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UNIT TEST – 1 (2021-2022)


FM: 15. TIME:- 45 Minutes

CLASS-XII. DATE: 11 th AUG 2021.

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Choose the correct option: [30X 󠇭½=15]

(1). Genes are made up of:

(a). Histones (b). Hydrocarbons (c). Polynucleotides (d). Lipoproteins

(2). A true breeding plant producing red flowers is crossed with a pure plant producing white flowers.
Allele of red colour of flower is dominant. After selfing the plants of first filial generation, the
proportion of plants producing white flowers in the progeny would be:

(a). 3/4 (b). 1/4 (c). 1/3 (d). 1/2

(3). XO chromosomal abnormality in humans causes:

(a). Turner’s syndrome (b). Down syndrome (c). Darwin’s syndrome (d). Klinfelter’s syndrome

(4). Which of the following is not related to sex chromosome X & Y?

(a). Turner’s syndrome (b). Klinfelter’s syndrome

(c). Down syndrome (d). Haemophilia and colour blindness

(5). Inheritance of flower colour is an example of incomplete dominance, which is seen in:

(a). Antirrhinum (b). Pisum (c). Solanum (d). Hibiscus.

(6). Heterozygous tall plant is crossed with a homozygous dwarf plant then the percentage of progeny
having dwarf character is:

(a). 0% (b). 25% (c). 50% (d). 100%

(7). Test cross is a cross between:

(a). Hybrid X Dominant parent (b). Hybrid X Recessive parent

(c). Hybrid X Hybrid parent (d). Two distantly related species.

(8). Multiple alleles are present:

(a). On different chromosomes (b). At different loci on the same chromosome

(c). At the same locus of the chromosome (d). On non-sister chromatids.


(9). An abnormal human baby with ‘XXX’ sex chromosomes was born due to:

(a). Formation of abnormal sperms in the father (b). Formation of abnormal ova in the mother
(c). Fusion of two ova and one sperm (d). Fusionof two sperms and one ova.

(10). A tall true breeding garden pea plant is crossed with a dwarf true breeding garden pea plant.
When the F1 plants were selfed, the resulting genotypes were in the ratio of:

(a). 3:1:: Tall:Dwarf (b). 3:1:: Dwarf :Tall (c). 1:2:1:: Tall homozygous: Tall Heterozygous: Dwarf

(d). 1:2:1:: Tall heterozygous: Tall homozygous: Dwarf

(11). In a test cross involving F1 dihybrid flies, more parental-type offspring were produced than the
recombinant-type offspring. This indicates:

(a). The two genes are linked and present on the same chromosome

(b). Both the characters are controlled by more than one gene

(c). The two genes are located on two different chromosomes

(d). Chromosome failed to separate during meiosis.

(12). Which type of sex determination is found in grasshopper:

(a). XX-XO (b). XX-XY (c). ZZ-ZY (d). ZW-ZZ

(13). The fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster was found to be very suitable for experimental verification
of chromosomal theory of inheritance by Morgan and his colleagues because:

(a). It reproduces parthogenetically. (b). A single mating produces two young flies.

(c). Smaller female is easily recognisable from larger male.

(d). It completes life cycle in about two weeks.

(14). If a colour-blind man marries a woman who is homozygous for normal colour vision, the
probability of their son being colour-blind is:

(a). 0.75 (b). 1 (c). 0 (d). 0.5

(15). Chromosome is made up of:

(a). DNA + pectin (b). RNA + DNA (c). DNA + histone (d). Only histone.

(16). The coding sequence of DNA is:

(a). Exon (b). Replicon (c). Intron (d). Muton

(17). Okazaki is known for his contribution to the understanding of:

(a). Transcription (b). Translation (c). DNA replication (d). Mutation

(18). Formation of both peptide and glycosidic bonds involves:

(a). Hydration (b). Dehydration (c). Esterification (d). Acidification

(19). During Meselson and Stahl’s experiments, heavy DNA was distinguished from normal DNA by
centrifugation in:

(a). CsOH gradient (b). CsCl gradient (c). 35SO2 (d). 15NH4Cl

(20). The 3’ – 5’ phosphodiester linkage inside a polynucleotide chain serve to join:

(a). One DNA strand with other DNA strand (b). One nucleoside with other nucleoside

(c). One nucleotide with another nucleotide (d). One nitrogenous base with pentose sugar

(21). If the total amount of adenine and thymine in a double stranded DNA is 45%, the amount of
guanine in DNA will be:

(a). 22.5% (b). 27.5% (c). 45% (d). 55%

(22). Semi-conservative mode of replication of DNA was proved by :

(a). Hershey and Chase (b). Griffith (c). Watson and Crick (d). Meselson and stahl

(23). The lac operon consists of:

(a). Four regulatory genes only

(b). One regulatory gene and three structural genes

(c). Two regulatory gene and two structural genes

(d). Three regulatory gene and three structural genes.

(24). The number of codons that code different amino acids is:

(a). 16 (b). 31 (c). 61 (d). 64

(25). To which of the following factors, RNA polymerase binds transiently to initiate transcription:

(a). rho (b). beta (c). gamma (d). sigma

(26). Reverse transcriptase is:

(a). RNA dependent RNA polymerase (b). DNA dependent RNA polymerase

(c). DNA dependent DNA polymerase (d). RNA dependent DNA polymerase

(27). The Human Genome Project (HGP) was initiated in:

(a). 1988 (b). 1990 (c). 1992 (d). 1994

(28). In lac operon system, beta-galactosidase is coded by:

(a). a-gene (b). i-gene (c). l-gene (d). z-gene

(29). Which one of the following is the starter codon:

(a). UAA (b). UAG (c). AUG (d). UGA

(30). What are those structures that appear as ‘beads-on-string’ in the chromosomes when viewed
under electron microscope:

(a). Genes (b). Nucleotides (c). Nucleosomes (d). Base pairs.


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