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Most abundant antibody in newborns is: IgG

2. What forms antibody binding site?
3. CD4 cells(correct statement): they bind with MHC2
4. Dendritic cells(true): they mature while travel with bound antigen
5. False about IgG: main antibody in mucus
6. IgE binds with which region of basophils: Fc
7. False statement: B cells express IgG on surface
8. Antibody with J chain: IgA
9. False statement: IL4 activates IL1
10. T cells don't produce IL1
11. Enzyme that isn't part of alternative and classic complement pathway: classic C5 convertase( I
think, check it)
12. Not true: Endotoxin activates classic complement pathway
13. Arthus reaction: CD8 t cells
14. Difference between 2 and 3 hypersensitivity
15. Passive active immunity involves: vaccine to provide long term reaction
16. Primary immune response is slow because
17. Main factor of proliferation of stem cells: IL7
18. Macrophages are developed from: Monocytes
19. Part of antigen that is recognized by immune system: Epitope
20. What will you expect when you have positive tuberculin? I can't remember
21. Place where complement is bound? Fc
22. One question about allotypes, idiotypes, isotypes
23. NK cells kill: before prior activation

17. The principal difference between cytotoxie (type I) and immune complex type)
hypersensitivity is: (choose the best answer) (+)

A the class (isotype) of antibody

B. the site where antigen antibody complexes are formed
C the participation of complement
D. the participation of T cells

18. A child stung by a bee experiences respiratory distress whitin minutes and
lapses into unconsciousness. This reaction is probably mediated by: (choose the best
answer) (1)

A IgE antibody B. IgG antibody C. sensitized T cell D. complement E. IgM antibody

19. A positive tuberculin skin test (a delayed hypersensitivity reaction)

indieates that: (choose the best answer) (1)

A. a humoral immune response has occured

B. a cell-mediated immune response has occured
C. both the T and B cell systems are functional
D. only the B cell system is functional

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