Case Study 4

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Little Things mean a Lot


The Bits and Pieces International Corporation (BPIC) seems to be one of the fast-growing
companies promoting and manufacturing injection molded plastic products. In the span of four years, they
have planned to expand their business, adding new product like tissue holder and hire additional workers.
Brought into use that their company’s market potential was exemplary, it will be a brilliant idea to do so.
Making it possible, the company will have to hire additional manpower and improve their facilities. They
already have the new proposed organizational chart of the company. Lagayan would now establish the
efficiency and impact of the desired plan in the company.


1. Engineer Lagayan would present and oversee the efficiency and implications of the company’s
new organizational chart.
2. He must not neglect that the main reason of organizational chart is to make the company’s
objective to be accomplish in effective and desirable manner.
3. He should also include the key points of each position in the new organizational chart and how
it will work effectively to continue the progress of the company.


I believe that having an effective organizational structure will help to achieve the vision in any
organization or company. Since that BPIC is maintaining their succeeding performance on producing
various injection molded plastic products and considering that they will add a new product which is the
tissue holder, hiring additional staffs is necessary. Engineer Lagayan as the production manager can
consider pointing out these key points:

 The estimated production costs

 The set production budgets
 The efficient collaboration and co-ordination between related departments
 Checking out the performances of staffs and organize the needed interventions for improvement

Allowing this to discuss properly in the meeting would help engineer Lagayan to work as an effective
production manager.

Strategic planning and proper organizational structure is a big tool for making company’s vision
into reality. Effective solutions are necessary for effective leaders and it is important to consider the
different capabilities of a person aligned to its specified position in the company. It shows that Bits and
Pieces International Corporation strategy on handling their production are effective for them to maintain
their success and exploring new ways and improvement to continue grow their business. Raising different
issues regarding the new organizational structure may open different ideas and also help to improve the
collaboration of each employee.


Assuming that the new structure were approved and Engineer Lagayan’s concern about it were
raised and properly discussed, the next thing to do now is to work effectively and efficiently considering
their respective positions in the company. Engineer Lagayan’s job now is to maintain or create new ways
to improve the production. He controls the production of products so it is his job to monitor everything in
the production department. It includes the manpower’s performances, number of manufactured products,
managing the agreed production budgets and ensures that the standard operating procedures were
properly adhered to.

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