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Components of

the Drilling Rig II

Energy Department
Components of the Drilling Rig II
In today’s petroleum industry, more than 85% of all wells are being drilled with a conventional
rotary drilling rig. Drilling engineers/technologists should have a solid understanding of drilling
rig hoisting systems as they are fundamental to the successful operation of a rotary drilling rig.

When you complete this module you will be able to ….

Describe the basic components of a rotary drilling rig hoisting system.

To show you have mastered the material, here is what you will be asked to do.
1. Define terms identified with bold-italic font.
2. Discuss the mast or derrick in the rig hoisting system and understand their function and
3. Discuss the function of block and tackle and calculate the loading and efficiency factor.
4. Discuss the drawworks in the rig hoisting system.

The principal function of the rig hoisting system is to facilitate lowering or raising drillstrings,
casing strings and other equipment into or out of the hole. Most importantly, the purpose of the
hoisting system is also to keep tension on the drillpipe while weight is applied to the bit by the
drill collars. The drillpipe has relatively thin walls and would bend and break if it were used to
put weight on the bit.

The principal components of the hoisting system are:

1. The mast or derrick.

2. The traveling, crown blocks and drilling line.
3. The drawworks.

Making a connection and making a trip are two routine drilling operations performed using the
hoisting system. Making a connection refers to adding new pieces of drillpipe as the hole
deepens. Making a trip refers to removing the drillstring from the hole to change portions of the
downhole assembly and then lowering the drillstring back into the hole (e.g. to change a dull

A derrick or mast is the steel tower-like structure whose function is to provide a means for
raising or lowering sections of pipe into and out of the hole. The derrick supports the traveling or
crown blocks, the weight of the drillstring, and the drillpipe and collars when they are pulled out
of the hole.

A derrick differs from a mast in that in a derrick the legs rest on each corner of the rig floor. A
derrick will have to be disassembled to be relocated to another drilling site. Offshore rigs use
derricks because as the derrick moves so does the rig and assembly/disassembly is not necessary.
A mast fits into an A frame that rests on the rig floor and can be folded down and easily and
quickly transported to another site intact. Most land rigs use masts because masts are easier to
move. Rigs for deeper wells will also require disassembly of the mast.

The derrick or mast provides a structure for raising and lowering sections of pipe from and into
the hole. The taller the tower structure, the longer the sections that can be handled and the faster
a long string of pipe can be inserted or removed. Drillpipe sections most commonly used are
from 9 to 10 m long. Derricks that can handle pipe sections (normally called stands) of 2, 3 or 4
joints are referred to as doubles, trebles, or fourbles respectively. The derrick is usually elevated
above the ground (placed on a substructure) to provide for pressure control valves called blowout
preventers (BOP) beneath the rig floor.

Derricks are rated according to both their compressive load and wind load capability. Allowable
wind loads are specified with both the drillstring in the hole and the drillstring in sections in the
derrick while anchored guy wires can be used to increase the wind rating. The American
Petroleum Institute has published standards for derrick and substructure load ratings.

In a rotary drilling rig a steel tower like structure (called a derrick or mast) is required to provide
the vertical height for raising or lowering sections of pipe and to support the weight of the block
and tackle, drillpipe and collars.

Exercise 1

1. What are the principal components of the rig hoisting system?

2. What is the purpose of the derrick?

3. Describe the basis for the rating of derricks.


The block and tackle is made up of:

1. The crown block.
2. The traveling block.
3. The drilling line.

The principal advantage of the block and tackle is to provide a mechanical advantage for easier
handling of large loads. The hoisting capacity of the drilling system can be multiplied several
times by using a block and tackle.

The mechanical advantage M of a block and tackle is calculated by dividing the load on the hook
(equal to W · g where W is the weight supported by the traveling block) by Ff (the load imposed
on the drawworks which is the tension in the fast line).

M = W/Fƒ
The ideal mechanical advantage assumes no friction in the block and tackle and can be
determined by a force analysis around the traveling block.

If there is no friction in the pulleys, the tension in the drilling line is constant throughout.
nFf  W  g
n is the number of lines between the traveling block and the crown block.
so M = n
so that the ideal mechanical advantage equals the number of lines strung between the crown
block and the traveling block.

The use of 6, 8, 10 or 12 lines is common, depending on the loading.


Input power to block and tackle = Pi = Ff · vf where vf = fast line velocity.

Output power (hook power) = Ph = W · vb where vb = traveling block velocity.

With no friction W = n · Ff and vb 
So that Ph n  Ff  n
E  1
Pi Ff  v f
However, we always have friction in the pulleys, and for roller bearing sheaves:
Table 1.2 : Block and Tackle Efficiencies
No. of lines (n) Efficiency (E)
6 0.886
8 0.850
10 0.817
12 0.785
14 0.744

Using E, we can calculate the actual tension in the fast line for a given W:

E = Ph/Pi = W· vb/( Ff · vf) = W* (vf/n)/( Ff · vf) = W/(n*E)

so, tension in the fast line = Fƒ = W/(E*n)

Always allow a safety factor for line wear and shock loading.

The load on the derrick is greater than the load on the hook:

Fd = W + Fƒ + Fs where FS is the tension in the deadline.

With friction in the sheaves, the tension in the drilling line during hoisting is:
at first sheave (deadline) = W/n

at last sheave (fast line) = W/(E*n)

Hence, Fd = W + W/(E*n) = [(1 + E +(E*n))/(E*n)]*W

This tension is not equally distributed over the four derrick legs. The drawworks is on one side
of the floor:

D e r r ic k
L in e s to b lo c k

D ead
L in e C a n d D a b s o rb
f a s t lin e t e n s io n

A a b s o r b s d e a d lin e
te n s io n

L in e

Load Source Total ----------------Load On Each Derrick Leg-------------

[kg] Leg A Leg B Leg C Leg D
Hook load W
4 4 4 4
Fast Line
En 2E  n 2E  n
Dead Line
n n
W  n  4 W W  E  n  2 W  E  n  2
4n 4 4En 4E n

If E  0.5, the load on A is greater than on the other legs.

We define a “maximum equivalent derrick load” where Fde = 4 · max. leg load.

For the line arrangement in the Figure:

Fde = [(n+4)/n]*W

actual derrick load

We can also define a derrick efficiency factor  , so, for the above system:
Ed = Fd/ Fde = [E*(n+1)+ 1]/[E*(n+4)]

For the values of E given previously, Ed increases with n.

Example: Block and Tackle

A rig must hoist a load of 250 000 lb. The drawworks can provide an input power to the block
and tackle system of up to 500 HP. Eight lines are strung between the crown block and the
traveling block.

1. The static tension in the fast line when upwards motion is just starting.
2. The maximum hook horsepower available.
3. The maximum hoisting speed.
4. The actual derrick load.
5. The maximum equivalent derrick load.
6. The derrick efficiency factor.
Assume the rig floor is arranged as in the previous figure.
Solution: Block and Tackle

1. The power efficiency for n = 8 is 0.85 from Table 1.2. The tension in the fast line is then:
Fƒ = W/(E*n) = 250000/(0.85*8) = 36,765 lb
2. The maximum hook horsepower available is:
Pb = E*Pi = 0.85 * 500 = 425 HP

3. Maximum hoisting speed is:

vb = (Fƒ *Pb)/(n*33,000) = (36,765*425)/(8*33,000) = 59.13 ft/sec

To pull a 93 ft stand would require t = 93/59.13 = 1.57 min

4. Actual derrick load is:

Fd = W + W/(E*n) = [(1 + E +(E*n))/(E*n)]*W = [(1+0.85+(0.85*8))/(0.85*8)]*250000 = 318,015 lb

5. Maximum equivalent derrick load is:

Fde = [(n+4)/n]*W = [(8+4)/8]*250000 = 375,000

6. Derrick efficiency factor is:

Ed = Fd/ Fde = 318015/375000 = 0.85 or 85%


Drilling lines are an integral part of the hoisting system and should be kept in good condition.
Drilling lines consist of wire ropes usually sized from 1.125” in diameter up to whatever size is

Construction of Wire Rope

Wire rope has four basic elements: individual wires, centers, strands, and a core. Many
individual wires are wrapped around a center to form a strand. Many strands are wrapped around
a core to form the rope.

The finished rope has either a right or left hand lay, which refers to the direction in which the
strands were wrapped around the core. Regular lay means the individual wires were wrapped
around the centers in one direction and the strands were wrapped around the core in the opposite
direction. Lang's lay means the wires were wrapped around the centers in one direction and the
strands were wrapped around the core in the same direction. The length of lay is measured as the
distance in inches for one strand to go completely around the rope one time.

Wire rope is specified by the number of strands in the rope x the number of wires in each strand.
For example, the notation 7x19 means that the rope has seven strands and there are 19 wires in
each strand.
The most common way to describe wire rope is by a diagram of its cross-section.

1X 7 6 X 12 6 X 16 6 X 19 6 X 37
6 X 42 7 x 19 8 x 19 7x7 18 x 7

6 x 26 Warrington
6 x 19 Seale 6 x 21 Filler Wire 6 x 25 Filler Wire

In a 6 x 19 seale, each A comparison of the cross To most wire rope users, 6 x This 6 x 26 Warrington
strand has 9 outer wires over section diagrams shows that 19 means 6 x 25 filler wire. Seale has the same number
9 smaller inner wires over the outer wires of the 6 x 21 This is because, counting and size outer wires as the 6
on large center wire. A FW are larger and fewer the 6 small filler wires there x 21 FW. Therefore, its
comparison of cross sections than those of the 6 x 25 FW are actually 25 wires per resistance to abrasion is the
shows that these outside construction. The 6 x 21 FW strand. A 6 x 25 FW rope same as the 6 x 21 FW. 6 x
wires are larger than those has 10 and the 6 x 25 FW has a good balance between 26 WS is a compact
of the 6 x 21 FW, 6 x 25 has 12. Fewer but larger resistance to abrasion and construction with solid
FW, or the 6 x 26 WS. outside wires means better fatigue resistance in relation support for the wires; hence
Therefore, its resistance to resistance to abrasion but to other ropes. For that it has a high resistance to
abrasion is increased but its somewhat less resistance to reason, it is the "work crushing. The number and
fatigue resistance is bending fatigue. Therefore 6 horse" of wire ropes, used relative size of the inner
decreased. This is a good x 21 FW is a good choice for more purposes than any wires of the 6 x 26 WS add
rope to withstand abrasion where abrasive wear is other construction. It is also to the stability of the strand
or crushing on the drum. accompanied by moderate a favorite for slings up to and gives it a fatigue
bending. about 1 1/4" in diameter. resistance comparable to a 6
x 25 FW.

Wire rope id further described by the metallurgy of the wire: EIPS or IPS [extra improved plow
steel, improved plow steel], the type of core: IWRC or fiber [commonly IWRC (independent
wire rope core)], the pattern of the strands [ seale, filler wire, Warrington seale], the lay [manner
in which the wires are wrapped within the strand (right or left)] and the way in which the strands
are wrapped around the core [regular or lang]. Refer to be above diagrams.

A slip-and-cut program is usually used to maintain the condition of the drilling lines. In this
program about 1 m is fed from the dead storage reel (the anchor is loosened) and replaced with
new line from the storage reel. Some of the line is then cut from the end of the drawworks. It is
permissible for the line to slip a few times before cutting. As well, it is customary to not slip a
multiple of the distance between high wear sections (top of crown sheaves, bottom of the
traveling sheaves and lap points on the drawworks).

The API specifications of a slip-and-cut program and line-usage calculations are expressed in
terms of ton-miles (the traveling block moves 1 ton a distance of 1 mile, independent of the
number of lines). The number of ton-miles between cut-offs is determined by field experience as
it has been found that vibrations in hard rock will cause more rapid wear on the line than soft
rocks. Ton-mile records are carefully kept so that when the safe usage limits of the line have
been exceeded, the line is either discarded or put to other uses. Typically, cut-offs of about 500
ton-miles for 1” drilling line and about 2000 ton-miles for 1.375” drilling line are used.


The function of the block and tackle is to provide a mechanical means of multiplying the hoisting
capacity of the drilling system. The block and tackle is made up of the crown block, the traveling
block and the drilling line.

Exercise 2

1. Describe what makes up the block and tackle.

2. What is the mathematical expression for calculating the mechanical advantage?
3. A driller is pulling on a stuck drillstring. The derrick is capable of supporting a maximum
equivalent derrick load of 1·106 lb, the drilling line has a strength of 125,000 lb and the
strength of the drillpipe in tension is 9.25·105 lb. If 8 lines are strung between the crown
block and the traveling block and safety factors of 2 are required for the derrick, drillpipe and
drilling line, how hard can the driller pull trying to free the stuck pipe – that is, what is the
maximum indicated hook load?

4. Describe the program that is used for monitoring and replacing drilling line.
Deep wells are drilled with long strings of drillpipe and drillcollars whose total mass can be very
large. To move such masses, drawworks are required with very large hoisting and braking
capacity to raise or lower sections of pipe.

The drawworks consist of a large hoist with a drum around which the drilling line is wrapped.
The drum transmits the torque required for hoisting and braking actions and stores the drilling
line. A transmission allows for easy changing of the direction and speed of the traveling block. A
brake on each end of the drum holds it in position and sustains the weight of the traveling block
and drillstring. The drillstring can be raised or lowered by releasing the brake and applying
power to the drum i.e. drilling line taken onto the drum to raise the traveling block, or drilling
line let off the drum to lower the traveling block.

Two types of brakes most commonly used are the hydrodynamic brake and the electromagnetic
brake. In the hydrodynamic brake, the braking action is provided by water being forced through
an impeller opposite to the rotation of the drum. In the electromagnetic brake, the braking action
is provided by two opposing magnetic fields. In both types of braking action, a liquid cooling
system is used to dissipate the heat.

Protruding from each end of the drawworks is a powered shaft called a catshaft. The makeup
cathead is on one side of the drawworks and the breakout cathead on the other. The makeup and
breakout catheads are commonly referred to as automatic catheads. The makeup cathead is used
to apply tightening force to large wrenches (called tongs) to screw sections of pipe. A chain is
attached to the ends of the tongs and to the makeup cathead and when the cathead is activated the
chain is pulled tight. Pulling in the chain pulls on the tongs and causes them to tighten the pipe.

The breakout cathead is used to apply loosening force to break out sections of pipe. A wire rope
attached to the end of the tongs connects to the breakout cathead and applies loosening torque to
the tongs and pipe. Also, a small spool is attached to the catshaft which forms a friction catshaft
around which a line is wrapped and heavy pieces of equipment can be lifted and moved around
the rig floor.

The catheads are on the ends of the drawworks:

F r ic tio n c a th e a d

A mousehole is a cased hole close to the rotary table to hold the next joint of pipe.


A rathole is a cased hole near the well’s borehole used to store the swivel and the kelly while
making a trip.


A monkey board is a platform from which the derrickman works while making a trip.


In drilling wells (especially deep wells) the mass of the drillpipe and drillcollars can be very
large and drawworks are required with a very large hoisting and braking capacity to manage
these heavy strings of pipe.

Exercise 3
1. Why are drawworks required in a rotary drilling rig?

2. What are the two types of brakes that drawworks use?

Exercise 1 Answers

1. The principal components of the hoisting system are: the mast or derrick, the traveling
and crown blocks, the drilling line and the drawworks.

2. The derrick provides a structure for raising and lowering sections of pipe from and into the
hole. The taller the structure the longer the sections of pipe that can be handled and the faster
a long string of pipe can be inserted or removed.

3. Derricks are rated according to both their compressive load and wind load capability.

Exercise 2 Answers

1. The block and tackle is made up of: the crown block, the traveling block and the drilling line.

2. The mechanical advantage M of a block and tackle is calculated by dividing W (where W is

the load supported by the traveling block in lb) by Ff (the load imposed on the drawworks
which is the tension in lb in the fast line).

3. Solution

Actual tension in fast line is Fƒ = W/(E*n)

Where W = hook load in lb
For 8 lines E = 0.85
If drill line strength is 125,000 lb
Using SF = 2, max tension = 125000/2 lb

Fƒ = W/(.85*8) = 0.147 W lb

Dead line tension = Fs = W/n = W/8 = 0.125 W lb

Max. equivalent derrick load = 4 * max. leg load

= [(n+4)/n]*W = (12/8)W = 1.5 W lb

ME allowable derrick load = 1.0 X 106/2 lb

Drill pipe, tension is W/2 lb

Max. allowable drillpipe tension = 9.25 x 105/2 = 4.63 x 105 lb

If failure was to occur in the fast line W = 125000/(2*0.147) = 425,170 lb

If failure was to occur in the dead line W = 125000/(2*0.125) = 500,000 lb

If failure was to occur in the derrick W = 1.0 x 106/2 = 500,000 lb

If failure was to occur in the drillpipe W = 9.25 x 105/2 = 463,000 lb

The max. pulling force (tension in fast line) = 425,170 lb

4. A slip and cut program is used where line is gradually slipped from the line storage reel,
about 1 m at a time, and cut from the end around the drawworks. Line usage is calculated in
ton-miles (a 1 ton load moved 1 mile) and when the line has reached a certain allowed limit
(in ton-miles) it must have reached the cut off point. Ton-mile records are carefully kept so
that when the safe usage limits of the line have been exceeded the line is either discarded or
put to other uses.

Exercise 3 Answers

1. Drawworks are required to move the large masses of drillpipe and drillcollars and must have
a very large hoisting and braking capacity.

2. Hydrodynamic and electromagnetic brakes.

Module Self-Test
 Answer the following questions.
 Compare your answers to the enclosed answer key.
 If you disagree with any of the answers, review learning activities and/or check with your instructor.
 If no problems arise, continue on to the next objective or next examination.

1. What is the principal function of the rig hoisting system?

2. What is the difference in meaning for the terminology “making a connection” and
“making a trip”?

3. Compare the difference between a derrick and a mast.

4. What is the principal advantage of the block and tackle?

5. A 1.25-inch drilling line has a nominal breaking strength of 138,800 lb. A hook load of
500,000 lb is anticipated on a casing job and a safety factor based on static loading
conditions of 2 is required. Determine the minimum number of lines between the crown
block and the traveling block that can be used.

6. What do the drawworks consist of?

7. What are the catheads?

Module Self-Test Answers
1. The principal functions of the rig hoisting system are to facilitate lowering or raising
drillstrings, casing strings and other equipment into or out of the hole. Most importantly, the
rig hoisting system maintains tension on the drillpipe while weight is applied to the bit by the
drill collars.

2. Making a connection refers to adding new pieces of drillpipe as the hole deepens while
making a trip refers to removing the drillstring from the hole to change portions of the
downhole assembly and then lowering the drillstring back into the hole (I.E. changing a dull

3. A derrick differs from a mast in that in a derrick the legs rest on each corner of the rig
floor and will have to be disassembled to be relocated to another drilling site. A mast fits into
an A frame that rests on the rig floor and can be folded down and easily and quickly
transported to another site intact.

4. The principal advantage of the block and tackle is to provide a mechanical advantage for
easier handling of large loads.

5. Solution:

Line breaking strength = 138,000 lb and with a safety factor of 2, max is 138,000/2
N = 69,400 lb
Tension in fast line = W/(E*n) and this is greater than in dead line = W/n
Maximum tension in fast line:

From Table 1.2:

No. of lines Efficiency E

6 0.886
8 0.850
10 0.817
12 0.785

If 6 lines are used: Tension = W/(E*n) = 500,000/(0.866*6) = 94,056 lb

If 8 lines are used: Tension = W/(E*n) = 500,000/(0.85*8) = 73,529 lb
If 10 lines are used: Tension = W/(E*n) = 500,000/(0.817*10) = 61,200 lb

THUS 10 lines is the minimum

6. The drawworks consist of a large hoist with a drum around which the drilling line is
wrapped. A transmission allows for easy changing of the direction and speed while a brake
on each end of the drum holds it in position and sustains the weight of the traveling block and
7. Protruding from each end of the drawworks is a powered shaft called a catshaft; the
makeup cathead is on one side of the drawworks and the breakout cathead on the other. A
rope may be wrapped around the cathead and by pulling the rope tight, the cathead may be
used for lifting heavy loads on the rig floor.

1. Explain the “block and tackle” system of rotary drilling and its components.

2. When should drilling lines be replaced?

3. What is the function of the drawworks and how does it work?

Applied Drilling Engineering by A.T. Bourgoyne, M.E. Chenevert, K.K. Millheim, F.S. Young,
SPE Textbook Series Vol 2, 1991.

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