Artifact 3

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Artifact 3

In my time spent at East Garfield Elemntary, I was able to work with Mrs. Bastille witht he

second grade and Mrs. Manning with the third grade and I had the opportunity to spend a lot of

time outside with the second grade students in their time of recess. Everyday they were brought

outside to run around and play and one day, I had the idea that I could make playing into a form

of education and allow them to view education as something fun-not just boring time spent

inside the classroom. As I watched the students play a variety of different games came to mind

that I was able to come up with, and I knew that the children would be able to have fun while

also learning. The game that I went with was a hula hooping game. I gathered the students

around, told them to grab a hula hoop, and told them to count how many hula hoop spins they

each got.

The number of the hula hoop spins that each student got varied but the average was

around 60. Some surpassed that number and others got below but for the most part, they were

about the same. I had my clipboard and then wrote out each student's hula hoop number and

then had the students add the numbers up. I was confident that this game would not be one that

was too challenging to them being that we had been going over this material in the classroom

but I knew that they needed the review and what better way to have them grasp this knowledge

then in a way they were able to enjoy!

At the end of the recess period, the students were ecstatic about adding up numbers

which was so rewarding to see. I also administered multiple tests with this same material to two

different students in which I will provide a picture of one of the tests that I proctured on this

document below. In this test the students were working on adding with hundreds and using

manipulative and number lines and place value blocks to solve word problems. Without giving

them answers, I guided them to use their background knowledge and growth mindset to solve
the math problems.

In my third grade classroom with Mrs. Manning, I spent my time working one on one with each

student with Lightning Squad, which is a tutoring progran that helps improve students spelling,

reading comprehension, and grammar. With this program, students write a story and after,

answers questions about the stories charactrers, setting, and vocabulary. A photo of the website
is also provided at the end of this section in the paper. With this class, I did multiple activities

with the students including being on eof the monitors with different progarms offered, being a

lunch monitor, and watching the class when the teacher had to step out of the room for

meetings, breaks, etc.

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