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FICHA 2104671



At present it is observed that the businesses of the Home Service Sector
are very dynamic due to the great increase in competition to cover a larger
niche market creating alternatives and innovative services to customers.
Home services doña luz wants to become one of the greatest preferences
by Colombians regarding the care of presenting an excellent quality service
in our homes, since there are purchase decision factors, where the
evolution of styles of Life and the intensity of daily activities mean that
people do not have time for these. In the same way, for reasons in what we
have lived in these months due to the covid pandemic in terms of the
purchase management of our clients, it shows the preference for attending
this type of home services, we have identified that to provide a quality
service we must have favorable prices and good quality service. In
accordance with this, it is important to be clear about the different aspects
that allow the company to develop its marketing plan, which makes it
easier to face the different changes and trends that are presented in the
market, improving every day and thinking towards the future.


Identify the integral development process to offer our potential clients a

home service with differentiating attributes and benefits that satisfy the
needs of the market, seeking to make it stronger against competitors and
help to position it, in the city of PUERTO NARE ANTIOQUIA.


Study consumer preferences in order to find the exact moment to

implement the new home service.

Identify variables in the market with respect to the competition to hit a

differentiating factor against them and thus maintain the position adding
an advantage over them.
Prepare necessary tests on the new service, to know the preferences of
our possible clients and in this way determine how feasible it is to
implement this new service.
Propose an added value to the service to demonstrate an innovation
against the competition.


to. Idea generation is about getting ideas from various sources. Depending
on the new service we want to create, always to cover an observed need;
this process can be more or less complex. However, there are many
services that once devised, thought or created, generally individually or in
small work teams.

b. Idea selection is mostly about evaluating which ideas are interesting

and which are not. Not always the first impressions, or the subjective
impressions, are the ones that the market is going to see motivated; so you
have to discard ideas.

c. Development of the service concept, the detailed description of the

chosen idea will be applied.

d. Marketing strategies In this phase, aspects related to the service are

raised, such as the market, positioning, market share and expected sales.
Also the prices, the distribution channels and the promotion that we are
going to apply to the service. Although the market was already taken into
account in the previous phases, now the different audiences will be delved
into more depth and the target buyer or user will begin to be determined.

e. Economic analysis For this we are going to deal with the issue of money.
The investment, costs, income, etc. For this we must carry out a
quantitative study to determine future income and costs of the new service
as well.

f. Development of the service, the prototype is made and possible designs

are created that will lead to the final service.
g. Service test To carry out the development of the test will be given to

a test using free samples. The purpose of this phase is to receive

impressions, obtain suggestions, find out what they think about the new
service and see if they meet the needs we want to cover; since otherwise
we would never have sales since the needs are covered; they are not
created. With this, we will finally develop the service.

h. Market test In this penultimate stage the service is marketed at scale

reduced. It is a test or evaluation phase, in which it will be observed if the

price of the service should undergo any modification.

i. Production Capacity Here you view and measure your ability to achieve
projected sales volumes and unit costs, conformance to specifications, and
other quality measures. However, recently, and from the perspective of
design driven innovation, contributions have been made to the
management of innovation and the process of developing new services,
from the first stage of idea generation to their implementation. in the
market. Below All these categories that offer a series of activities, tools,
methods and processes that complement the innovation management

Design Management: it is considered reactive, because it mainly manages

the resources, time, people and money necessary for design activities in
the company.

Leadership in Design: is considered proactive in setting the agenda of a

company using design to have a competitive advantage and foreseeing the
Design Thinking: It acts as a bridge between reactive and proactive notions,
establishing a culture of design in the company.

Research Design: Provides a detailed view of the client's (latent) needs

through the use of ethnographic research or research of the context in
which services are used.


The strategies to be addressed will be based on the differentiation of our

service through price, innovation and quality in relation to the
characteristics of the services offered by the competition. The Marketing
campaign will last 3 months.

The Strategies will be divided into

The strategy of the home service company in the first month will consist of
the introduction of the new home service and the service will be made
known to our target audience through different advertising means.

The strategy of the home service company in the following months will
consist of achieving continuous growth in sales and positioning of this,
through the implementation of the service and reinforcing in advertising

To conclude, the strategy in the remaining month will consist of

establishing the home service as the leading brand in the market, achieving
a 25% share in total sales. In order to capture 25% of the market's sales,
different promotional actions will be carried out with campaigns partnering
with leading brands in the market such as drug stores, grills and
supermarkets in the sector.

Review To publicize the quality of service that is provided in our company

and with the professionalism that our employees bring the articles to our
clients, the good treatment that is given, the means that are available, the
facilities, Home Service This with the point 2 is a plus for those who are
looking for comfort and efficiency when it comes to providing an excellent
home service, having two motorcycles and two own bicycles, adequate
maintenance and the necessary equipment.

Strategies implemented to retain our potential customers. a) A referral

plan, where people can accumulate points for the first service to a potential
customer. By means of an Excel file, the points will be controlled according
to the number of times they call us to request our services.When they call
to ask for the address with a new new client, they will ask them how they
found out about My from the home services company Doña luz

The “Doña Luz Loyal Client Club” will be formed. This group will be made
up of clients who are served at least five times during the last 6 months.
This will be verified by means of an excel file that our domicile company

Customers will be given business cards with the contact numbers of our
company and they will be added to our phone where we will handle
WhatsApp with a company account, so that when they write we will know
who it is.
A web page for the domicile company will be designed. In addition to this,
there will be a person dedicated to managing social networks to be
responsible for managing the Facebook Fan Page of the domicile company,
through the daily publication of our promotions of tips, "did you know ..."
and recommendations General for the care and the biosafety protocol of
this company will also be in charge of the interaction with the fans or
followers of the brand. The communication tone that will be handled will be
focused on “in the clients of the Doña Luz supermarket and the clients of
barbecue and drug stores close to it, that is, it will be directed to the


Promotion strategies

Advertising program

Alliances and agreements

Positioning of the home service

Quantify the perception of the service provided.

Month by month, sales and investment will be monitored in order to control

the activities proposed in the plan and their results in sales in each control,
a parallel will be made between the sales of the month and the investment
for the actions of the marketing plan and to be able to identify its
effectiveness or otherwise possible adjustments that should be made.

This monitoring will be the responsibility of us, the partners, who must keep
a record of sales, as well as the investment in the execution of this plan.


When doing a market test to assess the uptake of our new service we must
bear in mind that if the new product can be easily copied, competitors
could quickly copy our idea, and bring the new product to market before us.
The main advantage of using the market test technique is that it allows us
to obtain accurate information about people's reactions or behavior to a
certain product, service, idea or advertisement; while the disadvantage is
that this technique uses a small sample, so the results could not be

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