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M3FA-FEEDBACK SCORE: 28/30 Question 5 1 pts

Question 1 1 pts
10 I
s+1 s- 1
x, x,.

y The Rule used is

O Transmission Rule

@ Multiplication Rllle
_____ Rule is used t o get the value of Y.
Q Addition Rule

O Summing of Nodes. O Summing of Nodes

O Transmission Rule

@ Addition Ruic Question 6 1 pts

O Multiplication Rule
In a signal tlow graphs, an arrow is a representation ot ________.

Question 2 1 pts O Fceaback

O Loop

The figure below is equivalent to _ O Node

@ Branch

Question 7 1 pts

The figure below is equivalent to ___

@ X2 = X1 (A+ B)
0 X1 = X2 (A + B) - 10 l 1.-l
" ..._ I 11 - l s
0 Xi = Xi (A + B) Xi X2 Xa x.
0 X2 = X2(A + B)

Question 3 1 pt, 0 x,. = X1 ( -


0 X,. = X1 ( 14 )
s(.2- 1)
.. @
X,. X ( -14 )
1 .,.2_ 1)

X,4i,the ______~ X,. = X1 ( 14
sls2T l )

:.) Inf••" nn.1~

Questian4 1,,1..

_ _ node with on\' oLlg-Oir,g bra'lChc~.

0 oulJ,.t.Lnodc u::int
Question 8 1 pts Ques lion 11 7 1 pts

1 1
• " ► •

E is equivalent to __________ .

The lirst step is to set all inputs except o ne w zero:

@ True
O R±CH O Falso FALSE because no “equal” word
OR Question 12 1 pts

Ueterm ine the st ep number.

Repeat the steps for each of the remaining input s.

C 5lt-µ1

C Ste p 5

C , top1

W hat is Xs eqLcl to? Question 13 1 pts


IL_____ , _ ~
_J__~,_ ,)c
C i~ t he
Question 10 1 pts

O Input
_______ i.., i-i 110:l~wilh ,11 l'I" i11:J)f11i1 6 :n..-t· i: .h~ .
O Feedback

:i) output rccc o r sink O Pro:css

Q self cop @ Ouloul

C) inp..1t rxxk~ or !;OL r:c

:) Path
Question 14 1 pts Question 17 I pts


What I~ the out put o• Cu?

What is the output of CR?

Not sure since the sign of the

feedback on the summing junction
could be positive

Question 18 l pts

Question 15 1 pts

The Diagram s an e:<ample of _ _ ____.



0 5150

The last step is to _______.

O Algebraically subtract all the re sponses. Question 19 1 pts

O Algebraically multiply all t he responses.

@ Algebraically add all the responses.

O Algebraically divide all the responses.

Question 16 1 pts

C: jc; thP

( ) t-eedJaCk

O Proces~

Q hlf)1JI

C is eq.Jiv::ilcn: :o

o [ I - G,.a~Htb'2
a,a, ] (R + U l + U)
I"'""''" '" 1 pis Question 23

1 pis l


Rand U are the

r +B(s)

0 Feedbacks H(s) is the _____ _

O Outputs

O Processes o Closed Loop Transfer Function

L:npuls O Direct T~e< Function

~ FeedOOC:k Translef' Function

O loop Transfer Function

Question 21

Question 24 1 pis

Cons1dcnng the Block Diagram below. B(s)/A(s) • ___________.


O G, (• ) / G,(s)
R(s) is th1 _________.
o G, (• ) - G,(, )
O Lai>lace ol reduction input. • a, (•) + G,(s)
@ Laplace ol rele-rence input. o G1 (s) G,(s)
O La1>1ace ot redundant input.

O Laplace ot returning input

Question 25 1 pis

[ouestion22 1~ E(s)

E(s) +B(s)

+B(s) H(s)

C(s)/R{s) is the ______ _

B(s) is the _________.

e Closed Loop Transfer Function
0 Actuating 5i&nal

0 Upl.x~ CJf input signal. O loop Trans.let" Function

O Laplace Qf boundary signal. O FeedOOCk Transfer FuocttOO

o Lapl.xe of backing signal.

Question 26 1 pi s Question 29 1 pts


B(s)/ R(s) is t he __________. ~ - - - - - - -- ~ H, r--- - - -- - -- ____.. J

O Break input ratio The Blocks G 1 (s ) and G4 (s) when simplified, it is equivalent to ____ .
O Estimated ratio.

@ Primary Feedback Ratio.

O Boundary input Ratio

Q C 1 (,)C4(, )

0 G1 (s) + G, (s)
@ G1 (s) G4 (s)

jQuestion 30 1 pts

The basic elements of block diagram are blocks, branch/ takeoff point and

reduce the diagram into a single transfer function

O multiple point

@ summing point
@ C(•) •3+1
R(,) 2.s< +,'-2, O convergence point

0 C(,)
= .,s+l
214 +., 2 --2-,
L divergence point

0 C(,) •2+t
R(•) 2•""+ •2+2•

0 C(,) ,-J--1
R(, ) 2s 4 - -,2 +2s

Question 28 1 pts

R(s) E(s)
• - - - - - - C(s)


G(s) is the _____

O Loop Transfer Function

O Feedback Transfer Function

@ Direct Transfer Function

O Closed loop Transfer Function

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