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Assessing the Preference of Senior High School Students in

St. Paul University Manila

Regarding COVID-19 Vaccines

Baylosis, Katelyn Roze G.

Pangilinan, Kris Anne A.

A Qualitative Research Paper

submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the

subject Practical Research 1,

SHS Department, St. Paul University Manila

May, 2021
Assessing the Preference of Senior High School Students in St. Paul

Regarding COVID-19 Vaccines

May 2021

Researcher 1 Researcher 2

Baylosis, Katelyn Roze G. Pangilinan, Kris Anne A.

STEM Strand STEM Strand



The research focuses on students’ preferred vaccines for the virus that is

currently affecting people. Researchers want to use surveys in order to learn about the

needs of students regarding the COVID-19 Vaccine in Grade 11 at St. Paul University

Manila. We used the most common form of sampling that considers the population at

hand that is readily available to the researcher which made it easier to collect and conduct

important data and information.

The goal of this research is to enable us to determine the reasons for the people’s

preference in COVID-19 vaccines. Filipino people will benefit from it because they will

recognize which vaccines are the most suitable to use based on the majority’s choices.

The study’s purpose is to explain more about a specific event or phenomenon. This also

entails using a cultural background as well as services that facilitate participant


We researchers have taken efforts to make this research successful and to be finished.

However, this would not be possible without the help and support of individuals who

were there as we create this research paper. We greatly appreciate and thank them for

what they have done.

Special thanks to our adviser, Ms. Hanna Lopera for extending her hand to help us

understand the things we need to do in this research. She gave so much patience and

luckily, it was all successful.

Thank you to our parents who provide our needs and for being there when we badly

need help academically. They are the one who supports us and cheered us up to make us

inspired in doing this research. Without them, we won't be able to make it in the end.

We would also like to extend our sincere thanks to our classmates and schoolmates who

willingly participated in answering our survey questionnaires. Without their help, we

won’t be able to finish this and know the majority’s preferences or thoughts in the

available vaccines in our country.

Most importantly, thanks to God who helped us a lot. He gave us strengths, knowledge,

and patience while creating this research.

Table of Contents

Title Page…………………………………………………………………………. i


Acknowledgement………………………………………………………………… iii

Table of Contents…………………………………………………………………. iv

List of Appendices……………………………………………………………….....v

Chapter I. The Problem and its Background

1.1 Introduction………………………………………………………………..1
1.2 Background of the Study………………………………………………….2
1.3 Statement of the Problem…………………………………………………4
1.4 Significance of the Study…………………………………………………. 4
1.5 Review of Related Literature……………………………………………. 5
1.6 Scope and Limitation……………………………………………………...9
1.7 Definitions of Terms….…………………………………………………...10
Chapter II. Research Methodology

2.1. Research Design…………………………………………………………... 11

2.2. Respondents of the Study and Sampling Techniques…………………...13
2.3. Data Collection Methods and Instruments……………………………....14
2.4. Data Analysis ………………………………………...................................14
2.5. Ethical Consideration……………………………………………………..15
Chapter III. Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

3.1. Purpose of the Study………………………………………………………17

3.2. Demographic……………………………………………………………….17
3.3. Presentation of Findings…………………………………………………...19
Chapter IV. Summary, Conclusion, and Recommendation

4.1 Summary of Findings………………………………………………………….21

4.2 Conclusion……………………………………………………………………....22
4.3 Recommendations………………………………………………………………23


List of Tables

Chapter III

Table 1: Sex, Frequency, and Percentage of Participant’s Profile……………….…...18

Table 2: Age, Frequency, and Percentage of Participant’s Profile……………..…….18

List of Appendices

Appendix A. Informed Consent Form…………………………...…..………………….26

B. Research Instruments…………………………...………………………..27

C. Documents………………………………………………………………..29

D. Profile / Proximity Matrix………………………………………………...29

Chapter 1

The Problem and Its Background

1.1 Introduction

Vaccination is an easy, healthy, and efficient way to protect people from dangerous

diseases such as COVID-19 before they become infected. It strengthens our immune

system by using a part of our body’s natural defenses to create resistance to specific

infections. Vaccines teach the immune system to make antibodies in the same way as it

does when we are exposed to a disease. As reported by Rahmandad, H., Lim, T. Y. &

Sterman, J.(2020) in their article. Vaccination, more than ever, is a safe and reliable

way to avoid illness and save lives. Vaccines are available to protect against at least 20

diseases. Today, scientists have developed a new vaccine to aid in the prevention of the

spread of COVID

According to the article of National Public Radio, The Philippines got its first batch

of COVID-19 vaccine does on Sunday, in a shipment donated by China, However,

Duterte, who will turn 77 next month, said at a press conference that while he wants to be

vaccinated, his doctor wants him to get a different Chinese type of vaccine. His remark

highlights the lack of funding the Philippines is receiving as it begins its vaccination

campaign. As per one survey, fewer than a third of Filipinos are likely to be 1
vaccinated due to concerns about possible side effects. Based on Leo, L. (2020) essay

that Duterte’s government has been admonished for being behind most other Southeast

Asian Western countries in obtaining vaccinations, but the president has said that affluent

Western countries have cornered large doses for their people, leaning poorer countries

scrambling for the remainder.

Aside from supply issues, there have been questions about the vaccine’s efficacy,

owing to a dengue vaccine scare 2017, which prompted the Duterte administration to halt

a mass immunization campaign. According to Mccarthy, J. (2021), there has also been

concern among health professionals about the Sinovac vaccine because of its lower

efficacy rate as compared to vaccines developed in the West and Russia.

1.2 Background of The Study

1.2.1 Rationale

The research will take place in St. Paul, Manila and we will also get the data and to

be able to assess different kinds of vaccines. Some vaccines are only donated by other

countries and so Filipinos that are in the poverty range cannot choose what vaccines they

will get because they cannot afford it. In St. Paul University Manila, students have

different social classes so this research will eventually find variations of vaccines that

they may preferably take. 2

It has been a year of studying on how to fight COVID - 19 and most countries are

battling whoever has the most effective vaccine. The Philippines’ president prefers to use

the vaccine that many people have already used which is called Sinovac for the safety of

the Filipino people and also because it has been effective for people in other countries.

Due to the obvious large amount of vaccines being imported into our country right now,

Many people want to know which vaccines are helpful to students in St. Paul. The

researchers chose this topic because they want to learn more about the interests of Senior

High School Students in order to better understand their needs.

1.2.2 Objectives

This study aims to:

● Understand the different variations of COVID-19 in order to ensure the safety of the


● Know the students’ preferences when it comes to vaccines that are made from

different countries.

● Determine how the vaccine affects our body.

● Know if the students still want to invest time and money to get the COVID vaccine

despite their lack of knowledge about it.

1.3 Statement of the Problem

The determinants of vaccine hesitancy are just the subject of this study, which aims to

discover the Filipinos’ preferences for the available vaccines. Its goal is to find answers

to the following problems such as:

● The risks/side effects of the vaccine and whether it contains safe ingredients.

● Would the person rather wait and see what other people do?

● Would the person feel confident about the reliability and/or source of vaccine


● Which vaccine would be the most successful?

1.4 Significance of the Study

The ones who’ll benefit from this research study are the following:

To the students, it will help them gain knowledge or have information about the

preferred vaccines of filipinos. They will also be knowledgeable about the possible side

effects of the vaccine if they get vaccinated. A lot of issues or rumors have already spread

out throughout social media and news on television. There are people who’re allergic to it

and worse, passed away because of being vaccinated. 4

To the teachers, they will be informed about the most preferred vaccines of the

students since the researchers based this research on the answer of St Paul University

Manila’s senior high school students.

To the creator of vaccines, they will be aware about the opinion of the people

and what must be improved in the vaccines they make. It should not be disregarded since

we are talking about people’s health.

To the researchers, it is important because we’ll know the majority's answer and

if people are willing to trust the current governance. In these ways, our SOP will be

answered and will provide information and knowledge to the researchers. This can also

be used as a reference for future research purposes.

1.5. Review of Related literature

The COVID-19 pandemic, as per El-Mohandes, A., Gostin, L., Kimball, S.,

Lazarus, J., Palayew, A., Rabin, K., and Ratzann, S.(2020), is expected to continue

wreaking havoc on communities and economies around the world, causing significant

morbidity and mortality. Governments must be prepared to ensure universal, equitable

access and distribution if and when a safe and effective COVID-19 vaccine becomes

available. This will necessitate adequate health-care system capacity, as well as strategies

to boost vaccine morale and acceptance among those who administer the vaccine.

This paper brings together for the first time data from different vaccines, nations,

and communities to provide a consolidated analysis of public and healthcare

professionals' attitudes toward vaccination in Europe. The aim of maintaining high

coverage rates helps to ensure that vaccine benefits are distributed widely, but the act of
disseminating vaccines on a large scale can make vaccines, as stated by Chataway, J.,

Clarke, S., Sevdalis, N. & Yaqub, O. (2014).

According to Tomacruz, S. (2021), millions awaited the historic day as the world

went into lockdown, and it marked a turning point in the Philippines' war against the


Initially, the vaccination program in the country is aimed at healthcare workers,

police officers, and military personnel. It has also reached out to other manufacturers for

supply agreements, with the aim of vaccinating 70 million people, or two-thirds of the

population. The Philippines is the last Southeast Asian nation to obtain initial vaccine

supplies, raising questions about the economy's growth prospects after suffering its worst

recession on record last year due to prolonged coronavirus lockdowns, in accordance to

what Dela Cruz, E. (2021) have said.

In conclusion, the general problem addressed in this current study is that there are

a lot of vaccines that have been approved by the government and have been developed to

protect against COVID-19 but people have a lot of choices because of the amount of

vaccine that will be available in different countries and we don’t know yet which 6

vaccine would be the most successful. Our country is not just the only ones who is

increasingly facing various issues of vaccine hesitancy, some other countries refuse and

are becoming more in-depth in understanding the issues. The global polio eradication
initiative has conducted the most in‐depth research on different reasons for vaccine


However, the resources required for such detailed analysis are unlikely to be available

for all vaccine

According to Kitchin, N., Polack, F.,...Swanson, K. (2020), after the World

Health Organization declared it a pandemic on March 11, 2020, it has affected millions of

people around the world 1. 2 Covid-19 and its complications are most common in older

adults, people with some coexisting conditions, and front-line staff. Infection with the

extreme acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and Covid-19 is on the

rise in other populations, according to recent reports, like adolescents and young adults. 3

To control the pandemic, which has had disastrous medical, economic, and social effects,

safe and effective prophylactic vaccines are urgently needed.

In accordance with what UNICEF (2021) have said, COVID-19 poses a

significant danger to adolescents, with consequences that go well beyond the disease's

immediate physical manifestations. Children's access to critical health services can be

severely harmed if lockout limits are maintained or re-imposed. Reduced regular

healthcare coverage levels as a result of this, as well as a looming recession, are 7

endangering the health and future of a generation of children. Answers to some of the

most popular concerns parents may have about COVID-19 vaccines are given below.
As stated in Karen Lima(2021) of Reuters, the Philippine government declared

that it had signed a contract with Serum Institute of India (SII) to secure the supply of 30

million doses of the COVID-19 vaccine Covovax. The Department of Health has

yet to release its own statement, despite assisting in the distribution of the Faberco

statement to local media.

The local government has already prepared an initial budget for its COVID-

19 vaccination program, according to Del Rosario(2021). The Caloocan City chief

executive added that they are now searching for an additional P1 billion for the initiative,

which they intend to obtain through a loan. Malapitan also claimed that he would not buy

vaccines that have not been approved by the FDA and that he would wait for further

orders from the national government before purchasing them.

As stated by Reuters (2021) that the country's vaccination campaign began on

March 1 with the donation of 600,000 Sinovac vaccines from China. Through the Covax

factory, the Philippines obtained an initial 525,600 doses of AstraZeneca's vaccine. With

insufficient availability, only frontline medical personnel and healthcare workers are

being given shots at the moment. The overall amount is a small fraction of the 161

million doses the government expects to procure to inoculate 50 million to 70 million

Filipinos this year. 8

In accordance with what Orbina (2021) has said, the COVAX Facility is leading a

historic campaign to deliver at least 2 billion doses of COVID-19 vaccine to low- and
middle-income countries by the end of 2021. COVAX partners have been assisting

governments and partners in their readiness activities for several months in preparation

for this moment. This includes assisting in the implementation of national

vaccination programs, providing funding for cold chain facilities, and stockpiling half a

billion syringes, protective boxes for their disposal,

goggles, gloves, and other supplies to ensure that health workers have enough equipment

to begin vaccinating target groups as soon as possible.

Officials from the Philippines' Inter-Agency Task Force on the Control of

Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF), Department of Health (DOH), World Health

Organization (WHO), and UNICEF Philippines received vaccine doses at the Ninoy

Aquino International Airport, according to Orbina(2021). The Philippine government will

lead the COVID-19 vaccination program.

1.6 Scope & Limitation

This study focuses on the preferred vaccines of the students regarding the virus

that people are currently facing, not just this country but all over the world. A lot of

countries have already invented different kinds of vaccines that have different efficacy 9

in each one. Researchers would like to know the participants’ preferences through the use

of surveys but in an online platform.

The researchers’ target participants are the grade 11 students of St. Paul

University Manila school year 2020-2021. Each of the respondents is given the same

questionnaires that needs to be answered honestly and in accordance to their

personal preferences. After conducting this, the researchers will now be able to identify

which among the vaccines are liked by most people and to also know their reasons for

choosing this specific vaccine. Since there are rumors about vaccines, researchers will

also know if their choice has a connection with the issues being spread out.

1.7 Definitions of terms

❏ COVID-19 - an acute respiratory illness in humans caused by a coronavirus, capable of

producing severe symptoms and in some cases death, especially in older people and those

with underlying health conditions. It was originally identified in China in 2019 and

became pandemic in 2020.

❏ Vaccine - a substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide

immunity against one or several diseases, prepared from the causative agent of a disease,

its products, or a synthetic substitute, treated to act as an antigen without inducing the



❏ Immunization - the process of becoming immune, as against a disease.The process of

inducing immunity to an infectious organism or agent in an individual or animal through

❏ Immune System - the organs and processes of the body that provides resistance to

infections and toxins.


Chapter 2
Research Methodology

2.1 Research Design

This study will use the Phenomenology approach, in which we will compile all

available information about St. Paul University Manila’s students preferences for

COVID-19 vaccines from a variety of sources. Data is typically gathered from a variety

of sources and through a variety of methods, including articles, news, and our own

personal experiences. The advantage of using a Phenomenology approach is that it

simplifies difficult concepts. studies expose participants to real-life circumstances. It

genuinely adds value to the participants by encouraging them to explore different


The aim of the study is to learn more about a particular event or phenomenon. For the

open-ended research question, we used the form of questions that use past data by

informing the senior high school students regarding past events and circumstances about

the vaccines and to forecast responses to hypothetical events and put a greater emphasis

on the experiences of the participants than on statistics or numbers. As prior knowledge,

it is possible to merge current data from the most recent vaccine inventory with old data

from previous inventories.

2.2 Respondents of the Study and Sampling Technique

The researchers would like to know what senior high school students know about

COVID 19 vaccinations, and the study's population is made up of senior high school

students at St. Paul University in Manila. Students have chosen to use convenience

sampling methods, which require us to find participants who are both easy to reach and

convenient for the study. This often involves utilizing a geographic location and

resources that make participant recruitment easier. It would be convenient for each

researcher, but it would also necessitate obtaining consent to recruit participants.

Researchers have easy access to elements, making it simple to gather members for the

sample. According to my research one of the major reasons why researchers use this

technique is its low cost. Data collection is simple and convenient. The major of

convenience sampling takes into account the population at hand. The researcher has easy

access to samples. They don’t have to move around much in order to gather data. Quotas

are quickly filled, and data collection can begin in as little as a few hours. Filtering

audience members does not necessitate going through a checklist. Collecting vital

information and data is simplified here.


2.3 Data Collection Methods and Instruments

The researchers will collect data using a survey method, which is a data-gathering

technique for collecting facts or information that they have gathered from posts on blogs

about the different vaccines. The respondents will be in St. Paul University

Manila and mainly focusing on the students of senior high school. Our goal is to gather

survey data on people’s thoughts, experiences, and knowledge about the COVID-19


The most cost-effective way to meet the maximum number of Senior High School

students is using online questionnaires. It can be easily saved and reused year after year,

with minor changes as needed. The participants will be given the question to read and

respond without the assistance of the researcher while using a self-administered form of

questionnaire. Self-administered questionnaires have one major benefit over other data

collection methods: you do not have to recruit surveyors to conduct face-to-face

interviews, and are a cost-effective way to gather vast quantities of data from a wide

number of people in a short period of time.

2.4 Data Analysis

The researchers chose the Data Matrix as a way to analyze qualitative data and

summarize participants’ answers. It is through the use of rows and columns that 14

can help easily identify and absorb each of one’s answers. It also compares the answers

of the interviewee depending on their personal opinion. It is composed of two columns

where the codes and responses are listed. In the response, just write directly what the

interviewee has said.

The Data Matrix will be a good method to use in this research entitled “Assessing the

Preference of Senior High School Students in St. Paul University Manila

Regarding COVID-19 Vaccines” since researchers will be needing opinions of people. It

will be easier to know the majority's answer when it comes to their preference regarding

available vaccines here in the Philippines. Data Matrix also helps to arrange answers in a

proper manner and it highlights important details coming from the respondents.

2.5 Ethical Consideration

The purpose of this research is to know the majority's choice when it comes to

the available vaccine in the Philippines. It can help others to be informed of what the best

vaccines to use or to take. The researchers will be able to know that through the use of

survey questionnaires (online platform) to the senior high school of St. Paul University

Manila, S.Y 2020-2021. The questions will only take five minutes to answer. It is

composed of six questions in regards to their experiences or thoughts/knowledge when it

comes to vaccines.


The respondents will be given freedom to answer those questions. They are not

forced to state their name in the questionnaire if they do not want to. There may be risks

or something that can trigger them upon answering for they will be sharing experiences
or knowledge they’ve heard on news. Respondents are also free to decline

answering the survey. The people who are willing to answer will be promised to keep

their information confidential, secured, and only the researchers will have access to it.

The researchers assure that the ethical guidelines will be followed accordingly.


Chapter 3
Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

3.1 Purpose of the Study

The students’ aim in this study is to find approaches to the following things:

determining if the vaccine has any complications or side effects, as well as whether it

contains healthy ingredients. Whether or not the person prefers to observe what other

people do. If the individual believes the vaccine supply is reliable and/or come from a

trustworthy source. The researchers are concerned as to which will be the most effective.

Understanding the various variants of COVID-19 is a top priority for us in order to

ensure the wellbeing of Filipinos. Learn about the students’ preferences for vaccines

produced in different countries. Lastly, to determine the vaccine’s effect on our bodies.

3.2 Demographics

The researchers have finally gathered the results of their respondents’ data. The

target questions have an answer already. The total respondents that the researchers got is

thirteen. Most of them are female which is 69 percent. The other 31 percent came from

male’s answers. The age of the respondents is ranging from 16 to 18 years old.


Table 1

Sex, Frequency, and Percentage of Participant’s Profile

Sex Frequency Percentage

Male 4 31%

Female 9 69%

Total 13 100%

Out of 13 respondents, 4 of them are male which is 31%. The other 9 respondents are

female which is 69%. When both genders are combined, there is a total of 100% overall.

Table 2

Age, Frequency, and Percentage of Participant’s Profile

Age Frequency Percentage

16 2 15%

17 6 46%

18 5 39%

Total: 13 100%

Most of the researchers’ respondents are 17 years of age which is 46%. The second one

to the highest is those who are 18 years old which is 39%. Lastly, 16 years old which is

15%. That’s a total of 100%.


3.3 Presentation of Findings

The researchers asked several questions for the participants to answer on what

kind of vaccine they prefer and the majority of the students who responded to the survey
had no prior experience with the COVID-19 Vaccine. Researchers want to know which

vaccine is safer for the senior high school students and if they do know which one to get

for themselves based on their family’s experiences or just from the information they get

from the news, since most of them get their information from the internet and the news.

Respondent C said that he gets information about the vaccine from the kagawad in their

barangay. He seeks from the news that the first thing he wants to know is to make sure

that it has credibility, accuracy that it is already tested, and how it affects other people.

Respondent F said that some of the vaccines are not effective and that he heard some

news and information that even though they have been vaccinated, they still have the

chance to get the COVID - 19. While Respondent L wants to assess the span of the

efficacy of the vaccine and to know what are the possible side effects of it to consider

that the vaccine is effective.

Making a vaccine in a year is surprising because Respondent I said that she thinks

that the vaccines are not effective since there are news that have been circulating in the

internet aside from having side effects. There are people who already died because of the

vaccines being injected to them and according to Respondent K that vaccine is not

completely reliable and effective by looking at other people that have died on account of

COVID - 19. Respondent C was surprised because vaccines like Sinovac 19

and AstraZeneca were made in less than a year. He thinks that they did well on

creating a vaccine in a span of a year. Respondent A commented that the vaccine’s

benefits are larger than their risk because they wouldn’t allow the people to get the

vaccine if it would only worsen the human’s health. For Respondent J he would want to
research about the vaccine first, this way he would be aware about it. Also, by asking for

opinions of people who have already been vaccinated to know the side effects that they

may have felt and their overall experience after getting vaccinated. In addition with what

Respondent L have said that even though he doesn’t have much information about the

vaccine, he thinks that the only thing that could help a lot of people is protection such as

getting vaccinated and as well as wearing a mask and face shield and keeping distance

from other people because for now it is the only way of prevention from having COVID -


The Researchers came up with the results that Sinovac and AstraZeneca is the

favored vaccine for Senior High School students in St. Paul University Manila because it

is currently the only vaccine available in their barangay and the participants’ families had

received positive feedback about these vaccines. According to them, It can also help

boost our immune system that will lessen the risk of being infected by the virus especially

for those people who have health conditions like lung cancer and heart failure and

because of that they still recommend these vaccines even though they experienced

different side effects such as pain and fever because they believe that for now vaccination

is the only way to avoid and protect ourselves from getting diseases like COVID - 19.


Chapter 4

Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations

4.1 Summary of Findings

The COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness and risks was unfamiliar to the majority of

students who replied to the survey. Since there is currently no vaccine for children and

young people who are aged 18 and below, the information they seek from the news and

the social media is all about the risks of taking the Covid-19 vaccine. One of the

respondents had answered in the survey questionnaire that he wants to know the

credibility and the accuracy of the vaccine that is already tested and as well as how it

affects people because apart from having side effects, there has been news circulated on

the internet that there have also been cases of people dying as a result of vaccination

given to them.

The Senior High School students at St. Paul University Manila chose Sinovac and

AstraZeneca vaccines but students claim that some of the vaccines are not effective and

they still have the chance to get COVID - 19 despite being vaccinated. As per the

students, it is important for a person to get vaccinated so that they would be able to have

extra protection from the virus. Apart from wearing a mask and face protector, it is

important because it boosts the immune system’s ability to combat viruses and bacteria

that can render you vulnerable to COVID - 19.


4.2 Conclusions
The researchers have collected and gathered the data. Upon analyzing the

results, people are still not trusting the available vaccines since a lot of negative feedback

is spreading throughout the news. In other cases, people experienced some negative side

effects after they have been vaccinated but also says that it is all perfectly normal. The

thing they are worried about is the uncertainty and the infancy of every vaccine

considering the time it was developed was a very short one since the making of vaccines

will usually take years to develop and be tested.

People are still hesitant to get vaccinated and most of them are not trusting the

available vaccines here in the Philippines since they are not knowledgeable enough about

its effects and the information they have is only based on news and what they have heard

from other people. In relation to the article of Tomacruz, S. (2021), both of my

respondents and Tomacruz’s article have disappointments in the available vaccine.


4.3 Recommendation
The world has been experiencing this COVID-19 pandemic for almost two

years. It affected many lives, especially before that people had no idea even a single one

to cure this virus and to get rid of it. After a year of experimentation, many

vaccines have been developed in different countries. It also has a different effectivity

rate. As a researcher who wants to find answers in accordance to people’s preferences

when it comes to vaccines, researchers would be recommending people to get vaccinated

to be immune to the virus.

The students should keep the knowledge they have gotten or learned from this

research. Knowing now the possible effects of the vaccine and the people’s opinion

which most of them have been disappointed about , it will now be your decision if you

want to be vaccinated or not.

For the teachers, giving importance to the students’ opinion and how they view

the vaccines created will be greatly appreciated.

For the creator of vaccines, researchers would also like to recommend that the

creation of vaccines must not be rushed so that it will be more effective and tested. The

filipino citizens are the one who will benefit from it since they will think that they are

100 percent sure about the created vaccines.

Lastly, for the researchers, this research can be used for future purposes if ever

you will be needing a topic regarding people’s preferences to vaccines. 23

CDC (2021). Benefits of Getting a COVID-19 Vaccine.

Chataway, J., Clarke, S., Sevdalis, N. & Yaqub, O. (2014). Attitudes to vaccination: A

critical review.

Dela Cruz, E. (2021). Philippines receives Chinese vaccine, but Duterte prefers another



El-Mohandes, A., Gostin, L., Kimball, S., Lazarus, J., Palayew, A., Rabin, K. & Ratzann,

S.(2020). A global survey of potential acceptance of a COVID-19 vaccine.

Kitchin, N., Polack, F.,...Swanson, K. (2020). Safety and Efficacy of the BNT162b2

mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine.


Leo, L. (2020). Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna and Sinovac: A look at three key COVID-19


Mccarthy, J. (2021). The Philippines Has Vaccinated Zero Health-Care Workers So Far.


Muqattash, R., Niankara, I., & Traoret, R. (2020). Survey data for COVID-19 vaccine

preference analysis in the United Arab Emirates.

Rahmandad, H., Lim, T. Y. & Sterman, J.(2020). How the pandemic might play out in

2021 and beyond.

Tomacruz, S. (2021). COVID-19 vaccines have arrived, but are Filipinos willing to get



UNICEF (2021). What you need to know about a COVID-19 vaccine. 25

List of Appendices

A. Informed Consent Form


We are the students from <Section> of St. Paul University Manila, and we are conducting a
study in partial fulfillment of our subject Practical Research 1.
This is to invite you to participate in this survey about <provide the nature of the study; you
may use the title if that will not affect how the respondents will answer the survey>.

It is important that you read this form before you answer the survey. Please know that we
value your decision to join willingly in this study. You are being informed that you have the
free will to decline if you are not comfortable participating. Also, please know that you are
free to withdraw at any time during the survey without any consequence on your part. Should
you decide not to participate, you do not need to ask permission from the researchers.
Moreover, any questions related to the study can be addressed to <insert contact details, it
could be a phone number or an email address>.

In compliance with the data privacy law, your email address will only be required as part of
the consent form but will not be identified among the responses you will give in this survey.
You may decide not to give your name, for we will only require your age, [and] sex, <or if
there are any other demographic criteria like area of residence, grade level, strand that are
needed in the study may be included here; please do not ask any other demographic profile
that will not make sense in your study>.

Please be informed that all information will be treated with utmost confidentiality, that no
names or any identifiable information will be part of the paper, and that all responses will be
reported in its consolidated form to safeguard your identity. Moreover, all the information
you will give will only be accessible to the researchers and/or our mentor/teacher, and will be
secured through <discuss where you will save your data so it will not be accessible to other
people other than the researchers and/or the teacher>.

Lastly, all information you will give will only be used for this research purposes alone.
Should you agree with these terms, please continue with the form by clicking Next.


B. Research Instruments

Name (optional)

Your answer

Age *




Sex *



Grade Level *

Grade 11

Grade 12

1. Does your area offer free vaccine? If yes, which type of vaccine are they usually offering? *

Your answer______________________________________________________

2. How important is it for one to get vaccinated against COVID-19?

Your answer______________________________________________________

3. Has anyone in your family ever been vaccinated? If yes, what vaccine was injected into
them? *

Your answer______________________________________________________

4. What is the most common source you turn to for information about vaccines? (ex. news,
Internet, etc.) * 27

Your answer______________________________________________________

5. What is the first thing you want to know when a new vaccine is introduced or announced?
Elaborate your answer in 2-3 sentences. *

Your answer______________________________________________________

6. How do you know which vaccine you should get for yourself? Elaborate your answer in 2-3
sentences. *

Your answer______________________________________________________

7 .Share your opinion/s on the effectivity of the available vaccines for COVID-19.
Your answer______________________________________________________

8. Do you think that the vaccine's benefits, in general, are larger than their risks? Elaborate
your answer in 2-3 sentences. *

Your answer______________________________________________________

9 .Are you concerned about any risks with vaccines? If yes, Which type of vaccine? and What
kind of risks? Elaborate your answer in 2-3 sentences. *

Your answer______________________________________________________

10. What do you think are the other ways to prevent yourself from having COVID-19 aside
from getting vaccinated? Elaborate your answer in 2-3 sentences. *

Your answer______________________________________________________


C. Documents

D. Profile / Proximity Matrix

Data Matrix

Codes Responses

1. Knowledge “I'm not an expert regarding vaccines nor

Covid-19. For that reason, I utterly depend

upon the information and recommendations

by experts regarding the matter.”

Respondent L

“I would research about the vaccine first, this

way I'd be aware about it. I would also ask

for the opinions of people who have already

been vaccinated to know the side effects that

they may have felt and their overall

experience after getting vaccinated.”

Respondent M
“I think it is important to get the vaccine that

is more compatible with me, if I wont get any

rashes or sickness from it. The cost and the

availability of the vaccine if I can actually get

it quickly.” Respondent K 30

“I think for now they are sufficient just for

protection, but they are all in their infancy

stage in general.” Respondent D

2. Implication “It's not completely reliable and effective by

looking on the people I know that have died in

account of Covid-19. Among them have

received a vaccine but died a few hours later.”

Respondent K

“I think it is not that effective because there

are news that have been circulating in the

internet aside from having side effects, there

are people who already died because of the

vaccines being injected to them.”

Respondent I

“I think it is enough that the vaccines

available are already effective against

COVID-19. But with my experience, some are

depending on the country which the vaccine

belongs so they can conclude if the vaccine is

effective.” Respondent B 31

“I don't know much about the vaccine but as

long as it can protect people from covid I

think it would be okay but I'm not really sure

if this would 100% make my family safe from

harm.” Respondent J

3. Efficiency Rate “For me as of knowing that those vaccines

were a bit rushed. I think that they did well on

creating a vaccine in a span of a year. “

Respondent A

“Honestly, I do not know from which, but the

only thing that could help me is its protection.

Nothing more, because it is the only way of

prevention from having Covid-19 at this

point.” Respondent F

“For me, the vaccine's benefits is larger than

their risk because they wouldn't allow the

people to get the vaccine if it would only

worsen the human's health.” Respondent A

“well vaccines are made so that are immune

system can ready themselves if the real

sickness comes. In all honesty I think that it is

too early to say that the vaccine will actually

harm more than it can help because the virus

is still changing and there are variants that the

vaccine may not be as effective as the normal

one.” Respondent K

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