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SWOT Analysis

SWOT analysis, is a strategic planning tool to evaluate the Strengths,

Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats involved in a project or in a business
venture. It involves specifying the objective of the project or business venture
and identifying the internal and external factors that are favorable and
unfavorable to achieve the objectives. The aim of the SWOT analysis is to
identify the key internal factors (strengths, weaknesses) which are controllable
and external factors (opportunities, threats) which are uncontrollable.


Strengths are attributes of the organization that are helpful to achieve the
organizational objectives. Strength of the credit department of Bangladesh
Rupali Bank, Mohammadpur Branch are as follows:

     Strictly follow ethical banking practices.

     Bank have many attractive deposit schemes.
     Provide speedy customer service at a very competitive cost.
     Deal with customers in a transparent manner and without any hidden cost.
     Maintain strict secrecy of customer account.
     Deal quickly with complaints received from customers.
     There is no discrimination on grounds of religion, sex or race at any stage.


Weaknesses are attributes of the organization that are harmful of to achieve

the organization’s objectives. Some weaknesses of the credit department of
Bangladesh Rupali Bank, Mohammadpur Branch are as follows:

     The management of this Branch says that they conduct interest-free

banking but in actual the Branch has not abolished interest. They only
changed the nomenclature of their transactions.
     It has not yet been successful in devising an interest-free mechanism to
place their funds.
     According to the Bangladesh Bank guidelines the spread between the FDR
rate and loan against FDR rate should not more than 3%. But the bank some
times charge more than that spread rate for loan.
     BKB, ID Branch do not have the necessary expertise and trained
manpower to appraise, monitor, evaluate and audit the projects they are
required to finance.
     Higher interest rate in case of consumer loan.
     Guidelines provided by Bangladesh Bank do not followed properly.
     Lack of online banking.

Internal conditions those are helpful to achieve organization’s objectives.

Some opportunities of the credit department of Bangladesh Rupali Bank are
as follows:

     The population of Bangladesh is continuously increasing at a rate of 7.3%

per annum. The country’s growing population is gradually and increasingly
learning to adaptation of consumer finance. Lower interest rate for financing
consumer can attract a large number of consumers.


External factor can work as barrier to achieve the organization objectives.

Some threats of Bangladesh Rupali Bank are as follows.

     Numbers of domestic private banks and foreign banks are increasing day
by day which are providing efficient modern services and they continuously
innovating new product.
     Foreign banks are occupying markets by various attractive advertising and
promotional activities.
     Restless political condition in Bangladesh becomes a serious threat for
     Current law and order situation is not positive for the investment part.
     Pessimistic representation to the government and Bangladesh Bank.


As a bank Rupali Bank Limited has to do a lot of things for the betterment of
the country.

It will enhance more public services and build up working teams to provide the
best services to its valuable customers. It must be run in organized way and
discipline must be ensured in all sphere of its performance.
Objectives Of the Report:

The primary objective of this report is to provide overviews on the function of

Rupali Bank Ltd. Objectives of the study are summarized in the following

 To explore General Banking activities of Rupali Bank Ltd.

 To gain comprehensive knowledge about the present General banking
scenario of Rupali Bank.
 To identify the existing problems of the stated department.
 Giving suggestion for betterment
 To know about remittance.

 Historical Background of Rupali Bank Ltd.

 Rupali Bank Ltd. was constituted with the merger of 3 (three) erstwhile
commercial banks i.e. Muslim Commercial Bank Ltd., Australasia Bank
Ltd. and Standard Bank Ltd. operated in the then Pakistan on March 26,
1972 under the Bangladesh Banks (Nationalization) Order 1972 (P.O.
No. 26 of 1972), with all their assets, benefits, rights, powers,
authorities, privileges, liabilities, borrowings and obligations. Rupali
Bank worked as a nationalized commercial bank till December13, 1986.
Rupali Bank Ltd. emerged as the largest Public Limited Banking
Company of the country on December 14, 1986.
Historical Background

Rupali Bank Ltd. was constituted with the merger of 3 (three) erstwhile
commercial banks i.e. Muslim Commercial  Bank Ltd. Australasia Bank Ltd.
and Standard Banks Ltd. operated in the then Pakistan on March 26, 1972
under the Bangladesh Banks (Nationalization) Order 1972 (P.O. No. 26 of
1972), with all their assets, benefits, rights, powers, authorities, privileges,
liabilities, borrowings and obligations. Rupali Bank worked as a nationalized
commercial bank till December 13, 1986.

Rupali Bank Ltd. emerged as the largest Public Limited Banking Company of
the country on December 14, 1986.


Rupali Bank Ltd. dreams poverty free Bangladesh, where sports & athletics,
science and education, health and hygiene, clean and pollution free
environment and above all a society based on morality make all our lives
worth living.


 The Bank participates actively in socio-economic development of the country

by performing commercially viable and socially desirable banking functions.
 Develop Long-term relationships that help our customers achieve financial
 Offer rewarding career opportunities and cultivate staff commitments.

Core Values

* Social Responsibility

* Performance
* Integrity

* Respect

* Innovation

* Teamwork

Guidelines  Principles of Rupali Bank Ltd.

 Transparency and accountability.

 Zero tolerance on corruption and inefficiency
 Flexibility in operation
 Constant review of clients’ performance
 Other guiding principles includes decentralization and devolution, defining
roles and responsibilities, use of state of art modern technologies, bottom-up
approach in planning, partnership etc.

Strategic Objectives

 Develop a customer oriented service culture with special emphasis on

customer care and convenience.
 Increase our market share by following a disciplined growth strategy.
 Achieve a significant share of deposit and credits from the existing and niche
 Leverage our technology platform and pen scalable systems to achieve cost-
effective operations, efficient MIS, improved delivery capability and high
service standards.
 Develop innovative products and services that attract our targeted customers
and market segments.
 Maintain a high quality assets portfolio to achieve strong and Sustainable
returns and to continuously  build shareholders’ value.
 Strengthen the bank’s brand recognition.
 Explore new avenues for growth and profitability, particularly by diversifying
loan portfolio through structured finance and expansion of retail and SME

Organization Structure

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