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Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology (2002) 61, 227±236

doi:10.1006/pmpp.2002.0435, available online at on

Hydrogen peroxide plays a critical role in the defence response of tomato

to Cladosporium fulvum

S T E P H A N IE B O R D E N * and V E R N A J . HI G G I N S {
Department of Botany, University of Toronto, 25 Willcocks Street, Toronto, Ontario M5S 3B2, Canada

(Accepted for publication 12 August 2002)

The presence and localization of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in compatible and incompatible interactions
of Cladosporium fulvum and tomato were studied by light microscopy using the histochemical stain 3, 30 -
diaminobenzidine (DAB). To obtain synchronous development of the fungus, inoculation of tomato was
by injection of conidia into the intercellular area of the spongy mesophyll. Conidia were suspended in
scavengers of reactive oxygen species (ROS), i.e., catalase (CAT), superoxide dismutase (SOD), and
mannitol, or the nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) oxidase inhibitor, diphenylene
iodonium (DPI), at the time of inoculation. Conidia and initial germ tubes in compatible and
incompatible interactions caused a localized host reaction characterized by H2O2 production and a
variety of plant responses which included protein cross-linking, callose deposition, and accumulation of
phenolic compounds. Further growth of an avirulent race was restricted by similar host responses whereas,
hyphae of a virulent race grew as in a normal compatible interaction. In the incompatible interaction,
treatment with CAT, SOD, or DPI generally resulted in increased fungal length and a decrease in the
percentage of sites with host responses. These results support previous suggestions for this host±pathogen
system of a critical role for ROS in limiting colonization, and this appears to be partly as a signal molecule
for plant defence responses. *c 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: reactive oxygen species; catalase; superoxide dismutase; callose; cross-linked proteins;
phenolics; Lycopersicon esculentum; disease resistance.

INTRODUCTION occurring following perception of an avirulent pathogen

by host cells include reinforcement of the cell wall,
The Cladosporium fulvum±tomato interaction is a well-
production of potentially antimicrobial compounds such
described model system to study plant±pathogen inter-
as phytoalexins and pathogenesis-related (PR) proteins,
actions [20]. This interaction is based on a typical
cell death, and induction of the rapid generation of
gene-for-gene relationship, i.e. for each dominant resis- reactive oxygen species (ROS). The C. fulvum±tomato
tance (R) gene present in the plant, there is a matching interaction is typical of this model and all of the typical
dominant avirulence (Avr) gene present in the fungus [12]. defence responses have been characterized, although not
Resistance in a gene-for-gene interaction occurs when an all incompatible interactions result in cell death [14].
elicitor, the product of an Avr gene in the pathogen, and Although, binding of elicitor by the R gene product is
the product of the corresponding resistance gene in the suggested, there is no evidence for speci®c binding
plant, interact directly or indirectly and trigger the between Avr and resistance gene products in the
activation of an array of plant defence responses which C. fulvum±tomato interaction [28].
result in an incompatible interaction [22]. Plant responses One of the earliest plant responses to pathogens is the
rapid generation of ROS, such as O2 , H2O2, and HO.
* E-mail:
{ To whom all correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: [3, 39]. Various enzyme systems have been proposed as the source for ROS in plants including a pH-dependent
Abbreviations used in the text: CAT, catalase; DAB, 3, 30 - cell wall peroxidase and/or a nicotinamide adenine
diaminobenzidine; DIC, di€erential interference contrast; dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) oxidase system similar
DMSO, dimethyl sulfoxide; DPI, diphenylene iodonium; to the system found in mammalian neutrophils [4, 26,
MES, 2-[N-morpholino] ethanesulfonic acid; NADPH, nicoti-
namide adenine dinucleotide phosphate; NBT, nitroblue tetra- 44]. In the C. fulvum±tomato interaction, there is evidence
zolium; p.i., post inoculation; ROS, reactive oxygen species; that suggests a NADPH oxidase system is responsible for
SDS, sodium dodecylsulphate; SOD, superoxide dismutase. production of ROS [36, 46].
0885-5765/02/$ - see front matter *
c 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
228 S. Borden and V. J. Higgins
Accumulation of ROS after pathogen attack is proposed Premier Horticulture Inc., PA, U.S.A.). Plants were
to contribute to a variety of types of defence, including grown in a growth room with a 16 h photoperiod
functioning as an antimicrobial compound [27, 35, 45], as (200 mE m 2 s 1) and a temperature of 228C.
a facilitator of the formation of cell wall barriers through Race 2.3 of C. fulvum (isolate # 54UT) used in this study
oxidative cross-linking of cell wall structural proteins was originally isolated from cv. Vendor in a southern
[5, 6], as an inducer of host cell death [25], and as a Ontario greenhouse in 1980, and maintained at 808C in
secondary signal molecule to activate further defence 50 % glycerol. Fungal cultures were subcultured on V-8
responses [23, 25]. juice agar [32] and maintained at 228C with a 16 h
Most studies investigating the production of ROS in the photoperiod (200 mE m 2 s 1).
C. fulvum±tomato interaction have used race-speci®c
elicitors to treat suspension cultured tomato cells [42],
Plant inoculation
cotyledons [29], or whole leaves [27]. In such studies, host
cells are instantly and simultaneously ``assaulted'' by a For cotyledon inoculation, conidia from 14 day old
relatively high concentration of elicitor. These studies do C. fulvum cultures were prepared in sterile 0.05 %
not adequately re¯ect the possible role of ROS in the actual Tween-20 in water and washed by centrifugation three
plant±pathogen interaction where elicitor concentrations times with the ®nal suspension (105 conidia ml 1) in
presumably build up gradually and are very localized. appropriate bu€er with or without pharmacological
The asynchronous nature of stomatal penetration by treatments to reduce ROS. Conidial suspensions were
C. fulvum [24] has made it dicult to quantitate the injected into the abaxial surface of cotyledons of 14 day
frequency of ROS accumulation and other plant old tomato plants using a sterile 30 G1/2 needle on a 1 cc
responses that occur. Although De Wit [9] suggested syringe. Alternatively, cotyledons were spray-inoculated
that guard cells were necessary for initiating the resistant with an atomizer to deliver conidia onto the cotyledon
response in the C. fulvum±tomato interaction, Higgins surface. Inoculated plants were maintained in a high
[16] showed that the expected disease reactions occurred humidity environment at 228C for the duration of the
when tomato lea¯ets were inoculated by injection of experiment, generally 24 or 48 h p.i.
conidia to bypass stomatal penetration. Intercellular
injection of conidia of both virulent and avirulent races
Pharmacological treatments
of C. fulvum into leaf mesophyll induces localized
responses such as cell wall appositions and cell browning All solutions for pharmacological treatments were freshly
[16]. Germ tubes of virulent races, however, soon grow prepared before each experiment, and all were from Sigma
without causing a visible response in mesophyll cells, and Co. (St. Louis, MO, U.S.A.) unless stated otherwise.
these hyphae continue to colonize host tissue without Conidia for injection were suspended in: 1100 U ml 1
further induction of defence responses. In contrast, the CAT (CAT, from Aspergillis niger, EC in 10 mM
growth of avirulent races is quickly arrested [16]. 2-[N-morpholino] ethanesulfonic acid (MES) bu€er, pH
In the present study, the production of ROS was 6.5; 900 U ml 1 superoxide dismutase (SOD, from bovine
examined in planta in tomato plants injection-inoculated erythrocytes; ICN, EC in MES bu€er;
with conidia of C. fulvum with a variety of pharmacologi- 1100 U ml 1 CAT ‡ 900 U ml 1 SOD in MES bu€er;
cal treatments designed to reduce the amount of O2 or 5 mM mannitol in MES bu€er; 5 mM DPI in 0.05 %
H2O2. The e€ect of such treatments on the extent and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO; Sigma). The control for all
localization of H2O2, on fungal growth, and on host cell experiments was 10 mM MES bu€er except for experi-
wall responses was determined. ments with DPI where 0.05 % DMSO was used.

Histological examination
MATERIALS AND METHODS Cotyledons were removed at the petiole at 12, 24, or 48 h
p.i. and were ®xed and decolourized in boiling 95 % (v/v)
Plant and fungal material
ethanol, cleared in chloral hydrate (2.5 g ml 1), mounted
Seeds of tomato cv. Moneymaker (no known genes for on glass slides in modi®ed Hoyer's medium [38], and
resistance to C. fulvum and commonly referred to as Cf-0) examined with an Olympus Provis AX70 microscope
and near-isogenic line Cf-9, produced by multiple sel®ng (Olympus America, Inc., Melville, New York, U.S.A.)
of a line established via ®ve backcrosses, were originally equipped with di€erential interference contrast (DIC)
obtained from I. Boukema, Institute for Horticulture optics. Digital micrographs were captured with a Spot
Plant Breeding, Wageningen, The Netherlands. Seeds digital camera (Diagnostic Instruments Inc., Stearling
were germinated in 9-cell plastic packs containing Heights, MI, U.S.A.) and processed with Image Pro Plus
sterilized soil (Promix, general purpose growing medium, software (Media Cybergenetics, Silver Spring, MD,
Hydrogen peroxide role in response to Cladosporium fulvum 229
U.S.A.). For each experiment, 25 sites were examined cross-linked proteins was detected simultaneously in
from four separate tomato cotyledons from four di€erent inoculated tissue by staining the SDS treated Coomassie
plants (i.e. n ˆ 100). Only injected conidia that were blue stained cotyledons as above with aniline blue. The
deposited beyond the initial wound site were included in number of cell wall±hyphae contact sites with callose,
recorded observations. Hyphal length and the presence or and with both callose and cross-linking was recorded.
absence of visible plant responses associated with host cell Phenolic compounds were detected by toluidine blue
wall±hyphae contact sites were recorded for each site in using a protocol by O'Brien et al. [34]. Inoculated
the treatments. Uninoculated controls were not necessary cotyledons were ®xed and decolourized in boiling 95 %
because of the restriction of observations to wall±hyphae (v/v) ethanol then submerged in 50 mM citrate bu€er pH
contact sites, and as injected areas in which conidia were 3.5, for 1 h, followed by staining with 0.05 % toluidine
absent rarely showed staining or other visible responses. blue (Matheson Coleman and Bell, Norwood, OH,
U.S.A.) in citrate bu€er for 20 min. Phenolic compounds
Detection of hydrogen peroxide and superoxide were visualized as blue/turquoise staining. The number of
cell wall±hyphae contact sites with phenolic compounds
To localize H2O2 and O2 in tomato cotyledons in was recorded.
response to inoculation, an aqueous solution (2 mg ml 1)
of 3,30 -diaminobenzidine (DAB) in MES bu€er or 0.5 %
nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT) in MES bu€er was injected
into the abaxial surface of tomato cotyledons 2 h or Statistical analysis
30 min before sampling, respectively [15]. Hence, the The data presented represent means of hyphal lengths or
stains detected the H2O2 and O2 present when the stains percentages of cell wall±hyphae contact sites calculated
were injected and that accumulating over the next
from 25 reaction sites on each of four cotyledons per
30 min …O2 † or 2 h (H2O2). Tissue was cleared and
treatment. Where necessary, the arcsine transformation
processed as above for histological examination.
was used to normalize data. Comparisons of di€erences
observed in all experiments were made using the Student's
Detection of cross-linked cell wall proteins, callose, t-test where P 4 0.05 was considered signi®cant. All
and phenolics experiments were performed twice with similar results;
typical data from one experiment are shown in each ®gure.
At 12, 24, or 48 h p.i., inoculated cotyledons were pre-
pared for detection of protein cross-linking, callose
deposition, or phenolic accumulation. To visualize infec-
tion sites with H2O2-induced cross-linked proteins, a
modi®ed version [31] of the procedure described by
Thordal-Christensen et al. [41] was used. At various times
p.i., injected cotyledons were ®xed and decolourized in Con®rmation of compatible and incompatible interactions on
boiling 95 % (v/v) ethanol and then, to remove soluble injection inoculation
proteins, were submerged in 1 % SDS for 3 days at 808C.
The SDS-insoluble proteins were subsequently stained Inoculation by means of injection of conidia of C. fulvum
with 0.1 % (w/v) Coomassie blue (Consolidated Labora- was a useful technique to ensure synchronous conidial
tories, Inc., Weston, ON, Canada) in 40 % (v/v) ethanol germination and fungal growth in tomato cotyledons.
and 10 % (v/v) acetic acid for 20 min, followed by After inoculation of Cf-0 and Cf-9 near-isogenic lines of
destaining in 40 % (v/v) ethanol and 10 % (v/v) acetic tomato cv. Moneymaker with conidia of C. fulvum race 2.3,
acid. Tissue was mounted in the destaining solution for the compatible and incompatible interactions were
light microscopy. The number of cell wall±hyphae observed, respectively. Macroscopic signs of disease in
contact sites with dark blue colour, indicating cross-linked the compatible interaction were evident as early as 10 days
proteins, was recorded. after inoculation and included areas of densely sporulating
To detect callose at infection sites, inoculated cotyle- mycelium on the abaxial surface of tomato cotyledons.
dons were ®xed and decolourized in boiling 95 % (v/v) Sporulation, or any other macroscopic evidence of
ethanol, then the tissue was submerged in 0.1 M KPO4 infection, was absent on cotyledons in the incompatible
bu€er, pH 9.0, for 24 h followed by staining in 0.01 % interaction (results not shown). Microscopic examination
aniline blue (Fisher Scienti®c Co., Fair Lawn, NJ, of individual conidia at 24 h p.i. was used routinely as
U.S.A.) in KPO4 bu€er for 2 h. Tissue was mounted in most conidia had germinated but hyphal growth was still
the KPO4 bu€er and examined under blue light limited enough to measure. Sampling at 12 h p.i. was also
epi¯uoresence. Areas of callose deposition ¯uoresce bright used in initial experiments to detect early production of
yellow. For some experiments, the presence of callose and H 2O 2 .
230 S. Borden and V. J. Higgins
Localization of reactive oxygen species cell wall. In a water control, i.e. DAB-minus inoculated
cotyledons, no colouration comparable to that seen with
No localized NBT staining, indicative of the accumulation
DAB was observed at wall appositions near hyphae.
of O2 , was observed in cotyledons at the time points
As early as 12 h p.i., wall appositions with DAB
(12 and 24 h p.i.) examined in either the compatible or
staining were present where the initial germ tubes
incompatible interaction (results not shown). In tissue contacted the epidermal or mesophyll plant cell wall.
with DAB staining to detect H2O2, a reddish-brown to These DAB-stained wall appositions were seen as
yellow precipitate was present at plant cell wall apposi- anticlinal wall thickenings, or as halos if seen on the
tions that had formed near conidia or germ tubes periclinal walls [Fig. 1(a)]. In both interactions most of
[Fig. 1(a) and (b)]. This staining was con®rmed to be the initial germ tubes appeared to stop growing, but
speci®c for H2O2 by co-injection of DAB and CAT into additional germ tubes developed in the compatible
inoculated tomato cotyledons 2 h before sampling. This interaction, and these generally grew without causing
co-injection signi®cantly decreased the percentage of wall wall appositions or DAB staining and generally appeared
appositions with DAB staining in both the compatible and robust [Fig. 1(a)]. In the incompatible interaction,
incompatible interactions (results not shown). A test for additional germ tubes generally caused host reactions
the presence of adequate peroxidase activity, to facilitate with DAB staining similar to that seen with initial germ
the DAB reaction in the cotyledons, involved co-injection tubes [Fig. 1(b)]. For clarity, these additional germ tubes
of uninoculated tissue with DAB and 0.1 M H2O2. In such will be termed the secondary germ tubes to distinguish
cotyledons, DAB staining was seen along the epidermal them from the initial ( primary) germ tubes. The data,

F I G . 1. Light micrographs (DIC optics) of tomato cotyledons injection-inoculated with race 2.3 of C. fulvum illustrating various
plant responses at cell wall±hyphae contact sites in compatible (Cf-0) and incompatible (Cf-9) lines. (Bars, 20 mm). DAB staining,
indicative of H2O2 (small arrowheads), is present at some cell wall±hyphae contact sites in both compatible (a) and incompatible
(b) interactions but was not present around a robust hypha (large arrowhead) in the compatible interaction. Accumulation of
phenolics (c) at a contact site as detected by toluidine blue staining (arrowhead) in an incompatible interaction. Protein cross-
linking (d) as detected by Coomassie blue (arrowheads) is present in the incompatible interaction at contact sites. The presence of
callose (e) in the same tissue as in (d) was indicated by the ¯uorescence of aniline blue under blue light.
Hydrogen peroxide role in response to Cladosporium fulvum 231
however, for wall±hyphae contact sites include both 80
(a) Cf–0 12 hpi (b) Cf–9 12 hpi
primary and secondary hyphae.

Wall-hyphae contact sites with


* * *
E€ect of ROS scavengers and an NADPH oxidase inhibitor

DAB stain (%)

on ROS accumulation and fungal growth
The importance of ROS accumulation in limiting the 80
(c) Cf–0 24 hpi (d) Cf–9 24 hpi
growth of C. fulvum in tomato cotyledons was examined 60
by co-injection of conidia with CAT to reduce H2O2, * * *
SOD to remove O2 , CAT and SOD combined, the HO. 40 * *
scavenger mannitol, and the NADPH oxidase inhibitor 20
DPI into Cf-0 and Cf-9 tomato cotyledons. 0
In the compatible interaction on Cf-0, no signi®cant MES CAT SOD CAT+ MES CAT SOD CAT+
increases in fungal length, as compared to the MES
F I G . 3. The e€ect of the ROS scavengers CAT and SOD on the
control, were observed at 12 or 24 h p.i. in any treatments percentage of cell wall±hyphae contact sites with DAB staining in
[Fig. 2(a) and (c)]. The percentage of hyphae associated compatible (a) and (c) and incompatible (b) and (d) interactions
with DAB staining at cell wall±hyphae contact sites of C. fulvum and tomato at 12 and 24 h p.i. At inoculation, conidia
signi®cantly decreased in SOD and CAT ‡ SOD treat- were suspended in: 1100 U ml 1 CAT in 10 mM MES bu€er,
ments at 24 h p.i. [Fig. 3(c)] but no di€erences were seen 900 U ml 1 SOD, or 1100 ‡ 900 U ml 1 CAT ‡ SOD all in
at 12 h p.i. [Fig. 3(a)] when only a low percentage of MES bu€er. 2 h prior to harvest, DAB (2 mg ml 1) was injected
into cotyledons. Each bar is the mean + SD of four replicates,
sites were DAB-stained. The lag in the appearance of
with 25 sites each. An * indicates that values di€er signi®cantly
DAB staining at sites where hyphae contact the cells, as from the MES control at P 4 0.05.
compared to the incompatible interaction [Fig. 3(b) and
(d)], suggests slower accumulation of H2O2 at these sites
which predominantly involve primary hyphae. At 24 h
p.i., no signi®cant di€erences were seen in mean fungal the percentage of DAB-stained wall appositions near
length in the mannitol treatment, as compared to the hyphae [Fig. 4(c)] as compared to the DMSO control.
control (27.7 + 1.7 and 32.0 + 3.0 mm in control and In the incompatible interaction on Cf-9, no signi®cant
mannitol treatments, respectively). By 12 h p.i., di€erences in fungal length were observed at 12 h p.i., as
DPI treatment of the compatible interaction had no compared to the MES control, however, at 24 h p.i.,
signi®cant e€ect on hyphal length [Fig. 4(a)] or on signi®cant increases in fungal length were observed in all

Length of hyphae

(a) Cf–0 (b) Cf–9

100 (a) Cf–0 12 hpi (b) Cf–9 12 hpi

Mean length of hyphae (µm)

60 20

sites with DAB stain (%)
Wall-hyphae contact

0 (c) Cf–0 (d) Cf–9

100 (c) Cf–0 24 hpi (d) Cf–9 24 hpi
80 * * *
60 10

SOD F I G . 4. The e€ect of the NADPH oxidase inhibitor DPI on
length of hyphae (a) and (b) and the percentage of cell wall±
F I G . 2. The e€ect of the ROS scavengers CAT and SOD on hyphae contact sites with DAB staining (c) and (d) in
length of hyphae in compatible (a) and (c) and incompatible (b) compatible (a) and (c) and incompatible (b) and (d)
and (d) interactions of C. fulvum and tomato at 12 and 24 h p.i. At interactions of C. fulvum and tomato at 12 h p.i. At inoculation,
inoculation, conidia were suspended in: 1100 U ml 1 CAT in conidia were suspended in: 0.05 % DMSO or 5 mM DPI in
10 mM MES bu€er, 900 U ml 1 SOD, or 1100 ‡ 900 U ml 1 DMSO. 2 h prior to harvest DAB (2 mg ml 1) was injected
CAT ‡ SOD all in MES bu€er. Each bar is the mean + SD of into cotyledons. Each bar is the mean + SD of four replicates,
four replicates, with 25 sites each. An * indicates that values di€er with 25 sites each. An * indicates that values di€er signi®cantly
signi®cantly from the MES control at P 4 0.05. from the DMSO control at P 4 0.05.
232 S. Borden and V. J. Higgins
treatments [Fig. 2(b) and (d)]. At 12 h p.i. DAB staining with protein cross-linking at 24 h p.i., as compared to the
[Fig. 3(b)] was strikingly more conspicuous than in the MES control [Fig. 5(a)]. In the incompatible interaction,
compatible interaction [Fig. 3(a)] and the percentage of the percentage of reaction sites with protein cross-linking
DAB-stained sites decreased signi®cantly at both 12 and was markedly higher than in the compatible and was
24 h p.i. in all treatments [Fig. 3(b) and (d)]. In the signi®cantly reduced in both CAT and SOD treatments
mannitol treatment, at 24 h p.i. a small signi®cant at 24 h p.i., as compared to the MES control [Fig. 5(b)].
di€erence was observed in mean fungal length Tomato cotyledons that were spray inoculated, i.e. not
(19.7 + 2.2 mm and 26.0 + 4.3 mm in control and inoculated by means of injection, showed protein cross-
mannitol treatments, respectively). Hyphae in DPI linking reactions in compatible (8 % of stomata) and
treatments grew signi®cantly more [Fig. 4(b)] and were incompatible (66 % of stomata) interactions after stoma-
associated with signi®cantly fewer DAB-stained sites, as tal penetration but, because the SDS treatment to remove
compared to the DMSO control [Fig. 4(d)]. soluble proteins severely disrupts the integrity of the
cotyledon surface, only 50 penetration sites for each
interaction were observed.
Cross-linking of plant cell wall proteins
Cross-linking of plant cell wall proteins to strengthen the
Callose and cross-linked cell wall proteins at contact sites
wall has been suggested to be a defence response that is
mediated by H2O2 [5, 6]. Protein cross-linking was Callose and cross-linked proteins were examined in the
examined in CAT- or SOD-treated, and MES control same tissue at 24 h p.i. using aniline blue and Coomassie
tissue. After treatment of inoculated tomato cotyledons blue, respectively [Figs 1(d), (e) and 5]. Wall appositions
with SDS to remove soluble cell wall proteins, and ¯uoresced bright yellow in aniline blue-stained tissue
staining with Coomassie blue, the remaining insoluble indicating the presence of callose, but was absent in
cross-linked proteins were seen microscopically as blue comparable tissue treated with bu€er alone. Callose was
stained areas at wall appositions [Fig. 1(d)]. In the detected at wall appositions in both compatible and
compatible interaction, CAT and SOD did not cause a incompatible interactions. In the compatible interaction,
signi®cant decrease in the percentage of reaction sites the ROS scavengers CAT and SOD did not signi®cantly
with callose (%) with cross-linking (%)

(b) Cf–9
80 (a) Cf–0
60 * *
Cell wall-hyphae contact sites


(c) Cf–0 (d) Cf–9

40 * *
with cross-linking
and callose (%)

(e) Cf–0 (f) Cf–9


20 * *


F I G . 5. The e€ect of the ROS scavengers CAT and SOD on protein cross-linking (a) and (b), callose (c) and (d), and cross-linking
and callose (e) and ( f) at cell wall±hyphae contact sites in compatible (a), (c), and (e) and incompatible (b), (d), and ( f)
interactions of C. fulvum and tomato at 24 h p.i. At inoculation, conidia were suspended in 1100 U ml 1 CAT in 10 mM MES
bu€er, or 900 U ml 1 SOD in MES bu€er. At sampling time, tissue was prepared for detection of the various responses. Each bar is
the mean + SD of four replicates, with 25 sites each. An * indicates that values di€er signi®cantly from the MES control at
P 4 0.05.
Hydrogen peroxide role in response to Cladosporium fulvum 233
decrease the percentage of infection sites with callose DISCUSSION
alone at 24 h p.i. [Fig. 5(c)]; however, there was a
In the C. fulvum±tomato interaction, it is clear that
signi®cant reduction in the percentage of sites with
following the interaction between the fungal AVR
callose at 48 h p.i. in the SOD treatment, as compared to
product and the host Cf gene product, and subsequent
the MES control (data not shown). In the incompatible
signalling events, many putative defences are activated.
interaction, CAT and SOD treatments both signi®cantly
Phytoalexin production [10, 11], synthesis of chitinases
decreased the percentage of sites with callose almost
and glucanases [21], cell death [14, 24], and the release of
equally at 24 [Fig. 5(d)] and 48 h p.i. (data not shown).
ROS [27, 29, 42] are among the best characterized of
Data on the co-occurrence of callose and cross-linked
these defences. Yet, the extent to which any one of these
proteins [Fig. 5(e) and ( f)], compared with the fre-
changes is involved in limiting growth of the fungus is
quency of occurrence of each [Fig. 5(a)±(d)], indicate
that in the compatible interaction roughly 50 % of
The goal of this study was to determine if ROS
control sites with callose also had cross-linked protein;
produced in the C. fulvum±tomato interaction are involved
in contrast, in the incompatible interaction about 75 % of
directly or indirectly in restricting fungal growth. Previous
control sites with callose also contained cross-linked
data obtained from elicitor treatment of cell suspension
protein. In the compatible interaction, treatment with cultures [42], cotyledons [29], and whole leaves [27]
CAT or SOD did not substantially change the percentage suggested that ROS are involved in plant defence of
of callose sites with cross-linked proteins but the tomato to C. fulvum. However, such studies in which
incompatible interaction had markedly lower percentages elicitors are added once at a relatively high concentration
(CAT: ca 30 %, SOD: ca 50 %). may be unlike the slower, presumably gradual, release of
elicitor by a germ tube. Here the extent and localization of
H2O2 production was facilitated by an inoculation
Phenolic compounds at contact sites method whereby conidia were injected into tomato
cotyledons to circumvent the asynchronous nature of
Toluidine blue staining indicating phenolic compounds stomatal penetration. Initial experiments con®rmed the
was generally detected adjacent to conidia [Fig. 1(c)] and results of Higgins [16] that showed that race speci®city
at wall appositions near fungal hyphae in tomato was retained following injection inoculation. We com-
cotyledons. Phenolic compounds were detected at the pared those histologically detectable events in compatible
same location as callose and cross-linked proteins and and incompatible interactions that occurred following the
were much less frequent in the compatible interaction initial non-race speci®c host cell reaction to the conidia
[Fig. 6(a)] than in the incompatible interaction and initial germ tube. Gene-for-gene speci®c signals
[Fig. 6(b)]. After treatment with CAT, there was no appear to control these subsequent e€ects. In this report,
signi®cant reduction in the percentage of compatible sites C. fulvum race 2.3 (which produces AVR9) was inoculated
with phenolic compounds at 24 h p.i., as compared to the into the susceptible cv. Moneymaker (Cf-0) and the
MES control [Fig. 6(a)]. In the incompatible inter- resistant near-isogenic Cf-9 line. Other experiments with
action, however, there was a signi®cant reduction in the race (which lacks Avr9) on both Cf-0 and Cf-9
percentage of sites with phenolic compounds with CAT plants produced results similar to those reported for race
treatment [Fig. 6(b)]. 2.3 on Cf-0 plants (Borden and Higgins, unpublished
work). The conidial injection technique combined with
sites with phenolics (%)

80 DAB staining allowed a pharmacological approach in

Wall-hyphae contact

(a) Cf–0 (b) Cf–9

which scavengers of H2O2 (CAT) or O2 (SOD) could be
added to the apoplast at the time of inoculation to test
* their e€ect on H2O2 accumulation and hyphal growth
20 simultaneously.
0 In many plant±pathogen interactions ROS are pro-
MES CAT MES CAT duced but the role they play in restriction of fungal
F I G . 6. The e€ect of the ROS scavenger CAT on the percentage growth is not fully elucidated. Some evidence is provided
of cell wall±hyphae contact sites with phenolic compounds in by the occurrence of microbial CATs, which act as
compatible (a) and incompatible (b) interactions of C. fulvum virulence factors during pathogenesis [13, 47]. Mutant
and tomato at 24 h p.i. At inoculation, conidia were suspended strains of Erwinia chrysanthemi de®cient in SOD activity
in 1100 U ml 1 CAT in 10 mM MES bu€er. At sampling time,
tissue was prepared for detection of phenolics using toluidine
cause less disease on African violets than wild-type
blue. Each bar is the mean + SD of four replicates, with 25 sites bacteria indicating that SOD may also be a virulence
each. An * indicates that values di€er signi®cantly from the factor [37]. In addition, oxalic acid appears to be
MES control at P 4 0.05. required for e€ective pathogenesis in the Sclerotinia
234 S. Borden and V. J. Higgins
sclerotiorum±tobacco interaction by interfering with the [3, 43], i.e. the source(s) of H2O2 may di€er between the
oxidative burst [7]. Cross-linking of plant cell wall host speci®c reaction and the early non-speci®c reactions
proteins, a process mediated by H2O2, also appears to seen in the compatible interaction [16]. The slower rate at
be involved in restricting fungal penetration of epidermal which DAB staining occurred at these sites in the
cells in the barley powdery mildew±barley interaction compatible as compared to the incompatible interaction
[41]. Mellersh et al. [31] found that H2O2 production was also suggests the possibility of di€erent sources of H2O2.
the only response in three plant±fungi combinations to There are many proposed roles for H2O2 in plant
occur at the appropriate time and place to account for the defence responses including functioning as an antimicro-
failure of the fungi to penetrate. In one of these three bial compound, a signaling molecule [43], a facilitator of
examples, the quiescent infection of tomato cotyledons by formation of plant cell wall barriers, and an inducer of
Colletotrichum coccodes, the failure of the fungus to penetrate cell death [3, 8, 23, 30, 39, 40]. In this study, in the
was almost totally eliminated by intercellular injection of incompatible but not the compatible interaction, fungal
CAT at the time of inoculation. growth generally increased with either CAT, SOD or
In this study, histochemical staining with DAB proved DPI treatments, providing evidence for an e€ect of H2O2
to be an e€ective probe for H2O2 accumulation. As early and/or O2 in restricting fungal growth. Generally, the
as 12 h p.i., DAB staining, indicative of H2O2, was increase in hyphal growth coincided with reduced DAB
present at plant cell wall appositions formed adjacent to staining at 24 h p.i., but at 12 h p.i. DAB staining was
conidia and germ tubes in both the compatible and reduced but hyphal growth was not. This may suggest
incompatible interactions. Similar DAB staining was seen that 12 h p.i. was about the point when hyphal growth
at host reaction sites in barley after inoculation with the was arrested in the incompatible interaction.
barley powdery mildew fungus [41] and in the three It should be noted that appropriate ``protein'' controls
interactions studied by Mellersh et al. [31]. for the experiments involving injection of CAT or SOD
In analysing the results of this study, it is important to into cotyledons do not exist. Denatured enzymes are
brie¯y consider the possible sources of H2O2. A NADPH aggregated and less soluble than native proteins and thus
oxidase system similar to that of mammalian neutrophils inappropriate. Non-denatured, inert, proteins such as
may be one source of ROS in plants [4, 43, 46]. In bovine serum albumin di€er from CAT and SOD in
contrast, in some plant±pathogen interactions, the source amino acid content and tertiary structure and thus are a
of ROS appears to involve extracellular peroxidases via a poor substitute. In a related study [31] with three other
bound O2 intermediate [4]. Although NADPH oxidase, host±pathogen interactions, the e€ectiveness of CAT and
the proposed source of H2O2 in the C. fulvum±tomato ine€ectiveness of SOD in reducing DAB staining and
interaction [17, 46], requires O2 as the initial ROS, our increasing penetration success reduced the need for such a
attempts to localize O2 using NBT in cotyledons failed. control. Hence, in this study while it is unlikely that a
Failure to detect O2 , when it is a suspected precursor to non-speci®c protein e€ect, e.g. fungal nutrition or
H2O2, has been observed in other plant±pathogen scavenging of ROS, could account for the results, that
interactions [19, 25]. In these interactions, O2 may be possibility cannot be eliminated.
rapidly dismutated to H2O2, which thus becomes the The failure of the combined CAT‡SOD treatment to
major ROS that accumulates. After treatment with race- increase fungal growth or the percentage of hyphae
speci®c elicitors of C. fulvum, NBT staining was detected associated with DAB staining, as compared to the CAT or
in incompatible but not compatible interactions of SOD alone [Fig. 2(d)] suggests both CAT and SOD
tomato cotyledons at 2 h [29] and was one of the earliest a€ect the same phenomenon. If an NADPH oxidase
defence responses occurring. In addition, O2 has also system is the source of most ROS in the C. fulvum±tomato
previously been detected biochemically in the C. fulvum± interaction, the addition of SOD to cotyledons should
tomato interaction using elicited-tomato suspension cells increase the production of H2O2. However, an increase in
[42] and localized histologically in elicitor-treated tomato the percentage of reaction sites with DAB staining, as
leaves [27]. In this study, inoculation of tomato compared to the MES control, was not observed. The
cotyledons with conidia suspended in the NADPH e€ect of SOD on the amount of OH., the most
oxidase inhibitor DPI resulted in a decrease in the antimicrobial ROS, could be a factor in the role of
percentage of hyphae associated with DAB staining in the SOD in increasing hyphal growth. In the presence of
incompatible interaction supporting the suggested [36, Fe3‡ , O2 and H2O2 interact to produce OH. [3, 39].
46] role for NADPH oxidase, and/or other DPI sensitive If SOD reduces the amount of O2 , and consequently
sources of H2O2, in this defence response. The failure of causes a reduction in OH., hyphal growth would be less
DPI to further reduce the low percentage of DAB staining restricted. This possibility is supported by treatments
sites in the compatible interaction suggests that the H2O2 with the OH. scavenger (mannitol), in which mean
produced on the initial encounter [16] of primary hyphae fungal length increased signi®cantly in incompatible but
with host cells may originate by DPI insensitive processes not compatible interactions. Additionally, it is possible
Hydrogen peroxide role in response to Cladosporium fulvum 235
that SOD changes the kinetics of H2O2 accumulation and of H2O2 is as a signal {[43] and references therein}. This
degradation. For example, it was recently demonstrated experimental system may facilitate further pharmacologi-
that horseradish peroxidase (an extracellular plant cal approaches to determine if other putative defences are
enzyme) can act as a CAT [18] and that scavengers of involved in restricting the growth of C. fulvum.
O2 , such as tetranitromethane and SOD, enhanced this
CAT-like activity. In the C. fulvum±tomato experimental
The authors thank A. Cheung for expert technical
system, existing peroxidases, or ones induced in the
assistance. This work was supported in part by funds
incompatible interaction, may catalyze a similar reaction
from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research
on the addition of SOD.
Council of Canada and by a University of Toronto Open
ROS induced plant responses that may be involved in
Fellowship to S.B.
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wall proteins, callose depositions, and accumulation of
phenolic compounds. These three features of wall
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