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What if your pet can talk?

Pets are part of many cultures. Even people in ancient times had shared life with their
pets. There is a quote from George Eliot that suffices to explain why people love pets:
“Animals are great friends – they don't ask; they don't give criticism." So there are many
things we can do with our pets. However, what if my pet talks huh? Hmm…let me think
At home, I have 3 cats. They have varying coat colors, there are gray, white gray, and
creamy white. Before, I haven't given their names yet, but if they can speak, I will find a
suitable name for them. I named the gray one Gery, the white one I named Gemty, and the
cream white one named Sofhy.
They have become like my CCTV at home. All my activities were witnessed by them,
especially when I was alone at home. If they can talk, maybe I will make them a friend to
chat and ask about my curiosity. Sometimes, when looking for an item, I forget where to put
it, so I'll ask him, maybe they'll see it. In addition, because they witnessed all my activities at
home, maybe at the end of the day, I will ask them what I have done and I will use it as my
reflection in the future. In addition, maybe they can see things with the naked eye, so I'll ask
what's in my house. Maybe it'll scare me, but I'm really curious.

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