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Case Study 1:

ONE Electronics: I’ll Dream of you


Mr. Genota started his business in 2001 which he sells computer parts. After ten years of ongoing
operations, he already purchased a 300 square meter lot that happened to be his shop and residence at
the same time. Seeing that his deals got more customers, he decided to extend his transactions in other
big towns and turns out to be successful. However, his way of looking shifted after he met his old friend
Jose Chan who owned a stable appliance assembly factory. Reflecting from his friend’s experience on
establishing his own factory, Mr. Genota considered it to go after his old friend’s track. Mr.Genota has
three sons and his eldest is about to enter college. He had this idea that this is most fitting to give off his
son to an engineering school after all his children are openly considered to hear any suggested courses he
will ask to them. In that way, his children will be able to help him establish his dream assembly plant. The
major concern now is to determine what school and aptly college courses for his children. Decisions of his
children whether they will agree or not must take into account too.


1. Determine the most suitable college courses for Mr. Genota’s children.
2. Decisions of his sons must take into account whether they will agree to Mr. Genota’s opinion to
send them in engineering school and such college courses.


Having one’s dream are essential for living. It opens doors for opportunity in life and sets direction
where we are heading to in the future. In Mr. Genota’s case I tried to keep in view his capacity and
situation in life. It is his edge that he runs a business which he plans to extend in other big towns. It may
help him to adjust and prepare himself to manage his dream assembly plant. Since his eldest son will soon
be ready to enter college school, it is best to send him off in engineering school. Taking Mr. Genota’s
concern to establish his own assembly plant, his children will take a big part for this dream to accomplish.
Looking at his children’s class standing, it is no doubt that they can get through to take engineering
courses. Mr. Genota’s concern now settled on which school and suitable course his son will take in. On the
other side, he should also ask his children’s opinion about his plans in establishing his assembly plant. His
children’s decision whether they will agree or not mean something that will also affect their life in the
future. If they agree, it is much considerable that it is because that is what they want to do to and not
forcing them just to make this Mr. Genota’s dream come true.

Owning a business seems to be a tough job to handle. It takes a lot of courage and strength to take
the risk especially if it compromised a lot of efforts and time. Mr. Genota may think of as a risk taker for
him to have this dream of establishing an assembly plant. However, following someone’s path is not that
easy. It may end successful or a lesson. He might be able to make this dream come true with the help of his
three children. One thing that I want to point out is that whether Mr. Genota thinks that he would be able
to decide for his son’s college course, decision of his son takes the greatest importance. Mr. Genota should
also consider what his children plans in their future life. It is great if his children are willing to support and
take part in establishing his dream assembly plant. On the other hand, he must acknowledge their decision
and openly welcome the idea that we have our own life to take in charge too.

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