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Importance of Learning a Foreign Language

A foreign language is a language which is not the person’s mother tongue language.
The importance of learning a foreign language is increasing in the today’s world. One
can gain a lot of benefits by learning a foreign language. The detailed explanation on
the importance of foreign language and how to learn it can be found on the book “Why
You Need a Foreign Language - and How to Learn One”, by Edward Trimnell (2003).

Followings are some of the importance of learning a foreign language:

1. Learning a foreign language helps to communicate with the foreigners in their

native language and know their traditions and cultures.
2. It also helps in enhancing the career opportunities abroad. Being a multilingual
makes it easier to get a job abroad and get preference over other employees.
3. Learning a foreign language also makes students easier in pursuing further study
4. Continuous learning of foreign languages improves one’s networking skills and
5. A multilingual person also has the ability of multitasking; for example, when
multilinguals have to shift from one task to another, they do it more quickly than
6. It also helps the businesses in extending their relationship with their customers
abroad. For example, communicating with the international customers in their
native language helps in strengthening the international business relationship for
a long term.
7. Learning a foreign language can also provide a unique experience to the
travelers. It is more beneficial for people who love visiting foreign countries,
knowing about different cultures, traditions, and lifestyles since a traveler
knowing foreign language can have a life changing experience. It is not
necessary to be fluent, but learning a foreign language can make your
experience unforgettable and rewarding!
8. Similarly, multilingualism has a great importance in various fields like hospitals,
science and research, engineer, etc. In hospital, a multilingual doctor can interact
with his/her patient in his/her native language. Thus, he has the high chance of
successful diagnosing. Similarly, scientists and engineers can communicate with
their team members in more effective way and can explain their findings,
recommendations and conclusions clearly.

In conclusion, foreign language has a great importance in each and every field.
Therefore, learning a foreign language is very essential in today’s world.

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