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Clinical features of ectopic pregnancy

2. IUGR question
3. C/S indications
4. Fate of occipito-posterior position
5. Next step in investigation for Rh negative mother….
a. Direct coombs test
b. Indirect coombs test
6. +3 molding, excessive caput, +2 station – what is next step?
7. Commonest causes of PPH in descending order
a. Tone, tissue, trauma, thrombus
b. Tone, trauma, tissue, thrombus
8. 5cm cervical dilatation now and 2 hours later – diagnosis and management
9. A pregnant woman with 160cm height and 46 kg what is the preferred weight gain
a. 13kg
b. 16kg
10. Features of malaria in pregnancy
11. Lung disease in pregnancy… What is the relation between asthma and pregnancy
12. Couple infertile for 2 years come to your office – next step in investigation
13. Hirsutism but no virilization or galactorrhea – most likely diagnosis
14. Commonest parameter affected in preeclampsia
15. Screening for preeclampsia
a. Urinalysis ….
16. Commonest site of metastasis for GTD
a. Lung
17. Risk factor for endometrial cancer
18. Ovarian tumor with AFP as tumor marker
a. Endodermal sinus tumor
19. 33 weeks GA, has ROM but stable – next step in management
20. FHR pattern commonly seen in 42 weeks GA
a. Variable deceleration
b. Early deceleration
c. Late deceleration
21. Sagittal suture seen at posterior position – diagnosis
a. Anterior synclitism
b. Posterior syncretism
22. Purpose of suprapubic pressure in breech delivery(CREDE’s Maneuver)
a. To maintain flexion position
23. Deficiency and consequence incorrect match
a. Zinc – preterm Impaired Immunity
b. Calcium – preeclampsia
c. Folate – NTD
d. Iron – LBW
24. Anemia in pregnancy
a. Greatest increase in blood volume is in FTM
b. All pregnant women should receive iron
25. HIV/AIDS in obgyn – about MTC transmission
a. ROM increases the risk of MTCT
26. Which is not GDM complication
a. NTD
b. Polyhydramnios
c. Macrosomia
27. Which doesn’t cause Polyhydramnios
a. Anencephaly
b. Chorangioma
d. DM
28. 16 year old girl has delayed breast growth but proportional height with sisters – reason for
pubertal delay
29. 40-something year old, dysmenorrhic, diffusely enlarged uterus – most likely diagnosis
30. POP-q staging
31. Ligament affected in apical prolapse
a. Uterosacral ligament
32. Beta-HCG level increment at 6,10,24,34 weeks
a. 2, 10, 4, 4
b. 10, 4, 4, 4
33. Diagonal conjugate is 10 cm – diagnosis
34. Twin A is vertex, twin B is transverse – next step in management
35. Critical care and trauma in pregnancy
36. Emergency contraception for 22 year old college student
a. COC
b. Etonorgestrel
d. Implanon
37. Not true of Clinical features of Myoma
a. AUB is the commonest presentation
38. Teenager is positive for gonorrhea – what else should you test for
a. Chlamydia
39. HSG is done – what else should be done
40. Bone loss rates in menopause
a. 1-2% in 1st year
b. 5% over 5 years
c. 10% over 5 years
d. 3-5% for 1st year
41. Puerperium
a. Lochia serosa – whitish
b. Cervix closes in 1 week
42. Neonate brought with complaint of AUB – most likely diagnosis
a. Maternal estrogen withdrawal
43. Commonest compound presentation
a. Vertex and hand
44. Laboring woman, all of a sudden stops contracting, fetal head is felt at fundus – most likely
a. Uterine rupture
45. Teenager with 1 day duration of bleeding, BP 70/50, PR 130 – next step in management
a. Pelvic U/S
b. PT, PTT
c. Pregnancy test
46. Bishop score calculation
47. Which of the f/f is the cause for AC/FL ratio of 26%
a. Preeclampsia
c. Down syndrome
d. GDM
48. Which of the f/f is most affected in asymmetric IUGR
a. AC
b. BPD
c. FL
d. HC
49. MMR of Ethiopia
a. 420/100,000 live birth
b. 412/100,000
50. Total fertility rate
51. Next step for post coital bleeding
52. Commonest cause of Condyloma accuminata of cx, vagina,….
a. HPV
b. Poxvirus
c. HSV
53. Vulvar ca etiology
a. Hpv
54. Vulvar ca proper way of biopsy taking
55. LN that drains lower vagina
56. Asherman syndrome cf, investigation , confirmatory
57. In doing HSG(hysterosalphingography) which isn’t true
a. Anesthesia
b. Antb
c. Contrast isn’t needed
d. Secretory phase
58. RLQ abd pain of 1 day duration, adenexal mass of 5cm, rebound and direct tenderness
a. Ovarian torsion
b. Phlegmenous appendicitis
c. Ectopic pregnancy
59. GDM screening and diagnosis with OGTT
60. Breech at GA of 36wk management
61. 34 wk GA, 3 consquative visit examination showed breech , what is the nxt investigation
a. BPP
b. Placental localization with U/S
62. 36wk breech with no contraindication to ECV, what is the mgmt.
63. Which shouldn’t be done in post term
a. Contraction stress test
b. Non stress test
c. BPP
64. Referral from health center the correct sequence of action
a. BPP, bishop scoring, ripening, induction
65. Obese, hypertensive, P3, 64yr old with post menoposal bleeding which of the f/f isn’t asst’d for
the condition
a. Obese
b. HTN
c. Age
d. Parity
66. NOT a Risk factor for ovarian ca
a. Infertility
b. IVF
67. Which one is true ab’t malaria in pregnancy
a. Quinine is safe in 1st trimester
b. Primaquine
68. Umbilical cord prolapse with ascent pulsation from umbilical artery the best mgmt option
a. SVD
b. C/S
c. Forceps
69. Fetal bradycardia of 80-90bpm at 2 nd stage of labor, below 2+ station but not reached the pelvis
what is the mgmt.
70. True about Vaginal discharge syndrome
a. Risk assessment is useful for diagnosis
71. 7yr old ovarian neoplasm most likely dx.
a. Dysgerminoma
72. 46 yr old , 6mo amenorrhea, hot flush, what is the 1 st investigation
a. Estradiol
b. Pregnancy test
73. Monochorionicdiamnionic twin which isn’t true
a. Single placenta
b. Same sex
c. 3 membrane
74. 34 days cycle, 5 days bleeding, 3 pads on maximum flow day (2 nd day), no clot, mild lower abd
discomfort not affecting daily activity, which is true
a. Normal cycle
b. Menorrhagia
75. 33 day cycle, what is her most fertile period in the cycle
a. Day 17 upto 21
76. 34 day cycle, LNMP Meskerem 15/2010 what is the expected ovulation date
a. Tikimt 5, 2010
77. The narrowest fertile period of the above pt.
a. Tikimt 3 upto 5
b. .
c. .
d. .
78. The commonest degeneration of myoma
a. Hyaline degeneration
79. Which hormone isn’t necessary for galactopoesis
a. Prolactin
b. Cortisol
c. Oxytocin
d. Estrogen
e. Insulin
80. Not true about Option B+
a. It reduces adherence
b. Decreases transmission to seronegative partner
c. Decreases transmission to baby
81. Which of the f/f affects the ferningpatern of amniotic fluid
a. Cx mucus
b. Vaginal ph
c. Blood contamination
d. Meconium
e. None
82. Cardinal movement of labor by order for occiput ant vertex presentation
83. Not true about c/s
a. pfannensteil incision is transverse incision of uterus
84. which is not contraindication for breast feeding
a. HIV
b. Active TB
c. Active herpes
d. Galactosemia
85. Which is not normal about breast in pregnancy
a. Eczema
b. Peau de orange
c. Enlargement
d. Yellow discharge after 2nd TRM

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