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Table of Contents
The Knowledge of the Common Folk........................3
New High Level Magic.........................................4
Player Characters.................................................... 5
Players' Introduction............................................... 6
Liches..................................................................... 8
Movement in the Wilderness.................................I I
The Wilderness.......................................................... 13
The City of Ool
Level One................................................................ 23
Level Two............................................................... 25
Level Three.................................................29
How to Use this Book..............Inside Back Cover
Map Section...................................Center Pullout

Author: Lynn Sellers
Editor: Scott Jenkins

© 1985 Mayfair Garnes Inc.

Interior Illustrations: Keith Berdak and David B. Bromley
Maps: James Clouse & Jerry O'Malley
Cover Illustration: © 1985 Frank Frazetta

Prints of the cover art are available from: Frazetta Print s

P.O. Box R
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for $4.00 + $2.00 postage and handling.
The Frazetta Art Museum opens April 6, 1985 182 S. Courtland
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ETM and Role Aids are trademarks for roleplaying aids and adventures published by Mayfair Games Inc.
QS. All characters in this book are fictitio us. Any resem blance to actua l p e rso ns , living or dead, is purely coincidenta l.

ISBN: 0-912771-33-X
Manufactured in the United States
Published simultaneously in Canada

31 J Mayfair Games Inc. • P.O. Box 5987 • Chicago, IL • 60680

The Knowledge of the Common Fo.· l
Ages ago, the Gods of Chaos found a way to concentrate
and hold their powers in a material fo rm . This substance,
a metal so black it seemed to swallow light, was called the
Heart of Chaos. From it, the Gods fashioned five Dark
Artifacts: the Crowns of Eternal Night. These were given
to the five Wizard Kings of the land.
As the Dark Gods expected, the kings' new-found power
made them lust for even more, thus disrupting the world
of Light and Order. The Wizard Kings banded together in
the city of Ool and formed the Pentacate, an empire of
darkness which stretched from Ool to as far south as
where the city of Saybalod now stands.
The people of the realm, reduced to slaves, were forced
to worship the Pentacate as deities. Soon, the five kings
began scorning their former beliefs, feeling that they
really should be the deities. Indeed, they had great power,
but not the thing that separated them from the Gods:
immortality. So the Wizard Kings made a pact between
them that would give them a kind of immortality - that
of the undead. They transformed themselves into Liches
and proclaimed their status as True Gods.
This arrogance enraged the Gods of Chaos, who
destroyed the city of Ool in a vast cataclysm: the earth
opened up and swallowed the city, burying the five kings,
their followers, and the once great city of Ool beneath
miles of stone. A black cloud swept over the land, slaying
those who professed to worship the Pentacate.
he Gods reclaimed their crowns. t

( T o be photocopied and given to the Adve11turers .)

New High Level Magic
Scourge of the Violet Spider
A magic user may puL all of his magical energy into a Notes on the Casting of Wishes
final offens ive spe ll, ei Lh er tripling or quadrupling the The Wish is a most powerful magic. Used to its fullesL
spells effective damage dice (i.e. an 11th Skill Level magic extent, it can be most deadly and devastating. When used
user casLing a Fireball wo uld do ei ther 33D6 or 44D6, wiLh imagination and care, however, it can provide some
instead of I I D6). very interesting opposition to a party of good players
Due to the amount of magical energy put inLo the wit ho ut destroying the group.
'Scourge, the magic user will lose l energy level, for triple
damage, and 2 energy levels will be lost if quadruple Here are some guidelines:
damage is done. In addition to the energy level loss, the I. The Wish is a ninth skill le vel spell, and its magicks are
magic user musL roll for system shock (if this roll is restricted to power capable of being produced by other
missed, the magic user will die), and go inLo a comatose ninth skill level spells.
state for 1-10 turns plus I Lum per original skill level of the
2. An exuemely powerful Wish wi ll cause the spell caster
spell casl. If Lhe 'Scourge is casL, the caster cannot cast
to become exhausted and immedia tely fall asleep for
any more spells fo1 the rest of the day.
four hours.
Crandel's Quick Cast Examples of extremely powerful Wishes would be: l
Since the discovery of magic, mages have tried to gain wish that (a particular character) was dead; (The
more control over the magic they have spawned. Until wishing character is advanced inw the future where that
recently, this conLro l was very lim iLed. character is dead. This would Lake the cas te, out of the
Over Lhe last decade, Cra ndel, a very prestigious game.); wishing Magic items to be non-existent; wish in
wizard, discovered a method of shortening offensive spell g in vu ln erabilit y to a ll attacks.
casting time. He refers LO this as the Quick Casl. The fo llowing Wishes can be used. Possible side effects
arc written in parentheses:
Only 3rd-6th skill leve l spe ll s may be Quick CasL 1st I. l wish that could no longer wield a weapon.
and 2nd ski ll level spe ll s cannot be Quick CasL due to spell.
their sim p listic magics. On the other hand, 7th-9th skill 5-7 Caster takes damage equal to 50% of the original
level spe lls cannot be Quick Cast, due to the co mplex spell.
8 Spell backfires, caster takes full damage of original
magical properties involved with them. spell.
Offensive 3rd and 4th ski ll level spe lls can be Quick
Cast, causing the spell's damage to be halved, and reduc
ing Saving Throws vs. Magic by one (-1 ). Casting time is
reduced by 5 seg men ts, but it alw ays La kes at least one
segment to cast a spell.
Offensive 5th and 6th skill level spells can be Quick
Cast, causing the spell's damage to be halved, and the
Saving Throw roll vs. Spells to be reduced by three (-3).
Casting time will be cut by 5 segments, but it always
takes at least one segment to cast a spell.
Quick Cast cannot be used on a ro und that the magic
user is surprised. When attempting a Quick Cast, there is
always a possibility of a spell miscast. T he chance of a
miscast is 10% per spell level, minus 2% per point of intel
lect of over 14 (Magic users of S kill 10 and above subtract
3% per point of in tellect).
For example, A Ski ll Level 5 magic user with an intel
lect of 17, attempting a 3rd Skill Level Quick Cast, would
have a 24% chance of miscast. (10% per Spell Level,
giving 30% and subtracting 2% per point of intellect over
14 ( 3 points, so 6%), leaving 24% chance of Spell
No matter how intelligent or high skill level a mage is,
there is always a 3% chance he will miscast a spell when
using a Quick Casl.
If a miscast has occurred, roll the results on a D8,
using the table below. Note: There is no Save against
Ro/1 /D8
Roll Result
1-2 Spell fails to go off. No damage to caster.
3-4 Caster takes damage equal to 25% of the original
(T h is would last for ID4 turns.)
2. l wish that could no longer move. (The area
containing is affected by a Time Stop spell for
I DB + 9 rounds.)
3. l wish that were Armor Class JO.(The character
wished against would suddenly be stark naked, with
all of his equipment on the ground around him.)
4. I wish that the next time I were brought toO Hits to Kill
, I would be fully healed.
5. I wish that my next enemy would fail his ! her next
saving throw.
6. I wish that l were in the previous round. (Ti me travel,
to a very lim ited ex ten t, such as one or two rounds, is
possible with a Wish, but sho uld be carefu ll y used and
7. I wish that my spells will cause maximum damage
8. I wish the next spell which effects me does minimum
9. I wish to make my next saving throw.
10. / wish to hit my opponent on my next "roll to hit."
There arean infinite amount of good Wishes that can
be used ra ther than the simple Death Wish.
One thing that is impera tive for a Game Master
referee ing a very high skill level game is restraint. This
isn't to say that you should hold back your monster's
attack. It simply means that youshould remember that
your players are participating in thegame for one reason
alone: to have fun. As everyone knows, it is no fun LO ha
ve a GM destroy the team with overpowering odds.
Wishes do not have to be overpowering if handled
with care. They can be used to eat away at a party's skill
s in an exiting, or even humorous way.
Remember: Restrict your Wishes to the minimum
amount of power needed to accomplish the goal at hand.
Player Characters
Players may use their own charac
ters, but should haveat least one
palad in and one magic user among
quite beau tiful, and her shining
yellow hair is the envy of many a fair
maid. She dislikes
violence, but will not hesitate to de
fend the forest or the wild animals that
she loves. Selena, though elven, has
attained druidic powers due to her long
druidical studies, and powerful
Kor, Human, Skill 16 Fighter magicks.
ST: 18 (00) (+3, +4), IT: 14, IN: IO,
SM: 17 (+3), D: 16+2, A: 08 Elrador, Human, Skill 12 Ranger
AC: -6, HTK: 102, M: 15" ST: 16 (+l), IT: 15, IN: 16,
Att: 2/ 1, Dm: (weapon) SM: 14, D: 15 +, A: 17
THACO: 3 Alignment: AC: -2, HTK: 92, M: 10"
Chaotic/Neutral Age: 32, Ht: Att: 312, Dm: (weapon) THACO: 10
6'3", Wt: 270 Alignment: Chaotic/Good
Weapons: +3 Battleaxe, +3 Long Age: 42, Ht: 6', Wt: 150
sword, +3 Longbow, 20 +2 arrows. Weapons: +5 Longbow, 20 +2 arrows,
Armor: Bracers of AC 0, Boots of 5 +3, arrows, +2 Longsword.
Speed, Cloak of Displacement. Armor: Bracers of AC 2, +3 Ring of
Magic Items: Ring of Warmth, Po Protection.
tion of Fire Resistance x3, Potion Magic Items: Elvenkind Cloak and
of Flying x4. Boots, Scroll: Protection from Magic.
Kor, a barbarian from the village of Spells: (magic user) Jump, Enlarge;
Troth, has flaming red hair and a (druid) Entangle, Pass without Trace,
beard. He is rough and prone to vio Heat Metal.
lence. He wears a bearskin tunic, Elrador is a reclusive woodsman
leather boots, and a horned helm. He from Nearwutt, skilled at tracking and
has a gold ring,set with an emerald hunting. He dresses in a camouflage
(1000 gp); Claw Necklace with gold tunic and pants, his Elven boots and
chain (500 gp), and 25 gp. cloak. He is reserved and seldom
speaks of trivial matters, though he is
Selena, Elf, Skill 13 Druid wise in the ways of the world. He
ST: IO, IT: 14, IN: 18, carries 10 emeralds 500 gp each.
SM: IO, D: 16+ 2, A: 18
AC: 0, HTK: 42, M: 12" Dwerl, Human, Skill 12 Cleric
Att: l, Dm: (weapon) THACO: 12 ST: 17 (+l, +l) IT: 14, IN: 18,
Alignment: Neutral SM: 17 (+2), D: 12, A: 17
Age: 28, Ht: 5'1", Wt: 101 AC: -6, HTK: 80,M:911
Weapons:+l Dagger, Oaken Club. Att: I, Dm: (weapon) THACO: 13
Armor: Bracers of AC 2 Alignment: Chaotic/Neutral Deity:
Magic Items: Amulet of Proof Dionysis, god of revelry.
against Detection and Location, Age: 52, Ht: 5'2", Wt: 160
Ring of In visibility, 1 Potion of Weapons: +1 Mace of Disruption,
Gaseous Form. Herbs: 3 Doses of Staff of Striking (17 charges), 5 nor
Feelflowers (Act as Potions of mal hammers (that he uses for his
Healing, each dose re storing 2D4+2 Spiritual Hammer spell).
HTK), 2 Doses of Sweetbalm Arm or: +4 Plate Mail, +4 Shield.
(Removes burn damage as potion of Magic Items: Helm of Telepathy, 4
Healing), 2 Doses Newt plant Potions of Extra-Healing (each re
(Neutralizes Poison). storing 2D4+2 HTK), 8 Potions of
Spells: 6/ 5/ 5/ 5/ 4/ 3/ 2. Healing (each restoring 3D8+3 HTK),
Abilities: Identification of plant 1 Dose of Dust of Disappearance,
type, animal type, and of Pure Ring of Fire Resistance, Scroll: Heal,
Water. Im munity to Charm spells Blade Barrier, Commune.
cast by wood land beings. Ability to Spells: 8/7 / 6/ 4/ 2/ 2.
change form in to a swan, an Dwerl is a portly man, quick to
anaconda, or a Saber tooth Tiger, perspire, and slightly lazy. He is more
each once per day. Shape Changing interested in hedonistic pursuits than
will heal from 10% to 60% (Roll adventuring, but will adventure out of
D6) of Damage already sus tained. love for gold. He drinks heavily, as
Selena is a witch from the forest of every morning he is required to have
Witchwood, where she lives alone. wine in the service of his God. He
She dresses in a gossamer robe that dresses in shining armor. On hisshield
some how never tangles in the rough is a goblet engraved in silver.
terrain where she travels. Selena is
Human, Skill 14 Magic User
ST: 12, IT: 18, IN: 16,
SM: ll, D: 15+, A: 14
AC: -1, HTK: 35 (48 with familiar),
M: 12"
Att: l, Dm: (weapon) THACO: 16
Alignment: Neutral
Age: 47, Ht: 6'1", Wt: 150
School: The Gray Art.
Weapons: Dagger, Staff of the
Magi (22 charges).
Armor: Bracers of AC 2, +2 Ring
of Protection.
Magic Items: Wand of Magic
Detec tion (72 charges), Wand of
Fire (15 charges), Ring of
Regeneration, Robe of Useful
Iterns (bonfire, silver dagger, door,
war dog, lantern, oak tree 30', 10'
pole, 50' rope), Ring of Spell Stor
ing (5 4th skill level Spells of
choice). Spells: 5/ 5/ 5/ 4/ 4/ 2/ 1.
Theosophiles is a quiet, somber
man. He has little sense of humor
and is seldom cheerful. He will
never fight hand to hand except
when he is about to die, preferring
to stand to the rear and use his Gray
Art. He wears a gray robes and a
cloak covered with mystic symbols,
and a small, battered cap, without
which he feels uncomfortable.
Alerius, Human, Skill 13
Paladin ST: l 7 (18/ 00) (+3, +4),
IT: 11,
IN: 13, SM: 15 (+l), D: 13, A: 17
AC: -4, HTK: 106, M: 12"
Att: I, Dm: (weapon) THACO: 7 (5)
A lign m en t: Lawful/Good
Age: 40, Ht: 5'5", Wt: 165
Weapons: +2 Spear, +4 Mace, +3
Axe, Sword of Sharpness.
Armor: +2 Shield, +4 Armor of
Ethe realness. For every 5 charges
used, this armor will reduce the
wearer's armor class by 1. The
armor has been used 8 times before
and has 2 more charges before it is
reduced to +3.
Magic Item s: Rod of Lordly
Might, Boots of Striding
&Springing, Gaun tlets of Ogre
Power (The stats in the parentheses
for ST and THACO apply for the
Gauntlets, when worn.)
Alerius is the sortof person who
will volunteer to fight any form of
evil wherever it may be in the name
of Good. He is impulsive and
overzeal ous, but is usually able to
make the right decisions. He carries
4 Rubies worth 250 gp each.

Player's Introduction
Fair-haired Cantrala, the youn ges t of th e Djar Hardin, waves her arms as if
The Summoning shoo in g a way flies. " Sister-Mo th er?"
Fift ee n min u tes to mid nigh t. she sa id to her Elder. " Wh a t is happen
T he tremo rs had faded, and so had in g?" She cl utches at her breas t as th
the after s hocks . T h e e a rth q ua kes to ough despera teIy ho ldin g on to some th
the no rth had shaken the kin gdom of in g tha t is being torn away from her. Gas
Sa yba lod, but th e people, resili en t as pin g fo r a ir , her eyes bul gin g in fe a r
ever, went on with their lives after the and pa in, she stum bles a ro und the Co
excitemen t died down . T hey laughed uncil R oo m , a nd fina lly co lla pses on
and joked and told tales about where the floo r.
they were when they f irst fe lt th e " Wh a t's hap pen in g to her?" the
q uakes. Kin g sho u ts a t the Elde1. " He lp her!"
Yo u have been ca lled to the Co uncil Ca n tra la 's face fr ee zes in a sile nt sc
Roo m in the palace of Kin g Ko rb en II. It rea m, as tho ugh she is in th e midst of
is a n immense room , loca ted far be nea unimag in able tort ure. T he Elder be
th the en trance levels of the castle. Ma ps gin s to trem ble. "T h-there is n-no help
of t he land, and drawings of the castle and fo r her."
stra tegic town build in gs, are hung on the " Wh y no t? Sum mon my C lerics at
wa ll. In th e cent er of th e roo m is a large once!"
circu la r s to ne table, surro unded by a n T he Elder beg in s to lose co ntrol, sha
um ber of c ha irs. kin g vio len tl y. " T hey wi ll do no
T he Kin g is there, seated with fo ur good. S-she fee ls dea th , vio le nt dea th .
of the his persona l advisors, a nd a T he so uls o f h un dreds of No rt h men
woman whom yo u recog n i1e as the have bee n H o rn fro m t heir bodies -
Elder of the Dja r Ha rd in, a sisterh ood d e vo ured by th e b- blac kness . . . by the
of e mpa th s. A number of wo men, black ness ... " T he Elder swa ts a t the a
wearin g t he bl ue robes of t he Djar ir as Ca n tra la h ad do ne, and she too cl
Ha rdin, stand q uie tl y a lo ng the wa ll s ULc hes at he1 b reast.
of the roo m. Yo u a re mo tio ned to wa Within seconds, the en ti r e S is ter hood
rds the rema in ing sea ts. of the Dja r Ha rdin is overco m e with the
" Yo u are the grea test heroes of the sei1ures.
la nd," the kin g says. " So ngs of yo ur Five m in utes to mid nigh t.
adv ent ures have been heard in al l It begin s as a lo w sou nd, l ike a la1 y
co rn ers o f th e kno wn world, a nd yo u win d rush in g across the ho llow o f a d
hav e ac hieved grea t wea lt h and re ea d t ree. But it grows: it is jo in ed by o th
spect. I fee l th a t I may have n ee d of er, s im ila1 so u nd s - a c horus of d
your services very soo n. ead trees, growin g lo uder , more in isten t.
"Someth ing wro ng is ha ppen ing -
It rises an octave, then two, los ing a ll sim
I know it. I ca n feel i t in t he pit o f my
ila rit y to a wind th rough the woods. It
s to mac h.
tea1s up th ro ugh th e sca les, a nd fo r a
" None o f my sc holars, astrologe rs,
moment, just fo r a moment , it so und a lm
or mages were able to predict today's
ost human, a lmos t as if it is wa ili ng. In
ea rthq uakes. I want to know wh y. I
tha t sound is a sense of dee p so rr o w,
have ordered a ll my men of
as if so m eo ne had los t so meth in g or so
knowledge LO discover the reason for
meone very d ea r, a loss th a t wo uld be fe
the q uakes, and to stay a wake until
lt fo r e ver. T he sou nd rises higher and
they do .
becomes lo uder, los ing all of it's humanit
" Ear li er in th e evening, I decided
y, beco min g an anguis hed screa m of t
to sum mo n the Djar Hard in from
he mad, of h u ndr e d s o f mad men, of
their temp le nea r the cliffs b y the sea.
th o u sa nds, all in chorus, a ll with the sa
T hey a rr ived soo ner tha n I expected,
me sense of a n g ui s h.
as they had co me to speak with me of
th eir own accord. T he Ro ya l H igh Pri est bursts in to th
" T hey to ld me of a g r ea t ba ttle in e room: "Sire, it is the screa m of the
the heavens. T he tensions between the Banshees," he says. " T hey sc rea m for
Gods of C h aos h a ve f inall y bro ken, the so uls of the dead. I fe a r the wo rst.
and they a re now engag ed in wh at Sa ve yo urself fro m the madness they ca
co uld be their final battle. Wh a t th is use: gua rd yo ur - "
mea ns to th e fu tu re of the la nd, no one S uddenl y, a ll is q uie t.
can say." " - ea rs," the p ries t fin ishes.
Ten minutes to midnight.
- .1i
T twelve tim es. Mid n ig ht. have no cho ice, no nego tia tions, no ho Secre ts has a wa rn in g:"
In the Co unc il Roo m o f Kin pe." Be11ra th thr Earth, the Gods have hid
h g Ko rb e n, and in the chambers of T he face va nishes. a fou / n e:;.\ .
e a ll of the kin gs of t he world , and T he Sis terh ood of th e Dj a r H a rd fl gathers up the souls of man, l1he
the cham bers of the most powerf u in la y o n the flo01 o f t he Co un c il R ripened fruil.
t l wizards a nd pala d in s and heroes oo m, their bo d ic1, co n torted in silen Thr earth's gross wound will be
o of the wo rld , an ebon face appears, t ago ny. T he ba nshees begin their wa i unu aled,
w with glo win g 1ed eyes a nd l iu g aga in , con ti nui ng lo ng in to lo spread the corrupt1011 that de
n shadowed fea tu res. the nig ht. vour:; morta l hearts.
" I am Vec to r," the face says, The Mission Al/ end! T he Pentacale musl be un
b speak ing with a vo ice o f ro ll in g th crowned and :;lain,
e under. " I am the Herald of Mo At dawn , yo u are sum mo ned bac k lO before their rvil blots out the sun.
rtebu s, Lo rd of th e L ich Kin gs o f the Co uncil R oo m. A liquid mirror co11ceals their
O o l. Be it kn o wn th a t the Lich T here, yo u meet a hagga rd-loo kin g undo ing.
Kin gs have jus t now re ga in ed the Ki n g Ko rb cn II, and an eq ua ll y hag "Let us hope th at yo u are able to un-
Cro wns of E te rn a l Nig ht fro m th e ga rd Eld e r o f the Dja r Ha rdin . cro wn them befo re the ti me of the sun's
Gods of Ch aos. T he tim e of the ·'T he ti me has co me fo 1 wha l may darkn ess," she says as she sits.
Second Pen taca te is at hand. Sw be yo ur mo t i mpo rta n t missio n. T T he Kin g dr a ws forth a ro ll of pa rc
rende1 your la nds and pledge yo he fa1 c of the wor ld is in yo u1 h a h men t a nd hands it to the party. (See
l nds."
s ur wo rship to Lord Mo n eb us, a nd Pla yer Ma p) " T his is a ma p of th e
yo ur so uls shall be spa red. Yo u T he Elder sta nds and spea ks in a rea lm . Yo u must tra ve l n o rt h , to the
fa tigued vo ice. "T he Blac k Scro ll o f
city of Ool, and destroy th ese ancient Maybe you can get information from the castle. Fully saddled steeds await
Kings before th ey start their Death Berbal Haught, the Wizard. The deci you in the street, along with an extra
march. sion is yours." horse that has been load ed with provi
"T ravel by sea is dangerous this "But beware: the longer you take to get sions and camping gear. The king walks
time of year, so yo u must jo urn ey by to Ool, the greater your chance is of up to each of you and loo ks-in to your
land. We will supply your party with discovery by the Lich Lords." eyes, as if for the last time.
mounts and provisions, as well as any "Destroy the Liches," says the king.
other basic equip ment you need. "May the luck of your gods be with
·'Return with the crowns so we may
"The situation dictates your reach ing you," the king says as you mount your
destroy them, and our Court Wizard will horses.
Ool and destroying the Lich Lords as grant each of you a wish. You must not
soon as possible. However, we have no fail. If you do, it wil l be the end of a ll The citizen s of Saybalod line the
information about the City, nor do we who live." streets,silently watching you leave the
have knowledge of the ' liq u id mir ror' city. In their eyes you see a mixture of
mentioned in the Black Scroll. If you The City and the Departure fear and hope. The guards wave you
feel you need this information, then take The Sisterhood of the Djar Hardin through the gates. Before you stretches a
the route to Magestone. chants a blessing for you as you leave wide road leading north. f
........... -- ........

PORTIONS OF OOL were He kno ws the present whereabouts would willingly be tray the o th er, un
not totall y destroyed; cavernous areas of the other four Liches,as well as their less the reward were grea t enoug h to
were left where the five kings and their major powers. If offered powerfu l risk th eir friendship.
most powerfu l followers have inhabit m ag ic i tems, Murd ros will give this If th e party needs help, use th is situ
ed until today. information to the party as well as a ation:
They are called: Mu rd ros, Lord of map of th e fi rst and seco nd leve ls. He Mo rtebu s is ang ry with Sothgar
Betra ya l; Bolder the Formless, Lord know s nothing of th e other dangers (or fa il in g at the Crystal Falls. (If the
of Shadow; Sothgar, Lord of Deceptio still presen t in Ool. party
n; Lerd ro n, Lord of the Cold Fi:·e; Howeve r, after the players have has gouen this far, he has failed.) He
and Mo rtebu s, Lord of the Lich Kin destro yed th ree L iches, Murd ros will has com ma nded Lerdro n to use his
gs. attack the part y when they sta rt their Fu mble spe ll against his fri e nd So t h
Each Lich King controls a section of attack on Mortebus (the la s t a nd final
gar. If th is spell fails, Lerdro n is com
the bu ried city, and though Mor tebus Lich).
manded to place a Wall of Force be
claims to rule them all,each one secret If he gives any aid to the party, they
tween Sothgar and the party and to
ly fee ls su perio r to the o thers. This will have to pay for it with at least
then attack Sothgar with his I nvisi b le
rival ry ca n be ex p loited by th e p la three major magi c i tems. Gold is
Stalker. It will takeSothgar I D4 ro unds
yer charac ters and used to defea t the useless to a
to real ile what has happened.
Lichs. Furthermore, if th e p layer cha Lich.
Explain the effec ts of the spe lls to
ract ers are bea ten and about to be Boldor the Formless, Lord of Shadow
the party. They should be ke p t in the
destroyed , the G M ca n use the ru les (First Level)
dark about the ba ttl e between the
belo w to help Boldor is a powerful creature who
L iches.
the party. enjoys co ns iderable sway with Mor
Wh en Lerdron's spells are in effec t,
Role Playing the Lich Lords tebus, the Lord of the L ich Kin gs. He
there is a 50% c ha nce per ro und of
The Five Lich Kin gs are evil beyond freq uentl y sp ies upon the others and
co m ba t that Sothgar will realize who
com pare. Due to their ava ri.ce, they are reports their actions to Mon ebu s. Be ca
is beh ind the attacks on him. In thi s
not especiall y lo ya l to th e ir co use of this , the other three I iches ha te
case he will stop his attacks on the
mrades. Each will try to su bvert th e Bold o r. They have banded toge th er to
party and req uest a tru ce while he hu
defenses of the Lich he hates most. aid the pa rt y in defea ting h im .
nt s down and kills his " friend " Ler
Except for Murdro us, the f ir s t Li ch, If t he party needs help, use this dron . GM NOTE: The chance of of
all the L ic h es will be aware that the situatio n:
disco v ery is high beca use Mort ebus
party is in their city and will watch their Approximately I Turn before the
is tele pa thicall y g ivin g Sothgar this
pro g ress in cry s ta l balls or through party encounters Boldo r, So thgar and
in fo r ma tio n.
the eyes of t heir se rvants (rats, bats, Lerdro n will aid them. Lerd ron will
cast a Fireball spell in f ron t of and Lerdron, Lord of the Cold Fire
cats a nd the like). (Second Level)
Also, through these devices or ser away from the party to get their atLen
Lerd ron is the friend of Sothgar and
vants the Liches can cast spells against tio n, and So thgar will drop his Ring of
will not willingly betray him un less
their own comrades due a wish cast Spell Storing in front of the gro up.
th e price is right. As with Sothgar, the
from a scroll by Boldar. Boldar th in ks The Ring is mag ically cha rm ed so th
only price Lerdron will consid er is
he is the only one who ca n attack his a t it will vanish after the party us es
powerf ul Magic items.
brethren from afar, but actua ll y all the it o nce. All th ree spells in the Ring are
L i c hes have found th ey have thi s known to the party (see Sothgar's mag ic If the party needs help, use th is
powe r. items for a listing of these spells). si tua tio n:
If t he party is quiet after the ring is There is no need to convin ce Ler
The Lich Lords
dropped, they can faintly hearsnicker dron to a ttack Mortebu s, whom he
Murdros, Lord of Betrayal in g. hates with an intense passion. During
(Fir s t Level) Boldor will not part with his cro wn the first encou nter he will give the
Murdros is the greediest of th e fiv e, un less he is defeated. par ty h is +5 Defend er sword and his
th erefo re th e one mo s t likely to be Sothgar, Lord of Deception Ring of Rege nera tio n if th ey agree
in fluenced by bribery. (Second Level) to help him defea t Morterbus.
If t he party needs help, use th is Sothgar and Lerdron are as friendly
situa tio n: as possible for two L ich es. Neith er GM NOTE: If Sothgar is with the par-
ty to kill Lerdron, this offer will not be will cast a Repulsion spell, then blast
made. If the adventurers leave Saybalod
immediately, stay on the road, and go away with Fire balls and Lightning
Mortebus, Lord of the Lich Kings
directly to Ool, there is a good chance Bol ts. If sla in, Murdros will have th e
(T hi rd Lexel)
that they will still be able to meet the following equipment with him: lDl0
Mortebus, wants the other Liches
Liches in their weakened states. How x 1,000 gp, 5 black diamonds worth
dead and out of his way, but it is be
ever, if they dawdle or go to Magestone 5,000 gp each, +3 dagger, and 1 Black
neath him to soil his hands to do it
for help, they may not make it in time. Crown of Chaos (inactive).
If the party needs help, use this In this case, their best bet is t9 go to the NO MALSTATE
situa tio n: Crystal Falls in Clearpeak Mountain Murdros Skill 20 Ma gic User
Vector the Spectre Lord wil I help to get the Holy Sword, Spellbane. AC: 0, HTK: 80 (14D8), M: 6"
the party against Mortebus. He will There are two sets of statistics for Align: Neutral/Evil, IT: Genius
try to co nvin ce the party to work each Lich. The first set are the Liches Att: l, Dm: 1-10, T HACO: 8, Size: M
with him to this end but, unknown to in th eir weakened state, before theyare Special: Immune to Charm, Sleep,
him, Mon e bus has heard every word. ab le to work their magicks and the se Enfeeblement, Polymorph Other,
He will acti vate a rune engraved on co nd set is a fter they have re-activa Cold, Electricity, Insanity, Death
the Spectre Lord's helm that will ted the Crowns of Eternal Night. spells or Death symbols.
explode into a Delayed Blas·t Fireball Murdros, the first Lich He wears one of the Black Crowns
for 25D6 HTK of damage in a 10' x Mu rdro s, the first Lich is a ravaged of Chao s, which imparts 50% Ma g
10' area around the Spectre Lord. , skeletal figur e in rich , ic Re sis ta n ce.
Vector will not be able to save, though scarlettrimmed black robes. His face is
the rest of the par ty can roll aga in st SPELLS:
hooded, and only two spots of red light levels 1-6) Sp ell s are th e sa m e as
spells. peer from beneath the cowl. Murdros
If the party already has the services " WEAKE NED STATE.''
glows with a faint blue light.
of So thga r or Lerdron, the Spectre Additional spells:
Lord will not aid the party, but will WEAKENED STATE 7) Duo-Dimension, Limited Wi h,
attack the o ther Liches. Murdros Skill 20 Magi c User Statue.
AC: 0, HTK: 40 (l4D8), M: 6" 8) Maze, Trap theSoul, Mass-Ch a
Notes on Betrayal Ali gn: Neu tral/ Evil, IT: Genius rm.
When the party faces Mort ebu s, he Att: l, Dm: 1-10, THACO:8, Size: 9) P ri sma tic S p he re, Power Word
will always attack his beuaying Liches M Kill.
fi rs t a n d the party second. T he Special: Immune to Charm, Sleep,
Liches, however, will pale at the sight Enfeeblement, Polymorph Other,' As soon as the party enters, Mur
of the terr ibl e Lord and lose all Cold, Electricity, Insanity, Death dros ·will cast a Repulsion spell,
initiative rolls. Furthermore, Mortebus spells and Death symbols. then blast away with a Limited
con tro ls the power of the crowns each Because of his weakened state, Wish such as "May your weapons
Lich wears and will cancel such Mur dros is -1 to all initiative rolls. miss on the first attack." etc. If
powers when they are used against slain, Murdros will have the
SPELLS: following equipment with him:
him. 1) Magic Missile x2, Read Magic, lDl0 x 1,000 gp, 5 black diamo nds
After the Mortebus falls, the other Charm Person x2.
Liches with the party will instantly worth 5,000 gp each, +3 dagger,
2) Da rkn ess 15' , In visib ili ty, and 1 Black Crown of Chaos
attack the group, even as th e caves be Boldor The Formless
Knock, Levita te, Mirror Image.
gin to fall in on them. As Baldor the Formless lacks a mate-
3) Fireball x2, Lightning Bolt, Dis
rial body, he will surprise the players
Stats of the Lich Lords pel Magic x2.
on a roll of 1-5 on a D6. The only way
4) Fire Shield, Dimension Door, }ee
that Baldor can be harmed is by +4
Storm, Minor Globe, Wall of Force.
T he Liches have existed for cen tur weapon s or better, as they are the only
5) Cloudkill, Passwall, T eleport;
ies with out the Crowns of E tern a l ones capable of dama g in g his "es
Night, and have thus become consid Wall of Iron, Cone of Cold.
sence". When active, Boldor 's black
6) Geas, Project Image, Repulsion,
erably wea kened. However, now that crown gives him the ability to cast si
15 days. ..._ Globe
As soo of Invuln
n as era bili
the party ty. Murdr os
enters, multaneous spells at will, and he will
they have taken, the Crowns from the
Gods of Chaos , the Liches suength
will increase. But this will take abou t
turn visible only after he is slain. per day he is able to automatically Special: Immune to Charm, Sleep,
WEAKENED ST ATE Heal himself for 50 HTK. Enfeeblement, Polymorph, Cold,
Boldor Lich, Skill 20 Magic User Because of his weakened state, Electricity, Insanity, Death spells/
AC: 0, HTK: 100 (20D8), M: 6" Sothgar can only cast spells as a symbols.
Align: Neu lra l/ Evil, IT: Genius Skill 15 magic user. Because of his weakened State,
Att: I, Dm: 1-10, THACO: 7, Size: M Lerdron has lost all of his Illusion ist
SPELLS: %-..
Special: Casl magic as a Skill 15 spells.
1) Magrr-1v'fissile Charm Person,
magic user. Immune lo Charm, Sleep, Magic User Spells:
Burning Hands.
Enfee blemem, Polymorph Olher, 1) Affect Normal Fires, Jump, Pro
2) Gontim:ral-Light;-Darlrness 15'
Cold, and Eleclricily, Insanily, Poison, tection from Good, Charm Person
radius, Invisibil i ty, Forget, Pyro
and Dealh spells/ symbols. x2.
SPELLS: 2) Continual Light, Detect Invisi
3) llis.p@I Magic, Haste, Hold Per
I) Magic Miss.ilc-x2-, Read Magic, bility, Invisibility, Levitate, Mirror
son,-Eir,ebaH, Slow.
Charm Person, Fealher Fall. Image.
4) Dimension Door, Fear, Fire
2) Darkness 15', lnvisibilily, Ray 3) Blink, Fireball, Fly, Slow, Phan
Shield, ke--&torm, WalloLice.
Enfee blemem, Slrenglh, Web. tasmal Force.
5) Magic Jar, CQile..of Cold, Tele
3) Fly, Fireball, Lightning Boltliti, Pro 4) Confusion, Fumble, Polymorph
kinesis,..RoGk to-Mud,.watlc:rt'-Ifun
tection from Normal Missiles. Other x2, Wall of Ice.
4) Fire Shield, Confusion, Fumble, 5) Animate Dead, Cone of Cold,
Pol ymorph Olher, - Magic Jar, Passwall, Wall of
5) Hold Monsler, Feeblemind, Magic Force.
Jar, Telekinesis, Wall of Force. 6) Death Spell, Geas, Invisible
6) Disintegrate,
ls. Sothgar is able Death
to see Invis­ ible Spell,and
objects, fiesh..J.o Stalk
is not harmed by any weapon less than +3. His black crown gives er,ability
him the Legendtocast Lore, Projectspell
2 simultaneous
&te.oe, 6-lobe of Invulnerabilily. Image.
NORMAL STATE 7) Delayed Blast Fireball, Duo
Boldor Lich, Skill 20 Magic User Dimension, Power Word Stun,
AC: 0, HTK: 150 (20D8), M: 611
Align: Neutral/Evil, IT: Genius 8) Mass Charm, Maze, Polymorph
, Statue
Att: I, Dm:1-10, THACp:7,Size: Any Object, Clone.
Special: Immune to Charm, Sleep, Lerdron Lich, Skill 22 Magic
Storing that Enfeeblement,
holds these spells:Polymorph
-Limited Wish,Other,
Haste, and Minor Globe of Invulnerability.
User, Skill 12 Illusionist
Cold, and Electricity, Insanity, AC: 0, HTK: 1751050 (25D8), M: 611
Poi son, and Death spells/ sym bo Align: Neutral/Evil, IT: Genius
ls. Boldor's Crown is able to Att: I, Dm: 1-10, THACO: 7
summon a 4" wide, 2" high, 2 deep Size: M/ H uge (36')
cloud of Shadowstuff (see the Special: Immune to Charm, Sleep,
Dark, page Enfeeblement, Polymorph, Cold,
22) Electricity, Insanity, Death spells/
SPELLS: symbols.
levels 1-6) Spells ?-re the same as Lerdron's Crown gives him the
"WEAKENED STATE" ability tocast 2 simultaneous
Additional spells: spells, and a permanent Cold Fire
7) Vanish, Duo-Dimension, Incen Shield.
diary Cloud. Magic User Spells:
8) Maze, Symbol of Pain, levels 1-8) Spells the same as
Polymorph any object.
Sothgar dresses in black velvet robes "WEAK ENED STATE"
that swirl behind him as he moves. He Additional spells:
speaks in what would bea nasal whine 9) Astral Spell, Shqpe Change,
if he had any nasal passages to whine Pris matic Sphere.
through. Lerdron
Lerdron wears a brown cloak that Illusionist Spells:
WEAKENED STATE looks as if it once belonged to a 1) Audible Glamor, Color Spray,
Sothgar Lich, Skill 20 (Casts as 15) Druid. If he is in his normal state, he Darkness, Light, Wall of Fog.
Magic User is sheathed in a blue light that 2) Blindness, Deafness, Mirror
AC: 0, HTK: 150 (20D8), M: 611 emanates from the permanent Cold Im age, Blur, Ventriloquism.
Align: Neutral/Evil, IT: Genius Fire Shield from his Crown of Eternal 3) Dispel Magic, Non-Detection,
Att: I, Dm:1-10, THACO: 7, Size:M Night. (See below.) Paralysis, Spectral Force.
Special: Immune to Charm, Sleep, WEAKENED STATE 4) Emotion, Improved Invisibility,
Enfeeble, Polymorph Other, Cold, Lerdron Lich, Skill 22 Magic User Phantasmal Killer.
Mortebus, the Lord of the Lich
Electricity, Insanity, Death spells/ AC: 2, HTK: 100/600 (25D8), M: 611 5) Major Creation, Shadow Door.
Kings, wears garments that befit his
symbols. Sothgar is able to See In Align: Neutral/Evil, IT: Genius 6) True Sight.
stature: Long, flowing purple robes
visible Objects, and is not harmed Att: l, Dm: 1-10, THACO: 7 embroidered with silver and gold
by any weapon less than +2. Once Size: M/Huge (36') thread.
WEAKENED STATE Mortebus Lich, Skill 25 Magic User AC: -2, HTK: 180 (25D8),
M: 6" True Sight, and Fire Shield. 4) Confusion x2, Polymorph
Align: Neutral/Evil, IT: Other x2, Fumble.
Because of his weakened
Genius 5) Cone of Cold, Passwall,
state, Mortebus cannot cast his
Att: 1, Dm: 1-10, THACO: 7, Wall of Ice, Wall of Force x2.
clerical spells
Size: M 6) Death Spell, Project Image,
Special: Immune to Charm, Magic User Spells: Geas, Invisible Stalker,
Sleep, En feeb le, Polymorph l ) Affect Normal Fires, Charm Disinte_grate.
Other, Cold, Elec tri city, Per son, Magic Missile x2, Read 7) Delayed Blast Fireball, Duo
Insanity, Death Spells/ Symbols. Magic. Dimension, Power Word Stun x2,
+4 or better weapons are needed 2) Continual Light, Invisibility, Vanish.
to hit. Monebus has a Per Levitate, Mirror Image x2. 8) Maze x2, Mass Charm,
3) Fireball x2, Lightning Bolt Poly morph any Object, Clone.
manent Globe Invulnerabilit Dispel 9) Wish x 1.
_of y, Magic.

NORMAL STATE Mortebus Lich, Skill 25 Magic User ! Skill 15

Cleric AC: -7, HTK: 180 (25D8), M: 6" manent Globe of 2) Augury x2, Hold Person,
Find Traps, Silence15' radius
Invulnerability, x3.
Align: Neutra l/ E vil, IT: Genius True Sight, and Fire Shield.
3) Continual Light, Blind, Feign
Att: 1, Dm: 1-10, THACO: 7 Magic User Spells: Death, Disease, Dispel Magic
Special: Immune to Charm, Slee p, (levels 1-8) Spells the same x3.
4) CureSerious Wounds
J, Enfeeble, Polymorph Other, Cold, "WEAKENED STATE"
x3,Tongues, Exorcise.
Ele<;tricity, Insa nity, Death Spells and 9th level) 5) Cure Critica.l Wounds x2, Flame
Wish x5. Death Symbols. Mortebus' Crown
Strike, Slay Living.
imparts theabil it y to cast 3 si m u ltan- 1) Command x2, Cure Light

spells. +4 or betterWounds
weapons are needed to hit. Mortebus has a Per- 6) Blade Barrier, Harm x2.
x4, Cause Fear.

The player characters must GM NOTE: Normal monster en *The forest of Tanglewood is
travel to the town of Ool, loca ted counters are not pan of this especially dense. Movement
in the far northern end of the main module, but may be added if the through this forest is I / 1 / 2
map. They must travel through GM desires. Travelling through the Wilderness:
themany different areas that make The party can travel by foot, by
up this land. horseback or, if they have the
As the party enters a new means, by sustained flight (flying
section, the GM shou ld find that Rates of movement:
Terrain Movement Rates in hexes carpet, fly ing animals, etc).
section's descrip tion in the book Rates of travel are different for
and read the introduc tory per day.
Foot/ Horse/Flight dif ferent types of terrain and for
paragraphs found in the top box. the three modes of travel. Ship
Then the GM rolls on the Clear 2 /4 /4
movement is not aJiowed, due lO
encounter chart and, if an Forest• 1 /2 / 3
the violent storms that lash the
encounter occurs, reads the Hills I / 1 /4
coast during this season.
appropriate passages. Mountains ½/½/2
Because of the disturbance in
The GM rolls on theencounter Mud/ Ash flats 1 / 1 /2
the magical fields, Teleport spells
chart once per day. I£ the party The Dark l/1/
are especially dangerous for the
passes from one section to another Road 2/4/
player characters. There is an
during one day's movement, additional 25%
always roll on the encounter chart
for thesecond section.
Clear 21414 Forest 1 /213 Hills 11114 Mountains ½l½/2

M ud ! Ash D Road
Flats ar 21414
11112 k
11 11
chance that these spells will go pushing their mounts or themselves end of the day.
wrong. This restriction affects all beyond normal endura nce. If the The road negates all other
items that teleport characters. Only party wishes to force a march to terrain considerations as lon g as
character magic is affec ted by this Ool, they can double their move the road is followed. The
rule, non player characters' spells are ment rates, but each character must exception is Drear, where the
not. save vs. his Stamina once per day or movement rate is half the normal
It is recommended that asma ll token be exhausted and unable to move rate.
be used to keep track of the party while for I D4 days. Heal and other spells Al I of the hexes in the area of
they move across the board. will nega te this effect, but the party The Crysta l Mountains should be
Notes: will still lose one full day of travel. consi dered mountainous, so the
The above rates are for characters Exhaustion rolls are made at the rate of movement in that area must
who are travelling quickly, but not be adjusted accordingly. f

Keeping track of the characters' ti with in it.

In addition, there is a 30% chance
me while they travel to Ool is .ex "You have ten days," he says, then
that a storm begins, in which case all
treme ly important. If they reach the he vanishes. There is a smell of
movement is stopped for one day
city before a certain time, they will rotted, dried meat in the air.
unless the party has a Control Weather
catch the Liches before they have a
chance to completely revive their foul
powers (see section on Liches). This Day Seven: The following will
will make the adventure a lot easier happen at noon. Read to the players:
for the party. However, the party A band of about forty human and
must move very quickly and take the elven peasants is slowly pushing an
chance of missing clues that could overloaded cart along the road. They
lead them to the magi cal sword, seem barely able to walk. Their
Spellbane. shoulders slump. Their hands are
A chart has been provided below purple with blisters and black with
for the GM to keep track of the time. grime.Most of the peasants are covered
Mark off one box for every day that with grit-encrusted sores.
the party travels. On certain days, The children are beyond crying. All
certa in events will occur. At the of their eyes are dry, some wide open
beginning of these days, read the in fear, some half closed from exhaus
characters the approp riate encounter tion. Some grief-stricken parents con
(or roll on the percen tages given for tinue to carry children whose eyes
that day). will never open again.
• • •
The following events will occur on If th e adventurers approach these
the specified days: peasants, they will be asked for food
and medical help. The refugees are
Day Five: The following will occur the last to lea ve Coveton, a small
early in the morning. Read to the fishing village to the north that was
leveled when the first earthquakes hit
A purple shaft of flame explodes the land. They are trying to overtake
from the ground in front of you, and the first group that left for Ulwutt.
Vector, the Spectre Lord appears In addition, there is a 35% chance
that a storm begins, in which case a ll madmen, all in chorus.
movement is stopped for one day Day Ten: There is a 40% chance that Suddenly, the ground rumbles. Far
unless the party has a Control a Storm begins, in which case all off in the north, ashaft of purple
Weather spell. move ment is stopped for one day flame shoots towards the sky,
unless the party has a Control Weather punching through the swirling black
spe ll. mass of clouds above.
Day Fifteen: The following will A purple shaft of f Lame explodes
occur as the characters awaken. from the ground in front of you and
Read to the players: Vector, the Spectre Lord appears with
Ravens and vultures fly swiftly to in it.
the north. Heavy black storm clouds "You have just run out of time," he
blot out the sun.The temperature says. Then he vanishes. There is a
sud denly drops, and chill swirling smell of rotted meat in the air.
winds howl around you. The sky seems to open up and the
The howling changes, rises in rain pours down.
pitch, tearing up through the scales, • ••
going higher and higher, becoming It will rain for two days, cu tting
a scream of hundreds, thousands of movement by 1 hex per day. I

Time Chart To be marked off daily by th e GM.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
This stretch of forest is tangled
oor with underbrush and heavy growth.
y,·1s:Roll once per day on a D10: The road is dark and overhung with
a down
hes across the scruffy plains. A few ragged trees and a slight smattering of bushesgrow here. The day begins to grow hot; the sun beats
Chance Encounter cantmmercifully.
opy of foliage. There is a
ncounters. Once an encounter has ocwred, ignore that roll the second day.
I•4 A suitable campsite just within the
8 • 10
No E11counter
perimeter, with clear ground
completely surroun ded by brush. As
you sit around the fire and discuss
your plan of action, you hear a
metallic clank in the woods.
•• •
Armor: Leather Thief Abilities
GAME MASTER'S NOTE: Pick Pockets: 120%
From this moment on, keep Open Locks: 102%
track of the time it takes the play Find!Remove Traps: 90%
ers LO travel to the city of Ool on Move Silently: 109%
the chart provided (see page 12 ). Hide in Shadows: 103%
Hear Noise: 40% ·
Climb Walls: 99.4%
[A] On the road ahead, you see a Read Languages: 70%
smal1, fat man with a heavy pack on
his back. He is puffing his way
toward your par ty, apparently Detennining Theft Percentages Roll on table once per round to see
unaware of your presence. To determine the chances for a suc which items Ferret Bombas1er tries to
cessfu l theft when percentages are steal.
over 100%, subtract 3 from the
This is Blom the Fat, a merchant victim's Skill Level rating, multiply D20 RollItem
travelling toSaybalod. He has the result by 5, th en subtract that 01 - 02Map of Area
20cheap Potions of Healing (2D4+2) number from the T hief 's percentage 03 - 07Magic Rings
that he is selling for 50 gp apiece. chance. The result o[ the above 08 - 12One Player's Gems 13 - 16Dagger or
Unfortunate ly, these elixirs are 50% calculation is the percen• tage that has
likely to back fire, having damaging to be rolled against to see if the theft is
rather than healing effects. successful.
While he is talking to the adventur For e xample, if Ferret wanted to If the map is stolen, take it from the
ers, his travelling companion, a pick the pocket of a Skill 13 Magic party and have them describe their journ
skilled thief named Ferret Bombaster, User, you wou ld subtract 3 from the ey in terms of map directions, i.e.
will at tempt to steal various small Skill rating, giving you a l 0. Multiply Northeast, West, etc.
items from the party. Ferret is ing that by 5 would give you 50, and One hour after the meeting with
invisible, due to an Invisibi lit y subtract ing that numb er from Ferret's Blom the Fat, make a few false die
Scroll that he read as the party came Pick Pocket chance (120%) would get rolls then read the following:
into view. you 70%. I[ this number is not rolled,
then the the(t is successful.
Blom the Fat Human, Skill 2 Fighter
ST: 11, IT: 12, IN: 12
SM: 9, D: 11, A: 9
AC: 9, HTK: 12, M: 9"
Alignment: Neutral
Weapons: +1 dagger.
Armor: None.
Special: +I Ring of Protection, 20 Po•
Lions o( Healing (see above)

Ferret Bombaster Human, Skill 14 Thief

ST: 13, IT: 15, IN: 15,
SM: 16, D: 18, A: 10
AC: 3, HTK: 70, M: 12"
Alignment: Neutral
Weapons: 2 Short Swords.
This metallic clank is a small dog Then a noise comes from the dis the way to Berbal Hought's tower."
nosing around in the old skeleton of tance. As it gets nearer, you realize " But why would they be going
a traveller. The skeleton has a rusty that the sound is laughing and high there?" asks a third.
dagger in its ribs. There is nothing of spirit ed noisemaking. Approaching "Especially a group like them."
value here, but as the players you are a number of beautiful young "Oh, I know, I know!" one chirps
scramble to do battle with the women, who are scantil y clad in excitedly. "They're gonna answer that
"clank," they shou ld now be animal skins, and are dancing with message from that Spectre Vector!"
informed of their miss ing items and long staffs en twined with ivy and " Spectre Vector?" gasps another.
wealth. Thedogwill run away as soon tipped with pine cones. Some of " Are they gonna fight him?" She
as the party approaches. [BJ Night them are carrying large wineskins turns to the party and smiles. "You
fall s quickly, and it is un usually out of which they squirt long don't have to fight him, our Lord
quiet. Your talking, the crac kling of streams of dark red wine. Dionysus will."
your fir e, the chirping of a few " Why are you out here?" one o f "Won't he?" says one o f the younger
insects, and the gentle rustle of the the women asks. women, and the rest of them chime in:
plantsare the only sounds that you " W here are you going?" asks "Will he? Won't he? Will he? Won't
can hear. another. he? Will he?Won't he? Will he? W on' t
"Oh," says the first."I bet they're on he?"
"Of course he will!" says the first, from human and elf skins. If the mouths and demonic smiles on lheir
· quieting them all. " The Lord Diony per cen tage roll is nol successful, the faces.
sus is a good god, agreat god! M ig h women wi ll gel a surprise a ttack on
ty and powerful is our Lord Dion ysu lhe party. (21) Maenads
s, fo r he will save us, his ch ild ren! T h ese women are the Mae nads AC: 7, HTK: Average of 14 (3D8),
Dance for the Lord Dionysus!" (Mee-n ads ), a n a me which mea ns M: 611
With that, the women begin to " mad -women." Fo llo wers of Dion Align: Chaolic/ Neu tra l, IT: Av.
dance and whirl about, leaping, y sus, they roam the land, celebra tin g Att: I , Dm: 1 -6, THACO: 16,Size: M
screaming, and singing. h is grea tn ess by losing lhemselves in Special: Man iaca l Attack: lhey will
Suddenly, one stops, whirls around, fren zied da nci ng. T hey wh irl and lea p at lh e pany without regard to
and points at you." I f they are going lea p, screaming and singing wilh the damage to lheir own bodies, mak ing
to fight the ancient kings," shesays to object of losin g a ll ra l ionalily. the Maenads +3 to hit, +3 to damage,
her companions, " they do not believe and +1 on Armor Class. They are
Because of lheir unconlro llable
in the power of Dionysus." not affected by Sleep,
slale duri ng lhese revels, the Maenads
The rest of the women scream and, Charm, or olher mind-co 11Lro ll i ng
need only a sma ll excuse lo beco me
while still dancing, attack. spe lls.
vio lenl. When lh is hap pens, a
• >II< >II<
nyone nea rby is in jeo pa rdy. The
T h e r e is a 45% chance lhal lhe Maenads will seize whalever a n i ma l GM NOTE: The women will a uto ma
char acter wilh Lhe h ig h esl i m e l li or perso n is nearby, Lea r h i m apan, tica l l y auack with surprise if the above
gence wi ll realize l hal some of the and eal him raw. percentage roll (againsl the
clothes lhal lhese wome n are wearin g
are made
T hey wi ll lh en con tin ue wilh lheir player's in lelligence) is nol made. f
revel ry, wil h blood drip ping from their
the soldiers of The Five like a flood of
Magestone - The Home of Berbal death.
"Soon word of this great paladin
Rt'ad 10 ilw pl;i"·is:
Before you is a spire of rock, several old hut th at is actually there. cheerfu ll y at you.
stories high, with a ramp leading to its top.
Sitting upon thestone is a strange and If t he adve11Lurers do not wa lk
shifting tower. It appears to stretch into lh e ramp for a f ull lurn, there is no
several dimensions and planes at once, but way for them to get LO Berbal Ha ugh
does not wholly exist in any one. t.
The il lus ion over his hut is co n
trolled by a magica l gem. Curren tl
This tower is simply an Ill usio n. ll y, the gem, wh ich is Polymo rphed
is the homeof Berba l Hough t, askill ed im o the shape of a brick, is being
wiza rd a nd po werf ul ill usio n is t. His used as a doorslOp.
home is acl uall y a sma ll hut which
occu pies the sa m e gro u nd as the ill u If the party wa lks th e length of
sionary lOwer. the ramp for one lUrn, read the fo ll o
wing to them:
There is a powerfu l d is ta nce d istor
tion spell cast upon the ram p, a nd the Suddenly, the tower disappears
chara cters will have to trave l u p it s and you see a thatched hut before
fifly foo t length for a f ull turn lO you. Standin g in the doorway,
make any headway. However, af ter ma dressed in tattered gray robes, is
rch ing up the ramp fora turn, the ill an old man hing a gnarled staff. As
usion of the LOwer van ishes. At this you ap proach, he raises a hand
lime the party wi l I be a b le to see the and waves
Refracted light sprays around its surface in a reached the ears of the Kings them "Or so we thought. Now the sword
thousand rainbows, and staring at it hurts your selves. Boldor, the Lord of must rise once again to dobattle with
As you ascend the ramp, you see the tower
Pestilence, set out to stop th is the Penta cate. You must travel to
recede before you. As yo11 conti11ue, the "Black Cloud," as Therja Kor had the Quick silver Falls on Clearpeak
distance to the keep doesnot shortm. come to be called by the Empire. Mountain,
''After a long search, Baldor
found the warrior and challenged
"Greetings, Questers. I have heard of him. - Therja Kor, seeing this as his
your mission and I have important chance to partially Julf ill his oath,
information Jor you. Come in, come in, leapt to do battl<' with the King.
and take refreshmen t." " i n the fight which followed, -
T he old man enters his hut, beckon Therja Kor was mortally wounded.
ing for you to follow. As he lay bleeding on the
battlefield, the clouds parted, and a
In side, the hut is one small room,
Phoenix descend ed from the sk y.
cluttered with books and papers. A desk,
Clutched in its talons was a mighty
buried under piles of paper and stacks of
sword of crystal, which was placed
books, stands against one wall, and a
in Therja Kor's Jailing hand."With
musty bedroll lies against another.
his last breath, the brave paladin
"/ have been instructed by my mas
plunged the blade into Boldor's
ters to tell you of the epic battle of
breast. The king Jell to the ground.
Therja Kor, an ancient paladin," says
But his spirit rose and re turned to
Berbal Hought,clearing an area on the
Ool, never to take a material form
floor for you to sit on. "/ believe you
will find it interesting in light of your
"The flaming bird took up
present qu est."
Therja Kor's inert body, and flew
Berbal brings out a cask of wine, and
to the Crys tal Mountains. There it
offers you each a flagon. Then he
rummages through adusty,red, leather hid the sword deep within a
bound tome and opens it. crystal cave, behind a waterfall of
pure mercury. Then heset guards
In a solemn voice he reads, "Thou
to protect the sword until the day
sands of years ago, when the Pentacate
when once again it would be
Em pire ruled su preme, there Li:ved a
great paladin named T herja Kor. When needed. T herja's body was laid to
the Empire swept over his land, Therja rest in the Hall of the Heroes.
swore an oath not to rest until the Five " It was at this moment that the
Kings of Ool were dead and buried be Dark Gods rose and buried the city
neath the earth. of Ool, thus fulfilling Therja Kor' s
sworn oath."
"This started a li fe lon g war against
the forces of the Pentacate. T her ja Kor The old mage then closes the
book and looks to each of you.
traveled from shore to shore, def eating
and regain the Crystal Sword before
the Kings themselves do so. They [A) You are able to march until noon. [A] You come across an orchard of ap
know of its presence, and also of its You dismount to allow your horses to ple and cherry trees, and each branch
pow er." Suddenly, a howling laugh rest. of every tree is heavy with ripe fruit.
As you are eating your meal, you Dozens of thin children, human and
comes from outside. The smell of notice a small, ruined shrine, twenty elfin, are running and playing around
rotting, dried meat cuts through the feet to your left. You failed to notice it the trees. Some are sitting in the shade
room. Berbal Hought looks about, before because of the heavy brush of the trees, some are sleeping on the
then shouts " It is the servant of the sur rounding it. The shrine is a sm all soft grass in the warmth of the sun.
Lich Lord! You must depart quickly, pyr amid, four feet tall, with crypti c Their clothes are ragged but clean,
in scriptions covering it. and the majority of them have thickly
for ban daged feet.
they know of your quest." Al low thieves their normal When they see you, they become
chance of reading languages. If this suddenly quiet, staring at you. One
The door bursts open, and standing fails, give the wizard of the party a human boy bolts away from the
chance equal pack, into the woods.
The Plains of Non The boy returns in a few minutes
with a fat, middle-aged elf in tow, fol-
Read to the players:
peace ful. The sunlightGrassy
filters through
plain sthe trees intobrilliant
stretch the hor , dew-sparkled
izon in shafts, and the wind gently rus­tles th e leaves. Rabbits and chipmunks sniff at the air as you go by.
GM NOTE: The encounter below occurs a£ter the party has Lravelled I hex into Ulwutt.
each direction. The wind wafts the long,
tufted stalks of grass into gently flowing
waves,and a few large, white, puffy clouds
drift across the clear blue sky.
in swirling purple mists is a powerful speaks in your mind, saying," I used a Scroll of Scrying to see how
figure, clad in black plate mail , and Seek the Maid of the Forest, for Coveton is doing. There' s nothing
wielding a flaming sword. You recog she-" there but sand."
nize the face immediately: it is Vector. Thevoice is cut off. A tear rolls down his cheek. " Every
Berbal Haught waves his hands in thing we had. . . friends . . . gone."
an intricate gesture, and the scene ex
plodes in a blinding flash of light. For Vector's Stats, see Room 43,
You find yourselves standing upon the Level Three, Ool.
plains of Non, not far from the forest
Berbal Haught was able to teleport
where the mage lives.Your steeds stand
them to the center of the Hex-space
grazing, about 20 feet from the spot
located northwest of the MagesLOne
where you appear. A faint voice
hex (see the Wilderness map.) f
the grass are sneaking up on the
party. The spiders can be seen from
Roll once per day on a D10: twenty feet away. Due to their steal
Chance Encounter th , they will not be heard.
I -3 A
4·8 B (10) Phase Spiders
9- 10 No l·.ncoun ter AC: 7, HTK: Average of 38(5D8+5),
See below fot encoun ters. Once ;on c11eo untc1 has M: 611 • 15 11
happ ened, ig nore that roll the second day.
Align: Neu tral, IT: Low
Att: l , Dm: 1-6, THACO: 15, Size:
to hisskill level plus his int elle c t sco Special: If attacked, a phase spider
re, and if he rolls less than the combined will shift out of phase until it is
nu mbers on the percen tile dice, he will ready to bite. Bitten characters save
be able to read this ancient script. vs. poison at -2. P hase spiders can
The writing says:"Here I ie the bones not be harmed by standard or magi
of Dyson Termin, the High Priest e n c al means when out of phase,
slaved by the Pentacate. Though his soul unless a character enters the
will neve r rest, may he find peace when ethereal plane.
his spiri t is finally release d... " The Phase Spiders were su mmoned
The rest of the writing is not read by a wizard long ago. Their lair is
able. The information here will not be of nearby, in a hole under ground. If the
value to the adventurers un ti! they reach player s search for 2 turns, they will
room 36 in the City of Ool. find it.
[BJ GM ONLY: Ten Phase Spiders in
The lair contain s 300 sp, 500 gp, A
large ruby worth 270 gp, and a pair of
jewel e ncrusted daggers worth 150

man who led us here. So I'm the lead
er." He sighs.
"We came from Coveton , up north
lowed by about twenty human and by the Far Sea. We were the first to
elfin adults. get hit. There were quakes up there
weeks ago , but no one could figure
"You were absolutely right, my boy, them out. As a precaution, a group of
they are strangers," he says, then our best figh ters went to Ool Crack
turns to you."Allow metointroduce to see if there was anything
myself. I am Taylor, Taylor by name happening there. When they didn't
and Tailor by profession. I am the . . . come back, we guessed that they
per son you want to talk to, the . . . found something nasty.
leader of these people." " We were the first group to leave
You are led to a clearing, where the Coveton. I'm afraid we may have
sun beams down upona large flat been the only group. We were able to
rock. You are motioned to sit upon the take a few things with us, a few
warm rock, and Tailor sits on the magical scrolls and food for the
ground, facing you. journey. We'd figured we could be
"I'm theoldest person left alive," safe here in U lwutt for a while."
he says. "This morning we buried "If you're going to Ool, your best
the bet is to get there as soon as possible.
"Listen," he says, wiping his eyes.
know if I would have made it. I was in
"You'll need a map. Do you have a th ere once, years ago, but I didn't go
map?" far. I don't know of anyone who's If th e party had their map taken
"Something else, too. Take this made it across there." from them , Taylor will give them
Scroll of Mass Teleportation. We had "Go now. Hurry. All the luck in the another one. He will also give then a
two of the se, but we used one to get world to you. If you see anyone else on Scroll of Mass Teleportation, that will
us across Drear. The children the road from Coveton, tell them we're send the entire party and their horses
here. Tell them we'll wait for them as up to six hexes in any direction th ey
wouldn't have made it." He smiles. "
I don't
long as we can ." choose. I
Fall s w here it is hidden. It must be
recovered quickly, for I fear that the
Witchwood servants of the L ich Kings havelearned
Read 1he players: GM NOTE: T here is a chan ce (30% + the
character·s Int ellect roll ed on a D100) that of its location. If they recover it before
T he trees in thi s for es t areancient and large, one random character will know that this is you do, the battle will be di ff icu lt
some rising as high as two hundred fee t. Un the path wh ich leads to L'Lall, the home of
derbrush is scarce, and flowering shrubs are
the Maid of the Fores t. That character
scattered over th e forest floor . Dragon fli es dart knows there is no danger here u nless " I give you my blessing, and my
thr ou h the air, and huge butterfl i es flutt e r someone harms the fo res t o r th e wi ld li fe failh in your success. If you fail, doom
from tree lo tree. it uppon s.
A glowing golden path, made of some un If th e roll is fa iled , the journey to the
will surely creep across the face o f the
known material , winds into the woods. A Maid of 1he Forest will take an extra day. Earth.
peaceful aura radiates from it. " I f you are ready, I will teleporl you
to the Crystal Cave, where the Sword of
2) The Lich So thgar is searching for T herja Kor rests."
GM NOTE: Read the fo ll o wing to the the pa rt y with four of his Spectre
players: fol lo we rs mounted upo n ni g h
You come lo an immense clearing, GM NOTE: If th ere is a mag ic
t ma res.
in the center of w hi ch is a massive log user with the µa rty, th e fo l lo wing
3) Vec to r, the Spectre Lord, has re tu
cabin. A very beautiful giant-woman, will happen. lf the p la yer cha ran
rn ed to Oo l and is suspec ted of
wearing leat her breeches and a silk ers in the front of th is book are
knowing the lo ca ti o n of th e
tu n ic, is splittin g logs. f-1er golden hair used, the foll o win g will ha ppen to
CrysLal Sword.
is tied in a braid that hangs to the back Selen a.
o f h er knees, and her smile is radiant. T his information should be given to T he Maid turns to the magic us
As you enter the clearing, she turns to the pla yers o nly if they ask. er and says, " I have a gift for you,
the party." I am In grid , th e Maid of rny friend ."
the Fo rest," she says. ''I greet you, GM NOTE: Read the fol lo wing to the She goes to a cabinet, brings
friends of my friend. I will give yo u p la yers: out a rod, and hands it to the
aid, for you are in dire peril." The Maid speaks to you r steeds in a magic user. As the magic user
• • • lan guage unknown to you . T he touches it, a tingle of magic runs
Ingrid, the Ma id of the Forest is a horses wander o ff lo th e sweet grass up his! her arm.
mag ic user who tend s the forest of nearb y. She th en leads you into her " It is a fresh Rod of
Witch wood. cabin. Absorbtion, a powerful magical
T he interior of the cabin is even item which will protect you and
Ingrid Giant-Maid, Skill 15 Figh ter / more impressive than th e exterior, with let you cast spells quickly witho
Magic User intricatel y carve d wooden tot ems ris ut losing your memorized spells.
AC: 4, HTK: 87, M: 1 2"/ / 12" ing into th e shadows of the rafters far • • •
Align:l.a wful/ Neutral,TT: Exceptional above. T ro phies and skins of a variet y T he Rod of Absorption wi ll ab
Att: l , Dm: 4-24, THACO: 10 of predatorial animals hang on the sorb up to 50 spell levels befo re
Size: L walls, and th ere are large pieces of bei ng d ra ined of its power. Spells
Spells: 5/ 5/ 5/ 5/ 5/ 2/ 1 com fo rtabl elooking fu rn i tu re made stored can be cast without a char
Special: When seen, a Save vs. from carved hardwoods and skin s. acter los ing any me moriz ed spe
Mag ic must be made or the She li fts the party one by one to the
top of a large table, where there is a The L ad y will then dra w a circle in
creature that has failed it s sa ve will the gro und, spr ink le it with golden po
be Charmed. Female cha racters human sized table surrounded by a
num ber of similarly-scaled chairs. She wder, and tell the party that when they s
add +2 to their saving roll, but are tep with in, they wi ll a rr i ve at the Q
motions for yo u to sit , and she sits al
still sub jec t to the gian t-ma id 's
great bea uty. her larger table, facing you. uicksilver Fa l ls . I
If any member of th e party is "I have heard of the death of Berbal
wounded or hurt in any way, the Maid Haught," she says. " It is a sad event. It
will heal th em. S he will do th is with is now up lo you to destro y these foul
a wave of her ha nd , as she is gifted Kin gswho have risen from the past.
with the power to heal at will. As you know they are Liches, the most
foul of the undead .
If th e party asks for further info rm a " T herefo re, you will need a power
tio n a bou t the Lich Kings , the Lady ful weapon to slay them. The Mage has
know s the following: told you of the Crystal Sword, and I
1) Mortebu s is the most powerful of will teleport you to the Quicksil ver
the five Lich Kings.
Fellfang River/ Fogdrop As the watch is making the rounds,
Read w the players: a Red Dragon will swoop down on
The ground that slopes steeply down to the of sparkling green, about one hundred yards the exposed party.
river is mostly loose,black dirt, speckled with across.Stretchingacrossitisanarchedstonebridge. • • •
The guard hasa 50% chance of being
smooth, round, gray and white stones. There ••• surprised, unless he is a Ranger, who
area few tuftsof tough,brown grass,and Encounters (A]and [BJ will happen on suc
every so often, a tree leans precariously over cessive days in this area. There are no other has a 33% chance of being surprised.
the bank. The river itself is a swiftly flowing encounters. The Dragon will swoop down at the
band party three times to breathe fire, then
retreat to its lair in the Downs.
Red Dragon
them. If the party refuses, he will AC: -1, HTK: 88 (11D8), M: 9"/ 24"
A farmer dressed in a ragged gray make no effort to press it on them.
tunic and pants is crossing the bridge. Align:Chaotic/ Evil, IT: Exceptional
The "pig" is actually a Gold Drag Att: 3 or breathe fire, Dm: 1-8 / 1-8 /
He is driving several pigs before him on. If they accept, the farmer will 3-30,
with a pointed stick. As you draw clo smile, hand over the pig, and leave. THACO: 10, Size: L (50')
ser, he raises his hand and waves. He Under no circumstance will the pig Age: Very Old.
appears surprised to see you and intro reveal its true form until the party
duces himself as Tuma Hahb. Special: As this Dragon can spea k,
reaches the Quicksilver Falls. If the it will use spells against the party. It
" M y wife was right," he says. "She ad venturers attempt to eat the pig, it can also Breathe fire (9"x3" cone).
said this morning that I would meet will simply vanish, never to return. If
some strangers on the road at this Spells (2121212): Protection from
the party is in danger, the pig will Good (works as Protection from
very spot. She claim s to be a seer of turn invisible when no one is looki Evil), Unseen Servant, Mirror Im
sorts, but other than predicting rain , ng, and hide until the fight is over, for age, Web, Disp el Magic, Phantas
she has never done well at all. Still, he knows he will be needed most at mal Force, Dimension Door, Minor
she said to give you the Falls. Globe of Invu ln e rabili ty.
thismessage:'Seek the Quick silver Fogdrop
Falls, for there you will find aid.' I T his bare land is mostly chalky, If the party is not able to kill the
don't know what it means, but that's white limestone. Small holes pock the Dragon it will fly north, toward its la ir
what she said." ground, and travel is rough and slow. in the Foul Downs. The party will be
• • • Haze reduces visibili ty to less than 1 unable to follow the Dragon to its la ir
due to its speed. However, if they jour
The "farmer" isactually Bhahamut, m ile , and you can see no other tra
the Platinum Dragon, with his seven vellers on the road. ney into theFoul Downs they will easi
Gold Dragon consorts in the form of You are able to travel until evening ly discover the Dragon's Lair.
pigs. This encounter is no accident. with no encounters. As the gray after If the Dragon is attacked and re
He has come to give the party noon sky darkens towards evening, duced to half or below its HTK
valuable informa tio n, but does not you find a suitable campsite where points, it will vanish. There will be a
wish them to know his true identity. the ground is reasonably flat and a strong smell of ro tted, dried mea t.
If asked for further aid or informa spring bubbles up from a rock. GM NOTE: Sleeping party members
tion, he wi11 disclose the location of • • • receive no saving throw from dragon's
the falls (Clea rpea k Moum ain ), and Determ ine the watch order, then breath, so if th e party is surprised, it is
tell them to beware the Foul Downs, de likely that oneor twomembers will die
for an evil dragon lives there. Then he termin e on whose watch the
following encounter will occur.
in this encounter. I
will continue on his way. Before he
leaves, he will offer them a pig to take

on which a uacked the party in

The Foul Downs Fogdrop. If the dragon
Read 10 the players:
has been attac ked, the cave will be unoccupied. H not, the
This is a steep, hilly area, Dragon will be sleeping within the cave. The caveex tendsone
covered withcharred tree hundred feet into the hill.
trunksand brush. Occasionally, It is co mposed of one large cha mber, fifty fee t wide. The Dra
tumbleweeds, kicked by the gustin gon's treasure is sca11ered in pi les on the floor, along with bonesand
gwinds, scuttle across your path. the remains of previous kills in various states of decomposition. For
Signsof life are seldom; small the Red Dragon 's Stats, see the Fogdrop Section.
insects and spiders scuttle away T reasure: 2000 cp, 4000 sp, 4050
from you int o cracks in the gp, I000 pp, 5 rubi es worth 1000 gp each, 6 sapphires worth 500
ground. gp each, +2 dagger , five +3 arrows, Ring of Water Walking,
After adifficult trek through the Potion of Extra Healing, 3 Potions of Heal ing, a Raise Dead
rough hills and crags, you see a Fully Scroll, and a Potion of Gaseous Form.
cave on the side of a rather large
hill. Bon es litter the ground
around the base of the hill. There f
is no path leading up to the en
tranc e of the cave.
This is the lair of the Red Drag
A larger version of this map is re
produced in the back.
The party has a 50% chance of sur
\ prising the giants.
too, as the thick undergrowth entangles you r feet and legs, and there are too
Rollmany bushes
once per day to a D10:plow through. You have to cut (6)
onsimply yourStone Giants
ow11 path through Tanglewoo d.
Chance Encounter AC: 0, HTK: Average of 52 (9D8+5)
I-2 A M: 12"
3-6 B Align: Neutral, IT: Average
7 - 10 No /.!,11counter
Att: 1, Dm: 3-18, THACO: 12
Once an e1uo un 1e1 ha::, o ccu red , i g nor t' that Size: L (I 2' tall)
roll r h(' ,ec0 11d day. Special: Hurl rocks l" -30" causing 3-
30 HTK da mag e. 90% c hance of ca
[AJ As mid-a ft ernoon approaches, T his is Clea rpea k Mountain, where tching any similar types of mis siles
you can see a beautiful crystal Quicksilve r Falls is located. thrown at thein.
The giants are gamblin g with 1000
mountain rising above th e forest. It is [BJ You come across a clearing. gp, but all of it is fool's gold, and it will
formed en tirely o f quartz, and th e Sitting in a circle around the dust of a
sunlig ht is re fracted from it in a turn to lead in one day. If th e pa rty
dead fire, are six Stone Giants approaches w it hou t vio le n ce , the
dazzling array of light. engrossed in a high -stak es game of giants will react favorabl y to them and
Bon es, using hu man leg bon es. not allack, thoug h they will be wary.f

Within the block rests the body of

Clearpeak Mountain Kerja Korn.
Read ro the p layen :
G M NOT F: Paragraphs A and B are to be read [BJ You stand before the Quicksilver Fall (2) Crystal Golems
10 till' pally if they have arrived here by foot. If s; a brilliant silver cascadeof pure mercury AC: -3, HTK: 80 (12D8), M: 611
the pa r ty was telcpo necl here by the Maid of gushes from a small hole in the side of the
crystal mountain, s/Jlashing heavily into
Align: Neutral, IT: None
rhe Fo re, t, rC'ad on l y Paragraph B.
[A] Thl're , a path leadi11g up tJi,, mountam. the liquid mirror th at is the small pool at All: l , Dm: 5-50, T H AC0 : 9, Size:
It is too uneven for horses, but you rnn easil y its base. T wo small walk ways on either L
side of th e pool lead into the falls.
climb it on foot. The path contmues up the Special: May o nly be hit with+ l or
mountain for Ital/ a mile. T fu, climb is not •• •
Behind th e mercu ry falls is a cave. There is beuer mag ica l wea pons. If a Crysta l
di//ll ult. except for th e last few feet, w he re an opens onto a ledge.
no space between the falls and the cliff face. Golem takes more than 8 HTK from
Therefore, the party will have to use magical a si ngle blow, the Golem will s ha t
means to pass. I[ any adve nt urer tries to walk
All ( ha rau en, mu st Save vs. Dex terit y thro ugh the fall ing mercury, he will take 10- te r, ca using LDL0 HTK to everyon e
or [all ID8 x .'> feet. I D1 IITK damage / 5 100 (10D 10) point s of crushi ng dam age. within a IO' rad iu s.
foo t fall.
Cry s tal Golems are able to crea
te a field of s ta tic electrici ty in a
10' radius around themselves on ce
(GM Note: The monetary val ue of ev ery 3 rounds. This field will
merc ury is eq ua l to si lver of the same
cause da mag e eq ual to half the
curr ent HTK of the Golem. (Save
Inside the Crystal Cave. vs. Dex terity for half da mage.)
T he roar of the falls makes it neces T he only magic spell whi ch affects
t sary to shou t in here.
T he cave is dazzlingly bright, the
a Crys tal Go lem is a Sha tter spell ,
which will destroy them.
N crystals within refracting th e light in
[BJ As the last Golem fall s, yo u h
brilliant prismatic rays. Colorful, but
eara high- pitched howl emanatin g
fragile loo kin g fo rmation s hang from
from th e sword. You are soon able to
the ceilin g and rise from th e floor.
hear the followin g words:
GM NOTE: Encounters A, B, and C " I am th e Holy Sword Spellbane,
will happen once the adventurers are and through my blade runs the power
inside thi s area. of the Universe. Who claim s my
[AJ Against the far wall stand two crys might as his own?"
tal statu es, each twelve feet tall. Be tw (GM NOTE: The blade will float
een them is a four-foot tall quartz gently toward whoever claims it, then
block, suspended in mid-air. Above it will settle into his/ her grasp.)
that is acrystal sword,intricately
carved with runes and mystic sym bols. The sword continues, " You, my
wielder, shall no longer be affected
•• • by hostile spells, for my might will
The statues are Crystal Golems, pro tect you. I offer you the power to
created long ago by the Phoenix who strike down your enemies with
gave the crystal sword to Kerja Korn thelightning within my blade, once
to guard the sword. As soon as the per day. No longer shall the hand of
players enter, the Golems will evil be placed upon your body, for
animate and attack.
0 my strength will prevent its vile
touch. Wield me with pride, for I am
the most powerful
A larger version of this map is reproduced in the back.
sword in this world." compa nied the part y from the Fell fire (9"x3" cone) or ch lo rine gas
The sword is then quiet. T here is fang River, it will change into its true, (5"x4"x3"), and magic use.
no sheath, but it will fi t comfortably THACO: 9, Size: L, Age: Ancien t
Drago n form .
into any longsword scabbard.
Special: Magic Missile, Light,
Spellbane, +5 Holy Sword (+2 if Sothgar, Lich, Skill 20 M agic User
ESP, Web, Blin k, Haste, Fear,
wielded by a non- paladin ) (See Lich Section , page JO fo r
Stats.) Polymorph Other, Airy Water,
IT : 16, EG O: 18
Special: This sword will create a Teleport , Legend Lore, Project
Modified Globe of In vulnera bili (4) Spectr es Image. Gold Dragons can also
ty when drawn. This will g ive a AC: 2, HTK: 45average (7D8+3), Polymorph Self 3 times per day.
50% cha n ce of negating any spell M: In th is insta nce, Sothga r will s ta y
thrown at iL The swo rd will also 15"/ 30" and fight until is down to half of his
fire a Lightning Bol t o nce per Align: Lawf ul/ Evi l, IT: High original HTK, then he will telepo rt
day for 12D6 of damage. Att: 1, Dm: 1-8 plus evergy leve r back to the safety of th e cit y of Oo l,
Spellbane is an egotistical blade dr a in (2 skill levels) lea vi ng the Spectres to die.
which will have its own way. Anytime THACO: 13, Size: M The Spectres themselves have no
a melee s tart s, roll percentile dice, for Special: + I or be tt er weapo n treasure, a nd So thg ar shou ld NOT be
there isa 2% c ha n ce th a t the swo rd needed to hiL Im m une to Charm, sla in at th is poin l. If he is about to be
will ref use to fi g h t , a n d o ffer none Sleep, Hold, and Cold spells. sla in , an ea rl ier wish wil l tele port
of i ts p o wer to the wielder. him back to Ool.
[C] As soon as the sword is finished (5) Nightmares If the pig is prese n t, it wi l l vanish
boasting, you hear a rasping voice AC: -4, HTK: 37 a verage (6D8+6), afte r the fight and go back to Bha ha
say, "Come forth, mortals, and deli M: 15" / 36" mut, its master.
ver into my hand that which will be Align: Neu tra l/ Evil, IT: Ge n iu s
After the fight with the Lich, the
m ine ." Alt: 3, Dm: 2 8 / 4-10/ 4-10
night wi l l pass with no further
THACO: 13, Size: Larg e
* * * encounters.
Special: Fly, become Etherea l a t
T his is Sothgar, one of the five Lich Those who were telepo rted here by
will , breathes a smoking cloud (save
King s, who has discovered the party the Maid of the Forest will find horses
vs. brea th a t -2 or be at -2 to hit and
after days of sea r c h ing. H e is m o u (new ones if the party's were killed by
da mage ).
nt ed on a Nightm are and accom wo lves) at the base of th e mo untain.
panied by four Spectres, also mou Gold Dragon She telepon ed the steeds in sho rt!y af
nted on Night mares. T hey wi ll
attack the party on sighL At this
AC: -2, HTK: 84 (12D8 ), M: 12"/ ter s h e teleported the party. f
instant, if the "pig" ac- Align: Lawf ul/ Go od, IT: Ge nius
Att:3, Dm: 1-8/ 1-8/ 6-36 plus

Glass Canyon th en lower LO a level o f 3 feet for two

Read to the players: Roll once per day on a days before it runs dry.
DJ0· The ledge above the party is too
The walls of the canyon smoothly ascend Chance Encounter thin and smooth to walk alo ng, but th
one hundred feet lo a narrow ridge,
protected by gray quartz boulders. Aboue I · i ,, ere is a 50' x 50' ou tcro pping on wh
ich the party can wa it.
that a ledge slopes into the Crystal H - 10 R
If they fi g ure ou t a way to ride the
Mountain range. T he
bottom of the canyon is sandy, and wide See below en< Ol On«· wave, it will carry them LO th e end of
10 1 dl'taih 011 ll l l l' 1' .
enough for two hor ses to walk abreast. .ill ha, o< < tll tcd. ign o tt· !hilt
enc·<n 111tc1
1011 tht' seco nd da y. the ca nyon by n ightfall.

[A] You hear a single metallic click. but th ro w st0nes, unless the party fl
The sound comes from above and ies up to ba tt le th e m. Otherwise,
ahead of you, on the ridge. the party can get out of their ra ng e
* * * in 4 rounds. If th e Zo m bi es aren't
On top of the pass are 4 slain in their first fight, th ey will la
Zombie u nch ano ther rock a ttack al
St'one Giants, preparing to drop boul night. This will occur
ders on the party. The party wiII not every four hours until the party slays
be surp rised and will have the ini ti the Giants, since th ey were to ld to
are the Zombies move slowly. They low no one LO pass . al

L I onewell
fairly hundred feet above
concealed, the missile
so any party and
shots a t them wi ll be at a -4 LO hit.
[B] Your fe e t are suddenly splashed
with water. Behind you there is a
Att: ! , Dm: 3-30, THACO: 12
(4) Zombie Stone Giants Size: L
AC: 0, HTK: 51 average (9D8+3) T hese Zombie Stone Giants were created by the Lich King Sothga r to guard
M: 611 the pass. They will do nothing
Align: Neutra l/ Evil, IT: Low
t .
n T his is the begin nin g of a Flash
d Flood. In th ree rou nds, the main
e wave (20' high) will slam into the
r party, do ing lDI0 HTK damage per
i round any party member stays in
n the water's course. The flood will
g last a full day, 19










ort of larvae, devouring road extends onto the plain. Looking east and each other,and squirming together in a huge west, you see that the mud extends to the base mass. A light haze qu ickl y t

Roll once per day ona D10:

urch. As you ride out onto the road, you r horses' feet sin k into the mud up to their Encounter
fetlocks; each step making suckmg sounds as the horses pull their hooves
I -.5 A
6- 7 B
8 - JO No "'11c •"' ,r

Encoun tc1 lBJ ()(CUIS after sunsct- sc:c below

Ahead of you is a slime pool, and looking fo r dc ta ih. On<r an encoun te1 ha, occ ur ed ,
ig1101e tha t 10II the ,cco nd day.

If the adve n tu rers are in Drea r over 20

night , ha ve them describe in deta il
what the camp arrangement s are to be,
as th is we t, dreary place is a rather un
usual campsite. If th ey attem pt a forced
ma rch to get o ut of Drea r, there is a
10% c h a n ce per turn that one of the
horses will drop dead from exha ustio n.
50% c ha nce per day for A.
[A] You travel for one hour, then the
road passes fou r large pools, two on
either side of the road . The smell of
decay is overpowering.
As you reach the mid-point of the
pool s, maggots suddenl y shower the
party. From each of th e four larva
pool s, a huge white worm raises its

head quickly, extending forly feel ou t

of the pool. r..
• • • '(
T hese are Sl ime Worm s. The pools
are the breeding gro und s for their lar (;,'.,'
;;I '
vae. The worms will try to la nd on .,
party mem bers, who must save vs. Dex '!.
teri ty or receive 4D8 of cr ushing da m ,.::
age. The wo rms can no t lea ve their
pools. - ··.. .,' ..•
(4) Slime Worms ,.
AC: 0, HTK: 90 average (20D8),
M: I I 1 2"
Align: Neutral, IT: Animal
All: 1, Dm: (see Specia l),
THACO: 7, Size: L (60' leng th
Special: Cru sh ing dam age (4D8 ) in
f irst rou nd, th en Squirt acidic slime
for 5D I O HTK (Half if save is suc
cessfu l) in a 3' x 90' stream.
(NOTE: If a player fails his save, he .
.. -: ·..
Cf •
must make a saving throw for each of
his mag ic items as well, or the items '

will be destroyed.)
GM NOTE: This encounter will
·.· ' ,-.,..
happen at ni gh t. After deter min ing
watch order, roll to see which watch ... ...'
\. .,......,.
will have the following encounter:
[B] Durin g your watch, you hear
slurp ing and squishing as small, wet
s A light fog rolls in, impairing vision.
l Toward th e end of th e watch, you
i hear a loud " squish" from the other
t side o f th ecam p, and you see a
gigantic gray blob with arms and legs,
h holdin g a large gray clu bover the
e headsof your sleepin g com panion s.
• • •
h T h is is a Clay Giant. It is perpetual l
r y hun gry, and will eat any livin g thin
o g that it can club.
(1) Clay Giant
g AC: 3, HTK: 30 (5D8), M: 3"
h Align: Chaotic/ Evil, IT : Sem i-
Att: 3/ 2, Dm: (first round , club) 2-
t 12, 2-12, (second rou nd, fi s t) 10-40.
h THACO: 15, Size: L
e Special: Edged weapons have no
effec t.
g It is ca rr ying a clay club, which
r will infl ict 2-12 HTK of da m ag e to
a th e vic tim. Every tim e the giant
y usesthe club, the GM must roll 0100 to
seeif it sha t ters and becomes useless,
m reducin g th e number of attacks per
round to I. The chanceof a club
u shattering isequal to5 times the damage
it infl icted. For ex ample, if it did 8
d HTK, it will sha tter
on a D100 roll of 40% or less. f
Farwutt T he ad ven tur ers will be a ttacked
Read 10 1he players: by G ian t Spiders, attemptin g to spr
The trees in this forest are sickly and in g a surprise attack. Five of th em
white barked with slimy leaves. Each tree the dense, slimy fo liage. will sneak up behind the party; the
seems to drip with pale Spanish moss. You notice that for th irty yards around other three will fall on the party from
There is noun derbrush, as the floor of you, there are huge spiderwebs. The road trees. T here is a 66% cha n ce that
Farwutt is covered with gray mud. The road reachesa tangled pass of the webs.To either
is overhung wit h a canopy of these trees, the spiders will surp rise the part y.
side o f you the fo rest looks as if it were
and though the fog has dissipated, there is draped with sheets of sil k.
little sunlight penetratin g (8) Giant Spiders
AC: 4, HTK: 32 average (5D8+5), M:
3" • 12

Align: Chaotic/ Evil, IT : Lo w

Att: 1, Dm: 2-8, T HACO: 15, Size: L
S pecial: Bi te is poisonous (Save
at-2 or die). Whe n the sp iders
have the in iti a tive, th ey are able
to bite.
Within the webs are the sp iders'
lairs. If the pa rt y bu rns the webs
nearby and sea rches for 4 turn s, th ey
will find the followin g: 4000 cp, 1000
sp, 1000 gp, a + l dagger, a +2 R in g of
Pro tec tio n, an Ioun Stone(+I
strength), a nd I scroll: (Clerical) Heal,
Blade barr ier, Pla ne Shift.
Other than the Spiders, the rest of
Farwutt is without encoun ters. f

This vast plain of rolling, sandy of small yellow flow ers. T here are no
The Northern Crawls hills is sparsly vegetated, with random treesvisible for miles.
Read to the players: tu fts o f grass and occasional patches
tals, for you toy wit h the icy hand of
A booming lau gh fall ow s, as the
Roll once per day on a 010: sku ll slowly fa des from view.
Dark clouds drift quickl y north,
past the full moon. As the middle of
Chance Encounter
• •
your watch approaches, three 7-9
·- •
shadow y, b lac k figu res with This was a specia lly projected im age
Encounl<.'1 f A] OCCUIS aft e r s um et- ee be lo w
whipping tails and glowing red eyes fo, d<.>1a ils. If a n e nco un ter i,s o iled again,
of Morte bus, the most powerf ul of the
suddenly appear, standin g in the cam the otlw, encou n1e1 a u10111at ically occ ur s. Lich King s. He has been scrying the
If bot h e n co um e1s have occured, then th ere wi party since their ba ttle with Sothga r.
psite. They leap at you, wielding ll be no encount e1.
The image is not mater ia l, a nd th ei r
black shadow rune swords. wea pons will pass harml essly th ro
•• • Att: 2, Dm: 1-4 (tai l), 1-8 +2
The fig ur es are Shadow Dancers, (Sword of Da ncing ), T H ACO: 12
fast, agi le fighters from the Plane of Size: M S pecial: Due to the da rk
Shadow. They fight asSkill 9 it. '
ness, the
Fighters, and each carries a Shadow Shadow Dancers will have 45%
Sword of Dan cing. Mag ic Resista nce, a +2 streng th
Everyone but the ranger will have bo nus, and will be able to Shadow
a 50% cha nc e of being surprised Walk, transpor ting th em selves
when these Shadow Dancers are back to the Pla ne of Shadow. They
teleported into thecamp. The ranger also have the ability to create
will have a 30% chance of su rp Shadow Images, (2-5 exact
rise. These Shadow Dancers were duplicates of each Dancer). The
sent by the Lich Kings to kill the duplicates have no material form;
magic-user of the party. Their they do no da mage and are created
attacks will be directed primarily at for diversion only. GM NOTE:
him. During battle, remem ber to add
(J) Shadow Dancers the Sword of Dancing Bonus.
AC: 7, HTK: 72 average (9D8) If the Shadow Dancers are
M: 15" success ful in slaying the wizard,
they will Sha dow Walk to the Plane
of Shadow. From there they will
return to Ool and report to the Lich
Those slain in the fight will
vanish along with their gear.
[BJ The air before your party wavers,
then a skeletal face, twen ty feet tall,
appears. A dee p, resonant voice says,
Align: Neu tra l/ Evil, IT : " Retu rn to your hom es, foolish mor- 21

The Ash Flats

Read to the players:
A plain of gray ash stretches ahead of
you. Above you, dark clouds rush to the GM ONLY: There will be no encounters.
north. In the distance you see the clouds When the adventurers reach the border of
descending to the ground, forming a wall of the Dark, read the following:
darkness several miles away. You are less than a mile from the wall of
The ash flats themselves are devoid of any darkness. It descends from the clouds and
type of life. A cloud of thin,dusty ash hangs ex tends as far as the eye can see on either
in the air above the plane, swirling gently in side.
As you near the wall, even those with

the dry air currents.
infra vision Caf"!..not see into the total

magical items will not drive back insects leaving cones of darkness as
The Dark trails.
GM NOTE: The darkness descending from
the clouds is made of Shadowstuff. Its strong [A] The only area visib le is
magic can easily be detected by a Detect within the radius of your own T hese insecLs are Darkening
Magic Spell. Direct exposure to
light. Suddenly you hear a high Bugs. Allracted Lo lighL, they will
theShadowstuff will drain one energy level attack from
per turn exposed. The on ly way to prevent buzzing sound ap proaching
loss of energy is to cast a Continual Light you. Entering the circle of your
spell, and for all players to stay within its light you see four small, flying
radius. Torches, lanterns, and other non-
M: / 15" the firsL, lurk ing in the Dark, and
Align: Neutral, IT: Non- there is a 20% chance per hour of the
Att: 0, Dm: 0, THACO: 16, party encoun tering one, until all of
the tangible darkness, nor will any other type of spe
the Co ntinual
ll. Size: S
If they are going to camp within the dark, Special: Trail of Darkn ess. Light Spells are dispelled. I
they must provide for Light as they sleep.
Be lib e ral with answers to questions asked about
Shadowstuff and the Darkness through Aug uries If Lhe parLy's Continual LighL
and Communes. A Divination, with at least an
equivalent of 200gp sacri ficed, will reveal
sour ces have"been ex Lin g uished
everything about the Darkness. and they have no oLher Continual
Light spells, they must either use
magical means to return to Lhe
the cardinal directions, flying around the Ash Flats (Teleporta tion, Plane
outside of the lit area, sucki ng up Lhe Shift , etc.) or soon perish due to
outside perimeter of Iigh t. This ac tion will the energy drain. Any player
destroyed by the Darkne ss will
shrink Lhe radius of Lhe circle of
become a shadow.
Continuous LighL one game inch for every
Lwo rounds. Once Lhis is done, Lhe GM NOTE: The party's sLeeds
Darkness will close in Lo drain Lhe energy can withstand only 2 rounds of
skill levels as pr e viously described. exposu re before dying.
(4) Darkening Bugs T here are th ree more fligh ts
AC: 6, HTK: 13 average (2D8) of Dark ening Bugs, identical to

The Descent to Ool

[B] You are out of the darkn ess of Sha
dow stu ff, and finally able to see the sky
within theradiusof your continual light will happen. Encounter [BJ will happen when spell. Looking ithin, you see only darkness.above youreaches
the party ; it isthe
hex with
the City of Ool You know
Examining the fi ssu re, you find a
ten foot wide ramp descending into the
crack. T he other side of the fissure is
not visib le, nor is the bottom.

Determine at random when during Size: L This ramp descends gradually to a

the night the following encounter Specill,l: Once they grasp an depth of one mile. It remains ten feet
will occur. object, it requires at leasta wide and is smooth. Halfway down
Streegth of 18 to break their hold. iLs length Iurk two shadows. There
[A] Three Aerial Servants have been is a 10% chance that the party will
sent by the Lich Kings to steal the All three Aerial Servants will at
tempt to grasp the sword, then fly spot them. They will not attack, but
Crys tal Sword. They will not attack will rush imo Ool and inform the
on the Paladin's watch, but will wait off. If the watch attempts to slop
them, two will stop to do battle, Liches of the adventurers' approach
for him to sleep before trying to steal as soon as they enter the fissure.
the sword. There is a 66% chance of while the third flies off with the
Crystal Sword. Otherwise, the group will encounter
them surpris ing the party, unless the nothing during the descent.
ranger is on watch, in which case There is a 50% chance that the
there is only a 50% chance. Pala din will wake up when the GM NOTE: Read this to the players:
sword is grabbed, but an initiative At a depth of one mile, you reach a
(3) Aerial Servants roll is needed to determine whether ledge that is littered with bricks. A
AC: 3, HTK: 76 average (l6D8) he is able to hold on to the sword or gap ing cavern, 701 wide and 101
M: / 24" not. Otherwise, he will awaken after high ap pears to the side. You have
Align: Neutral, IT: Semi- the sword has been wrenched from reached the entrance to the Buried
22 Att: I, Dm: 8-32 (8D4), THACO: its place of safekeep ing. After this City of Ool , the home of the Five Lich f
7, encounter, the night will be peaceful. Kings.
will have
Special: Magic weapons are needed
Level One to hit; all hits do half damage.
Mummies are immune to poison
and paralysis, but will receive+1 per
GM NOTE: Due to a few wishes cast die of fire damage. If Save vs. Magic
earlier by the Liches, undead are un is failed, any character seeing a
able to be turned once the caverns of mummy will be paralyzed (by fea r )
Ool have been entered. for 1-4 melee rounds.

Peering within, yousee
rubble cluttered courtyard, with two
The door to th is room is mostly
ornately sculpted, decorated buildings rotted and is easily pushed aside. W
lying par tially buried beneath a ith in is a large chamber. Two tattered
landslide of gravel. The ceiling of the tapestries, depicting three great war
cavern is 15' high and glows with a riors def eating a golden dragon, hang
faint radiance which dimly on the walls. Rubble litters the south
illuminates the cavern. eastern corner, as that section of the
On the cracked floor there are two wall has given way to the other side.
skeletons, each wearing a dented hel • • •
met and breastplate. On the breast Buried beneath the rubble is a smaJJ
plates are five-pointed stars, with iron chest containing 500 sp, 15 opa
small black crowns at each point. The ls worth 50 gp each, and a potion of
rest of their gear has rotted away. healing.
• ••
If the party actively searches the
bones, they will find a ring worth 500
gp, fashioned of silver and set with a 4 THE FIRST LICH
The door to this room is locked.
Inside is a long room , with an oak
single garnet.
table running most of its length.
Strewn about the table are silver


GM NOTE: The door to this
building is jammed, but will yield to
goblets, plates, and utensils (GM
NOTE: If theaerial servants were
able to steal the crystal sword, it is
a strength of 18.
also on the table.) Seated at the far
Having opened the door, you see a end of the table is a fi gu re in rich,
dark, musty room. The smell of rotted scarlet-trimmed black robes. His face
flesh stings your nostrils. The floor is is ho.oded, and two spots of red light
covered with clumps of dust, and cob peer from beneath the ,:owl. The
webs hang from the ceilin g. Against figure glows with a faint bluish light.
the northern wall are three 7' long,
iron-bound, ebony boxes. • ••
This is Murdros, the first Lich, who
• • • is prepared for the adventurers with a
The mummies in this room will cold fire shield. He will attack with
have to climb out of their coffins to spells on sight.
attack, so the player characters will
re ceive a +l on the first initiative Mudros, Skill 20 Lich Magic User
roll, and will not be surprised. See Lich section, page 9 , for stats.
(J) Mummies As soon as the party enters,
AC: 3, HTK: 40, 38, 30 (6D8+3) Murdros will cast a Repulsion spell,
M:6", Align: Lawful/Evil, IT: Low then blast away with a Limited Wish
Att: l, Dm: 1-12 + rotting disease, such as "May your weapons miss on
THACO: 13, Size: M the first attack," etc. If slain, Murdros
the following equipment with
him: lDI0 x 1,000 gp, 5 black
diamonds, +3 dagger, and l Black
Crown of Chaos.

This door opens into a small
bed chamber. There is a musty
rug on the floor with faded
embroideries of winged animals
on it. A bed is against the far
wall. A reading stand with a
large black tom e upon it is in
one corner. T hree ragged
tapestries line the walls, with
scenes of the Five Kings seated
upon their thrones.

• •
The book on the stand is an
arcane work deali ng with
demons. Hidden beneath the bed
is a locked ches t, which is coated
with contact poison. Inside the
chest are 10,000 sp and 500 pp,
as well as a Magic User scroll:
Dis in tegra te, Gust of Wind.
The rug is a Rug of Smothering.


This door opens easily with
a tou ch, revealing a large
chamber with empty bookcases
along the walls. In the center of the
room , racing toward the door, are
JO shifting shapes.

These shifting shapes are
Spectres, rushing to the aid of Mu
rdro s. They are too late. They
will, however, attack the party
(10) Spectres
AC: 2, HTK: 35 ave. (7D8+3),
M: 15"/ 30"
Align: Lawful/Evil, IT: High
Att: l, Dm: l-8, THACO: 13, Size:
Special: Drain two energy levels
on a successful hit. Immune to
Sleep, Cold, Charm, and Hold

Two buildings lie partially
bur ied in the rubble of stalks and
stems in
this courtyard. There appears to be
touch it. Inside is a small, plain
no other exit from the courtyard.
• • •
The stalks and stems will crumble
This door is carved from a
single piece of garnet. The carving is of
room. The eastern wall is caved in.
Against the northern wall is a black
at an inverted five-pointed star with an
a touch. There is nothingof value or eye in its center.
of interest here. • • • In this room is an Invisible Stalker,
This door will radiate magic, for which is charged with slaying the
the eye in the center functions as a most powerful magic-user in the

This room is empty, except for
two skeletons. Parts of the walls have
Eye for Boldor, the third Lich, who is
watching the party. It also functions
Invisible Stalker
AC: 3, HTK: 67 (8D8), M: 12"
fallen in. The skeletons wear breast as a magical trap. When the door is Align: Neutral, IT: High
plates and helms with crown-crested touched, lightning bolts shoot from Att: 1, Dm: 4-16, THACO: 12
• • • the eye, in the 10x30 foot area before
the door, delivering a total of 100
Size: L (8'), Magic Resistance: 30%
Special: Permanently invisible (-4
HTK to be hit); Surprise on l -5 on a D6.
Beneath the second skeleto n is a divided between the number of charac
scroll: (Clerical) Restoration, Heal. ters within this area. Characters may
save against spells for half damage.
An irregularly-shaped cavern

THE DARKNESS yawns before you. There is a pool at its
This door is not locked, and will
open easily. The floor inside is
almost filled with boulders. Part of
The floor of this large room
is covered with ablack carpet. The
far end, but shadows obscure what ap
pears to be the corner of another build
ing. Upon closer inspection, the pool
the north ern wall still stands. On it carpet seems unaffected by the ages. appears to be filled with black liquid .
hangs a tattered tapestry which is On the eastern wall is a coat of arms: • • •
totally black. a shield bearing a five pointed Hiding in the shadows is a Dust
inverted star with a goat's head Dragon, who will breathe on the ad
symbol, the Penta cate's Star, and, venturers as soon as they are within
If an adventurer sticks his hand
behind il, two crossed staffs, each range. Note that a Dust Dragon is a
within the tapestry, he will find that
with a human skull affixed to its ti p. form of undead, and thus will not
the air therein is cool to the touch.
In the center of the south wall are radiate the heat necessary for it to be
When the character pulls his hand
two metal statues, about 12 feet tall. seen with infravision.
out, he will find that it is covered
with Shadow. The Shadow will stay • •• Dust Dragon
on the adventurer's skin, and is easily These statues are Iron Golems, AC: -2, HTK:42(6D8+1), M:18"/ 24"
wiped off. This liquid Shadow can be Align: Neutral/Evil, IT: High
will animate as soon as the room is
safely pocketed. Att: 3, Dm: 2-5/ 2-5/ 3-12
Behind the tapestry is a concealed THACO: 13, Size: L
door leading to room l 0. (2) Iron Golems Magic Resistance: 20%
AC: 3, HTK: 80 each (14D8), M: 611 Special: Ability to Hide in
Align: Neutral, IT: Non Shadows as a skill IO thief.
Att: I, Dm: 4-40, THACO: 7, Size:
10 THE IDOL OF LIGHT Breathes a cloud of Shadow-dust
L 40'x30'x20', which will
This room is filled with a Special: Immune to all magic but blindopponents and cause them to
glaring white light that emanate-s Lightning, which slows them for temporarily lose 75% of their skill
from a statue against the eastern three rounds. Fire repairs damage levels, or 50% if a saving throw is
wall. Most of the other walls are on a I to I point basis. +3 or better successful. This lossof skill will
crumbled in, and the room is strewn weapons are needed to hit. last for 6 turns.
with boulders. The statue is of a
The staffs are non-magical, but

seated man with cupped hands. The
the +2 shield protects the bearer
eyes of this statue are star sapphires, THEPOOL
from Magic Missiles.
that seem to stare blankly upwards. This pool is filled with black
liquid. The stones around it are set

If one of the characters touches the DINING ROOM with black gems.
statue with a glob of Shadow, the This door is mostly decayed. • • •
glob will spread over the entire When opened, you see a small room The gems are opals, which have a
surface of the statue and absorb the with a table in its center. Two skele combined value of 2000 gp. At the bot
glaring light. A wish scroll will tons are on the floor, dressed in helms tom of the waist-deep pool are three
appear in the now black statue's and engraved breastplates, as were the Continual Darkness gems in a pouch,
hands. This will only happen once others . There is a wooden door on the and a human skull with 2 Potions of
per week. west wall. Rubble Litters most of the Speed inside it.
It is inadvisable to give any hint room.
about this, as information spells will • • •
Buried beneath the rubble is another
skeleton bearinga +3 frostbrand sword.
reveal the power of the statue.
The sapphires are wonh 1000 gp This small room is empty,ex

each. If they are removed, the power of
the statue is destroyed. 14 THE STALKER
The door falls apart as you
cept for the rubble that has slid in
through the southeast corner.

armed demonatop it. A burning females if examined closely. They

In this large courtyard is a
building, carved with images of de
golden brazier hangs from the
ceiling, casting flickering shadows
about the room.
will activate and attempt todestroy the
par ty when the floor is stepped upon.
(8) Caryaetid Columns
monic orgies. Each of the large,
black, iron double-doors hason it a
• • • AC: 5, HTK: 22 each (5D8), M: 611
In the center of the room is Baldor Align: Neutral, IT: Non
bas-relief of a demon head with the Formless. As he lacks a material All: l, Dm: 2-8, THACO: 15, Size: M
agaping mouth. On either side of the body, he will surprise the players on a Special: Normal weapons do only
building is a set of stairs leading roll of 1-5 on a D6. The only way half damage. Magic weapons do
down, but they are blocked by rubble that Boldor can be harmed is by +4 normal damage, but without thei1
thirty-five feel down. weapons or better, as they are the magical bonuses. All weapons
• • • only ones cap able of damaging his have a 25% chance to snap, -5%
The doors are magically trapped. If "essence." Bol dor's black cro wn per plus. Caryaetids make saving
any party member should enter the gives him the ability tocast throws at
I0'x20' area directly before the doors, simultaneous spells at will, and he +4.
fire will burstoutofthedemon mouths will turn visible onl y after he is
in a 20'x20' area, causing 40 HTK of slain.
damage. If a saving throw vs. Spells
is made, affected playe rs take half
Bolder the Formless, Skill 20 Lich
Magic User
See Lich section, page 9 for stats.
This iron door is not locked,
and opens into a large courtyard. In
the center of the yard is a large statue
In the black chest are the following
19 THE DEMON of a Lich wearing a black crown.
items: 5000 cp, 3000 sp, lO00 pp, a nd Before the statue is an altar with mystic
Looking within, you see a sym bols carved upon it. Several
+4 hammer. Amidst the papers is a buildings lie partially buried beneath
large room. In the center is a Magic User's scroll : Minor Globe of
glowing red pentagram, with a fallen debris.
Invul nera bili ty, Ray of
human skull at each point and a Enfeeblement. The staLUette atop the
candle burning atop each skull. In Only a Read Magic spell can trans la
alt ar is cursed, and any person
the center of the penta gram is a te the sym bols carved on the altar.
possessing it will al ways fail his or
demon,wreathed in fire, with a whip They say: " It is la ter than you think."
her saving throw. On the Lich
in onehand and a sword in the other. himself is a Wand of Frost
with 11 charges, and a scroll: Raise
Dead Fully x2.
• • •
This is a Type VI Demon sum
The statue is the third Lich, Soth
gar, who the party met at the falls. He
moned by Boldor, and lef t to guard this
Type VI Demon
This room is empty, except
for the rubble which has caved in the
has Enlarged himself, and then cast a
Statue spel l. It will only--ta ke him I
segment to reLUrn to his normal form.
AC:-2, HTK: 52 (8D8+8), M: 611 / southern wall. If t he players do not make any guesses
15" about the possibility of the sta tue be ing
the ac tu a l L ich, they will be auto

Align: Chaotic/ Evil, IT: Very THE STAIRCASE
All: 2, Dm: 3-18/ 4-24, THACO: The door to this room has matically surpr ised.
12, crumbled inward. A small unorna If they do have any idea that it
Size: L mented chamber, with a spiral stair might be the Lich, then they will have
case leading down through its center nor
Special: Darkness IO', Fear (as
Wand), Detect Magic, Read Lan can be clearly seen. mal chances of being surprised.
guages, Detect Invisibility, Dispel • • • Sothgar, Skill 20 Lich Magic User
Magic, Symbol o[ Fear, Discord, These steps lead to the second level See Lich section, page 10, for stats.
or Sleep. of the city. On the fifth step is a trap. Sothgar, incensed with the party be
If the whip hits, the sword blow The step is made of fragile material cause of the incident at the Quicksilver
and damage are automatic, and the that will break when any weight is Falls, will cast more potent Wishes
victim must Save vs. Magic or be placed upon it, releasing a l0' xl 0' than any previous Lich. Suggested
magically bound. cloud of green poison gas that will do Wishes a re: I wish that alI of you were
The demon's heart is a Nanorian lDI0 HTK damage per round for 4 back at Saybalod; I wish you were li
stone, which will reawaken a dead or melee rounds. zards; I wish you were my helpless
magically sleepi ng person if it is captives.
placed upon his chest. When the demon Sothgar has the following upon his
is slain, thestone is left behind since he person: 1 black diamond worth 5000
is returned to his own plane. The stone Level Two gp, I black crown, and a Ring of Spell
will function only once. Storing that holds these spells: Limit
ed Wish, Haste, and Minor Globe of
COLUMNS THE Invu lnera bili ty.
20 Thisdoor is locked. Inside
is a small room, with tables along the
The stairway descends into a
large chamber with 8 columns, 4 each
ern wall. The table is covered with
books and papers. In the northeastern
on the east and west walls. There is an
iron door on the southern wall. 25 THEEYE
Hidden around this corner is
corner is an iron-bound black chest. • • • a Wizard Eye from Lerdron, the
Against the far wall is a small altar, These columns are actually Caryae fourth Lich.He will not attack the
with a carved jet statuette of a many- tid Columns, which resemble slender party from room 41,where he is
waiting for them.
in th e brazier for three thousand years, there is a dented, blood-crusted helm.

This door is unlocked.
he is very a ngr y, and will attack
anyone who enters the room. This
Efreeti will not grant any wishes to the
Suddenly, from out of the rubble, you
are attacked by hungry Carrion
party, and will fight to the death.
When the door is touched, a scythe (12) Carrion Crawlers
Efreeti AC: 3/7, HTK: 13 average
the sweeps down from the wall above AC: 2, HTK: 80 (l0D8), M: 9/ 24"
the door to deliver 6-60 HTK of dam (3D8+l) M: 12", Align: Neutral,
Align: Neutral, IT: Genius IT: Non Att: 8, Dm:
age to any character in the l 0' section Att: l, Dm: 3-24, THACO: 10
in front of the door. Since Finding Paralysis,THACO: 16 Size: L
Size: L Special: The head of the Carrion
Traps by a thief requires touching the Special: Im mu ne to Fire, Invisi
door, only a Find Traps spell cast by Crawler is well protected, but the
bili ty, Assume Gaseous Form, rest of its body has an armo1 class of
a Cleric wi II reveal the presence of Detect Magic, Enlarge, Polymorph
this intricate trap without setting it 7. The head is equipped with 8 flail
Self, Wall of Fire, Produce Flame, ing 2'-long tentacles, which exude a
off. and Pyrotechnics. gummy secretion that will paralyze
The brazier is immobile. The opponents. If a saving throw vs.
The far wall of this large room is Efree ti's treasure was taken away Paralysis is successful, there is no
caved in. Two ragged tapestries, with from him long ago. effect.
scenes of black-cloaked men stalking a
beast, adorn the northern wall. There The Craw lers will pursue the party
is a table in the southeastern corner,
with several corked, empty vials,
weights, measuring devices, and
Caved-in rubble has fill ed
most of this room. On the tiled fl oo r
out of the room and into thecourtyard,
bu_t will stop short if the party goes
into room 29.
scales. There are also three full sacks
of herbal matter, which have almost
com pletely deteriorated into dust.
Three capped beakers filled with blue
liquid are sit ting to one side of the
other items on the table.
•• •
This was once the chamber of a
Guildmaster Assassin who mixed his
poisons here. The three beakers con
tain a deadly poison, one sip of which
is su fficien t to slay a cha rac ter,
with a savin g throw vs. Poison al -4.
The beakers will radiate magic, as
they have been enc han ted not to brea
k. If the herbal matter is closely exa
mined , the party can deduce that the
decayed matter is belladonna,
mandrake root, and powdered

A sulfuric stench stings your
nostrils and makes your eyes water
2when you approach the room. The
door is not locked, and can be opened
easily with a push. In side is a large
A huge golden brazier filled with
glowing coals is fixed to the floor in
the center of the room. The sulfurous
odor is coming from the brazier. Magi
cal writing is on the outside of the co
n tainer, and as you enter, the writing
begins to glow.
Wooden chairs line all four walls,
but most of them have rotted.
•• •
This was an entertainment room.
Trapped within thebrazier is an Efree
ti, whom the assassins captu red, a nd
forced to perform tricks. One round
after the characters enter, the Efreeti
will rise from the brazier. Having
(8) Skeleton Guards Skill 9 Fi ghters

This rotten door turns to
dust when touched. Inside is a small
AC: 3, HTK: 42 average (9D8)
M: 10 "
Align: Neu tra l/ Evi l, IT: High
The door to this room is
locked. When opened, you see
cham ber. There is a skeleton in the Alt: I, Dm: 1-8, THACO: 12 treasure scattered about the floor,
middle of the floor, lying beside a Size L (9' tall) consisting of 5000 cp, I000sp,
pentagram drawn in dried blood. A The chest in the so utheas t corner and500 gp. There are several piles
black candle stands at each point of has 2000 gp inside it. The rest are of old clothes heaped on the floor
the star, and a chalice, a dagger, a empty. The brass pendants are wo rt h and draped over the chairs. Also
wand,and a jeweled human skull lie IO gp each. strewn about the floor are mar
in orderly progress.ion around the rowless bones of various sorts,
circle. In the middle of the cracked open.
pentagram is the word "Sheevera,"
al so written in blood. An ebony
reading stand with a large tome on
The door to this room is
made of iron, but the hingesare
T his room is the la ir of 7
Scarecrows. Two rounds afte r the
rusted and it gems with a little party enters the room, the clothes will
it is in the northeastern corner. effort. The room beyond is large, animate into human forms and a ttack
The book is a Tome of Demon and five ido ls, fashi oned in the the party.
Summoning, which will fall to dust farms of crowned men, stand in the (7) Scarecrows
when touched. The name in the pen room, one in each corner and one AC: 2, HTK: 28 ave. (5D8+5),
tagram is the name of a Type V in the center. They are stand ing , M: I 2" / I 8"
Demo ness who was once the long- upon large blocks of red quartz, Align: Chao tic/ Evil, IT: Very
dead mag ic user's lover. If any which glow as you open the door. Att: 3, Dm: 1-6 / 1-3/ 1-3
section of th e pentagram is touched THACO: 15, Size: L (9')
or any of the articles removed, there The ido ls are likenesses of the Special: Scarecrows will wrap
is a 75% chance that the Demoness five Kings before they became them seI ves a ro u nd the
will appear, as she occasionally Liches. The blocks of crysta l sim p adventurers, squeeze with a
visits the chamber of her long-lost lo ly g lo w when liv in g tissue is strength of 18 / 00, a nd try to
ve. present, and have no other magical either suffoca te adventur ers in
Sheevera, Type V Demoness properties. They are worth 500 gp their foldso r snap their necks.
AC: -5, HTK: 42 (7D8+7), M: 12" each, but weig h 400 lbs. apiece. They wiII th en rip the s kele to ns
Align: Chaotic/ Evil, IT : High o ut of the bod ies and begin
Att: 7, Dm: 2-8/ 1-8 (x6) feeding. Scarecrows a re o nly
THACO: 13, Size: L affected by magic weapons.
Magic Resistance: 80%
Special: + I or better wea pon to
You see an immense room
with a polished marble floor.
After spend in g cen turies in the
Dark ness of the City of Ool, these
Scare crows, once the clothes of a
hit. Charm Person, Levitate, Read Along the south wall are five Giant Wi1ard, took on a life of their
Lan guages, Detect Magic, Detect marble pillars. The northeastern own. They can not actua lly fly, but
Invi s ible, Pyrotechnics, corner is filled with boulders. can make extended con tro lled fli g
Polymorph Self, Project Image, ht leaps in the a ir of up to 100 yards.
and Gate. (Assume that the Gate
This room is actua lly la rger than
it looks, because the far wall is an Ill
The dagger is +2, and the jeweled
sku ll is cursed, but worth I 000 gp.
Any person possessing the sku ll will
u sion, behind which are IO Wraiths.
(10) Wraiths
You see another large
court yard, with several buildings.
always be hit by opponents. AC: 4, HTK: 31 eac h (5D8+3) On the pavement are 7 more
M: 12"/ 24" skeletons, identi cal to the previous

There are eight wooden
Align: Lawful/Evil, IT: Very
Att:1, Dm: 1-6, THACO: 15, Size: M
in this room, four each along the pentagram and goat's head
symbol of the pentacate.
35 cobwebs.

east ern and western walls. On the Behind each chest is a door-
front of each chest is a brass sized rec tangle that is
/Jendant with the inverlfd The door-siled rectangle!, are
completely filled-in with niches, and the cobwebs hide Skele
ton Guards in those niches. Special: Touch causes I s kill THETOMB
If any of the chests are touched, level en erg y drain. Immun e to The face of this building
the Skeleton Guard behind it wi ll Sleep, Charm, Hold, Cold, is intricately carved with demon
be acti vated and will auack with lo Poison, and Pa ra lysis. shapes, and the doors are cast
ng swo rds. bronze works of art depicting in
The Wraiths will not appear until bas-relief the lives of the Five K in
the first tra p of the room is activa gs. When the doors are opened,
ted. One round after the first they reveal a large room, with ten
person enters, any person stand ing stone slabs against the side walls.
on the floo r save vs. Magic or the Lying upon each slab is a corpse,
floor will make him begin to dance. in an advanced state of
The floor has a per manent decomposition.There is a door on
Irresistible Dance Spell on it. the far wall.
Characters will receive no Dex • •
terity bonuson their armor class,
which will be reduced by 4 points.

These are ordinary corpses.
These players will also be unable
to make their sav ing throws. The
magic of the floor is cast at skill
level 22. 36 TERMIN'S CHAMBER
The back of this room has
been destroyed by a large boulder.
T he
floor is covered with black carpet; 28

black curtains hang from the walls TRAPPED ROOM
and cover the ceiling. In the center of This door opens easily. Be
the room is a raised dais, upon which hind it is a small empty chamber, with
stands a statuette, carved ou t of a a door on the far wall.
sin gle crystal, in the shape of a
human head.
This room is a trap. The floor is
made of fragile balsa, which will break
The statuette contains the soul of when weight is placed upon it, dump
the ancient arch-priest Dyson Termin, ing the unluckyadventurer into a pool
a Cleric who opposed the Pentacate. of acid below. Players will take 30
He is the priest mentioned on the
HTK of da mage for every round sub
shrine in the Plains of Non. The
merged, and a Save vs. Acid must be
statue wi]I ra diate magic, and will
made for each magic items submerged.
answer 3 yes or no questions if
If any item fails its saving throw, it
asked. If it is touched, it will deliver will be destroyed.
a powerful electrical shock, doing 20
HTK damage, and will con tinue to do
so each round it is touched. The valu GUARDIANDEMON
e of t•.;._ item is 10,000 gp. Dyson
Termin cannbt be released from the
crystal unless a Shatter spell is
38 This door is unlocked. Inside
is a small room, with a broadly grin
ning Demon sitting on a large iron
thrown on it. This will allow his so ul
to go to his god's plane.
chest that stands against the northern This Guardian Demon is still hooves that seem ablaze, and dense
wall. young, and will try its hardest to puffs of smoke rise from its nostrils.
prove itself a worthy Guardian.
This is an adolescent Guardian However, if beaten to within half its This is Theodros, a Death Soldier,
Demon, charged with protecting the hit poin ts, it wil] panic and run seated upon a Nightmare. He is a per
chest. away. sonal friend of Lerdron's and has just
In the chest is a +4 ring which im arrived from the Ethiereal Plane to
Adolescent Guardian Demon parts 30% Magi c Resistance to its offer his assistance in reforming their
AC: I, HTK: 43 (8D8), M: 10" wearer. There is also a +5 shield and empire.
Align: Neutral, IT: Very 3
+5 arrows. Theodros, Death Soldier
Att: 3, Dm: 1-6/ 1-12/ 1-12 AC: 0, HTK: 88 (9D10), M: 10"
THACO: 12, Size: L ST: 18/ 00, IT: 17, IN: 14
Special: Immune to Hold, Sleep, THE DEATH SOLDIER
SM: 15, D: 13, A: 9
Polymorph, and Fear. Limited im As you enter this huge Align: Chaotic/ Evil
munity (70%) to Charm. +2 or room, you see that rubble has Att: 1, Dm: 1-10+3, THACO: 12
better weapons are needed to hit it. diagonally sealed off half of it. In Size: M, Magic Resistance: 75%
The Demon is immune to all sword the center of the open triangle, Weapons: +3sword, Armor:+ l
at tacks, as swords will simply pass astride a firey black steed, is a tall shield Special: Fear 5' radius, Wall
right through it. Ability to breathe figure clad in black plate and full of Ice, Detect Magic, Detect
fire in a cone 3' long for 5-30 HTK. helm. He wields a large shield with Invisible, 2x day Dispel Magic at
A successful saving throw vs. anemblem of a red skull on it and a 20th skill level, Power Word and
Breath weapon will reduce the two-handed sword. The steed has fireball (20D6) once per day.
damage by half.
Nightmare 22nd skill level spell, there will be a and 2 scrolls: Heal, Raise Dead Fully.
AC: -4, HTK: 37 average (6D8+6), reduction of 55% from their normal
M: 15"/36"
Align: Neutral/Evil, IT: Genius
Att: 3, Dm: 2-8/4-10/4-10
THACO: 13, Size: Large
The door at the end of the ha ll way is
huge for the party right now, so it
will take the entire party to open it.
This is a stairway leading to
the next tier of the city, but it is totally
Special: Fly, become Ethereal at Dispel Magic has the normal chan blocked by debris, and there appears
will, breathes a smoki ng cloud ces of returning them to normal size. to be no way to descend.
(save vs. breath at -2 or be at -2 to
hit and damage).
R eme mber that the magic is cast at
skill level 22.
• • •
The party will have to use magical
Theodros will fight ferociously to means to pass the 20 feet of rubble, or
the death. All of his equipment will spend 10 turns digging through it.
vanish with him when he is slain. The

Death Soldier will spend one round traveled is 420 feet, but their Having opened thi shugedoor,
to break through the wall into perceived distance is 2520 feet. Due you see a gigantic room before you. In
thecourt yard (#34) in order to get to the loga rithmic progression of the its center you see a 36-f oot tall Lich
more room for maneuvering. diminution process, it has taken them smiling down at you. He is holding a
8 rounds to move this far. If the giant sta f f.
• ••

This is a large circular building fash

adventurers move back through the
corridor, they will grow.
They have been reduced to 116th
This is Lerdron, and if the party has
been return ed to their normal size, he
ioned of black marble. To the north is of their former size, so a 6' tall will appear as his normal height of 6 feet
a locked double door engraved with character is only 1foot tall.Their tall.
writhing dragons. When opened, you strengths and the damage that their
weapons will do has also been Lerdron, Lich, Skill 22 Magic User,
can see a corridor spiraling to the east. Skill 12 Illusionist
As you trav el down the corridor, it be reduced to 116th. To make this easier
to figure, multiply theHTK of the See the Lich section on page l Q for
comes wider, and at a distance of JOO stats.
feet it is nearly 40 feet wide.After mov Lich who is1urking on theother side
ing around one half of a spiral, which of the door by six, so that you can Lerdron has the following items upon
seems disproportionately long, the cor record their normal damage, but the his person: I Black Crown, 1 Robe of
ridor is about 50 feel wide. After ano ratio will remain the same. Eyes, 1 Ring of Regeneration, and a 500
ther half-spiral, the corridor is 60 feet Any adventurer who has Magic gp diamond brooch. In the room is an
across. There is a huge door at the cor Re sistance should have it rolled invisible chest that will take the party l
ridor's end,as tall and wide as the hall secretly for him. As the magic was turn to loca te if they active ly search.
way itself. cast as a Within are a +5 Defender Sword, 5
Potions of Extra Healing,
• • •
The corridor is not becoming longer
and wider at all; theparty members
are shrinking. If detected for, there is
a powerful dweomer on the walls and
ceiling, for besides the Diminution
power, there are also permanent
Walls of Force built into the walls,
floor and ceiling.
The actual distance the party has

As you enter, you see a
large open cavern, with a huge
building to yoJ4r right. Standing in
the middle of the cavern is a figure
dressed in black plate mail, holding
a sword veiled in black flame. He is
outlined in shim mering light, and
no portion of his skin is exposed.
• ••
This is Vector, the Spectre
Lord, personal bodyguard to
Mortebus. He has known of the
party's approach, so he has
prepared himself with a Minor
Globe of Invulnerability and a
Fire Shield (hot).

Vector, Spectre Lord Size: L, Magic Resistance: 80% thing that enters the room, and an ad
AC: -7/ 2, HTK: 100 / 89 (9D l 0+3 )
Special: ( As a skill 22 Magic User) venturer can be stuck fast to it, taking
M: 12"/ 24" (15"/ 30" without armor)
Animate Dead, Beg uile, Charm 4Df> of da mage from the impact. The
Align: Lawfu l/ E vil, IT: Genius
Person, Detect Magi c, Dispel Illu Pillar has the equivalen t of a 33
Atl: 2, Dm: 1-8 (+4), 1-8 + Energy
sion, Detect Invisi bi lit y, Dispel s treng th, so th e same a mo unt of for
Drai n (2 levels per touch)
Mag ic, Geas, Illusion, Invisibilit y, ce will have to be applied to free any
THACO: 12 , Size: M
Know Alig nmen t, L igh t, P rodu cha racte r who is stuck. The pillar is
Magic Resistance:50%
ce Fla me, Pyrqtech nics, Raise not magical, but made of extre mely
Special: Vec tor is dres sed in spec ial
Dead Fully (no reverse), Read de n se ma tt er th a t has a powerful
plate mail which will absorb the
Languages, gravi tationa l field.
first 100 HT K of da mag e in flicted
,Read Mag ic, Shape Change, Sug
upon him. Afte r tha t, th e a rm o r
-lges tio n, Teleponation, Wall of
t urn s to dust, and his Arm ass
d ro ps to 2. Until then, he will attack
2 times per round with his +4 swo rd,
Fire, Fulfill Ano ther's Wish,
Symbol of Pain (3x per day), 49 WHIP-DRAGON
Through this door is a large
reptile with a whipping tail that sharp
Unholy Word ( Ix per da y), Gate,
which forces hit opponents to Save ly crac ks in the air. T his room is
Temporal Stasis.
vs. Ma g ic, or be sucked into the large, and th e eastern wall has caved
Xada no will appear, thinking that
blade. After Vecto r's a rm or disa p in .
Mort eb us has summoned him. Wh en
pears, the sword does also. H e will
he disco vers his error, he will slay the
then attack o nce per ro und for 1-8 The liza rd - l ike crea tu re is a
party un less each mem ber relinq uishes
HTK and drain 2 energy leve ls per Whip Drago n. Whoever loo ks into
their most powerfu l m ag ic it e m.
hit. the room must make a sa vin g th ro w
If th e party attacks Xada no, and
Vector is immune to Sleep, or be paralyzed.
they are successf ul in reducing him to
Charm, Hold , Cold, Poison, and
55 H T K, then he will grant them one Whip-Dragon
wish to prevent them from slaying his AC: 4, HT K: 71 (9D8+3), M: 15"
ma ter ial body.
+4 to hit when arm or is int ac t, + I Align: Chaotic/Evil, IT: High

thereaf ter.
45 TIGHT SQUEEZE Att: 3 (cla w, claw, tail)
GM NOTE: The only way to free a A colla psed section of rock Dm: 1-6 / 1-6/ 3-12, THACO: 12
character sucked into the sword is to Size: L (5' high body, 20' ta il)
ex tends to within half a Jo o t o f the w
slay Vector. However, cha ra c ters all . Party members will have to dig Special: Gaze holds for attack ( 1
sucked into the sword are insta ntl y sla round paralysis). Cha rac ters avoid
through it for 5 roun ds in order to en
in. in g the gaze still have a chance to
ter the next cavern.
meet it (ro ll ed on a D10) as


GM NOTE: This door is
magica ll y tra p ped. Wh en to uched, the

T his room has the remains of

Chance to Meet Gaze
(rolled on a D10)
Viewing Monster l-5
ten foo t sec tion of s tone directly before an old carpet on the floor, and pil es o f Attackin g Normally I -3
the door turns to mud for 5 seconds, Xadano, Arch Devil w hat used to be fu rn i tv re. T he light is
then turn s back to stone. Any cha dim in here,and large slabs of rock are
AC: -5, HTK: 170, M:
racter who is stand in g in th is section all that is left of the southern and east-
13"/ 17"
will be tr apped in the rock unless a ern walls. ..---...
Align: Lawful/Evil, IT:
Save vs. Dexter it y is made. Genius
•• • Att: 2, Dm : 2-8 (+4), This roomholds nothingof in terest.
You see a hu ge chamber. Covering THACO: 7,
most of the Jloor is a pentagram with a

goat's head en graved in its cen ter. THETRAP
Five sw or ds hang in the air , one at GM NOTE: The do tted area
each point of the star . As you enter, on th e map is the area of effec t of th e
the pen tagram begins to glow with m ag ic on the doors to room 50. Any
yellow fi re. cha racter entering this area is instantly
••• affected by a Hold Person spell and
cannot move until the effe c t has be en
As soo n as any ad ven tu rer en ters
the su ccess full y dispelled. T he mag ic is
room, the fiv e swords will fly to the cas t at skill 25, so th is might prove
attack. Each sword figh ts as a Skill 10 difficult. One could T eleport, Dimen
Fighter and in flicts 1-8 HTK on a suc sio n Door, or use other such spells in
cessf u l hit. The only way to stop this order to pass the trapped area.
attack is by cas ting a Di spel Magi c

spell , cast at the 20th skill level. The PILLAROFGRAVl'IY
swords them selves canno t be struck.

You see a large, black pillar
hree rounds after the swords at ta against th e northern wall. There is a
, Xada no, the Arch Devil, will ap gem-encrusted door on the Jar side of
ear. the room.
Actively Avoiding Gaze I

Thepillar will forcefully attract any- BLASTINGGROUND
Characters actively trying to
avoid the gazestrike at -4. The When you open these dou ble
Drag o n has a n ac id brea th doors, you see a sem i-circu lar wall of
weapon, that shoots as a cone 5" so lid iron before you . T her e is a sm
wide x 30" long causin g 4-24 all 3"x3" hole midway in the wall,with
HTK of damage. If a success fu l a short piece of stic k thrust through it.
Save vs. Brea th Weapon is made, • • •
damage is reduced by half. If the This is the staff of Mor tebus, who is
sa ve fails, all magic items must be behind the wall of iron. As soon as
checked (Save vs. Acid). the party enters, he will start blasting
Scattered about the room are: 5000 them with lightning bolts from his
gp, 4000 pp, a Potion of Flying, and staff of Spell Storing. There are
a Scroll: Dimension Door (x4). twenty bolts held in the staff, each of
wh ich does 20

x 1D6 HTK damage, with a save for half If thec ar3:cters decide to go through Mortebus will use powerful Wishes
damage. the wall, It wlll take the equivalent of1t (see Wish section, page xx) against each
_T e s ta ff is able to reach any area 24 strength to do it. party member until he is either
withm the dotted lines, but conforms slain, or there are no more adventurers.

to a lightning bolt with regard to range
and area.

. There is oneother building in
The only way that the party can pass TREASURE ROOM
thzs area. Sprawled alongside it, on the
the wall is to Teleport, Dimension Door, . . This room looks familiar, with
cavern's floor, is a Red Dragon, look
or by usingother magical means. As soo zts faded car peting and rott ed furn itu
ing hungrily at you.
n as they do so, Mort ebus will Teleport re.
himself to area 57. He will not be surpri
sed. Red Dragon • • •
AC: -I, HTK: 88 (11D8), M: 9"/24" It is the other half of one of the rooms
GM NOTE: Read this to the party if they that was visited earlier.
have entered the area behind the semi- Align: Chaotic/Evil, IT: Exceptional
Alt:3 or breathe fire, Dm: 1-8/ 1-8/ 3-30 However, this part of the roo m co n
circular wall: tain s the following: 1,000,000 cp,
Behind the south wall you hear a slight THACO: 10, Size: L (50' )
Age: Ancien t 500,000 sp, 250,000 gp, 50,000 pp, 20
tapping sound. A rat pokes its head opals worth 1000 gp each, 15 sap ph ires
through a space between the bricks_of the Special: As this Dragon can speak, it
will use spells against the party. worth 1500 gp eac h, IO di a mo nds worth
south wall. Seeing you, it pulls zts head 2000 gp each, +5 dagg er, +5 shield of 20%
back in. Spells (2/2/2/2): Protection from
Good (works as Protection from MR, 3 doses Oil of Ethierealness,a
Evil), Unseen Servant, Mirror Im age, +5 Longbow, and a Staff of Striking

51 BLOCKED ROOM Web, Dispel Mag ic, Phantas with 35 charges.

GM NOTE: This room is ac mal Force, Dimension Door, Minor

cessible by magical transportation or by Globe of Invulnerability.
destroying the wall. A Strength of 24 is
The Dragon has 45 dia mon ds worth 1000 gp
The Return
needed to break through.
each .
• • • As Mortebus, the final L ich , falls dead,

There is gravel scattered in the mid thund er shakes the ground. His body
dle of the floor, along with human TRAPPEDDOOR
. When this door is opened, ozson turn s to dust before your eyes, leaving
bones and worthlessshiny objects. Rats behind only a staff, a scroll, and one
scurry away from you in to a tun nel in spikes protrude from the ground m the ten
foot section be fo re the door. Any black crown.
the eastern part of the room.
character there must save versus poison or • • •
die immediately. The room is empty, The Staff is a Staff of Spell Storing
except for the rubble on the which will hold up to 20 skill levels of
floor. any type of spell. The scroll is a magic
el looks as though user scrollspell
a 25th
zt were dug by a large an im al. It is big portation it. skill level Tele

nou h for _the party to walk through door. ,Un fo rtun atel y, a large , i:nsteady-
ma single f zle, although you will have looking slab of rock has fallen m such a way
!;lisenough for t e
to crouch. that there is less than six inches of space
party to walk through in a single fzle,
• • • between it and the wall. although you will have to crouch.
Have the characters determine the
order that th ey will go through the tu The rock cannot be dug through. If the
•• •
Have the characters determi ne the
nnel. Make a few secret false die rolls characters try to blast the rock, the tu nnel
order that they will go through the tunnel.
and tell them that there is no enco unter. that they are in will collapse on top of
Make a few secret false die rolls and tell
them, doing 6DIO HTK damage to
the players that there is no encounter.
everyone. However, there is a 10% cha n

At th e end of the tunnel is a wall.
Along the wall, to the north, you can see a
ce that the rocks will fall in a manner that

will cause the wall to col lapse, and they
will be able to walk through.
It is suggested that they use the s, 011
THEFINALBATTLE to teleport back to Saybalod, ,,., here the
When you appear in this cav ern, • •• king is awaiting them anxi,.\usly. If they
you see one partially buried build ng. The cavern begins to rumble even use the scroll to retuin to Witch.. wood,
Standing in the center of the floor zs mor.e, and small stones begin to fa,.. they will find that •he Maid c•f
Mortebus, the last and final Lich. from the ceilin g. Larger boulders be, 9
the Forest is nowhere to be fr,.und.
in to fall, and it seems that the whc;I
Mortebus, Lich, Skill 25 Magi c Userl place is about to come down aroun you.
Skill 15 Cleric Fissures open in the floo r, and lit
See the Lich section for stats. walls are beginning to cave in.
The Lich that the party sees is actu • • •
ally a Projected Image of Mortebus, If the party uses the Teleportation
who is hiding around thecorner of the scroll to leave, they will be able to s
building . When a character strikes the cape unharmed. If they stay, the whole
image with a weapon, the weapon will place will collapse in 2 turns, killmg
pass through it. them all.

The Welcoming mission from which you have just re

turned. This kingdom will be deluged
rope is pulled and a dramatic statue of
the entire party in battle with the po
with folk who will have naught to do wers of Darkness stands gleaming in the
The guards lead you to the throne save drink at our inns and partake of our sunlight. A bronze plaque on the statue
room. The King awaits you with a wry brothels. The only thing I can do about reads "The Defeat of the Second
smile on his face. He is flanked by his the whole situation is to make it official. Pentacate."
Men of Knowledge and the entire Sis The celebration is in your ho nor. Enjoy The king smiles. "I thought I would
terhood of the Djar Hardin, who are in the city, for all doors are open to you." have had to put this plaque on in stead."
good health. Later, you are led imo the town He shows you a piece of bronze that is
The Elder of the Djar Hardin speaks square and introduced to the people of inscribed "The First to Die in the Battle
first: "As you can see from our appear Saybalod as those who saved the world. against theSecond Pentacate." "I dedicate
ance, the danger is over. With the death You can see an object that is covered by this to you, my friends, as an eternal
of the Lich Lords came the lifting of the a large tarpaulin; you are led to stand in reminder of our gratitude to you. Let the
cloud over the northern lands. The souls front of it. official celebration be gin!" the king
of the dead from those villages have "This world owes you much more shouts and the crowd goes wild. They
been released and have gone to their than we can repay," says the King. surge up onto the plat form where you
respective destinations." "And your wealth is already so great are and lift you up upon their shoulders,
"You returned much sooner than we that whatever we could offer you would shouting your
expected," says the King. "Armies of be but a pittance. So we have erected names.
adventurers are even now converging this statue of bronze in your honor." A The celebration lasts for a number of
upon Saybalod to undergo the same weeks. f

1 Square = 10'

+- -+- +
•• "

"• +-


t + +
+ +-


How To Use This Book
Conventions include the "D'
THACO isa convenient statistic Ability Rolls on your character's
abbrevia tion for "die" or mean ing "To Hit Armor Class 0." abili tiesor Statistics work much like
"dice."1D20 means roll one 20-sided When you know the number required saving throws. On certain occasions,
die; 1D100 (or D%) means roll two to score a successful hit with a D20 your character will be directed to
10-sided dice sequen tially, (or multiply by 5 to get the "save against" a basic Ability
generatinga percentage or num ber percentage chance of success). statistic.
between 01 and 00 (00 is read as
For example, if Erik's THACO is 16, For example, if you want to detect
100); 3D6 means roll three 6-sided
and the target is wearing chain mail a lie or get further information, you
dice and add the results to get the
with no shield (AC: 5), Erik needs to may have to save on a die roll against
roll ll on a D20 (16-5 = 11), or a 55 or the statistic of Insight (IN).
Value assumes, with medieval level less on a D% (11 x 5% = 55%). Roll a D20 for all saves against
of civilization, that the value of one Abil ity Scores. If the number is
Characteristics (or Attributes, Ability
gold piece is about $20 in 1985 U.S. equal to or lower than the Ability
Scores, or Statistics) are derived from
dollars. An income of 20 gold pieces Score, you make your save and can
3D6. The lowest score for a human
(or gp) would be a very profitable tell if a person is lying or notice an
is3 and the highest score is a 18 (00).
day for a merchant, but 5-10 gold important clue.
pieces is a more likely sum for a Saving Throws decide how you are
Ability rolls are often modified. If
day'seffort. Hire lings' wages are af fected by spells, poisons, etc. You
you are instructed to make an IN roll
usually 10 gp per day per Skill level are often required to roll a certain
which raises dramatical ly with jobs number of a D20 and if you succeed,
the effects of the attack on your +3, you add 3 to the die roll. For
that are preceived to be dangerous. exam ple, if your IN is 12 and you
character are re duced or negated.
Armor Class works on a scale where roll a 10, you still fail to save (10+3 =
Remember, for nor mal saving
a lower number is better. A character 13).
throws you must roll equal to or
with no armor has.AC: 10. A shield greater than the saving throw Maps: All important adventure maps
adds one step to make it AC: 9; chain number to succeed. are usually gathered at the end of (or
mail is AC:5; plate and shield is AC: middle of) an adventure and not scat
2. tered throughout the book. See Table
of Contents for page number.

Reading The Entries Example:

In some cases, the party will con

Each of the entries in this book has
two sections. What the GM reads to
the players is printed in italic type.
Entrance to Cavern Level II
front more than one opponent in a
cave or room. When this happens, the
number of attacking opponents will
A small waterfall flows from a hole
This portion of the text is followed in the center of the ceiling. It feeds a be shown in parenthesis before the
by three asterisks, as follows: stream that cuts through the cave and oppo nents' name or monster type, as
* * *
The portion of the text that tells
flows down the passageway to the in this example:
east. (6) Dire Wolves
what the GM should know is printed
in regular (Roman) type. The
hole in the c eilin g is
* * AC: 6, HTK: 22 each (3D8+3)
M: 18",
Any information that is of special AL: Neutral, IT: Semi
about 8' in diameter and it leads up
interest to the GM in conducting the vertically. The rush of falling water is Att: 1, Dm: 2-8
adventure will be indicated by the not sufficient to impede a climbing THACO: 16
words GM NOTE. attempt. Size: M
NOTE: This hole in the ceiling is the
only access to Cavern Level II.

Att.......................Attacks per rnelee round

Abbrevia tions
Dm................................Damage per attack
AC...........................................Armor Class THACO . . . . . . . To Hit Armor Class 0
HTK......................................Hits To Kill Special..............Special attacks or defenses
M........Moveme nt in feet per melee round ST................................................Strength
/#''•••.•....•......•Flying IT.................................................Intellect
Speed I I#" • • • • • • • • • • • • • IN...................................................Insight
Swimming Speed AL............Alignment DX............................................. Dexterity
AP.................................................... Appeal
gp• . . .• • • • .• • . . .• • . . gold
41211 • • • • • • • • Spells per level of spell
sp................................................ silver pieces
EP . . •.................• . . Experience Poin
GM............................................ Ga me
Segmetns....................................... 6 seootKJli;
Melee Round.......10 segments; 1 minute
Turn...............IO me lee rounds; 10 minu

Entrance throuvh the Fis.mre S11iral stairwav from Room 22 lo Room 23. Stairway between levels - Blocked bv rubble.
1 Square = 10'



:::,tlla TABLE


- ----=-==--- -

FP,R S ,,
Rates of movement:
Terrain Movement Rates in hexes
per day.
Foot/ Horse/ Fligh t
Clear 2/4/4
Forest* I/2/3
Hills I/1/4
Mountains ½/½/2
Mud / Ash flats I/I/2
T he Dark I/I/I
Road 2/4/4

*The forest of T ang lewood is

especiall ydense. Movement throug h
this forest is I / 1 / 2
It is recom mended that a small
token be used to keep track of the
pa rt y wh ile they move across the
- board.

h f} S f)

THE WILDERNESS For Furth er information, see "Movement in the Wilderness ," page 11.

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