Results: The Lab Clearly Showed A Proper Hardy Weinberg Population Through Experimenting Under Ideal

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Results: The lab clearly showed a proper Hardy Weinberg population through experimenting under ideal

conditions. We modeled a situation to fit the Hardy Weinberg equation: p^2 + 2pq + q^2 = 1.0 and their five
conditions. The experimental set up was created to fit these limitations/restrictions. Other cases were to
demonstrate natural selection and correlate to the H-W principle.
Table 8.1
Phenotypes Allele Frequency based on the
Tasters Non-tasters H-W Equation
(p^2 + 2pq) (q^2) p q
Class Population # % # % .455 .545
26 70.27 11 29.73
North American Population 0.55 .45 .329 .671

The class tasted the chemical PTC paper and tallied the board on either the taster or non-taster side. We calculated
the p and q frequencies based on the Hardy-Weinberg equation. Furthermore, using the same equation, we
calculated the frequencies for the entire North American population rather than just a handful of students.

Case I Chart:

Generation/Try Offspring #1 Offspring #2

1 Aa Aa
2 Aa Aa
3 Aa Aa
4 aa aa
5 Aa aa
Frequency of p: 6/7 or 0.8571 Frequency of q: 8/7 or 1.1428

Case I allowed for random mating conditions and resulted in the offspring with the alleles stated above. Each
student possessed four cards: two A cards and two a cards, because the initial genotype was Aa for every student.
The genotype assumed after each try was the genotype of offspring #1 and mating occurred randomly with
different lab group members.

Case II Chart:

Generation/Try Offspring #1 Offspring #2

1 Aa AA
2 Aa Aa
3 Aa Aa
5 Aa Aa
Frequency of p: 5/6 or 0 .833 Frequency of q: 5/6 or 0.833

Case II modified the simulation to make it more realistic since in a natural environment, not all genotypes have an
equal chance of survival. As an aa offspring showed up, the offspring was eliminated and mating was performed
until another genotype was brought forth.
Case III Chart:

Generation/Try Offspring #1 Offspring #2

1 Aa AA
2 Aa Aa
3 Aa Aa
4 AA Aa
5 Aa Aa
Frequency of p: 11/6 or 1.833 Frequency of q: 1/6 or 0.167

Case III simulates real life situations where natural selection is against homozygous dominant traits and favors
recessive or heterozygous traits (i.e. sickle-cell anemia). To demonstrate a heterozygote advantage, students had
to flip a coin. Every time AA genotype emerged, the students flipped a coin allowing it to have a 50% chance of


1. What does the Hardy Weinberg equation predict for the new p and q?
The Hardy Weinberg equation predicts .367 for p and .632 for q.
2. Do the results you obtained in this simulation agree? If not, why not?
No, the results do not agree because many other factors affect genetics (i.e. natural selection) and were not
included in the experimental set-up. Also the population is not large enough to completely provide results that
fit the predictions of the equation.
3. What major assumptions were not strictly followed in this simulation?
The assumption that the population is large was not followed because the number students could hardly be
considered large.

4. How do the new frequencies of p and q compare to the initial frequencies in Case I?
Through natural selection individuals with the genotype aa are eliminated, causing a decline in the number of
a alleles in this case. The p and q almost equal each other, and the q frequency lowered from Case I.

5. What major assumptions were not strictly followed in this simulation?

The assumption that the population does not undergo (natural) selection was not followed because the aa
genotype with the offspring was eliminated.

6. Predict what would happen to the frequencies of p and q if you simulated another five generations.
The frequency of q will continue to decrease because the aa has been eliminated. It will not, although, reach
zero because the heterozygous Aa remain.

7. In a large population would it be possible to completely eliminate a deleterious recessive allele?

No, it is impossible to completely eliminate a deleterious recessive allele. Even though some people that
express the trait because they are homozygous recessive may die before they can pass the trait on to
offspring, the gene pool will always have this allele because carriers are able to live normal lives and pass
these alleles on to their offspring. An example is hemophilia.

8. Explain how the changes in p and q frequencies in Case II compare with Case I and Case III.
The frequency of p in Case II was lower than in Case I because Case II eliminated aa offspring (lowering the
chances of a allele showing up). The q frequency decreased quite drastically in Case II, compared to Case I,
because of the elimination of aa. In Case III, the frequency of p is higher than in Case II and I combined
because although the individuals with AA did not always survive, Aa was still prevalent, while aa was
completely eliminated. The q increased because in Case III more heterozygotes survived than in Case II and
Case I. This displays the heterozygote advantage.
9. Do you think the recessive allele will be completely eliminated in either Case II or Case III?
No, the recessive allele will not be eliminated because there will always be heterozygotes.
10. What is the importance of heterozygotes, the heterozygote advantage, in maintaining genetic variation
in populations?
The heterozygotes have both alleles, which is needed for genetic variation. When two heterozygotes mate,
they can produce homozygous dominant and homozygous recessive. The presence of two alleles not only
produces varied genotypes for offspring, but also creates genetic variation because each allele codes for either
a recessive or a dominant trait (i.e. green or yellow pea).


The relationship between evolution and changes in allele frequencies tested and observed using the
Hardy-Weinberg equation. For the Hardy-Weinberg theory to work the population must be in equilibrium. This has
five requirements; a large population, no migration, no selection, no mutations, and random mating. Due to the
fact that we could only use our class there was a relatively small population which therefore could not ensure
random mating. Also encompassing natural selection into the experimental set-up led to deviation from the ideal
conditions for the equation. The Hardy-Weinberg theory predicts the p and q frequencies to be .5 and 5.However
we did not get those results. In Case I, (refer to Case I Chart) everyone started out as a heterozygous (Aa). The
frequency of q was a greater than p. The cause of this is probably because we had a small population to work with
and students probably did not “mate” randomly. In Case II (refer to Case II Chart), the homozygous recessive was
eliminated. This allowed for only homozygous dominant and heterozygous to survive. This made p almost equal to
q because the frequency of q in the population would decrease as the homozygous recessive was selected against.
In Case III (refer to Case III chart), only half of the homozygous dominants were to survive (survival chance dictated
with the flipping of a coin) and allowed for more heterozygotes to survive; it demonstrated a heterozygote
advantage in natural selection.
The lab data was absolutely faulty and erroneous. The instructions were confusing at times and there was
no space provided for collecting data. The charts were created according to the understanding of the lab group.
The actual format for the data collecting was completely different and the lab group had misinterpreted the way to
collect data. The genotypes of the offspring were written down but during calculations, only the fifth generation’s
genotypes were accounted for. This was the misinterpretation that led to completely false data. This may also be
the reason why the question seemed to provide larger than 1.0 frequency (Case I and Case II). No comparison with
other lab groups was performed. For improving the lab, better instructions or at least providing a data collection
table would be appropriate. If the data table was present, the format for the lab data would have been easier to
comprehend and the calculations would have been accurately done. Other than that, the lab was pretty
straightforward. Had the confusion not occurred, erroneous data could have been prevented.

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