Taller 01 Curso Recurrente

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Curso Recurrente Mantenimiento

Taller 01: Conceptualización

En la siguiente tabla coloque entre paréntesis la letra correspondiente al concepto definido:

a. Cracks k___A transfer of metal from one surface to another in an advanced case of fretting corrosion or
b. Corrosion h___Material or part consumed as a result of exposure to operation or
c. Erosion b___Pitting, or a surface breakdown of a material due to chemical or electro−chemical attack by
atmosphere, moisture or other agents. (Sometimes called rust on steel surfaces.)

d. Sheared f___A surface indention with rounded bottom usually caused by impact of a foreign object. Material
is displaced, seldom separated.

e. Security j___Sharp deviation from original line or plane; usually caused by lateral
f. Dented a____Visible (not requiring special fluorescent or magnetic penetrants) partial separation of material
which may progress to a complete break.
g. Scratched e___Correctly installed or fastened so as not to loosen.

h. Worn c___Carry away of material by flow of fluids or gases, accelerated byheat or grit.

i. Grooved d___Dividing a body by cutting action; i.e., division of a body so as to cause its parts to slide relative
to each other in a direction parallel to their plane of contact.
j. Bent l___ Extensive deformation of the original shape of apart; usually due to structural stresses,
excessive localized heating or any combination of these.
k. Galled i___Smooth, rounded furrow or furrows of wear; usually wider tan scoring, with rounded corners and
smooth on the groove bottom.
l. Distorted m___Small irregular shaped hollows in the surface; usually caused by
corrosion, chipping or heavy electrical discharge.
m. Pitted g___Light narrow, shallow mark or marks caused by movement of a sharp object or particle across
a surface.

a. Rajadura k___A transfer of metal from one surface to another in an advanced case of fretting corrosion or
b. Corrosion h___Material or part consumed as a result of exposure to operation or
c. Erosion b___Pitting, or a surface breakdown of a material due to chemical or electro−chemical attack by
atmosphere, moisture or other agents. (Sometimes called rust on steel surfaces.)

d. Cortado f___A surface indention with rounded bottom usually caused by impact of a foreign object. Material
is displaced, seldom separated.

e. Seguridad j___Sharp deviation from original line or plane; usually caused by lateral
f. Abolladura a____Visible (not requiring special fluorescent or magnetic penetrants) partial separation of material
which may progress to a complete break.
g. Rayadura e___Correctly installed or fastened so as not to loosen.

h. Desgaste c___Carry away of material by flow of fluids or gases, accelerated byheat or grit.

i. Ranura d___Dividing a body by cutting action; i.e., division of a body so as to cause its parts to slide relative
to each other in a direction parallel to their plane of contact.
j. torcido, doblado l___ Extensive deformation of the original shape of apart; usually due to structural stresses,
excessive localized heating or any combination of these.
k. galled (galling) i___Smooth, rounded furrow or furrows of wear; usually wider tan scoring, with rounded corners and
hundimiento, desgaste smooth on the groove bottom.
por friccion

l. Deformacion m___Small irregular shaped hollows in the surface; usually caused by

corrosion, chipping or heavy electrical discharge.
m. picadura (corrosión) g___Light narrow, shallow mark or marks caused by movement of a sharp object or particle across
a surface.


Separación parcial visible del material (que no requiere penetrantes fluorescentes o magnéticos especiales) que puede progresar hasta una rotura


Picaduras o ruptura de la superficie de un material debido a un ataque químico o electroquímico de la atmósfera, la humedad u otros agentes. (A
veces llamado óxido en superficies de acero).


Arrastre de material por flujo de fluidos o gases, acelerado por calor o arenilla.


Dividir un cuerpo por acción de corte; es decir, división de un cuerpo para hacer que sus partes se deslicen entre sí en una dirección paralela a su
plano de contacto.


Correctamente instalado o fijado para que no se suelte.


Una muesca en la superficie con fondo redondeado generalmente causada por el impacto de un objeto extraño. El material se desplaza, rara vez se


Marca o marcas ligeras, estrechas y poco profundas causadas por el movimiento de un objeto o partícula puntiaguda a través de una superficie.


Material o parte consumida como resultado de la exposición a la operación o uso.


Surcos o surcos de desgaste lisos y redondeados; por lo general, una puntuación de color canela más ancha, con esquinas redondeadas y suave en
la parte inferior de la ranura.

Torcido, doblado

Gran desviación de la línea o el plano original; generalmente causado por lateral


galled (galling) hundimiento, desgaste por fricción

Una transferencia de metal de una superficie a otra en un caso avanzado de corrosión por contacto o picaduras.


Amplia deformación de la forma original de aparte; generalmente debido a tensiones estructurales, calentamiento localizado excesivo o cualquier
combinación de estos.


Pequeños huecos de forma irregular en la superficie; generalmente causado por corrosión, astillado o descarga eléctrica intensa.

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