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How to Balance and Clear a School

 by Raymon Grace

© 2005

Introduction, by Susan Collins, President, Canadian Society of Dowsers

Raymon Grace, a native of the Appalachian Mountains of Virginia has been studying
forms of healing since 1973. He has developed techniques to balance and “clear”
schools of non-beneficial energies. The techniques described below can be applied
equally well to hospitals, offices, transit services, and even your own home.

These are advanced dowsing techniques that he has perfected over many years, and
successfully taught to many people of varying degrees of ability and experience. I
personally recommend that if you have never done anything like this before, that you
begin slowly by practicing on yourself and your own home. When you are
comfortable with the concepts and techniques, then step up your program and take
more on. You’ll probably find that working with a partner is helpful for remembering
what comes next, brainstorming ideas, and for encouraging each other to keep at it.
Remember to have fun while you’re doing this, and take pride in what you can

Before you begin, make sure you ground, or “zone in” to the dowsing system so that
you are safe and protected while doing this work.

Technique, by Raymon Grace

1.      Check the energy level in the school to determine if it is beneficial or non-

2.      If you have the ability to work on many people at once, do it. If not, start with
yourself, then with one person at a time.

3.      If you are able, do a mass depossession on the faculty and students including
their homes and families. To do this, just ask your spirit guides if they are willing
and able to. If so, then ask them to take all the non-beneficial spirit guides of the
people, and those negative entities within their energy fields and within the school
and the homes, and take them to the other side where they will be given
appropriate treatment and sent on to the realm where they are supposed to go. If
you do not know how to do a depossession, simply ask God to bless everyone
and everything with the appropriate energy for the best and highest good of all

4.      Check to see if there are any demons and/or poltergeists present. If so, ask the
spirit doctors to take them to the proper dimension and lock them up so they can
never return to earth or do any harm.

5.      Check for non-beneficial energetic patterns. Ask to neutralize them and fill the
void with fifth dimensional energy.

6.      Banish all non-beneficial spirits of emotions, such as hate, anger, greed, violence
etc., and de-activate the life force of such spirits.
7.      Scramble the frequency of such spirits and adjust to the frequency of fifth
dimensional energy.

8.      Remove all non-beneficial archetypes from faculty and students. Replace with
beneficial archetypes as needed.

9.      Check for geopathic stress and neutralize it if there is any.

10.  Find and move water veins if there are any.

11.  Find and neutralize all curses, hexes, spells etc.

12.  Neutralize the ill effects of mass consciousness.

13.   Bring all people and property into balance with the earth energy.

14.   Invite in the spirit of respect, love and whatever you feel appropriate.

15.  Check the energy in the school again and see how you have progressed.

Raymon Grace is Advisor to the Board of the CSD. His books, tapes and DVD’s
will be available soon through the CSD website. More detailed information on
clearing is available in his book "Techniques That Work For Me." He has
authored three books:

 "The Future is Yours -  Do Something About It" which combines mind

development, shamanism, dowsing, healing, and self-empowerment.

 "Techniques That Work For Me" is an advanced dowsing manual.

 "Seasons of April - How to Help Your Kids Succeed", tells how he used
mental techniques and positive thinking to raise his daughter, April.

 He has also produced a video on purifying and energizing water.

Raymon has taken dowsing to new heights, thus empowering individuals to gain
more control of their lives. He teaches in a unique and down-to-earth manner, a style
that characterizes his life. He lectures across North America, speaking to a wide
variety of audiences, including dowsing societies in U.S. and Canada. He has
successfully worked with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police to reduce violent
crime. His work has been used to reduce violence in schools and to eliminate abuse
of women and children. He has been a guest on numerous radio talk shows including
the well known "Coast to Coast Am Radio." 
Letters from Possum - #1
The Effects of Electromagnetic Pollution
On Roadsides and Water
© Tom Sotiridy, 2005
Storm King Dowsers, New York
Trustee, American Society of Dowsers

This is a series of letters on how to clear electromagnetic pollution from

roadsides and water, working with the divine creative intelligence, and
working with the life force that supervises the specifics of that field. It is simple
to do, it unites you with yourself and the beings seen, and unseen that live
near you and within you. It has many side effects all beneficial to all.
 I do nothing without giving thanks first, so, to all I give my deepest Thanks
and best wishes to The Creator, The Mother, my Teachers, My wife Thora,
and You who would participate with this work. Additionally I thank The Storm
King Dowsers, and Susan Collins for their help and spirit without whose help
this would not have been possible. I have, in my deepest humbleness and
deepest respect for great ones before me, borrowed the title of these articles.
Thank-you Walt and Raymon for everything you have taught and reminded
me of - many moons and cool waters to you both.
 …. and now let us proceed.

From my house to the town where I work is twenty seven miles. One day I
counted forty two incidents of road kill in that twenty seven miles. Just a little
shy of one animal every half mile. This was unacceptable to me and for some
reason it got to me that day. Often times the path to the heart comes from
anger, often times it comes from need, in this case both.
As a citizen of this fine sphere I have understood that being responsible is just
one part of living here. As a healer I have seen and participated in many
wondrous events. Through the years I have learned my lessons by doing and
experiencing as is the way of this work.
I remember when the trees finally took me in after 5 months. I sat with back
on trunk in stillness with the same request over and over, teach me how to be
with you. Many of you are smarter or perhaps more skilled than me but in the
end for myself it is stubbornness that often brings me my answers as I do not
give up when I am in the midst of something. The trees finally one day
decided to open their secrets to me which I will discuss at another time.

The Lessons of Harmony and Resonance

If your heart sings the song of something, sooner or later it will sing back,
these are the laws of resonance. I learned the way of healing birds, Little
people, trees and all things, not by a book (and I am an avid researcher) but
by being present and clear in the moment and most graciously holding a
space for little miracles to occur, though often that is not the case and one
learns quickly how little control we have sometimes.
Truthfully, you may already know, we do not heal anything, our job is to
provide a space for it to occur, and bear witness to the greatness that is
everywhere when it reveals itself to us through our heart. I know I have
learned more from The Mother than any book. Through water, birds, trees and
animals I have found many answers to my own needs and the needs of
others. Simply put the main lesson is one of harmony.
Forty two animals along the roadside is not harmony. What was this? What
has happened to us? I asked these and many other questions to whomever
would listen. Two things happened shortly after that day, that have profoundly
changed my life, and I will share them with you.

Water Electricity and Health

The first thing is a book called “Water, Electricity and Health” by Alan Hall. It
could be one of the best books on understanding the science of what I am
presenting here. It is an easy read and great starting point. It is no
coincidence I was reading this book when the next thing occurred. While
driving home one night from my healing office, I found a Possum in the road. I
was just going to move it off to the woods, when I got to it I realized it was still
alive. Having tried to rescue many things before, with not so encouraging a
track record, I asked the Creator if I should help, yes, would it heal, yes, would
it live, yes. Okay, thy will be done.

Possum’s Story
I took Possum home and we went to work. She had a severe head injury from
her run in with a car. I bathed and washed her and treated it as best I could
that evening, determined to find someone who knew more than myself about
this sort of thing in the morning. I spent the following morning and day tending
to her trying to find a vet who would work on her, anyone who had anything to
offer. I offered to pay the vets and none would even consider working on her.
They called Possum a trash animal. WHAT? A TRASH ANIMAL?
Whoa was I in for some lessons. I guess I never realized how far my ship had
sailed away from the rest of the fleet on planet Earth till this happened. Well
after calling over sixty three people that day, the creator sent an Angel to us.
She worked as a technician in a local vet hospital and said she would stop
over and see what’s what. Luckily, she had some brain inflammation drugs to
bring down the swelling and some other advice on how to care for Possum.
Okay, I thought now I’m getting somewhere, I can do this. So Possum and I
carefully considered each other, I would not hurt her and she would not bite
me. The beginning of a fine love story. I could go on for a long time about
many of the small details of this affair but I will, in the interest of time save that
for another day.

The amazing grace and courage it took her to allow me to handle her and
work on her painful wounds was a lesson I will never forget. She just knew
and trusted with no choice but to trust. Isn’t that a bit familiar when one
considers ones Creator. After two days she actually had an appetite and
started to eat a bit on her own. I am not sure how many of you have had a
possum over for a dinner guest but a caution here is: don’t use the best china
and try to do it outside. Tables weren’t around 60 million years ago when the
original possum program was started. In my simple world where there is an
appetite there is life and I was greatly encouraged by this turn of events.
Enthusiastically and messily, to see her eat was a joy to my heart.

Talking With Possum

We talked a lot over the next few days, which brings me to the topic of
communicating with our little brothers and sisters. I do not know how others
do this, nor do I know while I have seen books on it, how it can possibly
shown to another. It is like dowsing in a way, you have to swing it or hold it to
begin to do it. It is an experience not a teaching. I encourage you all to please
do it, and forget everything you might think of in regards to communicating
with animals. Just be there with it for they are already talking to us, it is our
birthright and duty.

Communicating With Holograms

In the beginning I used my pendulum and showed the morphogenetic field
between us yes/no. Once I was comfortable with the space required in my
mind for this the communication really was in holograms. I would just
sense/feel the answers and see pictures. Possum confirmed all my thoughts
and questions about being a little person. She showed me how to think like a
little person and what was important to them. Sadly all that was happening to
them from humans. This is what this mini series of articles is all about. How
we can make a difference as dowsers and subtle energy workers in our own

The Possum Program

The Possum program has a supervisor. Each species has a
supervisor/guardian or matrix, or devatic. It is this guardian I realized much
later on that was responsible for this experience with my friend. When I heal
animals I always ask for the supervisor of the animal to be present. I empty
my mind and just hold a space and my minds eye is available for the energy
directing as needed.
I once worked on a bird that the cat had gotten and chewed on a little while.
We found it in my Lab’s mouth, still alive. The bird was missing a big patch of
feathers and had been gnawed a bit on its back, and was lifeless. I remember
asking the supervisor of the bird to come and in my mind’s workshop this
huge bird walked in with all kinds of other birds big ones, little ones, and ones
small enough to work on the DNA and cells. Some just to work on the skin
some on the bones.
I remember quite clearly the feeling as that supervisor and I merged in the
minds eye to work on this bird. If you know about cats and their saliva, you
know it is usually lethal for a bird. These birds rewrote a strand of DNA to
adjust to that. They reconnected the nerves, cleared the poison, removed the
shock, cleared the lymph eased her fear and so much more. In the end it was
the same look as Possum’s just blind trust. That is where I learned that
information. The bird flew away 3 days latter. I was humbled at this new level
or integration.

Words Have Power

The saddest part of what I learned with Possum was how they feel when we
say things like: “Oh aren’t they ugly!” If people only knew about how powerful
the chi from their speech was and how devastating it is to the little ones.
Dumb deer, stupid skunk etc. You all know what I mean. The little people are
leaving us. I have spoken with many of the top biologists, animal
communicators and guardians. This is true. They have other options besides
this dimensionality. They are exercising that option. Some of the roadsides I
have worked on are portals where death there brings them to another
dimension. Some call this suicide, I see this as a door.

The World Through Possum’s Eyes

When I was taken for a walk with Possum I got to see the world through her
eyes. I was shown the magnetic buoys that all of nature uses in travel. Very
similar to being on a bay or a coast line area with a boat. I saw how the lines
between these buoys are broken and frayed. I saw the fog, the electro-
magnetic fog.
As dowsers we know about the water and its magnetic properties, creating
lines on the surface with unique ionic qualities. Perhaps you have recognized
the subtle color of it as well. A blue stream, or a green stream, or even a red
dome. It is true all streams have a characteristic or energy based in depth,
strata, speed direction, location etc. In truth all water is rainbow and much
more, but you get my drift about the predominate color being there.

Water With No Colour

There is another thing I have noticed and that is water with no colour. This is
unstructured and polluted. You will find this near power lines or perhaps you
are downstream of its source and there is another site of electro-magnetic or
other pollution. I often use a virtual cone pendulum to restore the rainbow to
the streams. I will discuss that more in the technique articles. What I doing
here is providing a sense of the territory and how it was passed to me so you
can take it and run with it yourself, add to it and change it to suit your needs
and skills. There are many spokes on this wheel …. All have the same center.

Field Tools
A small toolbox/sack is required. I usually have a pair of snips, some copper
unshielded wire (ground wire), some silicon dioxide diodes (from Radio
Shack) small lengths of copper pipe ½ or ¾ inches in diameter and up to 8
inches in length, a few small magnets, tape, chalk, magic marker (blue), a few
small double terminated quartz crystals, a small hammer with a straight claw
or a small hatchet, some tobacco and corn meal. Have the dowsing tools you
use such as a y-rod or L-rods and a pendulum. I also bring a compass, and if
you have a GPS device, it is good to locate the coordinates of your work, and
keep some files of your efforts. Eventually I would I like to have a database of
all the areas covered.

Identify Animal Migration Paths

I know from my travels along the roads I work on where the animal migration
paths are located. You probably have the same situation. There is always a
place where one sees dead animals along the road all the time. This is where
I start. I look for any man made disturbances first. These can be obvious
such as transformers on electrical lines, or not so obvious interference
patterns from cell towers and other unseen radiations. Additionally, there are
the classic ‘noxious’ energy lines emanating from the ground, be they streams
or fault lines. These are usually quite easy to recognize by the cracks in the
road. Hartmann/ Curry lines are also something to keep in the back of your
mind as you do this work, as they come into play when they intersect a stream
and a transformer.

Make a Map of the Area

The first thing I do is to make a map of the area I am going to work on. I then
ask for the permissions and call in my guides for assistance. I map dowse the
area for animal paths. I then look for the interference on these paths. I then
ask if the path has to be cleared physically or if I can do it remotely. Usually it
is both and there are reasons for this that I will explain in another letter. So
assuming we have gotten a “Yes” on physical clearing, I locate all the areas I
will balance with the tools. I number them and ask: “What is the most
beneficial treatment for each?” I seem to only be asked to use five different
types of treatment on a physical site.

Types of Treatments
1. Copper Lollypop Coil – Flat Spiral
The first is a copper lollypop. This is a length of copper wire dowsed to the
correct length. The wire is further dowsed to the positive or negative end. The
wire is coiled in a flat spiral. I ask if the coil should start with negative or
positive end. I also ask: which way I need to coil it, either clockwise or counter
clockwise; should it lay flat or be upright; does it need a magnet or a silicon
dioxide diode with it, or both, or multiples etc. (keep asking) When you cut a
length of copper wire it has a frequency to it. This is a homeopathic or radionic
frequency needed to offset the frequency of the problem. You should ask
every step of the way, and if something comes in to your mind ask about it as
well. Do not be afraid to ask as you might very well discover a great new way
to do this. I am just laying out the basics here so you can get your feet wet
and get going.
2. Copper Lollypop Coil - Folded
The second is a lollypop but you fold the length in half and wrap it so it is like
an SB coil or a yin/yang wrap. To make a yin/yang wrap start in the middle
and fold the wire in half. Then coil both halves at once without letting the
strands touch each other. The same questions apply here with regard to
length etc.
3. Crystal
The third is just a crystal or a rock put in place. This is very interesting as
often the perfect rock is within a few feet of the transformer. Often rocks are
paramagnetic and have an amazing energy field that can eliminate the vortex
from the transformer.
4. Copper Pipe
The fourth is just a bit of copper pipe set into the ground below the surface (so
that it won’t catch a mower blade or hurt anyone). I generally place the pipe
vertically. Occasionally I attach a T fitting for 1/2 inch copper pipe, and have
been asked to use this with the top of the T sticking out of the ground and in a
specific direction. Usually this configuration asks for a double terminated
crystal and a small magnet. It comes about as a result of being in a multi grid
nodal point, and you are fighting or balancing more than three things such as
microwave., electromagnetic frequencies, and noxious lines.
5. Orgone Devices
Lastly, for those of you who make orgone devices, I sometimes use a small
martini glass sized generator. These are a bit time consuming, harder to hide,
and more expensive, so I generally do not use them except in extreme cases.

Clearing the Energies of the Road

Okay so we have mapped our area, we know where the animals cross, and
we have pre-made our remedies and we are about to implement our plan. I
again ask the dowsing system if I have permission and if there is anything I
have overlooked, and if there is anything interfering with this work and to clear
that if needed. I sprinkle tobacco and corn meal on the vortex and ask for the
spirits to help; it is for an offering. I then ask my guides to clear the energies of
the road, return the animal souls to their home, and the Human incarnates
and discarnates to their next destination. There may also be animal, electrical,
plutonium, petrochemical, pesticide and road salt discarnates. These
chemical and electrical pollutants have an energy and they are alive in
multidimensions with psychic cords etc. It is a grid of sorts, based in
unstructured sub atomic field particles. 
I ask if there are any non beneficial energies such as curses, dark forces,
psychic cords or black grids (a new form of unstructured energy being
manipulated by some forces). I ask if there are any other forms of energy
interfering with this work. You would be surprised at what you might find here.
I have often found such pollutants as a small dumping site for motor oil, lead
products etc. This is a bit more advanced clearing but can be done as well.
Do it with a friend; while one of you works the other keeps an eye out for cars.
Now I generally place the coils, as directed by the dowsing system, right
under the transformers between the transformer and the underground water.
If there are no transformers I go right to the energy line that is the problem. I
install my remedy as directed. NOTE: I always stomp the ground or pat it with
my hand while focusing my intention. This is an ancient method of setting your
intention into an energy field.
Once the remedies are in place I ask again: “Is there anything I have missed
or I am I to do something further with what I have already done?” EXHAUST
THE INQUIRY. Make sure you get NO’s to end the session. (No further work
at this time.)

Clearing the Energies of the Water

Now that the migration path has been cleared, I look below the ground for
water. I ask for my guides to clear it. Raymon Grace’s
( techniques work awesome. However you do it, it is
an important part of this work. You must clear the water that has become
unstructured below the surface.
For those who do not have a technique, here is a simple way to do it. Ask that
the guardian of that stream to please come and help you clear the water. I ask
to remove all traces of pollution known and unknown, raise the energy of the
water to its fullest beneficial level, and especially to remove all
electromagnetic frequencies and their causes from the water in this dimension
and all dimensions and in this time and in all times. You will feel something or
just know when it is done.
At this point I thank the helpers and guides and send my deepest gratitude
and love to the water. There will be times when you have many streams
below you. You can do them all at once if you get permission, or do them
individually if so directed. The streams and waterways often times need to be
cleared one at a time but occasionally you can do them all at once. It depends
on infiltration and severity, and sometimes there is something your guides
want you to see such as a healing stream at a specific depth that often is the
remedy or helper.

Clearing the Electromagnetic Fog bank

A fact about electric distribution: eighty percent is wasted and winds up in the
ground. There has to be a way where all can benefit by re-examining our
electric grid. And all could save money and resources.

Place Coils
Now let’s assume we have cleared the animal paths successfully. The next
step is to clear a section of the road as needed to remove the electromagnetic
‘fog bank’ so that drivers can be more awake when approaching this area. If
you can increase reaction time, you can save lives. You can do this through
your intention and or physically. I usually go about ¼ quarter of a mile
minimum in either direction of the crossing. I generally place a few lollypop
coils on each side of the road pointed at each other. If the road curves, I set
them where I can be in visible sighting of the coil before it and after it. These
do not need to be on the road itself but off a bit so as not to attract attention.
Your intention is key here. I mentally link the coils together so I have made a
really big box insulating the area from EM fields and interference.

Add Color, Sound or Images

Sometimes I am asked to add color (mentally), a note (singing) or some other
bit to complete the work. Many times it is a geometric drawing or a word. I use
chalk for this and write the intention in the needed color on the pavement,
power pole, or where directed. My intention prayer generally has the following
requests in it. “Keep all safe who pass through this zone. Let the animals pass
through the zone safely. Let the drivers be awake and aware, and may the
light and love of the Creator bless this work and this purpose.”
One could make a stencil of paw prints, and use bright colored paint to stencil
them on the roadside to indicate visually for the drivers, but it is best to work
with local authorities in this matter. Try it out as a test experiment with them
and see how it works. No one likes picking up dead animals and anything that
doesn’t cost them money especially when presented as a cost saver is looked
at in a positive light.

Advanced Clearing
So there you have the basic techniques I use for this work. I do quite a bit
more with specific animals and water such as working on DNA and pollution,
devatic/spirit and water dome work, but the results are harder to prove so for
now I will leave it alone and just point the way for others who really pick this
up. I will discuss these topics further in other letters.

Clearing Your Home

One should also balance ones home and see what it feels like when it is clear
and clean. Use power strips, as electricity leaks through TVs and computers
and turn them off when not in use. Turn off your power for a few hours each
day at the main box. I really like Slim Spurling’s tools for this
( in addition to the lollypops.
Additionally, spend more time healing that which is around you, especially the
water, air and soil. Do AGNIHOTRA ( ) everyday as this
makes a huge difference in your local atmosphere. Drive around with one of
Slim’s coils on your car as this clears the air and removes negative energy.

Clearing an Area
I can also recommend you take responsibility for a whole area such as a
preserve or a park and do all sides of its boundaries. In the original Bible there
is a bit about how we are the caretakers of the planet and I do not know how it
got twisted to our mentality of the planet being here to serve our needs, but
this is truly a wonderful way to help make a small anonymous stand against
that which is not correct.

DVD of Techniques
If you are interested in this work I am making a DVD showing how I do this
and using real situations showing how to implement the above techniques. All
money raised via those sales will go back into this work. I used almost 2,500 ft
of copper wire last year. I would like to take this work further and introduce it
to municipalities and have them assist with their crews.

Help Wanted
If you decide to do this work, keep track of how many car accidents and dead
animals you count before you begin, do the remedies, then monitor the
accidents and animal injuries over time. Send your results to me along with
the GPS or map co-ordinates so I can monitor them.

Electrical Pollution: What's it doing to

you and your clients?
by Shivani Arjuna R.P.P

I recently took a crash course in electrical pollution. I crashed, so of course I had to find out
why in order to remedy the situation! What I have learned and experienced have convinced
me that electrical pollution is a major cause of our health problems.

Electrical pollution, invisible, silent, odorless, tasteless, is the perfect pollutant. We have not
evolved any methods of sensing its presence. A few people, like me, have become
"electrically sensitive" and are able to know when we are being exposed due to immediate
symptoms that we experience, but most people, even if exposed to levels and wave lengths
that are literally killing them, remain unaware. Even when they do experience palpable
sensations, the cause simply does not occur to them.

Everyone living in areas of the world with electricity is being negatively affected. It is only a
question of degree. (Dr. Neil Cherry, Evidence that Electromagnetic Radiation is Genotoxic:
the implications for the epidemiology of cancer and cardiac, neurological and reproductive
effects. His presentation to New Zealand Parliament in May 2000, European Parliament in
June, 2000. Look for link at Dr. Cherry’s work is monumental.)

Electricity is termed “dirty” or polluted when the normal 60 cycle sine wave carries with it
various high frequencies, which damage electronics and living beings. Industry and large
corporations spend billions to protect their electronic equipment from this, but nobody is
looking out for humans.

The present pollution is created as electricity passes through anything electronic, which
“chops up” the sine wave and then dumps these high frequencies into the current as it is
passed on. This RF (radio frequency) energy causes neurological, cardiac, respiratory,
ophthalmological, dermatological and other conditions ranging in severity from headaches,
fatigue and ADD to pneumonia, psychosis and strokes. (“No Place To Hide” Volume 3,
Number 1, April 2001, “Special Issue on Russian and Ukrainian Research” by Arthur
Firstenberg. Article can be obtained at (718) 434-4499 or see at
Childhood leukemia is markedly higher in areas with electrical pollution. (Savitz, D.A. et al.
1988. Case Control Study of CHILDHOOD CANCER and Residential Exposure to 60(c)Hz
Magnetic Fields. American Journal of Epidemiology 128(1):21(c)38.)

In “the old days” before electronics, electrical power was polluted at the source, by brushes in
the generators. A monumental epidemiological study using childhood leukemia as a marker
found an absolutely correlating increase in this disease in areas of the USA, Africa and
Europe as they sequentially became electrified. (Samuel Milham & E.M. Ossiander, Historical
evidence that residential electrification caused the emergence of childhood leukemia peak,
Medical Hypotheses, vol. 56, #3, 2001, pp. 290-295) Generators now produce clean power
but modern pollution levels are much higher due to electronics.

For every electron that leaves a substation, one must return. As electricity polluted with high
frequencies likes to spread out in what is called the skin effect, the presently inadequate utility
wiring system causes 70% of the return current to flow across the surface of the earth. Most
people think the earth soaks up electricity like a sponge. It does not. Electricity just flows over
the surface, like water over a brick. This ground current is attracted to, and enters your home
on, water pipes, gas mains and phone lines, greatly increasing the amount of high-frequency
exposure you already have from your own electrical service. Various metal structures in your
home, from wiring and lamp cords to fins in electric baseboards and the metal springs in your
bed actually broadcast these harmful frequencies right through your body 24 hours a day,
whether or not any electrical appliances in your house are turned on. In many places attempts
to ground bring in more current than they take out!

You may have read that strong EMF is created by your refrigerator, hair dryer, etcetera. This
is true, but the electronics in your house are really quite a small part of the picture as
electricity is already extremely RF-polluted when it enters your home, from everybody
"upstream." It is not commonly known even by those who write on this subject, nor by many
who do professional remediation, that the RF is the main culprit.

Doctors are as unaware of this situation as everyone else, so the best way to determine
whether someone's health problems are related to RF is to lower the RF levels and see what
happens. In schools and homes where RF remediation has been done, many kids with
Attention Deficit Disorder suddenly don't have it any more, and teachers with mysterious
maladies that kept them from working a full work week now don't miss a day. Many chronic
headaches and complaints of chronic tiredness melt away. (Melrose Chronicle, Melrose, WI,
U.S.A. 2/26/03) Kids who had such severe asthma they needed nebulizer treatments no
longer do. Many diabetics find that their need for insulin drops dramatically or even ends
when they avoid RF, and conversely that it increases when they are exposed. (My friend and
mentor Dave Stetzer’s blood sugar skyrockets within minutes when he is exposed to RF,
which seems to be the sole causative factor. To date, the blood sugar of every person he has
tested is affected within minutes.)

Animals are equally affected. Cows give up to 10 more pounds of milk per day on the days
when the RF in their environment is low (Donald Hillman et al, Relationship of Electric Power
Quality to Milk Production of Dairy Herds, Shocking News, 9/11/02 Also avail. at, and 20 pounds more if power quality is remediated and remains
clean. (Conversation with power quality expert Dave Stetzer.) If your dog sits on the roof of
his dog house, this may be why!

My own story illustrates both the effects of RF exposure and the challenges of dealing with
them in a meaningful way. We live in rural Wisconsin, U.S.A. in a Winnie-the-Pooh three-acre
beech and maple woods surrounded by farm fields and more woods. Deer and an occasional
wild turkey wander through the yard and organic garden and the loudest noise is made by
crows. Not a place where you’d expect to find dangerous environmental pollution, so that was
not a suspect when I began to have "spells." Although I have always had low blood pressure,
I began experiencing spells of a sudden and sharp rise in blood pressure with skyrocketing
pulse rate and frightening cardiac arrhythmia. I was taken to the ER by ambulance twice, but
by the time I got there pronounced normal. $18,000 worth of medical tests found nothing to
account for these and other bizarre symptoms, so doctors finally pronounced that I was
having "panic attacks" and prescribed beta blockers, which force the heart into a regular 72
beats a minute and turn you into a zombie, in my experience. I refused them. Insomnia
increased to the point where I was sleeping, in broken bits, from 3-5 hours a night. I felt as if I
was made out of paper. Sometimes just breathing and walking were very taxing. My anxiety
level was extreme, my adrenals were exhausted and my thyroid needed help from hormone
replacement. Already slender, I became a shadow. I wasn't sure I was going to survive.

I had read a bit about EMF a few years before, and it occurred to me to try some experiments,
such as sleeping in different places in the house. I noticed immediate symptoms if I went near
a TV, a telephone, a car fan, the water pipes in our house.... (Later I would discover I had
become “electrically sensitive,” a sort of walking EMF meter, affected by dimmer switches,
electric heating systems, computers in banks and post offices, the chair at the dentist’s
office, .... )

At least now I had a clue. I was very fortunate to be put in touch with power quality engineer
Dave Stetzer, who graciously taught me about power quality and what I needed to do to clean
up my immediate environment and save my life. We did experiments and took readings with a
variety of meters and gizmos, indoors and out. We put in shielded phone lines, moved water
pipes, replaced the first 4 feet of our water pipe with PVC (Helps 50%. RF still comes in via
the water itself.), gutted old electric baseboards that though disconnected were broadcasting
RF over large areas including our bedroom. We installed RF filters, took out dimmer switches
and fluorescent lights, sold the aquarium, got me a speaker phone and a laptop computer I
use on battery only, and I avoid the high-field parts of the yard.

With each of these steps results were immediate and dramatic. The cardiac symptoms
ceased. I was able to sleep. My anxiety level dropped. My recovery has been steady and I am
now much better. Only, however, to the extent to which I am able to avoid RF! I remain
electrically sensitive to date, and my activities are severely circumscribed. I am almost entirely
a stay-at-home. Even here, the RF is not totally unavoidable when the power is on. I am
better on days when I spend a lot of time away from the house in areas free of ground
current, and in warm weather when we can turn the main off at night.

This article is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg. Toxic electricity is a chronic, severe stress,
affecting virtually everyone, that only increases as the pollution proliferates. I offer the
following points and ideas for your further consideration.

- I know health practitioners who wonder why many of their clients, in spite of doing "all the
right things" still have such serious problems. No one has thought to check what RF they are
living in.

- I used to give Polarity sessions to a woman who lived across the street from a hefty electric
cable. No matter what I did, nothing happened! It was so bizarre, as if something was
canceling out the energy. Finally I became aware and took meter readings. Her apartment
had EMF high enough to cause childhood leukemia. What was that doing to her? To me? To
the Polarity sessions?

- Under this stress, it seems that people develop different conditions due to their own inherent
weakest links, so to speak, one getting diabetes while another develops Chronic Fatigue

- The particular wavelengths one is exposed to are relevant, as is the strength of the field. As
these two vary, different "windows" are created, with varying effects. US military research
shows that particular wavelengths cause different symptoms. (Charles Polk & Elliot Pastow,
Handbook of Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields, 2nd ed. 1996) (The military knows
the specific wave lengths to cause depression or rage or incite crowds to riot.) Also, each
individual is a unique receiving antenna. For instance, one' s height affects which
wavelengths one receives most easily. ( Polk, ibid. chapter 9) Weight and fat/water content
play roles, as do metals in the body. ( C. Polk & J.H. Song, Electric fields induced by LF
magnetic fields in inhomogenous biological structures... Bioelectromagnetics vol. 11, 235-249,

- I and many others experience much more affect from broad area RF when lying down than
when standing. This is not so strange, as research shows ants realign the way they hold their
antenna and bodies when they are exposed to EMF. (B. Blake Levitt, Electromagnetic Fields,
Harcourt Brace, 1995) Not only is our "antenna” tilted at a different angle why we are
horizontal, but we also have greater electrical potential the further apart our "poles" are. This
is one reason livestock suffer so much.

- Another factor is that the loads on the electric lines are different at different times of day and
different days of the week. The RF at your house will also vary depending on what the people
“upstream” from you are using current for.

- The belief that only ionizing (heating) radiation can harm living organisms has been
absolutely disproven, yet persists as the basis for “official” exposure guidelines.

- The current induced in the body is a product of field strength and frequency. A field
oscillating at 180 Hz induces three times the current in you as a 60-cycle field does. In such a
field, every cell in the body will experience a shift in polarity 180 times a second!
- Living organisms are sensitive electromagnetic systems that run on millivolts. Vanishingly
small charges far below the threshold of awareness affect them. (Exposure guidelines set by
utility-supported "experts" are still based on voltage. Remember that the frequency of the field
or current is the key factor!)

- Our natural body currents are DC. Earth itself has a very strong DC field with which we
evolved. AC is damaging to living systems, inducing currents within them which DC does not.

- The Earth's field fluctuates with time of day. Different organ systems of the body are more
energized at different times of day. In fact, sensitivity to the minute fluxes in the Earth’s
natural magnetic field is the most important component of our circadian rhythms. (Levitt, ibid.,
118-120) How are these affected by EMF?

- If the electrical pollution is riding on the Earth’s natural electromagnetic grid lines, what are
the ramifications?

- We are particularly sensitive to EMF during sleep, the time when various healing activities
take place in the body. (It is interesting that the front-to-back polarity of our brains reverses
during this time,) (Levitt, ibid. 133) The effects of spending eight hours asleep in toxic
electrical field are very serious.

- The polarity of cells is disrupted by EMF and currents, with profound effects. Healthy cells
have: polarized walls with positive charge outside, negative inside; few and small pores in cell
walls; calcium ions mostly outside cells; ability to communicate with other cells via molecules;
ability to attract attaching information-bearing molecules. Their ability to choose what to allow
in and out depends on electrical charges on ions like calcium, sodium, proteins, sugars,
hormones, etcetera, as well as pore size and cell wall polarity. Cells affected by EMF and
currents: lose polarity; have calcium ions equally inside and out; lose ability to manufacture
enzymes; have cell walls with more and larger pores; allowing waste molecules to penetrate
the cell. If the field or current is of long duration, the cells die. This is called electroporation.
(J.C. Weaver, Molecular basis for cell membrane electroporation, Annals of the New York
Academy of Sciences, Vol. 720, pp. 141-152, 1994. Several more references listed in CURE

- Melatonin production is decreased by exposure to EMF. Though most known as the

hormone necessary for good sleep, melatonin has such numerous functions that health is not
possible when it is insufficient. Besides regulating our internal clock, it affects gonadal
hormones, moods and behavior and the immune system and exerts direct effects on the
growth of cancers in the breast, prostate and colon. 1(R.P. Liburdy et al, ELF magnetic fields,
breast cancer and melatonin, Journal of Pineal Research,vol. 14, p. 89, 1993)

- Safety standards are based on exposures considered safe for the average adult male,
however children are more affected by EMF than adults. The greater the cell division rate, the
more chances for something to go wrong, and the growth processes themselves are affected
by EMF, babies in utero being most affected. Field-created defects are permanent and are
passed on to succeeding generations, for instance the inheritance of brain-tumor tendency in
children of men with high occupational exposures. ( Dr. S Nordstrum, "Effects of paternal
EMF exposure on offspring, Bioelectromagnetics, vol. 4, pp. 91-101, 1983) "There may also
be frequency-specific windows for different organ systems, meaning that certain exposures
may be particularly detrimental at fixed times during fetal growth." (Levitt, ibid.)

- Resonance occurs when an aspect of a force, such its wave length, matches a characteristic
of an object receiving the force. This allows the power inherent in the force to be maximally
transferred to the object, causing it to vibrate. (The crystal goblet when the opera singer hits
high C, for instance.) Within the object, the resonance is self-perpetuating! You and I are
objects being thus affected. Similarly, trees resonate extremely well to microwaves, leading to
deforestation, particularly in mountainous regions where the microwaves bounce off the
angles of the slopes. (Wolfgang Voldtrodt, Electromagnetic Pollution of the Environment,
Environment and Health: A Holistic Approach, ch. 8. Avebury Press, 1989)
- Dr. Robert Becker theorizes that healers can sense a disease site in a person's body
through radiating an electromagnetic field from their hands which induces EM resonance in
the patient, the return signal then being felt by the healer. A resonant action occurs between
the fields given off by the healer and the intrinsic electrical-control systems within the patient's
body. "While these currents have a vanishingly small flow, they would nonetheless produce
local DC magnetic fields within the tissues. These fields, in combination with a frequency
given off by the healer, could result in resonance with other charged particles." As the theory
rests on complex resonance, the Earth's magnetic field must be involved. Therefore, Dr.
Becker reasons that healers will have greater diagnostic and healing ability during times of
quiet geomagnetic field conditions and those abilities will be adversely affected by magnetic
storms and locations in which man-made magnetic fields or extra low frequency (ELF) fields
are present. (Becker, Cross Currents, 240-241) An important issue for Polarity therapists to
consider and research!

- Cyclotron resonance enables very low-strength EM fields, acting in concert with the Earth’s
steady-state magnetic field, to produce major biological effects by concentrating the energy in
the applied field upon specific particles, such as the biologically important ions of sodium,
calcium, potassium, and lithium.” This resonance is produced by frequencies between 1 and
100 hertz. European electricity is 50 hertz and N. American is 60 hertz! Yet safety standards
have been based on power, not frequency. (Becker, ibid. 235)

- Dr. Becker believes "That humans interact so fundamentally with the earth's magnetic
fields...may be the most important biological discovery of the 20th century." It may also be a
hidden variable in all research.

- The effect of microwaves is also vital to understand. One point to be aware of is that
microwave exposure breaks down the blood/brain barrier. (Bertril R. Persson, Blood-brain
barrier permeability in rats exposed to EM fields used in wireless communication, Wireless
Networks, Vol. 3 #5, pp. 455-561, 1997. Also learn more at )

- Regarding effects of eating microwaved food, see article at For example, habitual eating of such food
causes long term permanent brain damage by "shorting out" electrical impulses in the brain
due to depolarization of the brain tissue. Microwaving food also destroys nutrients and
creates carcinogens.

-Dreadfully fascinating is the military use of electricity and microwaves. Electromagnetic pulse
(EMP) weapons technology used in the Gulf War may be responsible for a good deal of the
damage to veterans resulting in Gulf War Syndrome. The symptoms are almost exactly those
of RF toxicity. The GWEN and HARP ground wave transmissions are another silent and
imperceptible exposure for Americans. "GWEN is a superb system, in combination with
cyclotron resonance, for producing behavioral alterations in the civilian population." The
military has also developed high-power pulsed microwave weapons that penetrate all bodily
systems. These couple with the central nervous system and yield "prompt debilitation."
(Becker, ibid. 303-304)

- The human body is a highly sensitive electromagnetic energy system. We need to learn as
much as possible about how this system is affected by external electric fields entering the

- Presently, no one is looking out for individuals regarding EMF. Both military and utility
establishments exercise their undemocratic freedom in ways very harmful to the citizenry. We
must educate ourselves and take protective measures on our own.

The only known cure for Radio Wave Sickness is to stop being exposed
to high frequencies.
There are many ways to approach the problem of stopping your
exposure to high frequencies from electrical pollution. They range
from the global to the case specific. Global solutions on the
legislative front are discussed on the page entitled Legislation. This
page will discuss actions you can take on your own to minimize your
exposure to high frequencies due to electrical pollution and then
briefly touch on what can be done at the utility level.

Clean power enters the home at 60Hz. Electrical Pollution is 60

Hz electricity polluted with high frequency signals or "dirty"
power flowing on the wires and through the earth. People
exposed to excessively "dirty" power may develop Radio Wave

Symptoms of Radio Wave Sickness

(excerpted from No Place To Hide April 2001.)

o Neurological: headaches, dizziness, nausea, difficulty

concentrating, memory loss, irritability, depression, anxiety,
insomnia, fatigue, weakness, tremors, muscle spasms,
numbness, tingling, altered reflexes, muscle and joint paint,
leg/foot pain, "Flu-like" symptoms, fever. More severe
reactions can include seizures, paralysis, psychosis and stroke.
o Cardiac: palpitations, arrhythmias, pain or pressure in the
chest, low or high blood pressure, slow or fast heart rate,
shortness of breath.
o Respiratory: sinusitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma.
o Dermatological: skin rash, itching, burning, facial flushing.
o Ophthalmologic: pain or burning in the eyes, pressure
in/behind the eyes, deteriorating vision, floaters, cataracts.
o Others: digestive problems; abdominal pain; enlarged thyroid,
testicular/ovarian pain; dryness of lips, tongue, mouth, eyes;
great thirst; dehydration; nosebleeds; internal bleeding; altered
sugar metabolism; immune abnormalities; redistribution of
metals within the body; hair loss; pain in the teeth;
deteriorating fillings; impaired sense of smell; ringing in the

Steps to reduce your exposure to high

frequencies at home:
o Have an electrician remove dimmer switches and halogen
o Get rid of touch lamps.
o Check if you have the new or old style microwave. The old
style turned the microwave signal on and off in order to reduce
the power. The new style essentially has a dimmer switch on
the microwave beam turning the power down. It causes
tremendously dirty power. If you have a new style microwave,
getting rid of it is the best solution. Next best is to get a
number of filters to be used right at the microwave and in
outlets on that circuit, so the high frequencies do not get onto
the wiring all over the house.
o Eliminate sources of arcing (a source of very high
 Have an electrician inspect for and eliminate loose or
poor connections;
 Have the utility or a professional trim branches bumping
or touching overhead wires (Alliant Energy even states
in their leaflet entitled "Energy Basics: Power Surges"
that "An external power surge, stemming from outside
your home, is most commonly caused by a tree limb
touching a power line...");
 Have your electrician replace poorly made switches,
fixtures, and appliances.
 Have your utility replace split-bolt connectors with
crimp-on connectors, if they have split-bolt connectors
on your line. (If you have split-bolt connectors on line
you own, you should have an electrician replace those as
well.) Utilities have not installed split-bolt connectors in
quite awhile because they have a tendency to loosen up
and arc as time passes.
o Have your electrician make sure the wire between the meter
and your electrical box is large enough and in good shape. If it
is too small, it is a bottleneck for high frequencies and a fire
o Plug in high frequency filters. (Available from Stetzer Electric
email Dave at
Approximately 20 are needed for the average house. They
should be plugged in near sources of high frequencies, as well
as, frequently used electrical appliances. (Some devices, such
as hair dryers and low voltage halogen lamps, generate
pollution that the capacitor will lower at the receptical, but will
not lower at the device. This is a particular concern when
people are close to the device, as they are with hairdryers and
desk and reading lamps.) The rest should be scattered
throughout the house. If improvement occurs only slowly,
more filters may be necessary.
If way too few are installed initially, no difference may be
observed, so it is very important to put in sufficient quantity
from the start. For specific directions on installation which
will help you maximize the filtering effect, as well as help you
get a good idea of how many you will need go to
See the picture Dr. Graham provided of the response of
electrical pollution to a 20 mF capacitor, which was
documented with a spectrum analyzer.
o Have a plumber install a PVC pipe between the house pipes
and the water/sewer system, which has become an alternate
return path for electricity.
o Have the phone company install an Radio Frequency (RF)
Filter on your phone line. The phone line can conduct the
electric utilities ground currents, including high frequencies,
since they are both grounded to the same earth.
o Plug electronics into harmonic filters.
o Convince your neighbors to do the same.

Other mitigation measures:

o Use rubber gloves when washing dishes or working in the sink.
Also stand on a non-conductive mat. Both increase the
resistance of the path through your body.
o Shut off non-essential circuits especially while sleeping. This
should help you sleep and feel better. (You will get the best
results if all circuits in your bedroom or the room you are in
are off, including circuits in the walls and floors that may
service other rooms. If this is not possible for whatever reason,
being aware of where the live wires are and keeping your
distance is also effective.)
o For computers, put aluminum foil on desktop and connect it to
aluminum foil under chair with a width of aluminum foil. If
there are different pieces, they need to have a good connection
between them. The aluminum foil can be under a plastic mat
like ones used to protect the floor from desk chairs. This
creates a path to the floor for the contact current to take that is
lower resistance than your body.
o Only use laptops on battery. Recharge them when you are not
around. They generate a large amount of "dirty" power and the
transformer on the charging cord generates a very large field.
o Wear conductive socks or copper insoles (at least 2" wide by
16/1000" thick) connected with stranded wire (at least a single
10 gauge wire or 16 gauge lamp cord with both wires
connected in parallel). sells the socks.
Electricity travels through the more conductive pathway this
provides, instead of through your body from one foot to the
o Less EMF sells conductive cloth that can be put under the
mattress pad to reduce the amount of current the bedsprings
induce into your body. It should be as wide as a fitted sheet
and touch the floor at the head end of the bed.
o Sleeping in a Faraday cage may also be helpful. Less EMF
sells a conductive cloth version. A version can also be made of
aluminum window screen and aluminum flashing. Remember,
electrical connectivity is key.
o Walls do not stop electromagnetic fields. Be aware of this
when arranging furniture. Sources of electromagnetic fields
(EMF) to be aware of as you place your furniture include
transformers for electronic gadgets (the box at the end of the
cord), televisions, computers, electric clocks(don't put them
right next to the head of your bed), fluorescent lights, and your
electrical service panel and electrical meter, as well as wires
feeding them. You will also want to be aware of where major
wire bundles run in the walls of your house and keep the time
you spend near them to a minimum. Be aware that televisions
and computer screens with cathode ray tubes (CRT) frequently
have electromagnetic fields around the sides and back that are
as high, or higher, than those in the front. (I find I have trouble
getting meaningful work done on a computer with a CRT
monitor because of the ionizing and non-ionizing radiation it
emits. I have switched to a flat screen (LCD) and find I have
no trouble unless the power quality is really bad.) Electric
blankets and heating pads should also be avoided, particularly
old models. Any electronic device will have an
electromagnetic field. Both Warning: The Electricity Around
You May Be Hazardous to Your Health. How to protect
yourself from electromagnetic fields by Ellen Sugarman and
Crosscurrents by Robert O. Becker, M.D. have sections
discussing risks posed by specific household appliances.
Crosscurrents by Robert O. Becker, M.D. also discusses
mechanism of action and sundry other interesting items that
relate to electromagnetic fields and health. I suggest that you
read one of them or one of the other references found on the
reference sheet in the Further Info section for a more in depth
Other potential sources of exposure to high
 Equipment running at cell towers and strobing lights that are installed
without an RF Choke. Information about eliminating this cause of
electrical pollution
 Alternative energy systems installed without filters to clean up the
waveform the inverter generates. Consult a power quality specialist.
 Work or school. A specialist should evaluate the power quality and
recommend appropriate remediation measures. If that is not a
possibility, the portable high frequency filters may be able to provide
some relief.
 New watt-hour meters (your electrical rate meter) may include
modern circuitry which generates pollution right at the meter. This
especially likely if your meter is one that is designed to be read
remotely. If you notice a change in your health after the meter has
been changed, check the meter with an AM radio (as described in
"Mitigation of Electrical Pollution in the Home").

What can your utilities do locally to reduce your

exposure to "dirty" power?
 First and most important: enforce the section of the IEEE 519-
1992 that specifies allowable distortion of current and voltage on
return current. In other words, the largest polluters will have to
clean up their power to certain specifications before returning it to the
primary neutral. The utilities would still have to "clean" up after the
individual polluters who already meet the specifications, but it would
significantly reduce the overloading of the system.
 Make sure that wires at your house and your neighbor's house are
connected with crimp-on connectors instead of split-bolt connectors.
Split-bolt connectors can be a source of arcing and, therefore, high
 Make sure that tree branches are trimmed so they are not touching the
wires. Branches rubbing or bumping the wires can cause arcing.
(With a little care trees can actually be trimmed away from wires
without being mutilated.) Bare wires are more likely to arc, causing
high frequencies, than insulated wires.
 Install a primary neutral wire that is 225% the size of the phase wires
and/or filters on the utility side to filter the high frequencies.
 Install transformers with filters built in.
 Make sure that the wires are in good shape. In some areas the wires
have overheated so much from being overloaded with high
frequencies that the insulation is hanging off in shreds.

The Solution: Both the Electrical Power Research Institute

(EPRI) and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
(IEEE) have identified remedies for "dirty" power and electrical
ground currents.

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