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Activity 1: Please answer the following questions to assess your own spirituality.

Spiritual Assessment Guide

By: Fiel Andrei L. Borata BSN 2-A

1. In one paragraph, how would you describe your childhood?

I am so blessed to have six parents, my father, my mother, my two aunts and two
uncles. Except for my father, all of his siblings have no children. So part of their life
are focused on raising us, me and my siblings becoming the best person we could
be and even greater than them. They want us to achieve more than what they have
achieved in life so their expectations are always high which made us competitive in
nature. Each of them is different, with different traits, characteristics and talents, so
each of them raised us their own way that is why they have some conflicts
sometimes but all of them has just one goal and that is for us to become the best
version of ourselves.

2. Describe your relationships with your parents and siblings—while growing up and

My relationships with my parents and siblings did not change a lot from growing
up and until now that I am already young adult. I am still my parents baby boy, a rival
of my older brother in a good way and still a “kuya” to my two lovely sisters. The only
thing that have changed is that they treat me now as an adult, and as somebody who
can now take responsibility.

3. If you have never been married, describe the most significant “other” in your life and
how that relationship developed?

It started from being friends, and through conversation and bonding we feel like
we are meant for each other. It feels like there is something missing in my life if
without her. I really can’t explain the feeling but without her is just the same as I feel
empty without my family and God by my side. Everyday I need her not just to fill my
desire but something I need her because I love her.

4. What were the most significant positive events in your childhood? Adulthood? Why?
For me, the most significant positive events in my childhood are obtaining
championships in sports like basketball and tennis. Because during my childhood,
that is where my life revolves. I am very competitive and I always want to be the
best. While during my adulthood, the most significant positive event is when God
answers my prayers like gaining awards in school or one of my family members
achieve something great.

5. What were the most significant negative events in your childhood? Adulthood? Why?

On both childhood and adulthood, the most significant negative events that I
have encountered are my family members having chronic diseases or a death of a
loved one. I have already experienced both and I just hate it very much because I
want them to always stay by my side until I become successful. I want them to taste
the fruits of their sacrifices because they are one of the reasons of who I am today,
and who I will become and reach in the future.

6. How did you learn about God?

Through the teachings of my parents and the church.

7. In what ways did you experience God while you were growing up?

Through my answered prayers. From small prayers or what I called daily prayers,
up to big ones like those that could only be done through miracles, God has always
been good to me. He answered many of them, while other prayers have different
answers like something I did not ask for but is best for me.

8. How would you describe God?

A being inside, beside and outside of me. He is someone whom I can talk to, but
do not reply, although can answer. No definite form and has no Identity. Not my
parents but I always ask permission from Him. Not my Friend but is always there
when I am alone. Not a doctor but I always ask for healing from Him. He is no one
but can be everyone.

9. What are the crisis points in your relationship with God over your lifetime? What
issues were involved? How did your relationship to God change?

From my 20 years of existence in this world, I have never blamed God because I
always offer everything to Him. Though sometimes I question Him from the things
that I have experienced in life, but He always answer it and remove my doubts and

10. Who was the most significant person in your faith development as a child? As an
As a child and as an adult, the most significant individuals in my faith
development are my parents and 4 other parents, my two aunts and my two uncles,
who do not have children and focused their attention on me and my siblings so that
we will be developed into the person who always put God at the center of our lives.

11. How has your closest friend influenced your faith?

I think one good thing about having friends is going to church together and it just
changes the mood.

12. Describe your faith community (your church and other fellowship groups.) In what
ways has that community nurtured your faith? How has it hindered your faith?

We always have a summer youth camp in my hometown before pandemic and I

had not only made my faith deeper but I also have gained many friends. The better
your relationship with people in the community and the more you connect with them,
the more you experience God.

13. What rituals, disciplines or other religious practices have been particularly helpful or
meaningful to you?

Prayers boost my soul. It is a phenomenon that I cannot explain but gives me

peace, contentment and satisfaction.

14. Where do you find the most support in your relationship to God?

Within myself.

15. What kind of spiritual support do you need at this point in your life? Are you receiving

At this point of my life, I don’t need any spiritual support. Instead, I would be very
much honored to help others and give them the spiritual support they need.

16. Describe a time when you were angry with God. How did you get through that

God has always been good to me. My family and I have received so much
blessings from Him. It is just our mindset that we need to change and always look for
positivity. I have never blamed God, instead I take the fault myself. The way we
define God determines our relationship with him. If you consider Him as someone
who can make all of your wishes come true, then you are treating Him as a fairy and
not a God. So, when you do not get what you want, you feel neglected. God is much
more than a fairy. He is someone who gives you not only what you asked for, but
also provides what is best for you.

17. How is God at work in your life right now?

Just giving me the chance to live day after day is already a great blessing for me.

18. In what way is your faith helpful to you in your daily life?

I always find a reason to live and to love. Because of my faith, every day I always
stand up whenever I fall because I know God will always be with me.

19. How has your faith influenced the major decisions in your life?

It always reminds to do good and good things will happen.

20. How has your relationship with God influenced your care for other?

It is not that I see God in everybody especially those who are in need, but
because of my relationship with God I believe that when I help others, care for others
and make them smile in times of crisis, I also make Him smile and that’s what satisfy
me the most.

21. What spiritual resources do you draw upon when you feel overwhelmed?

I just simply pray however I always go to church and “magdagkot”.

Activity 2: Cite at least three (3) Research Studies on Spirituality and their
implications towards patient care.

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