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The Human birth we all received is rare and is the biggest grace of God.

However, it's
temporary, and time is ticking away every second. Before we realize, we would be meet
old age someday, which is an indication that our time on planet earth will soon run out. So
we should cultivate an attitude to live every day of our life as if it's the last day. When we
work with that mindset, we will naturally focus on the things that matter the most in our
life, which is Spiritual Growth and not the temporary pursuits of the world. Watch more to
learn. Therefore, we need to realize the value of time and not waste a single moment of our
life that doesn't take us close to God-Realization, which is the ultimate purpose of our life.
Action item for Day 18: Think about the activities you did yesterday. You had 24 precious
hours, how many hours did you spend for your Spiritual Growth? How many hours you
spent on things that are least important (like material pursuits, Gossiping, wasting too
much time in Social Media). Think about how you can make productive use of time from
tomorrow. Resolve to live every day as if it would be your last day on planet earth. Do
only the things that matter for your eternal welfare. Always Remember: Time and Tide
Waits for None. Make Every Second Count by doing things that are conducive to your
spiritual growth. Only our spiritual treasures will remain with us forever, not the material
You are wasting a lot of time in meaningless pursuits. Time wasted is life wasted. Our
ancients never wasted even a minute. They considered God as the embodiment of time and
extolled Him thus: Kalaya Namah, Kala Kalaaya Namah, Kalaateetaya Namah,
Kalaniyamitaya Namah(Salutations to the Embodiment of Time, to the One who conquered
time, to the One who transcends time and to the One who ordains time). Why have you
forgotten the truth that time is verily God? You eagerly await a Sunday thinking that you can
relax and enjoy. In fact, you should feel sad that you are wasting time without doing any
work on a Sunday. You have to utilise your time in a proper way. If you do not have any
work, undertake social service. Help your fellowmen. Life becomes meaningful only when
you make proper use of time.
The Human Life is a big blessing of God, and we need to utilize every moment of it wisely
to achieve the purpose of our life. Watch more to find out. Key-Takeaway: When you
repeatedly contemplate the value of your Human Form as a gift of God, but time is limited,
it will inspire you to give your best efforts and never procrastinate in life.

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