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1. QUESTION -1 (Identify and list down the probable factors
influenced soaring price of vegetables during first phase of
lockdown in India.)

 Supply-side issues- Announcement of lockdown create a fear lack of

vegetable availability in consumers. So, they bought more than as usual
which creates shortage of vegetable in market and due to strict restriction
of lockdown the supply of vegetable get interrupt that’s the main reason
for vegetable shortage in 1st phase of lockdown. In this case we can say the
demand is more but supply is less.

2. QUESTION-2 (“Prices shoot up for pulses” were majorly due to

demand related factors or supply side? Justify your answer)

 Increase of demand is the main reason for high price for pulse. During
lockdown the fear of availability trigger the demand for that reason
inconsistent in supply stability occurs. ( Ashok Gulati, economist and Infosys
Chair Professor for Agriculture at ICRIER, said.)
“In case of pulses, when people know they can’t go out and are unsure about
availability of milk and vegetables, there is a sudden spike in demand for
pulses because people are buying higher quantities,”

3. QUESTION-3 (“In contrast with domestic price movements and

volatility, world food price experienced sharp falling during
pandemic”. Explain this statement.)
 As per the FAO, world food costs have dropped without precedent for a
very long time, likely because of fears over the (COVID-19) flare-up,
however food costs actually stay 8.1 percent higher than a year earlier.
World food costs declined in February 2020 because of a sharp fall in the
fare costs of vegetable oils, halfway determined by fears that the (COVID-
19) flare-up will moderate worldwide interest, as indicated by the Food and
Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO).

Example -The FAO Vegetable Oil Index declined 10.3 percent from January
2020, with worldwide palm oil costs falling by much more by virtue of
higher-than-anticipated yield in Malaysia, a transitory drop in India's import
interest and worries over the spread of COVID-19.

In a crisis like the current novel COVID-19 episode, the weakest nations
frequently endure the most, in lost lives and jobs.

4. QUESTION-4 (Based on your answer (c), can you show

graphically world food market equilibrium after price fall?
Show clearly which factor might cause this sharp fall of price.)
5. QUESTION-5 (How important this article is to you in connecting
theories of demand and supply with its applied field? What are
the major insights of this article? Does in any places you find
the theory conflicts with the reality?)
 This article is full of knowledge and true face of how demand and supply
affect reality.
 The major thing I learn from the article is how fear affect increase in
demand and how it reflects on supply due to all this increase in price
 Yes, in last paragraph of the article there is a quote said by FAO Senior
Economist Abdolreza Abbassian. “The price drops are largely driven by
demand factors, not supply, and the demand factors are influenced by
ever-more deteriorating economic prospects”. Which conflict the theory
because normally price drops when supply is more than demand but as we
can see in this case price drops due to demand.

COVID-19 Pandemic: Impact and strategies for

education sector in India
1. QUESTION-1 (Why has the education sector hard hit by
COVID-19 pandemic?)
 There are many sectors affected during this COVID-19 situation but
education sector is one of the major sectors which drastically
affected. 1st of all the major structure of education is in offline mode
but due to COVID-19 Govt. need to shut the schools, collages for an
indefinite time period which affect the learning growth. And few of
private institution able to adapt to this situation and build online
structure for education but it is not as effective as offline structure.
Not only schools but this pandemic also affect higher education
students who are doing their studies in abroad. Country like U.S, U.K,
Australia and China faced reduction of foreign students.
2. QUESTION-2 (How this issue is related to demand and supply of
education system? Do you think this situation is toughest for
international students?)
 There are two related surges of since a long time ago run financial
costs that are fundamental to this conversation. In the first place,
influenced understudies whose tutoring has been hindered by the
pandemic face long haul misfortunes in pay. Second, public
economies that go ahead with a less gifted workforce face lower
financial development which aces away from the general
government assistance of society. Much is thought about the
financial benefit of tutoring furthermore, explicitly, of psychological
abilities created through.
 Yes, definitely it is a hard time for international students due to this
pandemic situation the lost exposer, learning experience, money and
many more.
3. QUESTION-3 (Consider an Indian education system (primary
or secondary or
higher education)
and depict how the
present situation has
hampered the pre
equilibrium of the
market. (Use demand
and supply curve to
explain your
4. QUESTION-4 (How
introducing E-
learning will make situation better? Do explain graphically.
(Hint; first show how pandemic affects equilibrium and the
incorporate e-learning method to see the change).

5. QUESTION-5 (Do you feel e-learning is beneficial for students

and will ensure good career, employment opportunities and
secure well-being of the entire nation? Discuss your experience
of ongoing e-learning sessions and state your opinion on the
 There is no substitute for offline learning because it’s more practical
based. But “Something is better than nothing” so according to me
online learning is comfortable but it also has drawbacks like internet
issue, exposer, lack of practical knowledge.
 In a month of online learning span I want to say that it’s good
structure but can’t replace offline learning.

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