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Action Plan
Principal’s Role

The principal stays current with technology and the use and
implementation of it on his campus. He surrounds himself
with teachers who are using technology and its tools in the
classroom. Ongoing professional development is available
for those who are not as up to date. He and the campus
SBDM team determines what portion of the campus budget
can be used to purchase technology tools. He must model
the highest acceptable use protocol and standards when
using technology, and should include technology when
setting a vision for the campus. The principal ensures that
teachers are conscientious about their technology use and
development in their lessons, providing differentiation for all
students with its use.
Professional Development Plan

Responsibilities & Resources

Tasks/ Action Steps Timeline Using what? Campus
What will be done? Who will do it? & (Funding/ time/ people/ Administrators’ Role
when? materials)

Decide on survey tool Campus Instructional Content Coaches and Campus Administrators will
for faculty participate Technology Specialists Campus IT Specialists ensure that all teachers take
in to determine skill and Content Coaches will will explain the use and part in survey, and they will
level of technology collaborate to create the time and money saving review results with IT
and how it could be questions for on-line online resources such as Specialist to establish
implemented into their survey. Survey Monkey specific technology needs
perspective content Survey will be explained Staff will be shown the are in store for the campus
at April staff meeting to dual benefit of using an Facilitate timeline for fall
be completed by end of online surveys in their
school year. classrooms

Develop a calendar of Director of Instruction IT Specialists, Content Administrators, IT

online courses for and IT Specialist will set Curriculum Coaches, Specialist, Content Coaches
teachers needing skill up survey and give out Librarian will follow-up with
development training instructions for staff to Computer resources individuals wanting skill
in areas addressed on take prior to the last day available on campus: development training during
survey of school Computer lab, COWS, the summer and needing at
Flip Cameras, Air Liners, the start of the new school
Smart Boards, Smart year
Phones, I-Pod, and
various soft ware
Participate in online Educators and Teacher’s district issued Administrators, IT Specialist,
courses and staff administrators needing laptops Content Coaches will follow
development training Campus IT Specialists, up with teachers signed up
offered at District Online resources/ Content Coaches, for summer online courses
Instructional Instructional Support Instructional Support
Support Center for Center Personnel
skill development Summer classes and on Funding from campus
line budget for staff

Develop software The IT Specialist and IT Specialist, Content The Campus Administrator’s
training for different Content Coaches will Coaches on campus, and support will provide
content areas for develop content specific District Curriculum creditability for the use of the
teachers to use trainings Coaches new soft ware trainings
with hardware The Administrators will
available in the communicate with the staff
classroom about trainings being held
on campus and at ISC
Evaluation Plan

Tasks/ Action Steps

What will be done?
Faculty survey: The survey results will help the Principal, IT Specialist,
Curriculum Coaches to identify areas of need for each
To determine technology skill level and campus. The CIP will include action for the content areas
integration needs for each content area identified in need of technology integration support

Technology Integration Support: The District Technology Plan identifies personnel support
For classroom teachers in need available placed at each secondary campus. The IT Specialist
on campus, On line classes, and classes provides training, lesson design support and modeling of
taken at ISC technology integration for classroom teachers across the
Monitored by Content Coaches curriculum. Contend Coaches will keep track of
development given to members of their department
Staff Development: Evaluation will be available for each staff development
Skill development with existing hardware, offering. Data collected will be available for review by IT
technology integration ideas, introduction Specialist, Administrators, and Content Coaches to
to various soft wares determine effectiveness. Facilitators will follow up with
attendees and administrators to provide any additional
support necessary after the session
Follow Through: Data from classroom walk-throughs will show an
Administrator walk-throughs documenting increase in technology integration in classrooms. Data
technology implementation will enable principal and IT Specialist and Content
Content Coaches will assist in the Coaches to focus on areas that may need more
beginning lessons and uses development toward achieving technology integration
across the campus and curriculum

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