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The main purpose of the supervision of teaching should be the

A. Advacement of pupil welfare

B. Proper utilization of school facilities
C. Carrying out of the curriculum
D. Achievement of success in examination
Answer is = A
Supervision sould be primarily
A. Prevtive and critical
B. Preventive and corrective
C. Constructive and creative
D. Construction and critical
Answer is = C
The basic purpose of supervision is to help
A. Teachers in improving methods
B. Teachers in understanding pupil
C. Children learn more effectively
D. Teachers in dealing pupils
Answer is = C
The elementary school teachers are directly responsible to the
A. Headmaster
B. Deo
C. Parents
D. Students
Answer is = A
The criticism most frequently leveled at school administration is that:
A. They like praise
B. They are to lazy
C. They fail to provide leadership
D. They do not know teacher
Answer is = C
The school headmaster are expected to
A. Put into operation the course of study
B. Hold daily meetings
C. Prepare the budget
D. All of the above
Answer is = A
A supervisor is one who
A. Provides friendly help
B. Inspects classrooms
C. Gives directions
D. Criticizes the teaching method
Answer is = A
The effective supervision is indicated by
A. Good relations between teacher and supervisors
B. Helping teacher in their teaching
C. Helping teachers becoming more self sufficient
D. Criticizing teacher’
s lessons
Answer is = C
The school policy should be determined by:
A. The professional educators
B. Headmasters
C. Citizens d
D. Citizens and educators
Answer is =D
The chief responsibility of the principal is
A. Organize and administer the guidance programmed
B. Provide leadership in instructional plan
C. Maintain school records
D. Handle discipline problems
Answer is =B
Indication of democratic attitude is
A. Equal rights
B. Participation
C. Cooperation
D. All of the above
Answer is =D
The history of administration goes back to
A. 5000 BC
B. 4000BC
C. 800BC
D. 1000BC
Answer is =A
Adminstration meams
A. To look after
B. To protect
C. To run
D. To establish
Answer is =A
The function of educational administration and management is
A. Instrucitonal tasks
B. Non instrucitonal tasks
C. Both a and b
D. None
Answer is =C
Provision of good educational environment is
A. Instrucional tasks
B. Non instrucitonal tasks
C. Both a and b
D. None
Answer is =A
Arrangement of physical resources is
A. Instrucitonal tasks
B. Non instructional tasks
C. Both
D. None
Answer is =B
The main types of adminstration are
A. 2
B. 3
C. 6
D. 9
Answer is =B
Which is not the type of adminstration
A. Instructional administration
B. Authoritarian administration
C. Democratic administration
D. Laissez Faire administration
Answer is = A
Which is not the characteristic of authoritative administration
A. Rudeness
B. Suppression the subordinates
C. Strict discipline
D. Sharing
Answer is = D
Authoritative administration is based on
A. Dictatorship
B. Mutual sharing
C. Non interference
D. None
Answer is =A
Democratic administration is based on
A. Dictatorship
B. Mutual sharing
C. Non interference
D. None
Answer is =B
Laissez Faire administration is based on
A. Dictatorship
B. Mutual sharing
C. Non interference
D. None
Answer is =C
Boss is right is the feature of
A. Instructional administration
B. Authoritarian administration
C. Democratic administration
D. Laissez Faire administration
Answer is =B
Respect of opinion is the feature of
A. Instructional administration
B. Authoritarian administration
C. Democratic administration
D. Laissez Faire administration
Answer is =C
Sense of responsibility is not cared in
A. Instructional administration
B. Authoritarian administration
C. Democratic administration
D. Laissez Faire administration
Answer is =D
Literal meaning of supervision is
A. Superior knowledge and power
B. Superior knowledge and service
C. Superior efforts and services
D. None of these
Answer is =A

Supervision is not to control the teacher but to work cooperatively”is the saying of
A. Glatthorn
B. Hoy and Forsyth
C. Harris
D. Glickman
Answer is = B
In teaching learning process supervision is usually carried out by
A. Principal
B. Teacher
C. Parents
D. Society
Answer is = A
Assessment of how well a school is performing is
A. Administration
B. Supervision
C. Inspection
D. All of the above
Answer is =C
According to Fayol, elements of administration are
A. 4
B. 5
C. 5
D. 2
Answer is = B
According to Gulick and Urwick, elements of administration are
A. 7
B. 5
C. 8
D. 9
Answer is = A
In “
POSDCORB”CO stands for
A. Cooperation
B. Collection
C. Coordinating
D. Correlation
Answer is =C
To make arrangements is the part of
A. Planning
B. Organizing
C. Commanding
D. Coordinating
Answer is = B
Execution of plans and decisions is the part of
A. Planning
B. Organizing
C. Commanding
D. Coordinating
Answer is =C
To bring harmony among all the elements of programmeis
A. Planning
B. Organizing
C. Commanding
D. Coordinating
Answer is =D
School Budgert includes
A. Development expendciture
B. Non development expenditure
C. Both an and b
D. None of a and b
Answer is =C
BM stands for
A. Budget Money
B. Budget Monitoring
C. Budget Materials
D. Budget Manual
Answer is = D
Non development budget includes
A. Salaries
B. Running ependitures
C. Maintenance of building
D. All of the above
Answer is = D
New Libraries laboratories etc are constructed undr
A. Development Budget
B. Non development budget
C. Both a and b
D. None
Answer is = A
Leadership is the ability
A. To influence
B. To motivate
C. To achieve organizational goals
D. All of the above
Answer is =
Staff development means
A. Recruiting staff
B. Training staff
C. Increasing staff
D. Decreasing staff
Answer is = B
Selecting one course of action among various alternatives is
A. Planning
B. Organizing
C. Decision making
D. Coordinating
Answer is = C
Who is called father of scientific management theory
A. Fredrick Tylor
B. Henry Fayol
C. Terry and Franklin
D. Elton Meo
Answer is = A
Who is the father of operational management theory
A. Fredrick Tylor
B. Henry Fayol
C. Terry and Franklin
D. Elton Meo
Answer is = B
All Govt. grants and expenditures are maintained in
A. Cash Register
B. Acquittance Roll
C. Stock Register
D. Contingent Register
Answer is = A
In case of GPF advance , the number of installments for refunding is
A. 24
B. 32
C. 65
D. 41
Answer is = A
Developing alternatives is a step of
A. Organization
B. Planning
C. Direction
D. Control
Answer is = B
How funds in a given period will be obtained and spent is
A. Allocation
B. Expenditure
C. Budget
D. Reciept
Answer is = C
Types of supervision encouraging variety , originality and indpendent experimentation is
A. Preventive
B. Corrective
C. Creative
D. Construction
Answer is = C
Who advocated bureaucratic theory
A. Campbell
B. Herzberg
C. Henry Fayol
D. Max Weber
Answer is = D
Directing must be consistent with
A. Organizational policies
B. Procedures
C. Job descriptions
D. All of the above
Answer is = D
In case of new recruitment the probation period is
A. 3 Years
B. 5 Years
C. 8 Years
D. 9 Years
Answer is = A
The power delegated throughtout an organization is
A. Control
B. Command
C. Decetralization
D. Centralization
Answer is =C
The father of modern theory of management is
A. Tyler
B. Hery Fayol
C. Max Weber
D. Gullick
Answer is = B
The smallest interacting parts of a systems are
A. Input
B. Component
C. Structure
D. Feed back
Answer is = B
Which pension is granted to civil servant who retires in the age of sixty
A. Superannuation
B. Invalid
C. Retiring
D. Compensation
Answer is =A
All financial transaction of the school occurring from day to day is entered in
A. Cash Book
B. Stock Register
C. Service Book
D. Log Book
Answer is = A
The process of directing others, towards the accomplishment of some objectives is
A. Communication
B. Managing
C. Leadership
D. None
Answer is = B
Micro planning is done in
A. Top Management
B. Middle Management
C. Lower Management
D. Middle and Lower Management
Answer is =D
The ACR cannot be initiated for the period of less than
A. Two months
B. Three months
C. Five months
D. Four months
Answer is = B
The individual in the group given the task of directing and coordinating is
A. Leader
B. Supervisor
C. Instructor
D. Guide
Answer is = B
A choice made between two or more alternative is called
A. Assumption
B. Decision
C. Reporting
D. None
Answer is = B
The cash book in maintained by
Answer is = A
Authoritarian model is more suitable for
A. Confidence
B. Improvement
C. Achievement
D. Discipline
Answer is = D
Teacher salaries and allowances collectively are written in
A. Cash Register
B. Acquaintance Roll
C. Contingent Register
Answer is = A
To motivate the other to achieve certain goals is
A. Planning
B. Leading
C. Controlling
D. Organizing
Answer is =B
A programme of activities which is designed to attain educational ends is
A. Learning
B. Curriculum
C. Instruction
D. Syllabi
Answer is = B
Superannuation retirement age in Pakistan is
A. 60 Years
B. 65 Years
C. 75 Years
D. 80 Years
Answer is = A
Pension is given if the retirement is after service of
A. 25 years
B. 30 years
C. 45 years
D. 50 years
Answer is = A
Person who possesses qualities of leadership is
A. Leader
B. Manager
C. Administrator
D. Officer
Answer is = A
The process of making judgment is called
A. Budgeting
B. Evaluation
C. Demonstration
D. Documentation
Answer is = B
The characteristics of good planner are
A. Optimistic
B. Motivator
C. Producer
D. All of them
Answer is = D
What does E and D Rules mean
A. Efficiency and duty rules
B. Efficiency and department rules
C. Efficiency and discipline rules
D. Efficiency and discipline rules
Answer is = C
A.D.P is an abbreviation of
A. Annual development programme
B. Annual duty programme
C. Annual division of performance
D. Annual debating programme
Answer is =A
The power is concentrated in the hands of one or few people in
A. Control
B. Command
C. Decentralization
D. Centralization
Answer is =D
Wht is central to administration
A. Organization
B. Communication
C. Decision making
D. Coordination
Answer is =C
In POSDIR, R stands for
A. Reporting
B. Response reply
C. Representing
D. Directing
Answer is =A
S.N.E is an abbreviation of
A. Schedule of new experience
B. Schedule of new entry
C. Schedule of new expenditure
D. System of new entry
Answer is =B
The level of school addminstration can best be judged through
A. Head teacher
B. Beautiful building
C. Learning out comes
D. Teachers students relations
Answer is = C
Acquittance roll is used for
A. Salary disbursement
B. Stock
C. Govt . grants
D. Expenditures
Answer is =A
The degree to which organizational resources contribute to productivity is
A. Effectiveness
B. Efficiency
C. Out put
D. Production
Answer is = B
All transaction should be enterd in which register
A. Fee
B. Cash
C. Funds
D. With drawl
Answer is = B
Coordinating , stimulating and directing the growth of teacher is the purpose of
A. Administration
B. Inspection
C. Supervision
D. Management
Answer is =B
The concept of inspection was first introduced in
A. Pakistan
B. India
C. England
D. China
Answer is = C
Budgeting is an estimation of
A. Income and investment
B. Investment
C. Income and expenditure
D. All of the above
Answer is = C
The authorized person of staff performance is
A. Teacher
B. Head teacher
C. Student
D. Clerk
Answer is =B
1 A national budget has two parts
A Income and plan
B Cost and input
C Income and expenditure
D None of these

Answer: Income and expenditure

2 The biggest library in Pakistan
A Quaid-e-Azam Library, Lahore
B Punjab Public Library, Lahore
C A.I.O .U Library, Islamabad
D None of these

Answer: Punjab Public Library, Lahore

3 School Time Table means

A School working hours
B Activities in school
C School controlling
D None of these

Answer: School working hours

4 Effective school environment is mostly effected by:
A Meeting pupil needs
B Empowering staff
C Friendly environment
D Monthly meetings

Answer: Friendly environment

5 The major problem of making the school management effective is:
A Low literacy rate
B High drop-out rate
C Weak management
D None of these

Answer: Weak management

6 We can minimize the weaknesses to make school more effective through
A Motivation
B Professional skills
C Dedications of work
D Reward

Answer: Professional skills

7 A successful criteria for effective school management is

A To ger planned target
B Improve performance
C Stress on future performance
D None Of The Above

Answer: Improve performance

8 The process of school development planning is enhance by
A To promote desirable goals
B To achieve agreed standards
C To judge success
D Motivation

Answer: To promote desirable goals

9 Which is not the type of communication channel
A Speaking, listening
B Writing, reading
C Visualizing, observing
D Thinking, acting

Answer: Thinking, acting

10 English language communication skills are
A listening, thinking, speaking, reading
B listening, speaking, skimming, reading
C listening, speaking, reading, writing
D Thinking, skimming, reading, writing

Answer: listening, speaking, reading, writing

11 The kinds of sounds are
A Consonant sounds, oral sounds
B Oral sounds, vowel sound
C Verbal sounds, consonant sounds
D consonant sounds, vowel sounds

Answer: consonant sounds, vowel sounds

12 Orthography means
A Speaking system
B Listening system
C Writing system
D Reading system

Answer: Writing system

13 Arbitrariness means
A chosen with reason
B chosen without reason
C random selection
D rationale

Answer: chosen without reason

14 Listening means
A lending ear
B lending ear to spoken words
C lending ear to spoken words to understand message
D hearing the sounds around

Answer: lending ear to spoken words to understand message

15 The first step in listening is

A short term memory
B long term memory
C prediction
D perception and decoding

Answer: perception and decoding

16 STM stand for
A short time memory
B short term memory
C short time message
D short term message

Answer: short term memory

17 LTM stands for
A long term memory
B long time memory
C long term message
D long time message

Answer: long term memory

18 Global listening is also called as
A intensive listening
B extensive listening
C discrete listening
D listening for detail

Answer: extensive listening

19 Skimming means reading quickly to know
A what is it about
B specific piece of information
C full understanding of text
D none of the above

Answer: what is it about

20 Scanning means reading quickly to know
A what is about
B specific piece of information
C full understanding of t ext
D None of these

Answer: specific piece of information

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Educational Management Quiz | Educational Management Objective Type Questions and Answers
Home/General Knowledge/educational management objective type questions and answers

21 Which is not true about lesson plan
A It is develops confidence
B It helps in orderly delivery of contents
C It is developed by students
D It saves from haphazard teaching

Answer: It is developed by students

22 A good drama does not include
A Interesting story
B Alive dialogues
C Very long play
D Subject full of feelings

Answer: Very long play

23 Which is not the objective of Drama/ role play

A Recreation and enjoyment
B Development of social skills
C Development of skills of conversation
D Do make rehearsals

Answer: Do make rehearsals

24 Effective school environment is mostly effected by:
A Meeting pupil needs
B Empowering staff
C Friendly environment
D Monthly meetings

Answer: Friendly environment

25 Which is not the types of teleconferencing
A Audio teleconferencing
B Video teleconferencing
C T.V teleconferencing
D Computer teleconferencing

Answer: T.V teleconferencing

26 Cooperative learning is an alternative to
A competitive models
B Teaching models
C lesson plans
D Micro teaching

Answer: competitive models

27 The essential characteristic of cooperative learning is

A Effective learning
B Positive interdependence
C Cooperation
D None Of The Above

Answer: Positive interdependence

28 Which is not the advantage of team teaching
A Better utilization of resources
B Better planning
C Better use of teaching techniques
D Better financial benefits of teachers

Answer: Better financial benefits of teachers

29 The hypothesis underlying team teaching is
A Teachers feel bore while working alone
B Teachers are not competent
C The best teachers in schools are shared by more students
D The single teacher cannot control the class

Answer: The best teachers in schools are shared by more students

41 In teaching experienced members guide the immature one’
s for
A Spending time
B Qualification
C Quality of life
D Adjustment of life

Answer: Adjustment of life

42 Which is not the focal point of triangular process of teaching
A Teaching method
B Teacher
C Pupil
D None of these

Answer: Teaching method

43 The goal of teaching is

A to give information
B To involve pupils in activities
C To impart knowledge
D Desirable change in behavior

Answer: Desirable change in behavior

44 The rules of presenting the contents to make them easy are called
A Method of teaching
B Maxims of teaching
C Techniques of teaching
D Teaching strategies

Answer: Maxims of teaching

45 SOLO stands for
A System of the observed learning outcome
B structure of the observed learning output
C Structure of the observed learning outcome
D System of the observed learning output

Answer: Structure of the observed learning outcome

46 With reference to solo taxonomy one aspect of a task is understood in
A Unistructural level
B Multistructural level
C Rational level
D Extended abstract level

Answer: Unistructural level

47 Two or more aspects are understood in

A Unistructural lever
B Multistructural level
C Rational level
D Extended abstract level

Answer: Multistructural level

48 Integration is developed between two or more Aspects
A Unistructural level
B Multistructural level
C Rational level
D Extended abstract level

Answer: Rational level

49 To go beyond the given information is
A Unistructural level
B Multistructural level
C Rational level
D Extended abstract level

Answer: Extended abstract level

50 Symposium is a type of
A Discovery method
B Discussion method
C Lecture method
D Demonstration method
Answer: Discussion method
51 Arm strong was the exponent of
A Problem solving method
B Project method
C Discussion method
D Heuristic method

Answer: Heuristic method

52 Activity involves
A Physical action
B Mental action
C Physical and mental action
D Reading system

Answer: Physical and mental action

53 We move from specific to general in
A Inductive method
B Deductive method
C Drill method
D Discussion method

Answer: Inductive method

54 Practice is made in
A Inductive method
B Deductive method
C Drill method
D Discussion method

Answer: Drill method

55 The Socratic method is known as
A Lecture demonstration method
B Discussion method
C Inquiry method
D Question- Answer method

Answer: Question- Answer method

56 Which is not true about projects

A It is a purposeful activity
B It is proceeded in social environment
C It is accomplished in real life
D It is teacher centred activity
Answer: It is teacher centred activity
57 Duration of lessons in macro- lesson plans is
A 5-10 min
B 10-20 min
C 20-30 min
D 35-45 min

Answer: 35-45 min

58 In British approach of lesson planning, more emphasis is on
A Activity
B Teacher
C Content presentation
D Teacher and content presentation

Answer: Teacher and content presentation

59 American approach emphasizes
A Teacher
B Content presentation
C Learning objectives
D Methods

Answer: Learning objectives

60 Which one is not the type of lesson plans on the basis of objectives
A Micro lesson plan
B Cognitive lesson plan
C Affective lesson plan
D Psychomotor lesson paln

Answer: Micro lesson plan

HomePedagogy MCQsPedagogy MCQs Set 2

Pedagogy MCQs Set 2
M Zahid11/18/2017 04:13:00 AM

Pedagogy mcqs, pedagogy mcqs for nts, instructional planning mcqs, pedagogy mcqs for nts with answers set 2.
Pedagogy, study of teaching techniques, such as the aims of education and the methods in which such goals may
be achieved. The field relies closely on educational psychology, which encompasses scientific theories of
learning, and to a degree on the philosophy of education, which considers the aims and value of education from
a philosophical perspective. The theory and practice of teaching, comes from the Greek word for boy or child—
paidos , and agogos , meaning leader. The process of the leader guiding children to knowledge is synonymous
with pedagogy ( Knowles, 1970 ).

Instructional planning mcqs, strategies, learning environment and pedagogy mcqs is the compulsory portion of
every educator post nts test. This portion consists of 10 questions. Mostly questions are taking from B.Ed level
course. Every individual who want to appear in educators jobs test should prepare it before appearing in the test.
According to nts pattern we start the pedagogy multiple choice questions with answers series which contains
questions from previous educators nts test. Every mcq set of this series consist 25 questions with their answers.
Keep visiting our site we update it daily.

Instructional Planning, Strategies, Learning Environment, Pedagogy Mcqs Set 2

1. Which of the following is an approach to educational planning ? ?
A). Social Demand approach
B). Man-power approach
C). Both (A) and (B)
D). None of the above
View AnswerCorrect: C

2. Institutional planning should be based on_____?

A). Time table
B). Administration
C). Aim and needs
D). Class rooms
View AnswerCorrect: C

3. In which of the following instructional procedure is the main component?

A). Synthetics teaching model
B). Basic teaching model
C). Inductive model
D). Social-stimulation
View AnswerCorrect: B

4. Which of the following expectation students have from group learning?

A). To distribute the work equally
B). To attract isolated student towards the group
C). To ignore individual view point
D). To get appreciation from the group
View AnswerCorrect: B

5. In order to modify the undesirable behavior of a student the most effective method is?
A). To bring it to the notice of parents
B). To punish the student
C). To find out the reasons for the undesirable behavior and provide remedies
D). To ignore it
View AnswerCorrect: C
6. "Man is born free but everywhere he is in chains" This statement has been given by?
A). Jean Jacques Rousseau
B). John Dewey
C). Abraham Maslow
D). W. I-I. Kilpatrick
View AnswerCorrect: A

7. Which one of the following is not a principle of a good time table?

B). Variety
C). Coordination of efforts
D). Ruthless master
View AnswerCorrect: D

8. The reason of absence and escape from school of the students is______?
A). Poor method of teaching
B). Ineffective teacher
C). Lack of interest in syllabus
D). All the above
View AnswerCorrect:

9. Which of the following aspects is discussed in a Teacher’

s diary?
A). Teaching Content
B). Class Time Table
C). Teacher information
D). All of the above
View AnswerCorrect: D

10. In teaching experienced members guide the immature one’

s for?
A). Qualification
B). Spending time
C). Quality of life
D). Adjustment of life
View AnswerCorrect: D

11. Which is not the focal point of triangular process of teaching?

A). Teacher
B). Pupil
C). Contents
D). Teaching method
View AnswerCorrect: D

12. The goal of teaching is?

A). To involve pupils in activities
B). To impart knowledge
C). Desirable change in behavior
D). To give information
View AnswerCorrect: C

13. The rules of presenting the contents to make them easy are called______?
A). Maxims of teaching
B). Techniques of teaching
C). Teaching strategies
D). Method of teaching
View AnswerCorrect: A

14. SOLO stands for_______?

A). System of the observed learning output
B). Structure of the observed learning outcome
C). Structure of the observed learning output
D). System of the observed learning outcome
View AnswerCorrect: B

15. With reference to solo taxonomy one aspect of a task is understood in?
A). Unistructural level
B). Multistructural level
C). Rational level
D). Extended abstract level
View AnswerCorrect: A

16. A program of activities which is designed to attain educational ends is?

A). Learning
B). Syllabi
C). Curriculum
D). Instruction
View AnswerCorrect: C

17. The level of school administration can best be judged through?

A). Beautiful building
B). Head teacher
C). Learning outcomes
D). Teachers students relations
View AnswerCorrect: C

18. Coordinating , stimulating and directing the growth of teacher is the purpose of?
A). Administration
B). Inspection
C). Supervision
D). Management
View AnswerCorrect: B

19. What is the most important element of non formal education?

A). Teacher
B). Student
C). Media
D). School
View AnswerCorrect: C

20. The sum of curricular and co-curricular activities is?

A). Curriculum
B). Aim
C). Pedagogy
D). Summative evaluation
View AnswerCorrect: A

21. Pedagogy is concerned with______?

A). Aims
B). Content
C). Teaching Methods
D). Evaluation
View AnswerCorrect: C

22. In educational process which one is evaluated_____?

A). Content
B). Methods
C). Aim
D). All of the above
View AnswerCorrect:

23. The number of domains in taxonomies of educational objective is?

A). Two
B). Three
C). Five
D). Six
View AnswerCorrect: B

24. Which domain is concerned with physical and motor skills?

A). Cognitive Domain
B). Affective Domain
C). Psychomotor domain
D). None of above
View AnswerCorrect: C
25. Teacher performs practically and explains in______?
A). Lecture method
B). Discovery method
C). Demonstration method
D). Problem solving method
View AnswerCorrect: C
HomePedagogy MCQsPedagogy MCQs Set 4
Pedagogy MCQs Set 4
M Zahid11/18/2017 07:48:00 PM

Instructional planning mcqs, pedagogy mcqs with answers, educational strategies, learning environment,
pedagogy NTS notes, pedagogy multiple choice questions with answers set 4. Bloom's taxonomy is a set of
three hierarchical models used to categorise educational learning goals into levels of complexity and specificity.
The three lists cover the learning objectives in cognitive, affective and sensory domains. The cognitive domain
list has been the primary cognizance of most traditional education and is frequently used to structure curriculum
learning objectives, assessments and activities. The models were named after Benjamin Bloom, who chaired the
committee of educators that devised the taxonomy.

The following pedagogy mcqs set covers the various questions related to pedagogy and instructional planning
sub topics such as taxonomies, teacher character, teaching techniques, teaching strategies, teaching methods,
classroom management, social vales, moral values and methods of teaching. Pedagogy is the compulsory
portion of every educator post NTS test. This portion consists of 10 questions. Every individual, job seeker who
want to appear in educators jobs test should prepare it before appearing in the test.

Instructional Planning Mcqs, Strategies, Learning Environment, Pedagogy Mcqs Set 4

1. When the students try to solve the questions in same or different ways as thought by the teacher from
prescribed books then the student should be?
A). Suggested to talk with their teacher after the period
B). Suggested to follow the classroom notes in order to get good marks in the examination
C). Encouraged to consult some other books and the subject
D). Discouraged to consult some other books and the subject
View AnswerCorrect: C

2. The experienced teachers do not require The detailed lesson plan of a topic because:
A). When they commit some mistake, they do not face any challenge from their students
B). The number of curious students is very poor in the class
C). They can equip themselves with brief outline as they gain specialization in it through experience
D). They can teach in a good manner without its help
View AnswerCorrect: C
3. The problem of dropout in which students leave their schooling in early years can be tackled in a better way
A). Sympathy of teachers
B). Encouragement of the students
C). Reduction of the weight of Curriculum
D). Attractive School environment
View AnswerCorrect: B

4. A teacher can develop social values among Students by?

A). Behaving ideally
B). Telling them about great people
C). Telling them good stories
D). Developing sense of discipline
View AnswerCorrect: A

5. A teacher asks the questions in the class to___?

A). Teach to the students
B). Attract students attention
C). Keep students busy
D). Maintain discipline
View AnswerCorrect: B

6. The most important indicator of quality of education in a school is______?

A). Infrastructural facilities of a school
B). Text books and teaching learning material
C). Classroom system
D). Student achievement level
View AnswerCorrect: D

7. The best remedy of the students problem related with learning is_____?
A). Suggestion for private tuition
B). Diagnostic teaching
C). Suggestion for hard work
D). Supervised study in library
View AnswerCorrect: B

8. When the students failed, it can be understood that_____?

A). The individual student's failure
B). The teacher's failure
C). The system has failed
D). The textbooks failure
View AnswerCorrect: A

9. It is advantage of giving homework that students:

A). May develop habit of self study
B). Remain busy at home
C). May be checked for their progress
D). Study at home
View AnswerCorrect: A

10. The essential element of the syllabus for the children remained out of school should be____?
A). Numerical competencies
B). Vocational competencies
C). Life skills
D). Literacy competencies
View AnswerCorrect: B

11. They priority to girls education should be given because_____?

A). The girls were badly discriminated in favour of boys in the past
B). The girls are more intelligent in comparison than the boys
C). Only girls are capable of leading for social change
D). The girls are lesser in number than boys
View AnswerCorrect: C

12. The purpose of new education policy in Pakistan is____?

A). To delink the degree with education
B). To link to the education with employment
C). To provide equal opportunity of education to all
D). To improve the whole education system
View AnswerCorrect: D

13. To raise the standard of education in Pakistan it is necessary?

A). To evaluate students continuously
B). To revise curriculum
C). To make good school building
D). None of these
View AnswerCorrect: A

14. What is most important for a good teacher?

A). To be a good orator
B). To remove difficulties of students
C). To be punctual in class
D). To maintain discipline in class
View AnswerCorrect: B

15. Why students should play games in school?

A). It makes them physically strong
B). It makes work easier for teacher
C). It develops co-operation and physical balance
D). It makes them mentally strong
View AnswerCorrect: C

16. The in-service teacher training can be made more effective by_____?
A). Practicing training follow up procedure
B). Using co-operative approach
C). Making it a residential program
D). Using training package which is well prepared in advance
View AnswerCorrect: A

17. A teacher has serious defeat if he/she_____?

A). Has immature mental development
B). Has weak personality
C). Belongs to low socio-economic status
D). Is physically handicapped
View AnswerCorrect: A
The education you have obtained so far___?
A). Has been a time passing phase
B). Has been useful and valuable
C). Has increased your crazy for wealth
D). Has been devoid of moral values
View AnswerCorrect: B

2. Good education is highly helpful___?

A). In man's attempt for earning his livelihood
B). In making a person self-dependent
C). In making the person a scholar
D). In increasing the person Prestige
View AnswerCorrect: B

3. Your education is successful if____?

A). It gives you self satisfaction
B). It increases your respect
C). It benefits others
D). It helps in getting employment for you
View AnswerCorrect: A

4. Education provides the greatest help____?

A). In the social development of a boy
B). In the mental development of the boy
C). In the moral development of the boy
D). In the integrated development of the boy's personality
View AnswerCorrect: D
5. For the effective and successful teaching the most necessary things is____?
A). To use the blackboard as much as possible
B). To use a literature language as much as possible
C). To elaborate the subject through practical examples

D). To dictate the maximum numbers of notes to students

View AnswerCorrect: B

6. The teaching imparted download to students can be effective if____?

A). The teacher has deep knowledge of his subject
B). The students have interest in the subject
C). The teaching is given according to the mental levels of the students
D). The same lesson is repeated again and again
View AnswerCorrect: C

7. Before starting a new lesson the old one should be repeatable because:
A). The new lesson in easily understood if it is related to the previous one
B). The ability of the students is tested
C). The students come to school after running the previous lesson in their homes
D). It is helpful in maintaining the discipline in the classroom
View AnswerCorrect: A

8. In making good education a thing of heart, greatly helpful is:

A). English
B). Mother tongue
C). National language
D). Above mentioned
View AnswerCorrect: C

9. The proper system for education is?

A). The examination system with books
B). Semester system
C). Objective question paper
D). The present examination system
View AnswerCorrect: B

10. The curriculum can be made more useful______?

A). By Pakistan history
B). By local knowledge
C). By Pakistan's geographical knowledge
D). By Pakistan's culture knowledge
View AnswerCorrect: D
11. For the all round development of boys the necessary things is______?
A). Cultural programme
B). Religious education
C). Cultural knowledge
D). Games and sports
View AnswerCorrect: B

12. The meaning of the integrated development of personality is?

A). The adoption of the scientific and systematic attitude
B). To work with co-operation and friendliness to all
C). That there should be such adjustment of knowledge, thinking and activities of the person as may lead to the
successful performance of the work

D). That the person's behavior towards his colleagues be well balanced
View AnswerCorrect: C

13. The aim of guidance service in education and job seeking is?
A). To impart education which is fit and according to the person
B). To select the job according to the merit of the person
C). To solve the problem which is in education and the job
D). To create the insight and understanding in the person in such a way that he may himself take decision
View AnswerCorrect: D

14. After a lesson has been completely finished the important things on the part of a teacher is____?
A). To advise to learn the lesson by heart
B). To tell an interesting story
C). To thank his students
D). To summarise the main points of the lesson
View AnswerCorrect: D

15. The teachers job is to teach the subject efficiently and also to find out______?
A). If students are sitting properly
B). If students are well dressed
C). If students are silently listening to him
D). If students are understanding what he is teaching
View AnswerCorrect: D

16. To evaluate whether his teaching is effective the teacher should in the mid of his teaching______?
A). Humor the students
B). Expel the dull student
C). Put relevant questions
D). Make discouraging remarks about the inattentive boys
View AnswerCorrect: C

17. If the subject is somewhat dry, taxing and thought engaging the teacher should?
A). Tell the students about the difficult nature of the subject
B). Advise his students to be very serious
C). Explain the subject with pleasing and practical examples and make it interesting to the students
D). Persuade the boys to leave the subject
View AnswerCorrect: C

18. In a classroom students are of different mental levels and capacities and the teacher's function is?
A). To encourage the intelligent and discourage the weak
B). To have sympathetic attitude towards all
C). To treat the dull boys with bad remarks
D). To Praise the intelligent boy too much
View AnswerCorrect: B

19. The most important quality of a successful teacher is______?

A). That he should be very serious while teaching
B). That he should have deep knowledge of his subject
C). That he should feel delight in teaching
D). That he should impress students of his scholarship
View AnswerCorrect: C

20. The essential element for discipline in the classroom is?

A). The ideal and scholarly personality of the teacher
B). The well dressed personality of the teacher
C). The serious nature of the teacher
D). The dignified cadre of the teacher
View AnswerCorrect: A

21. In order to maintain discipline the essential thing is?

A). To imposed rigid restrictions upon students
B). To give complete licence to students
C). To follow the midway between rigid restrictions and complete licence
D). To make students aware of hard punishment
View AnswerCorrect: C

22. For the successful language-teaching the most important thing is______?
A). To lay emphasizes on writing letters
B). To lay emphasizes and reading magazines
C). To lay emphasis on listening to the speeches of leaders
D). To create linguistic environment at homes and the school
View AnswerCorrect: D
23. The most honest psychological function of the teacher is_____?
A). That he should develop community-feelings
B). That he should inculcate the spirit of nationalism
C). That he should develop racial feelings
D). That he should create faith in the unity of all life
View AnswerCorrect: D

24. The truest education of the boy is____ ?

A). That which creates rigid national attitude
B). That which creates global attitude
C). That which creates institutionalized religious attitude
D). That which creates anti-religious and scientific attitude
View AnswerCorrect: B

25. Being a teacher you want to write a book on the subject you teach, you will____?
A). Select relevant material from the library in your vacation and incorporate the same in your original thought
B). Arrange and serialize the material in accordance with the levels of students and seek suggestions and advice
from your experienced colleagues
C). Study the related book available in the market and try to understand their shortcomings
D). follow all the above 3 steps
View AnswerCorrect: D

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