switch.
quencies, the machines being excited at increasing and For ah other fault trips, a signal is sent to ensure
decreasing frequency during start-up or run-down se­ safe shutdown of the unit.
quences. Consequently, special protection had to be Because of possible overspeed of the turbine u p to
provided for this purpose. Due to instability, some 76.5 Hz and the system requirement to operate down
protection systems are switched out by a frequency to 45 Hz, ah generator protection, i.e., protection in
relay outside the reliable operating frequency range and service when the generator circuit-breaker is open, must
the conventional protection takes over. The complete operate correctly over this frequency range. Special
protection system is not described because of its com- protection is provided during starting sequences. All
plexhy: only the salient features are highlighted. other protection must operate up to 52 Hz (over
The Dinorwig system (Fig 11.33) has a highly selec­ frequency trip level).
tive starting system, which either provides variable- For a controlled shutdown, i.e., unloading before
frequency synchronous motor starting supphes from opening the LV circuit-breaker, the trip signal to the
one of two variable-frequency rectifier/inverter supply LV circuit-breaker is either from auxiliary contacts
systems, or starts by using another machine as a gen­ indicating main inlet valve (MIV) or guide vanes (GV)
erator in a 'back to back' arrangement. closed or from a time delay relay set between 0 - 3 0
The generator transformer, in addition to couphng seconds; setting, to be determined, must be greater than
each machine to the 400 kV system, provides a supply MIV (or GV normal closing time).
to the many auxhiary supply transformers. The trans­
former and generator protection systems for normal
frequencies are the same as for conventional stations, 10.2 Under frequency protection
using generator voltage circuit-breakers but special pro­ In the pumping m o d e , protection is provided to prevent
tection is provided for operation outside the 4 7 - 5 1 Hz operation below 49 H z (Fig 11.34). It is also a system
frequency range. There are only two protection systems requirement that all p u m p s must be tripped if the
in this variable frequency category; one is the over- frequency lies in the range 4 9 . 0 - 4 9 . 5 H z . This is
current protection for the starting busbars and the necessary if the system frequency is low due to insuffi­
other is the machine differential protection, which was cient generation, hence requiring any units which are
specially designed to provide low current settings at pumping to be tripped.

P u m p e d - s t o r a g e plant protection


TO FIG 11.33 SHEET 2 TO FIG. 11.33 SHEET 3

FIG. 11.33 Protection system for Dinorwig pumped storage plant — simplified schematic

Protection Chapter 11

FIG 11.33 SHEET 1

TO 415V


FIG. 11.33 (cont'd) Protection system for Dinorwig pumped storage plant — simplified schematic

Pumped-storage plant protection

FIG 11.33 SHEET 1































FIG. 11.33 (cont'd) Protection system for Dinorwig pumped storage plant — simplified schematic

Protection Chapter 11









FIG. 11.34 Over/under frequency protection

A n under frequency relay is set nominally at 49 Hz ring only at excessive overspeeds. Note that protection
for both these duties. Two frequency output stages associated with the generator will therefore have to
in the same relay are used and arranged to trip the function correctly up to a maximum of 76.5 Hz. A
generator voltage circuit-breaker. The frequency re­ frequency output stage in the same frequency protection
lay is configured to measure system frequency, i.e., relay as that used for under frequency, is used in the
h is connected to the VT at the 18 kV terminals of over frequency mode (see Fig 11.34) and a trip of
the generator transformer. Note that each frequen­ the generator voltage circuit-breaker is provided. The
cy relay has four output stages which can be set relay setting is 52 H z .
for a combination of 'over' and 'under' frequency Failure of the VT secondary fuse in the supply to
protection. the frequency relay is arranged to bring u p an alarm
but not to initiate a trip.

10.3 Over frequency protection

The turbine and generator are capable of operation u p 10.4 Overspeed in excess of 10%
to 750 r / m i n (75 Hz). The overspeed protection and Following a loss of load, the turbine speed will try to
control in the governor and the response of the guide rise above 55 Hz because of the overall response of
vanes in closing, may cause transient overspeeds of the governor system (including the inlet guide vanes
76.5 Hz under load rejection. T o protect generators closing). If the governor system functions correctly,
connected to the same system as the Dinorwig machines then the turbine speed wih start to fall below 110%
from overspeeding, over frequency protection is re­ overspeed. Protection of the turbine is required if the
quired to trip the Dinorwig machines by opening the governor system fails. This is achieved by a trip signal
generator circuit-breaker at a frequency of 52 H z . T o derived from three electrical speed switches operating
enable synchronisation to be estabhshed as soon as through a time delay relay (0-30s) which allows time
possible after overspeeding, the excitation is left on for the governor control system to act to bring the
and the machine is brought under control by governor turbine under control. The generator voltage circuit-
action, tripping of the main and governor valves occur­ breaker is tripped after the time delay relay operates.

P u m p e d - s t o r a g e plant protection

indicating a failure of the governor control system to Operator action only is needed for *stator water coolant
contain the speed. flow low'. A trip initiation is, however, required for
During a pump-turbine start-up, a protection trip high stator cooling air temperature. The temperature
signal from the turbine control system is sent if the detector is set to operate at a temperature of approxi­
motor being started reaches a speed in excess of llO^o. mately 6 5 ° C . The inherent thermal capacity of the
machine allows for unloading before initiating a unit
trip, i.e., the guide vanes are closed before tripping
10.5 Loss of pumping power the generator voltage circuit-breaker. Interlocking duty
If the power fails whilst the machine is in the pumping by the guide vanes compares with the low forward
mode, the water flow reverses in the turbine, causing power interlock on fossil-fired and nuclear stations and
excessive vibration from an uncontrolled reverse water is achieved by the D C tripping system.
flow. An immediate trip of the u n h is needed to close
the main inlet valve and bring it to a safe condition.
A relay is provided to measure output power from 10.10 Bearing temperatures and oil levels
the generator: this is interlocked w h h an auxiliary The guide a n d thrust bearing temperatures are moni­
switch on the inlet guide vanes such that it is only tored and an automatic unit trip initiated, after first
armed when the inlet guide vanes are open. The setting closing the guide vanes, if temperature limits are
is just below the power required for the condition when exceeded.
the main inlet valve is open and the runner watered.
This power level is estimated to be 63 M W .
10.11 Back to back starting protection
During back to back starting, protection is required
10.6 Emergency stop pushbuttons against three conditions:
Two emergency stop pushbuttons are provided, one lo­ • Generator runaway.
cal to the turbine-generator and one on the control desk.
• Incorrect exchation levels on the generator-motor.
• Excess heating of the stationary field winding in the
10.7 Overvoltage event of failure of a generator-motor to start.
Because of the overvohages expected if Dinorwig is
isolated from the main system, with either or both 10.11.1 Generator runaway
hnes to the substation at Pentir still connected, and
This condition can result from:
the capacity of the generator-motor/pump-turbine t o
overspeed by 5 0 % , an instantaneous overvohage relay • Incorrect excitation.
is used to protect the supply transformers connected
• Excess generator accelerating torque.
at 18 kV. The setting is 130% of nominal voltage.
Overvoltage protection for the generator is provided • Excess m o t o r retarding torque.
in the AVR and is set for 120%. It is inhibited when
the machine is synchronised to the system. This protection is achieved by setting an overcurrent
relay operated from a C T in the tee-off to the start­
ing system (Fig 11.33). This is designed to trip the
10.8 Excitation equipment protection unit if the current exceeds 8000 A for longer than
Protection of a sustained D C short-circuit is provided 30 seconds, or to trip instantaneously if the current
by a definite time overcurrent relay operated from CTs exceeds 21000 A . The basis for the settings is that
in the 3.3 kV circuit-breaker, tripping that circuit- if the two machines *lock' together on a back to back
breaker only. Thyristor short-circuits are taken care start, the current whl fall below 8000 A before 30 s and
of by the thyristor fuse. All cable phase faults from will never exceed 21000 A . So if the current exceeds
the exchation transformer to the 3.3 kV circuit-breaker 21000 A (approximately 2 χ full load), this indicates
and all LV winding phase fauhs are detected by the an electrical fault o n the starting busbar system: hence
HV (18 kV) extremely inverse overcurrent relay. Over- this protection deals with busbar faults. At the design
current protection on the excitation transformer p r o ­ stage, busbar protection was considered, i.e., a bal­
vides back-up protection of the exchation equipment. anced system of protection, but w h h the added com­
Protection co-ordination must take account of the plexity of trying t o obtain a balance at low and nominal
current/time characteristic of the machine field, as weh frequencies h was hkely to be unreliable. The instan­
as that of the fuses protecting the thyristors. taneous overcurrent relay is more rehable although
not as discriminative. However, with the high integrity
designed into the starting busbars, using air insulated
10.9 Stator cooling air over-temperature and isolated connections, a busbar fault is very unhkely
The stator is air cooled, with water coohng the air. to occur.

Protection C h a p t e r 11

10.11.2 I n c o r r e c t e x c i t a t i o n levels o n t h e 10.13 Station transformer

generator-motor The protection arrangements are similar to that for a
For a back to back start the generator exchation level normal transformer on a fossil-fired station, except
is set to 1 p.u. and the motor excitation to 0.8 p . u . that the H V winding earth fault protection is included
(1 p.u. excitation is the excitation for the nominal in the generator HV earthing protection system and
voltage with the machine on open-circuit). The various the 18 kV connections to the HV winding are included
conditions of incorrect excitation are: in the 18 kV connections protection.

(a) N o generator excitation, 0.8 p . u . motor excitation.

10.14 Starting transformers
(b) 1.0 p.u. generator excitation, no motor excitation.
Protection is required to limit motor damper cage Starting transformer I The protection of starting
overheating. transformer 1 is the same as the station transformer.

(c) Failure/deviation of either excitation set point Starting transformer 2 Starting transformer 2 is
during run-up. connected Dynll and will require the same protection as
the starting transformer 1, except that the secondary
Since failure to start is inevitable for (a) and (b) and circuits of the overah protection C T allow for a delta/
probable for (c), maladjusted excitation settings are star transformer instead of the star connection on
arranged to trip. All three conditions are detected by starting transformer 1.
conditioning the start signal such that excitation in
both machines has to be correct before a start can be
10.15 Starting equipment
The starting equipment comprises an input and output
transformer stepping down to 3 kV, thyristor-controlled
10.11.3 Excess h e a t i n g of t h e s t a t i o n a r y f i e l d
rectifiers and inverters and a D C link, including a D C
w i n d i n g in t h e e v e n t of a f a i l u r e t o s t a r t of circuit-breaker.
generator-motor 11 kV protection on the input to the rectifier trans­
This protection is provided by monitoring the starting former includes three-pole extremely inverse overcur­
time from the field circuit-breaker closing until the rent relays, two-pole instantaneous high set overcur­
machine is up to speed. The starting time allowed by rent relays and a single-pole high stability earth fault
the protection must be compatible with the inverter relay. Overall biased differential protection is also
starting time, to avoid the need for separate protection provided.
for both starting modes. Protection of the 18 kV side of the inverter trans­
former is three-pole extremely inverse overcurrent relays
and two-pole instantaneous high set overcurrent relays.
10.12 Excitation transformer The 18 kV overcurrent protection CTs are located
Earth fauh protection of the 18 kV winding is included between the 18 kV transformer disconnector and the
in the unit transformer earth fault protection scheme. 18 kV transformer winding.
Earth fault protection of the LV winding is part of Protection of the thyristors is by fuses and there is
the exchation equipment earthing which consists of protection to detect asymmetrical currents caused by
high impedance earthing through a resistor. T o pre­ thyristor or control fahure. Current asymmetry pro­
vent voltages being transferred through interwinding tection is provided both on the input to the rectifiers
capacitance coupling, an earthed screen is provided and the output of the inverters (i.e., on the A C side of
between windings. The transformer windings and con­ both).
nections are protected by an extremely inverse relay Protection against D C short-circuhs is provided by a
and two high set overcurrent relays. These relays ini­ two-stage definite time overcurrent relay, the first stage
tiate a Unit trip. The extremely inverse relay used for suppressing the starting equipment, the second stage
this protection has to grade with the fuses protecting tripping the 11 kV A C B on the starting transformer
the excitation thyristors. All excitation transformers after a time delay. It must grade with the thyristor fuses
have a Buchholz gas (alarm), a Buchholz gas (trip), and the rectifier transformer H V overcurrent.
a pressure relief device (alarm) and a conservator tank Both transformers incorporate a Buchholz gas (alarm
low level (alarm). The excitation transformer is natural­ and trip), an oil temperature (alarm) and a pressure
ly cooled so the winding temperature indicator gives relief device (alarm).
an alarm only. All the protection systems mentioned In addhion to the above the rectifier/inverter equip­
above, depending on circuh conditions, trip their own ment has undervohage protection to detect loss of
unit, the banked generator-motor unit, the 400 kV supply.
circuit-breakers and send a trip signal to the starting The trip to the 11 kV circuit-breaker is delayed, to
busbar system to trip the generator-motor, if they are allow the starting equipment to shut down and attempt
in a starting sequence. to clear the fault for the following protection:

P u m p e d - s t o r a g e plant protection

• Current asymmetry protection on the rectifier and 10.17.1 Category A trips

inverter equipment. Category A trips result in an emergency shutdown
• The first stage of the overcurrent protection on the of the unit a n d include the following areas of
input to the rectifier. protection:

• AH auxhiary supply faults for the rectifier/inverter • Governor air/oil receiver oil pressure low Operates
system. to trip the unit when there is only a sufficient vol­
u m e of fluid available to close the guide vanes (GVs),
10.16 Protection during starting and hold them closed without the release of air into
the control air pipework.
The protection during starting when the frequency is
below 45 Hz requires special consideration. During start­ • Governor pilot oil pressure low This trip is initiated
ing, the machine terminal voltages are proportioned if oh pressure to the pilot servomotor falls to the
to frequency for constant excitation, whilst machine minimum safe level. This level is set below the l o w
fault currents are almost independent of frequency for pilot oil pressure' at which the actuator is auto­
constant excitation. Voltage transformers will perform matically switched from *Auto' to 'Manual'.
satisfactorily under these condhions, whereas CTs and
• Governor supplies failure and electrical governor
relays designed for 50 Hz working do not. Therefore,
fault These trips are monitored and conditioned
for three-phase and phase to phase faults, and also
whhin the electrical governor. A c o m m o n signal is
phase to earth fauhs, at a time when the neutral resistor
initiated to trip the unit when the governor is in
has flashed over or is shorted out, some form of special
control and a loss of electrical supphes, or a fault
protection is needed. Starting protection is provided to
occurs, which prevents the governor from controhing
detect phase to phase faults (earthed or unearthed)
the turbine.
down to as low a frequency as possible. A non-dis­
criminative form of protection is the minimum require­ • Electrical overspeed The unit is tripped if the tur­
ment for plant protection. A protective relay using a bine overspeeds and the governor fails to compen­
rectified input (and therefore independent of frequen­ sate within a preset time. This time is adjustable over
cy), is used for low frequency operation and is switched a 0 - 3 0 s range, thus avoiding possible damage to
out above a frequency of 45 Hz to prevent operation the wearing rings caused by vibration under pro­
for through-fault conditions when the system frequency longed running at overspeed.
is 50 Hz and the machine is synchronised. A selective
tripping scheme of the starting busbar trip system must • Draft tube valve (DTV) not fully open and DTV oil
only isolate connected plant from the fauhed zone. pressure low These trips primarily safeguard the
For earth fauhs, limited by the machine neutral pump-turbine against damage caused by operation
earthing resistor, fault currents are hmited to 10 A as under cavitation conditions in the pumping mode,
for fossil-fired stations, by the resistance in the dis­ although the trips are operative in all modes. The
tribution transformer secondary circuit. Special p r o ­ D T V movement is the final protection. The loss of
tection is therefore not necessary for the following oil pressure trip normally operates before the DTV
reasons: starts to close, enabling the unit to be brought to
a safe condition before the inevitable closure of
• The machine can be operated with an earth fault until the D T V .
the operating frequency of the protection is reached.
• Water churning protection * This trip protects
• The magnitude of earth fauh currents falls w h h against running the pump-turbine in water with either
frequency as the earth fault loop is predominantly the main inlet valve (MIV) or the GVs closed, in
resistive and the ratio of voltage to frequency is any condition other than the transition from spin
kept constant. modes to operational modes.
• The time delay for unloading is not required during
• Governor air/oil receiver level low This feature
the start-up period, therefore the tripping can be
supplements the governor a i r / o h pressure low trip
made instantaneous when the operating zone of the
and also covers for the eventuahty of an incorrect air
protection is reached.
precharge pressure causing air entrainment in the
control oh pipework.
10.17 Protection of the punnp-turbine and
• Excessive/partial GV opening and pump speed pro­
the upper/lower reservoirs tection T o avoid p u m p water flow instability con­
This section hsts the Category A and Category Β trips ditions in the pumping m o d e , the p u m p speed/head
that are designed to protect a pump-turbine installation characteristics require the GV opening and p u m p
such as that used on the Dinorwig pumped-storage speed to be within prescribed limits. Trips are pro­
scheme, i.e., they are typical only for reversible p u m p - vided to avoid vibration damage if the p u m p op­
turbines using guide vanes. erates outside these limits.

Protection C h a p t e r 11

10.17.2 C a t e g o r y Β trips Μ valve drains water away from the peripheral

chamber to prevent water build-up between the GVs
Category Β trips result in a controlled shutdown of
and the runner, and the Ρ valve bleeds air away
the unit and include the following areas of protection:
from the spiral casing in order to prevent a build-up
• GV out of step This protection is initiated if of air which would otherwise be passed through
blockage of, or damage t o , a single GV causes h to the system when normal operational modes were
move out of step with the other GVs. instituted. The F valve is used to bleed air out of
the pump-turbine casing when making the transition
• GV start position 2 exceeded with generator circuit-
from spin mode to operational modes. If any of
breaker open If, under starting conditions, 'start
these valves are open during pumping or generation,
position Τ is exceeded after the turbine has attained
a controhed shutdown is initiated.
9 0 % speed, the unit is shut down because turbine
acceleration would not be reduced and synchronising • Μ valve and Ρ valve closed in spin mode If either
would not be possible. the Μ or Ρ valve is not open in the spinning in air
m o d e , an unacceptable air a n d / o r water accumula­
• Suction cone water level high In the p u m p start
tion can occur in the pump-turbine, the u n h is there­
and spin modes, a unit shutdown is initiated if
fore shut down.
the water level under blowdown conditions is too
high to permit the pump-turbine to spin in air only. • Upper/lower reservoir levels high When the water
• Shaft seal cooling water flow low Protection against level in the upper reservoir (pumping mode) or the
seal wear lower reservoir (generating mode) reaches the maxi­
m u m permissible level, the unit is shut down.
• Wearing rings cooling water flow low Failure of
coohng water flow to the wearing rings when • Sequence control faults A unit shutdown is ini­
operating in p u m p start or spinning in air modes, tiated for any failure of the p u m p start-up sequence
causes the unit to shut down to prevent damage to to achieve a given plant state within a predetermined
the wearing rings and possible damage to the rotor. time or number of operations. Possible causes in­
clude excessive p u m p priming time, excessive p u m p
• Wearing rings temperature high Additional protec­ loading time, second failure of p u m p synchronising
tion against damage to wearing rings. or excessive p u m p start-up time.
• Bearing temperature (pads and oil) high.
• Air admission valve open in pump service or in the
• Bearing oil levels low. spin pump to pump transition On-load air admis­
sion is required during generation modes but is not
• Main inlet valve (MIV) air/oil receiver oil pressure/
permitted during pumping modes. In circumstances
oil level low Operation of the unit in the pumping
where the air admission valve is open during the
or generating modes requires the MIV to be fully
pumping modes, the u n h is shut down.
open. In the event of a loss of oil pressure the MIV
would start to close under the action of the counter­ • Blowdown air admission valves open in pump service
weights and a controlled shutdown is required. The or in the spin pump to pump transition If the
low oil level trip backs-up the low pressure trip and blowdown air admission valves are open when the
also prevents the release of air into the control oil main p u m p isolator is closed and the MIV is not
pipework in the event of incorrect precharge for the fully closed, the unit is shut down to prevent air
air pressure and a controlled shutdown must be admission to the system during pumping.

• Headgate, stopgate or tailgate closing Operation

11 DC tripping systems
with gates closed (or closing) is unacceptable so the
unit is shutdown under these circumstances.
11.1 Logic diagram
• Failure to establish cooling water flow at lOVo speed
This shutdown protection operates to prevent over­ The logic diagram (Fig 11.35), which is typical of
heating of the various CW-cooled plant items. Above stations with a generator voltage circuit-breaker, lists ah
10% speed an alarm only is raised which requires the unit trip-initiating devices and details which plant
operator action. has to be tripped to bring the unit into a safe condition.
The groups formed by plant items to be tripped are
• MIV partially closed when GVs are not fully closed explained down the left hand side of the drawing.
In normal operation the MIV must be fully open, G r o u p 1 and G r o u p 3 contain the same plant items,
if it does start to close for any reason, the unit must except that G r o u p 3 trips the steam generator and tur­
be shut down. bine first, fohowed by the other plant items via the
• Μ valve, Ρ valve or F valve open The Μ and Ρ low forward power relay. G r o u p 1 is designated a
valves are used during spinning in air modes; the Category A trip and G r o u p 3 a Category Β trip.

D C tripping systems

In order to cater for several primary circuit con­ all C E G B power stations have used this format for
figurations and to avoid confusion, the logic diagram their tripping systems except Dinorwig where, because
takes the following format: of the complexity of the tripping circuits and the need
to reduce the number of trip relays, diodes were used
• Groups 1 and 3 are always Category A and Category
to connect trip initations to trip output relays, each
B, respectively, requiring opening of the generator
one allocated a tripping function.
high vohage circuh-breaker to clear the fauh.
Matrix tripping systems are being considered by the
• Groups 2 and 4 are also always Category A and C E G B , especially where integrated generator circuit
Category Β but apply to those stations requiring protection systems, w h h buih in test facihties, are being
the opening of the generator voltage circuit-breaker offered. The matrix effectively copies the logic diagram.
to clear the fault, leaving the generator and unit The trip initiations are connected to horizontal bus
transformers connected. wiring and the output devices to the vertical bus wires.
The intersections of the vertical and horizontal bus-
These are the four basic tripping groups. Groups 5, wires can be coupled by diode links represented by
etc., are special but always maintain the same identity plugs on a matrix b o a r d .
irrespective of the primary circuit configuration. All the trip relays, or any repeating relay which is
Each trip initiating device has a unique number and receiving signals from outside the relay r o o m , must
this number is cross-referenced to the tripping schema­ have a minimum operating current of 50 m A to avoid
tic shown on Fig 11.36. The group numbers are also operation from induced current or capacitor discharge
identified on both the logic diagram and the tripping currents. A 10 ^ F capacitor charged u p to 150 V is
schematic. discharged through the relay to check for non-operation
The turbine tripping shown on the top left hand side on capacitor discharge currents from the negative pole
of Fig 11.35 is typical of one manufacturer of tur­ of the battery.
bines. The turbine tripping sequence is described in
Section 3.4.2 of this chapter and the figure shows the
schematic arrangement. C E G B practice is to draw a 11.3 Trip supply and circuit supervision
logic diagram first, which meets all the requirements Only trip supply supervision is provided on trip relay
of the station operations system, and the tripping sche­ circuits with looping of the wiring to the positive and
matic is developed from this.
negative poles (Fig 11.37).
Excessive looping through multicore cables is not
used, thus avoiding the consequent large voltage drops
11.2 Tripping schennatic diagram
in the wiring which would prevent trip relay operation.
Having completed the logic diagram, the next step is to Trip circuit supervision is provided on all turbine
prepare a tripping schematic diagram (Fig 11.36) for and circuit-breaker trip coils because of the possibility
each tripping system. Modern practice is to provide of open-circuhs on these cohs. Figure 11.38 shows a
two separated tripping systems which are fundamentally simplified circuit. Where the trip coil and associated
the same. In those cases where the protective relay Β relay is duplicated (which has been done on the
system is not duplicated, e.g., biased differential pro­ majority of recent schemes), it is not possible to monitor
tection, then the tripping contacts are included in only
both coils in the 'breaker closed' position since either
one of the tripping systems.
circuh will maintain a trip heahhy indication. However,
The allocation of protection systems to each tripping
there are two trip coils and therefore one can fail to
system is always the same. Figure 11.36 is arranged
operate. Furthermore, in the pre-open supervision,
with ah the trip initiating devices, in groups as allocated
circuh-breaker fail and phases out of step protection
in the logic diagram, down the left hand side and the
provides additional back-up protection.
output trip relays down the right. Where possible, trip­
ping functions are commoned on trip relays and opera­
tion of several trip relays are required to perform a 11.4 General comments on the tripping
group trip. The basis of the selection of a trip function
to a relay is to allocate all functions which have to
be tripped fohowing the operation of the low forward Figure 11.36 represents the basic tripping scheme as
power interlock to the main tripping relays (sometimes used on nuclear power stations. It is easily adapted for
called the master trip relays). These trip relays are conventional stations w h h very little change in the
always numbered 1 and 2. The turbine and steam gen­ format.
erator are ahocated to separate trip relays, so that any All protection relays are ordered from this master
of the trip signals allocated to Category Β trip the tripping schematic diagram. The interfaces with the out­
turbine trip relay first. Then, on operation of the low put relays on the turbine and reactor are also shown.
forward power interlock relay, they trip the main trip The block for reactor tripping (Group 4) shows a fuh
relays 1 and 2. Pressure switches in the turbine fluid *two from four' quadrant trip. Each of the smaller blocks
system operate the steam generator trip relays. T o date. A l , A 2 , etc., represents a *two from three' quadrant

Protection Chapter 11




j T R i p BY GROUPS!





FIG. 1 1 . 3 5 Overall protection logic diagram for main generating units

D C tripping systems

o D O V A / P Q PI 1Ι Ι Π P Q P Q Q I I D C C \ A / I T P U 4 C C T D I P P i M 1 OXA/ D D d C C I I D C
ά r U W t n rLUlU r n t o o U n t oWI 1 U n t o 1 n i r U N LUW r n t b o U n t

UNIT T R A N S F O R M E R ( S )


1 2

FIG. 11.35 (cont'd) Overall protection logic diagram for main generating units

Protection Chapter 11


-O O - Τ γ Λ Τ η Ι Ρ RELAY 1
R E A C T O R E S S E N T I A L P L A N T P R O T E C T I O N ( G A S C I R C U L A T O R T R I P FAIL S T A G E 2)








UT Ό ' O V E R A L L P R O T E C T I O N


^ ^ UT Ό ' B U C H H O L Z S U R G E AUTO J—o : Q -




^ — ^ E A R T H I N G T R A N S F B U C H H O L Z SSUI


D O——O O-
bcirr oc T D R (0 - 1.0 S E C TO

U T Ό · HV O V E R C U R R E N T S E C O N D S T A G E



-o I o-
•o | o -
¥-o t o T R I P RELAY 3^
-O O - - O O - -O o-
I -4
AUTO , — 0

Γ—Ο I O — •




l-4o oH
A U X . RELAY rwKrs

HV G E N E R A T O R T R A N S F .
G R O U P 3<; LV G E N E R A T O R T R A N S F .
RELAY ' r-



FIG. 1 1 . 3 6 Overall protection schematic diagram for main generating units

D C tripping systems


-O O-

L ^


• f AUTO


-o I φο o Ο­
Ι ' Τ

π: irr

A2 C2 4o o-\
-O O-


-o | o


TIME DELAY (2 sees)





' lo ΤΥ-ΥΛ







FIG. 11 .36 (cont'd) Overall protection schematic diagram for main generating units

Protection Chapter 11


o- -O I O-


FIG. 11.37 Trip supply supervision

- O I O—

; ^ _ 0 ^


FIG. 11.38 Trip circuit supervision

trip. For security, each of the smaher blocks A l , A 2 , ensure that the distribution system can restore itself
etc., is separately cabled to the u n h protection relay within the limits of stability.
• The protection must be stable in transient condi­
tions, such as m o t o r starting, and shall not operate
for current surges caused by fauhs external to the
12 Auxiliaries systems auxiliaries systems, which the main generator can
safely withstand and which do not damage the pro­
12.1 Operating criteria tected plant.
Before considering the detailed protection requirements • The characteristics of protection equipment must
for the auxiliaries systems, it is necessary to define the match the operating characteristics of the plant it
relevant operating criteria. These will generally be the is protecting and provide discrimination with the
same as those defined in Section 2 of this chapter for protection of other plant connected to the auxiliary
the main plant systems. It is, of course, important to system.
maintain continuity of supply to auxiliary plant as far
as possible and also the stabihty of the unfaulted parts • All auxiliaries system faults must be cleared before
of the systems. The selection and setting of protection the short-circuit capability of the cables, connec­
devices for the auxiliaries systems should therefore be tions and switchgear supplying the faulted plant is
based upon the fohowing major requirements: exceeded.

• Faults external to major power sources, i.e., unit

transformers and diesel-driven generators, must only 12.2 Protection requirements
open the circuit-breakers controlling these power This section deals with the protection aspects of plant
sources after all other protection nearer the fault has
and equipment connected to the 11 kV, 3.3 kV and
fahed to clear the fault.
415 V auxiharies systems. The various protection
• Faults internal to a major power source shall cause schemes used to cover the different protection require­
its circuit-breaker to open as fast as possible to ments for the various kinds of auxiliary plant normally

Auxiliaries systems

found in a power station are reviewed. The overah protection were not provided, phase to phase faults
objective, as defined above, is to provide safe and would be cleared by the inverse time overcurrent relay
rehable protection to ensure that the faulted element on the H V side of the transformer and, since both
is removed as quickly as possible, thus minimising these relays would 'see' the same fault current, both
disruption to the remainder of the system. transformers would be tripped.
Synonymous with this requirement is the need to With the low cost of current transformers at 1 1 /
provide protection which will be highly selective and 3.3 kV and no restrictions on space for mounting
discriminative in its action, and that the operation of them in the circuh-breakers, the restricted earth fauh
all the relays is co-ordinated to give complete protec­ protection is fitted as a separate protection scheme.
tion to the circuits concerned and ensure that, as far Figure 11.39 shows how the protection is apphed. The
as possible, only faulted plant is disconnected. high voltage restricted earth fault protection is con­
nected in the residual circuit of the overcurrent pro­
tection and because the H V side of the transformer is
12.3 Auxiliary transformers delta connected, earth fault currents do not appear in
The principles adopted to protect the generator and unit the relay coil for fauhs on the LV side. The relay is
transformers, described in Section 7 of this chapter, therefore of the instantaneous high impedance type
apply equally to the auxihary transformer circuhs. Due as used on the main supply transformers and described
in the main to the smaller ratings, there are the fol­ in Section 7 of this chapter.
lowing differences in the methods adopted when apply­ The LV restricted earth fault protection uses the
ing the protection. standard scheme of three CTs in the LV circuit-breaker
balancing against one current transformer in the trans­
former neutral. This arrangement and the overall biased
12.3.1 Phase to phase and earth fault protection
differential protection arrangement is shown in Fig
C E G B practice on auxiliary transformer circuhs is not 11.39.
to provide biased differential protection on 3.3/0.415
kV transformers, and below 10 M V A on 11/3.3 kV
transformers. However, if two auxiliary 11/3.3 kV 12.3.2 Winding faults and transformer overloads
transformers are required to operate in parallel, then Winding fauhs in all oil-filled auxiliary transformers
biased differential protection is fitted to b o t h , irre­ are detected in the same fashion as for the major
spective of rating: this is to avoid both transformers transformers described in Section 7.5 of this chapter.
tripping for a phase to phase fault on either trans­ However, since all auxiliary transformers are naturally
former. Referring to Fig 11.39, if biased differential cooled, winding temperature protection gives an alarm








FIG. 1 1 . 3 9 Auxiliary transformer protection

Protection C h a p t e r 11

only. The winding temperature device is similar to

that used on oil-filled transformers and explained in
Chapter 3. On the smaller oil-filled transformers ( 3 . 3 /
0.415 kV), without a conservator oh tank, the Buch-
holz relay is replaced by a top-oil temperature device
which is set to alarm for an overload condition. This
is more fully described in Chapter 3.
These 3.3/0.415 kV transformers and ah air insu­
lated transformers rely on the earth fault protection
for fast clearance of winding faults.

12.3.3 H V inverse t i m e a n d h i g h s e t PROTECTION RELAY

instantaneous overcurrent
The protection is apphed in the same way as for the
u n h transformer described in Section 7.3 of this chapter 400A
and shown in Fig 11.39.
The auxiliary transformer back-up protection for o.H
hne to line faults on both the H V and the LV trans­ INSTANTANEOUS -
former connections and all plant connected to the PROTECTION RELAY
LV side of the transformer, is provided by a relay which
has an inverse characteristic, except on 3.3/0.415 kV
transformers where the relay has to operate in con­
junction with a 415 V fuse. In this case, an extremely 10
inverse relay is used, since its characteristic is very
similar to that of a fuse. This gives better co-ordination FIG. 11.40 Protection co-ordination for a fused
between relay and fuse and is explained fully in Section switching device
12.9 of this chapter. This relay is connected to current
transformers which are located on the H V side of the
of secure electrical supplies to both station and unit
transformer (Fig 11.39). The three-pole elements ensure
auxiharies boards, h has been the practice for many
the same clearance times for all line to line faults on
years to provide additional local generation at strategic
the LV side of the transformer.
points within the power station network, so that the
On 3.3/0.415 kV transformers of 1 M V A and below, safe operation and control of certain essential plant
a switching device is used on the 3.3 kV side of the can be carried out during periods of enforced dis­
transformer circuit. This consists of a circuit-breaker connection from the grid system (see Chapter 1). This
and a fuse (see Chapter 5). F a u h s above the circuh- is achieved by connecting diesel or gas turbine driven
breaker fault interrupting capability are cleared by the generators directly to the 11 kV, 3.3 kV or 415 V
fuse and the combination, as far as the protection is busbars of selected auxiliary switchboards. In this
concerned, can be treated as a circuit-breaker, allowing context, the term *local generation' refers to generators
the use of instantaneous relays. Figure 11.40 shows which are connected to these switchboards as com­
that the instantaneous relay reduces protection clear­ pared with the main generator which provides genera­
ance times for cable faults, the time reduction being tion to the national grid system.
between 50 and 100 ms.
The protection scheme for local generation plant
All high set instantaneous overcurrent relays have
must take into account, and cater for, the mechanical
a low transient over-reach to prevent operation due
failures of the prime mover.
to fauhs on the LV side of the transformer. This is
The protection scheme divides faults into those which
explained in Sections 7.3 and 12.9 of this chapter.
must trip circuits and those which alarm. The distinc­
tion is made on the basis that an operator cannot be
12.3.4 Standby earth fault expected to correct a fault in less than five minutes
Back-up earth fault protection against all earth fauhs from it happening. Any fault which cannot be sustained
occurring on the LV side of the transformer is pro­ for five minutes without becoming a danger to person­
vided by a single-pole inverse time relay. This relay is nel or causing serious damage must be arranged to
operated from the neutral C T which is located in the imtiate an automatic trip. The phhosophy is similar to
neutral of the LV winding. The protection application that adopted for the protection functions of the main
is described in Section 7.4 of this chapter. generator unit.
T o illustrate the protection philosophy for local
generating plant, a diesel generator system is described
12.4 Auxihary generators to show how the electrical and mechanical protection
As part of the design philosophy or the maintenance requirements of the generator set are met and how

Auxiliaries systems

they fit into the overah protection scheme. F r o m a but at a reduced generated output, typically between
protection point of view, the tripping functions can 20 and 4 5 % of the generator full load capability.
be divided into two main categories — mechanical It follows that when fuel oil is avahable from the
and electrical. gravity t a n k , it is not necessary to provide a trip signal
to the generator circuit-breaker for fuel system faults.
Under these conditions, sufficient time is available for
12.4.1 M e c h a n i c a l trips
the operator to take remedial action and synchronous
Consideration of mechanical faults will be confined m o t o r operation of the generator is neither harmful to
to those which necessitate tripping of the generator the generator nor to the auxiliary supply system.
circuit-breaker. The protection requirements in respect With this fuel system design it is only necessary from
of ah other types of mechanical fauh are deah with a protection point of view to provide an alarm to
in Chapter 9. indicate the loss of one fuel oil p u m p , alerting the
As mentioned previously, the essence of any pro­ plant operator to monitor the situation and take the
tection system is that it must be capable of detecting appropriate action.
any abnormal condhion in the equipment it is protec­
ting at an early stage and of providing means of
12.4.2 Electrical protection
isolating the faulty element before any serious damage
occurs. A typical electrical protection scheme for the generator
This philosophy is achieved by measuring the flow, and connected loads is shown in Fig 11.41. The protec­
temperature and pressure of the fluids which are essen­ tion scheme illustrated is designed to give phase and
tial to the healthy operation of the engine. It is normal earth fault protection, using a combination of main and
to choose lubricating oil and coohng water for this back-up systems to ensure that a fauh on the generator
purpose, since their behaviour accurately reflects the circuit disconnects the generator as quickly as possible.
state of the engine. The discrimination necessary can only be obtained by
The potentially damaging situations in which pro­ correct relay co-ordination. It is necessary to disconnect
tection is needed, are listed below. The detection of any the generator rapidly in order to minimise damage, to
of these fauhs resuhs in the tripping of the circuh- maintain continuity of supply to other connected loads,
breaker and eventually the shut down of the engine: and also to maintain a stable auxiliary supply system.
The network shown is a single busbar system feeding
• Lubricating oh pressure low.
two outgoing feeders, each of which is controhed at
• Lubricating oil temperature low. both ends by circuh-breakers.
• Coohng water temperature high. Any phase or earth faults occurring on the generator
windings will be detected by a differential protection
• Coohng water flow low. system, as described in Section 6.3 of this chapter.
• Engine overspeed. The zone of protection extends beyond the feeder side
of the circuit-breakers, which means that the generator
It wih be apparent from this hst, that faults associated protection system also caters for phase and earth fauhs
with the fuel system supplying the diesel engine do not on the busbars as well as the circuit-breaker itself
require circuit-breaker tripping. Serious consequences and part of the feeder circuit-breakers. The protection
could ensue if the generator is not disconnected quickly system is arranged to trip the generator and the two
from the electrical system when fuel supply is lost, feeder circuit-breakers.
but the tripping of the circuit-breaker for failure of The feeder protection is described in Section 12.6
the fuel supply system is unnecessary if a supply of of this chapter.
fuel to the engine can be maintained for a finite period
of time. The design of the fuel system is intended to Standby earth fault (two-stage)
cater for this. As described in Chapter 9, the fuel oil Should an earth fauh on the system not be cleared
supply arrangements on site consist of a main t a n k , by any of the protection schemes described above,
day tank and a gravity tank. The main tank supplies then the two standby earth fault protection relays fitted
the day tank, which in turn supphes the fuel to the to the generator neutral will clear the fault. The pro­
engine via the normal fuel feed system. The gravity tection scheme is described in Section 7.4 of this
tank acts as a back-up supply in the event of failure chapter. The first stage trips the generator circuit
of the day tank supply system for any reason. breaker only: if this fahs to clear the fauh in 0.3 s,
Under normal operating conditions, fuel oil p u m p s the second stage trips the generator. Thus the protec­
are fitted in duplicate to feed the fuel oil to the engine tion acts as a back-up to the generator protection
under pressure from the day tank. Should either or but is principally for the protection of the busbars,
both of these pumps be lost, then the system transfers circuh-breakers and uncleared fauhs on the 3.3 kV
automatically to the gravity tank system whereby fuel system. It therefore must co-ordinate w h h the 3.3 kV
is gravity fed to the engine. The diesel engine wih auxiliary system protection. This is dealt with in Section
continue to run for several hours under this regime 12.9 of this chapter.

Protection Chapter 11



3 - POLE
Χ X 3 - POLE



-3 -3

FIG. 1 1 . 4 1 Electrical protection scheme for an auxihary diesel generator

N o reverse power relays have been fitted to guard tection. A unit scheme is used to detect phase and earth
against the generator running as an induction gen­ faults in the machine generator windings and its con­
erator. The mechanical protection already outlined, nections at 11 kV. The zone of protection indicated
adequately protects the diesel generator against loss includes the interconnecting cables between the alter­
of drive and the fitting of circulating current protection nator and incoming side of the 11 kV switchboard as
to the generator removes the need for fast operating well as between the alternator and the H V connections
reverse power protection for generator faults. The of the 11 kV/415 V gas turbine unit transformer. Back­
overcurrent protection of the feeder circuits provides u p overcurrent protection is provided using a vohage
back-up protection for uncleared generator fauhs, as controlled overcurrent relay. Referring to Fig 11.43,
is the case for the main generator at fossil-fired power the relay has two operating characteristics determined
stations. by the operation of the instantaneous undervoltage
unit. O n overloads, its characteristic matches the ther­
mal characteristic of the generator. Under fault con­
12.4.3 Gas turbines ditions, the undervoltage element operates, changing
Gas turbines, as well as being used as prime movers the characteristic to the fault characteristic and ensures
for the generation of emergency electrical auxiliary positive operation on the low value of sustained fault
supplies, are also used for grid supply system support current encountered on synchronous machines. The
and black start (loss of grid supply). If the last two fault characteristic is the standard I D M T and therefore
functions are not required, dieseis have the advantage ahows close grading with the overcurrent protection
of faster, more reliable starting for emergency supplies on the outgoing circuits of the 11 kV switchboard.
to auxiliaries. Gas turbine units are very much larger The gas turbine unit has negative phase sequence
than diesel sets, sizes varying between 17.5 M W and protection fitted to protect the machine against un­
70 M W . The protection requirements are the same cleared faults external to the machine. It is omitted on
as for diesel generators, except that the gas turbines emergency dieseis in nuclear power stations in the
has a unit transformer directly connected to supply interests of safety and continuous running during a
its auxiliaries. This modifies the protection to that reactor post-trip situation.
shown in Fig 11.42. A two-stage standby earth fault protection is pro­
The electrical protection requirements of gas turbine vided as back-up protection for the uncleared earth
units include both generator and u n h transformer pro­ faults in the gas-turbine generator circuit and 11 kV

Auxiliaries systems






3 - POLE

FIG. 11.42 Electrical protection scheme for an auxiliary gas-turbine generator

auxiliary system faults. It also acts as protection to • Bearing temperature high.

trip the generator for all 11 kV busbar fauhs. The first
• Rotor temperature high.
stage of the protection is designed therefore to open
the 11 kV circuh-breaker only and, if this fails to • Gas inlet temperature high.
clear the fault, the second stage trips the gas turbine. • Overspeed trip.
The protection fitted to the 11/0.415 kV gas tur­
bine u n h t r a n ^ o r m e r is the same as that described in Electric generator
Section 12.4.2 of this chapter.
• Outlet coohng air temperature high.

Mechanical trips • Lubricating oil tank level low.

The fohowing is a hst of the gas turbine mechanical • Excessive vibration.
trips: • Exciter bearing temperature high.
Gas generator • Air inlet differential pressure high.
• Low vent temperature high. • Lubricating oil pressure low.
• Lubricating oil pressure low. • Generator reading temperature high.
• Anti-icing system failure.
• Flame failure. All the above protective devices trip the generator
11 kV circuit-breaker and shut down the gas turbine
• Cell temperature high. by tripping the fuel valves.
• Air intake differential pressure high.
• Excessive vibration.
12.5 Motors
• Fuel inlet pressure low.
T h e protection scheme for a m o t o r circuit is based
• Gas pressure unbalance. on a thermal overload relay which, in addition to the
thermal overload, protects against open-circuit unbal­
Power turbine anced phases and stalling conditions. Phase to phase
• Excessive vibration. and phase t o earth fault protection is provided, depend­
ing on whether the circuit is controlled by a circuit-
• Lubricating oil pressure low.
breaker or a m o t o r switching device which can interrupt
• Stator temperature high. the maximum fauh current for the swhchboard, or a

Protection Chapter 11

S1 S2

S1 S2

S1 S2


11 12'< ^ 2 0 ^ ^
lt 2 4 ^ 3 4 ^ 4 ^ st ?| 7 t i t 9-? iSt










ü 16-

5 14H

ΐ 12H




—I 1 1 1 1 1 1— —I
4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

Time-current characteristics at time multiplier setting 1.0

FIG. 11.43 Voltage-controlled overcurrent relay

contactor with a limited fault interruption capability. rupting the m o t o r starting currents; this restriction
At 11 kV, all circuits have circuh-breakers and at prevents the use of an instantaneous relay to provide
3.3 kV ah circuhs have ehher circuh-breakers or motor instantaneous protection for phase to phase faults.
switching devices. At 415 V, motor circuits are con­ The protection philosophy adopted by the C E G B on
trolled by a fused contactor which is limited to inter­ m o t o r circuits is discussed in the following sections.

Auxiliaries systems

12.5.1 M o t o r c i r c u i t s a t 415 V ( c o n t a c t o r circuits)

Protection against phase to phase fauhs is provided
by the fuse.
Protection against phase to earth faults is also THERMAL OVERLOAD/SINGLE
provided by the fuse for fuses u p to 250 A . On m o t o r PHASING/PHASE UNBALENCE.ETC.

circuhs using a 250 A or greater fuse (50 k W motors

and above), an instantaneous earth fault relay is pro­
vided together with an inhibit overcurrent relay which
prevents the earth fault relay from tripping the con­
tactor for faults outside its capability. The reason for
special earth fault protection on these circuits is that
the earth fault loop impedance may restrict the fault
current to less than 1000 A , resulting in very slow
clearance on circuits with large fuses. This resuhs in
increased damage to plant and danger to personnel.
This is discussed further in Section 12.9.5 of this
chapter. The protection circuit is shown in Fig 11.44. RELAY RESISTANCE FAULT
The thermal overload relays are either directly con­
nected into the supply lines to the machine or via
current transformers, depending on the rating of the
machine. C E G B practice is that an overload relay can FIG. 11.44 Protection circuit for motors of 50 kW
and above for contactor circuits with 250 A fuses
be directly connected on circuhs having full load cur­ (or greater). The earth fault element is time-delayed
rents up to and including 60 A where the wiring is to allow the instantaneous overcurrent relay to
static. Where relays are mounted on hinged panels, operate first
they may be directly connected u p to and including
25 A only. For circuits above these ratings, protective
12.5.2 M o t o r c i r c u i t s a t 11 k V a n d 3.3 k V
relays are current transformer operated.
On electrically-held contactors, the protection relay The thermal overload protection on these circuits is
contacts interrupt the A C supply to the contactor coil. essentially the same as that supphed on the 415 V
The circuh is shown in Fig 11.45 (a). For latched con­ m o t o r circuits which use current transformers. Phase
tactors, the protection relay contacts close to activate to phase and phase to earth fault protection is added
a DC-operated trip coil. The circuit is shown in Fig in the form of instantaneous relays. It is essential to
11.45 (b). have this form of protection even on 3.3 kV motor

110V AC 110V AC
(a) Electrically-held contactors SWITCH

+110V DC -DC
-O O ho cH

-O O-
(b) Latched contactors

FIG. 11.45 Protection tripping schematic for motor contactor circuits

Protection C h a p t e r 11

switching devices, as the earth fauh currents are hmited cooling-down and ensure that its operation at all times
to 1000 A. The fuses fitted as standard in these de­ stays within the safe withstand capability of the ma­
vices are 400 A , resulting in very slow clearance on chine. With this kind of relay, a compromise is reached
earth faults. Additionally, the switching device operated where, in some areas, the m o t o r is overprotected.
from the relay will clear the fault without blowing The instantaneous earth fauh relay uses a stabilis­
the fuse. This also apphes on phase to phase faults ing resistance in series with a low impedance current
to a limited extent at low fault infeeds which can be operated relay. The principle adopted has already been
cleared by the circuit-breaker in the motor switching explained in Section 6.3 of this chapter and it is con­
device arrangement. nected (as explained in Section 12.3.1) to the auxihary
transformers. The stabilising resistance prevents opera­
tion due to current transformer saturation caused by
12.5.3 T h e r m a l o v e r l o a d relay
m o t o r starting currents. The relay must also have a
Referring to Fig 11.46, the thermal overload relay low transient overreach to allow a low setting without
consists of three bimetal strips, one in each phase of picking u p on the first peak of the starting current.
the motor, which become heated as a result of the For certain applications, the provision of adequate
motor current flowing through them, causing bending stalling protection can sometimes be a problem. This
or rotational movement which closes a pair of contacts is particularly so where the safe stah time for the
to initiate a trip or alarm signal. The precise physical motor is close to or longer than its run-up time, as in
movement of the bimetallic strip is a function of the submerged coohng water p u m p s , or where the motor
relay setting current. is close to its stall capability when it is operating at
The bimetallic strips are helically wound and, when high load conditions. Under these circumstances, a
they carry the motor hne current, the heat generated special stalling relay is required in order to provide
causes the assembly to rotate about a c o m m o n axis, close relay settings between tripping time and motor
so that it closes the trip or alarm contact on the relay stah withstand time. Referring to Fig 11.48, the cur­
if the motor rating is exceeded. One important feature rent transformer/control contactor operates at values
which this relay embodies is temperature compensation of current above three times rated relay current to
to accommodate for any changes in ambient tempera­ switch in the thermal element. If the current fahs be­
ture, so that the actuating helix will either 'wind u p ' low three times, as in a healthy motor start, the thermal
or 'wind down' depending on whether there is a rise u n h is disconnected.
or fah in temperature. In addition to the electromechanical thermal over­
The contact arrangement is shown in Fig 11.46. load relays discussed, electronic relays are now being
The three thermal elements are mounted axially in­ produced. The C E G B have not to date (1988) approved
line and are insulated from the case and from one the use of the electronic relay, mainly because of its
another. The two outer elements are connected together inability to provide fast phase to phase and phase to
to form one pole of the trip circuit, whhst the centre earth fault protection. It is proposed to use electro­
element forms the other. A radial arm on the centre mechanical protection, as provided in the past, in
element carries a lattice frame fitted with five contacts, combination w h h an electronic relay for thermal over­
one of which is the overload contact. load protection. The advantage of the electronic re­
Each of the arms on the outer movements carries lay over the electromechanical as a thermal overload
two contacts which normally float between a pair of device is that the relay thermal characteristic matches
contacts on the centre frame and protect against phase the mathematical thermal model of the motors more
unbalance or open-circuit. Under normal operating con­ closely.
ditions, all three contact-carrying arms deflect through Owing to modern advances in insulation technology,
the same angle so that the two contacts on each of the quality of the insulation nowadays is such that less
the two outer arms remain midway between the two is required than was previously necessary for the same
pairs of contacts on the centre contact frame. motor design, with a consequent reduction in frame
The thermal characteristic required varies with the size for the same rating. This results in a smaller heating
run-up time and the heating-up and coohng-down time time constant with which the electromechanical relay
is unable to cope for all the requirements, and it is
of the motor. The thermal overload relay used by the
becoming increasingly unsuhable for close protection
C E G B has three characteristics of which the 20-minute
of motors of present day design. The requirements are:
type is most commonly used (Fig 11.47). This gives
an operating time for motor starting currents (5 to 8 • T o fit the relay *cold' operating curve below the
times relay rating) of 40 seconds, approximately, and motor *cold' thermal withstand curve.
suits most motors used by the C E G B on their auxiliary
• T o fh the relay *hot' operating curve below the
systems. Applying one characteristic to all motors
m o t o r 'hot' thermal withstand curve.
cannot give close protection for all m o t o r s , but has
proved very reliable and gives effective protection. • T o fh the relay 'hot' operating curve above the
Ideally, the relay should match closely the ther­ m o t o r 100^0 vohs and 8 0 % vohs starting current/
mal characteristic of the motor both heating-up and time characteristic.

Auxiliaries systems






FIG. 11.46 Thermal overload relay

1000 Η


? lOOH
100% LOAD
105%-125% SETTING
2 3 4

FIG. 11.47 Motor thermal relay — 20 minute characterisdc

In view of the above, h is clear that in order to obtain crystal device, or simhar. At 415 V, such sophisticated
good thermal protection between motor and overload protection might not be considered necessary. How­
relay, it is desirable to have a protective device which ever, there are essential motors connected at 415 V
is more able to match closely the thermal characteristic which are required to run following a reactor trip at a
of the machine it is protecting. Such a device is an nuclear power station to maintain reactor safety, and
electronic protection relay which has a range of set­ unnecessary tripping of one of these motors by hs ther­
tings to cater for most drives which are commercially mal relay renders it unavailable until the relay resets to
available on the market. Thermal imaging is achieved allow a m o t o r start. Digital relays can be programmed
by electronic circuits whose behaviour is determined to trip the m o t o r , for example, on vohage disturbance,
by a mathematical model that describes the thermal before the m o t o r reaches a temperature which would
characteristics of the m o t o r . The relay can be either preclude an immediate restart.
analogue or digital in operation, the digital relay being Digital type protection relays, using microprocessors,
more flexible. Further, quantities measured by the re­ therefore have very wide ranging capabilities. Most
lay can be displayed at the relay by means of a liquid relays employing digital techniques will memorise the

Protection Chapter 11

vided by the overcurrent relay on the H V side of the

CURRENT TRANSFORMER/CONTROL transformer. This operates in two stages; the first stage
BELOW 5 AMPERES) RESISTOR trips the interconnector, the second stage the trans­
former H V and LV circuh-breakers.

12.7 Busbar protection

Whilst the busbar protection schemes available are
perfectly adequate to cater for phase faults and earth
faults, their use within the C E G B for power station
systems has always been the subject of debate.
Experience indicates that busbar faults are very in­
frequent. The busbars are usuahy air insulated, which
itself reduces significantly the possibility of busbar
faults. This supports the view that a dedicated busbar
TRIPPING CONTACTS protection scheme is unnecessary.
The C E G B has not used busbar protection on any
660 M W unit power station other than Drax where,
JC INDICATOR having been installed in the late 1960s on the first half,
it was repeated for consistency on the second half. It
has been considered for many years that to introduce a
separate form of protection specifically to cover busbar
FIG. 11.48 Stalling relay schematic diagram faults reduces the overall reliability of the electrical
system, since it complicates the protection scheme and
values of circuit parameters, e.g., load current in each increases the risk of malfunction. This would result
phase, thermal overload capacity actually used u p and in shutting down the complete switchboard, causing
also the amount remaining before reaching trip state, severe operational inconvenience and would be costly in
percentage unbalance currents, earth fault a n d short- lost production. This is particularly so for unit boards,
circuit currents. This information can be easily accessed which supply all the motors essential for the running
at the relay to give running values of the various of the main u n h . At 11 kV for example, h would
parameters as well as pre- and post-fault trip data. possibly resuh in the loss of a boiler feed p u m p , cooling
Other useful features include a pre-trip alarm and trip water p u m p s , induced draught and forced draught fan
inhibit facility. motors and would inevitably result in the tripping of
the main unit. The risk of losing such strategic items
of plant, with the consequential loss of generation, due
12.6 Cables to the possible malfunction of a busbar protection
So far, the protection requirements of m o t o r s , trans­ scheme is unacceptable. For this reason, busbar pro­
formers, and generators have been discussed: these tection is n o longer fitted to auxiliary switchboards in
schemes usually also protect their cables which are con­ this way.
nected to them. In these instances, fauhs in the cable There is, however, stih a need to guard against any
are cleared by the main protection. Should these faults fauhs hkely to affect the busbars. The method adopted
persist undetected by the main protection, the back-up to cover for busbar faults uses the protection arrange­
protection will clear the fault, its current and type ments already discussed under transformer protection,
setting determining the short-circuit rating of the cable. i.e., the standby earth fauh protection wih operate for
For cables not connected to the items of plant refer­ any busbar fault involving earth, and the back-up
red to above, e.g., interconnectors, the same philosophy overcurrent protection fitted to the H V side of the
of main and back-up protection is adopted. T h e main transformer will operate for any busbar phase to phase
protection is circulating current high impedance as faults. At 415 V, where busbar faults have been caused
described in Section 6.3 of this chapter. Figure 11.49 by h u m a n error when using multirange instruments, the
shows the 11 kV and 3.3 kV U n h Board cable intercon­ back-up protection is set down to 150 ms. This can
nector, where it can be seen that the main protection only be achieved by ehminating all forms of overcurrent
consists of a circulating current scheme. Back-up pro­ protection using inverse time relays on the 415 V supply
tection is provided by a combined overcurrent and system. This method of protection at 415 V is helped
earth fault relay which is located at each end of the considerably by the design of that system. This is ex­
interconnector. The relay used for this purpose consists plained in Section 12.9 of this chapter.
of three elements, two used for overcurrent protection
and the third for earth fault protection.
12.8 High breaking capacity (HBC) fuses
At 415 V, the protection requirements are a little
different, in that the circulating current protection is The fuse has shown itself to be an extremely rehable
phase to earth only and the back-up protection is pro­ and safe form of protection a n d has been used in this

Auxiliaries systems



nn no nn nn
rp r


FIG. 1 1 . 4 9 11 kV, 3 . 3 kV and 4 1 5 V interconnector protection

way over a long period of time with great success. always be maintained if a 2:1 ratio in fuse sizes is used.
Whilst the principal function of the high breaking Experience shows this is to be so, a h h o u g h at very
capacity (HBC) fuse is to provide short-circuh pro­ high fauh currents which are operating b o t h fuses in
tection, it can also provide an adequate degree of less than 5 m s , some grading may be lost with a 2:1
overload and earth fault protection for smaller circuits. ratio.
It must be reahsed that, when considering the earth
fauh protection properties of the fuse, a significant 12.9.2 Characteristics of inverse time relays
amount of earth fault current must flow before the
There are three types of recognised inverse time over-
device operates, so an adequate earth path must be
current relay and the characteristics are specified in
provided back to the star point of the transformer.
l E C 2 5 5 - 4 (BS142), they are:
Most 415 V circuhs are fuse protected and fuses
are used to a significant extent for 3.3 kV circuits. • Ordinary inverse.
CEGB practice on the use of fuses as protection and • Very inverse.
their co-ordination with other protection is explained
in the fohowing section. • Extremely inverse.

Typical characteristics for overcurrent relays are shown

in Fig 11.51. The characteristic equation, as specified
12.9 Protection co-ordination
in BS 142, is
12.9.1 Characteristics of 415 V fuses t =
In order to maintain a degree of interchangeability, (G/Gb)^ - 1
fuses are specified which fah into the characteristic where t = theoretical operating time, s
bands of l E C 269 (BS 88). Figure 11.50 shows the k = constant for that relay
characteristic bands for 10 A , 20 A, 40 A , 80 A , 160 A , G = current in relay, A
315 A , and 630 A fuses. The lower curve of each b a n d Gb = relay setting current, A
is the pre-arcing time of the fuse in the size stated and a = index characterising the algebraic function
the upper curve is the total operating time of that size.
All fuse characteristics conforming to this standard The ratio G/Gb is therefore the plug setting multipher.
must he within these b a n d s . This includes the ± lO^o By careful choice of the values k and a, the three
tolerance allowed to the manufacturer on his published inverse curves at a time muhiplier of u n h y can be pro­
characteristic. This ensures that when replacing fuses, duced. Suggested values of k and a for the four types
grading between them will always be maintained. For of relay are given below:
example, a 315 A and a 630 A fuse of any manufacturer
Ordinary Very Extremely Long-time
which conforms to the upper and lower limit of the
inverse inverse inverse inverse
fuse bands of BS88 will always grade with one another. 0.14 13.5 80.0 12.0
These curves indicate that grading between fuses will 0.02 1.0 2.0 1.0

Protection Chapter 11

10 000-1

1000 Η

500 1000 5000 10 000 20 000 30 000


F I G . 1 1 . 5 0 4 1 5 V fuse characteristics

Since the characteristic curves are based on the time and 8 s settings is shown in Fig 11.51. The operating
multipher (1.0) then, when co-ordinating relays at other time is independent of the current input which means
time multiphers, a check must be made using the actual that the grading interval can be reduced as C T errors
curves specified by the manufacturer and the setting do not have to be included. This is offset to some
adjusted (if necessary) to obtain the required grading extent by the fact that the allowable relay errors are
margin. This is particularly important when using very ± 1 0 % instead of ± 7 . 5 % . F r o m a practical point of
and extremely inverse relays, where the time of opera­ view, the inverse and the definite time relays could be
tion is not always proportional to time multiplier set­ treated in the same way as far as grading margins are
ting. These comments do not apply to electronic relays concerned.
the characteristic values for which are shown above and Section 12.9.6 of this chapter gives the equation for
for which the time multiplier is directly proportional. the grading interval. In order to simplify the grading
The setting accuracy is also to much closer tolerances process, the C E G B co-ordinates the system using in­
(±5%). verse time relays and reserves the application of definite
Relay errors must be whhin those quoted in BS142. time relays to specific cases, as follows:
In that standard the allowable error at twice the setting (a) For fast clearance over a wide range of fault levels.
is more than twice the ahowable error at 20 times the When grading with a fuse this can sometimes be
setting. This does not usually affect co-ordination mar­ better achieved using a definite time relay than with
gins between relays, where the most critical margins an extremely inverse time relay. At the lower plug
more often than not occur at the higher current multi­ setting and time multiplier setting of the extremely
ples. It can affect the grading between a fuse and a relay. inverse relay, co-ordination between fuse and relay
is lost at the lower fauh levels. F a u h s between
12.9.3 Characteristics of definite time relays phases generally produce higher fauh current than
The characteristic of a definite time relay with 2, 4 for earth fauhs at 415 V, where the earth fauh

Auxiliaries systems

follow the thermal capability of the protected plant

and, in particular, of induction motors (see typical
characteristics on Fig 11.47 and compare with those
on Fig 11.51). They have longer operating times than
the inverse relays. The relay has other protection func­
tions such as stall, single phasing, negative phase se­
quence and earth fault protection. It is only necessary
for co-ordination purposes to know the characteristics
of the instantaneous a n d thermal relay a n d , if working
in conjunction with a fuse, the fuse characteristic. The
process will be explained later to show how the com­
bined characteristic m a d e u p of a fuse, an instantan­
eous relay and a thermal relay reduces clearance times
of back-up protection further u p the system and, in
the case of large motors connected at 11 kV, deter­
mines whether differential protection is required.

12.9.5 Calculations
The data required for a co-ordination study are:
• A single hne diagram of the supply network, as
shown in Fig 11.52.
• The impedances of all power transformers, rotating
machines and feeder circuits.

The impedances are first converted to the per u n h (p.u.)

value by using p . u . value = actual value/base value,
where the base value chosen depends on the actual
value. If actual value is:
FIG. 11.51 Characteristics of an overcurrent relay with (a) Volts The base value is the nominal phase to
various time settings neutral vohage of the relaying point.
(b) Amps The base value is preferably the fuh load
loop impedance can be high. It can also be used current of the circuh protected. This is not essential
successfully where h is difficuh to clear low level but is a convenient value to choose.
earth fauhs on interconnector circuhs and busbars.
At 415 V, it would be grading with a fuse, so that (c) Ohms The base value in ohms is then (a) divided
its current setting must be high enough to co-ordi­ by (b). The per unit system can be completely de­
nate w h h the largest fuse on the outgoing circuits. fined by specifying (a) and root 3 times the product
of (a) and (b), i.e., a base M V A value. If the base
(b) They are ideal for use throughout the supply system value in ohms is required, h is given by:
as back-up protection, such as on radial feeders at
the same voltage level. Radial feeders are rarely (phase to phase voltage in k V ) ^ / M V A base
used on C E G B auxihary systems other than 415 V
where fuses are the only protection. Note: Any two base quantities will fix the third but
(a) must be one of t h e m .
(c) Where above a fixed current setting, operation is
required in a definhe time.
The m a x i m u m and m i n i m u m values of short-circuh
current that are expected to flow through the relay
They cannot provide close grading with a mixture of
during normal and transient conditions are next cal­
fuses and inverse relays unless the definite time relay
culated. Generally, when considering the settings of
is the first relay in the grading chain. A n inverse relay
overcurrent relays, the minimum short-circuit is not
wih always grade much closer to another inverse relay
required since the current setting is dependent on the
than a definite time relay.
m a x i m u m continuous loading of the circuit, the relay
It is practice in modern relays to incorporate both
resetting current ratio and the primary current setting
inverse time and definite time characteristics in one
of the relays in front. The recommendation is to use
a factor of 1.3 times the largest of these three values.
However, for the instantaneous relays, as with unit
12.9.4 Characteristics of thermal relays protection relays, it is important to check that at the
The characteristics of thermal relays are designed to minimum fauh level the current is at least twice the

Protection C h a p t e r 11




Θ 660 MW

60 MVA

750 MVA
- f ^ — X


250 MVA 250 MVA

• y y — X


I 1.6 MVA


630A 0

100 kW

FIG. 11.52 Network single line diagram

The network shows a main (660 MW) generator supplying an 11 kV busbar through its unit transformer. The supply
to the 3.3 kV and 415 V busbars are by unit auxiliary transformers 11/3.3 kV and 3.3/0.415 kV respectively. For the
sake of clarity, representative motors have been shown at 3.3 kV and 415 V only. The 11/3.3 kV systems each have
bus-section circuit-breakers and each section is supplied by an alternative transformer. However, to demonstrate the
co-ordination of the relays it is not necessary to include these alternative supplies.

setting current and the current transformer knee-point former maintains its accuracy within its prescribed
is not reached before twice the relay setting current. limits of error, expressed as a multiple of its rate
This will ensure positive operation of the instantaneous current.
(ih) Divide (ii) by (i), giving the knee-point vohage:
This can be checked simply by the fohowing method: this should be greater than twice the setting.
(i) Calculate the relay circuit impedance at twice
the setting. This is the sum of the relay, plus the Suppose the current transformer is 10 VA with an
leads, plus the C T , plus any other relays in the accuracy hmit factor of 15 and a rated secondary cur­
circuit. rent of 1 A . Then, if the secondary burden is 1 Ω, the
current transformer can dehver 15 χ 10 volts (knee
(ii) Either from the accuracy limit factor or from the point voltage) into 1 Ω which is 150 A . A setting of 75
C T magnetising characteristic, derive the C T knee times is therefore possible. Fifteen to 20 times is more
point voltage. The accuracy l i m i t f a c t o r is defined likely to be the required setting on high set instan­
as the primary current up to which the trans­ taneous relays.

Auxiliaries systems

In calculations to determine the maximum operating the time setting. This is mainly due to the fact that
fauh levels, a simple calculation based on the system below twice the current setting, the relay characteristic
impedance which is the equivalent to the switchgear tends to be asymptotic to the time axis; it is there­
rating is recommended for the following reasons. fore indeterminate and certainly not accurate enough
Calculations based on incoming transformer circuit to ensure grading. In addition to this, the errors are
impedances alone could result in an underestimate of more than twice those at the higher fauh levels. Prac­
the peak current for which the instantaneous relay is tical experience shows that w h h the backing relay set
required to remain stable. This is not so important for at least 1.3 times the one nearest the fault, grading is
the grading between inverse time relays by themselves assured. Grading between fuse and relay must be at
as the contributions from induction motors, which con­ least three times and this may be insufficient if a low
stitute the switchgear making requirement, are of a time multipher is chosen. Only a plot of both fuse and
transient nature (10 cycles) and have no effect on the relay characteristic will confirm this.
grading between them. However, if the protection at
the relaying point contains high set overcurrent relays, Time grading — relay to relay
for example, on transformer circuits, the first few cycles The grading point is determined at the intersection
of an offset current waveform may cause unwanted characteristic of the high set instantaneous relay setting
operation of the instantaneous relay under through- and the inverse time relay (point X , Fig 11.53) or point
fault conditions if an underestimate of the fault current Y, the m a x i m u m fault level, if the protection does
has been made. A n example of the calculation is given not include a high set.
in Sections 12.9.6 and 12.9.8 of this chapter, neglect­ The grading interval (At -\- B) between protective
ing induction motor infeeds. A decrement curve needs devices is m a d e u p of a fixed interval (B) and one de­
to be calculated from generator data or obtained from pending on the operating time of the relay in front
the manufacturers of the generator, for systems where (At).
the predominating infeed is from local generation. The The fixed interval Β is made u p of two compo­
protection may be required to operate when the gen­ nents; the first is the fault current interrupting time of
erator is disconnected from the system, in which case the circuit-breaker. The operating time of the circuit-
the grading of the system worked out for connection breaker includes the time from trip coil energisation to
to the supply network will have to be rechecked. The arc extinction. Usually 100 ms is ahowed for this, giving
procedure is to estabhsh relay settings for all conditions a margin of safety as the actual time is normahy 70
when running in parallel with the supply network and to 80 m s . The second component is the overshoot time
then examine the relay performance when supplied from of the relay. W h e n the relay is de-energised, operation
local generation only. It may not always be possible may continue for a little longer until all the stored
to grade the protection adequately for both situations energy is dissipated, e.g., disc type relays have energy
and thought has to be given to splitting the network, stored in the disc, solid state relays have energy stored
when operating on local generation, in such a way that in capacitors. The overshoot time is defined as the
continuity of supply can be maintained for faults on difference between the operating time of the relay at a
the network. specified value of the input current and the maximum
Current transformer performance curves should be duration of this current which, if suddenly reduced to
checked for output at the grading point determined by a current which will not cause relay operation, is then
the maximum fault level or at the setting of the high insufficient to cause operation due to overshoot. In
set overcurrent if there is one. It is important for over- other words, if two relays are operating to a trip con­
current relays that the current transformer does not dition, the following relay with the longer time set­
saturate at maximum fauh level, as the operating time ting must not continue to the tripping point due to its
would be increased and then may not co-ordinate with inertia. The time allowed for the overshoot is 50 ms and
the backing relay driven from current transformers that must not exceed 100 ms (Fig 11.54).
do not saturate. If a margin of safety is allowed, a reasonable fixed
grading margin (B) is 250 ms to include both com­
12.9.6 Discrimination ponents.
The time coefficient A depends on several factors.
Discrimination is required for both current and time. All measuring devices such as relays and current trans­
formers are subject to some degree of error. The op­
Current grading erating time characteristic of either or both relays
For relays which carry the same p . u . current under fault involved in the grading may have a positive or negative
or load conditions, it is essential that they do not op­ error, as may the current transformer. The errors are
erate in the same time. At the maximum fault current, taken in accordance with BS 142, which calls for a relay
this is avoided by adjusting the time of operation. At error class of E 7 . 5 , i.e., 7.5^o at twenty times setting.
the minimum fault or load current, inverse time relays It could be that one relay is slow and the other relay
whh the same setting could operate in the same time is fast so that must be allowed. Allowing 10<7o for
due to the nature of the characteristic, irrespective of current transformer errors, the total error at any time

Protection Chapter 11


11.43 MVA

60 MVA
76.32 MVA 415V
O 630A

484 MVA


FIG. 11.53 Network protection grading diagram

will be 0.25t, where t is the operating time of the relay section on current grading that at low time muhiplier
in front. This does not apply to current independent setting, the fuse and relay may not grade at the low
relays, since they are independent of current trans­ fault level. This is shown in Fig 11.55 region *X', where
former errors. The total grading interval is (0.25t + relay 2 (a) meets the requirement at the higher fault
0.25). levels but crosses the fuse characteristic at the lower
The resulting time of operation of the next relay for fault level. This is easily checked by plotting the grading
I D M T relays is the operating time of the relay in front curves. The crossing of the fuse curve at the low fault
(t) plus the grading interval (At + B), giving t + (At level can sometimes be allowed on the basis that phase
+ B) = (1.25)t + 0.25; and between definite time to phase faults at a low level are unusual and, by the
relays, which are independent of current transformer nature of the transformer phasor relationship, grading
errors above their setting and meeting class ElO (i.e., A is achieved for earth faults. T o achieve fast operating
= 0.2), giving t + 0.2t + 0.25 = (1.2)t + 0.25. times and good co-ordination a relay with an extremely
inverse characteristic should be used.
Time grading — relay to fuse
As far as the practice of grading inverse time relays Transient overreach
with fuses is concerned, providing that the relay is not For a given R M S value of operating current, a relay will
closer in time than 150 ms at the maximum fault level, usually operate at a lower value due to the offset of
the time grading is achieved. It was mentioned in the the inhial peaks of fauh current. The degree of offset

Auxiliaries systems

former. Whilst operation for faults on the LV side

of the transformer circuh is desirable, the relay cannot
distinguish between these and faults on the outgoing
circuhs from the 3.3 kV swhchboard. T o calculate the
setting for the high set instantaneous relay, proceed
as follows.
Referring to Fig 11.56 (b), we know that the RMS
value of I A C , expressed in M V A , is 107.1 M V A . We
need to calculate the value of the D C component and
hence the peak current.

t = time, s
Τ = circuit time constant, s
IDC = IAC e x p ( - t / T ) (11.1)

The reactance to the fauh is 0.08 + 0.01333 = 0.09333

p . u . , assuming that R is 0.00667 p . u . , making X / R =
14 ( t a n - 1(14) = 86°). For 50 H z , w = 314. Therefore
T = X / R w = 14/314 = 0.0446. The first peak occurs
FIG. 11.54 Relay overshoot
Overshoot = ti - Í2: at (t = 0.01 s),
where t2 = relay operating time at l o p
t2 = time when switching from lop to I the relay e x p ( - t / T ) = e x p ( - 0 . 0 1 / 0 . 0 4 4 6 ) = 0.799
just does not operate
I = 85% of relay setting current (usually)
Therefore I D C = U c x 0.799 and I M C = U c + I D C
The formula for the envelope AA" is
will depend on the X / R ratio of the fauh circuit and
the point-on-wave at which the fault occurs. This fac­ I M C = I A C Χ (1 + e x p - t / T ) = U c x (1.799)
tor can lead to relays operating for faults outside
the intended protective zone and is called transient Using this formula,
The definition of transient overreach is the differ­ IAC = V 2 x 1.799 X 107.1
ence between the R M S value of the steady state cur­ = 2.55 X 107.1
rent which when steadily increased will operate the relay
= 273.1 M V A .
(Is) and the RMS value of current which, when fully
offset by point-on-wave switching, whl just operate the
So, on this system to avoid the first peak of 273.1
relay (lop) expressed as a percentage of lop (see Fig
M V A , a relay responding to the peak currents would
11.56 (a)), i.e., (Is - Iop)/Iop x 100%. If, for exam­
need to be set above 273.1 M V A , preferably at (2.9 χ
ple. Is = 2 A and lop = 2/1.05 A , the overreach
107.1) = 310.6 M V A , whereas using a relay with a
equals 5 % and a setting of 2.1 A on the relay would
transient overreach of 5 % at an angle between the fault
prevent operation for currents less than 2 A . This is
current and system vohage greater than 86°, a factor
not a practical setting as no allowance has been m a d e
of 1.5 would allow for errors and magnetising inrush
for errors in relays, current transformers and inrush
currents on transformers and motor circuhs, the C E G B currents. O n relays w h h overreach quoted at angles
would therefore use a minimum setting of 1.5 χ 2 = less t h a n 86°, a factor of 2 should be used if the
3 A. system fault angle exceeds 86°.
The settings for the three types of relay to ensure
Consider an instantaneous relay on the H V side of
grading would be:
the 10 M V A 11/3.3 kV transformer (Fig 11.52) with
a fauh current through it as shown on Fig 11.56 (b). • N o quoted overreach 310.6 M V A .
The 10 M V A transformer has an 8% reactance. As­
• 5 % to 10% overreach >86° 160.6 M V A .
sume the 11 kV busbar fauh level is 750 M V A which,
expressed as a per u n h impedance, is Ζ = 10/750 = • 5 % to 10% overreach >86° 214.2 M V A .
So, the fauh level on the 3.3 kV side is 10/(0.08 + M o d e r n electronic relays will give 5 % at 84° and 10%
0.1333) = 107.1 M V A . The A C component of the at 88°.
current waveform, expressed in M V A is 107.1 M V A . This brings in the need to use relays with low
It is required to find the magnitude of the first peak transient overreach, so that a setting as close as pos­
so that the relay setting can be determined which will sible to the through-fauh setting of 107.1 M V A can be
not operate for fauhs on the LV side of the trans­ achieved.

Protection Chapter 11

a b c


FIG. 11.55 Protection grading for phase fauk relay-to-fuse, demonstrating non-grading at low fault levels.

12.9.7 Techniques to obtain close co-ordination As an alternative to using the BS88 bandwidths for
between protection stages grading, h is possible to use the manufacturer's pub-
hshed data for a particular fuse. This generally gives a
Fuse to fuse much narrower operating bandwidth and a possible
Section 12.9.1 recommends that the choice of fuses reduction in the 2:1 principle for discrimination, thus
should be restricted to the characteristic bands of TEC achieving closer grading, faster fault clearance times
269 (BS88). The pre-arcing and total operating time and smaller fuse sizes in the fuse switch on a motor
characteristic plus tolerance ( ± 1 0 % ) must he inside circuit, with consequent better protection.
the characteristic band of l E C 269 (BS88). If this course is adopted, the user must ensure that
If the circuit is a motor circuit, providing that only fuses from the same manufacturer and of the
the pre-arcing characteristic of the fuse selected does same type are used for replacements. T o do otherwise
not lie outside the lower band of BS88, the same cur­ would invahdate the overah discrimination. Taking
rent rated fuses of different manufacture can be inter­ into account the long lifetime of the equipment being
changed without losing co-ordination through ageing protected, the continued availability of a particular fuse
of the fuse. Fuse ageing is caused by frequent op­ is not guaranteed. Also there is a real possibility that
eration into the fuse pre-arcing time and will cause the user unwittingly replaces a fuse with a different
operation of the fuse at lower current values than make without first checking its characteristic, with a
specified. possible risk of losing discrimination. Using l E C 269
This can incur delays whilst the cause of the fuse (BS88) as the basis avoids this risk, i.e., only fuses
blowing is being investigated or even loss of production (including tolerances) complying w h h l E C 269 (BS88)
if the motor is being brought on in an emergency. are ordered and used as replacements.

Auxiliaries systems

650 V is 0.2 s, then (650/430)^ χ 0.2 = 0.46 s, is

ENVELOPE OF FULLY OFFSET the back-up clearance time allowed.

Fuse to relay
CC At low vohage (415 V), a relay w h h an extremely in­
ϋ verse characteristic should always be used if grading
with a fuse, as the relay characteristic follows that of
the fuse very closely.
If the relaying point is on the H V side of the trans­
former, then a three-pole overcurrent relay is always
used to ensure that one phase of the relay carries the
equivalent of a three-phase fault current, irrespective
of whether the fauh, if on the LV side, involves two
or three phases. The relay will then always operate
in three-phase fault current operating time for all phase
to phase fauhs on the LV side of the transformer.
When co-ordinating the fuse and the relay, the grading
interval has to be maintained when the fuse is carrying
phase to phase fauh current and the relay is carrying
the equivalent three-phase fault current, i.e., 2/V3
times the fuse current. The exercise in the next Section
12.9.8, will show that n o adjustments are necessary
to allow for the difference in operating currents due
to the rounding upwards of the current and time multi­
plier settings (TMS) to obtain a practical relay setting.
If the relay grading with the fuse is for earth fault
protection and the relaying point is at 415 V, the current
setting range must be m a d e high enough. For instance,
a setting range of 1 0 - 4 0 % on an earth fauh relay will
— Β
not allow grading with a 200 A fuse since a setting of
at least 7 5 % is required. The grading of the earth fauh
OFFSET CURRENT WAVE relay with a 630 A fuse requires a setting of at least
100%, or preferably 120%. This is illustrated in Fig
FIG. 1 1 . 5 6 Transient overreach
A higher current setting on the phase fauh relay at
Part of the assessment of the protection system
a lower time multiplier will give faster operation at the
involves estimating the likely fauh clearance times to
higher fauh levels. Considering Fig 11.58, the relay can
ensure that the plant is correctly rated (cables, switch-
be set at 120% T M S 0.45 or 150% T M S 0.2. The reason
gear, etc.) and that no danger exists for personnel who
that the 120% setting requires a 0.45 T M S and not
might be in close proximity to the faulted plant. Gen­
0.275 as would be required for grading at the highest
erally, the phase to phase faults are not limiting factors
as these are generally high enough to cause rapid clear­ fauh level, is that grading is not being achieved at the
ance of the fault by the fuse. However, phase to lower fauh level and this can be seen by reference back
earth faults, even direct to the sheath, can be long in to Fig 11.55, where it is demonstrated that relay 2
clearing if the cable to the protected plant is very long. would not grade at point X . With the 150% and 200%
CEGB practice is that if the sheath is only earthed at settings, the grading is determined by the minimum
the sending end, then to prevent a dangerous con­ operating time of the relay.
dhion arising at the far end of the cable, the protection In Section 12.9.1 of this chapter, h is stated that
clearance time for an earth fault condition should not closer grading can be obtained if the combined char­
be more than 0.46 seconds. This time is based on the acteristics of the thermal relay and the fuse are taken
earth potential rise and duration following faults on into account. At 415 V, this wih rarely occur, since the
the power station auxiliary system. majority of the circuits are controlled by contactors
A voltage of 650 V for 0.2 s has been internationally and the main protection is the fuse in the fuse swhch.
estabhshed and is based on experience of the I^R with­ At 3.3 kV, fuses and switches are co-ordinated to
stand of a h u m a n being. Where R is the resistance of give a full fault clearance capability, allowing the use
a h u m a n being and I the current flowing through the of instantaneous relays. This means that the circuit-
body. For back-up protection clearance times, the breaker handles fauhs u p to 50 M V A but above this
C E G B adopts a figure, based again on international level the fuse operates. The co-ordination is by time.
findings, of 430 V. Therefore if the time ahowed at The operating time of the circuit-breaker and protec-

Protection Chapter 11



630 A FUSE


FIG. 11.57 Grading of earth fault relays

tion (80 ms) at this fauh level is always longer than former has to be set to 2 0 0 % to grade with the 3.3 kV
the fuse operating time (65 ms), see Fig 11.58. It may bus-section relay. If the bus-section relay (3) was grad­
also mean that, with one transformer supplying the ing with the fuse, its plug setting would have to be
board, which is normal, the circuit-breaker could clear about 2 5 0 % and relay (4) 3 2 5 % . Figure 11.58 shows
the fault due to the limited fault infeed and only when relay (3) set at 150% and relay (4) at 2 0 0 % . This is the
two transformers are paralleled will the fuse be required maximum size of m o t o r (1500 kW) that the protection
to interrupt the fauh. W h h this combination, the relay can grade w h h o u t using a very high setting on the in­
on the bus-section circuit only needs to grade with the coming transformer overcurrent. The alternative may
point of intersection of the thermal relay and high set be to use differential protection on the m o t o r to get a
instantaneous relay at the lower fauh level, and not lower setting if the overcurrent relay on an outgoing
the fuse. This is explained as fohows. 3.3/0.415 kV transformer is not the limiting factor for
Figure 11.55 shows the three characteristics, con­ relay (3) (as h is in this instance, i.e., relay (3) cannot
sisting of a thermal relay with a high set instantaneous get closer to relay (2)).
relay on a 1 M V A m o t o r at 3.3 kV and a 400 A fuse
combination. The shaded portion is the operating area.
415 V motor protection
The 3.3 kV bus-section overcurrent relay has to be set
at 150% to grade with the high set on the m o t o r and Motors at 415 V are commonly switched by a contactor
the overcurrent relay on the incoming 5 M V A trans­ and protected by a combination of a thermal relay and

Auxiliaries systems

^dd—X '


FIG. 11.58 Protection grading for phase fault relay-to-fuse, demonstradng faster operadon at high fault levels.

a fuse. Larger motors, requiring relatively large fuses t o provide a definite time earth fault relay w h h a fast
(in excess of 200 A) need extra protection against earth operating time (300 ms) and prevent its operation above
faults, since the fuse cannot safely cope with low values the contactor rating (see Fig 11.59) by means of an in­
of earth fauh current. For an example of an apphcation stantaneous relay. Ideahy, the fuse should clear ah fauhs
of addhional protection to contactor circuhs, consider above the contactor rating a n d the protection should
the 630 A fuse on the 100 k W m o t o r . A contactor is initiate opening of the contactor for faults within its
required which will meet the following requirements — rating. The fuse, however, is selected for its ability to
a continuous rating of 200 A (20% overload on full load withstand the m o t o r starting current peaks and con­
current of 162 A ) , and has a capabihty t o meet the cut­ sequently fault clearance by the fuse may be slow not
off current of the 630 A fuse at 24.09 M V A (see Table to correspond to the m o t o r fuh load current for some
11.1). Assume the duty required of the contactor is to faults above the contactor rating. For phase to phase
AC3 duty in BS5424. This means a breaking current of faults, fuse protection is usually adequate and the ad­
six times the A C 3 duty of the contactor quoted by the dition of the earth fault relay covers for earth faults.
manufacturer. A typical figure could be 190 A for a 200 A range of special m o t o r circuit fuselinks are avail­
A contactor, giving a figure of 1140 A . Referring to Fig able which are physically smaller than the standard
11.59, h can be seen that the earth fauh relay would general purpose fusehnk. These fuselinks are given a
have to be delayed in excess of 100 seconds even if the dual rating, e.g., 200M315. A fusehnk with this desig­
fuse characteristic lay close to the minimum pre-arcing nation is rated to operate at 200 A continuously but
time of the fuse to ensure the contactor is not called has a time current characteristic for short-circuits that
upon to clear a fauh above its rating. The solution is falls within the standardised zone for a 315 A fuse.

Protection Chapter 11

TABLE 11.1

Plant protection data

Maximum CT High set

fault primary relay Relay
Device type CT ratio setting
current current current

(1) 415 V fuse 630, A 24.09

(2) XIDMT 3.3 kV/415 V, 1.6 MVA 250 300/1 1.71 36.14 2.06

(3) XIDMT 3.3 kV bus-section 125 2000/1 11.43 11.43

(4) IDMT 11/3.3 kV 10 MVA 750 600/1 11.43 187.9 17.14

(5) IDMT 11 kV bus-section 323 3000/1 57.16 57.16

(6) IDMT 23.5/11 kV, 60 MVA 8000 1500/1 61.05 484 78.32

10000 η
1000 Η

100 Η


— I —
10 100 1000 10000 100000

FIG. 1 1 . 5 9 4 1 5 V motor circuit protection co-ordination

Use of these fuses therefore requires less space for is shown in Fig 11.52; from the largest fuse at 415 V
the fuses in a starter for a given motor size, or a given through the section switch at 3.3 kV, onto the 11 kV
fuse accommodation will allow a larger motor to be busbar via the largest transformer, onto the 3.3 kV
operated. However, the latter m o d e of operation could busbar and then through the bus-section switches at
permh a cut-off current and energy let-through in 11 kV. This ensures that ah the bus-section switches
excess of the proven and certified rating of the equip- are set to grade with any outgoing circuit and all
ment concerned. This aspect must be considered and the incoming transformers wih grade with the section
satisfied for every application of motor circuit fuse- switches.
hnks, preferably at the design stage. Since the grading depends on the largest fuse it is
essential to allocate fuses to circuits. N o n - m o t o r cir-
cuits must ensure that the fuse will protect the cable.
12.9.8 Application to a typical system This means that the fuse must have a rating above
From the system diagram, a path is chosen that gives the cable continuous rating but that a fault on the
the highest settings for current grading. A typical path cable must be cleared before the whole cable receives


permanent damage. Phase to phase fauhs are cleared • Columns 3 and 4 also derive from Section 12.9.6;
very quickly by the fuse so are not a h m h a t i o n . Phase column 3 is the nearest high set overcurrent relay
to earth faults, however, could be low and may take setting or, if there is no relay, the maximum fault
the fuse a long time to clear. The cable size and length current through the I D M T relay. For example, the
must be such that a short-circuh to the sheath at the fuse grading current and cut-off M V A is the maxi­
farthest end of the cable is cleared by the fuse in less m u m fauh M V A , from Table 11.2, i.e., 24.09 M V A .
than 0.46 s (see previous section); this ensures that
• Column 5 is the current setting multiple at the
dangerous overvoltages do not occur on the cable
grading point. For example, grading the bus-section
with the 1.6 M V A transformer, the grading current
On motor circuits, the fuse selection is m o r e
(MVA) (column 4) is the setting of the high set on
comphcated. The fohowing must be considered:
the 1.6 M V A transformer (36.14 M V A ) . This is 17.72
• The thermal capabihty of a fuse must whhstand two times the 1.6 M V A transformer relay setting and 3.17
consecutive motor starts w h h o u t any potential deter­ times the setting of the bus-section relay.
ioration in subsequent performance.
• C o l u m n 6 is derived directly from column 5, using
• Motor fuh load current, as determined from the the characteristic curve for an extremely inverse
average efficiencies and power factors recommended relay with a time setting multipher of 0.45, already
in Table 3 of I E C T C 2 . determined when grading it with the fuse.
• Nominal motor starting currents, as calculated from • Column 7 uses the grading equation, i.e., 1.25 χ
Is = kW ratio/1.73 kV, using the ratio of starting 0.17 = 0.46 s.
kVA to output k W derived from Table 41 of BS4999,
• C o l u m n 8 is obtained by using the value for Relay 2
part 4 1 .
in column 5 and the characteristic curves for an
• Average motor run-up time, as determined from inverse time relay to obtain the time in column 7.
empirical formula 3 + k W / 7 . 4 6 in Table 1 of BS587 Completed resuhs are shown in Table 11.2 with
for times u p to 5 s and rounded u p to nearest 10 s additional explanations to derive the values in the
maximum for times greater than 5 s. columns.
• The permissible deviations of not more t h a n 10% in
terms of current from fuse manufacturers published All grading points have been checked for phase to
curves, as allowed in BS88 P a r t 2 1975. phase faults. N o aherations in settings had to be car­
ried out since the nearest time multiplier and current
• The fuse characteristic curve bandwidths, as defined setting multiplier in an increased direction had been
in BS88 1975. selected. Figure 11.53 and Table 11.3 give the computer
grading curves. If the time multiphers are rounded
For example, consider the 100 k W motor on the system u p to the nearest step, 0.025, the pick-up and time
diagram: setting multiplier figures compare exactly with columns
2 and 8 in Table 11.2.
Fuh load current 162 A
Nominal start (BS4999 ratio) 780 kVA
Starting current 1085 A 13 Reliability
Starting time 3 + k W / 7 . 4 6 10 s
In order that protection equipment can operate effi­
Assuming two starts 20 s
ciently and without interruption throughout hfe, it
Examination of Fig 11.50 gives a fuse size of 630 A is essential that it must possess the highest possible
The fohowing steps are taken t o determine settings reliabihty and availabihty. In this context, h should
for the relays (current and time multiphers) to obtain be remembered that protection is normally quiescent
co-ordination between the relays and the (relays -\- but must operate rehably *first time'. It is vital, not
fuses). only that the equipment is installed and operated in
Table 11.2 must now be drawn u p for ah the relays the prescribed manner and in the right service con­
and the fuses on the path must be chosen, determining ditions, but also that it receives regular attention in
the high set instantaneous relay settings as described in hne w h h manufacturer's recommendations.
the previous section. The procedure is as fohows: Records of relay unreliabhity show that the ma­
jority of failures are attributable to b a d connections
• Column 1 is self-explanatory.
between components by way of dry solder joints, bro­
• Column 2 is determined from Section 12.9.6 of this ken conductors, defective connector contacts and faulty
chapter, e.g., for the 1.6 M V A transformer, the wiring, etc. It is acknowledged that it is virtual­
highest setting current is 1.3 χ full load current of ly impossible to avoid a h hardware failures in a pro­
the transformer, i.e., 2.08 M V A . Therefore, 125% tection system, but the probabihty of such events
(2.06) the nearest relay tap setting, is suitable for happening is reduced by careful design and by the
this relay. adoption of good quality assurance procedures by the

Protection Chapter 11
b o o o o
"Λ (Λ
O ^
?ä ^ 3; 2
2 o
o o o o
« .S
ll oí
^ M M
Sí 8 S 2 5^
i l l M M
ON 00
t: D,
^ S D D D D D
R-* D D
8 8 8 8 8
00 »
g 2 8 i PU · S ^ S ^ S
M ' m<s• R^0 0-• m
0' í I
o 2 8 S S 8 < o o
<» ^ ^
S r3 r3 S 3
^ s
^ 00
FN VO O «/^
2« ts Tt Ti­
Q Q QQ e ΰ ON
en «r> Q en «n

lo in m rn
«o en
O O R - ^ R - R - O O M V P
« S T ^ f n T j - i o ^ V O Q
O ^ ^ ^
• N « O T t » - H ^ M O O O
^ <N
> > Ε
M c2 I
k-H" «ΤΗ
Sí ^ Í S F N N - M V O R - O O
2 ás
i ^
^ <N M «O VP^

manufacturer. Thorough testing of instahed systems is • Radio frequency interference.

also essential.
• Supply variations/interruptions.
The design should ensure that a component is chosen
so that h operates around the mid point of its overall • Dry heat.
rating range. Only components complying with BS9000 • Low temperature.
must be used.
• Insulation resistance.
To reduce the failure rate of components such as
resistors and capacitors, each must be *burnt-in'. Di­
The main criterion used to evaluate the relay is a
odes and transistors only require a spot check m a d e
check that the operating time of the various protection
on them to establish correct operation. The a m o u n t
functions is unaffected by the application of the type
of heat generated by components must be kept to a
tests, that correct fault indication is given and that it
minimum since this can adversely affect the reliability
clears when the relay is reset.
of temperature dependent devices, such as transistors,
in close proximity to them. This problem is further However, at the present time the electromechanical
exacerbated for protection relays, because they are type of protection relay is still being manufactured and
always accommodated inside metal or plastic enclo­ is still freely available on the commercial market. The
sures. Where there is a high risk of component failure d e m a n d for such a relay is due mainly to the fact that
or non-operation, redundancy can be used to ensure users prefer to stay with equipment that they are fami­
that high reliability is achieved. liar with and which has shown itself to be reliable in
operation, resulting in a high degree of confidence in
Continuous monitoring of the hardware and inbuilt
its use and application. Added to this is the fact that
self-checking of microprocessors are now standard
some users may wish to rephcate an existing protec­
features of most digital type protection relays to pro­
tion scheme for a new installation which means using
vide early detection of failure.
electromechanical relays, thus ehminating the need for
The rehabihty of solid state protection relays is
additional sets of spares with the attendant savings in
improved significantly by using digital rather than ana­
spares holding, storage space, administrative costs and
logue type relays. This is because large scale integrated
the retraining of staff.
components reduce the number of connections required
considerably. Analogue relays require many more com­ Another, and perhaps more significant reason for
ponents, with consequent increase in the number of the demand for electromechanical relays, is the mar­
electrical connections. ket in Third World countries which is influenced by
Another factor affecting reliability is the immunity cost and considerations of famiharity, simphcity and
of the relay to electromagnetic interference. A power reliabihty.
station environment is very heavily polluted with elec­ Nevertheless as far as the C E G B is concerned, future
trical noise and it is essential that the relay is designed protection schemes will tend to be based on the use
and constructed to withstand the effects of such pol­ of sohd state technology.
lution without malfunction or non-operation. Further improvements in the quahty of thermal over­
T o enhance reliability, the C E G B operates a type load protection as applied to motors can be achieved
approval procedure which evaluates fully the perform­ with the digital type relays which are unobtainable
ance of the relay under both normal and abnormal from the electromechanical type of protection relay.
operating conditions. This evaluation takes the form Use can be m a d e of the temperature detectors in the
of type testing at the manufacturer's works and field stator core of the machine during the manufacturing
trials on selected circuits of the power system. Wherever stage. The output signals from the detectors act as
possible, the field trials are on circuits that are hkely inputs to the relay which, in turn, enable the thermal
to have wide variations in operating conditions. model of the relay to react more quickly to changing
Type testing not only checks the capability of the temperature conditions in the m o t o r . In addition,
relay to withstand without deterioration all of the op­ further temperature measurements can be taken of the
erating conditions it is hkely to meet when used in air temperature within the m o t o r by placing detectors
service but also ensures that the design includes a at both the inlet and outlet sides of the machine. A n
margin over normal service requirement. overload condition will give rise to an increase in air
The following tests are typical of the type tests temperature at the outlet and this signal can be fed
carried out on protection relays: into the thermal model as above. These techniques
• Drop. provide enhanced thermal overload protection and will
result in a significant reduction in motor winding burn­
• Vibration.
outs, thus minimising the risk of costly repair/replace­
• Electrical stress. ment and the resulting loss of production which this
• Impulse. would entail.
The electronic protection relay is generally more
• High frequency disturbance.
costly than its electromechanical counterpart. It is to
• Spark. be expected, however, that with the increasing accept-

Protection C h a p t e r 11

anee of solid state technology and with the advances of protection. The system must be designed so that,
made in manufacturing techniques by the application in the event of a fault occurring in the supervi­
of large scale integration, the cost of equipment will sory computer, the protection reverts to the individ­
drop significantly in the foreseeable future. ual protection fitted to each m o t o r . This ensures that
The benefits of using a microprocessor-based system under this type of fahure m o d e , the motor is always
have already been outlined. Such a system can easily protected.
form an integrated protection scheme which is parti­ Figure 11.60 illustrates a simphfied scheme for an
cularly useful. The parameters contained in each pro­ integrated protection system. The exploitation of the
tection relay can be fed into a junction unit local to facilities provided by existing microprocessor-based
the plant and then to a supervisory microcomputer protection relays to form an integrated system, where
local to the plant, or to some other remote location. a group of motors can be monitored from a central
The linking of each individual relay into the micro­ point, is seen as a significant future development.
computer system enables better information to be pre­ The hnk between the supervisory computer and the
sented to the operator whilst allowing the ongoing protection junction wih be hard wired, although the
process of monitoring and supervising of the protec­ prospect of using fibre-optic over long distances and
tive system to proceed without affecting the basic level in a noisy electrical environment will be reviewed.





FIG. 1 1 . 6 0 Plant momtoring data link system


The data from the dighal protection devices will of nuclear applications, seismic requirements. It is
be displayed local to the plant rather than increasing acknowledged that, whilst these same physical envi­
the data load at the C C R . ronmental requirements apply t o electromechanical type
From a manufacturing point of view the develop­ relays, the sohd state relay is far more vulnerable and
ment has reached a stage where working systems are susceptible to damage from these effects and therefore
available. However there is a need for considerable requires more careful design and construction.
operating experience in order that the best system is A n important advantage of all digital type relays
evolved, fully reflecting the operating requirements is the abihty to accommodate changes in protection
of the station. From an economic point of view, the apphcation. This is possible since ah relay functions
increased cost of such a system is hkely t o be offset are written in software and any alterations to circuit
by the benefits obtained through enhanced system re­ application can be achieved by merely changing the
habihty and plant availabihty. software only, the hardware remaining unchanged. This
It is unlikely that the above approach will be used means that standard hardware can be used for dif­
on every power station drive. Each motor circuit will ferent types of protective relay equipment. Modifi­
be considered on the basis of its importance t o the cations t o conventional analogue protection schemes
operation of the station and the costs of providing often require major changes in hardware.
such a system. When compared with the electronic analogue type
One of the main benefits of making available in­ relay, the digital relay offers a significant reduction in
formation of the sort mentioned, is the diagnostic equipment size owing t o the use of large scale inte­
features it affords in the post-fault analysis of tripped grated components and microprocessor technology with
plant. With conventional relays, like the bimetalic ther­ consequent less space on the relay panel. Additionally,
mal relay, all that is known about a trip condition is since digital relays only handle small values of current
that the parameters of the fault condition had reached and vohage which are converted into dighal form, the
a value corresponding to the value set on the relay. For burden placed upon current and voltage transformers
example if the motor tripped on unbalance, the relay is significantly smaller than for conventional relays.
could not indicate the degree of unbalance present at Typical figures are of the order of 0.01 VA per phase.
the time of trip, whereas with the digital type of relay, Owing to the low burden some manufacturers recom­
this information would be readily available. mend the use of instrument class current transformers.
The diagnostic benefits can be further extended by Caution should be exercised in adapting their use since,
building into the relay a facility which stores the under maximum fault conditions, instrument class CTs
information on a disc or magnetic tape. saturate a lot sooner than protection class CTs (as
The information can be retrieved and analysed off­ witness in Fig 11.61) with consequent failure to operate.
line and whl provide information on the behaviour The reliability of digital relays is enhanced by the
of the motor over a period of time prior t o fault to self-checking techniques that are built-in. Should any
help explain the reasons for the failures. Such infor­ component prove defective, then circuit failure wih be
mation might indicate, for example, that the drive was indicated by an alarm a n d / o r L E D facility.
unsuhable for the load apphcation or that incorrect
settings had been applied t o the relay.
When compared with the bimetallic relay, the elec­
tronic type has the disadvantage that it requires an
auxiliary power supply for h s operation. Loss of power
supply renders the relay inoperative and in the case
of digital readout type relays will cause all memorised
values to be lost, a serious disadvantage when the relay
has operated and it is necessary to establish the nature
and magnitude of the fauh. T o overcome this pro­
blem, a battery back-up can be used which will permit SECONDARY
retention of the memorised values for periods ranging
from 30 minutes to 3 hours duration, enough time for
the plant operator to record the data.
Another requirement peculiar to solid state equip­
ment is the ability t o withstand often harsh electrical
environmental interference conditions without malfunc­
tion. In this regard the relay must operate successfuhy
in the presence of radio interference, power frequency,
impulse, high frequency disturbance, spark and elec­
trical stress Added t o this are the environmental
requirements imposed by temperature, humidity, me­
chanical shock, mechanical vibration a n d , in the case FIG. 11.61 Instrument and protective CTs

C H A P T E R 12


5.3.3 Voltage measurement

1 Introduction
5.4 Automatic synchronising relay
2 Basic terms and synchronising criteria 5.4.1 Steam turbine-generator synchronising
2.1 Definitions 5.4.2 Gas-turbine generator synchronising
2.2 Switching operations 5.4.3 Diesel generator synchronising
2.3 Generator synchronising
6 Derivation of synchronising supplies
2.4 Synchronising errors
2.4.1 Voltage error 6.1 Secondary supplies
2.4.2 Phase error 6.2 Selection of voltage transformer supplies
2.4.3 Frequency error 6.2.1 Single voltage supply
2.5 Faulty synchronising 6.2.2 incoming and running voltage
6.3 Measurement accuracy
3 Synchronising methods
6.3.1 Voltage transformers
3.1 Manual synchronising 6.3.2 Interposing voltage transformers
3.2 Automatic synchronising 6.3.3 Burdens
4 Synchronising faciPities and controls 6.3.4 Lead resistance
4.1 Synchronising facilities 6.4 Synchronising supplies
4.2 Synchronising controls 6.4.1 Steam turbine-generator
4.2.1 Steam turbine-generator 6.4.2 11 kV gas-turbine generators
4.2.2 11 kV gas-turbine generators 6.4.3 3.3 kV and 11 kV distribution switchgear
4.2.3 3.3 kV and 11 kV distribution switchgear 6.4.4 3.3 kV diesel generators
4.2.4 3.3 kV diesel generators 7 Synchronising schemes
5 Synchronising equipment 7.1 Standard schemes
5.1 Synchronising trolley 7.2 11 kV distribution circuit
5.1.1 Voltmeters 7.3 Steam turbine-generator — generator voltage
5.1.2 Phase angle voltmeters circuit-breaker
5.1.3 Synchroscope 7.3.1 Manual synchronising
5.2 Guard relay 7.3.2 Automatic synchronising
5.3 Check synchronising relay 7.4 Site commissioning tests
5.3.1 Phase measurement
5.3.2 Slip frequency measurement 8 References

1 Introduction Under these conditions, the nominal 50 Hz system

frequency is controlled partly by the automatic action
Practically all of the generating capacity on the C E G B of the prime-mover governors and partly by changes
system is connected, through generator transformers, in total generated output instructed by system control
to the 400 kV or 275 kV transmission system. There are
centres and achieved by changing the governor set
other sources of generation, such as 11 kV gas-turbine
point. T o avoid hunting, governors are designed to
generators used to meet peak demand or emergency gen­
stabilise the frequency at a level corresponding to each
eration and some diesel generators generating at 3.3 kV,
new instructed output level. Any excess or shortfall
but these amount to a very small total capacity.
in output therefore produces a corresponding increase
These synchronous generators operate in parallel,
or decrease in system frequency, a change in output
the total load dispatched being equal to the sum of
being required to return the frequency to the datum
consumer demand and system losses. The real power
level (50 Hz). By adjustment of the total number of
is shared in proportion to their driving power and
megawatts sent out, the system frequency can be
the reactive power in proportion to their excitation.
finely controlled and under normal conditions it is
Consumer demand is constantly changing, being char­
maintained within the range 4 9 . 8 - 5 0 . 2 H z . Outside
acterised by the cyclic daily variation between night
these limits, the C E G B has a statutory duty to main­
time and daytime load, with relatively short periods
tain the frequency within the range 4 9 . 5 - 5 0 . 5 H z .
of rapidly changing load at times of peak demand.

Basic terms and synchronising criteria

In exceptional circumstances, the frequency may fall System The C E G B interconnected system of power
below this lower limit but operation below 48 H z stations, transmission hues, and switching and transfor­
should not persist for periods longer than 15 minutes ming stations.
at any one time.
An increase in consumer demand may be met by Switch The main circuit-breaker or swhch disconnec­
raising, within limits, the output from generators al­ tor (previously called a switch isolator).
ready in service or by increasing the number of genera­
tors operating in parahel on the system; the appropriate Running supply The supply on one side of the switch
action being directed from the system control centre. across which synchronising is to be effected, which
Each time an additional generator is brought into is associated with the main system or switchgear bus­
service, it must be electrically connected to the system bars. The running supply voltage and frequency are
by following a procedure called synchronising. termed the running voltage and running frequency,
Feeder or distribution circuits also need to be paral­ respectively.
leled when being re-arranged for reasons such as main­
tenance. Each time two parts of the system are to be Incoming supply The supply on the opposite side of
electrically connected this must also be done by follow­ the switch across which synchronising is to be effected,
ing a synchronising procedure as the same requirements usually the feeder or generator side to which is con­
apply. nected the supply that is to be brought into synchronism
Generators or systems with low internal impedance w h h the main system or switchgear busbars. The in­
can only be synchronised when certain electrical con­ coming supply voltage and frequency are termed the
ditions are satisfied. At the instant of making the con­ incoming voltage and incoming frequency, respectively.
nection, the differences in voltage, phase and frequency
must be smah. Synchronising a generator is therefore Synchronising The overall operation of ensuring that
the last step in the start-up sequence, performed after the two alternating current supplies to be paralleled
the prime-mover has been brought up to operating are, within prescribed limits, in a state of equal mag­
speed and the generator open-circuit voltage established nitude, equal frequency and phase coincidence followed
at its nominal value. By comparing the two supplies, by closure of the appropriate switch (circuit-breaker
adjustments are made to reduce the differences to or switch disconnector) to parallel the two supphes.
within specified limits, at which moment the generator Figure 12.1 shows the phasor relationship between
circuit-breaker is closed. the incoming and running supply prior to starting to
The procedure for synchronising two parts of the synchronise a generator and at the instant before the
system is normally less involved. The two supplies are switch main contacts close.
remotely electrically connected and therefore operate This definition of synchronising assumes that the
at a common frequency. In this case synchronising two alternating current supplies are capable of being
requires no more than a check to ensure that the voltage
and phase are within prescribed limits, at which point
the switch is closed.
The precision required makes an overall high stand­
ard of design essential and a large measure of stand­
ardisation in the provision of synchronising equipment V 4 V
has been adopted. The control schemes are based on f' Φ i
standard diagrams and only approved equipment is α, φ

purchased. The equipment needs to be consistently INCOMING VOLTS (V ) RUNNING VOLTS (V )

accurate in performance and the design of the syn­ (a) Phasor relationship at some instant prior to synchronising

chronising scheme must ensure that the risk of error

when synchronising is as small as possible. The de­
sign contains in-buih safeguards against error or in­
advertent operation, since faulty synchronisation would RED
impress a disturbance on the system, with the shock
possibly being sufficient to result in serious plant

V, i i V
f, a \
2 Basic terms and synchronising criteria r BLUE a. a '^BLUE


2.1 Definitions (b) Phasor relationship at the instant before switch contacts close

The basic terms used in this chapter are defined as FIG. 12.1 Phasor relationship between incoming and
follows: running supplies

Synchronising Chapter 1 2

paralleled successfully. For three-phase systems this cuh operating time is typically 6 0 - 8 0 ms and the main
requires that they have the same nominal vohage and contact mechanism travelhng time is 245-255 ms. Typi­
frequency, are balanced systems (i.e., phase to neu- cal operating times for an interposing relay used for
tral voltages are of equal magnitude and 120° (elec) remote switching are 3 5 - 4 0 ms and for a closing contac­
apart), and also have common phase rotation and tor or solenoid coil 1 5 - 2 0 ms. This last time is normally
phase relationship. included in the measured closing time for the switch
itself. The closing time for a transmission voltage air-
Voltage difference The difference in magnitude be- blast circuit-breaker is typicahy 7 5 - 8 0 ms and for a
tween the incoming voltage and the running voltage. switch disconnector 150-170 ms. For 3.3 kV and 11 kV
air-break switchgear the closing times are normally some­
Voltage error The voltage difference at the instant where in the range 150-350 ms. Vacuum and SF6 switch-
before the switch main contacts close. gear closing times at these voltages are around 50 ms.
T o include all possibilities, the switch closing times
Phase displacement The electrical angle between the
for a steam turbine-generator circuit-breaker or switch
incoming vohage and the running voltage. Alternatively
disconnector at generator or transmission vohage is
this is termed phase angle, however, both are usually
taken to be within the range 7 5 - 3 5 0 ms and for 3.3 kV
abbreviated to phase. When zero this is termed phase
and 11 kV air-break switchgear within the range 1 0 0 -
450 ms. The actual value is obtained from site mea­
surement. Under normal conditions, the consistency of
Phase error The phase displacement at the instant
closing is assumed to be within ± 5 ms of the measured
before the switch main contacts close.
closing time. Changes in switch closing circuit D C aux­
Frequency difference The difference in magnitude ihary supply voltage, which may be between ± lO^o, can
between the incoming frequency and the running fre- cause a further variation in normal switch closing times.
quency. When the frequency difference is smah, this
is termed the slip frequency and is usually abbreviated Advance angle The angle in advance of phase coin­
to slip. cidence at the instant when the switch closing impulse
is generated. This compensates for the switch closing
Example: If the incoming frequency (fj) is 50.06 Hz time. Correct selection of the advance angle for a given
and the running frequency ( f r ) is 50.01 Hz, determine slip frequency results in phase coincidence at the instant
the shp frequency ( f s ) : the switch main contacts close.

fs = f¡ - fr Example: A switch has a closing time ( t c ) of 300 ms,

determine the correct advance angle when the slip fre­
= 50.06 - 50.01
quency ( f s ) is 0.15 Hz. Expressed as rate-of-change of
- 0.05 Hz phase fs = 0.15 χ 360 = 54° (elec)/s
Ahernatively, slip frequency may be expressed as a
Advance angle = fs x tc
percentage of the nominal system frequency, i.e.,
= 54 X 0.3
percentage slip frequency = = 16.2° (elec)
[slip frequency/system frequency] 100
Figure 12.2 shows the relationship between advance an­
In the above example, the percentage slip frequency = gle and switch closing time for different slip frequencies.
[0.05/50] 100 = O . m .
Slip frequency is also a measure of the rate-of-change SUP FREQUENCY
of phase. Again using the example, the rate-of-change 0.15 Hz

of phase = 0.05 χ 360 = 18° (elec)/s or, conversely,

equals 20 s per slip cycle.

Switch closing time The overall closing impulse re­

sponse time of the switch when measured from the
initiation of the closing signal to the closure of the 0.05 Hz

switch main contacts.

This can be divided into two components; the time
taken for the control circuit relays and closing coil to
operate and the main contact mechanism travelling 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4


The swhch closing time depends on the switchgear

type and consequently there is a fair variation in times. FIG. 12.2 Relationship between advance angle and
For a generator voltage circuit-breaker, the control cir­ switch closing time

Basic t e r m s a n d synchronising criteria

The power o u t p u t / s p e e d characteristic of the gen­ Governor set point This is the setting position of the
erator prime-mover is controhed by a speed governor speed d r o o p characteristic, as shown in Fig 12.4.
and there are three important parameters related to Before starting to synchronise, the prime-mover speed
the governor which affect this characteristic. must be within the governor set point limits, posi­
tions (a). Within these limits, the speed can be raised
Governor speed droop The change in prime-mover or lowered for synchronising by adjustment of the
speed from no-load to full-load expressed as a per­ governor set point. Position (b) shows the governor
centage of the no-load speed. This feature is necessary set to super-synchronously synchronise the generator,
to ensure that generators share load when operating see Section 2.3 of this chapter, i.e., with the incoming
in parallel and permits the adjustment of the load frequency slightly higher t h a n the system running fre­
contribution made by each generator. The speed d r o o p quency. Once synchronised the generator prime-mover
is adjustable, a low setting being 4 % or less u p to speed is controhed by the system frequency. The gover­
a high setting of 259^0 (see Fig 12.3). nor set point position now corresponds to the generator


49 50

2820 2880 2940 3000 3060 3120 3180

SPEED, r/min

FIG. 1 2 . 3 Governor speed droop




2700 2760 2820 2880 2940 3000 3060 3120 3180

SPEED, r/min

FIG. 1 2 . 4 Governor set point

Synchronising C h a p t e r 12

producing a small load and is used to control power in phase brought about by circuit loading and trans­
output. Position (c) shows the governor set at fuh-load. former differences, etc. The m a g n h u d e of the phase
displacement to some extent depends on the length
Governor rate The rate-of-change of the governor and complexity of the parallel p a t h . In a power sta­
set point if a continuous raise signal is apphed. tion, the differences are not usually significant and
Different governor rates may be apphed depending may be regarded as fixed; however, if the phase dis­
on the operating mode, but for synchronising it es- placement between the voltages is changing, as is more
tabhshes the maximum rate-of-change of slip frequen­ likely to occur at a transmission station, this produces
cy. Typicahy at synchronisation the governor rate of an apparent shp frequency. Voltage adjustment is not
a steam turbine-generator is 0.05 H z / s . normally necessary.
The type of switching operation described in (d) is
usually associated w h h a system splh, i.e., the system
2.2 Switching operations has become subdivided into two or possibly more parts
Having described the basic terms, the next step is to as the result of a fault or major incident; this arises
determine the switches in a power system that need infrequently at transmission stations. It may then be
synchronising facilities. This is done during the design necessary to adjust generating station(s) frequency and
of the electrical system by examination of the switching vohage, as appropriate, if the two system parts are
requirements during normal operation, breakdown or outside prescribed limits.
maintenance outages, or during and after an emergency. A similar situation occurs at a power station when
Synchronising facilities are needed at every switch that synchronising the emergency supply system to off-site
may be selected to parallel supplies. In a power sta­ supplies fohowing the earher loss or disconnection of
tion, this is at generator voltage circuit switches and the latter. Again, this operation is rare.
at certain switches in the electrical auxiliaries system, The switching operation described in (c) is usually
such as I n c o m e r ' *bus section' and interconnector' termed *check synchronising' (after the check synchro­
circuits, which can be regarded as distribution circuits. nising relay described later in this chapter) and that in
At switches where two supplies cannot be paralled for (d) is termed 'system synchronising'. However, since the
system design reasons (e.g., fault level), electrical or two forms of synchronising involve the system, both
mechanical interlocks are provided to prevent incorrect switching operations are regarded as system synchronis­
operation. ing for the purposes of this chapter. Furthermore, in
In any power system, there are a number of fun­ (c) the two parts of the system are synchronously
damental types of swhching operation. At switches connected, termed synchronous system synchronising',
fitted with synchronising facihties, these include the whilst in (d) the two parts of the system are not of
following: the same frequency, termed asynchronous system syn­
chronising. With both switching operations power re­
(a) The circuits being connected are dead uncharged distribution occurs on switching.
circuits. This is predominantly a testing requirement. Similarly, for the purpose of this chapter, switch­
(b) The switch connects a live circuit to a dead un­ ing operation (e) is termed generator synchronising.
charged circuit. The live supply may be either a Since as with (d) the two supplies are not of the same
system or a generator. frequency, this is termed asynchronous generator syn­
chronising. Means of adjusting both vohage and fre­
(c) The switch connects two parts of a system which quency are necessary. This is the most c o m m o n form of
are already synchronously connected via a parallel switching operation.
path. The two parts may differ in voltage and There are two methods of generator synchronising:
phase but the frequency is c o m m o n .
• Super-synchronously synchronising, with the incom­
(d) The switch connects two independent systems. ing frequency higher than the running frequency.
The two systems may differ in voltage, phase and
• Sub-synchronously synchronising, with the incoming
frequency lower than the running frequency.
(e) The switch connects a generator tb a system. The
two supplies may differ in vohage, phase and
frequency. 2.3 Generator synchronising
Power station generators will also operate as synchro­
Although, strictly, in (a) and (b) there is n o synchro­ nous m o t o r s , i.e., instead of being mechanically driven
nising requirement, the synchronising instruments are to produce electrical power, they run as motors, draw­
stih used (as described in Section 3.1 of this chapter), ing power from the system. Without further adjust­
and therefore this switching operation is sometimes ment of the governor, this will occur on synchronising
termed override synchronising. if done sub-synchronously or possibly after synchro­
There is no basic mismatch in (c), although there nising with the two frequencies almost equal, should
will be some inequality in voltage and displacement the system frequency rise immediately. Motoring can

Basic terms and synchronising criteria

damage the prime-mover; in steam turbine-generators, generator loading. As the prime-mover is accelerated
prolonged motoring affects turbine final stage vacuum up to synchronous speed, the difference between the
and blade cooling. T o prevent motoring or the opera­ lower incoming frequency and running frequency is pro­
tion of reverse power trips, synchronising must take gressively reduced, synchronisation commencing when
place super-synchronously. The prime-mover speed gov­ the difference is less than the maximum shp frequency
ernor is set with the incoming frequency above the ahowed.
running frequency (as shown in Fig 12.4) and the gen­ Where the above considerations do not apply, syn­
erator automatically picks-up load on synchronising. chronising may be performed using either method when
The load pick-up must only be a small proportion within the m a x i m u m slip frequency allowed.
of full-load output, typically 1 - 5 % . To combine this
requirement with satisfactory synchronising, the prime-
mover speed is increased to take the incoming fre­ 2.4 Synchronising errors
quency above the running frequency, and then slowly Although the ideal conditions for generator synchronis­
reduced. Synchronising follows when the shp frequency ing are hkely to be approached closely, for a number
is less than the maximum allowed and is within the of reasons there are limits to the accuracy which can be
specified load pick-up band. obtained. These include matching and measurement
The load pick-up is determined by the speed d r o o p accuracy, and where a small slip frequency is required
setting and the shp frequency (governor set point). This for load pick-up reasons, as already described. For­
is given by: tunately, h is not necessary that the exact conditions
be attained, as true synchronism is brought about after
% load pick-up =
the two supplies have been synchronised through the
% slip frequency action of generator synchronising currents. These flow
X 100 in the stator windings with consequent effects imposed
% speed d r o o p on the rotor and persist until self-extinguished when
the synchronising errors have been eliminated. On syn­
Example: Determine the slip frequency band for a
chronising, the initial sub-transient current produces
load pick-up between 1% and 5 % , with a speed d r o o p
the most effective corrective response. Thereafter, the
of 4 % and a system frequency of 50 H z .
current transient declines in magnitude, the rate de­
pending on the generator transient reactance and the
% slip frequency =
progressive decrease in the synchronising error. Fre­
% load pick-up χ % speed droop quency difference and phase displacement, which de­
m a n d rotor movement relative to the air gap rotating
100 field, require the flow of real power (called synchro­
Slip frequency = nising power) which produces a synchronising torque.
It is this torque, acting on the generator rotor and
% slip frequency χ system frequency coupled drive together with governor and damping ef­
fects, which captures and locks the rotor into the syn­
100 chronous position. Initially, the rotor overshoots and
tends to oscihate or hunt about the synchronous posi­
Rearranging and substhuting:
tion. Additional damping is provided by rotor damping
bars and with normal synchronisation the oscillations
Shp frequency for 1% load pick-up =
quickly decay.
% load pick-up χ % speed droop
2.4.1 V o l t a g e error
The condition immediately after synchronising is shown
system frequency
in Fig 12.5, where the generator incoming voltage V\
100 per phase is slightly less than the system running voltage
Vr per phase. The two voltages are almost coincident,
= [1 X 4/100] X 50/100 = 0.02 Hz the voltage error being represented by the phasor Vs.
This results in the generator drawing a synchronising
Slip frequency for 5 % load pick-up = current Is from the system approximately in quadra­
ture w h h vohage Vs. This similarly leads the running
[5 X 4/100] X 50/100 = 0.1 Hz
voltage Vr and is essentially a magnetising current which
Shp frequency band = 0.02 to 0.1 Hz strengthens the generator magnetic field. Synchronism
is rapidly achieved with predominantly reactive power
Generators are synchronised sub-synchronously where taken from the system.
rapid synchronisation is required, normally as part of a The converse also applies if the incoming voltage
fully automatic start-up control sequence which includes Vi is shghtly higher than the running voltage Vr, when

Synchronising Chapter 12

chronisation the incoming a n d running voltages are

SYNCHRONISING VOLTS superimposed onto each other; the resultant voltage,
(Vs) represented by the voltage (Vs), is a pulsating wave
whose magnitude at any instant is the voltage dif­
ference ( V i - V r ) as shown in Fig 12.7. This voltage
is obtained by reversing the phase of the running volt­
INCOMING RUNNING VOLTS age (Vr) and adding the reversed wave to the incoming
VOLTS (V) (V) voltage (Vi). This results in a synchronising current (Is)
being drawn from the higher frequency generator sup­
ply, the real power component of which produces the
synchronising torque required t o achieve synchronism.
CURRENT(y Similarly, if the situation is reversed and the system
running frequency is higher than the generator fre­
NOT TO SCALE quency, then real power is taken from the system.
If the frequency difference in Fig 12.7 continues,
FIG. 12.5 Voltage error
the amplitude of the resuhant pulsating voltage con­
tinues to increase with each cycle until a maximum of
a lagging de-magnetising current flows from the sys­ (Vi + Vr) is reached when the two voltage waves are
tem to the generator t o weaken the generator magnetic in antiphase. If further continued, the resultant voltage
field. progressively decreases as the two voltages move back
into phase. T h e envelope of the modulated wave (Vi -
2.4.2 Phase error Vr) is shown dotted. The beat frequency of the modu­
lated wave is equal to the shp frequency. If the slip
The immediate effect after synchronising w h h the gen­
frequency is smah, e.g., 0.05 H z or 20 s/slip cycle, h
erator incoming voltage Vj displaced behind the system
takes 10 seconds for the resultant voltage to rise from
running voltage Vr by an angle θ is shown in Fig 12.6.
being zero at phase coincidence t o peak value.
The voltage phasor between corresponding phases Vs,
W h h the vohage and phase matched, the synchro­
results in the generator drawing a synchronising current
nising current produced by a small slip frequency is
Is from the system. As the stator impedance is pre­
generally not significant since the change to a high re­
dominantly reactive, this is nearly in quadrature with
sultant voltage is not rapid. It also follows that if the
voltage Vs, which is nearly in phase with the running
voltage and phase error are small, this does not greatly
vohage Vr. Real power is taken from the system which
increase the synchronising current.
produces the torque required to pull the rotor into
The converse also applies if the incoming vohage Vj 2.5 Faulty synchronising
leads the running vohage Vr. The generator produces a
For each synchronising condition, as the error in­
synchronising current, the active component of which
creases in m a g n h u d e so does the disturbance or shock
produces the required synchronising torque.
this imposes on the generator and the system. In par­
ticular, large phase displacement and frequency differ­
2.4.3 Frequency error ences result in generator hunting, a condition where the
If the generator incoming frequency (fi) is slightly synchronising torque accelerates the rotating system,
greater than the system running frequency (fr) on syn- overpowering the rotor damping, etc., resulting in the
rotor swinging past the synchronous position under
hs own inertia. A n opposing torque is produced to
SYNCHRONISING retard and reverse the direction of motion, the cycle
continuing until eventually the oscillation is reduced
VOLTS (V) by damping and the rotating system held in the syn­
chronous position. T o produce the fluctuating torque
required, the generator has to alternately supply and
absorb sizeable synchronising power with an initial
VOLTS (V transient which can involve currents in excess of gen­
CURRENT(y erator rating. Mechanical forces are proportional to
the squares of the currents with the maximum me­
chanical force related t o the peak current value. In this
respect, the duration of the synchronising torque is
not as important as the magnitude a n d number of force
reversals. T h e heavy power transfer results in a voltage
disturbance which m a y also adversely affect the power
FIG. 12.6 Phase error system to which the generator is connected, although

Synchronising m e t h o d s





1 I

f. > f
— Ar — UUU


V. + V
i A



FIG. 12.7 Frequency error

it is highly unhkely that this would result in transient If the divergence in slip frequency is sufficiently large,
instability of the system. the pullout torque of the rotor is exceeded and gen-
The parameters which determine the power swing erator pole slipping occurs. Faulty synchronising at
on the system can be summarised as: a phase angle of about 120° gives rise to high shaft
torques and stresses, which may exceed those resulting
• Phase angle and shp frequency between the two when a three-phase short-circuh is cleared.

• Vohage m a g n h u d e and system loop impedance.

3 Synchronising methods
• Relative size of the generator and system (connected
capachy, inertia and fauh level). T w o quite different methods have been developed for
synchronising. The first and oldest method, dating back
• Speed of governor response.
to the nineteenth century, is performed by the operator
• Mechanical d a m p i n g of the turbine-generator and is called manual synchronising.
rotating system. For many years, m a n u a l synchronising was carried
out using a set of three lamp bulbs. These were con-
nected across the supphes t o measure the sum of the
The effect of the disturbance on a turbine-generator is
two voltages. When the two voltages were equal and
to stress the stator and rotating parts, depleting design
in phase, the voltage across the lamps was at maximum
life expectancy in certain respects, typically:
and the lamps were at their brightest. This was known
• Stator end windings, being the weakest part of the as the 'lamp bright' m e t h o d . T o d a y , the correct syn-
stator, may distort and in so doing, damage the end chronising conditions are determined by observing a
insulation. Although there is httle hkehhood of per- set of instruments.
manent deformation, small elastic deflections may The second m e t h o d is automatic synchronising and
eventually adversely affect the insulation. employs a purpose designed control unit to perform
• Torsional oscillations stress the shaft system and in the complete operation without any need of supervision
particular the shaft couphngs. by the operator. Automatic synchronising is initiated
within the operating range of the control unit by the
• L P turbine blade root stress due to the effects of operator, or by an auxihary relay if incorporated into
blade dynamics. a larger automatic control scheme.

Synchronising Chapter 12

Both methods are used for system and generator T o transfer the instrument circuitry, the trohey is
synchronising but only automatic generator synchro­ equipped with two leads and plugs, and each switch
nising incorporates voltage and frequency control. At a control position at which synchronising facihties are
power station, system synchronising is carried out man­ required is provided with a synchronising socket (this
ually and generator synchronising is normally carried is not always necessary and a c o m m o n socket may be
out automatically, using a device called an automatic provided at a convenient point). Prior to use, the syn­
synchronising relay. Manual synchronising facilities are chronising trolley is positioned adjacent to the switch
provided as back-up for generator synchronising in case control position concerned and plugged into the socket
the automatic synchronising relay fails. Both methods to prepare the circuitry for synchronising.
are also used for system synchronising at transmission The level of operator ability required depends on
stations. Automatic synchronising employs a device the switching operation, but at least demands a tech­
called a system synchroniser used, for example, in auto- nical understanding of the principles involved and of
switching schemes such as delayed auto-reclose. the accuracy that must be applied. For system syn­
chronising, the operation normally amounts to little
more than a check of voltage and fixed angular dis­
3.1 Manual synchronising placement and little skill is involved. With a frequency
The instruments provided for manual synchronising difference, the full procedure is required. As the slip
are an incoming vohmeter, a running vohmeter, a phase frequency is reduced, sensitive adjustments to prime-
angle voltmeter (i.e., an instrument which measures a mover speed need to be made to obtain the desired
voltage corresponding to a phase angle) and a synchro­ response.
scope which measures slip frequency and phase. The characteristics of the prime-mover governor may
The three vohmeters are used to synchronise when also lead to some change of slip near the point of closing
conditions are synchronous, i.e., system synchronising. the switch. In particular, attention must be paid to
The incoming and running voltmeters plus the synchro­ the selection of the correct advance angle for initiating
scope are used to synchronise when conditions are the switch closure, estimated from the product of the
asynchronous, i.e., generator synchronising, and when observed slip frequency in (°elec)/s (estimated from
needed for system synchronising. the time taken for the phase to traverse a given angle,
In brief, to system synchronise, both voltages are e.g., 360°) and the known switch closing time for the
first measured and compared. With zero frequency switch concerned. From experience, this process is often
difference shown by the synchroscope, the phase is simplified to a fixed angular allowance.
measured with the phase angle voltmeter. If both volt­ In addition to being competent in the above respect,
age and phase measurements are within prescribed the operator must be fuhy aware of the function he
limits, as is normal, the switch is closed. T o generator is performing and conscious of the consequences of
synchronise, one voltage (which may be the incoming error and the result of incorrect operation so that no
or running voltage) is adjusted as necessary to reduce chances are taken.
any voltage difference to within prescribed hmits. The As a safeguard against the risk of h u m a n error or
incoming frequency is then adjusted until the slip fre­ malfunction of the synchronising instruments resulting
quency is less than the maximum allowed. For load in the connection of unsynchronised supphes, a device
pick-up the adjustment must produce the incoming called a check synchronising relay is added. This se­
frequency high and faihng to super-synchronously syn­ parately measures the voltage, phase and slip frequency,
chronise. Switch closing follows as soon as the phase inhibiting the switch closing signal unless the supply
is within prescribed limits and is initiated at the instant differences are whhin preset limits. The employment
the phase is at the correct advance angle, or as close of this relay is termed check operative. T o assist the
to this as can practicably be achieved. operator, a 'check synch monitor' lamp can be added
Repetition of the synchronising instruments at each to indicate when satisfactory synchronising condhions
switch control position at which synchronising faci­ are present. The slip feature is switched out of service
lities are required is not necessary. The synchronising for generator synchronising to permit the switch to
instruments themselves may be used to synchronise be closed with a slip frequency greater than the re­
at any switch control position if the vohmeter scales lay setting permits, as required for load pick-up. (If
are changed, these are therefore combined (as far as motoring is not a consideration, e.g., gas turbines, this
is allowed) into a common set. The synchronising feature may be retained if preferred for operational
instruments are housed in a mobile trolley to ensure reasons.) Check synchronising relays are also used as
that the indications are clearly legible at each switch system synchronisers in auto-switching schemes at trans­
control position if located at more than one control mission stations. In this apphcation, the check syn­
panel, as is the case in a power station. To accom­ chronising relay initiates the switch closing signal when
modate four system voltage levels (i.e., 3.3 kV, 11 kV, the differences between two supplies are within preset
generator and transmission vohages), two separate sets limits.
of instruments are provided, each with dual scale voh­ The synchronising equipment is also provided for
meters. manual override synchronising, i.e., when one supply

Synchronising m e t h o d s

is live and the other supply is dead or both supplies frequent and an automatic synchronising relay is not
are dead, as an additional safeguard against operator provided. A guard relay prevents premature switch
error. Since this supply condhion would operate the closing and in exceptional circumstances the check
check synchronising relay, a check synchronising relay synchronising relay may be by-passed. Minor disad­
by-pass facility is fitted. In this switching operation, vantages are the inconvenience of having to move the
only the vohages are measured and having checked that synchronising trolley before and after use and the re­
synchronising is not required, the switch is closed. striction in access to other controls when synchronising
The by-pass facility is termed check inoperative and in an area with limited free space. Where seismic re­
is only used under clearly defined conditions. However, quirements are included, a parking position is provided
the check synchronising relay may also have to be to prevent unrestrained movement.
by-passed in an emergency, manual synchronising then
relying only on the synchronising instruments. This
may be necessary if both the automatic and check 3.2 Autonnatic synchronising
synchronising relays have failed and it is considered
The action of an automatic synchronising relay in
essential to provide additional generation.
synchronising a generator is similar to manual synchro­
It is not intended that the check synchronising relay
nising but with improved speed and accuracy. On being
be used as an automatic synchroniser when generator
switched into service, the incoming and running voltage
synchronising. The operator must not be allowed to
and frequency are monitored by matching circuits which
transfer all responsibility to the relay by the premature
send out signals to controhers to reduce the differences
operation or holding over of the control switch while
to within permissible hmits. When these conditions are
waiting for the relay inhibit to be released. Therefore
met, contacts on phase sensors close at the correct
a device called a guard relay is fitted. This permits the
advance angle to initiate the closing of the switch.
check synchronising relay to decide whether the control
Synchronising may be performed sub-synchronously
switch was operated before or after prescribed synchro­
(incoming frequency low), super-synchronously (in­
nising conditions were reached, inhibiting the close sig­
coming frequency high) or within a maximum slip fre­
nal if before. For the same reason, a guard relay is also
quency if there is no requirement for a particular
instahed for system synchronising when this involves a
m e t h o d . Table 12.1 shows the synchronising method
frequency difference. The relay may also be used to
employed by the C E G B for each type of generator.
prevent a standing output signal from a faulty check
The relay is preset, selecting the synchronising method,
synchronising relay permitting the switch to be closed.
maximum slip frequency setting, voltage error setting,
The advantages of manual synchronising are as
switch closing time and speed signals to the prime-
mover speed governor.
• The operator has complete control of the switching Automatic synchronising relays, unhke the synchro­
operation. nising instruments, are regarded as fixed equipment and
provided on a one per generator basis. There is no
• The requirements for each type of switching op­
requirement for interchangeability, although relay mod­
eration are accommodated in a c o m m o n set of
els for this duty are available with external facilities
for the selection of up to three different swhch closing
• Equipment can be transferred between circuits with times. There is one exception where a c o m m o n auto-
the same check synchronising relay setting.
• Instruments required are relatively basic and unhkely TABLE 12.1
to fah. Synchronising method for each type of generator
• C o m m o n mode failure cannot occur when manual
Generator type Synchronising method Reason
synchronising is used as the back-up to automatic
synchronising (as may happen if back-up is provided Steam turbine- Super-synchronously Prevent motoring
by a second automatic synchronising relay). generator (prime-mover damage)
Gas turbine Sub-synchronously^^^ Rapid synchronisation
• Low caphal cost of the equipment, if considered in
relation to hs wide apphcation. Diesel generator Super-synchronously Prevent motoring
(reverse power relay
In summary, manual synchronising supervised by a Pumped-storage
check synchronising relay is appropriate for the less Motoring mode Super/sub- Maximum chance of
synchronously^"^ synchronisation
demanding requirements of system synchronising, as
cahed for in periodic maintenance switching, etc. Generating mode Sub-synchronously Rapid synchronisation
Manual synchronising has an advantage as back-up for
generator synchronising where automatic synchronis­ (i) May be done super-synchronously if required for operational
ing is the normal method and also for use at switches
(ii) Using starting equipment (automatic synchronising relay does
where generator synchronising is expected to be in­ not control the machine speed)

Synchronising C h a p t e r 12

matic synchronising relay may be used for diesel gen­ central control r o o m at the unit control desk and at
erators. As described later, this is a non-essential duty. other control panels, i.e., the electrical auxiliary and
The advantages of using an automatic synchronising transmission system control panels and gas-turbine
relay are as follows: remote control panel, if provided. Gas turbines are
also provided w h h synchronising facihties at the local
• The complete synchronising operation is carried out
control panel as is switchgear in switchrooms or at
plant locations if required.
• Synchronising is performed consistently, with a de­ The synchronising fachities at each of these locations
gree of precision and final accuracy which cannot for three standardised generator/transmission voltage
be approached by manual means. switchgear schemes and the electrical auxiliaries system,
• Synchronism is achieved rapidly, minimising the including gas turbine and diesel generator switchgear,
synchronising time. if provided, are shown in Table 12.2. This does not
include the synchronising fachities for the transmission
• The resuhant disturbance to the generator and system
station switchgear at the transmission control panel,
after the switch closes is kept to a minimum.
as these extend beyond the scope of this chapter.
• Synchronising can be incorporated into a compre­ The synchronising facilities for the steam turbine-
hensive unit automatic start-up sequence. generator are located at the unit control desk, irre­
• Operator work load is reduced when synchronising spective of whether synchronising is with generator or
has to be performed at regular intervals or a number transmission voltage switchgear. For generator voltage
of generators need to be synchronised in succession switchgear (Table 12.2, scheme (a)), synchronising nor­
over a short period of time. mally takes place across the generator voltage circuit-
breaker and automatic and manual synchronising
• It is capable of operating whh falling vohage and facilities are provided. Automatic synchronising is the
frequency. normal m o d e , backed up by manual synchronising
• The risk of h u m a n error is largely removed. with check operative. Manual synchronising with check
inoperative is also provided when it is necessary to bring
• The demand for skihed operating staff is reduced.
a generator into service with the transmission supply
• It permits the synchronising of remotely operated absent. In addition, manual synchronising facilities,
plant at unmanned generating stations. with check operative and check inoperative, are pro­
vided for the associated transmission vohage circuh-
For the above reasons, especially accuracy, automatic breaker. Manual synchronising with check operative
synchronising is the normal method of steam turbine- is provided for re-synchronising the steam turbine-
generator synchronising. Usuahy, reasonable time is generator on restoration of transmission supplies fol­
available for this operation, but it may have to be done lowing loss or disconnection. Manual synchronising
quickly when system conditions demand rapid connec­ with check inoperative is prevented, except when the
tion of a generator for system security or load despatch generator voltage circuit-breaker is open.
reasons. In both transmission voltage switchgear schemes
Automatic synchronising is essential for rapid syn­ (Table 12.2, schemes (b) and (c)), the steam turbine-
chronisation of the gas turbines used for emergency generator is synchronised across the transmission
generation, which are required to be brought from vohage circuit-breaker and switch disconnector, respec­
rest to fuh-load in less than two minutes. In the event tively. Automatic and manual synchronising facihties
of a transmission system disturbance causing a fah in are provided for both schemes. Automatic synchronis­
frequency, a low frequency relay initiates starting at ing is the normal mode while manual synchronising
a preset value. As a design basis for operation, the with check operative is available as back-up. Manual
severest system conditions are assumed to be a fre­ synchronising with check inoperative is also provided
quency fall of 1 cycle every 25 seconds down to 40 Hz for the circumstances referred to in scheme (a).
and a voltage fah of 1.5% every 25 seconds. Each steam turbine-generator switch is equipped with
The ability to synchronise with a falling frequency is a fixed set of synchronising equipment. This includes
also used at pumped-storage power stations when syn­ the automatic synchronising relay, where apphcable,
chronising in the pumping m o d e , as the machine speed the check synchronising relay and guard relay plus the
fahs too quickly for an operator to respond manually. associated control circuhry. The one exception is for
the manual synchronising instruments mounted on
the synchronising trolley, which are c o m m o n .
4 Synchronising facilities and controls The main 3.3 kV and 11 kV electrical auxiharies
system is set out as a mimic diagram on the electrical
auxiliaries control panel. This consists of standard
4.1 Synchronising facilities symbols, signs and lines, etc., arranged in such a way
The major synchronising facilities in a power station that they represent the circuit layout of the switch-
are remote from the switchgear and are situated in the gear, transformers, generator main plant, etc. Different

Synchronising facilities a n d controls

TABLE 12.2

Synchronising facilities

Synchronising Controls
Circuit Switch
Location Facility

steam turbine- (a) Transmission voltage circuit-breaker with generator Unit control desk Generator voltage switch
generator voltage switch Automatic/manual (i) Check operative
GENERATOR (ii) Check inoperative
Transmission voltage circuit-breaker
Manual (i) Check operative
CIRCUIT-BREAKER -/4 (ii) Check inoperative'

(b) Transmission voltage circuit-breaker with no switch Transmission voltage circuit-breaker

at generator voltage Automatic/manual (i) Check operative
(ii) Check inoperative


(c) Transmission voltage switch disconnector (with Transmission voltage switch disconnector
transmission voltage circuit-breaker) with no switch at Automatic/manual (!) Check operative
generator voltage (ii) Check inoperative


11kV gas
turbine Gas turbine local Automatic
control panel

Gas turbine remote Automatic/manual (i) Check operative
control panel (ii) Check inoperative

3.3kV and Manual (i) Check operative

Electrical auxiliary
11 kV distn. Circuit-breaker control panel (ii) Check inoperative

a) Electrical auxiliary Automatic/manual (i) Check operative

3.3kV control panel (ii) Check inoperative
Circuit-breaker (b) Diesel generator local Automatic/manual (i) Check operative
control panel (ii) Check inoperative

Electrical auxiliary Automatic

control panel

* Inhibited when generator voltage switch closed

colours identify each system vohage and limited opera­ 066/1 [1]. The main facilities are located at the gas
tional information is displayed. T o remotely open and turbine remote control panel and automatic and m a n ­
close each circuit switch, a control switch is fitted at ual synchronising facihties are installed on the same
each circuit switch position. A synchronising socket is operating basis as already described in scheme (a). The
installed near each circuit control switch where m a n u a l c o m m o n synchronising trolley equipment is used for
synchronising facilities are required. A c o m m o n set of m a n u a l synchronising.
synchronising equipment is provided including check Identical automatic synchronising facilities are pro­
synchronising relay, guard relay and associated control vided at the gas turbine local control panel, which is
circuitry mounted inside the synchronising trohey. required to contain all the controls and instrumenta­
Manual synchronising with check operative is in­ tion including the automatic synchronising relay ne­
stalled for system synchronising, with manual synchro­ cessary to operate the plant. Although used primarily
nising and check inoperative normally available in the for commissioning, local facihties permit plant opera­
absence of one or both supphes. Identical facilities, tion should the remote facilities fail.
located in a 3.3/11 kV synchronising trolley, are pro­ Diesel generators at 3.3 kV are not used as sources
vided in switchrooms, etc., if these are required. of generation to meet system d e m a n d but to provide
Synchronising facilities for 11 kV gas turbines are essential power station supplies in an emergency fol­
based on the requirements of Design M e m o r a n d u m lowing the loss of external supphes. There is n o set

Synchronising C h a p t e r 12

standard for the apphcation of diesel generator syn­ A proprietary design of miniature lock is fitted for
chronising facilities, so two recent designs at nuclear the key-operated control selector switches, which can
power stations are described. Automatic synchronising only be operated with the key in position. The key is
facilities are provided, although they are not used in free to be removed in the ' o f f position and is trapped
an emergency. They are included for operator con­ in all other positions: when not in use, the keys are
venience during the regular 'on load' testing necessary normally kept in a separate key parking socket. The
to demonstrate the high level of availability required key patterns produced are coded by the manufacturer
of such plant. With the first scheme, two additional and a small number of these have been selected by the
synchronising trolleys, equipped for manual and auto­ C E G B to form different key groups. Each key group
matic synchronising, are provided for synchronising at is dedicated to a particular control selector switch
the electrical auxiharies control panel. In the second function.
scheme, automatic synchronising facilities are provided Two key groups are used at the u n h control desk.
for each diesel generator at the electrical auxiliaries One key group (ov) is fitted to the 'check operative/
control panel, and automatic and manual synchronising check inoperative' control selector swhch and the other
facilities are provided at each local control panel. key group (k) is fitted to the synchronising mode con­
Manual facihties, with check operative and check in­ trol selector switch in the generator voltage switchgear
operative, are provided on the same operating basis as scheme (a) (key-operated control selector switches may
already described. be fitted with the other two schemes). The third key
group (s), located at the transmission control panel,
is used to synchronise a transmission voltage switch.
4.2 Synchronising controls The purpose of this key group is to ensure that syn­
chronising can only take place on one circuh at a time
Many precautions need to be incorporated into the
at the transmission station.
design of a synchronising scheme to prevent error or
T o enable synchronising to be carried out in the
incorrect operation. Of particular concern is that part
central control r o o m , the 'local/remote/test' control
of the operation done manually; therefore, the syn­
selector switch at the circuit switch local control panel
chronising procedure includes measures designed to
or switchboard must be selected to the 'remote' position.
minimise the risk of h u m a n error by making each man­
This transfers operation control from the local ' o p e n /
ual step in the operation the end result of considered
neutral/close' control swhch to a discrepancy control
action on the part of the operator. Several of these
switch, which is the final initiating control whose design
measures, which are concerned w h h the operation of
features need to be described.
the synchronising equipment, have already been de­
scribed in Section 3 of this chapter. Further measures Discrepancy control switches inform the operator of
are included in the preparatory actions performed prior the circuit switch position while going through the m o ­
to starting the actual synchronising operation and, for tion of actuating the switch. On being rotated through
manual synchronising, extend to the operation of the a quarter of a turn in the appropriate direction, an
circuit control switch. internal discrepancy light flashes to alert the operator
that the switch indicates (by a coloured line or arrow
The measures included in the preparatory actions,
on a white background) the wrong sense. The switch
which apply to each circuit equipped for synchronising,
will continue to flash if left in the wrong sense. Having
ensure that:
cautioned the operator, with further rotation the Open'
• The same basic procedure is followed to prepare or 'close' signal is initiated, and as soon as the circuit
each circuit for synchronising. switch has operated, the discrepancy light extinguishes
to inform the operator that the switching operation
• The circuit switch cannot be closed without first
is now complete. On release, the control switch has
following the procedure of actuating a control switch
an inbuih return action to bring the switch to rest
to select the synchronising mode, i.e., automatic,
indicating the new circuit switch position.
manual with check operative or inoperative.
The operation of the synchronising controls can now
• Secondary voltage circuits are not established until be described.
the control selector switch is actuated.
4.2.1 Steam turbine-generator
At generator and transmission voltages, certain 'auto
F i g u r e 12.8 s h o w s t h e s t e a m t u r b i n e - g e n e r a t o r
synch/manual synch' control selector switches are m a d e
synchronising controls on the unit desk.
key-operated and a separate key-operated control se­
lector switch is installed for the 'check operative/check
Voltage and speed controls
inoperative' facility. In addition, no synchronising op­
eration on a transmission voltage switch can take place The vohage at the low vohage terminals of generator
at the unit control desk w h h o u t first actuating a key- transformers must be kept at 100% of rated voltage at
operated 'generator unit desk' control selector switch all times to maintain the voltage constant at the aux­
located on the transmission control panel. iharies connected via unit transformers to this point.

Synchronising facilities and controls


23.5kV 400kV

(k) (k)



é -





FIG. 1 2 . 8 Steam turbine-generator synchronising controls on the unit desk

Steam turbine-generators are therefore fitted with synchronising socket. The selection of manual synchro­
automatic vohage regulators which are normally set nising is made by key operation (k) of the Off/auto
to maintain the terminal voltage at its nominal value. s y n c h / m a n u a l synch' control selector switch to the
Vohage matching is therefore carried out using the 'manual synch' position. Actuation connects the incom­
generator transformer on-load tapchanger by raising ing and running supplies to the synchronising instru­
and lowering the tap position. ments. The supplies are also connected to the check
The tapchanger alters the transformer open-circuit synchronising relay with key-operated (ov) 'check in­
voltage by adjusting the effective number of turns in operative/check operative' control selector switch se­
the high vohage winding. In total, there are nineteen lected to the 'check operative' position. The auxihary
tap positions, with a voltage step of 1.11% nominal power supply is permanently connected to the check
between each tap position. 'Raise' and 'lower' refers synchronising relay.
to changing to a higher or lower tap position num­ The generator vohage circuit-breaker is closed by
ber, respectively. If synchronising at the generator operation of the discrepancy control swhch, provided
vohage circuit-breaker, this is by adjustment of the that the check synchronising relay output contacts have
running vohage and, at the transmission voltage switch, previously closed. Satisfactory conditions are indicated
by adjustment of the incoming voltage. With the lat­ by the illumination of a check synchronising relay
ter, the 'raise' tapchange operation reduces the trans­ monitor l a m p . The guard relay inhibits the close signal
former open-circuit vohage and, similarly, the 'lower' a n d the display of the check synchronising monitor
tapchange operation increases the transformer open- lamp if the discrepancy control switch is prematurely
circuit voltage. operated.
The turbine speed governor set point controller (as Actuation of the key-operated (ov) selector to the
described in Section 2.1 of this chapter) is used to 'check inoperative' position energises an auxiliary relay
raise or lower the generator incoming frequency. which by-passes the check synchronising relay out­
put contacts. Manual synchronising in this mode is
normally restricted to closing onto a dead circuit. Se­
Generator voltage circuit-breaker (with transmission
lection of automatic synchronising by key operation
voltage circuit-breaker) scheme
(k) of the control selector switch to the 'auto synch'
Manual synchronising of the steam turbine-generator position, energises auxiliary relays which connect the
commences with the connection of the synchronising incoming and running supphes and the auxiliary power
trolley plug to the generator voltage circuit-breaker supply to the automatic synchronising relay. With the

Synchronising C h a p t e r 12

equipment prepared and the steam turbine-generator T o synchronise manually 'no-load' is selected at the
running, manual initiation of the *auto synch' start control selector switch and to synchronise automati­
button instructs the automatic synchronising relay to cally either 'peak' or 'standby' is selected.
begin synchronising. Manual synchronising begins after the gas turbine
Manual synchronising facihties for the transmis­ has been started and run-up under the supervision of
sion voltage circuit-breaker are available at the trans­ the automatic sequence control system. It commences
mission control panel and the unit control desk. T o with the insertion of the plug into the synchronising
estabhsh manual synchronising at the u n h control socket which connects the auxiliary power supply to the
desk, the key-operated (s) control selector switch at check synchronising relay. Synchronising is with 'check
the transmission control panel is selected to the operative' selected at the control selector switch on
'generator unit desk' position. This illuminates a Ή Υ the synchronising trolley which connects the running
synchronise available' lamp at the unit control desk. voltage and the incoming voltage to the synchronising
The initial preparation for synchronising at the equipment. The voltage is raised and lowered by ad­
unit control desk is by plug connection of the trol­ justment of the automatic voltage regulator (this may
ley. Selection of manual synchronising is by actua­ be by adjustment of the generator transformer on-load
tion of key-operated (k) 'off/manual synch' control tapchanger with peak-lopping gas turbine schemes).
selector switch to the 'manual synch' position. This The speed is altered by adjusting the gas turbine speed
connects the incoming and running supphes to the governor set point controller. Closure of the 11 kV gas
synchronising instruments and to the check synchro­ turbine circuit-breaker, which is initiated by operating
nising relay provided the key-operated (ov) 'check the discrepancy control switch, cannot be carried out
operative/check inoperative' control selector switch is until the check synchronising relay output contacts have
selected to the 'check operative' position. The auxil­ closed, confirming that the synchronising conditions
iary power supply to the check synchronising relay are correct. The guard relay prevents the circuit-breaker
is permanently energised. The circuit-breaker is closed being closed by premature operation of the discrepancy
by operating the discrepancy control switch, with the control switch.
conditions the same as described for the generator Selection of either 'peak' or 'standby' energises a
circuit-breaker. relay which connects the auxiliary power supply to
Manual synchronising without check synchronising the automatic synchronising relay. When the gas turbine
is by operation of the key-operated selector (ov) to is running u p in speed, a further relay energises which
the 'check inoperative' position. Manual synchronising connects both the running vohage and the incoming
in this mode is inhibited, except when the generator voltage to the automatic synchronising relay, causing
voltage circuit-breaker is open. the synchronising operation to begin. Circuit-breaker
closure disconnects both the running and incoming
Transmission voltage circuit-breaker (with no generator voltage from the automatic synchronising relay.
voltage circuit-breaker) scheme
4.2.3 3.3 k V a n d 11 k V d i s t r i b u t i o n s w i t c h g e a r
To establish either manual or automatic synchronising
at the unit control desk, the key-operated (s) control Manual synchronising facilities only are available at
selector switch at the transmission control panel is the electrical auxiliaries control panel. The operation
selected to the 'generator u n h desk' position. Synchro­ commences with plug connection of the synchronising
nising is then carried out as for the generator voltage trolley to the appropriate circuit, which connects the
circuit-breaker except that the transmission voltage auxihary power supply to the check synchronising re­
circuit-breaker discrepancy control swhch is used. lay. With 'check operative' selected and the 3.3 kV
or 11 kV circuit-breaker open (to connect running
Transmission voltage switch disconnector (with voltage) both the running voltage and incoming voltage
transmission voltage circuit-breaker) scheme are connected to the synchronising equipment. Voltage
controls are not provided since with normal voltage
The synchronising controls are transferred to the unit
regulation the voltage difference should be slight. The
control desk by selection of 'generator unit desk' on
3.3 kV or 11 kV circuit-breaker is closed by operating
the key-operated (s) control selector switch at the trans­
the discrepancy control switch, initiation being per­
mission control panel. Synchronising is again carried
mitted by the check synchronising relay and guard relay
out as for the generator voltage circuit-breaker except
if synchronising conditions are correct.
that the transmission vohage switch disconnector dis­
Manual switching with 'check inoperative' selected
crepancy control switch is used.
is normally restricted to closing the circuit-breaker onto
a dead busbar.
4.2.2 11 k V g a s - t u r b i n e g e n e r a t o r s The above also applies to manual synchronising
Gas turbine synchronising facilities are available at the in swhchrooms or other plant locations, if this facility
gas turbine remote control panel after the selection of is installed, except that switch closing is initiated by
'remote' at the gas turbine local control panel. operating the local 'open/neutral/close' control swhch.

Synchronising equipment

Local facilities are otherwise used for closing onto a on castors for ease of mobility. The housing is a sheet
dead busbar. steel fabrication which matches the design of the con­
trol desk in profile and colour. The trolley contains two
sets of instruments, one for synchronising 3.3/11 kV
4.2.4 3.3 k V diesel g e n e r a t o r s
circuhs and the other for synchronising generator/grid
The two recent synchronising schemes referred to in voltage circuits. The check synchronising relay, guard
Section 4.1 of this chapter (scheme (a) and scheme relay and interposing transformers for synchronising
(b)), are described in the following paragraphs. 3.3/11 kV circuits only are internally m o u n t e d . Accom­
m o d a t i o n for the two flexible trailing cables is located
Scheme (a) on either side of the trolley. Each cable is for one set
Manual and automatic facilities are available at the of synchronising instruments and is approximately 3 m
electrical auxiliaries control panel after the selection long. A n approved design of synchronising plug ter­
of 'remote' at the local control panel. The 3.3 kV diesel minates the free cable end. This, as described earher,
generator synchronising trolley is used for synchro­ fits into mating sockets m o u n t e d on the mimic panels
nising. Both manual and automatic synchronising and control desk. The plug contains male pins and the
operations begin after the diesel generator has been sockets have shrouded female connectors. Parking
started and run-up under the supervision of the auto­ sockets on the trolley locate the plugs when not in use.
matic sequence control system, and commence with When viewed from the front, the 3.3/11 kV instru­
the insertion of the synchronising plug into the ap­ ments are located on the left hand side and the genera­
propriate circuit socket. t o r / g r i d vohage instruments are located on the right
For manual synchronising, 'check operative' is se­ h a n d side of the trolley. The voltmeters, phase angle
lected at the control selector switch on the synchronis­ voltmeters and synchroscopes are mounted on the steep­
ing trolley which connects the incoming and running ly inclined front face and the selector switches and
vohage to the synchronising equipment. Voltage and 'synchroniser locked out' indicator are mounted below
speed control are by adjustment of the automatic volt­ on the slightly inclined desk t o p . Centrally mounted
age regulator and speed governor controller, respective­ on the desk is a four-position system voltage switch,
ly. Closure of the 3.3 kV diesel generator circuh- for the selection of the various manual synchronising
breaker is achieved in the same manner as previously facilities.
described. Manual synchronising with check inoperative The four control selector switch positions are:
is again normally used for closing onto a dead circuit,
as happens fohowing the loss of external supphes. 1 3.3/11 kV, check inoperative
Moving the control selector switch to the 'automatic 2 3.3/11 kV, check operative
synchronising' position connects the incoming and run­ 3 Off
ning voltage to the relay. With the equipment pre­
pared, manual operation of the 'auto synch initiate' 4 Generator/transmission voltage (e.g., 23.5/400
pushbutton on the synchronising trolley prepares the kV)
D C output circuits which control the voltage, speed
and circuit-breaker closing. The synchronising instruments provided for duties
associated with selector switch positions 1 and 2 are:
Scheme (b) • Running voltmeter
Only automatic synchronising facilities are available in • Incoming voltmeter
the central control room at the electrical auxiliaries
control panel after the selection of remote at the local • Phase angle voltmeter
control panel. This removes the need for the addhional • Synchroscope
3.3 kV diesel generator synchronising trolleys in the
• Phase angle voltmeter switch
central control r o o m . Synchronising is achieved, as
(black scale/red scale/off)
before, by depressing the 'auto synch initiate' push­
button located on the control panel. • Shp feature switch (in/out)
Automatic and manual synchronising facihties are • Synchroscope swhch (on/off)
available at the local control panel, the synchronising
• 'Synchroniser locked out' indicator
operation being as already described.

The synchronising instruments provided for duties

associated with selector switch position 4 are:
5 Synchronising equipment
• Running voltmeter

5.1 Synchronising trolley • Incoming voltmeter

Figure 12.9 shows a typical control r o o m synchronising • Phase angle voltmeter

trolley which is a compact floor-standing unit mounted • Synchroscope

Synchronising Chapter 12


23.5kV/400kV PHASE ANGLE








FIG. 1 2 . 9 Control room synchronising trolley

Phase angle voltmeter switch substantially linear and match to whhin 2° at all major
(black scale/red scale/off) marks on the scale. The phase angle voltmeters are
the same size as the incoming and running voltmeters
Synchroscope switch (on/off) and the synchroscopes are of the same type and m a k e .
The two scales marked on the vohmeter and phase
The incoming and running voltmeters are of the same angle voltmeter, the maximum number permitted on an
size and have the same scales. The scale shapes are instrument, are marked in different colours for clarity.

Synchronising equipment

One scale is in black and the other red against a white R M S v o h s . With the two voltages equal, 1% = 0.6°
background. Since there are two sets of numbers and (elec).
colours, these instruments should only be read at a The instrument is a more accurate means of mea­
short distance. The selector switches are mounted w h h suring the phase angle for system synchronising than
either the 'off or 'out' positions at the 12 o'clock the synchroscope, which is not calibrated in degrees
positions, except for the phase angle vohmeter switches and therefore only provides an indication of this value.
where this is the 'black' scale position. This switch The phase angle voltmeter specification is the same
is spring-loaded to return automatically to the 'black' as that for the incoming and running voltmeters except
scale positions from the 'red' scale position, when re­ for the voltage range and scales. The inner black scale
leased. A notice is displayed adjacent to the switch reads 0 - 2 4 0 % and is used initially, subsequently
to warn that the phase angle vohmeter switch has to switching to the outer red scale (which reads 0 - 6 0 % )
be returned to the ' o f f position before synchronising, for more accurate measurement, the scale interval being
as it is not a rotating instrument. Each synchronising 2 0 % for the black and 5 % for the red scales respec­
instrument has a clear external label. When separate tively. Both scales have 12 corresponding divisions. The
synchronising trolleys are provided for synchronising 0, 8 0 % , 160% and 2 4 0 % positions on the black scale
3.3 kV diesel generators, the automatic synchronising and the 0, 2 0 % , 4 0 % and 6 0 % positions on the red
relay is housed inside the trolley with the other manual scale are major marks and all other scale marks are
synchronising equipment. A different size of synchro­ minor m a r k s . The instrument is calibrated so that the
nising plug is fitted to prevent incorrect use. The black 2 4 0 % is displayed for an input of 152.5 V A C
synchronising instruments are centrally mounted and and the red 6 0 % , for an input of 38.1 V A C . A n exter­
the synchronising control selector switch has the follow­ nal range change resistor is used to change the scales.
ing four positions: A typical instrument dial face is shown in Fig 12.10.

1 Manual synchronising, check inoperative

5.1.3 Synchroscope
2 Manual synchronising, check operative
The synchroscope is the principal instrument for man­
3 Off
ual synchronising. This is a two-winding instrument
4 Automatic synchronising which, when connected between two supplies, is in
effect a two-phase m o t o r with a pointer fixed to its
'Auto synch complete' and 'Auto synch locked out' rotor. W h e n revolving, the pointer indicates the shp
indicators are mounted with the synchronising controls. frequency and when it is moving slowly or is station­
ary, indicates the phase angle between the vohages
5.1.1 Voltmeters applied to the two windings. The synchroscope, there­
fore, not only gives a positive indication of the instant
Each voltmeter is a part-circular scale instrument of
the rectifier moving coil type. The resistance of the
instrument is not less than 1000 Ω/V. The red outer
scale reads the higher of the two system vohages and
scale numbers are hmited to three digits. The pair of
voltmeters scaled for use with the electrical auxiliaries
system are calibrated to display 3.3 kV and 11 kV at
63.5 V input. The black inner scale extends from 2.1 kV
to 4.2 kV and the outer red scale from 7 kV to 14 kV.
The pair of voltmeters, calibrated for use with gen­
erator voltage and transmission voltage circuits, typi­
cally display 23.5 kV and 396 kV (for 400 kV system
voltage) at 63.5 V input. The inner black scale extends
from 14.2 kV to 28.4 kV and the outer red scale from
240 kV to 480 kV.

5.1.2 Phase angle v o l t m e t e r s

Phase angle vohmeters work on the principle that, if

the incoming and running supply voltages are equal,
the phasor difference voltage is a measure of the phase
angle. With the instrument connected across the two
supplies, the same reading is indicated for a given
phase angle irrespective of whether the incoming volt­
age is in advance of the running voltage or vice versa.
The scale is cahbrated in % of single-phase-neutral FIG. 12.10 Phase angle voltmeter dial face

Synchronising C h a p t e r 12

to close the switch, but also indicates any adjustments ernor set point is adjusted until the synchroscope
that need to be made to the speed governor set point pointer is moving slowly or creeping in the 'fast'
to reduce the frequency difference. (clockwise) direction at, say, 30° (elec) per second.
Zero phase displacement and slip frequency are Switch closure is initiated with the pointer on the 'slow'
i n d i c a t e d when t h e p o i n t e r coincides with t h e side of the instrument at the moment the correct
synchronising mark at the 12 o'clock position and is advance angle in front of the synchronising mark is
stationary. If the two frequencies are exactly equal reached. For a switch with a closing time of, say,
but have a phase displacement, the pointer assumes a 300 ms, the correct advance angle would be about 9°
position with respect to the synchronising mark cor­ (elec). While the angle is indicated by the synchroscope
responding to the phase angle. If the frequencies are pointer, the dial face is not calibrated and therefore
different, the speed of r o t a t i o n of the pointer the phase angle must be estimated.
corresponds to the shp frequency, i.e., the slower the
pointer revolves, the smaller the frequency difference.
When moving slowly, the phase angle is likewise indi­ 5.2 Guard relay
cated between the position of the pointer and the The function of a guard relay, as described earlier, is
synchronising mark. The direction of pointer rotation to ensure that the operator fohows the correct synchro­
indicates which of the two frequencies is higher. This nising procedure by preventing operation of the switch
is clockwise if the incoming frequency is higher, closing circuit if the 'close' signal is initiated prior
indicated by an arrow and the word 'fast' or a ' + ' to the check synchronising relay, indicating that con­
sign, and anticlockwise if the incoming frequency is ditions are satisfactory for synchronising. There are a
slower, indicated by an arrow and the word 'slow' or number of ways this control feature can be incorpo­
a ' - ' sign. Indications are displayed at the right and rated into the closing circuit logic and a detailed de­
left upper quadrants of the dial face (Fig 12.11). scription of guard relay operation as employed by the
Synchroscopes typically operate over the frequency C E G B is given in Section 7 of this chapter. In brief,
range 4 7 - 5 1 Hz and have an accuracy for practical the guard relay has two coils, both of which control
purposes of ± 2 ° (elec) When not in use, or with one relay operation. At 3.3/11 kV, only one coü is ener­
circuit de-energised, the pointer is biased away from gised and this operates the relay allowing closing circuit
the synchronising mark by an angle exceeding 45°. The operation if the close signal is correctly inhiated.
synchroscope is normally brought into service when However, if the close signal is prematurely initiated,
the two voltages have been equalised and the frequency this energises the second relay coil which de-energises
difference is ^ 1 . 5 Hz to ensure that the pointer starts the relay thus preventing closing circuit operation. This
to rotate in the correct direction. When manually syn­ also causes the 'synchroniser locked out' indication to
chronising a steam turbine-generator, the speed gov- be displayed on the synchronising trolley. The control
selector switch must be switched to the ' o f f position
to reset the relay.

5.3 Check synchronising relay

This, as mentioned earher, is a device for checking
that the voltage, phase and, when required, slip fre­
quency of the two supphes being manually synchro­
nised are within preset limits. Figure 12.12 shows a
typical check synchronising relay.
The relay is connected into the switch closing circuit
in series with the discrepancy control switch. Initiation
of switch closure via the interposing relay is permitted
by the check synchronising relay output contacts if
the above measurements are within preset limits, other­
wise the closing signal is inhibited.
Check synchronising relays have been available for
many years. Fohowing various stages of development,
in which electronic circuitry superseded electromechani­
cal means, present day units are compact static devices
(except for the output relay) and are virtually main­
tenance free. Several types of relay are available, offer­
ing one or more measuring functions. All include phase
measurement, with the addition of slip frequency and
voltage measurements, if required by the user. The
FiG. 12.11 Synchroscope dial face C E G B specifies a unit having all three functions, with

Synchronising equipment

0 SKD (S)
% V i V2 ~ K1
90 1.3
87.5 2.9
85 4.0
82.5 5.2
80 6.6

/θ 20°
Vn 63.5/110V~ 50Hz
t K2
2 sec 2.7
3 5.3
4 6.6
5 74
6 8.0
10 9.1

Θ 0

FIG. 12.12 Typical check synchronising relay

external connections to by-pass slip frequency mea­ A permissive output is obtained when the voltage
surement for generator synchronising. The slip feature, waveform is less than the D C reference. The phase
as later described, is only intended for the measure­ setting is determined by the magnitude of the D C
ment of the small slip frequencies associated with sys­ reference. The intersection between the two voltages
tem synchronising. Undervoltage is the only vohage is symmetrical about the phase coincident poshion.
condition specified to prevent closing. As a precaution The actual angle over which synchronising can occur
against malfunction, electrical isolation is required is therefore twice the setting value Θ, extending from
between both A C inputs, the D C power supply in­ where one voltage is the setting value in advance of
put and the output terminals. Isolating transformers the other to the setting value where the voltage posi­
are normally fitted at the A C input and an electro­ tions are reversed. The effect of minor variations in
mechanical relay indicates the check synchronising re­ supply vohage may be almost eliminated by arranging
lay output. The relay contacts must be capable of that the D C reference is proportional to the scalar
switching the load of the interposing relay over a sum of the two supphes.
minimum of two thousand operations. A simplified Performance is further improved if the voltage
block diagram of a check synchronising relay is shown envelope is full wave rectified. This assists the smooth­
in Fig 12.13. ing by effectively d o u b h n g the high frequency com­
ponent as shown in Fig 12.14 (b).
A phase angle setting of 20° (elec) is used for all
5.3.1 Phase m e a s u r e m e n t
power station applications and also normally at trans­
One of the simplest ways of determining phase angle mission stations. A setting accuracy of - 2 ° -1-0° (elec)
is to compare the voltage envelope produced by the is specified, although better t h a n this is normahy
modulated beat waveform with a D C reference voltage obtained. The total variation from the actual setting
(Fig 12.14 (a)). under all combinations of specified variations in A C

Synchronising C h a p t e r 12







48V D.C.

FIG. 12.13 Simplified block diagram of a typical check synchronising relay

DC R E F E R E N C E LEVEL allow the permitted closing angle to exceed the phase

angle setting.

5.3.2 Slip f r e q u e n c y m e a s u r e m e n t

Slip frequency can be measured by determining the

phase angle traversed in a defined period. If the phase
angle is already measured as described, the slip mea­
surement can be readily obtained by arranging for the
(a) Modulated beat waveform output to drive an accurately calibrated timer.
With this method of shp measurement, it is con­
venient to present slip settings in terms of time. The
relationship between timer setting (t), phase angle set­
DC R E F E R E N C E LEVEL ting (Θ) and shp frequency ( f s ) is t = ( 0 / 1 8 0 ) / f s
-θ- seconds. For example, w h h a phase setting of 20° (elec)

and a slip frequency limh of 0.028 H z (10° (elec)/s)
this gives a timer setting of 4 s.
The limitation with this m e t h o d of slip measure­
ment is that time is taken t o measure the slip frequency
(b) Full wave rectified modulated beat waveform
when the phase is within the phase angle setting.
Therefore this method of shp measurement is only
suitable for the measurement of small slip frequencies.
FIG. 12.14 Phase measurement
For example, with a shp setting of 2 seconds (0.055 Hz)
and slip frequency of 0.04 H z , an angle of approx 29°
synchronising supphes, D C power supply and ambient (elec) is traversed before synchronising is permitted,
temperature must not exceed ± 2 ° (elec) and must not as shown in Fig 12.15.

Synchronising equipment

m u m acceptable value. W h h slip measurement as de­

PHASE scribed, this time delay is automatically provided by
COINCIDENCE the slip measurement timer; otherwise, a separate timer
is incorporated, having an accuracy better than Η- 2 0 %
- 0 % . This timer is also by-passed for generator

5.3.3 Voltage measurement

PERMITTED OVER The undervoltage check facility inhibits synchronising
29° (ELEC) ANGLE 11° (ELEC) ANGLE if ehher the incoming or the running vohage is less
than a preset percentage of nominal voltage. Accurate
voltage measurements can be made by separately com­
paring the two vohage inputs, after being rectified and
smoothed, w h h a stabilised D C reference vohage
obtained from the relay power supply. The magnitude
of this reference represents the nominal system voltage.
FIG. 1 2 . 1 5 Limitation of slip frequency measurement
Vohage settings are adjustable either continuously or
in 2 . 5 % steps over the range 8 0 - 9 0 % of nominal sys­
Besides resulting in a sizeable phase error, the time tem voltage. For steam turbine-driven generators, the
available for initiating switch closure is less t h a n one normal setting is 8 5 % and for all other applications,
second (as indicated to the operator by the 'check including transmission stations, the normal setting is
synch monitor' lamp, where fitted). This period is 80%.
unhkely to be adequate for the operator to respond Using the above methods of measurement, check
and therefore this method of shp measurement is un­ synchronising relay operation can now be described.
suitable for generator synchronising with load pick-up. On being switched into service, the incoming and
The swhch closing time has to be considered when running voltages are measured and, assuming that both
selecting the shp frequency setting. If switch closure are greater than the preset percentage hmit of nominal
is initiated when the phase displacement is increasing system vohage, an output initiated by the phase mea­
at a position corresponding to the phase angle setting, surement circuit starts the slip frequency timer when
the phase error will be greater than this value by an the phase is less t h a n the phase angle setting, i.e., the
amount equal to the advance angle when the switch vohage waveform is less than the D C reference. The
main contacts close. The maximum acceptable slip for timer energises the output relay on completion of its
system synchronising is 0.055 H z (20° (elec)/s). Using timing cycle provided the output from the phase
this value as an example, with a switch closing time measurement circuh persists, i.e., the vohage waveform
of 300 ms the cumulative phase error under these has remained less than the D C reference. Energising
conditions (with a phase setting of 20° (elec)) is 26° the output relay signals permission to close the switch.
(elec). To reduce this additional error, a requirement
has been introduced that the time taken to traverse the
phase angle setting must he greater than 10 times the 5.4 Automatic synchronising relay
switch closing time or 2 seconds, whichever is the Automatic synchronising relays monitor the voltages
greater. Therefore, in the example above with a switch and frequencies of the incoming and running supplies
closing time of 300 ms, the minimum timer setting is and give out signals which are used to control the
3 seconds. This setting corresponds to a maximum incoming voltage (or running voltage) and the incom­
slip frequency h m h of 0.037 Hz (13° (elec)/s) and the ing frequency. The relay senses voltage and frequency
cumulative phase error is reduced to approximately differences. On detecting differences the matching
24° (elec). circuits signal corrections, the voltage corrections being
To span the range of swhch closing times, adjust­ signalled either prior to or simultaneously with frequen­
able timer settings between 2 seconds (0.055 Hz) and cy corrections. Once preset conditions are obtained, a
10 seconds (0.011 Hz) are specified. These settings are pulse signal is sent out to energise the interposing relay
adjustable either continuously or in one second stages which, in turn, closes the switch.
up to 6 seconds (0.018 Hz) with n o intermediate steps Early designs were electromechanical devices; one
then before the 10 seconds (0.011 Hz) setting. Accu­ example used electromagnets and springs similar to a
racy of slip measurement is better than ±5%. wattmetric element to produce restraining and operating
There is a further requirement that at least 2 seconds torques in an aluminium disc. When the operating
must elapse between the application of the 'incoming' torque was apphed for a sufficiently long period, this
and 'running' supphes to the relay and an output be­ gradually wound-up a thread a r o u n d a grooved puhey
ing given. This ensures that slip frequency is correctly against the force of the spring until, eventually, the
measured, particularly if it is greater than the maxi­ relay contacts closed when the voltages were equal and

Synchronising Chapter 12

phase coincided. Development progressed with the Figures 12.16 and 12.17 show a typical automatic
growing need for a higher degree of precision and synchronising relay and hs associated simphfied block
reliability resulting from the increase in size of gen­ diagram respectively.
erators being installed and the increasing trend towards The relay is designed to fail safe and duplication
automation of power stations. This improvement of circuitry is extensively employed in order that com­
continued with the introduction of static circuitry until, ponent failure is promptly detected. The malfunction
with present day relays, models with multifunction of any component prevents closure of the switch and
specifications capable of operating over a wide voltage, results in lockout of the synchroniser. Lockout is an
frequency and slip frequency range are available to suit inhibit which, once initiated, remains operative until
most user needs. the synchroniser is switched off. Other lockout features

O O O o O O O o O O





+ 15V OV -15V

FIG. 12.16 Automatic synchronising relay




FIG. 12.17 Simplified block diagram of a typical automatic synchronising relay

Synchronising equipnient

operate if either the incoming/running vohage or If the slip frequency should become t o o slow or a
frequency falls below a minimum value. The voltage point is reached where the two supplies have identical
monitoring facihty is also used to monitor the auxiliary frequencies at a phase angle unacceptable for synchro­
power supply D C voltage. nising, the frequency matching circuit would give no
Circuit interlocks are provided to prevent signals to further output signal unless one of the frequencies
raise and lower voltage or frequency being dispatched drifted. T o overcome this problem, an urge circuh is
simuhaneously. incorporated which sends a signal to the prime-mover
The accuracy to which the two voltages are matched speed governor if a fixed time has elapsed, typically
is finely controlled, adjustments covering the range 0 20 seconds, since the last 'raise' or 'lower' instruction.
to ±10% of running voltage typically being provided. The urge circuit sends a pulse in the same sense as the
The tolerance required on setting is ± 1 % of nominal previous pulse.
voltage, although better than this can be obtained. With steam turbine-generators, this signal is adapted
The voltage error setting is normally 4 % (nominal). into a minimum shp frequency setting to prevent motor­
The required synchronising method is selected by ing. This is called 'low slip lockout' and is a fixed
means of external control options. To synchronise super- setting. A typical value is 14 seconds per shp cycle.
synchronously, a continuous 'raise' signal to drive the T o synchronise a steam turbine-generator super-syn-
speed above synchronous rapidly, fohowed by pulsed chronously, one speed control pulse must not produce
'lower' signals to control the speed for synchronising, a frequency change or slip bandwidth ( f c ) greater than
are sent to the governor. T o synchronise sub-synchro­ the difference between the maximum slip frequency
nously, a continuous 'lower' signal (if necessary) and ( f s m a x ) and the minimum shp frequency ( f s m i n ) - If the
pulsed 'raise' signals are sent to the governor. Figure governor rate with a continuous pulse is ag, then the
12.18 shows the two control signals to the speed pulse width selected must be less t h a n t i m a x = U/^g
governor. seconds.
The pulses, a maximum of one per slip cycle, are sent
out near the 180° point on the beat waveform. Example A steam turbine-generator is required to
The maximum slip frequency at which synchro­ be automatically synchronised with approximately 5 %
nising can be carried out is adjustable, typical settings load pick-up and a low slip lockout of 14 s/shp cycle.
of 4, 6, 8, 12 and 20 seconds per slip cycle being With a governor rate of 0.05 H z / s and speed droop
available (whh an accuracy of ±10%), The slip fre­ of 4%, determine the m a x i m u m slip setting and the
quency setting is determined by the unit synchronising m a x i m u m governor pulse width. The maximum slip
requirements. settings avahable are 4, 6, 8, 12 and 20 s/slip cycle.

180° 180° X 50 = 0.1 Hz

100 100

0.1 Hz = 10 s/slip cycle

If the m a x i m u m slip setting of 8 s/slip cycle is selected
from the range of settings available, the maximum
slip frequency is 0.125 H z

f. = 0.071 H z
. SIGNAL so, fc = 0.125 - 0.071 = 0.054 Hz

The governor pulse width must be less than

tlr = 1.08 s
. SIGNAL 0.05

The signal pulse width is adjustable to cater for a

variety of governor rates, typically 0.1 to 2.0 s. The
= PAUSE WIDTH recommended setting would be 0.8 times the maximum
+ = PULSE CYCLE NOT TO SCALE pulse width, i.e., 0.86 s in this example.
Figure 12.19 shows an example of the modulated
beat waveform and governor pulse signals during syn­
FIG. 12.18 Governor signals chronising under the above conditions.

Synchronising C h a p t e r 12

(ω2)^ = (ωι)2 -F Iva

= 0.168Hz ζ = 0.125Hz f = 0.082Hz rearranging

(ω2)2 - (ωι)2
ν =

where ο: = angle of rotation, radians

ωι = initial angular velocity, radians/s

CHANCE TO CHANCE TO SYNCHRONISE ω2 = final angular velocity, radians/s

V = angular acceleration, radians/s^

angular acceleration ^ ^^te of change of

180° 180" 180° 180° now

angular velocity
= frequency
5.09s 7.14s 11.33s 27Γ

0.86s 0.86s 0.86s 0.86s

therefore, converting the equation to frequency:
7Γ ^ 9

FIG. 12.19 Beat waveform and governor pulse signals Rate of change of frequency = —(f2 - fi)
during synchronising

The maximum allowable rate of change in frequency is

The number of possible chances to close the switch brought about by a deceleration of the rotating shaft
within the slip bandwidth can also be specified, al­ from the maximum to the minimum slip frequency
though this is normally not done by the C E G B . If it setting over one beat cycle, i.e., a = 2τγ, This is also
is specified, one speed control pulse must not produce the maximum allowable governor rate if the two are
a frequency change greater than: to remain in step. Therefore:

(fsmax )^ ~ (fsmin )^
shp bandwidth ägmax
f e n =

number of chances to close switch

where fsmax = fi (neglecting the negative sign as
Example A p u m p e d - s t o r a g e g e n e r a t o r is to be fsmin = f2 this is a deceleration)
synchronised sub-synchronously in the generating m o d e
when a shp frequency of 1% is attained. If the re­
A governor rate less than the m a x i m u m allowable is
quired number of chances to close is 3 and the governor
recommended, i.e., recommended governor rate =
rate is 0.4 H z / s , determine the maximum pulse width.
0.8 X maximum allowable governor rate.
With pulsed signals, the governor rate is reduced in
Slip bandwidth = 50 χ 1% 0.5 Hz
proportion to the ratio of pulse width to pulse cycle.
fen = 0.17 Hz i.e., actual governor rate =

pulse width
Maximum pulse width timax = fcn/ag governor rate x
pulse cycle
= 0;17/0.4
= 0.425 s In this case, the actual governor rate is the recommend­
ed governor rate.
W h h large steam turbine-generators, the high inertia The minimum pause width can be calculated using
prevents the speed falling quickly and therefore the the above equations. A typical automatic synchroniser
minimum pause width, i.e., time between successive has adjustable pause widths between 0.5 to 10 s.
l o w e r ' pulses, is increased (instead of every beat cycle)
to prevent a large discrepancy arising between the Example A 660 M W steam turbine-generator has a
actual turbine-generator shaft speed and the governor governor rate of 0.1 H z / s . The m a x i m u m shp setting is
set point. 8 s/slip cycle with a low slip lockout of 14 s/slip cycle.
The equation for rotational motion w h h a constant With a pulse width of 0.2 s, determine the minimum
angular acceleration is given by: pause width setting.

Synchronising equipment

matic sequence control system. At a suitable point,

_ (fsmax)^ (fsmin)^
igmax the automatic voltage regulator is switched in to estab­
2 lish open-circuit voltage and control of voltage (run­
ning) and speed is passed to the automatic synchroniser.
(0.125)2 - (0.071)2
A u t o m a t i c synchronisation is required to be achieved
2 super synchronously within the fohowing operational
= 0.005 H z / s
Frequency range 47-51 Hz m any
Recommended = 0.8 X 0.005 = 0.004 H z / s Voltage range 85-1150/0 (nominal) combination
governor rate Voltage error setting 4% (nominal)
Maximum slip setting 0.2% above synchronous
Pulse cycle = pulse width χ Phase error 8° (elec)
Load pick-up 1-5% full-load
governor rate

recommended governor rate T h e voltage difference across the circuit-breaker is

reduced in steps by operation of the generator trans­
= 0.2 X 0.1/0.004 = 5 s former on-load tapchanger until voltage matching bet­
ter t h a n 4% error setting is attained. With an initial
Minimum = pulse cycle - pulse width speed of between 46.5 H z ( - 7 % ) and 51.5 H z ( + 3%),
pause width the governor set point is adjusted to cause the unit to
= 5 - 0.2 = 4.8 s
approach synchronous speed from a higher speed. The
action continues until the speed has fallen below the
The switch close signal must only be sent out when both m a x i m u m shp setting of 0 . 2 % . With a speed d r o o p of
supplies are within the specified limits. The phase angle 4 % , this corresponds to a load pick-up within 1 - 5 %
sensing elements, which initiate switch closure, are of fuh-load. Provided these conditions d o not change,
therefore duplicated and the output contacts are con­ the phase angle sensing elements at the first chance
nected in the positive and negative sides of the inter­ initiate the closing of the switch at a point which wih
posing relay. The required duration of the closing pulse result in the main contacts closing with a phase error
is for a period of < 0.55 s and > 1.0 s and is typical­ less t h a n 8° (elec).
ly set at 0.75 s. The output contacts are rated to switch Lockout facilities operate if:
the load of the interposing relay and its associated
• Either incoming or running voltage drops below
wiring over many operations. The relay is a single-shot
8 5 % of nominal.
device and therefore both elements must signal in step,
otherwise lockout facihties are initiated which remain • T h e steam turbine-generator speed is n o longer fast,
operative until re-primed. The relay can only be re- i.e., a low slip condition which could result in the
primed by being switched off. This occurs a u t o m a ­ generator motoring.
tically after successful operation of the relay.
• C o m p o n e n t failure occurs.
The relay is set to the closest available setting to
the measured switch closing time during commission­ • Synchronising is complete.
ing. A range of steps w h h 25 ms intervals between
50 ms and 500 ms is typically provided. In this respect, Indications of 'synchronising complete' or 'synchroniser
it is important that the switch closing times are con­ locked out' inform the operator of the end result. A
sistent if the relay is to remain correctly matched. buzzer also sounds when the switch has closed.
Under these conditions, accuracy of synchronising with
a phase error less than 8° (elec) is specified. However,
5.4.2 Gas-turbine generator synchronising
better performance w h h a phase error less t h a n 5° (elec)
is normahy obtained. After synchronisation, the in­ Gas-turbine generators are run-up and operated under
coming and running vohages are disconnected and re­ the supervision of the automatic sequence control
mote indications are given out that synchronising is system. The synchronising operation forms part of this
complete and that the synchroniser is locked out. control sequence and the synchronising unit is auto­
matically switched in at a speed which will ensure that
synchronising can take place at the minimum speci­
5.4.1 S t e a m turbine-generator synchronising fied system frequency, while permitting the speed to
Automatic synchronising relays for steam turbine-gen­ be adjusted as rapidly as the machine and control
erators can be used for synchronising across genera­ characteristics permit. Having taken control of voltage
tor voltage or transmission voltage circuit-breakers. and speed, the automatic synchroniser is required to
Steam turbine-generators are run-up and operated achieve synchronisation within the following opera­
either manually or under the supervision of an a u t o ­ tional limhs:

Synchronising C h a p t e r 12

Frequency range 40-51 Hz ] in any Maximum slip setting 0.2%

Voltage range 80-115% (nominal) J combination Phase angle error 8° (elec) normal, 16° (elec) permissible
Frequency fall 1 Hz every 25 s Load pick-up \-5% full-load
Voltage fall \.5Vo (nominal) every 25 s
Voltage error setting Speed control is initiated after voltage matching has
4^0 (nominal)
been achieved. The voltage is regulated by adjustment
Maximum slip setting 1% below synchronous (unless other­
wise specified) of the automatic voltage regulator for emergency diesel
Phase error 8° (elec) normal, 16° (elec) permissible generators until the voltage difference between the in­
coming and running voltage is within the voltage error
setting of 4 % . F r o m an initial speed of between 46.5 Hz
Speed adjustment continues sub-synchronously until
( - 7 % ) and 51.5 Hz ( + 3%), the governor set point
the maximum shp setting of 1% is reached, while the
is adjusted to cause the unit to approach synchron­
vohage is regulated by adjustment of the automatic
ous speed from a higher speed. This action continues,
voltage regulator for emergency gas turbines (incom­
making further adjustments to voltage, if necessary,
ing) or by adjustment of the generator transformer
until the speed has fallen just below the maximum slip
on-load tap-changer (running) for peak lopping gas
setting of 0 . 2 % . With a speed d r o o p of 4 % , this
turbines, unth the voltage difference is within the voh­
corresponds to a load pick-up within 5 % of fuh-load.
age error setting of 4 % . Providing these conditions
Provided these conditions do not change, the phase
do not change, the phase angle sensing elements at the
angle sensing elements at the first chance initiate the
first chance initiate the closing of the switch at a point
closing of the swhch at a point which will resuh in
which will result in the main contacts closing with a
the main contacts closing with a phase error of 8° (elec).
phase error less than 8° (elec). T o take account of
As for gas turbines, to take account of inherent
inherent variations in turbine governor characteristics,
variations in engine governor characteristics which can
which can cause some change of slip at the point of
cause some change of slip at the point of synchronising,
synchronising as well as changes in D C auxiliary supply
and changes in D C auxiliary supply voltage which can
voltage which can result in a variation in normal switch
result in a variation in normal switch closing time, a
closing time, a maximum phase error of 16° (elec) is
maximum phase error of 16° (elec) is permissible.
Lockout facihties operate if:
If, for operational reasons, it is required to syn­
chronise the machine with the incoming supply fre­ • Either incoming or running vohage drops below 8 5 %
quency greater than the running supply frequency, then of nominal.
the synchroniser reduces the speed to within the maxi­
• The diesel generator speed is no longer fast.
m u m slip setting value and synchronises the unit within
the voltage and phase error settings given. • Component failure occurs.
Lockout facilities operate if: • Synchronising is complete.
• Either incoming or running voltage drops below
8 0 % of nominal. Indications of 'auto synch locked out' when a close
signal has been given and 'auto synch complete' when
• Any auxihary supply is absent.
the switch has closed, inform the operator of the end
• Component failure occurs. results. A buzzer also sounds when the swhch has
• Synchronising is complete. closed.

Indications of 'synchronising complete' and 'syn­

chroniser locked out' or 'synchroniser failed and locked
6 Derivation of synchronising supplies
out' inform the operator of the outcome.
6.1 Secondary supplies
5.4.3 Diesel g e n e r a t o r s y n c h r o n i s i n g Synchronising is performed w h h incoming and running
Diesel generators are run-up and operated under the supphes which simulate the primary circuit conditions.
supervision of an automatic sequence control system. These are obtained from vohage transformers (VTs)
The automatic synchroniser is manually or automati­ and transferred to the synchronising equipment. Clear­
cally switched-in as part of the control sequence, at a ly the secondary voltages must be derived in a manner
speed at which the synchroniser can take over control satisfactory for synchronising purposes. This requires
of voltage and speed and achieve synchronisation super- consideration of the selection of the supphes that are
synchronously within the fohowing operational limits: measured and the degree of accuracy within which mea­
surements are m a d e .
Frequency range 47-51 Hz m any The measuring circuits operate at a nominal voltage
Voltage range 85-1150/0 (nominal) combination of 63.5 V A C . The connections between the VTs and
Voltage error setting 4<7o (nominal) synchronising equipment are direct wired (transducers

Derivation of synchronising supplies

are used at transmission stations controlled by a tele­ and installation which have escaped earher detection,
control system, however, this is beyond the scope of although it must be added that many prior steps are
this chapter). Since this leaves frequency unchanged, taken to check that this does not happen. Once the
only the measurement of voltage and phase needs to phasing out procedure described has been properly
be considered. carried out and the circuit commissioned, it is reason­
Overall measurement to whhin an accuracy of 2 % able to assume that the primary connections and the
primary voltage and approximately 2° (elec) of phase direction in which prime-movers rotate will remain
are obtained with correct circuit adjustment under unchanged. O n this basis, synchronising can safely be
normal system conditions. performed using a single representative voltage supply
since, with balanced symmetrical three-phase supplies,
the synchronising measurements whl be identical for
6.2 Selection of voltage transformer supplies ah three phases.
T o summarise, three-phase VT secondary supphes
6.2.1 Single voltage supply are needed for commissioning tests to estabhsh that
the phase connections are correct. In certain instances,
It is first necessary to consider a distribution switch in
it is necessary for commissioning tests to be carried
the process of being commissioned which is about t o
out using an adjacent circuit three-phase VT if the
be used to system synchronise for the first time. The
circuit being commissioned has only a single-phase VT
running supply is obtained from a voltage transformer
installed. After it has been established that the phase
(VT) associated with a switch that has already been
rotation and phase relationships are correct, each three-
commissioned w h h phase connections known to be
phase system is represented for synchronising purposes
correct. The running supply can therefore be used as
by a single supply voltage which may be either a single-
a reference for checking the phase connections of the
phase or hne voltage.
incoming supply. Assume that three-phase VTs are
available, enabling the voltage magnitude on each phase
and the voltage difference across the three pairs of 6.2.2 Incoming and running voltage
corresponding phases (i.e., R-R B-B Y-Y) to be mea­ T o be able to synchronise using the secondary voltages
sured at secondary terminals. obtained from the incoming and running VTs, these,
The number of connection configurations for the as shown in Fig 12.20, must:
incoming supply is six. Only one of these is correct,
the other five being obtained by crossing the phases, • Measure the same primary circuh vohage (e.g., red
as tabulated below: phase or red/yellow hne voltage).
• Have the same primary/secondary voltage transfor­
Incoming supply phasing mation ratios and angular displacements.
(1) R Y Β
(2) Β R Y T o meet the second requirement, VTs of the same
design and m a k e are usually provided for both incoming
(3) Y Β R
and running supplies.
(4) R Β Y T o obtain a proper and accurate measurement of the
(5) Β Y R primary voltage, voltage transformers are preferably
(6) Y R Β connected to the busbar immediately adjacent to the
switch. This applies at the main generator circuit-
The correct phase connections, as in (1), are confirmed breaker and to the incoming supply at a switchboard
after the measurement of a vohage of equal magnitude
(approximately) on each phase and a voltage differ­
ence of zero (approximately) across the three pairs of
corresponding phases. In (2) and (3), the phase rotation .RED

is correct but the phase relationship is wrong and, in

(4) (5) and (6), both the phase rotation and phase INCOMING RUNNING
relationship are wrong.
It can be seen that in addition to vohage magnitude
a minimum of two, and preferably three, voltage dif­
ference measurements are needed to system synchronise
correctly. The same applies w h h generator synchro­
nising, but here it is also possible, though not correct,
to synchronise with (2) and (3), the generator phase
identification, in effect, being rotated.
The purpose of commissioning tests, in part, is to
find any errors or mistakes in the design, manufacture FIG. 12.20 'Incoming* and 'running' secondary supplies

Synchronising C h a p t e r 12

where the VT is positioned on the outboard or circuit For interchangeability reasons, dual rating VTs are
side of the switch. However, it is not normal practice instahed for a number of applications, with more
to obtain the running supply at a swhchboard (or than one VT per phase if needed to accommodate the
transmission substation) by connecting a VT to the number of supphes required. These combine the dif­
main busbars as it is considered that this would re­ ferent accuracy requirements for metering, measure­
duce busbar integrity by introducing a potential source ment, protection, etc., in one VT, the hmit of voltage
of failure. The running supply is therefore obtained and phase error depending on the size of the output
from a VT on the outboard side of a switch already burden and power factor for a given range of primary
connected to the main busbars. Where several VTs vohage conditions. The requirements for a dual rated
may be connected to the main busbar at the same 50/150 VA unit with three hmits of accuracy are:
time, a voltage selection scheme is provided to choose
the running voltage.
Voltage selection schemes discriminate in favour VA rating, power factor Voltage error, Phase displacement
of the VT associated with the circuit allocated the and voltage range minutes
highest priority and also prevent the VT secondaries
from being paraheled. If the VT associated with the 0-50 VA/0.8 pf lag ±0,2 ±10
circuit with the highest priority is open, the VT asso­ 0.8-1.2 p.u. rated primary
ciated with the circuit with second priority is selected, voltage
and so on. Main incomers are normally allocated highest 50-150 VA/0.8 pf lag ±1.0 ±40
priority, followed by interconnectors with generator
0.8-1.2 p.u. rated primary
circuits last. voltage
Vohage selection and repeat relays are used to
0-150 VA/0.8 pf lag ±3.0 ±120
produce the required logic, the scheme being designed
to ensure that under all conditions of voltage selection 0.05-0.8 p.u. rated primary
the required voltage accuracy at the synchronising voltage and
equipment is sthl obtained. 1.2-1.9 p.u. rated primary voltage
The different scheme arrangements for a 3.3 kV or
11 kV switchboard are set out in a series of standardised
drawings, a typical example being given in Fig 12.21. The different VT secondary supplies are separated or
This is for a switchboard with three incoming circuits. fused either individuahy or in small logical groups.
From examination of the relay logic, it can be seen This approach is essential with capacitor VTs used at
that VT secondaries are connected to the RYB bus wires transmission vohages, where h is not always possible to
in the priority order shown. obtain satisfactory discrimination with fuses in series
owing to the low short-circuit currents available. The
factors which determine the distribution of the sup­
6.3 Measuremerit accuracy
phes are the importance, accuracy, burden requirements
and security against protection or equipment failure
6.3.1 Voltage transformers
due to loss of supply. W h h the exception of 3.3 kV and
Voltage transformers (VTs) are divided into different 11 kV switchgear, the supply distribution arrangements
classes of accuracy, with specified limits of percentage are detailed on standard diagrams. A fused supply is
voltage ratio error and phase displacement error for a provided for the exclusive use of the synchronising
given range of operating conditions. The actual error equipment.
for a given accuracy class and under normal operating
conditions, is determined by the size and power factor
6.3.2 Interposing voltage transformers
of the secondary load or burden. Burden is defined as
the value of the impedance of the external secondary Voltage transformer accuracy is not the only source of
circuit, expressed in ohms (or in volt-amperes at rated secondary voltage error. This also occurs due to lead
secondary voltage), at the relevant power factor. resistance (see Section 6.3.4 of this chapter). The sum
Voltage transformers on most circuits are provided of these two errors in the incoming and running supply
for more than one purpose. These include supphes for will not be the same at the synchronising equipment,
other voltage measuring and recording instruments, particularly if the lengths of the connecting cables and
e.g., busbar voltage and system frequency, metering, hence lead resistances are significantly different. Clearly
protection, automatic voltage regulators, etc., as weh as it is important for synchronising purposes that the
for synchronising equipment. The individual burdens errors in the measured voltages are as small as prac­
may vary over a wide range of volt-amperes and power ticable. However, there is a further reason why this
factors. is important should the two supphes become electri­
The VT class of accuracy required is determined cally connected. Although the direct interconnection
by the secondary supply with the highest accuracy of VT secondaries is not permitted, w h h preventive
requirement. steps taken internally and externally to the synchro-

Derivation of synchronising supplies



I< I< Li
0 6





RB-3 RA-3

I 0 I


¿1 (
RA-1 RA-2 RB-1 RB-2 RC-1 RC-2
JRA/3 5RB-4 I JRC/2
L_ J


FIG. 12.21 3.3 kV or 11 kV voltage selection schemes

nising equipment, there remains a smah risk that this secondary voltages would contribute to the load of
might occur through a fauh or sneak circuit. In this the transformer with the lower secondary voltage in
instance, the transformer with the higher of the two the same way that power transformers share load in

Synchronising C h a p t e r 12

parallel. If the voltage difference is smah, this condition posed on a main VT by the synchronising equipment
would probably remain undetected during normal must not exceed 40 VA (this includes voltage selection
service with fuse protection. Complications may arise scheme relay burdens, etc.). Similarly, other devices
for protection, metering, etc., which may also involve connected to the main VT are required to have a low
other circuits. burden, due care being taken to ensure that the rated
To reduce the voltage error in the incoming and burden is not exceeded for ah conditions of switching.
running supply, an interposing voltage transformer Typical maximum burdens under the worst condition
(which also provides D C electrical isolation) is installed of operation that can be imposed on an interposing
between the VT secondary and the synchronising equip­ VT are given below:
ment, as shown in Fig 12.22. Tappings are provided to
facilitate a certain amount of on-site voltage adjust­ Manual synchronising
ment. With nominal system voltage, each interposing 1 — Synchronising voltmeter, 0.5 VA
VT tapping is selected to indicate 63.5 V ± 1 % at the 1 — Synchronising phase angle voltmeter, 0.5 VA
synchronising equipment with the switch both open and
1 — Synchroscope, 5 VA (per supply)
closed. With a voltage selection scheme this includes
each alternative source of running supply. 1 — Check synchronising relay, 5 VA
The interposing VTs have a ratio between primary (per supply)
and secondary windings of 110/63.5 V (63.5/63.5 V at
Automatic synchronising
transmission vohage) and have a minimum rating of 25
VA with a maximum limit of 50 VA, except at trans­ 1 — Automatic synchronising relay, 5 VA
mission voltage where this is reduced to 36 VA. It is, (per supply)
however, preferred that a single rating is used through­
out the synchronising scheme for interchangeabihty The above burdens may be exceeded provided that the
reasons. Vohage adjustment is in steps of 0.5 V over total burden from ah hems remains whhin the specified
the range 0 to -1-5 V above rated secondary voltage. maximum.
The tappings may be divided between the primary and
secondary windings as convenient. The transformers 6.3.4 Lead r e s i s t a n c e
in general comply with BS3941 [2] accuracy Class 1.0; The principal effect of lead resistance is to reduce
i.e., percentage voltage error ± 1 % , phase displacement the magnitude of the secondary voltage resulting in a
±40 minutes, at any vohage between 8 0 % and 120% voltage error at the synchronising equipment.
of rated voltage and with burdens of between 2 5 % With a single-phase transformer and a purely resistive
and 100% of rated burden at a power factor of 0.8 burden the voltage drop would be the product of the
lagging, except that the range of voltage error is between lead loop resistance and the load current. In reality,
5 % and 100% of rated burden at unity pf. To ensure it also depends on the power factor of the synchro­
that saturation does not occur during over-vohage nising equipment burden which introduces a phase as
conditions, the transformer knee point must not be well as a voltage error. The calculation is complicated
less than three times the rated voltage. As an additional further when applied to three-phase VTs and three-
safety precaution, an earthed electrostatic screen is phase groups of single-phase VTs connected in star, as
fitted between the primary and secondary windings. the burden across one pair of phases affects the errors
across the other two pairs of phases.
6.3.3 Burdens Multipair telephone type cable is used to transfer
the vohage supplies from the electrical auxiliary switch-
To reduce the loading on the VTs and avoid undue
gear to the control r o o m . T o limit the voltage drop
voltage drop in the connecting leads, the synchronising
produced by this type of cable which, due to its smah
equipment is required to have a low burden or VA conductor size, has a relatively high resistance, these
rating. At transmission voltage, the total burden im- circuits operate at the main VT secondary voltage of
110 V A C . A c o m m o n set of interposing VTs is
employed for all circuits which are located inside the
VT VT synchronising trolley.
With generator and transmission voltage switchgear,
the interposing VTs are provided for each supply. These
SYNCHRONISING are normally housed in cubicles located close to the
switchgear or in a protection equipment r o o m . Here,
multicore control cable is used which has a lower re­
MAIN VT MAIN VT sistance than multipair cable, the secondary circuits
to the control r o o m operating at 63.5 V A C .
The maximum lead loop resistance values per kilo­
FIG. 12.22 Simplified arrangement of interposing meter for the two cable types normally concerned are
voltage transformers as follows:

Derivation of synchronising supplies

Multipair cable 0.5 mm^ (1/0.8 mm) — 73.4 Ω to compensate for the reduction in circuit burden when
copper conductor (2000 m at 20°C) the synchroscope is switched off.
Multicore control 2.5 mm^ (7/0.67 mm) — 15.12 Ω
cable copper conductor (2000 m at 20°C)
6.4 Synchronising supplies
As an example, consider an interposing VT connected
to the synchronising trolley via an 8 0 0 m (loop) length 6.4.1 Steam turbine-generator
of multicore cable. The measured output voltage at the
Transmission voltage switchgear
transformer secondary terminals is 6 3 . 5 V A C with a
burden of 1 2 . 7 VA at a pf of 0 . 8 6 lagging. The per­ Voltage supplies are obtained from the transmission
centage vohage measurement error at the synchronising station. Single-phase VTs are installed, which are nor­
equipment would be as follows (see Fig 1 2 . 2 3 ) : mally capacitor VTs as these are more economic than
electromagnetic VTs. In accordance with C E G B Stand­
15.12 X 800 ard 99384 [3], present standard designs are to BS3941
RL = = 6.04 Ω and rated at not less than 100 VA with accuracy either
Class 1 (vohage error ± 1 % , phase displacement ±40
minutes) or Class 3P (voltage error ±3%, phase dis­
Is 12.7/63.5 = 0.2 A
placement ±120 minutes) and cover the range of bur­
LRrcoso dens between 097o and 100% of rated burden, at a
% error X 100 power factor of 0.8 lagging. The incoming and running
Vt supphes are derived from the yehow phase to earth
primary voltage, in accordance with Engineering Re­
0.2 6.04 0.86
X 100 commendation SI5 Part 3 [4].

Generator voltage circuit-breaker

= 1.6%
The incoming supply for the generator voltage circuit-
where Vt voltage at interposing transformer se­ breaker is obtained from VTs installed in the main
condary terminals connections on the generator side of the switch. A
group of three single-phase units is required since the
Vs voltage at synchronising equipment
main connections are phase isolated. The VTs are of
the solid insulation type, individually mounted in metal­
Is load current clad enclosures, a set of four being installed on each
RL lead resistance phase. The VT windings are connected in star-star with
both neutrals earthed. The rated line to earth secondary
Although the voltage drop can be compensated for by vohage is 110/V3 V. The connection arrangement is
adjustment of the interposing VT t a p , as already de­ in accordance w h h C E G B Standard 994274 [5]. The
scribed this may introduce other difficulties with voltage transformers comply with ESI Standard 3 5 - 5 [6], which
selection schemes and where possible unduly long con­ generally specifies BS3941 except that the performance
nections are best avoided. In exceptional circumstances and testing requirements extend beyond the current
it may be necessary to parahel cable cores to reduce the British Standard. The ratings and hmits of accuracy are
voltage d r o p . as given in Section 6.3.1 of this chapter.
A high lead resistance may also necessitate the fitting The running supply is obtained from the genera­
of ballast resistors to the synchroscope o n / o f f switch tor transformer side of the generator vohage circuh-
breaker. This may be from transformers of the same
design and m a k e installed in a single bank in the main
connections, or from an additional winding in the inter­
connected star transformer used to earth the main
connections at this point (see Chapter 3, Section 2.5.5).

6.4.2 11 k V g a s - t u r b i n e g e n e r a t o r s

There are two options available for obtaining the

incoming supply: to use a VT at the 11 kV switchboard,
or to use the gas turbine VTs directly connected to the
generator terminals. The former, along with the running
supply, is obtained from the 11 kV switchboard as
described in Section 6.4.3 of this chapter. The latter are
sohd insulated single-phase units complying with ESI
FIG. 1 2 . 2 3 Voltage drop due to lead resistance Standard 3 5 - 6 [7] and m o u n t e d in metalclad enclo-

Synchronising C h a p t e r 12

sures, forming a three-phase-connected bank. The rat­ proval, relay manufacturers must demonstrate that
ings and h m h s of accuracy are as given in Section 6.3.1 the relays comply with the apphcable C E G B standards
of this chapter, with the connection arrangement in by completing a series of type tests.
accordance with C E G B Standard 994274.

7.2 11 kV distribution circuit

6.4.3 3.3 k V a n d 11 k V d i s t r i b u t i o n s w i t c h g e a r
The procedure for manual synchronising is as follows
Star-star connected VTs are located in the fixed, metal
(refer to Fig 12.24):
enclosed portion of the switchboard on the outboard
or circuit side of each generator or distribution cir­
(a) Connect the synchronising trolley to the distribu­
cuit-breaker. The transformers are of the dry-type de­
tion switch synchronising circuits by inserting the
sign with ratios, ratings and accuracy complying with
synchronising plug into the socket provided at the
BS3941. The VTs have a rated hne-to-line secondary
Electrical Auxiharies Switchgear Control Panel.
vohage of 110 V and a rating of 50 VA, accuracy class
0.2 (voltage error ± 0 . 2 % , phase displacement ± 1 0 (b) Select '3.3 kV/11 kV check operative' at the man­
minutes) when metering supplies are taken. Otherwise ual synchronising control selector switch on the
a rating of 200 VA and accuracy class 1.0 (voltage synchronising trolley. This:
error ± 1 % , phase displacement ±40 minutes) is used.
Dual rating transformers may be supplied for this • Energises one coil of the GR relay.
• Closes the GR contact in the close interposing
The yellow phase secondary is earthed. This pro­
relay coil circuit which now requires both the
vides two 110 V rated single-phase to earth supplies,
discrepancy control switch contact and the SYN
connection between red and blue phases not being
contact to close to cause operation.
permitted. The burdens are divided between the two
supplies with the red to yellow phase supply always • Closes the GR contact in the G R A coil circuit
selected for synchronising. which now awaits SYN contact to cause op­
6.4.4 3.3 k V diesel g e n e r a t o r s
(c) Check that the voltage difference and phase angle
The incoming and running supplies are derived from between the two supplies are satisfactory, using
3.3 kV switchgear voltage transformers as described in the synchronising trohey instruments.
Section 6.4.3 of this chapter.
(d) The check synchronising relay confirms that con­
ditions are satisfactory by closing SYN contacts.
7 Synchronising schemes
• Energises the G R A relay.

7.1 Standard schemes • Opens the G R A contact in the second GR coil

The schematic drawings for two standard synchro­ circuit.
nising schemes are shown in Figs 12.24 and 12.25.
(e) Initiate switch closing by rotating the discrepancy
Figure 12.24 shows the manual synchronising scheme
switch to the 'close' position. This energises the
for an 11 kV switchgear distribution circuh. Figure
close interposing relay coil. It is worth noting that
12.25 shows the manual and automatic synchronising
if the operator attempts to close the switch by op­
scheme for a steam turbine-generator generator volt­ eration of the discrepancy switch when the per­
age circuh-breaker based on C E G B Standard 993610 mitted synchronising conditions are absent, the
[8]. following will result:
The equipment in the schematics is shown in the
open, reset and de-energised condition, irrespective of • The second coil of GR will energise, causing GR
whether the equipment in normal operation is closed relay to d r o p off.
or continuously energised. • GR contact in the close interposing relay coil
The equipment is connected to 63.5 V A C , 110 V A C , circuit will open.
110 V DC and 48 V D C and comphes with the re­
quirements of C E G B Specification U S / 1 2 / 5 0 [9] and • The 'synchroniser locked-out' indicator is dis­
C E G B Specification U S / 7 6 / 1 0 [10]. Electronic equip­ played.
ment comphes whh C E G B Specification EES (1980)
[11]. It should be noted that the schemes are designed Lockout is now maintained until the energisation
to be readily extendible. of the second GR coil via the SYN contact is inter­
Automatic synchronising relays and check synchro­ rupted, by selecting ' o f f at the manual synchro­
nising relays are C E G B approved. To obtain type ap­ nising control selector switch.

Synchronising schemes

3.3 & I l k V




Ü OO 0

-O O-


OFF ON 331
-o I ώ ο -
-o I 9 ο­ 321 SYNCHROSCOPE
ι o-
O I m o - iHi:
48V 48V
Θ 2| ^


GUARD X X LJ- - ^ C ^
ÜÜ O 0
•-0 ! . I I I I

3.3&I 11kV

-O Ο­
I I I I RELAY ^^¿0

i-o d


FIG. 1 2 . 2 4 Manual synchronising of an 11 kV distribution circuit

Synchronising C h a p t e r 12

7.3 Steann turbine-generator — generator • GR-2 opens.

voltage circuit-breaker • GR-3 closes which, with SYN-2 already closed,
completes the closing circuit except for the dis­
7.3.1 M a n u a l synchronising crepancy switch.
The procedure for manual synchronising is as follows
(f) Inhiate swhch closing by rotating the discrepan­
(refer to Fig 12.25):
cy control switch 1 to the 'close' position. This
(a) Connect the synchronising trolley to the generator completes the circuit which energises the close in­
synchronising circuits by inserting the synchronising terposing relay coil I P C . Contact IPC-1 initiates
plug into the socket provided at the Unit Desk. circuit-breaker closure.

(b) Select ^Generator/Transmission' (e.g., 23.5 kV/400 (g) Key-operated control selector switch 1 is returned
kV) vohage at the manual synchronising control to the 'off position which restores the circuitry
selector switch on the synchronising trolley. to the initial condition.

(c) Select 'Manual Synch' at the key-operated con­ 7.3.2 Automatic synchronising
trol selector switch 1. Key-operated control selec­
tor switch 2 is already set at 'Check Operative'. (a) Select 'Auto Synch' at the key-operated control
This: selector switch 1, this:
• Energises the GSY relay, which closes GSY-1 • Energises the GSY relay, which closes GSY-1 and
and GSY-2 to connect running and incoming GSY-2 to connect running and incoming supplies
supphes to the synchroscope and voltmeters, and to the automatic synchronising relay and closes
closes GSY-3 and GSY-4 contacts on either side GSY-3 and GSY-4 contacts on either side of the
of the close interposing relay coil. close interposing relay coil.
• Energises the OR relay, which closes OR-1 and • Energises C relay, which closes C - 1 .
OR-2 to connect running and incoming supplies
to the check synchronising relay, closes OR-3 • Energises C A relay, which closes CA-1 (110 V
which energises H C relay and opens OR-4, re­ A C supply to the automatic synchronising relay).
moving SYN-2 contact by-pass.
• Energises N P relay, which closes NP-1 NP-2,
• H C relay is now energised, which opens HC-1 NP-3 and N P - 4 .
and HC-2, disconnecting the running and incom­
ing supphes from the automatic synchronising (b) Depress the 'auto synch start' button. This ener­
relay unit, closes HC-3 and HC-5 in the 'manual gises ST relay, which closes ST-1 (start hold) and
synch' circuit on either side of the close inter­ ST-2, ST-3 and ST-4 (speed and vohage control).
posing relay coil and opens HC-4 and HC-6
in the 'auto synch' circuit on either side of the (c) The automatic synchronising relay signals that
close interposing relay coil. conditions are satisfactory for synchronising. The
duplicate 'auto synch' contacts close and energise
• Energises one coil of GR relay, which opens the close interposing relay coil IPC.
G R - 1 , disconnecting the 'check synch monitor'
lamp, closes GR-2 (which energises G A R relay (d) Contact IPC-1 initiates circuit-breaker closure.
if the discrepancy control switch is prematurely
operated) and opens GR-3 in the SYN-2 contact (e) Key-operated control selector switch 1 is returned
circuit. to the ' o f f position, which restores the circuhry
to the initial condition.
(d) The governor set point (incoming frequency) and
generator transformer tap position (running volt­
age) are adjusted using the unit controls and the 7.4 Site comnnissioning tests
synchronising trolley instruments until satisfactory The following lists the test sequence for commissioning
conditions are obtained. a synchronising scheme. It is for guidance only and is
not intended to be a complete description of all the
(e) The check synchronising relay confirms that con­
testing that may be necessary:
ditions are satisfactory^by closing SYN contacts:

• SYN-1 energises the second coil of GR relay, (a) Wiring inspection and circuit/wiring diagram checks.
causing GR to drop off.
(b) If applicable, confirm that the correct number and
• GR-1 closes to illuminate the 'check synch moni­ type of synchronising keys are available and that
tor' lamp. any excess keys are removed from site.

Synchronising schemes



•TO D P S Y S T E M ( S )




4A (-0 _ 1A GSY-1 HC-1

—O o-
110V J
2A 1

(PART) ^

GSY-2 HC-2

-o p-

FiG. 12.25 Manual and automatic synchronising of a generator voUage circuh-breaker for a steam-driven

Synchronising C h a p t e r 12

(c) Synchronising trohey instrument checks: • Phase angle error test. The test arrangement is
as above, except that the closing of each 'switch
• That running and incoming vohs are correctly
close' signal output contact is recorded in such a
way that angular error can be determined.
• That with either voltage removed, the synchro­
• Prove lockout facilities.
scope pointer drops away to at least 45° and
does not continue to rotate. • Check the range of speed governor pulse/pause
• That 'fast' and 'slow' directions of synchroscope
are correct. • Check the switch closing signal pulse length.

• That phase angle is correctly displayed. • Check the VA loading on incoming, running and
auxiliary supply.
(d) Check synchronising relay checks:
• Check remote indications.
• That the D C power supply is applied correctly
to the relay and that this supply is not used for • Check that the connections and switching from
any other purpose. the automatic synchronising relay to voltage and
frequency controls are correct.
• That the relay does not function w h h either A C
supply absent. • Adjust switch closing time, maximum slip fre­
quency, voltage error, low voltage lockout and
• Where applicable, set the relay to the required speed governor pulse/pause widths to the required
time setting. settings.
• Set under voltage lockout and prove operation.
• Prove correct phase angle operation.
If the governor rate is not known, this can be
(e) Prove primary circuit phase rotation and phase determined by measuring the voltage beat waveform
relationship between voltage transformers. between the incoming and running voltages using a
UV recorder. Starting at about 47 Hz, a continuous
(f) Prove that the incoming and running volts are 'raise' signal is applied to the speed governor (the
switched correctly to the synchronising equipment. running frequency is assumed to be constant) which
produces a trace as shown in Fig 12.26.
(g) By making the necessary temporary connections
and using a common injection voltage at the main The governor rate can be calculated from:
VT secondaries, prove that the incoming and run­
ning voltages at the synchronising equipment ter­
ag = 2(ti - t2)/tit2(ti+ t2) Hz/s
minals, using an instrument of known accuracy, are
63.5 V ± 1 % . If necessary adjust the interposing
(j) Prior to live synchronising tests, 'dead bar' (i.e.,
transformer tap setting. Following hve synchro­
with the switch electrically isolated) synchronising
nisation checks with the switch closed, the voltages
tests may be carried out. A UV recorder is used to
at the equipment terminals should be rechecked
monitor the beat waveform, switch close initiation
with the primary voltage at nominal value.
signal and a signal from the switch which indicates
when the primary contacts have closed. The unit
(h) Perform a number of live manual synchronising
is run-up and the automatic synchronising relay
tests with 'check operative' selected.
allowed to perform the synchronising operations.
(i) Automatic synchronising relay (if applicable): F r o m the recording, the accuracy of closing the
switch can be determined as shown in Fig 12.27. If
• Check that the auxiliary power supply is not used the switch closing time ta is more than the setting
for any other purpose. increment from the selected swhch closing time,
then the setting should be changed accordingly and
• Select the required synchronising method.
the test repeated.
• Voltage and speerf matching tests. Two variable
frequency and voltage sources are used to simu­ (k) Finally live synchronising tests are carried out,
late the incoming and running supplies. In a series recording all necessary parameters including the
of tests, the voltage and frequency are altered in beat waveform and the switch initiation signal. A
accordance with raise/lower signals. The voltage number of synchronising operations are performed.
differences at which signals cease/commence and These tests are carried out with the generator
the slip frequency at which the 'switch close' transformer tap at the lowest and highest position
signals commence/cease are recorded. with the incoming frequency at 47 and 51 H z ,

Synchronising schemes





FIG. 12.26 Determination of governor rate

followed by a test with the incoming and run­ by projecting the waveform to the position where
ning voltage and frequency set equal. F r o m the re­ phase coincidence would otherwise have occurred,
cordings obtained, the phase error can be checked as shown in Fig 12.28.






t^ = 180° θ = 1_80° xt2 PHASE

FIG. 12.27 Dead bar synchronising FIG. 12.28 Live synchronising

Synchronising C h a p t e r 12

8 References [6] ESI Standard 35-5: Generator voltage transformers for 500/
660 MW turbine-generators
[1] CEGB Design Memorandum 066/1: Application and control [7] ESI Standard 35-6: Generator voltage transformers for gas
of emergency gas turbine generating plant on new power turbines
[8] CEGB Standard 993610: Standardisation of synchronising
[2] BS3941: Specification for voltage transformers: 1975 equipment
[3] CEGB Standard 99384: Standard circuit ratings, current trans [9] CEGB Specification US/12/50: General technical requirements
former and voltage transformer requirements for main plant for ancillary electrical equipment
[4] Engineering recommendation SI5 Part 3: Basic diagrams for [10] CEGB Specification US/76/10: Instrument and control equip­
voltage and current transformer secondary circuits ment, general technical requirements
[5] CEGB Standard 994274: Standard circuit diagrams of generator [11] CEGB Specification EES (1980): General specification for
single-phase VT circuits electronic equipment

AC commutator motors, 626 conservators
AC converter drives low oil level, 904
variable-speed, 626-627 DC systems, 766
Access covers diesel generators, 792
portable earth testing, 796
isolated phase busbars, 310 fire fighting, 863
Access lighting, 599 lists, 820
cranes, 817 remote
Access platforms unintermptable power supply systems, 62
enclosures thermostats
isolated phase busbars, 313 gas production plant, 824
Access ways Alum dosing pumps
lighting, 593 water ü-eatment plant
Accommodation power distribution, 840
batteries, 757-760 Aluminium
telecommunications rooms, 652 cables, 435
Active failure rate conductors
power systems generator connections, 288
reliability evaluation, 92 power cable fittings, 533
Actuator drives electric motors, 629
low voltage switchgear generator main connections, 304
capability, 391 power cable fittings
Advance angle bolting, 535
synchronising preparation
definition, 950 termination connections, 535
Advanced gas-cooled reactors Aluminium hydroxide
auxiliaries systems, 16 additive
cables ethyl vinyl acetate, cables, fire performance, 526
segregation, 436 Ambient temperature
cabling, 430 cables
electric motors, 641-642 maximum operating temperature, 450
loss of grid supplies, 34 Ambulance services
Olympus gas turbines, 36 communication links, 650
oxygen, 821 Ammeters
station electrical systems switchgear, 373
analysis diagram, 152 low voltage, 405
computer reliability analysis, 166 Amplitude modulation
Air telecommunications, 680
circuit-breaker switching Analogue signals
Dinorwig, 345 control and instrumentation
Air admission valves cables, 476
pumped-storage plant Analysis
protection, 914 reliability
Air compressors power systems, control, 96
automatic operation Analysis parameters
fire fighting, 863 power systems
diesel generators, 784 computer reliability analysis, 161
electric motors, 858 Antennas, 684
electrical services, 858-861 coaxial cables
fire fighting, 863 characteristic impedance, 686
Air conditioning coupling equipment, 702
electrical services, 862 input impedances, 687
enclosures leaky feeders, 691
isolated phase busbars, 309 lighming protection, 705
Air heaters mounting arrangements, 687
electrical services, 862 power handling capability, 687
Air pipework radiating cables, 691
diesel generators, 784 radio frequency received power, 684
Air receivers radio paging systems, 667
diesel generators, 784 radio systems
testing, 795 pumped-storage power stations, 736
Aircraft obstmction lighting, 598 telecommunications, 684-696
Alarm bells typical arrangements, 689
power feeds vehicle, 714
cabling, 491 Anti-collision systems
Alarm signals cranes, 679, 816
siren systems, 722 Antimony trioxide
Alarms {see also Audible alarms; Emergency alarm signals; additive
Nuclear alarms) polyvinyl chloride, cables, fire performance, 526
battery chargers, 769,772 Arcing
control boards, 772 DC switchgear, 413

Subject Index

Arcing rate synthetic liquid filled, 267

electrostatic precipitators, 854 Average outage duration
Arcing time GRASP 1
fuses presentation of results, 111
definition, 412 power systems
Area grids reliability, quantitative evaluation, 90
control centres Average repair time
communication links, 650 power systems
Armour loss ratios reliability evaluation, 92
cables, 451 Avon gas-turbine generating set
Armour wire electrical auxiliaries systems, 35
cross-sectional area, 616
Asbestos Back to back starting
fire barriers, 548 pumped-storage plant
Ash protection, 911
handling plant Ball bearings
electrical services, 842-851 electric motors, 636
Ash hoppers Barring gear
mobile diesel generators, 782
electrical control, 848 protection, 793
Aspiration Battery chargers — see Chargers
diesel generators, 788 Batteries {see also Lead acid cells; Planté batteries;
Asynchronous generator synchronising, 952 Recombination cell batteries), 749-763
Asynchronous system synchronising, 952 accommodation, Ί5Ί-Ί60
Audible alarms ambient temperatures, 757
cabling, 491 boost charging, 761
Audible calling units, 721 control, 772
Audible warning systems, 652 capacity, 750
auxiliary telecommunications room, 653 cell life, 761
Auto loading charging, 750,760-763
diesel generators circuit monitoring, 769
performance tests, 797 connectors
Auto starting corrosion, 762
diesel generators containers, 750
performance tests, 797 failure, 762
Automatic controls corrosion
air compressors, 859 acid/air interface, 761
Automatic synchronising, 955, 957 current feedback
burdens, 978 control boards, 771
steam turbine-generators direct wire telephone systems, 722
generator voltage circuit-breakers, 982 discharge, 750
Automatic synchronising relays, 956,957,969 discharge rate, 750
Automatic voltage control electrical systems, 69-70
electrostatic precipitators, 854 electrolytes
Automatic voltage regulators contamination, 762
data emergency supply equipment, 749
load flow analysis, power systems, computer reliability fire fighting, 867
analysis, 145 ftilly charged, 750
stability analysis, 183 initial charge, 767
diesel generators, 791 inspection, 762
performance tests, 797 life, 763
testing, 796 limited voltage recharging, 761
generator transformers maintaining charge, 767
protection, 904 maintenance, 760-763
loss of grid supplies, 33 maintenance-free, 749
models negative plates, 750
stability analysis, 181 nickel-cadmium cells, 752
power systems on-site testing, 760-763
performance analysis, 179 pasted flat plate lead-acid cells, 751
stability analysis plate groups, 750
power systems, 180 plates, 750
system stability analysis, 184 positive plates, 750
Auxiliary electrical systems rating, 750
computer reliability analysis, 136 recombination cells, 752
Auxiliary power systems replacement, 763
fault levels, 326 sealed lead-acid, 752
voltages, 326 separators, 750
Auxiliary switches, 369 temperature, 750
Auxiliary systems terminals
protection, 920-943 corrosion, 762
Auxiliary Telecommunications Room, 652,653 tests, 760-763
Auxiliary transformers tubular plate lead-acid cells, 750
air-cooled, 264 types, 750-753
cast-resin insulation, 265 uncharacteristic behaviour of odd cells, 763
cooling, 263 unintermptable power supply systems, 60
design, 263 voltage, 749
insulation, 263 Battery rooms, 757
magnetising inrush currents, 269

Subject Index

access, 760 circuits

lighting, 597 electrical isolation, 660
main connections, 757 communication links, 650
ventilation, 757 construction sites, 741
Battery systems, 763-766 national cable network
DC systems access, 658-660
tests, 763 telephone services, 660-662
duplication, 766 Bromotrifluoromethane
float charging, 760 fire fighting, 862
Beam clamps Building factor
cable support systems, 498 transformers
Bearings (see also Ball bearings; Frictionless bearings; Plain cores, 200
bearings; Rolling element bearings; Split-type roller Buildings
bearings; Tilting-pad bearings) lightning protection, 582
electric motors, 635-637 special considerations, 583
pumped-storage plant metal decking
protection, 911,914 lightning protection, 582
Bellows Busbar indices
insulation evaluation techniques
isolated phase busbars, 305 power systems, computer reliability analysis, 105
Bidirectional branches GRASP 1
power systems presentation of results, 111,112
computer reliability analysis, definition, 95 power systems
Black start computer reliability analysis, 113-115
electrical systems, 29 Busbars (see also Isolated phase busbars)
gas-turbine generators, 35 data
Blowdown air admission valves load flow analysis, power systems, computer reliability
pumped-storage plant analysis, 144
protection, 914 DC switchgear
Body proximity loss short-circuit withstand strength, 414
radiating cable, 693 earthing
Boiler feed pumps switchgear, 368
electric low voltage switchgear
switchgear, 38 short-circuit withstand strength, 391
electric motors, 640 materials
electrical systems, 39 generator main connections, testing, 315
Boiler feedwater phase angles
chemical-dosing plant system stability analysis, 184
electrical services, 836 PQ
Boiler houses load flow analysis, 123
cables, 506 protection, 930
Boiler make-up feedwater PV
treatment, 836 load flow analysis, 123
electrical services, 835 slack
Boilers load flow analysis, 124
circulating pumps power systems, computer reliability analysis, 147
protection, 878 switchgear
protection, 871-879 low voltage, 402
Bolting rated short-time current, 380
terminations types
power cable fittings, 535 load flow analysis, 123
Boost charging voltages
batteries, 761,762,767 system stability, 183
control, 772 system stability analysis, 184
Booster pumps Bushings
water treatment plant connections
power distribution, 839 transformers, 228
Brackets generator main connections
cable support systems, 496 testing, 314
lifts, 819 Cl channels
Braking resistors surface mounting
loss of grid supplies, 33 cable support systems, 497
Braking systems Cab control
cranes, 811 cranes, 811
Branches Cable boxes
definition connections
power systems, computer reliability analysis, 95 transformers, 231
power systems Cable flats
computer reliability analysis, numbering, 94 lighting, 593
Brass Cable glands, 531-533
preparation bonding
termination connections, 536 earthing systems, 550
British Telecommunications pic construction, 531
cables, 659 design, 531
on-site duct routes, 659 earth bonding, 568
on-site requirements, 659 earthing bond connections
segregation, 659

Subject Index

sizes, 567 fire barriers, 540-550

installation, 533 fires, 545
sizing, 532 installation, 435,512-522,604
Cable interface loss reduced fire propagation, 523
radiating cable, 694 insulation
Cable network systems cables, 443
applications, 486 interference
design, 486 control and instrumentation, 476
jumpering, 482-494 layout, 435
Cable pulling linear heat detecting, 442
hand, 520 maximum route lengths, 618
installation, 519 maximum temperature
jamming, 520 ambient temperature, 450
motorised rollers, 521 mechanical performance, 444-447
running bond techniques, 521 multicore
winch, 520 interference, 480
Cable support systems interference, control and instrumentation, 480
application, 501 shaped solid aluminium conductors, 535
bridge and tower assemblies, 505 multicore PVC-insulated
design, 501 reactance, 609
ladder racks, 517 resistance, 609
Cable supports multipair
seismically qualified, 509 earthing networks, 566
Cable systems, 429-435 interference, control and instrumentation, 477
control and instrumentation paper insulation, 437
design, 480^82 performance
design, 601,603 fire conditions, 522-531
design and management techniques, 601-606 PVC-insulated
heat-detecting, 865 current ratings, 611
layout, 429^35,603 rating factors, 454
planning, 601 reactance, 608
Cables (see also Coaxial cables; Control cables; Earth bond reactor safety trip systems, 434
cables; Earth cables; Linear heat detecting cables; restraint, 512
Radiating cables; Short-timefireproofcables; Triaxial routing, 604
cables) safety
415 V, 441 nuclear power stations, 431
3.3 kV, 439-441 scheduling, 604
11 kV, 437^39 segregation, 429
accessories, 531-540 separation, 429
auxiliary systems short-time fireproof, 442,522
protection, 930 single
British Telecommunications pic, 659 fire tests, 523
bunched single-core, 438
fire performance, 523 fire performance, 524
buried direct in the ground in parallel, installation, 457
installation, 457,517 single-core elastomeric-insulated
thermal parameters, rating factors, 614 resistance, 608
thermal resistance, 452 sizes, 466
cable support systems, 494-512 steelwork
design, 494 cleating, 513
design and management, 603 telephones
carriers, 499 ducts, construction sites, 741
cleating thermal resistance, 451
design, 513 in free air, 452
concrete troughs toxic gas emissions
installation, 517 fire performance, 530
continuous operation tunnels, 502
current rating, 448 lighting, 593
contract management information, 604 types, 4 3 5 ^ 7
control and instrumentation, 476-^94 control and instrumentation, 476
corrosive gases voltage regulation, 464
fire performance, 529 Cabling, 427-622
current ratings control and instrumentation
permissible, 453 earthing, 569
DC power circuits, 441 gland bonding, 569
design, 442-443 electrolytic cells
design clearance, 604 hydrogen production, 825
ducts emergency alarm signals, 724
installation, 457,517 fire fighting, 866
thermal parameters, rating factors, 615 heating and ventilation, 862
thermal resistance, 453 lighting, 600
elastomeric-insulated low smoke
current ratings, 610 telephone systems, 663
electric motors on-site
starting, 463 future trends, 745
starting current, 463 private automatic exchanges, 661
starting times, 464 siren systems
electrical tests, 447 nuclear power stations, 732

Subject Index

switchgear, 369 synchronising, 957

low voltage, 402 Check synchronising relays, 956,966
system design, 11 Chiller units
telecommunications electrical services, 862
on-site, 661-663 Chimneys
telephones aircraft obstmction lighting, 598
user distribution frames, 663 lighming protection, 578
total project information, 605 Chlorination plant
Cage induction motors, 624-625, 802 electrical systems
boiler feed pumps, 640 maintenance interlocking, 82
double-cage rotor, 625 lighting, 597
starting current, 624 Chlorosulphonated polyethylene mbber
stator windings, 624 cables
trislot rotor, 625 fires, 523
Cantilever arms Chokes
cable support systems, 502,516 battery chargers, 768
Capacitors gas production plant, 822
failure rates, 945 Circuit-breakers
generator main connections air break
testing, 315 feeder circuits, 467
Capacity motor circuits, 468
batteries, 749 closed/open state
Capstan effect indication, 373
transformers control, 331
performance, 216 DC, 414
Carbon dioxide definition, 334
storage plant design, 352-380
electrical services, 830 electrical interlocks, 361
uses, 821 fault levels
Cartridge fuselink station electrical systems, computer reliability analysis,
definition, 410 168,169
CEGB faults
corporate telephone network, 650 generators, protection, 905
Cell life first-pole-to-clear factor, 356
batteries, 761 generator voltage, 895
Central control equipment protection, 905
radio paging systems, 667 steam turbine-generators, synchronising, 982
Central control rooms steam-turbine-generators, synchronising supplies, 979
control panel synchronising, 961
power supplies, 724 generator voltage/HV
controllers protection, 905
emergency alarm signals, 723 low voltage, 405
lighting, 598 low voltage switchgear
supervisor's desk capability, 391
speech communication, 726 maintenance, 379
Central Electricity Generating Board — see CEGB moulded case
Certification fuuire trends, 422
switchgear, 334-340 operating mechanisms, 379
Charger output voltage phase-segregated generators
unintermptable power supply systems, 62 metalclad, 423
Chargers, rated short-circuit breaking current, 356
batteries, 69-70 rated short-circuit making current, 357
alarms, 769 reclosing
current feedback, control boards, 771 power systems, computer reliability analysis, 100
display, 772 stuck probability
electronic circuit boards, testing, 774 reliability evaluation, 93
fire fighting, 867 transmission voltage
low voltage detection, 769 synchronising, 962
on-site tests, 774 type tests, 336
output voltage, testing, 773 Circuits
performance tests, 773 data
power supplies, 768 load flow analysis, power systems, computer reliability
power supply, control boards, 772 analysis, 144
protection, 769 stabihty analysis, power systems, 180
routine tests, 774 Circulating pumps
soak tests, 774 boilers
supply voltage transients, 768 protection, 878
temperature rise tests, 773 Circulating water pumps
testing, 773 nuclear reactors
type testing, 773 electric motors, 645
visual checks, 773 Circulator main drive motors
equipment, 769 nuclear reactors, 642
ratings, 767 Cleating
Charging {see also Boost charging; Float charging) cables, 513
batteries, 750,760-763 Coal
Charging systems delivery, 842
duplication, 766 handling plant
Check inoperative electrical services, 842-851

Subject Index

Coal plant control rooms conductivity

electrical control, 844 high, protection, 882
Coal-fired boiler units polishing plant
electric motors, 640-641 electrical services, 836
Coal-fired power stations treatment
reference design electrical services, 835
electrical systems, system indices, 115 Condensers
Coaxial cables vacuum low
control and instrumentation, 476 proteaion, 881
Coded-key devices Conductors
switchgear, 361 aluminium
low voltage, 404 generator main connections, 304
Coding power cable fittings, 533
electrical systems cables
quality assurance, 45 electrical resistance, 451
Comité Consultatif International de Radio maximum temperature, 449
sequential single frequency code signalling, 683 temperature rise, 450
trunked radio systems, 675 connection to plant
Comité Consultatif International de Télégraphique et isolated phase busbars, 310
Téléphonique, 675 continuously-transposed
dual tone multi-frequency signalling, 683 transformer windings, construction, 208
Commissioning copper
cable systems, 601 power cable fittings, 534
earthing systems, 573 crimped terminations
network cable systems, 490 control cables, 537
Common mode failure expansion joints
diesel generators, 778 isolated phase busbars, 306
evaluation isolated phase busbars, 304
power systems, reliability evaluation, 92 joints
rate isolated phase busbars, 311-312
power systems, reliability evaluation, 93 painting
Communication systems isolated phase busbars, 309
commissioning, 651 power cables
maintenance, 651 terminations, 533-537
Component active failure switchgear
power systems rated short-time current, 380
reliability evaluation, 92 terminations
Component passive failure control cables, 537-539
power systems thermal parameters
reliability evaluation, 92 rating factors, 612,613
Components transformer windings
power systems continuously-transposed strips, construction, 208
computer reliability analysis, numbering, 94 windings
Composite error transformers, construction, 206
current transformers, 285 Connections
Compressed air HV/LV
starting system protection, 905
diesel generators, protection, 793 Connectors
Compressed air systems batteries
generator main connections corrosion, 762
testing, 315 Conservation
Compression fittings oil
power cables transformers, 227
copper conductors, 534 Conservators
Compressor rooms low oil level
lighting, 592 alamis, 904
Compressors {see also Air compressors) Construction sites
diesel generators electrical supplies
testing, 795 equipment, 414-421
generator main connections telecommunications, 741-744
testing, 315 telephone cable ducts, 741
hydrogen production Contactor gear
control, 827 mechanical plant, 805
Computer programs Contacto

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