The Courts, Public Health, and Legal Preparedness: Government, Politics, and Law

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The Courts, Public Health, and Legal Preparedness

| Daniel D. Stier, JD, Diane Nicks, JD, and Gregory J. Cowan, MA

The judicial branch’s key THE JUDICIAL BRANCH OF THE courts to share power. We then vaccination while simultaneously
roles, as guardian of civil liber- US system of government stands address what public health practi- establishing the principle that
ties and protector of the rule of as the guardian of civil liberties tioners need to know about the public health officials may not
law, can be acutely relevant dur- and protector of the rule of law. judicial system in a public health unduly interfere with the funda-
ing public health emergencies The critical role that our courts emergency, including the role of mental rights of individuals.1
when courts may need to issue Public health disputes present is-
play is particularly important dur- the courts and the consequent
orders authorizing actions to
ing emergencies. At such times, need to keep courts open during sues of public welfare that de-
protect public health or re-
courts may, for example, issue emergencies. Finally, we describe mand efficient, yet careful and
straining public health actions
that are determined to unduly orders authorizing certain actions tools that are being developed to correct resolution. The parties in
interfere with civil rights. Legal to protect public health. Courts assist courts in performing their these cases face special chal-
preparedness for public health may also intervene to restrain important tasks during a public lenges including, for example, the
emergencies, therefore, neces- public health actions that are de- health emergency. need for public health officials
sitates an understanding of the termined to unduly interfere with Although this article is devoted and other parties to disputes or
court system and how courts civil rights. Legal preparedness to the courts’ roles in and pre- those involved in actions to un-
are involved in public health for public health emergencies, paredness needs for public health derstand the workings of the
issues. therefore, necessitates an under- emergencies, it is important to court system, or the need for
In this article we briefly de- judges to understand certain
standing of the role of the courts understand that outside of the
scribe the court system and
in the US system of justice and public health emergency context technical issues about public
then focus on what public
the involvement of the courts in disputes involving every type of health or to make relevant evi-
health practitioners need to
know about the judicial system public health issues. public health issue may be taken dentiary determinations.
in a public health emergency, To effectively perform its role, up in court. Those issues may Public health officials ordinar-
including the courts’ roles and the judiciary may periodically re- arise from public health areas as ily spend little time in court. Con-
the consequent need to keep quire enhanced understanding diverse as environmental protec- sequently, they frequently lack a
courts open during emergen- of a public health issue. Public tion, injury prevention, eradica- working knowledge of this partic-
cies. (Am J Public Health. 2007; health officials must also be thor- tion of nuisances (i.e., hazardous ular system in which their public
97:S69–S73. doi:10.2105/AJPH. oughly familiar with judicial rules waste, unsanitary conditions, and health actions will be tested.
2006.101881) and procedures and be ready to so on), reproductive health, and Judges, on the other hand, rise to
bring the presiding jurist up to infectious disease control. the bench from various types of
We are under a Constitution, but the speed on the law and facts. Put law practice; many were criminal
Constitution is what the judges say it is, simply, public health officials, as JUDICIAL SYSTEM prosecutors and possess criminal
and the judiciary is the safeguard of well as their attorneys, must know STRUCTURE AND law expertise. Others were civil
our liberty and our property under the their way around the courthouse. FUNCTION trial lawyers and have expertise
Constitution. Recognizing that mutual under- in areas such as tort law. How-
—Charles Evans Hughes standing is particularly important Background ever, judges generally lack back-
(American Jurist and Statesman, with regard to public health emer- Similar to other types of dis- ground and expertise in many
1862–1948) gencies, we focus on the courts’ putes, those involving public specialized areas of law, includ-
critical roles in and preparedness health ultimately may be re- ing public health. Therefore,
The prophecies of what the courts will needs for such emergencies. As solved in the courts. For exam- when a legal issue involving pub-
do in fact, and nothing more preten- an essential backdrop, we provide ple, the century-old landmark US lic health is in need of judicial
tious, are what I mean by the law. an introduction to the structure Supreme Court decision in Jacob- resolution, judges must be “edu-
—Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr and function of federal and state son v. Massachusetts held that cated” on both the relevant law
(The Path of the Law, courts and describe how federal- public health officials were au- and public health considerations.
Harvard Law Review, 1897). ism requires state and federal thorized to require smallpox Depending on the type of case,

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judges, or the juries sitting in writ of certiorari from either a Most public health cases are de- merce. The Tenth Amendment
their courtrooms, may also need US court of appeals or a state cided in state courts. reserves to the states all of the
to be fully informed on technical supreme court.3 Each state, the District of Co- powers not listed in Article I,
or scientific facts, epidemiological Congress creates “inferior lumbia, and Puerto Rico has its Section 8.
or otherwise, to make appropri- courts” under the discretion own court system. The state sys- Likewise, the US court system
ate factual findings. granted by Article III, Section 1. tems have structural characteris- is based on the principle of feder-
There are 94 federal trial courts, tics that are generally similar to alism. Thus, state courts retain all
Structure and Function called district courts.4 District those of the federal judicial sys- powers not granted to the federal
At the federal level, the courts’ courts hear civil and criminal tem. All include a court of last re- courts by the Constitution. They
dispute resolution role has its cases. Public health cases can sort, typically called the Supreme have jurisdiction over claims aris-
foundation in Article III of the arise in a criminal context, but Court. Most states have an inter- ing out of state constitutions and
US Constitution, establishing the generally are civil in nature. Most mediate court of appeals. All laws, and unless prohibited by
federal judiciary to resolve “cases civil cases arise under either the have courts of general jurisdic- federal law, may also be able to
and controversies” involving fed- courts’ “federal question” juris- tion, and most have courts of lim- hear and decide issues involving
eral law or certain parties. State diction or “diversity” jurisdiction.5 ited jurisdiction. Although shar- the US Constitution and federal
judicial systems are similarly es- Federal questions are simply ing general characteristics, there laws. In a public health context,
tablished by state constitutions those arising under the Constitu- is wide variation in the structural legal issues generally involve the
for the purpose of resolving cases tion, laws, or treaties of the details of state court systems. For exercise of police power by pub-
and controversies generally in- United States. Diversity jurisdic- example, Georgia’s court system lic health agencies. Although not
volving state and local laws. The tion most commonly exists where includes courts of general juris- expressly referenced in the Con-
structures of the federal and state the controversy is between citi- diction, called superior courts, stitution, the existence of the po-
court systems are established by zens of different states or citizens 8 additional types of limited ju- lice power is universally recog-
the US Congress and state legis- of a state and citizens or subjects risdiction courts, and 2 levels of nized by the courts as the power
latures, respectively. In public of a foreign state. The disputed appellate courts. On the other reserved for the states for the cre-
health emergency and other amount in a diversity case must hand, the entire court structure ation and implementation of laws
contexts, court actions could take exceed US $75 000. in North Dakota consists of a uni- to protect the public’s health,
several forms, including affirming The district courts are orga- fied trial court and a single ap- safety, and welfare. Consistent
and enforcing an order of a pub- nized into 12 regional circuits, pellate court of last resort.8 with this broad reserved power,
lic health official as a proper ex- each with a court of appeals.4 A most public health laws and regu-
ercise of discretion, overturning court of appeals hears appeals of A SYSTEM BASED ON lations reside at the state (and
an order of a public health offi- decisions arising from the district FEDERALISM local) level. State courts have ju-
cial for lack of statutory author- courts within its circuit.6 Appeals risdiction over issues arising out
ity, or striking down a public are heard and decided on the The US system of govern- of those state laws and regula-
health law or order for unduly basis of the record made before ment is based on federalism—a tions. Not surprisingly, therefore,
interfering with an individual’s the district court. sharing of powers between the cases involving public health legal
constitutional right to liberty. federal and state governments. issues are most commonly filed
State Courts The system is framed by the US and resolved in state courts. Al-
Federal Courts The caseload of the federal Constitution in Article I, Section though state courts are generally
Article III, Section 1 of the courts is vastly exceeded by that 8, and the Tenth Amendment. the forum for resolution of public
Constitution directed Congress of state courts for both civil and Article I, Section 8, authorizes health disputes, it is particularly
to establish the Supreme Court. criminal cases.7 State courts han- the federal government to make important in a public health
It is the US court of last resort. dle virtually all cases involving the laws “necessary and proper” emergency context for public
In a small number of cases, the divorce and child custody, pro- to execute the powers listed in health officials to recognize the
court has original jurisdiction.2 bate and inheritance, real estate, the article. Chief among those sharing of judicial power between
Otherwise, the court generally and juvenile issues and most powers with respect to most is- federal and state systems and to
has discretion over whether to cases involving criminal prosecu- sues, including public health, be prepared to efficiently and ef-
take an appeal. Appeals are usu- tion, contract disputes, traffic are the power to tax and spend fectively address legal issues that
ally initiated with the filing of a violations, and personal injury.7 and the power to regulate com- could be raised in either system.

S70 | Government, Politics, and Law | Peer Reviewed | Stier et al. American Journal of Public Health | Supplement 1, 2007, Vol 97, No. S1

COURTS AND PUBLIC Courts Must Remain Open on court operations affected by would be to use electronic meth-
HEALTH EMERGENCIES During Emergencies Hurricanes Katrina and Wilma.12 ods of communication, such as
To perform their important Some courts have developed 2-way closed circuit television or
Whether occurring naturally or role, courts must of course remain “disaster recovery plans.” Those telephone conferencing. If, how-
as the result of an intentional act, open during a public health emer- that have not are encouraged ever, even some of these meth-
widespread outbreaks of severe gency. The potential for public to do so.13 ods proved insufficient, then
infectious diseases potentially pose health events to disrupt judicial Beyond planning for recovery courts might determine it neces-
unique challenges for the judicial operations is exemplified by the from devastation caused by hurri- sary to approve curtailment of
system. As demonstrated by the smallpox epidemics of 1636 and canes or other natural disasters, even some essential proceedings
severe acute respiratory syndrome 1659, which caused relocations of courts are recognizing the need through the issuance of blanket
outbreak in 2003, some commu- the General Court of the Massa- for an “all hazards” approach to orders or other measures that in
nicable infectious diseases can chusetts Bay Colony to sites out- emergency contingency planning nonemergency situations would
spread rapidly and may create a side Boston, and another epi- for other potentially catastrophic be considered inappropriate.
need to quarantine thousands. In demic in 1702 that required the events, such as an influenza pan- A leading example of collabo-
Toronto, Ontario, approximately New York Supreme Court to con- demic or a bioterrorism event rative efforts to address these
30000 individuals were quaran- vene on Long Island. Until re- such as a “dirty bomb.” Although sorts of issues is the “Florida
tined, and virtually all of them vol- cently, these examples may have courts must have plans in place State Courts Strategy for Pan-
untarily complied.9 However, vol- been thought of as interesting but for “picking up the pieces” after a demic Influenza: Keeping the
untary compliance cannot always irrelevant historical footnotes. But disaster, they also need to develop Courts Open in a Pandemic.”14
be reasonably presumed. judicial interest in planning for re- and exercise contingency plans to Although “lessons learned” from
An infectious disease outbreak covery from disasters, already enhance their ability to continue hurricanes have placed Florida at
may cause public health officials stimulated by the 200l World essential operations during any the forefront of judicial emer-
to subject individuals or groups to Trade Center, Pentagon, and an- type of emergency. The continued gency planning, Florida courts
involuntary civil confinement, thrax attacks, was reinforced by functioning of the judicial system nonetheless recognize that an in-
such as isolation, quarantine, or the dramatic adverse impact of is critically important to public fluenza pandemic would have im-
other compulsory “social distanc- recent hurricanes on court opera- health officials: the unavailability pacts distinct from those experi-
ing” measures. Under such cir- tions Louisiana, Mississippi, of the courts would mean that enced during and after
cumstances in the United States, Alabama, and Florida. In the im- public health officials and affected hurricanes. Florida courts, there-
the judicial system, as guardian of mediate aftermath of Hurricanes citizens would be deprived of the fore, availed themselves of pan-
civil liberties and protector of the Charley, Francis, Ivan, and Jeanne mechanism for resolving disputes demic influenza information
rule of law, would serve to ensure in 2004 and Hurricanes Dennis, that may be triggered by public available at the national level and
that those measures do not unduly Katrina, Rita, and Wilma in health emergency actions. consulted with Florida Depart-
interfere with the rights of individ- 2005, courts were forced to sus- During catastrophic infectious ment of Health officials. The
uals or groups. At a minimum, the pend operations, relocate, or tem- disease outbreaks or other public courts concluded that a pandemic
courts would strive to guard porarily close. Orders were issued health emergencies, providing scenario would likely increase the
against such undue interference to close court operations, suspend timely due process access to the number of court filings as a result
by providing procedural due pro- deadlines, and, in some instances, courts for large numbers of per- of quarantine, isolation, or other
cess protections, including (1) ade- authorize practice by affected sons may create serious logistical public health actions restricting
quate written notice of grounds lawyers in jurisdictions other than difficulties for the judicial system. the movement of individuals, that
for the proposed action and un- where licensed. Courts around the Such difficulties might be com- a significant number of personnel
derlying facts; (2) access to legal country were asked to volunteer pounded by the threat posed by necessary to perform mission-es-
counsel; (3) right to be present at supplies, equipment, and other re- potentially infectious persons to sential functions within the court
the hearing, to cross-examine, and sources. The National Center for judges, lawyers, and other court system would be unavailable be-
to confront and present witnesses; State Courts responded to the staff. Moreover, courtroom hear- cause of illness, and that face-to-
(4) a standard of proof requiring Katrina disaster by adding to its ings conducted in the usual face contact would likely be inad-
clear, cogent, and convincing Web site a “Clearinghouse for “face-to-face” manner would be visable. The plan sets forth short-
evidence; and (5) access to a tran- Courts Affected by Hurricane Ka- inadvisable without taking addi- and long-term objectives for deal-
script for the purpose of appeal.10 trina,” which updated information tional precautions; an alternative ing with a pandemic scenario and

Supplement 1, 2007, Vol 97, No. S1 | American Journal of Public Health Stier et al. | Peer Reviewed | Government, Politics, and Law | S71

prescribes tasks and tools for ac- judicial resources as soon as judges, perhaps with cross-refer- permit ex parte communications
complishing the objectives. practicable. In Indiana, the Divi- ences to the broader treatment. (discussion of the merits of a
The activities of courts in Cali- sion of State Court Administra- Law and public health confer- case between the judge and a
fornia, Michigan, and Indiana tion and the Judicial Conference ences and seminars are exploring party to the case outside the
provide additional examples of Court Management Committee the role of the judiciary in public presence of other parties).20 Fur-
judicial public health emergency are in the process of developing health, and federal and state thermore, public health officials
preparedness progress. Public a template to be used by trial working groups increasingly rec- may encounter some judicial re-
health input, similar to that pro- courts in developing continuity of ognize the judiciary as an impor- luctance to discuss in the abstract
vided to the Florida Supreme operations plans, with special tant component of public health the circumstances, if any, under
Court for development of its emphasis on the public health as- readiness. For example, in May which judges might consider de-
pandemic influenza strategy, pect of disaster recovery.17 2006, the Bureau of Justice As- viating from normal due process
has been provided to California sistance, part of the US Depart- standards.
courts in the form of a document PUBLIC HEALTH TOOLS ment of Justice, convened a Public health officials can con-
titled Epidemics and the California meeting of experts representing sider making attempts to identify
Courts.15 This document provides Interested representatives of the judiciary, law enforcement, justices or judges who are inter-
background information concern- the judiciary and public health corrections, and public health to ested in public health emergency
ing epidemic disease transmis- officials have recently been col- address efforts for joint prepared- preparedness. When approaching
sion, communicable diseases of laborating on the development of ness for pandemic influenza.19 those members of the judiciary
concern, public health response public health law “bench books.” Thus, public health officials may regarding plans for public health
to disease outbreaks, and the role Bench books are commonly used seek new opportunities to work emergencies, public health offi-
of the courts in disease outbreaks. by judges as functional practice cooperatively with the judiciary cials should focus the discussion
The Michigan Supreme Court guides designed to accelerate and judicial education agencies on strategies and mechanisms
has developed a Business Contin- their understanding of an area of in developing resources like pub- that should be available to courts
gency and Emergency Proce- law. Courts in most states, for ex- lic health law bench books, par- in public health emergencies
dures Plan, which is designed to ample, typically have civil and ticipating in judicial education should courts decide to use
provide an emergency judicial as- criminal law bench books. In In- seminars, and planning for public them. The circumstances under
signment process.16 This plan es- diana, the recently developed health emergencies. which those strategies and mech-
tablishes a communication link public health law bench book de- anisms would be used should ap-
between the State Court Admin- votes particular attention to legal APPROACHES TO propriately and respectfully be
istrative Office and the Michigan authorities relating to public ASSISTING COURTS IN left for judicial determination.
Office of Attorney General, lists health emergencies. The Indiana PREPAREDNESS
statewide primary and back-up bench book was the first bench CONCLUSIONS
contacts for the Office of Attor- book in the country devoted to As public health officials ap-
ney General, establishes primary public health law, and it is serv- proach courts about prepared- The judicial system resolves
and secondary contacts for each ing as a template for the develop- ness issues, they must recognize legal disputes relating to public
of 4 judicial regions, and pro- ment of bench books in other that, even under the direst of cir- health. Public health agencies
vides contact information for the states.18 As states refine their ap- cumstances, most courts would must anticipate the need to artic-
judges responsible for covering proaches to bench book develop- be reluctant to authorize signifi- ulate to courts the legal and fac-
each region. The plan also pre- ment, some are devoting a por- cant due process “shortcuts.” tual underpinnings of their ac-
scribes 2 sets of processes and tion to a treatise-like discussion Likewise, courts may be some- tions. Similarly, agencies and
procedures, depending on the of public health law, intended for what wary of engaging in plan- their attorneys must develop a
level of emergency: the proce- use by public health officials, ning discussions with public thorough understanding of court
dures relating to emergency level state and local public health at- health officials regarding those jurisdiction, practices, and proto-
1 (critical) are designed to ensure torneys, and the public. A “prac- sorts of measures, particularly cols. With particular regard to
immediate access to judicial re- tice supplement” or “application because the judiciary values its legal issues relating to preparing
sources; those relating to emer- section” is then designed to pro- independence: judges base their for and responding to public
gency level 2 (urgent) are in- vide useful, easily accessible law decisions on the law and facts of health emergencies, public health
tended to obtain access to of practical and immediate use to each case, and courts will never officials should work with courts

S72 | Government, Politics, and Law | Peer Reviewed | Stier et al. American Journal of Public Health | Supplement 1, 2007, Vol 97, No. S1

to develop contingency plans for Contributors 8. National Center for State Courts. gov/documents/Attachment_A_97106_7.
equitably and efficiently resolv- D. D. Stier researched and analyzed the Available at: http://www.ncsconline. pdf. Accessed on January 11, 2007.
role of the judicial system in public org/D_Research/Ct_Struct/Index.html.
ing those issues. Although the in- 17. O’Brien C. Division of State Court
health emergencies and wrote the article. Accessed on January 11, 2007.
Administration and the Judicial Confer-
dependence of the judiciary pro- D. Nicks and G. J. Cowan reviewed drafts
ence Court Management Committee to
9. Public Health Agency of Canada.
hibits discussion of the substance of the article and assisted in the analysis
SARS in Canada: anatomy of an out- Begin Disaster Recovery Planning proj-
and description of the judicial system’s
of those issues, there is no bar to break. Available at: http://www.phac- ect in 2006. Indiana Court Times:
role in public health emergencies. 2005;14;6. Available at http://www.
joint planning of the means and
e.html. Accessed on Janaury 11, 2007.
methods of resolving those legal Acknowledgments news14-3.pdf . Accessed on January 11,
10. Greene v. Edwards, 263 S.E. 2d
issues in the event of a public The authors acknowledge the contribu- 2007.
661 (1980)
health emergency. Judges and tion made by Francis Schmitz in review- 18. Centers for Disease Control and
ing and commenting on the article. 11. Hopkins DR. Princes and Peasants:
Prevention. Public health law program.
public health officials can cooper- Smallpox in History. Chicago, Ill: Univer-
Available at:
ate to ensure that actions taken sity of Chicago Press; 1983.
phlp. Accessed on January 11, 2007.
Human Participant Protection
to protect public health have a Human participants were not involved
12. National Center for State Courts.
19. US Department of Justice. Justice
Homepage. Available at: http://www.
solid legal foundation and re- in the research reported in the article. and Public Health Systems Planning: Accessed on February 2,
spect the rights of individuals af- Confronting a Pandemic Outbreak. Chi-
cago, Ill: Bureau of Justice Assistance,
fected by those actions. References 13. National Center for State Courts. US Department of Justice; 2006. Avail-
1. 197 U.S. 11 (1905)
Do You Have a Disaster Recovery Plan? able at:
2. 28 U.S.C. § 1251. Available at: http://www.ncsconline. pandemic/pandemic_main.html. Ac-
3. 28 U.S.C. §§ 1254, 1257. org/What’sNew/NewsAlerts/News cessed on January 11, 2007. Another
About the Authors
AlertHaveRecoveryPlan.html. Accessed example is: Florida Office of the State
Daniel D. Stier is with the Public Health 4. Administrative Offices of the US
on January 11, 2007. Courts Administrator. Florida State
Law Program, Centers for Disease Control Courts. Understanding the Federal
Courts Prepare: Planning for Pandemic
and Prevention, Atlanta, Ga. Diane Nicks Courts. Available at: http://www.uscourts. 14. Florida State Courts. Emergency
as Part of an All-Hazards Approach.
is a Circuit Court Judge in Dane County, gov/understand03/media/UFC03.pdf. preparedness. Available at: http://www.
Orlando, Fla: Florida Office of the State
Madison, Wis. Gregory J. Cowan is with Accessed on January 11, 2007.
Courts Administrator; 2006.
the Florida Office of the State Courts Ad- 5. 28 U.S.C. §§ 1331, 1332. shtml. Accessed on Janaury 11, 2007.
ministrator, Tallahassee. 20. Though ex parte communications
6. 28 U.S.C. § 1294. 15. California Department of Health
Requests for reprints should be sent to are generally prohibited, some jurisdic-
Services. Epidemics and the California
Daniel D. Stier, Public Health Law Program, 7. National Center for State Courts. tions permit a party to seek an ex parte
Courts. Available at:
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Examining the Work of State Courts. order under very limited circumstances,
gov. Accessed on March 29, 2007.
1600 Clifton Rd, Mail-stop D30, Atlanta, Available at: http://www.ncsconline. usually involving notice to other parties
GA 30333 (e-mail: org/D_Research/csp/2003_Files/ 16. Michigan Supreme Court. Business and an opportunity to subsequently be
This analytic essay was accepted De- 2003_Overview.pdf. Accessed on Janu- Contingency and Emergency Procedures heard. 56 Am. Jur. 2d Motions, Rules,
cember 13, 2006. ary 11, 2007. Plan. Available at: http://www.michigan. and Orders §45.

Supplement 1, 2007, Vol 97, No. S1 | American Journal of Public Health Weiss et al. | Peer Reviewed | Government, Politics, and Law | S73

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