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OMICRON PTL Basler BE1-11f Feeder PTT User Manual


Basler BE1-11f Feeder PTT

User Manual


© OMICRON electronics GmbH 1/5

OMICRON PTL Basler BE1-11f Feeder PTT User Manual

1. General ............................................................................................................................................ 3
1.1 Supported Relays........................................................................................................................... 3
2. Software and Hardware Requirements........................................................................................... 3
3. Hardware ......................................................................................................................................... 4
4. Functional Range ............................................................................................................................ 5
5. XRIO Converter ............................................................................................................................... 5
5.1 Addition Information ....................................................................................................................... 5
5.1.1 Test Tolerance ......................................................................................................................... 5
5.1.2 Test Condition for OC ............................................................................................................... 5

© OMICRON electronics GmbH 2/5

OMICRON PTL Basler BE1-11f Feeder PTT User Manual

1. General
This user manual describes details of testing Basler BE1-11f relays with the OMICRON
Protection Test Template. General information on the usage of OMICRON Protection Testing Library
items can be found in the OMICRON PTL user manual.

The template has been tested with the following relay:

Manufacturer: Basler
Model: BE1-11f

1.1 Supported Relays

The following relays can be tested with the Protection Test Template:
 Only BE1-11f

2. Software and Hardware Requirements

To use this template, you must have a valid test license for the OMICRON Test Universe 2.41 SR1
software or higher versions and the following test modules:
 Control Center
 Quick CMC
 Overcurrent
 State Sequencer

Any CMC test set can be used with this Protection Test Template.

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OMICRON PTL Basler BE1-11f Feeder PTT User Manual

3. Hardware
There are multiple possibilities of wiring a BE1-11f relay to a CMC test set. The advised connections are
shown in Figure 1. These connections are the default settings in the Hardware Configuration of the PTT.

. Connection for Basler BE1-11f

VX •



Figure 1: Connection for BE1-11f

Note: Please loop through the 4th CT [IN] for testing the 3I0 and IG Overcurrent elements, if the following
67N polarization settings are used:

1. V0IN
2. V0IG

Otherwise connect the relay to the CMC according to the relay manual applications.

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OMICRON PTL Basler BE1-11f Feeder PTT User Manual

4. Functional Range
Supported functions:
 Instantaneous Overcurrent (50-1) till (50-6)
 Inverse Overcurrent (51-1) till (51-7)
 Polarization (67N)

Not supported functions:

 Sync-Check (25)
 Undervoltage Protection (27)
 Overvoltage Protection (59)
 Frequency Protection (81)
 Breaker Fail (50BF)
 Power Protection (32)
 Recloser (79)

The following relay parameters are not supported:

 Inverse Overcurrent curve type "46", "T1","T2","T3" and "T4".
 Phase VT Connection:
o AN
o BN
o CN
o AB
o BC
o CA
 Aux VT Connection:
o AN
o BN
o CN
o AB
o BC
o CA

5. XRIO Converter
The Test Object already contains the BASLER BE1-11f XRIO Converter, which includes setting
parameters of the modelled protection relay. The setting parameters are built as an image of the
BESTCOMS for BE1-11f software.

5.1 Addition Information

5.1.1 Test Tolerance

Two parameters in this test block can be set to increase and decrease the relay tolerance for testing

5.1.2 Test Condition for OC

The parameters in this block are used to define the testing condition, for instance, Fault Voltage, Pre-fault
Current and Pre-fault Time.

The pre-defined test point for testing the tripping time in Overcurrent module are set at 0.9 and 1.1 of the
pickup value . The converter also includes two more test point for testing the IDMT curve. The specific
values can be entered.

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