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NAME: Juan Pablo Ruiz Peñaloza

FICHA: 2254384
DATE: 23/08/21

Take into account hat this vocabulary is related to the subject you are studying.


Band saw It has a long, narrow and
flexible serrated metal strip.
The strip travels on two
wheels that are in the same
vertical plane

Blade They are used to cut or hit

various materials with which
you want to work, as they are
usually: metal, wood, or

Cool Keep each part of the process

that requires it at room
temperature, for a correct
operation of the circuit.

Drilling machine Tool with which most of the

holes that are made to the
pieces are machined.
Feature Are the technical
specifications of a particular
piece, which is required.

Grinding machine It is a grinding mechanism that

is used to grind very different
products by means of a pulley
or a reducer.

Hole Hole or drilling made in a

metal, wood, steel surface.

Lathe Set of machines and tools that

allow machining, threading,
cutting, boring, turning,
roughing and grooving parts
geometrically per revolution

Machine tool They are all those parts that

are used for the maintenance
of the machines.
Overheating High temperature found in a
specific part or throughout the
machine, so it needs proper

Press By means of a small force on

the piston with a smaller area,
it allows to obtain a greater
force on the piston with a
larger area.

Programmer Designs control programs for

machines and electrical
systems, mainly in the
industrial sector and seeks to
automate processes.

Shaper Manufacture of molds, tools

and dies and other high
precision utensils.

Skilled That you are very skilled or

have great experience in a job
or activity.
Steam engine External combustion engine,
capable of transforming
energy from a certain amount
of water vapor, performing
kinetic or mechanical work.

Stroke It refers to the course that a

part makes in a pneumatic or
hydraulic mechanism

Turning machine Machining process used to

make cylindrical parts, in
which the cutting tool moves
linearly while the workpiece

Waterwheel Machine that helps us convert

the energy of a watercourse
or a waterfall into other more
useful forms of energy, for
example mechanical energy.

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