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Case Study 5:

Margins Communication Corporation


Engr. Rome Pesigan, one of the staff members from the local company Margin
Communication Corporation, has been ordered to manage the upcoming new telecommunication
facility in Calamba, Laguna. Various training provided by MCC prepared him well to acquire the
need on technical aspects of his new job. He’s been working for 10 years in the company and he
could now be able to identify the needs to operate the firm. Despite his experiences and training
from the company, his expertise does not include the ability to determine the right person to be
assigned in the different positions that will be created. Since the success of this new facility will
result in his promotion, he must put all his best to make this project victorious.

1. Engr. Rome Pesigan would have to determine the right person to assign for the created
2. To help him decide precisely, he must consider the Staffing Procedure.
3. Being able to work with some of his acquaintances will make the project lighter to be
operated by him.


               Proper training and numerous experiences will serve as your big edge to perform a
specific task depending on your position in the company. Implementing the acquired knowledge
may consider challenging. From Engr. Rome Pesigan’s case, his experiences are functional for his
new position. The success of this project may result in his promotion to the company. However, it
is important to put the right person suitable for the available position in this new project. Since
his capability of recruiting the right staff for every position is insufficient, he must consider
applying the Staffing procedure. This process may help him to provide and find the suitable
person for the created position.


               Making your project done and successful will have to pass through all the unwanted
challenges during the process. Being able to get through it will serve as your stepping stone for a
bigger opportunity waiting for you. A leader like Engr. Pesigan may experience this difficulty as
according to the case, his expertise in recruiting for the right person suits for the available
position is timid. Knowing how important the right staffing in operating a project, must be taken
seriously. Considering that he followed the Staffing procedure, he may get his promotion after
the new telecommunication facility is done. His request of transferring some of his acquaintances
to the head office might also help him to finish the project satisfactorily.

               I suggest that Engr. Pesigan will follow the Staffing procedure. This process plays an
important role to make this project done, considering that proper staffing may impact the
performance and result of this newly built project. Assuming that his request of transferring some
of his acquaintances to the head office has been approved, it will make his job easier to handle
his new team. Troubles may be avoided and operating the project will be smooth as they know
how to approach each other.


               Implementing the staffing procedure is a way long process. Doing so may have a better
result and solve Engr. Pesigan’s problem. The first thing to do is to identify the needed position
and trust the process of proper staffing. Working with a known person may give a stress-free
environment and may result in a better performance. Let’s consider Engr. Pesigan’s new project
done and his promotion in MCC.

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